The top-rated comment at WaPo:
Well thanks Moms BUT, don't let up on Trump, SNL. You are an important part of the Resistance to fascism. You are trying to save our democracy. This is one of those times when you DON'T listen to mom!Sigh.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Well thanks Moms BUT, don't let up on Trump, SNL. You are an important part of the Resistance to fascism. You are trying to save our democracy. This is one of those times when you DON'T listen to mom!Sigh.
Tribal ritual or popular entertainment?
They keep using that word fascism; I do not think it means what they think it means.
They keep using that word - fascism - I don't think it means what they think it means.
Rockeye - 👍👍👍
"They keep using that word fascism; I do not think it means what they think it means."
-- You know. The fascists who routinely let the opposition stifle their ability to appoint people to key positions, who let their advisers and allies be dragged before the courts for crimes they may have committed, who reach across the aisle on issues like immigration and healthcare to find common ground while enraging their base.
You know. Fascists. Like that.
The only people who watch SNL are WaPo readers.
And if SNL is the only thing saving our deomocracy, it's already gone.
Drudge linked to an article at Deadline where Jimmy Kimmel sort of backs away from Trump bashing.
Don't Tell Mama.
Mind you: Trump isn't a great leader; he's stubborn. He's often willing to let personal animosity get in the way of making a good pitch, and he routinely lets politics become personal.
But... in almost everything he's done in the political arena, he's been willing to work with Democrats, from the ACA to how he handled immigration and the U.N., he's been willing to gore a lot of the right's oxen, if the left would play ball. The left has refused to. Trump isn't a fascist; he's not sending people out to start street fights with people he disagrees with, or using the cloak of unpopular targets to try and silence--often violently--less offensive political opponents.
He may end up not being that great of a president, but he won't end up being a fascist one.
[Though, I could be proven wrong about Trump being a great leader. If he pulls off any more major coups, like if North Korea really does denuclearize, then well, you can't argue with results."
LOL - a resistance to fascsim.
What fascism is that? The one where leftwingers everywhere won't accept the outcome of a democratically elected official?
To leftwing fascists, who would love to take away your free speech, and jail you and kill you and steal your stuff for the common good, YOU are the real threat.
Resistance to fascism = chemotherapy to patient with pimple, not tumor.
Rockeye said...They keep using that word fascism; I do not think it means what they think it means.
I'm pretty sure it means stuff you don't like; for me fascism is fake strawberry ice cream.
"That's how WaPo sums up last night's cold open:"
I see the grizzly video right below that sentence, which is amusing, and the EuroVision video in the grizzly post - is it my "add-ons" or are The Others getting the same thing?
Crooked Hillary, reduced to drunk-commenting on WaPo. Sad.
They will quit with the Trump jokes as soon as Trump stops his jumbled tweet exaggerations- probably not for the next three years.
grizzly video
The URL in the source html points to the SNL video, but the display shows the grizzly video. Computers are so cool.
They will quit with the Trump jokes as soon as Trump stops his jumbled tweet exaggerations- probably not for the next three years.
...don't let up on Trump, SNL. You are an important part of the Resistance to jumbled tweet exaggerations. You are trying to save our social media...
Fascism exists in the mind. So does Freedom.
"Fascism" to the Left means "Anything we really, really, really don't like that is mean to us"
Blogger Charlie Currie said...
They keep using that word - fascism - I don't think it means what they think it means.
5/13/18, 12:59 PM
Charlie, meaning has nothing to do with this exercise of Trump bashing. It just reminds me of when in High School I wanted to be part of the in-crowd. But, the in-crowd, when I made it, became so passe', especially when another in-crowd became popular. Time will make all these anti-Trump commentators look foolish and then wonder why they wasted so much time on this Trump bashing. Does anyone remember the Reagan bashers - no!
If you think that Trump's tweets mark him as a fascist or an authoritarian, you are f*cking nuts.
And you read the Washington Post because.....?
1) these SNL liberals probably came from liberal families, so mom's are probably liberals.
2) a mom is always worried about their kids career's and having success ( $$$).
