Also this morning — in order from oldest to newest:
Things are really getting ridiculous. The Failing and Crooked (but not as Crooked as Hillary Clinton) @nytimes has done a long & boring story indicating that the World’s most expensive Witch Hunt has found nothing on Russia & me so now they are looking at the rest of the World!
....At what point does this soon to be $20,000,000 Witch Hunt, composed of 13 Angry and Heavily Conflicted Democrats and two people who have worked for Obama for 8 years, STOP! They have found no Collussion with Russia, No Obstruction, but they aren’t looking at the corruption... the Hillary Clinton Campaign where she deleted 33,000 Emails, got $145,000,000 while Secretary of State, paid McCabes wife $700,000 (and got off the FBI hook along with Terry M) and so much more. Republicans and real Americans should start getting tough on this Scam.
Now that the Witch Hunt has given up on Russia and is looking at the rest of the World, they should easily be able to take it into the Mid-Term Elections where they can put some hurt on the Republican Party. Don’t worry about Dems FISA Abuse, missing Emails or Fraudulent Dossier!
What ever happened to the Server, at the center of so much Corruption, that the Democratic National Committee REFUSED to hand over to the hard charging (except in the case of Democrats) FBI? They broke into homes & offices early in the morning, but were afraid to take the Server?
....and why hasn’t the Podesta brother been charged and arrested, like others, after being forced to close down his very large and successful firm? Is it because he is a VERY well connected Democrat working in the Swamp of Washington, D.C.?
The Witch Hunt finds no Collusion with Russia - so now they’re looking at the rest of the World. Oh’ great!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 361 of 361@Drago, Michael Flynn was a case of McCabe abusing the power of the FBI to settle an old score. In 2014 a decorated counterterrorism expert named Robyn Gritz was involved in an EEOC lawsuit for discrimination and retaliation against McCabe and others in the FBI hierarchy. At that time Flynn was director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and he wrote a letter of support for Gritz and offered to testify on her behalf.
The indictment of Flynn was McCabe and Comey settling a score.
As for Giuliani’, I’ll wait to believe it when it comes from the Mueller Investigation team itself. He’s been known to lie before and I think this one might just be a whopper. I think that Trump’s twitter meltdown and Rudi’s ejaculation a little while ago was caused by this:
“Erik Prince, the private security contractor and the former head of Blackwater, arranged the meeting, which took place on Aug. 3, 2016. The emissary, George Nader, told Donald Trump Jr. that the princes who led Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were eager to help his father win election as president. The social media specialist, Joel Zamel, extolled his company’s ability to give an edge to a political campaign; by that time, the firm had already drawn up a multimillion-dollar proposal for a social media manipulation effort to help elect Mr. Trump.”
I’m predicting right now that Andy McCarthy gets appointed as Special Counsel. He’s a real lawyer who put the Blind Sheik in SuperMax. McCabe and Comey (and others) all going to jail.
Inga said... [hush][hide comment]
“Goodness sakes Mom. I had completely forgotten about Inga's "disability" fight. Thanks for reminding me!”
My “disability fight”? Do you see what I mean here ARM? You have a vicious piece of shit like PMS Mom Jeans posting some stupid lie, then you have equally stupid posters like Annie C. believing it.
Interesting. Can you prove it didn't happen?
Inga: "He’s been known to lie before..."
If you like your delusions, you can keep your delusions. No one is going to take your delusions away. Period.
So, just for the record, you are no longer saying that the assertion Trump was spied upon is an insane conspiracy theory, correct?
“I’m predicting right now that Andy McCarthy gets appointed as Special Counsel.”
Who will be appointing him?
Every foreign intelligence service would have known all about Halper long ago.
He had senior policy-making jobs in the State Dept and the DOD. He would have known things. And moreover he had very public academic positions in the field of intelligence and global strategy, including with CSIS. He was even in the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar, which it seems studies intelligence agencies.
If he was hiding, he was hiding way in the open.
What do you call a man who makes it his business to study spies?
yes, erik prince was chased out of this country, thanks to john Edwards ambulance chasing pals and the levick grp, were they a perfect group, even though he would admit otherwise, so when he set up shop in the uae, he was a consultant to their security services, at somepoint he contracted Mueller who had experience buying Russian weapons for maliki, when Obama shut down the pipeline, when the arab spring came on line, almost entirely a quatari project,
Speaking of lying, it seems like only yesterday we were being told the dossier was justification enough for spying on Trump, but that shifted to 'no way, it was Carter Page!!, but that shifted to 'no way, it was all based on Pappadopolous!, but that can't be because we now know that the obama/brennan/comey/clapper henchmen dispatched Halper and Mifsud BEFORE that!!
I can't wait to see what the next fall back lie is from the left.
FullMoon said...
Can you prove it didn't happen?
Be strong. Yes, I know.
@ Inga The accusation toward you about "disability fight" appears as substantive as the accusation of Russian Collusion against Trump. The first gets you very self-righteous and angry, while the other doesn't seem to bother you at all.
Let's not forget that acting Attorney General Salley Yates used FISA wiretaps to go to the White House and essentially blackmail Trump into firing Flynn (Logan Act-lol).
he probably advised the crown prince on how to deal with the uprisings in Egypt Syria and yemen, the last two involved Iranian threats, the last was strickly Qatari, they provided air support for general hafter, till david 'abbott' Kilpatrick, burned the operation,
look at the timeline, he probably gave the tip re al rimi's whereabout, at the time of the Seychelles meet,
Inga wrote:: "He’s been known to lie before..."
So have you:
I disavow and utterly condemn any and all violent physical attacks, whether lethal or not, on Democrats for political reasons.
5/18/18, 10:15 AM CDT
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
FullMoon said...
Can you prove it didn't happen?
