"... Out of China’s population of 1.4 billion, there are nearly 34 million more males than females — the equivalent of almost the entire population of California, or Poland, who will never find wives and only rarely have sex. China’s official one-child policy, in effect from 1979 to 2015, was a huge factor in creating this imbalance, as millions of couples were determined that their child should be a son.... Among men, loneliness and depression are widespread. Villages are emptying out. Men are learning to cook and perform other chores long relegated to women.... Bachelors are furiously building houses in China to attract wives, and prices are soaring. But otherwise they are not spending, and that in turn fuels China’s huge trade surplus. In India, there is the opposite effect: Because brides are scarce, families are under less pressure to save for expensive dowries... Trafficking of brides is on the rise. Foreign women are being recruited and lured to China, effectively creating similar imbalances in China’s neighbors... With the increase in men has come a surge in sexual crime in India and concerns about a rise in other crimes in both countries. Harassment of schoolgirls in India has in some towns sparked an effort to push back — but at a cost of restricting them to more protected lives...."
From "Too Many Men" (WaPo).
Gosh. If only nature had a way to correct such an imbalance in the number of men in two adjacent countries that are poorly disposed toward each other.
You can't beat math, water, gravity....or demographics.
What happens when the interests of the family (to have a son) bump headlong into the interests of society.
It's not pretty
They should all be sterilized.
Hatred of women turns out to have consequences.
The US needs to assemble an emergency team of transgender surgeons and travel to China to re-balance the genders.
Look on the bright side.
Evolutionarily, maybe the men in those areas will start to develop brightly colored plumage on their chests to attract mates?
If one is implying that they should fight in order to use up the extra men - thats not going to work.
Their mutual border areas are extremely difficult places to maintain large armies for a WWI style struggle. Not feasible even with US-scale resources.
And both have professional armies that people compete to get into. Its a bit like the US - their military manpower is a rather high-quality cut of their male populations. Not the people they can spare.
Perhaps now some of you will see why the government of the PRC has to be so heavy handed. People allowed to only consider their own desires and perceived self-interest leads to this kind of demographic imbalance. It is, as some have put it, not pretty. Over concern with individual rights and preferences eventually leads down this path. In the West it leads to transsexualism, polyamories, child marriage, gay rights, pornography, and other social maladies that would be better off suppressed from the onset.
Combining safe and limitless abortions with cultural traditions that greatly prize male children over female and in generation you get this.
This gives woman more power than men in those societies which traditionally haven't granted women as much power.
My lead project manager is a daughter of a retired senior Indian officer. It's not cannon-fodder in the Indian military.
With the increase in men has come a surge in sexual crime in India and concerns about a rise in other crimes in both countries. Harassment of schoolgirls in India has in some towns sparked an effort to push back — but at a cost of restricting them to more protected lives...."
I recall pointing out these predictable consequence to the sorts of spergitarian Pollyannas who insisted that a scarcity of women would necessarily give women more power, since it's all just a strict economic supply-and-demand problem. These sorts of imbalances have existed in many parts of China and India through history, and it didn't result in any such thing.
This is too bad. I almost wish I was going to live another 20-30 years to see how it sorts itself out. But I’ll just never know.
SDaly: Can't they just change the social construct and create more women out of thin air?
Seriously. Just because they have penises doesn't mean half of those excess "males" aren't girls. Get them woke on girl penises. Problem solved.
It gets worse. You have to subtract the violent creeps and dummies. Then the imbalance is really frightening.
That’s what happens to societies that are misogynistic.
Deep-State Reformer said...
Perhaps now some of you will see why the government of the PRC has to be so heavy handed. People allowed to only consider their own desires and perceived self-interest leads to this kind of demographic imbalance. It is, as some have put it, not pretty. Over concern with individual rights and preferences eventually leads down this path.
Please tell me this was sarcasm and/or trolling.
Inga said...
That’s what happens to societies that are misogynistic.
No, it is not. Plenty of societies have been misogynistic. It takes a leftist government to cause something like this to happen.
Another simple solution: I'm sure the U.S. educational-industrial complex would be happy to encourage all those excess guys to emigrate here on student visas (and eventual green-cards), as long as they or their governments pay full-freight tuition.
I mean, that would solve the problem for China and India. That would leave the U.S. with an excess male problem, but we (especially the higher-education racket part of "we") abandoned medium- and long-term thinking a while ago.
Hey, China, we got the solution right here, with our methods for turning "men" into "women."
You too can have troops of trannies!
Good thing Trump is strengthening protection for intellectual property rights.
“People allowed to only consider their own desires and perceived self-interest leads to this kind of demographic imbalance. It is, as some have put it, not pretty. Over concern with individual rights and preferences eventually leads down this path. In the West it leads to transsexualism, polyamories, child marriage, gay rights, pornography, and other social maladies that would be better off suppressed from the onset.”
We are members of the society in which we live, which gives us responsibilities to keep the society healthy. Prohibiting individual rights isn’t the way to do it though. How about stopping the practice of devaluing women?
Ignorance is Bliss: No, it is not. Plenty of societies have been misogynistic. It takes a leftist government to cause something like this to happen.
No, it doesn't. This sex-imbalance problem is not some uniquely leftist government problem. It existed in regions of India and China (and no doubt elsewhere) in past centuries, in deeply traditional societies.
