May 9, 2018

"Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) said Wednesday that he will vote to confirm President Trump's nominee for CIA director, Gina Haspel."

"Why it matters: Several Republicans and outside groups were hoping they could get Manchin, a red-state Democrat, to fold on Haspel because, with his support, Haspel will go to the floor as a bipartisan nominee."

Reports Axios.

Manchin's statement (via CNN): "I have found Gina Haspel to be a person of great character. Over her 33 year career as a CIA operations officer, she has worked in some of the most dangerous corners of our world and I have the utmost respect for the sacrifices she has made for our country. She has earned the trust of her colleagues in the intelligence community and her intellect, steady temperament, vast knowledge of threats we face, and dedication to our country are undeniable. These attributes make her supremely qualified to serve as our next CIA Director."

I thought we were going to have an uproar about torture. How did that wither away into nothingness?


David Begley said...

I would certainly hope so. Every Dem Senator who votes against her and who had voted for John Brennan (a guy who implemented enhanced interrogation) should pay a steep price at the ballot box.

Only three terrorists were waterboarded and they all gave up info that saved American lives.

In the future, we should force terrorists to listen to the speeches of Dem Senators and the "music" of rappers. Cruel.

Achilles said...

Manchin should go down with whatever honor he still holds.

It doesn't matter what he does now. He is finished.

Phil 314 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

So, is she as bad-ass as Valarie Plame?

Phil 314 said...

Elections have consequences

And so do upcoming contested ones.

(If Blankenship had won the Republican primary, would this have happened?)

Chuck said...

She was always a good, solid, credible nominee.

Completely unlike many other Trump nominations. Like Trump's nomination of Dr. Ricky Bobby for the Veteran's Administration. Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People. Or Scaramucci for anything.

I think that there is general relief that Trump didn't nominate Agent Maxwell Smart for head of the CIA.

Achilles said...

The Gina Haspel hearing was absolutely humiliating for the democrats. First you had Feinstein getting crushed by Haspel and sputtering on like a short circuiting robot.

Then Cotton went in for the kill noting they all voted for Brennan.

You have to be completely soulless to support the democrat party at this point.

Bay Area Guy said...

"I thought we were going to have an uproar about torture. How did that wither away into nothingness?"

The entire modus operandi of the Left is to manufacture "uproar" about X, then about Y, then about Z.

Most of the feigned outrage just melts away.....

And, by the way, on the merits, waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Muhammed was a good thing.

J. Farmer said...

Question: if you're worried about the so called "deep state," why put a career CIA officer in the position? An outsider would likely have been a better choice.

Quaestor said...

I thought we were going to have an uproar about torture. How did that wither away into nothingness?

As in everything else the Democratic moral compass points in the direction of Power.

JohnAnnArbor said...

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed objects to her nomination. Yeah, that guy.

And some Huffington Post lefties are so blinkered they want to give him a hearing; see the comments. They hate their fellow Americans, with whom they simply have a few political disagreements, more than people who are truly the enemy.

Drago said...

Achilles: "Then Cotton went in for the kill noting they all voted for Brennan."

You just know that one had to be killing LLR Chuck! I'll bet he darned near chewed his lower lip off listening to Tom Cotten take the dems down a peg!

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

Like Trump's nomination of Dr. Ricky Bobby for the Veteran's Administration.

Chuck smears a General with a lifetime of service to the country in a condescending and idiotic way despite that General being in every way more consequential and beneficial to the well being our our country than he is.


You are such a piece of shit.

Bay Area Guy said...

Trump is making Red State Democrat Senators his bitches.

JohnAnnArbor said...

Chuck said: Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People.

Um, what? Seriously?

Jupiter said...

J. Farmer said...
"Question: if you're worried about the so called "deep state," why put a career CIA officer in the position? An outsider would likely have been a better choice."

I assume you would prefer an Iranian?

Kevin said...

I thought we were going to have an uproar about torture. How did that wither away into nothingness?

1. The press found most of its timeline supporting her involvement in torture was wrong and issued retractions.
2. Haspel said she wouldn't restart the program.
3. Former Director Brennan was higher up in the organization and he was confirmed by these same people easily.
4. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed made it known he'd like to testify against her, and even the Dems knew that would be a mistake.