3) Kimmel's remarks
4) Trump popularity increasing.
Conclusion: Hey son/daughter , lighten up. You got a good gig and I would hate to see it threatened.
The penumbra of success is expanding from the Master Communicator's long line of successes to cover
his staff and family. And no one can stop it. There may be Abrahamic Covenant blessings engaged now. God puts way too much importance on Jerusalem and His 3,000 year old promise to bless those who bless the Hebrews.
" important part of the Resistance to fascism."
Any student of history can tell you, the comedy clubs in Paris and Rome were brutal on Hitler. They played a key role in driving down his popularity in the polls and among the defense forces in Normandy and at Monte Cassino.
”You are an important part of the Resistance to fascism.”
What’s sad is that these people consider themselves thoughtful.
Blogger Matthew Sablan said...”Trump isn't a fascist; he's not sending people out to start street fights with people he disagrees with, or using the cloak of unpopular targets to try and silence--often violently--less offensive political opponents.”
There are people who are doing exactly that. Now, which side of the political ledger are they on?
R/V: "They will quit with the Trump jokes as soon as Trump stops his jumbled tweet exaggerations- probably not for the next three years."
The Left hhas called every republican for the last 70 years a nazi and fascist because of Trumps tweets over the last several years.
Remember, for R/V and LLR Chuck and the other leftists, history began in 2016.
Remember, folks like R/V literally consider themselves as courageous as the D-Day invaders for their "resistance" to Trump.
To follow on to what Drago said:
Not only has the Left literally called every Republican since Goldwater: Hitler, racist, fascist, stupid, immoral and a threat to peace...and they have.
But I can't wait until 2032 when they start saying how good a man Trump was compared to whoever the current Republican nominee is at that time.
Democracy Dies in Darkness. And the WaPo is going to make damn sure of it if they can.
The key to the working of any free polity is the notion of a loyal opposition. It's perfectly fine to oppose. Resistance is not opposition, instead it is a denial of the rights of the other side, it is a declaration that if you were in power you would not respect opposition.
I can already see the Strange New Respect for Trump. You can see it right now for McCain from the same people who called him a racist Hitler who now find comments about his health beyond the pale but never cared when Obama's campaign made them.
It’s hard but important work we’re doing, resisting fascism. So mom, sorry, but you’re going to have to enlist in the cause and put your heart and soul into it just like we do - oh look here’s a really cute puppy video!
"You are an important part of the Resistance to fascism. You are trying to save our democracy. This is one of those times when you DON'T listen to mom!"
Prog humor is an oxymoron.
It would have been braver if they'd had moms on to ask for more Obama jokes a few years ago.
“You are an important part of the Resistance to fascism. You are trying to save our democracy.“
I’ve never been clear on what, exactly, constitutes fascism, but having the government, which you control, spy on the opposing political party seems to fill the bill. It certainly is a threat to our democracy.
I like the two-party system. It brings me no joy that Democrats have decided not to be that other party.
But here we are...
What are these people going to do if the Republicans hold both houses of Congress this November ?
I'm not so sure that the normal off-year election pattern will hold.
We may be in the early stages of a complete change in political patterns.
You are trying to save our democracy
You are trying to save this democracy we love so much that we call it "fascism" when the other side wins.
Hey how come Chuck hasn't commented at all today.
He must be visiting his mother.
In prison.
I hear she got convicted of Felony Titty Twisting in the First Degree.
sigh to your sigh
Adam Schiff Retweeted Washington Post
Trump Administration holds up merger involving parent company of CNN, whose coverage Trump hates, while Trump’s lawyer secretly takes $600,000 to “advise” on the same merger.
Swamp level today: Overflowing.
Fascism is always descending on the Right, but inevitably keeps landing on the Left...
HT goes OT to repost a tweet from a twit.
Fascism involves making sure EVERYONE is a member of the system and reveres the "great leader." Trying to leave the system or deny the "great leader" is great is apostasy. Trump is definitely trying to overturn the previous system and he's dissing the "great leader." Therefore, to the Left, Trump is a fascist because he's so unfascist (NOT anti-fascist).
