March 1, 2018

"I mean, I see some folks that don’t say nice things about me, and that’s okay. Because if you turn that into this energy, I’ll love you."

Said President Trump — transcript — at what Vox calls "Trump’s madcap, unscripted gun control meeting with lawmakers... Trump had Democrats cheering in his bipartisan gun control meeting."

What was really going on? To my eye, it looks like how he played the Democrats over DACA reform, getting them enthused that he'd flipped to their side, and then wasting their time and leaving them disappointed. Now he's getting them energized again — turn your hate into into this energy — and then I’ll love you. I'll love you...

But what kind of romance is he talking about? He's a political pick-up artist, no? They can't let that happen again, can they? Or will a second time work to their advantage because then the pattern will be obvious and they can sound the alarm? But some people will find Trump's game playing a wonderful triumph.

This gun control legislation won't pass, and the Democrats will have spent the run-up to the 2018 elections threatening to take away our guns... and defanged in their Trump-hating.

IN THE COMMENTS: Leslie Graves said:
DJT may have found that a similar tactic worked for him with cheated-upon women: Turn back to them with passion and interest for a time.
Yes, and he's catching Dianne Feinstein on the rebound. (See "California Democratic Party won't endorse Dianne Feinstein," 3 days ago). The L.A. Times makes it sound almost orgasmic: "Feinstein shakes with glee after Trump suggests adding assault weapons ban to background check bill." Well, see for yourself:

Turn that into this energy. I’ll love you.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that Trump is a real idiot.

etbass said...

I love how Trump has played the Dems since being elected. It is so refreshing to see us win against those SOB's for a change.

Michael K said...

Lucy and the football.

etbass said...

They (the Dems) have being trying to ruin our country for decades and we finally have somebody who is making them look like the fools they are.

Leslie Graves said...

DJT may have found that a similar tactic worked for him with cheated-upon women: Turn back to them with passion and interest for a time.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

In order to spot. a fake legislative offer. the optimal strategy is to. follow the policy. with your eyes. instead of your heart.

Meade said...

The Democratic Party should rename itself The Borderline Personality Disorder Party.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Being stridently pro-gun, while it certainly fits with the Constitution, is at best a break-even political tactic, with potential to be a significant loser. And as closely split politically as the country is, that's too big a risk. The right doesn't seem to appreciate that, and appreciate how closely it came to President Hillary. That is not an environment that is going to change anytime soon.

President Trump realizes that if you partially disarm your opponents, or convince them to expend time and energy in areas that will turn out to be dead-ends, or both, it's much easier to defeat them. That's what he is doing here.

Charlie Currie said...

Bee Pee Dee Pee

Wince said...

But what kind of romance is he talking about? He's a political pick-up artist, no? They can't let that happen again, can they?

As if to complete Althouse's metaphor, didn't Dianne Feinstein look like that past her prime, recently dumped woman after a long relationship who thinks she found a new paramour who will rescue her?

The main reason Sen. Dianne Feinstein didn’t receive the Democratic endorsement is age.

Watch Dianne Feinstein Erupt With Glee After Trump Seems to Endorse Her Assault Weapons Ban

Jaq said...

he Democratic Party should rename itself The Borderline Personality Disorder Party.

It won’t happen because the first symptom is denial.

Chuck said...

It is so strange, Althouse, how we look at the same facts and come away with such different conclusions.

You seem to think that Trump was bullshitting -- just as he did on immigration, in a nearly-identical fashion -- and I agree.

But you look at that as some sort of Master Persuader, and advanced politics. I look at it as a window into Trump's inner mind and soul. Which is a guy with little actual knowledge, and virtually no principles and ideology. He told Democrats what they wanted to hear on immigration, and basically lied to the world on national television. He said he'd sign whatever bipartisan proposal that the congressional leaders came up with. That he wouldn't put his own demands on it. It was a complete lie.

Michael K says, "Lucy and the football." I won't disagree. And who was the good guy in that? Not Lucy. She was evil; the antagonist. Charlie Brown was the decent, moral hero of the strip.

Unknown said...

Picture chris christie behind him on that stage...

Bob Boyd said...

Trump didn't waste the Democrats time. He re-purposed it.

bolivar di griz said...

The mines are yet to go off:

Unknown said...

In wrestling the heel finally turns face to accolades

Doesn't he see unpredictability as a virtue?

Jaq said...

And who was the good guy in that? Not Lucy. She was evil; the antagonist. Charlie Brown was the decent, moral hero of the strip.

You forgot the part about Charlie Brown being a perennial loser. Eventually, you lose enough times, you gotta step aside. As one of the commenters here posted once, it’s not Charlie Brown anymore, it’s Bart Simpson.

bolivar di griz said...

A little context

mockturtle said...

Look at all the lefties who have called Trump insane. How long before 'wrongthink' is considered mental illness? If the Dems get back in power, anyone who disagrees with them will be determined mentally ill and their firearms confiscated. While I certainly agree with the basic principle involved in this projected legislation, I also believe it could be a dangerously slippery slope.

Bob Boyd said...

I Realize My Previous Forecasts About What Would Or Would Not Transpire In Your Mouth Turned Out To Be Wildly Erroneous
But it's different this time! I've got a good feeling! – Ace

mockturtle said...

Lucy was an empowered female with agency. :-)

Jaq said...

