May 22, 2018

Obstructing injustice.

A Twitter dialogue between Max Boot and Scott Adams:

The White House is the one that’s doing the stonewalling. As I write today, Trump is imitating a tried and true authoritarian tactic—investigate the investigators—to escape accountability:
What was the alternative?
The alternative is pretty simple: don’t obstruct justice. Let the lawful investigation proceed unimpeded. Uphold the oath of office. Defend the Constituon [sic].
Obstructing justice would be bad. Obstructing INJUSTICE is why voters hired him. It's his job to know the difference, and he's showing his work. I appreciate his transparency on this. Presidents have freedom of speech too.
Ah! Now, I'm seeing that Adams is in the middle of a live Periscope. I'll just put this post up and watch this later when I can start at the beginning. I like this term "obstructing injustice," so let's see where Adams goes with it:

ADDED: I'm going to read Boot's WaPo column, linked in the first tweet, because I really don't understand that investigating the investigators is "a tried and true authoritarian tactic." It seems to me that in an authoritarian governmental system, the leader controls the investigators, so how can they be investigated by any governmental authority that is in a position to impose consequences? You've only got private citizens — notably, journalists — trying to do investigations. The ability to investigate the investigators seems to me to be an attribute of a free and open society.

So, Boot's column begins:
Remember that old adage that a frog will jump out of a boiling pot but won’t notice if the temperature is slowly raised until it’s boiled alive? 
Well, that's not an "adage," but I know the analogy you're talking about. Thanks for letting me know up front that attention to accurate language isn't important to you. It would make more sense to call it a "fable," which is the term used at the Wikipedia article, "Boiling frog." I love Wikipedia. I'm abandoning the project of reading Boot's blather so I can dive into a delightful hot bath of Wikipedia:
The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of threats that arise gradually.

While some 19th-century experiments suggested that the underlying premise is true if the heating is sufficiently gradual, according to contemporary biologists the premise is false: a frog that is gradually heated will jump out. Indeed, thermoregulation by changing location is a fundamentally necessary survival strategy for frogs and other ectotherms.
As part of advancing science, several experiments observing the reaction of frogs to slowly heated water took place in the 19th century. In 1869, while doing experiments searching for the location of the soul, German physiologist Friedrich Goltz demonstrated that a frog that has had its brain removed will remain in slowly heated water, but an intact frog attempted to escape the water when it reached 25 °C.
I see good potential for metaphor, because it is kind of like America has had its brain removed. When did that happen? Pop culture, fake news, too much fixation on screens, drugs — sorry, I can't pursue that brain(ha ha)storm right now. But you see the idea. If we're the frog that doesn't jump out of the boiling water that means we've had our brain removed — the soul-search Friedrich Goltz ghoulishly figured that out for us. What would we do without German physiologists?

Anyway, there's more science detail at that Wikipedia article, and when I get back to Boot, I see he knows his "adage" about frogs is wrong:
It turns out that it just isn’t true. In fact, frogs will hop out when the temperature turns uncomfortable.
Then why start a column with that bullshit?
Which suggests that we may not be as smart as slimy green amphibians. 
Only if we don't jump out of slowly heating water.
President Trump is throwing one democratic norm after another into a big pot and rapidly raising the heat, and we’re too busy watching the royal wedding to notice. 
This metaphor is annoying me. Are the "democratic norms" supposed to be the frogs that won't jump out? They sound like ingredients being added to a soup, but what's bad about soup? Something that could be killed and that has the power to save itself needs to be in the pot. Are we in the pot, and are democratic norms being put in there with us? I think a metaphor should be abandoned if you can't get the moving parts right!

Boot proceeds to enumerate Trump's transgressions on "significant norms." The headings are: "Revealing intelligence sources," "Politically motivated prosecutions," "Mixing private and government business," "Foreign interference in U.S. elections," "Undermining the First Amendment."

Boot's point is that we're not getting upset enough. We should be jumping at these early transgressions, like the nonexistent frog.
Republicans approve of, or pretend not to notice, his flagrant misconduct, while Democrats are inured to it. The sheer number of outrages makes it hard to give each one the attention it deserves. But we must never – ever! – accept the unacceptable. Otherwise our democracy will be boiled alive.
But in real life, the frog does jump out when it gets too hot. The slow heating does not interfere with that capacity. Using the real-life analogy, we're not getting terribly upset yet because we don't think it's too hot yet, and we will be able to jump when we decide that it is. That last sentence forgets the science and screams at us to jump now because otherwise we'll be boiled alive. But that's alarmism. Frogs don't live like that, so why should we?

Boot wrote "we may not be as smart as slimy green amphibians," but maybe we are, and we don't fritter away our life's energy by abandoning one acceptably warm pool on the theory if it turns out to be a fatal boiling pot we will die.

By the way, here's another Wikipedia article about a reaction-to-heat metaphor, "Out of the frying pan into the fire."


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Jaq said...

The Deep State doesn’t need to work in the shadows when folks like Drago make their excuses.

Yeah. Remember how distressed Howard was when he found out that Hillary had taken 145 million from Putin at the same time as she gave him a favorable ruling on both Keystone XL and Uranium One? And how part of that 145 million, 17 million was paid directly to Bill Clinton as “chancellor” of good ole “Clinton Foundation U”?

Remember how Hillary saw to it that spies we had actually nabbed for corruption were quickly sent back to Russia before they could talk about it, using her power as Secretary of State?

I remember how upset Howard was about that!

Face it guys, anything you guys can remotely plausibly accuse Trump of, the Clintons are stone cold guilty of in spades.

Caldwell P. Titcomb IV said...

an intact frog attempted to escape the water when it reached 25 °C.

That's only 77 degrees in Real Temperature, which isn't hot at all, in fact at lower temperatures the frog might be too cold to jump out.

Drago said...

You do know that O.N.J. had to be literally sewn into her outfit in the final scene, don't you?

Jaq said...

Never go full libtard Howard.

D 2 said...

Perhaps turning up the heat of government involvement in peoples lives, was the straw that broke the(voting) frogs back.

Michael K said...

The trials would have to be moved out of DC.

I think this is what Sessions is doing using the Utah USA in these cases. The DC juries would bnever convict a Democrats and he knows that.

Howard said...
Drago in grease denial. Goes for Big Picture obfuscation

Howard is going for the Inga Conspiracy Award. third Class.

Drago said...

I usually spend hours each night fretting that somewhere, sometime, some apartment complex might be lacking sufficient numbers of gold fixtures and interest from potential foreign residents.



I try to limit the late night snacks, of course.

Drago said...

Sometimes I find myself calling random psychiatrists asking for counseling over my inordinate fear that a foreign condominium complex might not actually have precisely the ocean view that the resident was promised.

What if instead of a 180 degree view it's really only 167.345 degrees? That kind of stuff really gets to me.

Drago said...

What if the garbage is only picked up once a week at a luxury condo run by Jared Kushner's property management firm, instead of a preferred twice a week?

Would this not inevitably lead to heightened tension in our Jordanian relationship?

Jaq said...

What keeps me up at night is the gnawing pain of thinking about how sad Hillary is that she lost, and how the Clintons aren’t in charge anymore...

Remember the good old days when Bill charged Putin $500,000 for a speech and a private sit-down with Putin at Putin’s manse? It pains me so to think that they were denied eight more years of beak dipping at the public trough!

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

In pondering whether or not Trump obstructed justice by facilitating an improved multilateral relationship between Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Egypt and therefore improving America's standing in the world which diminishes the political chances of democrats in 2020 (which is clearly now a crime), I have to wonder if the windows in the latest Kushner property being developed are single pane or double pane.

I mean, at those prices, shouldn't they be double-paned and what do the Russians think about that vis a vis Syrian relations?

Jaq said...

Never mind the graft, the above little incident was beneath the dignity of Bill’s former office. Just lake taking the 145 million, and scores of millions from others, was the office of Secretary of State.

That you guys let those two to the top of your party is enough to justifiably condemn you to eight years of blistering tweets and other assorted torment.

Drago said...

