"... proposing a remarkable escalation of his efforts to crack down on migrants entering the country illegally.... The president on Tuesday also raised the issue of the 'caravans' of people he says are headed to the United States through Mexico. The caravan has been a popular topic on Fox News — the president’s favorite news network. The president of the National Border Patrol Council, Brandon Judd, said recently on 'Fox and Friends' that America’s current immigration policy is luring a caravan of Central American migrants to the United States. A group called Pueblo Sin Fronteras organized the caravan, which consists of about 1,200 people — including infants, the elderly and people facing violence in their homelands. The group predicted it would be at least a month before the caravan arrived at the United States border with Mexico...."
The NYT reports.
The Left has been conflating Palestinians and "illegal occupation of their homeland by Israel" with South and Central Americans illegally entering the U.S. for years. Nothing unifies the Left like a hatred of Israel, and they're hoping that "border clash on the Southern border" can finally be used in the News to confirm that the U.S. is just as evil as Israel supposedly is. We'll see what happens. I'd hope that Mexican authorities head it off before it hits the border.
The "caravan" is petering out. It is only 400 miles into a 1,900 march.
And Trump's approval rating gains 5 points.
I am so glad democrats are running openly on open borders as a policy.
And being force to talk about it.
Australia pays to park them on a third-country island. They can stay on the island or go home.
Some judge in some court somewhere will block him.
There are two Mexican agencies. One is their immigration ministry that is telling them to go home. The foreign ministry is telling them to keep going.
Trump is going to drop the hammer on NAFTA and the remittances if Mexico does not STFU.
Wonder if Gov. Brown will send the California National Guard down there to escort the caravan into California.
Trump and emigration. Americans want emigration reform. Mexico et al want immigration reform. The economic arbitrage groups want cheap labor. The anti-native factions and minority leaders want to gerrymander the vote. The social justice adventurers and United Nations want a cover-up of their motives and doctrines. The socially liberal want to compensate for dodos and dynasties. The Planned Parenthood advocates want to maintain the privacy of abortion chambers and practices. The politicians want to tax and redistribute.
So Trump wants to take troops out of Syria and put them on the Mexican border.
Maybe he'll put them 30 miles into Mexico. Wouldn't that make a statement?
He's going to use military force to defend our borders from an invasion?
Well, good. He keeps that up, and his approval rating will hit 60% by November.
"remarkable escalation of his efforts to crack down on migrants entering the country illegally.."
Using the military to guard borders is a common sense measure that some European countries recently used.
And they are not migrants. They are illegal aliens.
Maybe the NYT should hire about 500 of these migrants as writers.
Wonder if Gov. Brown will send the California National Guard down there to escort the caravan into California.
Maybe Trump will nationalize the CNG and put them on border patrol duty. Just for fun.
Perhaps Trump has read Leiningen and the Ants (1938). Now there was a guy with a plan. And it kept the hoards away.
Maybe set up refugee re-settlement camps in Puerto Rico?
What's more influential, "fake news" or "editorial-as-news"...? Neither is journalism, but one is much more powerful than the other.
Forgive my cynicism, but I can't shake the feeling that the open border politicians would love nothing more than for there to be a physical confrontation with this "caravan" resulting in injury or death. We don't have an actual immigration debate, just debating narratives.
"facing violence in their homelands . . . "
Certainly possible but I'd like some convincing proof. They probably face plenty of violence in a trek across Mexico unless someone is protecting them until they get to our border.
So Trump wants to take troops out of Syria and put them on the Mexican border.
“Maybe he'll put them 30 miles into Mexico. Wouldn't that make a statement?”
It all depends on what he wants to say.
A group called Pueblo Sin Fronteras organized the caravan, which consists of about 1,200 people — including infants, the elderly and people facing violence in their homelands.
No "using children in politics" tag?
Inga: "So Trump wants to take troops out of Syria and put them on the Mexican border."
Uh, we have more than just those couple of thousand troops in Syria in our military.
Believe it or not.
You know who won’t be held accountable? The leadership of the nations from whenc people are fleeing violence.
You know what the left really loves about this? It just adds to the number of illegals from failed socialist nations that they can complain Trump, and conservatives in general are holding hostage.
American citizens who follow the laws, files their taxes, pay their taxes, pay their traffic tickets, insure their cars, and do all that the govt requires are sick and tired of seeing foreigners do whatever they want and the MSM and many elected politicians defend the foreigners. I, for one, am glad Trump has decided America has had enough and we won't take it anymore.
Jackson begot Sam Houston and Polk. Polk begot Trump. All three are Scots Borderers. The Brits sent them to Northern Ireland to defend that border with the Catholics and the Jacobn Army from France at the River Boyne. The Brits then kicked them out to defend William Penn's Quaker's border with savage Indians at the Susquehannah River. Then Andrew Jackson lead them from Tennessee to defend the border with Creeks at The horshoe bend of the Tallapoosa River. Then Sam Houston sent them to defend Texas from Santa Anna's Army at the San Jacinto River.
.Polk, with Kit Carson's help, had Fremont and Scott take it all home to San Diego Bay and wiped out the Mexican Army.
Now Trump is sending his Military to defend it all at the Rio Grande River.
I dunno. Over on CNN the talking heads are saying that there is no such thing as a caravan in Mexico. The Trumpkins are just "making it up".
Now that's a load of toro dust. Who am going to believe? CNN or my own lying eyes when see columns of people headed north?
Sadly this has the potential to get real ugly real quick.
“Uh, we have more than just those couple of thousand troops in Syria in our military.
Believe it or not.”
“I want to get out. I want to bring our troops back home. I want to start rebuilding our nation,” Trump said in a response to a reporter's question during a press conference with Baltic leaders.
He added that the U.S. will be making a decision “very quickly in coordination with others in the area as to what we'll do” and suggested that if others, like Saudi Arabia, want the U.S. to maintain a presence, perhaps they should pay for it.
"Saudi Arabia is very interested in our decision and I said, well, you know, you want us to stay, maybe you will have to pay but a lot of people, you know, we do a lot of things in this country.We do them for, we do them for a lot of reasons. But it is very costly for our country and it helps other countries a hell of a lot more than it helps us. So we're going to be making a decision, we've had a tremendous military success,” Trump said.“
Now we have a mercenary military? He misuses our troops as border patrol agents and then offers them up to Saudi Arabia as mercenaries.
The Camp of the Saints wasn't supposed to be a how to guide.
I'm sure Trump could call up an army of chickenhawk volunteers to shoot unarmed kids and the elderly at the border.
French Frigate Shoals and Johnston Island are available for housing refugees.
It's interesting... the primary purpose of a military is to help ensure a nations sovereignty by doing things like protecting its borders. Because of that, it's going to be difficult to argue against Trump's usage of it in this case. Of course I have no doubt the media will make great efforts to find, get on camera, and focus on the poor souls, the children, the elderly that supposedly make up the caravan. Doubtless there will be great efforts and expense paid to portray Trump as a heartless tyrant who would maliciously turn away the most desperate and pitiable souls (although of course many of those reporters would never open their wallets or their home to those same people).