All "misogynistic societies" don't have a sex-imbalance problem, but neither do all societies with leftist governments. So for once Inga is doing no worse on the logic front than anyone else.
Many sheep helped over many fences.
Inga: " Prohibiting individual rights isn’t the way to do it though. How about stopping the practice of devaluing women?"
-Those societies are superior to ours!- said every leftist everywhere!
We have much to learn from these superior societies. FGM, burning gays alive in cages or throwing them off roofs, acid attacks to the face, aborting the little girls, putting women in hijabs and not allowing them to talk with anyone outside the family.
So many ways these non-western societies are morally superior to ours. To truly advance as a society, we need to allow millions more of these folks to immigrate to the US in order to replace those stupid deplorable republican voters.
The upside is that the parents who chose a boy will be taken care of well in their dotage.
"Men are learning to cook and perform other chores long relegated to women."
So, this is a good thing, right?
Inga: We are members of the society in which we live, which gives us responsibilities to keep the society healthy. Prohibiting individual rights isn’t the way to do it though. How about stopping the practice of devaluing women?
I wasn't aware that the U.S.had a sex-imbalance problem.
Ah yes, by "we" you mean "all mankind". Well, good luck with that. I'm sure the Chinese and Indians are just dying to be told how to run their societies by Upper Midwestern American scolds. Anyway, it's their culture, Inga. It's different from yours, with different values, different priorities, different ways of looking at the world. I thought you were all about *acceptance* and *inclusion*, Inga? How can you talk about never intruding on "individual rights" while demanding that they adopt your alien values?
I just wrote the above in hopes of provoking one of your characteristic, delightful dingbat non sequitur responses.
How about stopping the practice of devaluing women?
Opinions on value being different is what makes it possible to find mutually advantageous deals.
This is a technology problem. Wealthy men and women could now choose the gender of their offspring.
Alas, the technology did not give them WISDOM.
But the social mores also determine that older and divorced women are not marriageable.
Something is going to break somewhere. It is not at all determined that it will break toward more women rights.
Our lovely Feminists like Inga are giving the world a first rate education on the drawbacks of going down that path.
The Egyptians, I think it was, had a word meaning woman or child.
Wm. Empson tried to tease out what the word might actually be used to imply. "No good for fighting" was one of his possibilities.
“I wasn't aware that the U.S.had a sex-imbalance problem.”
I wasn’t either. I was speaking of any society anywhere in the world that makes misogyny acceptable. I’m quite certain that China and India won’t listen to the West on thier societal problems. We, however in the West can see what has happened to these societies and be grateful that we have progressed to where we now recognize that women are deserving of equal rights. We protect the rights of those we treasure, men and women alike, all ethnicities, all religions, etc. etc.
It'll be interesting to see what happens as a result of all this with future couples. If (and this is a big "if") more couples in India and China realize that the current imbalance effectively gives females much more power in society, maybe some will switch their favoritism to females. Whether that would lead to aborting males I don't know, but at the very least it would lead to not aborting females.
The problem in India is entirely cultural...the government actually tried to prevent sex selective abortions.
The problem in China is both cultural and governmental.
Will it give females more power in China and India? That would be a good and unexpected consequence of the misogyny these countries practiced for thousands of years. Or will females be seen as a commodity to be be sold or bartered for by their families?
Drago to Inga: LOL
-Those societies are superior to ours!- said every leftist everywhere!
Inga: "All you conservatives are just angry because the non-inclusive, lily-white country you want doesn't exist any more!"
Also Inga: "Damned wogs need a good dose of the white man's mission civilisatrice."
Though no connoisseur of lefty incoherence should ever fail to appreciate the real variety among them, Drago. The white prog of the Upper Midwest has a squirrelly-brained, piquant naïveté all his own.
Thomas F, the NYT's most favoritest economist, was envious that the Chinese government could just order things done.
So, just order 35 million Chinese men to self-identify as Chinese women. No surgery needed, right? Not even hormonal treatments, right?
Problem solved, no muss, no fuss, no cost.
“This is a technology problem. Wealthy men and women could now choose the gender of their offspring.”
Infanticide was not a rare practice in China for thousands of years.
Inga: I wasn’t either. I was speaking of any society anywhere in the world that makes misogyny acceptable. I’m quite certain that China and India won’t listen to the West on thier societal problems. We, however in the West can see what has happened to these societies and be grateful that we have progressed to where we now recognize that women are deserving of equal rights. We protect the rights of those we treasure, men and women alike, all ethnicities, all religions, etc. etc.
Thank you for the prompt delivery of requested product. Consistency/quality control maintained at previous superior standard. Thanks from a satisfied Inga Prime subscriber.
Without a breakdown of male to female in all castes, it’s hard to see if this is truly a problem or not. I looked and I can’t find it it. If all the extra males are the lowest caste, then no problem. If they are all in the upmost caste, then huge problem. Since the imbalance has been accomplished by sex selection (pricey), I assume the problem is in the upper castes. Expect the Ruling Class to make serious waves about it.
“Something is going to break somewhere. It is not at all determined that it will break toward more women rights.”
This is interesting. What do you imagine could happen?
Werent these Chinese folks into aborting female babies for years?
