Yes, a lot of her jokes thudded in that crowd and she said "fuck" a few times and got more sexual than most comedians at that event, but the line I quoted — which was almost the last thing she said — was a good one.
Typical reaction shot:
ADDED: Consider the words "You helped create this monster." What is "this monster"? It can't be Trump the man, because the press didn't create (or "help create") the man. The "monster" must be something else — The Myth of Trump, The Power of Trump, The Outsize Public Persona of Trump... or perhaps simply: The President Trump. He couldn't have become President without them. Their love made him strong, and they are responsible for what they have done. It's not enough, then, for them to stand back and act horrified — look! a monster exists. It's their monster. They are Frankenstein.

Truth? Yes.
Humor? Nope.
Bitter? Oh yeah.
They absolutely did create the "Monster"!
In the primaries, Team Clinton thought he'd be easiest to best, so they promoted him. The Leftwing media thought that he was a disruptive force in the GOP primary and a big ratings boost, so they gave him tons of free publicity.
CNN is Young Dr. Frankenstein!
Trump's rally in Wasjington, Michigan was probably funnier.
But, then, I am not watching the stenographers dinner comedian, so I am guessimg.
Someone remind me the purpose of this dinner?
How clever of the bull to decline to attend the bullfight.
Drudge went the DC shocked route. I didn't hang in long enough to hear her say fuck so was not shocked myself.
Awful delivery. Setup-punchline setup-punchline setup-punchline... Why is she shouting.
The Jake Tapper orgasm joke was good. "That's all the time we have."
"The middle" remembers ...
I love how she says "You" have created this monster as if she and The Daily Show weren't guilty of the same sin.
Who pays for the White House Correspondents Dinner?
If taxpayers do, I want heads to roll. Bill the Media cocksuckers!
But with this Trump-Frankenstein monster, the peasants aren’t going to kill him. The peasants and the Monster are tearing down the castle and killing the nobility.
That woman was brutal on Sarah Sanders. Called her all sorts of names and she was at the head table.
I would have filmed the Ash Versus The Evil Dead Finale at the actual dinner. With real chainsaws. And real reporters and "media personalities."
Is Michelle Wolf a thing? Never heard of Xer.
I couldn't get past her screechy, whiney, nasally voice....I couldn't watch was like fingernails on a chalkboard...AND....she wasn't funny. She was rude, and bitchy...I guess that passes as comedy now.
I first read it as Michael Wolff since I don't know who Michelle is.
Rush has said for years, years before President Trump, and Candidate Trump, that the DNC stenographers routinely destroy what they have created. Rush points out that they cant destroy him like they do all others (John McCain?) because they did not create him.
The DNC stenographers will never admit that President Trump in not a politician. Never admit that not being a politician is not disqualifying. The intensity of the President Trump hate is largely a function of warning to other non politicians of what awaits those that are interlopers, those that are not part of the club. Members invented wholly by the media. A warning to pay homage to the DC power elite, of suffer. Admiral Ronny Jackson, is the head on a pike outside the village to any that think the DNC/Media can destroy you within hours, when the klaxon sounds
iowan2 said...
The DNC stenographers will never admit that President Trump in not a politician. Never admit that not being a politician is not disqualifying. The intensity of the President Trump hate is largely a function of warning to other non politicians of what awaits those that are interlopers, those that are not part of the club. Members invented wholly by the media. A warning to pay homage to the DC power elite, of suffer. Admiral Ronny Jackson, is the head on a pike outside the village to any that think the DNC/Media can destroy you within hours, when the klaxon sounds.
Meanwhile, these fourth estate shits blame middle America for not trusting them.
The Monster is the Leviathan, the Deep State.
The press, ever willing to point to a new Feral Gummit program as the solution to all problems, real or imagined, was complicit in creation of the Monster.
"Did you use to date him?"
A new pluperfect marker gains traction in mainstream English.
So the WHCD has gone from "singe, not burn" to "scorched earth"*.
*Of course, only when a Republican is POTUS.
See Thurber on the perfect infinitive
TDS, a newly emerging mental illness, is the monster that has been created. Way worse than the opioid epidemic.
Blogger David Begley said...
"But with this Trump-Frankenstein monster, the peasants aren’t going to kill him. The peasants and the Monster are tearing down the castle and killing the nobility."
Bears repeating.
I watched a bit of Trump's speech yesterday. His disregard for political correctness is remarkable in this day and age.
