১৭ মে, ২০১৮

"Counterintelligence investigations can take years, but if the Russian government had influence over the Trump campaign, the F.B.I. wanted to know quickly."

"One option was the most direct: interview the campaign officials about their Russian contacts. That was discussed but not acted on, two former officials said, because interviewing witnesses or subpoenaing documents might thrust the investigation into public view, exactly what F.B.I. officials were trying to avoid during the heat of the presidential race. 'You do not take actions that will unnecessarily impact an election,' Sally Q. Yates, the former deputy attorney general, said in an interview. She would not discuss details, but added, 'Folks were very careful to make sure that actions that were being taken in connection with that investigation did not become public.'"

From "Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation" (NYT). There's much more to this article, which I'm still trying to digest. My confidence in the NYT is undermined by this correction: "An earlier version of this article misstated that news organizations did not report on the findings of the retired British spy Christopher Steele about links between Trump campaign officials and Russia. While most news organizations whose reporters met with Mr. Steele did not publish such reports before the 2016 election, Mother Jones magazine did." You got an easily checkable, important fact plainly wrong. How can we trust your reporting?

ADDED: At WaPo, Erik Wemple has "New York Times acknowledges it buried the lead in pre-election Russia-Trump story":
In a massive article Wednesday on the FBI’s 2016 snooping into the possible nexus between Russians and the Trump presidential campaign, reporters Matt Apuzzo, Adam Goldman and Nicholas Fandos include these two paragraphs:
In late October, in response to questions from The Times, law enforcement officials acknowledged the investigation but urged restraint. They said they had scrutinized some of Mr. Trump’s advisers but had found no proof of any involvement with Russian hacking. The resulting article, on Oct. 31, reflected that caution and said that agents had uncovered no “conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government.”

The key fact of the article — that the F.B.I. had opened a broad investigation into possible links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign — was published in the 10th paragraph.
That’s one heck of a concession: We buried the lead! In their book “Russian Roulette,” authors Michael Isikoff and David Corn report that editors at the New York Times “cast the absence of a conclusion as the article’s central theme rather than the fact of the investigation itself,” contrary to the wishes of the reporters....
AND: "10 Key Takeaways From The New York Times’ Error-Ridden Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign" by Mollie Hemingway (The Federalist).
ALSO: From the Hemingway article:
[T]he admissions in this New York Times story are coming out now, years after selective leaks to compliant reporters, just before an inspector general report detailing some of these actions is slated to be released this month. In fact, the Wall Street Journal reported that people mentioned in the report are beginning to get previews of what it alleges. It’s reasonable to assume that much of the new information in the New York Times report relates to information that will be coming out in the inspector general report.

By working with friendly reporters, these leaking FBI officials can ensure the first story about their unprecedented spying on political opponents will downplay that spying and even attempt to justify it. Of note is the story’s claim that very few people even knew about the spying on the Trump campaign in 2016, which means the leakers for this story come from a relatively small pool of people.

৩২৫টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   325 এর 201 – থেকে 325
tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Look how they threw D'souza in jail on a pretext for making an anti-Hillary film.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Watergate was about someone ho was pissed off about being passed over for a promotion.

So what does the Great Bernstein have to say about this little brouhaha?

tim in vermont বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...If we are going to have a deep state I want a competent one, not one that leaves some fat fool furiously thrashing around fucking my fuel costs.

$70-75/bbl is juuuuust about right, Man. High enough to get domestic production opening up fast & furious! Domestic output was at an all-time high a couple of weeks ago. Saudi's increasing production again and although it's being blamed all on Iran a bunch of this current run up is Venezuela-related. Anyway if the Euros don't go along with additional sanctions we're just talking about a shift in delivery, not a drop in the total market production/consumption in the medium term. What's to be upset about? Just last week you guys were bitching about the lack of fuel tax revenue and now with gas prices goin' up you've got the perfect opportunity to get some cash there (plus raise the marginal rate when the gross price next drops), right? Pay for your slightly higher gasoline bill with your slightly-higher-due-to-tax cut paycheck and be happy.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Or the film maker after Benghazi. He was thrown in jail, too, and Inga supported it.

buwaya বলেছেন...

A symptom of decadence and collapse is the inability of even powerful institutions, with a single overt purpose, even with extraordinary carte blanche, as in this case, to achieve its goals.

You see this across the board with US institutions of all kinds.

A case in point - and very much to the point - is that cost of a week in hospital.
That is for a private hospital, note, but constrained by layers of regulation, confusion of authority, legal risk, and outright exploitation of a monopoly position, guaranteed by regulatory capture.

But this disaster is not, never is, what is brought before the people, but instead it is presented as a question of medical finance. The stupid part is that even the interests pushing their policies in this area of finance are doomed to fail (well, other than in the matter of obtaining personal benefits) no matter their policy or the ideological justifications thereof, even if the partisans actually believe in their ideas (which they often sincerely do, even the personally corrupt, people are complex).

Everything is too complex, confused, interrelated for anything to work. Dead stop.

William বলেছেন...

I was always somewhat distrustful of The NY Times and the WaPo. Their coverage is selective. Blinders is quite the right word for how they are able to pass through the smoke without noticing the smoke making machine on their left. What's new is the distrust that has now been generated for the FBI, the various national security agencies, and the DOJ. If Putin's machinations were behind this, he certainly got a lot of bang for his buck. The damage that has been done to so many of our institutions is much worse than the damage that has been done to Trump.......The only charge that has been leveled that I now believe is that Trump had sex with a pornstar and paid for her silence. That's not a star on his resume but neither is it an impeachable offense.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

It gets better. Lurch Kerry was captain of the private HS LaCrosse team that Mueller was on.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

The only charge that has been leveled that I now believe is that Trump had sex with a pornstar and paid for her silence.

Many years ago and it's about sex which isn't any of our business. The Bubba Rule.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

tim in vermont said...Look how they threw D'souza in jail on a pretext for making an anti-Hillary film.

Eh. D'Souza broke the law. Even if you think it's a bad law he clearly broke it. Maybe his sentence was too harsh but he broke it. I don't have a problem with him being punished for that.
It's also true, though, that other people have broken that same law. Turns out a certain loudmouth Lefty celebrity did in this last presidential cycle. Will she be prosecuted?
I guess we'll see....

