From early on, the Clinton camp saw Trump as an enemy to encourage, Chozick writes.... “An agenda for an upcoming campaign meeting sent by [Campaign Manager] Robby Mook’s office asked, ‘How do we maximize Trump?’” Chozick writes, describing a time when the GOP primary was still crowded.
Even as Trump surged in the polls, the Clinton camp still saw him as a danger to stronger candidates rather than such a candidate in his own right, Chozick reports, so that in August 2015, “when the main GOP debate came on, everyone pushed their pizza crust aside and stared transfixed at the TV set… [Campaign Manager] Robby [Mook] salivated when the debate came back on and Trump started to speak. ‘Shhhhh,’ Robby said, practically pressing his nose up to the TV. ‘I’ve gahtz to get me some Trump.’ Robby thought Rubio would be the nominee. Podesta was bullish on Kasich. Bill and Hillary, still stuck in the 1990s, feared the Bush surname most of all.”...
That’s how you get more Trump.
They were all dumb and even though she knew she persisted
"they", is the people of the country she wanted to lead...
They were never going to let me be President
Who is they?
Wither = I'm with Her
‘They Were Never Going to Let Me Be President’ Allowing for some MSM BS, I can believe it.
I always thought the awkward speaking style, the changing hairdos, the phony laughter, the sheer bitchiness attested to deep insecurity in a woman totally devoted to one single thing that is forever out of reach, who sacrificed everything including her dignity as a spouse while fearing utter failure, the anti-Sally Fields who knows you don't like me, you really, really don't like me--and who cannot possibly acknowledge, to herself or anyone, what happened.
"From early on, the Clinton camp saw Trump as an enemy to encourage" A fatal misjudgment, of course. But the fact that they were wrong then doesn't mean Dems will be wrong to target Trump in upcoming elections.
"I’ve gahtz to get me some Trump.’
Heh. We all did Robby, for different reasons.
"they", is the people of the country she wanted to lead...
She didn't hide the fact that she despises a lot of them. Most of the politicians are able to hide this fact. Obama hid it better than Hillary, but he let his mask slip occasionally as well.
That scene is quite Captain Queegish.
They? Who the hell is they?
The New York Times? CNN?
The states of California, New York and Oregon?
And, as we have been constantly reminded, she won the popular vote.
Hillary and Mook should have come to Wisconsin; at least Madison. Hell, Ann would have invited you over to Meadhouse for some vodka and some readings of Laslo's posts.
Gosh darn those pesky voters.
"They" = the racists/bigots/homophobes and all those sexists and their "easily lead and dominated" cookie-baking wives.
IOW, the American People, the decent half anyway.
The real question is how did this unlikable, unqualified, crook, and her impeached sexually harassing Husband ever get within a few hundred thousand votes of returning to the White House.
Whatever Trump does, at least we aren't stuck with Hill and Bill.
Hillary Clinton was such an awful candidate that she couldn't win an election that was rigged in her favor. The press was overwhelmingly on her side. The DNC colluded in her favor and against Bernie Sanders. Her campaign was given debate questions ahead of time. The FBI and Justice Department looked the other way when she committed crimes (mishandling classified information) that other people would've going to jail for committing. She turned off millions of people when she made the "deplorables" gaff. Of course, a gaff is when a politician accidentally states what he/she really believes.
Maybe on day she'll sober up long enough to realize why she truly lost.
Dumb assez (typo intended).
Obviously "they" is the voters who didn't vote for her, but somehow I don't think that's what "they" meant to her. Just a thought. To me "they" has a much broader definition to Crooked Hillary.
That's old news that the Clinton campaign wanted to encourage Trump. They also asked their friends in the colluding MSM to help them with that. We learned that a long time ago from WikiLeaks.
We learned a lot from WikiLeaks. Now no one in the MSM seems to care that he's been silenced. Gee, I wonder why....
"They" "Let"
Hoh boy.
She only had to appeal to women, was her idea.
Trump was willing to appeal to men.
"They" = Us
To me "they" has a much broader definition to Crooked Hillary.
A Cabal of The Illuminati and The Elders of Zion.
That scene is quite Captain Queegish.
I was just about to post that "they" were the ones who stole the strawberries.
I'd bet Hillary has convinced herself that "they" have sincere regrets, and will "let" her win next time.