If I were Jared Kushner, I would just sell all my businesses and establish a...oh, I don't know, it a Kushner Foundation. The Foundation could be set up to receive massive foreign donations....for charitable works....

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Charitable works......

Jaq said...

Interesting that while all of this was going on, the emails that later were deleted, the scores of millions in “donations,” the favorable decisions she made for Putin and against the interests of the United States, Obama was never able to fill the office of Inspector General at the Department of State.

I bet he slapped himself in the forehead when he realized it! Of course, and IG might have kept Hillary on the straight and narrow and she might have followed the laws and regulations, and she would be POTUS now, and we conservatives would have to just lump it. Too clever by half, that Obama!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mueller is god

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mueller lordeth over all.

Q said...

There is nothing remotely "lawful" about the Mueller "investigation". Every last part of it, from its inception to the way it conducts itself, is unlawful and unconstitutional.

For just a small sampling of the problems with Mueller and Rosensteins Excellent Adventure, start here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The worst mistake Obama made was letting the Clintons back in.


Michael K said...

That you guys let those two to the top of your party is enough to justifiably condemn you

I think there is some beak dipping by some GOPe denizens of the San Souci and that is why Trump has had such trouble getting "Slow Motion Mitch" to get going.

The Deep State is bipartisan and that is why there was such consternation at the election. Dave Sprat beating Eric Cohen should have been a warning. Also Ron Johnson, who is doing good work on Homeland Security.

bagoh20 said...

Breaking news: Ambulance chaser run over by ambulance.

JAORE said...

I imagine all manner of demonic creatures to be flying out of that hole as we speak.

All wearing pant suits and swilling Chardonnay.

tcrosse said...

The worst mistake Obama made was letting the Clintons back in.

If he hadn't, she'd have done in 2009 what she's doing now. Better from his point of view to have her inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in.

Jaq said...

I agree Michael, the reason Sarah Palin was so popular with the people of Alaska, and unpopular with the political establishment, was that she got that pipeline built over the objections of the beak dippers in the Republican Party who were holding it up ’til their palms were greased.

They hated a politician that couldn’t be bought so they destroyed her. They are trying to do the same thing to Trump. I threw up in my mouth a little when I voted for him, but I think he might be the best president of my lifetime. Well, you have to give Reagan credit for winning the Cold War, and that was “yuuge’, which is the main reason the left hates him so vehemently. Trump still might lose, but he is making the fight, and if he does lose, we will know that our republic is lost, just as Ben Franklin feared it would be.

Chuck said...

So we are discussing Scott "I no longer care about the fucking law" Adams?

Howard said...

Now your talking Drago. Kushner just following in Clinton footsteps. They are buds with Chelsea after all. If you can't beat em, join em

Howard said...

realpolitik not for snowflakes. Trump: "I am Become Deep State"

Gahrie said...

I'm paying $3.50 a gallon in SoCal, and that is sure to go up this weekend and again all summer.

Unknown said...

In the military we call this a "good order and discipline" issue.

Essentially, the system only works when it is obvious that everyone is playing under the same rules. If you read the Punitive Articles of the UCMJ there is a caveat, call it prosecutorial discretion, that is called "Commander's discretion."

The way it works, say a young Soldier is drunk on duty but no one saw him, smelled him, nothing bad really happened and no one really knows about it. The Commander could give the Soldier a light punishment and it is no big deal. That happens.

But if the Commander hammers the kid and everyone knows it, he has to hammer everyone.

Say a supervisor, an NCO, gets caught drunk on duty and his subordinates know about it and the Commander doesn't hammer the NCO...we have a good order and discipline issue.

Typically the way it works, if your behavior creates a good order and discipline issue, it is a punishment multiplier as a signal to the organization that everything is square and that the rules matter.

That needs to happen here. These leaders of the FBI, CIA, NSA need to be hammered to restore the country's confidence.

Gahrie said...

Face it guys, anything you guys can remotely plausibly accuse Trump of, the Clintons are stone cold guilty of in spades.

But that is why the Left is so insistent that the great white whale is out there..something that can lead to Trump's impeachment.

They know how corrupt their leaders are and simply assume that ours are just as corrupt.

JackWayne said...

Some of us have worked a lifetime in the “oll bidnis” and some have not. Those who have not do not understand why the price of WTI goes up and down. But they’re willing to blame whoever they think is responsible. Or absolve anyone that they think is being jobbed by the oil companies. Typical.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tcrosse - I'd prefer she simply drop dead.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL Bagoh - schadenfreude .

tcrosse said...

I'd prefer she simply drop dead

Let her marinate in her Chardonnay and Resentment. Let her run again in 2020. Rinse, Repeat.

Dave in Tucson said...

> Which suggests that we may not be as smart as slimy green amphibians.

Reminds me of the punchline of that old Lone Ranger joke, "what you mean 'we', Kemosabe?"

Achilles said...

Chuck said...
So we are discussing Scott "I no longer care about the fucking law" Adams?

And how worthless Max Boot and the DC republicans are. Kristol, Will, Rueben etc.





Democrats without the respect of principles.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Lifelong Incel Chuck emerges from yet another passionate session with Palmula Handerson to drop his bon mots upon us.

Another bad day for pretend Republicans. Almost as bad as the day Avennati is having, as his $10 million dollar tax default is very real, unlike Chuck's claims of having a juris doctor.

Achilles said...

Howard said...
Now your talking Drago. Kushner just following in Clinton footsteps. They are buds with Chelsea after all. If you can't beat em, join em

Kushner is just like the Clintons.

Exactly like them.


No differences at all...

What are you even talking about? Do you think that is even a half assed argument? Kushner is selling condo's somewhere? What does that have to do with taking down Iran?

Did he get a deal on rebar? Maybe some cheaper deals on glass windows?

The leftists really are just out of gas.

Howard said...

Blogger tcrosse said... marinate in her Chardonnay and Resentment.

Tastes like chicken

Howard said...

Kushner is wannabe. Clintons are immune from prison

In the summer of 2004, Kushner was fined $508,900 by the Federal Election Commission for contributing to Democratic political campaigns in the names of his partnerships when he lacked authorization to do so.[11] In 2005, following an investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey,[12] U.S. Attorney Chris Christie negotiated a plea agreement with Kushner, under which he pleaded guilty to 18 counts of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering.[13] The witness-tampering charge arose from Kushner's act of retaliation against William Schulder, his sister Esther's husband, who was cooperating with federal investigators; Kushner hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, arranged to record an encounter between the two, and had the tape sent to his sister.[14][15][16][13] Kushner was sentenced to two years in prison,[14] and served 14 months at Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery in Alabama[17][18] before being sent to a halfway house in Newark, New Jersey, to complete his sentence.[17][18][19] He was released from prison on August 25, 2006.[20]

As a result of his convictions, Kushner was disbarred, prohibited from practicing law in New Jersey,[21] New York,[22] and Pennsylvania.[23]

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael Avenatti and Donald Trump have two things in common, Stormy Daniels and bankruptcy.

They are, of course, both publicity whores as well, but who's counting?

Bay Area Guy said...


Your cut and paste job on "Kushner" refers to Charles Kushner (the father), not Jared Kushner (the son).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Celebrate - The Clintons are above the law!

Rape, pillage, squander, money-grub, Private Server for personal income, deleted e-mails, lies on top of lies, book tour of lies. Celebrate.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
Kushner is wannabe. Clintons are immune from prison

Howard go away and spend an hour in the corner for that ridiculous job of lying about the Kushner who is associated with Trump.

Everybody who can read knows about the father.

Try to up your game.

Mike Sylwester said...

Howard at 3:35 PM
In the summer of 2004, Kushner was fined $508,900 by the Federal Election Commission for contributing to Democratic political campaigns ...

All of that is about Charles Kushner, the father of Jared Kushner.

Michael K said...

I'm not sure Howard can read.

All he knows is what's on MSNBC,

Matt Sablan said...

If it was authoritarian to impede the investigations -- where was Boot when Obama fired an IG, called him senile and quashed his investigation?

narciso said...

So the fact that John ashcroft fmr atty general, Nick muxin for Cruz aide is being pAid big cheddar to represent qatar as has Wilmer Pickering in the past. Squirrel.