Look, I don't even have a problem with people getting hit for process crimes. The FBI's idea of what counts as "obstruction" can be frankly ridiculous but if that's their standard so be it (never talk to the Feds--like, ever). The problem I have is when people like Flynn or Libby or others are held to that standard but people like Abedein or any of dozens of others aren't (remember they gave Huma preemptive immunity and as part of that she told the Feds that she didn't receive any classified or confidential .gov info on unapproved devices...which was found to be untrue when the FBI belatedly took a look at her husband's laptop).

Even if it's a bad or a stupid standard if it's applied equally then the "rule of law" is likely not harmed. When the standards of what constitutes FEDERAL CRIMES are applied unequally and in a way that just happens to reflect partisan political patterns then that's a big problem.

But hey, don't you dare question the fairness of impartiality of Yates, Comey, or any of the rest of those American patriots and heroes!

iowan2 বলেছেন...

Wouldn't that be 'failed candidate Trump'. And, wouldn't that be kind of pointless.

My post explains it. NO ONE, not the Russians, (their intent was to turn Americans against themselves. They dont care who is in office) not the Democrats, not the Republicans, and my bet is President Trump was at best 50/50. So exactly why Did the CIA set up the hapless Popadopolous(sic)? We know the CIA set into motion the moving parts that got Popadopolous to England ($3000 for a paper and presentation yet to be created, plus expenses to London) to have the drunken nite out with The Australian Ambassador, Coincidence? Sure!. So that is just one of the events that have the finger prints of the CIA, and State, working together.

The facts that show this whole enterprise was originated to destroy the President (when I type Trump is corrects to President Trump)

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

AlbertAnonymous at 10:22 AM
... all this trump investigation, we are now told, started no later than April of 2016. Before Trump was the Nominee. Was it also before the Russian Bot BS? In which case, they started before they knew anything.

The way I see it, our Intelligence Community's Trump-hating leaders -- Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Comey and their ilk -- presumed already in mid-2015 that Donald Trump was such a sleazy businessman doing such sleazy business with such sleazy Russians that Trump absolutely must be being blackmailed by Russian Intelligence.

This presumption was not based on any facts at all.

There was a further presumption that it was just a matter of time before evidence of the blackmail would be discovered by our Intelligence Community.

What happened in about April 2016 was that our Trump-hating Intelligence leaders were frustrated by their failure to discover the evidence -- which surely did exist and surely was discoverable -- that Trump was being blackmailed.

Therefore, in about April 2016, evidence began to be concocted, and also a different story began to be developed -- that Trump was colluding willingly with Russian Intelligence.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Heads have got to roll on this. People have to go to jail. McCabe and Comey for sure. Strzok is going to rat them all out.”

Strzok is in an interesting position. The IG report is out for review, and only currently employed DoJ employees will get to review it. Which means mostly probably Rosenstein and Wray. Not Comey, McCabe, Page, and a host of others, but technically Strzok can, if approved by (probably) Wray. Also, Bill Priestap, his old boss. Why is Strzok still employed? My guess is because he had his fingers in pretty much everything, and they still need him. That they allowed Lisa Page and James Baker (McCabe’s and Comey’s Attorneys, respectively) to leave the DoJ/FBI earlier this month, indicates that the OIG was done with them, that they were no longer needed. But Strzok remains the one black hat who they won’t let leave. We knew that he interviewed both Crooked Hillary and Gen Flynn, was involved in planning the “insurance policy” in McCabe’s office, etc. But the new fact that just came out in his text messages with Page this last week is that he was the one to fly to London in August 2016 to meet with the spy/informant there. To coordinate between the FBI and MI6, etc. And there is an interesting conversation between the two as he was returning about who he would brief first about the trip: his boss Priestap, or Priestap‘s boss, McCabe. And I think that is why Strzok has bee prevented from leaving - he is key to understanding the role of the CIA in the entire scheme, because he was the one working closest with them to set the whole thing up.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

The press is part of the deep state according to you guys. Still total losers.

The Press is just another branch of the DNC for the most part.

The Deep State is just another branch of the DNC.

Show me where their interests diverge in this mess, ARM!

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Michael K বলেছেন...

"is that cost of a week in hospital. "

Healthcare is an excellent example of the failure of regulation. I am so happy I am retired.

The most regulated industry in America is healthcare. Doctors' incomes are down and their working conditions are much worse.

I talk to young primary care docs all the time. They hate their working situation.

15 minutes per patient. A company called Banner Healthcare bought the U of Arizona medical center. It used to be called "UMC" for University Medical Center and was the best hospital in Arizona.

A barber I was talking to last month told me his surgeon at UMC quit in disgust and went to the VA to work on salary because of the work rules at Banner. I believe it.

The hospital where I practiced for 30 years was bought by a "nonprofit" order of nuns who had a CEO hired from Pepsicola with no history in health care.

I would not go there myself as a patient now. The "nonprofits" in healthcare are the most rapacious.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

BCARM answers:

What was Watergate about?

A break-in by five men at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. on June 17, 1972, and President Richard Nixon's administration's subsequent attempt to cover up its involvement?

This is true, but very narrow and superficial. Nixon won 49 states in November 1972 in a massive landslide. You think the Watergate break-in was to gain some political advantage Nixon didn't need?

Expand your horizons, BCARM. Go read "Silent Coup" by Len Colodny. There was some serious Deep State action in the Watergate brouhaha.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

@Seeing Red,

You don't sic the CIA, the FBI and use supposedly the special relationship Britain in a presidential campaign.....

As someone once said, this isn't who we are.

Oh, I bet it is who we are. I'm gonna go out on a limb here, & move into conspiracy-theory land, but I wager dollars to donuts that if Trump gets enough time in office for the secrets to be dug out, we'll discover that the Obama administration pulled the same stunts on the Romney campaign.

If the Democrats did this to the Trump campaign, that they were sure was going to lose, what do you think they did against a campaign that they thought stood a chance of winning?

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Blogger Seeing Red said...”As someone once said, this isn't who we are.
You don't sic the CIA, the FBI and use supposedly the special relationship Britain in a presidential campaign.
This is a NO-NO.”

But they’ve shown it is who they are.

It takes a special kind of animus to start something like this. No surprise it was John Brennan.

Michael K বলেছেন...

But Strzok remains the one black hat who they won’t let leave.

I think he and Priestap are both spilling their guts to whoever is running the investigation now. Maybe the Utah USA.