Bygones, I guess.
The solution now is for the Chinese to import a massive army of foreign hookers.
Apparently China and India didn't get the memo that men are bad. I guess they'll find out the hard way.
There is a tee shirt I see from time to time in skeevy beachwear stores (I've never actually seen it worn by a woman..). The printed slogan is: I have the pussy, so I make the rules. (Google it,you'll see examples).
To me this is the apotheosis of Western Civilization. The fact that this is largely true in middle-class strata of western countries is one of our proudest achievments.
Other places.. that's not the way it's gonna fall out.
There is a real simple solution to having an excess of men of marriageable age. It's been practiced by civilizations for thousands of years.
I predict a severe outbreak of Lakhanuki fever in China. It will be worse then AIDS in its effect upon the populace.
Ancient (Hindu and other) Indian custom among the upper classes was for quite Muslim-like sequestration of women.
Not so among the peasantry.
If women become scarce it's possible they will "hoarded" and be much better "protected" against the outside world.
Especially as wealth is increasing and female labor is not quite as essential.
Much like Muslim women in a polygamous society.
Get Saltpeter into their water supply. That will calm them down. Think of it as ChemTrails for world peace.
Two points about the overpopulation of men;
1. Forget Inga's political slogan nonsense as usual;
2. Agricultural societies value boys for their free labor on family farms.
A few other points:
3. Too many men leads to a need to rectify the balance. War is a historically common result.
4. As agrarian societies become more mechanized and peaceful, there is a greater desire to have daughters and not abort them as in China.
5. Fat, stupid and ugly women fair better in male overpopulated societies for obvious reasons.
Baby sex selection was for males, I read some years ago.
"Werent these Chinese folks into aborting female babies for years?"
Not only that, but they would wring the necks of girl babies as soon as they were born. A woman from China told me this.
I wish we could help those people, but we can't save them from themselves any more than we can save African-Americans from their pathologies. We can only leave them alone to work things out the best they can.
Set down the white man's burden.
This is a great example of a thread where most of the commenters don't seem to have bothered to read the comments before theirs.
Somebody upstream probably already pointed this out.
China's problem will in time resolve itself.
This is a great example of a thread where most of the commenters don't seem to have bothered to read the comments before theirs.
When I comment I most often think of myself as responding directly to Althouse.
Planned Parenthood with a one-child policy. The communists have since rejected that wicked solution, which was a first-order cause of progressive dysfunction. And, they have implemented immigration reform through redistribution of their male population to colonize and harvest Africa, etc. At least selective-child (i.e. Pro-Choice), in theory, could produce a balanced deficit of human rights and viability.
Another reason to not fear China taking over the world.
Inga said...
We, however in the West can see what has happened to these societies and be grateful that we have progressed to where we now recognize that women are deserving of equal rights.
We protect the rights of those we treasure, men and women alike, all ethnicities, all religions, etc. etc.
How much space do you think there was between these two sentences?
Oh that is right. Absolutely none. There was one space between the period after rights and We.
The pure essence of stupid.
Oh hi Drago! I missed your comment upthread. Off topic, but I wonder what you think of Governor Greitens and his troubles? Got an opinion on that?
China implemented forced state sponsored abortions. Leftists, always fans of eugenics, cheered.
Leftists have been telling us how all cultures are equal except western culture which is uniquely evil. For decades.
Now China is misogynist. Not surprisingly the leftist ire turns towards white males in the US. Because they know who the real enemies are.
“This is a great example of a thread where most of the commenters don't seem to have bothered to read the comments before theirs.”
“When I comment I most often think of myself as responding directly to Althouse.”
Yes, exactly. If I’m responding to someone other than Althouse, I usually quote that person, as Althouse has asked us to do. There are no rules that commenters must read the entire thread before commenting. Some commenters are so controlling, it’s almost has if they feel they have ownership here.
Inga: "Oh hi Drago! I missed your comment upthread. Off topic, but I wonder what you think of Governor Greitens and his troubles? Got an opinion on that"
I think Gov Greitens should volunteer to father many more chinese girls in order to rectify the imbalance that now exists in China due to their superior non-western girl-hating ways that Inga wants to massively import more of.
Inga said...
Oh hi Drago! I missed your comment upthread. Off topic, but I wonder what you think of Governor Greitens and his troubles? Got an opinion on that?
Per the NYT's:
"She said she was left crying hysterically, but performed oral sex on him because she felt that she had no other choice. But she said she continued to see the married Greitens because she wanted to believe he had feelings for her."
She went to his house, gave him a blow job she said was coerced... and continued to see him in an extended sexual affair. In an affair he admitted to and apologized for that happened years before being elected.
She never went to the police. Hasn't gone to the police. They have her depositions in the case that show inconsistencies with the Missouri House "report." She never came out about these details that are so fondly remembered now.
Looks like another witch hunt by uniparty hacks. Looks like the women was pressured to come forward with allegations by leftist hacks who are probably paying her to do it.
It looks like the only people who care about it are people like you who voted for Bill Clinton twice and voted for Hillary despite how both of them treated Bill's actual rape victims.
In other words people who are completely amoral and don't believe a single thing they say.
So to summarize lefties everywhere, China policy and culture, which are always superior to ours, has resulting in little girls being carved up in abortion in record numbers.
