March 7, 2018

"George P. Bush won the primary for Texas land commissioner on Tuesday after touting his continued support of President Donald Trump, a position that runs in contrast to the rest of his family dynasty."

HuffPo reports.


Hey, I accidentally coined a word just now. I've corrected the typo, but I plan to use it in the future: "preports." It will mean reporting the news of what will (purportedly) happen in the future. You may notice that MSM does this all the time.

I was just talking about that a month ago. Politico had a headline — "Trump escalates his war with U.S. law enforcement after memo release/The president hinted openly that he might yet fire senior officials over claims of bias against him" — after a reporter had asked Trump if he's "likely to fire Rosenstein" and Trump had said "You figure that one out." I wrote:
So the press takes that no-comment comment and runs with it, basically reporting on The Future. What might Trump do?

I was laughing about this last night as I tried to watch CNN. The Nunes memo had just come out, and the night before the memo came out, the talk had been about what might be in the memo, i.e., News of The Future. Once the memo was out, it was old news, because we'd already talked about what was in it, back when it was News of the Future. So the subject had to be who Trump will/will not fire in the coming Saturday Night Massacre.


Darkisland said...

George P seems a bit less low energy than that please clap Bush who was thought to be a contender for a while.

John Henry

Nonapod said...

"preports." It will mean reporting the news of what will (purportedly) happen in the future.

Will this "preporting" involve the use of 3 orphan children suspended in a tank and numbers carved into wooden balls?

Wince said...

"preports." It will mean reporting the news of what will (purportedly) happen in the future. You may notice that MSM does this all the time.

Then you'll need word for fake news of the future: Preposterous!

Achilles said...

They don’t want you to see the news. They want to tell you what to think about it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

In other news related to corrupt family dynasties:

Trump DID have sex with Stormy Daniels and KNEW porn star was being paid $130,000 hush money says her lawyer, as she sues president to be freed from 'invalid' gagging agreement

tcrosse said...

These preports can have prepurcussions.

Big Mike said...

Good word , but I would rather George P. Bush has lost. Dubya was a pretty good president when contrasted with his immediate successor, but the sooner that dynasty exits the political stage the better for the country. Along with the Kennedys and the Clintons.

WK said...

Laugh-in used to do a “News of the Future” segment. But they knew they were a comedy show.

Ralph L said...

A little brown one all grown up.

Gahrie said...

George P. Bush is carrying the hopes and legacy of the Bush dynasty. He's well educated, Hispanic and the time he is ready for national politics the country might be willing to listen to another Bush.

Martin said...

"preports" is a great neologism!

Leland said...

The preport of the Texas Blue Wave is no longer a story now that Cruz garnered more votes than his Democrat rivals combined.

Bay Area Guy said...

Maybe George P. Bush can run against Joseph Kennedy IV in 2024.

La plus ca change....

Bay Area Guy said...


Umm, was the sex between Stormy and Trump consensual?

If so, nobody cares.

traditionalguy said...

Let me get this straight. Trump seduced a 30 year old sex professional he had met that day where she was working as a sexy hostess, and 10 years later he asked her not to tell anyone. She takes a pile of money and signs an Agreement not to tell. But now she wants to sell her story formore money.She already told it once before when she derided him for not liking sharks
while he wasted 2 hours watching Shark Tank, but at least he offered her money so it was a social date with mutual sex.

Trump's big Crime seems to be colluding with a person of the opposite sex 10 years before running for President. And maybe the evangelicals who love Trump will withhold a few surplus votes in 2020.

Dems are STUPID.

mockturtle said...

'Preporting' is all too common today. We hear 'What the President will say in his SotU speech', etc. Can't wait until they actually hear it. No. I don't know which is worse, preporting or analyzing news. Does news really need analysis? Back in the day, even NBC news often provided background to a situation, maps, history, etc. that put the story in perspective. But today it's all about political analysis, even if the story is an earthquake or flood.

FleetUSA said...

The MSM spends most of their time with preports stirring the pot and then often doesn't give due respect to the follow on. Just like reporting some crime, but not the follow up when the facts are clear.

FleetUSA said...

