March 26, 2018

The question Anderson Cooper failed to ask Stormy Daniels.

This is so obvious to me that it's weird to point out. From the transcript, here's a key interchange after which Cooper moves on to another topic:
Anderson Cooper: And you had sex with him.

Stormy Daniels: Yes.

Anderson Cooper: You were 27, he was 60. Were you physically attracted to him?

Stormy Daniels: No.

Anderson Cooper: Not at all?

Stormy Daniels: No.

Anderson Cooper: Did you want to have sex with him?

Stormy Daniels: No. But I didn't-- I didn't say no. I'm not a victim, I'm not--

Anderson Cooper: It was entirely consensual.

Stormy Daniels: Oh, yes, yes.
The obvious next question is: If you weren't attracted to him and you didn't want to have sex with him and it was entirely consensual, why did you have sex with him?

Don't tell me the answer is so obvious that the question shouldn't have been asked. She should have been required to state explicitly why she had sex with him if she didn't want to have sex with him. Personally I believe that sex should be an even exchange — sex for sex. If one party to the sex needs an extra sweetener to close the deal, that's not good sex, and neither party should want it. You should give sexual access to your body because you want sex, not because someone who wants sexual access to your body has something else you want. And you shouldn't want to gain sexual access to the body of a person who doesn't want sexual access to your body but is only putting up with your body because you've got something else they want.

I think it's bad behavior to give or accept sex under the conditions described by Stormy Daniels and it should have been part of the interview. It's awful to hear a woman scoff at the idea that she could have wanted to have sex with a 60-year-old man as if of course it's utterly gross, what do you think?!! Why is she on TV just laughing at an older man having sexual interests? Flesh out the whole story! If she didn't want him for sex, what was her motivation? Was it straightforward prostitution or something somewhere on the prostitution spectrum — some kind of Harvey Weinstein dangling of career opportunity having to do with "Celebrity Apprentice"?

ADDED: If I go a little further back in the colloquy above, we can get to some material that suggests Daniels was a "Cat Person" sort of individual who went from one thing to the next and found it harder to extract herself than to just go through the motions. She'd been in Trump's hotel room, having dinner, and she excused herself to go to the bathroom, and when she emerged, he was sitting on the edge of the bed. Prompted by Anderson Cooper to describe her thoughts...
Stormy Daniels: I realized exactly what I'd gotten myself into. And I was like, "Ugh, here we go." (LAUGH) And I just felt like maybe-- (LAUGH) it was sort of-- I had it coming for making a bad decision for going to someone's room alone and I just heard the voice in my head, "well, you put yourself in a bad situation and bad things happen, so you deserve this."
Where sex is not an even sex-for-sex exchange, it's either on the prostitution spectrum or the rape spectrum. This passage makes it sound like the rape spectrum, and I don't mean rape in the criminal sense, but something that can be called self-rape. But Daniels strenuously distances herself from that idea as the interview continues.


Ken B said...

Speaking as a 60ish guy, I think he's insane to do her without a condom. And a shot.

Michael said...

Er, yes, yes there was an economic motive to her doing what she did not want to do but did.

Sebastian said...

"I think it's bad behavior to give or accept sex under the conditions described by Stormy Daniels" You are so, umm, funny sometimes.

Anyway, "the conditions described" leave a pretty clear inference. But you are right that a real interviewer would have tried to nail it down.

Professional lady said...

She thought she could get something out of it. Apparently, she wants more out of it now. Speaking as a 60ish woman, some 60ish guys are pretty attractive even if they're not billionaires.

urpower said...

What is the interests in their private lives? Is the media interest economic? Is the public interest in their lives an expression of our own erotic taste in voyeurism? This Stormy Daniels stuff is a backlash to #MeToo -- it's noting that women really are whores, really are exactly what Trump is presumed to have said about them.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

I fail to understand why we should be even remotely interested in consensual sex between two private parties that happened over a decade ago.

Mark said...

She is a porn star, its not like she always wants to screw the person in the film.

She just figured it was 6 minutes of time wasted.

M Jordan said...

Libs think evangelicals have given up their values in supporting the adulterous Trump. They are wrong. Evangelicals have given up their idea that warm, fuzzy Christian men should be elected to office.

Mark said...

DBQ, not interested in the sex but $130,000 of hush money 10 days before the election is much more interesting. Especially if it was handled in an illegal fashion.

Jersey Fled said...

I'm betting Stormy doesn't give nearly as much thought to who she has sex with than Ann does.

madAsHell said...

Her line of work includes a tremendous health risk. I can't believe Trump would accept that risk, and have sex with her.

She even has a wiki page!

Ann Althouse said...

Please be clear: My point is that Anderson Cooper failed to ask the question that the line of questions required.

I don't care that it's easy to make the inference.

I want him to have pinned it down and forced her to say the words. If I'm watching the interview, observing her demeanor and invited to make judgments about her, I want to see her and hear her when she is asked that question. Otherwise it's coddling.

Fernandinande said...

"If one party to the sex needs an extra sweetener to close the deal, that's not good sex, and neither party should want it."

That applies to everything, or just sex? You know, because feminism.

If one party to the football game needs an "extra sweetener", say a few million dollars each, that's not a good football game and neither party should want it. Because feminism.

Nonapod said...

You should give sexual access to your body because you want sex, not because someone who wants sexual access to your body has something else you want.

That's a great sentiment. But human beings being human beings, it's often reflective of reality. Imagine a world were the only sex that happened was between people who just wanted sex with no ulterior motives other than perhaps procreation. No more prostitution, sugar daddies, or trophy wives (or husbands). I wonder if people would be happier?

Fernandinande said...

Ann Althouse said...
Please be clear: My point is that Anderson Cooper failed to ask the question that the line of questions required.

Poor Anderson Cooper didn't meet Althouse's strict standards for interviewing prostitutes on trashy TV shows.

I guess Cooper is still alive and the Internet hasn't crashed, so apparently it wasn't required at all.

lgv said...

"And you shouldn't want to gain sexual access to the body of a person who doesn't want sexual access to your body but is only putting up with your body because you've got something else they want."

Why not? Why is this "bad behavior"? Women date, marry, and give sexual access to men whose bodies they don't really want sexual access to all the time. They are attracted to their brains, personalities, career achievement, etc. while not being physically attracted. Melania Trump gave access to Donald. Hillary gave access to Bill at least once, probably.

Unknown said...

"This Stormy Daniels stuff is a backlash to #MeToo"

Bingo! We haven't heard much about #MeToo lately, Stormy has sucked all the air out of the room.

Wasn't #MeToo supposed to have taken Trump down by now? You might wonder if this is all a clever ploy...

Chuck said...