Michelle Wolf's wit went over the heads of that crowd. They sensed that she was speaking the truth about them by repeating the Fake News' charges against Trump and his supporters and making it look as bad as it really looks. She actually shamed the audience.
Michelle Wolf mocking Sarah Huckabe..."Just glad she finally got to go to the prom."
Let's see, Huckabee is 35, married and has three children. She seems very centered and happy.
Michelle Wolf is ugly, 32, single, no children.
Who is going to laugh last.
Wolf was hired to do edgy comedy in a church. That's a tough gig.
Notice the one standard go-to Michelle Wolf didn't mock was Trump's "fake tan".
That's Frahkensteen.
Linked by the InstaPundit this morning:
Studies show that about 95% of all news stories on Trump since he took office have been negative, and yet the media still tries to claim they're unbiased and objective.
The press certainly DID help Donald Trump become President and further, they are helping him succeed as President. The coverage of Trump compared to that of Cruz during the primaries must have been at least at a 10-1 ratio. And the demonization of Trump after election has helped Trump keep his Twitter edge and keep his supporters fired up.
I thought it was Michael Wolf, too.
Whois she besides the obligatory POC?
Assuming Wolf's material was written by the usual suspects on the left, did her extended riff on "Trump really isn't that rich" presage a significant new line of attack?
Speaking power to the truth.
As opposed to the real monster . . . the Big One . . . the Monster Behind the Curtain, so to speak: the State, whom these "liberals" serve and indeed whose size and power they want to increase.
I don't think Michelle Wolf is black. Here she is talking about it. Maybe the joke there is that she is black. I'm confused.
For rhhardin: Whir ewe thayer - WHCD?
She was a comedy writer, so it could have been her own work.
She had a few good lines, but her set wasn't very funny. The digs at Conway and especially Sanders were more spiteful than edgy. This was an audience sympathetic to malicious jokes about Trump and his administration, but even they only laughed sporadically and politely.......Give her credit for this: even though she was dying up there, she maintained her professional aplomb and kept her poise. The flop sweat wasn't visible.
“That woman was brutal on Sarah Sanders. Called her all sorts of names and she was at the head table”
I think that it was beyond brutal, to rude. And that is what a lot of people are going to remember about the night, that the WH correspondents hired a “comedian” who did little that wasn’t rude - to a woman who had done nothing to them except, for many of them, tried to make their jobs easier.
EDH: you raise an interesting point, and in answer to your question, I'd say: I wouldn't be surprised. I've noticed that the standard self-serving "liberal" mantra is "Republicans [or conservatives] only care about money"--while trying of course to steal as much of that money as they can get away with--I've also seen on the Left (especially the Stupid Left) a tendency to mock their opponents if they're not rich. The dopey online statist commentariat used to mock libertarians for being poor and (this was a common trope) "living in mom and dad's basement." The Hive is always shifting its party lines depending on what seems to work best in advancing its power; so I wouldn't be surprised with all other lines of attack against him getting nowhere, the Hive revives this kind of Leftist Calvinism.
Like, did she crack a Tom Brokaw joke?
Because, if they're celebrating how important journalists are and shit, then Tom Brokaw is a stud, because he got, like, sixty news chicks to say he's an okay dude. And that sounds important.
I mean, Anderson Cooper would probably get at least eighty news chicks to vouch for him, but that's because he's a cool gay dude, and chicks like that more. Because he doesn't, like, tickle them and shit.
At least not in a sexual way.
She seems Jewish, not black.
A big fan of tanning machines maybe.
Her wiki entry doesn't say anything about black and the photo included looks much whiter.
Maybe she is tracking Rachel Dolezal.
"Studies show that about 95% of all news stories on Trump since he took office have been negative, and yet the media still tries to claim they're unbiased and objective."
You don't think it's possible that totally objective news about Trump (or any public figure) could accurately be 95% negative?
Also, does this statistic include or refer to opinion pieces, or just straight reporting not intended as commentary?
They need to rename this the Daily Show Stooge Dinner.
@Bergall makes a great point. What exactly is the point of the dinner? Without the President there they all might as well meet at the local pub. For them the truly sad thing is that they know that no one outside the Acela corridor believes a word they write.
The audience at that thing ...
Its a vile lot that populates a vile profession.
Its a bit surprising they can stand each other's company.
This "comedian makes fun of politicians" part of the dinner made sense in the 90s and early 2000s, but since there are like 8 shows dedicated to insulting (mostly Republican) politicians now, there is no point. Please end it, media people.
She wasn’t at all funny. What a poor choice.
"Blogger Robert Cook said...