I suspect with Manchin's endorsement the whole thing now goes quietly away.

Michael K said...

Like Trump's nomination of Dr. Ricky Bobby for the Veteran's Administration.

Why? Are you now supporting the slanders of Pena, the jealous female doctor who slandered him to Tester ?

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Like Trump's nomination of Dr. Ricky Bobby for the Veteran's Administration. Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People."

Althouse should frame that one right there and never, ever, let LLR Chuck forget it.

LLR Chuck literally going full racist AND insulting a combat medical officer AND an african-american BRAIN SURGEON in ways that he would never, ever, even dream of insulting any lefty/democrat anywhere anytime.

For any reason.

We'll just list that one right next to threatening women and attacking the children of politicians he dislikes.

Michael K said...

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed made it known he'd like to testify against her, and even the Dems knew that would be a mistake.

That was hilarious.

Drago said...

JohnAnnArbor: "Chuck said: Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People.

Um, what? Seriously"

Ben Carson is a republican and LLR Chuck goes Full Racist.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People.

Let us not forget the casual racism.

Pulling the mask off you people is the best gift Trump gave us.

Drago said...

Michael K: "That was hilarious"

Indeed. Even LLR Chuck's moronic lefty/dem allies knew they didn't want a repeat of their 1980's era Daniel Ortega performances.

Drago said...

I give it an hour before LLR Chuck truly realizes his mistake and then deletes the offending postings and pretends he never wrote them.

Sebastian said...

"I thought we were going to have an uproar about torture. How did that wither away into nothingness?"

It was nothing to begin with. Just Dem hot air, so actually less than nothing. An easy standard for them.

Bay Area Guy said...

Our first female Director of the CIA! Shattering glass ceilings!

JohnAnnArbor said...

Pulling the mask off you people is the best gift Trump gave us.

"You people"?

Oh, wait, in context, it works. Carry on. ;)

Tank said...

Heard only a few minutes during which Feinstein had her facts wrong, sputtered and had to back off.

Haskel looks like a rough character, in a good way.

Drago said...

Sebastian: "It was nothing to begin with. Just Dem hot air, so actually less than nothing. An easy standard for them."

Uh oh.

Now you've done it.

There is no way LLR Chuck is going to let that insult directed at his beloved dem allies stand.

Get ready for Pretend MI Electoral Expertise incoming!.....

Kevin said...

Shorter Feinstein: Goddamit, my farthest left staffer wrote this question for me and I'm damn well going to read it into the record since I can't otherwise get the endorsement of my own state party! Please do not interrupt me with the facts!

"Feinstein began her questioning by pointing out the memoir of former CIA counsel general John Rizzo. In that memoir, Rizzo claims that deputy CIA director for operations Jose Rodriguez installed an officer from counterterrorism who had previously run the interrogation program as his chief of staff.

“Is that you?” Feinstein asked.

“Senator, I am so pleased that you asked me that question,” Haspel began. “No, and for the record if you have your staff check, Rizzo has issued a correction.”

Feinstein refused to be corrected, shooting back, “my understanding is that you recently confirmed it was you.”

“No,” Haspel repeated. “He issued a correction… The Washington Post last night — Erik Wemple, I believe — wrote a story talking about the failure of certain organizations to correct their facts and that was one of them. And he noted that Mr. Rizzo, about ten days ago, he was wrong, he didn’t fact check, and that has been corrected.”

Haspel sighed as Feinstein still insisted on reading the quote from Rizzo’s book and got more frustrated throughout their exchange."

Drago said...

Tank: "Heard only a few minutes during which Feinstein had her facts wrong, sputtered and had to back off"

It was immediately obvious LLR Chuck's dem allies didn't have their facts or their stories straight and would lose this battle.

n.n said...

Obama's legacy broke the glass ceiling, the glass floor, and glass door. People today are more in tune with bigotry (i.e. sanctimonious hypocrisy). The liberal doctrines of the Pro-Choice Church didn't help.

JohnAnnArbor said...

"Our first female Director of the CIA! Shattering glass ceilings!"

That will only be celebrated if the woman is on the approved side of the aisle. See Margaret Thatcher for a prominent example.

