May 11, 2018

"State Sen. Leah Vukmir, R-Brookfield, issued a press release Wednesday with an image of Baldwin alongside Khalid Sheikh Muhammed... labeled Team Terrorists.'"

"The image includes photos of Vukmir and [Gina] Haspel with the label 'Team America," the Wisconsin State Journal reports. Baldwin is up for re-election this fall, and Vukmir is one of the GOP candidates. The primary isn't until August. According to the news article, Baldwin has not met with Haspel or taken a position on her confirmation.

What do you think of that ad? free polls


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Ralph L said...

Why not a picture of Baldwin giving birth on the Senate floor? Sorry, wrong Tammy.

mezzrow said...

He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue! That's the Chicago way...
(just a friendly dairyland minute, is this a preview function?)

exhelodrvr1 said...

Picture a football game where the rules have been changed to ignore the sidelines, but only one team follows the new rules. The other team still stays within the previous "field of play." That's what it has been like politically. The right is starting to play by the new rules.

Quaestor said...

The left has had a jolly old time painting toothbrush moustasches on Republicans since Goldwater at least. It's only fair that they get likewise treatment from time to time. They'll yell and scream, demand mutual civility, but history shows them unreliable, unrepentant, and untrustworthy.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Alf Landon, surely?

Robert Cook said...

Atrocious, of course. But if she wants people to know she stands squarely beside torture as policy and the torturing torturers who practice it, it's a great way to tell decent people not to vote for her.

gspencer said...

"Baldwin has not met with Haspel or taken a position on her confirmation"

Yeah, like we don't know how an imitation American aka a Democrat will be voting on a Trump nominee.

MayBee said...

It feels very 2002.

Curious George said...

"Baldwin has not met with Haspel or taken a position on her confirmation"

I haven't seen tomorrow's sunrise either.

Mike Sylwester said...

I think the ad is funny.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Robert Cook said...
Atrocious, of course. But if she wants people to know she stands squarely beside torture as policy and the torturing torturers who practice it, it's a great way to tell decent people not to vote for her.

5/11/18, 7:26 AM

Equally, you and Baldwin stand squarely beside KSM, and all his works.

Do you even draw distinctions, bro? Robert, let me put it to you this way. You scream "torture torture torture!" till its torture just to hear you. All over a little smacky-face, a few forced baths, and some regrettable extracurricular horseplay (Abu Ghraib).

Now say I get elected President, and allow anybody over the rank of PFC to use anything that Kiefer Sutherland did in 24 or Liam Neeson did in Taken to get answers.

What difference is there? What other words have you to deploy?

This is why you are a cartoon.

Bad Lieutenant said...

PS. They still do worse, and glory in it.

MadisonMan said...
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MadisonMan said...

The claws come out. Are men allowed to say that?

(I would vote for Excellent and Bad, FWIW)

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Would have been much better if they had photoshopped Baldwin's head onto KSM's neck/hairy chest. Maybe thrown in his mustache for good measure.

roesch/voltaire said...

Another republican takes the high road —not.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Robert Cook,
Yes or no: Are you willing to accept a nuclear attack on a U.S. city rather than use EIT when there is reasonable expectation that that is the only way to get the information in time to stop the attack? That is the crux of the matter.

There are still important issues to address on this:
When is it effective, and when isn't it?
What are the rules for when it can be used?
Who can authorize it?
What procedures are allowed and what aren't?
What about the impact on the interrogators?

But please answer the first question.

Chuck said...

This will be interesting. As I've said before, I'm a big fan of Althouse polls. Not because they suit me particularly, but rather because they illustrate the Althouse readership.

My vote on this one was, "Bad. Makes me question Vukmir's judgment." It's obviously a terrible, hysterical, overwrought comparo. The kind of thing that we ridicule when Dems do it, as they did to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bybee, Yoo, etc., etc.

I was attracted to the answer that allowed me to say that I question the judgment of anyone who would subscribe to it. However, I didn't go to "Atrocious," because it was obviously a calculation on Vukmir's part; to attract the favorable attention of voters like much of the Althouse readership (looking at the early response numbers).

I see some of this shit in the Michigan primaries; the terrorist-link howling. It showed up last night in the first all-candidate Michigan gubernatorial debate. With some Republicans trying to out-jingo each other.

Wince said...

Who knew Baldwin's chest was that hairy?

JackWayne said...

Typical political messaging. Nothing new here. Move along.

TheDopeFromHope said...

Baldwin would gladly switch teams to have a go with KSM.

Drago said...

"Dick Durbin republican" and Noted Racist Commenter Chuck goes "all in" on attacking republicans and conservatives.


Birkel said...

Since this particular candidate has not won a primary, the harm in this ad seems minimal.

Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, overreacts against Republicans. Surprisingly.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

roesch/voltaire and Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, appear to be singing from the same hymnal.

Odd, that.

Drago said...

If there was one huge "tell" concerning LLR Chuck and leftist similarities, it's perpetual virtue signalling by Chuck even as he goes full racist against African American neuro-surgeons and attacks children via lefty rumor-mongering as long as those African-Americans and children are republicans or children of republicans.

In fact, you can read what LLR Chuck is going to write before Chuck even writes it by visiting the fever swamps of a Democrat Underground site, if you have the stomach for it.

Feel free to draw obvious and inescapable conclusions.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "The kind of thing that we ridicule when Dems do it, as they did to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bybee, Yoo, etc., etc."



If the idea of LLR Chuck ridiculing any democrat or lefty at anytime for anything strikes you as unfathomable, there is a very very good reason for that....

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Sure it’s bad but it’s also hilarious, and that’s never a bad thing. Most voters won’t be able to tell the Muzzie from Borat, but the subliminal drive-in movie poster effect may have some electoral value.

Curious George said...

"Chuck said...
My vote on this one was, "Bad. Makes me question Vukmir's judgment." It's obviously a terrible, hysterical, overwrought comparo. The kind of thing that we ridicule when Dems do it, as they did to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bybee, Yoo, etc., etc.

And Trump, you cuck.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Also, look at the gender array. Which women are standing in the light and which are hanging out with the sleazy guy in the wife-beater? This may actually be targeted more at women than the obvious Team America base.

mandrewa said...

I doubt this is an effective ad, and it may be quite possibly unfair, though I don't actually know anything about Baldwin, but I'd hardly be surprised if that were the case.

But the idea that this is in some larger sense unfair is risible.

I can imagine some arguing that this is unjust propaganda and over-the-top, and yet curiously somehow most of those people will be oblivious to the giant whales on the side.

I mean our children go to schools to be taught by fascists to be fascists. And then on top of that look at what is coming out of Hollywood and the like and the number of hours that people spend watching this political propaganda buried in entertainment.

The over-the-top propaganda coming from the other direction is so overwhelming and comes from such a position of power that it's a mystery to me that it is even possible to resist it.

chickelit said...

Is it moral to side with KSM?

Yes or no?

Ann Althouse said...

