২৫ মার্চ, ২০১৮

"Many lawyers and top law firms want to represent me in the Russia case...don’t believe the Fake News narrative that it is hard to find a lawyer who wants to take this on."

"Fame & fortune will NEVER be turned down by a lawyer, though some are conflicted. Problem is that a new...... ....lawyer or law firm will take months to get up to speed (if for no other reason than they can bill more), which is unfair to our great country - and I am very happy with my existing team. Besides, there was NO COLLUSION with Russia, except by Crooked Hillary and the Dems!"

Trump tweets this morning, here and here — as we're hearing the news (NYT) that Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing will not be joining Trump's special counsel legal team.

That one sentence — "Fame & fortune will NEVER be turned down by a lawyer, though some are conflicted" — makes it sound as though he knows he needs to take a legal position that challenges the limits of professional ethics! How is that smart? Whether it's true or not, why say that? Lawyers are just a bunch of money-grubbing fame-seekers! Why say that when he's going to need us to credit his lawyers? Is there some secret "genius" reason? Like... he's really casting aspersions on the lawyers who are out to get him, Mueller and company?

ADDED: I guess Trump wrote "some are conflicted" because, according to Trump’s personal lawyer, Jay Sekulow, quoted at the NYT link, they had "conflicts" that "prevent" them from "joining the president’s special counsel legal team." But why did he write "some [lawyers] are conflicted" instead of something more like "some lawyers have conflicts" or, better "some lawyers have conflicts of interest." To my ear, the locution to be conflicted connotes a struggle within the individual, drawn in 2 directions by competing concerns — such as, on one side, a desire for fame and money and on the other side ethical objections. The way Trump wrote, it sounds as though lawyers are feeling ambivalent about working for him, not that they have clients or business interests that present a conflict of interest.

২৩২টি মন্তব্য:

232 এর 1 – থেকে 200   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
rhhardin বলেছেন...

Joe DiGenova sounds good on the goings-on

via Maggie's Farm

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

He’s saying what the Average Joe assumes, not what Trump knows to be true. It’s the whole point of using Twitter.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Althouse is assuming the wrong sort of conflict I think.
That of bucking the culture and interests of their class would seem to be the more likely problem. As in the case of Dershowitz no longer getting invited anywhere.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Fame & fortune will NEVER be turned down by a lawyer, though some are conflicted" — makes it sound as though he knows he needs to take a legal position that challenges the limits of professional ethics!

Not to me. It sounds like he's saying lawyers even with a conflict of interest will take on the case because there's fame and fortune.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Gratuitous shot at lawyers. Check.

Distracting from the AstroTurf event the DNC and the billionaires dumped millions of dollars into this weekend. Check.

Hillary and democrats were the ones colluding with Russia. Check.

The press will cover it because they think Ann has a point. Check.


readering বলেছেন...

I guewss Ted Olson had a conflict. Back when he was just a businessman top firms turned him down because he had a reputation for getting into fee fights. And he demanded lesser trims give him breaks of fees because of supposed promotional value of saying he was a client.

readering বলেছেন...

Damn autocorrect.

Ron Nelson বলেছেন...

I had a different take on "conflicted": Trump is referring to legal ethics and the bar against representing different clients with conflicting interests. The DC bar has many clients with ties to persons or entities that are or may be in conflict with Trump's legal interests. This restricts the pool of attorneys that can sign on to his team.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Trump is referring to legal ethics and the bar against representing different clients with conflicting interests. "

I agree. DC is so inbred everyone has a conflict unless you are part of the Administrative State.

Murph বলেছেন...

I read "conflicted" with the same meaning as Ron N. -- that many lawyers would be conflicted OUT, in the legal ethics sense. We've seen instances where, although any one lawyer may not be individually conflicted out, if his firm has represented any client that may be the subject of conflict, he's not going to take the case. At least, that's how I understand the situation - but IANAL, do what do I really know?

Murph বলেছেন...

* SO what do I really know?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

That one sentence — "Fame & fortune will NEVER be turned down by a lawyer, though some are conflicted" — makes it sound as though he knows he needs to take a legal position that challenges the limits of professional ethics! How is that smart? Whether it's true or not, why say that?

Where the hell have you been, lady? He's been doing this for a year or two now.

Lawyers are just a bunch of money-grubbing fame-seekers! Why say that when he's going to need us to credit his lawyers?

This Trump asshole really is doing all he can to debase your "profession" as much as he can, as if it could be debased any further.

Your Trump posts are a fascinating glimpse into the post-fact/post-truth mind. All anyone has to know or read about Trump has already been put out there by David Cay Johnston - former Distinguished Visiting Lecturer at the Syracuse University of Law. I've been saying this for at least a month now. He got the goods on everything that this Trump criminal's about - going as far back as he could, and avoided a lawsuit every time. That's how thoroughly researched he is. Everything he investigated about this mobster wanna-be is so well fact-checked that not even Trump's army of professional legal intimidators can touch him; it's just that it took the media forever to catch on, and they're still not even really catching on.

If you still have even a shred of respect for the law at all then you owe his books a read - or at least one of his many hour-long interviews in a number of decent forums a view. It won't kill you to actually know the factually well-founded findings about what Trump is all about from a legal, investigative standpoint. Put down your addiction to his self-induced circus spectacle for a single goddamn minute and just look into a single fact or two about this liar for once. You are spinning yourself into his own vortex, but the bottom of what the narcissist stares into is always an abyss. If it weren't for the many good folks and interesting scenery caught in it you'd see that emptiness staring right back up at you.

Achilles বলেছেন...

TTR is still flinging spittle.

Your little Nazi gun grabbing fest is already peetering out. It takes millions of dollars for the globalists to fund your little fascist parties.

They also know it will do poorly in elections so they need people to forget by November.

Your little stalinist friends are certainly "well researched."

Too funny.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Fired deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, an Obama holdover, admitted that some of his answers to investigators “were not fully accurate,” and blamed it on his being “confused and distracted.” “Some of my answers were not fully accurate,” McCabe confessed in a Washington Post op-ed. “At worst, I was not clear in my responses, and because of what was going on around me, may well have been confused and distracted — and for that I take full responsibility.

Yes, like the old Nixon bit, McCabe takes "responsibility... but not the blame!"

tcrosse বলেছেন...

What if TTR threw a flame war and nobody came ?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Donald Trump's own quote on Johnson (included on the back cover of his latest book) says it all. Talk about a giveaway:

"I know the reporter is a weird dude who's been following me for 25 years so obviously he hasn't done so well. He's been following me in a negative fashion for 25 years, always a hit. And I'm president, so he hasn't done a very good job."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

TTR is still flinging spittle.

I think they're called "facts," actually.

Go read Johnston. I challenge you to rebut a single one of his facts.

(Oh wait, that might require something called "reading" - a skill that would require you to learn about something other than hydroponic weed cultivation and androgenic steroid synthesis).

Just stop sucking Trump's dick and start accepting the facts over the image. Take his dick out of your mouth and read for a change. Ending the great white male die-off depends on it.

peacelovewoodstock বলেছেন...

Hyper-analysis of Trump tweets misses the point, these are not carefully crafted, nuanced, audience-tested statements of his positions so much as flashbangs set off to signal his core supporters and to get the gibbering ninnies in the media running off in a new direction for the next 24 hours or so with their parsing and analysis and critiques.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

It is hard to say what Trump meant by "conflicted". Given that many D.C. lawyers are going to be attorneys with clients who are Democrats, it could mean that some are truly conflicted politically. This will even apply to some that have only Republicans as clients since many of Trump's worst political enemies are establishment Republicans. However, I think what Trump was saying is that many attorneys are afraid of ending up like Dershowitz- disinvited from social gatherings and shunned by their previous social circle. The high profile of being Trump's attorney should be enough to overcome that.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

I think Trump means that some lawyers have moral principles that may conflict with and impede their desire to latch onto any case for the purpose of garnering fame and fortune.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Who the hell cares what Trump meant. His words have no real meaning. When he’s called on them he denies them or says he’s joking. His followers consistently translate his statements to mean something less vile, enablers that they are. The one time his words will have real meaning and consequences is when he must appear before Mueller

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

DeGenova can make much bigger fees representing the Dem Elites like Podesta and his brother Podesta. When the charge against you carries the Death Penalty, the Defense Lawyer's fee traditionally is "everything you own." If you don't win, you won't need it.

And there will a carribean vacation included at a Coastal Cuban Resort.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Hyper-analysis of Trump tweets misses the point, these are not carefully crafted, nuanced, audience-tested statements of his positions so much as flashbangs set off to signal his core supporters -

No shit. Anyone who's responding to them otherwise is exhibiting needs to seek their treatment from Dr. Pavlov.

Responding to them as if they have anything more to offer is simply a pavlovian narcissistic response mechanism. There is nothing this guy has to "teach" a normal, non-narcissistic/non-sociopathic law-abiding, taxpaying citizen.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Who the hell cares what Trump meant. His words have no real meaning. When he’s called on them he denies them or says he’s joking. His followers consistently translate his statements to mean something less vile, enablers that they are. The one time his words will have real meaning and consequences is when he must appear before Mueller


But in the meantime they love it because they are just as dysfunctional - if less clever - and know that remaining in power depends on confusing the vast majority of the country that they have no real interest in working with other than to see if they can upset. Negative attention is their psychological bread and butter. They are sociopaths who think that endangering (or at least annoying) the country is the highest achievement they can contribute to America. They really think their sole civic duty is to annoy everyone else.

peacelovewoodstock বলেছেন...

