He is one of those guys that finds words that plausibly defend ideas that nobody, including Tennessee Coates himself, actually reasoned themselves into.
I often try to understand the process by which those I don't understand come to their beliefs, but in this case, fern2392 shows all the reasoning power of a potted plant.
Also, I hope "2392" is somehow significant to fern. I'd hate to think (s)he or the naming software tried 2391 other ferns before finding one that wasn't taken.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said... wander off the leftwing plantation and you will be shot.
Speaking of "wandering off the plantation," I know how that feels. So do ex-Fox News faces Bill Kristol, Steve Hayes, Bernie Goldberg and Jonah Goldberg.
It's funny seeing leftists twist themselves in mental knots trying to keep track of which way they're supposed to "think" about something based on the the target subject...
Speaking of "wandering off the plantation," I know how that feels. So do ex-Fox News faces Bill Kristol, Steve Hayes, Bernie Goldberg and Jonah Goldberg.
The economy is booming, peace is breaking out everywhere and the Democrats are acting crazy...
Chuckles and the GOP Establishment are the hardest hit.
Michael K said... Chuck keeps giving us cause to wonder about his political sympathies.
Bill Kristol has been on ABC for years. As a Hillary voter, he seems more comfortable there.
Don't lie about something like that, Michael K. Kristol didn't vote for Hillary. Kristol said that Hillary was "semi-corrupt," (he might now remove the "semi-"), and that she represented "nanny state liberalism." Kristol said that a Trump presidency would be preferable to a Hillary presidency. (In fairness, Kristol also said that a Trump presidency would be harmful to the Republican Party. Both things can be right, at the same time.)
Just clicked to check if WaPo still wore the laurels in "stupidest commenters; major publication" category. Still #1, I see.
The reporting's pretty impressively stupid, too.
And I don't think Coates is being disingenuous, I think he honestly misconstrues what West is saying because he's not bright enough to understand it. Consider:
“...the notion that slavery was a ‘choice’ echoes the ancient trope that slavery wasn’t that bad...
This (and everything that follows it) is painfully dull-witted, so crudely literal-minded. A "major public intellectual" who can't understand an observation from a rap star that makes only the most minimal demand on the capacity for abstract thinking. "Cargo cult" writing style at its finest.
The Berlin Wall was built to keep people inside East Germany. The people who stacked the bricks and spread the mortar knew full well that people would want to leave. They knew how people would vote, with their feet, if given a chance. The Berlin Wall did its job until the will to man the Wall broke.
It is the will to keep others inside that made the Berlin Wall formidable. The soldiers who shot attempted escapees were the manifestation of that will. It was no law or piece of paper that stood between people and their freedom. It was the will of some people to do violence toward others and the structures that fed the will that mattered.
The thread Althouse links is a discussion by the guards. fern2392 did not build the Wall. But Xim and Xer believe the Wall is a worthy and perhaps noble venture.
Many people would vote with their feet and their voices if the Wall were not manned. The people who built the Wall knew as much. And they convinced a great number of people to man that Wall, for free.
Kanye West is airlifting ideas behind the Wall. He is 2018's version of President Kennedy. And Twitter is the tool he is using to transport his ideas behind enemy lines.
There are systems that allow the surgeon to actuate scalpels etc remotely while viewing through a camera.
Not truly robotic, more like manipulators. They seem to be called robotic systems though and maybe they are. There is not much agreement on what a robot is or is not
Chuck said... Dickin'Bimbos@Home said... wander off the leftwing plantation and you will be shot.
Speaking of "wandering off the plantation," I know how that feels. So do ex-Fox News faces Bill Kristol, Steve Hayes, Bernie Goldberg and Jonah Goldberg.
When you stab someone in the back they have a tendency to be angry with you.
These people were all Hillary supporters. Some were honest and voted for her and others were dishonest and tried to tear Trump down to get her elected.
The best part of the Trump presidency is getting rid of the traitors in our midst.
I'm not so sure about "Hillary supporters" - perhaps Bill Kristol, who did in fact lose his mind over Trump - some people do not like Trump at all, but they are not Hillary supporters.
I hated Trump in the beginning because I thought for sure he was in it to hand it to Hillary. I was wrong.
I don't worship any politician. I hope for the best with the least worst person.
My favorite pre-election Kristol prognostication/prescription combo was his belief that the republicans needed to dump Trump because there were many more hidden Hillary voters than hidden Trump voters which necessitated a radical plan to deny the republicans a win (which would unavoidably allow Hillary to win).
If you recall, LLR Chuck was peddling the give up early strategy and, in LLR Chuck's own words, simply work over the next 8 years to elect enough republicans to impeach Hillary!
Yep. LLR Chuck actually peddled that. It was an hilarious 5th Column effort by our strong dem defender Chuckie!
Kristol and co. chose to man that wall. They are still on it. There should be some saying about guards continuing to man the towers of a prison with breached walls.
It’s fun to talk about Coates nonsense, but is there a reason to believe a significant number of people will actually read it, despite libs pimping it on social media? Atlantic is a progressive comic book with circulation generally limited to the echo chamber. Even the exceptions like this one are usually circulated outside the chamber as examples of impaired thinking.
I feel especially bad for Jonah Goldberg. He has earned the hatred of both Trump & Clinton. Goldberg's mother had conspired with Linda Tripp to preserve the evidence that led to Bill Clinton's impeachment (aka "the blue dress"), and early in 2016 Goldberg engaged in a nasty Twitter war with Trump. I wonder what thoughts went through his head while he was in the voting booth in November, 2016?
I missed the link to WaPo. Same difference. All part of the echo chamber. Everybody but the worst partisan diehards takes WaPo with a grain of salt - a large grain. What, 90% TDS?
Goddammit, Michael K; that is one massively stupid link that you supplied re: Bill Kristol.
1. It does not support the notion -- your stupid fucking quote -- that Bill Kristol was a Hillary voter. That's a lie, and you need to back that one down.
