"The multi-million-dollar lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court says that 'In the Trump campaign, Russia found a willing and active partner in this effort' to mount 'a brazen attack on American Democracy,' which included Russian infiltration of the Democratic Party computer network... The suit alleges claims that include conspiracy, computer fraud and abuse, misappropriation of trade secrets, trespass and other violations of the law."
CNBC Reports.
Now that there's a lawsuit, it's time to think about counterclaims. I'd like to see what the defendants would come up with using an equally aggressive, far-reaching approach to using the courts to promote your political cause.
1 – 200 of 407 Newer› Newest»I assume this is another attempt at lawfare against Trump.
They will demand endless depositions of Trump associates and will find judges like Kimba Wood to prolong the misery,
The discovery should be interesting.
Ah the smell of desperation in the morning. The "D" in DNC stands for delusional. Do you really want to get in a sort of discovery peeing match? I'd love to see a first class litigator take Ms. Hillary's deposition, followed by Podesta, followed by Susan Yates, followed by---the list goes on and on. Maybe even Obama?
...that moment when you start seriously wondering if you're an unwilling participant in a Twilight Zone episode.
This is a "tell" that Mueller has nothing and other means must be created to keep up the fiction of collusion and to maintain Hillary's viability for 2020.
The other tell is the lawfare handoff from Mueller to the far left NY apparatus in an attempt to coerce a Trump associate to lie about Trump and give the dems what they want.
The dems need a Scooter Libby who will be intimidated enough to say whatever they want him to say.
Right now the only candidate is Cohen which is why LLR Chuck's beloved lefty MSM is going round the clock with stories of Cohen being raped in prison and spending the rest of his life there if he doesn't give the NY prosecutors what they want.
Is this what late-stage republics look like?
My hope is that this is thrown out with prejudice. But lawyerly minds must chime in to help us laymen understand.
OTOH a Trump countersuit would be a delicious discovery vehicle. Perhaps a civil judge could see the illegality of hiding and destroying evidence that the "crime fighting" FBI failed to notice.
So what, do they plan to subpoena Assange and Putin?
It's gotten so bad for our MI based self-described LLR and electoral expert that he is reduced to slamming Scott Adams!
Not even Paul Begala is willing to do the work LLR Chuck is still going gangbusters on!
It's too funny.
And how in hell can Donna Brazile of the DNC be a party to this action? She was actively cheating, and the organization she now (again) runs was complicit in campaign violations by spending money at the direction of Hillary. Don't take my word for it. Read Brazile's book where she admits that's what her audit found.
Drago said...
This is a "tell" that Mueller has nothing
Or it is a way to protect Mueller. Better Mueller providing a clean bill of health at the end of his investigation than giving the DNC free reign to rummage around in Trump World by sacking Mueller.
Scott M: "Is this what late-stage republics look like?"
I fear the answer to that question is...yes.
Now, the good news is that given sufficient critical mass of affluence and influence and infrastructure and power etc the mortally wounded republic can easily carry on for several generations.
That is, until the left, with their LLR allies, gain sufficient power that they never have to fear another election (something the dems/LLR's thought they had achieved in 2008) at which point the masks come completely off and we proceed directly to "Next Leftist Economic and Societal Miracle" status.
Naturally, mass graves and starvation will be involved.
That paragraph makes no sense ARM. WTF are you trying to say?
"Ah the smell of desperation in the morning."
Indeed. Maybe Rudy's expectation is that this whole Special Counsel collusion investigation can be wrapped up in 2 weeks is not so far off base. Now that McCabe is criminally referred, with more to follow from the OIG, Mueller may be worried about his own ass (what with all the leaks from his investigation), Also, federal judges asking tough questions about Special Counsel authority to prosecute Manafort, and ordering exculpatory evidence in a guilty plea.
So, DNC gets tipped off that the Russian collusion is a dead end, just in time to file a law fare suit to keep their base motivated.
ARM: "Or it is a way to protect Mueller. Better Mueller providing a clean bill of health at the end of his investigation than giving the DNC free reign to rummage around in Trump World by sacking Mueller"
So much lunacy wrapped up in those 2 sentences, one scarcely knows where to deconstruct.
Better to just let it go as a one off that was typed by accident.
Let's assume the DNC wins the lawsuit, which I believe is very likely. How does a court make the aggrieved party whole?
Earth to ARM.
Mueller will be left to twist in the wind once it is obvious he is chasing moonbeams.
The DNC is now frantic to keep up to "skeer" as N B Forrest would put it. Their base turnout depends on keeping Trump hate at fever pitch.
I was wondering just this morning when the term "lawfare" came about. Was it during the Clinton administration?
At the moment there is a Republican investigating Trump and it is reasonable to assume that at worst he is neutral. If the DNC really can convince a judge to let them sue this is a much worse option. Sacking Mueller makes it easier for the DNC to make their case.
A counterclaim about Fusion GPS and the Steele dossier could be fun. What did Hillary and Podesta know and when did they know it?
Ah the smell of desperation in the morning.
The internal polling numbers must be horrendous.
It's a serious question, by the way. Do they order the RNC to pay the DNC?
What will people do when they find a court can order donations they made to the RNC to be given to the DNC instead?
I think the goal here is to be able to say "We proved in court that Trump and the Russians stole the election."
And that will be the New Truth, just like "The Supreme Court gave the presidency to George Bush".
robother has it right.
Starting in May the IG will be submitting another 10 or so expected reports covering so many issues related to the hoax oppo-research democrat/Putin collusion dossier, FISA court abuse, politicization of the FBI's investigative processes, the specific actions of the obama state dept hacks and not to mention the centrality of LLR Chuck's "magnificant" obama Dept of Justice, Mueller might feel it is time to shut it down.
But don't put it past democrat controlled CrowdStrike to try and fake evidence on the very servers that the dems never allowed the FBI to cart away.
And yes, I wrote that correctly.
The same FBI/lefties/LLR's that have crushed the Attorney/Client privilege, have taken every single device from every republican in sight and intercepted ALL electronic communications from hundreds and thousands of Trump campaign personnel, family members, business associates and acquaintences, actually ALLOWED the DNC to refuse to turn over the servers for analysis.
I'm sure that by now those servers have been scrubbed.
Like, with a cloth.