Inga thinks that Obama judge will stop all this. No chance. Sessions may be running this quietly behind the scenes.

The most important thing was to get all this out of DC and away from DC juries.

The DC Grand Jury that named Nixon an "unindicted co-conspirator" had 17 blacks on it.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"Even if it's a bad or a stupid standard if it's applied equally then the "rule of law" is likely not harmed. When the standards of what constitutes FEDERAL CRIMES are applied unequally and in a way that just happens to reflect partisan political patterns then that's a big problem."

-- This too is my problem. Why is Manafort being brought up for charges, while Podesta got a note from the investigation team asking him to get his books in order? We may actually get to see what happens when the devil turns on the folks stripping all of the laws from the forest.

Michael K বলেছেন...

You think the Watergate break-in was to gain some political advantage Nixon didn't need?

Buchanan in his book said Nixon had a habit of blowing off steam in private.

The intimates all knew that he would change his mind the next day.

Buchanan said it must have been some flunky who was not familiar with Nixon who took him at his word.

I think it was probably Dean who was interested in anything Larry O'Brian knew about his wife, Maureen, who had been "an escort" in DC.

Nixon was too concerned about the families of the burglars. Hillary and Obama would never make that mistake. They had no interest in underlings.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Being of a suspicious ilk, I have noticed that there seems to maybe be some counter leaking or releasing going on. When I first read the Strzok/Page emails, maybe six months or so ago, I just thought that sure, a couple of dirty DoJ/FBI Deep State employees were mouthing off. It never crossed my mind to question why the text messages released were selected from the 50k or so between the two of them. Then, when the OIG report hit, I woke up. Knew exactly who the Special Counsel was (Lisa Page), what was leaked, by whom (Page), and why the OIG found her more credible than McCabe - because her story was corroborated by those contemporaneous text messages that we had seen six months earlier. The interesting question though is why those text messages had been selected for release six or so months earlier. It was almost as if someone behind the scenes had orchestrated it. And now we see the text messages that reveal Strzok going to London and meeting with the CIA In August, 2016, and the mechanations going on at the top of the FBI at the time. Coincidence? I don’t think so, but could be wrong.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...The press is part of the deep state according to you guys. Still total losers.

Funny you should mention that. Let's talk about James Clapper, shall we? Pretty deep in the Deep State if there is one, yeah?

Well Clapper (former DNI, mind you) is specifically called out in Finding #44 of the House Intelligence Committee report on Russian interference. He's called out by name for giving "inconsistent" testimony about his contact with the Media relating to the Steele dossier and other related matters. Specifically Clapper said in open testimony that he didn't leak nothin'. He was then apparently confronted with some evidence and in close committee had to admit that he did in fact leak somethin'. Thus, you know, "inconsistent."

Well. We know CNN's Jake Tapper was early on the story of Steele-dossier info being a part of the briefing Comey gave Trump. We know that was the hook to actually publish the story/info about the dossier (including Buzzfeed publishing most of the raw info/allegations) and many people look at that fact pattern and conclude that this was a "setup" by Clapper and/or Comey. Even putting that aside you've got Clapper admitting he did leak and the fact that CNN's Tapper did push the story early...oh and you've got Clapper ON CNN vigorously denying he or his people ever did any kind of leaking!
So where's Clapper now, you ask? Why he's now a PAID CNN ANALYST! That's right--he's part of the Media now. The Press, ARM--the same press you say only losers would consider part of the Deep State.

Clapper lies to Congress about leaking. Clapper leaks, very likely to CNN. Clapper lies while ON CNN about leaking. CNN then hires Clapper--the guy who probably leaked info to CNN for stories designed to hurt Trump.

But yeah, only a crazy person sees Deep State influence in the Press, ARM. Great point.

Hagar বলেছেন...

The press is an ARM to the democrat party.

More accurately: The Democratic Party is an arm of the Press.

buwaya বলেছেন...

The only way out of your situation is total replacement of most of your institutions.
Truly, a year-zero condition.
Otherwise it will just get worse.
Trump is an interlude, for whatever time he is given.

The inevitable institutional barnacle-growth makes everything progressively unworkable, no matter what political side you are on or what ideological program you back.

It is quite puzzling how few can see the strategic picture.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

The world is going that way.

Look at China.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"More accurately: The Democratic Party is an arm of the Press."

Both are arms of something else, that either declines to give itself a name or is insufficiently self-conscious to imagine its own identity. But it exists.

Drago বলেছেন...

And now we know ARM and LLR Chuck will have to find some way to spin the year-long lie that the counter-intelligence investigation into Trump only began after the Papadapolous/Downer discussion.

We now know that it began with secret warrants, without judicial review, months earlier...based on the hoax dossier paid for by Hillary and her team of henchmen.

Which is why ARM and LLR Chuck are spinning so rapidly. They have to chum the waters to hide the collapse of all the previous democrat/lefty/LLR lies.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“I would not go there myself as a patient now. The "nonprofits" in healthcare are the most rapacious.”

I know that you are mostly down in Tucson these days, but pop up to Phoenix a couple times a week, so am wondering if there was a healthcare system or hospital there that you trusted more than the others? Nothing urgent, just curious. My primary care is still in CO, which is inconvenient since we are so rarely there anymore (did pop in last week whe we were there to watch my kid get their PhD).

My pet peeve with corporate medicine is that the trend now is to put up a wall between patients and their primary care providers. Both my partner’s primary care (in PHX) and mine (in CO) have gone to a syste where you can’t directly contact any healthcare professionals. You can’t call the doctors or their assistants. Instead, you have to talk to the receptionists, who can check your records, and email the assistants, who can then, if necessary, talk to the primary care provider. Maybe, or maybe you have to call back if you haven’t heard back fro them for a couple days, to make sure that no one has dropped the ball. Oh and I found it interesting that the assistant last week opened the door at 15 minutes to remind my doctor to get a move on, that his next patient was now ready for him. It obviously bothered him that his time was being so closely micromanaged.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"we'll discover that the Obama administration pulled the same stunts on the Romney campaign."

Yes, and for that matter just how much Romney, or more likely his political handlers, was implicated in his own loss.
I get the impression that he is not a very deep thinker and easily made a victim of conspiracies among his own staff. The absurdly expensive failure of the Republican GOTV system in 2012 for instance.

Trump demonstrated enormously greater executive competence and plain leadership than Romney, doing vastly more with vastly less, and against far worse constraints. Among other things, Trump did not hire the political establishment to run his campaign. He had their number.