2. The link describes the strategy in which the Republican National Convention could be thrown into a deadlock and thereby avoid Trump as the nominee. The whole story was written before there was a Republican nominee.
3. It's a BREITBART story. So of course, the headline is hysterical, and untrue. And the content has only a passing familiarity with reality. I do, however, like the way that it closed, saying, "This is a good time to ask where this scorch-earthed mentality was when America needed it most to stop Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012." Apart from it being "scorched-earth" and not "scorch earthed" (more fine work by the inestimable Breitbart editors), it forces me to ask the same question. Where were all of the Trump '16 voters in Macomb County, Michigan; in Jefferson County, Ohio; in Adams County, Wisconsin; when Mitt Romney and John McCain were running? All of those counties voted for Obama in '08 and '12. It isn't like they were hopeless Democrat backwaters like Detroit or Cleveland or Madison. Those were places where Obama won, and then Trump won. And yeah, like John Nolte I am wondering about those voters. Or non-voters.
I have thought that some GOPe and LLR types were simply worried about the donors who fund NR and TWS.
Those donors did pretty well in the Obama ZIRP years, no matter what happened to the deficits.
That may well explain Goldberg but I don't know why the diehard NeverTrumpers, like chuck, are so determined to hate the president the GOP voters elected.
#StrongDemDefender Chuck: "Where were all of the Trump '16 voters in Macomb County, Michigan; in Jefferson County, Ohio; in Adams County, Wisconsin; when Mitt Romney and John McCain were running?"
Probanly wondering why John McCain kept attacking republican base voters and them for all sorts of supposed transgressions (precisely as LLR Chuck does daily), kissing up to the far left media which also hates them, and then along with Mitt Romney refused to defend them and speak to their priorities.
Of course Trump did exactly the opposite and voila!
Gee, go figure.
Interestingly enough, LLR Chuck desperately wants the republicans to return to the gentlemanly loser mode.
Lewis Wetzel said... I feel especially bad for Jonah Goldberg. He has earned the hatred of both Trump & Clinton. Goldberg's mother had conspired with Linda Tripp to preserve the evidence that led to Bill Clinton's impeachment (aka "the blue dress"), and early in 2016 Goldberg engaged in a nasty Twitter war with Trump. I wonder what thoughts went through his head while he was in the voting booth in November, 2016?
Something like THIS, where he explained in great detail why he thought Clinton and Trump were both a couple of crap sandwiches and he would not vote for either one. And where, as a resident of the District of Columbia, his presidential vote didn't mean a thing.
"That may well explain Goldberg but I don't know why the diehard NeverTrumpers, like chuck, are so determined to hate the president the GOP voters elected."
More than 90%, Hombre. I get the WaPo's daily news briefing (not opinion), the 202, sent to my inbox. In today's 202, Trump is accused of separating mothers from their children, driving up the medical bills of sick people, denying children medical insurance, re-segregating housing, and gutting consumer protection from lenders. Trump is also connected to disgraced NY AG Schneideman, and is accused of fostering Iran's nuclear ambitions. The WaPo's 202 bulletin tries to work Trump's name into every bullet point, and never in a positive context.
"Brian Stelter republican" Chuck: "And I am still waiting for you to back off our rotten little lie that Bill Kristol is a Hillary voter. How long do I need to wait for that?
How about right after you demand your hero Jake Tapper start disclosing his Handgun Control/rabid dem partisan background when "reporting"?
As if you would ever criticize your pals on that network.
it forces me to ask the same question. Where were all of the Trump '16 voters in Macomb County, Michigan; in Jefferson County, Ohio; in Adams County, Wisconsin; when Mitt Romney and John McCain were running?
At home because they refused to vote for a member of the Republican Establishment who was more interested in cooperating with the Democrats than enacting conservative policies.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said... I'm not so sure about "Hillary supporters" - perhaps Bill Kristol, who did in fact lose his mind over Trump - some people do not like Trump at all, but they are not Hillary supporters.
I hated Trump in the beginning because I thought for sure he was in it to hand it to Hillary. I was wrong.
I don't worship any politician. I hope for the best with the least worst person.
You want what conservative voters want. We want a country of laws and borders and economic freedom.
it forces me to ask the same question. Where were all of the Trump '16 voters in Macomb County, Michigan; in Jefferson County, Ohio; in Adams County, Wisconsin; when Mitt Romney and John McCain were running?
Think about the premise underlying this profoundly democrat-like question offered up by our fopdoodle.
LLR Chuck thinks it was the responsibility of voters who had long voted for democrats to simply cross over because......whatever.
And better yet, cross over to vote for politicians who represent interests that literally hate them.
And Chuck doesn't understand that.
So much for the expertise of our self-styled Michigan electoral "expert".
Gahrie said... it forces me to ask the same question. Where were all of the Trump '16 voters in Macomb County, Michigan; in Jefferson County, Ohio; in Adams County, Wisconsin; when Mitt Romney and John McCain were running?
At home because they refused to vote for a member of the Republican Establishment who was more interested in cooperating with the Democrats than enacting conservative policies.
So instead of John McCain, or Mitt Romney, they got Obama.
LLR Chuck: "So instead of John McCain, or Mitt Romney, they got Obama."
Yes dummy. These nominal democrats voted for the democrat.
You really are that stupid aren't you?!
It took Trump to get voters who hadn't voted in years AS WELL AS nominal democrats in particular areas motivated to cross over and vote for a republican.
You are literally Pelosi-level dense. Probably due to your shared world view.
On a hypothetical plus side, John Kasich would have given a wonderfully supportive and warm concession speech to Hillary as she began immediately nailing down the permanent weaponization of the govt against conservatives and republicans.
John McCain? That old ass hole? Yeah, why weren't people beating down the doors to follow that old codger?
And Mitt Romney? It wasn't the dog on the car roof that doomed him. It was his aloofness. He could not connect with actual people. He is a technocratic CEO and that is fine for many functions but not for leading citizens to the voting booth.
