April 23, 2018

Shania Twain "would have voted for [Trump] because, even though he was offensive, he seemed honest... Do you want straight or polite?"

"Not that you shouldn’t be able to have both. If I were voting, I just don’t want bull—-. I would have voted for a feeling that it was transparent. And politics has a reputation of not being that, right?”

That's what the Canadian pop star — who was just on "RuPaul's Drag Race" last week — said in an interview The Guardian published yesterday morning, WaPo reports. Social media got right on her case with a hashtag, #ShaniaTwainCancelled, and by evening poor Shania — the erstwhile lover of no bullshit — had apologized.

Here's the 4 tweetsworth of apology/"apology":
I would like to apologise to anybody I have offended...
She begins with classic nonapology words.
... in a recent interview with the Guardian relating to the American President. The question caught me off guard.
She blurted out that she likes the way Trump seems to speak his mind, his spontaneous transparency, but her own following of his model, just saying what she thinks straight out is something to regret and bemoan. She didn't have time to think it all through and plan it all out, so she hopes what she said won't count against her, as she retreats into the opaque, evasive world that she'd just decried.
As a Canadian, I regret answering this unexpected question without giving my response more context (1/4)
What's it like to regret as a Canadian? Is it a special sort of regret? I'm not picking up the applicable stereotype. Is she trying to say I don't vote in your elections so I should not have joined the debate about your leader? Or does she mean Canadians are supposed to be especially circumspect and polite — she who just said "Do you want straight or polite?" I guess you got your answer, at least from the "hundreds" of tweeters who jumped on that hashtag. They want polite — more than polite. They want silence, unless you're anti-Trump.
I am passionately against discrimination of any kind and hope it’s clear from the choices I have made, and the people I stand with, that I do not hold any common moral beliefs with the current President (2/4)
She won't get in trouble for that ridiculous absolute statement about moral beliefs.
I was trying to explain, in response to a question about the election, that my limited understanding was that the President talked to a portion of America like an accessible person they could relate to, as he was NOT a politician (3/4)
Oh! Here come the deplorables again — that "portion of America" — those dopes. Shania sees that those people could relate to that man who's so horrible she can't share one moral belief with him.
My answer was awkward, but certainly should not be taken as representative of my values nor does it mean I endorse him.
But you said you'd have voted for him. Do you mean you loathed Hillary? Because that would make sense of these remarks. Not that I need any sense to be made other than you got disciplined by the Trump haters and you caved. Why speak out at all if you're so vulnerable to push back?
I make music to bring people together. My path will always be one of inclusivity, as my history shows. (4/4)
Were those hashtagging tweeters fans of your music who know your history or just Trump haters ready to jump on any entertainment figure who fails to maintain the required hostility?


TrespassersW said...

The "Party of Diversity" brooks no dissenting views.

What's wrong with this picture?

MayBee said...

Geeze oh pete. Twitter is the devil.

traditionalguy said...

The passive-aggressive Canadians caught her not acting passive enough so they got aggressive with her. She understood her sin.

Bay Area Guy said...

The "Get Trump" Squad dislikes country music. There are too many redneck, closeted Trump-supporters.

Their tweets must.be.silenced.

rhhardin said...

Trump is about doing stuff that nobody else can do because it endangers the existing system of deep state payoffs.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Once, just once, I'd like someone of note to tell the Twitter Army to go fuck itself.

Ann Althouse said...

"The "Get Trump" Squad dislikes country music."

As I said in the post: She was just on "RuPaul's Drag Race." She made an important TV appearance in which she was fawned over by people who (at least act like they) hate Trump.

Phil 314 said...

Are there really that many liberal country music fans wanting to listen to a “past her sell by” date singer?

She’s not still the one.

Tommy Duncan said...

The "Party of Diversity" brooks no dissenting views.

Diversity is the child of political correctness and thus requires strict uniformity.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

She's a Cree Indian, as I recall. Where's the outcry over silencing and bullying a woman of color?

(obvs I know the answer to that)

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Oh wait, I should have used that pretentious Canadian term, "first peoples"

Rob said...