Re: conflicted, that seems clearly to be in reference to Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing. Around the time that it was announced that they would be joining Trump's team, it was also suggested that there might be a conflict of interest due to the fact that Toensing had represented a Trump campaign official, as well as the spokesman for a former Trump attorney, in their interviews by the Mueller team. At the time, it was suggested (sorry about all the passive voice here, this was all from unnamed sources) that it is a client's privilege to waive a conflict of interest, and that Trump had done so.

Chuck বলেছেন...

I don't know if Jay is the greatest litigator (and he's not an overly-experienced criminal defense lawyer and regulatory lawyer), but he is imho an articulate and communicative lawyer and "being conflicted" sounds like something that Jay would say privately, and to other lawyers, and Trump just picked up on it and parroted it.

"Being conflicted" is a phrase I have used often in conflicts matters; I'm not saying that Althouse is wrong about how the phrase plays in the court of public opinion. I think Althouse is mostly correct.

I do think that Trump hears stuff privately, and later one as Trump tries to sound like the smartest guy in the room, he repeats and paraphrases (ALWAYS without attribution) the stuff that he heard that sounded convincing to him.

What a personal joy it is for me, to see Joe and Victoria pull out of Trump representation. I always liked Joe and especially Victoria.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

I am pretty sure that Trump is a very difficult client because he does not always (or possibly often) follow his lawyer's advice. I would feel conflicted about representing someone like that.

Nonetheless, it's interesting to note that our two resident idiots are not blathering about no lawyer wanting to represent someone who will be marched out of the WH in handcuffs.

It must be sad when reality finally crushes the fantasy of silly little left wingers.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"makes it sound as though he knows he needs to take a legal position that challenges the limits of professional ethics!"

It makes it sound as though he knows they need to be ready for prog and MSM vilification that challenges the limits of political ethics.

Howard বলেছেন...

His shtick requires a "devil may care" persona. I thought this was made clear by Scott Adams a long time ago. It's what attracts the cuckservative chickenhawks because posture = strength when you are fundamentally weak.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Francisco D reveals his low morals and lack of common sense by fantasizing on how he can use a narcissist to annoy his political enemies. (Like I said, annoyance/negative attention is all they're capable of).

Trying to harness the destructive power of a head case selectively and personally is always a losing proposition. Francisco may end up having to hate America as much as he hates liberals to destroy us. The collateral damage of attempting to work "constructively" with a narcissist to exact some personal vengeance of one's own is always greater.

If Francisco D. were an appropriately socialized responsible adult he'd know that.

Jim at বলেছেন...

It's early on a beautiful Sunday and the drooling, resident leftists are already seething mad over something that doesn't impact them in the slightest.

It's gonna be a great day.

Jim at বলেছেন...

They really think their sole civic duty is to annoy everyone else.

From Ritmo, everybody.
Let that one sink in. Enjoy in its fullest.

rcocean বলেছেন...

The sentence is perfectly clear to me. Lawyers are attracted to fame and fortune but some have conflicts (of interest or ethics) which prevent them from joining the Trump team.

Its obvious Trump doesn't have much respect for lawyers but then most Americans feel the same way.

This entire DoJ appointed Muller investigation has been an unnecessary Lawyer driven mess. It began with Sessions recusing himself for bogus legal reasons and then Rosenstein ( who should be fired) giving Mueller a blank check.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Ritmo is up early and has already ruined the thread.

Nice work, punk,

Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said... "Hyper-analysis of Trump tweets misses the point, these are not carefully crafted, nuanced, audience-tested statements of his positions so much as flashbangs set off to signal his core supporters -"
No shit. Anyone who's responding to them otherwise is exhibiting needs to seek their treatment from Dr. Pavlov.

Exactly. The left keeps taking his bait over and over. You can understand the MSM because ratings. The constant hysterical ululations in responses to Trump's twitter stream-of-ID is the Pavlovian response Dronald is aiming for.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Precisely what Sessions accomplished with his Recusal - except satisfying some obscure personal/legal ethics - is unclear.

it hasn't prevented the Mueller or the FBI from investigating him. And Hasn't prevented the Democrats from attacking him, And its caused Trump a massive amount of trouble.

wbfjrr2 বলেছেন...

Pretty clear Trump meant some lawyers have client relationships that are conflicts precluding working for him. You’re trying too hard, Althouse, probably in an attempt to stick up for your profession.

Howard বলেছেন...

Hey Doc, nice reference to Clit Eastwood mouthing Dirty Harry. I'm sure Ritmo is impressed.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Ritmo is up early and has already ruined...

...your (Michael's) imagined ability to find pearls of deep wisdom in the narcissistic psychopath Trump's latest rantings?

Glad to be of service. Hopefully you too might make something of yourself and find something useful to do with your time.

Rigelsen বলেছেন...

That one sentence — "Fame & fortune will NEVER be turned down by a lawyer, though some are conflicted" — makes it sound as though he knows he needs to take a legal position that challenges the limits of professional ethics!

Why jump to “professional ethics”? I would have read conflicts of interest, or, given how much the legal intelligentsia has come out against Trump personally and the administration generally, social or political conflicts. Seems like a weird jump to me unless you had that in your head already.

Owen বলেছেন...

Where is Trump's Atticus Finch?

Are we still allowed to say that?

Chanie বলেছেন...

Practicing lawyer here. I would say "conflicted" the way Trump used it here

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

The constant hysterical ululations in responses to Trump's twitter stream-of-ID is the Pavlovian response Dronald is aiming for.

On the right at least as much as on the left. Trump is using the right like a split hog.

bleh বলেছেন...

Althouse, you really didn’t understand what he meant? I’m a lawyer and I use “conflicted” like that.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

TTR said: "Francisco D reveals his low morals and lack of common sense by fantasizing on how he can use a narcissist to annoy his political enemies. (Like I said, annoyance/negative attention is all they're capable of). "

Do you buy your word salads at the same place you buy your crack pipes?

Don't ever leave Ritmo. You help remind me of the fanatical stupidity of the modern Left.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"You help remind me of the fanatical stupidity of the modern Left."

Not all are as angry. This is Hodgkinson level of goofiness.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Althouse said ...
But why did he write "some [lawyers] are conflicted" instead of something more like "some lawyers have conflicts" or, better "some lawyers have conflicts of interest."

Because he is an idiot. I think we have already established that particular point.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Do you have a mouse in your pocket, ARM?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Poor Francisco. He's having trouble figuring out how subjects and predicates work.

Back in the Midwest - where he's from, people keep it simple. Like, "Righty!" "Darn tootin'!" And other expressions that no one remembers William H. Macy saying in the movie Fargo.

Compound sentences, on the other hand, are just too much for them to handle. Such simple folk. If only Garrison Keillor could have found a stronger woman than the one who derailed his career for touching her back. What happened to Lake Wobegone?

I will be more sensitive to the limited vocabularies and grammars of simple Francisco. Ideas are difficult for him.

I guess this is why the Midwest is flown over and considered a cultural purgatory.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

...the modern Left.

A useful contrast to the pre-modern Right.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

ARM said: "Because he is an idiot. I think we have already established that particular point."

I think not. We have established that you deliberately misrepresent the truth (i.e., lie) in such an obvious way that your level of intelligence is in doubt.

Did you think I would forget just because you changed your name after being outed?

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Michael K said ... "Not all are as angry. This is Hodgkinson level of goofiness."

What worries me is that he thinks he makes sense.

Ritmo always seemed hypomanic to me, but I wonder if he reaches hypermania and verges on psychosis. Psychotics think they make sense with their own special reasoning.

That was meant as a casual observation, not a professional opinion.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I'm being diagnosed anonymously online by someone for whom two one-line sentences are too difficult to read.

Another ethical failure/lapse by Francisco D.

The disordered president he supports doesn't sleep at all but since I'm not "low energy" enough for Fran he starts throwing around the idiotic psycho-babble. Welcome to a day in the life of right-wing moral idiocy.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Fabi বলেছেন...

Trump can spin up the left with an innocuous 140-character tweet. It's a precise economy of pixels.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

What worries me is...

More or less everything. Fear and paranoia define the right.

Is your apocalypse pantry well stocked? Did you hide all the guns they're coming to confiscate?

Everything I said make sense. Stop pretending to be too stupid to understand while hiding behind your non-medical degree and very limited license. If you can't behave in a civil way then stop engaging the comments. What we're saying is supported by a large majority of the public; seeking to institutionalize everyone who has a problem with your guy Trump will be quite the task for a little twerp like you.

Murph বলেছেন...

...aaaannnnnd another Althouse comment thread self-destructs.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Another ethical failure/lapse by Francisco D.”

One of many. What concerns me is that he fixates on certain people and that he doesn’t seem to recognize how abnormal that is.

readering বলেছেন...

