April 13, 2018

A Trump pardon for Scooter Libby?

Didn't George W. Bush already pardon Scooter Libby? No, Bush just commuted the 30-month prison sentence. Why is President Trump (reportedly) going to do what Bush did not?

I. Lewis Libby Jr., VP Dick Cheney's chief of staff, "was convicted of four felonies in 2007 for perjury before a grand jury, lying to F.B.I. investigators and obstruction of justice during an investigation into the disclosure of the work of Valerie Plame Wilson, a C.I.A. officer.... Mr. Libby was not charged with the leak itself and has long argued that his conviction rested on an innocent difference in memories between him and several witnesses, not an intent to deceive investigators."
Mr. Libby’s case has long been a cause for conservatives who maintained that he was a victim of a special prosecutor run amok, an argument that may have resonated with the president. Mr. Trump has repeatedly complained that the special counsel investigation into possible cooperation between his campaign and Russia in 2016 has gone too far and amounts to an unfair “witch hunt.”...

Critics of Mr. Trump quickly interpreted the prospective pardon as a signal by the president that he would protect those who refuse to turn on their bosses, as Mr. Libby was presumed not to have betrayed Mr. Cheney. Mr. Trump has not ruled out pardons in the Russia investigation....

Mr. Libby’s advocates argued that Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor, went too far because he had already discovered that the first administration official to disclose Ms. Wilson’s identity to a journalist was Richard Armitage, the deputy secretary of state in Mr. Bush’s first term, who was not charged....

The case has its connections to Mr. Trump because Mr. Fitzgerald was friends with James B. Comey, who was then the deputy attorney general who assigned him the investigation after the attorney general recused himself. Mr. Cheney long suspected that Mr. Comey was taking revenge for a dispute between them over the legality of a surveillance program.

Mr. Comey would go on to become the director of the F.B.I. who was fired by Mr. Trump last year in the midst of the Russia investigation. His dismissal led the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, who was in charge after the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, to appoint Robert S. Mueller III as special counsel to take over the inquiry.

His record is roughly in keeping with the last three presidents, Barack Obama, Mr. Bush and Bill Clinton, all of whom issued no pardons or commutations in their first year and a half in office.


wendybar said...

Corruption runs deep in the Deep State. Good for President Trump for undoing this huge miscarriage of justice!

Achilles said...

There will be more pardons coming. This was a shot across the bow.

Constitutional crisis is imminent. The deep state is going to have to be put down.

Comanche Voter said...

When somethings sticks like a putrid mackerel on the beach (as in Scooter Libby's prosecution and conviction) you occasionally have to get rid of it. Trump is simply throwing out the garbage in this case.

rcocean said...

A little late isn't it? What impact will it have?

The only thing I found interesting about Scooter Libby is he's Jewish - even though he has the WASP-ist name ever.

Achilles said...

Hillary lied to the FBI repeatedly about a crime she actually committed.

Comey and McCabe have admitted to conspiring to leak classified information to the press.

Obama was caught emailing Clinton’s private server under a pseudonym.

Mueller has been implicated in several FBI coverups like the Bulger framing in Boston and Uranium one.

Obama was caught illegally spying on Americans and political opponents.

Going to be a lot of squealing soon.

Nonapod said...

Trump's obviously got pardons on his mind. I wonder why?

rcocean said...

I wonder if this was Bolton's doing.

rcocean said...

Hopefully, General Flynn will be next.

ga6 said...

Why Ann? Because in his hesitant half assed style Bush did not do the job properly and now Trump again has to clean up after him.

Anonymous said...

Richard Armitage was the leaker so they arrest Scooter Libby.
It's that Special Prosecutor kind of logic.

holdfast said...

A reminder to Mr. Mueller that Trump can undo in a moment prosecutions that take months or years to put together.

A pardon for Conrad Black would be nice (he's out of jail now, but it would be good to have his record wiped clean).

Michael K said...

The Scooter LIbby case (and Libby is not an admirable person) was Bush's last failure after a long string of them.

Cheney had nothing but contempt for Bush at the end.

One theoretical action of Trump is to pardon all those involved in Comey/Mueller prosecutions but I think he will wait to see if the OIG report results in a federal judge, an honest one, stepping in and voiding cases like that of Flynn.

The Bundy case is already an example. There the judge, Gloria Navarro, dismissed woth prejudice the whole case against the Budys.

In April 2014, America was transfixed by an armed standoff in the Nevada desert. On one side was a collection of dangerous, out-of-control armed men who were deliberately provocative, prone to saying unhinged things in a single-minded quest to destroy their enemies, and who lied time and again to cover their misdeeds.

On the other side was Cliven Bundy.

If you think that’s an unfair and inflammatory attack on the federal government, consider that yesterday a federal judge, Obama appointee Gloria Navarro, dismissed the federal government’s criminal case against Bundy and two of his sons on the basis that the government was guilty of “flagrant misconduct” in the trial. Its conduct was so “outrageous” that “no lesser remedy” than dismissal with prejudice “is sufficient.”

The government, you see, lied. It withheld evidence. It concealed the truth from the court and from the American people. To say this isn’t to whitewash Bundy’s misdeeds. He broke the law. He defied the government without any legal justification, and his own conduct helped precipitate a crisis that could have led to a horrible tragedy.

Where is Gloria Navarro when we need her ?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Good! Do it, Trump. Send this shot over the Special Prosecutor bow. It worked for Bush 41 vis-a-vis Casper Wienberger.

Browndog said...

Calling @Comey a “proven LEAKER & LIAR” while you’re about to pardon Scooter Libby, who leaked the identity of a covert CIA employee and was convicted for lying about it to the FBI — well, that’s quite a thing.

Jake Trapper, CNN

Drago said...

wendybar: "Corruption runs deep in the Deep State."

Ray Donovan
Caspar Weinberger
WI John Doe investigation
Tom Delay
Ted Stevens

The lefties and their LLR allies have been pulling this stuff for decades.

And they got so confident they actually believed we had reached a point where they could weaponize the entire federal govt law enforcement and intelligence agencies to spy on and defeat domestic political opponents.

It is almost certain that Fusion GPS and Crowdstrike were allowed unfettered access to all raw 702 intercept data which was almost certainly utilized for partisan democrat purposes.

Hello Stasi.

And Trump's election meant it was all going to come out....unless they could mount an offensive with their media/LLR allies to create crimes out of thin air with which run Trump out of office.

There is no turning back for the deep staters. Either they win or Trump exposes them.

This is why Mueller chose to staff up with only hardcore democrat partisans. If even a single moderate or republican prosecutor/investigator was put on the Special Counsel team it would blow their purpose.

Drago said...

LarsPorsena: "Richard Armitage was the leaker so they arrest Scooter Libby.
It's that Special Prosecutor kind of logic."

Armitage was a member in good standing with the permanent govt class, a class that the lefties now openly proclaim as an independent 4th branch of govt which should never reflect an elected Presidents policy decisions.....which happened right about Jan 20, 2017.

Michael K said...

The Bundy case also involved Harry Reid and his real estate dealings in Nevada but that was not mentioned.

Skipper said...

Another lesson in not talking to cops.

Chuck said...