She should have taken to heart Rudyard Kipling’s words: Never the Twain shall tweet.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Get back on the reservation!!

Tommy Duncan said...

She has failed the "I was country when country wasn't cool" test.

Ann Althouse said...

I think Shania Twain is trying to be a gay icon type of celebrity: see "Shania Twain's Heartfelt Message to LGBTQ Fans Leaves Audience In Tears" (Billboard, August 2018)("Twain’s songs, music videos and overall persona have struck a chord with the LGBTQ community for decades. Look no further than the impact of “Man! I Feel Like a Woman” from 1997’s Come On Over, still the second best-selling album of the Nielsen era (1991-present). “It's not only girl power, it's gay power. I think that song really stands for both,” Twain once said in a 2004 interview published in The Advocate").

Ann Althouse said...

The competition on "Drag Race" last week had the final result determined by lip-syching to “Man! I Feel Like a Woman."

Charlie said...

Has Kanye West apologized yet? What's taking so long??

Sebastian said...

"I am passionately against discrimination of any kind and hope it’s clear from the choices I have made, and the people I stand with, that I do not hold any common moral beliefs with the current President"

What are the "moral beliefs" she disagrees with? What "discrimination" does Trump advocate?

No trannies in the military, OK. Anything else? I mean, besides the usual prog smears?

Ann Althouse said...

"She's a Cree Indian, as I recall. Where's the outcry over silencing and bullying a woman of color?"

It's not that clear. Wikipedia:

"Twain was born Eilleen Regina Edwards in Windsor, Ontario on August 28, 1965,[14] the daughter of Sharon (née Morrison) and Clarence Edwards. She has two sisters, Jill and Carrie Ann. Her parents divorced when she was two and her mother then moved to Timmins, Ontario with her daughters. Sharon married Jerry Twain, an Ojibwa from the nearby Mattagami First Nation, and they had a son together, Mark. Jerry adopted the girls, legally changing their last name to Twain. When Mark was still a toddler, Jerry and Sharon adopted Jerry's baby nephew, Darryl, after Darryl's mother died. Because of her connection to Jerry, it has been reported that Twain is of Ojibwe descent,[15] but she stated in an interview that her biological father was part Cree, a claim his family denies.[16] Her confirmed ancestry includes English, French, and Irish.[17][18] T"

Shouting Thomas said...

Amazingly, pop singers don't talk like lawyers.

Ann Althouse said...

"Fifteen years after dropping her last juggernaut, 2002’s “Up!,” Twain, 52, is again demonstrating slay status to her legions of loyal, boot-stompin’ queer fans. Even a neurological voice disorder called dysphonia couldn’t keep the genre subverter, who once thought she’d never sing again, from recording her long-overdue fifth LP, “Now.” Released in September, Twain wrote every song, and her shiny resume got even shinier when the album instantly seized the No. 1 spot on the Billboard albums and country charts. Country-pop’s comeback queen was an open book during our recent conversation, speaking passionately and candidly about her LGBTQ activism at the onset of her country career in 1993, having to “agree to disagree” with those who aren’t pro-gay, and bringing drag queens and Bud-guzzlin’ bros together with “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!”"

PrideSource, October 2017.

MayBee said...

So.....Trump has done what against trans people, gay people, or cross dressing people so that you can't possibly support him if you support them?

MayBee said...

Are LGBTQ people incapable of hearing someone might support a Republican?

gspencer said...

Another candidate for next year's Kennedy Family Profile-in-Putty award competition where not standing on principle and not having a backbone are virtues.

Bob Boyd said...

Mark Twain: If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

Shania Twain: I have to remember not to tell the truth.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The fascist thought-crime leftwingers strike again.

Because tolerance.

Anonymous said...

Another day, another dumb cowardly pop star set upon by brainless twitter jackals.

Interesting and illuminating as a broad phenomenon, but can't see the interest in any particular incident.

Somebody telling the jackals to piss off, much rarer and therefore interesting.

Shouting Thomas said...

I've been dating for the past few years.

Straight women now compulsively give you the talk about how much they love gays, drag queens, trannies and every type of sexual pervert and degenerate. They've been extensively indoctrinated to do this and they cough it up like obedient school girls.

