May 21, 2018

"In no way would a fourth-hand report from a Maltese professor justify wholesale targeting of four or five members of the Trump campaign."

"It took Christopher Steele, with his funding concealed through false campaign filings, to be incredibly successful at creating a vast echo chamber around his unverified, fanciful dossier, bouncing it back and forth between the press and the FBI so it appeared that there were multiple sources all coming to the same conclusion. Time and time again, investigators came up empty. Even several sting operations with an FBI spy we just learned about failed to produce a Delorean-like video with cash on the table. But rather than close the probe, the deep state just expanded it. All they had were a few isolated contacts with Russians and absolutely nothing related to Trump himself, yet they pressed forward. Egged on by Steele, they simply believed Trump and his team must be dirty. They just needed to dig deep enough...."

From "Stopping Robert Mueller to protect us all" by Mark Penn (The Hill).


Michael K said...

The cracks in the dam are getting wider.

Michael K said...

Stopping Mueller isn’t about one president or one party. It’s about all presidents and all parties. It’s about cleaning out and reforming the deep state so that our intelligence operations are never used against opposing campaigns without the firmest of evidence. It’s about letting people work for campaigns and administrations without needing legal defense funds. It’s about relying on our elections to decide our differences.

Too much money at stake.

rhhardin said...

The chaos was the point, not a side-effect of investigation.

peacelovewoodstock said...

The appearance is that Obama used the DOJ and intelligence agencies to put his thumb on the scale to favor Hillary in the election; it also seems that like the hare in the race with the tortoise, he was too complacent.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I also find this Republican on Republican violence very disturbing. Something must be done or the streets will run red.

Rob said...

This from Mark Penn, who labored for the Clinton Administration from 1995 to 2000 and was chief strategist for Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2008. He knows how the Clintons play the game.

Darrell said...

I also find this Republican on Republican violence very disturbing. Something must be done or the streets will run red

An involuntary psychiatric hold on you?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

The excerpted passage is hot garbage. At no time did any of the president's persecutors believe that he was "dirty". This was never an investigation, it was a frame-up from jump street.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Chuck Schumer flat out stated that if you take on the intelligence community they had ways to "get back at you," way back before Trump took the oath of office. They dropped that pretty quick once they realized what they were really saying, that the people in the intelligence community had no interest in the rule of law or loyalty to the United State's institutions. But at the time Rachel Maddow and Schumer were snickering about how the "intelligence community" was going to "get" Trump. And then you have neverTrumpers whining about the destruction of democratic norms. It would appear the norms they are morning the loss of include the use of federal agencies to suppress free speech, assembly, and political activism by the wrong sort of people.

Rusty said...

To ARM shouting is violence. Beta males don't like arguments. Fascists are the violent ones ARM. As you well know. ARZM, Inga and ritmo would never resort to violence. Of course they wouldn'y mind if antifa beat you over the head with a bikelock.

Darrell said...

AR15Man has a plan.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Some quality posts here this morning.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Recall the gift that Melania presented the Obama's on Inauguration day: a frame. Just like with Schneiderman and Weiner and Spitzer and crooked Hillary and the rest of the filthy New York politicians, Donald Trump had the Obama's number. PDJT is a battle hardened BOSS! This man is not only opposing and defeating immensely powerful and wicked forces in the US, he's doing it all over the world.
You fucking limp dicks who preamble with apologies for supporting the president ought to grow a pair and start standing up for the man. You wussies are always going on about Reagan while right before your eyes there is a man rising up to an individual righteousness and greatness that our country has not seen since Abraham Lincoln.

John henry said...

Preach it, Brother Michael

John Henry

Darrell said...

Some quality posts here this morning.

Like this spit up.

Rusty said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Some quality posts here this morning.

Speaking of 'shitstain'

Ralph L said...

I'd like to know on what road Mark Penn saw the light.

Curious George said...

Jesus. The delusional Mark Penn becomes more delusional daily, how is this even possible? It’s fascinating like watching a slow motion train wreck. I really fear for this country when Mueller’s investigation is finally over and America sees the truth of what’s really been happening. Of course some will never accept the truth.

Larry J said...

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Chuck Schumer flat out stated that if you take on the intelligence community they had ways to "get back at you," way back before Trump took the oath of office.

This is one of the rare times when Schumer told the truth. Before the election, the Obama administration did everything possible to ensure a Hillary victory because they knew Trump would overturn their transformations. Hillary was such a terrible candidate that she lost an election rigged in her favor.

What has happened since the election is nothing short of an attempted coup d'état.