Something like THIS, where he explained in great detail why he thought Clinton and Trump were both a couple of crap sandwiches and he would not vote for either one. And where, as a resident of the District of Columbia, his presidential vote didn't mean a thing.
The democrat wing of the democrat party has a job. Get their candidates elected by talking about about how cool their candidates are.
The cuck wing of the democrat party has a job. Get their candidates elected by trashing republican candidates.
Any polite disagreements with democrats are grudging and only meant to maintain credibility.
John McCain's nomination might actually be the first time a political party actually nominated a candidate that literally and viscerally hated the party's base.
So instead of John McCain, or Mitt Romney, they got Obama.
The cuck wing of the democrat party did their job. They got two people nominated as the republican candidate for president who:
1. Supported Obamacare
2. Wanted open borders
3. Supported all sorts of wars and nation building
4. Support the global warming religion
Not only did they know this would drive millions of republican voters to stay home and throw the election to Obama, they knew these cucks would push through the democrat agenda anyway.
If either Romney or McCain won, we would have had a second amnesty. Guaranteed.
Kristol represents everything the Trump base (and every Trump voter I know) detest in politics: an entitled, out-of-touch prig who is part of an impotent Republican establishment that repeatedly caved to Barack Obama, watched our cultural institutions burn without lifting a finger, and is now devoid of energy, ability, or ideas. Kristol is King of the Zombies.
and Be prepared to have your entire life examined for every little misstatement and miscalculation. Talk about why you still think the TV character Murphy Brown should have been ashamed for having a child out of wedlock, the Iraq War was a great idea, and even why your wife just donated money to the Democratic candidate for Virginia governor, saying “I don’t think we should keep feeding the Republican pipeline with new officeholders if all they are going to do is toe the line and agree with every one of [Trump’s] policies.”
I can't find the quote about him voting for Hillary if she runs again against Trump but it's out there somewhere.
Trump presents the Democrats with the key to fracturing the GOP coalition of evangelicals, working class whites, and businessmen. Instead of using this key, the Democrats seem intent on using their openly expressed hatred for Trump supporters to hold the GOP together. I think that even Chuck would agree with this.
Lewis Wetzel said... Trump presents the Democrats with the key to fracturing the GOP coalition of evangelicals, working class whites, and businessmen. Instead of using this key, the Democrats seem intent on using their openly expressed hatred for Trump supporters to hold the GOP together. I think that even Chuck would agree with this.
The coalition of evangelicals and working class whites and the entrepreneur class happened because of Trump.
The working class only supported Trump because he ran on immigration and supporting US manufacturing. Getting rid of the CoC/Neocons has made it palatable to the black working class as well.
The best thing Trump did was reorient US politics and remove the masks from the globalist shills.
"Try not to go full Patterico. Although you are both obnoxious lawyers."
Assumes facts not in evidence. Lifelong Incel Chuck is about as likely to have passed a bar exam as he is to have had consensual non commercial sex with a biological female.
I lost respect for Chuck the night of the election- his last comment that night on Althouse was to point out that the Detroit Free Press had called the state of Michigan for Clinton. After that it was crickets until the next morning.
so, someone (i'm not going to name name's 'cause i promised the Prof that i'd stop making post about him) said that Kristol said he disliked Trump and Hill... "and he would not vote for either one."
Anyone, and i mean ANYONE, would realize that not voting in 2016 was Exactly the same as voting for Hill
Exactly the same. Thank GOD, thousands in the midwest Did vote
Were it possible for me to not vote for either one, that is what I would have done, but living in the swing state of Florida most of the year and for voting purposes, not voting was a vote for Hillary, which was more than I could stomach. I can respect that, I just don’t understand why somebody would commit themselves to a NEVER position. Trump’s presidency has gone fine so far.
What is very very interesting in terms of "leaving plantations" is when Kanye launched his tweetstorm which basically said that blacks should not be automatically aligned with any one party.
A call for independent thought.
Something to be cheered, no?
So who attacked Kanye the most?
Leftists and......(you already know the answer)...LLR Chuck.
Yancey Ward said... I lost respect for Chuck the night of the election- his last comment that night on Althouse was to point out that the Detroit Free Press had called the state of Michigan for Clinton. After that it was crickets until the next morning.
Can you find that post? I looked, and I can't find it. I know exactly what you are talking about, and I feel confident that you are mischaracterizing me.
The Detroit Free Press is the House Newsletter for Michigan Democrats. I don't subscribe; and I read it online only out of rare curiosity.
The Freep editorial board made a mistake that night that they still haven't lived down. They called the election (Michigan, for Clinton) far too early, and my memory of what you are talking about is that I either said blandly as a matter of fact that the Freep had called Michigan for Clinton (which was true; they did call it in her favor at a surprisingly early hour based on their own modeling); or more consistent with my memory is that I remarked that the Freep had called Michigan for Clinton but that the Freep was an outlier in doing so.
Drago said... What is very very interesting in terms of "leaving plantations" is when Kanye launched his tweetstorm which basically said that blacks should not be automatically aligned with any one party.
What really makes Chuck mad is it was republican voters who were the first to leave the GOPe plantation when they chose Trump over their "Deep bench."
If Black people follow suit and even a nominal percentage support Trump it is over for the uniparty.
There is no constituency among legal voters for open borders and endless wars.
LLR Chuck: "Can you find that post? I looked, and I can't find it. I know exactly what you are talking about, and I feel confident that you are mischaracterizing me"
John McCain's nomination might actually be the first time a political party actually nominated a candidate that literally and viscerally hated the party's base.
Yep. It is the one - and only time - I left the top spot completely blank on my ballot.
The guy spends his entire political career kicking people like me in the teeth, and then expected me to turn around and vote for him?
The great battle West v. West is this: if you want a job which party should you vote for? and are you allowed to speak freely about this question if you are black?
