The NYT reports.
Commenters there exult:
My day just got 1,000% better....UPDATE: WaPo reports: "Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations, according to a person familiar with the case."
Wow. The system works. It really works....
If a porn star winds up being the one to take Trump down, it will prove to me that karma actually exists in the absence of other forms of justice....
Whoa, wait. I thought this was a "nothing burger." I heard it so many times, and now the Feds have raided this man's office. Practitioners of "Nothingburger-ism," please, explain.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 339 of 339Kennedy charged? Yes, with leaving the scene when he killed a woman.
Tried? No. He pleaded guilty to leaving the acene. No trial.
“Cohen is being investigated for wire fraud, bank fraud and campaign violations. Just being reported.”
Meanwhile Hillary’s server is just s “matter”, not an investigation at all.
It’s good to know the lefties believe the law should be dependent on your political party.
They clearly don’t understand the implications however.
Denying knowledge of his own NDA.
If that's true, then Cohen is Trump's lawyer in the NDA deal. In that case, the corruption seems to be all Mueller, both in expanding his mandate and violating attorney/client privilege which is derived from the 5th Amendment. I understand the progs don't care much for the Bill of Rights, and we already know there is a desire to repeal the 2nd Amendment and dramatically limit the 1st Amendment, but now you want to just ignore the 5th Amendment openly?
This is huge. A federal judge granted a search warrant. This is war. Assad is nothing compared to this.
Yes, this is war. I think this means Hillary goes to prison as I doubt Trump is interested in mercy now.
The OIG report and Huber are still coming. I suspect the FBI agents are cooperating, at least Priestap.
If I were Trump this would mean no mercy. The lefties are celebrating and have no idea what this is about.
A non stop cackling noise has been detected in Chappaqua NY.
The Gormless Revolutionary said:
"Trump's corrupt. He will either be investigated for a payoff to his idiotic lawyer or the NDA will be null and void and the porn star will talk about him non-stop for the next 2.5 years. Denying knowledge of his own NDA. Way to throw Michael Cohen under the bus, Trump! It's what he does to everyone he knows, though. Get ready for your low credibility national non-leader now."
Cite for us, if you please, the criminal statute that forbids paying off a blackmailer, or entering into a contract with someone to maintain silence about a private matter.
I hate to admit it, but this looks like a big win for Team Hillary. Maybe that election decision will be overturned after all.
Kennedy charged? Yes, with leaving the scene when he killed a woman.
Tried? No. He pleaded guilty to leaving the acene. No trial.
So then the legal case was closed. Thanks for explaining for the benefit of your friend Vance that's there's nothing more to it than that.
Doesn't sound like Cohen had the opportunity to delete yoga pics.
A lot of spit-flickeling over a nothingburger.
Cite for us, if you please, the criminal statute that forbids paying off a blackmailer, or entering into a contract with someone to maintain silence about a private matter.
52 U.S.C. Sec. 30101, et seq.
If “you” are someone who is campaigning for federal elective office, and the payment is an in-kind benefit to the campaign.
Bank fraud & campaign finance violations are often in the eye of the beholder. A charge often depends on an investigator divining the intent of the person being investigated. Like indicting Russians who will never see the inside of an American court room, this does not seem to be a sign that Mueller is building a strong case against Cohen, much less Trump.
"It is not clear how the F.B.I. entered Mr. Cohen’s office, but agents had a search warrant and typically would have presented it to office personnel to be let in. The documents identified in the warrant date back years, according to a person briefed on the search."
So the use of the word "raid" is hyperbole on the part of the Times. They served a search warrant, that's all.
"Date back years" is interesting as well. Mueller was only authorized to look at possible collusion with the Russki's in the election of 2016. This looks more and more like a fishing expedition. Or a witch hunt.
The deal with witch hunts, BTW, was not so much that the with hunters were looking for something that didn't exist, but that they always found witches. Every where, and any time they looked for them.
Teddy was a victim of bridge violence.
I mean..the neck brace and all.
@ Chickelit - I hate to admit it, but this looks like a big win for Team Hillary. Maybe that election decision will be overturned after all.