Ann Althouse said...
Please be clear: My point is that Anderson Cooper failed to ask the question that the line of questions required.

I don't care that it's easy to make the inference.

I want him to have pinned it down and forced her to say the words. If I'm watching the interview, observing her demeanor and invited to make judgments about her, I want to see her and hear her when she is asked that question. Otherwise it's coddling.

Althouse you just used the very words I'd like to employ with whomever is next to interview Trump.

"Did you have sex with her, or not? You lawyer has denied it. Did you somehow arrange to pay for her to sign an NDA, or not?"

I want him to be pinned down on it, and for him to be forced to say the words. I want to watch Trump while he answers, to see him and hear him when he is asked those questions.

Achilles said...

"If one party to the sex needs an extra sweetener to close the deal, that's not good sex, and neither party should want it."

So the point of marriage is...

It is so cute when people as intelligent as Althouse pretend ignorance at basic human biology and reproductive patterns.

Fernandinande said...

Mark said...
She is a porn star, its not like she always wants to screw the person in the film.

One time some white men tried to pay me - well, they did pay me (sob!) - for writing some software that I really didn't have much interest in.

rhhardin said...

Money should only be spent on money.

If you want vegetables, you should trade other vegetables for them.

traditionalguy said...

She was and is still in the business of having actress sex to fulfill men's fantasies, not hers. Think of her more like trained psychologist with a Massage Therapy session thrown in. Why would she ever say no to a customer?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I want him to have pinned it down and forced her to say the words.

Non-consensual verbal intercourse.

Fernandinande said...

Unknown said...
Stormy has sucked all the air out of the room.

Facebook also sucked.

Achilles said...

I want him to be pinned down on it, and for him to be forced to say the words. I want to watch Trump while he answers, to see him and hear him when he is asked those questions.

The only people who care are democrats and Chuck who are operationally aligned.

And they only care when it is a weapon to gain more power.

Chuck and the democrats he is operationally aligned with didn’t care about Clinton gore Edwards Biden et al. They only care about Trump..

It is because they don’t believe a single thing they say and they only care about power. Chuck is Completely dishonest and here in bad faith.

tcrosse said...

One time some white men tried to pay me - well, they did pay me (sob!) - for writing some software that I really didn't have much interest in.


traditionalguy said...

The Dow is up 630 already. That damn Trump has out dealt the ChiComs. This continual winning is getting to me.

Achilles said...

rhhardin said...
Money should only be spent on money.

If you want vegetables, you should trade other vegetables for them.

Leave it up to rhhardin to bring a logic argument into a discussion about sex. There are women in the room. That isn’t nice.

Bill Harshaw said...

I agree. If he'd asked the question, it would have been clear to some of her readers the reason wasn't the $130K, which was paid in 2016, but the lure of his power in the entertainment world in 2006/7.

sparrow said...

This kind of thing will further will likely inoculate Trump against similar claims in 2020

Big Mike said...

The obvious next question is: If you weren't attracted to him and you didn't want to have sex with him and it was entirely consensual, why did you have sex with him?

Duh! Because when you're rich and famous they let you grab 'em by the pussy.

@Althouse, the line of questioning was designed to besmirch Donald Trump (as though that's even possible!). The "obvious" question was not asked because the answer might not contribute to that goal.

madAsHell said...

How did we miss this!?!?! From theOnion....

Stormy Daniels '60 Minutes' Interview Leads To Spike In PornHub Searches For Anderson Cooper

James K said...

I want him to be pinned down on it, and for him to be forced to say the words.

Good luck with that. The proper answer to such a line of questions is "None of your goddamn business."

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...

Their dynamics have changed over the post-sex ten years.

At the time Trump was a reality-TV star, and Stormy was a porn-star in her prime.

Not necessarily equal, but swimming in a common pool as far as celebrity goes.

Now Trump is the President and Stormy is an over-the-hill porn-star.

Having sex with Trump turns out to be the biggest thing that has happened in her life. It is the only way her name is even known outside of people familiar with porn. And it will be what is first mentioned about her when she dies. Her future is being a footnote in Trump's life story.

And -- being the biggest thing that has happened for her -- she is cashing in, with the only currency she has: who she has, and had, sex with. After all, she has already traded sex for money for her career; now she is trading on her sexual history.

To ask her to articulate this would be seen as anti-woman: in current society sex is one of the things a woman can't be publicly held accountable for.

It is why women who cry rape and are later found to be lying are rarely prosecuted.

It is why movie actresses are not asked about what they may have done in their careers to get ahead.

Women make bad decisions, just like men.

But to ask them about such decisions is an attack on feminism.

Because the facts don't matter, it is about what they are feeling.

The feelings justify the means.

And if the woman starts crying -- well -- then you've really done it.

The Germans have a word for this.

jimbino said...

Ann, you've turned into a perverted moralist. It seems to me that either our nature or cultural conditioning provides that only a man want sex just for sex. It's the woman who needs to get more than just sex in the bargain, like wealth, fame, a great wedding, a rare diamond, a cute blond kid, power or a good acting job -- or, alternatively, a simple cash payment -- which is why prostitution is justified if not preferable to marriage for a lot of men, including wise King Solomon and me. Only Solomon felt he needed to throw in a book of poetry.

rcocean said...

Well, my opinion of Trump is lowered.

He go after her? Damn. I wouldn't touch her without a Doctor's exam and a shot of penicillin right there.

Why didn't Cooper ask? Because they'd agreed on the questions before hand. Do you really think it wasn't scripted?

FullMoon said...

Mark said...

DBQ, not interested in the sex but $130,000 of hush money 10 days before the election is much more interesting. Especially if it was handled in an illegal fashion.
3/26/18, 2:24 PM

Why not pay before? Because she blackmailed him, right. Obvious. She should be prosecuted.

Chuck said...

James K said...
I want him to be pinned down on it, and for him to be forced to say the words.

Good luck with that. The proper answer to such a line of questions is "None of your goddamn business."

That's true, when CNN or CBS is asking the questions.

It's not true when the FBI, the FEC or the DoJ is asking...

rcocean said...

Why did Stormy do it?

Probably 'cause she was high on Cocaine and needed the $$

walter said...

Did AC suss out what she had for dinner?
"Oh shit. Well..that WAS a helluva spread."

rcocean said...

Some Hollyweirdo said he didn't pay Hookers to have sex. He paid them to have sex, and then leave and keep their mouths shut.

Didn't work with Trump.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

"Stormy Daniels '60 Minutes' Interview Leads To Spike In PornHub Searches For Anderson Cooper"

Ha. Look under the "Teabagger" section. I think Cooper came up with that one.

tcrosse said...

The newsmen at CBS can no longer cop a superior attitude to their colleagues at the National Enquirer, or maybe they're all the same guys. Maybe someday there will be a tell-all about Anderson's Mom.

