April 4, 2018

"After it was reported that the suspect who opened fire at YouTube headquarters was a woman, the network's coverage turned to speculation of 'love triangles' and possible relationships."

Hollywood Reporter documents the criticism on Twitter:

"Love the @cnnbrk reporter's conjecture, once he found out the #youtube shooter was female, that the shooting was due to a #lovetriangle. Yes, and she was probably having her period too."

"CNN tees up a theory out of nowhere that the shooting must be a love triangle because the shooter was a woman. turning on Cartoon Network."

"I'm not sure why but hearing someone on @CNN say a female shooter might have to do with a 'love triangle' really pisses me off. Cuz she can't just be batshit like other fucking shooters?"

"@CNN Why did the analyst jump to the #lovetriangle motive? Because shooter was woman? Seems like a sexist jump. Never heard of that motive for other mass shootings."

"Of course since the YouTube shooter is a woman, terms like "crime of passion" & "love triangle" are already being used. Stop spinning webs."

Etc. etc.

Is there some corresponding thing on Fox News where when the name of the shooter came out — Nasim Aghdam — they were talking about Islamic terrorism? If not, Fox wins in the ongoing struggle to back off from the "fake news."

The now-dead lady seems to have been an animal-rights/PETA-type person who got mad at YouTube for affecting the income stream from her channel, which looked like this:

ADDED: I had the "murder" tag on this post, but the only person who died (so far, at least) is Aghdam. So the right tag is "suicide."

ALSO: I don't normally watch the news on TV, and this is why. I happened to sit through a couple hours of the YouTube story yesterday, because Meade turned it on, and I was in a nearby chair, reading on my iPad. I could have gone somewhere else to read, but I chose not to. The real news that was available during that time period was readable in less than one minute, so what was all that time on TV for? Well, I know what it's for for them. They have to fill their time, and they want to rope us in with the feeling that we're watching something happening live. It's O.J. Simpson in the white Ford Bronco, driving down the freeway forever. Oh! Maybe something's about to happen! Maybe O.J. will jump out of the car and blow his brains out on live TV! Don't want to miss that like I missed Jack Ruby darting in from the right-hand corner of the screen and blasting Lee Harvey Oswald in the stomach. Must monitor the dead time because it might suddenly spring to life... with death!!!


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN and ABC/NBC/CBS Brian Ross news - where speculation, wish facts, half truths and narrative are king.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Up next to comment - Adam Schifty-D. he knows11!

Fabi said...

Mustn't upset the narrative.

MadisonMan said...

What -- you mean CNN, dedicated reporter of all things approved by the Clintons -- is sexist? How can that be?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

The now-dead lady seems to have been an animal-rights/PETA-type person...

So batshit crazy pretty much sums it up.

rhhardin said...

I blame the spread of literacy to women.

Larry J said...

Despite the apparent novelty, I suspect this story will die quickly. An angry, vegan, PETA-supporting, Iranian woman doesn't fit the narrative.

rhhardin said...

Laura Ingraham did the same thing, spraying a garden hose into the door mail slot of an ex boyfriend.

MadisonMan said...

She has very well-groomed eyebrows, too, just like David Hogg. Must be a thing.

Henry said...

Not a love triangle. Unrequited love. She loved YouTube. YouTube did not love her.

FIDO said...

We seem to have had a wave of Lefty shooters going batshit crazy because of their political impotence. In fact, I would speculate that the Vegas shooter was also some kind of Leftist, but it was hushed up or overlooked by the investigators (they have a perchance for doing such things. See Hillary Clinton) Reid jumped into that thing pretty darned quickly. Just saying.

So between the Howl at the Moon types, Antifa, blocking traffic and now individuals shooting other people (Love the Animals! Hate the Humans!), the Left is having a bad day.

Not an undeserved bad day, but a bad day none the less.

As they have said many times: Democrats want to control guns because other Democrats shoot them with them. Republicans WANT guns to defend themselves from Democrats.