Sure. The Supreme Court swears Hillary in after Trump is arrested and the whole fucking country is in flames the next day. If I was a progressive, I would be very concerned that once the other side starts shooting, they won't want to stop.
Yes, this is war. I think this means Hillary goes to prison as I doubt Trump is interested in mercy now.
Right. Because Trump's/Trump's buddies' wrongdoing have anything to do with whatever wrongdoing no one's been able to find on the woman that he apparently wished won his election.
If I were Trump this would mean no mercy. The lefties are celebrating and have no idea what this is about.
Behold, Dear Reader: The right-wing lack of any respect for rule of law.
Trump's buddies always go down the gutter. He's just too tainted with criminality to save them. Didn't even help his old buddy Roy Cohn with the bill to use his property to convalesce at while dying of cancer.
Why don't you fools take some responsibility for a change? Trump's not above the law and that's got nothing to do with the woman to whom he could have lost (and wished he did lose) a presidential election.
Trump threw Cohen under the bus. It was predictable that he'd eventually open his big fat mouth and admit that his lawyer either took an illegal payoff or violated bar/ethics standards and decided to pay off the porn star's NDA money under false pretenses.
It's going to be fun watching all Trump's friends go to jail.
Deep State told Comey to throw it to Trump last minute. This hot seat act is just meant to keeping Dronald minds his peas and cues.
Deep State gets it's trade war to destroy remaining family farms for the benefit of Cargil, ADM and Du Pont, etc
Deep state gets it's war machine and tax cuts
Deep State gets it's distraction in Syria
SOrry - Roy Cohn died of AIDS, not cancer.
Trump sent his old friend and defender a nice big fat bill for the privilege of dying there. What a guy.
The cackling resonates around lakes in Walkershau County and also in certain Philly environs.
"Deep state" = "I don't know whom to blame but I gots to blame some made-up thing!"
It's the Republicans' version of Hillary's "vast right-wing conspiracy."
Might as well just take account of Trump's inveterate immorality.
Avenatti and the states' AG's will get all your guys. And Trump will throw them ALL under the bus.
Just you watch.
So the use of the word "raid" is hyperbole on the part of the Times. They served a search warrant, that's all.
Yes, Louis Wetzel; the term “raid” was probably hyperbolic. They served a search warrant.
And an even worse, more hyperbolic, misleading and even defamatory term was President Trump’s choice to refer to the action as a “break-in.”
I know this is a stretch, TTR, but try looking at this rationally. The "Russian collusion" tree is clearly not bearing fruit, so you are going all in on the testimony of a hooker who has passed her 'sell by' date.
I love you, man, I am just trying to save you some heartache down the line.
The cackling resonates around lakes in Walkershau County and also in certain Philly environs.
Cohen's being set up to be the fall guy - and he might do it. Anyone who works with Trump is.
But he'll probably fold. The law will get the goods on this guy.
Trump's about to go down. You can tell in his feisty, sad defensiveness.
The "Russian collusion" tree is clearly not bearing fruit.
That's the tip of the iceberg. Trump's dirtier than the mob.
He covers up his criminality with layers of lawyers but the lawyers will go down first.
They're not good lawyers, anyway. They're just highly practiced in the art of intimidation and cover-up.
Trump won't be able to hide behind them any more.
"And an even worse, more hyperbolic, misleading and even defamatory term was President Trump’s choice to refer to the action as a “break-in.'"
OMG?! Trump said something intemperate? Does the Times know about this? Stop the presses!
I didn't vote for Trump. I voted for Daryll Castle, Constitution Party. Didn't you once say that you had voted for Trump, Chuck?
It was nice knowing you, President David Dennison.
Man, it would SUCK to have your lawyer--someone you rely on to work on your behalf--suddenly get in his/her own legal trouble for something completely unrelated.
I mean, for the average person, that would be a very frustrating "NOW what" situation. Now you need to find a new lawyer for your legal issues, one that will have to take time to spin up on the case. Your personal legal information may have just been seized in the typical broad-sweep approach law enforcement takes ("you never know what might be relevant!") and there's no telling when or if you'll ever get it back, or where the information will end up.
The WH press should just ask every question of Huckleberry Sanders from now on pertaining to Trump as "David Dennison." See how she answers.