Be strong. Yes, I know.
5/20/18, 4:23 PM
ARM makes it three people saying it happened, Inga. What say you?
Be strong. And yes, I know.
As of a couple weeks ago, polling indicated that most Americans viewed the Mueller investigation as political.
This investigation has been rendered pointless, and it's findings will not be accepted by anyone.
Republicans and real Americans should start getting tough on this scam.
My personal view is that anyone who believes anything PMJ says might, possibly, not be worthwhile worrying about. - ARM
Inga as Liza, and ARM as Professor Dolittle.
“Be strong. And yes, I know.”
Ok, Ok, lol, I’ll be strong, like Sigourney Weaver in “The Alien”.
Of course some will never accept the truth. - Inga
Weapons-grade projection.
The Attorney General. Deal is already done. Andy is looking for temp office space this week.
Inga said...
Ok, Ok, lol, I’ll be strong, like Sigourney Weaver in “The Alien”.
A good role model, given the circumstances.
Eric Prince is a bit of an American condottiere.
Or for that matter El Cid, who served as a mercenary when on the outs with his king.
Via Jonathan Swan (twitter):
BREAKING: DoJ's Sarah Isgur Flores: The Department has asked the Inspector General to expand the ongoing review of the FISA application process to include determining whether there was any impropriety or political motivation in how the FBI conducted its counterintelligence...
Meaning....the deep state is looking to postpone the release of the IG report. This will be the 3rd time they have pushed to add/expand his investigation to keep Horowitz from releasing the report that was finished last October.
Below is the spy’s email at Cambridge. Someone ask him if he will testify in front of McCarthy’s grand jury. Brennan’s going to jail too. He can share a cell with Comey.
Halper Dr S.
Magdalene College,
Condottiero, you mean.
The sequence of events:
* Joseph Mifsud (who ia he?) tells George Papadopoulos (new member of Trump's campaign staff ) that Russian Intelligence has thousands of Hillary Clinton's e-mails
* Mifsud tells Papadopoulos that Putin's niece wants to talk with Papadopoulos
* Alexander Downer and Sefan Halper (both working for MI-6) want to talk with Papadopoulus about e-mails and about Russian intrigues.
* Downer and Halper tell US Intelligence Community about Papadopoulos conversations.
* Based on MI-6 reports (at request from CIA Director John Brannan) from Downer and Halper, US Intelligence Community opens "investigation" of Russia, of Trump associates and of Clinton e-mails.
* US Intelligence reports that RT [Russia Today] is broadcasting criticisms of fracking.
* US Intelligence reports that Vladimir Putin has spent tens of thousands of dollars on Facebook ads to discredit American Democracy.
* Democrats screech hysterically that outing Downer as a CIA/FBI source will endanger sources' lives.
Surreal situation:
USA electorate bombarded by Stalinist propaganda and disinformation.
“BREAKING: DoJ's Sarah Isgur Flores: The Department has asked the Inspector General to expand the ongoing review of the FISA application process to include determining whether there was any impropriety or political motivation in how the FBI conducted its counterintelligence...”
GOOD! Let’s get to the bottom of these conspiracy theories and let’s see the truth. But will you folks accept the truth if it isn’t what you want to hear? Hopefully from the IG you will.
Let’s get to the bottom of these conspiracy theories and let’s see the truth. But will you folks accept the truth if it isn’t what you want to hear? Hopefully from the IG you will.
Will you??? You have never even accepted the election results from November 2016.
“The Attorney General. Deal is already done. Andy is looking for temp office space this week.”
Got a link?
But will you folks accept the truth if it isn’t what you want to hear?
Like "Donald J. Trump has won, and will become the 45th President of the United States."?
He is President, yes indeed, but he isn’t above the law.
Mom, I absolutely believe Inga when she says she retired.
She would have to go with standard retirement if her phoney disabilty claim was denied.
It explains a good bit of her bitterness and vitriol as well. Her lies were not good enough.
@Browndog 503 An arrow right to the heart!
Some seem to forget that former presidents and spouses of former presidents are not above the law either, and can and should go to jail if they are proven to have tried to fix an election before it occurs, or overturn it afterwards.
Inga: "GOOD!"
No other democrat anywhere is saying that...for obvious reasons.
Still waiting for Inga to admit she called those who claimed Trump was spied upon insane conspiracy theorists.
One can't help but notice that as each layer of the onion is pulled back exposing Inga's talking points as lies she simply moves to the next one as if the earlier ones had never been debunked.
The most interesting part is when each of her talking points is destroyed she adopts an even haughtier and superior online presence demanding to know ahead of time if others will accept the truth as it comes out...even as she does not.
Soon it will be confirmed that Halper was indeed dispatched to join the Trump campaign by CIA/FBI little coup-meisters.
It will be confirmed that he was paid over $400,000 to perform this service.
We already know he approached 3 Trump campaign personnel (2 junior and 1 senior) to both plant Russia email ideas.
We already know that Halper and Mifsud collaborated to get Pappadopolous into a meeting with Alexander Downer and that it was Downer who brought up Russian emails...which Downer then went running to the FBI with to justify the continued spying.
Penetration, agent provocateur activity, setups, all in the service of spying on Trump and framing him for the very "collusion-y" stuff that Hillary actually pulled off to the tune of $145 Million with the Russians for 20% of our uranium assets.
And who was the FBI director at the time who helped cover up the bribery and fraud investigations and convictions that would have nixed that deal?
Bob Mueller.
Inga: "He is President, yes indeed, but he isn’t above the law."
He is certainly above your made up laws and frame-ups.
Unfortunately for all of us, your pals made sure Hillary was above actual laws.
It's interesting that the tag team of ARM and Inga are using the word "delusion."
Google the term "folie a deux."
