Thomas A. Mesereau Jr., one of Mr. Cosby’s lawyers, shredded any sense that the defense would be cowed by the #MeToo moment. He presented Mr. Cosby’s accuser, Andrea Constand, in his opening remarks to the jury as a willful, greedy woman who ran a “pyramid scheme” and took advantage of a man who had lost a son.
“You are going to be asking yourself during this trial, ‘What does she want from Bill Cosby?’ And you already know the answer: ‘Money, money and lots more money,’” he said. “She has a history of financial problems until she hits the jackpot with Bill Cosby,” he added....
April 11, 2018
Bill Cosby's lawyer gets aggressive in his opening statement at the retrial.
The NYT reports:
It's not all greed and aggression. Some of it's nagging.
Objection, Your Honor! Counsel is rogering, I mean, badgering the witness!
“She has a history of financial problems until she hits the jackpot with Bill Cosby”
Plus, you know, she was totally asking for it.
I witnessed a badger once.
I thought you couldn't get that kind of thing in evidence.
Silly me.
He’s riding the wave of the backlash. Interesting strategy. Going for an outright acquittal now. Last time it was Cosby is a doddering old man who deserves some sympathy. Now it’s goong after the accuser.
Her lawyer too wants Cosby's money, money, money.
Also good decision to reveal that he paid her over $3 million already.
The NYT is too PC to say this but another issue is that all these Cosby accusing women are white. So we got fame, money, MeToo, Greed, and Fear of Black Man Raping White Women.
This is better than OJ.
So last time the defense went easy on the accusers and were lucky to get a hung jury? Now they’re changing strategy? Who says lawyers can’t learn?
Women takes public transportation to the courtroom
Since Cosby already paid her, she must be in some discussions for a book.
I live in the Philly area and this story has been covered pretty thoroughly. But yesterday was the first I had heard that Cosby paid Costand $3.4MM to go away. If I was on the jury, I am not sure how I'd view that information?
McCullough- I don't think Costand is white though the fact that she is a lesbian [I think that is true] has been downplayed so far.
Maybe Cosby gave Andrea Constand three pills, but if he did I'm guessing he took six himself first.
Cosby is literally playing out the clock. He just has to tie this up in the courts for another few years. Court dates are better than prison terms, but hospital stays are how it ends. ......I believe that at least some of these women were up for the casting couch but not for being drugged. Is that a legitimate factor in evaluating the crime?
He's doing his job.
If NDAs are no more, the only way to shut people up will be to kill them.
If you ask my partner, it wouldn’t be “yes” with Cos’ defense, but “he’ll yes”.
She got to know the family almost 40 years ago when she was running a shop in the hotel where Cosby was playing in Vegas. Most male stars playing in Vegas did a combination of the “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” and Boys Gone Wild. Not Cosby who brought the entire family along. Being famous, they had paparazzi problems. So she would sneak the family in and out through the shop on a regular basis. And visited their suite on a number of occasions, where she drank a glass of champagne with the Cosby parents. Never, ever, anything even remotely questionable. Always the perfect family man, in a situation where almost every other male star there wouldn’t have been.
So, we were talking about Cosby a couple days ago, and she filled in some of the details of a story she had told me before. One time he asked her to bring something up to the suite, and she said fine. A woman she knew well wanted to go along, and that was fine. Partner swore her to promising to sit in the chair and not say a word to the Cosbys, which was extremely hard for this woman. She promised. After the champagne, when they were getting ready to go back downstairs, he offered them show tickets. This woman was kinda saying “yes, yes, yes”, without really opening her mouth. Bouncing a bit in excitement. Partner was behind her waving her arms no, no, no”. Next day in the shop, Cosby, knowing the relationship with the woman, apologized if my partner was protecting the other woman. She responded that no, she was protecting him. Which was the truth, and got a laugh. There are a lot of celebrity groupies even in those who grew up in Vegas, and doing famous guys is a notch in their belts. And this woman was pretty bad in that regard, having happily seduced a number of lesser stars visiting town. Cosby would have been a big score. One of her biggest. In any case thereafter, whenever my partner and Cosby would see each other, she would do the arm waving, and he would laugh, even across the room - as would his wife, who was in on the joke.