It's a throwback to George W. Bush — "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

Birkel said...

Remember when Paul Ryan was throwing grandma over a cliff?

Yeah, neither do Leftists or LLRs.

rehajm said...

Not as effective as a few thousand dollars of Facebook ads but not bad either.

henge2243 said...

I thought that was Ron Jeremy. Either way, an effective ad.

Drago said...

chickelit:"Is it moral to side with KSM?"

Uh oh. If you think #StrongBlumenthalStolenValorDefender Chuck is going to let you get away with that one, you've got another thing coming...

AllenS said...
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AllenS said...

Hey, Chuck, anything wrong with this? --


chickelit said...

KSM probably does get fan mail. I wonder how much is from women?

Given other cases, it’s a legit question.

Chuck said...

AllenS said...
Hey, Chuck, anything wrong with this? --


Uh, yeah.

Is that sort of crap your model? That because Biden did it, Republicans should do it too? Joe Biden isn't my model for anything. Although I see an awful -- and I do mean awful -- lot of Joe Biden in Donald Trump. The same sort of used car salesman. The same sort of phony familiarity with any semblance of the working class. The same sort of arrogant stupidity about what he is actually saying.

mandrewa said...

George W. Bush: "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

Taking it in context, by you Bush meant foreign governments, and the specific sense for which he meant with us, was that these foreign governments take action against Al Qaeda.

In other words, Bush was stating the United States was going to make war on foreign governments that allied themselves with Al Qaeda.

But the literal words of Bush are so generic that they can be easily be reinterpreted to be an absurd generality. But I don't think the general meanings are remotely what Bush meant to say.

Now the one government that more-or-less openly did ally itself with Al Qaeda was Afghanistan. And I think this was actually planned ahead of time.

Afghanistan was in a practical sense the most remote and most expensive place in the world for the US military to fight a war. And was right next to some potential adversaries that could on the other hand exert effort to defeat the United States.

And I don't think any of this was coincidence. It was an anticipated consequence on the part of those that planned 9/11 and there were other enemies that had nothing to do with the actual 9/11, that none-the-less clearly the saw their advantage in this situation.

chickelit said...

I mean, the guy’s a sheik. That’s a chick magnet.

Chuck said...

Ann Althouse said...
It's a throwback to George W. Bush — "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

Good lord, what a nauseating mischaracterization! President Bush -- whom I take it you did not support or vote for -- was speaking to the community of nations in the world at that time. He was not attacking fellow Americans.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Joe Biden isn't my model for anything."


Maddow breathes a sigh of relief.

You'd better start upping your game Chuck. Your lefty allies look like they just might blow this election and shatter yours and their dreams.

Chuck said...

Curious George said...
"Chuck said...
My vote on this one was, "Bad. Makes me question Vukmir's judgment." It's obviously a terrible, hysterical, overwrought comparo. The kind of thing that we ridicule when Dems do it, as they did to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bybee, Yoo, etc., etc.

And Trump, you cuck.

Well Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bybee and Yoo never said anything so stupid, so unworkable, so completely indefensible as a call for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States (no matter how that ban was characterized). All of them, in one way or another, combined tough anti-terrorism with careful articulation in a way that Donald Trump wouldn't even understand.

Drago said...

LLR and Field Marshall Chuck: "combined tough anti-terrorism..."

Feel free to elaborate and make note of any significant long term strategic victories.


This should be fun...

Robert Cook said...

"Is it moral to side with KSM?"

Opposing torture is not to "side with KSM" or any other bad guys. To say so is specious and stupid.

"Are you willing to accept a nuclear attack on a U.S. city rather than use EIT when there is reasonable expectation that that is the only way to get the information in time to stop the attack? That is the crux of the matter."

This is ludicrous fear-mongering taken from the Bush/Cheny bag o' comic book scare stories and lies. This will never happen. A nuclear attack will come, if it does, suddenly and from afar, not stoppable by beating up some low-level schnook. My guess is, if there ever is a nuclear launch, it will be the U.S. who strikes first.

"All over a little smacky-face, a few forced baths, and some regrettable extracurricular horseplay (Abu Ghraib)."

You, Bad Lieutenant, are regrettably (or willfully) ignorant of your country's recent history. Our torture regime went beyond water-boarding a couple of people. which is bad enough, and illegal. It was wide-spread, comprised many techniques, and resulted in deaths.

buwaya said...

"Careful articulation" is valuable in what way?

We aren't dealing with law but politics and culture. Its a big messy world out there, and legal reasoning matters only in a tiny bit of it. A rhetorical battering ram is an effective tool, that must be used with maximum brutality to work.

Trump moved that much overused but still useful concept, the "Overton window" like none of these others, with his battering ram.

chickelit said...

You didn’t answer my question, Cook.
Yes or no

Pookie Number 2 said...

All of them, in one way or another, combined tough anti-terrorism with careful articulation in a way that Donald Trump wouldn't even understand.

Ah, yes. If only the billionaire that got himself elected president had the intellectual brain-power of our resident Trunpsturbator who cannot even perceive his own state’s political leanings.

Jealousy is a funny thing, all right.

Birkel said...

And Robert Cook is just the sort of man to support a party that will murder a minimum of 10% of the U.S. population to make sure the United States does not act immorally.

Communists will stop the U.S. perpetrated genocide beforehand.

buwaya said...


When we are dealing in the great wide world, such distinctions you are trying to make simply don't work. Few people think that way in reality. Many may be able to put on a veneer of argumentative distinction, but deep in their souls even they don't believe that.

Blood must be paid for by blood, ultimately, otherwise the person who does not take revenge loses morale, and becomes passive and defeatist. A victim, ready to die. This is not reasonable or logical, but it is part of the human animal.

People simply do not behave rationally.

You see this over and over. Defeated armies, in rout, often passively permit their enemies to massacre them with no attempt at self defense.

Leadership needs to take this unreason into account, such as the need for blood.

buwaya said...

What is "tough anti-terrorism" without dead enemies to show?
And if they have killed many of yours, as in 9/11, there need to be many dead enemies.

That is human nature.

Birkel said...

Robert Cook understands. And his support is for the side that would massacre the defeated. He knows his enemy.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"Chuck Pounces"

buwaya said...

And also arguably a culture that teaches that everything is solved through legal-bureaucratic process, or otherwise accustoms them to deference to their overlords, is really driving the animal aggression out of the people.

This makes them sheep, ready to be slaughtered, should someone come to do that.

It is this dynamic, that "moral" factor, that makes it possible for a few, often, to conquer the many. This is so common in history that its surprising (or not so, perhaps, these days) that its not well explored in academics.

Big Mike said...