“Some seem to forget that former presidents and spouses of former presidents are not above the law either, and can and should go to jail if they are proven to have tried to fix an election before it occurs, or overturn it afterwards.”
No one is above the law. The FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation since sometime before January 2018, did you know that?
He is President, yes indeed, but he isn’t above the law.
Clinton didn’t leave. So it’s meh.
Wait until the states get going on the Clinton Foundation.
Notice how Kerry and the Iranian deal is disappearing?
Hillary Clinton is being honored with a medal during Harvard University's graduation week.
The former First Lady, U.S. Senator, Secretary of State and Democratic candidate for president will be awarded Friday in Cambridge with the Radcliffe Medal, which the university says honors individuals whose life and work have had a "transformative impact on society."
Organizers say Clinton was chosen because she's a "champion for human rights," a "skilled legislator" and "an advocate of American leadership" on the world stage....
Via Drudge.
Gadfly--it's ZTE, not ZBT, and it's Nunes, not Nunez
No one is above the law. The FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation since sometime before January 2018, did you know that?
Currently, the FBI is politicized, weaponized, and has partisan leaning towards leftist/democrats/progressives/One World Order globalists.
It is not the romanticized "G-men" of our youth.
Fabi (2:49): “Amen! [impeachment] should be the democrat’s (sic.) sole midterm campaign issue.”
What? And abandon tax hikes, gun grabs, baby killing, open borders, race baiting, profligate spending, MS-13, Stormy Daniel’s cleavage, “The Russians Are Coming”, etc.
You can’t be serious.
“Currently, the FBI is politicized, weaponized, and has partisan leaning towards leftist/democrats/progressives/One World Order globalists.”
So if they find out the Clinton Foundation broke laws, you won’t believe it? The FBI sure did Clinton a huge favor just a few days before the election, lol.
”The FBI sure did Clinton a huge favor just a few days before the election, lol.”
Talk to Andy McCabe.
Buwaya mentions Saudi bribe money being the key to unlock the evil world rulers that had us near destruction. And then along came DJjT and MBS and outed them all.
Trump and Sessions have spent a year putting together 30,000 sealed indictments and a 5 million dollar upgrade to Gitmo. The mueller show was a smokescreen used to have time to investigate them all .And that includes the Bush Crime a Family.
The best part of this is that the actual 1996 election meddling was done by HRM's private secret police in London and other Brit outposts.
Inga: " The FBI sure did Clinton a huge favor just a few days before the election, lol."
Yes they did.
We now know for a fact that Comey overstepped his bounds as FBI Director to make up a new facet ("intent") of a perfectly clear law covering violation of classified information transmittal and handling to Hillary's benefit and used that made up "intent" to let her off, even though it wasn't his call as FBI Director to do that.
We know for a fact that barack obama utilized the homebrew unsecured server to email Hillary.
We know for a fact that Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin lied in their FBI interview when they said they knew nothing about it (later emails released demonstrated that conclusively)
We know for a fact that after the classified emails from the Hillary server were discovered on Anthony Weiners computer that Andrew McCabe and Comey sat on that information and did nothing from late Sept to late Oct.
It was only after the NY Field Office personnel started screaming about a warrant and that the information was going to leak that Comey "re-opened" the already white-washed "investigation".
We also know that those additional emails were never actually investigated when a few days later Comey, once again, exonerated Hillary, once again completely overstepping his boundaries.
We also know that Comey capitulated to Lynch in not calling an investigation an "investigation", but only a "matter", once again twisting language to align with the Hillary campaign.
Not bad for 6 months work on Hillary's behalf....clearly.
We also know that Comey and McCabe gave every Clinton associate full blown immunity, then let them lie in their interviews, then allowed Cheryl Mills to appear with witnesses in FBI interviews, and then allowed Mills and interviewees to define the parameters of the questions, then allowed Mills and interviewees to literally walk out of interviewees if they felt the questions were improper.
We also know for a fact that the FBI did not prosecute anyone associated with Clinton who destroyed information, data, and equipment that was under subpoena.
We also know that when the FBI asked to see the servers that supposedly had been hacked that the Clinton crew told them to go pound sand...and the FBI'ers meekly walked away.
Again, not bad for 6 months work.
Lying under oath. Destruction of evidence. Refusing to provide subpoenaed evidence.
Update from Justice Department — the inspector general will expand its work, which was previously announced, to examine whether "there was any impropriety or political motivation" in the Russia investigation
Starting to think the IG report and Mueller investigation will rap up on the same day-
The day after after a democrat is sworn in to the White House.
Re: the scared psychotic delusions of Inga and ARM, think of the disco song "Gloria."
" ... and the voices in their head, were singing ...
Hillary, Hillary, soon you'll be avenged ...
it will be glorious, glorious, glorious ...
Trump will be impeached and it will be ...
Glorious, glorious , glorious ..."
I will leave it to others to complete the song.
The FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation since sometime before January 2018, did you know that?
Who believes that they’re Investigating very hard?
So, instead of the DOJ opening an investigation, demanded by President Trump today, Jeff Sessions decided to deep-6 it via an expanded IG investigation.
Sorry, but it's time to fire that bastard, consequences be damned.
I think we'll eventually find that Halper, the spy/informant, wasn't working for the FBI but for the CIA under Brennan's orders and feeding the information to the FBI.
And we'll also find that Obama's January 2017 Executive Order 12333 was issued as an ex post facto justification of this otherwise illegal operation.
If you read Section 9 and particularly "Section 9.3 Undisclosed Participation" it fits perfectly as a basis for Halper spying on the trump campaign.
Good work Rabel.
I wonder if MI 6 is involved?
Sundance is on the case.
