২২ এপ্রিল, ২০১৮

"Dignity and stuff like that" — Ivana Trump gives a great interview.

At Page Six. I'm seeing a lot of highlighting of one thing she said:

But all she said was — when asked — “I’ll tell you something, I don’t think it’s necessary... He has a good life and he has everything. Donald is going to be 74, 73 for the next [election] and maybe he should just go and play golf and enjoy his fortune." That's such an inconsequential thing to say. It's only highlighted, I think, because a lot of people obsess about what will make Donald Trump go away.

But I note that Ivana's reason why he might not run would have just as well applied to his 2016 decision to run, and it's an idea that Donald Trump himself has expressed many time: He doesn't need it, he could live a very pleasant life without all this. But he did run in 2016, so why wouldn't he run in 2020? You could say, he's already proved he can be elected President. Yeah, but he hasn't yet proved he can be re-elected. And if you take him at his word — a concept that will annoy the hell out of his haters — he didn't do it to magnify himself but because he really thought he knew what the country needs and believed that only he can provide it.

Ivana also talked about her son Don Jr's impending divorce. She sees her boy as the winner and the mother of her grandchildren as the loser:

“Donald Jr. is a good-looking guy. He is successful. He is not going to have a problem to find a girl,” she said. “Maybe Vanessa might have a little problem because she has five kids . . . who is going to date and marry the woman who has five children? Especially since she is young [40] and she might want to have more.”
As for Don Jr's adultery:
“It’s always distressing, because I’ve been there,” said Ivana of the cheating allegations. “But who am I to judge and who knows what was the situation at that moment? It’s a long time ago now, so I think Vanessa knew it all along and maybe she just couldn’t get over the hurt to forgive him. But I honestly don’t know that many men who can keep their zippers up.”
Keep their zippers up is a very old-fashioned expression. It absurdly implies that the pants have a life of their own. And she wants us to be charitable toward her son, that poor man:
“He knows with Vanessa he made a mistake so I would not punish him anymore. He has enough of the problem as it is and five kids to raise.” 
Speaking of adultery, she talks about Melania:
“I feel bad for [Melania] because I know how bad I did feel. It hurts a lot... I divorced Donald immediately [after I discovered the Maples affair] because I told myself, ‘Am I going to live with the person [who] is going to say, ‘I’m going to go and play golf’ [leaving me to] think, ‘Is he really going to go and play golf?’ I cannot do it. I have pride and I have dignity and stuff like that, but so many women, around the world, they live with the men knowing that they are cheating and stuff like that. Everybody handles their situation their own way.”
Dignity and stuff like that...
“[Stormy Daniels] is not playing a fair game... [She is] paid to strip. . . She goes pole dancing or whatever she’s doing.”
I love the insight you can get about the English language from quotes by non-native speakers. Why does "She goes pole dancing" sound odd to me? It implies that it's a recreational activity, like "She goes bowling." As a native speaker, I'd use "does" before "goes," and it's not easy to explain why I know to do that. There's also (above) "He has enough of the problem as it is." Native speakers would say "He has enough problems as it is."* "The problem" sounds like something specific that we're referring to knowingly, like "that time of the month" or (to dredge up another old-fashioned expression) "I'm going to give him the business."

Ivana is glad she's not First Lady (or so she says):
“Honestly, I prefer that [Melania is] in [the White House rather than me]... “I like to do what I want to do and like to go wherever I want to go with whomever I want to go.... It’s a hard adjustment because she cannot go anywhere. She cannot go shopping, she cannot go out to the theater, she cannot go to restaurants because she has Secret Service and 15 cars in front and 15 in back. So she’s sort of a little bit stuck in the White House — and Donald is busy from morning to night and he’s a workaholic — so I’m not sure how much you really can do.”
And Melanie is not getting any love from the fashion and celebrity magazines:
“I don’t think it’s her fault,” she said. “I think she would do it in a minute if she would be asked. But . . . she doesn’t speak a lot and the magazines [want to interview someone who talks]. You can speak to me for hours and I talk. Some people are more quiet.”
Well, I think the magazines are snubbing her because they hate her husband (or think they need to act like they do), not because she's insufficiently chatty. Maybe Ivana craftily causing us to think  she was the better companion for Trump. She can match his wild banter.

