March 9, 2018

"President Donald Trump’s lawyers are seeking to negotiate a deal with special counsel Robert Mueller that uses an interview with the president as leverage to spur a conclusion to the Russia investigation..."

"... according to a person familiar with the discussions. The president’s legal team is considering telling Mr. Mueller that Mr. Trump would agree to a sit-down interview based on multiple considerations, including that the special counsel commit to a date for concluding at least the Trump-related portion of the investigation. One idea is to suggest a deadline of 60 days from the date of the interview, the person said."

The Wall Street Journal reports. (Try going in through Drudge if the link doesn't work for you.)


Fabi said...

But what about Stormy Daniels?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Is she a lawyer too?

Gahrie said...

One condition:

The interview is taped, and a copy given to Trump's lawyers.

mockturtle said...

His attorney or attorneys present, I hope.

JohnAnnArbor said...

Never a dull moment with Trump.

rhhardin said...

That's what Scott Adams or somebody suggested. Give him a reasonable deadline to finish and end it.

Darrell said...

Charge Mueller now for his various crimes. Fishing for process crimes is not the American way. There never was any "Russia!" there.

readering said...

Leaky leakers

Howard said...

Everyone walks

hombre said...

That Mueller continues to pursue Trump when the probable cause leads to Democrats is evidence of his bad faith. Trump would be insane to submit to an interview with him or his Democrat button men.

deepelemblues said...

Why make a deal at all? Trump can fire Mueller's disgraceful un-American ass any time he feels like.

Tell Mueller his investigation is over after X more days and that's it. It's a joke, the FBI has been investigating for 20 months and Mueller has been investigating for 10 months and they haven't found jack. The investigation was started by lies, justified by lies, and is only still in operation as a way to drag the president down politically. Trump is 100% correct in calling it a witch hunt.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Why would Trump have to negotiate a speedy end to Mueller's investigation. A truely neutral prosecutor would move a fast as he could to resolve this matter so the guilty can be punished and innocent can get back to their life.

Fabi said...

Turn those investigations back on! Get those people back in here! Sell, Mortimer, sell!

rcocean said...

Too bad the WSJ, like the entire MSM, has ZERO credibility with their "sources familiar with.." anonymous stories.

Is this true? Maybe. Not True? Maybe.

And why is the "Trump portion" of the investigation still on-going? Its been almost a fucking year.

alan markus said...

Sounds like Mueller will be told to shit or get off the pot.

Speaking of shit, where has Igna been lately? By her accord, Trump was going to up for impeachment by now.

rcocean said...

The second the "trump portion" is finished, Trump needs to fire Rosenstein for making this fiasco possible.

Bruce Hayden said...

Despite appearances to the contrary, Mueller’s time is limited, and winding down. Never was any “there” there. A bunch of lefty manufacturered smoke and nothing else. Only thing keeping the investigation going was the politics of firing Mueller. His problem right now is that the shoes are getting ready to drop. The IG is dumping his report this month. AG Sessions yesterday confirmed that out-of-DC DoJ prosecutors are involved, and presumably are work8ng closely with IG Horowitz. They have subpoena power, while he has an army of 500 investigators and attorneys, plus better than a year now of investigating the FISA abuses. A month or so ago, some were questioning why the House committees investigating the DoJ and FBI had requested that a certain set of DoJ and FBI employees be made available. Then, the demand seems to have been quietly dropped, after they met with Sessions. Best bet right now seems to be that the key employees who remain, but have been demoted or reassigned, have been compromised and flipped. We are talking Strzok, Page, Ohr, Priestap, Baker, etc. The funny thing is, each and every one of them has obviously committed crimes, or at least flaunted and broke DoJ and FBI regulations, yet they are still employed, and weren’t allowed to retire. The guess is that IG Horowitz and the prosecution team that Sessions mentioned have them by the balls, and they are squealing. And that the chairs of the Congressional committees investigating these things were essentially told this, which is why they backed off from their demands to interview esp these five.

We shall see.

rcocean said...

I suggest next time Inga posts, all her "fans" ask for her e-mail. Then they ask her to come and post and play "cross-fire".

I'm Full of Soup said...

Trump should give only two weeks to wrap up the Mueller shitshow.

AlbertAnonymous said...