Trump was always a centrist. The Democrats hate him because he won, no other reason. Plus they came up with the racial politics thing, which is racist to the core, because it’s central premise is that whites are better than identity politics, and of course they pretend shock that whites might turn to identity politics themselves, when confronted by them in opposition, which they fully expected and planned for using the whole white supremacy, Nazi, tropes. The bullshit AntiFa was always part of the plan to paint their opponents as racists, if you ask me.

The real reason they hate Trump is that he beat Hillary. Their big problem is that not every voter is a committed, orders taking, partisan.

tcrosse said...

Lucy was an empowered female with agency. :-)

I shudder to think what Lucy had to do to Charles Schultz to get a part in the comic strip. #metoo !

mikee said...

I, for one, find the Dems desire to impose collective punishment on the innocent based on the action of one miscreant (firearms bans, despite both constitutional and Supreme Court prohibitions on same) to be amazingly short sighted. The Dems don't have the political power at any level past big city government to impose such draconian changes to society by force. And trying to do so in the face of 50+% opposition might just result in more people noticing the totalitarian behavior rather than the feel-good emotionalism of their ideology.

Sebastian said...

Yes, Trump is a con man, and Dems are the mark. But what is the con man's goal in this instance? Since he hadn't given a moment's prior thought to gun policy, let's set aside any definite gun policy purpose.

Part of the art of the deal is getting the other side to deal. When progs and MSM are spouting anti-Trump venom 24/7, that's a gain. Which he then turns into "energy" and "love" for them. The process is the policy purpose.

Of course, it can still produce lousy outcomes as well. But the DACA fiasco is encouraging.

Paul said...

Personally I think we should wait to see what is DONE, not what Trump says.

In reality we know if they try to seize without due process it will go to SCOTUS and be thrown out (as he knows.)

Just give it time folks, I suspect what we will see is this:

1. NICS tightened and such as the Air Force forced to do their job. Hopefully records of juveniles will be fair game to check.

2. With a court order showing proof of insanity, yea take their guns. But there will be an avenue for folks to submit proof they are not nuts and get them back.

3. Semi-automatics of any shape will be 21 years old to buy, but 18 to posess (that is their parents can give them a gift. See there are many of them that shoot the 3 gun matches where ARs, shotguns, and handguns are used.

4. States enact armed teachers/administrators laws.

Now the national CCW act. Yes keep it out of the mix and lets get laws rolling. THEN we can go for national CCW.

Roughcoat said...

The Democratic Party should rename itself The Borderline Personality Disorder Party.

Isn't that the term now used instead "psychopath" but which means the same thing as "psychopath"?

Unknown said...

Chuck they did not put a DACA bill on his desk to sign. Never went that far because Dems overreached which will be same conduct on guns. 100%

Kyzer SoSay said...

Linus was actually the moral hero of Peanuts. Charlie Brown was the lovable yet incompetent loser. Note that he sucked at just about everything he did, and kept trying, but never got any better. He was the guy that the kids reading that comic strip could look at and go "at least I'm not that awful, I get better over time and learn from my mistakes". Charlie Brown never did. He kept after that football no matter how many times Lucy pulled it away.

Speaking of Lucy, you know what she was? Not evil. Not an antagonist, either. She was Life. She was the embodiment of all the times Life can get a person down and keep them down, especially if they never stop making the same errors. Life pulls the football away from you, Life charges you a nickel for advice and gives you nothing but garbage in return, Life criticizes you for everything and relentlessly mocks your failures.

Donald Trump is giving Democrats a dose of Life. Hillary lost. Hey, that's Life.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I find it utterly fascinating that Dianne Feinstein has had a conceal carry permit from my gun-hating state of California and yet is so hell-bent on taking away everyone else's guns. She is the most hypocritical pol on this point.

Unless Trump is playing us and not them.

Bob Boyd said...

I do worry Trump will sell us out on gun control for the sake of making a deal. I hope I'm wrong. He might be able to shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue, but he won't survive supporting gun control. And then what?

Unknown said...

> When progs and MSM are spouting anti-Trump venom 24/7, that's a gain. Which he then turns into "energy" and "love" for them.

Anyone divorced can tell you love/hate are like 11 and 1 on a clock - that strong emotion can surely be converted.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Your definition of bipartisan immigration may be when 4 RINO/ Open border senators bend over for 4 Dem senators? I don't think that is Trump's definition of bipartisan.

Unknown said...

> Unless Trump is playing us and not them.

You have to wonder... a turn to get elected?

Who would he favor second term?

Meade said...

"Chuck they did not put a DACA bill on his desk to sign. Never went that far because Dems overreached which will be same conduct on guns. 100%"

Exactly. And yet Chuck never seems to miss any opportunity to call Trump the liar.

rehajm said...

It's advantageous for Trump to sit next to Feinstein and the rest of the leftie youth brigade.

bolivar di griz said...

Its makes you wonder if he is Charlie brown

Bob Boyd said...

Did you hear the other woman in a blue dress wanting to include dating partners in the definition of domestic violence for purposes of denying a firearms purchase? And of course Trump was all yes yes yes. Watch her body language and facial expression when that happens, it's very creepy IMO.

Michael K said...

Michael K says, "Lucy and the football." I won't disagree. And who was the good guy in that? Not Lucy. She was evil; the antagonist. Charlie Brown was the decent, moral hero of the strip.

Hilarious. And Charlie Brown is the Republican Congress which always loses.

