"I mean, I hear him say all these things in the house just about — I think what he was saying about, really to everything, he was talking about clarity, and he always talks about how we should not have our phones first thing in the morning and in the house when we’re with the kids, let’s not have our phones. It’s our rule that we really try to live by. So I think he was talking about cleansing."
April 30, 2018
Kanye West was "talking about cleansing."
Kim Kardashian explains what she thinks her husband meant to be saying:
You can't be pro-Trump and on the Ellen show. The great back-tracking begins. Obey your leftwing masters. Thou shall not wander off the Hillarywoodland white-prog plantation.
Cleansing is good. Kanye, Kim and Ellen all need to take a high colonic.
Oh let's get Kim on to ask about his Tweets and make her squirm.
Your man get out of line, you might be next!
The idea that they'd get Kanye on the show, with the possibility he might make sense to the audience, was too risky to pursue.
Diplomatic response.
Kanye must be cleansed and returned to the plantation, where he belongs.
Hillarywoodland collective: "Repent!"
Kanye: *Grovel. Please, let me back in. I promise I hate Trump. I do I do I do I do.*
"Kanye: *Grovel. Please, let me back in. I promise I hate Trump. I do I do I do I do.*"
Try actually reading Kanye's twitter feed. He's not saying ANYTHING like that. And Kim is not saying anything like that for him.
Within the last day, from Kanye (reverse chronological order):
There's a silent majority of people that have been silenced for too long
we're being starved and anyone who starts asking unpopular questions gets demonized. Only free thinkers can change the world
we’re in this so-called information age but we're starving for wisdom
we're dying to be ourselves
Or we’re dying because we've lost our inner child
or at least we're dying to be kids
We’re all kids
What would you do today if you are not afraid of the consequences of failure?
what makes kids so important to learn from psychologically is that they are not afraid to fail
Yeah - we shall see how long it lasts before he caves. The other rap star caved fairly quickly.
Kanye has product to move.
I don't know what is inside Kanye's head. All I know is the leftwing peer pressure deep inside the entertainment industry is akin to mean girl high-school. Submit or be cast aside.
To me it looks like Kanye is now pressured to hide behind "leave me alone I'm just a little kid." routine.
"we’re in this so-called information age but we're starving for wisdom"
This actually quite important. An echo of G.K. Chesterton who opined "We are perishing for want of wonder, not for want of wonders."
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Kanye has product to move.
ARM lashes out at the Black guy helping his people escape the prison of shitty schools and high crime ghettos built by the democrats.
Dickin Bimbos sadly likes to keep the hope of continued fear and alienation alive. Freud would proscribe a Steely Dan for effective treatment.
Kanye is trying to transcend the invisible left/right mental prisons people voluntarily incarcerate themselves in... like the lefty college professor Jordan Peterson
Yeah, pointing out the obvious is now the new 'lashing'.
It's The Dingbat Hour, where they put giant tweet blowups in the background and then talk about them?
It is not just that according to the left, Black people must be Democrats, but that they must be a particular kind of Democrat. Discussion and deviations are not allowed.
Howard - I'm pointing and laughing at the mean girl highschool that is leftwinger Hillarywoodland. Submit or be cast out. You say it ain't real? Talk to any conservative actor and their job prospects.
I think Kanye and Chuck have both seen what happens when you wander off the reservation.
“...anyone who starts asking unpopular questions gets demonized.”
We wouldn't have to listen to all this blather now if we had done the sensible thing and ignored the Kardashians back when their dog-and-pony show commenced.
“You say it ain't real? Talk to any conservative actor and their job prospects.”
Bimbo and others, you don’t see your own complicity in ostracizing Chuck, a conservative, or the liberals who comment here? Before pointing the finger at liberals for doing the same thing you do, take a moment and be honest with yourselves
Kim Kardashian talking about cleansing makes me think she's going start going on about how good it is to get a colonic, because she's known for her ass and shit. I had to look up 'colonic' to make sure I was using the right word: I mean, I could've just wrote 'enema', but enemas are, like, for old people in hospitals, colonics are for rich people worried about what is in their ass and shit.