A coup d'état: also known simply as a coup, a putsch, golpe de estado, or an overthrow, is a type of revolution, where the illegal and overt seizure of a state by the military or other elites within the state apparatus occurs.

The people behind this coup attempt should be treated accordingly.

Sebastian said...

"they simply believed Trump and his team must be dirty. They just needed to dig deep enough"

It is not clear they "believed" that. They did believe Trump Must Be Stopped, by any means necessary. They used any means necessary, but it wasn't enough. So they produced more--Mueller. But the necessary means still weren't sufficient.

And now Trump is fighting back. At least a portion of the electorate is not entirely sanguine about the deep-state tactics they meant to keep hidden.

It's enough to drive a proper prog mad--as you can hear in recent pronouncements by John Brennan.

Tommy Duncan said...

The Mueller investigation was purposely born out of hysteria.

A calm and rational evaluation of the the evidence then available does not justify the appointment of a Special Counsel and what has transpired over the past year. Trump's weekend tweets were intended to bring us back from the Media/Progressive generated fog and hysteria and return us to facts and reality.

The coordination of effort and deceit between the FBI, DOJ, media and DNC has been remarkable.

BamaBadgOR said...

I want Sally Yates investigated.

Michael K said...

This thing began before Trump. It was set up to force Obama's Iran deal through.

I would like to know what they found on Corker to get him to help push it through.

The Trump caper was just to use the existing machinery until it looked like he was really a threat. Read Belmont Club's piece on this.

Sebastian said...

"they simply believed Trump and his team must be dirty"

Sorry for harping on this, and apologies to others who have already covered some of this, but the whole point of Brennan and his Langley group was to create the dirt.

Hence the outreach to Papadopoulos and to Steele, whose "dirt" could then be cited as "evidence" triggering an official, FISA-blessed investigation.

But they ran into some problems: the dirt was all fabricated, the first FISA application was rejected, Trump won, Nunes and Gowdy went after documents, Comey couldn't keep his mouth shut and was fired, Mueller dragged out the anti-Trump campaign but found nothing helpful, and the old narratives about when the anti-Trump operation really started kept falling apart, triggering repeated attempts at damage control by Brennan et al.--trying to prevent Halper from being identified, since it would expose the dirt production, leaking the Langley conclave, to try and justify the dirt production, and so on.

Mike Sylwester said...

Here is a webpage with A LOT of information about Joseph Mifsud.

Ray - SoCal said...

I’m surprised Mark Penn is writing this.

I would have expected the opposite, with his Clinton background.

FIDO said...

ARM is only attacking the commentariat. This means that he can't refute, or even call into question what is increasingly becoming established as Obama/Clinton/Democrat corruption.

So what does he have? He makes fun of the (sometimes unhinged) Right Wing and Conservative commenters here. It is basic ad hominem. It's what the Left does when they have no more cover or anything constructive to say (since 64).

Hey, when one of my guys is proven guilty, or as is more often the case, only ACCUSED of something, I feel sad too. So please respect ARMs feelings. Two of the Icons of the Democratic Party have been shown to be such massive shitstains that there are clumps dripping off of them. They are dirty and have discredited not only themselves, but the Massive Soul Saving Massive Government which ARM has such regard for.

You know...that institution which we can trust to 'do the right thing'. That moral institution which does Title IX letters, drives corporations out of business, does political sting know...the guys whom we should trust to take away our guns.

So since ARM does care about the little black children getting killed by firearms, this is a huge step back for gun control legislation.

A dark day as he is disARMed.

So expect nothing reasonable from him today.

Ray - SoCal said...

Mark Penns writing this signals an inflection point.

He’s basically screaming stop as the Democrats are set to drive off a cliff electorally.

My guess he sees the possibility of what happened to the GOP after Watergate, happening to the Democrats.

Contrasted with the mainstream narrative the GOP may lose the house.

CWJ said...

"They must be dirty. I mean, look at us!"

Mike Sylwester said...

During 2016, Stefan Halper received two contracts from the Office of Net Assessment (OSA) of the Department of Defense.

* A contract dated September 27, 2016, for an "India and China Economic Study".

* A contract dated July 26, 2016, for "DIRECT LABOR". By means of this contract, ONA paid Halper $411,575.

The "DIRECT LABOR" contract's date -- July 26, 2016 -- falls two weeks after Halper’s first contact with a Trump campaign aide; within a day or two of when Alexander Downer’s information about Papadopoulos is supposed to have reached the FBI; and five days before we are told the FBI’s “Russia” investigation officially started.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

FIDO said...
ARM is only attacking the commentariat. This means that he can't refute, or even call into question what is increasingly becoming established as Obama/Clinton/Democrat corruption.