You'd think they were about to don leathers and chains, ask to be cuffed and hung from the wall of the dungeon.

But, they are almost all straight laced prudes who can be expected to deliver their "My way or the highway" speech about sex shortly after this nonsense is all hung out. They are in favor of fun and games in bed for everybody but their straight male partners. They make it clear that they intend to be horrible sexual bores with their partner. And most of them are.

There's something hilariously funny about this bullshit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you go into the leftwing den, you better shed any ideas they might find offensive, or YOu will pay.

Tank said...

Thanks Boyd, sums it up nicely.

narayanan said...

"Do you want straight or polite?""

she was straight and unpolitic and then she was not straight but politic.

proving you need strong backbone to remain straight.

Earnest Prole said...

As the Dixie Chicks will confirm, you can be a country music entertainer or you can be a political commentator, but it’s virtually impossible to be both.

roesch/voltaire said...

Interesting how people who claim Trump is honest and speaks his mind when so often it is a lie or great exaggeration for recent example his tweet about not knowing or speaking to NYT reporter Magie Haberman when he has called her cell phone etc and done three stories with her. I think it is because Trump has projected the metaphoric image of this in his rhetoric as he tapped in the rich vein of identity politics: the embrace of the forgotten rural America. Nancy Isenberg’s White Trash traces how Trump is part of a long populist tradition
Which plays about our dreams,

has dipped into the identity politics and embraced the

Tank said...

Now that she's had time to think about it, Shania and her yummy little tummy would have voted for Trump, but she damn sure wouldn't tell anyone about it.

That girl has great genes. Pretty good singer, songwriter, performer too. Led the way for others like Swift to start full on country and cross over to pop.

Fernandinande said...

The question caught me off guard.

"I was so mad that I accidentally told the truth!"

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...

I don't get it. I mean, Shania Twain wants to appease the haters, at the expense of the dudes who masturbated to her music videos back in the day?

Like, Google her name + nude: there are, like, hundreds of images of her face Photoshopped onto nude chicks being nude or getting banged in the ass. The dudes who made those images spent a lot of time doing that out of love for her, and the desire to see her nude or banged in the ass, and now she is just tossing them aside like abused kleenex. That's fucked up.

I mean, they spent hours trying to find just the right naked chick to put her face on, trying their best to match what they hope she looks like nude. Because they didn't Photoshop her face onto any, like, fat chicks, right? They didn't stick her face on any tattooed nose-ring skank that looks like a crack-whore with a banged-up vagina and shit.

Regarding the tattooed nose-ring skank crack-whore -- I don't mean any offense to any tattooed nose-ring skank crack-whores, okay? I just mean that's not most people's idea of Shania. Shania is a wholesome country girl with nice tits, that's all, who gets banged in the ass in Photoshopped photos and shit.

Plus you wouldn't see the tattooed nose-ring skank crack-whore's nose-ring in that photo, because Shania's face has been stuck upon it. But you get the point.

Shania. you think it was bad, having the Twitter pussies all jumping your shit? Wait until those you have tossed aside like abused kleenex get busy with you on 4chan, you'd never even imagine how many cocks can fit in one fat chick's ass, with your face stuck on top.

Which is kinda mean, I guess, but the internet ain't pretty.

I post my shit here.

MayBee said...

We need to start a movement where nobody ever apologizes to Twitter outrage mobs. They are on to the next thing in 3 days. And nobody can even remember what they were mad at last week.

Owen said...

Shania strays, so make her pay
Put a little more pain on Twain
No more going against the grain
Beat her into line again
Do it loud and do it proud
Get her to blubber to the crowd
Make her take a submissive pose
Break her down in the light of day
The point is not that she's right or wrong
The point is that she sings the song
Whose words and music are those you chose

dreams said...

We're doomed.

gilbar said...

people need to understand;
there is Complete Freedom of Speech; as long as you say the right things
You can believe anything you want; as long as you believe the right things

my co worker used to all the time complain some imaginary 'double standard'
and i'd tell him; NO, it's the same standard for all people and all beliefs

Anyone can believe in Anything; as long it's the right thing

Eleanor said...

