March 22, 2018

"I am so gratified by the reaction to my little drawings. It is the job of a political cartoon to vex those who abuse power or enable those abuses."

"This administration has been lying to the American people from day one while plundering the country and debasing our values. And those who cover for this shameful mobster of a President are putting makeup on a melanoma and telling the cancer patient that everything’s fine. Monstrous? You bet!"

Said Jim Carrey, responding to criticism of his caricature of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, which he'd captioned — without using her name — "This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!"

We talked about it here (where you can see the drawing, which is pretty good).

As I said at the older posts: "It's a well-done caricature. The caption is fitting as an expression of his point of view." What I'd say about his reaction is: He's right to feel good that he vexed the people he wanted to vex. That is what political cartoons should want to do.


Triangle Man said...

A job I could only inagine wanting to have if I had no other options to feed my family.

stevew said...

I interpret his art as commentary on Obama, the Clintons, Kerry, Biden, and some of the folks at the FBI & DOJ.


Jon Burack said...

I agree about political cartoonists being entitled to vex those they oppose. This is not, however, a good political cartoon. It is not even a political cartoon at all. It is just an insulting depiction of someone. Good political cartoons from greats of the right (Jeff McNally) or the left (Herb Block) actually make real claims about things. The best are far more than simple slogans even (which is what this one is - I don't like her, it says. That's all.) A superior cartoon embeds actual arguments in its visual language. One of the best I recall from the Berlin Wall coming down era, for instance, showed two workers taking the Wall apart, one with a hammer, the other with a sickle. It said something, it did not merely insult or vex - though I imagine many apparatchiks in East Germany did not like it.

Tommy Duncan said...

Are we moving on from Scott Adams to Jim Carrey for political insight?

Seems reasonable in our current political climate.

Jaq said...

"This administration has been lying to the American people from day one while plundering the country and debasing our values.

Where was he in the '90s? Oh yeah, he was calling rape victims liars, victims of sexual harassment sluts, and generally doing the opposite of what his purported sympathy for feminist values would seem to dictate. Oh yeah, and he was ignoring the plundering of America that was laid open in the '96 Chinese fundraising values.

But yeah, it was a good cartoon. I am curious what he means by "plundering" though if it is something other than his projection of guilt for supporting the Clintons.

rhhardin said...

It didn't vex anybody. They just wondered about the left's mental state.

David Begley said...

Carey did vex Trump and his supporters. But consider the following.

Plundering? That means stealing. Examples please.

Debasing our values? Like tax cuts, deregulation, steel tariffs, restoring the rule of law and pulling out of Paris?

So-called Christian? Does one need to be a liberal Democrat to be a Christian?

Cancer patient? News flash. Many diagnoses of cancer are no longer a death sentence. It’s called the American health care system.

Monster? The Clinton crime family and this Russia diversion is really monstrous.

And I don’t recall ever seeing one of his stupid movies.

Rick said...

I don't like her, it says. That's all.

I think it says more than that. By focusing on a transgression common among politicians particularly recent Presidents he publicly supported he is telling everyone his motivation is ideological and he's enough a part of the team to lie about it. It's a loyalty pledge.

Fritz said...

As long as nobody complains when a cartoonist portrays Obama as a monkey.

LincolnTf said...

Last I heard about Jim Carrey, he was headed to court for tormenting and feeding drugs to his suicidal girlfriend. So very Christian of him.

Curious George said...

C'mon Althouse, it's not a cartoon, it's a caricature. Picck a lane. And good? Every carnival has someone as good or better. There is nothing clever, or funny, about it. Just nasty. Like the left. Just nasty.

Kevin said...

Can we all behave like that? Can we all start drawing unflattering pictures of Jim Carrey and send them around hoping to vex him?

Oh wouldn't that make a fine community? Wouldn't that raise humanity?

His picture isn't insightful. It doesn't inform or raise the level of discourse. There is no underlying "truth" in his "truth to power" statement.