I learned something from this; that Scooter succeeded in getting his law license back already. I didn't think that was possible, so quickly.

I have to say here, because Althousians could probably look it up; I hated the trial and conviction of Scooter Libby and I would have favored a pardon from President Bush if he had done it. I can hardly complain about Trump doing it.

Anonymous said...

Fitzpatrick: a crony of Comey's. How could anything go wrong?

traditionalguy said...

Trump is at war with the FBI that still works solely for Clinton/Soros money and power corruption deals.The stupid FBI crooks are angry at him. They always got away with it 6 ways from Sunday before. That bad old man Trump is running the government as if there is no 4th Branch that checkmates the President.

This will continue until Trump cleans the crooks out or they assassinate him one of their 6 ways.

David said...

A matter from the quaint days when leaking confidential matters was considered bad form.

dreams said...

"Why is President Trump (reportedly) going to do what Bush did not?"

Because Scooter Libby was innocent and it's the right thing to do. Also, because Trump is a lot smarter man than Bush.

Seeing Red said...


Anonymous said...

I thought Bush's failure to support Libby with a full pardon revealed a lot of the Bush family's lack of backbone when facing the establishment or an unpopular decision. I like George Bush, but his presidency for the most part was not "a profile in courage".

langford peel said...

Just another case of President Trump doing what a real conservative President does instead of a pussy a RHINO like Bush.

Everyone now being tortured by that animal Mueller will take heart. The God Emperor will protect you.

Even pussy Chuck ha to approve it. Will wonders never cease.

Rumpletweezer said...

How about a pardon for Martha Stewart (whom I do not like)?

traditionalguy said...

Morning Joe had Valerie Plame on this AM saying Libby committed many serious crimes...blah, blah, blah. Their sincere Propaganda used to work until Trump started to fight the SOBs back, using Twitter.

The MSM has suddenly all focused on one message:Trump is shameful and he embarrasses us. They are stupid.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the collective left = lying liars who lie

Michael K said...

This will continue until Trump cleans the crooks out or they assassinate him one of their 6 ways.

Yes and the GOPe might have decided to cooperate with their allies on the left.

Browndog said...

Khesanh 0802 said...

I thought Bush's failure to support Libby with a full pardon revealed a lot of the Bush family's lack of backbone when facing the establishment or an unpopular decision. I like George Bush, but his presidency for the most part was not "a profile in courage".

His lack of backbone was no more evident when he caved to Democrat pressure and appointed a Special Prosecutor in the first place. For no good reason.

Remember, that actual target was Dick Cheney. No wonder Cheney can't stand him.

dreams said...

Bush's failure to pardon Scooter Libby confirmed that Bush was not only not a conservative but also was not compassionate.

The best I can say for Bush is that he is a mediocrity.

Bay Area Guy said...

Similar witch hunt, but old news. Nobody remembers Scooter Libby or "Fitzmas" or Armitrage.

Bush, as noted above, should have pardoned him, not just commuted the sentence. But life goes on.

Bay Area Guy said...
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Mark said...

Why is President Trump (reportedly) going to do what Bush did not?

Because the charges and underlying prosecution were a complete travesty of justice. Early on in the Fitzgerald farce, they knew it was Richard Armitage who was the source for Novak's story. At that point, the investigation should have been shut down.

But instead of ending the investigation, it was used as a pretext to try to get someone's scalp. In fact, it is likely that JAMES COMEY already knew that Armitage was the leaker before he appointed Fitzgerald to investigate who leaked the information about Plame.

The whole thing was a fraud.

Big Mike said...

Oh, yes. Cap Weinberger. I read parts of Firewall, Lawrence Walsh’s book about his experience as the Special Prosecutor for Iran-Contra. In it, Walsh basically proclaimed that he made up the charges against Cap Weinberger out of nothing, because he felt that Weinberger had acted arrogantly towards him. He came right out and wrote that Weinberger was innocent of having anything to do with Iran-Contra itself; he was indicted purely out of Walsh’s sense that Cap was insufficiently deferential.

Go ahead; read the book.

iowan2 said...

lying to F.B.I. investigators and obstruction of justice during an investigation into the disclosure of the work of Valerie Plame Wilson, a C.I.A. officer....

Can somebody unpack this statement? I always understood the crime in question was the leaking of Plames name. Even though she was not a covert spy any longer.
It would seem to me, reporting her past work, while maybe classified information, no person was ever charged with that crime either.

Drago said...
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Yancey Ward said...

As Browndog points out, Libby was pursued because the target was Dick Cheney. Richard Armitage didn't work for Cheney, thus once it was known that Armitage was Novak's source, Fitzgerald changed course and went for process crimes. Indeed, all of the testimony Libby gave almost surely came after Fitzgerald knew who had leaked.

One of Bush's greatest shames should have been not pardoning Libby as soon as he was indicted.

Drago said...

"Bowe Bergdahl" republican Chuck: "I hated the trial and conviction of Scooter Libby"


Why in the world would you hate something from the past which you so lustily cheer for in the present?

Not. Believable.

Fabi said...

Regardless of any possible ulterior motives, it's the right thing for Trump to do. Bravo.

Drago said...

iowan2: "Can somebody unpack this statement? I always understood the crime in question was the leaking of Plames name."

Our intrepid morons on the Special Counsels team literally simply decided to believe hack lefty reporters and their memories over what was said over that of what Libby claims was said during those meetings.


That is it.

Which gives you some idea how easy it was for McCabe (who hated Flynn after a run in sometime back when McCabe was accused of sexual harassment and Flynn came to the defense of the victim which harmed McCabe's record) to help Mueller and his dem henchman to come back long AFTER THE FACT to override the FBI questioners of Flynn and "decide" that Flynn had lied.

All from a completely legal phone call Flynn had made to the Russian ambassador, which is why Yates had to conjure up this nonsensical BS lie about possible violations of the Logan Act to justify the interview in the first place.

Which was all immediately leaked illegally to LLR Chuck's beloveds in the lefty media.

This entire fiasco is literally a Counter-domestic opponent govt run hit job on an opposition candidate and President-Elect/President.

J2 said...

Throughout the Plame investigation Colin Powell knew the leaker was Armitage but did not disclose it.

Larry J said...

Special Prosecutors follow the old dictate of Stalin's henchman Beria who said, "Show me the man and I'll show you the crime."

Michael K said...

Our intrepid morons on the Special Counsels team literally simply decided to believe hack lefty reporters and their memories over what was said over that of what Libby claims was said during those meetings.

I remembered at the time that I saw Tim Russert mention the Plame thing on the air. It was before Libby was interviewed.

Fabi said...

Good synopsis at 11:32, Drago.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I still wonder why Bush Jr. didn't give Libby a complete pardon. My guess: Libby arguably showed more loyalty to Cheney than to Bush. Understandable, but possibly irritating to Bush. The Comey part is fascinating. As I understand it, the FBI was somewhat anti-waterboarding, and somewhat opposed to other post-9/11 measures. The CIA was for them. Comey triggered the big hospital bed scene--don't authorize what the President (Bush Jr.) wants! In the end, very few changes were made, and Comey signed on like a good boy, even if had succeeded in making Cheney mad. Arguably he got maximum possible favourable attention--a moral hero, trying to stop Bush from going too far!--while subjecting himself or his career to minimal risk. He has always sought headlines: is there any event or series of events in which he actually made headlines, in which his role was something other than unethical, sleazy, or disgusting? What a great career for a bureaucrat.

