I just heard Trump say that, "gangster movie"-style, his immigration deal offer to the Democrats was intended as something that they would turn down.
What about his previous statement that the good people in the room would come up with a good bill that he would not turn down, and not pick apart.
These Trump stump speeches are just astonishing, for the level of mendacity.
Oh, I also heard Trump talk about how his wife says he is so smart, producing all those gains for peoples' 401K accounts. I'm gonna go way out on a limb and speculate that Mrs. Trump isn't talking to Mr. Trump a whole lot, since Stormy Daniels. And what talks they do have, are not about IRA's.
I understand Trump doesn't drink. He doesn't need to, I reckon.
"He loves the poorly educated. There is no doubt. He loves the poorly educated."
I knew I hated him for something. That's it!
And he probably doesn't give the educated the respect they deserve, especially the journalism grads, who certainly deserve the respect of us all for what they do. They went to school for that stuff after all.
Chuck: "I just heard Trump say that, "gangster movie"-style, his immigration deal offer to the Democrats was intended as something that they would turn down."
Per usual.
Standard practice from our #StrongDemDefender.
Trump clearly stated he offered them a deal they couldn't turn down, but he knew they would anyway.
Naturally, LLR Chuck adopts the Maddow/MSNBC interpretation of Trump's comment.
The evil fake CNN sons of bitches were confronted, just like the Pittsburg voters talk.
I hope Chuck understood that Pittsburg of style language usage. In Pittsburgh thay say Liar to your face. They would consider " Mendacity" a code word only used by chickens who are afraid of saying what they mean.
Trad: "The evil fake CNN sons of bitches were confronted, just like the Pittsburg voters talk"
That's probably what upset LLR Chuck the most, this time.
Chuckie hates it, literally hates it, when his beloved CNN is criticized.
The only thing that could have made tonight any worse for Chuck (aside from all the positive economic news) would be if some 15 year old made some funny video mocking CNN.
On my US stocks he has done very well for me. Even after the correction he is still buying us a nice Spanish pied-a-terre. It will take a miracle to move my wife there though.
401Ks would have done very well indeed since 11/16 if they were holding most US stock funds or index funds. It couldnt have hurt public or private retirement funds either.
My foreign investments, not so well, except for the Hang Seng. They like Trump in Hong Kong maybe.
John Kerry: "“You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”
Chuck: "He loves the poorly educated. There is no doubt. He loves the poorly educated."
IIRC he, himself, didn't pick any immigration agreement apart. The senators simply could not agree on anything. Because of course they could not as they would have been cutting their own throats, being unable to resolve the conflicts between their own supporters.
And this was obvious to most observers, that Trump had put them all in an uncomfortable dilemma, to escape which they emitted a cloud of "shithole" squid ink.
Now, you could say that he was not being entirely truthful in his assessment of the ability of the Senate to agree on something. Or rather, that he was lying by saying nice words about them instead of those they deserved.
More critics carefully hating Trump for his Queens bad boy style of winning arguments is getting to be irrelevent. What matters is his stable genius methods that always sees the real enemy (that is the EU/Globalists Cabal,) and he never goes off on snipe hunts chasing the CIA's rigged Wars.
And the way Trump is always 3 moves ahead of his enemies displays a wisdom and a tactical mastery that has seldom been seen. He must have a team of very smart advisors somewhere.
Lots of women "stand by their man" when he has strayed--whether with Paula Jones, although she had the good sense to tell Bill to put that ugly thing back in his pants, or with Stormy Daniels --a very enthusiastic, very loud sexual partner (if you look at some of her porm films).
But while it was perfectly okay for Hillary to do this, the left CNN, MSNBC and Chuckles and Inga (if they haven't done it yet they will) wonder why Melania puts up with it.
Lady Bird Johnson said it best. "Lyndon loves people. He really does. And since half of the people are female . . . '
Watching Trump's sudden escalation of his attacks on the CIA owned and operated media seems to be a signal that POTUS is going to go to the mat with the gaggle soon. Trump seems to be readying his listeners to understand the Media will jump the shark lying about him when the 18,600 sealed Federal indictments accumulated the last 5 months come out. They may include Justice Department prosecutions of several former Presidents for treason.
The relationship of Melania with her husband looks very mutually committed today. She has invested her life into Donald. Why would she want to destroy him. Melania is not a red neck fool. She comes from a European higher class family, and among that culture every rich ruling male is expected to have a series of courtesans. Don't tell Pence.
Trump single-handedly converted DACA and the DREAMERs from a Democrat issue they could use to beat him about the head and shoulders into one that is getting Democrat candidates picketed and attacked in the Hispanic community.