As I understand it, KSM was waterboarded repeatedly because he was believed to have specific knowledge of a plot to attack New York City. Cookie will say that it doesn’t matter; he’s against waterboarding no matter what. But he’s lying. He’s all for waterboarding to save his own worthless neck. It’s called “situational ethics” and it’s a hallmark of the extreme left.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Richard Fernandez tweet from this morning, in re Iran after our withdrawal from the nuclear agreement. Read from the bottom up:

wretchardthecat‏ @wretchardthecat ·

No I don't think anyone wants to play. They only wanted to pick up freebies. Iran faced with normal opposition again will find the going too costly and probably retrench. The happy time for them is over.

Dave Emminger @emminger2

Replying to @wretchardthecat
Well the HS Truman strike group is now in the Med
If they'd like to come out & play

wretchardthecat‏ @wretchardthecat ·

Back to the normal world where, if you punch me, I punch you back instead of getting a heartfelt apology for historical crimes even you can't remember.

Chuck said...

buwaya said...
"Careful articulation" is valuable in what way?

We aren't dealing with law but politics and culture. Its a big messy world out there, and legal reasoning matters only in a tiny bit of it. A rhetorical battering ram is an effective tool, that must be used with maximum brutality to work.

Trump moved that much overused but still useful concept, the "Overton window" like none of these others, with his battering ram.

I think that Donald Trump would make a great President of Indonesia; or Serbia; or Russia; or Ethiopia. Places where unrestricted power, raw emotion and bloodlust are part of the national fabric.

We don't do fanatical dictators in the United States.

Birkel said...

Robert Cook wants those he sees as morally inferior supine.

Resist we must.

Birkel said...

Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire,

When you say stupid shit, make sure to type "backslash stupid shit" so we know you are finished.

Big Mike said...

@roesch, now that we’ve figured out how to climb down into the gutter with you and your fellow members of the left-wing lunatic fringe we’re probably gonna stay a while.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Don't be like most of the Democrats - afraid to answer the question.

narciso said...

The times gave belhajs Algerian wife a platform, he's the Islamist chief in Tripoli who signed on with Islamic state, he was rendered from Malaysia and released by qaddafi.

Pookie Number 2 said...

We don't do fanatical dictators in the United States.

And so the whiny Trumpsturbator takes a break from his claim that he voted for Trump.

Jealousy is a funny thing, all right.

Big Mike said...

I think that Donald Trump would make a great President of Indonesia; or Serbia; or Russia; or Ethiopia.

And if you don’t think he makes a truly wonderful President of the United States, well, you’ll get a dissenting view from people who see more money in their take home pay, from people who had given up on ever having a job again but now their paper is full of “help wanted” ads, and especially from the American hostages who flew home with Mike Pompeo.

buwaya said...

People are people, in the US as in Serbia and Russia and Ethiopia.

In fact, the US has lots of actual Serbians and Russians and Ethiopans.

Americans have the same characteristics and weaknesses of human nature as anyone else anywhere.

A most interesting bit, on the subject of morale and "moral" issues, is in S.L.A. Marshall's "Pork Chop Hill", which I don't think is in the legal curriculum. These are essays on after-action reports of small units in Korea. Among other things, Marshall compares the extremely successful Ethiopians (in small-unit combat) vs American troops. Yes, those Ethiopians. And it was indeed that old Napoleonic "moral" business.

S.L.A. Marshall has a great deal else on moral/morale issues in Korea. Americans certainly aren't immune to human nature. I also recommend his "The River and the Gauntlet". Americans too can collapse in rout.

narciso said...

The UK apologizes to bel hadj who was the head of the Libyan fighting group to the tune of 500 k. He was supported by qatar.

Drago said...

"Forgot to maintain LLR on-line persona" Chuck: "I think that Donald Trump would make a great President of Indonesia; or Serbia; or Russia; or Ethiopia. Places where unrestricted power, raw emotion and bloodlust are part of the national fabric.
We don't do fanatical dictators in the United States."



It can sometimes be difficult to keep up appearances over the long term...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Another republican takes the high road —not

Well, at least they aren't carrying out paramilitary raids on the families of their political opponents like "high road" Wisconsin Democrats.

Drago said...

I recommend LLR Chuck huddle up again with his leftist allies to figure out precisely what lies they will need to start promoting to hide the now emerging story of Chuck's "magnificent" obama's FBI actually running a domestic political "Op" against the Trump campaign.

You'd better hurry up fopdoodle. Your Durbin/Schumer pals need the help STAT.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing hearts bleed for terrorists. It's simple.

Drago said...

Notice the subtle change in LLR Chuck tone in his commentary about Trump PRECISELY at the very moment that we are finding out LLR Chuck's "magnficent" obama's admin were doing precisely those things that are typical of Stasi-like Russia/Serbia leaders.

If you think that Chuck's comments on this thread are being offered up in a vacuum separate from the emerging info which clarifies exactly how thuggish the obama-ites/dems/lefties have been, you aren't paying attention.

LLR Chuck embodies the posters who project onto republicans what the democrats are actually doing.

Trust me, you should feel very free to draw obvious conclusions.

buwaya said...

We had a tremendous recent series of lessons in the value of the "moral" factor in conflict, 2014-2017.

Whatever else they did wrong politically, and regardless of their evil madness, ISIS got one thing right, and that was the moral aspect of conflict. There were very very few ISIS combatants, but they punched enormously above their weight.

The taking of Mosul in 2014 deserves to be a case study of the moral issues in war. ISIS took that city against an enemy that had enormously greater firepower, against manpower odds of 10:1 at least. The Iraqi leadership was dreadful in every way, but beyond that, the Iraqi troops were acculturated such that they barely even attempted to self-organize in the absence of formal leadership, or even to personally defend themselves. Or even successfully flee. They were rounded up like herds of sheep and massacred according to the whims of their captors.

This moral aspect of conflict (and moch else indeed) is by far the most important question for military and political leadership.

Pookie Number 2 said...

I recommend LLR Chuck huddle up again with his leftist allies to figure out precisely what lies they will need to start promoting to hide the now emerging story of Chuck's "magnificent" obama's FBI actually running a domestic political "Op" against the Trump campaign.

I believe the current plan is manifest in the not-at-all-deranged accusation of “bloodlust”.

Rick said...

Another republican takes the high road —not.

On what basis does someone who supports Democrats taking the low road - whether it's using the IRS to impede their political enemies, or asserting opposition to their policies is driven by racism, or conducting illegal investigations to punish political activity - expect others to take the high road?

It's all part of their inability to understand themselves.

narciso said...

If nader is indeed the mole despite his rapsheet, he worked with Cody shearer (of the second dossier) Kim of strobe Talbot who's been a,fool for russia since the 70s re Victor Louis, then it's really been about qatar.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Robert Cook said...

Our torture regime went beyond water-boarding a couple of people. which is bad enough, and illegal. It was wide-spread, comprised many techniques, and resulted in deaths.


You say that like it's a bad thing.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Hey remember when Trump said Obama wasn’t born in the US? Remember when the Tea Party folks were waving signs depicting Obama as a native with a bone through his nose? Remember when Obama was hung in effigy? Remember when Obama was said to to be a homosexual and his wife Michelle was called all sorts of insulting names? Remember when the Republican House sued Obama for overstepping his bounds as executive? Now you folks celebrate Trumps abuse of the Executive. Remember when ( just yesterday) commenters here were saying McCain just hurry up and die?