"Studies show that about 95% of all news stories on Trump since he took office have been negative, and yet the media still tries to claim they're unbiased and objective."
You don't think it's possible that totally objective news about Trump (or any public figure) could accurately be 95% negative?
Also, does this statistic include or refer to opinion pieces, or just straight reporting not intended as commentary?"
I don't have the links handy, but IIRC, it was all news stories, both print and broadcast. It beggars credibility to believe reporters can be 95% negative and unbiased at the same time. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
The line that I liked was that with his Secret Service protection, Trump was “the one pussy you can’t grab.” It got one of the bigger laughs of the night.
But the whole thing seemed so graceless; so low-grade; so unrewarding. Like Trump himself. I wanted to take a shower afterward.
But the whole thing seemed so graceless; so low-grade; so unrewarding. Like Trump himself. I wanted to take a shower afterward.
It’s always good to hear from the #TrumpEnvy crowd.
Damn that screechy voice. Good that Trump didn't show up. I re-watched the Colbert attack on George Bush - who just sat there with a fake "I have to smile, even though I hate this" look on his face.
Does anyone think better of Bush for sitting there and taking it? I don't.
Hurrah for Trump. I hope he never goes.
Studies have shown 90% of media coverage during the Campaign and in 2017 has been negative.
CNN and MSNBC attack him constantly and have printed rumors and fake news about him.
They aren't objective. Actually, all you have to do is listen to a press conference with Sanders to realize they all hate Trump and they're all Leftist who have the same viewpoint on everything. They ask the same questions on the same subjects.
Yes, Trump is a boyfriend and rock star. The girls want to date him, and the boys want scraps from his shirt.
Robert Cook: You don't think it's possible that totally objective news about Trump (or any public figure) could accurately be 95% negative?
I absolutely think it’s possible, but I also can’t overlook the fact that we only see this “objectivity” expressed relative to Republicans.
Trump should have shown up and kicked over all the tables. Althouse could then add a Trump Is Like Jesus tag.
Quibbling over the percent. Oh its not 95% - "that's not possible"
Yawn. Lets say its 92.5%. Happy?
Graceless and Tasteless. Will you be surprised when the same thing happens next year?
The mainstream media always get it wrong.
Don't they know that women aren't funny?
Especially Woke Feminist woman?
That is one of the great problems facing comedy today. You go through your comedy show and some ultra liberal half a dyke spews hatred toward white men who have no interest in them as partners. The audience is an oil have to sit through this affirmative action dreck because the point is diversity not talent.
The only thing worse is a gibberish ape like Yamanika Saunders.
Here is an example of what I am talking about..
Mainstream comic Doug Stanhope is on the great talk show "The Bonfire" with Dan Soder and Big Jay Oakerson. Doug is riffing and then this bitch turns it into a luggage commercial.
Yep, you caught the most interesting line of the night. Too insightful for the audience, but a good one.
Now see if you can find a funny line. That was a terrible performance.
And Netflixxxx has decided to give her a show of her own.
Comedy is dying because of political correctness.
We need a new Lenny Bruce to step up and change the game.
There is only the one funny woman in comedy today.
She would have been the perfect choice. She even knows Trump and was on the Celebrity Appentice. She might even have convinced him to come because he knows she would have been tough but fair.
Lisa Lampinelli.
Michael K said...
Her wiki entry doesn't say anything about black and the photo included looks much whiter.
Maybe she is tracking Rachel Dolezal.
She seems to be one of those neanderthal-throwback redheads like Carrot Top. I suspect her skin color is just how she tans,hence the lack of 'Trump Orange Tan' jokes. She knew they could comeback and bite her in the ass.
She apparently also said, in response to the obvious discomfort at some of her remarks, "You should've done more research before you (asked) me to do this." She got that right, at least.
Trump really cannot go to any more of these things, can he?
With Obama, or the two Bushes, or Reagan, it was always possible to have some fun at the President’s expense but it was always with the understanding that it was humor; that everybody had a job to do and s role to play. Precisely because those Presidents could laugh at themselves; the focus could be on the cleverness.
But with Trump himself, there is so little humor, and zero self-effacement, and no cleverness; it would just not work. How could Trump and his wife sit there and listen to jokes about Stormy Daniels and an indictment of Michael Cohen?
Even Bill Clinton could make clever jokes about the Independent Counsel. Trump can’t do those jokes. Trump can’t even read those jokes.
If the news media had a sense of humor they would have tried to get someone like Carrot Top as the entertainment. Now that would have been really irony and funny.
