"'He expressed his eagerness to meet President Trump as soon as possible,” [said Chung Eui-yong, a South Korean official] at the White House on Thursday evening after meeting the president. Mr. Trump, he said, agreed to 'meet Kim Jong-un by May to achieve permanent denuclearization.' Mr. Trump expressed his optimism about the meeting in a post on Twitter, saying that Mr. Kim had 'talked about denuclearization with the South Korean Representatives, not just a freeze.... Also, no missile testing by North Korea during this period of time... Great progress being made but sanctions will remain until an agreement is reached. Meeting being planned!'"
The NYT reports.
Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?
Is this a "Nixon Goes to China" event? Who knows... but a lot of tweets can go out between now and May.
But if Trump pulls off a deal that has serious monitoring and enforcement and gets rid of the NORK's nukes... whoah.
The "deal" has already been made, U.S. Grant style. Kim is just acknowledging he has nothing left.
Kim Jong Un: They’re arranging a meeting in Brooklyn. Tessio’s ground, where I’ll be ‘safe.’
I smell a Nobel Peace Prize.
( for Kim, of course, right before he reneges. )
"Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?"
No chance, none. The press is all-in on the other side. Which side? The other side, no matter where that is.
"Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?"
So, is the deserved support for us to be primed w/ massive skepticism since the North Koreans have already made this exact play w/ Bubba and W?
Or, is the media supposed to snow the American population. They should push a 'Fool me thrice, shame on...shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again, again, again, again'?
Got it.
Un just wants to size Trump up. His father and he have had the upper hand over Clinton, Bush and Obama. Trump isn’t acting like them and I believe he just wants to meet Trump to understand him better. I don’t think there’ll be an agreement either.
"Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?"
Nice that you asked, but no way.
In answer to your question, no! It’s more important for the Democrats to carry out their plan to destroy the Trump presidency than any deal that they think will still be there when they take power.
The resistance, so-called, can bitch all it wants, but this guy Trump is getting stuff done. This is real movement on the NK front, a front that Clinton and Albright in particular appeased so that the can could be kicked even further down the road, a tactic that Bush followed. And the One’s performance was beyond pathetic. Maybe nothing will come of this proposed meeting, but it certainly is something new.
DTJ is showing real leadership in the Mid-East, on tax reform, on dealing with our so-called allies, and on and on.
Correction: March 8, 2018
An earlier version of this article misstated the country with which the United States will take part in joint military exercises. It is South Korea, not North Korea.
Layers of editors.
They’re arranging a meeting in Brooklyn. Tessio’s ground, where I’ll be ‘safe.’
I always figured that when he had his uncle killed, he said “We always knew it was you, Fredo!”
How many times has a North Korean Dictator approached the President of the United States to discuss peace?
More times than just now.
Vicki from Pasadena
The talks will be on the details of reunification, disclosure of the secrets of the Obama-Iranian Deal and the disposition of his hoard of U-235 that came from the massive Clinton-Putin bribe scheme.
So we don’t need to talk with a guy who can nuke Japan and start WWIII because it would reflect well on Trump if the talks succeeded, and that can NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN!
The crazy POTUS in Infinite Jest, written in the ‘90s, BTW, put together a coalition of HRC supporters on the left, and Rush Limbaugh supporters on the right, and he had three principles of leadership, which one can imagine Trump counting off on his stubby fingers: “Gamesmanship, brinksmanship, statesmanship.”
1. China must have cut off his oil and nat gas.
2. Hilarious to watch CNN and MSNBC downplay and criticize this when Obama and Hillary got ZERO down on this issue.
Unlike all of the liberals here, I don’t pretend to see the future, but it’s pretty funny to see them all in favor of not holding discussions with a guy who has 10,000 artillery tubes pointed at Seoul this very minute, and whose balls we have in a vice, and whose regime is possibly on the brink of complete collapse. Remember how East Germany fell, and the Berlin Wall, the moment everybody there looked at each other and realized that they all fucking hated the commies.
Scott Adams has the right of this one.
1) Kim _needs_ nukes. They are his guarantee that no one will start up with him. Read about Gaddafi if you doubt this.
2) Therefore, the way to get him to give up the nukes is to give him what he needs them for. He wants to be safe and honored. Offer him that, in earnest. He can be king of North and South Korea, the ceremonial leader. Just let the country and the military go, and get rid of the nukes completely.
3) Make it clear that he can really have that, and make it clear that we are going to get rid of him if he doesn't because we have no choice.
adSs: "So, is the deserved support for us to be primed w/ massive skepticism since the North Koreans have already made this exact play w/ Bubba and W?"