Inga: "Now we have a mercenary military?"
Other nations should increase their contributions to America's efforts. Obviously.
And no, I don't want US troops burdened with having to integrate and work with 3rd world "military" members in structured military operations.
Hell, you can't even get the Italians competent enough to work with!
The omnibus Bill said no cement for the wall. So Trump decides to build a wall of lead. That magnificent bastard!
Howard: "I'm sure Trump could call up an army of chickenhawk volunteers to shoot unarmed kids and the elderly at the border."
Yike's, that is well below par for you. Not even a decent trolling attempt.
Besides, if Trump wants kids/elderly/everyone else shot at the border, all he would have to do is restart the obama policy of giving untraceable weapons to border cartel members at the border without ever informing Mexican officials.
The beauty of that policy is that it would come "pre-approved" by the left/dems/LLR allies.
Trump: "We need a Wall to protect against illegal immigration"
Dem's: "We're all for better border security but We're not paying for your damn Wall."
Trump: "Okay, I'm sending Troops to defend our border"
Dem's: "You can't use the military to protect the Border!!!!"
Republicans: "Drill Baby Drill!!"
Dem's: "You can't drill your way to energy independence!"
Obama: "We Cannot Drill Our Way Out" Of Oil Crisis"
US on track to become a net energy exporter...thanks to fracking/drilling
US increasing energy exports to Europe...squeezing Putin
Dem's: ......?.......
"Inga: "Now we have a mercenary military?""
Yet again, an opportunity to post Housman - this serves for so many things!
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling,
And took their wages, and are dead.
Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
What God abandoned, these defended,
And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman
Housman was writing about the professional British Army, most of the BEF of 1914
Who were "mercenaries" by European standards as they were quite different from the typical European conscript armies, of citizens doing their military service.
90% of the advancing mob are young men, the same pattern among the European invaders. There are no children or elderly in the mob.
Trump should nationalize the Guars of all the border states and use them to seal the border. Close it outright to all traffic until the mob is sent back to Honduras. Back up the Guard with the two brigades of the 82nd AB that are uncommitted. All troops will have loaded weapons.
Do the Israeli thing.
"I said, well, you know, you want us to stay, maybe you will have to pay"
Inga - "and then offers them up to Saudi Arabia as mercenaries."
Germany, South Korea and Japan make contributions towards maintenance of US bases in their countries. Been going on for 40+ years.
Cost Sharing US Bases
sykes.1: "90% of the advancing mob are young men,...."
Yet, as in Europe, they will all claim to be 15 or 16 and be put into schools with American kids.
Just as the left intends.....
"Sweden child migrant tests 'reveal many adults'"
"Three in four 'child' asylum seekers are actually adults, Denmark claims
But how can all those migrant men (not boys) get access to underage western infidel girls if we don't accept their lies about their ages and give them ready access through schools.
We don't want to be called racist, do we?....
buwaya: "Germany, South Korea and Japan make contributions towards maintenance of US bases in their countries. Been going on for 40+ years."
Inga is on a roll.....
“Germany, South Korea and Japan make contributions towards maintenance of US bases in their countries. Been going on for 40+ years.”
Are there active wars in those countries?
This was typical of the old colonial powers.
British colonies and dependencies also supported the "Home" and various Indian Army regiments as well, if they were stationed there, as well as seconded officers, advisers, specialists and the like.
This was the case for Brunei, Hong Kong, Singapore/Malaya, India of course, and its various components that are now Burma and Pakistan, and etc.
Field Marshall Inga: "Are there active wars in those countries?"
Inga apparently is unaware of global power projection requirements.
But how can that be? Her daughter joined the military!!
Like the Parkland kids, who became experts on Constitutional Law and History by virtue of being in the vicinity of gunfire, Inga's daughter joining the military should confer Clausewitz-level understanding of military operations!
So, no Inga. There is not an active war being waged on the streets of Dusseldorf at this time.
Though I did hear of someone becoming ill after slamming their 16th schnitzengruben.
Everyone knows 15 is the appropriate limit on schnitzengruben.
"Are there active wars in those countries?"
Technically, South Korea is still at war and at various times it has been "active".
See "Northern Limit Line", Kim Hak-soon, 2015
Was on Netflix, worth a look.
Japan as per North Korea's statements over many years.
Arabia is not technically at war with anyone, or at least not a state actor, as the Houthis in Yemen are not a state. Much like ISIS being at war with nearly everyone but it is not a state either.
Inga said...
“Germany, South Korea and Japan make contributions towards maintenance of US bases in their countries. Been going on for 40+ years.”
Are there active wars in those countries?
Intelligence test for the dullard:
Why are there no active wars in those countries?
Trump has to do something about such a large group entering the US. As we saw with Obama, if you don't tell people they can't come (even if it's with a wink), things will enter crisis levels.
I actually think that the cartels might end up becoming involved before our government does. They don't want their monopoly on US entry messed with. They make too much money.
General Pershing was unavailable for duty. Another Puntative Expedition might be needed
People around the world are really going to miss Pax Americana.
But when the Pax ends it will be our fault too.
Leftist logic.
He misuses our troops as border patrol agents
It's not the job of the military to protect our nation's borders?
Inga asks, 'Are there active wars in those countries?"
Is there an active war in Saudi Arabia?
Mexico normally kills and rapes Central and South American refugees after robbing them. It must feel like a trip to Disneyland for the travelers.
I’m wondering how Mexico is going to handle the participants of the caravan after the caravan is held up at the US border. They are going to have thousands to feed and house on Mexico’s side.
So will we on our side of the border; it’ll be our military. That is … if Mexico allows the caravan to reach the border.
Another question: Who is funding the caravan? Who is providing food and other assistance to them? Thousands cannot march for hundreds of miles without support. I’m thinking that whoever it is that they probably will not keep the help up after the caravan is stymied for a length of time at the border. It’ll be up to the local authorities I guess.
I'm sure Trump could call up an army of chickenhawk volunteers to shoot unarmed kids and the elderly at the border.
Or maybe - just maybe - those poor, poor unarmed kids and toothless grannies could stay in their own, fucking countries. And if they wanted to come to the U.S., they could go through the process legally.
We are a nation of laws. Or we're not.
Choose wisely.
Hard to believe indignant, moral high ground occupying Mexico wouldn't INSIST on providing a home for these folk....
Inga -
There are apps that can help you focus and center the front facing camera on your smartphone if you don't have a back facing camera.
In the 2016 Presidential election, the Rust Belt's White working-class flipped from voting Democrat to voting Republican.
The Democratic Party has a political strategy to flip those voters back to voting Democrat in 2020. The strategy is based on the following main elements.
* Advocate the establishment of sanctuary cities for illegal aliens.
* Make racism accusations against anyone who questions Democrat policies.
* Prove that President Trump collaborated with Vladimir Putin to win the 2016 election by spending tens of thousands of dollars on Facebook and Twitter ads.