I would prefer the press and MSM to report, "Just the facts, Ma'am" like Sgt Joe Friday.

D.E. Cloutier said...

Re: "preports." It will mean reporting the news of what will (purportedly) happen in the future. You may notice that MSM does this all the time."

Yes, but today's journalists don't do it right. When I worked as a newspaperman many years ago, I never made a prediction unless I knew for a fact it would happen. I never wrote "John Doe may resign next week" unless I had talked to John Doe and had seen his resignation letter.

Don't guess. KNOW. Then make your predictions. If you do that consistently, readers/viewers will think you are one of the smartest people around.

Hagar said...

I remember when Poppy Bush introduced the "Little Brown One" back in his days, and said, "Hey, here's another one!" George P. II is a born politician and quite likely will become president when things settle down a little from the present craziness.

Charles David said...

ARM- Do you actually have a comment about the topic or do you honestly believe that your "In other news related to corrupt family dynasties:" verbal diarrhea is on topic? I think you know that the connection is tenuous at best and you are simply trying to shit all over the thread. Why don't you start your own blog and then you can wallow in your masturbatory comments 24-7.

Hagar said...

"Preports" is good.

It is not just all the "may" stuff. It is also very irritating when they have been given a copy of, say, the President's State of the Union speech, and start reporting on that the day before. I wish the White House some day will refuse to hand out advance copies of speeches, or better yet, hand out copies, but then give quite another speech!

David Begley said...

Send "preports" to the OED now.

Achilles said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
In other news related to corrupt family dynasties:

If there weren’t any tools as stupid and boring as ARM the democrats wouldn’t have any voters.

Go easy on him.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

In addtion to preporting, they also frequently prefute arguments that have not yet been made.

tcrosse said...

Send "preports" to the OED now.

That will look good on your presumé.

Gk1 said...

Wasn't the MSM telling me 6 months ago no republican seeking election would be caught dead hanging out with Trump? How is it this is happening? And as a follow up how many red state democrats up for re-election will want Pelosi and Obama dropping in to help remind voters what they are in for if they retake Congress?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

...Stormy Daniels...sues president to be freed from 'invalid' gagging...

Given her professional status, and the size of Trump's hands, I doubt there was any gagging going on.

Rick said...

This seems closely related to the Krugman / Cook tactic of supporting only counterfactuals so their assertions can never be proven definitively wrong. As long as the discussion is about future events anything can be asserted because nothing can be disproven.

tcrosse said...

I prefuse to read anything certain commenters may write.

Ken B said...

Read Michael Crichton's essay on this, with his Murray Gell-Mann amnesia effect.
But preport is good.

Matt Sablan said...

"This seems closely related to the Krugman / Cook tactic of supporting only counterfactuals so their assertions can never be proven definitively wrong.

-- Some counterfactuals can be proven definitively wrong: "If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never."

Big Mike said...

If so, nobody cares.

@BAG, I’ll bet Melania does. It is not a good idea to piss off a Slovenian, and especially not a Slovenian woman.

Closer to topic, I don’t picture Donald Trump as the founder of a political dynasty. The most likely heir to the office is Ivanka, and this country is not exactly ready for a sexy Jewish woman to be President of the United States.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I read a story a few years ago on a delightful coinage in Indian English. Unfettered by the historical baggage of those who speak English as a first language, they had the delightful and logical thought that if a 3:30 meeting could be postponed to 4:30, then it could equally well be "preponed" to 2:30, and apparently that is now a common usage.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Matthew Sablan said...

-- Some counterfactuals can be proven definitively wrong: "If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never."

That was not a counterfactual, just a prediction. A counterfactual would have been claiming what the markets would be doing if Clinton had won, after Clinton had lost.

Drago said...

ARM: "In other news related to corrupt family dynasties:"



Not to mention Creepy Biden man-handling young girls on camera and freaking them out.

To The Future Democrats!! To The Future!!

Drago said...

Texas Blue Wave, much like the Surging Oceans Due To Man-Made Global Warming........precedes right back to where it was.....


Drago said...

I forgot to add: Lifelong Republican's hardest hit by failure of dems to close gap in Texas.

traditionalguy said...