"...according to a person familiar with the discussions. The president’s legal team is considering telling Mr. Mueller that..."

Stopped reading right there. This is pre-news (also known as fake news).

Mike Sylwester said...

Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller has been the worst Special Counsel in US history, and it's likely that he will forever remain the worst.

Mueller does not care a rat's ass that a Special Counsel is supposed to be perceived to be a non-partisan, objective and fair investigator by the broad public.

If anyone wonders how the FBI became such a politicized and disgraced institution, then a huge factor is that Mueller headed the FBI for many recent years.

If Mueller had been an honorable person, he would have refused the nomination to this position. However, his own -- and Rod Rosenstein's -- most important consideration was that he was the one person in the entire world who was most motivated and able to whitewash the FBI in this matter.

Fabi said...

That scenario is in the realm of possibility, Bruce Hayden. I plan to enjoy the punishment phase with vigor.

Dan Hossley said...

Imagine that. Trump wants to negotiate a deal. If Trump is anything, it's consistent.

John Pickering said...

Yep, looks like Mueller's got nothing. Manafort is going to walk next week, after receiving apologies for all the trouble he's been put through and reimbursement of his fees. Gates, he's walking any day now, likely going to get a White House gig. Flynn is walking soon as well, they got nothing on him, nobody cares about lying to the FBI, that's exactly what they are there for. He's coming back to White House soon. Papadopoulos, what a loser coffee-boy, why do people even care? Jared is going to get his security clearance any day now, it's insulting when people insinuate he's more interested in his family fortune than the fortunes of the country. Anyway, what difference does it make, even if he does? What, a guy can't look after his family just because he has a government job? It's not like he's getting paid.
Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller though, those guys are in real trouble. As soon as Trump finds a halfway decent attorney general, they'll be through. Best place for them is Guantanamo, if not summary execution.
Lucky for the country, Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen is really one of the shining stars of his profession. He ought to be able to negotiate this 60-day thing in a flash. Heck, why 60 days? He took care of Stormy Daniels like it was nothing.
Thank God for Ann and her tribe, standing strong to defend the civil rights of Carter Page, Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort. You know what those guys are? PATRIOTS.

FIDO said...

This would be a major mistake to let Mueller try a fishing expedition on record.

Unlike ex President Pantless, there is no smoking gun, there is no stained dress and all we have are associates of Trump being pulled in on Trumped up charges to make them squeal.

I can't see any up side for President Trump on this.

Mark said...

All he would need to do is file charges to get a 6 month or longer extension until trial.

This strategy could backfire.

Drago said...

John Pickering: "Flynn is walking soon as well, they got nothing on him, nobody cares about lying to the FBI, ...."


Someone has not been paying attention....(big surprise)

"Comey Told Congress FBI Agents Didn't Think Flynn Lied"

The purposefully ignorant hardest hit.....

By the way Pickering, whatever happened to that slam dunk sentencing hearing for Flynn?

That thing sure disappeared fast after the corrupt judge Contrereas was replaced.


TWW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Looks like Pickering is really going to have an Inga-level difficult time with the IG's report and the outcome of the FBI Little Rock office reopening the investigation into the Clinton Pay for Play Slush Fund/Scheme.

TWW said...

So Mueller agrees to a 60 day term of investigation but then on day 59 receives new information that may implicate the President...

Are there ethical reasons that Mueller cannot agree to this? Justice does have a timetable, statute of limitations, but it is Congressionally prescribed.

Matt Sablan said...

Is this a better deal than Clinton got?

paminwi said...

Trump should ask for questions in writing BEFORE the interview. Nothing less.
If no written questions-no interview.
Full stop.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Looks like Pickering is really going to have an Inga-level difficult time with the IG's report and the outcome of the FBI Little Rock office reopening the investigation into the Clinton Pay for Play Slush Fund/Scheme.”

I see the mass delusion hasn’t abated.

Matt Sablan said...

I'll believe the IG perp walk fantasies as readily as the Mueller indictment any day fantasies.

mockturtle said...

He should meet with Mueller to tell him, "You're fired!"

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Trump should ask for questions in writing BEFORE the interview.

Written questions and written answers are the only rational thing Trump's attorney would allow him to do.

That's my guess what's going on. How could Mueller promise he'd wrap up the investigation but only if Trump testified. That would make him look horrible. Therefore no agreement and no interview with Trump.

