I think this is the most substantial of Adams's videos about West:
Scott Adams tells you how Kanye showed the way to The Golden Age. With coffee. https://t.co/RCFwKuXjCA— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) April 22, 2018
AND: I missed this Scott Adams blog post from April 30th, in which he responds to all the bad press brought on by his having been retweeted by Kanye West. He's mainly out to correct the assertion that he's “far right” or “alt-right.” I'll just quote what he says about his religion:
I’m not a believer. And I’m left of the atheists on the left. My best guess about reality is that we’re a simulation. The quick argument is that an advanced species can create a computer simulation with characters who believe they are real. It is far more likely we are one of the inevitable simulations than the original species.
I have to watch Scott Adams on youtube, where various people put it up about an hour later. Search Scott Adams, filter Today.
New players lead to incompatibilities with old systems.
I picture Scott Adams and Kanye gettin’ high together and having a good time in one of their mansions. The protection of their mansions might require some operation of “law,” so that it could be problematic when they both agree that they “no longer care about the fucking law.”
"law" is not "order".
Order is whats required for the protection of mansions, not "law".
The difference is clear to one with experience on the edges of both.
#StrongCNNDefender Chuck: "I picture Scott Adams and Kanye gettin’ high together and having a good time in one of their mansions."
I picture you sitting in front of your television tuned to the Maddow Show and furiously taking notes...while glaring at pictures of Barron Trump.
Kinda creepy.
The recent explosion of Kanye West and Candace Owens publicity is going to lead to politically significant changes.
It's pretty clear that LLR Chuck and his democrat operational allies are very very concerned about this Kanye thing cutting into the black vote.
Scott Adams has demonstrated a shrewdness in observering and identifying future trends.
Others, like LLR Chuck, can't even predict what is happening in their own backyards as it is happening.
Naturally, it's important for the left and their LLR allies to attack anyone like Scott Adams who identifies what they are up to.
BTW, did LLR Chuck ever offer up a demand for Jake Tapper to start disclosing at the beginning of every newscast his particular role in pushing a LLR Chuck approved lefty lie that Clapper never leaked to CNN?
President Obama was right that West is a jackass and John Kelly is right that Trump is an idiot.
The twit can’t even spell “role” right.
NIK: "The twit can’t even spell “role” right"
Can he pronounce "corpsman"?
exhelodrvr1: "The recent explosion of Kanye West and Candace Owens publicity is going to lead to politically significant changes."
This is precisely the fear of LLR Chuck, NIK, and the entire left.
the collective left are economic Nazis.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "the collective left are economic Nazis"
Easy now.
No reason to set LLR Chuck off this early in the day.
Drago @ 9:58-
oh burn.
Hey "Now I Know", what is "role" in "Austrian"?.....
The Mind Crime left WILL destroy you. But please, do not call them extortionists, anti-free speech mind crime asshole Nazis.
Anyone saying that the universe is a simulation is acknowledging the existence of God. The guy "running the simulation" is God. "Atheists" have to dress it up as pseudoscience to avoid cognitive dissonance.
They are really engaging in pretty standard metaphysics.
The far radical anti-free speech left find anyone to their *right* as "rightwing".
it has no meaning.
There is only far left.
Kim Kardashian as First Lady?? Yikes!
Let's see how Kanye does with his real estate development. Kanye is more icon than an engineer.
Managing an entourage of sycophants does not a President make. Ask Obama!!
madAsHell: Managing an entourage of sycophants does not a President make. Ask Obama!!"
Obama was "magnificent"....just ask LLR Chuck.
The trouble with the simulation scene is that matter has no inwards.
You could go to quantum simulation but then simulation becomes an analogy.
The universe is like a simulation, namely.
I’m not a believer. And I’m left of the atheists on the left. My best guess about reality is that we’re a simulation. The quick argument is that an advanced species can create a computer simulation with characters who believe they are real. It is far more likely we are one of the inevitable simulations than the original species.
Unsurprisingly, Adams is obviously a fan of Nick Bostrom.
Who else but Scott Adams could publish, with apparent seriousness, a sentence that began, “My best guess about reality...”? Doin’ a bone with Kanye would help, is my best guess.