Texas is getting its oil industry cranked up so fast the Saudi Arabs are trying to be our BFF now. But can a Bushie do that act. They spent the last 60 years trying to be the Saudi's BFF.

This Bushie sees the handwriting on the wall. He will do whatever Trump tells him to do.

Hagar said...

No country is ready for an empress, queen, or woman prime minister, until it wakes up one morning and find it has got one.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Big Mike,

"@BAG, I’ll bet Melania does. It is not a good idea to piss off a Slovenian, and especially not a Slovenian woman."

I'm not sure about that. If you marry a billionaire playboy,who screws a lot of women, the normal rules don't apply. Melania and DJT may have reached an "arrangement," such as: "Look, I have 37 mistresses, that's how I roll. I will try not to humiliate and embarrass you, but I ain't stoppin'. The pre-nup says you get $35 million if we divorce. Deal?"

Charles David said...

I have been lurking here for years and have avoided responding because of certain delusional commenters and the old adage about wrestling with a pig. However, the commenters who ascribe to Chris Lehane/Paul Begala debate tactics (i.e. flinging dog shit), have made it impossible for me to hold my tongue. Being home sick and on cold medication may be a factor as well. Hello everyone!

MayBee said...

"Preporting" is absolutely genius

Nonapod said...

Counterfactuals are interesting thought experiments, and can be somewhat useful in reinforcing certain arguments, but their great flaw of course is their unfalsifiability. For example, proposing that if Hillary Clinton had won instead of Trump there would've been violent riots from people on the right due to all the mistrust in the election results being "rigged" or whatever. That outcome is ultimately unknowable so it's only of limited use. It might serve as a kind of balm for anti-Trumpers who would of course be more than willing to imagine the veracity of such a possibility, assuming the absolute worst behavior of Trump supporters.

Birkel said...

Has anybody seen any preports about how Evangelical Christians will vote between Donald Trump and Fauxcahontas? Trump v Kamala "slept my way to the bottom" Harris? Trump v Gun Grabbers of the Left?

The funny thing I see, is this, Democrats believe their own press clippings about the people who vote for the other side. They honestly believe people who vote against Democrats do so due to some illogical set of reasons. Meanwhile, real people recognize that Democrats hate those real people and are not amused at being the object of Democrats' scorn.

I am preporting it now. Republicans aren't as stupid in 2020 as Democrats hope.

Earnest Prole said...

The United States Constitution prohibits titles of nobility. It should have gone further and prohibited the spawn and mates of an American President from ever running for public office.

Birkel said...

Samuel Clemens:

“The preports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

I like the concept.If you preport a news story, then the Clinton MO could kick in and have all of their paid media experts announce that the story has been Debunked before the story comes out.Then the FBI and DOJ could go ahead and declare all evidence in the story is classified because it is under investigation.

Bruce Hayden said...

I always found it interesting that JEB’s son, George P, decided to make his life, and ultimately, his political career, in Texas, where his uncle had been governor, and not Florida, where his father had been governor. And, I think that part of it is that he is a better political fit in TX. Good looking conservative half-MEXICAN Hispanic.

His support of Trump was really key to his political future. If he had acted all butt hurt that his father had squandered a huge amount of cash, just to be beaten soundly by Trump, his career was over. And part of it is that his father wouldn’t have beaten Crooked Hillary, and if he had, miraculously, won, wouldn’t have gone after the Deep State. Would have been quickly been suborned by them, as his father, Bush (41), had been. So, George P saw the writing on the wall, and knew what he had to do here, and did it. More like his namesake uncle than his father.

AllenS said...

Sounds like George Preports Bush is woke.

MadisonMan said...

@Edh: I like Preporsterous rather than preposterous when it comes to preporting.

@BCARM: Key phrase: According to her lawyer. In other words, don't really believe it.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Politico had a headline — "Trump escalates his war with U.S. law enforcement after memo release/The president hinted openly that he might yet fire senior officials over claims of bias against him" — after a reporter had asked Trump if he's "likely to fire Rosenstein" and Trump had said "You figure that one out.”