The hypocrisy is rank, foul and indecent. Trump emboldens this behavior, as he indulges in it himself. Be proud of your “President”

tcrosse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

I remember when the huntress was hung in effigy in West Hollywood when her church was burned down, when her daughter was attacked both in la and also at home when she was giving a speech to veterans and the times and the enquired lied about it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It's all part of their inability to understand themselves.”

Said without irony.

Mark Jones said...

I'm perfectly happy with this ad. The leftists have no compunctions about branding anyone to the right of them as misogynists, bigots, fascists, and generally hateful people who want to starve children, re-enslave blacks, and on and on and on. So fuck 'em.

No doubt the GOPe will wring their hands and whimper about comity and civility and whatever other excuses they can make for depending on their kneepads and mouthwash to keep them in the good graces of the leftists and Democrats (but I repeat myself) they pretend to oppose. Fuck them too.

These are the rules of politics now, and it's time both sides played by them, instead of just the Democrats.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
buwaya said...

Inga, the equivalent and worse has been said or pictured about Republicans.
And that on the mass media, with far greater reach than whatever the Tea Party or anyone else had.
GWBush was a chimpanzee.
The Tea Party was called a sexual slur.

Fabi said...

"Department of Black People" Chuck is melting.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago embodies the posters who project onto democrats what the Trumpists are actually doing.

Trust me, you should feel very free to draw obvious conclusions, which are...

Drago is a propagandist and hopes you are blinded to the hypocrisy

buwaya said...

Inga, but you don't know yourself.

Think, deeply, about why you think what you do.
Not to justify it, but the reasons.
Be your own Devils Advocate.

Chuck said...

Inga said...
Hey remember when Trump said Obama wasn’t born in the US? Remember when the Tea Party folks were waving signs depicting Obama as a native with a bone through his nose? Remember when Obama was hung in effigy? Remember when Obama was said to to be a homosexual and his wife Michelle was called all sorts of insulting names? Remember when the Republican House sued Obama for overstepping his bounds as executive? Now you folks celebrate Trumps abuse of the Executive.

Did somebody actually write that? I ask not because I don't believe you, but rather because I didn't see it and I would like to see it and see who wrote that. Charming, the Althouse blog in the Era of Trump.

buwaya said...

And re Palin, when the MSM published her hacked emails.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

So Buwaya, both sides are guilty. Now can you convince Drago and others here that when they attribute this behavior only to Democrats they are being ignoramuses and hypocrites? I think the rational and reasonable commenters here already know this according to the poll. Then you have the extremists...

buwaya said...

And Chuck unfortunately doesn't know himself either.
A long soujorn abroad, somewhere primal, is a good idea.

Curious George said...

"Blogger Chuck said...
And Trump, you cuck.

Well Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bybee and Yoo never said anything so stupid, so unworkable, so completely indefensible as a call for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States (no matter how that ban was characterized). All of them, in one way or another, combined tough anti-terrorism with careful articulation in a way that Donald Trump wouldn't even understand."

So it's justified in your mind., eh Cuck?

Darrell said...

Some asshole wrote this--

Chuck said...
She was always a good, solid, credible nominee.

Completely unlike many other Trump nominations. Like Trump's nomination of Dr. Ricky Bobby for the Veteran's Administration. Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People. Or Scaramucci for anything.

I think that there is general relief that Trump didn't nominate Agent Maxwell Smart for head of the CIA.

5/9/18, 4:29 PM

Curious George said...

"buwaya said...
Inga, but you don't know yourself.

Think, deeply"

I suggest #IngaKnew starts with some intellectual training wheels and just thinks, period.

buwaya said...

Of course this is tit-for-tat Inga.
The rational game theory strategy on the part of the players, is to retaliate.
The watcher of the game realizes this, and comments on the game.

This requires distance and self knowledge.

Chuck said...

Fabi said...
"Department of Black People" Chuck is melting.

I know that you, of all people, aren't that stupid. You're wanting to smear me, even though you know that I was not making fun of Dr. Ben Carson (did you see my last post on that page?), but instead I was making fun of Donald Trump's reality-show picks as member of his cabinet.

Dr. Ben Carson is a good man, and a decent man, and a fabulously accomplished surgeon whom I first encountered in a Detroit courtroom 30 years ago. But he has zero credentials as a Secretary of HUD.

I wrote a post in which I ridiculed Trump, not Ben Carson. I've been far kinder to Dr. Ben Carson, than has Donald Trump. Trump ridiculed Carson's religious beliefs. Trump called Carson a "good, not great" surgeon.

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago embodies the posters who project onto democrats what the Trumpists are actually doing."

Inga takes time out from accusing all Trump voters of being nazi's and the Trump campaign of being traitors to post that.

Without irony.


Keep it up Inga. LLR Chuck needs your continued assistance. Badly. I think he is feeling a little glum about the dems collapsing poll numbers.

Fabi said...

Nice try, Chuck. Yes, I saw your final post in that thread where you tried to cover your ass, but it didn't negate your original slur. Own it.

Drago said...

narciso: "If nader is indeed the mole despite his rapsheet, ..."

Stefan Halper is the odds on favorite to have been the FBI mole placed into the Trump campaign to create russian links that would justify domestic spying.

This is why DOJ/FBI leadership has gone to the mat to hide that information prior to the election this year.

Sebastian said...

"Blood must be paid for by blood"

Which the U.S. hasn't done, especially considering that our enemies have always treated our soldiers worse than we treated theirs.

It is immoral to desire the suffering of your fellow citizens for the sake of keeping your conscience pristine.

Drago said...

LLR and Noted Racist Commenter Chuck: "Dr. Ben Carson is a good man, and a decent man...."


Sorry Chuckie.

Too many people saw that your little David Duke moment the other day and its of a piece with denigrating things you have said about Dr Carson from the beginning of this administration.

Face it.

You f***ed up. You let your real thoughts shine through for all to see. There will never be any pulling those back.

Nor should there be. Racists like you ought to be exposed. Daily.

Birkel said...

The slander of the Tea Party by Inga is a lie. She knows it is a lie. Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, knows it is a lie. They repeat the lie. They are liars.

A lawsuit against Executive Branch overstep is precisely the correct remedy. Why would anybody think otherwise?

Is the position Inga takes that Obama's sexuality - whatever it is - is a bad thing? That is an odd standard from the Left.

Fen's Law.

Sebastian said...

"Stefan Halper is the odds on favorite to have been the FBI mole placed into the Trump campaign"

Could be, though he was even less "into" it than Page--perhaps enough for FBI purposes, and of course, the relevant machinations, if true, would be nearly as outrageous and those of a full-on mole. Regardless, something on that order could explain the extraordinary stonewalling and the all-out attack via Mueller.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The slander of the Tea Party by Inga is a lie. She knows it is a lie. Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, knows it is a lie. They repeat the lie. They are liars.”