The fraudulent story behind the DNC server is directly connected to the fraudulent story behind the vast Russian conspiracy. Recent releases from inside congressional committees have been strategically timed to coincide with this phase of exposing the Obama-Clinton-DNC scheme. {See Here}. None of this is happenstance, this is all strategically timed and coordinated.
The IG report will lay bare the ideological motives, and the specifically designed plan, by the FBI to exonerate Hillary Clinton.
That IG report is finished. It is being reviewed prior to finalized print.
The last phase of the identified IG report is the FISA court abuse by the same government officials who weaponized the intelligence apparatus. That IG investigation has also been ongoing as an outcropping of the original January 2017 origin.
It may be that the Democrats' obstructionism has delayed this report long enough that it will be issued just in time for the midterms.
Nice work guys, and Maxine of course.
So, instead of the DOJ opening an investigation, demanded by President Trump today, Jeff Sessions decided to deep-6 it via an expanded IG investigation.
Sorry, but it's time to fire that bastard, consequences be damned.
No, he may be maneuvering under the table to get this all to a non-DC jury. DC juries are "Get out of Jail Free" cards to Democrats,.
As for Alexander Downer - good Lord, he was Harpers Foreign Minister for a decade.
This was hardly a secret intelligence contact, he is a retired senior Australian politico. Yet another player who knows plenty.
Not a secret or anonymous source.
What I do think is he was paid a bunch by someone to play a bit part. Or perhaps, as he was looking for another British sinecure as a retirement job (he was beat out for the goldbrick post as Commonwealth Secretary-General) he was promised something by the Brits. Everything does point to MI-6.
Why I don’t get my news from CNN:
I went there to see how they were reporting today’s news. Chris Cillizza has a piece in which he counts 11 untruths in Trump’s tweets. He actually admits that Clinton did delete 33,000 emails, but not to worry because “she and her attorneys determined they were entirely private and personal communications with no ties to her work as Secretary of State.”
Oh, and Terry McAulliffe ponying up $700,00 for Jill McCabe’s campaign? “There is zero evidence that Hillary Clinton was involved in the donation in any way, shape or form, or that McAuliffe made the donation to dissuade Andrew McCabe from looking into alleged wrongdoing by the Clintons.”. And besides, “She lost”.
”So, instead of the DOJ opening an investigation, demanded by President Trump today, Jeff Sessions decided to deep-6 it via an expanded IG investigation.”
From the report, it looks like this was Rosenstein’s decision.
No, he may be maneuvering under the table to get this all to a non-DC jury. DC juries are "Get out of Jail Free" cards to Democrats,.
I appreciate your optimism. I really do. I'm just not seeing it this far down the road. This has to stop. Sessions is the Attorney General, for God's sake.
If it was MI-6 messing with the FBI and the CIA, using someone high profile like that Aussie Downer, then one has to assume that David Cameron, then PM, probably was briefed. This was in May, pre-Brexit. It would be interesting to ask him. Top secret of course.
The timing is interesting.
From the report, it looks like this was Rosenstein’s decision.
They all are-
Starting when Sen. Franken sandbagged Sessions during his confirmation hearing, then let Rosenstein decide if he (Sessions) should recuse himself.
”So, instead of the DOJ opening an investigation, demanded by President Trump today, Jeff Sessions decided to deep-6 it via an expanded IG investigation.”
It's too soon. Get the ball rolling in August. Maximum impact for November.
Sessions recusal was Rosenstein’s call?
This was in May, pre-Brexit. It would be interesting to ask him. Top secret of course.
Yes and who is funding all the "Renew " enthusiasm?
It was held at the weekend in London, where the names of more than 200 potential parliamentary candidates were discussed, along with a leader.
They want the new Renew Party to be a similar movement to the French leader's, embracing people from ordinary life, rather than conventional politicians.
On its website it reads: “Political parties have failed us. They cannot realise this dream.
“We need a new generation of people from outside politics to stand for election, lead our country and renew the British dream.”
It would be interesting to see where the money is coming from.
Soon it will be confirmed that Halper was indeed dispatched to join the Trump campaign by CIA/FBI little coup-meisters.
It will be confirmed that he was paid over $400,000 to perform this service.
We already know he approached 3 Trump campaign personnel (2 junior and 1 senior) to both plant Russia email ideas.
Halper is an old Bush hand and this shows how deep the "Deep State" goes. The Saudis are also involved but maybe the ones who were are now on "house arrest."
It's hard to steer when you're laying rubber in all four gears.
Original Mike said...
Sessions recusal was Rosenstein’s call?
"Renew" seems to be immaculate astroturf.
As for the money, a lot of it sloshing around the City of London.
Thats a happy place for international finance.
Good place for Euro tax-avoidance and money laundering, which will suffer a bit with Brexit, especially I think about reporting rules. Its all about messing with the rules to make money out of money.
"The more I see, the more I believe that Comey wasn’t a willing participant"
Comey owes the Clintons big time. He has raked in millions and owes his career to them. Given that and his past actions he looks to be knee deep in the doodoo to me.
Re Sessions: There are a lot of reasons for him to be very careful of the minefield the opposition is laying. And it now looks like the Clinton server and Foundation are going to get a closer look. If the job gets rushed there is too much room for disastrous error. Hopefully he has built a trustworthy team around him by now.
Good point -- I stand with Stormy Daniel's cleavage, hombre.
“If anyone did infiltrate or surveil participants in a presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes, we need to know about it and take appropriate action.”
-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
May 20, 2018
Fuck you.
"We know for a fact that after the classified emails from the Hillary server were discovered on Anthony Weiners computer that Andrew McCabe and Comey sat on that information and did nothing from late Sept to late Oct.
It was only after the NY Field Office personnel started screaming about a warrant and that the information was going to leak that Comey "re-opened" the already white-washed "investigation"."