Drago said...

"throughout the Plame investigation Colin Powell knew the leaker was Armitage but did not disclose it."

Dude, Fitzpatrick knew in the first 5 minutes who discussed Plame to Novak.

But the point of it all was to get Cheney.

Just like the point of this Hillary/Obama/lefty/dem/LLR farce is to get Trump.

Greg said...

Given the woman at the center of all this turns out to be more of a neo - nazi than secret CIA agent, Libby should be given a medal, even if he had 'outed' her.


Francisco D said...

Interestingly, Libby was once a member of the swamp in good standing, having attended all the right schools, etc. He also represented Marc Rich.

His mistake was being a Neo-Con when the antiwar fervor was sweeping the MSM/DNC complex. Paul Wolfowitz was his mentor and he was close to Dick Cheney.

If I recall correctly, the Inga-types were talking about how the Fitzgerald/Plame investigation would lead to Dick Cheney and Karl Rove being frog marched out of the White House in chains. I must have missed that on the news.

Trump is sending a message. I like it!

n.n said...

A warlock hunt, or baby hunt in contemporary parlance.

Sebastian said...

What Mark said:

"Because the charges and underlying prosecution were a complete travesty of justice. Early on in the Fitzgerald farce, they knew it was Richard Armitage who was the source for Novak's story. At that point, the investigation should have been shut down.

But instead of ending the investigation, it was used as a pretext to try to get someone's scalp. In fact, it is likely that JAMES COMEY already knew that Armitage was the leaker before he appointed Fitzgerald to investigate who leaked the information about Plame.

The whole thing was a fraud."

David-2 said...

@holdfast - You're absolutely right about Conrad Black. And why is he a felon? A put up "obstructing justice" charge when his real crime was selling a company to willing buyers who later decided they screwed up big time and lost a bundle on it and didn't want to be accountable for it. The real perps were the court appointed "trustees" for the company who then ran it into to the ground.

And guess who the prosecutor in that case was??

(Heh. I'm sure you know it was the same Fitzgerald we're talking about here.)

readering said...

Agree it sounds like Bolton got Trump's ear since DOJ says it has no pardon in works.

pacwest said...

"The whole thing was a fraud."

An obvious one from the very start.
And yet, they were able to get away with it.

David-2 said...

BTW - pursuant to comments about about Colin Powell knowing from day one that it was Armitage who leaked Plame's name yet keeping that secret and doing nothing about it while Libby will pilloried: That's why he's establishment deep state scum too.

Oh, alsow BTW, Colin Powell was Republican. Just like all the FBI Top. Men. and our current Special Prosecutor himself! Which is why when dems/lefties point out that the FBI Top. Men. and the Special Prosecutor himself are all Republican it means nothing. Except perfidy. It does mean that.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Libby’s pardon is a trial run.

Dangling pardons in front of those being investigated by Mueller may be part and parcel of an obstruction of justice charge.

Quaestor said...

The best I can say for Bush is that he is a mediocrity.


Quaestor said...

Dangling pardons in front of those being investigated by Mueller may be part and parcel of an obstruction of justice charge.

Typical fascist reasoning by a typical fascist.

From the fascist point of view smuggling Jews into Sweden by Danish fishermen was "part and parcel of an obstruction of justice charge."

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Chuck said...I hated the trial and conviction of Scooter Libby and I would have favored a pardon from President Bush if he had done it. I can hardly complain about Trump doing it.

Yeah, but you're just not as smart as TrueCon NeverTrumper big shots. Jonah Goldberg just tweeted that pardoning Libby was the right thing to do but Trump would be doing it for the wrong reasons.
See? The really smart people understand that getting politicians to do the right thing for whatever reason you can isn't good enough--they should only get credit if they're a GOOD person doing the RIGHT thing for a GOOD reason. Otherwise, fuck 'em.
Don't sweat it, though, Chuck; I'm clearly not smart enough to understand that logic either.

Henry said...

Can a president preemptively pardon?

Michael K said...

"The real perps were the court appointed "trustees" for the company who then ran it into to the ground."

Yes and the Chicago trial was a farce. Conrad Black won a libel suit in Canada, while an American judged added to his sentence for a non-crime.

He said he would never allow himself to be in the range of American justice again. I don't blame him.

HoodlumDoodlum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

GHW Bush pardoned Weinberger to keep Walsh from harassing him. He had not been indicted and, indeed, was innocent of any indictable offense. The left, including Walsh are very good at law fare.

M Jordan said...

Pardon Blogoevivh next, Trump. He was a fall guy for Obama’s shenanigans.

hawkeyedjb said...

"Scooter Libby, who leaked the identity of a covert CIA employee ...

Jake Tapper is about as smart as the millions of other morons who remember something that didn't happen. And if they don't think it was Libby, they swear it was Karl Rove. I remember watching an earnest TV bimbro asking Sen. Frank Lautenberg if he thought Rove had committed treason, and Sen. Lautenberg replied earnestly that yes, he believed it to be so. What is laughable is the idea of any of these weak-minded clowns taking responsibility for their words.

Drago said...

Inga: "Libby’s pardon is a trial run."


The Libby prosecution, just like Ted Stevens, Caspar Weinberger, Ray Donovan, Tom Delay, WI John Doe partisan secret investigations/harassment, obama spying on reporters and their families, the intel agencies weaponizing intel against opponents of the Iran deal, the IRS being used to attack conservatives, and many others....those were all the trial runs.

After all those trial runs, the left/dems/MSM/LLR's decided it was time for the real thing. Time to go full STASI and see if you can literally overturn an election and cement control forever for the left.

Quaestor said...

Can a president preemptively pardon?

Ford granted Nixon a pre-emptive pardon which was never successfully challenged. And I think Carter granted Vietnam-era draft dodgers a blanket "pre-emptive pardon" which he called an amnesty. Not much difference.

Francisco D said...

"Dangling pardons in front of those being investigated by Mueller may be part and parcel of an obstruction of justice charge."

Lets see:

Firing Crazy Comey (which Rosenstein supported) and granting a well-deserved pardon to Scooter Libby are well within the executive authority of the POTUS.

Exercising that authority = part and parcel of an obstruction of justice charge.

Is that an example of delusional thinking or just plain stupidity?

or both?

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Libby’s pardon is a trial run.

Dangling pardons in front of those being investigated by Mueller may be part and parcel of an obstruction of justice charge.

A stalinist speaks.

You are disgusting people.

Quaestor said...

Here are the facts about the exposure of a "covert CIA employee" (Valery Plame was not a covert employee by any sane definition of the term, but that is not a cogent detail) from fascist Inga's favorite propaganda organ.

And just for the sake of filling in the yawning chasms in her education, one should know that it is necessary for propagandists to be truth-tellers from time to time. One may consult the diaries of Joseph Goebbels for more doctrinal information on the matter, assuming one can read.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Some folks here just don’t seem to understand how big a role intent plays in obstruction of justice.