Oh Yea said...

Not to jump to any conclusions, but doesn't a quick look of the background in the shooter's YouTube video make you think of the background in Obama's official portrait?

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

A vegan that fights against the killing of animals shoots up a bunch of people.

I can't even.....

exhelodrvr1 said...

Trump must have lied about this, right?

Ann Althouse said...

Okay, that's 2 posts for you. Now, it's time for me to hunker down and write my "Roseanne" magnum opus.

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...

The 'love triangle' thing might've made more sense if she had a Pornhub Channel, not Youtube.

And maybe not so much 'love' in the triangle, but two guys banging her at the same time.

Because there probably are Farsi-speaking animal-rights/PETA-type women on Pornhub getting banged by two guys at the same time.

Perhaps someone should investigate by watching Pornhub channels to see if they can find video of her being banged by two guys at the same time.

That's what a real journalist would do.

Rather than just spouting bullshit on CNN.

The Germans have a word for this.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

The real news that was available during that time period was readable in less than one minute...

A perfect summary of 18 months of MSNBC's Trump/Russia coverage.

roesch/voltaire said...

At least one Republican suggested the person might be an illegal immigrant or worse a Muslin so I guess many of us project our shadow side or common narratives to explain events.

Ann Althouse said...

@ Oh Yea

Thanks for the excellent model for writing a perfect comment.

Ann Althouse said...

That's what I call a good troll. Thanks, Oh Yea.

I will remember that!

David Begley said...

If it wasn't for speculation and wild opinion, CNN and MSNBC would have dead air.

Anonymous said...

Do you have an 'attempted murder tag'? Suicide seems inadequate to describe multiple gunshot victims where, thankfully, only the shooter died (at the time I posted this at least).

Ignorance is Bliss said...

roesch/voltaire said...

At least one Republican suggested the person might be... a Muslin...

Gotta watch out for that cotton fabric of plain weave.

Ann Althouse said...

I've made a separate post about Oh Yea's great comment as an example of good trolling, so take any comments on the subject there.

MayBee said...

Madison Man- funny you mentioned David Hogg. I think she looks a lot like him!

Sebastian said...

"what was all that time on TV for?"

Entertaining the core audience of soap-opera women.

Hence also the immediate speculation about love triangles.

MayBee said...

Toxic femininity

Ralph L said...

She looks computer-generated in part of the video. Must be the makeup and lighting.

John henry said...

Heavenly days McGee!

Is it even remotely possible? She did not use an AR15, M1,or any other kind of assault rifle.

She used a pistol.

Perhaps if progfas weren't so racist, this could be prevented in the future.

Progfas not racist? What the Hell am I thinking. I need another coffee.

John Henry

Ignorance is Bliss said...

John said...

She used a pistol.

Yeah, but it was probably a fully semi-automatic military style assault pistol. The sort of thing the founders never intended us to have when they wrote the second amendment.

Ralph L said...

No one's mentioned the Stars of David. Was she Jewish?

buwaya said...

Its said she fired 30-40 shots, so it was some sort of "assault pistol" if the report is true, or at any rate something thats illegal in California.

damikesc said...

Toxic feminity in action, amirite feminists?

buwaya said...

And Youtube should lay off demonetizing channels it doesnt like.

Otto said...

Ann this "defense of feminism' game of yours is not only getting boring but getting to be comical. Poor Mead.

John henry said...

Just by way of no harm, London's murder rate is higher than New York city's.

Mostly by stabbing since they don't allow guns.

They have been talking about knife control laws in England in recent years. Maybe they'll do something finally. Military style assault knives have been illegal for some tkme but now they'll go after kitchen and steak knives.

No true englishman needs a steak knife anyway! They have no legitimate purpose in a country where all food is cooked to mush.

England has no 2A, no right to bear arms. They don't even have a constitution, much less a bill of rights.

That lack has a lot to do with why we have all of them.