Better yet Gallagher. He is s banned from a lot of joints because of some remarks that the SJW's deemed racist.
That would be a boss move.
Chuck you are one dumb fuck.
Check YouTube you rube.
Trump as his been roasted numerous times including a full blown Comedy Central extravaganza. He gave as good as he got.
The reason he is not going is he do sent want to do anything to legitimize these enough miles of the American People.
He knows that the press needs to be destroyed.
Lotta jokes involving "gay" activities as insults.
Bet our hostess was rolling. Or not.
It was moronic of Bush to sit through Colbert's attack and be a "good sport".
The Left loved it, and thought he was a dumbass for taking it.
The Right was outraged at the tasteless comedy.
The only "conservatives" who liked it, were dummies who think being little Lord Fauntleroy and taking shit, is a good thing.
Trump is smart enough to stay away.
I have a vague memory that last year they invited some Muslim/Indian comedian to dump on Trump. Everyone praised his brilliance and claimed he was going to be huge. The only thing I remember about him is that he wasn't Aziz Ansari. Can anyone here remember his name? Michelle Wolf will be ritually praised, but I don't think she's done her career any favors.
President Trump will never show up to a Democratic Party fundraiser which is what this dinner is in reality. The mainstream media is an arm of the Democratic Party. Being civil to them a big miastake.
I hope Sarah Sanders learned that last night.
"I hope Sarah Sanders learned that last night."
Me too. These things - in the 80s and most of the 90s were mild affairs when someone like Mark Russell or Art Buchwald would get up and take a few tasteful jabs and the POTUS would respond in kind.
And when it was Obama, it was love affair between the Press and himself.
Its not 1992 - people should wake up.
I love the fact that LLR Chucks beloved lefty MSM is completely unhinged and unable to step back from the abyss.
They are completely are their strong LLR allies.
I dont want the MSM or their LLR allies to change one bit.
And I want it televised every single time.
Press Sec Sanders should turn over some time at one of her briefings next week to Candace Owens to give a plot summary of Uncle Tom's Cabin. The book may be old but it will be fresh news to most of the press corps and Left. Especially that their party now and then is the one willing to go after blacks who might leave the plantation or inspire/encourage/abet others doing so.
Trump as his been roasted numerous times including a full blown Comedy Central extravaganza. He gave as good as he got.
Chuck’s not interested in an honest evaluation of Trump - that would require more honesty than Chuck possesses.
JAORE: "And Netflixxxx has decided to give her a show of her own."
She needs a like-minded sidekick Ed McMahon type.
Who better for that role than our very own LLR!
Oh the laughs they could share!
I love the fact that LLR Chucks beloved lefty MSM is completely unhinged and unable to step back from the abyss
I can’t be the only one to have noticed that Chuck considers people acting like Chuck to be graceless, low-grade, and unrewarding. If he had a tenth of Trump’s intelligence, he’d realize it,
PN2: "Chuck’s not interested in an honest evaluation of Trump..."
"Brian Stelter republican" Chuck is only interested in whatever todays leftist narrative advancing evaluation of Trump and his policies happens to be.
'Cuz that is what "True Conservatives" do...
I repeat myself. Wolf did a stand up routine composed solely of the repeated hate Trump material that audience spews out 24-7 for 15 months to expose their ugliness to them. And they got it. So this morning
She is their target too.
IMO it was hilarious to watch them
Cringe as it dawned on
Them she was
Sliming them, not Trump and team.
PN2: "If he had a tenth of Trump’s intelligence, he’d realize it,"
Oh, he knows it alright. But Team Lefty needs the help and when the dems are in trouble little Chuckie is Johnny On The Spot and in full support mode.
But inly every single time.
It's a stupid tradition anyway. Going straight to the people via a rally is the perfect counter.
If they had a brain in their head they would have tried to get Roseanne.
I bet she would have wanted the gig to promote the sitcom.
Who knows Trump might even have gone if she was the host. It gives it the resonance and the juice that he would find hard to resist.
The press fucks everything up. They are just pompous morons who get everything wrong.
Sort of the Chuck of professions.
Blogger langford peel said...”Chuck you are one dumb fuck. Check YouTube you rube.”
Chuck doesn’t care about facts. He could be a journalist.
Who thought it was a good idea for Sanders to go?
Who thought it was a good idea for Sanders to go?
There is some value in demonstrating the media’s abject and dishonest cruelty. Obviously some people don’t care whether the media lie (Hi, Chuck!), but there are definitely some folks that benefit from seeing things as they are. I say kudos to her for going
A "comedian" calls your daughter full of shit and insults your press secretary.