And there was a lot of talk back in the day about Kim's sex-tape and whether she took it in the ass or not, a lot of people thought she did, and a lot of people said she didn't. Because you really can't tell from the video, you can only see her ass, not what's between her ass, and then it shows her face a lot, but you can't tell from her face if that's a 'I'm being fucked in the ass' face or just a 'I'm being fucked' face, because it seems like she might be on drugs, too.
And, like, I don't want to make it sound like Kim was on drugs if she wasn't on drugs, for the same reasons that I don't want to say she was fucked in the ass if you can't really tell that she was fucked in the ass, because then it's just rumors and shit.
Buy maybe Kanye likes her to get colonics, I don't know. Because that could mean he plans on fucking her in the ass, or it could just mean he's worried about her health and shit. Because you could want to fuck her in the ass and still be concerned about her health, he's like her husband and shit.
I post my shit here.
OK Bimbo, I misread your point.
Inga: this is a blog comments environment where everyone is a troll. you gotta have thick skin. I don't feel ostracized at all, rather it's quite fun to tweek the cuckservatives and find common ground with some of the troglodytes. Chuck brings it on hisownself by putting a "KICK ME" sign on his back with every post.
Inga said...
“You say it ain't real? Talk to any conservative actor and their job prospects.”
Bimbo and others, you don’t see your own complicity in ostracizing Chuck, a conservative, or the liberals who comment here? Before pointing the finger at liberals for doing the same thing you do, take a moment and be honest with yourselves
You have called every republican candidate for president for at least 3 decades Hitler.
We know why you and Chuck are ideologically and strategically aligned.
Now go spend some time and try to tell us why you can’t denounce democrat violence against your political enemies.
Kevin, of course, is right- West himself would not be given such a forum because, at this moment, there is no reason to believe he might back down, and might well be too convincing. So, the tactic is go after the wife, and to her credit, she didn't really back down for him either, which probably annoyed certain people who expected a different result.
As I wrote the other day, at some point West is going to get accused of something heinous and likely false in the hope of destroying him if he doesn't recant.
“Inga: this is a blog comments environment where everyone is a troll. you gotta have thick skin. I don't feel ostracized at all, rather it's quite fun to tweek the cuckservatives and find common ground with some of the troglodytes. Chuck brings it on hisownself by putting a "KICK ME" sign on his back with every post.”
I think my skin is plenty thick, but I really can’t let this Kanye blog post go by without pointing out the hypocrisy of claiming it’s only the left which ostracizes those who wander off the reservation. I don’t care one way or another if I am personally accepted within this group here, if I did, I wouldn’t be here, I’m not a masochist, lol. As for Chuck asking for the abuse, no I don’t see it. I see him defending himself when he gets relentlessly attacked. Even before he even makes a comment, he is being attacked. I deplore bullying, but I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. After 35 years of nursing, I’ve grown to be a tough old broad and I don’t hesitate to give as good as I get.
The Stalin-Shamer calling the Kettle Black!
“You have called every republican candidate for president for at least 3 decades Hitler.”
Delusional. Now he thinks he knows what I said and thought for the last three decades.
Inga Hypocrisy is the mothers milk of blog discourse... we all do it
“Inga Hypocrisy is the mothers milk of blog discourse... we all do it.”
Yes indeed we do. I’d be hypocritical if I didn’t agree.😇
However, I still like to point it out.
“The Stalin-Shamer calling the Kettle Black!”
Hey I don’t resemble a kettle, I’m more curvaceous, more like a Mrs. Butterworth maple syrup bottle... or like one of those sexy perfume bottles Althouse posted pics of the other day. I guess calling every liberal you run across a Stalinist, is OK if you’re a hypocrite.