Not too long ago there was a bloggingheadstv discussion between two fellows for whom it was an article of faith that the MSM had been unfairly critical of Secretary Clinton.
Must be seen to be believed.
If only there had been some pre-Raphaelite painter to capture the moment: "The Martyrdom of St. Hillary at the Hands of the Deplorables."
Never is about right.
So she doesn’t just lie to us; she lies to herself.
AllenS 8:14am is correct. They meaning the voters were not going to let Hillary win. And..we didn't. Inconceivable!!!!
They....meaning the Hillary camp and all her insiders in the government were just 'sure' that she was going to will. All the polls said so. The NY Times even said so!!! Take it to the bank.
So they treated Trump like a joke and tried to maximize him in order to undermine who "THEY" thought were the real candidates. They insulted the dumb deplorables who didn't want Hillary because who cares about those stupid rubes anyway. Hillary became so cocksure (lol) that she just began to walk her way through the campaign. BIG mistake....huge in fact.
Because "THEY" were so sure that Hillary was a shoo-in they felt that they could commit all sorts of crimes, subversions, collusions and they would get away with it because....>Hillary was going to be the next President and she would protect them.
Joke is on THEM.
"To me "they" has a much broader definition to Crooked Hillary."
You're probably right. But I can't inside the mind of Hillary. What paranoid fantasies lurk there? Who knows who Hillary's "they" are. The jews? The mafia, Bill? the patriarchy? The stonecutters?
Pick one.
Remember, it’s Conservatives who are the whacko conspiracy theorists.
Hillary just isn't cut out for democracy.
Hillary was inevitable one day and then "doomed" the next. It always amazes me how talking heads can reverse their story, and go on as if what they said yesterday never happened.
How Pathetic! The Press practically feted her, inaugurated her and coronated her!
Who is 'they'? Russians? If the Russians can so easily control our elections, what does that say about the LANDSLIDE that President 'I can be more flexible after the election' got through on?
Men? Men were a minority. More married women voted against her. Is it MARRIED people who 'wouldn't allow a crook and a liar' to be president?
Was it Saurian Aliens from Rigel V?
holdfast, Hillary has always been big on conspiracy theories.
But I an answer the 'They'. REPUBLICANS and MIDDLE AMERICANS wouldn't allow her to become president.
WE call them voters. She calls them a vicious Cabal!
Can't she take ANY responsibility for anything?
Obviously not. While she is a Paragon of a Feminist, she is setting back women by decades for her lack of responsibility. Pull your big girl panties up for the love of God, Hillary!
This is what I meant by a broader definition of "they" than the voters.
“The challenge on the campaign was that you had a reporter holding the Clintons to a higher standard through a lower standard of reporting. Amy [author of the book] was not always an honest broker, and this book seems to be more of the same. It ridicules people with a smile, contributing little to the public discourse.”
Can you believe it? The press was harder on her than they were with Trump!
Hillary was such an awful candidate that she would have lost to just about any one of the serious Republican candidates, probably even Bush or Kasich.
From early on, the Clinton camp saw Trump as an enemy to encourage, Chozick writes.... “An agenda for an upcoming campaign meeting sent by [Campaign Manager] Robby Mook’s office asked, ‘How do we maximize Trump?’”
This stuff never gets old.
The DNC manipulated the electoral process by trying the Todd Akin strategy. If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.
"Robby thought Rubio would be the nominee. Podesta was bullish on Kasich. Bill and Hillary, still stuck in the 1990s, feared the Bush surname most of all.”..."
Just like Chuck!
The DNC manipulated the electoral process by trying the Todd Akin strategy. If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.
Many of you seem to be assuming that what Amy Chosick wrote about events is true. Two inches away, and nose almost pressed against the TV, have the smell of bullshit.
Hillary's problem wasn't us Deplorables. It was Bernie Bros. He was supposed to be the token "alternative" in appearance only for the sole purpose of dispelling the "entitled, pre-ordained" talking point in the general election.
Turns out all the cool kids take a shine to communism.
Finally something true comes out of Hillary's mouth.
The electorate was never going to let her be president.
"I’ve gahtz to get me some Trump."
Oh, you got it Robby. Want it again?
Big Mike said...
So she doesn’t just lie to us; she lies to herself.
Let's call it a Lack of Candor.
“To me "they" has a much broader definition to Crooked Hillary.
A Cabal of The Illuminati and The Elders of Zion.”