"I don't like you," repeated over and over is simply a screed.

Humperdink said...

Carrey: "This is the portrait of a so-called Christian ...."

I am always amused when a lefty uses the term "so-called Christian". Tell us Jim, how does one become a Christian?

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Vexing" does not need to incorporate the lowest-level insults and anger its targets; so while it may accomplish the goal of vexing, it goes well beyond that. (Especially when put in the context of his commentary.) That shows either a lack of ability as a political cartoonist, or a vindictiveness. Maybe both.

Jason said...

This drawing tells me more about Carrey than it does about Sanders.

Beth B said...

I await his painting of a measles-covered infant and his justification for plundering herd immunity just so he could try to sound deep alongside the fellow cloud cuckoo celebrity dummkopf he was screwing at the time.

Want to see how Howard Hughes, Kleenex-boxes-for-shoes, jars-of-piss-on-the-dresser CRAZY this guy has become? Try to watch his episode of Jerry Seinfeld's Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee. He's the walking embodiment of Will Ferrell's Ted Kaczynski impersonation.

David Begley said...

And speaking of abuses of power, can we expect Jim to do some drawings of Comey, Mueller and McCabe?

Bay Area Guy said...

Rich, Hollywood non-oppressed, multi-millionaire, leftwing actors feel empowered by their bad political art. Wow, what a revelation.

A hypothetical Hollywood comedian does a similar drawing of Michelle Obama, there's riot in the streets and the dude never works again.

Sally327 said...

I thought at first it was a self-portrait. Which given how much of his comedy is based on facial contortions, I don't think that was an unreasonable assumption. I knew that Carrey has battled depression before and when I first saw the drawing I figured he was just sharing how he feels, that dark and dreary place inside, which I guess he was doing that if it's really a depiction of someone he hates.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

He's right to feel good that he vexed the people he wanted to vex.

I think the word you are looking for is smug, or maybe sanctimonious. His anti-vaccination activism will likely result in more deaths than any of the Trump policies he complains about. Monstrous.

MadisonMan said...

Nobody likes a lecturing artist. Let your art speak for you.

Michael The Magnificent said...

And I don’t recall ever seeing one of his stupid movies.

In one of them, he bends over at the waist, grabs his butt cheeks, and pretends to talk out of his ass.

I haven't seen many of his movies because I do not enjoy his type of humor, which I'd say is a cheap imitation and amplification of Jerry Lewis, who's humor I also did not care for.

Temujin said...

It's a great evil caricature. It's not a political cartoon. He could do this at state fairs.

But because it got many on the right so riled up, I look for an announcement soon that Jim Carrey will be the star of an upcoming TV series or movie. And it won't be Pet Detective 15.

Bob Boyd said...

I wouldn't have known who the drawing was supposed to be if I hadn't been told. It actually looks a lot like a psychotic English teacher I had in high school. They finally took that poor woman away.
But Carrey is entitled to his opinion, even if it doesn't make sense.
I didn't care much for any of Obama's press secretaries. They all seemed really repulsive to me, smarmy and smug and the press let them get away with murder.
Carrey probably has a similar reaction to SHS, but he honestly can't say the press makes her job easy. The lady earns her paycheck.

Glen Filthie said...

Why should I care what some Hollywood flunky thinks, A-House? I'd be interested in your response to that question too. You obviously have a rudimentary intellect and an inquiring mind; yet you focus your attention on celebs and media whores that do not. And no, as far as political cartoons go, I have seen better.

Tommy Duncan said...

The 2 minutes hate on canvas.

walter said... call that juvenile screed a "political cartoon" really "debases" the art form. It's vexing, alright.

Robert Cook said...

"A job I could only inagine wanting to have if I had no other options to feed my family."

What?! It would be a great privilege and pleasure to be able to make a living hurling daily bile and insults at the despicable scum populating our government and executive corporate offices! You don't have any sense of fun!

gg6 said...