John Henry

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I appreciate that they have to fill the time, because they similarly don't want to just miss some turn in the events. But speculation does reveal our own prejudices (Ahem! FIDO), which people can then call you on. You'd think they'd learn.

I believe The Onion has parodied this fill-with-speculation approach a few times.

buwaya said...

The six-pointed star is also a Muslim symbol, a very common decorative element in mosques, flags, etc.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I too thought it could be a love triangle thing after I heard that the perp had shot two people, a man and a woman, and then shot herself. And you know what, that was perfectly reasonable because it is unusual for a mass shooting perpetrator to just shoot two people and then kill themselves and love triangle murder/suicides at the work place have happened before. Though its usually the man that does the shooting. A simple search on bing using "love triangle work place shooting" yields the following.


And numerous others, some at work, some elsewhere. Any cop will tell you that the two most frequent reasons for murder are greed and jealousy. And, unlike on TV, being a homicide detective quite often consists of taking the gun or knife away from the perp and taking their statement that, "yeah I killed the bastard." Or b***h if it is a man. So it turns out that the motive this time is anger related to greed.

Eleanor said...

Not Stars of David in the background. Snowflakes

Fernandinande said...

YouTube says it took down her "channel" because she violated the TOS, but I'd be surprised if the TOS actually mentioned "shooting employees".

tcrosse said...

She was going for the Kahlo eyebrows look, but just couldn't make ends meet.

MayBee said...

The narrative will either disappear altogether, or it will be this: See how much less deadly it was when it was a pistol?

rhhardin said...

One of my tractor videos suddenly got 4000 views in one day so YouTube took it down and sent me a warning. Who knows why either happened. No paid content.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Althouse wrote: "The now-dead lady seems to have been an animal-rights/PETA-type person who got mad at YouTube for affecting the income stream from her channel . . ."
More than mad. Angry people usually don't kill a bunch of people and then kill themselves. Some of the angriest people in the world are people going through a divorce, and it is not normal for a person undergoing a divorce to go on a shooting spree.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Hmmm . . . was the tractor driver a nude Ukrainian farm girl?

Bob Boyd said...

@ Lewis Wetzel

Fortunately she didn't kill a bunch of people. Last I saw she'd wounded 3 and killed herself

Caligula said...

The shooter wasn't male, wasn't Christian, no right-wing connections, didn't even use an AR-15?

Well, then, there's no story. Nothing worth any significant national coverage, anyway.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I see know that she shot 30 or 40 times. If I had known that I wouldn't have been so quick to think the motive might involve jealousy. It appears she just didn't know how to use the weapon effectively. I'm thinking just wild shooting. It takes quite a bit of practice to aim and fire and actually hit a target, especially with a pistol.

Its best if you start young.


So she probably saved her last round for herself.

Obviously nobody goes on a killing spree and then kills their self just because their revenue from youtube dropped. There had to be some other underlying cause. Sane people get mad, and then find some other way to make a living.

I'm Full of Soup said...

When I heard there was a shooting at Youtube offices, my thought was I wonder if it was a disgruntled Youtube "star" who felt they had been wronged or mistreated by Youtube's new and harsher censoring policies.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Mass shooters/murderers not born in America:
San Bernadino shooters
Boston Marathon bombers
Virginia Tech shooter
Youtube shooter
NYC truck killer

2nd Generation Muslims who mass murdered:
Orlando nightclub
Ft. Hood massacre

buwaya said...

30-40 shots is not normal magazine capacity for a pistol.
Its not convenient to reload in a maniacal shooting spree, though she might have of course.
Standard 9mm pistols these days have 15-17 round magazines, though even these are illegal in 10-round limit California.
I suspect it may be an "interesting" weapon.

Michael K said...

She does look like the Hogg kid. Her face is more symmetrical but he looks just as angry.

How long before he goes on a shooting spree?

CJ said...

Not to bring more conspiracy here, but QAnon dropped that this woman's father is someone relevant to the story...I haven't done any research on it but it's a rumor that's going around.