Yes, it’s the “they” of entitled paranoia. The “they” of every person who was unwilling to walk the walk and do the hard work, but were certain they were owed because reasons. It’s a very common “they” among the Democrats.
Even as my goals are diametrically opposed to those of the Hillary campaign, I agreed with them that Trump was less likely to win the election than Cruz or Rubio (I didn't think any of the others had a chance at winning the nomination).
I've come around to the idea that he might have been the only one who could beat her. They would have fully Hitlerized Cruz or Rubio, the same as they tried to do with Trump. I don't think either of them would have fought back as effectively as Trump did. Maybe Cruz would've, we will never know.
"""...They were never going to let me be president."""
I think this shows that Hillary Clinton believes in at least something like the deep state: Nobody uses that kind of phrase to mean the voters.
If for nothing else, I will never stop being thankful for President Trump keeping Hillary Clinton out of the White House.
This was interesting:
“Biden had confided (off the record) to the White House press corps that he wanted to run, but he added something like ‘You guys don’t understand these people. The Clintons will try to destroy me.’”
"Shhh! I gatz to get me some Hillary!" A statement no TV viewer in history has ever uttered.
You have to wonder how she would have lasted if she did win. She's been falling down and breaking various body parts with a much lighter schedule, and not much less help from aides and SS. She probably would have gangrene or another blood clot or two by now if she had won.
Madness on display. "They" denied it to her. "They" did her in. All the King's horses and all the King's men - known to the rest of us as all her friends of the Council on Foreign Relations - worked in concert and snatched the prize from her.
"Amy Chozick’s new book, Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling."
I'm going to write the Sequal: "Hillary Clinton: Never will be President, and will always be a Cunt"
dbp said...
I've come around to the idea that he [Trump] might have been the only one who could beat her.
I agree with that comment totally.
Who is they?
Her multiple personalities, the ones who blurt out things like "basket of deplorables" and order the killing of kitty-cats.
You know if she didn't DESPISE Americans so much "they" might have voted for her in higher numbers. Why can't she just accept the honor of being the losing candidate with the most votes ever?
I'm with dbp on this: My reaction when I first read her reaction was that "they" was a reference to her would-be allies in the deep state, and that they - in particular Comey - betrayed her. Because without that, the voters would have undoubtedly voted for her and by a 50-point margin.
"I knew it. I knew this would happen to me. They were never going to let me be president."
Forget her politics, no matter how hard I tried, the reason I couldn't bring myself for HRC was her Nixonian personality.
Somehow, in their deplorable ignorance and stupidity, the American people were able to accurately discern that Hillary is an entitled, lying grifter who should never be allowed in the White House again.
The thing is — and no one has mentioned it yet — is that given a chance, Hillary and her whordes of ilk would do it all over again tomorrow. They haven’t learned a damn thing.
“Don’t cry for me Argentina!”
(Although, truth be told, Hillary does want us to cry for her.)
Who is they?
Her multiple personalities, the ones who blurt out things like "basket of deplorables" and order the killing of kitty-cats.
Excellent take, Bob Boyd. You might have hit on the real problem she has.
We must distinguish between the 'They' that wouldn't let her be President, and the 'They' who bankrolled her billion-dollar-plus campaign, and who still await the Quo for their Quid.
Is this a case where anonymous sources are going to be believed, Althouse?
Don't get me wrong; I am perfectly willing and able to accept this book as true. It wouldn't bother me. All that I want to get clear, is the Althouse-Trumpkin rule on when anonymous sources in books and articles are to be believed. Perhaps you can lay that one out for me.
Hillary was easy to attack.
All you had to do was the truth.
That's why Hillary thinks the press was against her.
Even they couldn't lie for her 24x7.
Parents let children win to give them a taste of that awesome confidence boosting feeling. Is that where she’s stuck?
What difference at this point does it make?
We didn't see Hillary as CEO. We saw her as head of HR.
"They were never going to let me be president."
When Hillary Clinton looks in a mirror, she sees only the perfect presidential candidate. And so she asks, how could voters have rejected the most "highly qualified" candidate ever to run for the office? Especially when the alternative was ... umm, well, you-know-who.
Therefore there must have been a truly vast conspiracy! Perhaps Russians really did hack the voting machines! Or something.
Nonetheless, the use of a pronoun without an antecedent does not produce clear communication. Either that or, it's obvious to her who "they" is, and so it should be obvious to you as well.