And he signed the tariff agreement surrounded by young steelworkers and Leo Gerard, the head of the United Steelworkers -- a union that represents over 860,000 members (albeit some are in Canada). Those workers, and their spouses, represent a lot of votes. Republicans endorsed by Trump should do well in those households in the midterms, if they don't blow it.
Big Mike: "Trump single-handedly converted DACA and the DREAMERs from a Democrat issue they could use to beat him about the head and shoulders into one that is getting Democrat candidates picketed and attacked in the Hispanic community."
The lefty Chappaquiddick crew is reduced to the following campaign themes for 2018:
1) Stormy Daniels 2) Impeachment 3) Give back your tax cuts you stupid deplorables 4) Give up all your guns you stupid deplorables 5) Leave our violent illegal alien criminals alone! 6) Shut up whitey
I don't think its going to go as well for the lefties as they think its going to go.
Finally some real historic progress with the economy, foreign policy, trade relations, jobs, taxes and wages, and yet all some people can wish for is for it to stop, to fail, to have it all ruined, and the more ruinous the better. What a sad thing to find oneself in that position, on that team, with that heart and mind, to have a soul that frigid simply because you couldn't see it coming or understand how. Open your mind, open your heart to success, progress, and America winning again. Is that so hard to enjoy?
From NYT "Emmet T. Flood, left, in 2007, when he was the White House special counsel under George W. Bush." -- But sexier to describe as "Bill Clinton’s impeachment lawyer."
walter: "But sexier to describe as "Bill Clinton’s impeachment lawyer."
Inga has already suffered enough. Why share additional facts with her?
For instance, now is not the time to explain there is a non-DC based non-dem-hack DOJ prosecutor investigating the obama/clinton/lefties East German Stasi-like abuse of the FISA courts and spying on domestic political opponents in direct conjunction with IG Horowitz.
In addition to that, the FBI Field Office has some time back re-opened the investigations into the Clinton/dem Crime Syndicate based out of the Clinton Global Initiative Slush Fund and Pay for Play Scheme in Little Rock.
I mean, doesn't Inga already have enough to worry about without introducing difficult information like that?
Yes,he's been on both sides, a,little like my friend clarice who was a justice department prosecutor and a defense atty, I have distributed her weekly summaries now if you say he hired David Kendall or Greg craig, (but he's busy running the russia practice for skadden arps
bagoh20: "That includes yachts too, right? Well then fuck that. Sink 'em all."
Remember the Luxury Tax passed under HWBush which drove our domestic civilian yacht manufacturers into the ditch and forced them to close operations in the US and move production overseas?
I'm beginning to think Trump may be a genius. I'm reading Jon Meacham's Andrew Jackson biography right now, and they have more than a few things in common. For one, Trump like Jackson was built for a storm.
Your eyes don't glaze over when Trump makes a speech. My heart rejoiced when he made fun of Pelosi, Maxine Winters, and Elizabeth Warren. You won't find any late nite comic doing that. He's doing the job Jimmy Kimmel should be doing.........If you watch to the end and catch the Republican he's stumping for, your heart will beak. Not just non-charismatic but anti- charismatic.
I've been watching a Netflix thing called "World War Two in Colour" (British production, obviously). Trump's body movements during his speeches remind me of Mussolini. There are a lot of hand movements, head turnings, gauging the crowd. I liked the Brit "World War Two in Colour" show as a good general history of pre-WW2 Europe until they got the 1930s. Stalin's Comintern was the greatest force that worked against political stabilization in Europe in the 1930s. If you watched the Brit production, you were given the impression that there were these home-grown, nationalist communist movements that were quashed by fascist forces in Germany, Italy, and Spain. Nonsense. The communist units in these countries were controlled by Stalin. So were the communist units in the US in the 1930s. The reason the fascists suppressed industrial unions in the 1930s wasn't because they were anti-labor (they were popular governments), but because the trade unions were directed by Moscow.
"Remember the Luxury Tax passed under HWBush which drove our domestic civilian yacht manufacturers into the ditch and forced them to close operations in the US and move production
I certainly do. I was the production manager for the company I now own, which was 100% in the marine business at the time. It killed our profitability for 2 years and almost put us out of business. The sailing yacht business never recovered. We ended up turning it around for us, by getting into other things, but many people were not so lucky. As I remember, the luxury tax actually lost the government revenue. When I watch the congress working its magic, I'm surprised we don't all go bankrupt. Wait, that's right. We are.
Drago said"Keep America Great!" is a helluva lot better than LLR Chuck's preferred "What's So Bad About Letting The Democrats Win?" theme. -- Fuck me in the ass while I feign honor & discretion. "Want a walnut?"