QAnon is either real or a very, very good "cold reader" that can produce believable text and enough photographic evidence that makes it very believable he/she is someone on the inside of Trump White House.

buwaya said...

Pewdiepie does not seem like the sort who would shoot up Youtube.

Ray - SoCal said...

Seems like YouTube was her only income, and it got cut off.

It’s also happening to a lot of conservatives.

So it’s not obvious...

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Does anyone know what the pistol(s?) were that she used?

I looked at a couple of stories and could not find any info.

I'd be willing to bet that they were called "Semi-automatic" even if they were revolvers. I wouldn't even be surprised if they called muzzle loading flintlocks "semi-automatic"

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw- you know why the democrats are targeting Ted Cruz with big money to his D opponent?

The video.

Retribution for pointing out The Clinton Crime Machine.

gspencer said...

A coiled rattlesnake ready to strike; an inflated blow/puffer/fish; a cat with an arched spine and extended claws; a man with a boot on his head, a beach float around his waist, holding a long rifle.

Gary Larson’s famous How Nature Says, “Do Not Touch”


Add Nasim’s photo.


Ron Winkleheimer said...

Standard 9mm pistols these days have 15-17 round magazines, though even these are illegal in 10-round limit California.

She could have had two pistols. So no need to reload. As bad as a shot as she seems to be I think that is more likely than reloading. She's going to be shaking from the adrenaline pumping through her system and so reloading would not be easy if you didn't have lots of practice. Still, it is possible.

AllenS said...

Once Nasim Aghdam realized that she was such a poor shot, she blew her brains out, because she knew she couldn't miss.

buwaya said...

A Kel-tec PMC/PMR 30 has a 30-round magazine of .22 Magnum.
Its a very interesting gun and I have been tempted.
It is however also illegal in California.
It could also explain the lack of fatal injuries.

Ray - SoCal said...

Seems like she was devoted to her causes of animal rights and being a vegan.

And that was her life.

And YouTube destroyed that by demonetizing her YouTube channel in her view.

And she then responded by doing what she did.

That’s the danger of relying on One of the web giants (Facebook, google /YouTube, or amazon) for your traffic/income. Your are only one algorithm change away from destruction. Facebook and YouTube are doing this to many conservative sites.

iowan2 said...

Suspected love triangle.
Well, yeh. Murder must likely is love, money, or drugs. Shooting investigation always start with the people closest to the shooter. Move on to money, and drugs, but the personal angle is almost always a part of the investigation. I'm don't believe media speculation, but in this case it is just so common, it is almost negligent to not fully examine the relationship angle before all facts or known, its exactly the same speculation the cops are engaged in, real time.

Ray - SoCal said...

Ted Cruz Clinton video is amazing!

mockturtle said...

Definitely a sexist leap to assumptions. Looks like most of the commenters on Twitter recognized that.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Two pistols might also have contributed to her being such a bad shot. If she was shooting them simultaneously, in action movie style, instead of using the correct form, then her lack of marksmanship would not be surprising.


Qwinn said...

Roesch: "At least one Republican... so I guess many of us..."

I see what you did there. Do you?

FIDO said...

If YouTube were smart, they would realize that Conservative posters probably have a lot more guns than Liberal posters.

That being said, Conservative posters also tend to be more 'rule of law' than liberal posters as well, so they should be fine...probably.

mockturtle said...

I know some PETA folks and, while most are nice enough people, they are infected with self-reinforcing delusions about their cause that sometimes manifest as mental illness.

Curious George said...

I read that she was a transgender, formally a Jewish man, nit Iranian at all (her parents lived there briefly.)

buwaya said...

Off-topic, but related, March Background Check numbers are in, and it was a record for March -2.77million. The hoopla about guns generated @350,000 more sales than 2017, and 250,000 more even than 2016.

And interviews with retailers, etc. say it especially cleared unsold backlogs of AR-15's and the like.