Proving once again Dolly Parton is one of the smartest people in the entertainment industry. "Shut up and sing."

gspencer said...

"I am passionately against discrimination of any kind"

Of ANY kind? Man, what an easy date to please. She's stupider than anyone could imagine. I discriminate all the time. Choice of friends, cars, restaurants, beer, wine, colors, fruits; my list is endless.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

More prog bile, hatred, and bigotry mainstreaming.

Ken B said...

This don’t impress me much.

Gahrie said...

Hell the left is savaging Kanye because he praised a Conservative Black woman.

Gahrie said...

Once, just once, I'd like someone of note to tell the Twitter Army to go fuck itself.

Kanye seems to be doing that.

Bob Boyd said...

Wish her into the cornfield!

Chuck said...

I'm not so sure why people care so much about what entertainment celebrities think about politics and political policy. Who cares, what Shania Twain, or Oprah Winfrey, or Kanye West, or Sean Hannity or Donald Trump think about politics or political policy?

Darkisland said...


I've always preferred the term DEAP. Descendants of early American peoples.

H/T Ken Kesey

John Henry

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...

So Shania turns her back on the straight dudes who jerked off into socks looking at her videos, but meanwhile that Morrissey dude from the Smiths is pissing off all his twee-fuck fans by coming out against the pussies who call everybody racist, it's like the Nineties just got played backwards.

I mean, who were the people who loved Morrissey? The goth chicks, the sensitive gay dudes, the outcast dudes and chicks who hung out with the goth chicks and sensitive gay dudes hoping they might get laid if they liked Morrissey, too, right?

And now they're all sad and shit because, as a famous vegan, he's against the slaughter of animals and includes Islam and halal in his, like, criticism. So, they loved him as a vegan, but not as a vegan that doesn't give Muslims an exception for slaughtering animals and shit, now he's a hater and they're pissed off they ever had his face tattooed on their arms and shit.

Really, there's pictures od people showing their Morrissey tattoos and getting all pussy about it.

But I guess if you're going to get a tattoo of someone's face on your body, you better be reasonably sure that you're, like, going to be OK with whatever shit they do in the future. I mean, the Manson chicks carved swastikas on their foreheads for Charlie, but they pretty much knew where he was going with his shit.

I post my shit here.

Darkisland said...

Earnest prole

Merle haggard's music disagree with you

John Henry

Darrell said...

And, more importantly, who gives a fuck what Chuck thinks? About anything.

Big Mike said...

Were those hashtagging tweeters fans of your music who know your history ...


or just Trump haters ready to jump on any entertainment figure who fails to maintain the required hostility?


Big Mike said...

As the Dixie Chicks will confirm, you can be a country music entertainer or you can be a political commentator, but it’s virtually impossible to be both.

Toby Keith, the Dixie Chicks’ adversary, has done well for himself with heart-on-his-sleeve support for our troops.

Etienne said...

Shouldn't she be in an old folks home? Jeez, she must be at least 50!

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

A masterful, if overlong and laughably insincere and self-serving, non-apology apology. In the current iteration of the Left, shows of conformity are driven purely by the need to keep income streams flowing, so I guess Cookie is right in a way and there is no real Left in power in America. Capitalism triumphant.

David Begley said...

Victor Davis Hanson had a good piece on Trump. He compared Trump to the tough Western character who was brought in to rid the frontier town of a bad crew. Think John Wayne in the movie "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance." I would add the Kevin Costner character in "Open Range." Costner was Charlie Waite but his real name was Charles Postelwaite. Robert Duvall played Bluebonnet "Boss" Spearman. Great movie.

Earnest Prole said...

Merle haggard's music disagree with you.

As Merle's friend Bob said, It used to go like that, and now it goes like this.

Henry said...

I would have voted for a feeling that it was transparent.

Interestingly enough, the Trump administration is incredibly transparent. Between investigations, media hostility, administrative turnover, and Trump's own flamboyance, we know all about the Trump administration.

Rick.T. said...