Or maybe the GOP voter who keeps electing them hoping the football will be there this time.

Fernandinande said...

Trump vs. California feud escalates to all-out warfare - I hope they don't escalate all the way to strongly worded letters.

gerry said...

Speaking of Lucy, you know what she was? Not evil. Not an antagonist, either. She was Life. She was the embodiment of all the times Life can get a person down and keep them down, especially if they never stop making the same errors. Life pulls the football away from you, Life charges you a nickel for advice and gives you nothing but garbage in return, Life criticizes you for everything and relentlessly mocks your failures.

Are you listening, Chuck?

Jaq said...

Still they always made Chuck Brown manager of the baseball team, even though they never won...

Isn't that the term now used instead "psychopath" but which means the same thing as "psychopath"?

No, Borderline Personality Disorder got taken out of the DSM as Hillary rose in power. Just sayin’

Jaq said...

Lucy was the only one who called Charlie “Chuck,” IIRC.

Big Mike said...


Brian said...

That meeting yesterday was genius.

What is Trump's agenda? If you are Chuck its to lie to the American people to make them like him. His real agenda right now is to win seats in 2018.

How can he do that? Make the democrats do something crazy.

The tells were there in the meeting:
1) He sat Diane Feinstein, author of the 90's AWB, right frickin next to him. Pence is across the table, but Feinstein is right next to him! In every shot of Trump. You can't tell me Trump doesn't understand the value of optics.

2) He did the same thing as in the immigration meeting. Promising the world. Getting the left's hope up. Bring me anything you can agree on and I'll sign it.

3) Told them they were afraid of the NRA and in an alpha male moment mentioned that he wasn't afraid of the NRA. Daring them to write as many anti-NRA positions as they can.

4) Let's just take the guns, screw due process! He's spit-balling. Brainstorming extreme positions. Suggesting extreme positions. Does a bill without due process survive to passage? Does it survive the courts? No, of course not. Is Trump too stupid to understand that? Nobody in business as long as he has been is that unaware.

5) In line with that the most extreme position on the right is Concealed Carry Reciprocity. So his rejection of that provision by Republicans is the most important tell. "You'll never get this passed with that in there". It's a non-starter. What he was really saying was, "Are you nuts guys? I'm trying to make them seem like the ones out of the mainstream, not we are both out of the mainstream." I'm trying to get them to move the window so far to the left that it can be sunk without political damage.

Democrats line Dianne Feinstein, took it hook line and sinker. Republicans did too. Ben Shapiro has tweets today specifically comparing it to the immigration debate earlier in the year and yet can't make the connection that this is strategy.

If you are one of the constituents of the democrats at that table, how do you accept anything less than the moon now. You were so close to banning assault weapons! You can't just settle for fixing the NICS system.

If Trump REALLY wanted to flip on the NRA and his gun loving base he would have had meetings with democrats in secret and the NRA lunch would have been public.

This isn't about guns. It's about positioning for the November elections.

Gahrie said...

Could you imagine the meltdown if Feinstein changed parties and ran as a Republican?

Curious George said...

Trump is helping all those Republicans up this fall in the mid-terms. Getting the D's all talking about gun control. Chuck's to dumb to see this. And to much of a cuck to care.

Jaq said...

But the National Firearms Act defines a "machinegun" as a weapon that fires more than once "by a single function of the trigger." A rifle equipped with a bump stock does not fit that definition, since it still fires just once per trigger pull. -

Yes, let’s play with the words while ignoring their meanings as applied to the real world!

Danno said...

Blogger tcrosse said...Lucy was an empowered female with agency. :-) I shudder to think what Lucy had to do to Charles Schultz to get a part in the comic strip. #metoo !

Too funny!

BTW, Charles Schulz was mentioned in an article about Gallivan's wanting to tear-down and remodel with apartments in the Pioneer. Press today.

Anonymous said...

And who was the good guy in that? Not Lucy. She was evil; the antagonist. Charlie Brown was the decent, moral hero of the strip.

The Lucy/Charlie Brown metaphor applied to politics is primarily about the chumpiness of the chump, secondarily or not at all about the decency and morality of the chump.

Which is a guy with little actual knowledge, and virtually no principles and ideology. He told Democrats what they wanted to hear on immigration, and basically lied to the world on national television.

Which, mutatis mutandis, has been the SOP of your beloved GOPe for decades re its base.

Conservatism(tm) is not about decency and morality, and never was. It was about duping the rubes into believing that, because they perennially lost to Lucy like Charlie Brown, therefore they were moral and decent like Charlie Brown, rather than seeing that Charlie and Lucy were running a con game together.

Big Mike said...

She could do like Murkowski in Alaska and run as an independent, running against both parties’ candidates.

stevew said...

The polls I've seen - not all obviously - show the majority of the American public, in some cases a large majority, do not favor the sort of gun control the Democrats and Progressives are demanding. It would be so very Trumpian if he is signaling he'll support anything they pass knowing full well they can never get Congress to agree to the sorts of restrictions the Left favors.


Gahrie said...

Michael K says, "Lucy and the football." I won't disagree. And who was the good guy in that? Not Lucy. She was evil; the antagonist. Charlie Brown was the decent, moral hero of the strip.

Comments like this almost make me believe that Chuckles really is a Life Long Republican and member of the GOP Establishment. Losing is no big deal as long as you can pretend that you're morally superior to everyone else.