Hogg and co. arent the greatest gun salesmen ever though, in spite of many such claims, Obama is still on top for both monthly highs (3.3 million in Dec 2015) and lifetime achievement.

This number series deserves some study. It is a "buried" story that is little examined in the MSM. This March gun sales are running 3X or more than 2006 and earlier. There has been a genuine large scale social change over the last decade thats still under the radar.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Shooting investigation always start with the people closest to the shooter.


Robert Cook said...

She seems to have been an emotionally disturbed person, from my perspective. Look at the various photos (screenshots) of her: she's not only not smiling in any of them, she appears to be scowling, (or she just has a bad case of R.B.F.).

tcrosse said...

The Narrative:
Take that, you Son of a Bitch

William said...

The beauty of the gun control debate is that you can blame almost all shootings, no matter how idiosyncratic the circumstances, on the NRA and its supporters.......She's fairly attractive. I wonder if she would have gotten any marriage proposals if she had been taken alive and imprisoned. Probably not. Is it sexist if you make an observation about dumb things that only women do?

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

It is California which means that most people are unarmed. And it is Google/YouTube which means that the few that are would not be hired. So a very gun free workplace. Ca police response times are not all that great.

If she was good, she might have been able to get off 35 shots with a black powder muzzle loader (old timey assault pistol) before being shot. She probably figured on 20-30 minutes before being stopped.

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The point here isn't this or that - the point is the MSM are so terrible they script nonsense and sell speculation as "news." before the facts roll in. Then they skip along as if they did nothing wrong.

Your dreaded Fox News did not do this.
(We must silence Fox News for we are good totalitarian leftists who fear speech that doesn't hide and cover for D-crimes)

buwaya said...

Re Wylers "The Letter" -
My grandfather started out his career in Asia managing a rubber plantation just like that, in British Malaya, in 1913.

AZ Bob said...

Female, vegan, Muslim. Nothing to see here.

I thought vegans were against killing living things.

stevew said...

Is this the incident coverage by CNN, etc., that finally convinces everyone that Trump is right about their lack of professionalism, honesty, and fairness? Should but probably unlikely to do so.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She was a pissed Animal lover who thought her employer was shutting her access down.

Do we know if she was Muslim? If so, so far that doesn't seem to have a lot to do with it. and trust me I'm the most sensitive when it comes to Islamic supremacism. But so far that doesn't seem to be a thing.

iowan2 said...

"I thought vegans were against killing living things."

Vegans know that animals are more important than humans. Humans are the problem. The eradication of that particular species is the goal. The end game of vegans is a planet with less than a quarter of the current population.

Rick said...

The media coverage jumps to love triangle to protect the political left [we can't have a woman as the face of right wing extremism, it must be a white male] and feminists who do exactly the same thing for a living conclude they are sexist. I mean, they are but not by any definition feminists recognize.

Ralph L said...

If she only wounded 2, she must not have been trying to hit people at all, just scare them, and the 2 tried to disarm her, so she shot them. Then realizing she was in deep doodoo, she killed herself.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Do we know if she was Muslim? If so, so far that doesn't seem to have a lot to do with it. and trust me I'm the most sensitive when it comes to Islamic supremacism. But so far that doesn't seem to be a thing.

She was at least nominally a Baha'i. Which, if you know anything about that religion, makes her going on a shooting spree even more incongruous. Baha'i are all about peace and love and understanding and the universal siblinghood of humankind.

Browndog said...

It seems CNN seems to be stuck on the Fake News that she shot her boyfriend, then tried to figure out why she shot 2 other women.Ever wonder how/why the "boyfriend" fake news narrative was put out almost immediately following the shooting?

Oh, she wasn't muslim. She was Azeri; secular.

Trumpit said...