Just refuse to call him anything else. David Dennison.David Dennison. David Dennison.
Say it with me. Say his name.
David Dennison.
"Trump won't be able to hide behind them any more."
Statements like this are why it is hard to believe you are serious, TTR. Trump isn't the kind of guy who likes to hide. If he had his way, he would be deposed by Mueller on live television. Who knows? Maybe that will happen.
Man, it would SUCK to have your lawyer--someone you rely on to work on your behalf--suddenly get in his/her own legal trouble for something completely unrelated.
Yeah, but it wasn't unrelated.
It was related to his covering up for his client - President Stormy David Daniels Dennison.
Chuck said...
Cite for us, if you please, the criminal statute that forbids paying off a blackmailer, or entering into a contract with someone to maintain silence about a private matter.
52 U.S.C. Sec. 30101, et seq.
If “you” are someone who is campaigning for federal elective office, and the payment is an in-kind benefit to the campaign.
And how, one asks, does a statute relating to federal elections apply to Trump, when his alleged dalliance with Stormy occurred in 2006, when he wasn't running for anything?
And what, one asks, makes sex with a person an "in-kind benefit"? Funny, I don't see sex listed among the statute's in-kind benefit definitions......
Trump isn't the kind of guy who likes to hide.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Who was the last person you heard of that paid a random porn star $130,000 to not say anything about them?
Trump could write a book on his life called, "The Art of the NDA."
And why won't this guy, this Trump David Dennison so-called president guy, tell the truth about Karen McDougall?
What's he trying to hide?
Or do you believe she was lying, too?
Lewis, I hope you’ll accept my sincere apology for misspelling your first name. Working off my phone; and I was sloppy.
I did vote for Trump in the 2016 general election. To be precise, I voted a straight Republican Party ticket. I opposed Trump in the primary, with every fiber of my being. I would never have voted for Trump under any circumstances in a primary. My November vote was a binary choice; the lesser of two evils. I don’t much regret it but I pray that it will be my last vote for a Trump.
No, seriously though.
President David Dennison's doing a really good job.
President David Drumpfy Dennison!
TTR is rolling on the floor cackling his ass off.
If “you” are someone who is campaigning for federal elective office, and the payment is an in-kind benefit to the campaign.
What money or in-kind benefit was made to the campaign? According to both sides, the campaign was unaware of this benefit, so how did the campaign violate the law? If Cohen gives money to Daniels without notifying the campaign or his client; and that's your side's argument; then you are building the argument that any money given by a third party to another third party that benefits a candidate with nobody's knowledge but the two third party's is a campaign contribution?
Paying someone to keep quiet is campaign contribution.
Paying someone to manufacture dirt is campaign spending.
How is Trump corrupt? Sleeping with a porn star 12 years ago and perhaps lying about it?
How does that compare to a Private Server and mega millions from secret uranium deals with Russia?
Sessions - he must be let go.
And how, one asks, does a statute relating to federal elections apply to Trump, when his alleged dalliance with Stormy occurred in 2006, when he wasn't running for anything?
When the payment is made just weeks before Election Day, via a newly-formed LLC that appears to have been formed for the purpose of concealing the existence and nature of the payment.
That’s how.
Chuck, I was on the mainland in the fall of 2015 visiting my mother. She was a rabid Trumpster, I wasn't (I liked Cruz). I told my mom all the terrible things about Trump. His bankruptcies, his reputation for suing people who violated his draconian NDAs, his "schools" that ripped off poor working people.
But by the spring of 2016, I could see that Trump had managed to grab onto something I liked -- the idea that the GOP had betrayed American working people by its acceptance of globalism and essentially open immigration. But I still couldn't bring myself to vote for Trump. He is a Democrat populist at heart.
I was as surprised by Trump's win in 2016 as anyone, but it renewed my faith in the American People. We, alone among the nations of the world, are capable of driving history, and not just following some agreed upon path into the future.
Trump didn't change American politics. The American people did.
God Bless America!
How is Trump corrupt? Sleeping with a porn star 12 years ago and perhaps lying about it?
If you had to pay someone $130,000 to keep them from saying anything about sleeping with you, how good a person should we assume you to be?