Tammy Bruce lays it out about the Oscars and Hollywood these days. We lost something truely wonderful from our culture, becuase the left simply ruins everything it touches.
Well, finally, there was a bit of honesty in the "World War Two in Colour" documentary. At the very end they made it clear that w/o the Hitler-Stalin pact, Hitler would not have invaded Poland (though it's passive voice & easy to miss this admission).
I give up. Clearly, I've become a liability to the Trump 2020 campaign. I hereby tender my resignation.
The problem, though, if I may suggest before departing, is that the (!) was copyrighted in perpetuity by Jeb! And since we relentlessly mocked the man (Jeb) and his slogan (Jeb!) I would exercise caution before associating Trump with the (!) on any future political basis.
Melania does not at all come from an upper class family. Her dad was a small town car dealer. Her mom was a worker at a clothing factory.
I have no idea what she thinks, whether she is happy or not, but her position is interesting.
In a way she has stumbled into greatness. She did the demimondaine gold-diggers dream of marrying a billionaire, which may be a cruel way to put it, but that at least seems to have been a purposeful goal, otherwise she would not have persisted in her previous line of work.
But being the wife of a man like Trump, at this point, is something else. Perhaps she didn't realize things were going to go this far - but who knows. Trump is a superb salesman, maybe he sold her first.
She is immensely significant. She holds tremendous unofficial power. She more than anyone could cause Trump critical damage, she is in a vital position of trust.
She is also living history. She will not be forgotten, she and her image and the stories told about her will be recorded and recalled forever.
That is a strange combination of bearing tremendous responsibility, to enormous numbers of people, and being rewarded in a way that cannot be bought.
Whether she sees it this way I don't know, but so far she is behaving as if she does.
As an immigrant..of her particular specifics, she is in a unique position to disavow this pseudo-position of authority. Her diminution of the staffing is a start..but more is to be done.
It is a holdover from royalty, or perhaps from the Caesars, as the US President has that symbolic stature in global culture. They are known by their reigns, as with the Caesars - things happened in the reign of Tiberius, or Claudius, or Hadrian, or Nixon.
But thats not all of it. There were generic queens of some European state or other, that blur into anonymity. No-one remembers the queen of Spain regnant in 1750 (Maria Amalia of Saxony), or knows or cares about her, other than a very very few historians, and there is nothing left of her but a few portraits, a palace or two, maybe, and a bunch of Bourbon descendants of course.
But to be a queen is not the same as to be the consort of a world-historical figure, and moreover to be memorable in ones own right. Trump is not James Polk or Grover Cleveland. He is more in the category of Napoleon Bonaparte, and his wife has the symbolic stature of Josephine de Beauharnais.
Her position of authority is the least of it. Her power is symbolic and unofficial, but very real, and none of it has anything to do with the size of her staff or official roles.
You have official roles and organizations, and under that, or above that perhaps, is the unofficial structure of power status and influence.
walter: "As an immigrant..of her particular specifics, she is in a unique position to disavow this pseudo-position of authority."
As an immigrant..of her particular specifics, she is precisely in a position where she would never be comfortable disavowing this position of pseudo/actual authority and it is astonishingly unreasonable to expect such an action by her.
Buwaya: great comments. "We are talking of bigger things...". Yes. We're talking about symbolic space, which is created and fed by society and culture and thus may seem ordained; but which is actualized and filled by individuals based on their own character, will, imagination. There is a role but not a script.
"She is also living history. She will not be forgotten, she and her image and the stories told about her will be recorded and recalled forever."
Oh good lord... what a bunch of bloviating hyperbole. Get out of the trees and look at the forest.
The only first ladies of the last 100+ years burned into the public's memory are Eleanor Roosevelt and maybe Jacqueline Kennedy. Hillary will be more remembered for her presidential campaigns. Try as they might, the media was never able to sell Michelle Obama as the African-American Jackie Kennedy. Eleanor Roosevelt is remembered for the hugely distinct role she carved out for herself on the world stage. Jacqueline Kennedy is mostly remembered because of the whole 'Camelot' facade the media constructed around JFK - and even that is beginning to fade.
For all her apparently admirable qualities, Melania Trump is no Eleanor Roosevelt - nor is she trying to be. Melania superficially seems closer to Jacqueline Kennedy - but the media is hardly constructing any sort of 'Camelot' facade around DJT.
"I would exercise caution before associating Trump with the (!)"
The ! is absolute death to a political campaign. E.g. the campaigns of Hillary!, Florida ex-senator Paula! Hawkins, and, of course, Jeb!