* Transform the US economy to Socialism
* Bigger and better pensions for government officials.
Now, US bases in Saudi Arabia, infidels in the "holy land", were the doctrinal pretext Osama Bin Laden used to declare war against the US back in the 1990's, bases the US maintained to keep Iraq suppressed.
The legalistic ideology of Al Qaeda required such a casus belli.
I don't think US bases in Saudi are a good idea, Saudi has plenty of its own problems and possibly is looking at a powerful reaction already from its religious radicals as it is. Its Crown Prince has gone extremely far extremely fast in a year, and no doubt his regime has acquired plenty of enemies. On the other hand, he is staying active in the fight against Shiites, so that may be enough to keep the Wahabbis in line. There is nothing they hate more than the Shia.
I, like Grackle, would like to know who is funding Pueblo Sin Fronteras.
"I’m wondering how Mexico is going to handle the participants of the caravan after the caravan is held up at the US border. They are going to have thousands to feed and house on Mexico’s side. "
There is already apparently a floating population of tens of thousands of would be border crossers in Mexican border towns at any time. Most border crossers these days are not Mexican, they are just tolerated by the Mexican government. They try to cross, and if they fail, they go back to "limbo" on the border till they can try again.
There is plenty of material on this situation and its been ongoing for decades.
buwaya: "Arabia is not technically at war with anyone, .."
True, but Qatar is an interesting case...
"A more effective strategy would be to have the CIA train an Army to take-over Honduras, and murder all of the current regime, drug Lords, and their cartels."
They will be replaced by the CIA-trained army which will create or turn into a new regime, drug lords and cartels.
"I’m wondering how Mexico is going to handle the participants of the caravan after the caravan is held up at the US border. They are going to have thousands to feed and house on Mexico’s side."
Not a problem.
As every MSM-er can tell you, obama, our "sort of a god", could pull it off with a couple of loaves of bread and a fish or two.
When he isn't too busy arcing across the sky in brilliant silhouette from his actual lightning steed while making the oceans recede...
Its weird to think of the border at the beach south of San Diego https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvAueTKFzMY
The caravan has been a popular topic on Fox News — the president’s favorite news network
What can Trump do if Gov. Brown tells the caravan "Come on up!" & they cross over at Tijauna? I know TJ is a long, long way from where the caravan is now, & the Baja peninsula is isolated from the mainland, but perhaps it's doable. Trump can either station Federal troops along the border to stop them before they enter or he can just let it happen, hoping that national Democrats will pay for the error of their ways in the next election cycle. California politicians certainly won't, until the place falls apart, at least.
Etienne: The CIA already did the coup in Honduras for the Nth time back in 2009 and resulted in:
As of 2014 the coup had weakened democratic institutions such, that along with corruption and police impunity, state security forces persecuted coup opponents, campesinos, indigenous protesters and others, and the crime rate increased massively. In this context more than 13,000 Honduran children crossed U.S. borders from October 2013 until May 2014, a 1272% increase compared to 2009.[115]
Hondo Coup
Blogger Drago said... Howard: "I'm sure Trump could call up an army of chickenhawk volunteers to shoot unarmed kids and the elderly at the border." Yike's, that is well below par for you. Not even a decent trolling attempt.
Sorry Drago, I think I had a fart stuck cross-ways when I wrote that.
"Trump can either station Federal troops along the border to stop them before they enter"
The US Immigration Service and the Border Patrol are already there.
And both can transfer personnel around as needed, and call on other Feds.
We are talking of a couple of thousand, not 100,000, or the million or two that started the European crises in 2015.
If you do let them cross you certainly might get millions, which will make a mess in Mexico much more so than the US.
"I, like Grackle, would like to know who is funding Pueblo Sin Fronteras."
Senor Jorge Soros?
This "caravan" will not make it to the U.S. border. Way too far to march without resources. They are now only 400 miles into Mexico with another 1500 to go. Women, children in arms, oldies. They are not going to make it. This publicity stunt will be over soon.
They are stalled now in MATIAS ROMERO, MEXICO. Not even out of Chiapas. Sad. Hopeless.
Would you please tell us how a country's Supreme Court & Legislature bloodlessly removing an official who publicly disobeys a direct ruling of the Supreme Court counts as a coup?
It seems to me that allowing elected officials who thwart the courts & legislature to remain in office is what constitutes a coup.
This is the same sort of Lefty bullshit as calling the ouster of Mosaddeq in 1953 in Iran a "coup". There was a coup, all right, & it was Mosaddeq who did it to take power. When the economy went to shit after Mosaddeq expropriated the holdings of the foreign oil companies, the Shah dissolved the Parliament & called for new elections. Mosaddeq then deposed the Shah & took power. The only problem was that the Shah had the constitutional power to dissolve the parliament, & so he was acting within his mandate. It was Mosaddeq who usurped powers that were not constitutionally his, as even he admitted later in life.
Despite the Congressional Republicans all but caving to the Democrats, the Democrats are hell bent on giving the Republicans a victory in November. Inga do you really believe the blue collar and the poor are really interested in more people coming in to compete with them for jobs and benefits? Does anyone one think the US has a shortage of poor people and that there isn't a large enough caseload for the welfare workers and political NGO complex?
Pax Americana My Ass What's surprising is there aren't more countries like Venezuela created by the US Military-Industrial Natural Resource Exploitation Complex
If they are really Central American refugees, why don't they take refuge in Mexico? Why isn't it the Mexican government and people who are responsible for taking care of them?
If the Mexicans won't take them, I propose we transport them all to Ottawa free of charge.
As I said before the 10th Calvary should be stationed at the border. The are a tank regiment these days. The famed Buffalo Soldiers can testify that this immigration is aimed at denying jobs to black Americans.
We need to actually establish a buffer zone of twenty miles into Mexico or order punitive expeditions in the tradition of Sherdian, Grierson and Pershing.
Our troops should defend our people not a bunch of camel jockeys in Saudi or Syria or zipperheads in Korea.
America first.
YH: Sorry to encroach on your Disneyland view of "Pax" Americana. I'm sure it's all fake news to you. It's surprised you wouldn't harp on how the refugee crisis was exacerbated by Hitlery and her role in the post-2009 Honduran coup military excesses... or do you only go anti-deep state when they go after your boy Dronald?
Oh, yeah, we caused the shit pile that is Venezuela. Oh, sure, we took one of the wealthiest countries in South America with the largest oil reserves in the world & reduced it to poverty in less than 20 years.
Do you realize that in 1910 Argentina was expected to have a larger economy than Germany by 1935? How not long ago, Brazil was a BRIC country, coasting into the future on a wave of ethanol?
We flattened Germany, Japan, & Korea to the ground & look where they are now. What killed & kills South America is rigid classism & "La Mordita" --- corruption in all its socially tolerated forms.
Who is paying for the caravan?
I will bet Soros.