Quaestor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Diane Feinstein demonstrated the very courage we've come to expect of the dems and their allies. Courage not dissimilar to the courage shown by LLR Chuck when he was younger and briefly considered joining the military but didn't 'cuz there was no draft.

Our nation could use alot more of that.

Well, that and Stolen Valor lies about courage, which happily comes pre-approved by LLR Chuck...(if you are a dem)

Quaestor said...

J. Farmer wrote: Question: if you're worried about the so called [sic] "deep state," why put a career CIA officer in the position? An outsider would likely have been a better choice.

Hardly, not to anyone who gave the question a moment's thought.

In espionage, the most effective agent against the enemy is the mole, a well-positioned operative within the enemy's intelligence organization. Think of Gina Haspel as Donald Trump's mole.

Or to put it another way, if the CIA is in need of reform, if it has committed crimes involving domestic politics, then an insider is vital to uncovering the truth. Central Intelligence is too labyrinthine for any outsider to supervise or discipline. Heck, an outsider couldn't find his way to the men's room since the floorplans of Langley are top secret.

Really, Farmer, I'm surprised at the lack of reflection your posts exhibit lately. Are you that compromised by your handlers?

Bay Area Guy said...

Feinstein read the Althouse blog post about Jane Fonda -- and decided to close up shop down there too.

Achilles said...

Drago said...
Achilles: "Then Cotton went in for the kill noting they all voted for Brennan."

You just know that one had to be killing LLR Chuck! I'll bet he darned near chewed his lower lip off listening to Tom Cotten take the dems down a peg!

"Cotton: You would consider that a senior manager position at the C.I.A.

Haspel: I believe it’s the number four position.

Cotton: For John Brennan, who was confirmed to be the C.I.A. Director by the following members of this committee, Senator Warner, Senator Feinstein, Collins, Manchin and Wyden and Rubio."

I think it would be that last name that really got the racist military hater's goat.

Drago said...

Quaestor: "In espionage, the most effective agent against the enemy is the mole, a well-positioned operative within the enemy's intelligence organization. Think of Gina Haspel as Donald Trump's mole."

It's a good thing Haspel is white, otherwise Noted Racist Commenter Chuck would have pitched a fit. He probably would have called it the Central Black Intelligence Agency or something.

He's been known to do that.

Chuck said...

I am the least racist person there is.

I have a great relationship with the blacks.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck, my recommendation is to get busy with some heavy editing of your comments.


Kevin said...

That was hilarious.

You think that's funny? Imagine his description of how he was forcibly rectally rehydrated playing on loop.

Haspel might get 80 votes.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Drago, cut LLR some slack, will you? It increasingly looks like the upcoming blue wave will be more akin to the tinkle produced by imaginary Russian hookers. So it is only natural for Chuck to feel out of sorts.

Drago said...

Later Chuck: "I am the least racist person there is."

Earlier Chuck: "Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People."

Later Chuck: "I have a great relationship with the blacks"


That self-serving and obviously false defense of himself by LLR and Noted Racist Commenter Chuck didn't age well, did it?

Drago said...

There is indeed a perfect correlation between democrat prospects dimming and LLR and Noted Racist Commenter Chuck's mood.

But only a perfect correlation.

Quaestor said...

Chuck wrote: I have a great relationship with the blacks.

Some of his best friends are Negroes.

Drago said...

Quaestor: "Some of his best friends are Negroes."

He has the complete collection of "The Essential Al Jolson"

iowan2 said...

With all the congressional hearings that have been televised, it is painfully obvious that our elected representatives are raging idiots. Ignorant of the subjects they are questioning those asked to testify, and from all appearances, too stupid to learn

Kevin said...

I have a great relationship with the blacks.

Next up, Chuck's friend Devonte comes to the thread to tell everyone Chuck is FOR SURE the least racist person he's ever met. Chuck often invites him over and always has fried chicken available when he does.

Where is the black version of the 4Chan guy when we need him?

Bay Area Guy said...


"It increasingly looks like the upcoming blue wave will be more akin to the tinkle produced by imaginary Russian hookers."

Off-topic, but why has Mueller indicted the Russian trolls, but not the Russian hookers?

David Begley said...

Waterboarding does not meet the legal definition of torture.

HoTouPragmatosKurios said...