Drago বলেছেন...

For the last year and a half, the dems/left/LLR's have been lying about there not being a concerted cross-dept ploy to secretly spy on and, if necessary, frame, Trump and members of his campaign.

The NYT article yesterday laid out the foundation for the dem/left/LLR limited modified hangout position in anticipation of the coming (multiple) IG reports.

buwaya বলেছেন...

I suspect coordination among the FedGov and Romney's own staff in hampering his campaign. I wonder what Romney knows, now.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"I suspect coordination among the FedGov and Romney's own staff in hampering his campaign."

-- I never thought that, but given we saw the hallmarks of media-campaign coordination with the Crowley debate, I wonder exactly how much Obama was spying on Romney's team now.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Drago said...will have to find some way to spin the year-long lie that the counter-intelligence investigation into Trump only began after the Papadapolous/Downer discussion.

Yuuup. It's so weird that the actual origin of the various investigations is so tough to pin down, isn't it? It's one then, no it's something else, no it's something else all together. In a strange coincidence the people making these confident assertions (and loudly stating anyone who doubts them must be crazy/a Tumpist hack) keep having to change their stories as more concrete info becomes public...and keep having to do so in ways that undercut their own stories almost perfectly.

Honestly anyone who still says "we must trust the word of Yates, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, etc" at this point should be laughed out of the room. They can't keep their own stories straight and they don't even bother to try to explain how their prior claims can be reconciled with newly-publicized facts--the more the public learns the worse they keep looking!

Drago বলেছেন...

buwaya: "I suspect coordination among the FedGov and Romney's own staff in hampering his campaign."

In the end, any potential coordination between Romney's own staff and the FedGov is irrelevant.

After all , we are talking about a candidate who didn't have the gumption to push back when LLR Chuck's beloved Candy Crowley came rocketing to the defense of our delicate obambi.

One can only imagine how Trump would have jumped down her throat for daring to do such a thing and Trump would never have backed down.

Hence, Romney loses and Trump wins.

Which is why LLR Chuck loves Romney and hates Trump.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“I think he and Priestap are both spilling their guts to whoever is running the investigation now. Maybe the Utah USA.”

I think Priestap may not actually be a black hat here. Maybe gray. First he hasn’t been demoted or reassigned. Pretty much the only one at the center who is still where they were in August, 2016. Secondly, he complained that Strzok had his fingers in everything, and we see Strzok going around him to get to his boss, McCabe. My guess is that he either went to the OIG on his own, or was completely candid when they first went to him. We shall see.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"After all , we are talking about a candidate who didn't have the gumption to push back when LLR Chuck's beloved Candy Crowley came rocketing to the defense of our delicate obambi."

-- I honestly think Romney thought he was right, and then when Crowley pulled the transcript crap on him, he thought his team had screwed up or something. He looks like someone who has been blindsided.

I have no doubt the transcript/question was choreographed with the Obama team now, especially now that we know Clinton was fed questions as well. Romney just didn't realize he was there debating two people, and that *they would lie*.

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

Bruce Hayden at 11:13 AM
I have noticed that there seems to maybe be some counter leaking

The counter-leaking began the day after newspapers reported that General Michael Flynn had pleaded guilty to Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller's indictment.

The Conservative Treehouse has reported several times about the exact date when the counter-leaking began.

Drago বলেছেন...

Mathew Sablan: "I have no doubt the transcript/question was choreographed with the Obama team now, especially now that we know Clinton was fed questions as well."

Why do you think obambi himself, being such a klutz, actually directed LLR Chuck's beloved CNN "moderator" Candy to look at her own notes/paperwork!!


Equipment Maintenance বলেছেন...

Seeing Red wrote: The media need it to be true otherwise they’ll proverbially hang alongside them for protecting them.

I'm not so sure it'll be just "proverbially" for some of them.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Oh my. Allies recruiting a citizen to spy? JJ Angleton would disembowel them all and stop and frisk every political office and Party. Leaving their CI folks looking like fools because that’s their job. They’d all be, especially Justice running for cover, perhaps a classification tag. Won’t be the first time.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Among other things, Trump did not hire the political establishment to run his campaign. He had their number.

I wonder about Romney. Mormons tend to be sort of conspiratorial (no offense meant) and band together. Maybe he had no Mormon allies and was in uncharted territory.

I wonder what Romney knows, now.

His pride may not allow him to admit it. I was 100% for Romney and did wonder at how weak he was after that first debate.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
The press is part of the deep state according to you guys. Still total losers.

The total losers are the idiots like you that support them.

hombre বলেছেন...

Is it even possible to imagine an Obama/Holder/Lynch/Mueller/Comey DOJ/FBI along with the NYT conducting or covering such an investigation without ulterior motives?

These institutions have been run by seditious criminals who believe they are above the law. Unfortunately, Jeff Sessions apparently lacks the juevos to take them on. Anyone who believes otherwise need only observe their arrogance in denying or redacting information subpoenaed by Congressional oversight committees and requested by Judicial Watch pursuant to the FOIA.

Whoever is advising Trump not to intervene needs to reconsider. The PR value of DOJ/FBI illegal conduct is limited by MSM censorship. Congress should, if possible, appoint a special prosecutor. Mueller and his button men could then negotiate plea deals that would be more significant. LOL.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
iowan2 said...
The original intent was always to lay the ground work to destroy President Trump, after he lost the election.

Wouldn't that be 'failed candidate Trump'. And, wouldn't that be kind of pointless.

So the democrats are acting like stalinists and ARM thinks they wouldn't do anything "pointless" like stick their political opponents in jail.

We see right through you.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Yuuup. It's so weird that the actual origin of the various investigations is so tough to pin down, isn't it? It's one then, no it's something else, no it's something else all together. In a strange coincidence the people making these confident assertions (and loudly stating anyone who doubts them must be crazy/a Tumpist hack) keep having to change their stories as more concrete info becomes public...and keep having to do so in ways that undercut their own stories almost perfectly.”