Matt Sablan said...

"All we have seen so far is the Republicans in the FBI drag out the email investigation so that it would have maximal effect on the election."

-- That... is not what happened at all. Stzork -- not a Republican -- and McCabe -- not a Republican -- were among those who delayed the investigation into Clinton. Not only that, SO DID CLINTON by refusing to speak with the FBI for as long as she did and giving them the run around by destroying evidence, withholding evidence, and lying about evidence. Remember why the investigation reopened: Because McCabe failed to hide the fact that Weiner had classified Clinton emails among his child porn.

Matt Sablan said...

(Well, succeeding in hiding it for a month before being unable to hide it any longer.)

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Matthew Sablan said...
among those

Weasel words.

narciso said...

Well rosenstein is ostensibly a Republican, but he's been looking out for the Clinton's for 20 years now. Same has comey as has Mueller

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Horowitz's report is expected to criticize the FBI for not helping Hillary enough in the lead up the election.

"The IG report, which is examining a broad range of FBI actions during the email investigation, is expected to criticize officials, including Comey, for not moving fast enough to examine the email trove and for a weekslong delay in getting a warrant, sources told the AP.

Clinton supporters say the candidate's name could have been cleared much faster if the FBI acted on the emails as soon as they knew about them."

Howard said...

the turd doesn't fall far from the asshole. that's medical facts, ask Mike K.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Broidy and Trump have Cohen in common and payoffs to Playboy bunnies, plus corruption and playing footsie with the Saudis.

“Monday, the Associated Press reported on the months-long 2017 lobbying effort carried out by Elliot Broidy and George Nader that brought the pair close to securing nearly $1 billion in contracts with the Saudis and the Emiratis in exchange for lobbying against their enemy, Qatar. Also during the pair’s lobbying blitz in the fall of 2017, Broidy’s company received its largest payouts to date from the federal government on contracts it had been seeking to secure for years, The Daily Beast has learned.”

That conservatives expect the rest of us to just yawn at this just goes to show his far they’ve fallen and how much they’ll close their eyes to. Drain the Swamp! That sinkhole to hell is getting bigger.

narciso said...

Yes and they already agreed qatar which gives sanctuary to hamas and the Taliban which supports Just a front and antar al sharia in Libya and Tunisia which host extreme salafis banned by the kingdom is the enemy, try again.

Original Mike said...

”Clinton supporters say the candidate's name could have been cleared much faster...”

Cleared of setting up a private server to hide her correspondance?
Cleared of keeping classified emails on that server?
Cleared of deletion of 30,000 of her emails?
Cleared of destroying said emails while they were under subpoena?

She can’t be “cleared” of these things. She did them.

Drago said...

Looks like the dems finally caught on that their support for MS-13 and Hamas wasnt really that smart after all!

Maybe old dogs can learn new tricks...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“In an effort to illuminate what happened, the White House said it was arranging a meeting in which congressional leaders would hear from top intelligence and law enforcement officials and be able to review “highly classified” materials.

But “congressional leaders” does not include Democrats, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

The members of Congress expected to attend are Rep Trey Gowdy, a South Carolina Republican who leads the House Oversight Committee, and Rep Devin Nunes, a California Republican and key Trump ally who has delved into allegations of FBI misconduct from his perch leading the House Intelligence Committee.”

Why are Democrats not invited to this? This stinks to high heaven. I sure hope House Democrats raise holy hell.

Drago said...

"Clinton supporters say the candidate's name could have been cleared much faster if the FBI acted on the emails as soon as they knew about them."

The FBI didnt even look at the emails!

Just like how the FBI has never examined the DNC server that supposedly was hacked by Russians (wink wink).

And I see LLR Chucks handlers have determined sufficient time has passed that other commenters might not remember how our #StrongDemDefender completely dropped the mask in previous weeks!



Drago said...

Inga: "Why are Democrats not invited to this? This stinks to high heaven. I sure hope House Democrats raise holy hell."


The dems have made it clear they dont want this information shared and have never agreed or participated in any formal request.

However, the dems could officially ask to be included and they would be added immediately.

Sooooooo, why havent they?


Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

The UAE pumps millions of dollars into Gaza, which helps Hamas. Try again.

Seeing Red said...

Speaking of which, Drudge says:



They’re rich and DB doesnt want those nasty smelly cars in NYC anyway!

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Why didn't Comey ask Trump to HELP investigate the Russians?

This is the question that needs to be asked.

Also, why was Trump assumed to be helping the Russians rather than assumed to have been their victim?

Seeing Red said...

Via Rantburg from Zero Hedge:

Less than a week after Stefan Halper was outed as the FBI informant who infiltrated the Trump campaign, public records reveal that the 73-year-old Oxford University professor and former U.S. government official was paid handsomely by the Obama administration starting in 2012 for various research projects.

A longtime CIA and FBI asset who once reportedly ran a spy-operation on the Jimmy Carter administration, Halper was enlisted by the FBI to spy on several Trump campaign aides during the 2016 U.S. election. Meanwhile, a search of public records reveals that between 2012 and 2018, Halper received a total of $1,058,161 from the Department of Defense.

Seeing Red said...

Bwaaaa Inga. Why should they be?

rehajm said...

Four house seats up for re-election moved from toss up to either leaning or solid Republican today.

Michael K said...

"if the FBI acted on the emails as soon as they knew about them."


You know why ?

Crowdstrike was the "Contractor" doing NSA unmasking. They were part of the DNC crime.

buwaya said...

Qatar paid big money ($500 million) to, among others, Al Gore for lobbying and PR to suppress US petroleum and gas production. The Al Jazeera-Current TV purchase was one of the more creative money-laundering deals in history. It went on to running that operation (absurdly, on a shoestring, given what it paid for it) to complete the cover story.

That was significant money.

buwaya said...

Given the kind of dough people like the Al Thani's of Qatar were throwing around in US politics, its absurd to assume that corruption isn't ubiquitous.

Wince said...

What would we do without German physiologists?

In the movie Dinner with Schmucks, there is a "Dead Pet Empath" who can communicate with dead animals, including the Boiled Lobster on the evening's menu.

"The water: IT BOILS !!!"

Rick said...

[“In an effort to illuminate what happened, the White House said it was arranging a meeting in which congressional leaders would hear from top intelligence and law enforcement officials and be able to review “highly classified” materials.

But “congressional leaders” does not include Democrats, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.]

Why are Democrats not invited to this? This stinks to high heaven.

The meeting was limited to people interested in reality. No such Democrats could be found, they were busy claiming 100 grand of idiotic facebook memes corrupted our election.

Curious George said...

"Chuck said...
So we are discussing Scott "I no longer care about the fucking law" Adams?"

First your post in the Tibet thread, and now this pathetic comment. So sad. So very sad.

Original Mike said...

”But “congressional leaders” does not include Democrats, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.]
Why are Democrats not invited to this? This stinks to high heaven.”

The meeting is to pry documents out of the DOJ. The democrats do not want to see the documents.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“2010 — Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump visit Qatar in an attempt to interest the state investment authority in a portfolio of “distressed real estate” he is assembling. But the meeting is unsuccesful and Trump feels insulted.

2011 — Jared Kushner visits Qatar in effort to secure funding for the 666 Fifth Avenue project, but is unsuccessful.

2013 — Donald Trump and a Dubai developer firm enter into a development deal to build a resort in the UAE.

2015 — Jared Kushner and his father Charles negotiate for financing from the Qatar sovereign wealth fund, and secure a deal that is contingent on getting most of the money for redevelopment of the property from some other source.

Aug 03, 2016 — Donald Trump Jr. hosts a meeting with Blackwater CEO Erik Prince, Republican strategist George Nader, and Israeli social media specialist Joel Zamel. Trump Jr. is reportedly enthusiastic about a plan to use former intelligence officers to provide “an edge” to the Trump campaign’s social media team. Nader informs Trump Jr. that princes from Saudi Arabia and UAE want to help the Trump campaign. Nader goes on to conduct multiple meetings with the Trump campaign, including meetings with Michael Flynn and Steve Bannon. While the New York Times report was the first to reveal the Trump Tower meeting hosted by Donald Trump Jr., earlier reports had already indicated that Mueller was interested in Zamel’s actions and in Nader’s connections to the campaign.