I'm sad she is dead. She was a victim of a powerful corporate giant, Youtube. I blame the reactionary judges Clarence Thomas & Sam Alito for squashing the hopes and dreams of the little guy up against corporate interests. Trump's pro-rich policies, bad judicial appointments, and malevolence towards immigrants are to blame, of course. If your name rhymes with Dorito, you know you have a bag of chips for brains. She had a story to tell. Her story was drowned out, and she was steamrolled. She felt hopeless and powerless, so she lashed out, unfortunately rather crudely, and violently. Her aim and training left a lot to be desired, but she was courageous. Let's not forget that.

Mary Beth said...

Does anyone know what the pistol(s?) were that she used?

All handguns are Glocks, just like all long guns are either AK-47s or AR-15s. I've seen/read enough news stories to have learned this.

Bilwick said...

I like the comment over at Instapundit: "Persian vegan animal-rights activist . . . yeah, typical Southern good ole boy NRA member."

Martin said...

Just another data point that much of what the left accuses the right of being (racist, sexist, homophobic...) is really projecting their own bad qualities that they feel guilty about, onto others.

mockturtle said...

AZ Bob muses: I thought vegans were against killing living things.

Humans are the exception. Just as white men are exempt from human rights protections.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

When I heard about this shooting at YouTube headquarters yesterday, I immediately thought about the all the angry YouTube vloggers out there in YouTube land, due to the de-monetization of their vlogs, but I thought naw, that can’t be it...

I follow (subscribe) a few YouTube vloggers and there are a lot of unhappy even extremely angry vloggers who have had their videos de-monetized by YouTube. What YouTube has done is set up some sort of algorithm in which when certain words or images in a thumbnail are used they’re deemed “inappropriate for viewing”, so the video then becomes de-monetized and the video creators make make no money on their videos. There are YouTube vloggers who have made so much money in the past that they have lived comfortably off their YouTube earnings, by having a huge amount of subscribers and lots of views of their videos.

Trumpit said...

"She does look like the Hogg kid. Her face is more symmetrical but he looks just as angry.

How long before he goes on a shooting spree?"

Your comment is despicable, Michael. Are you planning a NSAID-fueled shooting spree, Michael? You are the dangerous, opinionated type we all must fear, not a decent high school senior like David Hogg. You should be committed to an indefinite, involuntary, psychiatric hold like Verne Troyer: https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/celebrity/verne-troyer-placed-on-involuntary-psychiatric-hold-after-police-called-to-his-home-report/ar-AAvrMde?li=BBnb4R7&ffid=gz

bolivar di griz said...

Yes well you switch to non cibtriversial material.

FIDO said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FIDO said...

It is her extreme but understandable reaction after being subjected to White Patriarchy, as opposed to the totally fine Brown...Er...light tan Iranian Patriarchy, good bunch of guys donchaknow.

It is the horrible toxicity of Western White Patriarchy, which dares to demonetize (after allowing) her channel so as to cause an otherwise good, 'woke' , blessedly intersectional woman to finally crack after that she can't break that glass screen put into place by evil white...um...the otherwise woke but ...um...Lefty Patriarchs...um...Can't blame Google...um...

Somehow, at the end of the day, this is all the fault of White Men. Just give the Feminists time to spin it. If they have any talent, it is in rationalizations and blame no matter how outré. The Jesuits and their casuistry have nothing on your standard Feminist Academic. It is their core competency: eschewing any sense of reason or responsibility.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Curious George said...
I read that she was a transgender, formally a Jewish man, nit Iranian at all (her parents lived there briefly.)

She does have a bit of an Amy Winehouse vibe.

Larry J said...

Mary Beth said...

Does anyone know what the pistol(s?) were that she used?

All handguns are Glocks, just like all long guns are either AK-47s or AR-15s. I've seen/read enough news stories to have learned this.

Indeed, according to the Journalist's Guide to Firearms Identification.

Leland said...

 the video then becomes de-monetized and the video creators make make no money on their videos.

And YouTube then gives that money to... YouTube. Who knew censorship could be so lucrative?

Curious George said...