"He's right to feel good that he vexed the people he wanted to vex. That is what political cartoons should want to do."
Vexing other people is the easiest thing in the world - as easy as sticking up a middle finger. If he "feels good" about his shouted garbage it's mostly because he's as mentally sick and deformed as one of his one-dimensional movie morons. He hurls stupid, hollow, ugly and vindictive insults at people and revels in his own self-gratification - and you claim this is genuine political cartooning?! Wow, you need to take a long vacation.

rehajm said...

How is he plundering the country exactly?

walter said...

Blogger Bob Boyd said..
Obama's press secretaries. They all seemed really repulsive to me, smarmy and smug
It's odd that right after this Carreytoon got me remembering him, good ole Josh Earnest re-appeared via my beloved Dem update/fundraiser emails and then on the tube.

Robert Cook said...

"Tell us Jim, how does one become a Christian?"

One behaves as Christ did. That's what's required.

iowan2 said...

One behaves as Christ did. That's what's required.

That would make you God. Humans are not perfect. That would be the whole 'free will' thing

Accept Christ as your Savior. That is how one becomes a Christian.

walter said...

Robert Cook said...It would be a great privilege and pleasure to be able to make a living hurling daily bile and insults at the despicable scum populating our government
aka Trump's tweets.

Kyzer SoSay said...

Pretty sure Christ would look down on someone who made crude and mean-spirited drawings of others.

Meanwhile, Sarah Sanders is doing her job, and doing it well. She isn't lying to the American people - she tells more truths in her position than any press secretary I remember from recent history, except for perhaps Tony Snow.

Cassandra said...

""This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!"

What political point did this so-called political cartoon make? Seems more like a spiteful personal attack to me.

The job of a press secretary is to handle inquiries from the press and put the administration's policies and actions in the best light. Characterizing anyone who performs this job as a person "whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked" (by which he means a president of the other party) seems both overwrought and vindictive. If Sarah Huckabee Sanders is Carry's notion of "monstrous", I'll go out on a limb and say he's let a terribly sheltered life :p

I disliked Josh Earnest intensely, but can't imagine attacking him in this manner for doing his job, much less calling the attack "a political cartoon".

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

One behaves as Christ did. That's what's required.

3/22/18, 7:30 AM

No, one believes that Christ is Savior and TRIES to behave as Christ did, although we are all bound to fall short. Christianity holds out perfection as a goal and yet understands that it is impossible for humans to achieve that, hence the importance of forgiveness.

I do love when non-Christian leftists lecture Christians on Christianity.

walter said...

I'd love to see Carrey's little drawing of Jim Acosta (representing the recipient of Sanders' glare)..though his style wouldn't put adequate detail in the angel wings. But he'd give him a fine halo.

Virgil Hilts said...

Same JC who called CA Governor Jerry Brown a "corporate fascist" who was poisoning children by enacting the vaccination requirements.
JC is talented within a certain sphere but otherwise kind of a doofus with a personal history that does not compare favorably even to that of Trump (has anyone claimed they got STDs from Trump yet?). But he will always have a place in my heart for the Vanilla Ice parody.

Cassandra said...

Sheesh... "Carrey" and "led". More coffee.

traditionalguy said...

I keep wondering why the rabid Trump haters are drawn to all out viscious attacks on any polite married women raising children that also dares to communicate for the TrumpMonster.

Maybe it's because they are the soft targets. Attacking an agressive man would require actual courage.

rhhardin said...

He should design flags. Vexillology.

Bob Boyd said...

"good ole Josh Earnest re-appeared"

The press seemed to love the taste of his shoes and ankles.
Anonymous sources close to the Obama WH revealed that all three secretaries sprayed their feet with Obama's musk. To reporters it was irresistible.

walter said...

Carrey does have other pieces with some various elements going on. The Sanders one is not one of them.

I'm not sure if he's done one of Hil

Jim Carrey
‏Verified account @JimCarrey

Vote for @HillaryClinton this election day or no pussy will be safe. ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞
#StrongerTogether #HillaryClinton #ImWithHer

Big Mike said...