“But by the spring of 2016, I could see that Trump had managed to grab onto something I liked -- the idea that the GOP had betrayed American working people by its acceptance of globalism and essentially open immigration.”
Chuck is that GOP, Lewis.
How does that compare to a Private Server and mega millions from secret uranium deals with Russia?
Lol. I get it. So Trump is not Hillary therefore you can't defend him.
Hey, Stormy stopped shooting her mouth off, didn’t she? Almost like a gag order.
When the payment is made just weeks before Election Day, via a newly-formed LLC that appears to have been formed for the purpose of concealing the existence and nature of the payment.
The existence was concealed from the campaign, and the payment didn't go to advocacy, so nobody outside the LLC and Stormy was aware? This benefits the campaign how? What voter was swayed by the contribution? Don't tell me they would have been swayed had Stormy told her story, because she was free to do so until Cohen paid her the blackmail money, and he apparently did so without notifying his client or the campaign.
Either Cohen violated campaign finance laws by giving an in-kind donation while representing Trump, or Cohen isn't Trump's attorney. It can't be both and the evidence collected today still be admissible in court. If you think this story is a winning argument for impeachment, you're not paying attention. Impeachment is a political matter, and Trump's support is only going up after the Stormy allegations. Throw in a Special Counsel pissing all over the 5th Amendment while expanding his mandate; and I don't see an impeachment over sex going too far. Even the NYT is saying the GOP is going to win midterms with such an argument.
You've exceeded your 'LOL' ration for the evening, TTR. You must use ROTFLMAO as your cliche'd speech device until you are awarded another 15 LOLs at midnight, central standard time.
Whoever is bankrolling Daniels and her tough guy lawyer is the one to watch here. Too bad he’s invisible.
It was truly pathetic seeing Trump spouting off frantically about his lawyer being served search warrants, sitting at that big table with all those generals and big wigs gathered there to discuss Syria and a nerve gas attack.
Imagine "Stormy Daniels" being cross examined. She is asked about her profession, her past drug use, the times she has been paid to lie, her convictions . . .
Yep, ya' all got a real Jacqueline the Giant Slayer there.
I’m embarrassed for those generals to have to sit there and witness that in person. Shameful and pathetic behavior from a President.
When this storm blows over, Daniels could make a killing exposing who put her up to all this. Hope she learned something about NDAs.
Blogger Inga said...
It was truly pathetic seeing Trump spouting off frantically about his lawyer being served search warrants, sitting at that big table with all those generals and big wigs gathered there to discuss Syria and a nerve gas attack.
Trump is not responsible for your feeling pathetic, Inga. You should let go of this.
Sounds like you watch too much TV, Inga. If it saddens you, switch it off. Don’t then come here to bitch about it.
You've exceeded your 'LOL' ration for the evening, TTR. You must use ROTFLMAO as your cliche'd speech device until you are awarded another 15 LOLs at midnight, central standard time.
I was inspired by the loudest and most unhinged and unrepentant resident right-wing lunatic on this blog, Mr. FullMoon.
In days gone by, the Left would be on solid footing. One sided leaks, suppressing evidence, raids on people who actually DIED...all this would be swept under the rug with Matt Lauer, Bryan Williams, and Dan Rather putting a nice active leaning slant on the news with the public a bit chary, but willing to trust.
Those days are over. The Left has been burning through that trust.
SO...this judge who signed off on this any chance is he from Hawaii? Cause there seems to be a rash of judges who are pushing FAR past the limits of their power to try to politically get Trump and hamper his black letter law power.
At the end of all this, the biggest thing is the discrediting of the judiciary.
Unless there is some HUGE and EASILY understandable charges against Trump...this is very dangerous ground for the Left to walk across.
Because now raiding the lawyer's offices has now become a precedent.
And the Right won't care how many Op Eds excoriating the practice are written. My side doesn't trust the media so they won't suffer a single blemish from my side at the aghast NYT. Hell, it will be to their political BENEFIT to do so!
Mueller had better make all this crap worth it, or he might be the new American Guy Fawkes.