Jan 13 2017 — Erik Prince visits Seychelles to meet with Russian oligarch Kirill Dmitriev and officials from UAE in meeting arranged by Nader.

Feb 18, 2017 — Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump are both in the UAE for the opening of Trump International Golf Club Dubai. The course was the first Trump property project launched since their father’s inauguration.”

Original Mike said...

I has hopes for this “meeting” when it was reported that John Kelly was to attend, but now it’s reported he will not. How is this different from the other meetings during which the DOJ stonewalled Congress?

Seeing Red said...

And they leak.

The obstruction is coming from the FBI and the CIA.

They’ve been very naughty.

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
Why are Democrats not invited to this? This stinks to high heaven. I sure hope House Democrats raise holy hell."

They are raising hell. But not that they weren't invited. Oh, no. Because it is happening at all.

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
“2010 — Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump visit Qatar in an attempt to interest the state investment authority in a portfolio of “distressed real estate” he is assembling. But the meeting is unsuccesful and Trump feels insulted.

2011 — Jared Kushner visits Qatar in effort to secure funding for the 666 Fifth Avenue project, but is unsuccessful.

2013 — Donald Trump and a Dubai developer firm enter into a development deal to build a resort in the UAE.

2015 — Jared Kushner and his father Charles negotiate for financing from the Qatar sovereign wealth fund, and secure a deal that is contingent on getting most of the money for redevelopment of the property from some other source.

Aug 03, 2016 — Donald Trump Jr. hosts a meeting with Blackwater CEO Erik Prince, Republican strategist George Nader, and Israeli social media specialist Joel Zamel. Trump Jr. is reportedly enthusiastic about a plan to use former intelligence officers to provide “an edge” to the Trump campaign’s social media team. Nader informs Trump Jr. that princes from Saudi Arabia and UAE want to help the Trump campaign. Nader goes on to conduct multiple meetings with the Trump campaign, including meetings with Michael Flynn and Steve Bannon. While the New York Times report was the first to reveal the Trump Tower meeting hosted by Donald Trump Jr., earlier reports had already indicated that Mueller was interested in Zamel’s actions and in Nader’s connections to the campaign.

Jan 13 2017 — Erik Prince visits Seychelles to meet with Russian oligarch Kirill Dmitriev and officials from UAE in meeting arranged by Nader.

Feb 18, 2017 — Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump are both in the UAE for the opening of Trump International Golf Club Dubai. The course was the first Trump property project launched since their father’s inauguration.”


Original Mike said...

“This is it! We have the smoking gun that will crack the Trump presidency, and it is completely different from the 1,326 purported smoking guns that we thought we had before!”

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Mar 29, 2017 — Chinese company Anbang Insurance Group drops out of talks to redevelop 666 Fifth Avenue. Anbang was to provide the principal financing behind a scheme that would knock down the existing 43-story office tower and replace it with a new $4 billion development. Part of those funds were to come from the Qatar sovereign wealth fund, but the loan from Qatar was contingent on the other financing.

Apr 24, 2017 — Jared Kushner’s father meets with the head of the Qatar sovereign wealth fund over two days in an attempt to find funding for the deeply underwater 666 Fifth Avenue office building, whose $1.2 billion mortgage comes due in February 2019. Earlier negotiations with Qatar had secured a promise of a $500 million loan, assuming that Kushner can come up with the remainder of the funds. However, Chinese investors pulled out before the election, and Jared Kushner has been unable to find another source. Without that other source in place, the Qataris back out of the deal. Kushner does not mention the meeting until it appears in the press three months later, at which point he claims that the meeting was just a “courtesy” and that it “would be inappropriate” to seek funds from a foreign government. Instead Kushner explains that the company wanted to avoid “even the appearance of impropriety.”

May 20, 2017 — Donald Trump and Jared Kushner arrive in Saudi Arabia on Trump’s first foreign trip. It was the first time that any U.S. president made Saudi Arabia his first trip outside the country, bypassing more traditional trips to Canada or the UK. On the visit, Donald Trump announced an arms deal for Saudi Arabia worth more than $100 billion, the largest arms deal in history. While there, Trump and Kushner met with both Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

May 22, 2017 — Trump signs $100 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, the largest in history.

Jun 5, 2017 — Saudi Arabia abruptly cuts access to Qatar’s only land border. Ships from Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Bahrain enforce a blockade as ports across the region are closed to Qatar-based ships. The blockading forces deliver a list of demands to the leaders of Qatar. That list includes:

Stopping support for any group that Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, or the United States designates as a terrorist organization.
Closing an air base belonging to NATO member state Turkey, and ceasing any military collaboration with the Turkish government.
Paying reparations to Saudi Arabia and the UAE for any loss of life “caused by Qatar's policies”
Shuting down Al Jazeera and other Qatar-funded news outlets, and stop “interferring in the affairs of other sovereign countries.
Following Saudi Arabia’s lead on international policy.”

Original Mike said...

“This is it! We have the smoking gun that will crack the Trump presidency, and it is completely different from the 1,326 purported smoking guns that we thought we had before!”

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Jun 6, 2017 — Rather than admonish the forces that are blocking a U.S. ally that hosts the largest U.S. military base in the Middle East, Donald Trump instead tweets that he heard from “leaders” in the region that Qatar is the source of funding for “radical ideology.” On the same day, Egypt and Libya follow the Saudi lead and begin turning away ships and flights from or to Qatar. For all practical purposes, commercial shipping to and from Qatar is shut down. The cost to Qatar from this point forward is estimated at $20 billion per month.

Jun 09, 2017 — Justice Department rules that there’s no problem with Donald Trump taking money from foreign governments without congressional approval.

Jun 21, 2017 — Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz rewrites the line of succession, ousting Prince Mohammed bin Nayef in favor of his son, bin Salman.

Oct 25, 2017 — Jared Kushner makes secret trip to Saudi Arabia where he provides Prince bin Salman with the names of opposition leaders.

Nov 10, 2017 — Saudi Arabian purge solidifies bin Salman’s control in name of “anti-corruption.”

Jan, 2018 — Qatari officials visiting the United States consider approaching Robert Mueller about evidence linking Jared Kushner to the actions of Saudi Arabia and UAE, but stop out of fear of retribution.

Feb 27, 2018 — Jared Kushner loses top security clearance.

Mar 17, 2018 — Kushner announces Qatar investment group will bail out the 666 Fifth Avenue property.”

If one has been paying attention, the amount of corruption that may be uncovered by the Mueller investigation won’t be surprising.

Original Mike said...

“This is it! We have the smoking gun that will crack the Trump presidency, and it is completely different from the 1,326 purported smoking guns that we thought we had before!”

Seeing Red said...

Broidy and Trump have Cohen in common and payoffs to Playboy bunnies, plus corruption and playing footsie with the Saudis.

Playing footsie with the Saudis?

You really haven’t been paying attention in like forever, have you?

Drago said...

Inga: "If one has been paying attention, the amount of corruption that may be uncovered by the Mueller investigation won’t be surprising."



And she clearly has no idea why...

Jim at said...

So now we have very stupid people bitching about some sort of business deal Trump started working on in 2010.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

You really need to take a break from all this. Because you're seriously messed in the head.

Seeing Red said...

If I could Like your comment, Mike!

pacwest said...

As as Hillary is frog marched off to jail in the end I'm good with all of this.

Drago said...

"Rather than admonish the forces that are blocking a U.S. ally that hosts the largest U.S. military base..."

Qatar both hosts one of our largest bases AND serves as one of Irans closest allies in the region.

Welcome to the Middle East.

Original Mike said...

@Seeing Red: Not original from me.

Original Mike said...

I don’t even read Inga’s long cut and pastes anymore. I’ve been fooled too many times. If there’s really any there there, I’m sure I’ll encounter it again.

Drago said...