Not sure if that was rhetorical or sarcasm. The answer, of course, that most here see, is that the reason is that the principals here are dirty as all heck. It’s like peeling an onion - every time you get one layer peeled there is another one. But here is how I think it all got started.
- The Obama Administration weaponized the use of FISA Title VII database searches. Key player here to give legal cover was DAG Yates. Also probably those National Security letters. FBI contractors were being allowed to access those databases, and it is likely that the Hillary people were using such to do opposition research on her Republican opponents, and by late spring 2016 concentrating on Trump, plus probably Bernie Sanders.
- NSA Dir Rogers discovered this, ordered a compliance audit, and shut down 702 (US Person) searches until the audit was complete. I think that is reasonably likely that at least some of the Steele Dossier information came from such illegal searches.
- That means that much of Steele’s job was to launder the illegally obtained 702 information obtained by the FBI and its contractors (Fusion GPS?) by pretending that it came from the Russians. Of course, the DoJ (ADAG Ohr’s wife Nelly was the Russian expert at Fusion) and FBI were the primary players there.
- Comey was caught between a rock (DoJ management) and a hard place (FBI employee revolt) split the baby by showing that Crooked Hillary was guilty as hell but couldn’t be indicted (esp. since AG Lynch was very likely expecting to keep her job in the new Clinton Admin)
- The DoJ not only ordered the FBI to go softly on her, they also allowed her to destroy her emails under subpoena by Congress. Etc.
- Very likely the NSA, and maybe the CIA, knew that her email had been hacked, at least by the Russians. Likely also the Chinese and maybe Iranians, NORKs, and Israelis. Maybe more. They couldn’t have not at least expected it, if they didn’t know for sure.
- it is almost certain that the deleted emails contained classified material, but likely too that they contained details of her pay-to-play scheme when she was SecState. Showing that she had deleted such was the holy grail of opposition research info against her. So, of course, everyone was interested.
- Which made the claim that Russia was offering them to Trump plausible.
- Meanwhile I think Brennan at the CIA started the scheme to entrap Trump people by feeding this bait to low level Trump people. And then put someone there to pick this up later (August).

Gospace বলেছেন...

HoodlumDoodlum said...

...The problem I have is when people like Flynn or Libby or others are held to that standard but people like Abedein or any of dozens of others aren't (remember they gave Huma preemptive immunity and as part of that she told the Feds that she didn't receive any classified or confidential .gov info on unapproved devices...which was found to be untrue when the FBI belatedly took a look at her husband's laptop).

Perhaps some lawyer can explain if it would be otherwise- but-

Huma Abedin was granted immunity. From anything she testified about that implicated her. My understanding of all immunity deals is that the testimony MUST be true. The immunity doesn't extend to lies. If she lied after the immunity grant and said she received no classified email and subsequent events uncovered that she did, she can be prosecuted for violating national security laws because she lied about material facts. The whole point in proffered immunity is to get the truth. Immunity means your 5th amendment rights are protected because you cannot incriminate yourself because you've been granted immunity from anything you reveal. If you lie, prosecution can go ahead-because you perjured yourself during the immune testimony. And you didn't reveal the facts that the deal was made for.

Rusty বলেছেন...

"So the democrats are acting like stalinists and ARM thinks they wouldn't do anything "pointless" like stick their political opponents in jail. "

ARM is a fascist and you as a classic liberal are subhuman. You are, to him and his friends, less than human.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

... at least by the Russians. Likely also the Chinese and maybe Iranians, NORKs, and Israelis. Maybe more.

@Bruce, maybe more? Probably throw in the British, French, Germans, Taiwanese, Japanese, Pakistanis, and some Arab states. Who wouldn't want to read the day to day message traffic of the US Secretary of State?

Michael K বলেছেন...

- Very likely the NSA, and maybe the CIA, knew that her email had been hacked, at least by the Russians. Likely also the Chinese and maybe Iranians, NORKs, and Israelis. Maybe more.

I agree but I don't think this is where the Wikileaks stuff came from.

I think that was an inside job, probably Seth Rich. I just hope his family got more than Mary Jo's family got.

The outsiders that did hack her e-mails are probably keeping all that mum. Why spill it ?

They have much more important fish to fry.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Mike said...
The Press is just another branch of the DNC for the most part.
The Deep State is just another branch of the DNC.
Show me where their interests diverge in this mess

I am happy to accept your definition, you need to take this up with Matthew.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

maybe more? Probably throw in the British, French, Germans, Taiwanese, Japanese, Pakistanis, and some Arab states.

If she was counting on the encryption of her BB to protect her, she may as well have been writing her messages on postcards and sending them through the mail. Governments have access to the key channels in the BB protocol. Certainly when every her plane hove into view, all of the national NOCs were collecting her traffic. It’s a condition of their license that they co-operate.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Rusty said...
ARM is a fascist and you as a classic liberal are subhuman. You are, to him and his friends, less than human

Rusty, not quite reining in his visceral hatred of anyone who doesn't think like him.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

ARM isn’t a fascist! Unless you think that Mussolini was a fascist. :^)

Hillary’s slogan “Stronger Together”
Mussolini “You can’t break a stick when it’s in a bundle”

Both thought that invasions of North Africa were great ideas, both wanted to restore the glory that was Rome “We came! We saw! He died!”

That little crack is sure going to make negotiations with the Norks easier!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

That was supposed to be a wink, indicating a small measure of tongue in cheek to my comment.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

The really telling thing about the Hill email fiasco is that she was less concerned about foreign adversaries than Congress finding out about her machinations.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

The Trumpists are having their meltdown early, I see. Couldn’t they wait for the long awaited bombshell IG report to come out first?

You folks have lost yer marbles.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

This whole thing would be a great House of Cards type series. Fairy tale ending would be criminals actually being punished. Worse thing that will happen is retirement with big pensions. They will not be humiliated or even embarrassed in public because MSM will provide minimal coverage.

Ask any average person you meet and they will have no idea what has been going on.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

The Trumpists are having their meltdown early, I see. Couldn’t they wait for the long awaited bombshell IG report to come out first?

You folks have lost yer marbles.

Report won't mean anything. Gonna say so and so made mistakes, etc.

Meaningless unless people get charged with crimes. Will not happen. These people are immune.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "The Trumpists are having their meltdown early, I see. Couldn’t they wait for the long awaited bombshell IG report to come out first?"

Lefties take time out from proclaiming Trump and his campaign and all his voters treasonous traitors to lecture others on waiting for the official reports.

History began 5 minutes ago for them.


pacwest বলেছেন...

"Trump is an interlude, for whatever time he is given."