Jeb! was so monumentally politically inastute as to double-down on the punctative faux-pas by making it bilingual, thereby doubling its negating power – ¡Jeb!
"the media is hardly constructing any sort of 'Camelot' facade around DJT"
It is my understanding that the Camelot myth was constructed as part of explaining JFK's assassination.
He and his wife had recently gone to see the show on Broadway, and she needed something to distract from him being shot by only a mere communist, rather than in the name of some grand narrative.
“Blogger Drago said... Big Mike: "Trump single-handedly converted DACA and the DREAMERs from a Democrat issue they could use to beat him about the head and shoulders into one that is getting Democrat candidates picketed and attacked in the Hispanic community."
The lefty Chappaquiddick crew is reduced to the following campaign themes for 2018:“
You forgot... WOMEN!!!!!!!” That is what they will hang their hats on. It has been going on for years now but they will ramp it up to an eleven. There is no need for a man to even attempt the nomination, Bernie will be sucker punched again.
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Wow. He does know how to market.
I just heard Trump say that, "gangster movie"-style, his immigration deal offer to the Democrats was intended as something that they would turn down.
What about his previous statement that the good people in the room would come up with a good bill that he would not turn down, and not pick apart.
These Trump stump speeches are just astonishing, for the level of mendacity.
Oh, I also heard Trump talk about how his wife says he is so smart, producing all those gains for peoples' 401K accounts. I'm gonna go way out on a limb and speculate that Mrs. Trump isn't talking to Mr. Trump a whole lot, since Stormy Daniels. And what talks they do have, are not about IRA's.
I understand Trump doesn't drink. He doesn't need to, I reckon.
Trump has convinced me of one thing.
He loves the poorly educated. There is no doubt. He loves the poorly educated.
Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
Trump has convinced me of one thing.
He loves the poorly educated. There is no doubt. He loves the poorly educated.
Any reason not to?
The poorly educated proved to be smarter and better balanced than our self appointed overlords.
The first draft was a NYC, "Look, don't fuck this up."
Poorly educated is euphemism for Public School
"He loves the poorly educated. There is no doubt. He loves the poorly educated."
I knew I hated him for something. That's it!
And he probably doesn't give the educated the respect they deserve, especially the journalism grads, who certainly deserve the respect of us all for what they do. They went to school for that stuff after all.
If I was better educated, I know whats wrong with things like economic growth, increased employment, higher wages, and the demise ISIS.
Can talk about it.
Can write about it.
Can actually do it.
In America a lot of people only respect the first two.
But not Trump.
I think it's a little early to be resting on his laurels. Eric Holder isn't in prison yet.
Hey Chuck, are you voting for Trump again?
Chuck: "I just heard Trump say that, "gangster movie"-style, his immigration deal offer to the Democrats was intended as something that they would turn down."
Per usual.
Standard practice from our #StrongDemDefender.
Trump clearly stated he offered them a deal they couldn't turn down, but he knew they would anyway.
Naturally, LLR Chuck adopts the Maddow/MSNBC interpretation of Trump's comment.
LLR Chuck really does hate republican voters doesn't he?
Almost as much as he hates conservative commentators.
Almost as much as he hates any politician who supports the policies Trump is pushing.
Almost as much as he hates anyone who dares criticize democrats or CNN.
Feel free to draw obvious conclusions.
" He loves the poorly educated"
Trump loves Chuck.
LLR Chuck: "I'm gonna go way out on a limb and speculate that Mrs. Trump isn't talking to Mr. Trump a whole lot, since Stormy Daniels."
LLR Chuck remains 100% in lockstep with the democrat/lefty narrative/talking points of the day. But only 100%. Zero deviation.
Feel free to draw obvious conclusions.
The evil fake CNN sons of bitches were confronted, just like the Pittsburg voters talk.
I hope Chuck understood that Pittsburg of style language usage. In Pittsburgh thay say Liar to your face. They would consider " Mendacity" a code word only used by chickens who are afraid of saying what they mean.
Trump has convinced me of one thing.
He loves the poorly educated. There is no doubt. He loves the poorly educated.
One must presume you have no use for them Chuck. Doesn't surprise me, they are not in your intellectual orbit. Banish them, right?
Trad: "The evil fake CNN sons of bitches were confronted, just like the Pittsburg voters talk"
That's probably what upset LLR Chuck the most, this time.
Chuckie hates it, literally hates it, when his beloved CNN is criticized.
The only thing that could have made tonight any worse for Chuck (aside from all the positive economic news) would be if some 15 year old made some funny video mocking CNN.
LLR Chuck hates that most of all.
