April 20, 2018

"The Democratic Party on Friday sued President Donald Trump's presidential campaign, the Russian government and the Wikileaks group, claiming a broad illegal conspiracy to help Trump win the 2016 election."

"The multi-million-dollar lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court says that 'In the Trump campaign, Russia found a willing and active partner in this effort' to mount 'a brazen attack on American Democracy,' which included Russian infiltration of the Democratic Party computer network... The suit alleges claims that include conspiracy, computer fraud and abuse, misappropriation of trade secrets, trespass and other violations of the law."

CNBC Reports.

Now that there's a lawsuit, it's time to think about counterclaims. I'd like to see what the defendants would come up with using an equally aggressive, far-reaching approach to using the courts to promote your political cause.


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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But now, we need a "real" investigation.”

Don’t use quotation marks if you’re not directly quoting someone Drago. Mueller’s investigstion is very real indeed.

Matt Sablan said...

"Democrats have nothing to hide. If they did, they wouldn’t have initiated this lawsuit."

"Trump has nothing to hide. If he did, he wouldn't have insisted Comey continue this investigation."

Do you use the same logical train of thought for both, or just one?

Drago said...

Inga: "Democrats have nothing to hide."

Which is why they literally refused to turn over their servers and destroyed subpoenaed emails and equipment. And when I say destroyed, I mean the dems literally took hammers to the phones.



TRISTRAM said...

Democrats have nothing to hide.

This is the funniest thing I have read in ages.

Show us the e-mails. Show us the server. What was the PakIT guy doing?

Kevin said...

First, Commenter Inga assures us the IG wouldn't refer McCabe for prosecution.

Now, after a year of Mueller and his team going through Trump and everyone on his campaign, Commenter Inga wants us to believe Trump is "scared shitless of discovery".

Is she saying Mueller and his team of top law enforcement officials are incompetent?

Or did the latest shipment from the ACME Impeachment Company just arrive on her doorstep?

Matt Sablan said...

"And when I say destroyed, I mean the dems literally took hammers to the phones."

-- I remember a few weeks ago when the left was up in arms because Trump organizations destroyed documents that investigators wanted. All I thought was: Hey, at least Trump's people can be taught what the rules are. Shame the left decided to tear down all of the laws to get the devil.

Drago said...

Inga: "Don’t use quotation marks if you’re not directly quoting someone Drago. Mueller’s investigstion is very real indeed."


Poor Mueller. If only he had access to unlimited funds, unlimited staff, unlimited power in prosecuting witnesses, unlimited access to all intelligence and law enforcement data and results, unlimited access to foreign intelligence services that have a relationship with the US, he might have come up with something.


Well, perhaps now some democrat district judge in NYC and a team of dem lawyers can do what an unlimited staff of dem lawyers with unlimited funds working for Mueller could not do.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Onion nicely sums up the DNC lawsuit:

WASHINGTON—Demanding greater accountability for the race’s outcome, the Democratic National Committee reportedly filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit Friday alleging that the nation should never, ever stop focusing on the 2016 presidential election.

“Our lawsuit lays out, in no uncertain terms, that the nation should never under any circumstances move on from the 2016 election results,” said DNC chairman Tom Perez, adding that the 66-page lawsuit filed in a New York federal court asserts that the American people must remain solely preoccupied with every little goddamn detail from the 2016 presidential race.

“We’re calling on WikiLeaks, Russia, and Trump campaign officials to join the Democratic Party in our efforts to spend the next several years prioritizing endless fucking discussions about potential election interference and what that means for democracy. We believe there was a deliberate effort to throw the race to Donald Trump, and that the American people have a right to publicly re-litigate Hillary Clinton’s defeat and promote far-reaching conspiracy theories instead of concentrating on anything remotely politically constructive for the next few decades at least.” At press time, DNC officials were calling for an emergency legal injunction to block the nation from learning absolutely anything from the 2016 election.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Poor Mueller. If only he had access to unlimited funds, unlimited staff, unlimited power in prosecuting witnesses, unlimited access to all intelligence and law enforcement data and results, unlimited access to foreign intelligence services that have a relationship with the US, he might have come up with something.”

And just how do you know what he has or hasn’t come up with? Is the investigation over? I haven’t heard anything of the sort.


Matt Sablan said...

Hey, at least 2000 won't be "the most divisive election ever" any more!


Drago said...

KH: "Show us the e-mails. Show us the server. What was the PakIT guy doing?"

Just think, we haven't even begun to plumb the depths of what all those Pakistani nationals were doing being given access by so many dems to super secret info on servers and computers in the capital.

And why so many dems fought so hard to protect these pakistani nationals who illegally accessed and downloaded so much important secure info.

So many interesting questions about.

Including why Debbie Wasserman Schultz felt it necessary to literally threaten a police captain, on video, over the police picking up evidence of a crime and demanding the police give it back to the dems.

Dems have nothing to fear or hide eh? Then why, exactly, is DWS threatening police officers in order to hide equipment and what information that equipment might contain?


chuck said...

Democrats are still going with the Dolchstoßlegenden. Ludendorff would understand.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Well, perhaps now some democrat district judge in NYC and a team of dem lawyers can do what an unlimited staff of dem lawyers with unlimited funds working for Mueller could not do.”

You’re speculating again. You sound a liitle desperate here. How go you know what Mueller has or has not discovered?

Matt Sablan said...

"And just how do you know what he has or hasn’t come up with?"

-- His investigation leaks. All the time. Unless he has some double-secret investigation going on, he's found out that a bunch of Clinton cronies hid things from Trump, that Trump's people went to a meeting with a Russian lawyer hired by FusionGPS and that Obama let into the country because his administration found her trustworthy, and walked out midway through the meeting anyway, and that the Russian Facebook ads include a Trump-hate rally.

It's POSSIBLE he's kept all the juicy secrets for himself. But, given how pretty much not a day goes by without more leaks from his team, I'm not convinced there's anything there we haven't already heard.

Fabi said...

So much winning!

Our resident lefties may have to smoke a few additional 4/20 bowls to get through their terrible week. Free advice: it's only getting worse for your side from this point forward -- embrace the suck.

Matt Sablan said...

Oh, he also found out Trump had an affair with Stormy Daniels. Which she at first denied, then didn't, then denied, then admitted to.

So. Good on Mueller for getting a lying liar to tell him a story he wanted to hear that will make her a lot of money.

Hell, I believe they had an affair, and I still don't see the point of pressing her about it!

Bob Loblaw said...

You also can't appoint a Special Counsel without an underlying crime.

You can appoint a special counsel for anything. There's a difference between a well established legal principle and the application of a law designed to provide the appearance of impartiality. There's no way the courts are going to allow the Democrats to root through all the Republican campaign documents.

That's not the point of the suit, though. When the courts tell the DNC to buzz off, Clinton and her supporters will turn to the rest of the Democrats and say "Look, we know there was something there, but the court is protecting the Republicans." In short, it's not a legal move. It's a political move. The Ingas of the world will eat it up.