In her experience as one of the most beautiful young women in Vegas at that time, there were only two make stars who didn’t make a pass at her. Ditto, of course, other celebrities that she ran into. The first was Cosby, and the other was Elvis, whose animal magnetism and pheromones after a show back in his dressing room would have broken down the resistance of pretty much any woman, including maybe that of my partner. Never anything but perfect gentlemen from the two of them, though she did cherish the scarf that he gave her that night that he had worn onstage until it was lost in an attic leak decades later.
It must have been quite a delivery, I heard that an excited titter ran through the crowd outside the trial.
She’s from Canada and looks white. She is a lesbian she says.
AJ Lynch said...
I live in the Philly area and this story has been covered pretty thoroughly. But yesterday was the first I had heard that Cosby paid Costand $3.4MM to go away. If I was on the jury, I am not sure how I'd view that information?"
Lets see, first she cleans him out of $3.4mm then she gets him convicted so then she gets to become a feminist hero, write a book and do the usual paid lecture circuit then she sues Cosby again for all of the additional suffering of having to endure the trials. She sees him as an annuity. That's how I would see it as a juror. Now if she donated the $3.4mm she got from Cosby to kids medical charity in the Philly area then I might take her testimony seriously.
To be fair, her lawyer got 40% of the money plus all those private investigator expenses digging through Cosby’s past. The PI expenses were the nearly $400k over the $3 million. So she probably ended up with $1.8 million and the lawyer ended up with $1.2 million.
She’s probably out of the money since that payment was 12 years ago. That’s where the greed strategy is coming in. Her civil lawyer is the other villain since she her PI dig up all the old Cosby stuff.
That Cosby’s son was murdered 20 years ago and that he paid over $3 million is going to tilt heavily in his favor. If not acquitted, he’ll get another hung jury. At that point the prosecutions office will have to give up.
Costand got $3.4 Million
Stormy Daniels only got a lousy $130K.
Clearly, the market for "sleeping with rich, famous old men" suffers from great inequality.
Trials are morality plays.
Cosby is old, was well liked, and suffered through a major tragedy. He’s still a villain here but the accuser received a boatload of money. If she had been raped by some guy in an alley in North Philly she would have gotten $0 because the perp is penniless.
Her lawyer is a definite villain. She made over $1 million off her client’s rape. She’s the only one who came out of this ahead. She’s scum just like Gloria Allred and her daughter.
The prosecutor is a villain. He’s going after an old man twice even though the accuser received millions. And he’s putting Cosby’s wife through hell. And she’s the victim here.
Her son was murdered 20 years ago, her husband has been disgraced, and she is spending her last years on earth in agony. She has a dead son and a rapist for a husband. And the prosecutor and the accuser are putting her through hell.
Cosby’s wife is going to get him acquitted. She’s the most sympathetic here. Every thing Cosby's defense lawyer does is creating sympathy for her.
Just another sluts are us slut.
Agree with mccullough.
“I did not molest her! It’s not true! It’s bullshit! I did not! Oh, hi Mark.”
I am very sympathetic to Cosby. If he had only avoided talking about the black family and its pathology, he would have been left alone. Quaaludes were a big deal in those days and both partners in a sexual relationship took them. I think all of this was most likely consensual and everyone knew it.
Blogger Bruce Hayden said...
"In her experience as one of the most beautiful young women in Vegas at that time, there were only two make stars who didn’t make a pass at her."
I call bullshit. If your wife is such a hot number, how come Cosby didn't drug and rape her?
Jimmy said...It must have been quite a delivery, I heard that an excited titter ran through the crowd outside the trial.