It is far more likely we are one of the inevitable simulations than the original species.
Distinction without a difference.
What I want to know is whether one day, Althouse will do videos like this.
>>The recent explosion of Kanye West and Candace Owens publicity is going to lead to politically significant changes."
The recent explosion of Kanye West and Candace Owens publicity is going to lead to politically motivated charges.
How long before #MeToo goes after Kanye?
LLR Chuck: "Who else but Scott Adams could publish, with apparent seriousness, a sentence that began, “My best guess about reality...”? Doin’ a bone with Kanye would help, is my best guess."
Hang in there Chuck!
You're bound to be right someday.....(not really)....
And sorry about the declining poll numbers for your dem allies.....(not!)....
"Anyone saying that the universe is a simulation is acknowledging the existence of God. The guy 'running the simulation' is God. 'Atheists' have to dress it up as pseudoscience to avoid cognitive dissonance."
I strongly recommend some 100-level philosophy classes.
The nature of reality has been a serious question for thousands of years Chuck. Not a dumb question at all, even as there is no answer.
It is far more likely we are one of the inevitable simulations than the original species.
The difference depends on what consciousness is. We don't know, we can't know, but everyone has a faith, and some merely a logical divergence (i.e. twilight fringe).
Eddington thought the universe was made of mind-stuff, access to which was systematically denied by shifting meter sticks.
Rather than trying to build a mind out of matter he says it's something else.
buwaya: "The nature of reality has been a serious question for thousands of years Chuck."
But the dems need soldiers, like LLR Chuck, to go after those commenters who seem to be getting to points that undermine lefty political goals.
Kanye and Scott Adams represent threats to the dems and their long term objectives, hence LLR Chuck's immediate attacks.
LLR Chuck always attacks those who represent threats to the dems.
I'm curious as to how many mansions Scott Adams owns.
Scott Adams and Kanye West are giving me a "Batman" vibe as per Adam West.
"an advanced species can create a computer simulation" ... Holy interplanetary yard stick!
The guy 'running the simulation' is God.
Maybe. The myth, the historical account, is that God is an extra-universal entity, and therefore can only be approached through faith (i.e. trust). The physical realm may also be a spontaneous creation, but that belief is not only extra-scientific, but is based on assumptions, assertions that cannot be neither reproduced nor confirmed within the logical space. That said, in an era when evolution of human life from conception is controversial, the irony of people's belief in what lies beyond (based on signals of unverifiable fidelity) the edges of our solar system (the farthest near-frame observation) should not be underestimated.
Computers technically achieved self-awareness with EIGENSMASH for the Commodore-64, which zero'd off-diagonal elements of random real symmetric matrices with lasers, bombs, whistles and bells.
Explanations of mind tend toward gathering data and sending it somewhere else where it is displayed, overlooking that that puts you back at the beginning of the problem again.
God is no better off.
What is most interesting about the video (that LLR Chuck will not view because why would dems and their allies view it when their only intent is to destroy anything that gets in the way of the dems) is how closely Adam's white board exercise and discussion resembles a "Blue Ocean" business strategy discussion.
Very interesting indeed.
No boundaries, no mental prisons locking you into fixed thinking that doesn't allow for something truly revolutionary and "breakthrough-y".
Steve Jobs used to routinely call in his teams and lay out "impossible" objectives...by the old ways of thinking.
Then, when everyone is groaning, Jobs would tell them 2 things:
1) Don't be afraid (literally)
2) Simply identify what would have to happen in order to achieve the "impossible" thing
....then break those things down to the lesser things, and so on.
At some point, you have a plan to attack the "impossible" thing, and then people went out and did it.
Trump being elected was impossible...supposedly.
LLR Chuck and all his heroes told us so.
Then Trump blew that up and destroyed Chuck's world forever, and LLR Chuck is so weak mentally that instead of seeing that result and having that outcome open new vista's in his thinking, he instead crawled back into his mental prison hole and began to attack everything.
Because LLR Chuck is a "little thinker", and incapable of seeing new things.
So he retreats and tries to reestablish the old world in his little mind. A world he thought he understood.
People like Scott Adams flummox LLR Chuck and his lefty allies, so they must be destroyed.
Burn the witches!