I agree with buwaya on this point. The corruption within our government agencies couldn't be clearer, and Inga and Chuck are not outliers. Their denials are shared by half the country. Four years isn't going to correct an eight decade trajectory.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told the Washington Post that control of the Senate is “absolutely” in play in the midterm elections, identifying the nine battleground states he believes will decide the outcome in November.

Said McConnell: “I always think it’s better to be candid and not try to spin people into thinking this isn’t going to be a challenging election. I think the safest place to be is just to say that this is going to be a very challenging election, and I don’t think we know in May … whether it’s Category 3, 4 or 5.””

Achilles বলেছেন...

pacwest said...
"Trump is an interlude, for whatever time he is given."

I agree with buwaya on this point. The corruption within our government agencies couldn't be clearer, and Inga and Chuck are not outliers. Their denials are shared by half the country. Four years isn't going to correct an eight decade trajectory.

Reagan was a Black swan. He put the US back on track. It took 4 administrations to bring the US back under aristocratic control.

Reagan's biggest mistake was GHW Bush.

Trump is also a Black Swan. They keep popping up just when needed.

Looking back at the 2016 election and what Hillary and Obama did it is clear we would be a full fledged police state at this point with Facebook and Google as the corporate enforcers.

But this time is different. It is the cuck wing of the republican party that fucked it up for them. They are no longer an alternative. The republican party will not nominate another RomneyBushMcCainDole again.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga said...
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told the Washington Post that control of the Senate is “absolutely” in play in the midterm elections, identifying the nine battleground states he believes will decide the outcome in November.

Said McConnell: “I always think it’s better to be candid and not try to spin people into thinking this isn’t going to be a challenging election. I think the safest place to be is just to say that this is going to be a very challenging election, and I don’t think we know in May … whether it’s Category 3, 4 or 5.””

Republicans will gain seats in the Senate. At least 5. Probably closer to 10.

Have fun with that.

Drago বলেছেন...

My favorite part of all these threads is ARM continuing the lie that all of this is just a wild and crazy conspiracy theory while the NYT acts a conduit documenting that it all happened and Inga running around pretending that she didn't say the same things as ARM for months and now saying that it did all happen and it was all justified!


Each individual lefty and their LLR allies will have to decide now which one of the 3 sides they want to come down on.

It will continue to be very amusing to watch.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Inga makes cat ladies look intelligent.

I think her confidence in Hillary and Obama's innocence is touching.

ARM impresses me as a unionized government employee, probably on a fat pension being paid by taxpayers somewhere.

I found it interesting that the assistant last week opened the door at 15 minutes to remind my doctor to get a move on, that his next patient was now ready for him. It obviously bothered him that his time was being so closely micromanaged.

This is why the surgeon my barber went to quit. He went to the VA which is probably happy to have him.
I thought when we moved to Tucson that we would have to find a concierge practice. PHX might have some. I don't know about hospitals. Stay away from Banner would be my advice but that's all I know. Anything complicated I go back to Orange County to a few docs I know. Fewer and fewer as they retire.

I agree with buwaya that the rot is probably too deep to root out.

The only solution might be to get rid of the bad blood.

I ordered more ammunition.

hombre বলেছেন...

The brilliant Inga: “The Trumpists are having their meltdown early, I see. Couldn’t they wait for the long awaited bombshell IG report to come out first?”

Early? The infamy of the DOJ/FBI has been evident for all who chose to look. The only issue is whether the IG, an Obama appointee, confirms it or whitewashes it.

There are many of us out here in the sticks who are, and have been, troubled by our corrupt DOJ and can only hope that Sessions, however cowardly, has been waiting for the IG to corroborate what we already know. There’s nothing new here. If he says they are corrupt, everybody knew it. If he says they are not, they still are corrupt and he’s one of you.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“I ordered more ammunition.”

You should tell your daughter who is in the FBI of your plans. Maybe she’ll have you committed to the psych ward of the nursing home.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Michael K. said ... "The "nonprofits" in healthcare are the most rapacious."

I just retired from a nonprofit hospital after nine years. My patients often complained about their overbilling and poor treatment.

Management is horrible. Nurses and doctors quit all the time, but no one is held accountable.

Friends who teach at a nearby university say the hospital bypasses their best students and picks the mediocre-to-poor ones.

In my previous business consulting career, I learned that the fish rots from the head down. In other words, when you have poor management, they hire stupid people because they are non-threatening. That explains why Inga got to work as a nurse.

The regulation of hospitals by government and insurance companies lets management off the hook. There is no accountability.

narciso বলেছেন...

One of the problems is Wray was a mutineers back in March 2004, his sympathies don't seem to have changed since then. That was when they shut down stellar wind on the eve of the Madrid attack

narciso বলেছেন...

Well considering the reign of sheriff dupnik who operates like his fiefdom was Nottingham it's not unwarranted.

hombre বলেছেন...

Federal govt agencies, particularly those of interest to Obama, are crooked as a dog’s hind leg. Think DOJ, IRS, FBI, EPA, State, etc.

No country can prosper with a corrupt government.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Maybe she’ll have you committed to the psych ward of the nursing home."

Inga is just trolling now.

Poor Inga. Did you always give the correct meds ?

I just retired from a nonprofit hospital after nine years. My patients often complained about their overbilling and poor treatment.

The hospital where I practiced 30 years is now owned by a nun non-profit. Double tax breaks.

It now requires Medicare admissions to "donate" $500 to the Foundation with each admission.

A GI friend of mine has his endoscopy lab in his office, a big modern suite he built 25 years ago.

The hospital came to him a couple of years ago and suggested he do some of his endoscopies in their GI lab.

Sort of like "Nice little practice you have there..."

He said he would take a look and asked that some records be made available so he could see what cases they were doing.

Every chart he looked at had excessive lab billing.

Drago বলেছেন...

Michael K: "Poor Inga. Did you always give the correct meds ?"

Don't get her started. She'll go off on how horrible all those little brown nurses from the Phillipines are.

And then LLR Chuck will chime in with something along the lines of "Dept of Black People".

CWJ বলেছেন...

Looking at this and the following thread, apparently 1pm is shift change between ARM and Inga. There's a little overlap, but still.

Rusty বলেছেন...

"ARM impresses me as a unionized government employee, probably on a fat pension being paid by taxpayers somewhere."

In charge of building permits.
"No permit for you!"

Michael K বলেছেন...

"In charge of building permits.
"No permit for you!"