Yep..a solid 9.
That's how you get the attention of the Patriarchy.
Blogger Michael K said...
"I am very sympathetic to Cosby... I think all of this was most likely consensual and everyone knew it."
It does seem like awfully bad luck to have had consensual drug-sex with 60 different pathological liars.
Michael K,
Hannibal Buress viral comments about Cosby is a rapist was one of the more interesting phenomena. Dude lit a fuse that would not have been possible to light 20 years ago. He had no idea this would happen.
Buress grew up with both parents so he knows Cosby is right. So does Obama. But nothing can be done about it now. Latinos surpasses blacks as the US minorities and Asians will pass them up eventually as well. The US is becoming less white but not more black. Successful blacks will intermarry with whites and Asians. Poor blacks will continue to have a high percentage of abortions and homes without fathers.
There will be success stories from here, mostly among black girls, but they will be a relatively small percentage as they are now. Whites, Latinos, and Asians will continue flocking to sports that aren’t football or basketball, as will non poor blacks. Hip hop/rap/thug culture will eventually die out due to its misogyny.
Such support for Cosby from the men here, just warms the cockles of my heart.
But she already beat Cosby out of $3.4 million in a civil suit. Wasn't that "money, money, money" and now she wants more. On what grounds?
Andrea Constrand looks a bit too masculine, too muscular and too lesbian to be attractive to Cosby. So there must be some good dirt about her relationships with the Temple women's basketball team members when she was Director of Basketball Operations.
Interestingly, her first law suit was dismissed for lack of credible evidence - he said, she said with no physical evidence. The payoff came out-of-court.
So she went through $3.4 million in 10 years and went to work as a physical therapist in Ontario.
“I call bullshit. If your wife is such a hot number, how come Cosby didn't drug and rape her?”
Never raped, but drugged a couple times by guys trying to get lucky. One time she and her sister stopped on the way to dance practice to have a single drink with friends of the sister. Both ended up falling asleep during floor exercises, being led by their mother, who was not amused.
We were talking a couple days ago about guys making passes back then. It was routine, and it was intrusive. Pinches meant slaps across the face, something that I can honestly say I have never experienced, but she would administer multiple times a day, back in her early 20s.
Blogger Inga said...
Such support for Cosby from the men here, just warms the cockles of my heart.
I wasn't until I heard of her previous 3.4 mil settlement. It's her second bite at the apple.
Very unsympathetic victim.
My gut is that Cosby was a sly predator, who took advantage of star-struck female admirers, and probably did cross the line to rape several of them.
But, as noted above, the $3.4 million settlement should have ended the dispute -- with this particular woman.
After one sip, she said she lost consciousness and had only the barest of memories of the next few days...
This simply isn't believable. A drug that powerful would be far more likely to kill than incapacitate. Unless the sip was actually glugging down the entire bottle.
In 2015, Cosby's net worth was $400,000,000, and that amount supposedly has decreased since then. I'd guess he can't avoid bankruptcy more than another decade or so with civil suit payoffs to each rape victim. Twenty years at most. Oh, wait. He's 80.
Do people ever have recreational sex? Do people ever use recreational drugs? Do any people ever combine the two pursuits to maximize their enjoyment?
I know women aren't "people" exactly, at least not in the sense of being fully sentient entities with their own will, but maybe, like minor children over age seven, they should be held at least somewhat accountable for their own choices.
"Whores will have their trinkets."
These are glimpses of the market trying to value human interactions. We have a $3.4MM settlement value, historically; which has to be discounted by the later litigation. So it was unwise to make that earlier deal. What is the total "encounter cost" with that litigant? How many more litigants are there? if they were molested by somebody less famous, what is the settlement value?
The market is trying (it always tries) to find a Zillow-like valuation that the rest of us can use, to manage our affairs (bad word, but there it is). Should I price my depredations at $1MM or something higher? Should my female relations open the bidding at $2MM? What about if there is evidence of drugging, or rough play?