Reading that POTUS changed his mind after interview in which case conflicts (which clients can waive) is fig leaf.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

I recall Michael K saying several times that psychologists go into the field because they are trying to work out their own mental illnesses. One of the few times he might’ve been right.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Does Francisco seek to hide his political agenda behind his Psy.D. because:

1. He's a subpar political observer and needs a marketing ploy to get his unpopular, negative ideas out there?
2. He needs to put a poorly utilized quasi-clinical degree to better use than it's currently getting?

Whichever reason it is (probably both) doesn't say anything good about Francisco.

Balfegor বলেছেন...

I hear and use "conflicted" in the same sense all the time for conflicts of interest (although at least half the time it's phrased as "conflicted out"). . . Trump has his own particular way of using language, but it doesn't read as unusual to me at all.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

...psychologists go into the field because they are trying to work out their own mental illnesses.

This is oftentimes true.

Notice the lengths this supposedly educated man went in order to claim that some very basic observations about Trump, Trump's dealings and Trump's priorities didn't "make sense" or amounted to a "word salad" (in two lines!)

Clearly he gets off on whatever sense of authority he imagines for himself. He reminds me of the Christopher Lloyd character in Dream Team

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Commenter at 12:41pm:
"Just stop sucking Trump's dick and start accepting the facts over the image. Take his dick out of your mouth and read for a change."

Same commenter exactly two hours later:
"If you can't behave in a civil way then stop engaging the comments."

Any normal person caught in such a stupendously gross instance of hypocrisy - gross in more ways than one - would slink away in shame and never show his metaphorical face here again. We can only hope.

Rabel বলেছেন...

I read it as a slap at diGenova, who should have realized he had a conflict of interest before agreeing to join Trump's legal team.

This (dangerously) assumes that the reporting on diGenova is correct.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Same commenter exactly two hours later:
"If you can't behave in a civil way then stop engaging the comments."

Any normal person caught in such a stupendously gross instance of hypocrisy -

It is not hypocritical to notice and act upon the obvious fact that Achilles and Francisco D. are two different people, with two different mentalities, with two completely different educational backgrounds, different priorities and two different understandings of their moral expectations and capabilities. I speak both of their languages and use the one that that Achilles understands when speaking to Achilles and the language that Francisco D. understands when speaking to Francisco.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

This is a helpful conceptual tool, a formal way to quantitate the half-lives of Trump's associates.

Trump’s Legal Misfires Continue (Trump Team Endurance Will Now Be Measured In Scaramuccis)

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Inga and Ritmo are an interesting tag team. Should I call you the Yoyo Sisterhood?

If you did not have projection, your tool box would be empty.

It's also interesting that Ritmo is aware of Psy.D. degrees. It suggests he has been in therapy, but not long enough.

As for Inga, you can't fix stupid. As a wise man once told me, "Never try to teach pigs to sing. It hurts your ears and frustrates the pig."

For the record, I earned a Ph.D. from a major Research One state university. I was trained as a scientist. The other skills come from good genes and superior intelligence. Don't be jealous. It is unbecoming.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

I'm a militia.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

It is hypocritical to demand that one commenter be civil to you when you have already demonstrated (on this thread and dozens of others) that you feel no such obligation to others. We can see what you say to others! It doesn't matter that you haven't been vicious, foul-mouthed, and homophobic to Commenter B yet. He already knows from your treatment of Commenter A that you feel perfectly entitled to treat him that way whenever you feel like it. Why should he, or I, or anyone else, find your demand for civility anything but hypocritical, and stupidly so?

It is also rather presumptuous to demand that someone "behave in a civil way" to engage in the comments here, when it is not even your website.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

It's also interesting that Ritmo is aware of Psy.D. degrees. It suggests he...

... is more familiar with people of academic backgrounds, which apparently you are not. First one in your family to attend college? You speak as if your socialization is as limited as I alluded to earlier.

For the record, I earned a Ph.D. from a major Research One state university. I was trained as a scientist.

And conditioned by your family, society, the judgments of the marketplace to become a subpar, superstitious crank instead.

The other skills come from good genes and superior intelligence. Don't be jealous. It is unbecoming.

Pure narcissism. No one even asked. No one cares. Whatever "skills" you have are not exhibited here. (And probably not professionally, either).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Full-cuck imagines that I ever asked for any attention from him. Gosh, he seems to think anyone would want attention from him.

If someone called him a "stalker" (and many have) he would feel flattered. To him that's a compliment.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

It is hypocritical to demand that one commenter be civil to you when you have already demonstrated (on this thread and dozens of others) that you feel no such obligation to others. We can see what you say to others! It doesn't matter that you haven't been vicious, foul-mouthed, and homophobic to Commenter B yet. He already knows from your treatment of Commenter A that you feel perfectly entitled to treat him that way whenever you feel like it. Why should he, or I, or anyone else, find your demand for civility anything but hypocritical, and stupidly so?

Because he knows what he is capable of and (moreover) expected of him as a professional. You can keep being a socialist about it, but as I (and anyone) understand, relationships with people are individual when they need not be collectivized. No one in is under any obligation to treat every individual the same; they relate to people in the way that individual relationship dictates. If you were married (outlandish idea I know but bear with me) would your relations with other women be the same as with with your wife? If not then by your own illogic you'd be an unforgivable hypocrite. Time to start sleeping with every other woman in the way you might with one. What a stupid hypocrite you are.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Take your meds Ritmo.

You might hurt yourself in a full blown manic episode.

Just showing that I care for the poor unfortunate souls in this crazy world.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

BTW Ritmo,

You have committed the one sin I cannot tolerate.

You bore me.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
bolivar di griz বলেছেন...

Di Geneva has represented clovis and one other staffer. Hence the conflict.

n.n বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Ryan বলেছেন...

Im an attorney and understood immediately he is talking about conflicts of interest.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Odd that "what he is capable of" is always so much less than what you are capable of, "Toothless", and that applies to every single person you interact with. Someone criticizes you, you insult them, if they insult you, you go to obscenities, and so on straight down the toilet. It's pathological, and you really need to either (a) seek professional help, or (b) go away. And try to think before you write: a comment section is nothing like an assortment of sexual relationships and your replies to one commenter are nothing like a marriage (though you seem to have difficulty keeping sexual insults out of yours. (I hope that doesn't tell us anything about any of your hypothetical present or former marriages.) It's more like a conversation in a restaurant or a private home, and you're the loud, drunken uncle who ruins Thanksgiving Dinner for everyone else by ranting obscenely about Trump and making sexualized insults about anyone who asks you to tone it down. Was that rude? Not half so rude as the comment I'm replying to.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Dr. Weevil,

Would I be correct in guessing that you are a Patrick O'Brian fan?

As in the story Jack Aubrey told about Horatio Nelson?

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Nope, nothing to do with Patrick O'Brian, whom I've never read.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

You have committed the one sin I cannot tolerate.

You bore me.

Narcissism again.

Your narcissism is itself boring.

It seems clear that the respect you crave so much is pretty hard for you to come by.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Odd that "what he is capable of" is always so much less than what you are capable of, "Toothless", and that applies to every single person you interact with. Someone criticizes you, you insult them, if they insult you, you go to obscenities, and so on straight down the toilet. It's pathological, and you really need to either (a) seek professional help, or (b) go away. And try to think before you write: a comment section is nothing like an assortment of sexual relationships and your replies to one commenter are nothing like a marriage (though you seem to have difficulty keeping sexual insults out of yours. (I hope that doesn't tell us anything about any of your hypothetical present or former marriages.) It's more like a conversation in a restaurant or a private home, and you're the loud, drunken uncle who ruins Thanksgiving Dinner for everyone else by ranting obscenely about Trump and making sexualized insults about anyone who asks you to tone it down. Was that rude? Not half so rude as the comment I'm replying to.

Your comment is collectivist. And hypocritical. You told me I have to speak to every commenter as if they're all part of one collective, not an individual, and incapable of being considered according to their own statements, actions and abilities.

So if that's the case, then you don't need to direct your comment at me. Direct it at everyone, if that's how you feel. You're being a hypocrite by saying that I can't respond to people individually when your entire diatribe is a direct personal response solely to me.

Why is logic so difficult for you? Just admit that I make your politics frustratingly more difficult to justify (except emotionally) and call it a day.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Dr. Weevil,

It is a set of books based on the Napoleonic Wars - historical fiction. The movie "Master and Commander" was based on some of those books.

Captain Aubrey is entertaining the officers over port wine, after dinner. The ship had weevils running around the table and Aubrey asked a young Lieutenant which one to pick. Aubrey corrected the young man based on his training under Admiral Nelson who said, "Always pick the lesser of two weevils."

Maybe it was the port that made it funny.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
HipsterVacuum বলেছেন...

"So if that's the case, then you don't need to direct your comment at me."

But it's so much fun taunting you and pointing out what a pathetic, dickless loser you are. I used to think you should be beaten mercilessly, but I can't imagine losing such a delightful toy as you. You're so entertaining. It's truly amazing that there exists on this earth such an absurd, idiotic creature like you. You're a joy to behold.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Looks like my conversation analogy went right over someone's head, as rational arguments so often do. Of course, you can address specific commenters' specific arguments: no one said you couldn't. What you can't do, if you want to avoid looking like a habitual blowhard, a flaming hypocrite, and a total moron, is load commenters who annoy you (or even those who criticize or insult you!) with insane heaps of twisted sexual abuse, and pretend that you aren't ruining the party for everyone else, just because you're slightly less offensive to them. You do it on damned near every thread: you persistently drag the level of discourse lower, both intellectually and ethically, and you always insist on having the last word. And you think someone else is "narcissistic"?! Look in a mirror.