Or the DMV. Your license is suspended !

We are towing your car right now !

FullMoon বলেছেন...

See, when the Times says things like this with a serious face, hard to take them serious at all

"Mr. Trump was not under investigation, but his actions perplexed the agents. Days after the stolen Democratic emails became public, he called on Russia to uncover more."

fizzymagic বলেছেন...

ARM said: It would have helped the credibility of the deep staters here if some, or all, of this had come out before the election, when it would have mattered. Now, not so much.

You owe me a new keyboard. I cannot believe that somebody who purports to be an honest or reasonable person could write the above. I have heard for years about the Clinton pattern of "deny, deny, deny, deny, that's old news, that's old news, that was disproven long ago."

So now we have a wonderfully direct example of ARM intentionally posting a dishonest argument. Maybe we should frame it for him?

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Buried way, way deep in the NYT "Hurricane Crossfire" story that is the topic of this Althouse post:

A year and a half later, no public evidence has surfaced connecting Mr. Trump’s advisers to the hacking or linking Mr. Trump himself to the Russian government’s disruptive efforts. But the article’s tone and headline — “Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia” — gave an air of finality to an investigation that was just beginning.


Michael K বলেছেন...

More from that Spectatro ink:

So until election day, the “working group at Langley” was trying to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign and wasn’t coming up with any. But Brennan didn’t want his efforts to go to waste, so he leaked to Senator Harry Reid the existence of the counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign. He couldn’t leak any damning findings from that probe because there weren’t any. But he could inflict political damage by getting Reid to tell the press darkly of the probe’s existence. He also got Reid to write a public letter to Comey about the probe, which was designed to deepen the FBI’s reliance on Hillary’s paid dirt-digger, Christopher Steele. Reid, as a reliable Democratic hack in the tank for Hillary, went along with Brennan’s scheme, but he felt manipulated enough by Brennan that he complained to Corn and Isikoff about Brennan’s odd intensity — an “ulterior motive” that Reid sensed in Brennan.

Go for it Inga !

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

fizzymagic said...
a dishonest argument

Since you failed to understand the argument I am not sure you are in a position to comment on its honesty.

CStanley বলেছেন...

ARM- correct me if I'm wrong but my interpretation of your point is that it's a form of "FBI was leaking about Clinton and Comey made stuff public, but they kept silent about Trump investigation so this proves that they were not favoring Clinton."

The problem with this line of thinking is that if, as it now seems plausible, the whole Trump collusion investigation was a sham, set up as a sting operation which really did not uncover any wrongdoing....then it was completely obvious why the FBI didn't leak about it. To do so would have exposed their own wrongdoing.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Andy McCarthy says the Obama administration wanted to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign, but they couldn't start a criminal investigation because there was no actual crime to investigate. So instead the Obama JD made it a counter intelligence investigation. For this they needed a FISC warrant, which required reasonable evidence that the target was foreigners acting as agents for another government. So they cobbled together something from the Steele dossier & old accusations against Page and Manafort, and used this as pretext for spying on the Trump campaign; e.g., a Democratic president's JD began to spy on the opposition party's presidential campaign staff.
Dirty stuff. Very dirty stuff.

Michael K বলেছেন...

So they cobbled together something from the Steele dossier & old accusations against Page and Manafort, and used this as pretext

Yes, this is going to come out soon.

I'm sure ARM and Inga will have excellent excuses that this is old news and they have been telling us about it for months.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Blogger Michael K said...”More from that Spectatro ink:”

What link?

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

It looks really bad for the Obama JD. They began, in mid Novemeber 2018, a campaign to delegitimize the elected president of the United States using evidence that was so shoddy it couldn't be used to get a criminal search warrant, and in the process exposed that they had used this shoddy evidence as a pretext to spy on Trump both before and even the election.
And to quote once again from the NY Times "Crossfire hurricane" story that came out this week, A year and a half later, no public evidence has surfaced connecting Mr. Trump’s advisers to the hacking or linking Mr. Trump himself to the Russian government’s disruptive efforts.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Original Mike said...
Blogger Michael K said...”More from that Spectatro ink:”

What link?

At the top of the comments Here.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Thanks MK. I did look for it.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“The problem with this line of thinking is that if, as it now seems plausible, the whole Trump collusion investigation was a sham, set up as a sting operation which really did not uncover any wrongdoing....then it was completely obvious why the FBI didn't leak about it. To do so would have exposed their own wrongdoing.”

This is yet another conspiracy theory in a long list of conspiracy theories. It’s amazing how easy it is to convince seemingly intelligent people of these outlandish stories.

CWJ বলেছেন...

"Since you failed to understand the argument I am not sure you are in a position to comment on its honesty."

No I think the commentator correctly understood your argument and has the right of it. Your argument assumes in a totally revisionist fashion that the election was believed to be close. None of the principals expected Hillary to lose. You ARM pretend to fail to understand that this was the "insurance policy." You know better and therefore are indeed dishonest.

Howard বলেছেন...

This is the limited hangout before Mueller drops the deep state probe up Trump's rump.

Michael K বলেছেন...

It’s amazing how easy it is to convince seemingly intelligent people of these outlandish stories.

But not you, of course.

I wonder why ?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

CWJ said...
None of the principals expected Hillary to lose.

Since you know literally nothing of the principals thoughts, you have no basis on which to draw any conclusion.

Can't anybody here play this game?

CWJ বলেছেন...

Odd. We have Comey (for one) on record saying he expected Hillary to win. If you're going to troll, just be an honest one. Your act wore thin long ago. I have more respect for Howard. He plays the game at a higher level.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

ARM continues his descent into the Vale of Gibbering Nonsense:
Since you know literally nothing of the principals thoughts, you have no basis on which to draw any conclusion.

Comey says everyone – himself included – thought Clinton would win 2016 election

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Via Rantburg:

Federal records show that Halper has been paid $928,800 since 2012 for work on four policy projects for the Pentagon.


Halper has links to the CIA stretching back decades. His late father-in-law was Ray Cline, a CIA legend who served as director of the agency’s bureau of intelligence and research. Halper also worked with a team of former CIA officers on George H.W. Bush’s unsuccessful 1980 presidential primary bid.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

We love Trump because of who hates him. Starting with you, ARM.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

This is genuinely funny. After months of saying what a fucking liar Comey is, you now you have to resort to claiming that his public statements are in fact, factual. And, not some contemporaneous comment either, but statements made by him much later in order to rationalize his irrational actions regarding Clinton.