Ron Winkleheimer: "The internal polling numbers must be horrendous"
Paul Begala was on TV earlier saying none of this Stormy/Collusion/Obs of justice stuff is even on the radar for the 2018 election as far as he is concerned.
He went right back to the standard lefty/LLR allies anti-conservative screeds of the tax cuts were horrible, republicans want to take away Social security and the republicans want everyone to die.
It was good to watch LLR Chuck's lefty allies get back to normal.
Does that mean we'll finally get to see the "hacked" DNC server as part of discovery? You know, the one that the FBI was not allowed to inspect (and of course they were cool with that).
>>Sacking Mueller makes it easier for the DNC to make their case.
Some actual evidence would make it easier.
The Dems make an Oscar Wilde type mistake and hopefully they'll suffer the consequences too.
"Oh, let the litigation begin.
Discovery will bring joy.
All the news CNN and others kept to themselves will become public.
Hillary's alcoholism.
Podesta's pedophilia.
Obama's unconstitutional spying on Trump.
The DNC's IT imports from al-Qaida.
This litigation is a Hail Mary pass that Trump will intercept.
More importantly, the lawsuit will show Americans just who the Democrats are.
The party will regret this lawsuit by November, if not by the end of the day. Americans are tired of Hillary, Jim Shady Comey, CNN, and the constant attacks on President Trump.
The final votes on November 6 will reflect that."
It is desperation- the Russian Collusion angle was already dead months and months ago, but I suspect the Rosenstein visit at the White House in the last week or so was the event that precipitated this law suit. If Mueller does wrap up the Russian part of it with no findings of Trump collusion, the law suit will be dismissed, and most likely just withdrawn. However, I think Trump should countersue the DNC who did colluded with Russians, or at least claim to have colluded (I don't believe Steele had Russian sources despite Steele's statements otherwise), along with collusion with other foreign nationals.
>>it is reasonable to assume that at worst he is neutral.
You keep using that word, ARM...
Trump raged at Mike Flynn when disgraced advisor humiliated him in front of UK's prime minister by saying she wasn't first world leader to call president - it was PUTIN
The MSM continues to disgrace itself:
Comey memo reveals Trump claimed he never spent the night in Moscow – flatly contradicting former bodyguard's testimony to Congress that he turned down hookers and then went to bed
I laughed my ass off about this. Ya gotta read the Complaint -- it's hysterical!
These idiots are suing the "The Russian Federation," the "GRU," Guccifer, Julian Assange, a buncha Russians, Roger Stone, Manafort -- it's absolutely batshit crazy!
I interpret it to mean that Mueller is closing down shop, and these idiots need to keep fueling the Russian Collusion fire to appease the true-believers. It's a bit late, but they are still butt hurt over the DNC leaked e-mails from nearly 2 years ago.
Most sane people have moved on.
Go easy on ARM- this has a been a tough week for him and Inga. At least Inga has enough self-respect to vanish on days like these.
In the end, the whole Russia collusion insanity comes down to but for the exposure of Hillary as a criminal and the conspiracy by the DNC to guarantee Sanders wouldn't be the nominee Hillary would have been president. The Left and the Democrats are so far gone into crazy town they may never be able to find their way back to reality. Donald Trump is possibly the luckiest man alive. Nevermind being fabulously rich, married to a supermodel,phenomenal kids, being president. All that pales in comparison when he has the most stupid and insane enemies a man could possibly have. I do hope the defendants hire Judicial Watch to be their attorneys. The Onion will have to close, they can't top this bizarre reality.
More yellow journalism:
Trump said Putin told him Russia has some of the most beautiful hookers in the world' but denied he was involved in the 'golden showers thing' because he has a 'beautiful wife', fired FBI director's memos reveal
Now that there's a lawsuit, it's time to think about counterclaims.
I look forward to discovery
ARM is having a meltdown right in front of us.
Time for an intervention, ARM. Inga is a nurse. Maybe she can help you.
Sometimes it helps to cry.
Those traitors at the Washington Post add their two cents worth:
"The lawsuit echoes a similar legal tactic that the Democratic Party used during the Watergate scandal. In 1972, the DNC filed suit against then President Richard Nixon’s reelection committee seeking $1 million in damages for the break-in at Democratic headquarters in the Watergate building."
Whoever got into the DNC and Hillary!'s files and whoever disseminated what was found there, was it not these Democrats' brazen attack on our democracy that was exposed?
It is hard to believe that the Democrats want to go there with this lawsuit.
Who wants to bet this never makes it out of discovery but does help DNC fundraisers?
I just want to know what I can do to get some of that money the billionaires are feeding the "Democrat Party".
What line do I get in?
Can I have a Penthouse view?
Is Mr. Haney involved? I have a tractor !
Obama spied (on Americans, including the Republican nominee), Clinton colluded (with the Kiev government, British agents, and antiRu parties), and the DNC was exposed as a rabidly diverse organization that denied the nomination to the Jew. Since Deep Plunger, likely a Democrat insider, now aborted, flushed Water Closet, the left has been on a multi-trimester cover-up of the axis factions, efforts to influence the election, and post-inauguration adventure to disenfranchise Americans in the courts, gerrymandered voting, and warlock hunts and trials carried out by the mainstream and "independent" press.
As far as political stunts go, this is weird one. Let's just sue everybody for everything we're claiming they did.
Good comment at Insty (Glasser)
This case is more than a publicity stunt. It’s become clear even to the most ardent Trump haters that there’s simply no evidence of Russian “collusion” and the focus moved to Stormy Daniels. This is an effort to reanimate the “Russian collusion” narrative.
Of course, because it’s in a judicial pleading, any re-reporting on it is absolutely immune in libel, and its being filed at all is a news peg, so it’s pretty much Tom Perez’ gift to MSNBC and others, allowing them and others to re-tell the “Russia collusion” story as if it had more credibility.
World ends tomorrow for Dims. ARM most affected.
As far as political stunts go, this is weird one.
Their hoping that a friendly judge will give them a do over, the Mueller investigation really must be going nowhere. Of course, we shouldn't underestimate just how dumb the leadership of the DNC is. Not that the GOPe is any better.
How exactly does the DNC or any person (other than perhaps Hillary Clinton) even have standing to bring this suit?
My prediction is not a dismissal with prejudice but one without for utter lack of jurisdiction.
The Rule 11 issues may be interesting, however.
The Stormy Daniels Left and the Golden Shower Left go on the offensive. This time for sure!