Or perhaps there is an alternative explanation: As I've noted before in your previous incarnations, it's hard to see how you would behave differently if you were being paid to damage this website, to drive away better commentators and attract worse ones, and paid by the word, with a bonus for the dirty ones. Are you?

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

As for making my politics more difficult, having Toothless on the other side can only make my beliefs look more plausible. I'd be worried if he ever agreed with me, though I'd probably find he had gotten the right answer accidentally and unintentionally, by drawing illogical conclusions from bad principles.

Murph বলেছেন...

I was recently at the Renaissance Festival in Phoenix AZ, and there was a booth where people paid a few dollars to throw tomatoes at a fellow placed behind a plywood wall with holes through which his face and arms extended. A side attraction appeared to be that, while you were pitching tomatoes & trying to hit him, he was tossing verbal insults at you right and left: the ruder and more personal, the better, it seemed.

Althouse comment threads remind me of that. Except y'all get to do it for free.

Murph বলেছেন...

Dr. W., re: driving away better commenters.

I see it as an alternate application of Gresham's Law (which, to remind you, describes bad money driving out good money.)

There are fewer and fewer substantive comments to be found here. Which is a shame, as it used to be an intellectually challenging place to test one's beliefs and arguments.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Will the court provide a public defender ... Or will they all recuse? That's the pool to pick out of

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Can afford, but can't find!!!
What then?

madAsHell বলেছেন...

The way Trump wrote, it sounds as though lawyers are feeling ambivalent about working for him, not that they have clients or business interests that present a conflict of interest.

Troll much??

madAsHell বলেছেন...

I recall Michael K saying several times that psychologists go into the field because they are trying to work out their own mental illnesses.

Dr. K. referred to psychiatrists not psychologists. I'm sure a nurse knows the difference??

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

But it's so much fun taunting you and pointing out what a pathetic, dickless loser you are. I used to think you should be beaten mercilessly, but I can't imagine losing such a delightful toy as you. You're so entertaining. It's truly amazing that there exists on this earth such an absurd, idiotic creature like you. You're a joy to behold.

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." (Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals - No. 13)

You do it on damned near every thread: you persistently drag the level of discourse lower, both intellectually and ethically, and you always insist on having the last word. And you think someone else is "narcissistic"?!

Any advice from the esteemed Dr. Weevil on how I'm supposed to respond to HipsterVacuum's comment above without "dragging the level of discourse lower, both intellectually and ethically," etc.?

I take it Dr. Weevil's regulation will be that HipsterVacuum in this case should just have the last word - despite how low he dragged the discourse. And it's not just him. On every thread this blog hosts blowhards and bullies who think that they should own the place and dole out ideological and other abuse to a select few people who simply have the reason and common sense to point out why they're wrong.

Dr. Weevil seems to say that there should be a political pecking order in the comments and that if there are more bullies and blowhards on one side - or if the bullies and blowhards tend to be more common on one side, our duty as commenters is to ignore them, let them have their way and look the other way while they regularly resort to the abuse that defines them.

My response to that is a simple one: Why?

Why is abuse good for the goose but not the gander? Why is it hypocritical to demand that the HipsterVacuums, the FullMoons, the Michael Ks, and the occasional Achilleses get to debase the thread in any way they choose but it's only when anyone stands up to them (and especially if more strongly) that something wrong and worth pointing out occurs?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

As for making my politics more difficult, having Toothless on the other side can only make my beliefs look more plausible. I'd be worried if he ever agreed with me..

I do agree with you. That is why I think you should hold the Michaels, Michael Ks, exiledonmainstreets, FullMoons and HipsterVacuums accountable for the same transgressions. But of course you won't. Your politics depends entirely on reinforcing whatever inequality you can find, wherever you find it. Prove me wrong.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

And don't forget to add Francisco to that list of abusers.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

If you can't abide by some simple basic rules of decency...

Which are what exactly and how do you abide by them? Dr. Weevil seems to think you're capable of giving a non-hypocritical answer on this one. I bet you won't, though.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

If you can't abide by some simple basic rules of decency, it's time to go off and make your own blog.

As someone who's been deleted by Althouse (and then ridiculed her for exercising her right to do so) I suppose you would know about what it means to "abide by some simple basic rules," right?

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
The Godfather বলেছেন...

I'm a retired partner of a big Washington law firm, and -- speaking personally -- I disagree with Trump's assertion that "Fame & fortune will NEVER be turned down by a lawyer". Every big-time lawyer has had experience with big-time clients. Some of them are a pleasure to work with, and others are like Trump. Aside from conflicts -- which becomes a bigger and bigger issue as the law firms grow from hundreds of lawyers to thousands -- you have to face the question whether the ecstasy exceeds the agony.

On the other hand, I've been retired from that firm for 15 years, so things may have changed.

Achilles বলেছেন...

The fascists are still flinging spittle. TTR thinks his ad hominem attacks are facts.

The gun grabbing nazi party is fizzling because your masters only dumped enough money to keep it going for a day and nobody cared. But you all are doing wonders for NRA memberships.

It obviously enrages the leftists here that the NRA is a real civil rights organization full of real people who are overwhelmingly decent law abiding people. It isn't an astroturfed nazi fest using a bunch of brainwashed kids as tools to steal other peoples freedom. The NRA members commit vanishingly small amounts of gun violence.

You know who commits gun violence? Democrat voters.

You know what gets kids killed in schools? Democrats who ignore violent criminals who are mentally unstable and keep pushing them back into schools. Arrest and prosecute Cruz for one of the numerous assaults/felonies he committed and he can't buy guns and is in jail/treatment instead of shooting up schools.

But the leftists here remind us over and over they don't care about gun violence. They only care about disarming their political opponents. Then they can bring their violent protests outside their little blue conclaves like they want to now.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

And, dumbfuck, civility quote was made by you during one of your psycho rants ;-).

Then put it in quotes or italicize it. You seem to like intentionally muddling what I said and what you say - sociopaths like taking on others' identities, though. No one said I "couldn't" abide, just argued about when I should.

And since you're not abiding by any decency (indeed, you're one of the most thoroughly indecent individuals anyone's encountered here), I'll just say, "dumbfuck," get your own blog and quit trolling everyone here.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

FullMoon was deleted. Absolutely.

On top of that, he deletes his own comments about a good 50% of the time at least.

And then, there's the number of comments of mine he keeps bookmarked and on hand. I'd say that numbers in the hundreds. He must make a full-time occupation of it. There are women that keep recipe books less heavily indexed and at their disposal. His wife must be really impressed by the amount of time he puts into that.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

And then, there's the number of comments of mine he keeps bookmarked and on hand. I'd say that numbers in the hundreds. He must make a full-time occupation of it.

Trust me, nobody is THAT interested in you.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

I never said or implied that Toothless is the only hypocrite here. What I did point out is that he makes a point of dragging every damned thread he can into the gutter. If he'd been arguing like a grownup when HipsterVaccum (whoever he is) called him a "dickless loser", he'd have a very good point. Of course, as usual, he was the first to bring dicks into the argument 3+ hours before, when he told someone else "Just stop sucking Trump's dick and start accepting the facts over the image. Take his dick out of your mouth and read for a change." Yes, that person had accused him of "flinging spittle", but (a) Toothless had just attacked our host in a very intemperate way, and (b) that's a long way short of sucking dicks, but Toothless was perfectly willing to make the plunge. If he saved his obscene insults for those who aim obscene insults at him, it might be possible to believe that he is only replying in kind, and that those others all "started it", but he always takes it to the next level.

I don't recall ever speculating (or caring) about his educational level, job description, or marital status, or commenting on what I know or can guess about them. That didn't keep him from making nasty ignorant remarks about my alleged inability to attract a wife and ignorance of how to deal with women on this thread. What possible excuse is there for sinking to those kind of personal remarks with someone who was trying to argue like a grownup? And why should I not conclude from my own experience that he was very likely the one who started the volleys of nasty personal remarks that (e.g.) he and Michael K have been flinging at each other for quite a long time? When one person is involved in all the most vicious and personal feuds on a site, it's a pretty good sign that he's the one who's been starting them.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Jon Ericson বলেছেন...


Hagar বলেছেন...

This thread has been pretty well destroyed by TTR, but permit to to observe that this thing about "professional conflict" appears to me to have been driven quite out of reason.

Such as, some time ago, I read an article about a guy who sued a lawyer for "discrimination" for refusing to accept him as a client. It turned out that his reason for requesting the lawyer's services in the first place was to prevent his opponent from hiring him; he already had hired the law firm to actually work his case. And, of course, by filing the discrimination suit he created a "conflict of interest" that way. Mission accomplished!

(I guess the lawyer was the go to guy for some arcane subject such as the local water use laws.)

Michael K বলেছেন...

I see I didn't miss anything.