JaimeRoberto said...

Maybe the questions was struck from the script because they didn't like the answer, or maybe she would have incriminated herself.

Rabel said...

"If you weren't attracted to him and you didn't want to have sex with him and it was entirely consensual, why did you have sex with him?"

Stormy Daniels: "I thought of it as a business deal."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media are trying to make this an illegal campaign contribution. The media think Mueller should add this to his witch hunt.

rhhardin said...

To porn actresses, a fuck is taken like a stage kiss is usually taken. It's not taken to be really felt.

Hagar said...

Cooper could also have asked if she had been promised any financial reward for reneging on her NDA and going public with this at this time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hi Stormy: We cannot believe Hillary didn't win. What can you do to help us impeach Trump?

Fernandinande said...

Ignorance is Bliss said...
AA: "I want him to have pinned it down and forced her to say the words."
Non-consensual verbal intercourse.

Nice catch.

But I think I fingered out, above, that sex is uniquely different from every other activity because feminism. It's definitely not like writing software, and not like football even though football players allow access to their bodies and touch each other, and probably not at all like making ostentatious displays from the mutilated sex organs of plants, and definitely not like a nurse giving "access to" her body so she can touch someone in order to give them a medical exam.

"verbal intercourse" has some nice anagrams:
Irrecoverable Stun
Lubricant Overseer
Reusable Contriver

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Stormy telling 20 million views that she didn't want to have sex with him but she did have sex with him is the ultimate booya.

Trump is so icky, but we had sex anyway! Win-win for the hivemind.

rcocean said...

The Rape spectrum?

It's not rape until she told Trump to Stop - and he didn't

Until then its just "Thoughts".

rcocean said...

I'm glad I wasn't suckered into viewing this. i couldn't even get thru the transcripzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thanks Althouse for doing it for us.

BillyTalley said...

1) Ann Althouse said/wrote: " shouldn't want to gain sexual access to the body of a person who doesn't want sexual access to your body but is only putting up with your body because you've got something else they want."
You're assuming that he knew. What if she didn't signal this to him clearly?
2) Patrice O'Neil: she's raping his time!
3) I think people all over the world have either explicitly or tacitly have come to the conclusion that you (apparently?) suggest -that her intentions are concealed and she is looking for an extended payday.

John Pickering said...

Ann doesn't even listen to the interview she is criticizing, writing

She should have been required to state explicitly why she had sex with him if she didn't want to have sex with him.

Ann's not sure if Stormy's sex with Trump falls on the prostitution side or the rape side. My goodness, Ann, you might have heard: Stormy Daniels is a porn star. Porn stars have sex for money, that's why Stormy refers to herself sometimes as a whore: she exchanges sex for money.

Stormy said over and over that she regarded her Trump affair as a business deal: she wanted him to put her on his TV show, so that she could become a more famous porn star. Why is this difficult for Ann to understand?

What;s missing in Ann's analysis is her take on how humorous and clever Trump is in dealing with Stormy. Isn't it hilarious that Trump has put his wife and adolescent son in such a comical position? It's always great to hear Ann and her readers explain how sharp and subtle their beloved president is. Go for it!

rcocean said...

Big Dan the Reporter man said reporting on the Lewinsky Affair was beneath his dignity as a Anchorman.

A million to one he doesn't say "boo" about this interview.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did the media ever interview Juanita Broderick?

rcocean said...

"It's always great to hear Ann and her readers explain how sharp and subtle their beloved president is. Go for it!"

Agree. Trump is the Best and so is Althouse.

Fernandinande said...

The Germans Have a Word for That. said...
-- she is cashing in

If she really loved cash she would cash-in for free.

Otto said...

The Trump supporters want Stormy scorned and degraded. The Trump haters wan't to see Trump be labeled with this misdeed forever. Both sides see sin, scorn, infidelity, filth, adultery and prostitution and want there pond of flesh. this will be long forgotten in a few years but there is that innocent 5 year old girl who will bear this burden for all her life. Sad.

rcocean said...

Did the media ever interview Juanita Broderick?

No, they had standards back then.

And those standards will come back when we elect another (D) President.

William said...

That's a shrewd and apt response from rhhardin. There's so much besides sexual attraction that goes into the negotiation of sex. If there were some sure fire way of ascertaining that both parties walk away from the deal happy and satisfied, I'm sure humanity would have hit on it long ago......Why should we accept Stormy's version of the details of her encounter? What in her history gives her greater credibility than Trump? Some of those details seem contrived: light spanking, no condom, comparison to daughter, death threats in the parking lot. I guess she got $130,000 for something, but there's no reason to accept all of her story without question.

rcocean said...

"The Trump supporters want Stormy scorned and degraded."

No more than usual for a Porn Star who uses Cocaine.

Rigelsen said...

I want him to be pinned down on it, and for him to be forced to say the words. I want to watch Trump while he answers, to see him and hear him when he is asked those questions.

Did Trump ever make a public issue of this? No? Did he even run as some sort of born-again moral exemplar? No? So then, what's the point? Your prurient interest? Is there a reason for him to satisfy you in that way?

Drago said...

I am much more interested in the $700k bribe/hush payments to the Deputy Director of the FBI by Clinton thru her trusty acolytes when that FBI hack was heading up Clinton cover-up "investigations".

Which we will hear more of shortly.

LLR Chuck to be hardest hit.

Leslie Graves said...

Thanks for drawing attention to that part of the interview.

Stormy Daniels: I realized exactly what I'd gotten myself into. And I was like, "Ugh, here we go." (LAUGH) And I just felt like maybe-- (LAUGH) it was sort of-- I had it coming for making a bad decision for going to someone's room alone and I just heard the voice in my head, "well, you put yourself in a bad situation and bad things happen, so you deserve this."

I agreed to come to his room; that was a mistake. He seems to want sex. I put myself in this situation (which is a bad one) and since I made that one mistake, I deserve to have sex with this guy even though I have no sexual interest in him.

This is Stormy Daniels talking herself into sex as a consequence of her having made a mistake along with her concept of the universe as a place where bad things happen. I am so interested in her characterization of this line of thought as personified by a voice in her head. She's talking to herself or bargaining with herself, as one does. She hasn't settled on a course of action but one side of her mind jumps in there with a strongly affirmative statement as to what she should do.

The part of her brain that might have argued for an alternative course of action did not offer up a strong thought at this point. It was perhaps listening, and caved in.

I would really love to sit down with her and have a nice long talk about all of this.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

That's true, when CNN or CBS is asking the questions.

It's not true when the FBI, the FEC or the DoJ is asking...

The FBI is going to be answering questions. Not the other way around.