The black community around the Great Lakes is formed of people who left farming and the South to come work in manufacturing jobs in the North. And for some it worked out; they form the middle class in the black community, having moved out of center Milwaukee (or any other Great Lakes city) toward suburbs and better schools. But NAFTA destroyed US manufacturing, sending it to Mexico and China. This caused lack of jobs which froze the evolution of the middle class in the black community. And the Democrats accept that status quo and even seek to make it all worse, by destroying cheap energy and regulating manufacturing out of all Dem controlled cities. But Trump and the Republicans who support him are working to re-industrialize America - like Walker getting Foxconn. So the black community has to choose. To vote for the Dems is to vote to keep on the hate on against factories and associated capitalists; is to vote to destroy more manufacturing (and your own who aspire to the middle class); is to vote to further wreck the economic basis of the cities controlled by Dem politicians (who the black community is keeping power, so it's down to the black community.)
Cornel West wants the black community to destroy its own economic basis. And Kanye West wants the black community to think about which party currently is serving the black community's interests. Do Democrats help the black community? Used to be. But now? Is the black community free? to form its own opinion on the subject? Notice how Kanye is being treated? If that is what happens to Kanye West, what do you suppose has been happening to the rest?
Adam Clymer was not only called a "major-league asshole" by candidate for President GW Bush over a live microphone at a campaign stop, his sentiment was endorsed by VP Dick Cheney, "big time.
"Upon spotting a veteran political reporter in the crowd and pointing him out to his running mate, Dick Cheney, as the two stood at the podium waving to the assembled crowd, Bush said, “There’s Adam Clymer, major-league asshole from The New York Times.” Cheney, also unaware the microphones were turned on, agreed, saying, “Oh yeah, he is, big time.” https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/major-league-remark/
Apparently there are a lot of assholes running around in and near politics. Who knew?
"When the President of the United States calls you a jackass, it's time to reconsider your position." Gosh, no retrogressive State-cultism there! Reminds me of the time (when the Lightbringer was president of course) that Chris Rock said that the president was like "the daddy," and we should all just do "what daddy says." As one way commented at the time, "It's nice that Mr. Rock has absorbed the civics lessons of 15th Century Russia." Kneel before Big Daddy, serfs!
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Once again liberals show they don't quite get the concept of a democratic republic or the basic principles of the enlightenment.
Okay, I'll say it. What does Jack@55 mean?
WisRich said...
Okay, I'll say it. What does Jack@55 mean?
Jackass, written that way to avoid dirty-word filters
Careful with your thinking..... yeah, you might start. Can't have that.
Just more TDS leavened a bit with existential panic that blacks might start to leave the plantation.
It is always amazing to me how deferential liberals are to their fearless leaders.
So open-minded, so tolerant, so enamored of debate, those progs! Listen to your masters and stay on the plantation, Kanye.
But as a naive deplorable, I wonder what attracts them to Coates. He strikes me as Cornel West-lite, a second-rate windbag. What am I missing?
What am I missing?
He is one of those guys that finds words that plausibly defend ideas that nobody, including Tennessee Coates himself, actually reasoned themselves into.
I often try to understand the process by which those I don't understand come to their beliefs, but in this case, fern2392 shows all the reasoning power of a potted plant.
Also, I hope "2392" is somehow significant to fern. I'd hate to think (s)he or the naming software tried 2391 other ferns before finding one that wasn't taken.
"What does Jack@55 mean?"
It means Jill is 53 now. Holy cow, where did the time go?
"When the President of the country calls you a jack@55, it's time to reconsider your position."
That is exactly what Kanye did.
Perhaps a nurse born February 23, 1992.
wander off the leftwing plantation and you will be shot.
Ann Althouse said...
Perhaps a nurse born February 23, 1992.
Or a potted plant
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
wander off the leftwing plantation and you will be shot.
Speaking of "wandering off the plantation," I know how that feels. So do ex-Fox News faces Bill Kristol, Steve Hayes, Bernie Goldberg and Jonah Goldberg.
> What does Jack@55 mean?
l33t speak.
Isn't "Jack@55" = "Jackass?"
Chuck said...
Speaking of "wandering off the plantation," I know how that feels.
There's actually a difference between a plantation and an asylum.
It's funny seeing leftists twist themselves in mental knots trying to keep track of which way they're supposed to "think" about something based on the the target subject...
Chuck keeps giving us cause to wonder about his political sympathies.
Bill Kristol has been on ABC for years. As a Hillary voter, he seems more comfortable there.
Leftists demonstrate cognitive dissonance.
Totally shocking.
I am shocked.
Baby's diaper needs changed.
#StrongCNNDefender & #MaddowFanBoy Chuck: "Speaking of "wandering off the plantation," I know how that feels."
Nonsense. The lefty plantation owners continue to enjoy your 100% dem narrative-pushing support.
Something tells me they'll always be able to count on that.....
Speaking of "wandering off the plantation," I know how that feels. So do ex-Fox News faces Bill Kristol, Steve Hayes, Bernie Goldberg and Jonah Goldberg.
The economy is booming, peace is breaking out everywhere and the Democrats are acting crazy...
Chuckles and the GOP Establishment are the hardest hit.
Michael K said...
Chuck keeps giving us cause to wonder about his political sympathies.
Bill Kristol has been on ABC for years. As a Hillary voter, he seems more comfortable there.
Don't lie about something like that, Michael K. Kristol didn't vote for Hillary. Kristol said that Hillary was "semi-corrupt," (he might now remove the "semi-"), and that she represented "nanny state liberalism." Kristol said that a Trump presidency would be preferable to a Hillary presidency. (In fairness, Kristol also said that a Trump presidency would be harmful to the Republican Party. Both things can be right, at the same time.)
"U.S. Budget Just Made History: Best Month Ever"
Nancy Pelosi and LLR Chuck hardest hit.
Just clicked to check if WaPo still wore the laurels in "stupidest commenters; major publication" category.
Still #1, I see.
The reporting's pretty impressively stupid, too.
And I don't think Coates is being disingenuous, I think he honestly misconstrues what West is saying because he's not bright enough to understand it. Consider:
“...the notion that slavery was a ‘choice’ echoes the ancient trope that slavery wasn’t that bad...