It's adorable how you "forgot" to include obama in that little comment.
adSs: "Or, is the media supposed to snow the American population. They should push a 'Fool me thrice, shame on...shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again, again, again, again'?"
It would be nice if the media actually admitted that we were fooled under Bubba. Instead, as I recall, the media hyped the "fact" that Bubba "solved" the North Korean "problem" at least twice.
And always just in time to support the dem narratives in the upcoming elections.
”Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?"
They’d rather we lost a city or two.
If you accept the basic assumptions of Scott Adam’s analysis of Trump’s’ methods, this development is entirely predictable.
Game theory suggests that we have to find a way to remove him. China must believe the same thing. Sure they want to be protected in the future from any further imperialist adventures by the West, given their history, but surely they won’t give up their unbelievable wealth for a war they probably don’t even think they will ever have a need to fight.
Kim is a fly in China's ointment who has long since outlived his utility to them. Not to mention that the logic of “will Washington risk Los Angeles for Tokyo?” argues for nuclearization of the whole region by the Western-allied powers there. It won’t take them decades either, more like months, and the missiles will work and hit what they are aimed at.
Secret ambassador Dennis Rodman succeeds.
"Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?"
Not only will that not happen, much of the media will actively work to undermine the prospects of anything good happening, working with their allies in academia and in the federal bureaucracy, who will selectively leak like the proverbial sieve.
It's all about the 2018 and 2020 elections. By comparison they don't give a rat's ass about heading off nuclear war and threats. To do otherwise would be a complete dismissal of everything they have stood for and acted upon for since at least Bush v. Gore. Ain't gonna happen.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Thursday voiced support for President Trump’s decision to meet with Kim Jong Un while warning the North Korean leader against attempts to “play” Trump. “The worst possible thing you can do is meet with President Trump in person and try to play him. If you do that, it will be the end of you -- and your regime,” - The Hill
Miss Lindsey speaks!
“Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?”
Wash your mouth out.
The WaPo and the New York Slimes are going to have a tough time dealing with this development. Stay tuned for what they have to say.
Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?
You have one Hell of a sense of humor for law professor!
Keep in mind that Kim had major outside help to go from old medium range missiles carrying old fission devices that seldom worked right, to suddenly demonstrating H-Bombs in Miniturized Warheads carried on 7,000+ mile ICBMs, all of which happened in 18 months.
After ousting the American Traitor, going by the name Obama, and his succesor Clinton in January 2017, Trump could sign Presidential orders for his team cutting off the power of Norks outside help. He then pre-negotiated this surrender by Kim during his trip to Asia three months ago. Since then Kim has been working with Trump and helped stage that Hiwaiian Islands Missile launch alert that was used to gain POTUS' forces entry into the new super secured CIA facility Obama built in Hawaii. This got POTUS the codes needed to eliminate Kim's helpers' systems allover the world. From then on "only Trump's button worked."
In short Trump's recent war actually has been on the CIA'sglobal bases. And to quote Andy Jackson about the anti-Jackson cabal that he had to face in 1832, " The Bank tried to kill me, but I am going to kill it first."
Unlike Obama, it appears Trump may actually earn his Nobel Peace Prize.
He then pre-negotiated this surrender by Kim during his trip to Asia three months ago.
I dont know about any of what’s in your post, but it was pretty weird that Obama was following Trump around Asia telling people to hold on, that Trump would be gone soon.
Now that this whole thing is in motion, if it fails, the pressure on Japan and South Korea to nuke up is going to be immense.
Will Obama return his Nobel?
Donald J. Trump - Peacemaker.
Today happens to be the 35th anniversary of Reagan's evil empire speech, which the likes of tony Lewis had agita about not to mention strobe talbott.
Yes that Obama tour was indeed really weird.
And thats not the only weird thing either.
One day, after most of us commenting here are dead, someone is going to explain all this.
Whoa! No lib yet to say this is a ploy to distract from Stormy Gun Control?
History does tend to rhyme
Re duterte he dorsn mimic Marcos, then again seeing how feckless our alliances are I wouldn't blame him.
I suspect the question about Obama's Nobel Prize is whether or not he will be allowed take it with him to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, where he will soon be taken to be held and tried by Military Tribunal on Treason charges.
They should meet in Hiroshima.
Lil Kim said that denuclearization was a dream of his father.
This is all the info necessary for you to know that North Korea is serious about denuclearizing. Kin Jon Un has turned denuclearization into a point of honor - which means that refusing to do will be seen as a DISHONOR to his father.
Which is the single worst thing a Korean can do in their society.