Manchin learned yesterday that his opposition in the next election is not a mere cipher, and he cannot afford to be cast as an obstructionist, party-line Dem. His is a vote the administration can count on for the time being.

Drago said...

Kevin: "Next up, Chuck's friend Devonte comes to the thread to tell everyone Chuck is FOR SURE the least racist person he's ever met."

We've seen that happen before. Some "newbie" pops up, for a short period of time, to parrot LLR Chuck's posts and always, very politely, congratulate Chuck for being such a clever little boy and incisive thinker and then this "newbie" invariably begins to "just honestly inquire" how it is everyone could be so mean to someone as reasonable and erudite and responsible as Chuck.


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Where is the black version of the 4Chan guy when we need him?

5/9/18, 4:53 PM

Unfortunately, Crack Emcee is not here to give his opinion.

Fabi said...

"Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People."

Go eat another bag of dicks, Chuck.

David Begley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

David Begley: "Waterboarding does not meet the legal definition of torture."

Those of us who have been waterboarded agree.

BTW, just for perspective, the very first thing a real torturer is going to do is stick a blade in the side of one your eye sockets and ask you a question, if you don't answer your new "call sign" is likely to by "cyclops".

Next up, blow-torches. And you better pray they don't pump you up with stimulants so that you feel everything x1000.

That's torture.

What we have the left and their LLR allies complaining about is the equivalent of the friggin' "comfy chair".

Birkel said...

It matters because Manchin (D - Red State) is going to lose his reelection campaign. He has to separate himself from Chuck Schumer (D - Blue State) who had him on a leash during the SOTU.

Rick said...

I thought we were going to have an uproar about torture. How did that wither away into nothingness?

ProPublica Correction

"Soon after, three former government officials told ProPublica that Haspel was chief of base in Thailand at the time of Zubaydah’s waterboarding.

We also found an online posting by John Kiriakou, a former CIA counter-terrorism officer, who wrote that “It was Haspel who oversaw the staff” at the Thai prison, including two psychologists who “designed the torture techniques and who actually carried out torture on the prisoners.”"

It's interesting so many people were willing to inform a left wing screed sheet about something which turned out to be completely false. It's almost like there's a group of officials willing to provide any evidence which advances their own interests regardless of the facts.

Quaestor said...

Doctrinaire Leftist Proposition: It is impossible that a black person is racist

LLR Chuck's Proposition: I am the least racist person there is.

Corollary: Black people aren't persons.

Drago said...

Birkel: "He has to separate himself from Chuck Schumer (D - Blue State) who had him on a leash during the SOTU."

The republicans should just run that on a loop leading up to the election.

LLR Chuck won't like it one bit, but it would be effective.

DanTheMan said...

On another thread, I was about to call you out for all the grief you give Chuck. You attack him incessantly, to the point where I no longer read your posts, as I feel quite certain it will just be yet another sputtering attack on Chuck.

And then I read his post today, on this thread.

Carry on, my friend.

Drago said...

DanTheMan: "On another thread, I was about to call you out for all the grief you give Chuck. You attack him incessantly, to the point where I no longer read your posts, as I feel quite certain it will just be yet another sputtering attack on Chuck"

I understand and I apologize to those readers who are caught up with my holding LLR Chuck to his own stated principles.

Such as they are.

Darrell said...

Some of his best friends are Negroes.

No. That's "Some of his best friends are THE Negroes.

le Douanier said...

Trump is OJ.

We can all look forward to his future narrative re a hypothetical dude who F-ed the R party.

Carry on.

Achilles said...

David Begley:

"Waterboarding does not meet the legal definition of torture."

This is another topic where the Overton Window is due for an end.

For the military and the country they protect having to torture people is awful. But there is one thing that would be worse for our country and people.


Achilles said...

anti-de Sitter space said...
Trump is OJ.

This is just stupid.

Carry on.

Michael K said...

White space shiloh seems on a roll today

Trump is OJ.

We can all look forward to his future narrative re a hypothetical dude who F-ed the R party.

You have to try harder. See how chuck does it?

Go see if you can be as funny as chuck.

Chuck said...

Holy shit; how easy is it, to troll you Trumpkins*?

"I am the least racist person there is."

"I have a great relationship with the blacks."