You might want to take a breath there FIDO. The FBI is a Republican dominated organization. They drove this investigation. Take it up with them.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Some kid at the Weekly Standard (I guess they're Trump haters) says Mueller was an objective third party, and if only Trump could meekly agree to tell Mueller everything he knows. Like the optimist, offered a room full of horseshit, saying "there has to be a pony in here somewhere!" Meanwhile we're all gaining some clarity. Brennan was a key figure. He and his friends knew Hillary and her gang had committed crimes for which they were not going to be indicted; Obama told them not to indict anybody, and Hillary was going to win, giving everybody bigger careers. They wanted not only to start and spread every kind of dirt about Trump, but to come up with something bigger: a complete failure to protect government secrets, followed by a campaign of obstruction of justice, is bad, but colluding with a foreign power "to subvert democracy" is worse. So they would subvert democracy in order to get Trump. The smarter or better informed of them, I guess, knew it was all bullshit. The stupider or more naive thought they were actually watching an international spy thriller unfold, and then another Watergate.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Clapper 2017: “I know for a fact there was no surveillance on the Trump campaign, and I would have known."

Clapper 2018: “Not only did I know, it’s a good thing!”


The entire left summed up nicely.

Drago said...

I should have written, "The entire left and their LLR allies summed up nicely."

LLR Chuck expends so much energy supporting the dems and left it would be wrong of me not to recognize his efforts on their behalf.

Fabi said...

"The FBI is a Republican dominated organization."

Do you have a link for this deflection?

Michael K said...

Fabi, he is referring to a long ago tradition of Hoover hiring Irish Catholic agents. They also used hire only agents with law degrees or CPAs. That was 50 years ago. ARM doesn't keep up.

Mike Sylwester said...

I have found that one of the best sources of information about the RussiaGate hoax is The Markets Work blog written by Jeff Carlson. He assembles and presents a lot of information very clearly.

Last Friday Carlson published an article titled "The FBI’s Outside Contractors, DNC Servers & Crowdstrike". He seems to be moving toward a conclusion that Crowdstrike personnel, working on an FBI contract, used a DNC computer to access the NSA database during the period beginning no later than November 2015 and continuing into April 2016. Crowdstrike's access to that database ended on April 18, 2016, when NSA Director Mike Rogers terminated FBI contractors' access to the NSA database.

It seems to me that Carlson is suggesting that Russian Intelligence targeted the DNC server not for political reasons, but rather because a contractor using that server was accessing the NSA database.

The Russian cyber-attacks on the DNC server began on July 27, 2015, shortly after Donald Trump entered the presidential election race on June 16, 2015. It seems to me, therefore, that Russian Intelligence found in July 2015 that someone using the DNC server was able to search the NSA database for information about Trump and his associates.

In November 2015, the FBI notified the DNC that the DNC server was sending data to Russia.

On March 10, 2016, a series of phishing attacks began to target DNC employees. On March 19, 2016, John Podesta fell for one of the phishing attacks.

During March 2016, NSA Director Rogers became aware that contractors were searching the NSA database improperly.

In late March 2016, the phishing attacks on the DNC were discovered, and FBI special agents visited the DNC facility.

On April 18, Rogers terminated the contractors' ability to search the NSA database.

On that same April 18, a new Russia-based cyber-attack on DNC servers began.

On April 22, Russian intelligence prepared massive amounts of data for exfiltration from DNC servers.

On April 28, DNC CEO Amy Dacy spoke with Michael Sussmann, a DNC lawyer and partner with Perkins Coie. Sussmann contacted Shawn Henry, CSO and President of Crowdstrike Services. (Dacy “resigned” as CEO of DNC on August 2, 2016.)

On June 14, Crowdstrike produced a report on malware found on the DNC’s server during an investigation in May 2016 stating evidence suggests the malware was injected by Russians.

On June 15, Guccifer 2.0 claimed he, not Russia, hacked the DNC.


There's much more information in Carlson's article.

buwaya said...

They didn't "believe" anything.
No one was fooled, other than some of the public.
This was ginned up deliberately for a purpose.
There are no honest actors in this business.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I am referring to the fact that almost all of the principals are or were Republicans. They have driven this thing. You may not like 'those kind' of Republicans, but Republicans they are. Most people would pause at tearing down an organization dominated by their own party members, but not Trump, or you guys. Personally, I can only applaud your efforts.

walter said...

How "Republican" is Mueller when he brings on Dem "investigators"?
It's about power.
You're kidding yourself if you don't see the distinctions here.

Fabi said...

Assertion as proof is all ARM needs for his deflection. No proof, no link. Lulz

walter said...