“This is a "tell" that Mueller has nothing and other means must be created to keep up the fiction of collusion and to maintain Hillary's viability for 2020.”
Only in the fever swamp of your mind.
This is a way to protect the Investigation. If Trump manages to get rid of Mueller in order to end the Investigation, this lawsuit will take it’s place. At this point if Trump would fire Rosenstein and get rid of Mueller, you’ll see the House and the Senate taken by Democrats in not only a Blue Wave, think tsunami.
The next legal move will be to file a Writ of Attachment on Stormy Daniels' boobs......
I would be interested to hear Professor Emeritus Althouse's view on the federal jurisdiction issues raised by the suit.
Inga thinks Trump is going to fire Mueller.
It isn't going to happen because Mueller with empty hands is better for Trump.
Keep hope alive, and you might think about visiting ARM to hold his hand and wipe his tears.
we shouldn't underestimate just how dumb the leadership of the DNC is. Not that the GOPe is any better
Dumb and dumber? Perhaps. Overlapping and convergent interests, certainly.
What remedy are they seeking? Money damages? Overturn the election?
This is non-justiciable.
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
The next legal move will be to file a Writ of Attachment on Stormy Daniels' boobs......
She is already worried about those plastic eating bacteria.
there’s simply no evidence of Russian “collusion” and the focus moved to Stormy Daniels
Even pursuing "process crimes" is no longer a viable Choice, since equal treatment threatened Democrat parties and interests.
“Their hoping that a friendly judge will give them a do over, the Mueller investigation really must be going nowhere.”
On the contrary, the Mueller investigation is going somewhere and it’s getting very hot. This lawsuit is to protect the Investigation.
The only way the Democrats could take the House and Senate, are if the Clinton's and Obama's are kidnapped by the Nigerien Moslems, and it is part of the deal to release them.
Even so, I think most of the country would just advise the kidnappers keep them.
So I have a legal question for the learned. Since Hillary and her team deleted 33,000 emails, used Bleach Bit, smashed phones with hammers, etc., can't the other team claim exculpatory evidence was destroyed forever which renders the lawsuit meaningless?
“Go easy on ARM- this has a been a tough week for him and Inga. At least Inga has enough self-respect to vanish on days like these.”
Um...no, it’s been a fun week. And here I am!
What did Hillary call them when she blamed them for her loss? "The guys over in Macedonia who were running all these fake news sites". I hope the DNC includes them in their lawsuit.
Has the DNC hired Professor Lawrence Lessig as its chief legal strategist?
I am stunned by the sheer stupidity of this Complaint. They are suing everybody, but Trump! Maybe, Roger Stone will counter-sue against John Podesta.
Bernie Bros sued the DNC for rigging the primaries.
Now the DNC is suing everyone who was ever mean to them from the birth of Christ.
Anyone who thinks they won't find a friendly Left-wing judge to keep this going are being naive.
It used to be, for the good of the country, the party losing the Presidency, would accept the result and move on.
Now, the Democrats have made it clear, its "Rule or Ruin" - fully expecting the Republicans - as usual - to not retaliate.
They’ve never heard of countersuits? Or discovery?
Obviously Mueller will come up empty and this is the only way to keep the pressure on.
This must be a first. A lawsuit by one party against another claimed damages for foreign "collusion".
Crazy - but that's the Dems for you.
"They’ve never heard of countersuits? Or discovery?"
I think they have. And factored it in.
Mueller has already lost. He needed to convince the public that this wasn't a political witch hunt, giving any indictments credibility. He blew that with the raid on Trump's lawyers office, and taking everything.
Therefor, if a Democrat controlled House moves to impeach based on Mueller's findings, it won't have any credibility either.
You're going to have to beat Trump fair and square. Liberals wouldn't even know where to start.
Inga: "I’m pretty sure they’re looking forward to the discovery phase"
Yeah, the folks that refused to allow anyone to inspect the servers that were supposedly hacked are looking forward to discovery.
Too funny.
Inga: "On the contrary, the Mueller investigation is going somewhere and it’s getting very hot."
Yeah, it's so hot only a golden shower can put out the flames!
Inga is at least a week behind the democrat talking points.
And lets face it, for her that's pretty good.
Trump or whoever should ask for immediate dismissal as no Americans were part of the collusion, as per Mueller's investigation.
There won't be discovery unless there is a counterclaim that survives dismissal.
fully expecting the Republicans - as usual - to not retaliate.
Unfortunately for them, as Chuck has stated, Trump doesn't act like a Republican.
Inga said...
"This is a way to protect the Investigation."
Heh. That capital "I" is precious. PBUI.
"The lawsuit echoes a similar legal tactic that the Democratic Party used during the Watergate scandal. In 1972, the DNC filed suit against then President Richard Nixon’s reelection committee seeking $1 million in damages for the break-in at Democratic headquarters in the Watergate building."
Trump was wearing designer overalls when he broke into the DNC!
“Trump or whoever should ask for immediate dismissal as no Americans were part of the collusion, as per Mueller's investigation.”
And you know this...how?
This lawsuit is to protect the Investigation.
Tell me Inga, just how does the lawsuit do that?
Matthew Sablan said...
Trump or whoever should ask for immediate dismissal as no Americans were part of the collusion, as per Mueller's investigation.
This is a fair point only if Mueller's investigation is allowed to reach its natural conclusion unmolested by those uninterested in such a conclusion.
The word we're looking for here is:
The left always projects, i.e. accuses others of what it has done or is doing.
Personally, I want to know, precisely, how much cash was transferred by the Hillary campaign and the DNC to Perkins-Coie which was then provided to FusionGPS which was then provided to foreign agent Christopher Steele which was then paid directly to Putin henchmen in the Kremlin for hoax oppo research which was used to spy on domestic political opponents.
Even a round figure would be nice.
For instance, we know that russian energy oligarchs gave about $145 Million to the Clintons AFTER the clintons helped deliver 20% of our uranium to putins pals.
The same putin pals that paid Bill Clinton $500,000 in cash for an hour or two for a "speech" (wink wink).
Those are round figures and they are good enough.
ARM: "This is a fair point only if Mueller's investigation is allowed to reach its natural conclusion unmolested by those uninterested in such a conclusion."
Worthy of a spit-take.
Drago said...
Trump was wearing designer overalls when he broke into the DNC!