No. There are a multitude of pictures of the Obama as a native with a bone through his nose, at multiple Tea Party rallies. You can keep denying it ‘till hell freezes over, but it won’t change the truth that it happened, multiple times. You can’t just make something go away by saying it was a lie. The truth prevails.

Seeing Red said...

Is pushing granny over the cliff because of Medicare or SS cuts worse?

Achilles said...

Inga said...

The hypocrisy is rank, foul and indecent. Trump emboldens this behavior, as he indulges in it himself. Be proud of your “President”

During the 2012 campaign I was thinking "Are they really going to call Mitt Romney LITERALLY Hitler?"

And you did.

Paul Ryan pushed old women off of cliffs.

I remember when GHWB was an investor in Nazi companies and a war profiteer.

I can remember personally being called a racist about 9472820192 times.

Baby killer. I love that one. I have friends that were spit on.

You are a despicable human being. You can call me whatever names you want because you have been for 30 years. Nothing new to me. But the best part was when you turned the majority of America against you. Now you get to be called names too.

I told you people you would hate it when we started treating you like you have been treating us.

FullMoon said...

"The image has stoked debate and cast attention on the rallies, which have drawn people Tea Party organizers describe as on the fringe and not representative of the overall movement. Their general viewpoint, leaders say, is that there's been too much federal government intervention, particularly concerning health care and taxes."

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Is the position Inga takes that Obama's sexuality - whatever it is - is a bad thing? That is an odd standard from the Left.”

If it were true it wouldn’t matter an iota to the vast majority of liberals and Democrats, however it would matter to homophobes like so many of you folks. If it wouldn’t matter to you people, the propagandists who pushed this lie wouldn’t have done so. They did it in order to smear Obama to people who think homosexuality would be disqualifying.

Seeing Red said...

There was life in the US before 2007 Inga.

Where’s your outrage from those years?

I know I shouldn’t be surprised at the bubble/naïveté you live in at your age, but...

You really refuse for anything to penetrate, don’t you?

FullMoon said...

No. There are a multitude of pictures of the Obama as a native with a bone through his nose, at multiple Tea Party rallies. You can keep denying it ‘till hell freezes over, but it won’t change the truth that it happened, multiple times. You can’t just make something go away by saying it was a lie. The truth prevails.

Plants by progressive anti Tea Party thugs

Birkel said...

Thank you for demonstrating Fen's Law, Royal ass Inga. Were you aware when you proved it, just now? Hahaha. Classic Royal ass Inga.

The Tea Party slander is a lie. You are a liar.

langford peel said...

I think it is a great idea to have a "Bureau of Black People." It could operate on the same basis of the "Bureau of Indian Affairs." African Americans deserve the same respect and benevolent treatment that we give our little red brothers.

Think of the possibilities.

The government could help the community develop their own schools to foster the study of traditional African American interests. Soul music. Tap dancing. Athletics. Crime.

I nominate that T-Coats dude for the first Secretary of Black People. Genius.

Curious George said...

"buwaya said...
Of course this is tit-for-tat Inga."

It's not though. This post is about a POLITICAL ad. All of our resident dullard's examples are not examples of a candidate, or even a political party, but other than Trump...unnamed people. The Trump thisng is bullshit, he never said what she claims, but look at the rest:

"the Tea Party folks"
Remember when Obama was hung in effigy? By Who?
Remember when Obama was said to to be a homosexual and his wife Michelle was called all sorts of insulting names? By who?

Remember when the Republican House sued Obama for overstepping his bounds as executive? Now you folks celebrate Trumps abuse of the Executive.

Democratic office holders and the party itself routinely slur, lie , and defame Republicans. As does the MSM.

FullMoon said...

If it were true it wouldn’t matter an iota to the vast majority of liberals and Democrats, however it would matter to homophobes like so many of you folks. If it wouldn’t matter to you people, the propagandists who pushed this lie wouldn’t have done so. They did it in order to smear Obama to people who think homosexuality would be disqualifying.

Obviously, Russian propaganda intended to divide Americans.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
So Buwaya, both sides are guilty. Now can you convince Drago and others here that when they attribute this behavior only to Democrats they are being ignoramuses and hypocrites? I think the rational and reasonable commenters here already know this according to the poll. Then you have the extremists...

What goes around comes around bitch.

You have been calling us racist bigot nazi misogynist whatevers for decades.

The problem for you is you support actual Stalinists who have been caught spying on political opponents. You support the removal of a duly elected president and the disenfranchisement of his supporters by illegal and unethical means.

The democrat party has not accepted the loss of a presidential election this entire millennium.

With the new revelations about the FBI/DOJ installing informants in the political campaigns of democrat opponents I expect the prison sentences for the democrat operatives to be nice and long.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fabi said...

Predictions anyone? Will "Department of Black People" Chuck return a lengthy and rage-stroke comment in the next ten minutes, or will "Department of Black People" Chuck wait four or five hours and sneak back to the thread and try to re-write history?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

All you folks who want to identify yourselves with Achilles, remember what he writes here on these threads, when his name is splattered all over the news after he commits some heinous act of domestic terrorism. Align yourselves with this level of extremism at peril to your own decency.

Birkel said...

Democrats doing it. Copacetic. Nobody will be motivated against such behavior.

Republicans doing it. "(T)he more it will engage democrats and those on the left and middle to come out and vote against it."


This is why tit-for-tat must be the strategy.

Big Mike said...

Inga’s ignorant remarks about the Tea Party is how we got Trump. But she’s too deep into “stupid” for the level of introspection necessary to grasp her role.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
“Is the position Inga takes that Obama's sexuality - whatever it is - is a bad thing? That is an odd standard from the Left.”

If it were true it wouldn’t matter an iota to the vast majority of liberals and Democrats, however it would matter to homophobes like so many of you folks. If it wouldn’t matter to you people, the propagandists who pushed this lie wouldn’t have done so. They did it in order to smear Obama to people who think homosexuality would be disqualifying.

This is exactly what the left has done for decades.

Pieces of shit like Inga can't argue against the real positions or people. She has to create straw men to attack.

Because the positions of the left are indefensible. Open Borders, higher taxes, repealing the second amendment, sending all manufacturing overseas etc. wont win any elections.


Seeing Red said...

And some wonder why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

Birkel said...

I must take issue with you. You are dead wrong.

The Left wants to repeal the entire Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment is but a tiny piece of their aim.

Now I have corrected Achilles and Royal ass Inga is satisfied.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga’s ignorant remarks about the Tea Party is how we got Trump. But she’s too deep into “stupid” for the level of introspection necessary to grasp her role.”

How you got Trump is because so many of you identity with him. And that’s not a compliment, obviously. You understand yourselves so poorly that you have no problems rationalizing hateful behavior in your own heads. We knew you folks existed in the populace, but we didn’t know how many of you there actually were. We know better now.