Highly interesting in a sick and distant way. Fact? If somebody pulled that s**t on anyone I cared about, it wouldn't be a civil damages case they would need to worry about. Just saying.
"Do people ever have recreational sex? Do people ever use recreational drugs? Do any people ever combine the two pursuits to maximize their enjoyment?"
As frequently as possible.
Inga should read. A couple of books about Hollywood in the 50s. Oh, I forgot.
Sh e gets her news from MSNBC.
"It’s like Forrest Gump won the presidency, but an evil, really fucking stupid Forrest Gump. He can’t help himself. He’s just a fucking idiot who thinks he’s winning when people are bitching about him. He really does see the world as ratings and attention."
Wow. NeverTrumper Erick Erickson having a conversation with some anonymous Congressman in the aisle at a Safeway.
You've convinced me.
"Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
"It’s like Forrest Gump won the presidency, but an evil, really fucking stupid Forrest Gump. He can’t help himself. He’s just a fucking idiot who thinks he’s winning when people are bitching about him. He really does see the world as ratings and attention."
What a bunch of crap. Never happened. Stores have video. And customers. And employees. All who could rat out this "conservative congressman."
You're an idiot.
Its correct the Cosby would have avoided these problems by shutting up.
On the other hand, he does have concerns beyond the purely personal. And his wife is not the only one paying a price.
Cosby had five children, of whom three still live (his daughter Ensa died of kidney failure this year), and has three grandchildren.
So there is indeed the question of an estate and a legacy. He has good reason to preserve as much of his fortune as he can, if he hasn't already transferred everything possible to his heirs.
Inga prefers the "All women accusations against any male vaguely conservative should always and forever be believed automatically and we should just skip trials and proceed directly to the punishment phase" style of justice. Sentence first, verdict afterwards, as the Queen of Hearts would say.
Of course, if it's a liberal being accused? Well then it's "nuts and sluts time!" Maybe drag a dollar bill through the trailer park, know what I mean?
I don't think it reasonable to rely on triple anonymous hearsay to form negative opinions on the President, do you?
ARM with more TDS Tourettes
(like a child who runs in the room and interrupts the conversation)
And, note, all these flings/affairs occurred over several decades, all while he was married to his wife - they have been married 54 years (!)
Ah, she knew, and knew, and knew. About the drugs too, probably.
buwaya said...
"Ah, she knew, and knew, and knew. About the drugs too, probably."
They were white chicks. She didn't care if he drugged and raped white chicks. As long as it didn't get serious.
I don't consider the defense to be aggressive at all. Her credibility is at issue so her entire life is fair game. That's what defense lawyers do. That's what Clinton's lawyers did. Monica was crazy, remember? But she wasn't. Just young and impressionable; slightly older than Bill's daughter.
I'm glad to see Cosby getting a vigorous defense.
I have sat through a trial of a falsely accused man.
Cosby did what most male actors did at the time. It may not have made them gentlemen but the women were seeking them out.
Mean while the history of this country is disappearing one toppled statue at a time.
Rape is rape. But wouldn't you rather be raped by a young James Dean than by old Bill Cosby? So maybe all rapes aren't created equal. You'd have to knock me out to sleep with Cosby. He takes ugly to a whole new level.
"Rape is rape."
Not according to famous lefties.
"But wouldn't you rather be raped by a young James Dean than by old Bill Cosby?"
Racism. Straight up.
"Racism. Straight up."
And ageism too!
“Inga prefers the "All women accusations against any male vaguely conservative should always and forever be believed automatically and we should just skip trials and proceed directly to the punishment phase" style of justice. Sentence first, verdict afterwards, as the Queen of Hearts would say.”
Who are you quoting Vance? Didn’t you learn how to use quotation marks properly in school? Or are you quoting the Inga in your head?