Can you get them with the Discovery Channel's Shark Week logo?
Earlier Inga: "On the contrary, the Mueller investigation is going somewhere and it’s getting very hot."
Later Inga: "And you know this...how?"
Inga said...
On the contrary, the Mueller investigation is going somewhere and it’s getting very hot.
Is that a euphemism for The Mueller investigation is going to hell?
I guess I gave Inga's sense of self-respect too much credit.
It has been an awful week for you, Inga- first the big Comey interviews crashed and burned when they provided no evidence at all for Trump malfeasance- either collusion or obstruction. Then the Comey memos themselves actually made Trump look better than the news stories written about them a year ago which gives the media and Comey a black eye. Even worse for Comey, though are two facts that came out this week- that Comey never told Trump the dossier was paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC, and Comey really couldn't explain this because there really are no innocent explanations for not doing so. Additionally, Comey's own memos make him out as a liar since he does leak. It is even now probable that Comey leaked the dossier briefing he gave Trump- the part about Comey ruminating on CNN needing a news hook to go forward with the contents of the dossier if you don't believe me.
In addition, we have the story about Trump being told he is not a target by Rosenstein- a story that Rosenstein has not denied, and likely has confirmed to Bloomberg- one can't imagine that publication printing that without confirmation from a non-friendly Trump source.
Pretty much everything we have seen this week tells us that Mueller has probably started the process of letting the people who need to know that the investigation is largely winding down, and that Trump is not going to be indicted or even accused of a crime. I think you will have to console yourself with the Manafort trial.
ARM: "Can you get them with the Discovery Channel's Shark Week logo?"
Yes, but I insist that they be made in America.
BTW, and I'm not kidding, I'm pretty sure those would sell like hotcakes.....now if we could only get them to sell like overalls we'd really have something!
“This lawsuit is to protect the Investigation.”
“Tell me Inga, just how does the lawsuit do that?”
If the Mueller investigation is prematurely ended, it will continue with this new lawsuit. It’s insurance, so to speak. And until then will be two investigations, the DNC’s and Mueller’s.
>>This is a way to protect the Investigation
Nobody is this naïve.
Leave Inga alone folks. She needs the stimulation of thinking something will happen to Trump that is bad.
Without the excitement, she would have nothing to do by bake.
No other interests.
As a lawyer, I welcome this new way to conduct politics. All the falling law school enrollment so will go through the roof now. And we will need a new Service Academy in addition to West Point , Annapolis etc. for training skilled Litigators that must determine the winner of National Elections.
Think of it as an MS-13 of trial lawyers .
Inga: "If the Mueller investigation is prematurely ended,...."
Leftist Dictionary Entry
ends before Trump is impeached.
"The centuries passed and yet Trump had not yet been impeached so 34th generation of investigators were reluctant to end the investigation prematurely"
"And you know this...how?"
-- Because he's only indicted Russians.
"Personally, I want to know, precisely, how much cash was transferred by the Hillary campaign and the DNC to Perkins-Coie which was then provided to FusionGPS which was then provided to foreign agent Christopher Steele which was then paid directly to Putin henchmen in the Kremlin for hoax oppo research which was used to spy on domestic political opponents."
-- I'm curious about how much *government money* was given the same.
By the way, Avicii is dead.
“It has been an awful week for you, Inga- first the big Comey interviews crashed and burned when they provided no evidence at all for Trump malfeasance- either collusion or obstruction.”
Are you really this dumb? The Mueller investigation has been in progress for months and months now, after Comey’s firing. You think they haven’t discovered anything that Comey didn’t know?? What was earthshattering in the Comey memos! We’ve heard most of it before in his testimony and in his book.
“Then the Comey memos themselves actually made Trump look better than the news stories written about them a year ago which gives the media and Comey a black eye.”
LOL, not even a little bit.
“Even worse for Comey, though are two facts that came out this week- that Comey never told Trump the dossier was paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC, and Comey really couldn't explain this because there really are no innocent explanations for not doing so.”
Comey was not required to do so.
“Additionally, Comey's own memos make him out as a liar since he does leak. It is even now probable that Comey leaked the dossier briefing he gave Trump- the part about Comey ruminating on CNN needing a news hook to go forward with the contents of the dossier if you don't believe me.”
Um...no once again.
Now, McCabe under indictment is going to sue Trump for defamation.
I cant't stand the laughing. I'll break something.
Former deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is planning to sue the Trump administration for defamation and wrongful termination, according to multiple media reports Friday.
McCabe’s lawyer Michael Bromwich told reporters that McCabe is also considering filing other civil claims.
He said that the legal team hasn’t yet figured out when they’re going to file the lawsuits and is working on making them “solid.”
Weill he get a day pass from prison to testify in his suit ?
I can't stand it. I'm going out to shoot my new Browning 1911.
"Even worse for Comey, though are two facts that came out this week- that Comey never told Trump the dossier was paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC, and Comey really couldn't explain this because there really are no innocent explanations for not doing so."
-- The fact they didn't tell Trump makes me pretty confident they hid the same facts from the FISA Court when possible.
Mathew: "-- Because he's only indicted Russians"
Which will never have to be tried or proven in court.
Also he got some Iranians!!
Who will never be tried in court....
How additionally convenient....
Hell, why not Martians while we are at it?
How does this impact Mueller? Will a separate investigation compromise his sources and witnesses?
ARM: "By the way, Avicii is dead."
You misspelled Nietzsche.
Alternate Headline: "Democratic Party Seeks Funds"
The Democratic Party should sue Hillary Clinton. She's the one with the money.
McCabe is going to lose on the obvious facts which demonstrate beyond any doubt he is a lying sack of crap.
Even Lisa Page gave him up (per the Horowitz report)!
McCabe's ONLY hope is the court of public opinion and try to turn his investigation (an investigation started under obama by an obama appointee!) into a referendum on Trump.
He's toast.
But what will he do about Comey, who threw him under the bus?
Former deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is planning to sue the Trump administration for defamation and wrongful termination, according to multiple media reports Friday.
They really are that stupid. It adds insult to injury that the people who purported to be our betters are this dim.
There won't be any discovery. The Cohen raid was supposed to send a message: Provide Trump legal counsel, and you too may become a Mueller target.
Then Rudy showed up.
Deep State flails as Comey implodes.