Rusty said...

M Jordan said...
"Pardon Blogoevivh next, Trump. He was a fall guy for Obama’s shenanigans."
No. He's a genuine corrupt asshole politician in the finest Illinois tradition. The more Illinois politicians in prison the better.

Drago said...

Inga: "Some folks here just don’t seem to understand how big a role intent plays in obstruction of justice"


And Inga throws Rosenstein under the bus, since he was the one who had a report prepared reviewing Comey's actions, reviewed the report and recommended firing Comey, which Trump then did.

So it looks like Inga is going to try and rope Rosenstein into the hoax obstruction charge as well.

An accusation, by the way, that Rosenstein is pushing back on very strongly this very day by saying Comey deserved to be fired....as did every single democrat and talking head on the news for months...until it actually happened. At which point it became obstruction!


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“According to a report from NBC News, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has collected four findings on Donald Trump’s attempt to obstruct justice.

His intent to fire former FBI Director James Comey;
His role in the crafting of a misleading public statement on the nature of a June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between his son and Russians;
Trump’s dangling of pardons before grand jury witnesses who might testify against him; and
Pressuring Attorney General Jeff Sessions not to recuse himself from the Russia investigation.”

“The use of the word “intent” in that first one could be significant, as explained by Renato Mariatti.

Impeding or influencing an FBI investigation is a crime only if it is done with “corrupt” intent—in other words, the intent to wrongfully impede the administration of justice.”

Washington Monthly

Achilles said...

J2 said...

Throughout the Plame investigation Colin Powell knew the leaker was Armitage but did not disclose it.

Fitzpatrick knew that. Comey knew that. Powell knew that.

But the point was to get Cheney.

The stalinists had their man and they were looking for the crime.

Just like now with Trump.

Democrats demand Comey be fired. Then demand Trump be impeached for firing Comey.

Maxine Waters is a complete piece of shit.

Drago said...

Valerie Plame indeed was NO covert agent.

I can recall how the lefties kept pushing that narrative, conjuring up images of a dirty-faced Plame, sniper crawling on the ground on some far off land while keeping enemy forces under surveillance while radioing back real-time actionable intel!


She was a desk jockey who got her husband appointed by the deep staters in the CIA who opposed Bush's policy to create a BS report which was used as a leaked media weapon to push back on Bush.

Sound familiar?

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Some folks here just don’t seem to understand how big a role intent plays in obstruction of justice.

People who support the Mueller investigation are a threat to the rule of law.

I look forward to your squeals after Comey is indicted.

Birkel said...

Not to mention how much a crime depends on what "no reasonable prosecutor" would do.

That and intent.

Black letter law, less important, somehow.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Inga said...

"Libby’s pardon is a trial run.

Dangling pardons in front of those being investigated by Mueller may be part and parcel of an obstruction of justice charge."

Whenever you wish.

Then close your eyes and tap your heels together three times. And think to yourself, "This is Obstruction".

robother said...

Inga's deep knowledge of the subtleties of the federal criminal justice code was revealed in her comment that offenses originating in the Southern District of New York are not federal offenses subject to Presidential pardon power. (Apparently there are a number of United States federal judicial districts that take literally the phrase "not my President!")

In these districts, intent is a legal concept that is always and automatically ascribed to Republicans, and is conversely never ascribed to any member of a group identified as Democrat-affiliated.

Francisco D said...

"His intent to fire former FBI Director James Comey;
His role in the crafting of a misleading public statement on the nature of a June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between his son and Russians;
Trump’s dangling of pardons before grand jury witnesses who might testify against him; and
Pressuring Attorney General Jeff Sessions not to recuse himself from the Russia investigation.”

If Inga and her friends at NBC had brains, they might try to explain how all these LEGAL actions (some of which are in great dispute) constitute obstruction of justice.

Instead we are left wondering, "What the heck are these idiots talking about?"

buwaya said...

Anyway, Libby is pardoned as per Fox News.

buwaya said...

That definition of obstruction sounds like when that crazy Texas DA had a Grand Jury indict Rick Perry for vetoing funding for her office.

Birkel said...

Exactly the same, buwaya.

Jim at said...

That whole Valerie Plame bullshit was one of the stupidest things put forward by the left during the entire Bush Administration.

She wasn't some spy. Her cover wasn't blown. She was a desk jockey at Langley and a regular on the cocktail circuit with her husband, Joe. Everybody - and I mean everybody in DC - knew who she was.

Place the blame for her 'outing' on Richard Armitage.

Vance said...

"intent" is such a useful word for the left. All Crimes require intent, right? And Virtuous Patriotic Peaceful Honest Democrats only ever intend to save America from the evils of having Republicans exist! Thus, they never commit a crime because their intent is honorable!

Meanwhile, evil Republicans always and without fail intend to rape and pillage and worst of all, not do what Democrats want! That's criminal and thus all Republicans everywhere always have criminal intent and should be arrested and sent to the camps!

Just ask Inga on this; she's an expert on how intent works for criminal purposes. Republicans are bad and thus intend to do wrong, while Democrats are virtuous and nothing they do has criminal intent.

Realize this, and you know Inga and the rest of the gang's view on criminal government behavior. Simple.

Jim at said...

Dangling pardons in front of those being investigated by Mueller may be part and parcel of an obstruction of justice charge. - Inga

There are times you show reasonable intelligence on various subjects.
Then there are times you're stupid beyond description.

This would be the latter.

Drago said...

Vance: "intent" is such a useful word for the left. All Crimes require intent, right?"

Just another #ThoughtCrime and #WrongThink rationale for prosecuting political opponents.

Precisely as the left has done in every single nation they ever took control of.

But only every single one, every single time.

Without fail.

Drago said...

Francisco D: "If Inga and her friends at NBC had brains, they might try to explain how all these LEGAL actions (some of which are in great dispute) constitute obstruction of justice."

The only actions that are legal to the lefties are those actions that advance the leftist/LLR cause.

Otherwise, we need to appoint prosecutors to find out, Beria-style, what "crimes" the perpetrators can be put away for.

hombre said...

Armitage was not prosecuted for leaking Plame’s name because she was not a covert operative and the leak was therefore not a crime, or because he was not one of the Bushies who Comey and Fitzpatrick wanted prosecuted.

Does any of that have a familiar ring? Continuing the investigation of a non-crime by a “Special Prosecutor” for political purposes? How about indicting the political “others” for unrelated crimes like lying to the FBI?

Drago said...

You know what would really be interesting Inga?

Finding out precisely who donated $500,000 to the corrupocrat McCabe through the GoFundMe site set up by McCabe's democrat-connected lawyer.

I mean, that is a nice little chunk of "encouragement" provided to McCabe at almost the precise time he might be indicted and expected to flip on other democrat connected deep staters.

You know...McCabe. The guy whose wife was "encouraged" to run by Clinton pals so that the Clinton pals could dump $700,000 into her state senate run right about the time McCabe himself was heading up multiple Clinton investigations.

But hey, nothing to see there, is there?

Drago said...

Not a smidgen of corruption.

Not. A. Smidgen.

Anonymous said...