As for Ivana's sex life, it sounds kind of great: “I’m not dating... I have companions. They’re based all around the world.” I guess "dating" implies looking for the next husband. She's already had 4 husband, Donald being the second. I think "companions... based all around the world" is an excellent concept for the unmarried and strong woman.


* I made a correction there. Originally, I botched the "native speaker" version. Wretched confusion.

৭৯টি মন্তব্য:

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

"They’re based all around the world."

Sounds like refueling stops or some other solution to an engineering problem.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Trump doesn't need to run, but he will. There will be too much unfinished business. Too many media hacks left to shred.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

The correct usage is "I have pride and I have dignity and shit".

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"based all around the world" is an excellent concept"

Oh, so traveling for "companionship" is OK?

Ken B বলেছেন...

An ex wife who seems to like and admire him? The Russians got to her. And that name, is that a Russian name? 'Nough said.

David Begley বলেছেন...

“ I think "companions... based all around the world" is an excellent concept for the unmarried and strong woman.”

She just a rich woman slut who gets off with like minded low lifes. How about this? No one wants to marry her and become casualty number five. I imagine more than a day with her is unbearable.

This woman is no hero. She slept her way to the top.

And what’s up with trash talking her daughter-in-law? Is five children a handicap?

Also clueless. Donald announced for re-election months ago.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

We got as far as figgering out that "Ivana" was the ex-wife, then lost interest.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Rich ladies who have run out of husbands typically have Companions to take them for walks or to hold their purse while they shop. Only Streisand actually marries them.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

I'm a travelin' man
I've made a lot of stops all over the world
And in every port I own the heart
Of at least one lovely girl

David Begley বলেছেন...

More on Althouse’s strong woman.

“In April 2008, Ivana, then 59, married Rossano Rubicondi, then 36.The $3 million wedding for 400 guests was hosted by ex-husband Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago estate. Daughter Ivanka Trump was her maid of honor. On December 1, 2008, Ivana confirmed to the Associated Press that she had filed a legal separation agreement three months previously....”

She looks to me to be sick and unstable.

Peter বলেছেন...

"They’re based all around the world."

That provides a romantic cachet, doesn't it? Globalism has its benefits. If she had said "They're all conveniently located in the Bronx for easy access", would Ms. Althouse gush over such an "excellent concept"?

Amexpat বলেছেন...

Searchin' high, searchin' low
Searchin' everywhere I know
Askin' the cops wherever I go
Have you seen dignity

Tank বলেছেন...

She seems like a good wife for the young Donald, as Melania is good for the President of the United States of America.

dreams বলেছেন...

She could have but might not even want a sex life. Most people live real lives not lives as portrayed on tv or in the movies. She is an old woman.

Chuck বলেছেন...

After the dignity, the poise, the loyalty to family, the humanity, good humor and faith on display at the remarkable funeral service for Barbara Bush, the utter venality of the Trump family on display in Ivana Trump's interview is almost nauseating.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I never found her attractive, and that was supposed to be the root cause of her being known to us. I think Marla Maples was Trump's hottest wife.

I wonder why people who divorce so readily get married in the first place. Is it just like a really big gift of flowers for your lover?

holdfast বলেছেন...

She aged out very, very quickly. Contrast 1980s models like Christie Brinkley and Elle McPhearson who still look great.

John henry বলেছেন...

Shhhh, David. Don't harsh their mellow

Of course he is running in 2020. Of course he has already announced.

But the Russian bs has proven to be bs, there is nothing to impeach for and this is all they have left.

Keep hope alive!

John Henry

Michael K বলেছেন...

Chuck's knee just jerked.

Blogger tcrosse said...
Rich ladies who have run out of husbands typically have Companions to take them for walks or to hold their purse while they shop

Yes. She is better off with companions. I know a woman artist who does stuff for her. She lives a very rich (money) life,.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Keep the zippers up!

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"After the dignity,...for Barbara Bush, the utter venality of the Trump family..."

It's a big country, and Americans have a wide range of lifestyles. I'd say that except for the wealth, the Trump family is just as typical if not more so than the Bushes.