"It's a well-done caricature. The caption is fitting as an expression of his point of view.”

You lost me at “well-done caricature,” Althouse. Recommend you tear up your BFA; your taste has gone to Hell and locked the gates behind it.

Anonymous said...

rh: He should design flags. Vexillology.

His critics could respond by mustering a vexillation to attack his designs.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"In one of them, he bends over at the waist, grabs his butt cheeks, and pretends to talk out of his ass."

A scene which came quite naturally to Carrey, I'm sure.

For my money, Honore Darmier drew the greatest political cartoon of all time - one that perfectly captures the corrupt, venal stupidity of politicians. It leaves Carrey's work in the dust.

Both McConnell and Schumer would fit into that picture quite nicely.

tcrosse said...

Carrey has blotted his copy-book, so he has to demonstrate that he's still a member in good standing of the Tribe.

walter said...

How so, tcrosse?

MadisonMan said...

How is he plundering the country exactly?

Deficit spending plunders the country of the future. This can't be lain solely at Trump's feet, of course.

But it's the only explanation I can think of that makes sense. Carrey might have another one.

Sebastian said...

"This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!"

So-called Christian. Only purpose. Lie for the wicked. Monstrous. Such wit, such eloquence.

"As I said at the older posts:" You said wrong the first time; no need to repeat.

"It's a well-done caricature." Caricature, yes; cartoon, no.

"The caption is fitting as an expression of his point of view." Indeed: prog hatred pure and simple. But then, it's their universal POV toward things non-prog.

"He's right to feel good that he vexed the people he wanted to vex." Sure, from the common prog, purely instrumental angle. You wanna vex people, you succeed, you are right to feel good.

"That is what political cartoons should want to do." Defining cartoonism down.

tcrosse said...

How so, tcrosse?

A couple of wrongful death lawsuits, for openers.

Fernandinande said...

Why would he draw picture of Sanders?

I think he was trying to do Trump and it came out wrong.

Phil 314 said...

I saw it as saying "She's ugly and angry"

And isn't being ugly the greatest sin in Hollywood.

dbp said...

Jim fancies himself a political cartoonist. He isn't. He is a famous guy who is only able to get the larger public to look at his "cartoon" because he is already famous for other things.

I'm sure he finds it gratifying that allies and fan-boys like his work, but to the outside world, it is sad and pathetic.

MayBee said...

Yes! What we need in this country is more people trying to vex each other! There is simply not enough of that!!!

Kevin said...

Deficit spending plunders the country of the future.

Obama doubles the debt. Trump's plundering the country.

MayBee said...

The other thing we need more of is political opponents calling each other wicked. Wicked!!! No simple disagreements for us. That simply isn't enough.

Seeing Red said...

You can take the Canadian out of Canada....

Where is his outrage from “you can keep your doctor?”

rehajm said...

Deficit spending plunders the country of the future. This can't be lain solely at Trump's feet, of course.

You're correct on both counts. I won't hold my breath waiting to see Carey's cartoon of Obama the $7 Trillion Dollar Plunderer.

Let's not omit Trump's multi trillion dollar contributions to equity values and GDP growth, either.

Big Mike said...

No one is coming to see his movies anyway, so it’s not that he cares much about losing fans.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I'm hardly vexed. Why would I care about the political ramblings of Jim Carrey? His opinion doesn't mean any more to me than any other deranged leftist.

Robert Cook said...

"Accept Christ as your Savior. That is how one becomes a Christian."

If you truly accept Christ, you behave as he did. Otherwise, you're just a fake Christian. There are many people who live Christ-like doesn't mean one has to become a god to do so. There are many self-declared Christians who don't live Christ-like lives.

"Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.’…"

BillyTalley said...

Cruel neutrality in action.

Robert Cook said...

"No, one believes that Christ is Savior and TRIES to behave as Christ did, although we are all bound to fall short."