Can the Democrats really sue when we don't even know if they were hacked or if it was an inside job? I'd say the suit should be dismissed because the evidence that proves they were hacked is completely unusable now that it has been *reformatted and used for other things by the people who insist it was hacked.* There's no proof of a hack that isn't equally explained by an inside man.
It is like a murder case without a body.
"Leave Inga alone folks. She needs the stimulation..."
But some of us need to use the bathroom too.
Can McCabe sue Trump when it was the IG who called him a liar, and his own superiors who decided to fire him? It isn't Trump's fault other people credibly claimed he was a liar.
The Dems are looking like losers to me, not to mention crooks.
Via Drudge.
"Justice Department Watchdog Probes Comey Memos Over Classified Information"
""The Democratic Party on Friday sued President Donald Trump's presidential campaign, the Russian government and the Wikileaks group, claiming a broad illegal conspiracy to help Trump win the 2016 election.""
These people are nuts.
Time to get ready. Going to be a long hot summer.
“Now, McCabe under indictment is going to sue Trump for defamation.”
No. MacCabe is not under indictment. He was referred to the DOJ for prosecution.
“The Justice Department inspector general has asked prosecutors in Washington, D.C., to examine whether former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe should face criminal charges.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz has referred McCabe to the U.S. Attorney's Office for Washington, D.C., according to a source familiar with the matter. The source asked not to be identified as discussing the sensitive ongoing case.
Such referrals are not uncommon when the Justice Department IG has completed its work, but they don't automatically trigger any action. Prosecutors could try to prove that McCabe broke the law, or they could do nothing.”
“I cant't stand the laughing. I'll break something.”
Don’t hurt yourself.
"Prosecutors could try to prove that McCabe broke the law, or they could do nothing.”
-- We know he broke the law. The question is whether he'll suffer consequences for it.
First thought: Huh?
Second Thought: What's the strategy?
Third Thought: Oh, of course. Discovery and Depositions. It's why Trump won't deny Stormy Daniels. Calling her a liar risks a counter suit charging slander. It's what her lawyer wants -- so he can get discovery.
You can see the dems are reverting to form with the laughable end of Mueller and his merry band of democrat henchmen escapade.
The dems are out in force attacking the Koch brothers and Trump by claiming the Koch brothers have infiltrated the Trump admin!!
Thank goodness we are back to the normal calumnies against republicans that LLR Chuck's beloved lefties usually engage in!
Republicans are taking away your social security!
Republicans are taking away your medical care!
Republicans want you to die!
Koch! Trump! Nazi's! Misogynists!
It's good to get back to normal.
"Former deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is planning to sue the Trump administration for defamation and wrongful termination, according to multiple media reports Friday."
Now, the discovery from that little ditty would be something. Andy must believe that the Clintons can't or won't touch him.
"Now, the discovery from that little ditty would be something. Andy must believe that the Clintons can't or won't touch him."
-- He was a good vassal to them; I don't see why he has anything to fear from them. I mean, I don't think they're going to go all, "You have failed me for the last time," like a cartoon villain on him.
"I'd like to see what the defendants would come up with using an equally aggressive, far-reaching approach to using the courts to promote your political cause."
No doubt, defense counsel and their clients will give some thought to asserting counterclaims and pursuing aggressive discovery rather than moving to dismiss. But I suspect that the judge who gets saddled with this will be focused mostly on getting rid of it at first opportunity.
Can I sue Germany for letting Obama use their landmarks to give a campaign speech as part of a conspiracy to win him the election?
Another panty-windup to distract the punters. Deep state jizz taste like a protein shake. Thank you sir or madam, can I have another?
They should also sue the state of Wisconsin for prohibiting Hillary's ability to visit during the campaign.
"The lawsuit echoes a similar legal tactic that the Democratic Party used"
So what?
The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Accessibility for screenreader
Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 campaign
The Democratic National Committee filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit Friday against the Russian government, the Trump campaign and the WikiLeaks organization alleging a far-reaching conspiracy to disrupt the 2016 campaign and tilt the election to Donald Trump.
The complaint, filed in federal district court in Manhattan, alleges that top Trump campaign officials conspired with the Russian government and its military spy agency to hurt Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and help Trump by hacking the computer networks of the Democratic Party and disseminating stolen material found there.
“During the 2016 presidential campaign, Russia launched an all-out assault on our democracy, and it found a willing and active partner in Donald Trump’s campaign,” DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in a statement.
“This constituted an act of unprecedented treachery: the campaign of a nominee for President of the United States in league with a hostile foreign power to bolster its own chance to win the presidency,” he said.
The case asserts that the Russian hacking campaign — combined with Trump associates’ contacts with Russia and the campaign’s public cheerleading of the hacks — amounted to an illegal conspiracy to interfere in the election that caused serious damage to the Democratic Party.
This is mighty rich with Clinton inc's influence peddling out there. And they are still trying make something nefarious out of Trump's crack about Hil's emails.
Inga is drowning...in a golden sea of ....... missed opportunities and dashed expectations...
But in a good way.
Jim at said...They should also sue the state of Wisconsin for prohibiting Hillary's ability to visit during the campaign.
What would be the point? She knew "they" wouldn't let her win...
There won't be any discovery. The Cohen raid was supposed to send a message: Provide Trump legal counsel, and you too may become a Mueller target.
Then Rudy showed up.
I wouldn't be surprised if Alan Dershowitz also provided assistance. He seems to care about democratic norms. And the rule of law.
I'm waiting to Andrew MacCarthy to tell me again how unpolitical the SDNY court is.
Gee, I think the dems should hire a few guys with lots of experience to get to the bottom of this massive conspiracy.
I hear Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Rybicki, Baker, Yates, Lynch, Powers, Carlin, Kortan and a few others are available.
If they can't get to the bottom of it, no one can!
And Brennan is a commie, so he should have no problem reconnecting with his russian comrades.
“Inga is drowning...in a golden sea of ....... missed opportunities and dashed expectations...”
Really? News to me. I’m pleased with the release of the Comey memos, they just prove what we all knew already and they don’t prove anything that could even remotely help Trump.
This new DNC lawsuit is brilliant, I am pleased as punch. I have Great Expectations!
Inga said...
“This lawsuit is to protect the Investigation.”
“Tell me Inga, just how does the lawsuit do that?”
If the Mueller investigation is prematurely ended, it will continue with this new lawsuit. It’s insurance, so to speak. And until then will be two investigations, the DNC’s and Mueller’s.