*I few days ago, I said I was going to be careful about using the term "Trumpkins." I am using it now; I am weaponizing it, against the dumb fucks on this comments page who are attacking me without even realizing that the words I used -- and which are now drawing fire from TrumpWorld -- are Donald Trump quotes.

You stupid, pathetic, laughable idiots.

le Douanier said...

"Trump is OJ.

This is just stupid."

Listen to OJ talking via the inter[you]tubes machine.

Trump = OJ.

Darrell said...

You stupid, pathetic, laughable idiots.

Chuck is on the Spectrum. He told us that teams of top doctors confirmed it. They didn't tell him that they were talking about the Asshole Spectrum, though. Doctors are like that.

Drago said...


Poor Chuck.

He thinks there was no prior comments of his that "colored" (see what I did there) his lame attempt to get others to bite on innocuous Trump soundbites.

Here Chuck, let me help you out:

LLR Chuck: "Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People."


LLR and Noted Racist Commenter Chuck, the anti-Trump-kin!

Nice try Chuck!

le Douanier said...

In the future, DJT, like OJ, won't be able to resist rubbing it in yur faces that he F-ed y'all.

le Douanier said...

DJT is OJ.

le Douanier said...

Leader of suckers and show man. Both.

Darrell said...

Chuck said...
She was always a good, solid, credible nominee.

Completely unlike many other Trump nominations. Like Trump's nomination of Dr. Ricky Bobby for the Veteran's Administration. Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People. Or Scaramucci for anything.

I think that there is general relief that Trump didn't nominate Agent Maxwell Smart for head of the CIA.

5/9/18, 4:29 PM

Where are Trump's words in that?

Birkel said...

Where is the hyperlink to the Ben Carson comment?

When did Trump say that, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire?

Birkel said...

Damn it, Darrell!

Achilles said...

Chuck said...
Holy shit; how easy is it, to troll you Trumpkins*?

"I am the least racist person there is."

"I have a great relationship with the blacks."

*I few days ago, I said I was going to be careful about using the term "Trumpkins." I am using it now; I am weaponizing it, against the dumb fucks on this comments page who are attacking me without even realizing that the words I used -- and which are now drawing fire from TrumpWorld -- are Donald Trump quotes.

You stupid, pathetic, laughable idiots.

Thank you President Trump, for removing the mask from these awful people who used to call themselves Republicans. The republican voters and America's Citizens have a party that supports us now and vice versa.

There is nothing more pathetic and useless than the cuck wing or the democrat party.

Darrell said...

Democrat U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand endorsed NY AG Eric T. Schneiderman, saying he was the only candidate who represents the values of NY women. Yet, even she had a better day than Chuck.

Achilles said...

Darrell said...

Where are Trump's words in that?

I am really quite surprised he hasn't deleted it yet.

Jim at said...

They hate their fellow Americans, with whom they simply have a few political disagreements, more than people who are truly the enemy.

That's because a good chunk of today's leftists are nothing more than a fifth column.

And they should be treated as such.

tcrosse said...

I am really quite surprised he hasn't deleted it yet.

Too late. The cat is out of the bag.

Fabi said...

Chuck finished eating his other bag of dicks and then tried the old bait and switch. Fuck off, Chuck -- we included your indecent quotes in our replies.

Drago said...

Have you noticed that on days where the dems look especially bad LLR Chuck is very likely to lash out at women, children and minorities.

Because Trump of course.

Yeah, thats the ticket. Trump made him do it!


Drago said...

Can you imagine what Chuck must say in private?


David said...

"I thought we were going to have an uproar about torture. How did that wither away into nothingness?"

Trump has them scared?

Drago said...

Referencing back to earlier posts, Tom Cotten and Cornyn noting the dems gave absolutely ZERO grief to Brennan during his confirmation hearing even though Brennan had been the #4 in the CIA during this program while Haspel wasnt even a manager tells you everything you need to know about LLR Chucks democrat allies.

And the fact that it was Tom Cotton, the Anti-Durbin, no doubt sent Chuck completely around the bend...

David said...

"We also found an online posting by John Kiriakou, a former CIA counter-terrorism officer, who wrote that “It was Haspel who oversaw the staff” at the Thai prison, including two psychologists who “designed the torture techniques and who actually carried out torture on the prisoners.”