Didn't you learn about the Banana Wars and post WWII USMC actions in Latin when you were at MCRD? Maybe they quit teaching that once they figured it was nothing to be proud of.
They appear to have no financial support and are living off the land. It is a clusterfuck.
We are already doing this sub rosa with special forces attacking some cartel targets. We need transparency.
Both Bush And Obama used that National Guard to police the border. The detachment of one border patrol officer made it a legitimate use of power avoiding any legal problems. The border office can make the arrest. The troops are just assisting at his orders. They need the firepower to combat he cartels and the courrpt Mexican federales.
Maybe you guys with AR-15's should form a milita to patrol the border?
Sorry to encroach on your Disneyland view of "Pax" Americana. I'm sure it's all fake news to you. It's surprised you wouldn't harp on how the refugee crisis was exacerbated by Hitlery and her role in the post-2009 Honduran coup military excesses... or do you only go anti-deep state when they go after your boy Dronald?
Am I supposed to not notice you didn't answer my question: How does the removal of a President who fails to obey the Supreme Court by the legislature count as a coup? Both Court & Legislature were acting within the ambit of the Honduran Constitution.
BTW, Allende, too, was acting in direct disobedience against a Chilean Supreme Court ruling when he was ousted, too. That's something the Lefties want to forget about, too. It muddies the narrative. No, they prefer their fairy tales simple & sweet like poor little Salvador was singing Kumbaya with the poor kids in the park when the army & CIA just swooped in and shot him for no reason.
A few years ago, we have people VOLUNTEERING to patrol the border with weapons to stop immigrants. Who were paying their own gas, taking time out of their own lives, who were willing to go on camera and advocate for this position.
It is baffling how Inga and the Left think this is a winning issue for them. Sheriffs who go rogue stopping immigration are given a pass...because the public is behind it. Hell, I'd take a week off just to slap some mortar up on that Wall if it would help keep costs down and take the boy too!
When you have that kind of passion, it is frankly foolish to go down this road...but Pelosi and Inga are humping down that road at breakneck speed.
"The idea was never for this group of people to reach the border. It was more to achieve a sensible and clear solution" to migrants' need to leave their countries, said Irineo Mujica, director of Pueblo Sin Fronteras, the activist group behind the annual symbolic event."
- NY Times
"Organized by a group of volunteers called Pueblos Sin Fronteras, or People Without Borders, the caravan is intended to help migrants safely reach the United States, bypassing not only authorities who would seek to deport them, but gangs and cartels who are known to assault vulnerable migrants."
- Buzzfeed reporter embedded with Caravan
Howard: "Sorry Drago, I think I had a fart stuck cross-ways when I wrote that."
No worries. They can't all be gems. Its a volume business.
grackle: Another question: Who is funding the caravan? Who is providing food and other assistance to them?
Wouldn't be at all surprised to learn it's some office in a department of the U.S. government, lol, transfers obscured by creative bookkeeping.
Howard: "Maybe you guys with AR-15's should form a milita to patrol the border?"
Any militia would still be outgunned by the Obama-supported cartels.
"Late Monday, Mexican immigration officials started to negotiate with the caravan’s organizers. And Mexican authorities have agreed to provide humanitarian visas to the migrants so that they can stay in Mexico legally, a representative from Pueblo Sin Fronteras said."
- NY Times
"In a statement issued late Monday, Mexico's government said about 400 participants in the caravan had already been sent back to their home countries. "Under no circumstances does the Mexican government promote irregular migration," the Interior Ministry statement said."
- NY Times
Any backdoor info on the incident at Youtube?
I forget where I read it but a week or two back someone suggested that President Trump use military troops to build the wall. There were several reasons:
1) It could be justified as a training exercise for the Army combat engineers. SeaBees could benefit from the training as well.
2) As a training exercise it could be funded out by DOD.
3) With this proposed invasion, the exercise could be scaled up so that we would have a corps or two of troops on the border practicing defending against an invasion from Mexico.
You can do a lot with training funds. Naval Station Roosevelt Roads used to run "training" flights to St Thomas and St Croix every Friday afternoon and Monday morning. Strictly to give aviators a chance to experience local conditions, you know.
The training used a 30-40 seat plane and, if there was anyone who wanted to ride along, they could do so on a space available basis.
Our motorcycle club once took a 5 ton truck on a training exercise to Ramey AFB on the other end of the island. Since it was empty we loaded it up with motorcycles. Just to simulate working conditions, you understand.
Imagine our surprise when we found that the airboys were inaugurating their motocross track that weekend. A grand time was had by all!
John Henry
I hear they are stalled in the Taco Bell drive through line. Thank God , Chik Fil A is closed on Sunday.
It is baffling how Inga and the Left think this is a winning issue for them
I see this caravan as issue #2 in the Trifecta needed to help the Republicans hold the Senate & House. Item #1 was the "Repeal the 2nd A." editorial by Justice Stevens. What Item #3 needs to be is some public assault on religious belief by the Dems just to remind the believing electorate what side their bread is buttered on.
Of course, Trump could do something really stupid & undo it all. Or, Congressional Republicans could follow up their imbecilic budget with some other shot into their own feet. The GOP ain't the Stupid Party fur nuthin', so the Dems shouldn't abandon all hope quite yet. Close. But not quite yet.
Smells like Obama to me. How many are pregnant? Need more anchor babies. Being childless ourselves, my household just makes the popcorn.
Blogger YoungHegelian said...
This is the same sort of Lefty bullshit as calling the ouster of Mosaddeq in 1953 in Iran a "coup". There was a coup, all right, & it was Mosaddeq who did it to take power.
I've long ago given up on this battle but thank you for picking up the mantle.
What most people ignore is that Mossaddeq was appointed as PM by the Shah under the Iranian constitution. The same Constitution gave the Shah the right to remove the PM at any time for any reason. Or for not reason at all.
Mossadeg was NOT the democratically elected PM. Or even a democratically elected PM.
John Henry
Our President is serious about defending The USA. The NAFTA terms were imposed on us with the blackmail threat of loosing an uneducated peasant invasion from Mexico. Trump just called Mexico’s bluff.
The New World Order is pissed.
By the way.. wasn't it liberal theology that we shouldn't be the world police? This time round, we're supposed be the world welfare office. Make work for Social workers!
This is fascinating. Not the Caravan, but the reaction by the media.
They quickly realized that the Caravan was a public relations disaster for the pro-illegal activists and could be a major coup for Trump if it reached the border.
I posted a couple of contradictions from their reporting above and if you take a little time to analyze the Times piece Althouse linked you'll see that their concern is pushing them to lie, distract, deny and misinform in an almost blind panic.
A recording of the pre-publication discussion between the author of the piece and her editors would be both enlightening and entertaining. This one has them running scared.
Blogger Howard said...
I'm sure Trump could call up an army of chickenhawk volunteers to shoot unarmed kids and the elderly at the border.
Howard and Inga are doing a comedy duet.