Well, that and Barron Trump.
Can you imagine the rage LLR Chuck would be exhibiting if Barron Trump had attended this rally?
Trump sure is good at making people type stuff on the internet.
The good news for LLR Chuck is that not everything coming out of the region is something LLR Chuck disagrees with.
Biden was there before Trump, so LLR Chuck can always listen to Creepy Joe's comments on a loop for pleasant relief from that dastardly Trump.
mezzrow: "Trump sure is good at making people type stuff on the internet"
My Russian Bot Masters don't even pay attention to Trump's speeches.
So there.
Hey Chuck, are you voting for Trump again?
On my US stocks he has done very well for me. Even after the correction he is still buying us a nice Spanish pied-a-terre.
It will take a miracle to move my wife there though.
401Ks would have done very well indeed since 11/16 if they were holding most US stock funds or index funds. It couldnt have hurt public or private retirement funds either.
My foreign investments, not so well, except for the Hang Seng. They like Trump in Hong Kong maybe.
John Kerry: "“You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”
Chuck: "He loves the poorly educated. There is no doubt. He loves the poorly educated."
Yes he does Chuck, yes he does.
"What about his previous statement that the good people in the room would come up with a good bill that he would not turn down, and not pick apart."
I guess the good people in the room dropped the ball. Are you really that obtuse?
IIRC he, himself, didn't pick any immigration agreement apart.
The senators simply could not agree on anything.
Because of course they could not as they would have been cutting their own throats, being unable to resolve the conflicts between their own supporters.
And this was obvious to most observers, that Trump had put them all in an uncomfortable dilemma, to escape which they emitted a cloud of "shithole" squid ink.
Now, you could say that he was not being entirely truthful in his assessment of the ability of the Senate to agree on something. Or rather, that he was lying by saying nice words about them instead of those they deserved.
So score one for Chuck.
More critics carefully hating Trump for his Queens bad boy style of winning arguments is getting to be irrelevent. What matters is his stable genius methods that always sees the real enemy (that is the EU/Globalists Cabal,) and he never goes off on snipe hunts chasing the CIA's rigged Wars.
And the way Trump is always 3 moves ahead of his enemies displays a wisdom and a tactical mastery that has seldom been seen. He must have a team of very smart advisors somewhere.
Note how the "dreamers" have simply vanished, no longer a burning issue, no longer requiring emergency measures to stave off an enormous tragedy.
Other, that is, than a pathetic few protesters now angrily haranguing Democratic Senators. They were betrayed, and they know it.
Sure would like Toothless opinion but apparently he is on a date. If not, he would surely contribute.
Lots of women "stand by their man" when he has strayed--whether with Paula Jones, although she had the good sense to tell Bill to put that ugly thing back in his pants, or with Stormy Daniels --a very enthusiastic, very loud sexual partner (if you look at some of her porm films).
But while it was perfectly okay for Hillary to do this, the left CNN, MSNBC and Chuckles and Inga (if they haven't done it yet they will) wonder why Melania puts up with it.
Lady Bird Johnson said it best. "Lyndon loves people. He really does. And since half of the people are female . . . '
Watching Trump's sudden escalation of his attacks on the CIA owned and operated media seems to be a signal that POTUS is going to go to the mat with the gaggle soon. Trump seems to be readying his listeners to understand the Media will jump the shark lying about him when the 18,600 sealed Federal indictments accumulated the last 5 months come out. They may include Justice Department prosecutions of several former Presidents for treason.
h/t to Keep America Beautiful?
wonder why Melania puts up with it.
Maybe she believes in marriage? For her son? Who knows.
Does adultery nullify a prenup? She could be entitled to a lot more if she waits until this, er, Stormy legal situation is resolved.
Wow. How awesome. We are blessed.
The relationship of Melania with her husband looks very mutually committed today. She has invested her life into Donald. Why would she want to destroy him. Melania is not a red neck fool. She comes from a European higher class family, and among that culture every rich ruling male is expected to have a series of courtesans. Don't tell Pence.
Educated... what does it even mean? Educated folks got us Vietnam and Iraq and Libya and fucking North Korea. Fuck all the eggheads behind it.
I did not support Trump but my oh my he can play the left like I don't know what.
Ambrose: "I did not support Trump but my oh my he can play the left like I don't know what."
LLR Chuck, by far, and it's not even close, hardest hit.
You know, it's funny.
Trump does love the poorly educated, but I think he draws the line at the low IQ democrats and fake indians.
More political genius from the so- called amateur.
And in the meantime...Trump talks with Bill Clinton’s impeachment lawyer.