Not to mention Comey, who no longer considers himself Republican.

buwaya said...

Re the article ending - "letting elections decide our differences" - is never going to work again, simply because too much is at stake. The greatest source of wealth on the planet is the US Federal Government.

Its like telling the Spanish colonial government of Peru to be careful of the welfare of the Indian workers at Potosi, the greatest source of wealth on the planet at the time.

The only way to restore elections is to destroy the power of the US government, such that control of it is not such a necessary prize.

Original Mike said...

Here’s something from the Penn article I didn’t know: “Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation.”

Original Mike said...

Here’s something I did know, but bears repeating: “Rosenstein is a fact witness, and Mueller is a friend of Comey, disqualifying them both.”

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I wonder if Maltese collusion is as illegal as Russian collusion.

Drago said...

ARM: "Most people would pause at tearing down an organization dominated by their own party members, but not Trump, or you guys."

Thank you for recognizing our adherence to principles over party.

Quite frankly, as a leftist, I'm surprised you even have the ability to discern such a thing.

Perhaps the beating the democrats are taking for having publicly supported Hamas, MS-13 and Kim Jong Un in the last several weeks has given you some new perspective.

Drago said...

Original Mike: "Here’s something from the Penn article I didn’t know: “Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation."

That was noted in a significant way quite some time ago.

buwaya said...

The Maltese professor is an asset of MI-6.

Drago said...

ARM is simply attempting to lay the foundation for another lefty switcheroo operation wherein all of obama's and hillary's and their minions crimes are transferred to any nominal republican who happens to be breathing within the zip code.

There is a very very good reason that Mueller has not a single republican on his hack staff: he can't afford to have anyone in the room who isn't a part of the Get Trump team.

Mueller and Rosenstein are up to their necks in conflicts of interests, Uranium One and the FISA abuse.

That is why Mueller and Rosenstein are in strong operational alignment with the hack hillary fan club prosecutors on Muellers attack dog staff.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago said...
Thank you for recognizing our adherence to principles over party.

I am not just recognizing it, I am applauding it.

Drago said...

ARM: "I am not just recognizing it, I am applauding it."


Of course, the massive corruption deployed to protect Hillary and target Trump puts the clear lie to your entire premise based on a faulty labeling ploy.

But I understand that at this point, when every single previous hilarious fallback position utilized by Team Dem/ARM has been blown out of the water by new exposures, you really have nothing left. Which is why this dry hole is the only one you keep returning to.

I wish you luck with your new "it's all republicans/I love MS-13!/Give back your tax cuts!/Full speed ahead on socialism!/Give us your guns you fascists!" platform.

n.n said...

A British agent, a Maltese professor, a post-coup agent in Kiev.

Fabi said...

It's getting harder and harder to find a lefty who'll admit they voted for Bill Clinton. After this scandal breaks free over the next year, we'll have an even harder time finding an Obama voter.

Mike Sylwester said...

Mark Wauck, a former FBI special agent, has written several articles explaining his experienced perspective on the FBI's actions in the RussiaGate hoax. Yesterday Wauck published a new article titled "Crossfire Hurricane: The How and Why".

Wauck writes that the FBI helped the Democrat Party by enabling contractors to search the NSA database for information about Republican politicians and their associates.

This scheme ended, however, in April 2016 because NSA Director Michael Rogers discovered that the FBI's contractors were doing such searches. Rogers terminated the FBI contractors' access to the NSA database.

In response, FBI counter-intelligence began to develop a FISA warrant in order to renew the ability to search the NSA database for information about Republicans.

In order to obtain a FISA warrant, the FBI had to initiate a so-called "Full Investigation" on some US person who was acting as an agent for a foreign entity. The person soon was selected -- Carter Page.

However, for several months the FBI was able to initiate only a so-called "Preliminary Investigation" on Page.

Wauck writes:


If you consult the [FBI] Guidelines, you'll find that there's more than one kind of investigation. There's the FI [Full Investigation] ... the threshhold for opening a FI on an USPER [US person] is, in practice, fairly high.

Fortunately for the FBI there's also a type of investigation with a much lower threshhold, called a Preliminary Investigation (PI). Now, you can't get FISA coverage with a PI, but you can use most other investigative techniques (and, yes, the Guidelines spell all this out, too).

For example, you can use National Security Letters. Or Pen Registers. Or consensual monitoring. And, handily for this case, the Guidelines allow the FBI to use the investigative technique of putting sources in contact with your target and seeking to develop information of use. And that might help provide predication for that all important FI, which in turn could serve as the basis for FISA coverage.