In Comey's defense, not quite how I unsterstood it happening. Rather my understanding is that McCabe kept Comey in the dark for 3-4 weeks. The other interesting facet here is the the DoJ strong armed the NYPD to get their hands on the laptop by threatening to reopen the civil rights investigation of, I believe, the black guy who died being arrested by them for selling single cigarettes. This would have allowed the DoJ to essentially micromanage the NYPD. Oh, and then there was something about the laptop disappearing from a locked car while supposedly in the possession of the DoJ/FBI. As usual, Peter Strzok was involved up to his eyeballs. The NYPD extortion was apparently one of the closest instances of AG Lynch being personally involved in covering for Crooked Hillary. I do wonder if the loss of the laptop was what triggered Comey's second Clinton exoneration mere days before the election. This does require further investigation.
"The other interesting facet here is the the DoJ strong armed the NYPD to get their hands on the laptop by threatening to reopen the civil rights investigation of, I believe, the black guy who died being
arrested by them for selling single cigarettes."
Correct. And that was Yates and Lynch working in coordinated fashion with McCabe and Comey.
From the Associated Press today:
"Trump has been promoting a theory about a possible FBI spy on the campaign, though his attorney has cast doubt on it."
There is far too much riding on the honesty and integrity of Michael Horowitz, the DOJ Inspector General.
Lots of money around to corrupt an IG.
If he delivers some less-than-explosive result he will be richly rewarded.
Maybe a couple of years down the road. As Obama for instance has been rewarded, through Bertelsmann for instance.
Plain fact is you can trust no one in this mess.
Rabel said...
There is far too much riding on the honesty and integrity of Michael Horowitz, the DOJ Inspector General
Consider how many IG's Obama fired, yet he remained. Still, since when did we American's put the word of one man ahead of all others?...yet the word of one man, the current President, is put behind all others?
“Still, since when did we American's put the word of one man ahead of all others?...yet the word of one man, the current President, is put behind all others?”
Consider the caliber of the two men and decide who is more trustworthy.
buwaya said...
Lots of money around to corrupt an IG.
A fallback position emerges.
"A fallback position emerges."
Yes, we have been wondering when you would come up with one.
At least this is better than your insane comments yesterday.
You'll fell better once you have the story straight from DNC.
The lefties are going bonkers about all the information coming out.
I wonder why that is?
Its not my fallback position, I have always been a pessimist.
Your government and society are in a disastrous way, and I see little hope.
It is all too corrupt and decadent to repair itself.
Trump is a mighty man, a Samson in that temple of corruption (hey, how many Delilahs have we got now?), but it is a suicide mission.
The lefties are going bonkers about all the information coming out.
I wonder why that is?
Their inherent human desire for knowledge and wisdom to further the betterment of humankind?
Trump as Samson. I like that analogy.
He is a flawed man, but very powerful.
He defeated armies of political consultants (Philistines for sure) with tweets (a jawbone of an ass-analogy!).
And he is now in the evil temple, inducing its priests into a rage, to tear the temple down themselves.
Its a great story.
“The lefties are going bonkers about all the information coming out.”
It seems much more likely that you rightists are sick with worry that the IG won’t find what you’re seeking. Browndog is already sniffing out the possibility of this, you’re behind the curve Drago.
buwaya said...
Trump as Samson. I like that analogy.
He is a flawed man, but very powerful.
He defeated armies of political consultants (Philistines for sure)
Someday I'd like to hear your views on the Philistine/Palestine connection, and the 'red-haired Romans' that occupied that area that migrated to what is now Lebanon.
It is a much more likely scenario that the IG is a trustworthy and decent man and will not produce a shred of evidence of wrongdoing by the FISA court or that the Trump campaign was surveilled for inappropriate/political purposes. You folks have whipped yourselves into a frenzy today following Trump’s lead. I really don’t know how long you folks can keep up this level of hysteria.
Perhaps Trump erred when he said after the election he had no desire to charge her over the emails.
From Ace:
Trump: I'm Ordering the DOJ to Investigate Whether Obama Ordered Spying for Political Purposes
—Ace of Spades
Update: The left's new rules, as summarized by Adirondack Patriot:
It's all academic because this is how the left thinks:
1. It is illegal to defeat a Democrat.
2. Anything we do to stop an illegal act is legal and a morally necessary.
3. The only way a Democrat can lose is if someone (in this case, Donald Trump) did something illegal, such as collude with Russians, because no Republican is qualified to legally defeat a Democrat.
4. Everything we do to stop Trump is legal, regardless of the law.
Ben Shapiro, Deep State Defender.
Correction: Red-faced embarrassment -- I got the timeline screwed up here myself. I conflated Misfud's mention of the emails with Halper's (Halper's mention was several months later).
The timeline goes something like this:
April 2016: MISFUD, not Halper, mentions the Russians hacking the emails to Papadoplous
May 2016: Papadoplous mentions this to Downer (the Australian diplomat)
September 2016: Halper asks Papadopolous about the emails (Papadopolous says he doesn't know anything)
I confused the dates and who it was (Misfud, Halper) doing the talking.
I still don't see how mentioning the emails to anyone could be grounds to begin an investigation -- everyone was speculating about the idea that Russians had the emails for months; it was one of the reasons people said Clinton should be indicted -- and I'd like Ben Shapiro to explain that to me.
If talking about the Russians having Hillary's emails is grounds for an official counterintelligence investigation, then the NSA should have been monitoring me and this blog as well. And pretty much everyone I knew.
Who knows, maybe they were/are.
But my jibe about the timeline was all wrong. I'm the one who had to do more research into the specific timeline here.
I also suspect that when all is done we'll find out that Misfud was actually involved in this "investigation," but that's not in evidence yet. It's just my private supposition.