Kevin said...

"Hillary Clinton said Friday that Donald Trump is threatening America’s democracy by not promising to accept the results of the presidential election.

“We know, in our country, the difference between leadership and dictatorship. And the peaceful transition of power is something that sets us apart,” Clinton told a crowd of about 1,600 at the Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland."

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So much winning!

Our resident lefties may have to smoke a few additional 4/20 bowls to get through their terrible week. Free advice: it's only getting worse for your side from this point forward -- embrace the suck.”

Delusional. This has been a great week for lefties, LOL. You folks really live in an alternate reality.

Matt Sablan said...

(Note: I don't believe the "campaign contribution" line of B.S., or again, are we going to run in a bunch of Germans for helping Obama campaign in front of their landmark? That... that probably was a lot more money than Stormy Daniels got. What about the Clinton Foundation? How does that not fall under "campaign contributions" if the Daniels pay out does? Or the pay outs Edwards and Clinton did previously? Again: I fully believe Trump was unfaithful -- again. I just think this novel new approach to campaign contributions is stupid and opens up a whole can of worms.)

Drago said...

Fabi: "Our resident lefties may have to smoke a few additional 4/20 bowls to get through their terrible week. Free advice: it's only getting worse for your side from this point forward -- embrace the suck."

The lefties and LLR's are now reduced to dredging up 35 year old phone calls and dedicating hours of TV time to it!

Quelle Horror!

And all on a day when Comey's memos clearly show that Comey claims he was intimidated by CNN threatening to go public with paid oppo research hillary/putin collusion lies and so thats why Comey briefed Trump on it...without ever telling Trump who paid putins pals for the info!


No wonder the dems are scrambling to change the subject today.

Fabi said...

Keep hope alive, Igna!

Drago said...

Bob Loblaw: "There's no way the courts are going to allow the Democrats to root through all the Republican campaign documents."


Agree to disagree.

They most certainly will.

Kevin said...

"“We must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president,” she said of the real estate developer-turned-reality TV star she previously had called dangerous for the country and temperamentally unfit to be commander-in-chief. “We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.”

Mark said...

Anyone else ever see the movie "QB VII" (Queen's Bench 7)?

It's about a doctor who escaped from a Nazi concentration camp and was later accused in a book of being a Nazi collaborator who performed forced sterilizations on Jewish prisoners. The doctor sues the author, loudly denying all the charges.

At trial, compelling evidence was presented at trial that the doctor did castrate hundreds of healthy Jews as punishments or as medical experiments, and that some of them died as a result.

However, the author was unable to substantiate one part of his allegations. Thus the jury did find him liable for defamation, but awarded the doctor only a half-penny as damages.

In short, by bringing suit, the doctor opened the door to proving that he was in fact guilty of being a Nazi collaborator.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Keep hope alive, Inga!”

No, you need it more than me, lol.

Fabi said...

The dominos are beginning to tumble, Drago! Most of us wanted them to fall faster, but here we are -- and I'm loving it.

Drago said...

Shorter Inga: Serenity now....serenity now....serenity now....

Known Unknown said...

"If it wasnt't for stupid people the democrats wouldn't have any voters."

And the Republicans wouldn't have any leadership.

Bruce Hayden said...

“This has been the narrative of Trumpists. Democrats have nothing to hide. If they did, they wouldn’t have initiated this lawsuit. I’m pretty darn sure they have some very very good lawyers.”

How do you know that? We didn’t know that they had cheated to guarantee Crooked Hillary the nomination, until Asange and Wikileaks dumped those internally copied emails from their email server. And we didn’t know that they had helped her campaign hire Fusion GPS to do opposition research, and that that meant funding the Steele Dossier until sometime this year. And didn’t know until sometime last year that the DNC had engaged in campaign finance crimes by accepting large donations from contributors, splitting them into otherwise legal sized contributions, and sending them to > 30 state Dem organizations, that then turned around and sent them back to the DNC, which then turned them over to her campaign. Are you absolutely sure that they have nothing else to hide?

Anonymous said...

Well, the obvious lawsuit targets the Clinton campaign, the DNC, Fusion GPS, Steele, every single one of Steele's "Russian sources" (and he'll have to give up all their names in discovery), Comey, Obama, and everyone else involved in the FISA Court application.

Oh, and every single press weenie who talked with Steele or Fusion GPS/

Obviously the DNC and Clinton campaign colluded with foreigners (Steele and his Russian sources) to steal the election from Trump by spreading false stories about him before the election. Stories that almost assuredly came from the Putin government, so they were colluding with America's enemies.

I'm Full of Soup said...

For Hillary's sake, I hope to hell they get those Macedonian guys with all their fake news websites right after Mueller captures those 13 Russians he indicted.

Fabi said...

Don't empty your tu quoque quiver on this lone thread, Igna -- save a few for later!

Mike Sylwester said...

The electorate will punish the Democratic Party politically for this lawsuit.

Especially the voters who consider themselves to be independents will punish the Democratic Party.

The only people who will approve of this lawsuit will be zealous Democrats who always vote for Democrat candidates anyway.

The lawsuit will motivate Republicans to vote in the midterm elections.

Matt Sablan said...

"Well, the obvious lawsuit targets the Clinton campaign, the DNC, Fusion GPS, Steele, every single one of Steele's "Russian sources" (and he'll have to give up all their names in discovery),"

-- Forget discovery. Following the Hannity precedent, they should be forced to announce them in open court.

Rusty said...

"This has been the narrative of Trumpists. Democrats have nothing to hide. If they did, they wouldn’t have initiated this lawsuit. I’m pretty darn sure they have some very very good lawyers."

Oh. Sweetheart. No. What your friends are doing really is batshit crazy.

Drago said...

Seriously Loblaw, you need to cease thinking about what is proper and allowable, and begin to think creatively about just how the dems will whatever lines they need to get what they want.

Because the danger to the dems of not taking out Trump BEFORE the full extent of the dems/lefties/LLR's shenanigans is exposed constitutes an existential threat.

buwaya said...

Well, the Democrats (albeit just the hapless DNC) obviously HAD a bunch of things to hide as some of these were revealed in the emails.
That's why DWS was forced out.
What else, who knows.

Michael K said...

Democrats have nothing to hide. If they did, they wouldn’t have initiated this lawsuit. I’m pretty darn sure they have some very very good lawyers.

Nothing but Hillary's $150 million and the Clinton Foundation scam in Haiti.

Comanche Voter said...

Not that any of these Democrat draft dodgers like Blumenthal would remember it, but they used to cry "incoming" when the artillery started to land. There's going to be a lot of incoming as the DOJ OIG drops his reports into the middle of this sorry cabal at the FBI/DOJ/Obama White House. Better hunker in the bunkers boys, because some of you are goingto get hurt---not that you don't have it coming.

walter said...

..and yoga pics.
You can't unsee those if they surface.

Drago said...