Little known fact is that she is the greatest selling female country artist ever, even more that Miss Reba. Sounds like she should have kept Mutt on to produce her political statements as well as her records. I've read before that producing her early records was epically difficult. Sometimes he had to splice word by word from different takes to get the sound right. There's a reason there was 15 years between albums.

mockturtle said...

And now they're all sad and shit because, as a famous vegan, he's against the slaughter of animals and includes Islam and halal in his, like, criticism. So, they loved him as a vegan, but not as a vegan that doesn't give Muslims an exception for slaughtering animals and shit, now he's a hater and they're pissed off they ever had his face tattooed on their arms and shit.

As Althouse would say, they don't know which way to tsk.

chickelit said...

Why do the LGBLT celebrities put up such a face of resistance to Trump and Melania? It must be that they didn’t really loathe Trump, but rather his supporters. I think that’s an important distinction.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

@roach/Voltaire: That’s a perfect example of “white space privilege” at your 7:51.

Dude1394 said...

Extremely courageous of her. That is some world class ass covering.

Darkisland said...

Not many people have ever heard of Beccy Cole in the US but she is big in the Australian Country and Western scene. I first heard of her when someone, perhaps Ace, embedded this video.


Her support of the Australian troops in Iraq earned her some hate. Her response? Basically "Fuck you!" in this song

You won't listen to my songs any more
You ripped my poster off the wall
Cause I'm the singer that went to the war
You see no good in me at all
Well pardon me if I believe I haven't got it wrong
And before you turn your back on me I'll sing you one more song

Cause I shook hands with a digger
On the wrong side of the world
With a wife at home who holds her breath
And brand new baby girl
And the digger fights for freedom in a job that must be done
And I let go of his hand, so proud to be Australian

And if unlike me you feel no pride at all
Then go ahead and take me off your wall
Cause I'd prefer to be a poster girl
On the wrong side of the world


Check out some of her other stuff on YouTube. A terrific artist with a pretty good range. Although she is called C&W, I'm not sure I agree. She seems more mainstream pop to me, for the most part. I have 3 of her CDs in pretty constant rotation in my music player. Personal favorite is Let the Waitress Sing.(Other women singers I am very fond of: Elizabeth McQueen, Katy Moffett, Joan Baez)

John Henry

wendybar said...

God forbid you have a different opinion than that of the left wing crazies.....They will SHUT YOU DOWN....Conform or we will MAKE you conform!!!

Seeing Red said...

Shania should have brought up Canadian immigration rules.

Chuck said...

I gotta say, Althouse; I like this post of yours. From start to finish. I think you have pretty much nailed it all.

I wonder if you considered the "civility bullshit" tag for this post?

One thing that Shania Twain could have done is to stand by her original comment(s) about liking Trump's apparent transparency (and followed your own logical progression and say that she would have voted for Trump in part because she thought that Hillary Clinton was a phony/liberal/liar/whatever), but also agree with Trump critics that Trump is a rather loathsome piece of work who is dubious, in a different sort of way apart from being "transparent."

But then, as a celebrity dependent on her popularity, she would have earned the hatred of Trump lovers and left-wing Trump haters alike. I know, from personal experience.

I think she would, however, have earned a spot doing the entertainment for the next annual dinner of the National Review.

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quaestor said...

I am passionately against discrimination of any kind

So, how many gun-toting neo-Nazis are in your entourage?

None, neo-Nazis, gun-toting or otherwise, need not apply

Pedophiles. Does the Shania Twain road crew include pedophiles?

There better not be. My general manager will find himself and his luggage abandoned on the side of the road the moment there's even a suggestion of such a horrible, disgusting person working for me. There is no tolerance for perversion in my organization.

And dog fighters? Any pit bull fanciers among your people?

I passionately love and cherish all animals, and everyone work knows me or works for me knows it. I can tell a dog-abuser just by looking. No abuser of animals has ever worked for me in any capacity. I have them escorted out by security before they can even submit a resumé.

What about Hispanics? Have you any of them?