Mark said...

+1 to Matthew Sabian @ 4:38

The Godfather said...

There's been a huge (I guess I should say YUUGE!) number of leaks that have to have come from the DOJ and FBI during (and even before) the Mueller investigation, but I think this one comes from the White House. No way is Mueller going to agree to close up his investigation without a yellow scalp. And no way is Trump going to sit down for an interrogation by Mueller's crew. Trump is doing battlefield prep. After it is leaked that Mueller refused Trump's leaked offer, the stage will be set. When (for example) Trump comes back from Korea with an agreement by the NORKS to denuclearize, and the tickertape parade is over, Trump will announce that the Mueller investigation has been completed, and direct Mueller to file his final report in 30 days.

buwaya said...

" nobody cares about lying to the FBI, that's exactly what they are there for."

Precisely so, going by events of the last several years.
I suggest you get rid of that lot entirely.
Much more trouble than they're worth.

Michael said...

"I see the mass delusion hasn’t abated."

Yes, Texas is turning Democrat, Tillerson is resigning, Trump has been indicted, the election will be overturned.

Jim at said...

I see the mass delusion hasn’t abated. - Inga

A couple weeks away from the blog and this bint still hasn't found any self-awareness.

Take a few more weeks, and use the Althouse Portal to find some.

Bruce Hayden said...

"I'll believe the IG perp walk fantasies as readily as the Mueller indictment any day fantasies."

Probably less so, since the IG apparently doesn't have prosecutorial power. Which is where that outside DC prosecutor comes in.

In any case, you may be right. I may have gotten my hopes up. We shall see. My general feeling is that there is a lot happening behind the scenes, but, again, it could all be just smoke, and no content.

BarrySanders20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FIDO said...

Just give him a budget which includes his salary. Once that money is spent, he's on his own. No more never ending coffers to dip into.

Once he starts passing some other determined time limit, have Sessions start to reassign those assigned to the work. Alaska is nice I hear.

Or Trump could make a few tweets: "It took half the money that Mueller has spent investigating me than it took to find, try and punish John Wayne Gacy" or something similar.

Or "Every day, Mueller spends as much extra money as it takes to clear X rape DNA tests and has less to show for it. Irrational!"

"They nailed Capone quicker than Mueller can find an excuse to why he has nothing."

At this point, normal people are losing patience. Put up or shut up.

Not Inga, of course. For her, the only correct answer to an investigation of Trump is 'guilty', no matter how tenuous the evidence.

She does not want for company in her opinions either.

BarrySanders20 said...

The Germans must have a word for this, right There's A German Word For That?

Wondering if there's a German word for Mueller. Herr Mueller?

John henry said...

Oh shit! This is it. The jig is up!

He's going to confess all, make a plea deal, resign and go to jail!

Then Pence will make Hillary VP and step down. The winner of the popular vote will be sworn in and our long national nightmare will be over.

At least in the wet dreams of folks like the squeamish fascist.

Not in the as ctual real world.

John Henry

Howard said...

Inga's such a tease... holding out for so long until all her mens beg for her to get back in the dance.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Wondering if there's a German word for Mueller.


Anonymous said...

Jim at: A couple weeks away from the blog and this bint still hasn't found any self-awareness.

She hasn't been away, just too disheartened to post, the promised day of rapture having come and gone, impeachment ever receding on the horizon. Not so disheartened as to not keep a sharp eye out for any mention of her name by her avid fan base, though. Having as much self-control as self-awareness, she must respond to any mention.

Bay Area Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bleh said...

Democrats will claim this is more obstruction.

mikesixes said...

The entire special counsel/prosecutor/inquisitor charade is a disgrace. All they ever do is punish their targets by subjecting them to the process. Whether or not any evidence of wrongdoing is discovered the victims of these inquisitions wind up ruined by legal fees. If they're going to continue having these witch hunts they need to allow the targets to hire any lawyer they want at taxpayer expense.

cubanbob said...

I'm still wondering how the so-called collusion was supposed to get several million people in swing states to change their vote from the grifter, criminal and traitor Hillary Clinton to the vulgar carny Donald Trump. Perhaps Pickering and Inga can explain this to me.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Yep, looks like Mueller's got nothing."