David Axelrod

All of these sideshows—Comey’s flamboyant roll out; this @DNC lawsuit—seem spectacularly ill-timed and abet @POTUS strategy of portraying a sober and essential probe as a partisan vendetta.
Everyone should chill out and let Mueller do his job.

Inga and LLR Chuck hardest hit.

Bruce Hayden said...

Actual malice
Actual malice in United States law is a condition required to establish libel against public officials or public figures and is defined as "knowledge that the information was false" or that it was published "with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not." Reckless disregard does not encompass mere neglect in following professional standards of fact checking.

You can hate someone intensely, but that doesn’t necessarily translate into Actual Malice. You need either falsisity, or reckless disregard for the truth. My point above is that the OIG report pretty much guarantees that McCabe, at least, is highly unlikely to be able to prove the required Actual Malice required for him to win a defamation suit, because there is now an official government source, after an investigation, that essentially says that he lied, and provides details about his lies to bolster their findings. And that essentially disproves “reckless disregard for the truth”.

Drago said...

It gets worse....

The Onion

DNC Files Lawsuit Alleging Nation Should Never, Ever Stop Focusing On 2016 Election

12:34 PM - Apr 20, 2018

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga and LLR Chuck hardest hit.”

Not at all, lol. Axelrod is just one person speaking, he doesn’t represent all Democrats, liberals, progressives and independents.

Anonymous said...

Inga said...

You’re speculating again. You sound a liitle desperate here. How go you know what Mueller has or has not discovered?

Inga, honey, if the DNC thought that Mueller had anything against Trump, they wouldn't be doing this lawsuit.

Combine that with all the leaks that came from the Mueller "team", the fact that there's no leaks showing trouble for Trump tells all intelligent people that Mueller doesn't have any trouble for Trump.

Enjoy your 4/20 smoke

Drago said...

Inga: "Axelrod is just one person speaking, he doesn’t represent all Democrats, liberals, progressives and independents"


Another "just some guy" response.

Too funny.

Drago said...

gregq: "Inga, honey, if the DNC thought that Mueller had anything against Trump, they wouldn't be doing this lawsuit"


Give her time.

She usually takes about a week or so to catch up.

tcrosse said...

Is there such a thing as a Hail Mary Lawsuit ?

JaimeRoberto said...

Maybe they should call on Seth Rich to testify. Oh wait, never mind.

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...

I don't know, I'm not the smartest guy about politics, I pretty much just want to not have government jump my shit. But it seems like voting doesn't much matter anymore because, like, lawyers or judges will just get involved and decide what they're going to decide anyway. And if doesn't get decided their way they'll decide that they need to decide again, it just is going to take a little longer.

At some point all of this political legal shit just becomes like a whore suing because a dude blew his load in her mouth. Or his mouth, because there are gay dude whores too, I don't mean to sound misogynistic or shit.

But, like, that's what you do, you let guys blow their load in your mouth in exchange for money. And letting guys blow their load in your mouth in exchange for money is, like, prostitution and shit, so it's already illegal, but you're going to sue anyway, because if something doesn't go your way you feel like you need to sue somebody because that's what people do now.

And so now you have lawyers arguing about whether a guy paying for a blow-job is breaking the law by blowing his load in the whore's mouth, when in the old days the whore just would've swallowed, the whore didn't need a lawyer to try to get her to legally un-swallow.

But that's pretty much what the law is nowadays, a lot of people suing other people and shit so that they can un-swallow. And you don't have to see too much fucked-up porn on 4chan to tell you that you really don't want to see what someone un-swallowing looks like, trust me.

I post my shit here.

Michael K said...

Blogger Drago said...
Inga: "Axelrod is just one person speaking, he doesn’t represent all Democrats, liberals, progressives and independents"


Another "just some guy" response.

I think he's just a guy in the neighborhood, like Bill Ayres.

Michael K said...

There's going to be a lot of incoming as the DOJ OIG drops his reports into the middle of this sorry cabal at the FBI/DOJ/Obama White House.

There are 10 more reports coming. The last one should arrive about the election day.

Chuck said...

Drago said...
Notice how LLR Chuck's first reaction to this scenario, like all others regarding to the democrats, is not to fight back.

You are such a numbskull. Why don't you just shut up about legal matters; you clearly know next to nothing.

I didn't suggest "not fighting back." There are plenty of ways to fight back; a motion for summary judgment under FRCP Rule 12, or Rule 56. Procedural motions on standing, or the proper parties, or innumerable other procedural issues. Or there is simply contesting the litigation and fighting it on the merits. That could all be "fighting back."

All separate and apart from the "counterclaim" strategy posited by Althouse.

Clyde said...

Oh, those wacky Democrats! Putting the batshit in 'batshit crazy'!

Original Mike said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...”At the moment there is a Republican investigating Trump and it is reasonable to assume that at worst he is neutral.”

You keep using that word reasonable. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

buwaya said...

The upshot of all the email hacking, if that's what it was, was to reveal that the DNC had helped rig the Democratic primaries, and colluded with various persons in the HRC campaign for this purpose, as well as various persons in the MSM.

I doubt the DNC on its own had much effect on the primaries. Sanders was a cooperative fall guy, more embarrassed than anything else by his unexpected popularity.

The episode served to display the complete corruption of the Democratic party apparatus. Everyone was so devoted to playing dirty pool that its inconceivable they could ever even aspire to playing a clean game. The filth goes all the way through.

This lawsuit is just more of the same.

Its interesting that there is no mention as yet of Podesta's emails, also hacked, or leaked.

buwaya said...

Its not that the official organs of the Republican party did not do similarly, most likely. However, if these also were hacked they would probably have shown a failed conspiracy against Trump.

Drago said...

LLR and #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "You are such a numbskull. Why don't you just shut up about legal matters; you clearly know next to nothing."

I know that if you are offering advice to republicans then that advice will always in some important way redound in the democrats favor.

It is axiomatic.

And I must say I am enjoying immensely the desperate actions of your lefty allies.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

Inga said...
Democrats have nothing to hide. If they did, they wouldn’t have initiated this lawsuit.

Why aren't Hillary and her campaign committee plaintiffs?

Isn't she the most aggrieved party?

walter said...

There could have been a negotiated facial..though bukkake more likely applies to politics.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "I didn't suggest "not fighting back."



On many occasions you go directly to pre-emptive surrender..

traditionalguy said...

Clinton Inc is going to regret this. Wait until Trump hires Kim Jong-um on his legal team. Kim is presently umemployed, and Kim really does know where all the bodies are buried and all the CIA loot was stashed by Obama and Hillary.

Drago said...

I understand that democrats are considering suing the Trump campaign for hiding Wisconsin.

Not pictures on a map, hiding the literal state of Wisconsin.

Of course, Wisconsinianites are desperately awaiting "discovery"...

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Blogger Inga said...

This has been the narrative of Trumpists. Democrats have nothing to hide. If they did, they wouldn’t have initiated this lawsuit. I’m pretty darn sure they have some very very good lawyers.