Like why didn't Comey tell us Omar Mateen's dad was an FBI informant.

Te little Red Guard wannabe Hogg's dad was an FBI agent too. They knew about Cruz. And stories are coming out about Cruz being bullied in school. Do any of those kids talking at that rally look like the cool kids at school?

The press/democrats/Chuck are going to lose. Again.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Maybe Stormy's brother had raped Trump's sister, and the families agreed this would even it up.

FullMoon said...

Ann Althouse said...

Please be clear: My point is that Anderson Cooper failed to ask the question that the line of questions required.

I don't care that it's easy to make the inference.

I want him to have pinned it down and forced her to say the words. If I'm watching the interview, observing her demeanor and invited to make judgments about her, I want to see her and hear her when she is asked that question. Otherwise it's coddling.

3/26/18, 2:27 PM

That is so perfect. AA parody of a Lazlo parody of Chuck. And then Chuck, unaware, chimes in later to verify.

Life is good !

glenn said...

How does “He was rich” sound?

Drago said...

When you are famous they let you do it.

Drago said...

I wonder if Dickie Durbin or Adam Schiff-ty are posting under the name "Chuck"?

steve uhr said...

I sort of feel sort to CNN. They so desparately want this to be the thing to take Trump down. But even his haters don't care about Stormy

Rigelsen said...

The Trump supporters want Stormy scorned and degraded.

It's usually not a good idea to try to put a motive into other people's heads, especially a lot of other people.

Though I'm neither a Trump supporter nor hater here, all I've seen from Trump supporters is that this is a big "meh". Though who might otherwise care have been made cynical by 30 years of being told by everyone with a loudspeaker that traditional morals are just not the thing anymore, man.

So, get with the program, dude.

Anyway, the consensus seems to be that she's trying to cash in. Otherwise, as Ann tries to pin down above, what' the point?

FullMoon said...

The Germans Have a Word for That. said...

Their dynamics have changed over the post-sex ten years.

At the time Trump was a reality-TV star, and Stormy was a porn-star in her prime.

Not necessarily equal, but swimming in a common pool as far as celebrity goes.

Now Trump is the President and Stormy is an over-the-hill porn-star.

Having sex with Trump turns out to be the biggest thing that has happened in her life. It is the only way her name is even known outside of people familiar with porn. And it will be what is first mentioned about her when she dies. Her future is being a footnote in Trump's life story.

And -- being the biggest thing that has happened for her -- she is cashing in, with the only currency she has: who she has, and had, sex with. After all, she has already traded sex for money for her career; now she is trading on her sexual history.

As an aside, constantly impressed how each identity is able to remain in character for that particular identity. Miss the drunk comic, and was waiting for my friends, the mild mannered guy who becomes violent at JJ's bar (Sam A.) and the obnoxious intellectual who loses his mind after too many drinks at same bar.(Don V.)

steve uhr said...

Sp -- Sorry for.

Rigelsen said...

She's talking to herself or bargaining with herself, as one does.

Or was this a post-coital bargaining? Or even a recent-decided-upon ex-post-facto bargaining?

Chuck said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Did the media ever interview Juanita Broderick?

Yes! (It's "Broaddrick," by the way.)

Thanks for asking, and have a nice day!

Bay Area Guy said...

AA asks: "The obvious next question is: If you weren't attracted to him and you didn't want to have sex with him and it was entirely consensual, why did you have sex with him?"

Because she's a porn star! They have a lotta sex, just as golfers golf!

Ron Winkleheimer said...

She performs in pornographic movies, so we know that her decision making skills are less than optimal.

Bay Area Guy said...

Anderson Cooper was not the right man for the important job of interviewing, the busty Ms. Daniels. Mr. Cooper has been vexed by the pussy for decades.

Comanche Voter said...

Stormy should be a lawyer--as in the old joke that goes when two mid 30s people meet in a bar and the female says she will screw anybody, any time, anywhere--and the male says "Oh so you are a lawyer?"

Stormy has appeared in enough porn flicks that she has calluses in every orifice of her body. At age 40 she's on the tail end of her porn flick career so to speak. She's consented to almost every thing a sex worker could consent to (heck maybe even the "Golden Shower" bit) so having sex with a 60 year old businessman (which was what Trump was at the time) was just one more day working at the punch press.

People have sex with otherwise not so attractive 60 year old people for all kinds of reasons. As Henry Kissinger said, Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. And if the 60 year old guy doesn't have fame or power, then Benjamins on the night stand will do.

walter said...

Anderson Cooper Retweeted
Maggie Haberman
‏Verified account @maggieNYT
22h22 hours ago

NEWS - Trump had dinner with Michael Cohen last night. Night before the Stormy Daniels interview.

Paul Snively said...

I'm struck, repeatedly, by the extent to which modern life seems to consist of stories whose point literally boils down to "You must internalize a worldview in which everyone's bad decision-making processes are the fault of whoever they choose to blame for them," well beyond whatever legitimate points about shared accountability for miscommunication may apply. It's like some weird stage on which the Manichaean heresy is being played out, except we don't get to judge for ourselves which is the light and which is the darkness.

Curious George said...

"Chuck said...
I want him to be pinned down on it, and for him to be forced to say the words."

First titty twisting, now this you sick fuck.

One things for sure, you aren't the man for the job.

Ann Althouse said...

"Why not? Why is this "bad behavior"? Women date, marry, and give sexual access to men whose bodies they don't really want sexual access to all the time."

I am articulating a high standard and trying to persuade other people to join me in seeing things this way and meeting the standard. That's not inconsistent with the commonness of the behavior I'm calling bad.

But you might be exaggerating an aspect of an implication of what I am saying. Once you have a marriage relationship (or something close to it) and you do generally both want sex from each other, it doesn't have to be perfectly matched on every particular occasion. You may value the whole relationship and give and accept sex in a way that doesn't continually keep account and you may give or take sex because you have a longstanding, secure sexual relationship and you're responsive to the other person's desire without thinking closely about whether this is exactly what you want right now.

Trumpit said...

January 22, 2005 that is when Melania married Trump. I doubt she would go down on him, so that is probably why he was looking for a prostitute. I don't know if he wanted to be peed on. You have to pay extra for that. There is no free drench. You don't want to end up like Magic Johnson, so you should play safe. Unplanned pregnancies are not good either. Trump paid for a few abortions in his time. So, he's a hypocrite for that reason, too. I would be disgusted if Melania gives him head because of the picture it paints, but it's only sex. I just don't think she would stoop that low. Bad pun, I know.

walter said...

Thanks for those important observations, 'Pit
Keep the faith..that Pissgate thing might come back...
If it rings true and all..

Ann Althouse said...