What are you talking about? He's got those 13 Russian trolls nailed to a cross. Those Commie bastards best not be sowing any discord in our next election.

gadfly said...

In the 1998 Mike Espy trial, there were 39 separate charges for such things as lying to Independent Counsel Don Smaltz and accepting gifts from companies regulated by the USDA - but tickets to sporting events alone didn't prove that Espy did anything to get the tickets except ask for them. Interestingly, Hillary's buds over at Tyson Foods pleaded guilty and paid $4 million to the Treasury.

But it took a jury to set the record straight in the Espy case and for sure, Trump doesn't want to go anywhere close to a jury where he can be found to be lying under oath. So this whole Friday Filler news piece is a dodge to get the media to quit reporting on Stormy Daniels.

Howard said...

Muller: grind down strong spices to make bad tea palatable

Yancey Ward said...

I am confused- did they tell Mueller this, or are they thinking about telling Mueller this. The more I read that bit, the more it sounds like a leak from Mueller's end, not Trump's, and they wouldn't know shit about what Trump and his lawyers are planning to do.

I still think Trump will never sit for an interview- the offer will be written questions with written answers. If the goal is really to get the very best information, then written questions and answers can't be beat. If the goal is to try for some sort of process crime, then you want it face to face. What do you think Mueller and his team's goal is?

Bay Area Guy said...

Mueller's next big case will be to ascertain Stormy Daniels' cup size. It may take him awhile. Lotta subpoenas, lotta tangential process crimes to pursue.

Jaq said...

Justice does have a timetable, statute of limitations,

What is the “statute of limitations” on “collusion”?

n.n said...

So, Obama spied, Clinton colluded, the DNC denied the nomination to the Jew, and at the Ass's end of the fifth trimester since inauguration, not only are the axis factions fleecing Americans, but they still hope to deem the president unworthy and Plan him.

BarrySanders20 said...

"So this whole Friday Filler news piece is a dodge to get the media to quit reporting on Stormy Daniels."

Does Stormy Daniels change anyone's view of Trump? If so, enough to convince them 1) to finally support impeachment or 2) not to vote for him next time when, absent the Storm, they would have? I dont see it.

But who knows? Maybe Trump is obsessing over the coverage and wanted something else out there. Because direct talks with Li'l Dictator, a/k/a Hu Tu Fat, the cheese-addicted li'l tyrant, isn't a big enough story to divert the media.

Jaq said...

So this whole Friday Filler news piece is a dodge to get the media to quit reporting on Stormy Daniels.

Ha ha ha! So is the whole NORK thing, a gambit to get that damned Stormy ‘The Squirrel’ Daniels off of America’s mind!

Jaq said...

Stormy knows she sold out cheap and now she’s pissed. But Trump paid her asking price, so “The Curse of the Unpaid Whore” doesn’t apply.

Jaq said...

Is it OK to call a “porn star” a whore?

Matt Sablan said...

Exactly what is the issue with Stormy?

Trump gave a woman money to not talk about their affair? I'm pretty sure I had it drilled into me in the 90s that the resident's sex life was none of my business. Even if what he did was unseemly like help his mistress get government jobs or suggest the best way to use ice.

Mark said...

according to a person familiar with the discussions

A person who should be fired and disbarred, if not prosecuted.

At some point, things like this, disclosing confidential information -- or pushing disinformation -- start to poison the well and thereby obstruct justice.

Matt Sablan said...

I'd refuse to testify until the leaks were punished to ensure as has happened to others my testimony wasn't selectively leaked.

Jaq said...

I bet people would rather go back to the old “You can’t drill your way out of dependence on foreign oil and high gas prices, but you can tax your way to prosperity” policies of Obama if only they could get that sweet, misused Stormy Daniels off the front pages!

rcocean said...

Listening to PBS newshour in the car. Needless to say, they aren't concerned about FISA abuse. No to PBS the most important thing is....

Stormy Davis and some "Secret meeting" in the Seychelles between whosit and whatsit which is going to bring down Trump ANY SECOND.

Oh and you got Democrat Hack Mark Shields spewing out DNC talking points and "Conservative" K. Parker agreeing with him.

The media in this country is a J-O-K-E

Jaq said...

New record on the DOW. Up 441 today.