Ingas cutting and pasting clearly shows a well conceived and executed strategic plan to isolate our enemies, force our enemies allies to move away from our enemies sphere of influence and empower our friends.

This is significant as it represents a complete reversal of the obama policy of rewarding and empowering our enemies and hurting our allies!


Looks like Inga is doing a little pro-Trump advertising!

Thanks Inga.

Drago said...

Jim at: "You really need to take a break from all this. Because you're seriously messed in the head."

No no no! The lefties need to focus EVEN MORE on this. Everyday. Continuously. Forever.

Pretty please...

Anonymous said...

Authoritarians investigate enemies, they don't investigate investigators. Investigators investigate authoritarians? They don't dare.

Authoritarians don't "escape accountability", authoritarians, by definition, are not accountable.

Boot's TDS is at it's last stage. RIP Boot.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Being reported...Cohen business partner, Evgeny Friedman, cops a plea deal to cooperate with government inspectors.

Drago said...

Inga: "Being reported...Cohen business partner, Evgeny Friedman, cops a plea deal to cooperate with government inspectors"

Russia influenced the election via NYC Taxi medallions.

How does Putin do it?!!

Birkel said...

R+1 in the generic poll, according to Reuters/Ipsos.


Drago said...

Birkel: "R+1 in the generic poll, according to Reuters/Ipsos."

Yes, but that was before The Great NYC Taxi Medallion Conspiracy!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

We already know that Kushner is expendable. Rudy told us. We are waiting for Mueller to tell us why.

Drago said...

I wonder if Putin influenced our elections via Taxi-based Aroma Therapy/Exploitation?

Francisco D said...

"the amount of corruption that may be uncovered by the Mueller investigation won’t be surprising."

Three thoughts:

1. I did not know that "corruption" was Mueller's mandate. Does that apply to Democrat corruption as well? It sounds like something that a national bipartisan task force would try to address.

2. Coming from Chicago, I may be cynical. Corruption goes hand-in-hand with politics, all over the world.

3. Coming from a competitive environment in NYC, Trump knows corruption. He funded Chuckie Schumer's first congressional run because he knows how to play the game. However, he is more familiar with the "pay to play" side than "pay me or else." Bill Gates learned that too late and lost billions of dollars.

Drago said...

If Kushner was involved in The Great NYC Taxi Medallion/Aroma Therapy-Exploitation Election Manipulation in any way, he's a goner.

Rumor has it Kushner is on videotape, grainy videotape taken at night, strategically placing Russian-mass produced Collusion Air Fresheners in NYC taxi's.

Drago said...

Between The Great NYC Taxi Medallion/Aroma Therapy-Exploitation Election Manipulation AND Kushner's unwillingness to follow through on implementing an effective dumb-waiter in his overseas properties, I'd say it's just a matter of time before he goes down for the count.

And if Mueller ever gets around to the number of outlets/room in Kushner's properties, there is really going to be hell to pay.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Here's a surprise:

Trump Caves On ZTE

Drago said...

Adam Schiff is reporting that he has seen direct evidence that the Air Fresheners utilized in the NYC Taxi's managed by Cohen's business partner were illegally substituting Lemon for "Sea Foam".

This violates a little used clause of the anti-vaping law passed in NYC since "Sea Foam" is an apparently popular aroma for vaping in NYC which also harkens back to a time when the British forced George Washington off the island of Manhatten and into New Jersey. And since Trump's family originates from Scotland (a part of Great Britain our former enemy) AND Trump owns properties in both NYC and New Jersey....well, it's clear that Treason is back on the table.

Drago said...

ARM once again, as all dems do, falls for the "lets only look at one element of a combined international/3rd party/NAFTA/Bi-lateral/Trade Deficit Reducing/NorthKorea" deal with China.

As always, I'll wait until the final form of all those deals is complete to make a final judgement on what the totality of the deal represents for the US.

Good one ARM!


Drago said...

I bet if we look hard enough we'll see that ZTE wants "all in" on the NYC Taxi Medallion business.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

I'll bet ZTE wants to offer discounted Taxi Rates to Trump owned properties in Manhatten!

Jaq said...

I don’t even read Inga’s long cut and pastes anymore. I’ve been fooled too many times. If there’s really any there there, I’m sure I’ll encounter it again.

Yeah, she’s like a rooster, always crows too early and always knee deep in bullshit.

Mike Sylwester said...

Jared and Ivanka Kushner should earn their money honestly -- by giving speeches in Moscow for $500,000 per half-hour.

Drago said...

TIV: "Yeah, she’s like a rooster, always crows too early and always knee deep in bullshit."

Because there is a pony in there somewhere....

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

In the movie Dinner with Schmucks,

Underrated, like Josie and the Pussycats.

Drago said...

BREAKING NEWS from CNN: In the past several years suspected Russian Agents (real ones this time, not the "made up people" in Mueller's last indictment) in NYC took Taxi's to and from meetings with local merchants and restaurateurs and those taxis are believed to have been operated by Cohen's Taxi Medallion business partner.

It is being reported that "sweetheart deals" were offered to these suspected Russian Agents in the form of reduced tips to Taxi drivers.

Detailed analysis of the tips paid by these suspected Russian Agents proves conclusively that the tips the russians paid to Cohen/Partner managed cabs averaged 1.79% less than industry average.

Rod Rosenstein has asked Mueller to expand his "investigation" into historical taxi ride tip averages via another verbal only, unreviewable mandate expansion.

Drago said...

Dept of Justice has just announced another expansion of the Mueller "investigation" to include the newly announced flip in the Congressional generic advantage polls in the republicans favor.

DOJ spokespersons, speaking off the record, have indicated that it is a violation of federal law for the Democrats to fall behind in the generic ballot and that Mueller will be focusing on the latest polls from Reuters and Rasmussen which are clearly being driven by Imaginary Russian Bots and Macedonian Hacker Farms.

Further, the DOJ reps, speaking on condition of anonymity, have indicated that an expected shortage of Sweet and Sour Sauce in Chinatown restaurants is likely to be a manifestation of increased Russian infiltration of the lucrative NYC condiments business.

Drago said...

CNN BREAKING: A single anonymous source (an hungarian gypsy who is an extended cousin of a New Jersey couple who emigrated 3 years ago) reports that President Trump's last Diet Coke was not the ideal 38degrees F and that the President was overheard saying: "Hey, this Diet Coke is not the ideal 38 degree's F!" in a very snooty way.

Michael K said...

I don't think Inga has picked up Evgeny Freidman evicted from office of non payment of rent.

You know how those Jews are Inga, Right ?

Freidman, who has control over roughly 900 taxi medallions, fell behind on his payments shortly after he sought bankruptcy protection in July 2015, according to court docs.

Inga is on the case !

John Pickering said...

Ann relentlessly advertises her muddle-headedness as she pursues the trivial and the tawdry, now recently featuring her reading of the Playboy archive (we'll get our eight bucks' worth).
Here she wonders at Max Boot and the ridiculous Adams person, quibbling about this and that, as if she's really not reading and watching the actual news.
Anne abandons her better nature when she allows her readers to ignore the legal reasons for the FBI counter-espionage probe into which the U.S. President has been ensnared, based upon his past business dealings with foreign and domestic criminal elements, up to and including the Russian plot to insert their stooge into the White House, a plot which succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
Some of Anne's readers say so what?, and of course Hillary bad. So that's why so many readers are satisfied with Trump even if he is a Russian spy, a billionaire thief and money-launderer, a serial adulterer, sex offender and pervert, a conman and a liar and the avatar of the worst possible human instincts. Ann seems to insist she can't feel anything different, as a frog she feels fine in the pot.

Drago said...

John Pickering: "Anne abandons her better nature when she allows her readers to ignore the legal reasons for the FBI counter-espionage probe into which the U.S. President has been ensnared, based upon his past business dealings with foreign and domestic criminal elements, up to and including the Russian plot to insert their stooge into the White House, a plot which succeeded beyond their wildest dreams."


Pickering has got to be a Moby! That's awesome stuff right there.....

Leland said...

Big Mike: "Scalding being a crappy way to die, I cannot bring myself to go catch a frog in the nearby marsh and actually try the experiment."