There are several informative books on the subject. Suggest you look them up and read the,.

Birkel said...

One wonders how many times the press, which has only its reputation on which to trade, is going to yell Wolf before the townspeople decide never to send aid when the call us raised.

Trump reveals, day by day, the vacuity of the MSM. And their LLR allies, too.

PURPLE ELEPHANTS everywhere, every day.

Birkel said...

Ooh, David comes in to throw some wildly uncoordinated comments?

Do, tell.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

anti-de Sitter space said...

Trump is OJ

We can all look forward to his future narrative re a hypothetical dude who F-ed the R party."

Yep, PB. You just go right on believin' in that big blue wave!

stevew said...

In the coverage I saw it didn't wither away, they grilled her about it.


Birkel said...

I remember all those ADSS comments in 2009 in which he decried the inevitable destruction of the Democrats due to the Obama Administration.

Not to mention the many 'I told you do' follow-ups that followed from 2011-2017.

Living up to ADSS' future predictions is tough.

Jim at said...

We can all look forward to his future narrative re a hypothetical dude who F-ed the R party.

Considering what the Republican Party in Washington DC has done over last 20 years or so?


Birkel said...

Back then is was PB&J.
I appreciate him changing names so we may live down our ignominy.

gspencer said...

Joe, we still don't trust you. Or stated otherwise, we trust you to be and act like a Democrat. So, we want you gone. Vote up on the CIA lady; good for you. But we still want you gone.

Matt Sablan said...

If Democrats wanted something done about torture they should have voted McCain over Obama. The fact Obama made fun of the disability McCain received from actual torture told us all we needed to know about his priorities.

MountainMan said...

Drago said... "I give it an hour before LLR Chuck truly realizes his mistake and then deletes the offending postings and pretends he never wrote them."

I snipped a .png of his comment in case anyone would like to have it for future reference.

I don't usually pay much attention to his comments but the reference to Ben Carson was truly racist. He should be ashamed.

Big Mike said...

Joe’s performance at the State of the Union will be hard to live down. Perhaps he can get the governorship back some day.

le Douanier said...

"Back then is was PB&J."


Back then (not to mention going to April '08) it was not PB&J.

I eventually switched to PB&J because folks here used that as an insult re me.

I've also used a name that included "lyin'", for the same reason. I.e., It's funny to embrace what some of y'all (mistakenly) think is insulting. That "lyin'" one was Meade-blather.

Anywho, y'all are funny.

Darrell said...

I give it an hour before LLR Chuck truly realizes his mistake and then deletes the offending postings

Nah. Chuck waits and visits the archives to delete his unfortunate comments. That's why he always challenges other commenters to provide links to his old comments that make their point.

le Douanier said...

Too bad Malkin isn't around this thread.

We're definitely due for some mocking re "raaaaaaaaaacist" accusations re snowflake-er-ism.

OTOH, presumably this sorta posturing is cool when cons do it.

Birkel said...

Please tell us about your predictions that Obama would oversee 1000 Democrats losing seats to Republicans.


robother said...

I assume Gina is "Maya" in the Zero Dark Thirty movie. (I recall that movie script was based on actual recorded conversations with one or more of they players.)

harrogate said...

Rich White Lady is indifferent to the question of torture itself. She just wants to gloat about how there isn't an "uproar."

A moral guidestar, this blogger.

Darrell said...

Ritmo has been "waterboarded" by Russian and Brazilian hookers. He'll tell you about it if you ask nicely.

Michael K said...

I think they change names to avoid bill collectors and it gets to be a habit.

Crimso said...

"We also found an online posting by John Kiriakou, a former CIA counter-terrorism officer"

Wasn't it Kiriakou who, some years ago, stated that he had been present during waterboarding, that he didn't believe it was the right thing to do, but that it absolutely did provide crucial information? That Kiriakou, or was it another one? IIRC, he was later prosecuted for revealing classified information.

Birkel said...

harrogate wants guilt by disassociation.

Unique concept, fascist.

Darrell said...

I think they change names to avoid bill collectors and it gets to be a habit.