A "life-long Republican" responds that you have "so little humor, and zero self-effacement, and no cleverness."
Those old comedy roasts of Trump were before anybody had to take Trump seriously. Before there was pressure for his tax returns, and before he told the world that they were all under audit.
Before he had been exposed having unprotected sex with a porn actress shortly after the birth of his son.
Before the hush money payments were exposed; and before the world knew about what serious legal jeopardy they posed for those involved.
Trump’s orange/blue complexion and hairdo are one kind of humor subject. The rape of his ex-wife, the John Miller tape and a DoJ investigation are very different things.
Sebastian said...
A "comedian" calls your daughter full of shit and insults your press secretary.
A "life-long Republican" responds that you have "so little humor, and zero self-effacement, and no cleverness."
Get this straight; I did not defend that comedienne. Nothing I am writing here is intended to give her cover. My first comment on this page communicated that the show made me want to take a shower.
Michelle Wolf and Donald Trump can both be pigs at the same time. Last night proved that point.
Blogger Chuck said...
4/29/18, 11:54 AM
You know you should try coffee in the AM. In this way you might actually stop your TDS. Hell, , you know what, just stay the way you are and provide "Drago" and "langford peel",, great comedic material - LOL!
"Michelle Wolf and Donald Trump can both be pigs at the same time. Last night proved that point."
Get this straight: responding to Wolff by bitching about Trump and equating the two only demonstrates a peculiar form of insanity.
#MichelleWolfRepublican offered the following insight-free insight: Michelle Wolf and Donald Trump can both be pigs at the same time. Last night proved that point.
One wonders if self-awareness has a prayer.
Chuck you pompous fuck. Get it through your emptyhead that the press is the enemy of the American people. These roasts are solely set up to destroy Republocans and praise Democrats.
You would know that if you were actually a Republican and not just plsying one on the Internet.
Get it through your emptyhead that the press is the enemy of the American people.
Please be my guest and keep on saying laughably fascist stuff like that. See how it works for you.
The "monster" must be something else — The Myth of Trump, The Power of Trump, The Outsize Public Persona of Trump... or perhaps simply: The President Trump.
The monster is the meme that Trump is going to destroy the world if he isn't removed from office.
It's a monster the media must feed every day, no matter the actual day's news.
Get it through your emptyhead that the press is the enemy of the American people.
That is true with one slight change.
THIS press is the enemy of the American people. The press at this time, rather than for all time.
Had Trump merely said that, which is really what he meant, few people would disagree.
What are the chances that Michelle Wolf would ever use her protected status as a black woman to flick a few light jabs in Maxine Waters direction. It's the ridiculous figures that don't get satirized that bother me the most.......I don't think the media/entertainment/academic complex are the enemy of the American people. They're the enemy of that portion of the American public that votes Repuublican. That's a fairly wide sector of the populace, but it's not the total populace. The media are neither the champions nor the enemies of the American people. They're partisans with an axe to grind, and everyone but them knows it.
LLR Chuck: "Nothing I am writing here is intended to give her cover."
She is a leftist. Chuck EXISTS to give her and other lefties cover.
Your first clue that is the case is LLR Chuck's 100% Dem/lefty cover rate.
But only 100%.
And the more despicable the dem/lefty, the more discernable joy in LLR Chucks defense of them.
Accidentally, of course.
Of course...
It is working just fine Chuckles.
The opinion of the people about the press puts them below used car salesman and drug dealers.
It can only go lower.
Even the scumbag liberal press realizes they have gone too far this time. Liberal smucks are all over Twitter saying that Sanders deserves an apology. Even Mika the moron is up in arms and she hates Trump like the Arabs hate the Jews.
Newspapers are dying left and right. The Denver Post will be the next to go. The only way they can survive is to be subsidized by commie scumbags like Bezos,Calos Slim and George Soros.
President Trump is right to cut off their oxygen as best he can. The only juice they have is their coverage of him and if he can reach out to the people though Twitter, social media and rallies he can further the destruction of these vile and despicable people.
The MSM created the Trump Presidency in the same sense that King John created the Magna Carta.
They are indeed the enemy of the American people. Even the liberals and progressives. They aided in abetted in the destruction of Bernie Sanders campaign. They loaded the dice for Hillary and the establishment Republicans. They are part of the Duopoly. The Leviathan. The Swamp.