Imagine "Stormy Daniels" being cross examined. She is asked about her profession, her past drug use, the times she has been paid to lie, her convictions . . .
What the heck does that have to do with the unenforceability of an unsigned NDA?
Trump is not unique.
Tiberius Gracchus was also elected Tribune of the Plebs, on a very analogous platform actually, with the object of preserving the Roman "middle class", its small farmers.
A lot of that conflict, and its weaponization of legal procedure, runs remarkably parallel.
And so forth. The arrogance of the system and the misuse of laws are the beginning of collapse.
Imagine "Stormy Daniels" being cross examined. She is asked about her profession, her past drug use, the times she has been paid to lie, her convictions . . .
What the heck does that have to do with the unenforceability of an unsigned NDA?
Trump isn’t responsible for anything, evidently. Why do you people still defend him? What is wrong with you? Are you truly so locked into your fantasy that he a victim of a witch hunt? Now that is pathetic.
Looks like David Drumpf Dennison was the embarrassed one - given that he was too cagey to sign the damn thing.
Trump isn’t responsible for anything, evidently. Why do you people still defend him? What is wrong with you? Are you truly so locked into your fantasy that he a victim of a witch hunt? Now that is pathetic.
Because they feel the same way.
They don't seem to realize how much less besieged they'd feel if they just learned to accept reality for what it is.
I was thinking about that old Superman motto regarding "truth, justice and the American way."
Trump is truly about about "falsehood, injustice and the Russian way."
Not even the ethics of Superman are good enough for these lunatics any more.
Blogger Inga said...
Trump isn’t responsible for anything, evidently. Why do you people still defend him?
I'm not defending Trump, Inga. The man is on his own, as far as I'm concerned. Trump is all grown up & everything.
I am attacking you (& TTR) But in a playful way :)
I cannot imagine a theory that finds Silky Pony John Edwards not guilty on the facts in that case and Trump guilty on these facts. (Except the obvious political affiliation difference.)
I can imagine a Dinesh D'Souza situation.
Even Van Jones is a quicker study than TTR.
Don't watch this, anybody. Or I might have to pay you $130,000.
Daniels must be getting other TV offers to dish even more dirt. For example, Althouse raised the question of why she did what she alleges she did. What is stopiping her? Surely not an unenforceable NDA.
chicken and wetzel weasel are so in denial it sounds like they're jealous that they didn't get to have sex with Donald Trumpf for $130,000.
"The WH press should just ask every question of Huckleberry Sanders from now on pertaining to Trump as "David Dennison." See how she answers."
-- Was that the approach you took to President Obama using a pseudonym on Hillary Clinton's secret server and lying to people about knowing it existed?
If this counts as an in-kind donation, a *lot* of Hollywood folks are going to jail.
Hey Matt, justice was served re Hil's yoga pix just as it was for Teddy and the bridge violence.
Just hush now...TTR is ruining his keyboard.
I just don't see how this can count as in-kind contribution, but Bill Clinton working behind the scenes to help Monica get better jobs/perks wasn't. Didn't he also pay women to drop their complaints and quiet up?
Like: OK. If *this* is a crime, why hasn't it been treated as such until Trump did it?
Hey. Any of you Republican hoes wanna audition for the role of Trump's next attorney?
Qualifications include willingness to commit bank fraud.
Wait -- they've proven he committed bank fraud? Or is this like how Ted Stevens "committed fraud?"
Better to become a G-Man.
Fishin', Fishin', Fishin'
TTR’s relationship with Barack Obama’s was “stormy.”
“SO...this judge who signed off on this any chance is he from Hawaii? Cause there seems to be a rash of judges who are pushing FAR past the limits of their power to try to politically get Trump and hamper his black letter law power.”
“For those already claiming that Mueller has gone “rogue” by searching Cohen’s office, it is worth noting that the interim U.S. Attorney for the Southern District, Geoff Berman, a Trump appointee, would have signed off on this warrant.”
Oh chicken you're so funny.
Why aren't you at your own blog tonight trying to up the comment count on a music video?
Just think. You could post a comment of your own to one of those and increase the comment count by 100%!!!!!
