May 28, 2018

"Rudy Giuliani gets booed when Yankees announce it's his birthday at Yankee Stadium."

The Daily News reports.

I can see why the Yankee fans are cranky. What the hell happened to the Yankees in the last couple weeks?

Maybe they weren't booing; they were giu-ing.


RMc said...

Only Yankees fans can complain about having the second-best record in baseball. (Hey, guys, try being a Tigers fan!)

tcrosse said...

A regular feature at Camp Randall football games back in the day was the chance to Boo Oscar Rennebohm.

Fernandinande said...

‘OMG This Is Wrong!’ Retired English Teacher Marks Up a White House Letter and Sends It Back

The retired teacherette did indeed mark it up and send it back, but, although the marks look like multiple corrections, the only thing she actually "corrected" was some capitalization, which turned out to be correct in the first place.

narciso said...

some interesting details re the white rabbit,

steve uhr said...

Brew crew is 15 over .500. Best record in NL.

narciso said...

the trolls will be by:

narciso said...

I wonder how much attention this will get:

mockturtle said...

The Yankees lack good starting pitchers. And they were no match for Verlander today.

glenn said...

Don’t play dumb. They were booing because Rudy went to work for Trump.

Leland said...

They booed Verlander coming off the field. Stay classy Yankee fans, it will help attract more players to the Astros.

Achilles said...

The Daily News has turned into a worthless rage fest.

I doubt it happened like they said.

Howard said...

Politicians tend to get booed at ball games

narciso said...

yes, they pad their circulation numbers as well, but they don't get subpoenaed by Patrick fitzgerald:

to think he helped bring them back from the 'escape from new york' abyss

narciso said...

they are still looking for the pony,

Spiros Pappas said...

The NSA et al. spies on everyone except the main political parties. Maybe Rudy is wrong and deserved to be booed.

narciso said...

the Daily basilisk doesn't disappoint in hot takes, from eminence gris like martin short, snorfle,

narciso said...

yes, the company after goldwater in 64, and they used howard hunt, to do it, so I guess it's a badge of honor,

narciso said...

an interesting historical detail, the son of the nsc brief, was the one who discovered that mark felt had been leaking to woodward and Bernstein, right from the grand jury, yet he didn't call attention to it,

Original Mike said...

”Brew crew is 15 over .500. Best record in NL.”

Thanks for jinxing them.

Howard said...

Thanks narciso, didn't know that interesting tid bit re Felt

Fact: Mark Felt was asked during a grand jury interrogation whether he was Deep Throat.

The final scene of the Mark Felt movie draws on a real episode that Woodward recounted in his book about Felt, The Secret Man. As Woodward tells it, the story was relayed to him by Justice Department official Stanley Pottinger during a lunch meeting in 1976. Pottinger had noted that at one point during a grand jury investigation about illegal break-ins by FBI agents, Felt “volunteered with a smile that he was such a frequent visitor at the White House that some people thought he was Deep Throat.” Woodward continued:

After Pottinger and the other Justice lawyers were finished with their interrogation, Pottinger, as was the custom, asked if any grand jurors, who are ordinary citizens, had questions for the witness. One man raised his hand and asked, ‘Were you?’

‘Was I what?’ Felt inquired.

‘Were you Deep Throat?’

Felt looked so stunned, Pottinger said, he seemed to go white. Listening to this over lunch, I probably went white as well.

‘No,’ Felt initially answered.

The film cuts off before Felt answers the question. In reality, Pottinger then told the stenographer to stop taking notes and told Felt that, because he was under oath, he was required to answer honestly. “I consider the question to be outside the bounds of our official investigation, so if you prefer, I’ll withdraw the question,” Pottinger told Felt, who asked that the question be withdrawn.

David Begley said...

Would they cheer life-long Yankee fan Hillary Rodham Clinton?

Bay Area Guy said...

1. The Yankee fans shoulda booed Verlander, who mowed 'em down all game.

2. There was no "Deep Throat". Woodward had many different anonymous sources - including Mark Felt. "Deep Throat" was a composite concoction to add a little spice to story and distract from major, illegal leaking by Govt Officials.

3. Probably, Woodward's most important source was Alexander Haig, who played the game well, but was generally opposed to Nixon's & Kissinger's detente, opening of China & ending Vietnam War.

rehajm said...

Yankee fans booing means he’s doing things right..

narciso said...

true, also the later Robert Bennett, perhaps cord meyer, mary Pinchot's ex husband and paramour of jfk,

narciso said...

you get the picture:

Robert Cook said...

"Don’t play dumb. They were booing because Rudy went to work for Trump."

No, they were booing because they are New Yorkers and they know Giuliani, a sleazeball asshole extraordinaire. This dick didn't even tell his prior wife he was leaving her, but announced it on the local news. He had been having an affair with another woman for some time and decided to divorce his wife and marry his mistress, (which he did). However, he wanted his wife to move out of the Mayor's mansion so his mistress could openly visit him there.