Rick said...

Inga said...
No. There are a multitude of pictures of the Obama as a native with a bone through his nose, at multiple Tea Party rallies.

This is a lie. Left extremists have internalized the slander that the Tea Party types supported cultural issues. This is because in fact the Tea Party supported economic issues and the left was already on record stating this would be a reasonable opposition if only it existed. Obviously they never expected it to. Since they were suddenly faced with an opposition their typical playbook wouldn't cover they had top pretend it was something else first. Apparently they understood their supporters were too stupid to learn new arguments.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
All you folks who want to identify yourselves with Achilles, remember what he writes here on these threads, when his name is splattered all over the news after he commits some heinous act of domestic terrorism. Align yourselves with this level of extremism at peril to your own decency.

That is right. Choose people.

You can side with the people like Inga that want to overturn elections with bureaucratic coups. She wants to take your guns and freedom, raise your taxes, erase our borders.

The best part is Inga supports violence against any of those racist bigot nazi's who actually support republicans.

Or you can side with the people who have drawn a line defending your freedom from these leftists.

Fabi said...

Inga's vile and reprehensible comment at 11:12 AM should be deleted.

Seeing Red said...

And what would you do if you could Inga?

Take the European out of Europe, still want the same solution?

Birkel said...

P.S. Achilles,

I hope my chastisement of you was not too harsh.

Robert Cook said...

Somebody said,

"You didn’t answer my question, Cook.
Yes or no

5/11/18, 9:26 AM"

Yes, I did. I gave the correct answer.

Gahrie said...

How you got Trump is because so many of you identity with him

Completely wrong. The vast majority of people who voted for Trump did so as a big "Fuck You!" to the MSM, Democratic Party and the GOP Establishment. That is why the normal fear mongering didn't work....nobody gave a shit.

I predict the same thing is going to happen in "blue wave", just more people expressing their displeasure with the politics of destruction.

Birkel said...

Robert Cook and Royal ass Inga have the same goal. They wish to reduce the number of Deplorables by at least 10% so their socialist utopia has a chance to realize.

But first they will have to murder people, in great numbers.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Inga said...

All you folks who want to identify yourselves with Achilles, remember what he writes here on these threads, when his name is splattered all over the news after he commits some heinous act of domestic terrorism. Align yourselves with this level of extremism at peril to your own decency.

Huh? Are you really that loony?

Rick said...

Inga said...
Align yourselves with this level of extremism at peril to your own decency.

Achilles says he hopes people guilty of breaking laws go to jail and that's extremism.

Meanwhile Inga claims the religious right wants to implement The Handmaids Tale. Apparently that's not extremism.

The democratic Vice President of the United States says Republicans want to return blacks to slavery but apparently that's not extremism.

I'm sensing a consistent problem with her ability to identify extremism.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
“Inga’s ignorant remarks about the Tea Party is how we got Trump. But she’s too deep into “stupid” for the level of introspection necessary to grasp her role.”

How you got Trump is because so many of you identity with him. And that’s not a compliment, obviously. You understand yourselves so poorly that you have no problems rationalizing hateful behavior in your own heads. We knew you folks existed in the populace, but we didn’t know how many of you there actually were. We know better now.

blah blah blah.

Pull off your coup or wait until 2018. We will see how this "blue wave" turns out.

The only question will be how many democrats have been indicted by the time we get to November. If Trump does it right and starts dribbling them out one a week starting in June/July we should hit double digits well before November.

We will also be talking about someone's Nobel peace prize and how Trump really made it happen.

And Inga will be over in her corner screeching RACIST BIGOT HOMOPHOBE!

One of these is a solid electoral strategy.

Curious George said...

"Fabi said...
Inga's vile and reprehensible comment at 11:12 AM should be deleted."

No, no, no, NO!

It needs to remain. For all to see.

Curious George said...

Annie C said...
Inga said...

All you folks who want to identify yourselves with Achilles, remember what he writes here on these threads, when his name is splattered all over the news after he commits some heinous act of domestic terrorism. Align yourselves with this level of extremism at peril to your own decency.

Huh? Are you really that loony?"

Oh, yes. And more.

Drago said...

Inga and LLR Chuck clearly do not like the new rules they helped established.

In Inga's and Chuck's defense, neither of them ever thought their slanders and rules would be applied to their preferred democrats.

Hence the bewilderment and lashing out.

Gahrie said...

But he has zero credentials as a Secretary of HUD.

What credentials are you supposed to have to be Secretary of HUD?

I think growing up poor with a single mom is pretty good preparation for the job.

Chuck said...

"Excellent" now commands a full majority in the Althouse poll. 52% as of this writing.


mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Birkel said...
P.S. Achilles,

I hope my chastisement of you was not too harsh.

Better than being called a baby killer.

It is not often people say I am too easy on the leftists but you found me out. I am really just a big softy and would really like to live peacefully and happily with my wife and little girls.

But they wont grow up in a country run by people who think it is OK to spy on political opponents or disarm law abiding citizens.

It. Will. Not. Happen.


mockturtle said...

Buwaya write: Cook,

When we are dealing in the great wide world, such distinctions you are trying to make simply don't work. Few people think that way in reality. Many may be able to put on a veneer of argumentative distinction, but deep in their souls even they don't believe that.

Cookie, bless his bleeding heart, is living in a constant state of magical thinking with John Lennon's Imagine playing over and over in his head.

Drago said...

If you want to know why LLR Chuck is in such a bad mood, here's a hint:

"The Wipeout of Obama’s Legacy"

Expect much more gnashing of teeth and wailing from the Chuck/dem/lefty set in the weeks/months to come.

Birkel said...

May I do you one better and ask why a Dept of HUD exists? And if it's existence is a poor use of limited resources, then why even have a Secretary of HUD? And if HUD must remain for solely political reasons, then why we should worry about its effectiveness?

Perhaps benign neglect is the best we can hope.

Robert Cook said...

Buwaya said,

"People simply do not behave rationally."

Yes, we behave emotionally. Which is why the law is important. The law is intended to contain our behavior, to restrict or prohibit emotion-driven behavior that can harm innocent people, or inflict disproportionate punishment even on guilty people.

When egregious behavior toward those we perceive (sometimes erroneously) as "the worst" becomes normalized, it soon becomes standard behavior, applied not just to "the worst," but to everyone. It becomes a tool not just of punishment but of coercion. (Look at the now all-too-common use of tasers and lethal firearms on subjects lacking weapons, not even resisting arrest. Few care now because it's primarily minorities who bear the brunt of this terrorism, but it will eventually reach to all of us.) One can deplore the acts of certain people yet still rationally object to their being subjected to certain treatment, if only to better ensure that such treatment is not used on those guilty of lesser crimes, or of no crimes.

Torture and murder are never acceptable.

Gahrie said...

Places where unrestricted power, raw emotion and bloodlust are part of the national fabric.