So you've got a "porn star" that no one has heard of, after two or three decades in the "porn star" business. She worked out of Vegas, where prostitution is legal (outside the city limits, I guess). She says that she had sex of some kind with Trump back in 2006, but she has no evidence of this. There is no stained dress. And you have Cohen writing her a check for $130k just before the election, but Trump denies knowing anything about it, at the time the check was written. Trump is a germophobe, so much so that he wants his the expensive steaks he eats cooked until they are grey inside.
Tell me how this narrative makes sense, please?
There is no limit to the FBI's courrption. To ransack a lawyers privileged communications in an effort to destroy a sitting President is going to rank right up there in the top ten abuses of this hopelessly politicized agency. Somewhere between trying to destroy Martin Luther King and covering up Whitey Bulgers murders.
It is time to set up an entirely new federal law enforcement entity. The FBI needs to be eliminated.
So what was the result of the forensic sketch artist?
I hope they video recorded that session with the mugshots..
"Not even the ethics of Superman are good enough for these lunatics any more."
Uhhh . . . you realize that Superman was not real, don't you, TTR?
Love you, man. I really mean it. I'm going to make a visit to the Midwest in June-July this year. Do you want to get together for a beer?
In August 2003, FBI Director Robert F. Mueller named Valerie E. Caproni General Counsel of the FBI. Per Wikipedia, she may have taken some heat over Guantanamo interrogations even though she proactively limited FBI involvement in them. In 2013 Obama appointed her US District Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, the court that approved the Cohen search warrants.
It i not yet clear if Caproni was the judge that approved the search warrant. My wife and I agreed tonight that we never thought we would be living in the Soviet Union.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
How is Trump corrupt? Sleeping with a porn star 12 years ago and perhaps lying about it?
If you had to pay someone $130,000 to keep them from saying anything about sleeping with you, how good a person should we assume you to be?
It's still not a crime, you moron.
“While the Cohen raid came as a referral from Mueller’s team, it was not officially part of his investigation. It was executed by the office of the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. And the man running that office, interim U.S. attorney Geoffrey Berman, is a Trump appointee whom the president personally met with.
Mueller is required to consult with his boss, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, if he comes across information worth investigating that does not officially fit with his mandate of looking into Russia’s role in the 2016 election. Rosenstein then can refer the matter to a U.S. attorney’s office.
It’s not easy to search a practicing lawyer’s office. As The Washington Post reported, “To serve a search warrant on a practicing attorney, federal prosecutors are required to obtain approval from top Justice Department officials. That means the acting U.S. attorney in Manhattan, Geoffrey S. Berman, ... as well as Justice Department officials in Washington, probably signed off.””
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Hey. Any of you Republican hoes wanna audition for the role of Trump's next attorney?
Qualifications include willingness to commit bank fraud.
Hey, any of you Toothless Totalitarians wanna audition for TR's role: qualifications include the willingness to convict people in public for crimes they haven't been charged with.
I was as surprised by Trump's win in 2016 as anyone, but it renewed my faith in the American People. We, alone among the nations of the world, are capable of driving history, and not just following some agreed upon path into the future.
Trump didn't change American politics. The American people did.
The Deep State is determined to over ride the decision of the American people. I wonder who will win ?
I guess I had better stock up on ammunition.
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Berman to the job in January. Berman has a reputation among his friends and co-workers as a sharp, hard-working lawyer. And he’s certainly not part of any Democratic cabal out to get Trump: He donated $5,400 to Trump’s presidential campaign.
Berman also met personally with Trump when he was up for the job, according to CNN.”
Feds have good gigs.
If you see a witch hunt in progress..keep yer fooking head down.
“In August of 2017, Politico reported Trump personally interviewed Berman, “a move that critics say raises questions about whether they can be sufficiently independent from the president,” for the job as the U.S. Attorney in New York’s Southern District. Five months later, Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Bernam to the post as interim chief. An executive move, Sessions was permitted by law to fill a vacant position.”
Inga..of relentless unlinked postings.
Are you that excited?
Look, Mr. Toothless. I've warned you that you had exceeded your ration of LOLs for today.
And yet you've continued to use more LOLs.
From now until midnight tonight, you must 'voluntarily' stop using LOLs.
Is that understood? good.