My assumption is that the FBI would have wanted to play this by the book, to preserve at least the appearance of legality. That means they would have had at least one PI opened in order to use Halper to target USPERs in the Trump campaign, and there may have actually been several PIs opened. This would have happened in April or May of 2016, whereas the FI that was eventually opened (on Carter Page) was opened on July 31, 2016.

What was happening in the meantime? Quite a bit. [Christopher] Steele was busy writing "reports" for his "dossier" during that time period. [Stefan] Halper was in contact with Trump foreign policy advisers: George Papadopoulos and Carter Page.

And, intriguingly, a dodgy Russian lawyer offered "dirt on Hillary" to the Trump campaign and met at Trump Towers on June 9, 2016 with ... Don Trump Jr. and Paul Manafort.

Why is that Trump Towers meeting so intriguing to me? Because it has many of the earmarks of a setup ...

[end quote]

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Second the reference to Wretched's column:

Avoiding a crisis depends on not crossing certain lines and concealing that fact if it has occurred. That has now gone by the board. When a system is undeniably confronted with deceitful lawlessness it is like finding the dealer was cheating at cards. Trump, by officially demanding an answer into whether the previous administration engaged in political spying, is effectively accusing them of cheating at cards. As everybody knows, once you ask this question at a table, the surface game stops and a deeper game begins. Suddenly the little cardboard rectangles don't matter anymore.

Yancey Ward said...

When Rogers shut down the NSA searches in April 2016, he retained the audit trails while deleting the search results. In other words, it is known who searched the databases and on whom they searched, and is proveable. We will eventually learn all of it, and I just about guarantee that this effort didn't include only Donald Trump and his campaign staff, but included Marco Rubio and his staff, Ted Cruz and his staff etc.

This stuff has not been leaked because it is part of a criminal investigation- count on it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“This stuff has not been leaked because it is part of a criminal investigation- count on it.”

Indeed, many things we don’t know are part of a criminal investigation and haven’t been leaked.

Birkel said...

Wow, Royal ass Inga just admitted foreign intelligence was misused by the Obama Administration.

(The fact she lacks the seriousness to see her own admission makes it hilarious.)

Hey Skipper said...

Mike, thanks for all the time you take putting up your comments.

Inga, LLR Chuck, Trumpit, ARM, et al: assume the hypothetical that what Mike has provided over the last months turns out to be, by and large, true. (Much more than a hypothetical, really.)

Then what?

Drago said...

Hey Skipper: "Then what?"

We have already seen the latest fallback position for the lefties/LLR's.

They will claim they were doing it to protect Trump! We know they will claim that because they already the NYT no less.

The lefties/LLR's will also continue to try and setup republicans for smearing in the lefty press.

Case in point: If you haven't seen the Nunes interview with Maria Bartiromo where at the last minute Nunes and Gowdy backed out of a meeting (that had been requested for months to view documents) with the DOJ because they sensed they were being setup to be blamed for the leaking the identity of the spy the dems put into the Trump camp.

And sure enough, even after backing out of the meeting so there could not possibly have been any leaking from them, the NYT/Wash Post went ahead with the pre-planted stories which provided detailed information on Halper but Nunes and Gowdy were still blamed by dems/media types because that was the original plan and the dems are sticking to it.

Going forward, it is a wise strategy for republicans to operate in an unpredictable way in terms of meeting/information sharing timing to disrupt the continuing machinations of the remaining lefties in the deep state.

Mike Sylwester said...

Supposedly, Stefan Halper's life is in danger if he is identified as an intelligence source.

Is Halper some insider in the Russian government?


Halper is an academic who writes essays and interviews people in London and in Washington DC.

Yancey Ward said...


The stories were ready to go along with the name, but when they were alerted by the DoJ that Nunes and Gowdy didn't show, the name was redacted at the last minute by the editors.

Nunes was correct- he was being set up. I suspect someone warned him about it- not everyone in the DoJ is anti-Trump.

Drago said...

MS: "No. Halper is an academic who writes essays and interviews people in London and in Washington DC"

And is a long time known CIA source and there was nothing too secretive about it.

What is most interesting is that in the NYT deep state leak report on Halper it uses the words "dispatched" for Halper who approached the Trump campaign.... "help out".....

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "The stories were ready to go along with the name, but when they were alerted by the DoJ that Nunes and Gowdy didn't show, the name was redacted at the last minute by the editors"

That is the rumor.

When people were wondering why the MSM'ers would redact the name when they provided every single professional and personal profile fact that made it easy for everyone to identify him in about 3 minutes, that is why. The stories had already been written and filed and it would have taken significant rewrite to remove all identifying details.