"Ann Althouse said/wrote: " shouldn't want to gain sexual access to the body of a person who doesn't want sexual access to your body but is only putting up with your body because you've got something else they want." You're assuming that he knew. What if she didn't signal this to him clearly?"

Under the Althouse standard, he, out of his own need for personal integrity, would find out. It's a very low standard — maybe the criminal law standard — that you can keep going in pursuit of your own desire for sex until the other person clearly signals no. I am saying that as a matter of ethics, you should not want sex unless you know the other person wants sex. Even if the other person clearly consents, if the other person doesn't want sex for the sake of sex, you should decline.

Face it: I've got a high standard! Respect yourself enough to adopt my standard. It's for men and women. Sexual access if a very precious, intimate thing. Don't throw it around like Paris Hilton dancing while wearing a $2 million diamond ring.

David said...

It is quite possible that she had sex with him because it was the easiest way out. Ms. Daniels has sex for a living in her porn business. She may or may not be a part time prostitute as well. The point is that she is accustomed to having sex for reasons other than sexual attraction or affection. It's a commonplace for her.

She gave Trump a Mercy Fuck. Now who's degraded?

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

AA: "I want him to have pinned it down and forced her to say the words. If I'm watching the interview, observing her demeanor and invited to make judgments about her, I want to see her and hear her when she is asked that question. Otherwise it's coddling."

Well, of course it is coddling. Would be unrealistic to expect anything else from Anderson Cooper. Primary purpose of the exercise was to humiliate Trump. Ancillary constraint, avoid humiliating the hooker.

My thinking is, the network came off as the most humiliated and beclowned of the entities involved.

Drudge had a headline up for a while: the Stormy and Andy Hour broke all viewing audience records. Illustrates very will the type of product MSM is selling. I was too busy laundry to watch.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ann, don't you ever get tired of fantasizing that you have some sort of common political cause with women?

It's such bullshit. Your life is a repudiation of feminism. You never faced any problems because you're a woman.

I have no such delusions about common cause with men. In fact, I got dragged into men's movement bullshit for a few months and it was the worst decision of my life.

Junk the fucking Marxist feminism. It's laughable.

You're rich and retired. So am I. Continuing to bitch and moan over dividing up the pie according to identity politics is an idiot way for you and me to spend our time.

Kevin said...

The question Anderson Cooper failed to ask Stormy Daniels.

Why do you assume he failed to ask? What if the producers decided the interview would better serve their ends if the question and her response were left out?

Once you stop thinking of these people as journalists looking for truth, a whole host of possibilities opens up. I assume this was the most pro-Stormy, anti-Trump version they could put on the air.

And the fact they didn't tease it during March Madness tells you even they didn't think it went very well.

rhhardin said...

I don't do one night stands, but it's not a high standard. It's because it makes a mess and is oveerrated.

Kevin said...

you're responsive to the other person's desire without thinking closely about whether this is exactly what you want right now.

I think she wanted something from him - a spot on his TV show - so she wasn't really thinking closely about whether it was exactly what she wanted right now.

The rest can all be post-coital rationalization for the CNN viewing audience.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

A lady once approached the speaker after a Libertarian Party talk. "You said the Libertarians think prostitution should be made legal. I cannot accept that."

Speaker said: "Well, prostitution combines sex and capitalism. Which are you against?"

Kevin said...

The rest can all be post-coital rationalization for the CNN viewing audience.

It also gets around that "didn't you know he was a married man" question that makes this kind of woman hated by other women. She wasn't raped, and didn't want it, but had sex with him anyway in a "he expected it" kind of way, is the kind of too-cute answer dreamt up in lawyer's conference rooms.

Bay Area Guy said...
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Bay Area Guy said...

Again, I want to re-assert my criticism of the President for spending $130,000 for an NDA to keep the busty Ms. Daniels from revealing said consensual titillating conduct.

I have seen her "wares."

I'm thinking more along the lines of dinner at Arbys, two Bud lights and maybe a frame or two of quality bowling. Not a cent more.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Well, prostitution combines sex and capitalism. Which are you against?"
I have never met a Libertarian who would be happy if their kid sister (or daughter) became a prostitute.
I guess, if you are a Libertarian, it's only okay if someone else's sister or daughter becomes a prostitute.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

It’s pretty obvious she slept with him despite not being attracted to him because she had been promised a role on Celebrity Apprentice. She sold herself, it was a business deal. She’s not a woman who has much self worth, obviously. I’d like to have the same amount of energy and interest shown toward Trump to pin him down and admit he had sex with her. Listening to the lies from the Trump spokesmouths at the daily WH press briefings are laughable. I recall plenty of Trumpists here denying he had sex with her, lol.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I am amazed at the number of people who consider themselves intelligent, and who are willing to believe what a hooker says about a sexual encounter.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Her lawyer backs up her story. So there's that.

Paul said...

She was a hooker... are we shocked? And a drug user to. Who knew!!!

PB said...

Who's paying her for this? She has lawyers to try and kill the NDA. They don't work for free.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I'm not a lawyer, but I imagine that her story wouldn't stand up to cross examination well. Begin with the fact that she signed an NDA and then violated it.

Drago said...

Can you imagine how angry the LLR's and their lefty allies would be if Stormy had said Trump had brought a suppsedly homemade pecan pie to the encounter?

Who knows how that scenario would trigger LLR Chuck?

There would be endless calls for investigations to determine, with geometric logic, that not only were there insufficient pecans in the Trump home that day but IN FACT the person with responsibility for The Cuoboard Key was not even within the city limits at the time of the baking!!!

So submitted by your loyal barrister, "LLR Chuck", Esq, of Michigan.

Kevin said...

Frankly, I thought the question AC didn't ask was what she knew about Trump and Russian collusion.

Cooper: Did Trump talk about Russia at any time?

Daniels: I did see what appeared to be Russian dressing on his room service salad.

Cooper: Very interesting.

tcrosse said...

So it was a business arrangement, but Trump has a reputation for Stiffing his vendors.

wwww said...

"I'm not a lawyer, but I imagine that her story wouldn't stand up to cross examination well."

Apparently she kept the dress from that night.

1998 is calling.

holdfast said...

"You should give sexual access to your body because you want sex, not because someone who wants sexual access to your body has something else you want. And you shouldn't want to gain sexual access to the body of a person who doesn't want sexual access to your body but is only putting up with your body because you've got something else they want."

HEADLINE: Althouse rejects the premise of 80% of marriages!

tshanks78 said...

The answer is obvious...celebrity. As Trump said “When you’re famous they just let you do it.”

Rick said...

Ann Althouse said...
If I'm watching the interview, observing her demeanor and invited to make judgments about her, I want to see her and hear her when she is asked that question. Otherwise it's coddling.