"Trumpit said...
I'm sad she is dead. She was a victim of a powerful corporate giant, Youtube. I blame the reactionary judges Clarence Thomas & Sam Alito for squashing the hopes and dreams of the little guy up against corporate interests. Trump's pro-rich policies, bad judicial appointments, and malevolence towards immigrants are to blame, of course. If your name rhymes with Dorito, you know you have a bag of chips for brains. She had a story to tell. Her story was drowned out, and she was steamrolled. She felt hopeless and powerless, so she lashed out, unfortunately rather crudely, and violently. Her aim and training left a lot to be desired, but she was courageous. Let's not forget that."

Forget what?

Achilles said...

Trumpit said...

"She does look like the Hogg kid. Her face is more symmetrical but he looks just as angry.

How long before he goes on a shooting spree?"

Your comment is despicable, Michael. Are you planning a NSAID-fueled shooting spree, Michael? You are the dangerous, opinionated type we all must fear, not a decent high school senior like David Hogg.

Hogg called all NRA members child murderers. He is not decent. He is a little red guard wannabe. He fits right in with all of the other wannabe brown shirts on the left that are violently attacking political opponents, Trump supporters, on a daily basis.

This is the first time I have seen a real person behind the Trumpit construct.


Achilles said...

Another democrat voter committing gun violence.

We really need to take a look at law regarding democrat voters and guns.

But since most gun crime is committed in places where it is illegal for the owners to own guns maybe it isn't the lack of laws that is the problem. The guns she used were almost invariably illegal in California already.

Maybe an information campaign targeted at potential mass shooters that they can't have high capacity firearms in California would help.

Maybe we should make sure they know that schools are gun free zones and they can't take their guns there. Or that Youtube headquarters was a gun free zone.

She really should have known that Youtube is very anti-gun and they are a gun free zone.

madAsHell said...

There has been a genuine large scale social change over the last decade thats still under the radar.

I'll call it the Chicago curve. It's the (#-of-gun-laws) / (#-firearm-deaths) -> 1.

Thanks again for pointing out the FBI statistics!! I don't really recall why I started reviewing the FBI background check data, but I think I read something surprising, and needed it confirmed.

Jim at said...

Ban guns. From leftists.

Jim at said...

you know you have a bag of chips for brains. - Trumpit

Most accurate thing you've ever admitted.
It's a start.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...Okay, that's 2 posts for you. Now, it's time for me to hunker down and write my "Roseanne" magnum opus.

Boob Bait For the Bubbas.


[Krusty The Clown] That oughta hold the little SOBs.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

She did it all for love.

Mr. Fabulous said...

(World Famous Lurker says....)

Trumpit, you really are hateful and ignorant. The hate just oozes out of you, which is typical for a democrat in today's age. The Democrat Party is The Party of Hate.

But back to you being ignorant. NSAID drugs are anti-inflammatory drugs, not anti-psychotic or anti-depressant drugs. NSAID = Non-Steroidal, Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. Examples are aspirin and Advil. Their worst side effects include risk of bleeding (they act as an anti-coagulant also), especially in the stomach, and recent studies suggest they increase the chance of stroke or blood clots if a patient uses them over time and then stops. If you have any references to studies showing them to increase the risk of psychotic behavior, please provide a link.

Trumpit, there's an old expression about not speaking and letting people think you're an idiot, or opening your mouth and proving them right. You should perhaps check your facts before posting, and you should also check with your mental health professional about your anger and hate.

walter said...

"Her aim and training left a lot to be desired, but she was courageous."
Right. If only she had trained more...

Michael K said...

I wonder when trump it will go on a shooting spree. He sounds nutty enough.

Fprawl said...

They want to rope us in like Alfred Hitchcock’s ROPE

walter said...

Unfortunate headline that would have ruffled her vegan feathers:
"YouTube HQ Shooter Had Beef With Company, Went To Gun Range Before Rampage, Police Confirm"

I wonder if the autopsy will find "NSAIDs"

walter said...