@Drago, Inga and Chicklit The DOJ IG issued its report on McCabe today. I include Inga in this because she might enjoy reading a report based on facts, not rumors. McCabe was a bad boy and I suspect we'll learn truly how bad when the big IG report is issued.

becauseIdbefired said...

My theory is the Mueller investigation is damaging to the country, and has done next to no good.

Here is a typical leftist comment with regards to the Trump Campaign/Russia Collusion investigation:

LMFAO at all the feeble minded right wing morons and their exploding heads hahaha. I love it!

But gripe and moan all ya want ya little snowflakes! You can't stop this. Nothing you can do can stop this. Your misdirections, your outright lies, your sheer and utter ignorance of well; pretty much everything, can't stop this! You are helpless, powerless. One way or another the crimes will be exposed. But I love seeing you all running around like chickens with your heads cut off, scared as can be of reality.

Post all the garbage you want, lie in bed with the russian trolls all ya want, post nasty demeaning comments all ya want, bash liberals all ya want, it all means nothing. This is all being led by republicans and republican appointees. And they're doing the right thing.

So go on cryin ya parrot headed squawking ignoramuses; you thin skinned, terrified of reality, cowardly little snowflakes. Thank god the rule of law still exists in this country; despite it being currently led by the dirtiest and most corrupt pos ever to inhabit the oval office...

A lengthy, nearly empty post. Ask these guys what the crimes are, and they have nothing, except sometimes innuendo.

I have to wonder, who here would talk with the FBI, knowing how they have gotten two individuals on shaky grounds "Lying to the FBI on a material matter?" Not I.

And what has this latest done to attorney client privilege?

The Mueller investigation is weakening our democratic institutions.

That's not even to consider the damage to the presidency. I wonder how many percentage points the Trump Campaign/Russia Collusion investigation has cost Trump in popularity points? Arguably, the man has done a reasonable job as president. ISIS is next to no more (ISIS is linked to 1500 terror deaths last year, whereas this year only about 55), the economy is doing well (when it was supposed to be in global recession), and he is addressing serious issues, such as NATO support imbalance, imbalance of trade, and hopefully sometime soon, dealing with our ridiculous immigration policy that is all about cheap labor as subsidized by the taxpayer, so the wealthy can become more wealthy. NK is too soon to count a chicken from, but even that seems to be much healthier than it was when Trump took office.

You wouldn't know it from the way the press talks.

As for taxes? Mine are going up a lot, but long term that too may be good, as high tax states like CA reconsider the role of government.

Anonymous said...

Re Inga's 1:25. I read her list and the first thought that crossed my mind was that I would hate to be the lawyer that tried to prosecute any of those in court.

MikeR said...

"while you’re about to pardon Scooter Libby, who leaked the identity of a covert CIA employee and was convicted for lying about it to the FBI..." - Jake Tapper.
Huh? Is Tapper ignorant of the fact that Libby did not do the leaking? Weird, and totally wrong.

Bruce Hayden said...

Valerie Plame indeed was NO covert agent.

I can recall how the lefties kept pushing that narrative, conjuring up images of a dirty-faced Plame, sniper crawling on the ground on some far off land while keeping enemy forces under surveillance while radioing back real-time actionable intel!


She was a desk jockey who got her husband appointed by the deep staters in the CIA who opposed Bush's policy to create a BS report which was used as a leaked media weapon to push back on Bush.

That should be repeated. The entire investigation was political, aimed at Karl Roce and Dick Cheney. The question being answered was why such a vocal opponent of the GW Bush Administration, Joe Wilson, had been tasked by the CIA to go to Niger to find out about Sadam Hussein’s yellow cake uranium. A guy who had worked for Clinton. The answer was, of course, that his wife proposed him to her supervisors at CIA headquarters in Langley - where she worked. Sure, at one point in time, she had been a covert agent, but then she married Wilson, and she flew a desk at Langley. Which means that it was a setup from day one. If she had been the least bit worried about her covert identity, she wouldn’t have had her supervisors send her high profile husband to Niger to embarrass the Bush Administration. And ditto for her supervisors. Remember how this all started? It was an op-ed by Joe Wilson in the NYT claiming that Bush Lied About Sadam Hussein and his yellowcake. Can’t get much more high profile than calling the President a lier in the NYT. And there were all the glamorous shots of Wilson and Plame scooting around DC in their convertible,

Mike Sylwester said...

Inga at 1:25 PM
According to a report from NBC News, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has collected four findings on Donald Trump’s attempt to obstruct justice ...

Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller spends a lot of his time leaking to journalists.

When does he ever do his real work?

Drago said...

MikeR: "Huh? Is Tapper ignorant of the fact that Libby did not do the leaking? Weird, and totally wrong"

How dare you criticize one of LLR Chuck's absolute "fav's" at CNN?!!

And who cares if Jake Tapper is lying about Libby. The dems need what Tapper lied about to be true, and if it rings true, it is true. According to the lefties and their LLR allies.

Matt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Molly said...

"In April 2015, Judith Miller published an autobiography in which she wondered if her memories had been wrong, if her testimony had been false and asked, "Had I misconstrued my notes? Had Fitzgerald's questions about whether my use of the word Bureau meant the FBI steered me in the wrong direction?" Commenting on Miller's book, former Vice President Dick Cheney said, "I always believed Scooter was innocent. What Judith Miller basically provides is confirmation of the fact that he was innocent.""

Of course, Wikipedia can be wrong. The scooter libby article already has the "information" that he was pardoned by Trump on April 13, 2018. (perhaps events overtake my comment made at 3:55 pm eastern time).

Drago said...

"Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller spends a lot of his time leaking to journalists."

Because he is an honorable man....who let 4 innocent men go to prison for murder even though he knew they were innocent. All to help provide cover to Whitey Bulger.

2 of the other prosecutors eventually wrote letters asking the parole boards to release these innocent men, but not "straight arrow" Mueller.

2 of those 4 innocent men died while in prison.

But Mueller goes on to be a celebrated guy who also did work for the Ukrainian President at the same time as Manafort...but Mueller gets to investigate Manafort!

That is where we are today.

Oh yeah, Mueller was right smack dab in the middle of Uranium One, and he was also FBI Director when 9-11 happened. But its easier to blame Bush.

dreams said...

"And who cares if Jake Tapper is lying about Libby. The dems need what Tapper lied about to be true, and if it rings true, it is true. According to the lefties and their LLR allies."

Kind of like a higher loyalty or something.

Matt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Matt said...

Here is the truth.

Valerie Plame said today:

Matt is stupid enough to think that Scooter had anything to do with Plame.

If there weren't any people stupid enough to believe this crap the democrats wouldn't have any voters.

Birkel said...

They make topical lotions and creams to help with that annoying diaper rash.

Francisco D said...

"“We therefore concluded that McCabe’s disclosure of the existence of an ongoing investigation in this manner violated the FBI’s and the Department’s media policy and constituted misconduct,” reads the report, which was sent to the House Judiciary Committee on Friday.

The report lays out four separate instances of McCabe giving false or misleading statements about his authorizations to leak to the press."

But, he had good INTENT!

Maybe President Cory Booker will pardon. him.

Matt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

I do buy the argument that the Libby pardon is more of a "shot across the bow" of Mueller's team.