Try lobster.

Jaq said...

“The GOP is up six points in this series. Color me a bit skeptical, and these numbers will bounce around regardless, but Republicans haven’t led on this question in any major in roughly two years, so it’s worth flagging. What explains this see-saw back toward Republicans? As someone once said, it’s the economy, stupid.”

Will voters risk blowing up the wonderful economy we are enjoying because Hillary has the sads about losing?

Jaq said...

as a frog she feels fine in the pot.

You wanted Hillary to be president, so don’t talk to us about accepting the vile and unacceptable.

Jaq said...

up to and including the Russian plot to insert their stooge into the White House,

A Putin stooge would not have approved Keystone, and would have put a clamp on fracking, two things that really hurt Russia. Their entire economy is based on oil. Hillary, whom Putin actually gave 145 million dollars, that is not even in dispute, was a much better “stooge” for Putin. Not to mention that she shepherded Assad into Putin’s waiting arms.

Bilwick said...

"Has anyone seen Max Boot and ARM in the same room together?" I can't answer that, but I have heard that Boot has been going around muttering to himself like Dustin Hoffman in RAIN MAN, "Shit stain, definitely, definitely, shit stain!" If that goes on he could end up in a padded cell next to Pee Pee's.

Mike Sylwester said...

John Pickering at 6:04 PM
... the U.S. President has been ensnared, based upon his past business dealings with foreign and domestic criminal elements

John, what's your explanation for Bill Clinton being paid $500,000 to give a speech in Moscow?

Who paid the money and why?

Leland said...

It's refreshing to read people pointing out what's been obvious from the start; between Hillary and Trump, Hillary was the preference for Putin. Suggesting the whole system of government is flawed is even better for Putin, and the Mueller investigation is paying big dividends to Putin. But if there was collusion by Russia, and I've yet to see reasonable evidence of it; then it would be to support Hillary.

As days go by, it seems clear the Russian collusion was the brain child of the DNC to cover up the ineptitude of protecting their servers. The breach could have been Russia, but more likely a regular hacker that spear phished the DNC (considering what was found and leaked, more likely a Bernie Bro than Putin stooge), and it might have been the former server admin that was later found dead (again more likely a Bernie Bro than Putin stooge). We don't know who hacked the server, or if it was really hacked at all; because no credible agency, such as the FBI at the time, ever examined the servers. They were never examined, because the DNC's first thought was to deny a breach ever occurred (because that could have caused a civil war at the convention when Bernie Bro's figured out they were played and the primary nothing but a fraud).

Jaq said...

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer of New York called on the White House Tuesday to remove North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s image from a commemorative coin marking President Trump’s planned summit with Mr. Kim in Singapore. “I urge the White House to take Kim off the coin,” Mr. Schumer said. “Challenge coins are a time-honored tradition and certainly appropriate in this situation, but Kim Jong-un’s face has no place on this coin.”

Chucky wants war, not peace dammit! It would be the end of the world if Trump somehow found a way to end the Korean War! Insults are what are called for here!

John Pickering said...

Mike, Bill Clinton isn't President anymore, and he wasn't a deadbeat real estate trust fund baby who got in way over his head and is being blackmailed by the Russians.
When did Bill get the $500G in Moscow? Recently? Does that seem like big money to you, Russia-wise?

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike Sylwester said...

John, thanks for your answer about Bill Clinton and his $500,000 speech.

John Pickering said...

I see tim in Vermont has responded by saying that Trump has been tough on Russia based on the keystone pipeline etc. Tim, Trump's policies in the Middle East and Iran have sent the price of oil rising more than 20% this year. Tim, the Russian government depends on the price of oil being high, and Trump has delivered. Think about that at $3.50 a gallon by the end of the summer, especially in Vermont.

Drago said...

John Pickering: "Trump's policies in the Middle East and Iran have sent the price of oil rising more than 20% this year"


Comedy gold.

Comedy. Gold.

Mike Sylwester said...

John, what do you think is the best evidence that President Trump is being blackmailed by the Russians?

Drago said...

John Pickering: "Mike, Bill Clinton isn't President anymore, and he wasn't a deadbeat real estate trust fund baby who got in way over his head and is being blackmailed by the Russians."


So very, very awesome!

Tommy Duncan said...

Wow, I just read Inga's 4:57 PM post.

She's got the goods on them. The dots are connected. The jig is up. It's over. Inga was right.

Inga sweetie, your job is done. You can log off and relish in the glory of a job well done. Mueller will wrap up the loose ends for you. Thanks! We all appreciate your efforts and insight. Đ¡Đ¿Đ¾ĐºĐ¾Đ¹Đ½Đ¾Đ¹ Đ½Đ¾Ñ‡Đ¸!

Drago said...

John Pickering: "and he wasn't a deadbeat real estate trust fund baby who got in way over his head and is being blackmailed by the Russians."

Apparently Clinton was very much a deadbeat "Charity" guy who actually took money and food and medicines away from little suffering children in Haiti.

But in a very, very "good" democrat way....

Not to worry Pickering.

The dems are "going to take the country back!", and Hillary has dictated that she will be there the entire way.

The. Entire. Way.

It just keeps getting better and better.

traditionalguy said...

Trump is speaking at the Pro Life rally right now. And the emotion runs deep in appreciation for his political courage to stand for babies.

Leland said...

Does that seem like big money to you

It is to anyone with a blue collar, and those people vote in the US. They used to vote mostly Democrat, but when Democrats keep claiming $500G is peanuts; the blue collar voters jumped out of the pot and voted for the real estate guy that failed at first and then figured out how to be successful. Low and behold, our failing economy is now roaring right along. This likely explains the +6 advantage the GOP now holds in mid-term polling. I mean it is either the economy or the realization that Mueller's investigation is a fraud, right?

Tommy Duncan said...

John Pickering: "Trump's policies in the Middle East and Iran have sent the price of oil rising more than 20% this year"

So everything about our good economy and low unemployment is due to Obama's policies finally kicking in, except for high oil prices?

Drago said...

Hey Pickering, Billy boy wasn't President when he was given a cool $500,000 in cash for a 30 minute speech by Putins nuclear energy pals....right before Hillary cleared the transfer of Uranium to Putin's control...right before the Russian energy pals of Putin dumped another $145 Million into the Clinton Foundation, from which $17 Million was diverted right into Billy boys pocket!!


John Pickering said...

Tim should also consider that even as the President's foreign policies drive oil prices to above $70 and going higher WTI, it still just costs $40/barrel to extract domestically in the Permian etc. Trump and Republicans let the companies keep that -- so buy Apache e.g., those half of you who have money in the stock market.

Drago said...

This just in: Pickering has unilaterally repealed the laws of supply and demand!!

What's next for Pickering? Mandating a change in the value of pi to 3.0 in order to make calculations easier?

Drago said...

It was just a few backs that lefties like Pickering were touting Venezuela as an example of lefty socialist economic "miracle-ism"!!

Now, like obamacare, it's all Trump's!!

Poor Pickering. He thinks Middle East activity alone drives energy prices! What a sad little man.

Did Donald Trump give you a wedgie in primary school?

Drago said...

traditionalguy: "Trump is speaking at the Pro Life rally right now. And the emotion runs deep in appreciation for his political courage to stand for babies"

For the lefties, babies growing in the womb have no spark of divinity nor even a spark of life.

It's only after a child is born and becomes a murderous gang member that one develops a spark of divinity to the lefties.

And if one is an islamist supremacist burning gays alive in cages and beheading women and children, well, we simply can't do enough for those cool cats, eh Pickering?

Tommy Duncan said...

"What's next for Pickering? Mandating a change in the value of pi to 3.0 in order to make calculations easier?"

Maxine Waters has indicated the Democrats have decided to rewrite the laws of physics when they regain control of Congress. The current laws are too complicated and use math.

madAsHell said...

How in the hell did this post garner more than 100 comments?

buwaya said...

" the President's foreign policies drive oil prices to above $70"

That's quite a bit off -

The situation is that petroleum demand is up, in the US and everywhere else too. These are global good times. Global inventories are drawing down in spite of increasing production.