What puzzles me is why Ann lets this go on but I suppose she has her reasons.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Michael K বলেছেন...

Dr. K. referred to psychiatrists not psychologists. I'm sure a nurse knows the difference??"

Yes but it might apply to psychiatric nurses.

Of course, I can' generalize from one case.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

That Trump! He never quite says what he means clearly, does he? We all have to parse the meaning.

The Greatest Show on Earth keeps rolling!

Rabel বলেছেন...

"What puzzles me is why Ann lets this go on but I suppose she has her reasons."

If she even wanted to, I think it would require deleting individual comments, which would just inflame the easily inflamed and generally be a pain in the ass... like Ritmo. There is no banning feature in Blogger as far as I know.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Trust me, nobody is THAT interested in you.

Oh, FullMooch definitely is. In a sociopathic way of course, but that's the kind of interest sociopaths demonstrate.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

What puzzles me is why Ann lets this go on but I suppose she has her reasons.

Free speech and viewpoint diversity which are values that you grew up without.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Every Inquisition has a church behind it, and a cowed membership. Trump's defense will needs be somewhere else.
Can he seek non-DC venue?
In deplorables country!?

Michael বলেছেন...

Someone's drugs have outrun their hangover.

16, by the way. 16 angels are the maximum number who can dance on the head of a pin.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

I don't get the fantasy of perpwalking Trump out of WH.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

When one person is involved in all the most vicious and personal feuds on a site, it's a pretty good sign that he's the one who's been starting them.

You must be new to the internets. I suggest you research that idea and further and try that logic out at stormfront.org. Or nytimes.com, for that matter. Or foxnews.com or powerlineblog.com. The internet is one of the most balkanized media formats in history. And the loudest, most numerous voices have a way of amplifying perceptions of their strength. You could even go to Twitter and see what happens when people tweet at you with (((triple parentheses))) surrounding your (((name))). Or event he same folks on YouTube, which is owned by people who might see their (((names))) depicted (((that way))).

SO the fact is that this site, like most others catering to political opinion online, has a strong bias. The political regressives seem to want to think they own it and the host loves how she can rile them up. And they rarely engage logic or reason for the most part, but do fling a lot of vitriol. It's what they live for, as do most dedicated commenters on politically oriented sites.

So spare me the sanctimony of argumentum ad populam on a site representing clearly a minority opinion, and a strident one at that. Everyone not to the right of Atilla the Hun receives the same abuse in these comments sections, no matter how nice they are. You know that and I know that. Your people here view niceness as a weakness, in fact - just as Trump does.

So some of us give back as good as (or better than) we get. And that's really what bothers you. Fighting back. You think your right-wingers here have a birthright to power and monopolizing political opinion and demonizing anyone who disagrees. I'm here to tell you that they don't. And I'll show you why, too.

SO get over yourself, already.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

FullMooch is doing everything he can to get deleted once again, I see.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Typo - the "loudest voices" are not "the most numerous". That's not what I meant to type.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Toothless had just attacked our host in a very intemperate way


FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Michael বলেছেন...

If we can't use a firm because they have a conflict we say the firm, or the individual, is conflicted. Common layman usage.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Yo, bro, still looking for the thread about your conquest of "two babes" at once. Give me a clue, wood ya?

Slow night for you last night?


Talk about dumb. As in "gee your dumb".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

FullMooch repeats at 7:47 what no one read before at 6:27. Looks like he's that afraid of people scrolling by his recycled comments.

With good reason.

No one reads them.

It's good we have a self-appointed blog "virtue cop" who's on a mission to confront "assholes" while whining about how the blog owner herself should have no say over who does or does not comment and what rules they abide by. This is seriously like the school narc who threw a brick at the principal and then denied the fact that his ass got expelled.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Just you, cutiepie. Never gonna stop. Because you are an asshole.

It's never just one person. Creeps are creeps in general.

Here's one of your own. Recognize him?

Wood (sic) you say he bears a close resemblance to you, physically?

We already know he fits your psychological and political profile very well.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

No one reads them.

You do. Because you are a narcissistic asshole.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Knew you wood fall for it.

Your stupidity isn't something that you have to fake and get people to "fall for." Your stupidity is a given.

As is your venality.

How are those plans of yours tonight? The wife said you cood stay in the basement tending to the shrine all night tonight?

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I am considering investing in a fourplex in Palo Alto.

About six miles from Google.

I doubt it's true.

For how much and where are you getting the money down?

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Was there a single true statement in TTR's 7:35pm comment? One came close: if only he had written "So some of us give back as bad as (or worse than) we get", it would have been true. Of course, I'd love to see some honest "Fighting back", but seldom get it from Toothless or his allies.

I spend quite a bit of time on Twitter, under my real name, and have found it easy to avoid people like Toothless and the (((*))) crowd - of course, I have a block button there. The same goes for weblogs: this is one of the very few I know where the posts themselves are excellent while the comments are a mixture of excellent and moronic. (It's interesting that TTR doesn't bother to deny the suggestion that he may be paid to degrade the site.)

Speaking of moronic, it's argumentum ad populum and 'Attila' with one T and two Ls: it's best to avoid Latin and historical references if you can't get them right. Maybe it is best in your case to stick to the four-letter words.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

(It's interesting that TTR doesn't bother to deny the suggestion that he may be paid to degrade the site.)

Only to right-wingers. They're the only ones who delude themselves into thinking that money could be one's only motivation in life for anything.

As for your whiny complaints about commonplace expressions that you mistake for "historical references", isn't it "interesting" that a guy politically aligned with Trump and the Nazis (and downplaying their significance these days online) can't respond more seriously to the points I made and replied instead with a whole lot of spelling Nazi efforts? I guess being a grammar Nazi doesn't hold the appeal it once did. OH well.

A spelling Nazi denying the mob appeal of the internet, in the age of a president who says that Nazis are just one of the "both sides" (or "many sides") that he should blame political violence on. It makes sense, doesn't it?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

"For how much and where are you getting the money down?"


Why are you embarrassed to say?

How are you going to claim all those "accomplishments" (that you claim I must not have) if you don't spout them out?

Anyway, it's a basic property purchase question. If you're afraid to tell me, despite bragging to me about it, then how are you going to tell the bank?

Sooner or later someone will catch on. Are you using her or not? Ultimately the initial purchase funds had to come from somewhere. And you (or anyone who hates college grads and loves ignorant web spats) never struck me as someone who came from a lot of wealth.

Where did the money come from?

You're the one who's always bragging about it so why not explain? Or is it just a ruse?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Are you cashing out a credit card for monies to "invest in the fourplex?"

You wouldn't be alone. A lot of conservatives and Californians play the game this way. It's part of what led to the 2008 crash.

Trump is relaxing large investment firm regulations too so it's possible that the whole gamble could get set in motion once again.

Were you doing real estate in 2008? How much did you lose?

Like I said you sound too young and if you did get into it probably started at the bottom of the market in 2009/2010.

You're never too young to learn a valuable financial lesson, even if it takes having to lose your shirt.

Your arrogance could use a lesson like that.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Let's stop feeding into the mania.

Maybe a visual will help. Imagine Ritmo jerking off while he comments.

Yeah. It is pretty disgusting.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Are you cashing out a credit card for monies to "invest in the fourplex?"

Sure, credit card for over a million dollar down payment.

That's the ticket.

I was teasing because I own two homes in the bay area and a duplex in AZ. I know you can't stand it and keep bringing it up.
As if I would need your advice about real estate. LOL

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Of course, I'd love to see some honest "Fighting back", but seldom get it from Toothless or his allies.

Well, your side is the one allied with actual Nazis so this plea for a "good fight" is as questionable as are whatever standards you would judge it by. I'll tell you this much, though, Richard Spencer's totally yours. You can have him. Same with the torch-bearing Confederate flag waving good ole boys in Charlottesville.

These ANTIFA people whoever they are will never have the historical resonance of the fascists and racists that Trump believes are just one of "both sides" causing violence and political mayhem so we will never be as strong as you. Not that way, at least.

Hey dude. Just remember: Jews will not replace you.

Now go tell us about what's a fair fight. Or a good fight. Something like that.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Someone who mocked another for writing 'wood' when he meant 'would' just 20 minutes before now claims to think that only a "spelling Nazi" could object to pretentious ignorance like 'argumentum ad populam' and 'Atilla'. And somehow he still can't figure out why anyone would call him a hypocrite, or a fool, since he thinks two is "a whole lot", or a lying swine, since he calls both Trump and me Nazis. He of course knows that the two sides Trump was (not very clearly) referring to were those who want to keep the Confederate statues (a large majority of Americans) and those who want to take them down (not even a majority of Democrats, but a bare plurality).

Of course, no one on the right thinks money is the "only" motivation for anything: that's a mere evasion, and Toothless still hasn't actually denied being paid to be here. I don't know whether he is, but I do know that he acts exactly as someone would who was paid by the word to ruin this site. That is surely bad enough. I suspect that some day there will be a much larger version of the Journolist scandal and we will all find out which editors, reporters, bloggers, and commenters have been paid to peddle lies, and how much, for the last decade or two. I look forward to that day.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I was teasing because I own two homes in the bay area and a duplex in AZ. I know you can't stand it and keep bringing it up.