They do not have the best interests of the American People at heart. If they did they would report honestly and competently. Instead of relying on the empty creditably blathering of twenty somethings from Journalism school to interpret very specialized news they could actually talk to people who work in that field and know something about it.
If you ever had to deal with a press person you will realize that they get it wrong. Every time.
They are indeed our enemy.
Hammond X. Gritzkofe wrote: The Monster is the Leviathan, the Deep State.
Assuming you are referencing Hobbes, I think the comparison is flawed.
I recently saw the move The Post. That was the Spielberg movie starring Meryl Streep. It celebrated a free press and the courage Katherine Graham and Ben Bradlee. As if. Ben Bradlee assiduously covered up for JFK's many character flaws, but that was lightly danced around. He didn't want to add to Jacqueline Kennedy's private grief, you see. .......Having Meryl Streep play the part of Katherine Graham showed what a crock of shit the movie was. Meryl's past history of supporting Roman Polanski and partnering with Harvey Weinstein should rule her out of playing the part of any brave woman who speaks truth to power. She was pretty good in the role of Ethel Rosenberg in Angels in America, however.
She wasn’t at all funny. What a poor choice.
The Sturmabteilung that currently, occupies our newspapers and TV studios don't know any science, or history, or art, or even politics. They haven't been on the same Material Plane as the English language in a coon's age. (e.g. Hammond X. Gritzkofe at 7:23 AM) Ergo, it's not surprising that they also do not know humor.
Ben Bradlee covered up the affair that his sister in Law Mary Meyer was having with JFK.
She was murdered by a CIA operative to cover it up. Another example of the Deep State covering for it's tools and minions.
You can read the whole story here.
Watergate was another FBI instigated coup against a duly elected President of the United States. The Russia probe is another attempt to do the same. It is failing. We can only hope that they not try to follow the same game plan.
President Trump must hire private security.
Joe McCarthy was one of the first Americans to warn of the dangers of Russian collusion with American cats paws. I wonder if he'll be rehabilitated now. What are the chances some newspaper will reveal Russian collusion with the anti-fracking movement?
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, in no way wishes to support that talentless "comedian" as he supports every attack she leveled against the president.
When he isn't threatening violence against old ladies, children, and Achilles, Chuck supports Democrats 100% of the time. But only always.
Know who cares about the WHCD? Leftists and attendees at the WHCD.
And only leftists and attendees at the WHCD.
The rest of us? We have lives.
Seriously, if they never held this thing again would anybody notice?
"President Trump must hire private security."
Yes. I don't trust the SS. Especially after that female agent said "I won't take a bullet for Trump."
One of Tom Clancy's novels had a plot about a double agent SS man.
He had his own security guy but he left. I hope he has replaced him.
Blogger buwaya said...
The audience at that thing ...
Its a vile lot that populates a vile profession.
Its a bit surprising they can stand each other's company.
I hope the RNC has made videos of that thing and plans to use them this fall. Insty suggested a caption "They hate you. They really hate you."
William said...
What are the chances that Michelle Wolf would ever use her protected status as a black woman..."
Not surprisingly, when I searched Michelle Wolf, Google put this on the page.
"People also search for Rachel Dolezal"
At first glance, I thought DWS went a tanning.
eric kripke the fellow behind heroes and now timeless, wrote an interesting tale, that also suggested that lsd ingestion, was key to the events of nov 63, as such I don't think they are that terribly competent, but the whole affair does suggest a certain blindspot in bradlee's thinking,
curious, you bring that up William, some posit it was McCarthy's going after William bundy, through his support of alger hiss, that really was the tripwire that set his downfall, the sideshow with the army, and schine and cohn was just that,
Blogger langford peel said...
Chuck you are one dumb fuck.
Althouse reels in the $$$ by encouraging and abiding her careful thinking clan.
Hurrah for Trump. I hope he never goes.
He won't. Hopefully next year Sanders won't either - or anyone else from the administration or the Republican Party. The entire event functions as propaganda that the media is just doing their jobs. Hopefully this year's hatefulness was so obvious Reps will understand they can finally end the charade.
Keith Schiller who was President Trumps bodyguard for many years was fired by John Kelly who is a card carrying member of the Deep State put in there to control President Trump.
Luckily he is now being marginalized and is on the way out like McMasters and Tillerson and other Deep State Golbalist Minions. The President is finally realizing that these people do not have his best interest at heart.
I though about it carefully Craig and I think you pussy hat must be too tight. Sorry buddy.
Maybe you should just were a dress instead. It all the rage in your circles.
looking behind the curtain of this travismockasham
William said...