No Bundy and McNamara and rostow were credentialed I guess you want to put perle and Wolfowitz I wouldn't but if needs must.
Trump single-handedly converted DACA and the DREAMERs from a Democrat issue they could use to beat him about the head and shoulders into one that is getting Democrat candidates picketed and attacked in the Hispanic community.
And he signed the tariff agreement surrounded by young steelworkers and Leo Gerard, the head of the United Steelworkers -- a union that represents over 860,000 members (albeit some are in Canada). Those workers, and their spouses, represent a lot of votes. Republicans endorsed by Trump should do well in those households in the midterms, if they don't blow it.
Damn, he's good.
Big Mike: "Trump single-handedly converted DACA and the DREAMERs from a Democrat issue they could use to beat him about the head and shoulders into one that is getting Democrat candidates picketed and attacked in the Hispanic community."
The lefty Chappaquiddick crew is reduced to the following campaign themes for 2018:
1) Stormy Daniels
2) Impeachment
3) Give back your tax cuts you stupid deplorables
4) Give up all your guns you stupid deplorables
5) Leave our violent illegal alien criminals alone!
6) Shut up whitey
I don't think its going to go as well for the lefties as they think its going to go.
Finally some real historic progress with the economy, foreign policy, trade relations, jobs, taxes and wages, and yet all some people can wish for is for it to stop, to fail, to have it all ruined, and the more ruinous the better. What a sad thing to find oneself in that position, on that team, with that heart and mind, to have a soul that frigid simply because you couldn't see it coming or understand how. Open your mind, open your heart to success, progress, and America winning again. Is that so hard to enjoy?
@bagoh20 9:57 - I love your comment. The attitude you describe is so sad and hard for me to understand.
From NYT
"Emmet T. Flood, left, in 2007, when he was the White House special counsel under George W. Bush."
But sexier to describe as "Bill Clinton’s impeachment lawyer."
I fully expect that in 2020 the Left will do a complete 180 from it's 2016 position, insisting that America was NEVER great.
There are a lot of JFK named schools..he of "rising tide lifts all boats".
That won't stand.
" "rising tide lifts all boats".
That includes yachts too, right?
Well then fuck that. Sink 'em all.
walter: "But sexier to describe as "Bill Clinton’s impeachment lawyer."
Inga has already suffered enough. Why share additional facts with her?
For instance, now is not the time to explain there is a non-DC based non-dem-hack DOJ prosecutor investigating the obama/clinton/lefties East German Stasi-like abuse of the FISA courts and spying on domestic political opponents in direct conjunction with IG Horowitz.
In addition to that, the FBI Field Office has some time back re-opened the investigations into the Clinton/dem Crime Syndicate based out of the Clinton Global Initiative Slush Fund and Pay for Play Scheme in Little Rock.
I mean, doesn't Inga already have enough to worry about without introducing difficult information like that?
Yes,he's been on both sides, a,little like my friend clarice who was a justice department prosecutor and a defense atty, I have distributed her weekly summaries now if you say he hired David Kendall or Greg craig, (but he's busy running the russia practice for skadden arps
bagoh20: "That includes yachts too, right? Well then fuck that. Sink 'em all."
Remember the Luxury Tax passed under HWBush which drove our domestic civilian yacht manufacturers into the ditch and forced them to close operations in the US and move production overseas?
Good lefty times, good lefty times.
Maybe our friend Chuck will break away from his lifelong GOP affiliation and support Pochahontas for President in 2020.
I'm beginning to think Trump may be a genius. I'm reading Jon Meacham's Andrew Jackson biography right now, and they have more than a few things in common. For one, Trump like Jackson was built for a storm.
Like bre'r they keep insisting on theoeinv him in briar patch.
A "falling tide, falls equitably".
KAGA isn't quite as good as MAGA, but I do love the sentiment.
Suggested slogan for Elizabeth Warren:
"He may have schlonged the country, but he won't schlong me!"
Your eyes don't glaze over when Trump makes a speech. My heart rejoiced when he made fun of Pelosi, Maxine Winters, and Elizabeth Warren. You won't find any late nite comic doing that. He's doing the job Jimmy Kimmel should be doing.........If you watch to the end and catch the Republican he's stumping for, your heart will beak. Not just non-charismatic but anti- charismatic.
Bay Area Guy: "KAGA isn't quite as good as MAGA, but I do love the sentiment."
Sorry to quibble, but it's "KAG!", not KAGA.
Im fairly certain the Kaga was sunk at Midway in '42.
In any event, "Keep America Great!" is a helluva lot better than LLR Chuck's preferred "What's So Bad About Letting The Democrats Win?" theme.