I think Inga may be right. The stalinists will not let this go. They will not respect a lawful election they lost.
If the Democrats were so sure they were going to win in November they would wait until they impeached Trump next year. They have the real polls and it isn't looking good for the dems.
They are going to force us to put them down.
It's why Trump won't deny Stormy Daniels. Calling her a liar risks a counter suit charging slander. It's what her lawyer wants -- so he can get discovery. - www
Please remind us again just what this has to do with Russian collusion?
“ sue Trump for defamation.”
No. MacCabe is not under indictment. He was referred to the DOJ for prosecution.”
Doesn’t have to be. He is a public figure, and thus has to prove Actual Malice. Which he won’t be able to do with the OIG report and esp after the criminal referral. He may be butt hurt to the max, but that isn’t going to win him a defamation suit.
Is it possible that there are things of which Tom Perez is unaware, which might turn up in discovery, which would embarrass the DNC ?
"I’m pleased with the release of the Comey memos, they just prove what we all knew already and they don’t prove anything that could even remotely help Trump."
-- You don't think Comey's memo admitting Trump asked him to look into Trump's people and to keep the investigation going... doesn't help Trump?
Matthew Sablan said...
"Now, the discovery from that little ditty would be something. Andy must believe that the Clintons can't or won't touch him."
-- He was a good vassal to them; I don't see why he has anything to fear from them. I mean, I don't think they're going to go all, "You have failed me for the last time," like a cartoon villain on him.
If Andy turns states evidence, and he sounds very bitter, he will probably be "robbed."
"Which he won’t be able to do with the OIG report and esp after the criminal referral."
-- He can prove malice, but the truth is the ultimate defense against slander/defamation/libel. And, unfortunately for him, calling him a lying, liar who lies, is... well. True.
chuck: "I'm waiting to Andrew MacCarthy to tell me again how unpolitical the SDNY court is
That's very fair. It's like watching Sol Wisenberg on Laura Ingraham.
They are good guys who have a real hard time accepting the reality of what they are seeing before their very eyes.
Sol's comments, on the Ingraham show, on the Cohen office raid was something to marvel at. He struggled to find words that would adequately describe the horrendous Attorney/Client 4th Amendment destruction actions taken by the dems yet he is by nature trained to believe the best about prosecutors and the processes and he just couldn't square the circle.
He just sat there dumbstruck and saying it was extraordinary.
Inga said...
This new DNC lawsuit is brilliant, I am pleased as punch. I have Great Expectations!
If it wasnt't for stupid people the democrats wouldn't have any voters.
Won't this open up discovery on the intern who was murdered? That's who Assange claims supplied him the emails.
"This new DNC lawsuit is brilliant, I am pleased as punch. I have Great Expectations!"
-- How? What way is it brilliant? It doesn't say anything new. It is just re-hashing the whisper campaign that has been going on for -- my God, has it been years already?
Thus far, the investigation has turned up nothing. The only collusion we know of is with Ukraine and a British former Intelligence Agent. And that wasn't Trump.
“They are going to force us to put them down.”
Oh really? What do you have in mind?
Inga: "Really? News to me. I’m pleased with the release of the Comey memos, they just prove what we all knew already and they don’t prove anything that could even remotely help Trump"
The memo's literally crush the obstruction of justice lies as Trump exhorts Comey to investigate everyone, especially anyone close to Trump!
Too funny.
"in this effort' to mount 'a brazen attack on American Democracy'"
Pssst, don't anyone tell them, but our form of government is that of a republic, not a democracy which the Framers intentionally avoided. They might have known that if they knew the Federalist Papers.
Inga: "Oh really? What do you have in mind?"
Rolled up newspaper and making them sleep in a box with alot of old socks.
As Charles Glasser points out on Instapundit:
The Court has adopted widely a doctrine called “Iqbal/Twombly” which means that mere allegations of facts don’t cut it: there has to be enough factual foundation in the Complaint to make a plausible claim. Every “factual” allegation of consequence in this Complaint is unproven speculation.
You can't sue someone hoping to find something damning you didn't already have some evidence for in discovery.
"Won't this open up discovery on the intern who was murdered? That's who Assange claims supplied him the emails."
-- I thought Assange firmly wouldn't confirm or deny, but a lot of the actions he took made it seem very clear. It won't, though, since -- legally? Legally Seth Rich is unrelated to these. They'd have to prove a connection first, and Wikileaks doesn't burn sources. They'll burn other people's sources, but they're loyal to their own.
"You can't sue someone hoping to find something damning you didn't already have some evidence for in discovery."
-- There's a reason witch hunts and fishing expeditions are frowned upon, after all.
“The memo's literally crush the obstruction of justice lies as Trump exhorts Comey to investigate everyone, especially anyone close to Trump!”
How so? Quote Comey’s comments that prove what you assert.
What's worse -- is that if this suit is promptly dismissed, if it turns out Trump did more than joke at Clinton's expense for her terrible email security -- mattering how it gets dismissed, they may end up losing a chance for a real crack at him.
It would be nice for Dems to explain why Russia would prefer an unpredictable, pro domestic energy outsider like Trump over the Reset button Hil the shill and her cadre of "The 80's want their foreign policy back" Dem stalwarts.
Bob Loblaw: "You can't sue someone hoping to find something damning you didn't already have some evidence for in discovery."
You also can't appoint a Special Counsel without an underlying crime.
You also can't break attorney/client privilege without specific evidence of a crime.
See where this is going?
Did the Stasi or KGB need evidence to investigate their political opponents?
"I said I don't do sneaky things. I don't leak. I don't do weasel moves."
-- ... Man. Do lawyers love it when potential witnesses for the other side impeach themselves this easily?
Maybe a federal judge will order Hilary! sworn in as president - there's the ticket.
We will be solemnly advised by our media that "we are a nation of laws and the court has spoken".
"The Democratic Party on Friday sued President Donald Trump's presidential campaign, the Russian government and the Wikileaks group, claiming a broad illegal conspiracy to help Trump win the 2016 election."
If they were serious, they would push for a Special Counsel.
Its funny listening to the news.
Mueller cannot give the dems what they want, so what the heck, the dems have decided to just go with Collusion, Collusion, Collusion anyway!
Remember the good old days, about 30 minutes ago, when we were not supposed to say anything about this until Mueller was finished?