Maybe, Trump should pardon anyone indicted by Mueller on grounds unrelated to Russian collusion issue.

That means Manafort and Flynn walk, but the 13 Russian Trolls remained indicted.

Bruce Hayden said...

OIG report today on McCabe firing: https://static01.nyt.com/files/2018/us/politics/20180413a-doj-oig-mccabe-report.pdf

Which essentially proves me right in the last thread, where I suggested that Lisa Page (aka “Special Counsel”) is the one who burned Andrew McCabe for lying about his authorizing her to leak to “Devlin” Barrett at the WSJ, and did so through her text messages and emails, including those with Peter Strzok. The IG disclosed those text messages months and months ago, and we now know why he did so.

Bruce Hayden said...


The Justice Department inspector general delivered to Congress on Friday a highly critical report that accused Andrew G. McCabe, the former F.B.I. deputy director, of repeatedly misleading investigators.

The inspector general said that when investigators asked whether he had instructed aides to provide information in October 2016 to a reporter with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. McCabe said he did not authorize the disclosure and did not know who did.

But Mr. McCabe did approve the F.B.I.’s contact with the reporter, according to the review.

The newspaper article delved into a dispute between F.B.I. and Justice Department officials over how to proceed in an investigation into the financial dealings of the Clinton family’s foundation. It revealed a sensitive meeting during which Justice Department officials declined to authorize subpoenas or grand jury activity.

The inspector general also concluded that Mr. McCabe’s disclosure of the existence of the ongoing investigation in the manner described in the report violated media policy of the F.B.I. and Justice Department and constituted misconduct.

Francisco D said...


How many FBI/DOJ employees will be fired, going to jail or losing law licenses compared to members of the Trump administration?

Isn't doesn't look too good for the resistance.

Matt Sablan said...

"How many FBI/DOJ employees will be fired, going to jail or losing law licenses compared to members of the Trump administration?"

-- Practically none, if past precedent holds.

Matt Sablan said...

Remember: We have on record that Abedin didn't realize the President of the United States was corresponding using Clinton's secret server to discuss classified matters -- and STILL NO ONE SUFFERED ANY CONSEQUENCES.

They destroyed evidence with hammers. No consequences.

The fact McCabe lost some retirement is probably the biggest "hurt" that will fall on anyone who lied or misbehaved while trying to get Trump.

And Trump probably could have been gotten, too, if they hadn't overplayed their hands.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The IG report contained no bombshells, nothing new was revealed. A “meh” report being presented here as somehow shocking or surprising. Why? Is the IG referring McCabe to the DOJ for prosecution? No? Why not?

Michael K said...

Earth to Inga:

The report is coming out and it is not good news for you and your pals.

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department inspector general delivered to Congress on Friday a highly critical report that accused Andrew G. McCabe, the former F.B.I. deputy director, of repeatedly misleading investigators.

The inspector general said that when investigators asked whether he had instructed aides to provide information in October 2016 to a reporter with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. McCabe said he did not authorize the disclosure and did not know who did.

But Mr. McCabe did approve the F.B.I.’s contact with the reporter, according to the review.

The report is attached with a link.

You're welcome.

Michael K said...

Earth to Inga:

The IG does not prosecute The Utah US Attorney does that.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The IG does not prosecute The Utah US Attorney does that.”

Earth to Michael K, the IG can refer an investigation for prosecution. I didn’t say he was the one who would be doing the prosecution.

Michael K said...

Inga, this is ONLY ONE IG report, the one on McCabe.

More are coming. Hold onto your hat.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, this is ONLY ONE IG report, the one on McCabe.

More are coming. Hold onto your hat.”

Yes Michael we ALL know that already.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

MichaelK, I’ve read the report, it’s a “meh”, nothing new and no one is going to jail ( based on this report) as you people have been saying for months and months now. It’s almost comical how you folks are hyping this. It would be a bombshell if McCabe would be facing prosecution, as it stands now it appears he is not.

Matt Sablan said...

"It would be a bombshell if McCabe would be facing prosecution, as it stands now it appears he is not."

-- Doesn't it bother you someone we know committed perjury ISN'T facing consequences?

Wince said...

Inga said...
Dangling pardons in front of those being investigated by Mueller may be part and parcel of an obstruction of justice charge.
Some folks here just don’t seem to understand how big a role intent plays in obstruction of justice.

Bill Clinton, well-known dangler of multiple sorts, was never charged with obstruction.

Susan McDougal refuse to testify against Bill Clinton, who granted her a pardon. Along with Marc Rich, Roger Clinton and 136 others.

Sebastian said...

NYT: "scathing," "highly critical."

Who knows, a few more of these meh reports, and even some progs may return to their old posture of despising the FBI and the CIA, as defending their deep-state buddies becomes politically costly.

Mr. McCabe, meet the bus.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Doesn't it bother you someone we know committed perjury ISN'T facing consequences?”

Doesn’t it bother you that Libby was just pardoned for committing perjury? Did McCabe outright lie? Not according to the IG report, if he did he would be getting prosecuted...he’s not. Did Sessions lie under oath during his confirmation hearings when he said he didnt meet with any Russians?

Matt Sablan said...

"Doesn’t it bother you that Libby was just pardoned for committing perjury? Did McCabe outright lie? Not according to the IG report."

-- Answer the question. Also: The report is clear. McCabe lied. He "lacked candor" to use their euphemism.

Francisco D said...

She believes everything she wants to hear on CNN and MSNBC.

She relies on those sources because her reading comprehension is poor. What a perfect life long Democrat.

Inga, you are more amusing than a barking seal, but not quite as bright.

buwaya said...

The reasons for the Cohen raid become apparent -

CNN is reporting a leak re Cohen facilitating a payment on behalf of another client, a businessman who has acted as a GOP fundraiser, to his mistress.

I.e., private information in Cohen's files unrelated to anything, leaked just for political purposes. The FBI is still entire corrupt and untrustworthy, and Mueller certainly arranged this Cohen raid for political reasons.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Sablan said...

"We found that, in a conversation with then-Director Comey shortly after the WSJ article was published, McCabe lacked candor when he told Comey, or made statements that led Comey to believe, that McCabe had not authorized the disclosure and did not know who did. This conduct violated FBI Offense Code 2.5 (Lack of Candor – No Oath). We also found that on May 9, 2017, when questioned under oath by FBI agents from INSD, McCabe lacked candor when he told the agents that he had not authorized the disclosure to the WSJ and did not know who did. This conduct violated FBI Offense Code 2.6 (Lack of Candor – Under Oath)."

-- McCabe lied.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

.“He "lacked candor" to use their euphemism.”

But is “lacking candor” enough to get him prosecuted for lying under oath? Appears not. No matter how much you wish it were do...it’s not. Sorry. If in the future he and/or others are referred for prosecution, then it would be “bombshell” worthy.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“We found that, in a conversation with then-Director Comey shortly after the WSJ article was published, McCabe lacked candor when he told Comey, or made statements that led Comey to believe, that McCabe had not authorized the disclosure and did not know who did. This conduct violated FBI Offense Code 2.5 (Lack of Candor – No Oath). We also found that on May 9, 2017, when questioned under oath by FBI agents from INSD, McCabe lacked candor when he told the agents that he had not authorized the disclosure to the WSJ and did not know who did. This conduct violated FBI Offense Code 2.6 (Lack of Candor – Under Oath)."

