May 9, 2018

"I'm not dating anymore, but I did up until a couple of years ago. I'm 80. I've closed up shop down there!"

Said Jane Fonda.

"closed up shop"... Was she running a business?

"down there"... Is sex something you do only with the lower part of your body?

In Urban Dictionary, "down there" gets this:


n.n said...

The casting couch is closed. There will be no more auditions.

Michael K said...

She has probably given up her participation in North Vietnam anti-aircraft artillery. Those old joints have trouble climbing onto the gun seat.

stevew said...

You know, I've been wondering lately about Jane's love life and no one I've asked has been able to tell me the status. Thank goodness the question is answered. Now I can move on to other worries, like the optimal color shade for a vagina.


D. B. Light said...

Well, she did play a prostitute in the movies.

Otto said...

How about an over/under survey.
I am setting the betting line at 50 men.

Oso Negro said...

@Otto - too low

AlbertAnonymous said...

Truly could not care less about this cunt.

See what I did there?

Bay Area Guy said...

Jane Fonda 1968 - extremely hot, but morally atrocious Communist enabler.

Jane Fonda 2018 - just old

PM said...

I knew Gene Talia.

SayAahh said...

Ted took his turn.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She closed up shop 'up there' during the 'Nam era.

Curious George said...

Damn, I was hoping she'd start dating Eric Schneiderman.

Mike Sylwester said...
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bleh said...

Funny because her entire career now is portraying old women characters who have sex with men who are usually Craig T. Nelson.

Mike Sylwester said...

Last night I began watching the 1963 movie Sunday in New York. There, Jane Fonda stars as a 22-year-old virgin who has just been dumped by her boyfriend because she refused to put out. To recover emotionally from the breakup, she travels to Manhattan and stays in her brother's apartment.

While in Manhattan, she meets a man in a bus, and they agree to spend a day sight-seeing together. That's where I stopped watching the movie last night.

I don't know how the movie ends. I intend to finish watching it tonight. Then I will know if she has sex with that man or not.

Michael K said...

She was actually pretty good in "On Golden Pond" as I think the character was pretty close to her own life.

gspencer said...

It's called Downtown, and the Simpsons are on the mark,

tcrosse said...

Jane made herself a creature of whichever man she was with. With Vadim she was the sex kitten, with Tom Hayden the Socialist, and with Ted Turner the media exec.

Quaestor said...

As has been pointed out, "dating" is a euphemism employed by prostitutes for paid sexual intercourse. Fonda's flippant "I've closed up shop down there" only reinforces the prostitutional nature of her sex life in her own words. Wow. What an admission. One can only speculate about Ted Turner's perspective. Did he consider her a hired whore from the beginning, a sham bride going through the motions but only with the streetwalker's motivation of money and comfort? Was he deceived? Does he feel shame for having to pay for it, or does he feel betrayed? Perhaps we now know more of the truth about their divorce than when it was announced. Possibly.

However, there's another interpretation which will soon be floated to the sympathetic press (i.e., everyone in the trade except Fox News), that Fonda misspoke, that her words and allusions were ill-chosen and at odds with the truth. Rudy Giuliani has had to say something similar lately, so why not? Let's assume then that Fonda is not a whore, and is an honest woman (cough! cough!). Not all traitors are whores, after all. Fine. But what then to make of her rigid association of dating with sex? Cannot a man and a woman go out for the mutual enjoyment of each other's company, to share the pleasure of a fine meal? Do women not have charms above the waist? Suppose a man, especially a non-progressive one, said to an interviewer that dating was nothing more than a prelude to intercourse. What would be the reaction from the MeToo myrmidons?

Sam said...

Oh fer chrissakes people. Commie or not that’s a funny line. And lighten up Ann.

Anonymous said...

She will always be "Hanoi Jane" to a significant part of my generation. The sooner she heads to hell the better. She's had a much better life than she deserved.

Ralph L said...

Now she wears the leg warmers all day, over the Supp-hose.

bagoh20 said...

"She will always be "Hanoi Jane" ..."

Unfortunate, but true and deserved. Did she ever apologize? Can she come to McCain's funeral? Did anyone investigate into the possibility that it was her who shot him down over Nam?

bagoh20 said...

I don't care what anybody says, this growing old shit sucks. I'm even disappointed that she's old now.

Mark O said...


Yancey Ward said...

It was probably already like the local RadioShack.

Sam L. said...

She closed up shop "up there" (her head) yearrrrrrrrrs ago.

Birkel said...

Buy when I write "Fuck Jane Fonda" her shop is not important.

Stephen Taylor said...

She is not a very nice person, although a fair actress.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Mouth still open 24 hours.

exhelodrvr1 said...

'"down there"... Is sex something you do only with the lower part of your body?'

Jon Voight "Coming Home" reference?

rehajm said...

She's at the other end of the street from Open for Business.

mockturtle said...

Michael K writes: She was actually pretty good in "On Golden Pond" as I think the character was pretty close to her own life.