Democrats want Presidents that represent them with the right style and appearance, regardless of what they can or will do. Conservatives want experience, skill, and accomplishment toward a better country, while Dems are satisfied with just the right look. That's how you get a Nobel Prize or elected President without accomplishing anything.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Gosh, Chuck, you extraordinary fopdoodle, it is as if being a great gal married to a poor president and mother to a bad president is more important than being a good and successful president.

Style over substance for Chuck.

Fuck that.

Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...

Donald Trump can't afford to not run. The deep state is after him and all the money in the world won't protect him from it. Either he wins or it destroys him.

David Begley বলেছেন...

“But I honestly don’t know that many men who can keep their zippers up.”

Why can’t she keep her panties on? Trailer park trash living on Park Avenue.

Birkel বলেছেন...

"Splooge stooge" implies moral control. The zipper comment implies a lack of control.

Althouse logic.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

It's about.. like dignity and stuff.

FIDO বলেছেন...

Four divorces under her belt but she is not 'looking for another husband'.

Um...she thinks 5 kids are a big bring down in the mating market but being almost 70 and high maintenance $$$ somehow ISN'T?

Karen বলেছেন...

Actually, it would be “enough problems as it is”, or “enough of a problem as it is.”

Bill Peschel বলেছেন...

"But I honestly don’t know that many men who can keep their zippers up.”

Professor Althouse writers: "Keep their zippers up is a very old-fashioned expression. It absurdly implies that the pants have a life of their own."

I didn't parse the sentence that way. Men is the subject, not the zippers. Saying they can't keep it up does not absolve them of the responsibility.

If the sentence was cast in the passive voice: "There are men whose zippers won't stay up," that implies that the pants have autonomy and agency.

I suppose you'd rather have the sentence be "men who won't keep their zippers up," but that implies that they're down all the time, and that's a different subject.

Bill Peschel বলেছেন...

"Professor Althouse writers"? I really must learn to proof my comments more.

Chuck বলেছেন...

bagoh20 said...
Democrats want Presidents that represent them with the right style and appearance, regardless of what they can or will do. Conservatives want experience, skill, and accomplishment toward a better country, while Dems are satisfied with just the right look. That's how you get a Nobel Prize or elected President without accomplishing anything.

I don't much care what anybody thinks Democrats want. I don't care what Democrats want. I personally thought that the Obama Nobel Peace Prize was the most grand joke in the history of the award. Joe Biden's prize can't be too far off. Right after it goes to Maduro, or Ortega, or Putin.

As for a conservative President with "experience, skill and accomplishment," you're talking about... Trump?!? Bankrupt casino operator; bankrupt airline operator; golf club developer; beauty pageant owner; reality show host; sociopathic "John Miller" poseur; Trump "University" fraudster; litigation clown; former proponent of an assault weapons ban/same-sex marriage/single-payer national health system? That guy?

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...


Comanche Voter বলেছেন...

Oh come right and say it Ivanka. Stormy is "not playing a fair game." Well yes, a good whore stays bought. There--that's fixed.

Trumpit বলেছেন...

Melania is the only wife of Trump that I like personality-wise. She's also the most beautiful. She dresses to the nines. Does Trump only disgust her sexually, or does it go deeper than that?

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Good point on Trump needs to run because of his war with the deep state.

Sad point also.

Birkel বলেছেন...

There is no Deep State. --Leftist blog commenters

The intelligence agencies will fuck you nine ways to Sunday. --Chuck Schumer

Whom to believe?

Chuck বলেছেন...

Ron Winkleheimer said...
Donald Trump can't afford to not run. The deep state is after him and all the money in the world won't protect him from it. Either he wins or it destroys him.

I don't know if you are right, Ron. But your thought crossed my mind as well. The notion -- I have no way of knowing now if it will be true in the near future -- that Trump will need to run for President, to stay out of jail. That's an unusual campaign theme: "Vote for me, to stick it to the feds..." But it worked, for Marion Berry, and Coleman Young, William Jefferson and Alcee Hastings.

Kevin বলেছেন...

It's only highlighted, I think, because a lot of people obsess about what will make Donald Trump go away.