This is a story about the original announcement. In the story, a Chrystine Lategano is mentioned as a former staff member of Giuliani's who was alleged to have had an affair with him. Oddly, a year or two before Giuliani was elected Mayor, I was taking a jogging class with my then-girlfriend at the NY RoadRunners Club. My girlfiend was chatty to a fault and she got friendly with the woman teaching the class, who, she learned, was active in Republican politics in New Jersey. The jogging class teacher was Chrystine Lategano.

(I had to drop out of the jogging class, as I kept getting shin splints that kept me from being able to run. Chrystine examined my legs and told me my one leg was slightly longer than the other, a "very common thing," as she said. She suggested I could be fitted for orthotics, which would allow me to jog without the shin splints, but my girlfriend suggested we take a speed-walking class instead. We did, and I kept on speed-walking for years after that. Early on, I was speedwalking in Central Park at the same time as a 5k running race was in process. Along the way, I heard a voice behind me cheering me on, "Keep going, Bob!" As the person cheering me on came alongside me and then then passed me, I saw it was Chrystine Lategano, running in the 5k.)

Here's more about Rudy's inelegant way of separating from from his prior wife.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

New Yorkers like their corrupt Hillary

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

private lives of politicians only matter when there is an (R)

Lets take a time machine and run thru Rudy's love life because it's just sooooooo relevant.

Harvey Weinstein is a big democrat donor? why - no mention of it at all anywhere. circa now.

Michael K said...

The wife who starred in "Vagina Monologues" Cookie ?

Cookie is trying out for virtue inspector for NY City.

Robert Cook said...

"The wife who starred in 'Vagina Monologues' Cookie?"

Yes. What difference does that make? She was also a local television newscaster in NYC.

Robert Cook said...

"private lives of politicians only matter when there is an (R)

"Lets take a time machine and run thru Rudy's love life because it's just sooooooo relevant."

It's not that Giuliani had affairs and left his wife...that's everyday life. It's the way he handled it...announcing his separation on television before even telling his wife, and wanting his mistress to visit him in the Mayor's mansion while his children and wife were still there. It shows his real character: he has no class. That's why New Yorkers boo him...we know he's an asshole.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Could easily be Trump supporters booing him, given the dog's breakfast he has made of defending Trump.

Giuliani Admits 'Spygate' Is PR in Anticipation of Impeachment

Breezy said...

Baseball fans always boo. It’s their thing. No worries - life plays on.

Fabi said...

The next six months will be quite painful for you and your fellow travelers, ARM. I'll savor each moment.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

How, exactly, do you imagine this pain playing out in my life?

narciso said...

They ride a giant squirrel don't they, the daily news is a hive of scum and villainy,

So major pottinger was decidedly uncommital, mifsud has more connections than Kevin bacon.

Fabi said...

I enjoy your meltdowns, ARM. The forecast calls for plenty.

Earnest Prole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

More focus is,put on a protest than a gang of rapists in peefidious albion.

Earnest Prole said...

When yelled the name Rudy sounds a lot like the name Bruce, but the media would never claim fans were booing Springsteen.

Ralph L said...

It's Yankees and Confederates all day. And frogs!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

anytime you read something that says "Mueller is a Republican", you know it's biased garbage.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Houston-Yankee game was my first baseball game of the season. Watching a 3-hour baseball game is nearly impossible. Too tedious. However, cleaning the rumpus room, and organizing my book shelves while watching the game in the background is a pleadant way to spend a few hours. Particularly, when the Yanks get creamed. Heh!

narciso said...

Lawrence walsh was a Republican as well, that didn't stop him from sAbotaging Nixon at the Paris peace talks in part.

Bay Area Guy said...

Earl Warren was a Republican!

Openidname said...

"Maybe they were giu-ing."

Are we allowed to say that? Sounds a lot like giu-ing someone down.

Loren W Laurent said...

"...they were giu-ing."

Oxford Text Archive:

The horrible murther of a young boy of three yeres of age, whose sister had her tongue cut out and how it pleased God to reueale the offendors, by giuing speech to the tongueles childe. Which offendors were executed at Hartford the 4. of August. 1606.

Princeton University Library Catalog:

A horrible creuel and bloudy murther committed at Putney in Surrey on the 21. of Aprill last, 1614, being thursday, vpon the body of Edward Hall a miller of the same parish, done by the hands of Iohn Selling, Peeter Pet and Edward Streater, his seruants to the said Hall, each of them giuing him a deadly blow (as he lay sleeping) with a pickax.

narciso said...

The opponent was a proto Moonbat from the 80s

Michael K said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
How, exactly, do you imagine this pain playing out in my life?

Are you planning on leaving it ? If so, my condolences.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Rudy always lets the cat out of the bag. First with the Muslim Ban and now with this “PR” aka propaganda campaign of his and Trumps. Get the Trumpists all riled up about so called “Spy-gate” that is so obviously mentioned and repeated in every interview, lol.

Thanks Rudy, but we knew it already.

Matt Sablan said...

Are they booing me?

traditionalguy said...