Hillary and her enablers (this time Amy Chozick) are still vexed by their Presidential loss in 2016.
As Cher explained in "Moonstruck,"
Get over it!
Chuck said...
“Is this a case where anonymous sources are going to be believed, Althouse?“
Just a bitter Hillary voter.
Chuck says: Is this a case where anonymous sources are going to be believed, Althouse?
Why not? Anonymous sources are always believed when it comes to Trump or Republicans.
In fact......Hillary, herself, has publicly and repeatedly made a long list of "those" who caused her to lose the election. They, on that list include all sorts of people. Whether the source is a writer or Hillary herself, it is obvious that she believes that there is some sort of cosmic conspiracy to deny her what she damned well deserves. THEY took away what was HERS by rights!!!!!
Frankly, I think that Hillary has some sort of mental problem, other than being a liberal. Seriously. A mental issue that has not been treated as it would be in an ordinary person. Paranoia for sure.
They did the right thing.
I feel a bit sorry for Hillary. She has had a crucible moment, and she has failed it. If she had handled this hard situation better, she could have perhaps gone on to be the leader of a movement, or perhaps just been an elder statesperson. As it is, she's turned herself into a bitter, sad, pathetic person. She just didn't have it in her, I guess.
In her poor choices, there is probably a lesson for us all.
If there is a better example of the advice "be careful what you wish for" than this I would really like to hear it. If you think back to the 16 persons in the "best field of candidates ever" in 2016, I challenge anyone to name the one who could and would have mounted the style and tone of the campaign that DJT did that led to his electoral victory. HRC would have beat all of them. She picked the one black swan in the mix. Cosmic justice I guess.
Achilles said...
Chuck said...
“Is this a case where anonymous sources are going to be believed, Althouse?“
Just a bitter Hillary voter.
Go fuck yourself, you liar. I didn't vote for Hillary. I never once voted for any Clinton, ever. I have said that time and time again here. I don't care what happens to her, or her husband.
And I can demonstrate for you exactly how much I truly hated Hillary Clinton and her liberal Democrat allies; I hated them so much, I was willing to vote for Donald Trump.
And all that I want to do now, is to point out exactly where the similarities are, between Clinton cultists and Trump cultists, and how they are all together so devoted to their heroine/hero Emperor Gods, that they'd run right over the rule of law. Thank God for Ken Starr and Bob Mueller and all of the honorable lawyers and judges willing to do what it takes to hold them accountable.
"Bowe Bergdahl republican" Chuck takes time out from referencing Michael Wolff's book to make note that others are accepting of anonymous sources used in books.
Isn't it interesting that there is zero daylight between the outlook of a Robby Mook and our very own LLR Chuck.
Note that I said "isn't it interesting" and not "isn't is surprising".
That's because it's not surprising in the least.
LLR Chuck: " I never once voted for any Clinton, ever."
There is actually no evidence that exists that you did not vote for Clinton.
And disproving a negative is something that is de rigueur on the left/LLR side of the House since Trump was elected.
One set of rules for all of us "Almost Joined the Military" guy.
One set of rules.
Alternate title for Chozick's book:
Dragging Hillary: OMG She Was So Heavy, It Was Just Too Much.
Gore went a little crazy after 2000 too. Republicans OTOH are "good losers"
Ford was happy to Golf. Bush seemed relieved to lose. Dole never expected to win. And Romney and McCain - ditto.
Only exception: John Kerry
LLR Chuck: "And all that I want to do now, is to point out exactly where the similarities are, between Clinton cultists and Trump cultists"
There is now, publicly, and prior to this time privately, almost complete overlap and similarities between the Clinton cultists and the LLR cultists, all of whom publicly moved to support Hillary.
And you will never be able to run from your utter and complete operational alignment with the radical left which is decimating our institutions.
Bill Kristol spoke for you completely when he declared publicly that he will side with the astonishingly anti-democratic and anti-american idea of the Deep State over Trump.
Enjoy your new bedmates Chuckie. If you are what you claim to be (not that it matters in the least), your new found allies on the left (and you have many) will discard you in a millisecond the moment you are no longer needed for operational support.
You are the ultimate of all possible schmucks.
But don't worry, it looks great on you.
Hillary felt so entitled which is consistent with the liberals and the minorities. Spoilt.
Man, we're not very far along in the stages of grief here.