This is of course the fault of white Trump-voting deplorables.
Drago, what do you think about Greitens calling himself a Navy Seal? I’ve read read there were some Navy Seals that we’re very upset by this. What’s your opinion?
We protect the rights of those we treasure, men and women alike, all ethnicities, all religions, etc. etc."
Inga who exactly is the we here?
I read a great book about what has happened in history when there have been great sex imbalances. My favorite factoid - during the 1849 gold rush all of these young men rushed to the west/CALI where a lot of them lived in male camps, etc. and there was a really extreme sex imbalance. Within six months something like 20% of these young men were dead. The stupid young fools had no clue how to take care of themselves, and there were not enough women around to look after them.
And Drago.
There’s nothing I find appealing about Communist China, my family escaped Tito’s Communist Yugoslavia, nor do I like Mid-Eastern culture. I always warned my daughters not to date mid eastern men whose families haven’t been here for a couple of generations. However I wouldn’t hold their backwards culture against them if they wanted to emigrate to this country to get away from their own bad culture. There are people who come from formerly Communist countries like Poland, and other countries of the former USSR, who emigrated here seeking freedom, not to perpetuate Communism. France and England have a bigger problem with backwards Mid-Eastern culture in their Muslim immigrants than we do in our country
“Inga who exactly is the we here?”
We, the People...
Inga to Earnest Prole to me:
me: “This is a great example of a thread where most of the commenters don't seem to have bothered to read the comments before theirs.”
EP: “When I comment I most often think of myself as responding directly to Althouse.”
Inga: "Yes, exactly. If I’m responding to someone other than Althouse, I usually quote that person, as Althouse has asked us to do. There are no rules that commenters must read the entire thread before commenting."
No, but it just makes you look stupid when you repeat exactly the same point or observation that somebody (sometimes several somebodies) have already made upstream, like the boor at the dinner party who just blabs away without listening to what anybody else is saying. Even if you're "just responding to Althouse", why do you think she would want to read the same point or observation (with no value added) more than once?
No big deal, I've been guilty of it myself on occasion. Always feel like a bit of an asshole when I notice I've done so, myself. But as you say, no rules against it. Carry on.
Women, girls, mothers, daughters, have always been equal in rights and complementary in Nature, with Pro-Choice (i.e. selective) exceptions. Some of the greatest leaders in society and community were feminine females.
However, since the advent of political witch hunts and witch trials carried out by male and female chauvinists, and competing interests, liberal societies have progressed, or specifically diverged, to carry out warlock hunts and baby trials. As well as trial by press, activism, etc., that denies due process and other civil and human rights violations.
“No, but it just makes you look stupid when you repeat exactly the same point or observation that somebody (sometimes several somebodies) have already made upstream, like the boor at the dinner party who just blabs away without listening to what anybody else is saying. Even if you're "just responding to Althouse", why do you think she would want to read the same point or observation (with no value added) more than once?
No big deal, I've been guilty of it myself on occasion. Always feel like a bit of an asshole when I notice I've done so, myself. But as you say, no rules against it. Carry on.”
You look like more of an asshole for chiding commenters for doing something or saying something you consider to be stupid. It’s a control issue with you, but sometimes it’s just becsuse you’re a bitch.
“Inga who exactly is the we here?”
We, the People..."
Inga you can't even reply in context to your own statement. Just exactly where in the preamble or in the Constitution itself is the assumption that you asserted. Now if you are going to quote the preamble, fine just acknowledge you are moving the comment elsewhere. Then please explain how the right to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness equates to permitting abortions, restrictions on one's defending their life from being killed by another and having one's earnings redistributed by force.
“Just exactly where in the preamble or in the Constitution itself is the assumption that you asserted. Then please explain how the right to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness equates to permitting abortions, restrictions on one's defending their life from being killed by another and having one's earnings redistributed by force.“
Regarding abortion. Liberty, Cubanbob. A woman seeking an abortion has the right to choose what is best for her own body. The 14 Amendment.
The 14th Amendment prohibits states from depriving a person of liberty without due process of law. A person has the right to end a pregnancy without undue interference from the government because that right to liberty includes (1) the right to make decisions about family and (2) the right to bodily integrity.”
The First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Amendments protect a right to privacy.
Inga: "France and England have a bigger problem with backwards Mid-Eastern culture in their Muslim immigrants than we do in our country"
It's simply a question of relative population percentages.
In the US we now have a significant problem with honor killings, female genital mutilation, increased terrorist attacks, etc. Just wait until our muslim population mirrors that of the idiotic and suicidal European countries.
Or you can lie to yourself and pretend these things aren't happening at all and that the lefies are showing incredible D-Day Invasion-Like courage in standing up to those horrible Trump voters.
Which lefties actually did. Literally.
Regarding abortion. Liberty, Cubanbob. A woman seeking an abortion has the right to choose what is best for her own body. The 14 Amendment.
I bet you can't explain the reasoning behind the idea that the 14th Amendment grants women the right to an abortion.
The 14th Amendment was written to overturn the Dred Scott decision and deal with reconstruction issues. It makes no mention of privacy or abortion and was written by White Republican men at a time in which abortion was illegal. The amendment does not use the words "privacy' or "abortion", and no one had any idea that it created a right to privacy or abortion for 100 years.