OMG... that's rich... Democrats have nothing to hide?!?!? How can you even say that with a straight face?!?!?

Do I SERIOUSLY need to sit here and list out, point by point, the insane contortions that HRC and the Democrat's have gone through to stone-wall, slow-walk, obfuscate, delete, lose, claim was "stolen", bleach-bit, smash with hammers, redact, cover-up, or threaten legal action, all to prevent disclosure of the MANY, MANY document's that would irrefutably show the deep and pervasive corruption within the Democrat party?

Really Inga? Do you really want to go there?

Unknown said...

In other news, Wile E. Coyote just received the new Acme catalogue.

Jim at said...

And just how do you know what he has or hasn’t come up with? Is the investigation over? I haven’t heard anything of the sort. - Inga

Do you ever get tired of contradicting yourself? Seriously.

You run your mouth on this board - every day - telling the rest of us the who, what, where, when and why of how Mueller is doing this, and how hot the investigation is getting and indictments are coming any, fucking day now.

You've been doing this for more than a year.

And then - in the same breath - arrogantly call out others when they challenge your bullshit with 'You don't know anything.'

Here's a hint, Inga: You don't know jackshit, either.

But some of us are at least willing to look at the whole thing and draw conclusions based upon the huge amount of bupkis that's been discovered so far.

Maybe you should do the same. Or - again, as you promised - leave this board until the indictments come down.

Bay Area Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chuck said...

buwaya said...
Its not that the official organs of the Republican party did not do similarly, most likely.

My rule of thumb is that most politicians are corrupt, but every Democrat politician is corrupt.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Given the self-evident pointlessness of this lawsuit dreamed up by those wacky Democrats, it is surprising that it seems to have functioned much like poking a stick in a hornet's nest around this neck of the woods. Wouldn't the appropriate response be to yawn and just shrug it off? No doubt cooler heads in the White House are doing that right now. I confidently predict that we won't hear anything from the President on this matter, beneath his dignity.

tcrosse said...

Who's paying for this, anyway ? Or are all these fine lawyers working pro bono ? The word is that the DNC is broke, so where is the money coming from ?

Leland said...

Democrats Brilliantly Open Trump Campaign to Extensive Investigation and Disclosure in Discovery!

If only Nixon knew it was this easy to get campaign information from your opponent, just sue them and get it in Discovery.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Do you ever get tired of contradicting yourself? Seriously.”

Retarded gnat. How did I contradict myself? Answer. I didn’t. I didn’t say I knew what was going on in the Mueller Probe. Daily you address me, everyday I must tell you how stupid you are. Not once have you ever made a cogent point. You throw out gnat shit I have to clean up, annoying me. Gnats are irritating insects who get squashed.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

In short, by bringing suit, the doctor opened the door to proving that he was in fact guilty of being a Nazi collaborator.

4/20/18, 3:03 PM

Mark, obviously the two situations are far different, but you reminded me that Oscar Wilde started the legal process that ended disastrously for him when he sued the Marquis of Queensberry for libel. He did so at the insistence of his lover, Queensberry's son, Alfred Douglas. Wilde's friend Robert Ross strongly advised Wilde to either ignore the insult or go to France for a while to cool down, but "Bosie" Douglas, driven by hatred of his father, wanted revenge, and Wilde listened to him instead of Ross. The problem, of course, was that Wilde was in fact homosexual and his suit boomeranged on him.

Like Bosie, the Dems are so filled with venom that they can't think straight any more and are just lashing out any way they can.

n.n said...

the official organs of the Republican party did not do similarly

Overlapping and convergent interests. They both want immigration reform. They both like war (social justice adventures)... what is good for? Indeed. They both like redistributive change. They are both Pro-Choice in principle and practice. However, they also suffer from conflicts of interests, and while they can appear to unite, they cannot form a consensus. At least not until Nixon, Reagan, Sarah Palin, and now Trump. George Bush, Jr, was also on a short leash.

buwaya said...

Limbaugh thinks the hiring of Giuliani, and this lawsuit, are the endgame, of a face-saving exit. I wonder.

I don't think they can back off without a quieting of the media Wurlitzer. And that can't happen.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Wouldn't the appropriate response be to yawn and just shrug it off?”

Exactly! The hornets are buzzing mad/scared and a few gnats just fly around dropping gnat poo.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Drago said...

I understand that democrats are considering suing the Trump campaign for hiding Wisconsin.

Not pictures on a map, hiding the literal state of Wisconsin."

He slipped us under Minnesota, the sneaky bastard!

chickelit said...

I predict that this lawsuit will fade when the DNC realizes how it will damage their brand in the fall and especially in 2020. Clinton herself may step in to end it in an effort to burnish her now very badly tarnished image.

buwaya said...

"The word is that the DNC is broke, so where is the money coming from ?"

The DNC is a Potemkin facade full of fake functionaries that no-one with any sense would give significant money to. Hence they are always "broke". Other people handle real money and make real decisions.

Original Mike said...

”He slipped us under Minnesota, the sneaky bastard!”

I wondered what that smell was.

buwaya said...

"Given the self-evident pointlessness of this lawsuit"

This lawsuit is useful I think as a prop to use for the campaign. You can hang material off it that can then be fed into the MSM Wurlitzer.

FullMoon said...

If the Mueller investigation is prematurely ended, it will continue with this new lawsuit. It’s insurance, so to speak. And until then will be two investigations, the DNC’s and Mueller’s.

I think Inga may be right. The stalinists will not let this go. They will not respect a lawful election they lost.

Not an original Inga thought. ARM posted the same comment prior to Inga. They each got it somewhere else.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Inga said...”Retarded gnat. How did I contradict myself? Answer. I didn’t. I didn’t say I knew what was going on in the Mueller Probe.”

Inga, just a couple of hours ago you were saying this:

“On the contrary, the Mueller investigation is going somewhere and it’s getting very hot. This lawsuit is to protect the Investigation.”

Anonymous said...

Our Ing: I have Great Expectations!

I would have thought it bad taste, in any thread discussing The Investigation, to make an allusion in your presence that would inevitably bring Miss Havisham to the reader's mind...but hey, you're the one who brought it up.

Lewis Wetzel said...

From reading the comments here, I believe that liberals actually think that the filing of this lawsuit is a sign of strength. It is not. It is a sign that the DNC has realized that Mueller's investigation is not going to deliver the goods.
The hatred the DNC feels for the 49% of the citizens who voted for Trump is obvious.
They should look inward. They had the news media, the entertainment media, the chattering class, the federal bureaucracy, and the government unions on their side, they outspent Trump at least 2:1, and they still lost.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Because it's illegal to vote against the Clinton Crime Family and their mob associates in the deep state.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“On the contrary, the Mueller investigation is going somewhere and it’s getting very hot. This lawsuit is to protect the Investigation.”