Good luck in your continued mental prison "hidey-hole" Chuck. Not to worry, you'll be extremely comfortable with all your lefty allies.
Words don't work in a way that can provide an explanation, because words are developed for natural situations and interests. A box you can't think your way out of.
The best attempts are literary, usually combining use and mention in a single term, which prevents feeling that it needs to be thought back through for its own cause.
Most people live in the scientific logical domain, where diversity is color judgments (e.g. racism, sexism), political congruence or "=" is a favor system granted to profitable classes, social justice adventures are a rationalization to open abortion fields and force CAIR (i.e. anti-nativism), #MeToo is a reimagined witch hunt that denies civil rights and scientific practices, the transgender spectrum is hierarchical and exclusive, and Pro-Choice is a progressive religion that, among other things, reestablished the liberal (i.e. divergent) practice of human sacrificial rites and other purposes (e.g. life deemed unworthy, inconvenient).
" The quick argument is that an advanced species can create a computer simulation with characters who believe they are real. "
So believing in God is dumb, but believing that we are all part of a computer simulation created by "an advanced species" is not? Where is the evidence that such a species exists?
"Long ago, in a galaxy far away..."
"My best guess about reality is that we’re a simulation. The quick argument is that an advanced species can create a computer simulation with characters who believe they are real."
I'd call that the stupid argument because he's saying that it's not a simulation for the "advanced species".
"A smooth exit from eternal inflation?"
"The usual theory of inflation breaks down in eternal inflation. We derive a dual description of eternal inflation in terms of a deformed Euclidean CFT located at the threshold of eternal inflation. The partition function gives the amplitude of different geometries of the threshold surface in the no-boundary state. Its local and global behavior in dual toy models shows that the amplitude is low for surfaces which are not nearly conformal to the round three-sphere and essentially zero for surfaces with negative curvature**. Based on this we conjecture that the exit from eternal inflation does not produce an infinite fractal-like multiverse, but is finite and reasonably smooth." -- S. W. Hawking & Thomas Hertog
**This means you, "anti-de sitter space"!
I can recommend The Pastors' Model Letter Book for thoughtful-sounding things about this or that situation.
I remember firing the choir director for hitting on the young ladies, recommendation to the trustees and the letter itself. A book before its time.
Jesus, what the hell is with this self-starting video shit? I fucking hate that.
"When there was as yet no shrub of the field upon earth, and as yet no grasses of the field had sprouted, because Yahweh had not sent rain upon the earth, and there was no man to till the soil, but a flow welled up from the ground and watered the whole surface of the earth, then Yahweh molded Adam from the earth's dust (adamah), and blew into the nostrils the breath of life, and Adam became a living being."
That's a perfect explanation, no need to think back past it further, why?
What gave Adam life was a literary effect, blew into the nostrils the breath of life, both use and mention at once.
You don't feel anything more is needed. Once there's literary effect, there's necessarily, at the same time, mind.
The quick argument is that an advanced species can create a computer simulation with characters who believe they are real.
Man creates God in his own image, thus Adams posits God as the Universal Cartoonist.
One of the "Blue Ocean" Trump strategy examples (see my 10:33am post) would be moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.
This is something every President promises and talks about but once the guys and gals at Foggy Bottom get hold of that idea they rip it to shreds on the supposed basis of how destabilizing it would be, how counter-productive, how unnecessarily antagonistic, etc.
If you watch the Adam's video (the "golden age" one, (I liked that call out to Elizabethan era in England)) you will see that the Trump decision to just "do it!" in moving the embassy escaped the trap of thinking the "problem is the solution" or the "problem is close to the solution".
And, of course, as we see with the simultaneous and parallel Trump admin efforts with Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt and Jordan this embassy move was coordinated within a larger strategy to engage effectively the growing Iranian problem which was exacerbated by LLR Chuck's "magnificent" obama.
Just an example.
It's easy to miss Scott Adams posts these days because for a good long while, he was posting nothing but links to his Periscope stuff. If you're not into video for the various reasons people aren't into video (Bloggingheads, anyone?), there wasn't any there there anymore. I stopped checking.
Seriously, Althouse. Don't use videos that have autoplay. I just woke up. It rattles my brain.