Pretty close to mine, too. I always cry at that movie and I'm not a crier. My father was also exacting, impossible-to-please and emotionally distant. While I may have loved him, I mostly admired him. From a distance, of course. But I took care of him when he lay dying and was moved by his uncharacteristic frailty.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I feel sorry for Fonda. She was raised to NOT share the values of mainstream America. She probably feels profoundly alienated from her nation, and has felt so for her entire life. She's probably smart enough to realize that the international, wealthy celebrity class to which she belongs is dominated by egotistical, not very nice people.
But what can she do about it?

rhhardin said...

"Down there" is like "you people."

It depends on the audience.

Heartless Aztec said...

Barbarella as apex

Danno said...

Blogger bagoh20 said...I don't care what anybody says, this growing old shit sucks. I'm even disappointed that she's old now.

It sure beats the alternative. I don't know what you see in her, other than you possibly being brainwashed by Hollywood. Her image is cultivated by the same Hollywood folks that most of us would agree should be hunted down and put to death for being traitors to our country.

Achilles said...

bagoh20 said...
I don't care what anybody says, this growing old shit sucks. I'm even disappointed that she's old now.

I am in a masters program. I recently started calling my classmates kids. =/

I am disappointed she is old too. Traitors don't deserve to grow old.

Michael K said...

"My father was also exacting, impossible-to-please and emotionally distant."

Yes, I think she was very close to that role. Fonda was a difficult father and husband. Jane's mother committed suicide after he asked her for a divorce so he could marry his mistress, his next wife.

traditionalguy said...

The Sexual Revolution has finally withered away. But it was fun for a season. Too bad the teens are now being told men are women and women are men. They will miss a lot of fun.

madAsHell said...

Was she running a business?

A Frumunda Cheese shop??

langford peel said...

Listen she can not be active down there but she still is a worthless cunt.

langford peel said...

Maybe she can go to Iran and sit on a nuclear missile. She can relive her youth like John Kerry did in giving aid and comfort to the enemies of our country.

I look forward to her announcing who will not be invited to her funeral.

robother said...

Closed shop "down there". Well she has put a lot of money into upkeep "up here." Maybe she's keeping her poker face open for business.

David Begley said...

Question for the women here: Do you understand Jane's comment to mean that she only engaged in sexual intercourse to please men and not for her own gratification?

William said...

She's had a much better life than she deserves......So far as I know, the only significant man in her life that she has not spoken ill of is Ted Turner. I guess his NDA is still binding.........Both Svetlana Stalin and Jane Fonda learned of their mother's suicide when they read about it in a magazine. I think both women transferred their resentful and ambivalent feelings toward their father towards their country.

Titus said...

Love her. She is so fab. Also, bravo to her surgeon. The work she has done doesn't make her look like the joker.

As you old fucks would say, she pisses off the right people.


Ann Althouse said...

"Do you understand Jane's comment to mean that she only engaged in sexual intercourse to please men and not for her own gratification?"

No. You open a shop for your own profit. You put something on offer and you hope it will please customers so they'll give you money in exchange. The shopkeeper might enjoy the work but is doing it as a means to the end of making money.

So it's not as though she were simply not thinking of her own benefit, just that it was not a sex for sex exchange.

I have said on a number of occasions that I think both participants in sex should want the other person to be giving sex for sex and not sex as a means to another end. Why would you want the sex offered by someone who doesn't think sex with you is worth the sex that they are giving to you? Respect yourself!

wwww said...

"Question for the women here: Do you understand Jane's comment to mean that she only engaged in sexual intercourse to please men and not for her own gratification?"

No. I took it to mean that at 80 her hormones have shifted and she's no longer interested in sex or able to do so without pain.

I've heard people use the term "close up shop" to mean they are done with a certain activity and does not have anything to do with payment. A grandma saying, "I don't sew clothes for my grandchildren anymore because of arthritis -- that shop is closed." Or I don't bake cookies for the grandkids anymore - that shop is closed." She had no intention of charging her grandchildren money for baby dresses or cookies. I've heard it used as a colloquial saying.

David Begley said...


So Jane was essentially a whore? said...

Blogger D. B. Light said...
Well, she did play a prostitute in the movies

Type casting

Bad Lieutenant said...

Why would you want the sex offered by someone blabbity blah blah blah?

Because we want to ejaculate. Duh!

It's possible in some cases that doing it with a chick that doesn't like you could be a bonus.

Michael K said...

So far as I know, the only significant man in her life that she has not spoken ill of is Ted Turner. I guess his NDA is still binding.

Turner is funny. He was a roommate of a friend of mine at Brown when his father died and he had to drop out of school.

When he was married to Jane, he became a big leftist, or sounded like one.

He came to USC when my son was there in college. He attended a lecture that Ted was giving about Socialism or some lefty topic. All the campus lefties were there. My son and a buddy went up after the talk and started asking him about sailing. He got so enthused about sailing he spent the rest of the discussion period talking sailing and pissed off all the lefties waiting there.