Yes, so? People here are claiming to know exactly what is in Mueller’s investigation. They don’t. I don’t. We can suspect/deduce it’s getting very hot by Trump’s reactions via twitter and how many times he yells “NO COLLUSION!” We can deduce it’s going somewhere by those that have already been indicted and by the search warrants that have been issued.

So, no. I didn’t contradict myself whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Original Mike to Our Ing: ”Retarded gnat. How did I contradict myself? Answer. I didn’t. I didn’t say I knew what was going on in the Mueller Probe.”

Inga, just a couple of hours ago you were saying this:

“On the contrary, the Mueller investigation is going somewhere and it’s getting very hot. This lawsuit is to protect the Investigation.”

She isn't being disingenuous, O-Mike. Inga honestly doesn't understand why "I didn’t say I knew what was going on in the Mueller Probe” and "On the contrary, the Mueller investigation is going somewhere and it’s getting very hot" are contradictory statements. Seriously, she doesn't. After all this time, and probably hundreds if not thousands of examples of her bizarrely off-kilter language processing, I think this should be apparent to everyone.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
. . .
I confidently predict that we won't hear anything from the President on this matter, beneath his dignity.

4/20/18, 4:22 PM

I can never tell when ARM is being ironic.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Perez is going about this all wrong.

He needs to sue each and every Trump voter. I mean - these are the actual people who voted for Trump and against the interests of The Party.

Everyone who let Putin into their hearts needs to be indicted, prosecuted and jailed.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

And along comes the buzzard who is pretentious enough to think she’s a swan.

Tommy Duncan said...

It would be good to ask what the long game is here;

"The Democratic Party on Friday sued President Donald Trump's presidential campaign, the Russian government and the Wikileaks group, claiming a broad illegal conspiracy to help Trump win the 2016 election."

The Democrats want an issue.

Russia, Russia, Russia and collusion, collusion, collusion are not working. The Democrats know this lawsuit will go nowhere, but they can slow walk the legal process through the fall election. The lawsuit is purely a political tool that feeds the Mainstream Media narrative for the election.

Breathless coverage and stunning revelations lie ahead until the suit dies in December.

Browndog said...


Let me guess...Inga is the center of attention-

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Let me guess...Inga is the center of attention-“

Only if you people put me there.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Just for fun...

Drago-50 comments

Inga-28 comments

Michael K said...

Limbaugh thinks the hiring of Giuliani, and this lawsuit, are the endgame, of a face-saving exit. I wonder.

I don't think they can back off without a quieting of the media Wurlitzer. And that can't happen.

Not until after the election. If they lose="Another stolen election."

If they win="We got him now !"

Jay Vogt said...

Someone said it earlier, but this is pretty obviously battle space prep for a fundraising effort that will make the appeal to Dem donors that they need to double up their contributions to fund both the re-litigation of the last election as well as the 2018 races.

All in all, it's a decent plan.

I"m sure the copy for the contribution campaign is already written. All they need to do is hit the "send button" in a week or so.

MadisonMan said...

Re: Your tag Hillary goes away.

I wish!

What a sore loser. Consider how the Press would play this if the Parties were flipped.

tcrosse said...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch:

"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has announced that the country will suspend nuclear and missile tests and shut down a nuclear test site in the northern area, state media said Saturday."

Sue the bastard !

Unknown said...

"It would be good to ask what the long game is here"

The long game is to keep this issue alive through the 2018 elections, in hopes of taking the House and the Senate.

The miscalculation is that the longer that this nonsense continues, the higher Trump's approval ratings go, and the more ridiculous all Democrats look.

The result is going to look alot like an Acme contraption consisting of a catapult and an anvil which ends with a mushroom dust cloud rising above a desert floor.

Jim at said...

So, no. I didn’t contradict myself whatsoever. - Inga

Your stupidity and dishonesty are only surpassed by your arrogance.

Rabel said...

It's interesting that among the twenty or more persons and organizations named in the suit, Donald Trump is not listed as one of the defendants.

Drago said...

Tommy Dunca: "The lawsuit is purely a political tool that feeds the Mainstream Media narrative for the election."

And that is desperately needed for the dem base.

The dems who conjured up this lie and then hoax dossier and then engineered an investigation have been promoting collusion and treason with the help of their LLR allies for 2 straight years, 24/7.

This latest and largest dem lie of all has permeated every nook and cranny of our society and culture.

Remember, dems havent been saying maybe about this fake collusion. Every democrat has already convicted Trump and team of treason and dont bother hiding it.

How can the dems, this close to the election which will result in Trumps impeachment, allow reality to intrude?

They cant.

The dem base would riot since the lefties and LLR's have convinced these lunatics that we just have to keep looking until the evidence is finally found.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Opposition research against Trump = democracy!

Opposition research against Hillary Clinton = You're going to pay for this!

Drago said...

On this very blog Inga has called Mike Flynn, Carter Page and all Trump voters traitors.

There is no walkback from that.

They would rather burn it all down then confront the dem lie.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Sue the Trump voters. It's the only way.

MadisonMan said...

It's interesting that among the twenty or more persons and organizations named in the suit, Donald Trump is not listed as one of the defendants.

Couldn't he claim Executive Privilege and push the lawsuit to such time as when he wasn't President in 6 or so years?


Howard said...

Blogger tcrosse said... Is there such a thing as a Hail Mary Lawsuit ?

It's not a Hail Mary, it's a Bait & Switch. Mueller dumps Trump Hump. Therefore, the democratics have to keep vengeance alive for their mentally deranged base, hence lawsuit that lasts forever enough.

Love, Stalin

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Flynn is a traitor because he disagreed with Saint Obama over Iraq.

You don't fuck with The Party. You obey.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

It's the collective glass vase, thrown.

Darrell said...

If 20 to 30 million Democrats--including all the top people--committed suicide, it would really get Americans to reconsider their choice of Trump over Hillary and the Left. Have at it.

walter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“....all Trump voters traitors.”

Nope, I did not. As for Flynn and Carter Page, yes I stand by assertion. Good man, that Flynn...

“Robert Mueller is looking into allegations that Michael Flynn plotted a kidnapping.There have been longstanding reports, fuelled by testimony from James Woolsey, a former Trump adviser and onetime CIA director, that Trump’s first national security advisor wanted to kidnap Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish dissident living in the United States, and return him to his native country. The story of the kidnapping plot seemed too amazing to be true, more like something a gangster would do than a high government official.
But The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Robert Mueller is now investigating these allegations:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating an alleged plan involving former White House National Security Adviser Mike Flynn to forcibly remove a Muslim cleric living in the U.S. and deliver him to Turkey in return for millions of dollars, according to people familiar with the investigation.

Under the alleged proposal, Mr. Flynn and his son, Michael Flynn Jr., were to be paid as much as $15 million for delivering Fethullah Gulen to the Turkish government, according to people with knowledge of discussions Mr. Flynn had with Turkish representatives. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has pressed the U.S. to extradite him, views the cleric as a political enemy.


Original Mike said...

Blogger Henry said...”Alternate Headline: "Democratic Party Seeks Funds"”

Ohhhh.... [lightbulb]

walter said...