Now, get back to work.
So many "sources" these days
“Berman, a Law Partner of Rudy Giuliani, replaced Former SDNY U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Who Was Fired by Trump After Refusing to Resign.
Berman, Appointed by US AG Jeff Sessions, is a Former U.S. Attorney & Prosecuted an Iran-Contra CIA Agent for Tax Fraud”
Walter dearie, I’m fully expecting the ravaging of Geoffrey Berman by you dummies, hence the info on Berman. Why must I explain these things to you?
I’m not bothering to link, I know you wouldn’t go there anyway. But if you doubt them, just enter the quote in a Google search and you’ll get to the article.
Why can't alpha-male Mueller stop leaks from his own team, Inga?
Blogger Inga said...
Walter dearie, I’m fully expecting the ravaging of Geoffrey Berman by you dummies, hence the info on Berman. Why must I explain these things to you?
-- really ARE excited.
Wasn't caproni one,of those who didn't ask for a visa warrant to moussaoui computer
The Deep State strikes back?
I don't like the gracchi example because of where it ends also he is,more like Markus and Mueller like sulla.
Inga just wants to post words, not where they came from.
I don't like the gracchi example because of where it ends also he is,more like Markus and Mueller like sulla.
Well a larger point is the Roman Constitution was.. kind of nuts.
*BUT* -- It worked as long as the Romans believed in it.
I think we may be past that point.
If only we had back the seemingly asexual Obama and his red lines about now.
I prefer the Gracchi analogy Narciso, because Trump is trying to fix the system according to its rules, not using his popularity with the military to overthrow it. That Marius method would take a semi-coup by a successful general.
Sulla would be on the other side.
Maybe in a few more years. We aren't to Colleen McCulloughs first book yet.
In severe concession to the lesser read/great unwashed, consider transcoding your messages into more accessible summaries.
That is, if there is something to go forward with.
Because, if all is doomed..hard to see where that's helpful.
Excellent. It looks like team Stalin has decided to finally shit rather than get off the pot.
The only thing that will really save this country long term is if they arrest/impeach trump over something as stupid as paying off a porn star.
Do it.
Y'know, I could swear at one point, not even a few months ago, TTR was claiming that he thought the entire Russian collusion thing was bullshit. Am I wrong on this? Does anyone else remember that? How'd we go from that to all-in like he is now?
Rome had a republic while the pressures of servant populations,and frequent military interventions,was straining, the
gracchis aristocrats who claimed to represent the people tried to solve it through a grain dole and land reform. It wasn't received well, in some corners.
About 30 years later there was a long standing conflict against a desert Prince in North Africa who was defeated by Marius a man of modest rank.
TTR has had some atypical moments of lucidity.
But always a return to shit flingin'
"What the heck does that have to do with the unenforceability of an unsigned NDA?"
Doesn't need to be in writing. It isn't covered by the Statute of Frauds. Her taking the money should be sufficient to bind her.
She had counsel when she offered return of $$ to free her up to yap.
If not necessary..not necessary.
Spanky Daniels' Twitter has switched to fans only.
TTR can't unglue his fingers from his keyboard...
Daniels may go down as the most self-destructive pornstar ever if people don’t swallow her story.
“Spanky Daniels' Twitter has switched to fans only.”
So now she can impugne with posts and post with impunity. Ho-ray!
Imagine the shitstorm if Trump locked-down his Twitter.
Blogger chickelit said...
Daniels may go down as the most self-destructive pornstar ever if people don’t swallow her story.
That is a mighty high bar to top.
Gotta have something come(y)-pelling to sallow.
"nga said...
I’m not bothering to link, I know you wouldn’t go there anyway. But if you doubt them, just enter the quote in a Google search and you’ll get to the article."
Ah..more lazy-ass posting.
You think folks should "swallow" your sources AND editing.
It's a big fucking swamp, and it extends well beyond Washington.
This has Clinton Crime Machine written all over it.
Come on Mueller - install Hillary as dictator. Do it.
Inga has no problem with the long list of Bill's accusers. They must all be lying.
"American trust in federal institutions will not get better if Hillary gets away with felony mishandling of classified information and Trump goes down for paying off a porn star."