You have no actual knowledge of what Comey or any of the other principals believed at the time.

Can't anybody here play this game?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...
We love Trump

Grown men shouldn't write statements like this.

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "After months of saying what a fucking liar Comey is,..."


He is a f****** liar. Multiple times. Under oath.

And now his public statements dont match his under oath statements.

Apoarently, ARM and LLR Chuck hardest hit.

Steady now lad. Stiff upper lip what what..

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Now having reassured me about the absolute veracity of Comey's public statements I look forward to your ready acceptance of his statements regarding the imminent IG report.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Drago said...
He is a f****** liar.

Take it up with CWJ and Lewis Wetzel, they are absolutely convinced of his veracity.

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "Take it up with CWJ and Lewis Wetzel, they are absolutely convinced of his veracity."


You are rapidly becoming an even bigger joke than before.

A mean feat indeed!

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Blather on, ARM!
You assert that you know the inner my state of my mind, based on a quote & a cite in one of my comments, while no one can know the inner state of Comey's mind. Not even Comey!
Maybe there is a blog out there for stupid people where you could comment?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Your argument, literally inches above this one, was based on your claim that Comey was telling the truth. You can't handle the truth and now you resort to insults. Sad!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

You lot are very testy today. Sure North Korea looks like a bust, and the Jerusalem thing didn't go so well, and the Euros are done, and gas is up and we still don't have a wall or 3% growth but we're making American great again, and that's what really counts.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

You have become tiresome, ARM. You aren't even entertaining anymore.
I am pretty sure that all the bitterness and disappointment I will ever feel as a result of Trump's actions or inactions will not be a thousandth part of the disappointment and bitterness you felt when you found out trump was elected the 45th president of the United States of America.
That I do find entertaining.

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "Sure North Korea looks like a bust,..."


It does?


How many pallets of cash were shipped over? We'll wait while you research the answer!


I fully understand you strong desire to change the subject away from the clear, lefty driven destruction of 2 years worth of lefty talking points.

Gotta be tough though, lets face it, leftists have long had issues with cognitive dissonance.

Man in PA বলেছেন...

Andrew C. McCarthy has an excellent story in National Review. Obama administration opened a counterintelligence investigation against Trump with no evidence of a crime -- very illegal.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

No, even here you fail. I was neutral on the election. The best option from my point of view would have been for a hellmouth to open beneath both of them.

Drago বলেছেন...

How long until ARM is reduced to making use of crystals and chanting to undo the 2016 election?

It's pretty entertaining.

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "No, even here you fail. I was neutral on the election."


Neutral, like Chuck is a lifelong republican....

It just keeps getting funnier by the minute. I can't wait to see what comes next!

Drago বলেছেন...

And as sure as night follows day, the breathless reporting about "missing" Cohen documents "compelling" the leaker to leak Cohens records is being walked back and the "missing" documents are now being called simply "restricted".

But, of course, mission accomplished.

Every single breathless lie by ARM's and LLR Chuck's lefty media allies have turned out to be lies.

But then, why shouldn't that be the case?


Michael K বলেছেন...

"the Jerusalem thing didn't go so well, "

Oh ? Did they take it back when I wasn't watching ? The Gaza animals were demonstrating but that is almost every day.

It looked just fine to me.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Sure North Korea looks like a bust,
it would be if Obama were negotiating

and the Jerusalem thing didn't go so well,
don’t be so sure (http://www.israelhayom.com/2018/05/17/egypt-furious-over-qatar-iran-meddling-in-effort-to-defuse-gaza-violence/)

and the Euros are done,
don’t know what this means

and gas is up
good thing we now control our own supply

and we still don't have a wall
blame the democrats, but it’s early

or 3% growth
yep, the economy is the pits

I love the smell of desperation in the morning...

Birkel বলেছেন...

ARM cannot understand the difference between self-interested statements (lower level of likelihood of truth) and statements against interest (higher levels, including an exception to hearsay).

ARM is stupid or lying.

Potato. Spud.

cf বলেছেন...

When do we bring out the pitchforks?

I regret I did not bring one out before, like five years ago when the news that the IRS had been shutting down opposition to He Who Must Never Be Criticized.

One part of me says, "how about now, huh? Huh?" (Shoulda done it in front of our local IRS way back then.)

A quieter part of me, however, has Direct Experience that Slow is how our Governance turns Best, as designed, and so i relax & say, Oh Amerca!

Hope springs eternal in me yet. I will not order the pitchfork from Althouse' portal for now.

And like I said before, we gotta let OBama Go --like Ayres, "Free as a Bird," -- say it loud and now.

BUT EVERYBODY ELSE WE WANT GOEs DOWN.. . all legal like, by the book.

PackerBronco বলেছেন...

ARM is stupid or lying

Embrace the power of "and"

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

"the Jerusalem thing didn't go so well, "

"Oh ? Did they take it back when I wasn't watching ? The Gaza animals were demonstrating but that is almost every day"

Apparently, most of the ones killed were Hamas militants. Surprise. Surprise.

Gretchen বলেছেন...

I'm having trouble reconciling a few facts.

First anyone smart (i.e. the Democrats) knew Russia was no threat as of 2012, when Obama et al mocked Romney. Obama said he'd have more flexibility to Medvedev on a hot mic, and Hillary tried to reset (overcharge) relations because they were so lovely.

When the DNC servers were hacked or at least compromised, the DNC refused to let the intelligence community examine the servers, which according to them certainly were evidence. If Russia was such a threat, why didn't they cooperate?

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Birkel said ... "ARM is stupid or lying."

It is pretty clear that he is quite willing to blatantly lie.

It is not clear to me that he is stupid. After all, he taught HS social studies and was the smartest person in the room.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Hagar said...
The press is an ARM to the democrat party.

More accurately: The Democratic Party is an arm of the Press.

Redstone. Carlos Slim. Bezos. Zuckerburg etc.

The media and the democrat party including the democrat wing and the GOPe wing, are owned by a fairly small number of people. The media and the politicians in DC are tools.

The people in charge are the same aristocracy that has existed throughout history. They want their serfs back.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

I learned something interesting yesterday at Rantburg. There were embassies in Jerusalem until around 1980 until Israel declared it the capital. Then everyone moved out.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   325 এর 201 – থেকে 325   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»