Inga: "The First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Amendments protect a right to privacy"
Tell that to the FISA 702 program abusers and the rest of the left who are busy little beavers in destroying everyone of those amendments.
Lefties seeking to destroy individual rights on their way to another lefty utopia.
Gee, I did not see that one coming.....
Inga: "The 14th Amendment prohibits states from depriving a person of liberty without due process of law."
Scooter Libby, Caspar Weinberger, Ray Donovan, Tom Delay, all the WI John Doe victims, the IRS targeting conservative groups, hoax counter-intelligence investigations to gain spying access to domestic political opponents, etc.
Inga thinks the govt and judicial branches haven't been fully weaponized by the lefties in the US.
“As Casey explained, “It is a promise of the Constitution that there is a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter.” Using the force of law to compel a person to use her body against her will to bring a pregnancy to term is a violation of her physical autonomy and decisional freedom—which the Constitution does not allow.”
“Inga thinks the govt and judicial branches haven't been fully weaponized by the lefties in the US.”
Maybe you’d like Communist countries better, where the courts don’t recognize (much less protect) any rights of the People.
Inga: "Maybe you’d like Communist countries better, where the courts don’t recognize (much less protect) any rights of the People."
Reading comprehension.
It's a real thing. You should look into it.
Inga said...
“As Casey explained, “It is a promise of the Constitution that there is a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter.” Using the force of law to compel a person to use her body against her will to bring a pregnancy to term is a violation of her physical autonomy and decisional freedom—which the Constitution does not allow.”
Until such time as child support is deemed purely voluntary on the man's part. Or a state decides life begins at conception and is worthy of protection. The logic you quoted supports both positions.
It is a promise of the Constitution that there is a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter
Where is this promise written?
Does it include the right to sell your body for sex?
To sell a kidney?
To ingest whatever substances you wish?
To commit suicide? Surely a right to kill your baby includes a right to suicide?
“Reading comprehension.”
Thinking about what you just spouted, you should try it sometime. You bellyache about the Judicial system in this awful horrible leftist country, go to another country like China and then come back and report the differences between their judicial system and ours. Where is YOUR love of country? You constantly accuse those of us on the left of preferring other countries/ cultures over our own, but you, every single day bash this country. Go live in a Communist country and then make a comparison.
Somehow the words "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." has no clear meaning, but an amendment about citizenship and Reconstruction, that does not use the word "privacy" or "abortion" somehow creates an obvious and unassailable right to an abortion.
Inga still has no idea what points are being discussed.
She must be flummoxed by that DOJ IG criminal referral for Andrew McCabe which Inga assured us was never going to come....even as we find out the IG had submitted that referral before Inga assured us it was never going to happen!
Too funny.
The left is gutting the every single amendment we have, in real time, and Inga is posing as the defender of the Bill of Rights.
“Inga still has no idea what points are being discussed.”
Far more than you apparently.
Supposed "hate speech" restrictions, thought-crime accusations, destruction of the second amendment, destruction of attorney-client privilege, weaponizing federal agencies against republicans/conservatives, illegal spying by law enforcement and intelligence agencies on domestic political opponents, weaponizing leaks against domestic political opponents,...
All being done by the left. In this nation.
Just like the Stasi.
Hey Inga, we don't have to visit communist nations to see what they do. We only have to watch you and your pals in action here to know what those other nations are like.
Those nations are what you and your pals seek to create here.
Inga: "Where is YOUR love of country?"
So much for respecting those who serve!
Fen's Law, every single time.
We finally have a President who is standing up to China, unlike Billy boy Clinton who allowed his good pal Bernie Schwartz of Loral to "accidentally" advance the Chinese rocket program by a decade.
But its all good. Lots of good campaign donations from China made their way into Clinton coffers AND Bernie got to sit next to Hillary at a State of the Union speech!
cubanbob: Inga you can't even reply in context to your own statement.
As she's explicitly told us, Inga is here to express her opinions, full stop. Not to engage or debate. I'd say that's an honest enough admission, and if that's all she's doing, the fact those opinions are expressed in any sort of temporal order, or tacked on to somebody else's opinion, doesn't mean that they have to have any logical relation to each other or to anything anybody else has said. When all you're doing is expressing your opinion, you don't need no steenkin' context.
It's not that she's ever misled us on this point, either. Is there a single thread extant where Inga gives any evidence of wanting to maintain a logical connection between her own comments, let alone a logical response to anybody else's? But maybe it all just looks exasperatingly loopy, because we all refuse to take her at her word.
I have opinions on all sorts of things that have nothing to do with each other, don't you? If my (honestly-stated) goal is simply to "express my opinions", then there's no reason that what I think about bird-watching shouldn't be expressed right after my views on free speech, or your views on Syria, for that matter. I'd be doing what I said I was here to do. Those are all opinions, right? And I'm expressing them.
I think I've cracked the mystery of Inga, and feel bad about not taking her at her honest word all this time.
“Those nations are what you and your pals seek to create here.”
Extremism is what caused countries like those in the former USSR, China, North Korea, many Mid Eastern countries to be hell holes. It’s you extremists here that are out to turn the US into one too. The rest of us won’t let you.