This (and everything that follows it) is painfully dull-witted, so crudely literal-minded. A "major public intellectual" who can't understand an observation from a rap star that makes only the most minimal demand on the capacity for abstract thinking. "Cargo cult" writing style at its finest.
I fully suspected that on a day when the dems aren't looking so hot LLR Chuck would be in full deflection mode early on.
As always, no surprises there.
One would be on solid ground drawing obvious conclusions.
Admiral Greer: [speaking to Jack Ryan] You want to know about politics in Washington? Four words. Watch your back, Jack.
I don't have the time for Coates.
Speaking of "wandering off the plantation," I know how that feels.
Oh, let's not get too full of ourselves. People aren't angry at you for wandering off, but for constantly assuring everyone you once belonged.
Kristol said that Hillary was "semi-corrupt,"
Kind of like how Comey found her semi-guilty.
These are the people who can't understand how we got Trump.
Completely off topic for Michael K
Have you ever done robotic surgery?
Are you willing to talk about it? I have an idea and would like to talk with someone who has actually done it.
Drop me a note at johnfajardohenry@gmail.com if this is in your wheelhouse.
(Or any other docs here)
John Henry
Don't lie about something like that, Michael K. Kristol didn't vote for Hillary.
You and Patterico, chuck. Kristol said he would vote for Hillary next time.
Poor chuck, all those who disagree are "lying."
You and Patterico, Inga's favorite "conservative."
The reporting's pretty impressively stupid, too.
I particularly enjoy the white people explaining how terrible slavery was to Kanye.
Any opportunity to demonstrate their wokeness is met with all the thought of a cymbal-banging monkey toy.
The Berlin Wall was built to keep people inside East Germany. The people who stacked the bricks and spread the mortar knew full well that people would want to leave. They knew how people would vote, with their feet, if given a chance. The Berlin Wall did its job until the will to man the Wall broke.
It is the will to keep others inside that made the Berlin Wall formidable. The soldiers who shot attempted escapees were the manifestation of that will. It was no law or piece of paper that stood between people and their freedom. It was the will of some people to do violence toward others and the structures that fed the will that mattered.
The thread Althouse links is a discussion by the guards. fern2392 did not build the Wall. But Xim and Xer believe the Wall is a worthy and perhaps noble venture.
Many people would vote with their feet and their voices if the Wall were not manned. The people who built the Wall knew as much. And they convinced a great number of people to man that Wall, for free.
Kanye West is airlifting ideas behind the Wall. He is 2018's version of President Kennedy. And Twitter is the tool he is using to transport his ideas behind enemy lines.
Have you ever done robotic surgery?
Does this include performing surgery robotically?
There are systems that allow the surgeon to actuate scalpels etc remotely while viewing through a camera.
Not truly robotic, more like manipulators. They seem to be called robotic systems though and maybe they are. There is not much agreement on what a robot is or is not
John Henry
Chuck said...
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
wander off the leftwing plantation and you will be shot.
Speaking of "wandering off the plantation," I know how that feels. So do ex-Fox News faces Bill Kristol, Steve Hayes, Bernie Goldberg and Jonah Goldberg.
When you stab someone in the back they have a tendency to be angry with you.
These people were all Hillary supporters. Some were honest and voted for her and others were dishonest and tried to tear Trump down to get her elected.
The best part of the Trump presidency is getting rid of the traitors in our midst.
There are systems that allow the surgeon to actuate scalpels etc remotely while viewing through a camera.
I know. I was just pointing out the possible ambiguity for fun.
Had you said "surgery using a robot", or "surgery via robot" there would have been no doubt.
These days when a guy says he had robotic sex with a girl, he doesn't mean "using systems that allow him to have sex with her remotely".
I'm not so sure about "Hillary supporters" - perhaps Bill Kristol, who did in fact lose his mind over Trump - some people do not like Trump at all, but they are not Hillary supporters.
I hated Trump in the beginning because I thought for sure he was in it to hand it to Hillary. I was wrong.
I don't worship any politician. I hope for the best with the least worst person.
My favorite pre-election Kristol prognostication/prescription combo was his belief that the republicans needed to dump Trump because there were many more hidden Hillary voters than hidden Trump voters which necessitated a radical plan to deny the republicans a win (which would unavoidably allow Hillary to win).
If you recall, LLR Chuck was peddling the give up early strategy and, in LLR Chuck's own words, simply work over the next 8 years to elect enough republicans to impeach Hillary!
Yep. LLR Chuck actually peddled that. It was an hilarious 5th Column effort by our strong dem defender Chuckie!
Trump jumped the wall - one wall.
A horde of refugees followed him, as the guards were weak.
Kristol and co. chose to man that wall. They are still on it.
There should be some saying about guards continuing to man the towers of a prison with breached walls.
It’s fun to talk about Coates nonsense, but is there a reason to believe a significant number of people will actually read it, despite libs pimping it on social media? Atlantic is a progressive comic book with circulation generally limited to the echo chamber. Even the exceptions like this one are usually circulated outside the chamber as examples of impaired thinking.
I feel especially bad for Jonah Goldberg. He has earned the hatred of both Trump & Clinton. Goldberg's mother had conspired with Linda Tripp to preserve the evidence that led to Bill Clinton's impeachment (aka "the blue dress"), and early in 2016 Goldberg engaged in a nasty Twitter war with Trump. I wonder what thoughts went through his head while he was in the voting booth in November, 2016?
Re: My comment at 11:42.
I missed the link to WaPo. Same difference. All part of the echo chamber. Everybody but the worst partisan diehards takes WaPo with a grain of salt - a large grain. What, 90% TDS?
Goddammit, Michael K; that is one massively stupid link that you supplied re: Bill Kristol.
1. It does not support the notion -- your stupid fucking quote -- that Bill Kristol was a Hillary voter. That's a lie, and you need to back that one down.
2. The link describes the strategy in which the Republican National Convention could be thrown into a deadlock and thereby avoid Trump as the nominee. The whole story was written before there was a Republican nominee.