Ditto Tyrone
So believing in God is dumb, but believing that we are all part of a computer simulation created by "an advanced species" is not? Where is the evidence that such a species exists?
Atheists have their faith. Agnostics have their faith. The most "enlightened" people are prone to conflation of logical domains, because they want to believe, in something that may be plausibly "consistent with", except, of course, when they are selective, opportunistic, or politically congruent.
The belief in God is based on myth or historical account and circumstantial physical evidence. However, the salient aspect of God is as the philosopher of a religious/moral philosophy (i.e. behavioral protocol) that may be internally, externally, and mutually consistent (i.e. the antithesis of the mortal gods' Pro-Choice religion). The belief in the "Big Bang", evolutionary creation, extraterrestrial aliens, other galaxies, etc., is based on assumptions, assertions of signal fidelity, a correlation between source and expression, and sufficient characterization. For example, before characterizing the electromagnetic spectrum, experts understood there was fire, there was light, but they did not understand the underlying media. We know that signals do not pass through space unmolested, and go to great lengths to detect and mitigate signal corruption. Then there is human life, a chaotic (e.g. evolutionary) process, and the philosophical question of discerning origin and expression.
Tyrone Slothrop said...
It rattles my brain.
You can disable autoplay, so it's your fault.
One of the bigger problems with thinking about simulation theory is that it often ends up in a solipsistic cul-de-sac. Reality seems either too convenient or paradoxically too unreal, so one conclusion is that the only plausible explanation is that nothing is real but you. I imagine that a lot of people feel that the era of Trump is testing the bounds of plausibility.
So believing in God is dumb, but believing that we are all part of a computer simulation created by "an advanced species" is not? Where is the evidence that such a species exists?
Don't allow the areas where there is disagreement keep you from appreciating those areas of fundamental importance where there is common ground.
"Is it true that I don't really exist ?"
"Who wants to know ?"
buwaya said...
The nature of reality has been a serious question for thousands of years Chuck. Not a dumb question at all, even as there is no answer.
For all intents and purposes it is the only question.
Rae said...
Anyone saying that the universe is a simulation is acknowledging the existence of God. The guy "running the simulation" is God.
Ok, so the one running the simulation is God. Is it the God of the Jewish bible, New Testament? I would hardly think so.
However looking at the latest 'view' of the universe from cosmological science, the universe is so vast that I can't imagine it a simulation. It's more like a bubble in 4-D space, one of infinite such bubbles. Read up on string theory.
So are diseases of the human body a part of the simulation? Unending pain & suffering are all part of the code?
Blogger exhelodrvr1 said...
The recent explosion of Kanye West and Candace Owens publicity is going to lead to politically significant changes.
It already has, exhel, it already has.
Support for President Trump among young black men has doubled in the past weeks. Support for President Trump among blacks in general has increased sharply. Almost doubled I think.
Auntie Crazy, A/K/A Rep Maxine Waters, isn't helping by 1) Calling attention to Kanye getting off the plantation and 2) The way she called attention. Essentially calling him "uppity" and telling him that he can't speak his mind.
The Demmies has to borrow $2mm last month just to keep the office staff paid. They have NO money at all.
President Trump he might go to Sen Tester in payback for his smear of Adm Jackson. If he does that, picking off individual demmies we will see all kinds of fun.
In my dreams I see Kanye and President Trump campaigning against Rep Waters in SoCal in black districts. Now that would be even more fun to see.
Dreams do come true. Sometimes.
John Henry
John Henry: "The Demmies has to borrow $2mm last month just to keep the office staff paid. They have NO money at all."
The dems will have plenty of money when they need it, for which LLR Chuck is extremely grateful no doubt.
10 democrats coughed up $5M each to power a Diane Feinstein Staffer/FusionGPS effort to create more hoax dossiers.
And Feinstein never disclosed that.
And LLR Chuck never demanded disclosure.
For obvious reasons.
There was a great scene in HBO's Westworld in which Thandie Newton's character, Maeve, an android that has started to act on "her own accord" is shown the literal proof that all of her independent actions were part of a change in her programming made by her creator. And all of this comes well after the point she first learns she is an android and has taken steps to "control" her own programming- that act itself, taking control, was also programmed into her.