"Is there a single thread extant where Inga gives any evidence of wanting to maintain a logical connection between her own comments, let alone a logical response to anybody else's?"
In this thread, for example, I point out ways that Inga and her pals are attempting to recreate in the US the very circumstances that exist in totalitarian nations in terms of govt over-reach and weaponization of govt agencies against domestic political opponents.
Inga's hilarious disconnected response: oh yeah, well if you love those commie countries so much why don't you try and live there!
Too funny.
Inga: "Extremism is what caused countries like those in the former USSR, China, North Korea, many Mid Eastern countries to be hell holes."
Oh, that is convenient isn't it?
It's "extremism"!
No Inga. It's leftism. Leftism all the way. Leftism in each of those cases. Leftism in every possible way.
Not extremism.
Nice try though, and by "nice try" I of course mean how pathetic an attempt to deny reality!
Next up for Inga: Communism/leftism has nothing to do with the USSR, China, North Korea, etc.!
Drago, you are the King of Disconnected Comments/ Responses, LOL! Self awareness not your strong suit, eh?
Inga falls back on projection when all else fails.
In her defense, it's all she has left.
“Communism/leftism has nothing to do with the USSR, China, North Korea, etc.!”
You conflate leftism with Communism, this is an example of your extremist responses. However have the socialistic countries of Europe been able to not become Communist?
How about that Communist hellhole, Canada! LOL!
In any event, there sure are going to be lots and lots of Chinese males of military and marrying age who will have zero prospects at getting wives or families.
I wonder how they will fill their time?
Perhaps constructing strategically placed islands where none before existed and then claiming those as Chinese national territory?
”She must be flummoxed by that DOJ IG criminal referral for Andrew McCabe which Inga assured us was never going to come....”
For a mere lack of candor? My, my.
I better go buy me some candor today, to make sure I’m fully stocked.
Inga: "You conflate leftism with Communism"
We'll leave that one right there.
Inga: "However have the socialistic countries of Europe been able to not become Communist?"
Wow, European nations literally own the means of production?
That's news to me.
I'll need to see some links on that.
Hint: # of European nations that are "socialist": Zero.
Inga, like all ignoramuses, mistakes social democracies and/or heavy welfare states as "socialist".
I had no idea Lego was owned and operated by the Danish govt. Thanks Inga!
Inga: "How about that Communist hellhole, Canada! LOL"
Marvel at that comment and then realize Inga thinks that is some sort of effective retort.
As for the IG referring McCabe to the DOJ, a referral doesn’t mean the DOJ will indict. I didn’t say it wouldn’t come, I said I doubted it. Moreso, said I doubted he would be prosecuted for perjury.
“Such referrals are not uncommon when the Justice Department IG has completed its work, but they don't automatically trigger any action. Prosecutors could try to prove that McCabe broke the law, or they could do nothing.”
“Hint: # of European nations that are "socialist": Zero.”
What hypocrisy. Or maybe you start every day anew. All the yammering for years about “European Socialism” from the Right, lol.
It's as if all this "girl power" stuff takes a lesser priority when confronted with the moral imperative to kill babies.
Yeah, why would a DOJ IG AND and associated DOJ prosecutor recommend indicting someone who lies knowingly and repeatedly under oath to federal authorities.
I mean, lots of wiggle room there.
Interesting fallback position Inga. Some "nothingburger" you called it.
Next fallback for Inga: Ok ok there is an indictment but ONLY because Trump ordered it!
That is undoubtedly where McCabe will go knowing the voice-actuated dummies on the left will go for it.
Inga: "What hypocrisy. Or maybe you start every day anew. All the yammering for years about “European Socialism” from the Right, lol."
So, you admit you were wrong in calling those nations socialist, correct?
Now, in terms of specific activities, if a govt nationalizes health care then that is the govt being in control of the delivery of healthcare services.
But that doesn't mean that the companies that build the hospitals, manufacture the equipment, etc are socialist.
I realize this is difficult for you to understand. Simply look up welfare state/social democracy and compare with "socialism" and you'll see where you are going wrong.
But you won't.
Too complicated, no doubt.
Europe Sticks With Socialism
The EU's new policy blueprint includes a basic income and broad worker protections.
For all the ground that traditional socialist parties have lost, the European Union remains a profoundly socialist organization that believes in strong worker rights at the expense of corporations -- at least judging from its latest mission statement.
The European Commission has presented the final version of the European Pillar of Social Rights, a document in which Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, aware that the EU has been stumbling, seeks to define anew what the whole project is about. Europe has traditionally distinguished itself from the U.S., as well as emerging Asian and Latin American economies, in its social bent: high taxes, strong social safety nets, tightly regulated labor markets. Although this approach has been denounced as a drag on economic development, the new EU document -- meant as a set of guidelines primarily for the euro area -- seeks to enshrine it.
The product of broad consultations, the Social Pillar is solely a set of recommendations, not binding rules as labor unions and activists had wanted. But it does represent the zeitgeist in core euro area nations: Even moderate right governments in Germany and Spain support a level of worker protection and social security that, in the U.S., is the preserve of extreme progressives such as Senator Bernie Sanders.”
Inga, this will be hard for you, so I'll make it simple.
There are parties the espouse socialist principles, and even try to enact some of their policies.