“Inga should read. A couple of books about Hollywood in the 50s. Oh, I forgot.
Sh e gets her news from MSNBC.”
Wait... books about Hollywood in the 50’s is “news”?
I'm innocent as charged. If I had said, "But wouldn't you rather be raped by a pearly-white Norwegian than by a dark-chocolate Haitian from that butt-hole country Haiti?", then I'd be guilty. You can't get Trump off the hook for racism so easily by calling me a racist. Look in the mirror before you make foolish accusations.
Nah Trumpit. You of all people are aware the left can turn anything into racism.
Oh really aren't aware.
Michael K said...
"I am very sympathetic to Cosby. If he had only avoided talking about the black family and its pathology, he would have been left alone.*** Quaaludes were a big deal in those days and both partners in a sexual relationship took them. I think all of this was most likely consensual and everyone knew it."
Right on all counts (emoji thumbsup smile)
*** I have it in my head that the newsboom came down big on Cosby just after the red line in Syria -- or something that made bad news for Obama -- and it needed to be offed, titallating black man sex and bring down a free thinker, perfect. Kind of like how the FBI nabs Petraeus right in the wake of the Benghazi September 11.
Clinton woulda cynched it. Oof.
Godspeed, Mr. Cosby
Trumpit: "You can't get Trump off the hook for racism so easily by calling me a racist."
You can't get yourself off the hook for racism so easily by deflecting to Trump.
Shorter Trumpit: I can't be a racist because Trump is a bigger racist.
Interesting take on things.
Sure, Trumpit writes racist things, but at least those things aren't racist racist.
Well, the threat has not been pointless, we've achieved one thing. We've learned that Trumpit is definitely a woman.
“Inga should read. A couple of books about Hollywood in the 50s. Oh, I forgot.
Sh e gets her news from MSNBC.”
Wait... books about Hollywood in the 50’s is “news”?
Just to you.
“Just to you.”
Funny, it was just yesterday that you claimed you didn’t like to engage in personal attacks, yet here you are...
BTW how was your dinner with your daughters? Did your FBI daughter leak anything interesting about the Mueller case??
Or the raid on Cohen? You were so eager to talk to the FBI daughter, I’ve been waiting on pins and needles to hear your report of the event.
So, you are insulted by a suggestion that learning about how Hollywood actors behaved might be "news" to you?
I did have dinner with my two daughters and nice time was had by all.
The FBI daughter is pretty defensive about the FBI. Like so many she seems to think that there must have been a real reason for that raid. She is nt familiar with the Wisconsin "John Doe" standard.
I like your FBI daughter by the way you describe her, she sounds like a fine young woman.
Here is a good rubric:
The more Inga the idiot posts, the more scared the mindless lefties are. The same goes for the usual suspects.
I smell flop sweat.
It smells like ...
Gets aggressive and regressive.
Michael K: "The FBI daughter is pretty defensive about the FBI. Like so many she seems to think that there must have been a real reason for that raid. She is nt familiar with the Wisconsin "John Doe" standard"
Forget the "John Doe" fascism, look at what is happening in Missouri where a Soros-backed prosecutor, who herself is under investigation by the FBI for bribery, is going after the Republican governor for "blackmail" over a picture the "victim" claims the Gov took of her...
...except the "victim" now says the picture doesn't exist and she probably only "dreamed" it.
Yes, a Democrat prosecutor who brought a charge against a Republican governor on the basis of a dream a woman had is under FBI investigation for bribery.
This is where we are.
And remember, the FBI/DOJ STILL haven't told us which private contractors were given complete and unfettered access to the ALL of the 702 FISA intercept database during the campaign.
The reason the FBI/DOJ won't tell us which private contractors had this access is almost certainly because Fusion GPS and CrowdStrike were 2 of those contractors.
Yes indeed, the obama admin most likely gave the "keys to the intelligence services products Kingdom" to the 2 most vicious Democrat Oppo research firms.