"YH: Sorry to encroach on your Disneyland view of "Pax" Americana"
Global stats on the "Pax" show unprecedented global growth and increase in public welfare all over, despite rapid population increases, which is itself an indicator of human welfare, a side-step of Malthus.
You have problems here and there, but that is to be expected. The regime of free trade and economic liberalism however has worked extremely well. This was only possible in a regime of global security.
Deniers of this are like Howard Zinn, the sort of people who cannot see the forest for the trees, or rather, the bear-scat therein. Their map of the forest is that of bear-latrines and nothing else.
Mossadeg was NOT the democratically elected PM. Or even a democratically elected PM.
John Henry
The left and the current crop of college students were born yesterday,
I was told there would be no math OR history
I think Howard may be an I.N.G.A.
John Henry
Every single bad thing that happens in the world is America’s fault. The US government is always terrible. Except when we should believe them when they try to pull a coup against trump.
Cops are shooting unarmed people every day and are horrible racist Nazis. We need to repeal the second amendment so only the cops have guns.
We cannot under any circumstances stop anyone from entering our country whenever they want to.
The democrats are totally going to win Wisconsin and Pennsylvania with that platform.
From ABC "The caravan that once numbered 1,150 or more people actually halted days ago in the town of Matias Romero in the southern state of Oaxaca, where participants slept out in the open. After days of walking along roadsides and train tracks, the organizers now plan to try to get buses to take participants to the final event, an immigrants' rights conference in the central state of Puebla later this week" You guys over react to the fake tweets.
Howard said...
Pax Americana My Ass What's surprising is there aren't more countries like Venezuela created by the US Military-Industrial Natural Resource Exploitation Complex"
You know even a broken clock is right once in a while. Venezuela is in the Socialist hell its in now thanks to George W Bush. When the Venezuelan Army deposed Chavez at the beginning of the Bush Administration the US leaned on the Venezuelan Army to restore to him to power. How much better Venezuela would have been had Bush not interfered and let the Venezuelan Army shoot the Communist dead. Nixon was smarter, he let the Chilean Army kill the Communists.
Buzzfeed reports:
For five days now hundreds of Central Americans — children, women, and men, most of them from Honduras — have boldly crossed immigration checkpoints, military bases, and police in a desperate, sometimes chaotic march toward the United States. Despite their being in Mexico without authorization, no one has made any effort to stop them.
Attempts last week to board by the migrants to board the train called "The Beast" for a ride to the border were unsuccessful. When the train didn't show, the women and children in the group boarded trucks and school buses to cover the distance to San Pedro Tapanatepec, a town in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. Men walked all night to catch up.
The Mexican Secretariat of the Interior (SEGOB) said it had already deported 400 migrants who were a part of the caravan.
"Under no circumstances will the government of Mexico promote irregular migration," SEGOB said in a statement.
Mexico has been detaining and deporting thousands of migrants for years.
According to a recent report, in January and February Mexican immigration authorities deported 16,278 people.
At the same time US Customs and Border Protection has reported the lowest number of arrests of migrants at the border, an indication that border crossings are down.
So Trump is watching the wrong newscasts, yet again..
As I have noted the last day or so, the "caravan" could not possibly have made it to the border. The Mexican govt. has now intervened and deported about 30% and is reviewing the status of the remainder.
Because of"fake tweets."
“I think Howard may be an I.N.G.A.”
Um... sorry, I don’t have Howard’s equipment anywhere on my body.
Trump is orchestrating the collapse of the "caravan" and his tweets have Mexico intervening. All good.
You guys over react to the fake tweets.
No, i don't think so.
No one, but no one from Pueblo Sin Fronteras mentioned a conference until now. My guess is that this whole business was starting to blow up in the face of everyone involved, & they just invented a way to bail out.
Here's my guesses as to what happened: Trump called their bluff & could actually inflict some pain on Mexico. It was impossible for the Mexican authorities to deny their collusion as the crusade proceeded deeper into Mexico. Reporters were starting to look into the backers of PSF, & the answers were embarrassing. Polls in the US were showing major support for holding these people at the border. Also, one last guess: Mexican polls were probably showing the Mexican electorate was not happy with the idea of pissing off Los Americanos, thus making their own lives more difficult, for the sake of a bunch of Central Americans.
“You guys over react to the fake tweets.”
They just follow their leader.
"You guys over react to the fake tweets."
Adolfo Flores.
Scroll down to March 28/29. Did he fake the photos? The interviews?
This is taking on an Obi Wan Kenobi vibe - "This is not the Caravan you're looking for."
"Blogger Sydney said...
I, like Grackle, would like to know who is funding Pueblo Sin Fronteras"
Given what a heaven-sent political gift it is to him, I would hope Trump is.
What about the name of the organization? Pueblo sin Fronteras!!
Does that just not translate well? Because I'm having a hell of a time trying to get my head around a shack without a border.
No Inga, I did not say Howard was THE Inga. No matter what you call yourself, you are unique.
Your comment on this is just one more example.
I said Howard might be AN I.N.G.A.
Apparently sailed right over your head.
John Henry
Another hysterical reaction from Trump, or he thinks he can make you people believe there is a massive hoard of migrants who’ll be storming border, so call up the troops! Those women and children are dangerous, the tired men who walked all night too, so dangerous.
Pueblo = People.
People without Borders.
The Democratic Party has a political strategy to flip those voters back to voting Democrat in 2020. The strategy is based on the following main elements.
I believe the Dems planned on those voters going Republican, just not before they had enough immigrants to make up for them. Thus, the border remaining open is key to their future success, which is why they will fight its closing tooth and nail, even as it costs them even more white voters going to the GOP.
They are stalled now in MATIAS ROMERO, MEXICO. Not even out of Chiapas. Sad. Hopeless.
What happens when Soros and Clooney start sending them "humanitarian aid"?
Those women and children are dangerous, the tired who walked all night too, so dangerous.
And what would happen at the border if this stunt had succeeded in getting these people across? Do you think they would stop at one caravan because they'd proved their point?
These people are desperate, & desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm wondering if the caravan is really ending or if they're just turning off the cameras on non-helpful publicity.
The US Immigration Service and the Border Patrol are already there.
And both can transfer personnel around as needed, and call on other Feds.
The minute they set foot on US soil, they get a hearing date and are released into the general US population where, barring they commit another crime and come into contact with law enforcement, they may never be seen again.
Immigration and BP are unable to send them back until they don't show up or are sent back by a judge. Therefore, the point of using the military is that it can step over the border and detain the people before they reach US soil.
Trump knows this, which is why he's not simply saying they'll catch them when they enter and turn them around. He has authority to use the military to keep them out, but he lacks the authority once they step into the US to immediately send them back.
The caravan is/was a small part of the scenario and the reasons for deploying effective border control.
Those women and children are dangerous, the tired men who walked all night too, so dangerous.
If they're not dangerous, they should be just fine stopping in Mexico.