A lot commenters doubt that Chuck is truly "off the reservation", Inga- that is the point a lot of them make, but it isn't surprising that you don't understand that. I personally give Chuck credit for actually being an authentic Republican/conservative, but I do have my doubts about that sometimes- especially given how he seemingly always manages to turn any subject into some diatribe about Trump. I think he might actually be emotionally and psychically damaged by the entire episode.
There are plenty of commenters here who criticized Trump from the Right for whom I have no doubts at all, and they clearly are not continuously harassed by the pro-Trump crowd, so your criticism isn't really all that valid, is it? Chuck's treatment is actually quite unique on this site, not his criticisms and stated preferences themselves.
“We know why you and Chuck are ideologically and strategically aligned.”
Um...no. Chuck is a conservative. I am a liberal. I’m pro-choice, I’m pro same sex marriage, I’m for many things I’ve heard Chuck say he was against, so no, we are not politically aligned. As far as strategy, I’m pretty sure Chuck would be very happy with Pence as President. I wouldn’t be. Just a few stark differences in political ideology.
Howard said...
The Stalin-Shamer calling the Kettle Black!
I was too young and stupid to be a republican when Reagan was president. But after initially thinking Clinton was ok towards the end after we learned he sold missile technology to the Chinese for campaign contributions and was a rapist.
Since then I have been a reluctant republican and I have watched these shit heads call every single republican a nazi. I watched Paul Ryan push grandma over the cliff. I watched Mitt Romney give his employees cancer.
This last year I have watched democrats attack Trump supporters numerous times. I have watched the democrats admit on video they paid people to be violent at these rallies. The NRA are child murderers.
The number of times I have been called a racist, nazi, bigot is ridiculous. In the dozens.
Fuck them. Better people turn the other cheek. I am not better people and I am not going to sit back for another 20 years while pieces of shit like Inga smear us.
“A lot commenters doubt that Chuck is truly "off the reservation", Inga- that is the point a lot of them make, but it isn't surprising that you don't understand that.”
You’re right, I don’t think Chuck is off the conservative reservation, but many Trumpists here DO think it and comment to him in a manner that indicates they think so. It’s a small minority that treat Chuck as a fellow conservative. Chuck gets Kanye’d here daily multiple times a day by Trumpists in every thread he comments in, even if he posts something in agreement with the majority here. Watch how Drago and Achilles and many others to a lesser degree respond to him, no matter what he’s says.
Inga said...
“We know why you and Chuck are ideologically and strategically aligned.”
Um...no. Chuck is a conservative. I am a liberal. I’m pro-choice, I’m pro same sex marriage, I’m for many things I’ve heard Chuck say he was against, so no, we are not politically aligned. As far as strategy, I’m pretty sure Chuck would be very happy with Pence as President. I wouldn’t be. Just a few stark differences in political ideology.
I sincerely hope Trump replaces Pence. Pence is a symbol of the past and would sell out what we have accomplished just like Bush sold out the Reagan legacy. I am pro-choice and pro-gay marriage. Big deal.
We are up against shit heads like you that will do whatever they have to to disenfranchise their political opponents. You are willing to tolerate blatant criminality in DC. Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe et al have admitted in front of millions of people to committing numerous counts of perjury, leaking of classified information, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy. And you want Trump impeached for something that isn't even a crime and you have no evidence for?
You are willing to tolerate Obama spying on political opponents. That is just purely disgusting.
So yeah. Stalinist is perfectly applicable.
“I sincerely hope Trump replaces Pence.”
Huh? You want Trump to be Vice President?
Now that is just treasonous!
Gnarled El Fop
Pence is a symbol of the past and would sell out what we have accomplished just like Bush sold out the Reagan legacy
What is the Reagan legacy?