I have several lovey Hispanic people on my staff. I love all aspects of their culture. They are so earthy, so reconciled to the truths of life and death. That's the art of Shania Twain in a nutshell.

And Muslims?

Yes. A few. Did you know the Muslims had indoor plumbing and street lighting when Christain Europe was in the Dark Ages?

And what about those deplorables, those Trump voters?

There may be a few. I'm not aware of any. The monitors on my buses are all tuned to CNN all day long, except when its time for Madow. If the Trump voters don't like it they don't have to watch. If they raise a fuss, they're out. We value a team spirit when we're on the road. People who can't agree, who can't blend in, have no place here.

Seeing Red said...

I’m Canadian. I don’t involve myself in other countries’ politics.


It’s a stupid question since I’m Canadian. Next!

Quaestor said...

Bob Boyd wrote: Wish her into the cornfield!

Take it from an expert. She's been there a long time.

FIDO said...

Does she forget that her major fan base is CONSERVATIVES?

Right now, she is pandering to the Liberal Left who are very vocal...but I fear she may have Dixed* herself.

The Left (and Chuck) refuses to allow ANYONE to have an opinion in opposition to their own. Saying Trump is a straight shooter and semi patriotic is to grant him even a patina of virtue...and they have made themselves insane.

*Dixie Chick Reference. They still make money playing at fairs and as opening acts.

Phil 314 said...

I heard this song recently and thought it would enlighten you:

“It's your thing, do what you wanna do
I can't tell you, who to sock it to”


“I’m not trying to run your life, I know you wanna do what's right
Give your love now, to whoever you choose
How can you lose, with the stuff you use now“

traditionalguy said...

Kanye West's claim to exercise free thought the best weapon Trump has going for him in the Hollywood La La Land.

Kanye seems attuned to the Mind of Trump. It's easy. Try it.

FIDO said...

Chuck does doublespeak better than anyone here. Shania can be in support of Trump...as long as she publically excoriates him in the same breath.

Quite the diversity of opinion you allow, Chuck.

Stoutcat said...

Okay, so she's not a rocket scientist...

FIDO said...

I hadn't realized that Shania was so hard up for cash that she was doing a Judy Garland/Bette Midler to make an audience for herself.

Bette Midler, in particular, must appeal to the drag queens since she so closely resembles one.

Chuck said...

FIDO said...

Chuck does doublespeak better than anyone here. Shania can be in support of Trump...as long as she publically excoriates him in the same breath.

Quite the diversity of opinion you allow, Chuck.

You idiot.

I didn't say anything about what Shania Twain had to do. She can hold any goddamn opinion she wants. I wonder why people care. I'd have guessed that she was a Democrat by nature. But she is a Canadian, so who knows?

Anyway, I never once lectured her about what she had to think. All that I was doing, was suggesting how she could be true and transparent about what she appeared to be trying to communicate.

As Althouse rightly notes, Shania Twain originally said what she said. There was a kind of clarity to that (whether anybody agrees or not) that Althouse seems to have liked. A clear, simple view of Trump.

But then along come the left-wing scolds (I am not a left-wing scold) who tell Shania Twain via Twitter that she must recant. There might have been a few public relations and recording company executives who weighed in as well.

All that I was saying -- sarcastically, mostly -- was that there was another way, equally clear and also probably offensive to the hard-core partisans on both sides, to explain herself. It's a way that is personally relevant to me since I am almost daily confronting it as it is my own view...

Shania Twain could have said, "Yeah, there is something I liked about Trump's communications that I liked and that I found transparent. I might have voted for him, if I were an American citizen, but I am not. But of course, Trump is also an extraordinarily offensive person and I realize that just like many people do, including many of my fans. Believe me, I get that part..."

As Althouse further notes, there'd be some questions for Shania Twain. Is it an ideology that she supports with Trump? Some policy? Or is it all about "feeling"? I expect that in the end, it isn't terribly interesting for the rest of us. Not if it is just about Shania Twain's feelings. But of course there are people who get off on that sort of thing. I'm just not one of them.

Bay Area Guy said...

More important than whether Shania likes Trump, is whether RuPaul likes country music?

William said...