I've been saying this for years. For the cost of a border wall and the border patrol, just build a half-dozen military bases along the border and give them slightly overlapping areas of responsibility. This is the solution, of course, for the long stretches of thinly populated southern border and their mission would be constrained within a DMZ-style distance from the border, and it would certainly NOT include the densely populated areas along the border like San Diego and El Paso (though God knows El Paso's area could use the military, lol).
for the same amount of money the "activists" are spending to exploit these poor people as a publicity stunt to diss Trump, they could hire cops to arrest (or shoot) the gangs that are threatening them, and make their home country peaceful.
That is what Duterte is doing here in the Philippines: Bue of course, then these same activists will cherry pick and lament about all those poor people killed, complete with mourning widows, and get you hauled in front of a UN court for doing your job.
So Duterte has cut back in the drug raids, thanks to the pressure of outside activists, and now another elderly lady in our town was killed by a gang of druggies who invaded her house. That won't gt in the news, of course.
I guess we're seeing more of Inga these days. I mean, literally more of Inga. She changed her avatar, and we can see more of Inga's face. In fact, we can probably make a reasonable guess of her entire face.
What's frightening? It's just as I imagined!
Drago wrote:
US on track to become a net energy exporter...thanks to fracking/drilling
US increasing energy exports to Europe...squeezing Putin
Dem's: ......?.......
4/3/18, 2:39 PM
Dems: Global warming! Trump and the GOP are ruining the planet and we're all gonna die!
C'mon Hogg..get on this:
MS-13 is ‘taking over the school,’ one teen warned before she was killed
BRENTWOOD, N.Y. — The old minivan appeared near the school on a Tuesday morning, its Illinois plates the only thing out of place in the blue-collar suburbs of central Long Island. But as backpack-toting teenagers passed by on their way to Brentwood High, the van’s doors suddenly swung open.
Out sprang members of the violent street gang MS-13, armed with baseball bats.
They attacked three 16-year-old students they suspected of being rivals before driving off. When police spotted the van in the same neighborhood the following afternoon and surrounded it at gunpoint, the MS-13 members were in the midst of trying to abduct a fourth.
“We were going to take him somewhere private and beat him to death,” said Miguel Rivera, 20, according to a Suffolk County indictment.
The Dec. 6 arrests of Rivera and four others thwarted what police say would have been the sixth murder of a Brentwood High School student by MS-13 in less than two years.
But the incident also shook the school for another reason.
All but one of those arrested attended Brentwood, according to Suffolk County police. Three were unaccompanied minors who had been caught at the border and then placed in the community by a federal refugee program.
"The Dec. 6 arrests of Rivera and four others thwarted what police say would have been the sixth murder of a Brentwood High School student by MS-13 in less than two years."
Just poor little innocent lambs, according to Inga.
"He's going to use military force to defend our borders from an invasion?"
It's "Orwellian" to speak of an "invasion" of our southern border at a time when illegal immigration is at a historic low, a lessening of the flow of immigrants across the border that has been going on for some years now.
"facing violence in their homelands . . . "
Unconvincing criteria when you consider Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, St Louis and Chicago.
It's commonsense to speak of an "invasion" of our southern border at a time when groups of foreign nationals are organizing and marching towards our borders with the intention of violating our border and our laws.
"From New York to Virginia to Texas, schools in areas racked by MS-13 violence are now struggling with a sobering question. What to do when the gang isn’t just in your community, but in your classrooms?
For the past year, the Trump administration has waged a nationwide crackdown on MS-13. Nowhere has this effort been more intense than in Suffolk County, where police say the gang has committed 27 murders since a surge of unaccompanied minors began arriving in 2013."
"We are a nation of laws. Or we're not.
Choose wisely."
We're more than that. We're a nation of two laws: a law for the rich, and a law for the rest of us.
And we have no choice.
"Starting in 2013, thousands of unaccompanied minors — most from Central America — began entering the United States illegally from Mexico each month, many turning themselves in to authorities. More than 200,000 have been detained, screened and then placed with relatives by the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Nearly 5,000 have been sent to Suffolk County.
Schools are required by law to enroll and educate these students. At Brentwood High, the student population soared to 4,500, making it one of the largest high schools in the state.
“We had to open many more classes and hire more teachers,” recalled Wanda Ortiz-Rivera, the school district’s head of bilingual education.
The main entrance to Brentwood High, one of New York’s largest secondary schools. (Michael Noble Jr. for The Washington Post)
But the challenge went beyond language. Many of the new students were years behind in their education. Some had never gone to school and couldn’t read or write in any language.
Brentwood had long been overwhelmingly Hispanic, but the sudden surge in enrollment led to new tensions. "
We need a miltary incursion thirty miles into Mexico to Black Jack Pershig their wetback asses. If we blow away the cartel while we are at all the better.
Don't let them get within sniffing distance of the border. Let Mexico find out what violating national soveignty really means. Take our boys out of Iraq and Afghanistan and protect our borders. Make it more painful for them to invade our country so they will go back to their shitholes.
Three were unaccompanied minors who had been caught at the border and then placed in the community by a federal refugee program.
Remember that the Obama administration deliberately hid the locations of where it placed those "child refugees" of a few years ago from state & local authorities in order to avoid backlash from the local politicians.
Mexico has not respected our national soveignty for decades. It's time we return the favor.
President has done a good job with his threats today. Mexico is already trying to turn back this invasion.
He need to act. Now. With his power as commander in chief to defend our borders.
"It's commonsense to speak of an "invasion" of our southern border at a time when groups of foreign nationals are organizing and marching towards our borders with the intention of violating our border and our laws."
The question is: is it feasible they have any chance of violating our border?
That will almost make up for his failure to push through the Wall.
If they put one foot on our territory they can claim asylum and disappear into the system like the so called dreamers. It is all a scam to get Democratic voters and slaves for the elites. Megyn Kelly needs her nanny. LawrenceTribe needs his gardener. I mean he can't just marry one like some law professors do.
We need to stop them ten miles away from the border.
"We're more than that. We're a nation of two laws: a law for the rich, and a law for the rest of us."
The rich generally are all in favor of open borders. They like cheap labor. An American nanny would cost more than Juanita from Guatemala.
Inga: Another hysterical reaction from Trump, or he thinks he can make you people believe there is a massive hoard of migrants who’ll be storming border, so call up the troops!
Well, Inga, considering that the estimates for illegals currently residing in the U.S.ranges from around 12 million to 20 million and even higher, I'd say a massive hoard of migrants has already stormed the border.
Those women and children are dangerous, the tired who walked all night too, so dangerous.
Putting aside that the composition of incoming "desperate migrants" anywhere these days is likely to be lighter on the "women and children and old men" than advertised, why does the fact that the migrants are non-dangerous, or women or children or old men, make it OK for them and their enablers to make a mockery U.S.law and sovereignty?
Your belief that just letting them in has no effect on consequent migrant flows (among other negative consequences) is just another example of the soft-headedness and moral vanity of those who so gullibly consume open-borders propaganda.
Inga: "Another hysterical reaction from Trump.."
Both Obama and W Bush used the National Guard previously at the border.