Trying to behave as Jesus did is living as Christ did.

tcrosse said...

This thread starts being about Jim Carrey and ends up being about the nature of Christ. Talk about going from the Ridiculous to the Sublime.

walter said...

Ah..dismissed in Feb.

Sounds like you followed it.
Was this note ever validated?

"Before you I might not have had very much but I had respect, I was a happy person, I loved life, I was confident and I felt good in my own skin and was proud of most decisions I made," the lengthy letter reads. "I met you, you introduced me to cocaine, prostitutes, mental abuse and disease."

"You did good things for me but being with you broke me down as a person Jim," the note continued.

Another segment of the note claims Carrey gave her "hsv and hpv."

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“I do love when non-Christian leftists lecture Christians on Christianity.”

It makes me chortle when some Leftist hypocrite tries this one on, too. Sure, one can strive to obey the extremely difficult admonition to love one’s enemies. No where does Jesus suggest you hire them for a Life Coach.

walter said...

The whole scenario seems very "love"ly

mockturtle said...

Which of Carrey's 'values' is being 'debased' by the Trump administration?

mockturtle said...

Cookie: Christ's teaching was to show people their sinfulness, their need for a Savior. His sacrifice on the cross was the solution for sin for those who accept it.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Trying to behave as Jesus did is living as Christ did."

And me trying to be as good as Willie Mays was is playing baseball like Willie did.

mockturtle said...

But, as Paul asks, "Shall we go on sinning, that grace should abound? God forbid!" Christians are convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit and "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness".

JAORE said...

Kathy Griffin sure vexed folk with that old severed head gag.

Is a BRAVA, Kathy, due from our hostess, of is a crude drawing a requisite?

chickelit said...

Chip Ahoy had the best comment on Carrey: Jim Carrey Art Class.

tcrosse said...

Sounds like you followed it.

No. But in the milieu where allegations of sexual misconduct can destroy a career, it can't be good PR to have to account for a dead girlfriend.

walter said...

I guess after paying them off the first time (said PR management is pricy), got around to countersuing..claiming forged medical records re STDs. Says she had them at the time they met.
That aint good PR either.

Ive run into a couple article links that return 403 error...for me anyway.

Michael K said...

Blogger LincolnTf said...
Last I heard about Jim Carrey, he was headed to court for tormenting and feeding drugs to his suicidal girlfriend. So very Christian of him.

Yes and he is another actor pretending he understands things.

Cassandra said...

The other thing we need more of is political opponents calling each other wicked. Wicked!!! No simple disagreements for us. That simply isn't enough.


What bothered me about Carrey's cartoon is the same thing that bothered me about some attacks on Hillary Clinton - it seemed more focused on mocking her appearance (She's ugly, therefore wrong/bad) and ascribing to her the worst possible motives than on any principled disagreement with specific actions or policies.

"She's an ugly/bad person", vs. "I disagree with her because X".

I didn't have to like Hillary to think those types of attacks were cheap shots.

Caligula said...

"This administration has been lying to the American people from day one while plundering the country and debasing our values."

Many of those who voted for Trump did so knowing full well that he had serious flaws. It's just that we thought these flaws lesser than those of his opponent.

Perhaps the irony here is where the moral absolutism of the more militant progressives seems to conform more to the characterisation of the moral-absolutist prig in demanding an absolute moral purity in others, even while ignoring one's own flaws?

If there is a comprehensible political message in this cartoon it would be that a Christian should not be able to work for such a flawed person as Pres. Trump. Yet basic Christian doctrine teaches that all are flawed, and it seems to be only the more self-righteous progressives who insist on equating Trump's flaws with those of Hitler and other historical moral monsters.

Drago said...

mockturtle: "Cookie: Christ's teaching was to show people their sinfulness, their need for a Savior. His sacrifice on the cross was the solution for sin for those who accept it"

Pearls before swine....

Drago said...