Have you been paying attention to the political Left for the last ten years? They are all about power, emotion and bloodlust...that's precisely why Trump was elected!

Birkel said...

Glad to have discovered your weakness and corrected it. Now we are friends again.

The Left pushes until it gets resistance. Resist we Must.

Drago said...

BTW, did you happen to catch LLR Chuck's beloved Jeff Flake join LLR Chuck's beloved McCain (both of whom actually hate republicans) come out against Haspel?

I mean, LLR Chuck's heroes, joining forces with the dems, again. As always.

Gee, I did not see that one coming....

Drago said...

Cookie: "Which is why the law is important."


A leftie just wrote that.

Too funny.

Robert Cook said...

"I think that there is general relief that Trump didn't nominate Agent Maxwell Smart for head of the CIA."

Better Smart than Haspel.

Gahrie said...

Torture and murder are never acceptable.

Tell that to your pals Lenin, Mao, Stalin, Castro, Guerva, and Pol Pot.

Robert Cook said...

"Places where unrestricted power, raw emotion and bloodlust are part of the national fabric."

This well describes the U.S.A.

Birkel said...

The law is not important, of its own accord.

People must have faith in the proper exercise of that law or it can be a tool of repression. That is the Left's goal, of course.

The Constitution of the U.S.S.R. was much more protective of individual rights than any other document ever written, in all but application. The PC Berlin Wall was designed to keep people in.

langford peel said...

I bet the pancake breakfast at the Department of Black People would be DYNO-MITE!!!!!!!

Drago said...

Cookie: "This well describes the U.S.A"

No wonder lefties are so reluctant to publicly state their opposition to the Trump administration.

Must be all of that "bloodlust"....LOL

Notice how in this construct Cookie, and all the lefties, position themselves as courageous political opposition superheroes who will not succumb to the violent power of the state!!


Recall: lefties, not unlike Inga, literally called the lefty resistance the equivalent of the D-Day invaders.


Drago said...

Hey LLR Chuck, what other departments of the Federal Govt are named after skin colors?

Don't leave us in suspense there MI Electoral "Expert" Grand Wizard!

langford peel said...

Hey that's a great idea. Naming departments after skin colors.

Lets start by calling the Department of Homeland Security by it's proper name "The White Man's Burden."

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...
"I think that there is general relief that Trump didn't nominate Agent Maxwell Smart for head of the CIA."

Better Smart than Haspel.

Because there is nothing more important to Cook than hindering those that fight for freedom.

Fabi said...

I imagine the Wiz will be twisting the titties clean off of his "Greta"
sex robot tonight!

Seeing Red said...

They go to sleep dreaming Imagine and wake up in Lord of the Flies.

They just can’t make the connection.

Gahrie said...

Places where unrestricted power, raw emotion and bloodlust are part of the national fabric."

This well describes the U.S.A.

But no place else in history...right?

Especially not communist countries.

Drago said...

"I think that there is general relief that Trump didn't nominate Agent Maxwell Smart for head of the CIA."

Actually, that was originally a LLR Chuck comment in the same posting where Chuck was offering up racist drivel against Ben Carson as well as insulting highly decorated combat medic Admiral Ronny Jackson.

You see, Adm Jackson was nominated by Trump, so LLR Chuck had to attack him because that is what dems and their allies do now.

In the same way that LLR Chuck always defends Durbin and Blumenthal no matter what.

Drago said...

"Places where unrestricted power, raw emotion and bloodlust are part of the national fabric."

That is the literal description of every nation that has ever adopted and implemented the policies of Robert Cook.

But only every single one. Everywhere on Earth. Throughout time.

But next time it will be different! "swearsies".....

Seeing Red said...

I won’t cite anything so ancient as 20th century history.

I will cite the 21stc success stories of Cuba and Venezuela.

Vance said...

Setting aside the pwning of Inga currently going on (She is, after all, the same person saying it's a-ok to murder Republican congressmen and beat people who she disagrees with but decries any political opposition),

the entire reason for this link between Baldwin and KSM is because KSM is in the news as saying he wants to testify to congress as to why Haspel should not be confirmed. In short, the Democrat position and KSM's position is literally identical.

Why not point that out? Democrats scream "You are a Nazi" all the time, surely when there is literally no difference between their views and the Mastermind of 9-11 they should be gracious enough to accept that link.

Drago said...

Cookie, have you purchased a timeshare in Cuba or Venezuela yet?

Or have you decided to stick it out here in the horrible USA?

Good old cookie. Always willing to go the "hardship" route for Team Left/LLR.

Drago said...

"In short, the Democrat position and KSM's position is literally identical."

Naturally, as they share the same strategic objectives.

Vance said...

I wonder if Chuck and the rest would call foul if someone were to call Hillary a fascist. And put an add with her next to Mussolini.

After all, her campaign slogan was "Stronger Together." Which is the literal translation of "Fascist" or "Fasces" from the Italian. And Governor Moonbeam has the train fascination down cold.

But I bet Chuck will be here to say that calling Hillary a Fascist is off bounds and ludicrous and should be punishable under the law if it weren't for that dang Citizens United decision that prevents Democrats from jailing everyone who opposes them. A decision Chuck, Inga, and Cook despise.

Fabi said...

I'm having a hard time deciding which is the most outrageous racial slur posted at Althouse. Was it "Department of Black People" from Grand Wizard Chuck or was it when Garage Mahal used the term "darkies"?

Birkel said...

Tomato, tomahto.
Potato, spud.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

I'm beginning to worry about Inga.

Given the left's constant use of projection, and her tone of late, could she actually be considering getting her name splattered all over the news after she commits some heinous act of domestic terrorism?

She is sounding more and more unhinged.

Inga, maybe you should stop internalizing all politics for a little while and get some balance back.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Vance: "I wonder if Chuck and the rest would call foul if someone were to call Hillary a fascist. And put an add with her next to Mussolini."

Given LLR Chucks long, long history of reflexive, passionate and sometimes vehement and violent defense of democrats, any Ad which compared Hillary to Mussolini would induce a spittle-flecked and angry defensive tirade from our resident "Tru Con".

That is, if he wasnt already fully engaged in demeaning any and all minorities who identify as republicans.

Chuck hates it when minorities do that.

And so do lefties.


Gospace said...

Towards the end of WWII, in Europe, SS troops weren't making it back to prisoner camps. At at least one concentration camp, guards after capture were machine gunned by US troops after capture. Probably happened more than once.

In the Pacific theater towards the end of the war, Marines stopped taking Japanese surrenders. Shoot and kill was practiced even though the higher commands wanted prisoners.

No one was ever prosecuted for violating the rules. Because the SS and the Japanese didn't play by the rules. If you don't play by the rules, eventually, you don't get to benefit from them.

I'm not overly concerned about the thought that there may have been some mistreatment of terrorist prisoners. And I don't think we should be looking for evidence we mistreated them. They don't play by civilized rules; there's no reason they should benefit from them.