Yeah, not so much!...
Perhaps Judge Coconut Macadamia Nut in Hawaii will issue an order requiring Mueller's investigation to continue ad infinitum, ad nauseum, ad ridiculum!
"If it wasnt't for stupid people the democrats wouldn't have any voters."
They would still have the dead. Hopefully Inga switches from the former to the latter. That would make me pleased as punch.
Have we reached the part of the day when "LOL" and "Um, no" count as actual responses?
Notice Hillary and her campaign organization aren't included as plaintiff's. I would think that's an intentional strategy to prevent discovery against those Clinton entities with the most to hide.
Pretty sure DWS has plenty to hide.
Also, wouldn't the DNC have to provide the hacked servers as evidence?
I am a cynical conservative etc. etc. etc. I know Dems fight dirty etc. etc. etc.
But I still despise the use of lawfare. I particularly despise the Dem use of lawfare, turning law so brazenly into the continuation of politics by other means. I above all despise the utter contempt lefties have for the system, as they tear it down with abandon for the sake of power.
“Mueller cannot give the dems what they want, so what the heck, the dems have decided to just go with Collusion, Collusion, Collusion anyway!”
The Investigation is ongoing.
"Also, wouldn't the DNC have to provide the hacked servers as evidence? "
-- No court would let those servers be admitted as evidence. They've been contaminated. They've been used for new things. We don't even know which servers they are, save based on what the DNC and their hired analysts (who, by the way, backed off a lot of their claims), so we can't even prove which servers we're talking about.
There's been no chain of custody.
On the contrary, the Mueller investigation is going somewhere and it’s getting very hot.
That's just the final stages of menopause, Inga.
To analogize: Imagine if after a murder, the police returned the alleged weapon to someone who claimed it had been stolen from them. Then, nearly two or three years later, the police tried to enter a knife that person gave them as evidence. It looks the same, and all that, but no court would accept it as evidence.
Althouse said...
Now that there's a lawsuit, it's time to think about counterclaims. I'd like to see what the defendants would come up with using an equally aggressive, far-reaching approach to using the courts to promote your political cause.
Notice Hillary, her campaign organization and other Clinton entities aren't included as plaintiffs in the complaint. I would think that's an intentional strategy to prevent discovery against those Clinton entities with the most to hide.
Question is would the SDNY allow defendants joinder of the Clintons and their organizations as parties, either permissive or compulsory, to enable counter claims against them?
Joinder of parties also falls into two categories: permissive joinder and compulsory joinder.
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure No. 20 addresses permissive joinder. Permissive joinder allows multiple plaintiffs to join in an action if each of their claims arise from the same transaction or occurrence, and if there is a common question of law or fact relating to all plaintiffs' claims. For example, several landowners may join together in suing a factory for environmental runoff onto their property. Permissive joinder is also appropriate to join multiple defendants, as long as the same considerations as for joining multiple plaintiffs are met. This often occurs in lawsuits regarding faulty products; the plaintiff will sue the manufacturer of the final product and the manufacturers of any constituent parts. The court must have personal jurisdiction over every defendant joined in the action.
Compulsory joinder is governed by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 19, which makes it mandatory that some parties be joined. Parties that must be joined are those necessary and indispensable to the litigation. The rule includes several reasons why this might be true, including if that party has an interest in the dispute that they will be unable to protect if they are not joined. For example, if three parties each lay claim to a piece of property and the first two sue each other, the third will not be able to protect his (alleged) interest in the property if he is not joined. Another circumstance is when a party might end up with inconsistent obligations, for example he may be required by two different courts to grant two different parties exclusive rights to the same piece of property. This is avoided by joining the parties in one lawsuit. However, while "necessary" parties must be joined if that joinder is possible, the litigation will continue without them if joinder is impossible, for example, if the court does not have jurisdiction over the party. By contrast, if "indispensable" parties cannot be joined, the litigation cannot go forward. Courts have some discretion in determining what parties are indispensable, though the Federal Rules provide some guidelines.
(Well, they might accept it as "representative as the kind of knife" used. But it wouldn't be "THE MURDER WEAPON" because... hell, who knows if it is even the same damn knife?)
KH: "Also, wouldn't the DNC have to provide the hacked servers as evidence?"
They will get some NY judge to rule the democrat controlled CrowdStrike oppo research firm's opinion as fact and disallow any other discovery.
Hey, all it took to smash attorney client privilege was for the CNN/NYT lefty lawyer to say that it wasn't necessary, and George Soro's and Clinton family good pal Kimba wood said okey-dokey.
No conflicts of interest there.
None at all.
Just ask LLR Chuck. He'll tell you.
Inga: "The Investigation is ongoing."
Keep hope alive.
The Deep State Strikes Back: Part II
"Also, wouldn't the DNC have to provide the hacked servers as evidence? "
-- No court would let those servers be admitted as evidence. They've been contaminated. They've been used for new things. We don't even know which servers they are, save based on what the DNC and their hired analysts (who, by the way, backed off a lot of their claims), so we can't even prove which servers we're talking about.
There's been no chain of custody.
Fair enough. How would they substantiate a claim?
Inga: "On the contrary, the Mueller investigation is going somewhere and it’s getting very hot."
You know what gets really hot or in this case bright?
A supernova....right before it ejects all its mass and then collapses into a lifeless rock or black hole.
Other entities to join as parties: Perkins Coie? Fusion GPS? McCabe, Strzok and Page? The Ohrs? Steele? Huma? Carlos Danger?
who is the attorney/law firm that signed and filed ?
I was concerned that no one would mention Seth Rich. My fears were unfounded.
“Keep hope alive.”
I think your side needs hope more, it’s up to you to keep it alive and you do try very hard to do soon these threads. You do a fine job waving your pom poms and shaking your manly behind.
ARM: "I was concerned that no one would mention Seth Rich. My fears were unfounded."
Dude, you are literally talking about an international conspiracy to steal the American election.
Perhaps you shouldn't be casting aspersions.
“Keep hope alive.”
I think your side needs hope more, it’s up to you to keep it alive and you do try very hard to do soon these threads. You do a fine job waving your pom poms and shaking your manly behind.
When the hacked DNC e-mails were published by Wikilesks in the summer of 2016, I was mildly amused. I thought, obviously, that Bernie would be pissed, but I didn't think they'd change the general trajectory of the campaign, which, regrettably, looked like a Hillary win.