But Ingas lefty masters did not tell her that, so naturally Trump Is Doing Something Hysterically Evil!!!!...that obama has already done.
Once again, history begins anew for the voice-actuated lefty dummies.
Robert Cook:
The question is: is it feasible they have any chance of violating our border?
Wasn't infeasible for millions of others.
But I agree, the bad judgment of the organizers of this stunt suggests a low probability that they'll succeed. It may all peter out before they get near the border. But I trust you won't be playing along with the inevitable hysterical media sob-fest, if they try to enter?
"Nits make Lice."
Today's seven year old asylum seeker is tomorrow's MS13 killer of young black girls in a high school near you.
Keep them out. Stop the invasion of the budget snatchers who swell the welfare and prison rolls.
Keep America for Americans.
Give jobs to jolly black mammies who know about birthing babies and gentlemanly Miss Daisy Drivers insread of Muslim Uber hires.
America first!
langford peel: Mexico has not respected our national soveignty for decades. It's time we return the favor.
To be fair to Mexicans, their elites and government are on the same side of the game as our elites and government. There is no way in hell Mexico could have disrespected our borders and sovereignty for decades if our PTBs hadn't been perfectly happy with the arrangement.
exiledonmainstreet said...
The rich generally are all in favor of open borders. They like cheap labor.
The rich don't care that much (they're rich). It is the upper middle class and small labor intensive business owners that really benefit from the current arrangement. This is quite a large and politically active constituency.
I will be fair to Mexicans when they are fair to us. If they keep their drugs and poverty and disease and welfare mamacitas on their side of the border....well then we can talk. They can't infiltrate thousands at a time and expect anything but a boot on their neck.
They have to take the first step.
America for the benefit of Americans.
America first.
Howard said...
Didn't you learn about the Banana Wars and post WWII USMC actions in Latin when you were at MCRD?
Every country in the world routinely interferes with their neighbors. Claiming our interferences are coups no matter what level they were and when in the process they began is simple anti-Americanism.
What is a large mob (1000+) of Central Americans marching up to California gonna do?
I mean there's a practical dimension here. Don't these people have jobs, families and/or homes?
Being a pawn for Leftwing protest marches doesn't improve ones prospects in life, particularly if you get sent back home by the US Army.
lemon peel: I will be fair to Mexicans when they are fair to us.
The point you're missing is that it's not Mexicans running this game. Your dear countrymen and government are enabling all this, and Mexicans couldn't do squat if they weren't.
(Yes, I know you're trolling. Nonetheless.)
How much better Venezuela would have been had Bush not interfered and let the Venezuelan Army shoot the Communist dead. Nixon was smarter, he let the Chilean Army kill the Communists.
This is true. Left wingers still cry themselves to sleep that the Socialists didn't get to starve Chile like they are Venezuela. But we aren't reading stories about Chileans beaten to death for food while 50 people stand in line ten feet away. That seems like a pretty good trade-off.
Being a small labor-intensive business owner myself, I can tell you that an immigrant is not a preferred employee over an American. It was often true decades ago, becuase there was a time when they were cheaper, because they feared deportation and could be exploited for it. Now they must be paid the same, and get all the same benefits. An employer now would be crazy to threaten it. He'd be sued, and the immigrant would win a nice prize. It's simply not worth it.
My experience has been that in the last decade or more American employees are a much better deal. They don't have the language and cultural barriers to advancement and training, and they cost the same. They also seem more interested in advancement via added skill. It's more of a cultural understanding with Americans that they can advance far by gaining skills, and they seem hungrier to do so.
The real issue is that American citizen workers are just harder to find. It also depends on location. In California, most applicants for my jobs are immigrants, but here in Nevada, I have been hiring for almost a year now, and have not had a single immigrant even apply. Most are still Hispanic, but second or more generation American.
Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
4/3/18, 3:10 PM
You should do this more often.
Cookie said ... "We're a nation of two laws: a law for the rich, and a law for the rest of us."
Good point!
I guess that is why Hillary and Jim Comey are not in jail, along with a few others from the Obama administration.
Cookie the (ex) Commie may be seeing the light!. Good for you!
AJ Lynch said...”American citizens who follow the laws, files their taxes, pay their taxes, pay their traffic tickets, insure their cars, and do all that the govt requires are sick and tired of seeing foreigners do whatever they want and the MSM and many elected politicians defend the foreigners. I, for one, am glad Trump has decided America has had enough and we won't take it anymore.”
That’s called American privilege, AJ. It’s a perjorative thing. We all have it — whites, blacks and all shades between. Soros says we need to give of ourselves to give these young men jobs.
bags wrote: “In California, most applicants for my jobs are immigrants, but here in Nevada, I have been hiring for almost a year now, and have not had a single immigrant even apply. Most are still Hispanic, but second or more generation American.”
Ah but you’re missing the whole point of unfettered immigration in California: It has led to a single party political system; it will lead to single payer healthcare, single mother parenting, and eventually, a single employer workfarce..
(Yes, I know you're trolling. Nonetheless.)
Not trolling, just being a Moby jackhole.
Chick, there is still room in the life boats.
I hear Moonbeam is thinking of building his own wall, but Berlin style: to keep you in?
It's important to remember what Mexico is: a failed socialist state. It's amazing how the American discussion, especially the American Left, seeks to rob Mexico of its fascinating but tragic history. Mexicans are much more than just our always poorer neighbors to the South.
The party that ran Mexico for most of its 20th & 21st C history is the PRI, a Spanish acronym which stands for The Party of the Institutionalized Revolution. The PRI was every bit as left-wing in theory as its name suggests. In practice, it just became another instrument of government whereby the ruling families doled out the power & riches among themselves. Every now & then, a talented mestizo would work his way up the party hierarchy, just to let the plebes know it could be done. But, mostly, it was the same families of pure Spanish blood who had run things since Cortez running things now. For their own good, you understand....
Every time Mexico caught a break, like with its oil, the money flowed to the same people & then disappeared into land in Texas or California or American banks. The campesinos always got the same thing: next to nothing.
What the average Mexican wants, nay, hungers for, is a government that he feels gives a shit whether he lives or dies. Most of the time in Mexican history, the Catholic Church gave a shit. The newer evangelical churches give a shit for their flocks. The government? Never. It's just founded on the lie that it does.
That's why Mexicans feel drawn to the Democratic Party. It's a party that says that the government should give a shit for the poor like them. It's also a party that has been pretty good at delivering on the social services/welfare side of that promise. By Mexican standards, it has been exemplary. They come here to fulfill a governmental promise that been drilled into their heads since they first had ears to hear.
“The democrats are totally going to win Wisconsin and Pennsylvania with that platform.”
Outdated electoral model. California and New York are showing the way of the future with “one body, one vote” for everyone. Gov. Brown’s people will instruct California dwellers to ignore the citizenship question on the Census. The Ninth Circuit has already drafted a stay on Trump’s directive.
bags wrote: “I hear Moonbeam is thinking of building his own wall, but Berlin style: to keep you in?”