The Mueller-Clinton Crime machine is the mob. Retribution for the Private Server money grubbing money whore.
The FBI still hasn’t examined the DNC computer that started the whole “Russian collusion” witch hunt. Why? Because they’d have to report 1) It wasn’t hacked: files were simply copied to a flash drive by an insider, 2) the DNC had him murdered, 3) Further proof of illegal collusion between the FBI, DOJ, DNC, White House and foreign parties to affect the election, and 4) Illegal, or at least embarrassing, assistance from Big Tech and Big Media to aid the Clinton campaign. Mueller’s “investigation” makes no sense except as the main arm of the deep state coup going on. Notice the threats made by Schumer and others to trump not to fire Mueller: they can’t give a logical reason why Trump shouldn’t fire him, just tough, gangster talk that he’d better not or else.
The FBI still hasn’t examined the DNC computer that started the whole “Russian collusion” witch hunt. Why? Because they’d have to report 1) It wasn’t hacked: files were simply copied to a flash drive by an insider, 2) the DNC had him murdered, 3) Further proof of illegal collusion between the FBI, DOJ, DNC, White House and foreign parties to affect the election, and 4) Illegal, or at least embarrassing, assistance from Big Tech and Big Media to aid the Clinton campaign. Mueller’s “investigation” makes no sense except as the main arm of the deep state coup going on. Notice the threats made by Schumer and others to trump not to fire Mueller: they can’t give a logical reason why Trump shouldn’t fire him, just tough, gangster talk that he’d better not or else.
Interesting news report:
Geoffrey Berman, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, has recused himself from the investigation into President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen. The recusal was said to be approved by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who is overseeing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian collusion. The Monday FBI raid on Mr. Cohen’s office was said to be based on a referral from the special counsel’s office, but not directly linked to the Russia probe. Mr. Berman was not involved in the decision to raid Mr. Cohen’s office because of the recusal, reported ABC News, which first broke the story.
This smells like a fresh wind off a pig farm sewage lagoon.
An honest observer might wonder what in the Hell is wrong with these people? (And I'm not talking about the Trumpkins.) Hillary Clinton and her cohorts and their cockamamie refusal to accept the results of the election are very, very destructive to the civic good.
An honest observer might wonder what in the Hell is wrong with these people?
It's simple. They think they can actually pull this off. Overturn an election and walk away unscathed.
They're in for a very rude awakening.
Say Inga, do you ever support your "news" with links? And say, isn't Inga a Russian sounding name? Hmmm...
The FBI and the district attorney had better hope they have a slam-dunk solid case here, otherwise they just recklessly mortgaged public trust in the justice system.
That trust has been gone for a very long time now.
The recusal was said to be approved by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
I've read elsewhere it was "forced" by RR. Either way, they do not get to use the star power of "Even Republican Berman thought it was serious!"
The universal L hanger-on pattern: get your licks in first, then the story crumbles, at least you got some licks in.
Inga likes to eat her dessert first. You always have a chance of getting out of the boiled cabbage.
" I seriously doubt it’s the DOJ or FBI that are the corrupt ones."
I think you would (doubt) if it were Democrats being targeted.
That is the big problem: it wasn't all that long ago I thought Democrats were decent people who just disagreed with me on certain political positions.
And I have met an awful lot of until-recently-liberals and former-life-long-Democrat-straight-ticket-voters who are saying similar things.
"what in the Hell is wrong with these people"
I think high ranking people are eager to destroy evidence. Corruption works like a cockroach infestation: for every one you see, there's a hundred in the cupboards.
Unfortunately I probably won't live long enough to see the really good books written about whatever is going on here.
Kennedy charged? Yes, with leaving the scene when he killed a woman.
"Tried? No. He pleaded guilty to leaving the acene. No trial."
You have to remember Birkel that you're dealing with the Toothless State-fellator. In the alternate universe that lives inside his head--where Big Brother is a force only for good and the millions of people he's killed are chimerical, and statism only brings peace and prosperity--Ted Kennedy may have been charged and tried. And the financial crises ended when Bernie Sanders rode around on a flying unicorn dispensing Monopoly money to all good serfs.
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