The current "anti-fascists" are today's Brownshirt wannabes.
What are these people going to do if the Republicans hold both houses of Congress this November ?
I'm actually expecting a red wave again, not a blue one.
Trump Administration holds up merger involving parent company of CNN, whose coverage Trump hates, while Trump’s lawyer secretly takes $600,000 to “advise” on the same merger.
More accurately rephrased, CNN, known to the idiots as Trump's nemesis secretly pays $600K hoping to influence him favorably.
The Left is always trying to "save democracy" from Republicans.
Trump has an annoying personality that makes it easier and more socially acceptable for them.
GW Bush was a good man (with failures as a supposedly conservative POTUS) but he was treated the same way.
The next Republican POTUS will be villainized even more because they are ratcheting up their game to save us from "fascists" with communism. These totalitarians are no longer socialists, they keep moving leftward.
Yikes here we are talking about moms and we forgot tha Ann is a mom.
Happy Mothers Day Ann.
Off Topic.....Check out the top photo at Drudge! It's biblical!!
I don't know a single one of those people.
The IDF gets to take care of all the Iran surrogates at close range, which is handy.
"You are trying to save our democracy."
Saving democracy by subverting it.
We may be in the early stages of a complete change in political patterns.
Michael Walsh seems to think so.
And yet, the economy is humming, hosts of regulations have been rolled back, the unemployment rate is down, job openings are soaring, taxes have been cut and black joblessness is at an all-time low. Prototypes for the wall along the Mexican border are being tested, raids by ICE are rounding up dangerous illegal aliens and the “travel ban” against several Muslim nations was argued last month before the Supreme Court, where the president’s authority over immigration will be upheld.
In foreign affairs, the two Koreas are talking to each other, with a summit between Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un slated for June in Singapore, the ISIS “caliphate” has been effectively destroyed and just last week Trump yanked the carpets out from under the Iranian mullahs and canceled the nuclear deal negotiated — but never submitted to the Senate for ratification — by the Obama administration.
Oh Oh.
“You are trying to save our democracy.”
Trump won the election. And I say he wins re-election. Why can’t the Libs move on? They lost. America rejected their candidate. Get over it already.
Otto said...
Yikes here we are talking about moms and we forgot tha Ann is a mom.
Happy Mothers Day Ann.
5/13/18, 3:25 PM
Indeed, Otto. HMD Althouse and all you other mothers out there!
I want SNL to go MUCH harder, further Left, and beyond deranged after Trump. Follow the advice of Leftist online commenters. Get your crazy on, you half asses.
Fascist Trump is letting his own justice department run an open-ended investigation of him, which has no underlying criminal element. Just like Mussolini did!
I was kinda expecting Alec Baldwin to swing into the scene via flywire harness.
Blogger Quaestor said...”More accurately rephrased, CNN, known to the idiots as Trump's nemesis secretly pays $600K hoping to influence him favorably.”
Yeah. I’d love to know where HT got his “analysis”.
Or maybe he thought out that gem on his own.
I am available to give CNN valuable advice for $599,000 per year.
”Yikes here we are talking about moms and we forgot tha Ann is a mom.”
What? She’s not my mother.
Though I guess it does take a village.
The way they are treating Cleveland you can call the Celtics fascists. It is an extermination.
I have no idea what a grown, self-respecting person is doing watching basketball when there is a golf tournament on.
Basketball is so last administration.
Golf is now.
The Resistance clowns wouldn't know a fascist if he goose stepped across their lawn.
Birkel is right. Tiger and Speith are playing together.That is near perfection. But seeing Boston beat down Cleveland is more like a blood lust, and golf has no three point putts needed to catch the leader. The Hawks could never do that to LeBron.
Go Celts.
CNN tries to bribe Trump, by paying Trumps lawyer?
Only $600,000?
Thats not even a studio condo anywhere in Trumps property holdings.
Someone over there (CNN's owners) is an idiot.
Fascism is when all the trucks run on time and everyone is fat and happy working for Bezos and buying his news.
Well at least corporate fascism of the Mussolini kind.