Rudy adds too much Dragon Energy to the President's team. They were booing him for being so good at destroying the Clinton Gang.

narciso said...

They have to licking roads to come to that conclusion, to which I say yes.

Ralph L said...

narciso said...
true, also the later Robert Bennett, perhaps cord meyer, mary Pinchot's ex husband and paramour of jfk,

I didn't know JFK swung that way.

Who was the nsc person involved with Felt?

narciso said...

Whoops pronoun trouble, Mary pinchot was jfks lsd popping paramour, now rumor suggests she wasn't exclusively his.

Bob Bennett who was who McMullen wanted to grow up to be, had hill contacts and those with the company.

narciso said...

Meyer was like the real archangel from air wolf he had an eye patch from Guadalcanal, he had run international operations at the time, at the time of Watergate he was London station chief.

narciso said...

In answer to your query, there was no such nsc ,of course there was the Spy ring run on our the joint chiefs office,

narciso said...

The details reasonably presented here:

But this is the Seinfeld spy ring, 'its about nothing'

narciso said...

They had set a tripwire:

So you had a disgruntled opportunist in felt, who had been involved with black bag ops against weatherman, then you had mistake ideologically motivated officials at the top rank of the military.

James K said...

The booing must have been by the under 30 crowd too young to remember how bad NYC was before Rudy became Mayor.

narciso said...

I guess she looked like Samantha from bewitched, but then again JFK wasn't terribly picky

MD Greene said...

Giuliani showed how a NY prosecutor could turn trials into a spectator sport; with Milken, he demonstrated that show trials of media-designated "bad guys" could launch political careers.

Post Giuliani, if we were serious people (I know, hahaha), we would not have taken Spitzer or Schneiderman seriously.

Now, surprise surprise, Harvey Weinstein is being prosecuted in New York and not LA, where he spent most of his career.

As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

Meade said...

”Brew crew is 15 over .500. Best record in NL.”

Thanks for jinxing them.

Thanks for failing to remove the jinx by knocking on wood 3 times 3 and drinking chamomile tea every night in a waning moon, from the full moon until the new moon. Also, would it kill you to rub a few drops of Jinx Banishing Oil on your temples while chanting "bibidy bobidy old brown shoe/Cards and Cubs and Reds go back/ Pirates lose to Crew" while jumping on one foot and thinking about yellow labradoodles lapping hop-rich beer?

Well — would it?

Wilbur said...

Still too early in the season to get a good read or feel of who's what. Brewers are playing very well. The two acquisitions by the Cubs to shore up their rotation have been unsuccessful.

But it's still early. The Cubs and Cardinals are only two behind the Brewers in the loss column, which is what matters.

Jaq said...

Every time I turn on the Marlins, they look pretty good, so I took a peek at the standings.... Yeesh! Well, I still enjoy watching them.

Jaq said...

Yes, Mueller and Comey are Republicans. So Was David Souter, who inexplicably waited until Obama was elected to retire.

“Just years apart in the 1990s, they both gave up their top-tier private law firm jobs to return to the trenches of prosecuting criminals — Mueller as a junior prosecutor in Washington, DC, and Comey in Richmond, Virginia,” Washingtonian reports. “Both men were rising stars mentored and guided by Eric Holder in the 1990s during Holder’s time in the Justice Department under the Clinton administration.”. - Washington Post

Hagar said...

With these people, registering as "Republican" is a strategic career move. Actually they are above such mundane things as partisan politics, and no one inside Washington takes their nnominal party registrations seriously.

Original Mike said...

”Well — would it?”

Why do you think I didn’t?

Oh, yee of little faith.

roesch/voltaire said...

I love New York City for the attitude.

Meade said...

"Why do you think I didn’t?"

Simple -- because when I looked in the box, all I saw was Schrodinger. The diplomat. Carrying on his shoulder his Siamese cat. You were nowhere to be seen and the roof was closing in. Closing in just like the 20th century has closed in. Not that you've had a sex change to a woman who loves to mulch too much. I'm not saying that. Still, I'll let you do the polymath.

And hey(zeus), speaking of dingers-- did Aggie bake that tater the other night or what? Personally, I didn't see it. Watching games as seen on TV is something I just don't do anymore. Too jinxy. You taught me that, Gallileo. From here on out I'm running on radio silence. Keeping my mouth shut. Letting the YOO-ker do all the talking.

mccullough said...

Yankees fans are very lucky. Mike Trout always puts on a show for them.

20 games played at Yankee Stadium. Those fans are lucky.

Enjoy Stanton and Judge. They really eat up the 3-4-5 starters of the shit teams.

Then they whiff against guys who can pitch.

Not that Yankees fans would know the difference. They are the dumbest fans in sport.

Original Mike said...

”Simple -- because when I looked in the box, all I saw was Schrodinger.”

You looked in the box??? Never look in the box.

We’re going to need a new cat.

pacwest said...

ARM said: "Could easily be Trump supporters booing him, given the dog's breakfast he has made of defending Trump."

That would be my thought also. It seems more like stupid rather than 'getting in front of the issue'.

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