Oh: The FBI has repeatedly lied about the origins of this "investigation." First it was sparked by the Steele Dossier. When the highly dubious and partisan nature of the document was revealed, they edited their story to claim it all originated with this Papadopolous mention of the emails to Downer.
With the FBI and DOJ crabwalking and changing their stories, why should anyone have any faith in their current claims?
Who can say what the FBI's current claim actually is? Have they made an official statement, or does it continue to be put out via not-under-oath leaks to the media?
The point there with Ace's timeline is my previous suggestion that the hook was set by one operative (Misfud), and multiple attempts were then later made to reel n the target by a second operative (Halper), with, supposedly, Downer in the middle, except that the only contact with Downer would have been through the State dept.
Inga said...
I really don’t know how long you folks can keep up this level of hysteria.
I'll let my chips ride on 'indefinitely'.
Ken B said...
Perhaps Trump erred when he said after the election he had no desire to charge her over the emails.
Nothing good can come from it; which is why Ford pardoned Nixon. The business of the nation needs to move forward, which is why this needs to end. Today. No good can come from this, but if it continues, it will deepen, and destroy this country.
Something else interesting came out of a FNC interview today of Nunes. He and Gowdy had planned Friday of visiting DoJ about the missing documents that they had promised. But when it became known that the DoJ was again not going to deliver, they cancelled. E believes that if they had gone, the leak to the WsJ and NYT of the Halper, etc info Friday would have been pinned on them. Instead, it is obvious who was doing it - DoJ people panicking that their scheme is falling apart.
Buwaya is beginning to feel the Trump positive hope. He sees Trump as Samson who ended as a hero in the Faith pantheon of Hebrews 11. Trump also has a similarity acting out a near exact Nehemiah role.
Correction, downer was cotermnious with Howard not Harper.
If you've read Charles ortel on the Clinton foundation and rosenstein handling you wouldn't be so sanguine.
"Ken B said...
Perhaps Trump erred when he said after the election he had no desire to charge her over the emails.
Nothing good can come from it; which is why Ford pardoned Nixon. The business of the nation needs to move forward, which is why this needs to end. Today. No good can come from this, but if it continues, it will deepen, and destroy this country."
And Trump probably would have let bygones be bygones, if the DoJ, FBI, etc hadn't gone after him with the full resources of the federal govt, and if Crooked Hillary had just quietly retired to play with her grandchild. But, he has set it up so that whatever happens to her now is out of his hands, and, instead is totally in the hands of the IG and UT USA. Sorry about that. Not his fault...
Another detail to consider, the Russians would not have had an in if Obama hadn't alienated the Libyan the Egyptians the Iraqi Sunnis and ultimately the saudis.
Trump needed to first get rid of comey, now Obama had set up tripwires with Sally Yates and a whole host of figures downstream to laufman and ohr.
”It seems much more likely that you rightists are sick with worry that the IG won’t find what you’re seeking.”
With respect to Clinton’s emails, we already know most of the facts.
buwaya -
Do yourself a favor and sit out the next few plays. Or games. If your vanity will let you.
See the Russian issue was perhaps the fourth in the mind of gulf states to the Mediterranean, the Islamist spring the Iranians their restive workers and Then the russians.
It's easy to "keep up this level of hysteria" when the level is so low that it's not even mild apprehension, much less panic or full-fledged hysteria. There is a remarkable paucity of all-caps and Tom-Wolfean punctuation on this page: of the dozen exclamation marks, none looks at all hysterical, and at least one is Inga's. More projectile commenting?
”And Trump probably would have let bygones be bygones, if the DoJ, FBI, etc hadn't gone after him with the full resources of the federal govt, and if Crooked Hillary had just quietly retired to play with her grandchild.”
I still can’t believe the course they have charted. It seems so reckless.
You and Inga should get a room.
Acting like this in public is unseemly. Some might even say "Icky".
John Henry
I still can’t believe the course they have charted. It seems so reckless.
Hillary was supposed to win--this was all going to be moot. Except, Trump, his businesses, his family...destroyed for 'money laundering' or alike for challenging the queen, and threatening to jail her in a national debate.
Along similar lines, there are reports the Iranians are supplying Morocco lead adversaries the polisario, to topple that generally stable Sunni monarchy.
Of course they deny it:
”Hillary was supposed to win--this was all going to be moot.”
What I can’t believe is, having lost, that they didn’t just go away quietly.
Ask Dr Stephen hatfill about that kraus.
I am rereading Book 2, Means of Ascent of Caro's LBJ bio. Ann tickled me into it with her post last week. Thanks, Ann. It is as good as I remembered it. Mostly about LBJ's primary and runoff to be Demmie candidate for Senator in 1948.
In Texas, at the time, the primary was the real election. The general was just a formality.
There are 2 things about the election that seem particularly on point for the present situation:
1) There are several people here that we mock as being agents of the Demmies to spread the party line. I've never taken those accusations seriously, though they do sound like they could be. I suspect they are mostly nuts.
In Texas politics of the era (40's) a common practice was for candidates to pay "Travelers" or "Missionaries". These were guys and gals who would get the party line each week eg; Coke Stevenson is against Taft-Hartly, Coke Stevenson is a communist, Coke Stevenson pardoned a lot of criminals and so on.
The travelers would go out to grocery stores, bars, bus stops and wherever and strike up casual conversations to spread FUD.
we know there are fake Twitter accounts to do this. We know there are companies that can be hired, in the US, to do this on Twitter and FaceBook and the like. So why not in blog comments.
Do we have official "travelers" in our midst?
2) LBJ lost the first primary to Stevenson by 700,000 votes. Since Stevenson did not get 50%, they had to have a runoff with LBJ. No sensible person would have thought that LBJ could make up a deficit that large against the most popular pol in Texas history. No sensible person would have provided LBJ much support.