This means that Fusion GPS and Crowdstrike theoretically ran electronic intercept queries on every single republican in office. Today.
If you are wondering why so many republicans seem strangely unwilling to take on the deep state and are very quiet regarding FISA abuses which have already been documented by FISA Court Judge Rosemary Collyer, that might be a reason.
Think of it as the Clinton Admin Craig Livingstone scenario on every steroid on the planet.
Vance said...
All women accusations against any male vaguely conservative should always and forever be believed
I'm not sure why you limit this to conservative men. But the left (centrists according to the left) set up their preferred rape adjudication process completely without input from the right. The result is a process which is stacked to ensure accusations prove guilt. These kangaroo courts were so successful (despite resulting in obviously wrong rulings) the programs were enacted legislatively in a handful of states the far left completely controls.
It's a window into their desires and priorities. Legal adjudication by relative class hierarchy is a throwback to the feudal system. I don't see them openly admit these desires but the results speak for themselves.
I'm not interested in Inga's opinion of my daughter.
I agree that we are in uncharted waters with FBI breakins of the homes of cooperating witnesses.
This is the Wisconsin "John Doe" model gone national. The Supreme Court finally shut down that lawless operation which had no real aim except to harass Republicans.
This action is close to "Swatting" as a tactic. Somebody is going to get killed.
“I'm not interested in Inga's opinion of my daughter.”
Too bad, you got my opinion anyway.
Wow. NeverTrumper Erick Erickson having a conversation with some anonymous Congressman in the aisle at a Safeway.
He left out what the "Congressman" bought.
CoCo Puffs and Doritos.
Michael K,
Your daughter probably didn’t want to talk to you about the John Doe Wisconsin thing because she knew what you were trying to get at regarding the FBI, her employer, overstepping their bounds and she was decent enough to try to prevent some disagreement between you and she. What a good daughter.
Abby Someone wrote: Too bad, you got my opinion anyway.
Like a fart in an elevator.
This is why I'm tirelessly sexist. Sexism is the all-consuming preoccupation of the worst humans currently breathing.
“The more Inga the idiot posts, the more scared the mindless lefties are. The same goes for the usual suspects.
I smell flop sweat.”
Funny, I smell manure whenever you enter the thread.
“Like a fart in an elevator.”
Ah Quackster... those who smelt it dealt it.
If I were not a moderate but instead a Republican I would currently be pretty pissed off about Paul Ryan. The guy creates trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see and then bails out, leaving everyone else holding the bag.
Yes! Paul Ryan, what a terrible ending for him. The deficit higher than ever before.
Lots of Republicans not running for re-election, hmmmm I wonder why.
Funny, I smell manure whenever you enter the thread.
Like she said... "those who smelt it dealt it."
You've been hoist on your own petard, Inga. Petard, by the way, is a word derived from Middle French meaning a fart.
Nope, you smelled the fart in the elevator, so it was you. And you have dog shit on your shoe, BTW.
Michael K,
Your daughter probably didn’t want to talk to you about the John Doe Wisconsin thing
She doesn't know anything about it and you should try to not sound like an idiot.
It's just amazing you people defend that lawless behavior. Surely you are aware of what lawless abuse that was.
Ooooo la la! Quackster is speaking French! It makes the shit on his shoe smell like Le Bouquet de la Mariee!
And Michael K, you should stop sounding like an angry old geezer.
“Cosby did what most male actors did at the time. It may not have made them gentlemen but the women were seeking them out.”
As I noted above, there are plenty of women eager to have sex with most celebrities. Just reality. And women willing to trade sex for advancement. Again, just reality.
Jesus, why do you keep feeding the troll?
Bruce Hayden said...
As I noted above, there are plenty of women eager to have sex with most celebrities. Just reality. And women willing to trade sex for advancement. Again, just reality.