So the lefties simply went ahead with anyway AND STILL blamed Nunes and Gowdy for leaking, even though Nunes and Gowdy had never been briefed!

Drago said...

Just this morning Maryanne Marsh, longtime lefty dem hack for the Clintons did in fact literally blame Nunes and Gowdy and republicans for leaking Halper's identity.

Once again, as always, the left always accuses the republicans of doing precisely what the lefties are actually doing.

This is an absolutely perfect example of that.

Original Mike said...

“Supposedly, Stefan Halper's life is in danger if he is identified as an intelligence source.”

Yeah, it’s risible.

They go to that argument all the time because, really, what else have they got?

walter said...

Uh..errr...if it rings true..blah, blah, blah..

Original Mike said...

”Nunes was correct- he was being set up.”

Set up by Rod Rosenstein. Fighting this is not going to be easy.

Matt Sablan said...

I don't know. If you can indict a ham sandwich, you can probably investigate the bread and pig separately.

Matt Sablan said...

"It is not clear they "believed" that."

-- I think they honestly do. People like Stzork and Page are True Believers. They believe Trump and Putin shook hands to steal Clinton's emails. They believe the conspiracy; Comey even won't acknowledge that Trump did not pay hookers for the Golden Shower Dossier.

Very smart people believing very stupid things gets you something like this.

Matt Sablan said...

"ARM is simply attempting to lay the foundation for another lefty switcheroo operation wherein all of obama's and hillary's and their minions crimes are transferred to any nominal republican who happens to be breathing within the zip code."


Original Mike said...

”“Supposedly, Stefan Halper's life is in danger if he is identified as an intelligence source.”

I guess the claim is that Trump will have this guy offed.

Howard said...

You people treat this Telenova if it was important like a reality TV show.

I was off by a quarter, having predicted Mueller done by Memorial Day, now it's Labor Day when Trump and Hillary get a pass from Deep State Nine. Did Tom Wolfe wear white after Labor Day?

Howard said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I am referring to the fact that almost all of the principals are or were Republicans. They have driven this thing. You may not like 'those kind' of Republicans, but Republicans they are. Most people would pause at tearing down an organization dominated by their own party members, but not Trump, or you guys. Personally, I can only applaud your efforts.

Sounds like a passive-aggressive insult, but it is exactly what Democrats need to do to have a future in power. Instead, Hillary is feted at Yale and Harvard

Birkel said...

I think significant jail time is likely for many of the FBI/DOJ conspirators. Now it looks like actors within State, NSA, and CIA might face prosecution too.

Hillary and Obama were involved, it can be reasonably assumed, but are likely beyond the grasp of law. However, I would have said the same about Bill Clinton who was disbarred and fined.

Original Mike said...

”I think significant jail time is likely for many of the FBI/DOJ conspirators. Now it looks like actors within State, NSA, and CIA might face prosecution too.”

My prediction: Everybody skates.

Howard said...

Birkel: Low-level actors will get burned in effigy. No deep state employees, however.

Birkel said...

Call me an optimist, but I believe Donald Trump is changing a lot, quickly.

Original Mike and Howard were correct before. I think you are wrong now. The methodical way in which Sessions, Nunes, Grassley, and Trump have rolled put the facts makes me confident. This is purposeful.

Trump means to change the status quo.

Matt Sablan said...

I'll believe it when I see it; Abedin's still free, despite perjury. I'm pretty sure everyone skates is a lot more likely than the other possibilities. But, I'd not mind being wrong.

tcrosse said...

Money talks. Everyone walks.

Original Mike said...

”I'll believe it when I see it; Abedin's still free, despite perjury.”

If anybody is at risk, I’d say it’s Hillary’s accomplices vis a vis her server. The FBI’s whitewash of this is apparent for all to see and I can’t imagine how the IG doesn’t say so. However, I don’t know how the immunities that the DOJ handed out like candy are protective.

The guy who really belongs in jail is John Brennan. I don’t see that happening, though I am heartened by his apparent desperation.

Birkel said...

Let me put it this way: The intelligence agencies of the United States have found no evidence of a conspiracy or criminal behavior by Trump.

Turn that power against the anti-Trump Deep State. And now tell me it cannot find evidence of a conspiracy that has been made public through Deep State Organs WaPo and NYT. And that Trump is not positioned to attack his interrogators? Trump has caught the assassins and you think he let's them walk?

What about Trump doing what he said he would do (e.g. win the election and undo Obama's garbage policies) makes you think he will allow his announced enemies skate?

Hell, I think Trump uses this scandal to dismantle public sector unions. And he needs convictions to build popular support toward that end. He needs convictions to whip his own base into a frenzy and force the hands of eGOP types.