If you listen to the media you can hear what they think might happen. In order of their perceived likelihood:

1. Trump is found guilty of some crime and removed from office.
2. Trump decides not to run for reelection.
3. ???????
4. The Democrats find someone to beat him in 2020

Michael K বলেছেন...

The deep state is after him and all the money in the world won't protect him from it. Either he wins or it destroys him.

Yes, he is in a war with it.

Not a war with whiners like chuck but with really evil people who are used to running things for their own purposes.

They are the equivalent of the Krupps in 1930 Germany. Not that they are "Daddy Warbucks" but they run things for their own benefit.

The Clintons were the perfect agents for them. A hundred million here and a hundred million there and who cares what else goes on ?

Who funded Obama ? What were his college grades ? Will we ever know ? Of course, that is easy to fix. Atlanta schools were doing that to keep funding up.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“After the dignity, the poise, the loyalty to family, the humanity, good humor and faith on display at the remarkable funeral service for Barbara Bush, the utter venality of the Trump family on display in Ivana Trump's interview is almost nauseating.”

The comparison with the Obama family is also stark.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Ivana was never FLOTUS. The comparison with the Clinton family is not so stark.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

A beautiful column from Maureen Dowd about Barbara Bush this weekend. Much better than Peggy Noonan's column. Dowd has a genuine affection for the senior members of the Bush family.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"And if you take him at his word — a concept that will annoy the hell out of his haters — he didn't do it to magnify himself but because he really thought he knew what the country needs and believed that only he can provide it."

It doesn't annoy me. I just disregard any such suggestion as obvious nonsense. One can't be annoyed when liars lie; it's their nature. I remain, however, surprised that anyone actually believes it.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

I think "companions... based all around the world" is an excellent concept for the unmarried and strong woman.

Except that it is precluded by a number of religions, so not open to the unmarried, strong women who profess those.

langford peel বলেছেন...

President Trump did more to advance conservative principles in two years than baby Bush did in eight.

Conservative judges. Deregulation. A tax cut. Much stricter immigration reform. While every step of the way being betrayed by traitors like McCain, Graham, Flake and people like Chuck. Who are only pretend Coservatives. Trump is actually doing it and they are trying to stop it at the orders of their masters in the Swamp and the Deep State.

The one good thing is many of these rats are cashing out and fleeing to lobbyist pay off jobs. Scumbag Quislings like Paul Ryan and Bob Corker and Jeff Flake are cutting and running. Rats always desert a sinking ship and they see rough times ahead for the Swamp. As more rouge politicized FBI agents like McCabe get indicted they want to be out of the line of fire.

We can only hope that in his second term he can scourge the Republican Party of people like Chuck and leave a legacy to the American people.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

“Honestly, I prefer that [Melania is] in [the White House rather than me]... “I like to do what I want to do and like to go wherever I want to go with whomever I want to go.... It’s a hard adjustment because she cannot go anywhere. She cannot go shopping, she cannot go out to the theater, she cannot go to restaurants because she has Secret Service and 15 cars in front and 15 in back. So she’s sort of a little bit stuck in the White House — and Donald is busy from morning to night and he’s a workaholic — so I’m not sure how much you really can do.”

All of this. The First Lady is the Office of the Gilded Cage.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

I have pride and I have dignity and stuff like that, but so many women, around the world, they live with the men knowing that they are cheating and stuff like that. Everybody handles their situation their own way.”

Some hang on, build a power base, enrich the coffers, run for President and lose.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
rcocean বলেছেন...

One the problems with marrying a Rich alpha male, is they tend to cheat - a lot. So, most women put up with it. Ivana's unusual in that she didn't.

First ladies all learn to love being first ladies, just like Presidents love being President. You have to go all the way back to Calvin Coolidge to find one that could have won reelection easily - and didn't run.

Ike, of course, respected the two term tradition - and had health issues. Truman was the same, although he was incredibly unpopular in '52. LBJ knew he would lose.

Melina has been treated shabbily, but that's the liberal/Left for you. No class.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

the utter venality of the Trump family on display in Ivana Trump's interview is almost nauseating.”


I see so one is incapable of connecting the dots.

Who followed Barbara Bush as First Lady?

And here we are.