But the Brown Brothers, the Murchisons and others had to get LBJ in. If they had not, they were in danger of literally going jail. So they spent enormous sums of money. Basically, they gave LBJ a blank check telling him they didn't care how much he spent, he HAD TO win.
Many, including myself, have pointed out the danger to the swamp or deep state of literally losing everything, including their freedom, if President Trump is not brought down. It's why they are fighting like rabid dogs and seem to have no care how many laws they violate. Starting 3 years ago when Mr Trump announced his run.
I am not sure I would call Caron my "Hero" as Ann does, but perhaps close to that. Man he sure can write.
That's on my phone. On my tablet I am reading Michael K's History of Disease which is equally good. Nothing to do with this mess, though. Unless he gets into strokes in a later chapter. That might give some insights into what is wrong with Hillary. Besides being crooked as a corkscrew, that is.
John Henry
What I can’t believe is, having lost, that they didn’t just go away quietly.
You can imagine what happens to 'us' when 'they' win the next election.
Eyes wide open.
I was referring to this,earlier;
Now,there,are some wilderness,of mirrors,speciAlly when it comes to Yemeni security matters
LBJ HAD TO win too, of course. Unlike 1960 when he ran for both Senate and VP, if he had lost, he would have been out of the House, too.
He would have been a reasonably wealthy owner of a moderately successful radio station. It had been successful up to then because people knew the way to get favors in DC was to pay inflated advertising rates to it.
When LBJ had nothing but air time to sell, as a non-politician, it would not have been anywhere near as good a business.
Re the radio station, now KLBJ: when I was in College Station visiting my daughter in 96 or so, they carried Rush Limbaugh and other conservative talkers. Good, I thought. Stick it to LBJ's legacy.
John Henry
Many, including myself, have pointed out the danger to the swamp or deep state of literally losing everything, including their freedom, if President Trump is not brought down. It's why they are fighting like rabid dogs and seem to have no care how many laws they violate. Starting 3 years ago when Mr Trump announced his run.
Yes, the LBJ story is very pertinent today. San Antonio is having a tremendous crime problem. The boss of SA in LBJ's time was George Parr, who went to prison but got out in time to help Lyndon and Kennedy steal 1960, as well.
Even the NY Times admits it.
The piece about richmans neighbor is,particularly apt
I still can’t believe the course they have charted. It seems so reckless.
The stakes are enormous. This is much bigger than the US presidency. These people are international criminals.
Let's telegraph this out if Johnson does not get elected in 48, probably by 54 there is a,push to become fully committed to the French and diem ben phu, I don't think much would,have come of it, we weren't interested in another conflict right after Korea. I saw bridges of toko right, twice last week.
A few years down the road he is the major force in the promotion of space exploration, including the choice of nass director James webb.
What I can’t believe is, having lost, that they didn’t just go away quietly.
The Greeks had a word for it: hubris.
Michael K was the first, I believe, to mention the term "deep state" on this blog. I've heard the term a time or two before, but never took it seriously. This was early in the primary season, while still skeptical of Trump.
This is the first I'm seeing this:
Donald J. Trump (via twitter)
8:45 PM - 18 Jun 2014
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't" --General George S. Patton
A very good timeline from Sharyl Attkisson:
“Collusion against Trump” timeline | Sharyl Attkisson
will not produce a shred of evidence of wrongdoing by the FISA court or that the Trump campaign was surveilled for inappropriate/political purposes....I really don’t know how long you folks can keep up this level of hysteria.
Apparently it's hysteria to believe what the NYT has already reported. Reading the lefties on this site is a case study in how people will interpret anything to support their political preferences.
Lefties have this affliction where they hear a calmly stated opinion divergent from theirs as shouting.
Although I prefer Leviathan State, I believe I mentioned Deep State first.
Heh- Deep State freaking out
Sen Diane Feinstein:"The president's statement indicating that he will order the Justice Department to investigate the FBI could not be more disturbing and reiterates his deep contempt for the rule of law."
6:18 PM - 20 May 2018
More:"The Justice Department is not an arm of the White House. The Justice Department is independent and serves the American people. Its job is to follow the facts and the law. Law enforcement investigations must be initiated and carried out free from political interference."
Francisco D said...
However, there is no call to use the c-word in responding to her nonsense.
Let's beat the lefties by being more civilized, not by outdoing them on vulgarity.
A quibble: this would only tie them on vulgarity since Inga used the same c word to refer to another commenter.
Blogger Birkel said...
Although I prefer Leviathan State, I believe I mentioned Deep State first.
Very well. I should have been more clear; It wasn't until Michael mentioned it several times that I, personally, took the term seriously.
Apologies, and stand corrected.
Just happy others see what is happening as a coordinated system. Ideas that have the advantage of fitting reality are meant to be shared!
The richest counties in America are DC suburbs.
Bruce Hayden said...
And Trump probably would have let bygones be bygones, if the DoJ, FBI, etc hadn't gone after him with the full resources of the federal govt, and if Crooked Hillary had just quietly retired to play with her grandchild.
Fortunately for us they overplayed their hand.
Now everyone knows what Obama and Clinton did.
Time for the criminals to go to jail.
Let's debate over who surfaced terms here that originated elsewhere..
walter said...
Let's debate over who surfaced terms here that originated elsewhere..
It's not a debate. It's a friendly exchange.
If there's something else on your mind...
@Broenfog, I guess Feinstein hasn’t read a copy of the Constitution lately. The first sentence of Article II reads “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” Seems pretty plain to me.
Yes, there is this notion that the DOJ/FBI is a 4th branch of government, independent to voters/oversight.