3. It's a BREITBART story. So of course, the headline is hysterical, and untrue. And the content has only a passing familiarity with reality. I do, however, like the way that it closed, saying, "This is a good time to ask where this scorch-earthed mentality was when America needed it most to stop Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012." Apart from it being "scorched-earth" and not "scorch earthed" (more fine work by the inestimable Breitbart editors), it forces me to ask the same question. Where were all of the Trump '16 voters in Macomb County, Michigan; in Jefferson County, Ohio; in Adams County, Wisconsin; when Mitt Romney and John McCain were running? All of those counties voted for Obama in '08 and '12. It isn't like they were hopeless Democrat backwaters like Detroit or Cleveland or Madison. Those were places where Obama won, and then Trump won. And yeah, like John Nolte I am wondering about those voters. Or non-voters.
I have thought that some GOPe and LLR types were simply worried about the donors who fund NR and TWS.
Those donors did pretty well in the Obama ZIRP years, no matter what happened to the deficits.
That may well explain Goldberg but I don't know why the diehard NeverTrumpers, like chuck, are so determined to hate the president the GOP voters elected.
Go away chuck and take your obnoxious personality with you.
Ambulance chaser. I knew I didn't like lawyers.
#StrongDemDefender Chuck: "Where were all of the Trump '16 voters in Macomb County, Michigan; in Jefferson County, Ohio; in Adams County, Wisconsin; when Mitt Romney and John McCain were running?"
Probanly wondering why John McCain kept attacking republican base voters and them for all sorts of supposed transgressions (precisely as LLR Chuck does daily), kissing up to the far left media which also hates them, and then along with Mitt Romney refused to defend them and speak to their priorities.
Of course Trump did exactly the opposite and voila!
Gee, go figure.
Interestingly enough, LLR Chuck desperately wants the republicans to return to the gentlemanly loser mode.
Huh. Just what the left/dems want too....hmmmmmm.
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, has a sad.
Trump above water according to Reuters.
Lewis Wetzel said...
I feel especially bad for Jonah Goldberg. He has earned the hatred of both Trump & Clinton. Goldberg's mother had conspired with Linda Tripp to preserve the evidence that led to Bill Clinton's impeachment (aka "the blue dress"), and early in 2016 Goldberg engaged in a nasty Twitter war with Trump. I wonder what thoughts went through his head while he was in the voting booth in November, 2016?
Something like THIS, where he explained in great detail why he thought Clinton and Trump were both a couple of crap sandwiches and he would not vote for either one. And where, as a resident of the District of Columbia, his presidential vote didn't mean a thing.
"That may well explain Goldberg but I don't know why the diehard NeverTrumpers, like chuck, are so determined to hate the president the GOP voters elected."
Trump exposed them for what they really are.
Its not complicated.
More than 90%, Hombre. I get the WaPo's daily news briefing (not opinion), the 202, sent to my inbox. In today's 202, Trump is accused of separating mothers from their children, driving up the medical bills of sick people, denying children medical insurance, re-segregating housing, and gutting consumer protection from lenders. Trump is also connected to disgraced NY AG Schneideman, and is accused of fostering Iran's nuclear ambitions.
The WaPo's 202 bulletin tries to work Trump's name into every bullet point, and never in a positive context.
57% believe the nation is on the right track.
Dick Durbin and LLR Chuck hardest hit.
"The WaPo's 202 bulletin tries to work Trump's name into every bullet point, and never in a positive context."
Is "Bowe Bergdahl republucan" Chuck moonlighting?......
Michael K said...
Go away chuck and take your obnoxious personality with you.
Ambulance chaser. I knew I didn't like lawyers.
And I am still waiting for you to back off your rotten little lie that Bill Kristol is a Hillary voter. How long do I need to wait for that?
"Brian Stelter republican" Chuck: "And I am still waiting for you to back off our rotten little lie that Bill Kristol is a Hillary voter. How long do I need to wait for that?
How about right after you demand your hero Jake Tapper start disclosing his Handgun Control/rabid dem partisan background when "reporting"?
As if you would ever criticize your pals on that network.
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, demands proof for what happened in the privacy of the voting booth.
All caps? Maybe that would work better.
Btw, there are lots of rumors of additional stories re: Schneiderman that will reflect very badly on the dems.
Expect LLR Chuck to activate "Whirling Dervish Mode" to try and deflect for them.
it forces me to ask the same question. Where were all of the Trump '16 voters in Macomb County, Michigan; in Jefferson County, Ohio; in Adams County, Wisconsin; when Mitt Romney and John McCain were running?
At home because they refused to vote for a member of the Republican Establishment who was more interested in cooperating with the Democrats than enacting conservative policies.
That's the point.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
I'm not so sure about "Hillary supporters" - perhaps Bill Kristol, who did in fact lose his mind over Trump - some people do not like Trump at all, but they are not Hillary supporters.
I hated Trump in the beginning because I thought for sure he was in it to hand it to Hillary. I was wrong.
I don't worship any politician. I hope for the best with the least worst person.
You want what conservative voters want. We want a country of laws and borders and economic freedom.
Chuck and the GOPe do not want any of that.
BTW, I do believe that the number of #StrongDemDefender Chuck's criticisms of disgraced and violent Schneiderman remains at an even....zero.
Kristol and Goldeberg and Will and the GOPe haven't wandered off the plantation.
They were the people keeping the Republican voters on the plantation.
They worked for their uniparty patrons to try to teach us how racist we were to oppose open borders.
Their job was to convince us to go nation building and jump into as many stupid wars as possible.
Their job was to support losers like Romney who gave us Obamacare.
Their job was to support losers like Bush who gave us Medicare part B.
Nothing is more worthless right now than the cuck wing of the democrat party.
it forces me to ask the same question. Where were all of the Trump '16 voters in Macomb County, Michigan; in Jefferson County, Ohio; in Adams County, Wisconsin; when Mitt Romney and John McCain were running?