I've been watching a Netflix thing called "World War Two in Colour" (British production, obviously). Trump's body movements during his speeches remind me of Mussolini. There are a lot of hand movements, head turnings, gauging the crowd.
I liked the Brit "World War Two in Colour" show as a good general history of pre-WW2 Europe until they got the 1930s. Stalin's Comintern was the greatest force that worked against political stabilization in Europe in the 1930s. If you watched the Brit production, you were given the impression that there were these home-grown, nationalist communist movements that were quashed by fascist forces in Germany, Italy, and Spain. Nonsense. The communist units in these countries were controlled by Stalin. So were the communist units in the US in the 1930s. The reason the fascists suppressed industrial unions in the 1930s wasn't because they were anti-labor (they were popular governments), but because the trade unions were directed by Moscow.
William: "Not just non-charismatic but anti- charismatic."
Exactly. That guy is like Charisma Anti-matter.
And when he tried to do the pump up the crowd stuff it was literally cringe-inducing.
If this seat is lost the reason why was right there in front of us.
If it is lost, it will return the next time around just like the Alabama Senate seat.
"Remember the Luxury Tax passed under HWBush which drove our domestic civilian yacht manufacturers into the ditch and forced them to close operations in the US and move production
I certainly do. I was the production manager for the company I now own, which was 100% in the marine business at the time. It killed our profitability for 2 years and almost put us out of business. The sailing yacht business never recovered. We ended up turning it around for us, by getting into other things, but many people were not so lucky. As I remember, the luxury tax actually lost the government revenue. When I watch the congress working its magic, I'm surprised we don't all go bankrupt. Wait, that's right. We are.
Drago said"Keep America Great!" is a helluva lot better than LLR Chuck's preferred "What's So Bad About Letting The Democrats Win?" theme.
Fuck me in the ass while I feign honor & discretion.
"Want a walnut?"
Yeah, sorry, it's KAG. Not as good as "MAGA" either.
"Don't be a fag, let's KAG" - probably is a net negative for the Trump campaign. I'll work on it.
Tammy Bruce lays it out about the Oscars and Hollywood these days. We lost something truely wonderful from our culture, becuase the left simply ruins everything it touches.
Bay Area Guy: "Yeah, sorry, it's KAG"
Sorry to quibble again, but it's "KAG!", not KAG.
You have to include the exclamation point.
You just know the exclamation point will drive LLR Chuck back into therapy.
Well, finally, there was a bit of honesty in the "World War Two in Colour" documentary. At the very end they made it clear that w/o the Hitler-Stalin pact, Hitler would not have invaded Poland (though it's passive voice & easy to miss this admission).
I give up. Clearly, I've become a liability to the Trump 2020 campaign. I hereby tender my resignation.
The problem, though, if I may suggest before departing, is that the (!) was copyrighted in perpetuity by Jeb! And since we relentlessly mocked the man (Jeb) and his slogan (Jeb!) I would exercise caution before associating Trump with the (!) on any future political basis.
"Please clap."
Melania does not at all come from an upper class family. Her dad was a small town car dealer. Her mom was a worker at a clothing factory.
I have no idea what she thinks, whether she is happy or not, but her position is interesting.
In a way she has stumbled into greatness. She did the demimondaine gold-diggers dream of marrying a billionaire, which may be a cruel way to put it, but that at least seems to have been a purposeful goal, otherwise she would not have persisted in her previous line of work.
But being the wife of a man like Trump, at this point, is something else. Perhaps she didn't realize things were going to go this far - but who knows. Trump is a superb salesman, maybe he sold her first.
She is immensely significant. She holds tremendous unofficial power. She more than anyone could cause Trump critical damage, she is in a vital position of trust.
She is also living history. She will not be forgotten, she and her image and the stories told about her will be recorded and recalled forever.
That is a strange combination of bearing tremendous responsibility, to enormous numbers of people, and being rewarded in a way that cannot be bought.
Whether she sees it this way I don't know, but so far she is behaving as if she does.
It is an artifact of the "first lady"/hold-over from monarchy constructs.
It will take a man in that position to properly disembowel it.
As an immigrant..of her particular specifics, she is in a unique position to disavow this pseudo-position of authority.
Her diminution of the staffing is a start..but more is to be done.
It is a holdover from royalty, or perhaps from the Caesars, as the US President has that symbolic stature in global culture. They are known by their reigns, as with the Caesars - things happened in the reign of Tiberius, or Claudius, or Hadrian, or Nixon.