There are many nations in europe where policies related to generous welfare benefits are granted and/or maintained.
But none of that means the productive industries are government owned.
But do keep trying.
Oh Drago, I’m laughing at you now. Such a know it all, no dearie, you don’t.
State Owned Enterprises in Europe
Inga: "Oh Drago, I’m laughing at you now. Such a know it all, no dearie, you don’t."
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Now, from Inga's own links, what percent of the economy in emergin European nations is actually owned by the state?
It won't surprise you to note that Inga didn't even read her own links (Again! LOL).
Sweden has less than 7% of its enterprises state owned, representing an about the same portion of the work force.
So there you have it.
As always, Inga's own links refute her arguments.
Now, here's the best part from an earlier Inga link where she addresses the socialist parties in Europe policies regarding wage control: According to Inga's newest theories, president Nixon was a socialist because he enacted Wage and Price controls.
So there you have it: leftism has nothing to do with communism (yes, she really wrote that!) and nations where just 7% of the productive output is owned by the government is "socialist".
Apparently, 97% of a nations output being in the free market doesn't make it capitalist.
List of Government Owned Companies
Holy shit! The whole world is a socialist hell hole! Look at all these State Owned Companies!
Inga posts a lot, but nothing that you can't find in a 7th grade classroom, bumper sticker or approved DNC talking point.
Ah well! It's good for laughs.
Inga: what percent of those nations productive output is owned by the state?
A question that would actually require you to read and understand what is in your links.
Even garage mahal never posted this many links that refuted his own points!
Its amazing.
Inga simply does't read her own links. She just looks at titles.
“But none of that means the productive industries are government owned.”
Wrong. And I just proved it to you. Your argument was that there were no productive state owned companies. Now I’m done proving to you that you don’t know it all afterall. My links did not refute my point.
So now you’re going to assert that the hundreds of state owned companies in my links are not productive? LOL.
Inga: "So now you’re going to assert that the hundreds of state owned companies in my links are not productive?"
Just wow.
Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard was so, so spot on.
"Regarding abortion. Liberty, Cubanbob. A woman seeking an abortion has the right to choose what is best for her own body. The 14 Amendment.
“As Casey explained, “It is a promise of the Constitution that there is a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter.” Using the force of law to compel a person to use her body against her will to bring a pregnancy to term is a violation of her physical autonomy and decisional freedom—which the Constitution does not allow.”
But not even the SCOTUS believes that. There are several things that you are not legally allowed to your body. And according to SCOTUS abortion CAN be limited in later stages of pregnancy (please correct me if I am wrong here).
STATE-OWNED COMPANIES "SURPRISINGLY SUCCESSFUL" Harald NorvikFormer head of Statoil Harald Norvik describes the comprehensive government ownership in Norway as "surprisingly successful."
And I’m right Drago, that you are a know it all... who doesn’t.
Inga actually provides a link to a story titled ."STATE-OWNED COMPANIES "SURPRISINGLY SUCCESSFUL" Harald NorvikFormer head of Statoil Harald Norvik describes the comprehensive government ownership in Norway as "surprisingly successful."
Then asks why state owned enterprises are not considered very productive!
Inga, why do you think they wrote "surprisingly successful"?
Go ahead, engage the brain.....any moment now....just another minute or two for sure....
That's right! Because state owned enterprises are almost never "productive" and always require state subsidies to "compete" and remain in business.
Thank you Inga.
Once again, unwittingly, you provide a link that undermines your very point!
Its uncanny really.
Inga: "And I’m right Drago, that you are a know it all"
It's understandable you want to change the subject.
Not a lot of tools in your toolbox. I can hardly blame you for using the only ones you have.
Deep-State Reformer
Perhaps now some of you will see why the government of the PRC has to be so heavy handed. People allowed to only consider their own desires and perceived self-interest leads to this kind of demographic imbalance.
The heavy-handed one-child policy of the PRC had nothing to do with this?
Drago, the point is that you deny that rightists ever complained of “European Socialism”. Indeed they did! We’ve heard about European’s “socialism” coming from the right as some sort of boogeyman for YEARS now. You obfuscate by trying to prove that Europe is not Socialist. Well sweetie, did I say they were? I said they were “socialistic”. I didn’t say they were not democracies, now did I? But that is what you wanted to say I said. I proved to you that Europe still embraces socialism and they have NOT become Communist. You constantly conflate leftism with Communism. Well news flash, Europe leans LEFT and is NOT communist. You’re incredibly dishonest in the way you argue.
“You conflate leftism with Communism, this is an example of your extremist responses. However have the socialistic countries of Europe been able to not become Communist?”
“Not a lot of tools in your toolbox. I can hardly blame you for using the only ones you have.”
I like the drawer metaphor better. My drawer has far more sharp knives than your drawer has and I nick you with one of them from to time when I have the mental energy to bother with your nonsense.
Inga: "Drago, the point is that you deny that rightists ever complained of “European Socialism”."
That never happened.
Feel free to show where I did.
That was simply another example of what Angle-Dyne pointed out: You are incapable of following a discussion.
That’s what happens to societies that are misogynistic. - Inga
It's rare we see the cause and effect in the same comment.
“Inga: "Drago, the point is that you deny that rightists ever complained of “European Socialism”."