Trump is a global good-luck charm.

Rusty said...

Are you familiar with the term,"supply and demand"?
The economies are doing well all over the world. OPEC doesn't have a stranglehold on oil production, So places like China and India are demanding more oil products. Which means we sell more.

Rigelsen said...

“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”

“What are you, an authoritarian?”

It really seems like some parasite has taken over Max Boot’s brain. He used to be capable of critical thought.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It is hilarious to see leftists whine about the country/ideological holy land they once loved. Mother USSR.

buwaya said...

Venezuelan production is indeed way down, but that's a long term thing, been declining for two decades or so.

You want more petroleum, quickest thing is to fix Venezuela.

Drago said...

If Pickering and crew had their way, we would be burning baby parts for heat to reduce our carbon footprint.

Hmmmm, no wonder the lefties have nothing to say about islamist supremacists burning people alive.

Reducing the human population and advancing the interests of islamic supremacism.

That's a lefty "win win".

Michael K said...

Trump and Republicans let the companies keep that -- so buy Apache e.g., those half of you who have money in the stock market.

OK. You are obviously a wise investor. How did those Bernie bets turn out ?

"Let keep that" is a well known Stalinist approach to economics. Obama, too.

Nice to see you are right in the mainstream of Maxine Waters,

Drago said...

Pickering and LLR Chuck seem very very upset that US energy companies are doing well financially.

Dang it!!

That just puts Maduro/Castro/Stalin nationalization opportunities on the back burner again!

Pickering and Chuck just can't catch a break!

Seeing Red said...

Alberta is being blocked by other Canadian territories from selling its oil. They don’t want that nasty stuff shipped thru their land. If only the US had a pipeline to help them to get it out....

Rigelsen said...

If it was authoritarian to impede the investigations -- where was Boot when Obama fired an IG, called him senile and quashed his investigation?

Executive branch employees are only accountable to the president when the president is a Democrat, especially when he is such a Dreamy Democrat like 44. Their accountability to the Law only matters to the extent it can be used to get Republicans. Thus, the IRS scandal, email scandal, IG firing, spying on the media and political opponents, etc., either all didn’t happen, or weren’t particularly important in the scheme of things. But members of a President Elect staff talking to representatives of other countries? That’s treason.

Michael K said...

You want more petroleum, quickest thing is to fix Venezuela.

That's probably a job for Columbia.

I thought for a long time that Egypt should jus annex eastern Libya. Solve two problems, Egypt's lack of resources and Libya's turmoil.

Of course, it would not have been good when the Muslim Brotherhood was in power in Egypt, thanks to Obama.

Mike Sylwester said...

I recognize that many people feel certain that President Trump is being blackmailed by the Russians.

In the 1600s, many people felt certain that certain old maids were witches possessed by Satan. The evidence was that some loony teenage girls said that the old maids were witches. I summarize the evidence as follows:

* The old maids were odd people who behaved strangely.

* Why would the teenage girls lie?

And so the old maids were executed because of their witchcraft.

In the current witch-hunt, the evidence and reasoning are not better.

The odd old person being accused is Donald Trump.

The loony teenage girls are Glenn Simpson and Christopher Steele. We all are supposed to believe those two characters, because why would they lie?

The witch-craft believing theologians and magistrates are the zealots who headed our Intelligence Community.

Satan is Putin.

Just like Satan possessed the old maid's souls, Putin blackmails Trump and his associates.

If you ever wondered how Puritan communities fell into their witchcraft hysteria, just look at the Trump-hating Democrats now.

Michael K said...

where was Boot when Obama fired an IG, called him senile and quashed his investigation?

I've read a number of Boot's books, including the new one. He is a good author and has done good research but he seems to have no judgement about Trump.

Too bad.

You don't want to be wrong for too long. Lindbergh found that out.

Drago said...

Rigelson: "Executive branch employees are only accountable to the president when the president is a Democrat, especially when he is such a Dreamy Democrat like 44"

Obama, "sort of a god", passed the Constitutional Creased Slacks Clause requirements with flying colors.

It made all the future illegal spying on American citizens, journalists, congresspersons and lobbyists and domestic political opponents perfectly kosher.

See what I did there?

I used "kosher" because we all know that obama hates the Israeli's.

tcrosse said...

Pickering should realize that higher oil prices mean we will use less of the nasty stuff. Good for the polar bears. That should please her, if she really believes in AGW.

Loren W Laurent said...

I clicked over to Max Boot's Twitter feed to read a bit of the discussion there, and the discussion is very similar to the one happening here. Maybe one's more Coke than Pepsi, but both are colas. To all of this, I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said, and by people more knowledgable than me.

But I will say this: I assume Max Boot is a smug, narcissistic man who sees himself as a noble hero who has no patience for people who do not see him as a noble hero.

This I deduced from a cursory look at the image he selected to represent himself on his Twitter page.

Did the women in his life tell him this pencil sketch of himself in a coat and angled fedora made him look dashing and rugged? Because if they did then they lied, and that doesn't help anyone, even if it was to spare his feelings.

To begin, the sketch is much more D.B. Cooper than Humphrey Bogart. It doesn't even work as a boardwalk-artist nod to Bruce Willis.

The sketch is the self-image of someone who believes that Raymond Chandler or Dashiell Hammett would've written about him as a hero in one of their books, if they only knew him. Unfortunately, he achieved over-easy with his egg, not hard-boiled.

He is so subpar B-actor serious in the picture that it makes me embarrassed for him, like when men wear cowboy hats when they really really shouldn't. And as I look at it I can't help but wonder if he somehow shaved off his right eyebrow: his left eyebrow is arched, while the right side of his forehead looks like it had a salon-fresh bikini wax.

Maybe the drawing would work better if he had a card saying 'PRESS" stuck in the hat band. It couldn't hurt.


Seeing Red said...

Tim, the Russian government depends on the price of oil being high, and Trump has delivered

Norway needs high oil prices too. And Mexico and any other petro state. They’re all benefitting.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago, are you OK?

Michael K said...

"just look at the Trump-hating Democrats now."

It reminds me of the "recovered memories' hysteria of the 80s or the "day care scandals" of about the same time.

Normal people just went insane but there were people behind these things that knew what they were doing.

The McMartin case, for example.

Kee McFarlane knew exactly what she was doing.

As part of her job at CII, MacFarlane interviewed 400 children for the McMartin preschool trial using anatomically correct dolls and hand puppets. MacFarlane believed that the children suffered from child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome, and would deny sexual abuse without special techniques designed to encourage disclosure.[6] The interviewing techniques used during investigations of the allegations were highly suggestive and invited children to pretend or speculate about supposed events.

She knew exactly what she was doing.

The "Recovered Memory' thing was a big deal for Psychology which was under pressure from HMOs and "Managed Care."

The psychology meetings were having courses in "How to recover memories" until Gary Ramona won his case for $500k.

At that point the insurance companies would not offer insurance and the whole hysteria stopped on a dime.

When Democrats get slaughtered in November, it will stop.

Michael K said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Drago, are you OK?

Sounds OK to me, if a bit repetitious.

How are you ? Still crazy after all those years ?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

You can always fix crazy, old and senile not so much.

Drago said...

ARM: "Drago, are you OK?"

Hmmmm, probably about 2 more hours of prep/content development, then I'll be set for tomorrow.

Plus, Mueller hasn't targeted me yet, so I've got that going for me...which is nice.

Are you okay? Will you be contributing to the Democrat MS-13 GoFundMe?

Michael K said...

Well, I guess you are in trouble.

Drago said...

ARM: "You can always fix crazy, old and senile not so much"

Old and senile.

I don't think my elementary aged children will be happy to hear that.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

Inga and ARM keep implying that I am "old and senile."

That is the old problem of glass houses.

There is the problem also of sounding rational.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago, you seem a bit more hyper than usual. Take it easy, I am sure the whatever it is you are doing will be fine.

Old and senile is Michael K's beat.

Mike Sylwester said...

I imagine that many people have been trying to blackmail Donald Trump through his entire life. On the one hand, blackmailing him might seem easy, but on the other hand, blackmailing him seems to be very difficult.