Limited blogger: "Man, we're not very far along in the stages of grief here"
Its true that Hillary is still stuck on denial.
But LLR Chuck clearly remains mired in the Anger stage.
Hillary is right, the voters would never let her be president. She was just to crooked, dishonest, conniving, duplicitous, greedy, self serving, without a conscious, etc... for the voters to stomach having her as president.
Hillary was such an awful candidate that she would have lost to just about any one of the serious Republican candidates, probably even Bush or Kasich.
I disagree. I think the only one who could beat her was Trump, and maybe Cruz.
“To me "they" has a much broader definition to Crooked Hillary.”
“A Cabal of The Illuminati and The Elders of Zion.”
The “Deep State”. Oooooo. Scary.
Chuck said...
"I didn't vote for Hillary. I never once voted for any Clinton, ever."
We only have your word for that, Chuck. An anonymous source.
Jimmy Carters "crack" campaign team in 1980 desperately wanted Reagan to win the nomination over Bush.
'nuff said.
Inga: "The “Deep State”. Oooooo. Scary."
Lefties take time out from accusing W Bush of conspiring with the Saudi's to let 9-11 happen, accusing Reagan/HWBush of colluding with the Iranians to hold Americans hostage longer, accusing Trump campaign of colluding with the Russians, accusing the CIA of running drugs into the inner cities, etc to decry others making note of the all the obama admin holdover people involved in leaking and undermining Trump.
That is some LLR Chuck quality irony right there.
"I knew this would happen to me. I knew they would never let me be President."
I would have enjoyed 2016 a lot more if she had let me in on the secret.
Inga: "The “Deep State”. Oooooo. Scary."
The Koch Brothers and the NRA. Oooo. Scary.
We only have your word for that, Chuck. An anonymous source.
An anonymous source whose every comment hopes for political developments that impede Republican objectives.
from the WashingtonPost review of Amy Chozick’s book:
Chozick offers plenty of self-recrimination, but she still blames Clinton for not grasping how the game was played. “Trump understood our gluttonous short attention span better than anyone,” she writes, “but especially better than Hillary, whose media strategy amounted to her ignoring us.”
That sums up Hillary’s modus operandi —ignore the peasants (voters), ignore Wisconsin, ignore husband Bill’s expert advice, ignore the press (scum). Winning strategy.
So Hillary! the smartest and most experienced candidate in our history (Obama said so!) did not grasp how the game was played.
Hillary! set women back decades.
There! I said it.
She picked her opponent and still lost.
That's sad.
The disappointment felt by the lefties and their LLR allies over the fact that even Comeys own self-serving memos undercuts every lefty talking point for the last 18 months (hoax dossier credibility, collusion, obstruction of justice BS) is palpable.
Not to worry. As soon as Maddow and soros funded BS generators create the next batch of talking points LLR Chuck will return in force.
If Trump wasn't a pig, he would have beat her by 5 to 10 points.
“They” won’t let me be President: Good Lord, what a victim.
Spiros Pappas: "If Trump wasn't a pig, he would have beat her by 5 to 10 points."
You are clearly a "glass is half full" kind of a guy.
Hitler learn that Hillary Clinton lost the election
Inga's favorite State would be the one that goes Deepest.
That reminds me: yesterday was the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord. I have proposed that as a kind of anti-July 4th holiday for Inga and other Neo-Tory State-shtuppers, in honor of a hero of theirs, British Royal Marine Major John Pitcairn, who rode up to the Minutemen at Lexington and said, "Disperse, ye rabble, disperse!" Last night LightTV observed the anniversary by showing the made-for-television movie "April Morning," a very moving recreation of the events. As Maj. Pitcairn and the Redcoats are marching toward Lexington, I could easily imagine Inga, ARM, Robert Cook and others Liberty-phobes standing at the roadside, cheering them on:
"You get 'em, Major! We'll have none of that freedom nonsense over here!"
You know that famous Minuteman statue in Massachusetts? I often imagine servile Neo-Tory types such as Inga looking at that statue and feeling the kind of deep, visceral revulsion I feel looking at Hillary Clinton.
I vowed to crawl across broken glass to vote against that egomaniacal, rapist-enabling grifter 25 years ago.
Damn straight I wouldn't let her be president.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Chuck said...
“Is this a case where anonymous sources are going to be believed, Althouse?“
What anonymous source? Chozick? Mook?.