I hope Trump or a spokesman asks CNN about this.
Our media is insane. Politico considers itself to be a serious political publication. This is from a Politico article titled "Donald Trump’s Mommy Issues"
Donald Trump is easily the most psychoanalyzed president of modern times. . . . Trump has said he distrusts mental health professionals, so we don’t have access to a formal assessment of his psychology. But colloquially speaking, perhaps the best explanation for the president’s behavior dates back to his earliest interactions with his mother.
Although I’m not a psychologist, I have spent years researching a major field of psychology known as attachment theory for a book.
Ah Lewis..they're revolving the chamber to the "mental fitness" round.
Works every time..wait, what?
I have an old book from the '30s that tried to make a case for a centralized economy. The idea was that there would be this big ole warehouse that from which all the consumer goods would flow, to each according to their needs.
We have that now. It's called Amazon.
For some reason, socialists hate this.
Here's another thought: They misread Trump considerably.
I know: "Tell us something we don't know."
But here's the thing: He's driven to do big things.
Barry, now, when he became president, he was happy because he ticked off the box that says, "Win presidency."
Trump doesn't have that box. He has one that says, "Win presidency and be the greatest president of all time."
That's why he's doing shit. And he'll continue to do so.
Barry just played golf and watched the world burn.
Trump's gonna be bigger than FDR, Lincoln, and Washington. He's gonna try, anyhow.
”I hope Trump or a spokesman asks CNN about this.”
I want to hear from HT. What is being alleged here?
Hey how come Chuck hasn't commented at all today.
He must be visiting his mother.
In prison.
I hear she got convicted of Felony Titty Twisting in the First Degree.
"Well, he was drunk the day his mom got out of prison
And he went to pick her up, in the rain
But before he could get there in his pick-up truck,
She got runned over by a danged ol' train"
“For some reason, socialists hate this.“
They hate it because it’s more like fascism than socialism. There’s a big fat capitalist running the warehouse instead of the state.
"Although I’m not a psychologist, I have spent years researching a major field of psychology known as attachment theory for a book."
Slightly off topic, but I'm still waiting for Mueller to file a Writ of Attachment against Stormy Daniels' massive bosoms.
Michael K: What are these people going to do if the Republicans hold both houses of Congress this November?
Shhh. Don't spoil the surprise. Act scared or depressed. Answer all robo-polls accordingly. The shock on Rachel Maddow's face in 2016 election night was a moment I'll treasure to my dying day.
Mussolini (fascist) was a mere piker compared to Hitler (socialist) and Stalin (socialist) and mass murderer Mao Tse-Tung (socialist).
I'm not keeping score but it seems to me that the declared Socialists, in practice, murdered a shitload more innocent folks than the one Fascist (Mussolini) we had.
Resisting fascism by demanding a bigger and more powerful State. Genius.
Hillary's "deplorable" comment was a factor in 2016. Pelosi's "crumbs" comment will be a factor in 2018.
The more sane elements of the left likely realize this is on track to be a repeat of Reagan if things keep on the way they are now - a president despised by the media and the left who utterly blows them out when he stands for reelection because his opponents spent 4 years in mock and attack mode while the economy was picking up steam. It didn't help that Mondale's campaign called for raising taxes, although the Democrats have seemingly not learned this lesson even with 34 years of hindsight to help them.
As far as resistance, it should be obvious that Trump is no fascist. If that were the case, we'd have had armed shooters aiming at Democratic politicians, media networks threatened with loss of licenses for criticizing Trump, banning of leftist voices on social media, political opposition brought up on trumped up charges, and Trump assuming full control of the bureaucracy. As it stands, none of this is happening, and in some cases it is the complete reverse.
All fascism really means the way it is being used now is an intense dislike and rage at having a Republican in the presidency. It really wouldn't have mattered if some other Republican had won, we'd be going through the same nonsense, only the names and the games would have changed to suit the narrative. The reality is the modern left will never accept a non-lefty being president. They didn't accept W, they don't accept Trump, and they will never accept any other future president not from their ranks.