I often wondered if his leftism was just the price of pussy.

Etienne said...
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Hagar said...

Ah! for the days when "dating" meant a movie and a shake at the drugstore counter!

Quaestor said...

Also, bravo to her surgeon.

Looks like Titus is shopping for a nip 'n tuck job on his own wrinkly bod. The calendar is your most dreaded foe, eh Titus?

Bilwick said...

Some Lefty stud should be willing to help her out. On "Curb Your Enthusiasm," Larry had qualms "dating" an attractive Republican, and his friend Jeff said, "Are you kidding? To shtup her I'd wear a George W. Bush mask if I had to!" Maybe some willing and charitable Lefty could wear a Ho Chi Minh mask to get the job done.

Kelly said...

Not a fan of hers, but it’s just an amusing way to say she doesn’t have sex anymore. I don’t know why, a recent survey says older people are the ones having all the good sex or any sex, period.

Darrell said...
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Darrell said...

HuffPo says women would rather have sex with a fish than a man. Did anyone ask Fonda that?

Big Mike said...

Did she ever apologize?

@bagoh20, she gave a classic non-apologetic apology: “I have apologized numerous times for any pain I may have caused servicemen and their families because of this photograph. It was never my intention to cause harm.”

Big Mike said...

@Darrell, if you’ve ever seen the claspers on a great white shark you’d understand that few of us guys can actually measure up.

Darrell said...

I just thought Fonda was playing Koi.

Anonymous said...

Notice she didn't say anything about closing up shop back there.


The Godfather said...

A bunch of us older guys were talking, and one said, "You ever hear somebody say Who'd want to live to be 90? And I said, ask an 89-year-old."

'TreHammer said...

Michael K. said...

"I often wondered if his leftism was just the price of pussy."

I don't care who you are, that's funny, right there.

mockturtle said...

Though I'm not 'Fonda' Turner's politics, I remember him winning the America's Cup one year and I thought he was quite appealing. IIRC, his boat was Intrepid.

tcrosse said...

Notice she didn't say anything about closing up shop back there.

Not to mention the shop that's right under her nose.

walter said...

Vagina going dark

Michael K said...

Mock, it was "Courageous, " but I agree.

He was a really good sailor in all conditions. The 1979 Fastnet Race did not faze him.

Even then he was a ladies man and some who were not ladies. I was in Cowes in 1981 with a bunch of kids and my wife. As we walked by him, he gave my wife an appreciative eye. He was there for Cowes Week, which ends with the Fastnet.

I did not take it amiss as he said nothiing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why are you giving her such a hard time? You're only around a decade or so away from some of the same potential challenges.

"down there"... Is sex something you do only with the lower part of your body?

If at least one of the two participants' genitals aren't involved then it's obviously not "sex."

chickelit said...

“I look forward to her announcing who will not be invited to her funeral”

Why, all of those horrible men who called her “Hanoi Jane.” Why didn’t they understand that she was just getting back at daddy?

chickelit said...

She really has outlived her usefulness. Maybe it’s time for her to close up shop for real.

mockturtle said...

Mock, it was "Courageous, " but I agree.

Thanks, Michael. I was on the right track, I guess. ;-)

mockturtle said...

He was a really good sailor in all conditions. The 1979 Fastnet Race did not faze him.

Ah, and that was Tenacious. He names his boats well.

Michael K said...

The reason big boats like Tenacious did well while others had terrible trouble is that they got around the windward mark, Fastnet Rock , before the storm. The English Channel is as treacherous as the Sydney-Hobart, which at one time I wanted to do.

"Heavy Weather Sailing," still in print after 60 years of editions, is about the English Channel.

Lydia said...

I've always cut Fonda some slack because she was only 12 when her mother committed suicide. And before that, her mother was in and out of mental hospitals.

Lydia said...
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Daniel Jackson said...

Thank God for small favors.

BTW, Mom. Thanks for those words of advice and encouragement. I hear. I better shop around.

Anonymous said...

Dating 90 years old?
All shriveled down there.

stlcdr said...

AA, I think you are overthinking it. Both phrases have been in use for decades; or, at least were used back in Blighty over 20 years ago.

Bill said...

Well, there are other ways, as demonstrated in Barbarella.. Remember the scene with David Hemmings' Dildano?

becauseIdbefired said...

I have said on a number of occasions that I think both participants in sex should want the other person to be giving sex for sex and not sex as a means to another end. Why would you want the sex offered by someone who doesn't think sex with you is worth the sex that they are giving to you?

Sex being pleasurable is merely a byproduct of our genetic evolution to encourage us to procreate.

Given people have learned how to cheat nature, freeing sex from the burdens of reproduction, so long as it's adult and consensual, who cares why someone has it, and whose business is it to moralize to others about it?

I'm quite curious about the underlying rationale for sex for pleasure only (no sex for reproduction? Sounds like cart before the horse. No sex for money? Some find having money a good thing).

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