Nobel Peace Prize imminent.
This is hilarious.
The man and the moment have met. We are witnessing a Churchillian event of historical significance. There is no living person who is better positioned to make a good deal for America and end North Korea's nuclear program than Donald Fucking Trump. He was born for this.
Or maybe not. You never know what's gonna happen.
Could it be Kim was waiting for Honorable US president!!
By morning the Press will have a narrative and talking points saying how bad this is. They are not capable of seeing anything good from PDT.
"They should meet in Hiroshima."
Good one!
Duterte is a very different character than Marcos.
For one he is way less smooth, and not devoted to scheming. Duterte does his thing because he enjoys it. His antics are an end, not a means to an end. He is not a builder of political syndicates like Marcos. He is an accidental president. Marcos had everything planned and organized.
It doesnt mean that he wont do self-serving things. But I don't think he has it in him to come up with a Marcos-scale system of corruption, and so far he hasn't started. And he's 72. At that age Marcos was dead.
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
'Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone
"Rocket Man", Elton John (1972)
I cant wait to see how LLR Chuck spins this as Kim Jong Un being a great leader and Trump just being a spectator to history...
Or as George W. would say, denuculerize.
Trump has to be willing to walk out like Reagan and play hardball. He can't be like Obama and be so darned eager for a deal that he's willing to pay them to get it.
Who would win in a Democrats-only election for President between Kim and Trump?
Is there anyone on the planet who would lose to Trump among Democrats?
To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.
Trump is an apostate democrat. That's why he's so despised.
You want irony personified, you mention who got us to this precarious point
Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?
No. They are the Mob now, an automaton, no individuation. Here's @NPR tonight, an excellent example, they turned up their snitty nose and talked about how impossible it will be for this administration to do all the diplomatic work entailed, why they are terribly behind in getting the staff they need anyway, and now this?
I was laughing and arguing at them in the car until I just had to switch to the classic station.
Godspeed, America
I was at the gym and saw the reaction of the CNN "experts" after the South Korean official walked off the podium after making the announcment and they all looked like they ate a bad oyster. They then proceeded to try to crap on it and how it wouldn't work but you could tell it hurt like getting socked in the gut. It hurt them to blurt out even a modicum of approval. Sad!
CNN's Erin Burnet said this news makes Trump an undeniably great President. Somebody needs to hire her armed security to get her home safe. That was crossing a red line at Clinton News Network.
It is a BOOM of a story. Now, how many more like it are coming?
Be honest leftoids, you don't want this to work.
Another case of "Chardonnay" arrives Chez Hil'.
The folks who have missed the boat, forever:
"Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?"
Reasonable question, but the answer is going to be no.
Toothless' retracts his rope ladder, Tupperware's the shit to fling another day.
Chuck cracks a walnut with his clenched sphincter.
Kim will get the Nobel Peace Prize, and a trip to Disney World; Trump will be impeached, and be sent to Leavenworth. Trump also threatened nuclear war, so he should die in prison for crimes against humanity. That's what my crystal ball is telling me.
Maybe Disney will open a theme park in NK.
This is the result of Trumps declaration of trade sanction piece with China.
Or peace
Trumpit projectile vomits per usual.
But since Obama devalued the Nobel to toilet paper, might be possible.
Trumpit makes Clinton hating look like a mild disphoria compared to her soul sucking (That would be her own soul) hatred of Trump.
steve uhr: "Maybe Disney will open a theme park in NK."
Mr Toad's Wild Execution
Trumpit: "Kim will get the Nobel Peace Prize, and a trip to Disney World"
Lets see:
1) communist totalitarian: check
2) mass murderer: check
3) enslaves entire nation: check
4) murders political opponents: check
5) controls all information flow: check
Whats not to love from a leftist point of view?
A nobel prize for the commie is definitely possible from the nobel committee, if not probable.
Trump's going to get himself a Nobel Peace Prize!
Baby steps.
(Sorry, I couldn't resist..)
If Trump can pull this off, and NK gives up it's nukes, the media will charge Trump with collusion not just with Russia, but North Korean as well. You know they will.
bagoh20 said...
Who would win in a Democrats-only election for President between Kim and Trump?
Is there anyone on the planet who would lose to Trump among Democrats?
3/8/18, 10:26 PM
You know democrats would vote for Putin, Assad, and the ayatollah khomaniac before they'd pull the lever for DJT. The question is: in all history, is there anyone democrats would not support just to spite Donald Trump? Pretty sure progs think he's worse than Hitler, and they love Stalin and Mao. Andrew Jackson- he's in the historical hysteria sights these days, maybe him, if he owned slaves. Otherwise, Trump's still worse.