I am sure Beloved will join America in the celebration of historically low black unemployment as well, and the 330K new jobs!

Jaq said...

Mark Shields

Holy crap! He’s still alive? I remember he wrote that song about Jimmy Carter “You can’t buy my love for $50.” That’s going back aways, but I was a young man at the time, he wasn’t.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger rcocean said...

Oh and you got Democrat Hack Mark Shields spewing out DNC talking points and "Conservative" K. Parker agreeing with him.

My local paper rotates through four columnists: Democrats Dana Milbank & Paul Krugman, and "conservatives" George Will and Kathleen Parker. Yesterday's featured editorial, by George Will, was titled "Trump’s tariffs express his adolescent delight in executive swagger".
So 100% of the editorials are virulently anti-Trump. The sidebar editorials are either Saint Louis Post-Dispatch of WaPo, so they are 100% anti-Trump as well.
You read nothing in the local paper at all that will tell you how Trump managed to get half the voters to pull the lever for him, or why Trump has an approval rating in the 40's. It is a fundamental failure of the duty of the press to inform.

Matt Sablan said...

I don't even like Trump. But at least I acknowledge reality. Something a lot of journalists should do.

bolivar di griz said...

Its a little better with my fishwrap, we occasionally get David harsanyi, a sometimes trump supporter.

bolivar di griz said...

Yes nark shields is about 90 now, his expertise was as a Dem political consultant with rhr track record of the Cleveland Indians.

bolivar di griz said...

Is their any verifiable news that the journal carers to report, same for bozos or Carlos slims

bolivar di griz said...

That was clearly a rhetorical question, of course not.

bolivar di griz said...

From isikoffs bag of kitty litter.

mockturtle said...

Rcocean observes: Oh and you got Democrat Hack Mark Shields spewing out DNC talking points and "Conservative" K. Parker agreeing with him.

Remember their 'conservative' used to be David Brooks. And prior to that, David Gergen. Sad.

Michael K said...

Get those people back in here! Sell, Mortimer, sell!

It must be leap year. I agree with ARM although maybe not for the reason he thinks.

Mueller has got nothing except a process against Flynn which will not hold up.

He did manage to bankrupt Flynn but that might be temporary as I think Flynn might have a good case against Sally Yates.

Mueller is about out of material and will have to start inventing.

Interesting times, as they say.

Drago said...

mockturtle: "Remember their 'conservative' used to be David Brooks. And prior to that, David Gergen"


You could cause LLR Chuck to become"excited".....

Drago said...

Michael K: "Mueller is about out of material and will have to start inventing."

The Flynn charge was invented given the FBI interviewing agents (one of whom was dem operative Strzok himself) stated in their interview notes that Flynn had not lied.

After Mueller got his team of dem hacks together however they "reinterpreted" Flynn's answer for the indictment and then threatened to go after Flynn's son to get Michael Flynn to plead guilty.

And now that the newer judge who replace obama hack FISA/District Judge Contrereas ordered Mueller and his hacks to cough up all exculpatory evidence to the defense team I'm betting that little old guilty plea is going to be withdrawn and the charges thrown out.

After which Flynn will have a cause of action against the lefty/dem/LLR hacks.

Big Mike said...

I wasn’t going to comment on this one, but I wish to say this. There is so much bullshit running around masquerading as news (Tillerson was going to quit or be fired last December — it’s mid-March and he’s still Secretary of State, Nikki Haley and Trump had an affair — no they didn’t, Barron Trump is retarded — no he isn’t) that my going in position is that anything the news media say or write about Trump is a lie unless Trump confirms it himself. So we shall see.

bolivar di griz said...

What they are doing is picking up signals from an alternative universe and writing it down, a little like elan mastai all our yesterdays.

Narayanan said...

I can't figure out if Mueller is honest or shyster ... Is there litmus for lawyer?

bolivar di griz said...

Back in the quaint 90s, there was actually three judge panel, one situation this sort of resembles was Henry Cisneros he was the golden boy Latino mayor of San Antonio the position Julian Castro holds now. Then he became had secretary where in his brief tenure did as much to sabotage the housing markets anyways it was discovered he had paid off his mistress.

bolivar di griz said...