He's saving "Toothless Revolutionary" for when he gets paid by Soros. He's turned himself into a "climate change expert" under than name and he doesn't want his normal insane insults to affect his credibility or his earning potential.

Robert Cook said...

"I thought we were going to have an uproar about torture. How did that wither away into nothingness?"

Because Americans are either ignorant and completely unaware of our shameful recent normalization of torture as official policy, or they know about it and applaud it because they are as much despicable brutes as those in Washington who authorized, implemented, and conduct the torture.

Hagar said...

I thought we were going to have an uproar about torture. How did that wither away into nothingness?

Too many Democrat senators are on record approving of waterboarding.

le Douanier said...

"Because Americans are either ignorant and completely unaware of our shameful recent normalization of torture as official policy, or they know about it and applaud it because they are as much despicable brutes as those in Washington who authorized, implemented, and conduct the torture."

Or, human nature (i.e. that that Megan uses to justify accepting abuse).

I'm gonin' w/ the later.

brylun said...

Dr. Ben Carson is a Michigan Medical School graduate, class of 1977. And he is from Detroit. Perhaps Michigan Chuck has some personal grudge against the fine doctor? It can’t be just racism, can it?

Birkel said...

Robert Cook supports an ideology that would mass murder 10% or more of the population if they gained power. Ask just a guy Bill Ayers.

I might look for moral guidance elsewhere.

FIDO said...

Robert, you deserve a better country than us. Please...join your moral equals in Sweden. I hear Malmo is a very nice, culturally diverse neighborhood which is quite welcoming of critics of America.

Charlie Eklund said...

You can cry to me baby but there's only so much I can take. Ah, it's a little too little, it's a little too late

traditionalguy said...

Torture does not kill the enemies which we are at war with, so it is an act of mercy compared to savages we have had to fight.

But right after we break them, by all means we should say, sorry about that.

cubanbob said...

Unlike R. Cook and a few others here I don't give a crap if terrorist are tortured. Get caught out of uniform on a battlefield you have forfeited all protections.

Big Mike said...

I am the least racist person there is.

I have a great relationship with the blacks

... some of my be-e-est friends are ...

Matt Sablan said...

Can you be the "least" racist? I always viewed racism as binary; you either are, or you aren't.

langford peel said...

If Althouse was truly against torture she would not let Chuck post here.

Big Mike said...

You know, I can’t help but wonder how that idiot Feinstein would react if we captured a terrorist who had knowledge of a plot to set off a large dirty bomb in or near San Francisco. My bet is she’d be screaming for “enhanced interrogation” to be applied. Hell, she and Kamala would be right there with s bucket, a board, and a wet towel.

le Douanier said...

"Can you be the "least" racist? I always viewed racism as binary; you either are, or you aren't."

Try not to fall for such obvious traps.

No wonder my higher level stuff doesn't register.

Kyzer SoSay said...

"Higher level" - assumes facts not in evidence.

harrogate said...

It's a mean-spirited group of commenters who flock here.

But at least the blog thrives!

le Douanier said...

"But at least the blog thrives!"

Gee, our old LaSalle ran great.

Kyzer SoSay said...

Shorter harrogate: "I have nothing of substance to add."

Shorter ADSS: (yet another useless Youtube link that nobody will copy/paste/view)

Chuck said...

LOL. I went back the Althouse post on Dr. Ben Carson's nomination as HUD Secretary.

My comment on that date (December 5, 2016):

Chuck said...
Ben Carson was not a great doctor; he is an okay doctor. With a strange religious background, and some terribly unreliable views on abortion.

My source, for these allegations against Carson, is Donald J. Trump.

I first encountered Dr. Carson in the 1980's, in a Wayne County Circuit Court courtroom; he was testifying for the defense in a pediatrics medical malpractice case. It was a big case; a high-damage brain injury case.

Dr. Carson was brilliant. The jury was totally transfixed by Dr. Carson's testimony. The defense lawyers, who were friends of mine, were laughing and shaking their heads afterwards; Dr. Carson had made their job so easy. He was a star. The jury was out for about 90 minutes (after a 3-week trial) before returning a defense verdict.

Kyzer SoSay said...

And I bet you were thinking to yourself, "What a great man to someday lead the Department of Black People."

How progressive of you.

Fabi said...