"Putting together a lawsuit like this, with all the proper documentation, has taken some time. That's why we're filing it today"

Friend --
As a DNC supporter, I want you to be the first to know: Today, the DNC is filing a civil lawsuit alleging that Russia perpetrated a brazen attack on American democracy during the 2016 election, and found a willing partner in the Trump campaign.
Here's why: A major part of Russia's attack on American democracy was the cyberattack on the DNC and theft of the DNC's proprietary information. This stolen information was then released to the public by Russian agents and WikiLeaks to damage the Democratic Party and influence the 2016 election.
We're taking this action because we believe no one is above the law, and we must pursue every avenue of justice against those who engaged in this illegal activity against the DNC and our democracy.
This is a patriotic -- not partisan -- move. As Sen. John McCain said, "When you attack a country, it's an act of war. And so we have to make sure that there is a price to pay, so that we can perhaps persuade the Russians to stop these kind of attacks on our very fundamentals of democracy."
We believe that Russia found a willing partner in the Trump campaign, who shared their goal of damaging the Democratic Party and helping elect Donald Trump. The Trump campaign had repeated secretive communications with Russian agents and WikiLeaks. Russian agents told Trump advisors that the Kremlin wanted to help Trump and had stolen emails and other material that could damage Trump's opponent. And Trump's closest political advisor, Roger Stone, had advanced knowledge of a major release of stolen Democratic emails.
It is a disgrace to our country that instead of taking actions to protect American democracy, the Trump campaign put itself first. And if the occupant of the Oval Office refuses to protect our democracy, it's up to us.
Putting together a lawsuit like this, with all the proper documentation, has taken some time. That's why we're filing it today, both to seek justice and deter further attacks on our democracy.
Make no mistake about it: Our number one focus at the DNC is, and remains, electing Democrats from the school board to the Oval Office -- and we're winning all across this country.
We're going to keep our eyes on the prize: taking back the House and Senate, winning back state legislatures, and moving our country in the right direction.
But winning elections also means protecting elections, and today we're doing just that.
Thank you, as always, for your support.
Tom Perez
Democratic National Committee
But..master O said our elections are impervious..to focus on winning votes.

Rabel said...

"Couldn't he claim Executive Privilege and push the lawsuit to such time as when he wasn't President in 6 or so years?"

Beats me. I'm going to go with William of Ockham - the attorneys representing the DNC are honest lawyers and they know that Trump is innocent, so they didn't name him in the suit.

tcrosse said...

This farce reminded me to look up Algonquin J. Calhoun, Esq., who I was delighted to find has a LinkedIn profile.

Unknown said...

I don't comment much, but I read often. That said, I believe that Chuck and Inga are sincere, and that they represent a rather large segment of American voters, perhaps 30%. As much as that scares me, it scares me more that they cannot be moved with facts, history, or Occam's razor, yet they otherwise seem intelligent, literate, and passionate. Sad!

Darrell said...

If 20 to 30 million Democrats--including all the top people--committed suicide, it would really get Americans to reconsider their choice of Trump over Hillary and the Left. Have at it.

A Mexican border wall incorporating the bones of 20 to 30 million Democrats would be an effective deterrent against illegal immigration. You can probably start with just heads on pikes, strategically placed.

Bob Loblaw said...

"Democrats have nothing to hide. If they did, they wouldn’t have initiated this lawsuit. I’m pretty darn sure they have some very very good lawyers."

Nothing but Hillary's $150 million and the Clinton Foundation scam in Haiti.

Don't forget Uranium One. You'd think the Democrats would be smart enough to pick someone other than the Russians to vilify, but no... they're really not that smart.

Bay Area Guy said...

One morning, in the not so distant future, the Dems will arise with the sunlight in their eyes, while the birds chirp, and a soft breeze gently plays the wind-chimes, and Hillary will be President, and our long national nightmare will be over.

One day, I tell ya......

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Bay Area Guy - Never. Hillary will never be president.
But The Party is still doing what they can to install her corruption.

Bob Loblaw said...

That said, I believe that Chuck and Inga are sincere, and that they represent a rather large segment of American voters, perhaps 30%. As much as that scares me, it scares me more that they cannot be moved with facts, history, or Occam's razor, yet they otherwise seem intelligent, literate, and passionate.

That's the whole point of the charade - to give otherwise intelligent people who really, really want to believe they would have won the election "but for those pesky kids" something to hold on to.

And to keep them donating, because Obama left the DNC with empty pockets. This was a big problem for them during the election cycle, and one of the reasons so many of the downticket races went Republican.

Darrell said...

Did the Russian Facebook ad--Hillary Clinton Is A Big Poopy Pants!---sway the election?


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I'm not even on Facebook, and the Russians hacked my brain.

I was in love with Hillary up until then. Sue!

Original Mike said...

Blogger Inga said...”Trump is scared shitless of discovery. As he should be.”

He’s had Mueller investigating him for how many months now? How is the DNC going to find anything Mueller hasn’t?

Bay Area Guy said...

Maybe, the DNC should just sue Hillary. She certainly wasted a lot of their money.

And, she's getting pretty tired of hearing about how nobody likes her.

JackWayne said...

Regarding whether this is the end of the Republic: Not the End, but the Beginning of the End. The trend is pretty clear. Nixon run out of office by the FBI. The incessant attacks on Reagan for 8 long years. Jim Wright forced out as Speaker. Newt forced out. Clinton impeached. Bush-Gore decided by TSCOTUS. Obama cheating on campaign financing and given a pass in 2008. Yes Stevens. Walker in Wisconsin. Tom Delay in Texas. Trump. If you’re not prepping, you’re insane.

JackWayne said...

Ted Stevens

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

If the voters do not cooperate, the mob will find a way.

Fernandinande said...

I was so illegally manipulated by that weaponized "Bernie Bro" advert on Fecebook that I voted for Alexander Putin as a write-in.

Drago said...

With absolutely no evidence, Inga pronounces Carter Page and Mike Flynn traitors.

Thats all you need to know about what these lunatics will do if LLR Chucks dresm of returning dems to complete control of our govt occurs.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hacked democrat e-mails = democracy is over!

Hacked Republican e-mails and fake dossiers paid for by The Party = All cool.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Drago - the media and the deep state can manufacture evidence. It's for the greater good of The Party.

Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

The saddest words of tongue and pen describe the Presidential victory that might have been.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

If the voters won't obey - Sue...

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The investigation must be preserved at any cost.

Darrell said...

When the Left lost, they vowed to never let Trump govern.
This is what we are seeing.

Darrell said...

the media and the deep state can manufacture evidence. It's for the greater good of The Party.

Leave Barack Obama's Birth Certificate out of this . . .

n.n said...

Obama's Birth Certificate

Certificate of Live Birth. Anyone who is born unPlanned is eligible.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump-Russia colluded is the left's birther nonsense.

sue baby sue. I'd like to know more about Peter Strozk's insurance policy.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Rt1 Rebel said...