How long, oh Lord, until these people realize that the Resistance is fascism? Maybe if they lose 8 or 10 Senate seats? Or longer?
It's kind of funny how a lot of Prog campaign ads decry the 'big corporations' and their power. Did it occur to them for a moment that it's big corporations, mostly of the Prog sort, that control our media? And what about the tech industries? Do they consider Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos evil villain-tycoons? The Progs employ same old rhetoric but it doesn't work any more. They just can't come up with anything new or relevant.
Just got through watching - or half watching through all the family togetherness - the PGA TPC. Speith and Tiger made it interesting. But that finish! Tiger puts in the water on 17, and then Speith -after a great birdie - takes an 8 (including 4 putt green) on 18.
The liberal establishment is always at branding, pushing a narrative, and propaganda.
Meanwhile, you can't get conservatives to organize or push a meme for more than 1 day.
So, the wealthy liberal elite who control the Colleges, Wall Street, k street, the MSM, Hollywood and the entertainment industry, Silicon Valley, and lawyers, call themselves:
"The Resistance"
That was a cute sketch.
Happy mother's day, AA!
Fascism is when all the trucks run on time and everyone is fat and happy working for Bezos and buying his news.
Worth a nice hearty repeat.
More accurately rephrased, CNN, known to the idiots as Trump's nemesis secretly pays $600K hoping to influence him favorably.
As reported, they paid Cohen $600K to explain Trump to them so that they could find a way to deal with him? And some other outfit paid Cohen twice that much for the same purpose?
And I think that is genuine. I watch FNS with Chris Wallace, and it is obvious that Trump still completely stumps him as well as many of his guests, some of whom at are supposed to be quite bright - at least by by their fellow progressive Democrats.
Time to pack it in SNL. Your day is done.
Only one of the mothers delivered her lines with comic timing. Mothers are not known for their comic delivery chops. Motherhood drains the humor right out of women and not just during labor either. Nora Ephron observed that children are almost immune to irony and that some of her best lines were wasted on her kids....,,,.i wonder if a dark, disturbing fear is spreading among SNL and other later night comedians that Trump might turn out to be a successful President. I think they will react pretty much the same way the Church prelates reacted to Galileo and that heliocentric thing. The mind cannot accommodate such radical changes in its view of the nature of reality.
The MSNBC had experienced experts on politics and Foreign Policy giving uninterrupted speeches today. They all repeated the Attack Word du jour over and over. The Word is that Trump is OBSESSED with the Mueller investigation, and that is why nothing that he does makes sense.
Ah ha. They have nothing left in the bag except mental illness. The war is won. Like Patton's dream that the Germans had nothing left but horse drawn carts just like the carts Napoleon had to use to bring the remains of the French Grande Armee back from Russia.
And now we are about to see the list of Traitors that shared in the Iranian Pay-Off loot for an approval of the Iran Nuclear surrender deal. It will probably be most of the EU leaders and most of the US Congress leaders. Hang em High!
It is incredibly weird that I got Celtics spoilers from reading Althouse comments.
That's why he's doing shit. And he'll continue to do so.
FDR's schtick too.
I don't have a problem with jokes at Trump's expense. There's plenty to joke about. I have a problem when all the jokes are at his expense. Spread it around a little.
"The jobs growth reports, the North Korea summit and the steady economy are beating out the Stormy Daniels scandal and the Robert Mueller investigation in Middle America, hands down."
That quote is not from Rush Limbaugh, it's from Willie Brown. Let that sink in.
Fabi: "That quote is not from Rush Limbaugh, it's from Willie Brown. Let that sink in"
LLR Chuck hardest hit.
As always.
Michael said: "How long, oh Lord, until these people realize that the Resistance is fascism?"
Leftists are leftists because they are not teachable and for them history begins anew each day.
There is literally no outcome or result that will ever cause any of them to rethink a single thing that they believe.
Michael K: "What are these people going to do if the Republicans hold both houses of Congress this November?"
I personally believe the dems will take the house but only with a 5 seat or so margin, which will come immediately under pressure for 2020, particularly given what the lunatics want to do.