That 1990 60 Minutes BS started it and I've never looked back.
Open the Impeachment files. Let's finish this.
"vowed to crawl across broken glass to vote against that egomaniacal, rapist-enabling grifter 25 years ago."
That same sentiment is held by every Republican and conservative I know. Except Chuck, who begrudgingly describes his vote for Trump as being the lesser of two evils. Lulz
I've come around to the idea that he [Trump] might have been the only one who could beat her.
The most impressive thing about President Trump:
He fights.
He fights the "He's a Nazi" attacks used on all Republican candidates.
He fights FOR US interests in negotiations.
He fights the bias in the press.
Yeah, Trump's actions can be messy at times. Fighting is a messy business..... if you fight to win.
Blogger Browndog said...
Hillary's problem wasn't us Deplorables. It was Bernie Bros. He was supposed to be the token "alternative" in appearance only for the sole purpose of dispelling the "entitled, pre-ordained" talking point in the general election.
I agree. She did not realize that the Democrats are mostly Bernie bros now except for the cold calculating pros who have lost touch with their own base.
Also "They" = white males.
Yup the Deplorables (say 40% of the country--not "half" as Hillary said), plus any survivors of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy were not really enough to put Trump over the top. But some of my otherwise rational friends are both Democrats--and Bernie Bros. The Bernie Bros--the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy--are what did Hillary in.
Hillary and her enablers provide such a target-rich environment. It really is like clubbing baby seals with a baseball bat (horrible imagery, sorry).
If we had any self-discipline, we'd stop ragging on Hillary, and start boosting her up to run again in 2020 for her 3rd Presidential loss.
Alas, we don't.
I wondered if they made Hillary blow into a breathalyzer [or inhalator as Obama refers to it] before they postponed her concession speech?
Wow. The DNC and their lawyers must have really celebrated today.
These were the people who were going to run the country if Hillary won? These people? They threw away the votes of people who had voted Democrat all their lives. And they’re the smart ones?
Hillary's loss didn't set women back since very few people view her as a regular woman. She's more like the bitter old hateful hag you'd see in a dive bar.
"They threw away the votes of people who had voted Democrat all their lives. And they’re the smart ones?"
-- They thought the blue wall wouldn't crack. They thought, much like Republicans thought, that their base would always come home. But, much like the Tea Party showed the Republicans otherwise, the Democrats hopefully learned that you have to *earn* votes.
Clinton, apparently, has not yet learned that lesson. You'd think after losing twice, she'd know that. Maybe she'll try again and put the lesson to practice.
Of all the deposed Queens, I most admire Marie Antoinette. She took care to keep a clean, white dress in her wardrobe and mounted the scaffold with dignity and grace. The last words and moments of the Romanov Empress were not recorded. They were probably terrified screams in any case. Anne Boleyn was about the worst, On the scaffold, she proclaimed her love and loyalty to Henry VIII. Maybe she was angling for some kind of last minute reprieve, but her words give off a kind of Stalinesque, Darkness at Noon vibe. I do not think Hillary has been as weaselly as Anne Boleyn, but she's no Marie Antoinette when it comes to grace and dignity.
Make no mistake. Hillary's marriage to Bill and her ambition for him [she pushed him into running for public office] was ambition for herself all along. Hillary has no self awareness and continues to blame anyone and everything else for her failings and continues to project her own conniving ruthlessness on others. She probably has a personality disorder.
Of all the deposed Queens, I most admire Marie Antoinette.
William, there was a lot to admire in her. Aside from the 'let them eat cake' retort [she probably, like many of us, couldn't resist a straight line], she was far abler a queen than Louis XVI a king. Both died gracefully. With bushido, one might say.
It was partly Hillary's cackle, I think. Voters thought the notion of hearing it for at least four years was just too much to bear.
... and then, there is what mockturtle just said.
Hillary lost because she was so far ahead in all the polls, the D's didn't bother to cheat as much as they usually do.
They won't make that mistake again.
I can continually amuse myself thinking about Hillary and her closest associates on Election Night around 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, and how they were happy and confident about the outcome of the election. I still hold out hope that whoever recorded the action inside the suite that night kept a secret copy all for themselves, and that maybe we will get to see it someday once Clinton does us all a favor and croaks.
"""...They were never going to let me be president."""
I have a theory about who they are:
The vast right-wing conspiracy, of course!