"Tell us Jim, how does one become a Christian?"

Earlier Cookie: "One behaves as Christ did. That's what's required."

Later Cookie: "Trying to behave as Jesus did is living as Christ did."

Comrade Cookie sounds very very confused about Christian doctrine and can't seem to make up his mind about what it means to be a Christian from moment to moment.

Anonymous said...

Pointing out that Jim Carrey is a hypocritical and lying sack of sh!t is not an indication that he's "vexed" us, it's an indication we don't have our heads up our backsides.

And holding him to the "standards" that the Left tries to inflict on the rest of us just shows we understand Alinsky's "rules".

Rigelsen said...

Whether verbal or visual or both, overpersonalized and emotionalized arguments don’t and can’t advance the debate. They can only contribute to the 2-minute hate. You’re perfectly entitled to like the caricature as a caricature. But caricature is inherently a demagogic art, the art of hate, not the art of debate and mutual understanding and accommodation. As his caption makes perflectly clear.

So, no, not a good “political cartoon”.

n.n said...

Cartoons are an easy way to manipulate perception and lodge an emotional appeal. Something similar is done with symbols. For example: Christ in urine, a social liberal adorned with the cross or religious habit, a flag dragged through the streets, a player kneeling, etc. I wonder how many adults give these childish antics a second thought, a third?

Humperdink said...

Robert Cook: "Trying to behave as Jesus did is living as Christ did."

The word you continue to omit is "believe". If you do not believe Jesus Christ died for your sins and rose again, you are not a Christian. It is not complicated.

If good works got you into heaven, we would not need God, would we?

mockturtle said...

Pearls before swine....

Sigh. Yes.

mockturtle said...

Humperdink rightly asks: If good works got you into heaven, we would not need God, would we?

Even more to the point, Christ's excruciatingly painful and humiliating ordeal on the cross would not have been necessary.

hombre said...

“Plundering the country?” From someone who undoubtedly supported Hillary the Grifter? That’s just rich.

Other than that, this loon is trying to revive a dead career by pandering to the Trump Haters. Big deal. Common practice among the mass mediaswine. Don’t hold your breath waiting for his next flick. 🤣

Robert Cook said...

"Cookie: Christ's teaching was to show people their sinfulness, their need for a Savior. His sacrifice on the cross was the solution for sin for those who accept it."

No, his teaching was to show people how to live moral lives. The rest is just literary/mythical symbolism...or superstitious fiction.

Robert Cook said...

"And me trying to be as good as Willie Mays was is playing baseball like Willie did."

Living a moral life is not an athletic competition. Everyone is equally capable of it.

Robert Cook said...

"'Tell us Jim, how does one become a Christian?'

"Earlier Cookie: 'One behaves as Christ did. That's what's required.'

"Later Cookie: 'Trying to behave as Jesus did is living as Christ did.'

"Comrade Cookie sounds very very confused about Christian doctrine and can't seem to make up his mind about what it means to be a Christian from moment to moment."

Not in the least. I said the same thing both times. The second time it was just dumbed-down a little for the literal-minded. You seem to need it dumbed-down even more.

Howard said...

Blogger Robert Cook said..."Tell us Jim, how does one become a Christian?"
One behaves as Christ did. That's what's required.

Robert, you can never win. Christ to self-anointed Christians is the great "Get out of Jail Free" card in the sky. Honorable behavior, charity, respect, eg good works do not matter one whit, only faith and belief are required to cover up all manner of sin, destruction, thievery, etc. Belief justifies the means no matter what end.

Robert Cook said...


Yes, I know...but I'm enough of an optimist I can't help but keep trying.

Drago said...

Robert Cook: " I said the same thing both times."

No, you didn't.


Howard said...