Punch cartoon, two pigs
Maurice: Don't go in there, Alphonse! It's a poke!
Alphonse: But Maurice, there's garbage in there!
Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?
A wise leader does not need or desire the support of frauds and poseurs. Fuck 'em.
The crisis we face is the predictable result of corruption (Clinton), foolhardy optimism (G. W. Bush), and criminal neglect (Obama). Trump is wiser and more energetic than any President since Reagan.
MSNBC this morning: North Korea Meeting Distracts From Porn Star.
There’s your answer.
I've lost track of the porn star scandal. Is it one or two of them? Ambiguous headline glimpses.
Who cares about nuclear disarmament -- Trump said "shithole" countries!
"Chuck cracks a walnut with his clenched sphincter."
Then complains about the taste. Oh, and Trump's lies.
All the people who couldn't actually accomplish anything on this front are now out assuring everyone that this is both inconsequential and a coup, for NK. In any event, Trump will screw it up, somehow. He doesn't have the staff, it takes months to prepare for negotiations, etc, etc, etc. One article I saw mentioned that before the Iran negotiations they had a 100 page draft outlining what the wanted to discuss in the talks. I wondered what paragraph had "illegally ship billions of dollars in cash as a bribe" in it.
Not discussed is that this didn't happen in a vacuum. If SK sent a delegation to the WH to tell the POTUS that NK wanted to talk with him, he damn well knew that was what they were coming for. And the decision to accept was already made. Otherwise the SK delegation wouldn't have come, what would be the point? And if the decision was made to talk that means that some kind of deal is already on the table. I know its a matter of faith to people on the left that Trump is a stupid buffoon, but negotiating is what he does. Publicity is what he does. He is going to want some kind of deal that is advantageous to him before he publicly agrees to a meeting.
I would point out that the NK military is in bad shape. Soldiers stationed on the DMZ are going to be some of the best fed and cared for soldiers in their military and the most politically reliable. Yet a NK soldier on the DMZ risked his life to defect and was found to be malnourished and have intestinal parasites. Dictators that cannot feed their militarizes end up deposed.
Trump is making the job of president look easy.
"in all history, is there anyone democrats would not support just to spite Donald Trump?"
a rail splitter from Springfield Illinois
a harness store clerk from Galena
a failed banker from ohio that then became the dean of LSU
but that's about it
I would also like to point out that in the past the pattern was that NK would saber rattle until SK and the US came to joint talks. They would then agree to make nice in exchange for food aid which would be granted for humanitarian reasons. That's not happening this time. Instead Trump is tightening sanctions. Wow, its almost like you get more of the behavior you reward and less if you discourage it somehow.
Trump better get someone to test its food for poison
The president never eats food that isn't prepared by US personel.
"Trump better get someone to test its food for poison."
Stormy Daniels?
Stormy "The Squirrel" Daniels.
Hatred does that to a person.
Stormy Daniels, just from the pics, looks high maintenance.
Meaning, if Stormy is in the house, she's always the crisis.
"Dictators that cannot feed their militarizes end up deposed. "
And eaten.
Nuance is nice, but it still comes down to a carrot and a stick.
"Trump better get someone to test its food for poison"
Meet Kim at a random McDonalds.
No, Vicki, this has never happened before. His father and grandfather never offered to meet in person with "the Great Satan." Kim Jong'un is now the cult leader, and this will indeed be very different - if it comes off.
It is difficult to see that it will. If the Fat Kid eases his grip on the country ever so little, his own people will tear him and his generals to shreds.
If he is seen sitting across the table from Trump and "negotiating" with him like another mortal, I don't know how he is going to explain that to his people, and I don't know how he will keep them from hearing about it one way or another.
@ Hagar
Maybe Kim could tell his people the US caved in fear of NK missiles. If their lives improve they won't hate Kim and want to go back to eating grass.
"I've lost track of the porn star scandal. Is it one or two of them?"
Have you seen Stormy Daniels' bosoms? There are definitely two.
Blogger Kevin said...
"MSNBC this morning: North Korea Meeting Distracts From Porn Star."
Did they use the phrase "wag the dog"?
Maybe Kim could tell his people the US caved in fear of NK missiles.
If the U.S. caved, why are we still living like this?
It won't wash.
Trump is 10x any president since Reagan.
He does what he says and keeps his promises.
Economy, jobs, foreign policy...
And he can handle people like Rocket Runt.
Blogger Kevin said...
"MSNBC this morning: North Korea Meeting Distracts From Porn Star."