You can drive yourself crazy once you go down this rabbit hole, and what does it matter in the end? Is it worth it?
All I see in Adams/Trump/West et al is a gross circle jerk of gross narcissists all trying to scrape off a little of the other guy's fame, lay it out it rails and snuff it up. Ugh.
Snark: "All I see in ....................."
'm curious as to how many mansions Scott Adams owns.
I am Scott Adams, millionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht.
Adams/Kanye/Peterson -- 3 men bucking the Leftwing/GOPe cultural establishment and employing creative thinking in an era of mind-numbed pods.
I like it!
Anyone saying that the universe is a simulation is acknowledging the existence of God. The guy "running the simulation" is God.
Ain't I a stinker?
Shut down autostart on the video.
I'm curious as to how many mansions Scott Adams owns.
In his house are many mansions.
You think about scott adams mansions because your mind is still imprisoned.
Here is scot adams white board through Jordan Peterson maps of meaning:
Concepts: "History does not Repeat" and "Problem is not the Solution" is chaos. The Dragon eating himself, the ouroboros or uroborus. People who don't embrasure the unknown to defeat the dragon and eat it's liver never get anywhere but remain in an endless loop: the fog of the last mile where all is safe and known. The Golden Age is through the Looking Glass: Beyond narcissism
In his house are many mansions.
Simulations of mansions within simulations of mansions. It's mansions all the way down.
Can't spell roles, but he has been to all 57 states.
Blogger exhelodrvr1 said...
The recent explosion of Kanye West and Candace Owens publicity is going to lead to politically significant changes.
5/3/18, 9:54 AM
I agree, very few people our touching on this subject - in depth! Today, a poll came out showing 50% of black men agree with Kanye West. This is explosive! If Democrats lose any small portion of the black vote, they will never be competitive in any future elections. This should scare the Democrats! But no - they are only interested in "the resistance". "Envy" is a very powerful emotion, which will lead to destructive actions (as seen already), and will not end well for Democrats. What poor leadership our society is producing with this garbage PC climate. Marxism goal is to destroy history and try again? Where in the World has this resulted in a successfully outcome?
I’m not a believer. And I’m left of the atheists on the left. My best guess about reality is that we’re a simulation. The quick argument is that an advanced species can create a computer simulation with characters who believe they are real. It is far more likely we are one of the inevitable simulations than the original species.
This is a religion substitute in the same sense that spaghetti sauce is a substitute for marinara.
I am Scott Adams, millionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht.
One wonders if Adams has an incipient tax problem.
It is far more likely we are one of the inevitable simulations than the original species.
Far more likely than what? Assuming that risible speculation has any merit, it is not a far greater likelihood that there is an infinite regression of "computers" running simulations of a universe that contains a computer running a simulation of a universe?
Adams has accepted an extraordinary claim without extraordinary evidence, which suggests to me that he is much more religious than he is wont to admit.
As I have mentioned in another thread, idle minds like to speculate aimlessly about the nature of reality except when confronted by an oncoming cross-town bus.
Speculating minds cannot be idle. When you major talent is the ability to grind your nose, all your passions condense into pulling the other crabs back down into the pot.
The thing that, for me, totally disproves the whole "simulation" theory is the relative dearth of natural disasters and blatant Acts of God. I mean, really. What's the point of running such a simulation if you don't even get to fuck around with the little buggers.
Adam West and the Golden Age of Batman?
You people should probably be thankful that I'm not running this simulation.
In fact, I probably shouldn't be allowed to own an ant farm.
Ugh. What I meant by: "I'm curious as to how many mansions Scott Adams owns." Was in response to this gem:
Chuck said...
I picture Scott Adams and Kanye gettin’ high together and having a good time in one of their mansions
I knew I should have quoted him, but I was in a rush. Sorry.
When it comes to natural disasters, less is definitely not more.
Wonder how that sits with black men in general when a black woman of questionable intelligence (Maxine W) publicly tells a very accomplished black man (Kanye W) to sit down and shut up.
Adams is extremely good at presenting himself and making money off it.
If you look at what he believes, he's actually a libertarian/Leftist kook. But he knows how to present it, and what to emphasize and what to minimize.