That never happened.”
Unreal. What was your purpose in claiming there were no Socialstic countries in Europe then? Just to hear yourself talk? Oh please. That is why I call you a dishonest arguer. You were obfuscating.
It's actually getting worse.
Lets try a little summary to help Inga out:
No European nation fits the definition of Socialist. (as I pointed out above)
They are, instead, European Welfare States where the means of production are largely in the hands of private capitalist interests, which funds the social welfare aspects of the state. (as I pointed out above)
Medicine in many parts of Europe is deemed "socialistic" because the govt directly controls and runs the medical delivery services, but those same nations do not directly run the entities that build the hospitals, produce the equipment, etc (as I pointed out above)
Your very own links show that only small %'s of European entities are owned/run by the govt.
Your very own links.
You should read them.
“It's actually getting worse.”
You mean I saw through your bullshit.
Efforts by governments to either increase or decrease the birth rate almost always lead to futility at best or catastrophe at worst.
“No European nation fits the definition of Socialist. (as I pointed out above)”
Did I say they were SOCIALIST? No. I said they were socialistic. They are SOCIAL DEMOCRACIES. I did not say were pure socialist countries, now did I?
So you are being dishonest and mischaracterize here.
I’m done with your dishonesty, obfuscation and mischaracterization.
Inga is on a roll.
Socialistic countries are not socialist.
Leftism has nothing to do with communism.
It never ceases to amaze.
Leftism does not become Communism just because Drago wants to think so.
Inga: "Leftism does not become Communism just because Drago wants to think so"
You said leftism has nothing to do with communism.
I just laughed at you.
And, btw, Gov Greitens of MO is a former Navy SEAL.
You don't even understand what the complaint by some other SEALs happens to be, which is why you got their complaint wrong.
I understand the complaint as it's similar to the one leveled at Jimmy Carter.
“You said leftism has nothing to do with communism.
I just laughed at you.”
“Leftism does not become Communism just because Drago wants to think so.”
This is what is said. Once AGAIN you just mischaracterized what I said. Don’t you ever stop being dishonest? I can’t laugh at this level of dishonesty. It’s troubling.
“And, btw, Gov Greitens of MO is a former Navy SEAL.
No kidding Drago.
“You don't even understand what the complaint by some other SEALs happens to be, which is why you got their complaint wrong.“
That again is dishonest. I never mentioned the nature of their complaint. Why don’t YOU tell me what is was?
Early Inga: "Drago, what do you think about Greitens calling himself a Navy Seal?"
I don't think anything about it all...as Greitens is a former Nave SEAL.
Which is why he was warfare qualified as such and award the Trident.
Not complicated.
“JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The men who designed, produced, and edited content for a video critical of Missouri gubernatorial candidate Eric Greitens’ time as a Navy SEAL have come forward to the Missouri Times. The makers of “Eric Greitens: The Heart and the Myth,” are a group of current and former Navy SEALs who have served with him, commanded him, or are currently serving in the SEALs.
The group of 16 current and former SEALs spoke to the Missouri Times and shared how the video was made, their motivations behind the video, and their feelings on SEALs seeking notoriety from their service.”
Since you are a Navy veteran, I actually was interested in hearing your opinion on this. Go figure! Once when I want you to speak, you have nothing to say. LOL.
Inga: "Since you are a Navy veteran, I actually was interested in hearing your opinion on this. Go figure! Once when I want you to speak, you have nothing to say. LOL"
Here's what I'll say.
Greitens is a Navy SEAL warfare qualified warrior, who did 4 tours of duty and received the Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Combat Action Ribbon.
What else is there to say?
“What else is there to say?”
The 16 current and former SEALS who made the video denouncing him had plenty to say. Did you watch the video?
Eric Greitens, the Heart and the Myth
Enough dancing around Inga.
Tell us what you think about this highly decorated combat officer.
I. N. G. A. Sez
A person has the right to end a pregnancy without undue interference from the government
Would you consider prohibiting abortion for sex selection to be "undue interference?
John Henry
“Tell us what you think about this highly decorated combat officer.”
I think something is fishy here. These SEALS who denounced him are not liberals. Greitens is in some deep hot water right now on other matters, I wonder if these SEALS knew something about him that we don’t. The whole Greitens saga is seedy.
" It’s you extremists here that are out to turn the US into one too. The rest of us won’t let you."
Like Bernie with free college ?
Blogger Inga said...
“And, btw, Gov Greitens of MO is a former Navy SEAL.
No kidding Drago.
But, unlike Blumenthal, he did not lie about combat zones. Harkin is gone but is another one.
Inga: "I think something is fishy here."
Yep. Nuff said. Its clear the Russians got to him.
Good catch.
At least as competent as a CNN report.
And wasnt Greitens mentioned in the dossier?....No?
Not to worry. By tomorrow hw will be.
Cohen’s lawyers drop lawsuit against Buzzfeed, lol.
In China today it's common to see young men carrying their girlfriend's pocket books. The things you have to do to attract a mate!
Inga-I guess Cohen finally got around to reading NYT v. Sullivan and realized that truth is irrelevant in a libel case brought by a public figure-if the defs can point to some other source running with the same lie, that suffices to show the refs weren't acting in bad faith, and that's all she wrote. You're welcome.
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