Think about the premise underlying this profoundly democrat-like question offered up by our fopdoodle.
LLR Chuck thinks it was the responsibility of voters who had long voted for democrats to simply cross over because......whatever.
And better yet, cross over to vote for politicians who represent interests that literally hate them.
And Chuck doesn't understand that.
So much for the expertise of our self-styled Michigan electoral "expert".
Gahrie said...
it forces me to ask the same question. Where were all of the Trump '16 voters in Macomb County, Michigan; in Jefferson County, Ohio; in Adams County, Wisconsin; when Mitt Romney and John McCain were running?
At home because they refused to vote for a member of the Republican Establishment who was more interested in cooperating with the Democrats than enacting conservative policies.
So instead of John McCain, or Mitt Romney, they got Obama.
George W Bush defeats algore on the basis of voters wanting a change away from the clinton era.
What is the first thing W does?
Let's Teddy Kennedy write the Education Bill.
Because that's what "Tru-Con's" like LLR Chuck do.....
LLR Chuck: "So instead of John McCain, or Mitt Romney, they got Obama."
Yes dummy. These nominal democrats voted for the democrat.
You really are that stupid aren't you?!
It took Trump to get voters who hadn't voted in years AS WELL AS nominal democrats in particular areas motivated to cross over and vote for a republican.
You are literally Pelosi-level dense. Probably due to your shared world view.
On a hypothetical plus side, John Kasich would have given a wonderfully supportive and warm concession speech to Hillary as she began immediately nailing down the permanent weaponization of the govt against conservatives and republicans.
John McCain? That old ass hole? Yeah, why weren't people beating down the doors to follow that old codger?
And Mitt Romney? It wasn't the dog on the car roof that doomed him. It was his aloofness. He could not connect with actual people. He is a technocratic CEO and that is fine for many functions but not for leading citizens to the voting booth.
A fopdoodle would have supported Ford in 1976.
A fopdoodle would have wanted Bush as VP in 1980.
Slow learners.
Chuck said...
Something like THIS, where he explained in great detail why he thought Clinton and Trump were both a couple of crap sandwiches and he would not vote for either one. And where, as a resident of the District of Columbia, his presidential vote didn't mean a thing.
The democrat wing of the democrat party has a job. Get their candidates elected by talking about about how cool their candidates are.
The cuck wing of the democrat party has a job. Get their candidates elected by trashing republican candidates.
Any polite disagreements with democrats are grudging and only meant to maintain credibility.
John McCain's nomination might actually be the first time a political party actually nominated a candidate that literally and viscerally hated the party's base.
Chuck said...
So instead of John McCain, or Mitt Romney, they got Obama.
The cuck wing of the democrat party did their job. They got two people nominated as the republican candidate for president who:
1. Supported Obamacare
2. Wanted open borders
3. Supported all sorts of wars and nation building
4. Support the global warming religion
Not only did they know this would drive millions of republican voters to stay home and throw the election to Obama, they knew these cucks would push through the democrat agenda anyway.
If either Romney or McCain won, we would have had a second amnesty. Guaranteed.
In 2016 we told the cucks to fuck off.
And we won in the general.
Not a coincidence.
Looks like Israel went ahead and named the square near the new US Embassy location in Jerusalem after Trump.
This will be in addition to naming the new train stop there after Trump as well.
CNN, Christiane Amanpour, Hamas/Hezbollah terrorists and LLR Chuck hardest hit.
Poor chuck. It is not smart to go full Patterico.
Some of us think Kristol has done so.
Kristol represents everything the Trump base (and every Trump voter I know) detest in politics: an entitled, out-of-touch prig who is part of an impotent Republican establishment that repeatedly caved to Barack Obama, watched our cultural institutions burn without lifting a finger, and is now devoid of energy, ability, or ideas. Kristol is King of the Zombies.
and Be prepared to have your entire life examined for every little misstatement and miscalculation. Talk about why you still think the TV character Murphy Brown should have been ashamed for having a child out of wedlock, the Iraq War was a great idea, and even why your wife just donated money to the Democratic candidate for Virginia governor, saying “I don’t think we should keep feeding the Republican pipeline with new officeholders if all they are going to do is toe the line and agree with every one of [Trump’s] policies.”
I can't find the quote about him voting for Hillary if she runs again against Trump but it's out there somewhere.
Michael K, you called Bill Kristol "a Hillary voter." He has never voted for Hillary.
Now, I am calling you a liar.
Chuck said...
Michael K, you called Bill Kristol "a Hillary voter." He has never voted for Hillary.
Now, I am calling you a liar..
What a piece of shit.
It is funny that someone would even bother arguing that Kristol didn't do everything he possibly could to get Hillary elected.
Trump presents the Democrats with the key to fracturing the GOP coalition of evangelicals, working class whites, and businessmen. Instead of using this key, the Democrats seem intent on using their openly expressed hatred for Trump supporters to hold the GOP together.
I think that even Chuck would agree with this.
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire,
We call you a liar every day.
Earth to chuck, I did not say he voted for Hillary. Nobody knows who he voted for or if he voted.
What he said was, if Hillary were to run against Trump in 2020, he would vote for Hillary.
Try not to go full Patterico. Although you are both obnoxious lawyers.
Lewis Wetzel said...
Trump presents the Democrats with the key to fracturing the GOP coalition of evangelicals, working class whites, and businessmen. Instead of using this key, the Democrats seem intent on using their openly expressed hatred for Trump supporters to hold the GOP together.
I think that even Chuck would agree with this.
The coalition of evangelicals and working class whites and the entrepreneur class happened because of Trump.
The working class only supported Trump because he ran on immigration and supporting US manufacturing. Getting rid of the CoC/Neocons has made it palatable to the black working class as well.
The best thing Trump did was reorient US politics and remove the masks from the globalist shills.
Michael K I am just quoting you. You called Kristol "a Hillary voter." Your words. Are you going to try to weasel out of the plain meaning of that?
LLR Chuck is investing as much energy in defending Hillary enabler Kristol as he does defending the most partisan hack dems.