Good question. It’s been 30 years since Reagan was president. I’d say Reagan’s legacy, for good and bad, is:
1. Cold War won. Poland, then East Germany,then the Soviet Union.
2. Tax code reform/tax cuts. Even the Dems have conceded a lot of the ground to Reagan on this. There will never be 70% federal tax rate again and companies will never be able to deduct Country Club initiation fees for their excess on their taxes again. Even the coorooate boxes at sporting events only get a 50% deduction.
3. Amnesty. Mexico gets to dump it’s not so best and brightest on the US in perpetuity.
4. Supreme Court. The Warren-Brennan-Marshall shit was halted. Rehnquist as Chief and Scalia were formidable in halting liberal judges made up stuff and put in place some conservative made up stuff. Ginsburg and Breyer are nowhere near as liberal as Brennan and Marshall. The Obama judges on the lower federal courts even get slapped around by Kagan. The idea that liberal federal judges are going to remake society is gone. The crime rate starting in the mid 1960/ through the mid 1990s was too high. Kennedy and O’Cinnor defected on abortion but Reagan personally didn’t scare about that. As California governor and a former Hollywood cocksman, he favored abortion.
5. Deficits and Debt don’t matter. Reagan’s deficits as a percent of GDP were the same as FDR’s in his first two terms. Neither the GOP nor the Dems have any fiscal responsibility.
J. Farmer said...
Pence is a symbol of the past and would sell out what we have accomplished just like Bush sold out the Reagan legacy
What is the Reagan legacy?
The United States is unique in history. It broke the world free from the aristocracy that naturally dominated politics. It created the concept of unalienable rights that supersede the government. Private property became attainable to the individual. We have raised Millions of people from the poverty that is the historical norm.
Reagan turned back the malaise of progressivism.
BushObamaClintonBush put us right back on the path to serfdom.
We were on the brink again and Trump was elected.
Unlike Kanye, no one is telling Chuck he must love Trump based on the color of his skin.
In fact, no one is telling Chuck he must love Trump at all. No one cares whether Chuck likes Trump.
What we want is for Chuck to stop trying to show that his Trump hatred is anything but personal animosity. Which is fine. Sometimes you just don't like somebody.
But then don't try to get others to see your point through the "logic" you espouse.
Especially when your "logic" is made up almost completely of the latest DNC talking points.
“BushObamaClintonBush put us right back on the path to serfdom.”
Trump loves the Oligarchy.
Meet the billionaires who run Trump’s Government.
Trump sure loved hobnobbing at Davos.
Wonderful visual, makes the working class smile:
“Steven Mnuchin, the ultra-wealthy secretary of the Treasury, smugly holding up a sheet of freshly printed $1 bills with his signature. His wife, the Scottish actress Louise Linton, staring straight into the camera with pursed lips, pinching the corner of the money in her elbow-length black leather gloves.”
Trump sure loved hobnobbing at Davos.
They all sucked up to him, so sure.
NYT Headline: Trump Arrived in Davos as a Party Wrecker. He Leaves Praised as a Pragmatist
Do you really think "Trump sure loved hobnobbing at Davos" is going to be some sort of insult?
He went there and told it like it was.
It's the other party which can't abide certain people being in the same room with certain other people.
It's the other party in which guilt by association is one of many kinds of guilt.
Shouldn't that be "kleansing?"
Trump loves the Oligarchy.
But the Oligarchy bankrolled Hillary and continue to bankroll the #resistance.
I don't think Kanye is backing down. But he isn't a paid political operative on message about a candidate 24/7. So, OK, after awhile, he talks about something else. BUT - if he never talks about free thought again, if the idea never returns to him again, well, then I'll think he's been silenced. However I don't expect that to happen because his wife was saying that this is part of what Kanye is trying to achieve for his kids - that on a given day in the world the family has more going on than the digital world. When someone says "this is what we do as parents" that is an "I mean it, I'm going to count to three and you better be up the stairs before I finish." You don't keep talking about "he doesn't mean it."
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