In a fit of bravado, he said he could get elected Governor - which means he doesn't REALLY understand how religious, narrow-minded, and left-wing large parts of the electorate are. Even in California. For instance, Kayne may dig him, but he's really the whitest kind of white guy ever.
Howard: "Adam West and the Golden Age of Batman?"
I like to think of myself as the Huggy Bear of Althouseblog.
Blogger Drago said... I like to think of myself as the Huggy Bear of Althouseblog.
Original or Extra Crispy
Adams is extremely good at presenting himself and making money off it.
How is he making money off it? Was selling more books before Trump, had been cut from newspapers and speaking engagements. Vid says he lost 20% income since last week.
Scott Adams reminds me of Michael Avenatti. A couple of self-admiring gasbags at different phases of riding a hunch they've put all their chips on.
OK. So why is the video here effing autoplaying, with loud audio, when I clicked on the home page?
"My best guess about reality is that we’re a simulation. The quick argument is that an advanced species can create a computer simulation with characters who believe they are real."
So basically he believes in a good with no moral authority.
Caldwell Titcomb IV said...
Tyrone Slothrop said...
It rattles my brain.
You can disable autoplay, so it's your fault.
Yeah, well, I don't think so. I've tried several workarounds that purported to protect me from this scourge and none of them work.
Of course, since you maintain it can be done, smartypants, maybe you could share this knowledge.
Adams made most of his money quite a long time ago.
He sold/published/licensed a lot from 1990 on.
There were tremendous numbers of Dilbert mugs and desk calendars all over American cube farms.
Dilbert was a phenomenon, and that made him wealthy.
I don't think he is suffering these days, even as his income has been reduced by the strip getting dumped, etc. His political commentary isn't the sort of thing that can be monetized.
He is one of those rare people who are free to say what they want.
A person of independent means.
An Althouse in fact.
I think that starting right after World War II we entered an age of propaganda and this age is coming to an end. These days, it isn't "make the Commies tell the truth"; these days it's a simple ability by a public "literate" in propaganda to "read" propaganda. Probably it's somehow because of computers - everyone has photoshopped, everyone has made videos featuring themselves appearing to do stunts or whatever, everyone has erased words and altered voices. All the items - photos, letters, demos, marches - of propaganda as it was once known have lost a mystique they had. Trump was elected because people on the right were able to see through a dense cloud of propaganda. Mueller is not believed by them for the same reason.
And so the Scott Adams question is: why can't people on the left see through it - or - when someone like Kanye West does see through it - why was he able to do what most around him cannot do? I watched a Kanye West interview with someone who calls himself Charlemagne. I got the impression that as a rapper Kanye West picks up what is around and as a more sensitive leading-edge rapper, he was simply the first to pick up on impatience with being told how to think. That he noticed that people on the left have been forced into suppressing other people, getting others fired, betraying friends and never being able to say how being an American Stasi makes them feel. So they are going away from propaganda also. Everyone is in that last mile cloudy mile and Kanye is just the first on the left to say it.
What comes after the end of propaganda? When the Mueller report flops, we'll know. Personally, I plan to download it, use it in the bathroom and UPS the Report, with my added "comments" to the Special Counsel. After all that is essentially what he is doing to me, to all of us, as we all know.
He is one of those rare people who are free to say what they want.
A person of independent means.
An Althouse in fact.
Almost a Trump. Could anyone else take on the Deep State and have a chance to survive?
I'm not yet sure Trump can. I would say, as an optimist, that he is now at 50/50.
When the left overthrew Nixon we had Vietnam lost, although that war was iffy after Kennedy let Lodge assassinate Diem.
We had 13% inflation when the 1974 Democrat Congress ran wild.
The Soviet Union could have won the Cold War if Socialism worked.
Carter gave us Iran and the Ayatollah.
I still remember gas lines and the left e=telling us that rankers were hove to offshore to drive up the price.
Lefties like Inga and Ritmo think there are piles of gold somewhere that the rich have stashed away.
Tankers hove to..
No, Beck wrote The Golden Age for Sea Change in 2002. Simply wonderful.
I cannot open Althouse's page without having that damn video blare automatically.
Thanks for disabling it, Althouse!
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