Trump has taken a very strong stand in his opposition to prostitutes pissing on hotel beds. Does Shania hire prostitutes to piss on beds that Taylor Swift has recently occupied or does she share that bit of morality with Trump? Is Trump wrong about literally everything?......I like Allison Krauss. I haven't a clue as to what her politics are. She's won a lot of awards so she's probably liberal, but she doesn't hit you over the head with it.

Amadeus 48 said...

People are very confused these days. Trump is the most openly pro-gay candidate ever elected to the presidency--no evolution necessary for the Donald.

Shania probably thought that she was playing to her fan base in the gay community. OOPS! She forgot the bat-shit crazy factor that applies to all things Trump. "We hate him because we hate him! Who cares what he thinks?"

Shania has been brought to heel. What about Kanye West? I just watched Candace Owens give a master class in independent thinking on an old edition of the Rubin Report. Kanye tweeted nice things about her.

Who let the dogs out?

FIDO said...

Not dogs. Hyenas

langford peel said...

Richard Nixon "I am not a crook."

Bowe Bergdahl Republican Chuck: "I am not a left-wing scold."

JAORE said...

Has anyone ever entered J school saying, "I just want to ask previously popular celebrities who they voted for in an election held over a year ago."?

Birkel said...

Nixon: "I am not a crook."
Chuck: "I am not a left-wing scold" (sic)


langford peel said...


hombre said...

Do these show biz people ever get enough money and/or self respect to resist kowtowing to the PC buffoons?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Twain said "...that I do not hold any common moral beliefs with the current President"

Isn't that wonderful? Not just that she disagrees with some of his positions/beliefs, or most of them, or nearly all them...but she has NO moral beliefs in common. Trump presumably thinks it's ok to kick cute puppy dogs since Twain obviously thinks that's bad.

That's how much of an unperson--an OTHER--you are to the Left and the nice centrist people who go along with the Left. If you're not one of them then by definition you cannot share ANY common moral beliefs.

Oh sure, you'll say you agree with them on most things, that you have more in common that not, that your political/moral/value disagreements are few in number in comparison to your shared values and beliefs as an American...blah, blah, blah. They simply refuse to believe your lies!

If you're not 100% in agreement with the Left they conclude you must be 0%, your lying protestations notwithstanding.

Hey why can't we have a "national dialog" anymore? Why can't we get any kind of consensus on "common sense" things we all agree upon? Why can't we have civil conversations and debates that are anything more than tribal attacks & mockery of anyone who disagrees with us? Just a fucking mystery, I tell you!

langford peel said...

I hope Hannity drops her song that he plays at the beginning of his radio show.

If he still does that since I have not listensed n a while.

We should ask Chuck since I know he is a big fan.

Or at least that he monitors it so he can report back to his handlers at Media Matters.

Jim at said...

I wish people would learn they should never, ever apologize to the left.


The left is not interested in your apology for having wrong think. They are only interested in destroying you for having wrong think.

Bunk said...

@ Langford Peel, I think it's a Martina McBride tune that Hannity uses. At least it used to be, I haven't listened in a while.

langford peel said...

You might be right Bunk.

All these country music broads run together .

Which is the one that just broke her face? Carrie Bradshaw or something like that.

Doug said...

Ms. Twang, shut up and sing.

Pinandpuller said...

Etienne said...
Shouldn't she be in an old folks home? Jeez, she must be at least 50!

She had a place in Switzerland like Charlie Chaplain.

Pinandpuller said...

Blogger langford peel said...
I hope Hannity drops her song that he plays at the beginning of his radio show.

If he still does that since I have not listensed n a while.

We should ask Chuck since I know he is a big fan.

Or at least that he monitors it so he can report back to his handlers at Media Matters.

It went Martina McBride, Toby Keith and Florida Georgia Line.

MadisonMan said...

The left is not interested in your apology for having wrong think. They are only interested in destroying you for having wrong think.

They want to signal their virtue by scolding people with the temerity to wrong-think too.

Earnest Prole said...

Like Colin Kaepernick, Shania Twain is learning the hard way that political commentary is bad for business when your business happens to be entertainment.