It will be non-stop impeachment hearings, shutting down all requests for information from the FBI/DOJ, passing lunatic bills which will be filed in the trash can in the Senate.
But Trump will benefit enormously from their insanity.
Again, LLR Chuck and his dem allies will come up signficantly short in the Senate, so judges will continue to move along and at least Grassley will continue the fight to learn the truth about the dems spying and abusing the courts to get their way.
Rosenstein will definitely be canned after the election and Trump will no doubt have to declassify some key documents since LLR Chuck ally Adam Schiff will be running interference for Mueller in the House.
All my life I have heard the Left rant about evil multinationals. Yet when they meet them, Facebook, Twitter, they fall in love with them.
With six months to go until the midterms I break it down as such:
Reps pick up seats in both chambers: 10%
Reps pick up seats in one chamber: 25%
Reps lose a few seats but hold both: 40%
Reps lose one chamber: 25%
Reps lose both chambers (Blue Wave): 0%
"Birkel said...
I want SNL to go MUCH harder, further Left, and beyond deranged after Trump. Follow the advice of Leftist online commenters. Get your crazy on,..."
Absolutely! Run, Hillary, Run. Ignore the misogynists who try to stop you. If the Dems are running from you, run faster, run, run, run. What's Trump got besides tax cuts, jobs, destroying ISIS and denuclearizing the Koreas? Run, run, run. Slogan for Lil' Missie Hillary: "If you like you tax cut and your job, screw you."
Drago and his Chuck derangement syndrome. It gets so damn old.
Keep calling Trump a fascist and the GOP might just hang onto the House of Representatives this year.
Yes but trump is marshal kutozov in this scenario,
walter: "Drago and his Chuck derangement syndrome. It gets so damn old."
There's more there than just Chuck, but whatever. Hope you had a great Mothers Day with those you caee for.
I know,it's like waiting for godot:
My best guess for the Senate is 6 seats gained by Republicans, net, for a 57-43 advantage.
Further, I expect Republicans to lose fewer than ten seats, net, in the House.
In other news:
Putting on a plug,
Because there,is real news out there,
About 70 years ago a similAr thing happened so bogotazo it started the civil war:
It was called the journolist:
The top-rated commennt! That just says it all about WaPoo readers.
SGT Ted said...
The Resistance clowns wouldn't know a fascist if he goose stepped across their lawn.
All they have to do is look in the mirror.
narciso said... in my words... that the Axios article about "known knowns" involving Trump was false because Byron York said it was. But York's case centered around a toughening of American policy during the Republican Convention. Trump however has never criticized the Russians for interfering in our election and that is a known known. And the unlikely Trump bromance with Vlad Putin is incredibly unbelievable unless there really was a Pee Party. And that couldn't have happened because Trump says he didn't stay overnight in Moscow despite all those pictures.
"And the unlikely Trump bromance with Vlad Putin is incredibly unbelievable unless there really was a Pee Party."
An assertion as fact followed by a false choice.
Mr. Hands clean says "Trump however has never criticized the Russians for interfering in our election and that is a known known. And the unlikely Trump bromance with Vlad Putin is incredibly unbelievable unless there really was a Pee Party"
To what extent was there demonstrable interference, at least in terms of being pro-Trump?
How has Trump gone easy on Russia to the extent that demonstrates blackmail?
Do you recognize Russian interactions with Clinton inc?
I just read the New York Magazine article about Donald and Sean talks every night. That reminded me of the fact that Sean and Rush and most of the Fox Opinion anchors spend hours at a time daily defending Trump from attacks by the political persecutors. Trumpsters have taken the easy way out using the plagiarized Trump Derangment Syndrome - borrowed from the Bush Derangement Syndrome - a term invented by Charles Krautheimer.
Good answer!
Sorry your preferred candidate lost, gadfly.
Maybe your preference just wasn't popular.
Oh, who watches Fox, "Gadfly"?
I don't.
How many Americans watch Fox in a given day? One or two percent?
Here is gadfly's (strangely unlinked) article du journolism:
@walter said...