Why do you think I or anyone would care? This is only interesting if you came from no wealth at all and somehow convinced someone at your early tender age to fork over the funds that you used to dabble with - either at the bottom of the market in 2009/2010 or before in 2008.

But you refuse to specify. You're either afraid of admitting to how young (and reckless) you are, how much of the funds were hers, or both.

What part of the "construction" industry got you access to "a million dollar down payment?"

Your move, chief. You know you're lying. Something's fishy. Again, I don't care other than for the fact that you're noisome as hell but it is amusing that you don't realize how transparent a liar the spouting off of these claims makes you.

You take things way too personally to have the patience and maturity to have grown a million (or more) dollars in funds to access for real estate payments on your own. It's just a fact. Your family didn't have it, you didn't make it, and you know they must have come from the woman you're mooching off of.

Why not just come clean?

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Someone who mocked another for writing 'wood' when he meant 'would' just 20 minutes before now claims to think that only a "spelling Nazi" could object to pretentious ignorance like 'argumentum ad populam' and 'Atilla'

Yeah, well one mistake is a hell of a lot more rudimentary than the others, genius. You know errors of degree and all.

You really are getting quite bitchy about all this tonight. Have you ever considered that your whole point of "I don't like you! Waaah!" has already been made? You're not adding anything interesting to your middle school Heathers spat re-enactment.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

He of course knows that the two sides Trump was (not very clearly) referring to were those who want to keep the Confederate statues (a large majority of Americans) and those who want to take them down (not even a majority of Democrats, but a bare plurality).

Not true. He was also lumping in the torch-bearing, shaved head Nazis who murdered a left-wing protester and changed, "Jews will not replace us."

FullMoon বলেছেন...

What part of the "construction" industry got you access to "a million dollar down payment?"

Stop, you;re killin' me.
Obviously you know nothing about buying real estate.
You are exposing yourself. LOL

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Ahh, that explains your resentment towards property owners.

Oh I know. So much for me to resent there.

So you're saying you're too young to remember the 2008 housing crash? The one that conservatives said was caused by ignorant young moochers paying for multiple properties in overheated markets with credit cards? Well, ok then.

I guess that would make you about nine years old, then. Now it's finally all coming together.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Not to mention you think a credit card will front a million dollars..

FullMoon বলেছেন...

...caused by ignorant young moochers paying for multiple properties in overheated markets with credit cards? Well, ok then.

LOL !!! More like no credit checks and interest only loans.

Democrat madness.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Of course, no one on the right thinks money is the "only" motivation for anything: that's a mere evasion, and Toothless still hasn't actually denied being paid to be here. I don't know whether he is, but I do know that he acts exactly as someone would who was paid by the word to ruin this site. That is surely bad enough. I suspect that some day there will be a much larger version of the Journolist scandal and we will all find out which editors, reporters, bloggers, and commenters have been paid to peddle lies, and how much, for the last decade or two. I look forward to that day.

Why stop there? Your side went out in full force Saturday and claimed that all those kids protesting against policies that get them gunned down at school were paid to openly demonstrate their opinions, also.

This led the Never Again MSD to wear signs saying "$1.05" - to demonstrate the value each school age kid in the state of Florida was worth relative to the mass sums contributed by the NRA to the state's politicians.

You must think their lives are pretty cheap. Blood money, indeed.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

I'm "whiny" and now "bitchy"? I seem to be keeping my temper a lot better than our foul-mouthed troll, who was practically foaming at the mouth in his very first comment, and hasn't settled down since. Of course, it's not that I "don't like" Toothless: it's that I despise him and his disgusting lies, and hate what he does so regularly to this comment section. It's a matter of judgment, not mere taste.
I also despise his habit of reusing arguments that have been refuted more than once before. Nazis support Trump, so Trump must be a Nazi? I have pointed out more than once in this comment section that the American Nazi Party and other white supremacist groups supported Obama in 2008 (Esquire). Does that make Obama a Nazi? Or does it show that any asshole can support any candidate and make him look bad by association, and the candidate can't do a damned thing about it? Will Toothless remember this and stop making his stupid argument, or will he just wait a few weeks and say it again?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

So are you a contractor? What's your "skill?" And how old are you?

If you're a developer then you initially had to have some capital to start with. Where did it come from? How did you make your "millions?"

Watch this guy have no answer, right-wing Althouse people. He's one of your own. Just the biggest shit-talker the internet's ever known.

He's become boring. Perversely, he seems to want me badly to come to this foregone conclusion.

How many lies about himself do you think he can make up? I already knew he wasn't worth taking seriously and just wanted to demonstrate how full of shit the average Trump-fluffer is. (Especially since he gets so angry when I comment and styles himself as the "anti-asshole" crusader - of a blog that's deleted him and whose hostess he has no respect for. Too funny).

FullMoon বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

So are you a contractor? What's your "skill?" And how old are you?

If you're a developer then you initially had to have some capital to start with. Where did it come from? How did you make your "millions?"

Watch this guy have no answer, right-wing Althouse people. He's one of your own. Just the biggest shit-talker the internet's ever known.

Cut to the chase, Goofy, ask my name and address.
Am I a contractor? DUH.
How did I make my "millions"? Contracting. Duh.

Now, your turn, ya big phony. Ten years and thousands of stupid comments and no mention of skill, degree or employment.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I'm "whiny" and now "bitchy"? I seem to be keeping my temper a lot better than our foul-mouthed troll, who was practically foaming at the mouth in his very first comment, and hasn't settled down since. Of course, it's not that I "don't like" Toothless: it's that I despise him and his disgusting lies, and hate what he does so regularly to this comment section. It's a matter of judgment, not mere taste.

It takes a lot of cognitive dissonance to clarify one's hate for "despising" while accusing another of "foaming at the mouth" just for noting how whiny and bitchy that despiser is.

I also despise his habit of reusing arguments that have been refuted more than once before. Nazis support Trump, so Trump must be a Nazi?

Nazis don't just support Trump. They support him more vocally and with more hope than any candidate that they supported all the way back to 1968.

They were effectively banished from mainstream American national politics at that point - a banishment that has now ended under Trump.

Perhaps this is one of the ways in which he believes he's "making America great." You know, people like this at one time were much more comfortable being way more open in American politics and now, under him, they are. So consider him a change maker of sorts. The 1936 sort.

I have pointed out more than once in this comment section that the American Nazi Party and other white supremacist groups supported Obama in 2008 (Esquire). Does that make Obama a Nazi? Or does it show that any asshole can support any candidate and make him look bad by association, and the candidate can't do a damned thing about it? Will Toothless remember this and stop making his stupid argument, or will he just wait a few weeks and say it again?

See above. Whatever significance this 2008 allegation has, I'm sure it's nothing like what I pointed out in response to his first, ill-advised paragraph.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

...of a blog that's deleted him and whose hostess he has no respect for. Too funny).

LOL...appeal to authority, again. Such a "Revolutionary"

Bet you have a Che tattoo..

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

My side did what? A lot of people I know and respect were in D.C. demonstrating yesterday, but no one I know was a counter-demonstrator, and I doubt I even know anyone who knows any of those you allege were "out in full force" being assholes. Blaming me for them is another filthy lie, just as filthy as if I were to accuse you of wearing black and clubbing old ladies in MAGA hats for Antifa. As far as I know, you've never done any such thing, and the fact that they and you may approve of some of the same politicians doesn't make you one of them, or make you responsible for what they do unless you actually say or do things to support them. Do you really need simple things like this explained to you?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Cut to the chase, Goofy, ask my name and address.
Am I a contractor? DUH.
How did I make my "millions"? Contracting. Duh.

Ok, so you're a contractor. Big deal. You don't have to get defensive about it -- unless you resent all the people who went to college and demanded those properties that made you so "rich."

You seem to see yourself as a bottom feeder off their scraps. Either way, it's not my fight. Most Americans send their kids to college. They end up making more on average that way. They could send them to trade school, but generally that won't make as much - for a few reasons. (See Mike Rowe and Bernie Sanders and Trump and NAFTA on that).

Either way, it's not my fight. If someone wants to build a house, let him build a house. He wouldn't be building as many houses as expensively where you say you live if it weren't for tech and the education needed to support that so whatever you're pissed about, it's not my fight. I never said that tech or contractors or property shouldn't exist. But you've obviously got a huge chip on your shoulder about all that stuff so maybe you can take all that money and time and spousal support and ask a shrink why you're so angry. It's definitely above my pay grade and you bore me. (Despite how annoyingly you clutter up the comments section of this other college educated professor's blog).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

LOL...appeal to authority, again.

That's not an appeal to authority. It's a reminder of how you treated Althouse. Is she not a person? Do you not respect property rights? It's her blog.