It tends to happen anytime there is a Republican President.
Wow. Are these ahistorical assholes seriously arguing that the President has no authority over the FBI or DOJ?
Um, morons, they're part of the executive branch. Every last particle of political power they have comes from the President. HE is the chief law enforcement official in our form of government. The judiciary is separate, but those agencies are not.
Of course, lefties are simply bullshitting, because they understand and rely on this concept every single day when a Democrat president is in office.
The thing is everything we have seen come out so far is just the tip of the iceberg.
Before the end we will learn:
1. The NSA has been recording every phone call and every text or every American 4th amendment be damned and they are being stored for later use.
2. Obama was spying wholesale on political opponents for years. Using Hillary's email server was not his only criminal act.
3. They have already been outed spying on the Israelis during the Iran debacle. Something similar also happened to the Romney campaign.
"More:"The Justice Department is not an arm of the White House. The Justice Department is independent and serves the American people. Its job is to follow the facts and the law. Law enforcement investigations must be initiated and carried out free from political interference.""
Where was DiFi when Obama was in the WH and Holder and Lynch were his AGs? Why was it fine for the ObamavWH to order the investigations of Crooked Hillary stopped, but it is somehow bad to order the IG there to do its job?
Right now, when Mueller wants to hone in on Trump, now the FBI has to answer why Comey and McCabe did not seize CLEAR EVIDENCE in a criminal investigation?
It is like: there is a dead man. There is a smoking gun. But the cops just leave that gun to be whisked away by the Democratic manservant for cleaning.
This is clear. This is biased. This is questionable. This is not easily explained away by ARM and Inga. It has the exact same legs that Hillary getting away with hiding and erasing top secret documents on her PRIVATE server. Everyone (even Inga) knows this is a HUGE no no (though she won't admit it).
People voted accordingly.
NOW the press has to explain and explain why 'no, this isn't a problem' somehow credibly.
But there is no credible explanation. Their pull isn't what it once was. And Trump isn't aiming at upsetting the Democratic Cemeteries and Border Crossing/Voting Booths.
He is aiming at purple congressmen. He is aiming at SENATORS. McCaskill et al.
They will be asked about their position on this. If the IG report (a BIG if) comes down hard on the CIA, her votes at hiding the duplicity will be turned against her. People are already leery of the CIA. Her helping to hide the rot won't go over well in the Show Me State.
"Before the end we will learn:
1. The NSA has been recording every phone call and every text or every American 4th amendment be damned and they are being stored for later use."
Phone calls maybe not, but surely all the call records. Probably most text messages - the ones transmitted over the networks of the big cell companies. Fewer for email, but still substantial. Depends on who provides your email service. Yes for Google, Yahoo, probably MSN and Apple. Much less likely for those using their own email servers. The issue with the latter two categories (text mugs and email) is how the text is obtained, with NSA having deals with the big providers to divert a copy of these to them. Several years ago, the FBI tried to get authorization to utilize a program named "carnivore" to capture esp email. The basic problem there is that while email is transferred typically lightly encrypted point to point (server to server), it is packetized at the source, and reassembled at the destination, with the packets often taking different routes. My memory is that Carnivore was dropped after discovering that it didn't work very well, but did cause a lot of bad publicity. So, they went to the sources and destinations of the email and text msgs, before the packetization or after the reassembly, and these big companies diverted copies of the messages at those points to the NSA.
I smell Rudy’s advice at Trumps new, more combative approach.
Sessions I agree has to tip toe through a mine field set up by Trump Haters.
A positive is the longer this debacle proceeds, the more comes out. I’m amazed at what has been revealed so far.
If Comey was still at the FBI, there would be worse for Trump. Comey is his own worst images enemy...
And Mueller’s over zealous behavior has made Trump the underdog, victim of bullying and dirty tricks. And Trump is still fighting back and winning. I expect Trumps polls to go even higher.
Bruce Hayden wrote:
"E believes that if they had gone, the leak to the WsJ and NYT of the Halper, etc info Friday would have been pinned on them. Instead, it is obvious who was doing it - DoJ people panicking that their scheme is falling apart.
I see Nunes was thinking the same way I was- but I thought Nunes got tipped off by someone and cancelled. It was interesting to read the transcripts- especially those of Mark Warner- from this morning's (Sunday) news shows. Warner's accusations are simply risible in nature, but what choice did he have- the plan was accuse Nunes directly of leaking the details to the NYTimes after seeing the info on Friday morning, but unfortunately for Warner, Nunes knew less than the people who did leak the NYTimes, and Warner had to take that part out of his planned spiels for this morning.
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't" --General George S. Patton”
He sounds like a tipping point has been reached.
"The Justice Department is not an arm of the White House. The Justice Department is independent and serves the American people."
The Justice Department was created to have a legal authority to handle cases where the United States was a party. It is part of the executive branch and operates, as per the constitution, under the direction the President of the United States.
Any constitution crisis would be the legislative or judicial branch asserting that there is a branch of government not delineated in the constitution. Interestingly, congress could get rid of the DOJ by law. Were they to do that, it wouldn't be any more of a constitutional crisis.
Bruce Hayden said...
Phone calls maybe not, but surely all the call records.
Oh dear me no.
Every call. Every word. Unencrypted. Digitally enhanced. Clear as a bell.
The only thing that used to slow them down was a lack of interpreters.
They have software for that now.
chickelit said...
The $20 million tab with nothing to show for it is business as usual for the deep state. It’s how they roll.
Let me point out that this moolah goes to billable hours for Clinton cronies - campaign financing for Hillary by other means.
Wake up America - noose is going round your neck
LOL, butt hurt a little bit President Mom Jeans, try Vaseline, but Big Dickey likes when you squeal.
But it's those on the right that are homophobic, right?
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