Trump can be blackmailed. After all, Stormy Daniels has blackmailed him.

The overwhelming majority of blackmail attempts have failed. however. After all, he has become the US President.

Our country's smartest people -- who pride themselves on their critical-thinking skills -- immediately believe that Vladimir Putin was able to blackmail Donald Trump within a two-day visit to Moscow.

Glenn Simpson and Christopher Steele were paid huge amounts of money to write reports that Trump was being blackmailed by Putin. Simpson and Steele say they received this information from Russian Intelligence insiders.

That's the evidence that Trump is being blackmailed.

That's the evidence that has convinced our country's smartest people -- that has convinced our country's best experts in critical thinking.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Mike Sylwester said...
Our country's smartest people -- who pride themselves on their critical-thinking skills -- immediately believe that Vladimir Putin was able to blackmail Donald Trump within a two-day visit to Moscow.
Trump can be blackmailed. After all, Stormy Daniels has blackmailed him.

Not to be a pain in the ass, but it only took Stormy one evening to blackmail him. Putin had two.

Gahrie said...

Tim, the Russian government depends on the price of oil being high, and Trump has delivered

OK..I'll bite...what exactly has Trump done to raise the price of oil?

Now explain to me why that was more Important than the actions of OPEC?

Birkel said...

ARM, in order to be a pain in the ass somebody here would have to care about your comments. You are and shall remain insignificant.


Gahrie said...

Not to be a pain in the ass,

Why stop now?

robinintn said...

@DickinBimbos: "It is hilarious to see leftists whine about the country/ideological holy land they once loved. Mother USSR."

This! I'm a red diaper baby, and when my Dad starts in with "Russia!! Eleventy!!" I ask him why he doesn't LOVE that his beloved commies finally have a stooge in the White House. His answers are mostly "squirrel!".

Mike Sylwester said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan at 8:11 AM
it only took Stormy one evening to blackmail him. Putin had two.

That's a good point.

Stormy Daniels indeed did blackmail Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin might have succeeded likewise.

Stormy did not plan to blackmail Donald, however. Many years ago she told people that she had had sex with him on one occasion. The blackmail developed and succeeded only because, many years later, he went into politics and ran for President. She exploited that situation that she had not foreseen when she had sex with him.

Putin's alleged blackmail plot was planned and carried out deliberately. It must have been prepared before Trump arrived in Moscow.

So, Trump was filmed watching some prostitutes urinating on a hotel bed. Afterwards, he was confronted with the film, and so he has been controlled by Russian Intelligence from then until now.

I suppose it's possible.

After all, Christopher Steele says that he received the information from Russian Intelligence insiders.

If you believe Steele -- who received a lot of money for writing the report -- then I suppose that the evidence is compelling. It's the evidence that has convinced our country's smartest people -- has convinced our best experts in critical thinking.

Mary Beth said...

Try lobster.

They're not much for jumping, regardless of the water temperature.

Bob Loblaw said...

R+1 in the generic poll, according to Reuters/Ipsos.


That's simply amazing. If the Democrats don't manage to take the House this will be the worst blown election since, well, 2016.

I mean, seriously. Whenever a party has both houses of Congress and the presidency, they lose the House in the mid-terms. It's practically a law of nature.

Bob Loblaw said...

After all, Christopher Steele says that he received the information from Russian Intelligence insiders.

Spies are not known for their probity. Before I believe a word of it there needs to be some evidence.

Michael K said...

Whenever a party has both houses of Congress and the presidency, they lose the House in the mid-terms. It's practically a law of nature.

Unless they fo insane, of which fact we have plenty of evidence right here.

Stormy's lawyer is being paid by someone big time. I'd love to know who. Maybe we will find out.

$8 million is a big price and it wasn't paid by Trump.

$ 130k is "go away" money for a guy like Trump. The fact that it has been so obvious suggests to me that a germophobe like Trump would not get near a whore like Stormy.

Lots of swings and misses this year.

Also, a word to ARM. Senility depends on your IQ before.

Don't take any wooden nickels.

narciso said...

That essentially what Assisi and the uae and the kingdom are doing by supporting general hafter whose predecessor general younis was executed on bel hadj (The Libyan fighting group leader who is,qaTars pawn) orders.

narciso said...

So does mifsud know Steele, he's from Malta lives in London and itaLy two areas,of overlap:

Mike Sylwester said...

Spies are not known for their probity.

Christopher Steele was a spy for many years, which means that he was a professional liar. He was trained and paid to deceive people.

Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson earned a lot of money by writing reports that pleased the clients who paid them. The paying clients wanted to use the reports in order to benefit themselves.

The Clinton campaign wanted to prove that Trump was being blackmailed by Russian Intelligence. And so Steele's very first reports proved that Trump was being blackmailed by Russian Intelligence. Steele was paid a lot of money for the reports.

Steele's proof was that he was told by Russian Intelligence insiders that Trump was being blackmailed by Russian Intelligence. That's all the proof anyone should need.

It's the proof that has convinced our country's smartest people -- has convinced our country's best experts in critical thinking.

narciso said...

That came from the second dossier, Mike sylvester put together by Cody shearer, allegedly from Turkish businessman.

Mike Sylwester said...

Yes, Cody Shearer likewise was told by insiders -- for example, by a Turk -- that Donald Trump was being blackmailed by Russian Intelligence.

If Cody Shearer says so, then it must be true. After all, why would he lie?

narciso said...

This is there purple feed

Steele charged three Russian oligarchs in the dossier, they struck back in the London courts, one of them is the father in law of the young skadden associate indicted by Mueller, Mr van der swaan

narciso said...

Cohen had sued buzz feed as well this,was why stone Feinstein aide floated that prague,story last month,

Michael K said...

Oh Oh. That $8 million fee that Avenatti collected for puling off thew Stprmy caper won't go this far.

Aventatti might wind up "sleeping with the fishes."

Carol Rosenbloom found out about that.

A friend of mine was swimming in the surf at Hawaii when Rosenbloom came over to him and said "Never swim alone in the ocean."

"It's too dangerous. I never do."

While swimming at Golden Beach, Florida, Rosenbloom drowned on April 2, 1979. He was 72. Though Dr. Joseph H. Davis, the Dade County coroner, stated, "there is not one scintilla of reason to believe this is anything other than an unfortunate accident," a PBS Frontline documentary called "An Unauthorized History of the NFL" suggested that Rosenbloom, a known gambler, may have been murdered,[16] causing law enforcement to question the case.

The final conclusion was that Carroll, who had been one of the first heart bypass patients, had suffered a heart attack while swimming. Witnesses at the scene and the Miami coroner's office and the Miami chief of police confirmed this finding.

He was swimming alone.

JackWayne said...

This will fall on mostly deaf ears but it has to be tried. The ignorance about the oil business is pathetic. Part of it is because oil supply ebbs and flows. When there’s a glut, prices are low. When there’s a deficit, prices get high. Why does it cycle? Because when times are bad, oil companies are still spending money at a very high rate. They have to keep their leases, they have to keep their people, they have to maintain their assets. How many of you know that a Deepwater rig costs 3-4 billion? That ain’t cheap. And it’s a sunk cost because rigs go obsolete in about 30 years. So oil companies go into debt during lean times (low prices). But they do cut back which reduces the glut and induces a scramble to ramp up when the supply gets low. What else affects the cycle? Poorly managed countries like Venezuela, war in countries like Iraq, sanctions against countries like Iran, cartels like OPEC deliberately lowering production to increase price. The ignorance displayed about oil prices is amazing.
Here’s something else to chew on: all you pro-antitrust people also gripe about the swings in the price of oil. The companies could work together to smooth out the cycle but they are forbidden. Yet our competitors are allowed to do it. You want smoother production and prices, use some brains. Get practical.

Michael K said...

Amazing ! A 400 comment thread and Ritmo never showed up/.

Halleluja !

FullMoon said...

Just for fun, flashback to 2016, LOL

"Here are the best clips of the crying, complete with sad orchestral music to capture the anguish felt by ardent Clinton supporters."

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