WisRich said...

Brian said...
That meeting yesterday was genius.

5) In line with that the most extreme position on the right is Concealed Carry Reciprocity. So his rejection of that provision by Republicans is the most important tell. "You'll never get this passed with that in there". It's a non-starter. What he was really saying was, "Are you nuts guys? I'm trying to make them seem like the ones out of the mainstream, not we are both out of the mainstream." I'm trying to get them to move the window so far to the left that it can be sunk without political damage.

You nailed it on these comment. Trump was giving the Dem's just enough rope to hang themselves with.

Nonapod said...

I swear it seems like some people have their brains wiped at the end of every day or something. We've all seen this pattern before. Trump says something surprising in a televised meeting, or he Tweets something, or vaguely suggests some possibility, and predictably people lose their ever-loving minds. Remember to try to focus on what he actually does, what actually happens. Stop being so distracting by the flashy legerdemain over and over and over.

stevew said...

Now I see Brian makes a longer and more detailed version of my argument, and it was before mine. So I would retract what I wrote and just say, Right On Brian.


Chuck said...

The tells were there in the meeting:
1) He sat Diane Feinstein, author of the 90's AWB, right frickin next to him. Pence is across the table, but Feinstein is right next to him! In every shot of Trump. You can't tell me Trump doesn't understand the value of optics.

You mean the 1990's AWB that Trump supported at the time.

And yeah, Trump does that with the opposition. He had Dick Durbin next to him at the immigration meeting. And Trump lied his ass off, made Durbin think that maybe Trump was someone whom they could deal with, but it turned out that Trump was not someone they could deal with. Trump lied. Lied, in a peculiarly bizarre way; with bravado and bluster and such grandiose language that made everyone -- Republicans included -- wonder if Trump had a screw loose. Kevin McCarthy had to correct Trump midway though the meeting. Trump just blathered on. Trump agreed with everybody. Trump agreed with disparate, opposing positions in the same conversation. Everyone could watch it real time.

2) He did the same thing as in the immigration meeting. Promising the world. Getting the left's hope up. Bring me anything you can agree on and I'll sign it.

Right; as I just stated...

3) Told them they were afraid of the NRA and in an alpha male moment mentioned that he wasn't afraid of the NRA. Daring them to write as many anti-NRA positions as they can.

So the proof of that would be Trump actually doing something that was alpha-male, and opposed to the NRA. Personally, I am not anti-NRA. I was a member, but am no longer a member. I would never trash talk the NRA. But I'd never call myself the best friend that the NRA ever had, and promise the NRA that no matter what, I will always "be there" for them. As Trump has.

4) Let's just take the guns, screw due process! He's spit-balling. Brainstorming extreme positions. Suggesting extreme positions. Does a bill without due process survive to passage? Does it survive the courts? No, of course not. Is Trump too stupid to understand that? Nobody in business as long as he has been is that unaware.

Time and time again, Trump proves exactly how unaware he is. This is a pretty great example of that.

5) In line with that the most extreme position on the right is Concealed Carry Reciprocity. So his rejection of that provision by Republicans is the most important tell. "You'll never get this passed with that in there". It's a non-starter. What he was really saying was, "Are you nuts guys? I'm trying to make them seem like the ones out of the mainstream, not we are both out of the mainstream." I'm trying to get them to move the window so far to the left that it can be sunk without political damage.

Um, okay; so Trump is opposed to Concealed Carry Reciprocity. Is that a good position, or a bad position?
I'm not so sure I know what Trump is actually for, and what he is against, on any of this. All that I know for sure and without any doubt is that what Trump says, cannot be trusted. Trump is the biggest and most pervasive liar in the modern history of American politics, and maybe the biggest liar in the modern history of American public life.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The NRA wants nationwide concealed carry, and agreeing to improved national standards is the only way they are going to get there. So the NRA needs Trump to do this, even though they can’t publicly support it.

Brian said...

Chuck, I missed that part of the constitution where a President can't lie to another politician. Does Dick Durbin ever lie?

Trump supported the AWB? That should concern a gun rights supporter? Why? What was his purpose for supporting the AWB? Was it because he hates guns? Or maybe he wanted to ingratiate himself to NY politicians because he was a NY real estate developer? Your point proves my point. He will offer any position that will get him his goals. Do you disagree his goal is to gain seats in the November elections? If democrats do what I outlined help or hurt their prospects for the November elections?

To your other points, why does Trump need to "prove" anything? Is his credibility by you worth anything? Or his chaos to his enemies more valuable?

A liar can be effective. I'll bet you are horrible at negotiations. Ever buy a car Chuck? Ever say, "I love the car, but my wife hates it, there's no way I'll stay married if I buy that car at that price....maybe you could throw me a bone and lower the price a little?"

No, you probably pay sticker.

Roughcoat said...

No, Borderline Personality Disorder got taken out of the DSM as Hillary rose in power. Just sayin’

It's still in. See:

"BPD is recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) as a personality disorder, along with nine other such disorders.[5] Diagnosis is based on the symptoms while a medical exam may be done to rule out other problems.[4] The condition must be differentiated from an identity problem or substance use disorders, among other possibilities.[5]"

[5]Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5 (5th ed.). Washington [etc.]: American Psychiatric Publishing. 2013. pp. 645, 663–6.

Brian said...