I hadn't heard this till now
"Two other victims then were found inside an “adjacent business”; video and local media reports indicate that it was Carl’s Jr. restaurant"
That superbowl commercial

Bill Peschel said...

When I worked on the newspaper copy desk, the TV was frequently tuned to CNN.

I had to deal with their shit through 8 years of Bush, followed by 4 years of Obama.

Thank god for weekends when the set was tuned to sports.

walter said...

"The night before Nasim Aghdam opened fire in a courtyard at YouTube’s headquarters Tuesday afternoon, Mountain View police found the San Diego woman sleeping in her car.

She had been reported missing by her family in Southern California, and her father Ismail Aghdam told police she might be going to YouTube because she “hated” the company. Police called the family at 2 a.m. Tuesday to say she’d been found and that everything was “under control,” her father said."

Rinse, repeat

Robert Cook said...

Enjoy the madness!

mockturtle said...

Oh, my, Robert! That's gold!

mockturtle said...

The big question du jour: Is there more insanity today than there was before?

mockturtle said...

Michael K speculates: I wonder when trump it will go on a shooting spree. He sounds nutty enough.

He'll go after those who 'killed' his mother. In the Philippines, wasn't it?

Trumpit said...


You need to stop hitting the sauce, turtle. Tragically m mother was murdered by doctor and nurses, but you still live and breathe to spew your inanities, and insane idea about Trump invading Mexico to take over the country. No doubt you'd sterilizes the Mexican population, put them in concentration camp, and work them to death. You'd feed them bread and water on a good day. I know a former SS guard when I hear one. Turn yourself in to the your local state mental hospital before they straitjacket you and haul you away after one of your hysterical outbursts. My mother was a college professor of psychology. She'd recognize an old alcoholic troll after two foul words came out of your potty mouth. You make evangelicals look like idiots, and lushes.

Jon Ericson said...

Well, there are trolls, mobys, and things you wipe your shoe in the grass after encountering.
And so we have Trumpit.
Is there a word for it in English? German? Italian?

Jon Ericson said...

Just to kick it off here:
Selbsthass Scheiße Esser
but I guess that's 3 words.

Trumpit said...

You and mockturtle deserve each other. You're both obnoxious trolls.

Jon Ericson said...

Ooh, Burn.
Eat a bag of dicks.

Jon Ericson said...

Mangia un sacco di cazzi.

Jon Ericson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon Ericson said...

Iss eine Tüte Schwänze.

Jon Ericson said...

یک کیسه نوشیدنی بخور

Jon Ericson said...

עסן אַ זעקל פון דיקס

Jon Ericson said...

I dunno, what do shoe scrapings speak anyway?

Jon Ericson said...

Answer: digested dog food.

Jon Ericson said...

Speak into the plastic bag, then dispose of it in an environmentally correct way.

Jon Ericson said...

If the bag is big enough, put it over your head and wrap a bunch of duct tape around your neck.

Jon Ericson said...

And you can kiss my ass.

Jon Ericson said...

Gee, I dunno was I too harsh?
Maybe I should understand the asshole's point of view.
'Could have been just a member of a cult.
Perhaps it just hates because it's been rejected all its life.
Maybe God will have mercy on its soul.
It's a possibility.
I guess we'll never know lol.

Jon Ericson said...

Be sure to include paragraph breaks.

Jon Ericson said...

Don't forget to write!

Jon Ericson said...

Do I detect a pending Manifesto?
Oh yeah,
Let's see it. (giggle)

Jon Ericson said...

Oh, no! kicked out of the Starbucks parking lot!
Now off to McDonald's.

Jon Ericson said...

It had to use the restroom at Mickey D's
and the phone fell into the toilet.
Well, that's good enough for me.
Signing you off, Trumpit.
(if you throw the phone at the ground 16 times it will start working again.)

mockturtle said...

Rotate your tires!

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