Just go take a community college course on logical fallacies if you're not sure how they work.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Nazis are just as "banished from mainstream American national politics" as they ever were, except in so far as leftie reporters likes to interview them to make them look more important than they are and to make the right look bad. On the other hand, the even more violent and numerous leftist 'Antifa' thugs are a Hell of a lot closer to the mainstream: one of those caught hitting an old ladie with a tear-gas canister was Linwood Kaine, son of the VP candidate. Keep on spewing lies, liar.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

My side did what? A lot of people I know and respect were in D.C. demonstrating yesterday, but no one I know was a counter-demonstrator, and I doubt I even know anyone who knows any of those you allege were "out in full force" being assholes. Blaming me for them is another filthy lie, just as filthy as if I were to accuse you of wearing black and clubbing old ladies in MAGA hats for Antifa. As far as I know, you've never done any such thing, and the fact that they and you may approve of some of the same politicians doesn't make you one of them, or make you responsible for what they do unless you actually say or do things to support them. Do you really need simple things like this explained to you?

Ok fine. So we're getting to know and clarify our understandings of each other and each other's positions a bit better then. I'll try not to assume too much about your positions and you'll hopefully try to do the same about mine (including my motivations and character).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Nazis are just as "banished from mainstream American national politics" as they ever were, except in so far as leftie reporters likes to interview them to make them look more important than they are and to make the right look bad. On the other hand, the even more violent and numerous leftist 'Antifa' thugs are a Hell of a lot closer to the mainstream: one of those caught hitting an old ladie with a tear-gas canister was Linwood Kaine, son of the VP candidate. Keep on spewing lies, liar.

I don't think that's true. Did Richard Spencer types get as much traction with actual venues rented out in D.C. post election so that they could hold up an arm and salute and say, "Hail, Our People! Hail President Trump!" Nope. The press followed them because their enthusiasm for an actual president was quite a new phenomenon.

Whatever the rest is that you're talking about is something a bit more obscure and ignores the Richard Spencer phenomenon so I'll ignore it in kind especially since you're reverting back to name calling.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

I'm "reverting back to name calling"? You called me a Nazi, you lying shit-eating swine! You happy now? You've gotten me half-way down to your usual level of filth. I can deal with your fucking insults, but your patronizing smugness in pretending that I'm the one with the name-calling problem has gone too far this time. So I'll just add one bit of advice: your habit of accusing those you hate of "sucking dicks" doesn't go very well with your chosen name "Toothless" - people may start wondering if you have special qualifications for the act you are so fond of attributing to people you hate. I'd say 'Have a miserable rest of your life!' but that kind of goes without saying.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I didn't call you a Nazi. Show me the quote.

I said that anyone supporting Trump is effectively allied with Nazis because Trump relies on not offending them for their support. Accept it. The U.S. allied with Stalin to defeat Hitler and in the cold war we allied with all kinds of fascists to go after his successors. It's just that we didn't do this stuff at home. But it's how it was and it's part of the politics that Trump is now playing with.

I can see this offends you, but it's true. The rest of your 9:14 just devolved back again into a bunch of personalized, spittle-flecked garbage so obviously you aren't interested in an honest discussion anyway. No big deal - happens all the time, even though there was hope a few comments back that you could at least be objective and fair-minded enough to avoid making everything completely personal. And wasn't that your entire advice to me in the first place? Why are you so bad at following it?

IF you respect the people out doing what they did Saturday then there should at least be enough fair-mindedness and moderation to have a meaningful discussion. If that means that I have to deny that any single one of Trump's supporters is getting less rhetorical/political/moral support than they currently are, though - then I won't do it. Civility starts with honesty and if you can't cut that, then find someone who will either lie to you more conveniently or at least avoid the difficult conversations that you're not mature enough/ready to handle.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...

LOL...appeal to authority, again.

That's not an appeal to authority. It's a reminder of how you treated Althouse. Is she not a person? Do you not respect property rights? It's her blog.

Haha! Good one.
Here is a reminder of your "respect".
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
It's good to know that the stupidest threads are just ripe for the threadjacking. I'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on every one of the brain droppings here that suit my fancy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

You should try reading Jordan Peterson, BTW. He's a conservative of sorts and definitely very principled but not anywhere near delusional enough to deny that the tribalism of nationalists and racists and yes even bigots and Nazis and the alt-right are a force that countries devolve into when their politics become dysfunctional. Maybe that's why people respect him and have been donating millions to him and watching his videos and eating up his books in droves. You should learn to be a little less thin-skinned. Politics only need be made as personal as you need to make it - which may vary depending on how much room for other, meaningful healthy pursuits you carve out room for in your psyche and identity.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Now, your turn, ya big phony. Ten years and thousands of stupid comments and no mention of skill, degree or employment.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Yes, delusional chip-on-your-shoulder contractor who hates his clients. That quote was probably from about ten years ago and aimed at the participants in those threads who diluted their quality so greatly, not the blog author. Plus, people grow and change and modify their perspectives over time and from time to time. It's called personal growth but I can see that the concept eludes you.

Anyway, it still doesn't address how embarrassingly wrong you were about what an "appeal to authority" actually is and why you can't admit that you were wrong and had any interest in learning how to use the term correctly. Point is, I wasn't appealing to authority but to property. It's hard to see how a contractor can get through life not respecting property and it's harder to see how someone who thinks his only value is monetary can get by in life not respecting property but I'm sure you've got it all figured out.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

So, Toothless "Revolutionary"

It's been fun, as usual.
I'll check back later. Kind of speechless now after your "million dollar credit card" stupidity.
Mas, your ignorant ass really showing on that one.LOL !

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

"Not true. He was also lumping in the torch-bearing, shaved head Nazis who murdered a left-wing protester and changed, "Jews will not replace us."

Aren't YOU the one lumping ordinary conservatives, especially Southerners who want to preserve Confederate monuments, with torch-bearing Nazis, and throwing Trump and everyone who isn't like you and yours in the basket with them?

I don't even know that Spencer is a Nazi. I've never heard him give a speech -- all his rallies get shut down by you Anti-First Amendment thugs. And only one man killed that woman who so bravely marched against our free speech rights.

I'm not Southern, and I don't support Confederate statues, but if I had to choose those people and you, it's a no-brainer.

You want more Trump? This is how you get it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

My skill/degree/employment is in finding contractors who are more ethical and don't hate/resent their college-educated clients so maniacally. Many of them do shit jobs and you want to avoid those types. I find that ethical professionals actually like what they do and don't hate their clients.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

This is not for lying asshole Toothless, who thinks calling me "a guy politically aligned with Trump and the Nazis" is somehow OK, because he didn't technically call me a Nazi, and then claims to be interested in "honest" discussion. For anyone else still reading:

I'm a teacher. A third of my students and colleagues were in D.C. on Saturday. I'm perfectly capable of having meaningful discussions with them about why I did not attend and where I agree and disagree with their diagnosis of the problem and prescriptions for a solution. What kind of moron assumes a Trump voter doesn't know how to talk to the opposition? A foul-mouthed moron like Toothless, it seems. A fool who can't figure out that if A supports B, that doesn't mean B supports A or even wants A's support, or can do anything legal to prevent A from supporting him, even when given a goddamned example of Obama having exactly the same problem.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Aren't YOU the one lumping ordinary conservatives, especially Southerners who want to preserve Confederate monuments, with torch-bearing Nazis, and throwing Trump and everyone who isn't like you and yours in the basket with them?

Actually Trump is. He needs the support of both, apparently. And is unwilling to offend either.

Furthermore, if you can say how the worldview of the Confederates was more defensible than the Nazis', tell me how. I didn't realize the racial superiority fixations are better when you make your slaves into animals instead of into worked-to-death camp residents. Black Americans say slavery was worse than the Holocaust - because it lasted for centuries and destroyed black institutions and family structures in a much more permanent way. I think they have a point. I don't give Confederate sympathizers a lick of sympathy. They're the ones holding back America.

I don't even know that Spencer is a Nazi.

Then read his statements. Watch his interviews. Stop claiming ignorance while intentionally avoiding the evidence.

I've never heard him give a speech -- all his rallies get shut down by you Anti-First Amendment thugs.

Whether they're anti-1st amendment or not I don't know and don't care. Apparently you think that demagoguing America into a race-based society however is a risk-free political move - or that it should be. I don't know that it is. Sometimes yelling the philosophical equivalent of "n*gger" in a crowded theater is dangerous, though.

And only one man killed that woman who so bravely marched against our free speech rights.

If you want to defend the environment and subculture that supported him though, be my guest.

I'm not Southern, and I don't support Confederate statues, but if I had to choose those people and you, it's a no-brainer.

No one's asking you to choose anything, you tribalist. Confederate sympathizers are not only wrong but have set the country back by over a hundred years. So that's more personal. Violent anarchists exist everywhere at all times though so good luck thinking that you're going to establish a politically antiseptic country. It's never happened and it never will.

You want more Trump? This is how you get it.

Trump is his own phenomenon and he can be as much of a disaster as he and his supporters want. Other failings led to his rise and they are completely related to anarchists but to the Democratic money machine that elevated biological identity over working on the poverty problem that makes this FullMooch wacko (to give an example) so uptight.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

What kind of moron assumes a Trump voter doesn't know how to talk to the opposition?

No one who enthusiastically supported Trump was impressed with his supposed (and demonstrably non-existent) "outreach" efforts. No one. That's precisely why they liked him so much. They like the fact that he walls himself (and his country) in and fights everybody. I guess this means he doesn't align himself with anybody either but that's another story. Outreach is his antithesis.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

It's been fun, as usual.
I'll check back later.