Boy was I wrong!
Question for the usual suspects.
Do you really want a coup?
Do you really want to deal with the aftermath?
"Fair enough. How would they substantiate a claim?"
-- I'm not a lawyer, so, this is just a bit of a guess.
A: They can't. The custody is when the government picks something up, then shows where it goes, and who has it, at all times, to show it hasn't been tampered with (deliberately, accidentally or negligently, like say, accidentally leaving a rape kit exposed to the air for too long or leaving something you want to get fingerprints off of in the rain). That's pretty much impossible at this point.
B: An extremely favorable judge *might* let them enter it anyway, but allow the other side to impeach the credibility, in which case, they'd just need to say "we had CrowdWhatever review it on X date, and between X and Y we only did Z," so on-so forth, and make it an argument of "how much do we trust this analysis" as opposed to letting the evidence actually be investigated. I doubt this would happen, as it would be impossible for the Trump-Russia-Leaks respondents to actually do anything with the evidence to prove it; for example, in a murder case, the defense lawyer might demand a blood or fiber sample go to their own expert or a neutral lab for verification. That just can't be done any more, so I don't see how the servers can BE evidence.
“Scott M, is this what late stage Republics look like?”
My answer “Yes, but people get the government they deserve”
Especially if they vote for it.
Althouse, a counterclaim just makes the discovery all the worse.
Mathew Sablan, I don't think you understand where we are.
The dems and their judiciary henchpersons are making it all up as we go.
At this point, there is literally no bizarre ruling they won't make. The more bizarre the better in fact. No lefty judge fear any retaliation from any quarter and certainly not the press no matter how far over the line they step.
I fully expect some astonishing unconstitutional rulings coming our way simply because the alternative, from the lefty/LLR perspective, is unthinkable.
We are in a brand new place and we have already crossed lines that cannot be reestablished.
Trump is scared shitless of discovery. As he should be.
I mean, I don't doubt that we might be reaching the judicial equivalent of "Fake but accurate," but I'm saying how I think it is supposed to work, not how I think it will work.
"We are in a brand new place and we have already crossed lines that cannot be reestablished."
I beat on these drums all the time, but history is always a guide - mainly as to what could go wrong. In cases like this the more lines are crossed the easier it is to cross more lines, and more, and more. A political system, like a culture, is more a set of customs than laws.
It is going to be a banner year, again, for firearms vendors. This is not a good thing.
The headline should be changed to --
Democrats Stupidly Open Themselves to Extensive Investigation and Disclosure in Discovery
-- including all the documents about their own examination of their computers that they refused to turn over to the FBI.
#StrongDurbinDefender Chuck: "Althouse, a counterclaim just makes the discovery all the worse"
Inga: "Trump is scared shitless of discovery. As he should be."
Inga reverts to mind reading.
Note that she does this when things aren't going well.
This filing was to get the Comey memo's out of the news.
Looks like it succeeded...
“The headline should be changed to --“
Democrats Brilliantly Open Trump Campaign to Extensive Investigation and Disclosure in Discovery!
"Trump is scared shitless of discovery."
-- Discovery is a two-way street. I don't think either side will like it when it comes to it, and that this is a game of legal chicken.
Notice how LLR Chuck's first reaction to this scenario, like all others regarding to the democrats, is not to fight back.
Under any circumstances.
Feel free to draw obvious conclusions.
“Inga reverts to mind reading.”
I’m only emulating you, the Master.
@Inga Where were you yesterday as we kept revealing criminal referrals of all these FBI parties and then giggled as McCabe called Comey a liar at the same time that Comey was calling McCabe a liar? Here's more good news for Comey.
This is a quote from Charles Glasser at Powerline regarding the chances the DNC suit will go forward: "As David Bernstein pointed out here, the DNC filed a lawsuit against, well, everybody they don’t like. I’ve read the papers and the legal term for this Complaint is “batsh*t crazy.” Leaving out the fact that they’ll never be able to properly serve most of the defendants, the key thing is if they get a judge inclined to stick to Second Circuit law, this complaint has to be dismissed. The days when you could file a thin Complaint just in the hopes of getting discovery are long over.
The Court has adopted widely a doctrine called “Iqbal/Twombly” which means that mere allegations of facts don’t cut it: there has to be enough factual foundation in the Complaint to make a plausible claim. Every “factual” allegation of consequence in this Complaint is unproven speculation. The Iqbal doctrine requires a complaint to allege facts that, if proven, would support the relief requested and to show that the alleged facts are “enough to raise a right to relief above the speculative level, on the assumption that all the allegations in the complaint are true (even if doubtful in fact).”
I'll let our resident lawyers pick up on this.
For example, what is the value of the presidency? Pretty big, right? What is the value of 'winning' a presidential debate? Possibly the presidency, right?
So, using the novel theory of "giving Daniels money is a campaign contribution," how much value does Brazille giving a question to win a debate have? How illegal is that campaign contribution? Who knew about it? How many people were involved? What other questions were leaked? Oh, we'll probably find out nothing. But I'd sure like to crack open the DNC's media emails and see just what sort of horse trading was happening.
Because, just the emails that got leaked did not pin a rose on the media.
Inga: "Democrats Brilliantly Open Trump Campaign to Extensive Investigation and Disclosure in Discovery!"
We are literally at the end of a 2 year effort where the entire national intelligence and law enforcement apparatus of the United States of America was put into service spying on all Trump campaign personnel, Trump family members, Trump business partners, Trump associates including intercepting every electronic communications they either received or sent.
But now, we need a "real" investigaton.
Yes, of course. Of course.
“Discovery is a two-way street. I don't think either side will like it when it comes to it, and that this is a game of legal chicken.”
This has been the narrative of Trumpists. Democrats have nothing to hide. If they did, they wouldn’t have initiated this lawsuit. I’m pretty darn sure they have some very very good lawyers.
Actually, the very first thing that I'd do is demand that Wikileaks hand over any leaks they received from the DNC or Democrats since WikiLeaks creation. Because, hey, I remember when the DNC *liked* WikiLeaks. Back when they thought WikiLeaks was just another "Bush Haters" club and would go away like Cindy Sheehan or be cowed like Code Pink. They didn't think Assange *was committed to WikiLeaks ideals,* even if it meant hurting Democrats.
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