Is it coddling? He didn't ask the question because it would have made her look bad and that interfered with his goal. I don't think "coddling" is the right word.

Rick said...

There would be endless calls for investigations to determine, with geometric logic, that not only were there insufficient pecans in the Trump home that day but IN FACT the person with responsibility for The Cuoboard Key was not even within the city limits at the time of the baking!!!

Who ate the strawberries!

wwww said...

"It is quite possible that she had sex with him because it was the easiest way out. Ms. Daniels has sex for a living in her porn business...The point is that she is accustomed to having sex for reasons other than sexual attraction or affection. It's a commonplace for her."

That's what I figured happened. In her view, she said she "got what she deserved" for making a bad decision to meet in his room.

She didn't think it was worth the aggra to risk an insult by saying "thanks but not interested." Or, she was worried he's argue with her "no."

She didn't enjoy it and was in no hurry to repeat the experience.

Rick said...

I guess, if you are a Libertarian, it's only okay if someone else's sister or daughter becomes a prostitute.

The choice is between your sister being a prostitute or your sister being a prostitute with an arrest record and a slew of lowlifes extorting her. If you lived in reality a little more maybe you'd have a clue what libertarians think.

Bob Boyd said...

Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do.

roesch/voltaire said...

You know sex is not that important even when its consensual, as in this case, so it might be just another trick for show for Stormy but in this time the money didn't appear on the dresser until later.

wwww said...

"Speaking as a 60ish guy, I think he's insane to do her without a condom."

This right here.

If I was Melania, I'd be breathing fire because of this, especially if this sort of thing happened when she was pregnant.

Unless they have a chaste marriage. In which case, I guess she doesn't care.

Rick said...

Some Hollyweirdo said he didn't pay Hookers to have sex. He paid them to have sex, and then leave and keep their mouths shut.

The biggest outcome from all this is going to be a drop in the high-end prostitution market. The whole point is to avoid the risk of intentional outing by an unstable affair partner. If you have to worry about unstable prostitutes you might as well hit on some rando at happy hour.

Birkel said...

Althouse's standard would have meant the human race ended before it even began.

Quaestor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Luke Lea said...

There is the celebrity groupie thing if no one has not mentioned it already.

Quaestor said...

Rape spectrum, prostitution spectrum... Just plain sex is a vanishingly thin emission line. One wonders if Althouse has heard of the continuum fallacy.

A modest proposal to reduce the level of unintended hilarity — unless the subject at hand has something to do with astrophysics the word spectrum should be banished. We've already banished garner for lesser sins. Spectrum is one of those highfalutin words often heard on the lips of TV people in white lab coats selling mouthwash. We're a bit more serious of mind here, so let's just cut it out, okay?

Quaestor said...

To the subject of Daniel's motivation. In a word — money. Perhaps she hoped money and fame and fast cars would come her way if she fucked The Donald. Didn't happen. 12 precious years elapsed in the brief career of the very minor "porn star", years in a career where lost earnings due to sags and bags are worth their weight in monoisotopic Iridium. No matter what your vaginal skill set there's always some young fluffer with perkier tits just waiting for her chance to knock the reigning queen from her spunk-stained throne. Therefore Stormy settled for 130 large to shut up.

$130,000 sounds pretty generous, but a fading fellatrix with a habit burns through that much in a few months, if she's thrifty. When Trump won the presidency dollar signs and heaps of nice white powder appeared like beckoning angels before her dilated pupils. Somehow she latched on to a very shifty lawyer who told her contracts are meaningless. Yep, no matter what her bustline was like in 2006 we can't give Stormy much credit for brains, can we? What is her motivation now? Money. Her lawyer has poured a dump truck load of bullshit into her tiny brainpan, assuring her that the road ahead is golden. The shyster will get paid. Stormy will not, poor stupid bitch.

Jim at said...

Isn't it hilarious that Trump has put his wife and adolescent son in such a comical position?

Yeah. Give that man a cigar.

Sally327 said...

Maybe she needed the practice.

I'm guessing that having sex with men she didn't find appealing was so much the norm for this woman that she wouldn't have really thought about needing a reason to do it. By the time she was in this hotel room with this particular man she was pretty much f*cked out and long ago lost the ability to actually feel any desire for anybody.

Gahrie said...

Under the Althouse standard, he, out of his own need for personal integrity, would find out. It's a very low standard — maybe the criminal law standard — that you can keep going in pursuit of your own desire for sex until the other person clearly signals no. I am saying that as a matter of ethics, you should not want sex unless you know the other person wants sex. Even if the other person clearly consents, if the other person doesn't want sex for the sake of sex, you should decline.

But it's fine for women to rape men and to steal their semen and impregnate themselves and then collect money from their victim for 18 years...right? I mean the men are just splooge stooges after all...amiright?

Jim at said...

I’d like to have the same amount of energy and interest shown toward Trump to pin him down and admit he had sex with her.

You people screeched for 20 years that none of this matters.
Don't get all indignant that we now agree with you. It's what you wanted.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

60 Minutes might want to contact these women to do an interview. This list should last them 'til the end of the year if they do one per week.

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

Clinton Misogyny - Other
Linda Tripp - coerce, intimidate, deny - Bob Bennett calls her a liar, release her job application, transfer her.
Julia Hiatt-Steele - Willey's friend and neighbor - used the machine to change her story.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - used as a cover humiliated
Chelsea Clinton - ignored
Betty Currie - used as cover and enabler
Donna Shalala - used as cover, used as whipping post in Cabinet meeting
Madeline Albright - used as cover
Secret Service - female agent complaints
Kathy Ferguson – unwelcome advances
Clinton as a "Ladies' Man"
Marsha Scott - claimed an affair
Connie Hamzy - claimed sex
Bobbie Ann Williams - claimed paid sex, paternity

Following are names of ladies rumored to have had sexual relations with Bill Clinton. We of course do not have information to support these rumors and do not intend the reader to think that we believe any of them to be true. Some could be true, some could be false and some could be intentionally spread rumors so absurd as to make the ones listed above and all other rumors look absurd as well. As always, please draw your own conclusions:

Clinton as a Ladies' Man - Rumors
Marilyn Jo Jenkins - rumored
Susan Coleman - rumored (suicide 7.5 months pregnant)
Robyn Dickey -rumored, staffer
Lenora Steinkamp - rumored - mystery jogger on video tape entering the "infamous hallway" with Clinton
Kimba Wood - rumored, judge
Kelley Craighead - rumored, staffer to Bill and Hillary
Sharline Wilson - rumored, claimed drug association
Dee Dee Myers - rumored, staffer
Suzie Whitacre - rumored
Catherine Cornelius - rumored, "distant cousin".
Cheryl Mills - rumored, WH attorney
Current Secret Paramour (per Tripp/King interview) - rumored
Beth Gladden Coulson - rumored - young judicial appointment
Eleanor Mondale - rumored - celebrity daughter, dated Ron Perelman (see Jordan)
Shelia Lawrence - rumored - Widow of Ambassador
Deborah Mathis - rumored - reporter/WH advancements
Debra Schiff - rumored - ex flight attendant, now staffer
Susan McDougal - rumored - business connections
Benazir Bhutto - rumored - current opposition leader in, and former prime minister of Pakistan

Clinton as a wanna be Ladies' Man or intended disinformation? - Rumors High Profile
Barbara Streisand - rumored - celebrity
Markie Post - rumored - actress
Sharon Stone - rumored - actress
Lencola Sullivan - rumored - beauty queen
Martha Stewart - rumored - celebrity
Diana Wiley Pietsch - rumored - sex therapist - Oxford.
Princess Di - rumored - royalty, deceased


Howard said...