Yes, but he is the latter, if he was even incidentally neutral he would get some things right.

n.n said...

picking up signals from an alternative universe

From the twilight fringe a.k.a. "penumbra". Their faith (e.g. conflation of logical domains) and religion (i.e. selective, opportunistic, and congruent) can be traced and justified by messages received (perceived?) from that hazy space. Not the least of which are the wicked solutions, witch and warlock hunts, social justice adventures, etc.

EsoxLucius said...

If Pumpkin Spice couldn't close a deal with a porn star, he should give up with the FBI. Then his boss Putin will poison him, and we'll be rid of this joke. Proshchay, you robot traitors.

eddie willers said...

anything the news media say or write about Trump is a lie unless Trump confirms it himself.

That's my position too.

Gk1 said...

Why can't Trump get the same treatment that Hillary got when the FBI "interviewed" her? Have Trump and all his other supposed "co-conspirators" in the same room and then they can all agree what version actually happened and then Mueller can add the final edit to a report he had started 8 months ago exonerating Trump of all wrong doing. Seems fair to me.

Jaq said...

“robot traitors”

Is there anything you guys won’t believe about Trump and his supporters? Does it hurt that much for you guys to lose an election?

traditionalguy said...

Another Trump positioning move. Everybody wants this kangaroo court farce to end. So Trump refuses to testify/be interviewed unless the Circus is ended on a date certain. Now when Mueller says no, then the Public is on Trump's side when trump says no testimony/interview.

Want to play a game?

n.n said...

the same treatment that Hillary got when the FBI "interviewed" her

Yes. He should have a chance to destroy any tapes and other forensic evidence, and WaPoo (globalist) should run cover for him in the public space, while NYT (Mexican) persists to influence our elections.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I found this article to be illuminating:
It's by a guy named Lee Smith. Smith describes "how the sausage is made", e.g., how intelligence bureaucrats have weaponized our "free" press in their war against Trump. Bottom line is that journalists are allowing themselves to be used as cutouts to publish stories that are essentially written by sources; and journalists have abandoned their standards to the point where they use anonymous leaks as the primary source (and sometimes the only source) for stories about the Trump administration.

Gospace said...

Gk1 said...
Why can't Trump get the same treatment that Hillary got when the FBI "interviewed" her? Have Trump and all his other supposed "co-conspirators" in the same room and then they can all agree what version actually happened and then Mueller can add the final edit to a report he had started 8 months ago exonerating Trump of all wrong doing. Seems fair to me.

Can't decide- is this Blog Comment of the Day or of the Month?

Birkel said...

Oh, good! Another Wall Street Journal reporter was involved with Fusion GPS / Hillary Clinton / The Obama White House.

Chuck assures me they are conservative at the WSJ. After learning so many WSJ alums worked for Felonia von Pantsuit, one does begin to question if Chuck knows what the word conservative means.

Drago said...

Birkel: "After learning so many WSJ alums worked for Felonia von Pantsuit, one does begin to question if Chuck knows what the word conservative means."

LLR Chuck knows what "conservative" needs to mean to advantage the democrats, and he runs with that.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The reporter mentioned in the Tablet article (Adam Entous), has since moved on to the New Yorker. By no stretch of the imagination if the New Yorker a conservative magazine. The WSJ is all over the place -- its editorials tend to be corporate conservative, i.e., pro growth, pro tax cuts, but also pro open borders. The straight news section is as biased in its politics as any MSM media outfit.

Birkel said...

Lewis Wetzel,
By my lights the WSJ is worse because it pretends at conservatism. It is the perfect paper for pro-Big Government, pro-regulatory capture, pro-cheap imports (including people) Chamber of Commerce morons.

It is the house conservative of the newspaper world.

And now we learn that it was a lie. A terrible lie. A lie in service of Democrats, including Hillary! Clinton.

It represents conservatism inside the Leftist Collectivist bubnle. They care not for anybody outside the Acela Corridor.

Gk1 said...

Lewis I read that same article in tabletmag and it makes total sense the more revelations that unfold every week. It reminds me very much what happened to GW in 2005 onward with "anonymous" CIA leaks painting the worst light possible on the bushies, Iraq and Afghanistan. What was puzziling was the CIA was very much for the Iraqi war before they were against it. When you see assholes like John Brennan thriving there it is not really surprising they would try a coup against trump.

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