I forgot to add that in both the immigration discussion and the gun control discussion Trump has gotten everyone to "think past the sale".

Chris Cyr said...

The Democrats are doing this because polling says registered voters want to see them attempt to work with Trump. According to the Harvard/Harris poll out this month, only 21% want the Democrats to not cooperate. 79% want them to try and cooperate where they can. 53% think the Democrats want to keep the DACA issue unresolved until the midterms.

DACA poll on page 73. The questions on cooperation are ten to twenty pages down, after the state of the union polling questions.

I am not a Russian troll.


Chuck said...

Nonapod said...
I swear it seems like some people have their brains wiped at the end of every day or something. We've all seen this pattern before. Trump says something surprising in a televised meeting, or he Tweets something, or vaguely suggests some possibility, and predictably people lose their ever-loving minds. Remember to try to focus on what he actually does, what actually happens. Stop being so distracting by the flashy legerdemain over and over and over.

I have learned; do not be distracted by anything that Trump says. His assertions are lies. His denials are lies. His allegations are lies.

"Flashy legerdemain"? I see nothing flashy, or insightful, or brilliant in Trump's lies. He's watching tv, getting a feel for where the public's conventional wisdom and emotions lie, and he balances it against Fox News and occasionally with other tv news that he regards with open hostility, and he says whatever the moment seems to indicate to him. He's not analyzing competing ideas on the merits. He's not advancing any ideology. He wouldn't know an ideology if it kicked him in his fat ass.

Chris Cyr said...

In other words, the Democrats are happy to waste time on this. Plus, people want to see Trump make concessions, which he is doing. So everyone is happy. It's all theater.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Danno said...

The salesman probably gets more than sticker from Chuck as the sales manager calls the salesman and says the last similar car was sold and now someone is eyeing the car Chuck is negotiating on.

Brian said...

Chuck said...
He's not analyzing competing ideas on the merits. He's not advancing any ideology. He wouldn't know an ideology if it kicked him in his fat ass.

So he's effective but you don't like him? Congratulations on your next step in the Scott Adam's cognitive dissonance timeline.

Brian said...

Danno said...
The salesman probably gets more than sticker from Chuck as the sales manager calls the salesman and says the last similar car was sold and now someone is eyeing the car Chuck is negotiating on.

And then Chuck calls him a liar with no principles!

Drago said...

LLR Chuck is still very very upset that Trump exposed Durbin as a fool and a liar who wishes only for unrestricted mass immigration to forever alter the voting profile of our nation in the dems favor.

Making dems look bad always upsets our "Bowe Bergdahl republican" Chuck.

But only every single time.


Don't worry Chuck, you can always get back at Trump by making sure the "best" candidate to run against Stabenow is nominated by the republicans....(wink wink)

exhelodrvr1 said...

"He's not advancing any ideology"

That's interesting. you must be wearing virtual reality goggles.

Drago said...

LLR and famously failed MI electoral politics prognosticator Chuck: "Time and time again, Trump proves exactly how unaware he is."


It just keeps getting better and better and better.

That Trump has simply stumbled unknowingly into the biggest electoral upset in 150 years and then stumbled unknowingly into the biggest year of conservative governance in 50 years and in McConnell's own lifetime.

Once again, every single talking point Vichy Chuck vomits up matches perfectly, perfectly, with the dem narrative of the day.


Feel free to draw obvious and inescapable conclusions.

Chuck said...

Brian said...
Chuck, I missed that part of the constitution where a President can't lie to another politician. Does Dick Durbin ever lie?

Trump supported the AWB? That should concern a gun rights supporter? Why? What was his purpose for supporting the AWB? Was it because he hates guns? Or maybe he wanted to ingratiate himself to NY politicians because he was a NY real estate developer? Your point proves my point. He will offer any position that will get him his goals. Do you disagree his goal is to gain seats in the November elections? If democrats do what I outlined help or hurt their prospects for the November elections?

To your other points, why does Trump need to "prove" anything? Is his credibility by you worth anything? Or his chaos to his enemies more valuable?

A liar can be effective. I'll bet you are horrible at negotiations. Ever buy a car Chuck? Ever say, "I love the car, but my wife hates it, there's no way I'll stay married if I buy that car at that price....maybe you could throw me a bone and lower the price a little?"

No, you probably pay sticker.

I hate negotiating. I hate liars, and lying. I have a long memory, and I hold grudges, especially with liars. I don't think I'd make up a story, in buying a car. What I generally do, is look closely at what I should pay, go to a dealer and tell them what I want, and if they won't do that, I walk. No stories; no lies.

I've never liked Durbin; Durbin is a political enemy. A formidable one. Because he rarely says stuff that is blatantly untrue. It's rare that we can catch Durbin lying. He's usually an annoyingly smooth, adept advocate for his rotten Democrat Machine politics.

On the "shithole countries" matter, I think it is inescapable that Durbin was telling the truth, and that a much worse liar -- President Trump -- was obfuscating what was said.

You say that Trump "will offer any position that will get him his goals." I have no idea, what Trump's goals are. If Trump sat down with me personally and in a half an hour outlined his "goals," I wouldn't believe a word of it.

You and others also suggest that Trump's true goal is to win elections in the fall of 2018. That would be Mitch McConnell's goal as well. If I were managing that effort, I would have fired Donald Trump and hired Mitch McConnell to do the job. Mitch McConnell has actually succeeded in that role. Trump seems to be losing special election seats all over.