Joe McCarthy was one of the first Americans to warn of the dangers of Russian collusion with American cats paws. I wonder if he'll be rehabilitated now. What are the chances some newspaper will reveal Russian collusion with the anti-fracking movement?
That should have been put to bed when the files of the former Soviet Union revealed he was right.
Yet, to this day, conservatives use the McCarthyism pejorative to describe a witch hunt.
Blogger langford peel said...
I though about it carefully Craig and I think you pussy hat must be too tight. Sorry buddy.
Maybe you should just were a dress instead. It all the rage in your circles.
I ran out of 'sic's. Maybe I can buy some through Althouse's amazon portal?
Michael K said...
"President Trump must hire private security."
Yes. I don't trust the SS. Especially after that female agent said "I won't take a bullet for Trump."
One of Tom Clancy's novels had a plot about a double agent SS man.
He had his own security guy but he left. I hope he has replaced him.
That would make little difference. Hinckley proved that. Of course he is free now.
There is only one thing that keeps them from sending another Hinckley type in to kill Trump.
That is the sure and certain knowledge of what will happen to Washington DC if the swamp kills Trump or impeaches him on some stupid bullshit.
That is not going to stop them Achilles. They think they are invulnerable.
I know the Secret Service is banning guns at all of these rallies. I would also be sure to ban all people who go by three names.
I tried listening but stopped after a minute or so. It's not a matter of what she said, I didn't get that far, it's the sound of her voice. It sounds like her voice is coming from somewhere in her sinus cavity and I can't listen to that for long.
"Darrell said...
"Who pays for the White House Correspondents Dinner?
"If taxpayers do, I want heads to roll."
It's paid for by a charitable organization (the White House Correspondents' Association), not by taxpayers. But there's still a scandal there. Supposedly, the organization exists to grant scholarships, but it grants precious few ($90,000 in 2015), and only to lefty students. Most of the income goes to pay its executive director's salary ($114,400 in 2015 -- more than the scholarships) and to pay for the annual dinner ($500,000 in 2015).
It's their monster. They are Frankenstein.
I think not. For starters Dr. Frankenstein didn’t at first laugh at or otherwise ridicule his creation. Then after the “monster” proved to be wickedly funny instead of ridiculous the “monster” took over the laboratory at the dismay and extreme opposition of the corrupt lab assistants.
The “monster” then proceeded to create himself in a style and manner that caused a deep-seated hysteria in all the lab assistants. Next the lab assistants went into panic mode after the “monster” found ways to bypass the stranglehold the lab assistants had had over the laboratory.
At this point in time the lab assistants are in the process, over the vigorous objection of the townspeople, of trying to kill the monster. Either figuratively or literally, the lab assistants want the “monster” to die.
A question: Why was Paul Ryan a keynote speaker at a Whitehouse Correspondents’ Dinner? Paul Ryan is not in the Whitehouse and except for an occasional visit
The answer: Because Ryan would never miss a chance to participate in an event that could be detrimental to his party’s duly elected POTUS. Paul Ryan was a speaker because the lying, biased pack of assholes that make up the bulk of the Whitehouse Correspondents group LOVE Ryan. It’s the contrast that they crave. Ryan is seen by them as a “nice” pol, as opposed to the “monster” that took over their “laboratory” and found a way to use their own instruments to thus far stymy them in their nefarious behavior.
Dems cannot credibly talk about replacing Trump until they have a credible alternative. They have no viable alternative and will have to manufacture one.
Trump really cannot go to any more of these things, can he?
That's why he was elected. Not to go to DC and politic. To take action, move things. He is not going to hang around DC after he is out of office in 7 years. Because it is not what keeps alive. All of my betters keep telling me all the supposed things the President of the United States is doing wrong. But all my intellectual and moral superiors are too stupid to realize the President is not a politician. and as much as they wish it so, that is not disqualifying.
I bet Trump put Sanders right there at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner as bait.
Dangled that bait and sure enough the Trump haters took the bait!
The fourth estate is ran by really really stupid and predictable people.
And Trump knows how to handle stupid and predictable people.
Next year I hope the administration sends someone. Like, for example, the Sec. of Commerce or Ag. Whoever is furthest from the latest news cycle. Include whomever is fifth or sixth below the Press Sec. And do not announced who will be there.
That way the 4th (rate) estate can not say the Trump Administration wussied out. But the comedian would have no one prepared for the skewer.
Make fun of the absent, make jokes without humor. Watch the audience heads swivel to see the burn victims who are not there.