"I don't comment much, but I read often. That said, I believe that Chuck and Inga are sincere, and that they represent a rather large segment of American voters, perhaps 30%. As much as that scares me, it scares me more that they cannot be moved with facts, history, or Occam's razor, yet they otherwise seem intelligent, literate, and passionate. Sad!

I have come to believe liberalism is a mental disorder.

Saint Croix said...

We the jury find that Hillary Clinton won the election.

Order! Order in the court!

And we hold that Donald Trump is not the president.

You're out of order! This whole courtroom is out of order!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I have come to believe liberalism is a mental disorder.”

YOU have? Oh my, what an original thinker! We’ve been hearing this stupid canard for years now from right wingnuts.

Unknown said...

"I have come to believe liberalism is a mental disorder."

I have a different schedule and don't catch Savage Nation on the radio anymore, IDK if he is still broadcast here.

I have come to believe that liberals are really reptilian shapeshifters. Follow the meat.

Tommy Duncan said...

Just a thought: Without Twitter, Trump would be largely defenseless against the Democrat/Media establishment. Remember what they did to Bush over Katrina? Romney over his dog kennel on the roof of the car? Tina Fey/Sarah Palin over being able to see Russia from her house?

The good news is that Trump is executing a blitzkrieg using social media. The Democrats are still fighting the last war by bringing a lawsuit to create an election issue. It's blitzkrieg versus the Maginot Line.

Darrell said...

Thirty years from now, Hillary will emerge from the Philippine jungle and hold a Presidential Press Conference with Huma at her side. Inga won't see it because firemen removed her picture window and got her out of the house with a crane--getting her the help she needed.

Tommy Duncan said...

Self awareness is not a liberal strong point.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure one of the many reasons that Hillary lost is because her mental and physical health were in question. I have to admit that her physical health is better than expected, but evidence from her I DIDN'T LOSE tour, her mental health is worse.

Drago said...

Tommy Duncan: "Just a thought: Without Twitter, Trump would be largely defenseless against the Democrat/Media establishment."

Which is precisely why LLR Chuck hates Trump on twitter.

It defeats the democrat stranglehold on communications.

FIDO said...

Looking at the long game:

The Democrats are in a bind: The majority of LEGAL Americans want a Wall, a VAST majority want something, ANYTHING done to curb illegal immigration, most Americans are for gun rights, and most Americans would love to actually move on from 2016 and get on with life.

So the Democrats are badly, horribly out of step on the majority of these issues, and further, can't change their platform without shedding money and support from them.

So their only way to avoid things like National Conceal Carry, The Wall is to make the country ungovernable.

Trump, alas, for better or worse is on the POPULAR side of all these issues.

They can, at this point, use these childish theatrics to stop any retrograde 'Progress'.

John henry said...

Blogger Drago said...

Shorter Inga: Serenity now....serenity now....serenity now....

Not quite, Drago, what he is really saying is:

John Henry

Paddy O said...

What's the statute of limitations on something like this?

I think every losing candidate should sue the winning candidate for all elections the last many decades.

Can estates get in on the action for candidates that have died?

Paddy O said...

I also think there should be lawsuits filed against any potential candidate, for intent to collude to win an election.

Darrell said...

If you send Jill Stein $17.76, she will start another recount. And this time things will be different. If you send Jill Stein $2.7 million, she will deliver absolute proof that Stalin was Hindenburg's first choice for chancellor on January 30, 1933.

John henry said...

Not sure if this is on topic in this thread but why should the Demmies have helped Bernie? He was an interloper, an intruder. He has been very vocal all his career about NOT BEING A DEMOCRAT!!!

He has been very vocal all his career about being an independent. That was why many of his supporters sent him to the Senate.

Then in the summer of 15 he suddenly decides that he actually IS a Democrat? Not strongly enough to edit his Senate website or Wikipedia page to reflect this change in affiliation but strongly enough to run as a Democrat candidate. And, as soon as Crooked Hilary got the nomination, he went back to being Independent.

Can someone explain to me how the Democrats had any obligation to support or help him in any way? Can someone explain to me why they were wrong to treat him the way they did?

I was, officially, a candidate for the presidency in 2016. I claimed to be running for the Democrat nomination. I did not get a nickle from the party.

Bernie and I were robbed!

John Henry

Drago said...

"Can estates get in on the action for candidates that have died?"

Heads up Jackson progeny. The Adams' are out for blood and compensation.

John henry said...

As far as I can tell, there are supposed to be 2 main ways the Russians threw the election to President Trump:

1) Facebook ads. A hundred thousand dollars or so, half of which occurred AFTER the election. I don't think even the most ardent I.N.G.A.s believe that one.

2) That they hacked the DNC and gave the emails to Wikileaks. Now that is going to be interesting if they get it into court. They will have to show just HOW the Russians hacked the DNC. That is going to raise all sorts of questions about data transfer rates and so on. There is a technical case to be made that the data was stolen internally on a USB drive rather than externally over a network connection.

If it was stolen internally, who in the DNC organization was responsible?

John Henry

John henry said...

I would have expected our resident fascist revolutionary to be all over this like a cheap suit with talking points.

He and I.N.G.A. normally do such a great job complementing each other than this thread is like listening to stereo headset with one earpiece broken.

Squeamish, we need you!!!

John Henry

Michael K said...

There is a technical case to be made that the data was stolen internally on a USB drive rather than externally over a network connection.

If it was stolen internally, who in the DNC organization was responsible?

Seth Rich cannot be reached for comment. Somebody should check his family's bank account. The Swiss one.

FullMoon said...

Treacher says:

Almost 18 months later, they're still trying to get a do-over. That's why they're so obsessed with conspiracy theories about Russia, and who Trump slept with, and anything else that keeps them from taking a look inside themselves.

Deep State Reformer said...

Isn't liberal democracy great? This is what passes for governance in America now. Courts of law, which aren't about law, run by partisan lawyers and judges accountable to no one are the defacto democratic process. The kritarchy has all that power without any responsibility too. For shame. In the PRC the entire DNC, national media, and elite academia would be rounded up and ushered to the nearest killing field and mass grave site for processing, and for everyone else, but them, life would go on and progress would be made. Democracy!™ is so over.

walter said...

here is a technical case to be made that the data was stolen internally on a USB drive rather than externally over a network connection.
If it was stolen internally, who in the DNC organization was responsible?
Aren't the Awan bros potentials?

Bob Loblaw said...

When the Left lost, they vowed to never let Trump govern.

I don't mind as long as they color within the lines. When you're the opposition, you oppose. But Obama's people broke the law, and they ought to be punished for it.

Bob Loblaw said...

If it was stolen internally, who in the DNC organization was responsible?

Almost certainly Seth Rich, unless you believe muggers shoot people in the back with no warning and then walk away without taking the money. Doesn't seem like a viable business plan to me, but maybe muggers in DC are as dysfunctional as the government.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Sue Hillary into the White House. Because any opposition to her is criminal.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Seth Rich - Media swept him under the rug for The Party.