FullMoon said...
Whoa! No lib yet to say this is a ploy to distract from Stormy Gun Control?
3/8/18, 9:32 PM Delete
Did they use the phrase "wag the dog"?
Probably saving it for Rachel to Madsplain it to her audience this evening.
We need to keep a close watch on Iran-North Korea relations in any case.
"Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?"
Heavens, no! They've declared which side they're on; it's out in the open now. As Insty says, it all becomes clear when you realize that they're Democrat operatives with by-lines.
If the U.S. caved, why are we still living like this?
It won't wash.
North Korea used to be able to get away with telling its people that Americans were poor and miserable and the North Korea's standard of living exceeded any other nation on earth.
Here is a NK propaganda films.
Listening to unapproved media, such as SK radio or television, is forbidden and if you are caught you get to go to a "work" camp. Conditions at the work camps are so bad that people frequently attempt suicide. Its estimated that perhaps 1000 people total have access to the Internet officially.
Its getting harder to maintain the facade though. People close to the Chinese border can use smuggled smart phones to get access to the Internet and SK organizations float CDs over NK using balloons.
Kim will never, ever, give up his nukes. He will pause long enough to get some free stuff from the free world and then BOOM, another nuke test.
This the third or fouth time we’ve seen this movie.
Fellow Trumpists, take off the party hats, this ia a trap!
"Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?"
You're joking, right?
We might wanna pump the brakes a bit.
John Bolton has been skeptical for months.
Must we reconsider that important deal that Obama made with Iran, including the dirty back-channel stuff? I do believe that Trump re-certified.
Did Trump ever respond to the overt threats made by the Big Rocket Man? Mockery and name calling?
If the Fat Kid shows up at Panmunjom to "negotiate," he has to offer something, even if it is so outlandish that it will be immediately rejected out of hand.
Then what has he won?
I have no idea where this is going, but it seems to be a very risky move on the Kim family's part. I think it may be well to wait and see what else comes to light before getting overly excited, one way or the other.
"Peace for our time"
Hope and Change
There is also the danger that Kim makes an outlandish offer or demand, counting on it to be rejected, and Trump says, "Sure! No problem!"
Then what does he do?
Deng Xiaoping did some of that to the U.S. negotiating team and quite took the wind out of their sails; like when they demanded he let some Chinese students come to the U.S. to study at U.S. colleges, and Deng said, "Sure! How many do you want? 5 million? 10? 20?"
Not quite the same thing, of course, but negotiating with The Donald, who knows how he might respond to whatever you propose?
Kim has a problem with his pee pee.
All the Nork docs tell him the only option is to cut it off.
Kim sees seventy-plus-year-old Trump having Stormy Daniels problems and he thinks, Wow. I need to talk to Trump's doctor. So he calls for talks.
Trump's doctor examines Kim and tells him, "No No! No need for amputation. Your pee pee will fall off all by it's self."
I guess the NYT editorial in praise of this move is not enough for you-- or runs counter to your current narrative?
Steve Uhr: 300 comments from you over the years...all with no content. That has to be some form of record.
I'm honored that you have wasted so much time reading all my content-less comments. Don't you have a day job?
MSPMS just led the noon CST time slot with 20 minutes of the Make America Horny Again tour, aka Stormy Daniels. Then onto the NORKS and how President Trump has no experience and cant be expected to negotiate against KIM because reasons The played about 5 clips of people that have grave concerns. Strange nothing from the Media for the 1st hour after the announcement and even the left was universally almost struck dumb by this stunning victory for our President
Can the press denuclearize a bit and give Trump the support this effort deserves?
To ask this question is to reveal … political naivete? Willful blindness? Playful sarcasm? Take your pick, readers.
As for the “press,” neo-Marxist Post-Modernists gotta be neo-Marxist Post-Modernists. The educators in the major universities have been turning them out into the “press” and other societal institutions since the sixties. Hate America oriented anti-American indoctrination - that’s what our “educators” have been up to for the past 50 years.
Jim Howard said...
Kim will never, ever, give up his nukes. He will pause long enough to get some free stuff from the free world and then BOOM, another nuke test.
This the third or fouth time we’ve seen this movie.
Fellow Trumpists, take off the party hats, this ia a trap!
3/9/18, 8:54 AM
And the best part is, Trump is not prepared for this, because he's stupid and he's never seen this drama play out before. So he certainly hasn't made any plans taking KJU's recalcitrance into consideration. Ol' Kim sure has an opportunity here to derail this Presidency we don't like! Hopefully they'll have a big war that doesn't kill any NYT readers.
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