It didn't matter 25 years ago, had time to percolate thru society, and now you're shocked Trump is president?

Or should we let the Kennedys and their history with women percolate for over 50 years?

Howard বলেছেন...

How much did Cohen pay Ivana to recant the rape charge?

rcocean বলেছেন...

Tina Brown has published her diaries from the 80s.

I skimmed through it. A lot of chit-chat about people I don't care about. But she was a "Friend" of Nancy Reagan. She sneers at the Reagan's intellect, although they "look fabulous". It seems Barbara was upset that the Reagan's didn't campaign very hard for them in '88. Although, why they should have, is beyond me.
Bush refused to get out of the race in 1980, when he was he was a certain loser, and said nasty things about Reagan.

No love lost between those two couples.

rcocean বলেছেন...

So, Trump was leaving Ivana for Maples, so Ivana divorced him. And then Trump raped her. Okey dokey. What's wrong with that picture?

We need a new standard. If you don't report a sexual assault to the police, it didn't happen.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Venality is an interesting concept. Attitudes to this vary, mainly, according to the observation of forms rather than the substance of the practice.

I.e., its more about how you do it.

This is ancient of course. The Roman senate had rules both formal and informal regarding the acceptable forms. One could use ones influence and effectively take bribes while being entirely respectable, while others, like Crassus, could do, er, crass things to get rich and thereby affect their reputation.

In truth, Trump has never held a public office and did not get rich through influence-peddling in the ancient and honorable way. Conversely this was the Bush family business, handled with discretion.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Howard said...
How much did Cohen pay Ivana to recant the rape charge?

How much does Soros pay you to post this stuff ?

Michael K বলেছেন...

Conversely this was the Bush family business, handled with discretion.

The Bushes always had "partners" to do the nitty gritty stuff.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"I personally thought that the Obama Nobel Peace Prize was the most grand joke in the history of the award."

I don't know about it being a "grand joke," but it was certainly a sick joke. But then, its bestowal on Henry Kissinger in 1973 was also a sick joke, so the prize itself seen as joke, in general.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"So, Trump was leaving Ivana for Maples, so Ivana divorced him."

No. Ivana divorced Trump because he was having an affair with Marla Maples.

"And then Trump raped her. Okey dokey. What's wrong with that picture?"

What do you think is wrong with it? You don't agree that boyfriends and husbands can rape their girlfriends or wives?

"We need a new standard. If you don't report a sexual assault to the police, it didn't happen."

That's the old standard.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

For the young'uns who didn't live thru the Clinton years (open up the files) and wanted to vote for her glass ceiling and all that I get...

BUT those if a certain age who lived thru it, put that rapist back in office, didn't pay attention to his sex island friends, said island just had a fire, imagine that! AND still wanted to put that creep back in the WH, that you have a problem with The Donald is quite amusing and cognitive dissidence to some of us.

Remember, it's a private issue between him and his wife. The Donald can compartmentalize. It won't affect his job, other than more fun tweets. Don't go raising the bar NOW! That horse left that barn in 1990 and died.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Arafat got one, too.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Melina has been treated shabbily, but that's the liberal/Left for you. No class."

Unlike the perfect respect accorded to Michelle Obama by the right, who called her things like "ape in heels," gorilla face," "poor gorilla" and "Obama's baby mama."

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Unlike the perfect respect accorded to Michelle Obama by the right, who called her things like "ape in heels," gorilla face," "poor gorilla" and "Obama's baby mama."

Condoleezza Rice got a bit of that, too. Either way it's a disgrace.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Howard said...
How much did Cohen pay Ivana to recant the rape charge?

This is not an unreasonable question, given what we now know about the various principals involved.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Somebody said it yesterday - and it's still spot-on - the more 'they' say Donald won't run in 2020? The better the chance he does.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Unlike the perfect respect accorded to Michelle Obama by the right, who called her things like "ape in heels," gorilla face," "poor gorilla" and "Obama's baby mama."

Sure. Three examples of media or well know persons saying that?
Baby mamma is not exactly an insult

buwaya বলেছেন...

Getting MSM and social media insults or egregious comments is typical.

Michelle Malkin got many thousands of such comments, and threats, poison pen emails, etc., and wrote a book about it. Sarah Palin got millions.