Douglas B. Levene said...

I say, let it all hang out, all the dirty laundry, whether it hurts Trump or his adversaries, I don't care. Let us see who authorized the investigations into the Trump campaign, what specific evidence they relied on, who in the Obama administration knew about it, everything, every detail. Don't ask me to trust the good faith of the authorities. In addition to stuff that DOJ wants to keep buried, I suspect that there is stuff there that is very embarrassing or worse to Trump, otherwise he would have declassified it all and ordered it all released long ago. I don't care. Let it all hang out.

Original Mike said...

”What about Trump doing what he said he would do (e.g. win the election and undo Obama's garbage policies) makes you think he will allow his announced enemies skate?”

What kind of power do you think a President has?

Michael K said...

ARM does not appreciate that the DeepState includes Republicans, probably the Bushes and their Saudi allies.

Contrary to Inga and ARM, this not a party matter. It is like Penn said, a matter of the country.

Do you want the country run by corrupt bureaucrats, even if they'd say they are in your party?

We know some here who are fine with that, as long as their checks come on time.

Rick said...

tcrosse said...
Money talks. Everyone walks.

The issue isn't money, it's political influence. The right presses gingerly because the media portrays any left accountability as an attack on America [Rule of Law!, Separation of Powers!]. Meanwhile the left corrupts our institutions more or less openly while the media cheers them on.

The good news is that the media will never recover from the damage it is doing to itself. Once that weapon is depleted academia will no longer be protected.

narciso said...

A curious thing:

Birkel said...

Original Mike,
I think he has the power to declassify documents, direct his DOJ to investigate crimes, and replace AAGs who fail to prosecute crimes and criminals.

That he has not declassified documents shows me that he plans to roll the information slowly to the public. NOTE WELL: The modified limited hangouts of the Left are narrowed with each release of information. The public is informed.

The WAY this information has been revealed makes me believe it is purposeful. To what purpose, then, if not criminal prosecution?

narciso said...

Based on whose authority:

Rick said...

Douglas said...
what specific evidence they relied on

Comey is already on record admitting the warrant is based on the Steele dossier. Despite ever more desperate obfuscation by the usual suspects he admitted the FBI wouldn't even have pursued the warrant without it, an admission there was no other material evidence.

narciso said...

Hold on for a moment

Bruce Hayden said...

“And sure enough, even after backing out of the meeting so there could not possibly have been any leaking from them, the NYT/Wash Post went ahead with the pre-planted stories which provided detailed information on Halper but Nunes and Gowdy were still blamed by dems/media types because that was the original plan and the dems are sticking to it.”

I think that it was too late. They had already leaked the stuff, and couldn’t go back to their media conduits and tell them the real story of why they shouldn’t leak, because that would be an admission that the leak was political, and an admission that they had played these media people.

narciso said...

Halper is just one layer, the next concerns,the head,of the ona, which Clarice has referred, which paid him over a,million to string page along.

Original Mike said...

So Trump is meeting with Rosenstein, Wray, and Coats this afternoon. To be a fly on the wall for that one...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Let me put it this way: The intelligence agencies of the United States have found no evidence of a conspiracy or criminal behavior by Trump.”

And how does Birkel know what Mueller knows? So many premature ejaculators on these threads.

Original Mike said...

The inclusion of Coats is interesting.

narciso said...

Because Mueller dumps,it all in the post the times the journal and USA today.

Drago said...

Inga: "So many premature ejaculators on these threads"

So you are now officially retracting your accusation of treason by Trump?

Drago said...

Original Mike: "The inclusion of Coats is interesting."

Trump needs a more objective 3rd party present.

Curious George said...

Our resident dullard #IngaKnew never learns. She still hopeful for a John Doe III against Walker.

As far as premature ejactulators, I can understand her confusion. Her experience is that that man usually blows his load 30 minutes after she leaves.

James K said...

if you take on the intelligence community they had ways to "get back at you,"

"When you strike at the king, you must kill him."

Trump must destroy the IC before it destroys him.

Matt Sablan said...

They should livestream this 3 o'clock meeting. I'm waiting for the inevitable leaks.

Drago said...

We are already seeing the lefty pro-clinton leaks on the Horowitz report that was submitted for review.

No Horowitz leaks for over a year until now....what a surprise.

Lots of LLR Chuck's and Adam Schiff-ty's running around the govt.

Original Mike said...

Inga is making progress. In the beginning she was sure Mueller would put Trump behind bars. Now it’s “we don’t know what Mueller knows”.

Baby steps.

Birkel said...

Dow @ 25,000

Trump getting 5-2 credit for the economy

Generic ballot favoring Dems by 1

Royal ass Inga making sex jokes


Original Mike said...