But thats not all of it. There were generic queens of some European state or other, that blur into anonymity. No-one remembers the queen of Spain regnant in 1750 (Maria Amalia of Saxony), or knows or cares about her, other than a very very few historians, and there is nothing left of her but a few portraits, a palace or two, maybe, and a bunch of Bourbon descendants of course.
But to be a queen is not the same as to be the consort of a world-historical figure, and moreover to be memorable in ones own right. Trump is not James Polk or Grover Cleveland. He is more in the category of Napoleon Bonaparte, and his wife has the symbolic stature of Josephine de Beauharnais.
Her position of authority is the least of it. Her power is symbolic and unofficial, but very real, and none of it has anything to do with the size of her staff or official roles.
You have official roles and organizations, and under that, or above that perhaps, is the unofficial structure of power status and influence.
If one has taxpayer funded staff, an office etc,..it's "official" enough.
Bottom line: Did we vote for..her?
walter: "As an immigrant..of her particular specifics, she is in a unique position to disavow this pseudo-position of authority."
As an immigrant..of her particular specifics, she is precisely in a position where she would never be comfortable disavowing this position of pseudo/actual authority and it is astonishingly unreasonable to expect such an action by her.
Nah..easily done based on that.
"I am a wife, not a politician"
I sense folks really want to hang onto the "first lady" thing.
No one "votes" for people like this, nor do we create them.
They just happen.
We are talking of bigger things than "first ladies" or "staffs" or "roles" or "politicians".
And in the meantime...Trump talks with Bill Clinton’s impeachment lawyer.
Russian stooge cuts taxes on the middle class, reopens steel mills in Pennsylvania, renegotiates NAFTA, lowers unemployment.
Is that what they're going with? I sure hope so.
It would actually be a better idea than "abolish ICE" which was recently floated.
" He loves the poorly educated"
Then why don't more inner-city blacks vote for him?
Buwaya: great comments. "We are talking of bigger things...". Yes. We're talking about symbolic space, which is created and fed by society and culture and thus may seem ordained; but which is actualized and filled by individuals based on their own character, will, imagination. There is a role but not a script.
buwaya said 3/10/18, 11:33 PM:
"She is also living history. She will not be forgotten, she and her image and the stories told about her will be recorded and recalled forever."
Oh good lord... what a bunch of bloviating hyperbole. Get out of the trees and look at the forest.
The only first ladies of the last 100+ years burned into the public's memory are Eleanor Roosevelt and maybe Jacqueline Kennedy. Hillary will be more remembered for her presidential campaigns. Try as they might, the media was never able to sell Michelle Obama as the African-American Jackie Kennedy.
Eleanor Roosevelt is remembered for the hugely distinct role she carved out for herself on the world stage. Jacqueline Kennedy is mostly remembered because of the whole 'Camelot' facade the media constructed around JFK - and even that is beginning to fade.
For all her apparently admirable qualities, Melania Trump is no Eleanor Roosevelt - nor is she trying to be. Melania superficially seems closer to Jacqueline Kennedy - but the media is hardly constructing any sort of 'Camelot' facade around DJT.
Melania is the 2nd non-native born FLOTUS.
"I would exercise caution before associating Trump with the (!)"
The ! is absolute death to a political campaign. E.g. the campaigns of Hillary!, Florida ex-senator Paula! Hawkins, and, of course, Jeb!
Jeb! was so monumentally politically inastute as to double-down on the punctative faux-pas by making it bilingual, thereby doubling its negating power – ¡Jeb!
Trump is forcing the conversation - brilliant marketing.
What don’t you like about Trumps actions?
Betting the economy will continue to improve.
Good question:
>Then why don't more inner-city blacks vote for him?
Better question:
What will Trump do to change this?
"the media is hardly constructing any sort of 'Camelot' facade around DJT"
It is my understanding that the Camelot myth was constructed as part of explaining JFK's assassination.
He and his wife had recently gone to see the show on Broadway, and she needed something to distract from him being shot by only a mere communist, rather than in the name of some grand narrative.
“Blogger Drago said...
Big Mike: "Trump single-handedly converted DACA and the DREAMERs from a Democrat issue they could use to beat him about the head and shoulders into one that is getting Democrat candidates picketed and attacked in the Hispanic community."
The lefty Chappaquiddick crew is reduced to the following campaign themes for 2018:“
You forgot... WOMEN!!!!!!!” That is what they will hang their hats on. It has been going on for years now but they will ramp it up to an eleven. There is no need for a man to even attempt the nomination, Bernie will be sucker punched again.
Anyone want to guess what percentage of the huge majorities of blacks and Hispanics who voted for Obama and Hilary were “poorly educated”?
I’ve never heard that mentioned amidst all the commentary about undereducated voters for Trump.
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