Matthew it appears that it is being considered as misconduct, not perjury.

Matt Sablan said...

It was enough for Libby, Flynn and Manafort. Why not McCabe?

Matt Sablan said...

Lying under oath is called perjury.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

But he’s not being charged with “lying under oath” Matthew.

Matt Sablan said...

And, uh, that's the problem.

buwaya said...

Your problems are not limited to some bad actors at the top of the FBI.
The entire structure, and probably that of all DOJ agencies as well, seems to be fatally compromised with political partisanship.

Long term you cannot have democratic forms coexisting with your executive branch agencies operating as independent political entities. This is treason.

Michael said...

Michael K

I have met Conrad Black and corresponded with him when he was in the slammer in Florida. He suffered a great injustice from the US federal prosecutors and was convicted for the equivalent of a speeding ticket that cost him much of his fortune. It was a shameful reflection on our system but one that he graciously does not hold against us as a nation. He is an interesting and honorable man, erudite and fluent.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Matthew, sigh.

He’s not being accused of “lying” at all. I don’t think they consider “lack of candor” and lying under oath as the same offense. The former is apparently only misconduct.

Maybe I’m mistaken, Perhaps someone who knows the ins and outs of the FBI and the OIG can clarify things.

Matt Sablan said...

... Hah. The definition of "lacking candor" is provided in the report, which you'd know, if you'd actually read it in full.

Please at least next time don't lie so transparently. Let's end this discussion here.

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Matt Sablan said...

[There's two kinds of lack of candor, which the report makes clear. Under Oath and Not Under Oath. You'd know this, if you read the report.]

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buwaya said...

This is far beyond lack of candor. That's just the technical hook here.
The reality is that these were acts meant for a political purpose, to use the powers of the department to assist a political side or hamper another.

That is not simply "misconduct", as in leaking for some non-political purpose, personal advancement say. This is not some autistic technical point.

Taking sides in politics, by your principal internal security agency, is extremely subversive. Between one thing and another, as we now know, the lot of them cannot be trusted to continue their functions - and by that I mean the entire organization.

buwaya said...

This really gets to the actual nature of your government - a "government by the people", or not.

If you let these characters twist your politics according to their whims, you haven't got that. You have a government run by your security agencies - or their masters, whoever they actually are.

Michael K said...

as we now know, the lot of them cannot be trusted to continue their functions - and by that I mean the entire organization.

Yes, I think that will be seen first, or almost first, by judges throwing out FBI testimony not recorded.

The Bundy case follows the Ruby Ridge case in the annals of misbehavior by this agency.

Gloria Navarro may be an Obama appointee but she did herself proud in dismissing that case.

Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed the charges against the men “with prejudice,” meaning they can't be put on trial again, The Arizona Republic reported. She said the conduct of prosecutors in the case had been "outrageous" and violated due process rights.

Navarro also ordered Bundy be released from prison.

Bundy had refused house arrest in protest.

Francisco D said...

"You have a government run by your security agencies - or their masters, whoever they actually are."

Buwaya, a few years ago, I would have said you were a conspiracy nut.

Unfortunately, today I think you are spot on.

Michael K said...

Now will come the wrongful death lawsuit against the FBI and the Oregon cop who killed one of the Bundy protestors.

I saw that video and agree it looked like an assassination.

Portland attorney Lisa Ludwig with Utah lawyer J. Morgan Philpot filed the complaint at 12:03 a.m. Friday in U.S. District Court in Pendleton on behalf of the Finicum family. It seeks more than $5 million in damages for Finicum’s wife, Jeanette Finicum, and each of their 12 children and his estate.

The complaint lists as defendants Greg Bretzing, former FBI special agent in charge in Portland, indicted FBI agent W. Joseph Astarita, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, former U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nevada, Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward, Harney County commissioner Steven Grasty, the Center for Biological Diversity and multiple unnamed officers.

“These defendants were mentally predisposed and committed to using excessive lethal force, to solve a political dispute,” the complaint says. “The result has been both haunting and tragic.”

I'll bet they will win. The Idaho jury wanted to indict Lon Horiuchi, the FBI sniper who killed Vicki Weaver.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
buwaya said...

The details in the report make it clear that he really, indubitably, deliberately leaked privileged information gathered through the powers of the FBI, for partisan political purposes. Whether this was cleared by Comey (and if so, this implicates Comey) or if he did it "on his own" - which does not pass the smell test - it is still subversive.

It can no longer be denied what he did, or why.

Birkel said...

The Deep State is real. Buwaya is not a conspiracy nut. Inga is pulling firbteam Deep State while denying its existence.

Matthew Sablan has a nearly unlimited supply of pearls. So does buwaya. Inga is a porker.

Birkel said...

...pulling for the...

buwaya said...

And, as I noted above, they continue to use their special powers to gather private information (from Cohen, whose premises they raided at gunpoint, which only such officials have the authority to do) and use it for partisan politics. This happened today, and it was not an act of McCabe or Comey, but of yet other functionaries.

There is no end to this risk, of yet more abuses of authority.
You simply cannot tell which official down the chain will do what when.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“There's two kinds of lack of candor, which the report makes clear. Under Oath and Not Under Oath. You'd know this, if you read the report.]”

Yes was found to have violated both, it still doesn’t rise to the level of perjury. If he had committed perjury, he would be getting prosecuted for perjury.

tcrosse said...

"You have a government run by your security agencies - or their masters, whoever they actually are."

Follow the money.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

To be clearer.

Perjury is a crime, while lack of candor is an ethical violation.

Birkel said...

I like the new Inga standard. Trump has been charged with nothing. Trump is innocent.

buwaya said...

The FBI is a very dangerous animal.
This has been known for a long time.
We see now that it cannot be prevented from biting.

Birkel said...

Agree, buwaya. The FBI in its current state cannot remain.

tcrosse said...

Perjury is a crime, while lack of candor is an ethical violation.

A distinction without a difference.

Michael K said...

I wonder if someone can be prosecuted for leaking to the Wall Street Journal from the Cohen files taken in that raid?

It is obvious that this is to harm anyone associated with Trump. It's a wonder he can get anyone to take a job in the administration since the left is determined to destroy anyone who does.

Who is funding all this ? The one who gave McCabe the $500k?

Anonymous said...

The essence of the "lack of candor" in the FBI rule book, whether under oath or not, is: "k]nowingly providing false information......."

The Merriam Webster definition of perjury is : "the voluntary violation of an oath or vow either by swearing to what is untrue or by omission to do what has been promised under oath : false swearing"

Obviously there is a lawyerly difference, but to us regular folks there is not much difference between "k]nowingly providing false information" and "false swearing".

Bruce Hayden said...

I found Inga’s response interesting. In the previous thread, she wondered whether there was any there there. Now, her response is “meh”, with the corroboration of some of the stuff that we have been talking about since last summer when the Strzok/Page text messages were released by the IG. Page, of course, being the “Special Counsel” throughout the OIG report today found so credible, and who made repeated statements under oath there. Which is to say that a significant amount of Inga’s there there is found in those released text messages. They were carefully selected and released by the IG, and go far beyond what was at issue here with McCade. And were found significant and credible by the OIG.