Jordan Peterson, the intellectual academic leader of the Trumpian Alt-right lectures how the message of Christ is that God lives in all of us, that morality is part of human DNA that was evolved in primitive creatures hundreds of million years ago and passed down to us. His message is that living life to the best of your ability to a high moral standard of care, empathy, liberty, equality, fraternity in spite of the limitations of existence and the inevitable suffering and destruction is the message of not only Christ, but of all hero myths that developed all over the ancient world.

The so-called Christians worship Trump because he is the embodiment of all the terminal ills of humanity: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. Trump absolves them from striving for chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility.

Nietzsche predicted all of this.

Humperdink said...

@Robert Cook & Howard. Read the book, it will help in your discernment.

Robert Cook said...


I have, thank you. My discernment is fine.

Robert Cook said...


As regards you, my optimism is exhausted, as you are "obviously" determined to remain benighted.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Nobody I know "worships" Trump. Stop projecting the slavish Leftist adoration of all things Obama onto us. Unlike the Left, politics is not our religion.

And where did you get the idea that Peterson, a Canadian who has for the most part steered well clear of discussing politicians, is the leader of the "Trumpian alt-right?" Oh, yeah, I guess some dude with a Pepe T-shirt or something got his picture taken with Peterson. Not from anything Peterson has said (if you actually listened to Peterson, you'd find out he is not, in fact, a fan of Trump's. He does understand why Trump was elected, and since his explanations do not involve Russia, FB ads, racism, sexism or the stupidity of Trump voters, of course the Left automaticallt considers him "alt-right." Nuance is not your side's thing. Neither is self-awareness.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"No, his teaching was to show people how to live moral lives. The rest is just literary/mythical symbolism...or superstitious fiction."

That is hardly a Christian perspective. You think Christ was a wise man and nothing more. So, again, why are you telling Christians what Christianity is about and what Christians are supposed to do when you deny the central tenet of Christianity?

Howard blathers:

" Honorable behavior, charity, respect, eg good works do not matter one whit, only faith and belief are required to cover up all manner of sin, destruction, thievery, etc. Belief justifies the means no matter what end. "

What nonsense. And you know it.

mockturtle said...

Trump absolves them from striving for chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility.

Howard, I would put my chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness and humility against yours any day. But they won't get me into heaven. Only belief in Christ's atoning blood will do that.

mockturtle said...

And, believe me, Howard, my calling you a nincompoop yesterday WAS being kind.

Howard said...

Blogger mockturtle said...Howard, I would put my chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness and humility against yours any day. But they won't get me into heaven. Only belief in Christ's atoning blood will do that. And, believe me, Howard, my calling you a nincompoop yesterday WAS being kind.

It's no mystery why you are proud of your humility and the bitter clinging to a nursery-school delusion of the Christ myth. And believe me, it hurts deep down to the very core of my eternally condemned soul that I'm worse than a nincompoop. Yesterday, I was joyously basking in your kindness and today, crushed by your ridicule.

What is that olde saying? "To ridicule is Human, to condemn Divine" close enough.

cf said...

A lot of fine comments here reading through, thanks, Men! (mostly)

This just makes me Sad, because such a smart, talented man could not be more misled. He is completely wrong in his understanding of Trump and those of us who support him.

And there are so very many immersed in this Lie, that they were on the right side of History, of Good. It makes me laugh until it makes me more sad.

And the art is mehh.

Godspeed, America

Howard said...

Blogger cf said... This just makes me Sad, because such a smart, talented man could not be more misled. He is completely wrong in his understanding of Trump and those of us who support him.

It really comes down to how one reads the Trump phenomenon. Most people see him as a New York City slicker elitist atheist hedonist classic comb-over con man specializing in selling leveraged façade. He has a magical power of persuasion over mostly evangelical Christian hicks. It's hard not to ridicule the obvious cognitive dissonance of the situation... it's like you believe in the magical happy ending of The Music Man.

chickelit said...

@Howard the know-it-all: Trump wasn't elected by evangelicals. The corollary us that Trump won't be brought down by appealing evangelicals' moral outrage. For a pseudo-scientist, you sure are dumb.

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