May 14, 2018

"The adult actress Tasha Reign alleges that she was groped and harassed on a porn film [Stormy] Daniels directed in November 2017, and that Daniels ultimately sided with her alleged abuser."

The Daily Beast reports.
“I was sexually assaulted by one of her crewmembers. He groped and grabbed me from behind,” [Reign] says, wiping away tears. “I spoke up immediately because I was in the moment, and I was so proud of myself. She was the director that day, I went straight to her and straight to the man that did it, we had a conversation about it, I went to the owner of Wicked Pictures, I did all the right things. And she did not handle the situation appropriately, respectfully or professionally. So it’s a little bit outrageous when I hear her say things about how she is standing up for women and wants to be a voice for other women to be able to come forward when I was assaulted on her set and she didn’t give me any care or attention, and didn’t even send that man home.”...

Reign was the lead in the film, starring alongside the adult actor Michael Vegas. She even had some meaty dialogue. On November 14, the first day of the shoot, she says everything went relatively smoothly—save an uncomfortable conversation about accused sexual abuser Harvey Weinstein. Reign says that Daniels was “basically making fun of the Me Too movement, in so many words,” joking to the crew, “Oh, I could be seen as Harvey Weinstein because I’m flirtatious with my crewmembers and I can be inappropriate.” It made Reign uncomfortable, but she let it go. (Daniels has made statements critical of #MeToo on Twitter.)...


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Sprezzatura said...

The liberal military industrial complex is using its power to meddle in our elections to elect Ds.

Logic is tricky.

Carry on.

Sprezzatura said...


Nice touch."

The king is still the goat runner-up, imho. But, I'll quote number two.

Sprezzatura said...

Especially sneaky meddling since all the leaks and on-the-record leaks before the election were aimed at sinking HRC, while the DJT stuff was kept quiet.

The deep state sure knows how to cover its trax.

Sprezzatura said...

Deep states wants to elect Ds by working to elect Rs.

Makes sense to me.

narciso said...

Actually no, McCabe was running interference for Hillary against Axelrod and toscas.

Original Mike said...

Hillary was a shoe in. All she needed was not to be indicted.

narciso said...

In other frames:

Drago said...

anti-de Sitter space: "Especially sneaky meddling since all the leaks and on-the-record leaks before the election were aimed at sinking HRC"

There were no unhelpful "leaks" against hillary.

That is stupidity on stilts, though I'm sure you are just getting started.

McCabe and Comey never even investigated the emails on Weiner's laptop (and they still have not!!).

It was the SDNY office that forwarded the info to McCabe after they informed McCabe in late Sept 2016 that the emails had been found.

McCabe, naturally, ordered the usual "headquarters special" (their term for Hillary coverup activities) and then, McCabe and Comey SAT on the "stuff" for a month until late october.

They were clearly going to let this delay in investigation go past the convenient. But there was a problem, someone had alerted the media (out of the NY office) and the story was going to break "bigly" and now McCabe and Comey had to get ahead of the story.

Further, the SDNY had already contacted them (McCabe and Comey) asking what the heck was taking so long.

Of course, the astonishingly corrupt Lynch had already met with Billy boy on the tarmac, you know, to talk about "yoga and grandkids" (LOL)), so Comey couldn't deflect to Lynch.

But he still had to protect Hillary!

So, what to do, what to do?

Hey, here's a great idea!! Make a public announcement that the email case which had already been closed and publicly announced to help Hillary (against the rules) would be declared "re-opened", but then, without even bothering to review the emails, simply come out a few days later and "re-close" the investigation publicly!

All in time to make sure Hillary had time to reframe the "matter" ("matter", LOL)

Not a single leak impacted Hillary negatively. Not a single one.

It was Comey's "under pressure" continued coverup and whitewash that hurt impacted Hillary.

So, bottom line, I'm sorry your little Hillary gal was unable to win the election and then sell her office for another couple of billion dollars.

Better luck next time.

FIDO said...

Um...what leaks? The FBI FOUGHT to stop that reporter from reporting on Clinton and Lynch meeting.

When interviewed, Madam Hillary's minions were given immunity BEFORE their testimony! That is some serious police work! No notes. Evidence destroyed.

What you call 'leaks' is actually something called 'news'. Any leaks which came were probably from Bernie Bros disgruntled that Hillary backstabbed their DudeBro.

But even with ALL THOSE 'LEAKS'...Hillary was 98% expected to win and it was only how large of a blow out it was expected to be.

So I reject your premise outright, though I can see how it is comforting to believe that. Cause it can't be that she is a liar, corrupt, on death's door, vindictive and as likeable as an ADHD 6 year old with firecrackers and a hammer.

I see how you wouldn't want Trump. I didn't want Trump...but instead you offered a crook and a Socialist who can't do math, and seeing how Venezuela is operating with both, can't say you gave us any good alternatives.

Original Mike said...

”That is stupidity on stilts, though I'm sure you are just getting started.”

No doubt. He hasn’t even gotten to the one about the four classified emails.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Actually, ARM... Nancy Pelosi Crumbs as a chaser.

5/14/18, 8:32 AM

James T. Hodgkinson was the shot.

Don't forget (or do correct me),

1.He shot Republicans.
2.He went to shoot Republican politicians and the people around them. He asked who was playing. If it had been Ds-say Schumer and Conor Lamb-he would have driven invisibly away and come back soon - who's to say he didn't? Or, charitably, be scared straight and be OK, Who knows.
3.He planned this for almost a year.
4.He was erratic and unstable and another one living out of his car. <--hmm maybe this is why cops like to roust people sleeping in cars.
5.The FBI says James Hodgkinson acted alone and had no ties to terrorism.

John Wilkes Booth acted alone and had no ties to terrorism. That doesn't mean it wasn't a (horribly) pivotal moment in history.

Jeebus, give the case to the NYPD.

Or if time travel, forget Hitler, go back and save Lincoln. Is there any good alternate history where such happens? I think a peacefully reunited nation could have... Perhaps it could have saved Europe from 1914, and if 1914, the rest.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Allison Mack/NXIVM beats Stormy Daniels any day.

walter said...

"Hey, here's a great idea!! Make a public announcement that the email case which had already been closed and publicly announced to help Hillary (against the rules) would be declared "re-opened", but then, without even bothering to review the emails, simply come out a few days later and "re-close" the investigation publicly!"

Oh wait, Drago..that was put forth as incredibly efficient review ;)

walter said...

"Hey, here's a great idea!! Make a public announcement that the email case which had already been closed and publicly announced to help Hillary (against the rules) would be declared "re-opened", but then, without even bothering to review the emails, simply come out a few days later and "re-close" the investigation publicly!"

Oh wait, Drago..that was put forth as incredibly efficient review ;)

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Inga stands shoulder to shoulder with the democrat hack liars in the "hands up don't shoot" press.

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