Mr. Hands clean says "Trump however has never criticized the Russians for interfering in our election and that is a known known. And the unlikely Trump bromance with Vlad Putin is incredibly unbelievable unless there really was a Pee Party"
To what extent was there demonstrable interference, at least in terms of being pro-Trump?
How has Trump gone easy on Russia to the extent that demonstrates blackmail?
Do you recognize Russian interactions with Clinton in?
I brought up the Pee Party because Trump is so sensitive about it that he lies about not being in in Moscow when it allegedly happened. And he has brought the subject up many times. Who lies about non-events? As for Putin, he doesn't even have a nasty nickname for the Russian dictator. So Donald must approve of Russian interference in our election. Why would that be?
As for Hillary Clinton, why bring her name up? She wasn't mentioned until no other defense presented itself, I guess.
Good grief, gadfly..
That wasn't worth your typing.
By the way, the sure sign of guilt is to implore the director of the FBI to investigate said pee tape.
"As for Putin, he doesn't even have a nasty nickname for the Russian dictator. So Donald must approve of Russian interference in our election. "
Check your logic skills.
gadfly wrote: “Trumpsters have taken the easy way out using the plagiarized Trump Derangment Syndrome - borrowed from the Bush Derangement Syndrome - a term invented by Charles Krautheimer.”
Jesse Jackson approves!
"As for Putin, he doesn't even have a nasty nickname for the Russian dictator. So Donald must approve of Russian interference in our election. "
Remind me of Trump’s pet names for the leaders of Russia, China, GB, FR, DE, Israel, or any other serious nation
"As for Hillary Clinton, why bring her name up? She wasn't mentioned until no other defense presented itself, I guess. "
Because if someone (not you) made a relevant alternative choice..she would have been it.
gadfly was who took the easy way out.."Hands clean, don't blame me!"
buwaya said...
Tribal ritual or popular entertainment?
Instead of sacrificing a virgin they sacrifice their ratings.
The producers and owners of SNL aren’t doing it for the money anymore anyhow. They spend money running these networks to keep the leftists that watch TV on the plantation.
Not a single MILF.
You must subscribe to the Wapo right Althouse? It has the fiercest firewall that I have seen.
I am trying to recall the candidate besides Hillary who could have won, or the rationale for undermining our elected president years before the next election... maybe gadfly can remind me.
Liberals have a unified line on Hillary. They never tried to force America to eat that shit sandwich, and she never happened.
I was only able to make it through half of that video. It was terribly unfunny and also had this weird vibe of "don't hate us for poor comedy and hateful attitude because we love our moms!"
SNL choose to be the mouthpiece of the resistance. They choose poorly.
Blogger Fabi said...
With six months to go until the midterms
The trend is your friend and right now the trend is Trump's friend.
Look the problem isn’t just SNL. All of NBC seems to have decided that it wants to be red and dead (in the sense of ever-dwindling numbers of viewers). I can’t remember when I last watched shows on NBC — the Super Bowl and the Winter Olympics, and that’s it.
Sean and Rush and most of the Fox Opinion anchors spend hours at a time daily defending Trump from attacks by the political persecutors.
Really? Who are "the political persecutors"? Give me an example. I don't watch much FNC but this would be interesting if true. I don't believe it unless you can prove it.
And what, for example, are "Fox Opinion anchors" and can you name one? I've heard of anchors and contributors who give opinions but this hybrid is new to me.
Via Insty:
GRAB THE POPCORN: Iran Threatened To Name Politicians Who Took BRIBES To Pass Nuclear Deal May 12, 2018
And the top-rated comment is that the head of the IAEA resigned after they threatened to do it.
And Insty also had a post that hadn’t been confirmed that said the North Koreans have left the Iranian building and taking their toys/knowledge with them.
Today is a good day for America.
Instapundit has a link today, relevant to the discussion on SNL, "How SNL can rescue itself from being Limousine Liberal entertainment." (Wording approximate from imperfect memory.)
Even the Washington Post agrees with me.
If SNL is an important part of the #resistance, then they are doomed.
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