WoW, what a list Darrell. I bet you count all your ladies on your hand.

Anonymous said...

Anderson Cooper did not get where he is because of his great, or even his good journalism. That had nothing to do with the interview.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I bet you count all your ladies on your hand.”

Rosie Palm and her five sisters.

Darrell said...

Howard gagged...
WoW, what a list Darrell. I bet you count all your ladies on your hand.

Have another bag of dicks, Howard. Perhaps your usual two.

Doug said...

IGV said:"Hillary gave access to Bill at least once, probably."
You misspelled "Webster Hubbell".

Michael K said...

Is there a porn actress who is not a "star?"

Asking for a friend.

holdfast said...

Markie Post!?!?!?!


I was so in lust with her back in the day.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"If you lived in reality a little more maybe you'd have a clue what libertarians think."
Precious few Libertarians live in reality.
Reality says combining sex & capitalism is very bad.
What's the suicide rate among hookers? Porn stars? Yep, we need more of that. Let the free market supply it in abundance!

Francisco D said...

Inga said: "It’s pretty obvious she slept with him despite not being attracted to him because she had been promised a role on Celebrity Apprentice."

Inga has become a mind reader.

That seems strange since she apparently has no functioning brain.

Inga not Stormy. They are different kinds of whores.

readering said...

From news report:

When Representative Ryan Costello of Pennsylvania announced on Sunday that he would join more than 40 other congressional Republicans not seeking re-election in November, he left no doubt about the reason: President Trump’s conduct made it impossible to talk about anything else. Were he running, Mr. Costello said in an interview, he would be inundated with questions about Stephanie Clifford, the pornographic film actress known as Stormy Daniels, who has said she had an affair with Mr. Trump and was threatened to stay silent about it.
“If I had a town hall this week, it would be question after question,” Mr. Costello said. “‘Do you believe him or do you believe her? Why don’t you believe her?’”

HoodlumDoodlum said...

It's admittedly an ugly thought but if someone is telling you they consider themselves to be, literally, a worthless whore & describing how they acted in exactly that manner...who are you to disagree with that assessment?

wbfjrr2 said...

Althouse in virtue signaling mode today.

Self rape?? How about just doing it for some financial gain?

Or how about just a liar about what actually happened or what her actual interest was?

I'm putting my money on the liar part. Other than that, this whole episode is a non sequitur. Private citizen has consensual sex (she says) with woman. Pays her later to be quiet about it (that's never happened before, right?.

Who gives a damn except the Trump haters? The same people who thought Clinton should be able to screw whoever he wanted, even in the oval office WHILE PRESIDENT. Whether consensual or not.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Wholly unrelated: ODB Shimmy Shimmy Ya

readering said...

Is there a porn actress who is not a "star?"

Michael K, are you suggesting folks watch porn vids for someone or something other than the performing actresses? Male leads? Script? Special effects? If not, they must be the stars.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I don't know if Daniels is telling truth or Trump is telling the truth. But I know that if you believe a pornstar is telling you the whole truth -- that she is a victim -- you are a fool.

Rick said...

Precious few Libertarians live in reality.
Reality says combining sex & capitalism is very bad.
What's the suicide rate among hookers? Porn stars? Yep, we need more of that.

Reality is that having few skills sucks. Fantasy is that making the options for such people worse somehow improves their outcomes.

bolivar di griz said...

That's why he quit after the filing deadline had passed? Costello is of the main street partnership, the rino wing.

So siddique was an FBI informant under both Mueller and comedy who he did he give up,

chickelit said...

“Reality is that having few skills sucks.”

Sucks what, Rick? You should finish the sentence.

Quaestor said...

I bet you count all your ladies on your hand.

Let's hear about your sexual escapades, Howard. Yes, the rest stop liaisons count.

Gk1 said...

For those holding out hope that "hush money" was paid with money from Trump's campaign warchest, is it your position that a billionaire can't squeeze out this chump change? He needed to go into campaign coffers to pay this. Particularly a billionaire with an army of lawyers who typically is being sued or is suing on a continual basis? Keep hope alive, as what was coined here on Ann's blog.

chuck said...

I would guess that a porn star might have some issues.

Ralph L said...

Only Solomon felt he needed to throw in a book of poetry.

Let me guess, "Leaves of Grass."

60 Minutes is notorious for its editing, so Vanderpoofter may have asked and CBS didn't think the answer fit the narrative.

bolivar di griz said...

Room for any real news:

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Reality is that having few skills sucks."
This doesn't even make sense. Are you saying some chicks are so fucked up & stupid, we should just let them be whores? Like a lot of libertarian ideas, it sounds like a joke, but it is actually a policy proposal.
Good to know you wouldn't mind your sister or daughter being a hooker. Or is it just other peoples' daughters than can go out whorin' with no stigma attached?
Prostitution is legal in Great Britain. You think all the social and family problems of prostitution go away when it is legal, check out how things are in GB. I'm living in reality, pal, don't know where you are at, but it ain't anywhere near me.

Drago said...

Quaestor: "Let's hear about your sexual escapades, Howard."

Howard, as any good Norseman would, knows the best aphrodisiac is pocket-warmed lutefisk.

Fritz said...

Errol Flynn said you don't pay hookers for sex, you pay them to go away when you're done. Stormy Daniels won't go away.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Stormy Daniels won't go away."
Hence her offer to return the money. She's been around the block a time or two, she knows the rules.

Ralph L said...

I hadn't heard until tonight that the payoff was days before the election. That sounds like extortion to me. Pay me or October Surprise, like W's DWI.

Anonymous said...

Scientists have identified 237 reasons why an individual chooses to have sex:

And it isn't all either sex-for-sex, prostitution or rape. How would you classify, "My friends were having sex and I wanted to fit in"? Or "It was just part of the relationship routine"? Or "I wanted to stop my partner's nagging"? The latter, for example, is hardly rape (or else you're homeopathically diluting the meaning of rape).