Drago said...

#StrongDemDefender: "I hate negotiating. I hate liars, and lying."


And yet you have obfuscated and defended and gone to bat for every dem in sight on every issue.

Hang in there Chuck.

Only around 7 more years or so of conservative governance to go before your "magnificent", "brilliant", "professional" dem allies are back in charge!

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "I've never liked Durbin; Durbin is a political enemy. A formidable one."

LOL. Yeah, a "formidable one" who calls US troops nazi's.

No wonder you "believe him" so much.

A "formidable one" that Trump exposed in about 30 minutes.

No wonder you "believe him" so much.

Hang in there Chuck! Lots of candidates on the left are positioning to run against Trump and that gives you many opportunities to "oppose them" and reestablish your conservative "bona fides"...(wink wink)

Nonapod said...

I see nothing flashy, or insightful, or brilliant in Trump's lies. He's watching tv, getting a feel for where the public's conventional wisdom and emotions lie, and he balances it against Fox News and occasionally with other tv news that he regards with open hostility, and he says whatever the moment seems to indicate to him. He's not analyzing competing ideas on the merits. He's not advancing any ideology. He wouldn't know an ideology if it kicked him in his fat ass.

I suspect that Trump finds most ideologies overrated and not very useful in the real world. At any rate, none of what you've outlined there seems to me to necessarily be a bad thing or necessarily leading to a bad outcome. So he's trying to get a feel for what the general voting public wants? Is that the worst thing in the world?

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "You say that Trump "will offer any position that will get him his goals." I have no idea, what Trump's goals are."


His goals are the opposite of Rachel Maddow's.....ergo probably not yours.....

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "You and others also suggest that Trump's true goal is to win elections in the fall of 2018. That would be Mitch McConnell's goal as well. If I were managing that effort, I would have fired Donald Trump and hired Mitch McConnell to do the job"


"If I were managing that effort...."

Only the dems have openings for guys like you to manage any particular effort.......for obvious reasons.

Obvious. Reasons.

Chuck said...

Brian said...
Chuck said...
"He's not analyzing competing ideas on the merits. He's not advancing any ideology. He wouldn't know an ideology if it kicked him in his fat ass."

So he's effective but you don't like him? Congratulations on your next step in the Scott Adam's cognitive dissonance timeline.

Who says that Trump is "effective"? Sean Hannity? Heritage?

Trump isn't close, to getting a "wall" built. The whole country is realizing that "coal jobs" won't be brought back by Trump. Trump didn't "replace" Obamacare and doesn't seem to even have a plan to do so. Immigration has exposed Trump as a gross sort of public liar. The White House is a leaky, chaotic mess.

Trump picked a great Associate Justice, with Neil Gorsuch. He did it, with the overwhelming assistance of the Federalist Society, and Mitch McConnell. Trump is now setting records for conservative federal judicial appointments; because the Senate changed the filibuster rules before Trump got there.

Trump signed a Republican-only tax bill. Negotiated and written by and among congressional Republicans, with mostly just cheerleading from the White House.

How exactly is Trump "effective"?

mockturtle said...

Kyzernick opines: Linus was actually the moral hero of Peanuts.

I would have thought Snoopy.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Trump signed a Republican-only tax bill. Negotiated and written by and among congressional Republicans, with mostly just cheerleading from the White House."


Just sit and ponder that one statement for a moment....and drink in the inescapable conclusions!

The single most important piece of tax legislation since Reagan and the biggest weapon the republicans have heading into the midterms and its passage with just republican votes (which makes it an ever MORE effective political weapon!) upsets Chuck.

Hmmmmm. The tax bill passing upsets the dems, greatly.

The tax bill passing upsets LLR Chuck, greatly.

I'm starting to think LLR Chuck has pretty much given up that whole online persona schtick.....

Brian said...

Chuck, why does Durbin get to lie but Trump doesn't? Is Durbin effective? (Hint: he is. Very effective, just that Trump is more effective).

Does Mitch McConnell ever lie? Name an "honest" politician. Hillary? You don't hate that Trump lies. You hate that he wins. He's achieved a lot. You didn't want him to win, and you need to have a reason to hate him for winning. The democrats have the Russians. You have his salesmanship. His "lying". It's ok.

For some it was the feeling that Obama was a secret Muslim.

It's the "Gorsuch decision was ok" but I hate how he tweets.

And I'd love to to talk to the salesperson after you buy a car, Chuck. He's laughing all the way to the bank. But you like him afterwards. I'll bet you think he likes you too. Ever invite the car salesman to your birthday party?

Nonapod said...

I hate liars, and lying. I have a long memory, and I hold grudges, especially with liars.

As I'm sure you know, everybody lies sometimes. Whether it's small lies (white lies) or big lies, lying is a normal part of human interaction. Holding grudges because someone lied to you seems like it could get exhausting, especially if it's a politician let alone some car salesmen.

bagoh20 said...

Maybe it's been said before, and probably in a negative way, but Trump is the political equivalent of Forrest Gump . I say it in the positive way that regardless of how stupid he appears to most, his actions end up winning over and over, and he comes out on top seemingly without even trying. I'm beginning to believe it's divine intervention. There has got to be some tragedy ahead with betrayal and a moral lesson for us all.

Brian said...

Chuck said...

Trump signed a Republican-only tax bill. Negotiated and written by and among congressional Republicans, with mostly just cheerleading from the White House.