"Try not to go full Patterico. Although you are both obnoxious lawyers."
Assumes facts not in evidence. Lifelong Incel Chuck is about as likely to have passed a bar exam as he is to have had consensual non commercial sex with a biological female.
That is, not at all.
I lost respect for Chuck the night of the election- his last comment that night on Althouse was to point out that the Detroit Free Press had called the state of Michigan for Clinton. After that it was crickets until the next morning.
so, someone (i'm not going to name name's 'cause i promised the Prof that i'd stop making post about him)
said that Kristol said he disliked Trump and Hill... "and he would not vote for either one."
Anyone, and i mean ANYONE, would realize that not voting in 2016 was Exactly the same as voting for Hill
Exactly the same. Thank GOD, thousands in the midwest Did vote
Were it possible for me to not vote for either one, that is what I would have done, but living in the swing state of Florida most of the year and for voting purposes, not voting was a vote for Hillary, which was more than I could stomach. I can respect that, I just don’t understand why somebody would commit themselves to a NEVER position. Trump’s presidency has gone fine so far.
What is very very interesting in terms of "leaving plantations" is when Kanye launched his tweetstorm which basically said that blacks should not be automatically aligned with any one party.
A call for independent thought.
Something to be cheered, no?
So who attacked Kanye the most?
Leftists and......(you already know the answer)...LLR Chuck.
It's uncanny how that just keeps happening.
My comment at 10:52 AM is about as substantive as I ever get.
Arguing by metaphor. An important recognition of the structures at play.
Yancey Ward said...
I lost respect for Chuck the night of the election- his last comment that night on Althouse was to point out that the Detroit Free Press had called the state of Michigan for Clinton. After that it was crickets until the next morning.
Can you find that post? I looked, and I can't find it. I know exactly what you are talking about, and I feel confident that you are mischaracterizing me.
The Detroit Free Press is the House Newsletter for Michigan Democrats. I don't subscribe; and I read it online only out of rare curiosity.
The Freep editorial board made a mistake that night that they still haven't lived down. They called the election (Michigan, for Clinton) far too early, and my memory of what you are talking about is that I either said blandly as a matter of fact that the Freep had called Michigan for Clinton (which was true; they did call it in her favor at a surprisingly early hour based on their own modeling); or more consistent with my memory is that I remarked that the Freep had called Michigan for Clinton but that the Freep was an outlier in doing so.
Drago said...
What is very very interesting in terms of "leaving plantations" is when Kanye launched his tweetstorm which basically said that blacks should not be automatically aligned with any one party.
What really makes Chuck mad is it was republican voters who were the first to leave the GOPe plantation when they chose Trump over their "Deep bench."
If Black people follow suit and even a nominal percentage support Trump it is over for the uniparty.
There is no constituency among legal voters for open borders and endless wars.
LLR Chuck: "Can you find that post? I looked, and I can't find it. I know exactly what you are talking about, and I feel confident that you are mischaracterizing me"
"Your words. Are you going to try to weasel out of the plain meaning of that?"
Chuck, why are you obsessed with this ?
I saw somewhere a statement by Kristol that, if Hillary ran against Trump in 2020, he would vote for Hillary.
Neither you nor I know who he voted for in 2016. Maybe Egg McMuffin, which is the same as a vote for Hillary.
Would you like to pursue this more? That way lies the full Patterico. Not recommended.
John McCain's nomination might actually be the first time a political party actually nominated a candidate that literally and viscerally hated the party's base.
Yep. It is the one - and only time - I left the top spot completely blank on my ballot.
The guy spends his entire political career kicking people like me in the teeth, and then expected me to turn around and vote for him?
Fuck that.
The great battle West v. West is this: if you want a job which party should you vote for? and are you allowed to speak freely about this question if you are black?
The black community around the Great Lakes is formed of people who left farming and the South to come work in manufacturing jobs in the North. And for some it worked out; they form the middle class in the black community, having moved out of center Milwaukee (or any other Great Lakes city) toward suburbs and better schools. But NAFTA destroyed US manufacturing, sending it to Mexico and China. This caused lack of jobs which froze the evolution of the middle class in the black community. And the Democrats accept that status quo and even seek to make it all worse, by destroying cheap energy and regulating manufacturing out of all Dem controlled cities. But Trump and the Republicans who support him are working to re-industrialize America - like Walker getting Foxconn. So the black community has to choose. To vote for the Dems is to vote to keep on the hate on against factories and associated capitalists; is to vote to destroy more manufacturing (and your own who aspire to the middle class); is to vote to further wreck the economic basis of the cities controlled by Dem politicians (who the black community is keeping power, so it's down to the black community.)
Cornel West wants the black community to destroy its own economic basis. And Kanye West wants the black community to think about which party currently is serving the black community's interests. Do Democrats help the black community? Used to be. But now? Is the black community free?
to form its own opinion on the subject?
Notice how Kanye is being treated?
If that is what happens to Kanye West, what do you suppose has been happening to the rest?
Adam Clymer was not only called a "major-league asshole" by candidate for President GW Bush over a live microphone at a campaign stop, his sentiment was endorsed by VP Dick Cheney, "big time.
"Upon spotting a veteran political reporter in the crowd and pointing him out to his running mate, Dick Cheney, as the two stood at the podium waving to the assembled crowd, Bush said, “There’s Adam Clymer, major-league asshole from The New York Times.” Cheney, also unaware the microphones were turned on, agreed, saying, “Oh yeah, he is, big time.” https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/major-league-remark/
Apparently there are a lot of assholes running around in and near politics. Who knew?
"When the President of the United States calls you a jackass, it's time to reconsider your position." Gosh, no retrogressive State-cultism there! Reminds me of the time (when the Lightbringer was president of course) that Chris Rock said that the president was like "the daddy," and we should all just do "what daddy says." As one way commented at the time, "It's nice that Mr. Rock has absorbed the civics lessons of 15th Century Russia." Kneel before Big Daddy, serfs!
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