”Dow @ 25,000”

Once Written nowhere to be seen.

Drago said...

OM: "Once Written nowhere to be seen."

LLR Chuck nowhere to be seen.

"leadership" determined his usefulness has bottomed out?

One wonders....

Birkel said...

Once written changed names... again.

Howard said...

Mike K: Kushner used Saudi's to pressure Qatar into bailing out his 666 5th Ave balloon

The State runs Deep in this one.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...
ARM does not appreciate that the DeepState includes Republicans, probably the Bushes and their Saudi allies.

Not only do I appreciate it, I want to thank you all for your stance. For most people, having members of their political party controlling the state police would be viewed as not such a bad thing. But not you guys. Oh no. You guys are willing to tear it all down, because that's what conservatives do.

Birkel said...

Conservatism is about God-given individual rights protected from government interference. ARM does not grok that.

Leftism us about power over others. ARM understands and applauds that.

Rick said...

For most people, having members of their political party controlling the state police would be viewed as not such a bad thing.

This is the fundamental difference between left and right. The right views us all living under these institutions and therefore values fairness. The left views institutions as armies in their ideological war.

Drago said...

ARM: "You guys are willing to tear it all down..."

Hmmmm, since no one is recommending tearing "it all down" I'm not surprised you decided to inject that.

That's sort of your calling card these days. It's rather sad, but then, when your party is going gangbusters over the "spark of divinity" for MS-13 members but babies in the womb simply represent spare parts, what else is there to do?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

You are much too modest Drago. Rick and Birkel are all for tearing it down, and it's the right thing to do. Tear it out, root and branch. I hear morale has already plummeted. That's a good first step.

Fabi said...

"This is the fundamental difference between left and right. The right views us all living under these institutions and therefore values fairness. The left views institutions as armies in their ideological war."

ARM cannot understand why Trump isn't weaponizing our institutions the way Obama did. He's often in such a hurry to demonize the right that he accidentally reveals the true mindset of the left.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I just love that you can say stuff like this with a straight face, after the Whitewater investigation and the CIA's interference in the 1980 election.

Birkel said...

ARM suggests conservatives must favor keeping institutions that are weaponized against conservatives. ARM is not bright.

Rick said...

Rick and Birkel are all for tearing it down,

Apparently ARM isn't bright enough to understand a difference between people being accountable and "tearing it down" whatever that's supposed to mean.

But follow the framing:

- Tearing it down is bad.
- Disciplining anyone is "tearing it down".

What's the implication? That everything must always stay as it is because the alternative is nothing

Freshman level fearmongering.

Fabi said...

ARM at 6:23 PM completely contradicts his comment at 3:36 PM. Lulz

Michael K said...

You guys are willing to tear it all down, because that's what conservatives do.

No, conservatives and libertarians, which I am, want to live under a free government with as little corruption as possible in the real world.

Leftists like you want to be part of the corrupt in group so you can rake off a few crumbs for yourselves.

Drago said...

ARM: "You are much too modest Drago. Rick and Birkel are all for tearing it down,..."


Michael K said...

"CIA's interference in the 1980 election."

What in the world are you talking about ?

Are you back on that loopy "October Surprise" that Gary Sick tried to pretend Bush flew in an SR 71 to Europe to arrange the hostage release ?

If so, you really need to be back on your meds and add that Alzheimers drug you need.

Drago said...

Isn't there a pro-Hamas rally ARM should be attending somewhere?.....

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I hear Comey is going to be chastised for not helping Hillary enough in the last election. Apparently he dithered a little too long for the IG's taste.

Fabi said...

Thanks, Michael K. I had no idea what he meant about the 1980 election. SR-71 secret flight to the rescue. Lulz

narciso said...

They were conducting surveillance on Carter who had purged 800 cia,operatives, three years earlier, they had cut off aide to do a after the coup,

narciso said...

Yes that Richard Brenneke a perfume salesman from Portland Oregon that made that claim along with ark ben menashe a junior clerk in the Israeli foreign ministry who fashioned himself into a super spy to hersh kohn st al

Gk1 said...

All I can say is I can't wait for Trump's DOJ to begin "protecting" democratic candidates and their spouses since this is now perfectly fine with everyone. Now I know how the east germans felt to have an all caring state spy and tape record their every bowel movement. (For their protection doncha' know!)

Michael K said...

"I had no idea what he meant about the 1980 election"

I had to assume that's what he meant since I can't think of another thing the CIA could have done.

The Democrats have been poor losers since then.

It never occurred to them that the Iranians have a sense of humor.

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