Read the list and guess which one(s) apply to Stormy Daniels!

Ralph L said...

No one brought up "rape-rape."

Rick said...

Are you saying some chicks are so fucked up & stupid, we should just let them be whores? Like a lot of libertarian ideas, it sounds like a joke, but it is actually a policy proposal.

Which compares to your policy proposal: to first let them be whores, then to take their money and put them in jail.

You think all the social and family problems of prostitution go away when it is legal,

I didn't say that, maybe when you become an adult you can try to understand what people say instead of jousting with your strawmen. I said at least they aren't in jail or beaten half to death by their pimps. But you keep hanging on to your fantasies about what other people think so you can pretend your positions make sense.

don't know where you are at, but it ain't anywhere near me.

I'm in a place where we don't pretend putting whores in jail returns their virginity. But you keep on hallucinating.

Anonymous said...

"Lewis Wetzel said...

"I have never met a Libertarian who would be happy if their kid sister (or daughter) became a prostitute.

"I guess, if you are a Libertarian, it's only okay if someone else's sister or daughter becomes a prostitute."

I wouldn't want my kid sister or my daughter to repair sewers or to do any of the other dirty jobs that Mike Rowe does on TV. I wouldn't want her to be a farm laborer or a prison guard. But I don't want to make those jobs illegal, either.

Howard said...

All's Darrell has to trade are his bags of dicks, not that there is anything wrong with that.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga not Stormy. They are different kinds of whores.”

What kind of whore was your mother? I suspect she gave birth to you during the time she was sporting some syphlitic chancres.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"I wouldn't want my kid sister or my daughter to repair sewers or to do any of the other dirty jobs that Mike Rowe does on TV."
I hope you aren't comparing people who do honest labor to people who give blow jobs for a living.

Lewis Wetzel said...

C'mon, Inga, you know that there is nothing shameful about a mother with a few syphilitic chancres. Some people think that they are merely the hooker's version of a working man's calloused hands!

Francisco D said...

Inga. said: "What kind of whore was your mother? I suspect she gave birth to you during the time she was sporting some syphlitic chancres."

Stay classy babe. I know you are not very bright, but that's what 5th graders do to insult people. They don't know any better.

If I may be so presumptuous to advise: Witty repartee is not your strength.

Rosalyn C. said...

Another obvious question which AC missed was, "What exactly do you mean by "having sex?" There was no specificity to his question, "Did you have sex?" Why didn't he ask, was it "intercourse, was there penetration, etc..?" As a lifelong homosexual AC doesn't strike me as knowing much about heterosexual sexual activity -- why was a gay guy asking the questions? No woman was willing? Or next to another women Stormy loses credibility? Why not a straight man? Because any straight man would not be able to fake credulity? IDK Cooper just looked like a douche, whether he was deliberately being obtuse or not.

IMO, Trump is not stupid enough to risk getting a woman pregnant, let alone expose himself to STD's or HIV/AIDS, which was even scarier 12 years ago. That's another question AC missed, "Did Trump ever ask if she was HIV positive? and vice versa?" Was she married at the time, another question.

IMO if there was any sexual activity it was probably a blow job, which of course would not require him to wear a condom.

Honestly, I find the entire media situation annoying and the lawsuit is bordering on extortion.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I once got some advice from a dude who had done some some hard time for running a meth lab in the Cali desert (he had cleaned up by the time I knew him). He told me to never trust a junkie. Anything that a normal person would draw the line at -- selling their body, stealing from friends, throwing lovers under the bus to save their own skin -- they had already done. So when they fucked you over it wouldn't mean anything to them. I'd put hookers in that category.

Achilles said...

It is fun to watch Inga and Chuck and the other leftists pretend they are not completely amoral hypocrites.

Yancey Ward said...

"It's awful to hear a woman scoff at the idea that she could have wanted to have sex with a 60-year-old man as if of course it's utterly gross, what do you think?!!"

Lets be honest- there are very few 60 year old men who are going to light ones fires as a visual enticement- whether your name is Stormy Daniels or Titus, or if you are 30 or 60 years old yourself.

readering said...

Evenings like this i imagine Althouse considers ending comments.

rhhardin said...

She needs a new contract to return the money. Otherwise she pays damages as well as the money.

Curious George said...

I assume the question that Anderson Cooper failed to ask but should have was "How much should I be workin' the balls?"

Darrell said...

Howard, the bags of dicks are yours as clearly stated. You don't have the intelligence or wit to turn the insult around. That's why the other kids flushed your face in the toilet every day when you were in school. Perhaps your mom even did it. She got to see you early. She should have kicked in your teeth, like Ritmo's mom did. Then you could be a toothless revolutionary, too--instead of just another Leftist asshole.

Caligula said...

Yes indeed, one might reasonably suppose a porn star does it for money. And any porn star with a modicum of intelligence should (like an aging athlete) be looking for, "well, what do I do when my porn career is washed up?" But,

This judgmentalism may be appropriate for porn stars, but few of us are porn stars. And declaring "it's either on the prostitution spectrum or the rape spectrum." is going to put you in some unpleasant company.

One could characterize all sex that is (or remains) less than wildly enthusiastic as some flavor of transactional sex, but, such sex is drearily common in practically everyone's life. And if you call all such sex "on the prostitution spectrum" you're likely to find yourself in pretty much the same neighborhood as Andrea Dworkin (et al).

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Why didn't Cooper ask the tough questions? Sisterhood is powerful.

Ken B said...

Porn stars want to go legit, and get work on TV and movies. Trump was a big star in legitimate TV. She was going along to get along.

langford peel said...

Maybe Anderson could gets some tips on how to give a good blow job.

gadfly said...

The "question that wasn't asked" scenario is a dishonest view of who is at fault here. While it takes two to tango, Trump strayed from his wife when he chose to chase Stormy Daniels. Daniels had a screen personality to sell for the benefit of her popularity in porn movies. On the other hand, our 60-year-old child, Donnie, chooses to live inside his acting personality as his preferred dissociative identity.

“All I have is me, myself and I and we are all getting really tired of each other.”
― Carl R White

Chuck said...

As these comments wind down, I find it so interesting how many questions about so many things have been formulated for Stormy Daniels, and Anderson Cooper and others. When I'd be happy with just one question, to just one person:

"President Trump, did you have sex with Stormy Daniels and then in October of 2016 arrange for her to be paid by Michael Cohen in return for a non-disclosure agreement about the affair?"

What's that answer? Denial? Admission? Partial admission? Something in between?

Because so far, the frustratingly indirect answer given on Trump's behalf is that he denies all of the allegations. So let's get that part clear.

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