If this were reality then he wouldn't have had to drug them.
Ryan shredded any sense that the he would be cowed by the gross orange man. He presented the gross orange man as a willful, greedy con artist who ran a “pyramid scheme” and took advantage of folks who had experienced loses.
“You are going to be asking yourself, ‘What does he want from me, and you?’ And you already know the answer: ‘Money, money and lots more money,’” Ryan said. “He has a history of financial problems until he hits the jackpot with US” he added....
Ha ha ha. JK.
But seriously: now Ryan can keep a good chunk of the tens of millions that he currently racks up for the GOP.
He's earned it.
Job well done!
Mission accomplished.
Inga, not content to talk about politics - about which she knows precious little - has now taken to discussing her imagination of other people's kids.
Just make up some of your own kids. Like you have before.
Facebook: gives Facebook data to Obama campaign.
Obama Administration: gives Fusion GPS and Crowdstrike access to raw intelligence.
You called my mother a syphilitic whore and I ignored it.
Now you are challenging Michael K's relationship with his daughter.
I know you have no brain, but are you capable of shame?
I can and often ignore your stupidity. I will no longer ignore your maliciousness.
Somehow, I guess that I am not alone on this point.
You should have stuck to your expertise - cleaning bedpans.
If this were reality then he wouldn't have had to drug them.
You obviously fell off the turnip truck a few years ago.
You alos might rad a couple of books about old Hollywood when this happened.
I would suggest RJ Wagner's biography. The first volume is a good start.
Inga, not content to talk about politics - about which she knows precious little - has now taken to discussing her imagination of other people's kids.
I don't care about Inga. I should know better than to share any personal references with this crowd.
Sex with a sleeping/drugged/inanimate partner is a known kink. Assuming consent, no big deal. There's the rub.
Stormy Daniels only got a lousy $130K.
She's just getting started, though. I'll bet her TV exclusive was an order of magnitude more, plus there will inevitably be a ghostwritten book.
I was on 4chan checking out the chicks spreading their ass cheeks and showing their assholes, when I came back to Althouse to catch up on her shit, because sometimes checking out chicks spreading their ass cheeks and showing their assholes makes me feel kind of depressed after a while, I'm not sure why. So I read about the homeless living in people's backyards, and I read about the Cosby rape shit, and I realize something: celebrities and the homeless are pretty much the same people.
Because when you're crazy and fucked up, and shit doesn't go your way, you're homeless, but when you're crazy and fucked up and have a talent people like, or have great tits, then you're, like, an artist on YouTube or a model on Instagram, and crazy and fucked up just show how much of a true artist you are. So, basically, society let's you be crazy if you're poor enough, or rich enough, but if you're rich enough then they want to watch.
Like, look at celebrities on Twitter: if you took away the emojis and hashtags and shit, what you're reading ain't much different than the homeless dude on the corner ranting aimlessly about injustice and how the voices in his head tell him he should kill you.
The homeless dude shits on the sidewalk and society lets him do it; the celebrity could shit on the sidewalk and people would say he's keeping it real and they would, like, hashtag it #shitsreal and it'd be trending and then all of a sudden even your mom knows who this celebrity is, because she read on AOL that he shit on the sidewalk. And no one is really surprised by either, because that's the kind of shit those people do, you pretty much expect it.
I mean, the homeless dude might be shitting on the street, and the celebrity chick might be bleaching her asshole instead, but I bet the homeless guy would bleach his asshole too, if he could afford it, because -- well -- he's got a homeless guy's asshole, and you know it could use a good bleaching, maybe, but mostly because he thinks it will get rid of the imaginary spiders he believes are living in his asshole, at least for a little while. And I think a lot of celebrities know about the ass-spiders, too. Like, Kim Kardashian has ass-spider fear for sure.