Jim at said...

The hypocrisy is rank, foul and indecent. Trump emboldens this behavior, as he indulges in it himself. Be proud of your “President” - Inga

I am.

And take your waving, scolding finger and shove it somewhere, Royal Ass.

Jim at said...

The leftists have no compunctions about branding anyone to the right of them as misogynists, bigots, fascists, and generally hateful people who want to starve children, re-enslave blacks, and on and on and on. So fuck 'em.

Egg. Zactly.

Fuck 'em.

Drago said...

Annie C: "I'm beginning to worry about Inga.

Given the left's constant use of projection, and her tone of late, could she actually be considering getting her name splattered all over the news after she commits some heinous act of domestic terrorism?"

Indeed. Really, how many warning signs do we have to have before identifying another lefty Hodgekinson? There are so many of them out there being egged on by the LLR's and media figures.

tcrosse said...

And take your waving, scolding finger and shove it somewhere

Why, it's Inga the Finga !

Drago said...

Meanwhile, LLR Chuck's pals on the left are actually calling a simply citizenship question on the census "ethnic cleansing".

Talk about trying to stoke up your numerous lefty crazies to commit violence.

James K said...

Hey remember when Trump said Obama wasn’t born in the US?

No, because he never said that. He just said that he didn't know. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't.

Birkel said...

Royal ass Inga projects?
Fen's Law.

All the way down.

Seeing Red said...

re-enslave blacks,

Uncle Joe Biden


Vance said...

Never forget: Inga once said that asking her to condemn violence against Republicans including murdering them was the same thing as torturing her.

I.E. that she would feel the exact same pain if she had to say violence against Republicans was bad as if she was being tortured.

This was specifically in connection with the Hodgkinson attack, so while many of us are being facetious about suggesting she might snap, it may well be a greater danger than we realize.

After all, she herself said that asking her to denounce Hodgkinson and violence was the same as torturing her. She really, really supports violence against Republicans.

langford peel said...

Look nobody wants to enslave blacks. They are too lazy and shiftless. That is what Mexicans are for.

We just want the blacks to shut up and go away. Or learn to act white. Otherwise they should have their own things. Because they are the reason we can't have nice things.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Look nobody wants to enslave blacks. They are too lazy and shiftless. That is what Mexicans are for.

We just want the blacks to shut up and go away. Or learn to act white. Otherwise they should have their own things. Because they are the reason we can't have nice things.”

THIS is what Trumpism has wrought. Congrats, if that’s what you wanted all along.

langford peel said...

Thank you Inga.

Thanks to people like you we are not afraid to bluntly say what we feel.

You have liberated us. Every new speech law and liberal beat down makes dozens more alt-right voters.

President Trump is just the first to realize how the wind is blowing. He has tapped into the direction that this country needs to turn if we are to survive.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...
"Places where unrestricted power, raw emotion and bloodlust are part of the national fabric."

This well describes the U.S.A.

Under Obama.

Obama used NSA surveillance against his political opponents.

Obama put spies in their campaigns.

Obama set the IRS after his political opponents.

Obama set the EPA after his political opponents.

Obama used the bureaucracy to core out middle America and drive manufacturing overseas.

Obama tried to erase our borders to replace the voting citizens of our country with a more pliable and reliable voting block from South America.

Hillary and Bill just sold us out for money. Billions of dollars.

You leftists have a choice. Go quietly or go loudly.

But it is time for you all to go.

Darrell said...

Inga quotes a Moby to make her point.
If you really are what you eat, Inga must eat shit. As a diet must be varied, garbage, bile, loco weed, lies, and hatred must surely be on her menu as well.

As firemen would have to remove her picture window for her to leave her house, her potential as a terrorist is somewhat limited, though. Toothless McPee Pee Mouth would have to fill the void.

langford peel said...

Liberals use the blacks for their votes but they couldn't give two shits about them.

They use Mexicans as their slave labor. They need Juanita to be their nanny so they can to work at NBC so they can be sexually abused by Matt Laurer and Tom Brokaw.

As far as the blacks go they just avoid them by sending their kids to private schools. It is the working class that has to deal with the crime and destructiveness that is endemic in public schools.

Robert Cook said...

"I'm not overly concerned about the thought that there may have been some mistreatment of terrorist prisoners. And I don't think we should be looking for evidence we mistreated them. They don't play by civilized rules; there's no reason they should benefit from them."

How do you know all of the people we captured were terrorists? What is the criteria that makes someone a terrorist? What evidence was presented, what proof shown, that all (or even most) of those we have detained were terrorists? How do you know that some or many or all of those we have tortured were guilty of anything beyond being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or of choosing to defend their homes and towns from foreign invading forces?

It becomes easier to countenance or ignore abuse of others if you choose not to recognize they are humans and if you ignore all the possibilities of them not being what we claim they are. And even if they are, and even if they don't play by "civilized" rules--though, if we blithely ignore these rules, how can one say "we" play by them?--is it really acceptable to allow ourselves to be as low as those we consider the worst of humanity? Isn't the much-boasted-about "greatness" of our country all about our exception to the lawless, brutal behavior of "all those out there?"

It's all just self-serving bullshit. Anyone who commits or supports torture against any person is no better than the worst of them.

Drago said...

Robert Cook: "Anyone who commits or supports torture against any person is no better than the worst of them."


You can't even get Robert Cook to criticize muslims who burn gays alive in cages.

He usually attributes it to some diplomatic faux pas committed by the west 200 years ago or something.

I WISH I could be treated by the left as no better (and no worse) than the worst of terrorist murderers.

But I'm a western conservative, so to the left I am the problem and much much worse.

Still, a fellow can dream.......

Birkel said...

I do not support torture.
I demand Robert Cook quit torturing the English language.

Darrell said...

Cookie still mourns Sacco and Vanzetti. Two Lefty scum that got a visit to Ol' Sparky instead of the "free-as-a-bird" treatment Bill Ayers received, even though they got a old Italian guy with cancer to see he did it. Of course their Lefty buddies threatened his family, too. Because that's what Lefty scum do. Like they did to Upton Sinclair, to write a white-wash of the crime.

exhelodrvr1 said...

So, Robert, you are willing to trade 10,000+ innocent lives rather than subjecting a terrorist to EIT? And don't say that that will never happen, because in the real world, which you only have occasional glimpses into, there are people that have to deal with those potentialities.

Drago said...

exhelodrvr1: "So, Robert, you are willing to trade 10,000+ innocent lives rather than subjecting a terrorist to EIT?"

EIT'ing a terrorist is a crime against humanity.

10,000 or 100,000 or 1,000,000 or 10,000,000 or more innocents murdered by leftist "workers paradise" governments is just a statistic.

Says so right there on the "What Can You Expect From Leftist Policies in Government" Brochure.

It's available in "food waiting" rooms everywhere in the leftist world.....

Drago said...

I wonder what Federal Skin Color Department our EIT program was under?


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