Is there a punitive “exit tax” for checking out of California? I’ve heard there is but never tested it.
Sure, illegal immigration is a problem, but not one note of human sympathy in all these comments for the impoverishment, and sometimes worse, that's driving people such as these northward.
Brentwood had long been overwhelmingly Hispanic, but the sudden surge in enrollment led to new tensions. "
The days when illegal immigrants spoke Spanish are in the past. These folks speak Indian dialects that no one out of their village understands.
Damn, YH, why mince words?
not one note of human sympathy in all these comments for the impoverishment, and sometimes worse, that's driving people such as these northward.
Obama conspired with the left to install a Venezuela style dictator in Honduras.
He interfered with their government.
Interestingly, Google (I'm using an old computer.) did not find anything negative about Obama and Honduras. This was duckduckgo results
Last Sunday, Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was awakened by soldiers who gave him a one-way ticket to exile in Costa Rica. What seemed like a prototypical Latin American military coup, however, was belied by the events leading to Zelaya's departure. Like his chief backer, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, Zelaya was intent on rewriting his country's constitution to abolish term limits.
Lydia wrote: “Sure, illegal immigration is a problem, but not one note of human sympathy in all these comments for the impoverishment, and sometimes worse, that's driving people such as these northward.”
Perhaps because it’s now coming out that George Soros is behind this. He’s duped these poor people. Soros’ aim has always been to destabilize prosperity, because he is personally invested in gaining from financial correction. If there Is hell, I want George Soros to be in it. And I believe that George Soros and Pope Francis are allies.
I'm sure Bono is working the angles.
Bono has worked the Angles long enough. He needs to come out as the papist that he is.
but not one note of human sympathy in all these comments for the impoverishment, and sometimes worse,
1) We send hundreds of millions of dollars to their countries to help out every year...both public and private.
2) Many, if not most, of those coming are the ones committing the violence and crime...that's the point of this article.
“He misuses our troops as border patrol agents”
Does anyone read the Constitution anymore?
Article 4, Section 4: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."
I would think if the Border Patrol are overwhelmed with an invasion of aliens the President would be within his powers to use our military forces to control the border. And though I am not an expert on US military strategy and use of forces, I believe the general principle is the regular Army, Navy, and Air Force are used to project US power beyond our borders, while the National Guard and Air National Guard are responsible for protecting the continental US territory from invasion and for responding to domestic violence within our borders. If necessary he should call up the Guard in CA, AZ, NM, or TX to control the border.
Rabel @ 4:18
The ignorance of the left is really startling.
How do they know enough to breathe ?
Autonomic nervous system.
"The ignorance of the left is really startling. How do they know enough to breathe ?"
They don't. It's autonomic, as you well know.
On the other hand, turkeys often drown because they don't have the ability to discern they are drowning while drinking in the rain water.
My initial intention was not to provide such a startling metaphor :-)
I understand Inga, Howard and the usual idiots better now.
I prefer to think of them as "special".
bagoh20 said...
The real issue is that American citizen workers are just harder to find. It also depends on location. In California, most applicants for my jobs are immigrants, but here in Nevada, I have been hiring for almost a year now, and have not had a single immigrant even apply. Most are still Hispanic, but second or more generation American.
You appear to be acknowledging here that almost everyone you hire is Hispanic, which kind of proves my point. Legal or illegal they have been brought in as a permanent underclass to fill jobs that Anglos won't even apply for.
they have been brought in as a permanent underclass to fill jobs that Anglos won't even apply for.
Well then the blacks should really clean up like this is dealt with. Or are you in favor of black unemployment?
How did they get into Mexico? They protect their southern border and we help. Didn’t Obama send some of our people down there?
Lydia: Sure, illegal immigration is a problem, but not one note of human sympathy in all these comments for the impoverishment, and sometimes worse, that's driving people such as these northward.
Golly, thanks for raising our awareness. I'm sure nobody else here is aware of the global conditions driving the völkerwanderung in these latter days.
So fine, you just *expressed* a note of human sympathy for the impoverishment, and worse, that's driving these migrations. Congratulations: by doing so you have accomplished exactly as much in alleviating their plight as the people you're wagging your finger at.
Nothing says you care like being a moral scold on the internet.
Sick burn on the unfortunately uninformed citizenry.
Great job, Angel.
I was going to quote Clinton, “I feel your pain.”
If the Army is put on the border they need to have definite live fire rules of engagement. The cartels run roughshod over the Mexican border states and will be angry if their access to the US is shut down. I suspect they will be tempted to attack. Or crazed. We will need experienced combat troops on the border.
Michael K said...
"Brentwood had long been overwhelmingly Hispanic, but the sudden surge in enrollment led to new tensions. "
The days when illegal immigrants spoke Spanish are in the past. These folks speak Indian dialects that no one out of their village understands.
The "tensions" referred to in the article were about the new arrivals' penchant for threatening retaliation by their (claimed)MS13 homies.
Emigration reform. The nations of Central and South America need to address immigration reform that has been fomented by social justice adventurists, Democratic gerrymanders, welfare industry, and anti-native sects. The people who profit from labor arbitrage, and environmental arbitrage, normalize Planned Parenthood, especially selective-child, and [color] diversitists, too, need to stop lurking under a veil of privacy, which has been detrimental to human and civil rights in America and globally.
The Left has been conflating Palestinians and "illegal occupation of their homeland by Israel"
Yeah, the two-state solution: Israel and Jordan, wasn't viable after the Fatah occupation, and now the factional conflict between the minority leaders. Separation or "apartheid" can only be defeated through international support for a Mandela faction to defeat the other Palestinian factions, and progressive liberals to open an abortion chamber for the resistant Jews.
Blogger Lydia said...
"Sure, illegal immigration is a problem, but not one note of human sympathy in all these comments for the impoverishment, and sometimes worse, that's driving people such as these northward."
You've got this thing just backwards. If you're so concerned about the welfare of these people then go to their country and work for change. Don't drag them up here and expect everyone else to spend their time and treasure salving your conscience. There are plenty of legal residents of this country that demand my time and money.
Sure, illegal immigration is a problem, but not one note of human sympathy in all these comments for the impoverishment, and sometimes worse, that's driving people such as these northward.
Well, one example of our empathy is our opposition to political systems that inevitably generate this impoverishment. Unlike many (most?) on the left, we care more about what actually works than about our desire to appear righteous.
We should sympathize with the people left behind. Still, the nations of Central and South America are not Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc. Also, the proximity of our neighbors would be cause to compensate for China's implicit (e.g. environmental, labor arbitrage) and explicit tariffs, and place Americans, and our neighbors: Mexicans, Canadians, etc., first.
Sure, illegal immigration is a problem, but not one note of human sympathy in all these comments for the impoverishment, and sometimes worse, that's driving people such as these northward.
I save my sympathy for those immigrants who've gone through the process legally and are being screwed over by those who champion - and cheer - the illegal methods.
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