So, basically you have people with more than a bit of the crazy and no impulse control, and the police won't lock them up because they ain't got time for that shit. But if you or I shit on the sidewalk we'd be, like, in court having to explain to a judge why we shit on the sidewalk, and the judge would hold us to a higher standard, because we're not poor enough or rich enough to get away with that kind of crazy and no impulse control.
And that's how a celebrity can drug a chick in a hotel room to have sex with her, and the homeless guy can get a homeless chick methed-out in a tent by the freeway so that she'll suck his cock: same thing, really. But if you're an average guy in college with a drunk chick they'll really jump your shit.
I post my shit here.
The McCullough chainsaw cut clean through to the meat in this thread, beginning at 11:00AM, et seq.
Drago said...
If you are wondering why so many republicans seem strangely unwilling to take on the deep state and are very quiet regarding FISA abuses which have already been documented by FISA Court Judge Rosemary Collyer, that might be a reason.
Been a lot of "retirements" lately.
It is funny that the one thing that unites the posters in this space is that everyone thinks Paul Ryan was terrible.
Yes mostly the rinos top men main street partnership crew,
The FBI couldn't be bothered to check out tips on the Boston Marathon Bombers.
The FBI was using Omar Mateen's father as an informant. And looked at Omar. Decided he was a swell guy. Completely fucked up the prosecution of Mateen's wife.
The FBI got 2 specific tips on Cruz within a month before he shot up the school. Could not be bothered to follow their protocol and check it out.
The FBI totally has time to raid Trump's lawyer about a 10 year old statement played on repeat by the media for a month.
The Stalinists have priorities.
Bill Cosby has been indicted , Kevin Spacey is about to be, the Governor of Missouri has been over a consensual affair, so when is Bill Clinton going to be indicted for rape?
Ooooo la la! — the extent of Inga's French.
Ole! — the only word of Spanish known to our amazing inept troll.
Sieg Heil! — That's all of her German. That and Mehr Bier, bitte schön.
On the MLAT, when asked to select the phrase in Japanese Inga checked You die, GI!
When introduced to an Italian she lets fly with her entire command of that tongue: Hey, pisan! Wazamatafoyoo?
Likewise, her Russian has but one utterance, Trump.
"Mac McConnell said...
Bill Cosby has been indicted , Kevin Spacey is about to be, the Governor of Missouri has been over a consensual affair, so when is Bill Clinton going to be indicted for rape?"
If it's up to our resident dullard #IngaKnew, never. Like any good Democrat, he can rape all he wants and it's just fine with her.
Francisco D said...
Here is a good rubric:
The more Inga the idiot posts, the more scared the mindless lefties are. The same goes for the usual suspects.
Other than indicating that you have some type of obsession with the Inga character, that idea is just idiotic.
Francisco D said...
I can and often ignore your stupidity. I will no longer ignore your maliciousness.
LOL - You're really a pretty shitty psychologist, aren't you?
A little ray of sunshine pops thru the clouds and insults.
Makes me smile.
Blogger Bob Loblaw said...
Stormy Daniels only got a lousy $130K.
She's just getting started, though. I'll bet her TV exclusive was an order of magnitude more, plus there will inevitably be a ghostwritten book.
I would just like to know who is paying for her jet charters for her strip dates.
Even more obscene exhibitions:
Not so clever after all:
The "star witness" has now admitted that she invented some of the allegations to spice up a "Memoir."
Mesereau challenged Dickinson's testimony, pointing out her description of the assault differed wildly from the Lake Tahoe encounter with Cosby she described in her memoir.
Holding up a copy of her book, Mesereau cited passages in which she described rebuffing Cosby’s advances in Lake Tahoe, then “popping two Quaaludes and going to sleep” alone in her own hotel room.
Dickinson acknowledged that she concocted stories in the book in order to get a much-needed paycheck.
"It's all a fabrication there because I wanted the paycheck for my kids," Dickinson testified, adding that her ghostwriter took "poetic license” with her life story.
Oh Oh
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