Yep, Trump had nothing to do with that... Nope nothing at all... Jeb!(TM) would have been able to do that, too. Trump didn't even want it to pass because he's a democrat at heart. Heck Trump barely ever talked about the tax cut. It was just a gift that McConnell gave him.

Who's lying now?

On the wall, here's a hint for you: Trump wins whether the wall is built or not. Not having the wall allows him to do more on ICE raids against gang members. You shout to the world about how he's a liar but on the wall you don't accept that he doesn't care?

Earnest Prole said...

It's twelve-dimensional chess until it's not.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Tim in Vermont said...

Lucy was the only one who called Charlie “Chuck,” IIRC.

No, that was Peppermint Patty. Her friend Marcie called him Charles. Lucy called him Charlie Brown like everyone else.

Jaq said...

It's still in. See:

Sometimes I believe stuff I read if it sounds plausible and I can’t think of any reason for the publication to lie. Oh well.

Gahrie said...

How exactly is Trump "effective"?

He's neither Hillary nor Jeb.

Gahrie said...

"Time and time again, Trump proves exactly how unaware he is."

They said the same shit about Reagan too.

Funny how the two most successful conservative presidents we have ever had have been called "unaware" or "asleep".

The GOP Establishment hated Reagan too.

Drago said...

Had we elected "Jeb!", just as with his father, the LLR's and the dems would have convinced Jeb! to raise taxes, open the borders up completely and attack conservatives.

Oh, be still LLR Chuck's beating heart.......

Brian said...

He's neither Hillary nor Jeb.

You did a typo: It's Jeb!(tm) can't forget the exclamation mark.

exhelodrvr1 said...

You do realize that every Democrat voting against the tax cuts will pay huge dividends in at least the 2018 and 2020 election cycles, right?

Drago said...

"Chuck, You do realize that every Democrat voting against the tax cuts will pay huge dividends in at least the 2018 and 2020 election cycles, right?"

Uh, yes he does.

That's why he's upset. The dems screwed up and got played by Trump. And nothing gets under Chucks skin more than Trump beating Chuck's "magnificent" dems like a drum.

Michael said...

The main thing will be to make it impossible for anyone to buy a guy until they are 21. They can be loaned a gun by the Army if they are 18. It will be a shame if the Army is then built around young men who have never held a weapon until they joined. All those great WW! sharp shooter movies about the kid from the sticks. Down the drain. That is not who we are. Any. More.

Bruce Hayden said...

Why does it matter? Because the Republicans stand to pick up seats in the Senate if the Dems do something stupid there, such as a vote on an “assault weapons ban”, Overreaching again, and paying the price. 8-10 maybe Dem Senators are up for re-election, from states won by Trump. And in pretty much every one, a vote for an AWB is going to cost them important votes. The vote would be symbolic, in any case, since it wouldn’t pass in the House.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The main thing will be to make it impossible for anyone to buy a guy until they are 21. They can be loaned a gun by the Army if they are 18. It will be a shame if the Army is then built around young men who have never held a weapon until they joined. All those great WW! sharp shooter movies about the kid from the sticks. Down the drain. That is not who we are. Any. More.”

Buying and owning are different. I don’t see the legislation banning those under 21 from owning firearms - just that they can’t legally buy such. Parent giving them a gun would be just fine. And maybe if they couldn’t own a semiautomatic.

cubanbob said...

Chuck I try to follow your positions but frankly it's difficult. Are you for or against the wall? For or against DACA? For or against ObamaCare? For or against the tax rate reduction? As for Trump being a liar, why yes he is. The man spews shit-tons of lies which other than his style of doing it makes him a standard politician. Still he isn't an unusually good liar like the Clinton's or as smooth a liar as Obama nor as aw shucks a liar as W. So what are you getting at? You think Jeb! would be any less of a liar? Dude, get a reality check. To me what counts isn't what Trump trash talks, but what he actually does. And so far he has been more of a conservative than the last two Republican presidents. Perhaps that fact galls you, but that is actually true. No lie.

FullMoon said...

The wall is a symbol. It may keep out some of the simple housekeeping, ditch digging illegals. Many criminals will find a way in.

Plenty of excitement every time a four or five time deported guy gets caught doing a crime. The fact these guys get back in time after time does not prove that a wall is a good deterrent. It proves these guys have an easy way in. You think criminals are running across the desert, or coming in packed with twenty others in the back of a truck?
More likely they have fake id's and drive across border like a citizen or legal worker.

Authorities should be picking these guys brains to find out how they keep getting back in

Heard some genius suggest removing all convicted illegals from prisons and deporting them,/ How stupid can you be? 90% gonna come back to USA and do more crime.

n.n said...

He lived in liberal land. He knows the rules. He doesn't fear the natives. This is how you make it big in the Big Apple.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

So, an "assault weapons" ban will not include semi-automatic weapons. Perhaps the "bump stock" gesture was offered as a sugar cube to the Democrats. Unfortunately, there will still not be a ban on scalpels, vacuums, and other dual-use weapons of mass abortion.

Brian said...

Bruce said...
And in pretty much every one, a vote for an AWB is going to cost them important votes.

McCaskill's vote on that would be interesting, no? Manchin's too... Jon Tester? If the democrats aren't united on an AWB ban what does that do to their base? Should Feinstein really have looked so gleeful yesterday?