If what you have against Trump is that he's crude and has no class, why would you laugh at the crude, no-class "jokes" this woman tells. She JUSTFIES the worst things about Trump.
Please be my guest and keep on saying laughably fascist stuff like that. See how it works for you.
Comentor saying mean stuff too much for you?
How about the entire media destroying a Military service man, just for the sport of doing it. Not a single accusation has been substantiated against Robby Jackson. Several have been proven false, the rest paints Obama as a clueless oaf for not knowing his MD was a practicing alcoholic. But lets not get wound up in that. The nerd prom is afoot, and self serving media types are to be honored for there sacrifices. Fuck the military heros.
At least your loyalties or clear.
Here's Trump taking his turn at his Comedy Central roast a number of years ago:
Michael Wolff: Fire and Fury
Michelle Wolf: Unglued and Ugly
Ugly thoughts from an ugly woman. Michelle Wolf looks like a bag lady who shoplifted from Saks. If she walked through a BART terminal, the junkies would say, "there goes the neighborhood". Michelle Wolf is so ugly that Andrea Mitchell wants to stand next to her. Michelle Wolf is so ugly that Nancy Pelosi gives her beauty tips. Michelle Wolf majored in kinesiology at William & Mary. She hurt herself.
She JUSTFIES the worst things about Trump.
I see you have a reality problem. I hope you get help soon.
That is the sure and certain knowledge of what will happen to Washington DC if the swamp kills Trump or impeaches him on some stupid bullshit.
Somebody, maybe here, said Kelly fired Trump's personal security guy who had been with him for years.
I don't know if that is true but it is a worry.
The tradition of the WHCD is to be the slave at the Triumph whispering 'Remember, thou are mortal.'
Instead, with any Republican, the 'slave' is screaming 'I fucking hate you and everyone else should too!'
Is it any wonder that the current president eschews such well as GWB should have as well!
It is a very difficult thing to be unserious AND unfunny, but the Democrats seem to have squared that circle and frankly, Trump ignoring them is the worst thing he could do to them.
Well, that and tweet about how, instead of paying the freight for 12 students to get free rides, they are congratulating themselves and paying the freight of TWO students.
It was me.
Keith Schiller was the head of Trumps security detail for many years. Former NYPD detective he handle security during the campaign. You might remember that there was a lot of controversy about him being there when the Secret Service wanted him out.
Kelly served to get him fired along with Hope Hicks and the rest of the original loyalists. Schiller is a savvy guy and knew he was out so he had to leave. Trump had to accept the Secret Service as his guards.
Let me ask you. After what we have learned about Comey and McCabe and Mueller and the lovebird FBI agents.....what do you think about putting your security in the hands of another part of the Deep State?
The Deep State is at a crossroads.
They have a President they can not control. Who doesn't buy into the endless wars and endless expenditures to the defense industry that they leach off of and which is their lifeblood.
They tried to handle it the way they did with Nixon. It's not working.
Now they might try to handle it the way they did with Kennedy.
langford peel said...
The Deep State is at a crossroads.
They have a President they can not control. Who doesn't buy into the endless wars and endless expenditures to the defense industry that they leach off of and which is their lifeblood.
They tried to handle it the way they did with Nixon. It's not working.
Now they might try to handle it the way they did with Kennedy.
There is is only one way we were really going to get back to a constitutional republic. The rot is too entrenched to "reform" the federal government.
Trump's enemies keep comparing him to Mussolini or Hitler. They should be thinking Georges Danton. They will look back at Trump with fondness and regret if they take him out.
Note that we have heard zero lately about any problems at USSS. Either the Secret Service has gotten rid of all the Obama-era bad apples or they don't write the stories anymore because they hope the Secret Service are dysfunctional and will not protect the president.
The link in my earlier comment goes to a Daily Show comedy routine that is all about comparing her to Rachel Dolezal.
"Consider the words "You helped create this monster." What is "this monster"?
"This monster" is the Trump presidency.
The press helped create it by providing outsize coverage of Trump's candidacy. Perhaps because it helped sell papers and produced clicks, "Look! Look! Look at what he's doing now! And perhaps because the press was in the tank for Clinton and assumed Trump would be the easiest candidate for Clinton to beat.
Perhaps Trump would have been elected anyway, but this immense free publicity surely helps explain how he won the office even though he spent about half as much as Clinton. (Although one can be sure they'd never shut up if Trump had spent twice as much as Clinton, the press predictably has no interest in explaining that although having plenty of money surely helps a campaign some candidates could have an unlimited budget and still lose.)
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