Wonder why McCade had that GoFundMe Legal Fund? My guess is that the FBI and DoJ cannot risk not trying him for his evasions here. Yes, lack of candor is the ethics name for what he did, but purjury and lying to the FBI are the criminal names for it. If they don’t try and convict him for this, the DoJ is going to have a huge problem, in the future, going after anyone in this regard, as they did Libby, Black, and Flynn, all of whom were legally accused (and tried for the first two) for less egregious behavior.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Scooter Libby was railroaded.

Fuck Valerie Plame.
She's a lowlife hack and a liar.

Jim at said...

Bruce Hayden's post at 2:42 PM should be read.

And then read it again.

Every, single leftist reading this comment section should read that post enough times until it sinks into your friggin' melon just how stupid the whole Valerie Plame - Sooper Secret Double Naught Spy - affair really was.

John Pickering said...

Ann, a former lawyer, invites her readers to share in her confusion over why Trump chose to pardon Libby, and they oblige, not seeing the forest for the trees.
Ann's endorsement of ignorance and defense of indifference to the topics of the day do her readers no service. She's failed to notice that President Trump's lawyer has been raided by the FBI, that Mueller has outsourced part of his investigation to SDNY and other US attorneys, or any whiff that the president is something ranging from the dupe to the stooge to the witting agent of the Russian espionage services.
Because it wouldn't make a difference to Ann, even if he were.

n.n said...

Where due process fails, a pardon is granted. Next: the Obama/Clinton/DNC axis that colluded with foreign agents, including special interests in Russia, and the press, in order to influence the vote and disenfranchise Americans.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
To be clearer.

Perjury is a crime, while lack of candor is an ethical violation.

To be clearer.

Inga's world is collapsing around her and her hero's are outed as criminal conspirators.

Keep squealing.

If you are lucky all of your tribal leaders will be marched off in handcuffs before they do something really stupid like impeach or kill the president.

Matt Sablan said...

"If he had committed perjury, he would be getting prosecuted for perjury."

-- Why do you believe that when Mills, Abedin, Podesta and others all committed perjury and none of them were prosecuted?

Birkel said...

John Pickering:
Other than blind partisan rage you offered nothing. Try substance.

Accept the fact that the D.C. Bar thought Libby deserved reinstatement to the bar. Is that a right wing organization.

Sputter away.

Birkel said...

Timeline for IG Horowitz to release his many reports.

Drago said...

John Pickering: "Ann, a former lawyer, invites her readers to share in her confusion over why Trump chose to pardon Libby, and they oblige, not seeing the forest for the trees."


"...not seeing the forest for the trees."

I wonder if the "Tree of Judith Miller Recanting Her Testimony" along with the "Tree of the Washington DC Bar Reinstating Libby" are part of that forest.

We won't know for sure until crackerjack Logic Lumberjack John Pickering checks back in.

Drago said...

"Perjury is a crime, while lack of candor is an ethical violation"

"Lack of candor" is one of the most serious breeches of ethical behavior that is drilled into every member of the FBI from the moment they walk in the front door till the day they retire.

"Lack of candor" is grounds for immediate dismissal under all conditions as well as perjury charges.

Drago said...

BTW, Scooter Libby's attorney has stated that on at least 2 instances during the investigation of Libby Fitzpatrick promised to drop all his fake charges if.....wait for it....Libby would serve up Cheney to be roasted on fake charges.

That sounds very, very, very familiar.

Drago said...

"If they don’t try and convict him for this, the DoJ is going to have a huge problem, in the future, going after anyone in this regard, as they did Libby, Black, and Flynn, all of whom were legally accused (and tried for the first two) for less egregious behavior."

Libby and Flynn did nothing egregious.

The hack partisans in the FBI/DOJ simply went after them for made up infractions.

And, just as in Texas with Tom Delay, where the far left controls the capital area and thus, the Grand Juries there, Mueller and pals can count on DC grand juries comprised of 97% democrat partisans sitting in on any jury.

Birkel said...

Fitzpatrick, Comey and Mueller are all LLRs in the same way Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, is an LLR.

How many people could doubt how unethically Chuck would behave if given a legal shot at Trump. Titty twisters and attacks on minor children, oh my!

And Democrats would cheer.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Lack of candor" is grounds for immediate dismissal under all conditions as well as perjury charges.”

Did the IG refer the McCabe case to the DOJ for prosecution for perjury? Not that I’ve heard.

Howard said...

Trump's sending message to Manafort that Deep State has his back. Another nothingburger. The real news is how deep state got Trump to reconsider TPP.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Matthew Sablan said...
Mills, Abedin, Podesta and others all committed perjury

In your mind, but not in the minds of people in full possession of the facts.

Francisco D said...

It's a good thing that the usual suspects on this site have their heads up their butts.

If the Left really gained power for a long period of time, we would be Maoist China, Hitler's Germany or Mussolini's Italy all over again.

Unfortunately, the bipartisan Deep State is creating their own socialist empire. Everyone is equal except for those who rule us.

Think about it. It's about their power and whittling away at the horribly inconvenient Constitution.

Michael K said...

Matthew Sablan said...
Mills, Abedin, Podesta and others all committed perjury

In your mind, but not in the minds of people in full possession of the facts.

The OIG report is coming and ARM might have to hide his head for a day or two.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Ann, a former lawyer, invites her readers to share in her confusion over why Trump chose to pardon Libby, and they oblige, not seeing the forest for the trees.
Ann's endorsement of ignorance and defense of indifference to the topics of the day do her readers no service. She's failed to notice that President Trump's lawyer has been raided by the FBI, that Mueller has outsourced part of his investigation to SDNY and other US attorneys, or any whiff that the president is something ranging from the dupe to the stooge to the witting agent of the Russian espionage services.
Because it wouldn't make a difference to Ann, even if he were. "

Also, did you know that Trump lies?

American Liberal Elite said...

Skippy Libby is not the first criminal to claim to be innocent.

Dad29 said...

Armitage was a member in good standing with the permanent govt class....

So was his boss. In fact, his boss--Colin Powell--probably holds THE "good standing" slot in the Permanent Government class.

Dad29 said...

Mills, Abedin, Podesta and others all committed perjury and none of them were prosecuted?


Big Mike said...

Doesn’t it bother you that Libby was just pardoned for committing perjury?

If it’s Libby’s word against the FBI agents’ notes, I believe Libby.

Birkel said...

Libby's word and Fitzpatrick's proven withholding of exculpatory evidence.

You know? Prosecutorial misconduct. Lying in the vernacular.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Didn't George W. Bush already pardon Scooter Libby? No, Bush just commuted the 30-month prison sentence. Why is President Trump (reportedly) going to do what Bush did not?

Because he wants to ratify his wrongdoing.

Michael McNeil said...

Because — in addition to repairing the lingering damage that Libby is still recorded as being guilty of a crime — Trump wants to put a public black eye on George W. Bush (who has been so critical of him) for not doing what Bush should have done in supporting his (basically innocent!) subordinate.

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