Oh I'll wait. You're such a brilliant, and interesting guy and I (and everyone) have so much to learn from you.

We just don't know where you get it. And you don't have a chip on your shoulder at all. It's your best quality.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

More made-up shit! By the way, like most supposed 'righties' on this site, I certainly didn't "enthusiastically" vote for Trump - I voted for him as the lesser of two evils to Hillary. The way I told my friends was that I would definitely vote for a 4 on a scale of 1-10 if he was running (as he was) against a 2. A definite strong preference, but no enthusiasm at all. He's turned out to be a pleasant suprise, and has in fact been doing a great job on judicial picks, cutting down the bureaucracy, igniting the economy, crushing ISIS, checkmating North Korea, and much more. I'm as astonished as anyone to find that he's more like an 8 on a scale of 1-10, and amazed that so many can't see it - too distracted by his use of Twitter as a laser pointer on the cats of the press and the opposition in both parties. His main fault - clownish lack of dignity - is actually one of his strongest assets: while everyone's worrying about his tweets, he gets things done. Construction on the Wall starts tomorrow. So suck it, Toothless.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

"Truthless Revolutionary" lies again:

Yes, delusional chip-on-your-shoulder contractor who hates his clients. That quote was probably from about ten years ago and aimed at the participants in those threads who diluted their quality so greatly, not the blog author. Plus, people grow and change and modify their perspectives over time and from time to time. It's called personal growth but I can see that the concept eludes you

You still doing the same old thing. ten years later. You have not changed, or "grown" at all.
You pollute the threads with name calling and ignorant extra long comments.
You are easy. No skills to speak of. No idea of the loan process or how to acquire property. Think you can use a credit card for a million dollar loan.. Hahahahahaha!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

He's turned out to be a pleasant suprise

That comment alone merits unmitigated enmity.

Pumping up the Saudis so that he can go to war with Iran and get the financial markets to repeat their pre-2008 redux while pricing the poor out of the insurance markets and prioritizing country over planet and steel over steel jobs and take sides in the Middle East while withdrawing from any political leverage we have over Europe and China and sowing Nazi-fomented division at home will all put him at the bottom of the historical rankings. He has permanently damaged separation of powers and respect for rule of law over men and will be lucky if he ends up with a legacy more favorable than Herbert Hoover's or Andrew Johnson's. He's only a leader in the sense that America never had someone who elevated his own personal cult over a modest understanding of the constitution so go celebrate that if you must but it's why his favorables are at 30%. Yes, I know you get off on annoying people but these are the objective reasons why he sucks and is damaging America while making it the world's policeman once again.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Dr Weevil said...

More made-up shit!

His whole thing is to lie outlandishly in an attempt to get others to deny his moronic accusations.
More fun to point out the obvious.He has been making comments for a decade. Thousands of comments. Long winded stuff of little importance.

In all that time, no mention of a single accomplishment or particular education.

Read his comments to me about using credit cards to finance home purchase. Complete ignorance.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Oh no. A contractor is name calling. I'm so hurt.

He keeps denying that Althouse deleted him, too.

Is he the same guy as that terrorist, Methadras?

readering বলেছেন...

I think Trump-Biden was more uplifting.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

I don't get off on annoying people, only subhuman assholes like you, who know nothing and insist on telling us over and over what they don't know. None of what you just wrote is true, except for the part about how a recent president "permanently damaged separation of powers and respect for rule of law over men": of course that was Obama, and Trump is trying to repair the damage. I really hope you're getting paid to write these obvious falsehoods: it would be really pathetic if you were doing this for free.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

So apparently Methadras/FullMooch's credit cards don't allow for cash advances and he doesn't know how the 2008 housing crash went down. What else is new? A contractor who doesn't know what the housing bubble was.

Go suck a dick. Take the level out of your sagging overalls and fuck off! You can't read a fucking sentence properly.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I don't get off on annoying people, only subhuman assholes like you, who know nothing and insist on telling us over and over what they don't know. None of what you just wrote is true, except for the part about how a recent president "permanently damaged separation of powers and respect for rule of law over men": of course that was Obama, and Trump is trying to repair the damage.

Right. What a hell of a fucking moron you are. Find a single constitutional law professor who agrees with your singularly ignorant opinion on this one and how your Nazi-loving president that you favored is doing anything of the sort. Elementary school teachers like you might not be good enough to serve up civics courses but you should still be better than to pretend that a mobbed-up NDA-pushing moocher and liar and shirker like Trump is something better than the Nazi apologist that he is.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Stupid "Revolutionary"

So apparently Methadras/FullMooch's credit cards don't allow for cash advances and he doesn't know how the 2008 housing crash went down. What else is new? A contractor who doesn't know what the housing bubble was. Go suck a dick. Take the level out of your sagging overalls and fuck off!

Hahahaha! Yep, million dollar cash advance. How you do it? On your Visa? I know you never owned anything or worked for a living. Now to giveaway that you never had a credit card.

Yep, credit card advances crashed the housing market. LOL!

Man, you are even more stupid than I thought.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Hahahaha! Yep, million dollar cash advance.

Well, only if you confuse a total loan amount with a down payment, which it seems that you're stupid enough to do.





FullMoon বলেছেন...

Seriously Babyboy. It's been entertaining.
See ya on another thread.
Go ahead and have the last word.

(Million dollar advance Hahahahahahaha!)

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Now I'm an "Elementary school" teacher? Why do some people just make shit up? I've taught every level from 6th grade through college, and lectured to grad students and professors on two continents, but never taught younger students. I'd probably be more tolerant of silly arguments and fantastic lies if I had. The only president I can think of who could be called "Nazi-loving" or at least aligned with Nazi goals is the one who gave a billion or so to the Iranian regime to spend on trying to destroy Israel while gutting the U.S. armed forces. Fortunately, Trump and his GCC and Israeli allies are well on their way to reversing the damage and helping the Iranians free themselves from brutal oppression with minimal bloodshed.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

General contractors earned a mean $45.14 per hour, or $93,900 per year, as of May 2011, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The lowest-paid 10 percent of contractors received less than $24.35 per hour, or $50,650 per year, while the best-paid 10 percent made $71.67 per hour, or $149,070 per year. Construction managers prepare budgets, work schedules and strategies for completing projects. They choose and hire subcontractors and laborers, supervise their activities onsite, and report to superiors on progress. They collaborate with engineers, architects and other construction professionals. They must ensure that all legal requirements and safety regulations are met.

I make more than this.

So do the college educated dorks at GOOGLE or wherever.


Dude, you're boring. No matter how much you rant and rave.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Now I'm an "Elementary school" teacher? Why do some people just make shit up? I've taught every level from 6th grade through college, and lectured to grad students and professors on two continents, but never taught younger students.

Or civics, apparently - a subject you're fantastically ignorant of.

I'd probably be more tolerant of silly arguments and fantastic lies if I had. The only president I can think of who could be called "Nazi-loving" or at least aligned with Nazi goals is the one who gave a billion or so to the Iranian regime to spend on trying to destroy Israel while gutting the U.S. armed forces.

Try taking a history course. The Iranians will now ramp up their production of nuclear and dividing the Middle East between the Iranians and Saudis is a smarter course for a country like the U.S. that has no stake in Shia-Sunni arguments than is favoring either one of those horrible terrorism-supporting regimes.

Fortunately, Trump and his GCC and Israeli allies are well on their way to reversing the damage and helping the Iranians free themselves from brutal oppression with minimal bloodshed.

Now I know you're an absolute moron. Did Trump actually believe a single word he said about Iraq being a mistake and "America first?" Seems like it's the Middle East First. I never knew it was worth millions of lives and trillions of dollars to build up that social and political hellhole. I guess now for every crumbling bridge and rotted out highway I see in America I can thank Trump for investing the monies instead into a bloated military bigger than the next ten combined so that we can keep the corrupt Saudi tyrants "safe." What a country!

Go move to KSA. I heard they could use some American teachers and probably pay you fuckers better than you'll be getting under billionaire Betsy DeVos. They make you live according to corrupt, authoritarian dictates but as a Trump supporter I'm sure you're used to that. Hell, you can even get high watching public beheadings on the Friday square. Awesome. Sure beats a Twitter war. As a conservative authoritarian you must be tickled at the thought!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Trump is so untrustworthy that his closest advisor is a neophyte son-in-law who couldn't even keep his security clearance and was marked by the Saudis as a gullible fool who could be duped and sold out easily.

That's your president, High School Israeli Evangelist guy.

But yes, Jared Kushner is going to "make peace" in the Middle East. One of Trump's biggest priorities.


How easily did the Chinese bribe him? Didn't he offer them VISA entry waivers?

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

The Iranian mullahs will be out of power by September, maybe much sooner, with no active participation by U.S. troops. When that happens and I come back here and remind you, will you admit you know nothing and go away and never come back? No loss in promising if it can't happen, is there? Have you noticed the revolution in Saudi Arabia, which has been rapidly liberalizing and fighting terrorism in several countries under the new Crown Prince, who's been meeting with Trump in D.C.? Pay attention, and you might learn something. And why don't you follow your own principles and move to Venezuela? You're the one who seems to hate living in Trump's U.S.A. where things are getting better and better for anyone with eyes to see.

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