It would be easy to believe it was just cynical Hillary trying to deflect the accusations against her husband while he was president. Little did she know that very soon everyone would agree that Bill Clinton did indeed have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky. A Republican would have been eating his words for the rest of his (short) career, but as far as the MSM was concerned, the whole sorry term was memory-holed.
But, Hillary brought it up again in 2016! Saying she still believed in it. By this point I don't know whether she is insane or has taken cynicism to a level heretofore unplumbed. Either way, "They" are the WRWC.
>>maybe we will get to see it someday
The Chappaquiddick standard suggests you will need to wait 50 years.
"Hillary was such an awful candidate that she would have lost to just about any one of the serious Republican candidates, probably even Bush or Kasich."
Nope. Like Chuck they're eunuchs. Bed wetters. Trump. Cuz. Maybe Walker. But not those two fucks.
The actual results of the election strongly suggests that any other Republican candidate would have lost to Clinton. I don't think any other Republican could have won any of these states that Trump did win: IA, WI, MI, and PA. Rubio, the candidate I thought would win the nomination going into the Fall of 2015 would probably have carried FL and NC, and might have won OH and VA- just enough to carry the election, but I would have to say Clinton still wins VA most likely there given the actual margin she did win it by.
She's a reporter. Wasn't alot of this actual news during the election. Maybe she should've done her job and reported it. This is prob better than comeys book but it's in the same vein: shoulda, coulda woulda...
Trump ran a campaign and became the republican nominee, hence the republican nominee disrupted the campaign--by WINNING! The other two are needed for show.
Martha said...
"Hillary! set women back decades."
What is that supposed to mean? Is there a clear line of advance, along which "women" were steadily making progress, until this disaster struck? If the election had been decided entirely by the votes of married women, Hillary! would have lost in a landslide. It seems more appropriate to say that women set Hillary! back decades. And good for them.
Phonetically, he actually said, "I gots to get me some Trump."
But that would be mocking African-American Vernacular English, and hence racist.
Thank goodness the media were there to sanitize the spelling.
It's almost as though she were built in a laboratory by evil scientists bent on creating the most unlikable politician in human history.
I caint wait till she is called to support the DNC charges in lawsuit against "Deplorables"
We all sometimes say "they" in casual conversation about this, that or the other. But it would be very interesting to know what, exactly, Hillary thought at the time she said that.
Just some generalized disappointment with a non-specific "they" just to not blame herself?
Or a Nixonian, Clintonian enemies list? Or something in between.
But for me the best line in the Story was Joe Biden's:
“Biden had confided (off the record) to the White House press corps that he wanted to run, but he added something like ‘You guys don’t understand these people. The Clintons will try to destroy me.’”
Totally believable that Biden would think that, and be correct; he saw them do it to a generation of potential rising Democrats who might have challenged her in 2008--Obama having slid under the radar.
"They" have always been out to get you, Hillary.
She needs to go back to baking cookies.
Until the Conventions, I was all but certain that Hillary somehow got Trump to run in order to disrupt the Republican Party for the general election.
Anne Boleyn was about the worst, On the scaffold, she proclaimed her love and loyalty to Henry VIII.
If she'd spoken forthrightly, they might have hung, drawn, and quartered her instead. More likely, she figured it would help her claim of innocence in posterity.
I left Baltimore, after a decade living there, in 2000. Every time I think of the city, or my time spent living there, I am grateful to be done with that hellhole.
Hillary Clinton lost in 2008, and in 2006. Every time I think of the woman, or my time spent with her as a candidate, I am grateful to be done with that hellhole.
More likely, she [Boleyn] figured it would help her claim of innocence in posterity.
And her daughter one of the best monarchs England has ever had, IMO.
Blame can never be lain at the feet of Hillary. It's always someone else's fault.
Greg said...
You have to wonder how she would have lasted if she did win."
President Tim Kaine.
do you get 'let' be president, or do legal American voters elect you?
We can joke that “They” were the American voters, but I doubt that’s the case. Hillary is a disturbed individual. For the umpteenth time I marvel at the bullet we dodged.
‘How do we maximize Trump?’” Chozick writes, describing a time when the GOP primary was still crowded.
That's a dishonestly truncated quote. The actual words were "How do we maximize Trump and others?"
The others are specifically named in the discussion, and include Cruz and Carson.
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