Chuck বলেছেন...

langford peel;

In a very real sense, Trump needed my vote to become President. He'll need it again, if he ever hopes to win another presidential election.

To review; my state -- Michigan -- was Trump's narrowest electoral win. Trump barely won that narrowest of wins, on the strength of the behavior of two groups. One was traditional Republicans like me who, after having withheld approval of Trump throughout the campaign, ended up voting for him as the "least worst" option. The other determinative group of voters in Michigan were all of the urban black voters in Wayne County who failed to turn out at all, denying to Clinton the powerful in-state voting block that carried the state for Democrats in '08 and '12. The Obama voters.

Without voters like me, Trump won't win in Michigan. I don't think he can win in Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin either. And we don't have to be Democrat voters. I'll never be a Democrat voter. We can just wash our hands of presidential politics, the way that Wayne County voters did in 2016. Those black voters didn't vote for Trump; but they needed to turn out and vote for Clinton and they didn't. And they handed the election to Trump.

FIDO বলেছেন...

Um, no. The 'old standard' of rape is if you didn't have bruises or witnesses, it meant you were easy.

Currently, if a woman say you raped her, even if you have texts FROM her that she wants to hook up afterwards (mattress girl), that you lack the injuries that you claim occurred (Jackie Coakley) or texted your girlfriend that 'giggle' you were about to fuck some guy, the man is still considered libel for rape...even if that 'guy' doesn't exist.

This is the new standard.

The old standard and the new standard suck. I like the 'if you don't report it to the police, if you don't care enough to have a rape kit done, you obviously have other priorities than justice, so society is not required to care.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

And he’s the best thing for our country in decades.

FIDO বলেছেন...

Chuck, before, we were told that Trump was going to end abortion, ship all the Mexicans to internment camps, allow the groping of all women, and give every yahoo a AR-15 and let them shoot homos and trannies.

This fear mongering has been proven vastly incorrect. A not insignificant number of voters, myself included, worried that Trump would be Hillary With A Penis, a Crypto-Democrat.

So there are vast swathes of people who have lost their fear of Trump and are rather entertained by his antics and happily folding their hard earned money into their bras and wallets.

This is probably far more than butthurt than Crypto-Liberals like yourself who never voted for Trump in the first place.

Because the Democrats HAVE shown themselves to be rioting, moon screaming, lawsuit throwing, lawyer invading intolerant totalitarians whom SHOULD be feared!

So your analysis is, as always, one sided.

Lydia বলেছেন...

Great interview with Ivana on CBS Sunday Morning from last October, during which she says when asked about liking younger men: "I'd rather be a baby sitter than a nursemaid."

LA_Bob বলেছেন...

'I think "companions... based all around the world" is an excellent concept for the unmarried and strong woman.'

Maybe I'm mistaken, but I seem to recall Althouse suggesting that single men who have no intention of marrying should abstain from sex. Am I misremembering?

FIDO বলেছেন...

Maybe I'm mistaken, but I seem to recall Althouse suggesting that single men who have no intention of marrying should abstain from sex. Am I misremembering?

I don't know that. I do know she wants a woman to sign a triplicate affidavit of horniness before a man should deign to approach a woman, however.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

The Companions of rich ladies of a certain age are generally the sort of men who are not interested in sex with women, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
How much did Cohen pay Ivana to recant the rape charge?

How much does Soros pay you to post this stuff ?

I only get paid if a conservative moron responds to it, then it's $25 per response here at ALthouse. The cucks are so gullible at Instapussy, Soros only pays $1 per response, but I still make more there in volume.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Howard, I thought it might be minimum wage.

I guess not.

Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Howard said...
How much did Cohen pay Ivana to recant the rape charge?

This is not an unreasonable question, given what we now know about the various principals involved.

I don't get anything from Soros when another Deep State Stalinist Troll like myself responds. However, in response to ARM, money may not have been necessary because Cohen very well may have had some muscle "talk" to Ivana.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Obama's baby mama."

There's no disrespect there since she introduced her husband as her baby daddy in Chicago when he won the nomination.

The crowd loved it.

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR Chuck: "In a very real sense, Trump needed my vote to become President."