Chuck said...

cubanbob said...
Chuck I try to follow your positions but frankly it's difficult. Are you for or against the wall?

Against the wall. It's a stupid idea. Apparently it is a good campaign slogan for dumb and credulous voters who don't mind being lied to. But I mind, being lied to.

For or against DACA?

I am opposed to deporting DACA recipients. I am also opposed to citizenship for them. I am also in favor of broad restructuring the system, along the lines favored by Senator Cotton. So I am mostly like Cotton. But I would never have sold out and denied that Trump said "shithole countries" if I heard him say it. And I think Cotton heard him say it.

For or against ObamaCare?

I was opposed to the passage of ObamaCare since it did nothing to bend the health care cost curve. But I thought that virtually everything that Trump said about health care during the campaign was a lie. I think John Kasich knows 100,000% more about health care costs, insurance and coverage than Trump does. I never heard one single good idea from Trump about health care reform. Only stupid, empty, overblown promises. And it pisses me off to no end, that Trump won the GOP nomination while making those idiotic promises. You cannot have a mandate to cover pre-existing conditions, if you don't also have a mandate for everyone buying coverage. You can have both, or none. You cannot have just one; the pre-existing conditions coverage.

For or against the tax rate reduction?

For, mostly, with deep concerns about the deficit.

As for Trump being a liar, why yes he is. The man spews shit-tons of lies which other than his style of doing it makes him a standard politician.

We agree. Trump spews shit-tons of lies, and indeed does it more, and in a profoundly weirder way, than anyone else I can think of.

Still he isn't an unusually good liar like the Clinton's or as smooth a liar as Obama nor as aw shucks a liar as W.

Right, Trump isn't a good liar like most polished politicians. Trump is a bigger liar, a more prolific liar, and a much more reckless liar. A sociopathic liar.

FullMoon said...

Offended by politician lying, but OK with fantasy of attacking female lawyer/journalist

Chuck said...

Fuck you, .... I am not going to "deny it." I say again; I propose to grab Greta exactly the way that Corey grabbed Michelle. I expect Greta to be surprised and offended, and maybe even a bit frightened. Good. That's how Michelle felt, no doubt. But Greta thinks it was frivolous in Michelle's case. Again, good for me when I do it to her.

Best of all, would be to do it to Corey Lewandowski.

Drago said...

"Bowe Bergdahl republican" Chuck: "Right, Trump isn't a good liar like most polished politicians. Trump is a bigger liar, a more prolific liar, and a much more reckless liar. A sociopathic liar."


There is a perfect, literally perfect, correlation between the level of Chucks ire and the current success rate of the republicans against the dems.

The only times you will see Chuck celebrating is when the republicans fail at something and the dems get the upper hand temporarily.

You should feel free to draw obvious conclusions.

FullMoon said...

Bu-bu-bu-Bad to the Bone.
Blogger Chuck said...

Michael I am not the slightest bit concerned about Michelle Fields or her victimhood status. I am interested in showing what shameless fuckheads are inside the Trump campaign.

I am also quite interested (at 6' and 190 lbs.) in performing the exact same move on Greta Van Susteren, to see how harmless she thinks it is. She could never make a credible claim for prosecution.

Drago said...

In Washington DC right now, today, the entire democrat party and establishment is working hand in glove with their LLR Chuck beloved MSM lefty allies to overturn an election based on the biggest lies we have ever seen in our political lifetimes, if not history.

The more this is exposed you can exposed a directly correlated rise in LLR Chuck criticism of Trump and conservatives.

Feel free to draw obvious conclusions.

Bruce Hayden said...

“McCaskill's vote on that would be interesting, no? Manchin's too... Jon Tester? If the democrats aren't united on an AWB ban what does that do to their base? Should Feinstein really have looked so gleeful yesterday?”

I think that Jon Tester, for one, has been in DC so long that he has lost his touch with his constituents. You see an awful lot of AR-15s in MT at the ranges. Maybe half the rifles and carbines. Tester likely has planned his campaign already. He is going to blanket the airwaves with ads, paid for with mostly out of state money, showing him driving the family combine, or with a broken shotgun over his shoulder. My partner jokes that they probably have to use old footage of him in the combine, because he has gotten so fat on the fancy DC eating that he probably wouldn’t fit. But, at least in central and western MT, there are likely a lot more rifles than shotguns, since it isn’t bird hunting country, but rather deer, elk, bighorn sheep, etc country. Shotguns are for play. Rifles are for work. I think that he would lose if he opposes concealed carry reciprity, and surely if he supports an AWB. Dead meat. As dead as the game shot with those “assault weapons” that the Dems want to ban.

chickelit said...

Blogger Michael said...The main thing will be to make it impossible for anyone to buy a guy until they are 21. They can be loaned a gun by the Army if they are 18. It will be a shame if the Army is then built around young men who have never held a weapon until they joined. All those great WW! sharp shooter movies about the kid from the sticks. Down the drain. That is not who we are. Any. More.

Crippling our military's ability to wage effective war is a corollary goal of the left, even if it leaves us vulnerable. Plus those old timey stories mainly involve white, rural guys. They're supposed to be dying off. On the other hand, if America were to become involved in some serious urban warfare, we can be sure that an effective "Crips Corps" comprising urban black youth familiar with guns would get a few pajama boys hard and would moisten the panties of the Dunham cohort.

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