Nothing Chuck said at 10:41 mitigates his "Department of Black People" slur.

Humperdink said...

Chuck quoted himself: Chuck said...
"Ben Carson was not a great doctor; he is an okay doctor. With a strange religious background, and some terribly unreliable views on abortion.

I am curious as to what a "terribly unreliable views on abortion" is. Could you elaborate?

exhelodrvr1 said...

"I am the least racist person there is."

As long as they know their place!

exhelodrvr1 said...

This is such a ridiculous argument - they had better be willing to use "EIT" at times. And all those Senators know that.

Robert Cook said...

”Only three terrorists were waterboarded and they all gave up info that saved American lives.”

I just had a chance to read through this thread, and this comment, the first, reveals the pathetic ignorance and credulous belief in the government’s lies that marks Americans at large. I also see a few who reveal their disgusting relish for torture. I wish I could say all of this is shocking...but, it’s not.

Robert Cook said...

“EIT” = the same euphemism for torture used by the Nazis.

Kevin said...

“EIT” = the same euphemism for torture used by the Nazis.

Did you know the Nazis also breathed air and ate three meals a day?

People who act like Nazis are truly despicable!

Robert Cook said...


Your remark is a nonsequitur. It has no meaning.

Robert Cook said...

It is true that people who act like Nazis are despicable.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Your remark is a nonsequitur. It has no meaning.

The failure is yours. You are very like J. Farmer, in pretending not to know, and refusing to learn, anything that vitiates your prefabricated belief system.

Robert Cook said...

Bad Lieutenant,

What is it I "pretend" not to know?

Bad Lieutenant said...

You pretend not to understand Kevin's point.

Rusty said...

"People who act like Nazis are truly despicable!"
So are people that act like communists.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fraud. Didnt he vote for Obamacare?

F said...

Wither away? Ask John McCain.

Robert Cook said...

"You pretend not to understand Kevin's point."

His remark is pure sophistry. All humans eat and breathe air. Not all humans commit torture on others. Though, of those who do, it seems they all use euphemisms to try to disguise what it is they're doing. Defenders of American torture say, "It's not torture! It's only 'enhanced interrogation techniques!" Well, no one denies that the Nazis tortured people, and they also called their torture 'enhanced interrogation."

It is you and Kevin and all the rest who justify or cheer our cowardly, criminal, and despicable torture as "not torture, but EIT!" If any of you have any brains, you know better. It is you and Kevin and all the rest who pretend not to know what we're doing.

n.n said...

It wasn't a sodomy session. It was neither invasive nor abortive. That's one less artifact of Obama's legacy and the following witch/warlock/baby hunts.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Water boarding does not fit the definition of torture Cookie. Whining and smearing others with your infantile posts do not change that fact. We could not require our own soldiers to undergo water boarding if it was “torture” and you know it. Others posting here have been water boarded. Their opinion means more than yours on this subject by virtue of their experience and your history of crazy conspiracy accusations. Surprised you’re not quoting Mother Jones to support your thesis.

Robert Cook said...


Waterboarding is torture under the legal definition, but waterboarding was not the only torture we inflicted.

Robert Cook said...

"We could not require our own soldiers to undergo water boarding if it was 'torture' and you know it."

The reason we do subject some of our military personnel to waterboarding is because it is torture, to try to get them used to it enough to resist breaking under it. The difference in waterboarding in training is that the soldiers go into it knowing what's about to happen, and knowing it is under controlled circumstances, performed (and to be similarly experienced) by their peers and comrades. Persons we subject to waterboarding (and other torture) in the real world do not have this reassuring knowledge to mitigate their terror and suffering.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Robert Cook5/10/18, 8:41 AM
"You pretend not to understand Kevin's point."

His remark is pure sophistry. All humans eat and breathe air. Not all humans commit torture on others.

Every war has probably involved torture. All war involves the inflicting of pain to enforce the will of one party over another. Would you rather be waterboarded, or have your guts strewn over a minefield? Would you rather be shot in the kneecap by an investigator in a cell, or by a corporal in a mountain pass? And to some, being led to betray one's country by verbal persuasion would be as painful as being beaten.

The common thread of everything you've ever posted is to deny human nature.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Ah, now moderation is in effect. 8:06am

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