Michael K said...

"Aren't the Awan bros potentials?"

They're alive aren't they? That is a point against it.

Probably know where all the Democats were sleeping,.

Michael K said...

Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Seth Rich - Media swept him under the rug for The Party.

I'd like to know what happened to that young doctor, a resident I think, who was barred from the ICU when Rich was still alive in there.

He was not dead when found on the street. That happened in the hospital.

narciso said...

According to Devon nunes, the investigation was begin with phony five eyes info that was proceeded by some party.

In addition we have the phony attribution by crowdstrike that forms the base of this suit, bureau counter intelligence was not allowed to examine the server.

narciso said...

Then we have rosiaks report about isi being handed data from one of the awan bros, the ones who were receiving moniesfrom a Hezbollah connected iraqi official.

narciso said...

Tbe senate has interviewed veselnitskaya the pepper pot ruzsian who was the agent for the Kiev syndicate which commissioned the anti magnitsky alliance that included skadden arps.

narciso said...

Now skadden happens to be where the fmr special counsel Fitzgerald and fmr white house counsel Greg Craig were handling the Russian account.

narciso said...

Now seeing such a target rich environment who does Mueller tArget? A very junior associate of Dutch lineage whose father in law gherman Khaan happens to be fusion in the London courts, along with fellow oligarchs Friedman and averin.

narciso said...

Just like the pressure on Cohen with the passive aggressive insinuation is about Prague is 1) to pressure the fmr to stop the suits against CNN and buzzfeed.

2) prague is one of the seats of the bratva as we've seen in mcmafia. One loosely affiliated hacker the spam king nekulin lives there.

narciso said...

Who the bureau was tried to force into collaborating the dossier, who else made his home in prague.
Well nine Other than Lebanese born Russian export head Ali Antarctica, you know,him better as Ali Fayyad, the main chRacter in operation cassandra.

narciso said...

Antar, he was ferrying drugs from Colombia through West Africa into western Europe.

All oligarch are not the same take deripasha manafort erstwhile partner, he wasn't particularly close to Putin, when manafort was riding high in 2008-12? He was losing his shirt in aluminum specially Montenegro? Naturally he asked his partner for some help.

narciso said...

And he turned him down, now manAfort uses middleman as he did in balladurs presidential race, where Sarkozy was caught in the backwash. This involved among other things monies from libya.

narciso said...

Now deripasha was not without cards to play, he had retained Andy Wildman a fmr dnc cactotum who in turn had contacts with the Russian foreign minister.

narciso said...

And he had contacts with akmetshin a Russian American lawyer with military Intel experience who had worked with among other parties John McCain in kazakstan.

Douglas B. Levene said...

Democrats have nothing to hide? Why did they fight so hard to keep from the public eye the fact that the DNC commissioned the Steele dossier?

Based on the facts in the public record to date, I think the GOP defendants are entitled to dismissal of this case on summary judgment. There is no evidence of any kind that the GOP conspired with the Russians to steal John Podesta's emails. And even if the GOP cheered the Russians on for releasing them, so what? Of course, maybe some additional facts will be produced in discovery - like how the DNC conspired with the Obama administration to ensure that the Steele dossier was released to the press with the news hook that the IC was looking at it.

narciso said...

Through the latter's international Republican institute which had previously hired klimnik from military Intel who became manafort translator.

narciso said...

They were aware to the likes of mccain, because the iri ran on state department contracts.

buwaya said...

Narciso has good stuff.
Connections on connections.
Someday a good historian will untangle all this.
These connections are essential parts of that "deep state".
Its all a public-private system, and it certainly does not end at US borders.

narciso said...

So when Steele came calling thanks to seed capital from Perkins and couets, he couldn't rely on any UK personnel so akhmetchin provides his set of assets.

narciso said...

Thanks, although that worries because most historians will follow the puzzle pieces that have been presented, like halberstan on Vietnam, Talbot and scheer on arms control, Guzman and Dickey on central america.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

You know what else happened Friday that is driving the progfas nuts?

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un announced Friday that his country will be suspending missile testing and closing a nuclear test site, several reports said.

"From April 21, North Korea will stop nuclear tests and launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles," the Korean Central News Agency said, according to Yonhap News. "The North will shut down a nuclear test site in the country's northern side to prove the vow to suspend nuclear test."

Of course the NY Times has a different slant on the story:

By Choe Sang-Hun
April 20, 2018

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, announced early Saturday that his country no longer needed to test nuclear weapons or long-range missiles and would close a nuclear test site.

“The nuclear test site has done its job,” Mr. Kim said in a statement carried by North Korea’s state media.

Mr. Kim’s announcement came just days before a scheduled summit meeting with President Moon Jae-in of South Korea; Mr. Kim is also planning to meet with President Trump soon. It was the second time in two days that he made what appeared to be a significant concession to the United States but in reality cemented the status quo. North Korea already had stopped testing its weapons.


No mention of the "earthquake" (as they call it) that shut down the testing but it's all good.

So now comes this suit to prevent this from getting too much attention. Trump is going to end the Korean War after 65 years? That's just UN-POSSIBLE!!!

Time for some FUD.

John Henry

narciso said...

Gutman who has moved on to covering Syria. Moyar on Vietnam winik on cold war policy, Scott on Iran the junior Kagan on the contras

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Just to be clear, it is early days in Korea and it still might fail. Still, it is looking pretty good.

Whoever thought the Soviet Union could possibly fail? Why all the experts, even as late as 1987-88 were saying that it would last forever. Until it didn't. That damn cowboy Reagan. Who woulda thunk it?

John Henry

narciso said...

Because they are trapped in self fulfilling narratives, from the journal today we found that chestnut about Anna chenault and the 68 election was just that, president they didn't need her to convince him that the Johnson administration wasn't trustworthy

Yet insights like that as well as niall Ferguson's bio of Kissinger is left out? In favor of the samevtropes from John a Farrell who of course was given the pulitzer.

narciso said...

One of the leading historians in the former bloc, blame the korean war on an association of silver traders, the China lobby and other parties.

He also assets to the notion of the Kim dynasty being some great revolutionary anti Japanese hero.

buwaya said...

Kim Il Sung being an anti Japanese hero is ancient NK propaganda.

narciso said...

Yes,it is, doesn't happen to be true, but for their purposes "its fake but accurate'

buwaya said...

If the historian you refer to is Bruce Cumings, yes that guy has serious problems.

narciso said...

Yes that's the one I read the first volume, I figured he couldn't get the actual war right.

So the times insists the porrage was either too hot or too cold in Syria, sounding a great deal like Iraq war defenders in 2004

narciso said...

Yo look at many of these revolutionaries who untetouched by the purple prose of a Herbert Matthews or a Ray Bonner, aren't really that impressive and certainly not that nobleminded.

narciso said...

Well that's probably enough speculation tonight there will be a quiz on monday.

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