Sent this out earlier as email:

Mark Levin Interviews Devin Nunes on FISA Court Abuse by DOJ and FBI… | The Last Refuge

Takes a bit to listen to the whole thing, but it ties things together pretty well. Chairman Nunes had seemed in the past to studiously not connect the dots. Here he does. He points out that the scandal goes to the top of the Obama Administration, at least the White House, and probably Obama himself, and encompassed the tops of a number of departments and agencies, both political appointees and career employees, committing numerous federal felonies in order to supposedly determine whether the incoming Trump Administration had violated the > 200 year old Logan Act (which the incoming Obama Administration would have done with their pre-inauguration talks with Russia, and the Crooked Hillary campaign was doing with their Steele Dossier, given the DAG Yates interpretation being pushed as justification).

Nothing new, really, except that Nunes points out the obvious, and ties things together. Massive misuse of our critical counterintelligence resources for the sole purpose of first keeping Trump from being elected, then harming him after he was. Massive criminality at the highest levels. American tax dollars being misused. As Nunes points out, it is scary, scary how brazen they were, and scary that none of the dozens of people so obviously violating federal laws have been indicted. When 9 people at the tops of these agencies can each illegally leak the contents of the Flynn call with the Russian Ambassador, giving away intelligence capabilities, and not a one of them were held accountable. And, instead, the only criminal charges have been some petty process crimes by Trump people. Scary.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Politico had a headline — "Trump escalates his war with U.S. law enforcement after memo release/The president hinted openly that he might yet fire senior officials over claims of bias against him" — after a reporter had asked Trump if he's "likely to fire Rosenstein" and Trump had said "You figure that one out.””

My response to that is that a lot of those senior officials should thank their divine creators that they just get fired, and don’t end up spending the rest of their mortal lives doing hard time. Their level of participation, or at least tolerance, of lawless violation of federal laws is epic. What is preposterous is that they aren’t even really probably being investigated. One rule and set of laws for Trump and the rest of us, and one for them.

Rick said...

Counterfactuals are interesting thought experiments, and can be somewhat useful in reinforcing certain arguments, but their great flaw of course is their unfalsifiability.

Or their great advantage. Without evidence judgments are based on credibility and trust. So when reality doesn't support your arguments this is one way to argue for your ideology anyway. Why do you think Cook is always pretending Obama/ Democrats are not left? And when the media and other supposedly non-partisan institutions are in fact fully partisan they reinforce the branding.

Krugman does the same thing. The stimulus should have been much larger. Obamacare should have been single payer. Then everything would have worked like we said these programs would, trust my Nobel Prize.

This is all Propaganda 101.

Unknown said...

It sure does seem like the news corporations are building on this idea. This is your Fearful Preporter, preporting live, back to you Althouse! -willie

Trumpit said...

I've had enough of the Bushes and Clintons to last a lifetime. George P. Bush is not bright, and will start a nuclear war with China. His political ambitions need to be nipped in the bud. He should have been aborted. That last sentence was meant specifically for n.n.

Jaq said...

I think that “America’s Politico” has the preporting niche down on this blog.

Unfettered by the historical baggage of those who speak English as a first language, they had the delightful and logical thought that if a 3:30 meeting could be postponed to 4:30, then it could equally well be “preponed" to 2:30, and apparently that is now a common usage.

I used to work with some programmers from a certain sub continent, and they spoke of “creation, updation, and deletion” of data records, obviously, they had a point, but I told them that the proper saying was “creation, spectation, updation, and deletion.”

Jaq said...

Well, it should be anyway. I had a manager balk at my use of the acronym CRUD in front of a customer.

Big Mike said...

@Tim, as in CRUD matrix? I had the same issue when I tried to introduce the concept in a slide to our federal customer.

Jim at said...

ARM hijacks the thread and goes off-topic inside of five comments.

That's gotta be a record.

Leland said...

A thread can only be hijacked if people give in to the hijackers demand to discuss another story. Easier just to continue talking about how the narrative of a blue wave failed. Laugh at the notion the Bush family can still pull out an election win, unlike the Clintons. Or perhaps talk about how interesting the Nunes memo was compared the rumor of Rosenstein being fired.

chickelit said...

The latest Daniels storm mentioned by ARM does have a legal angle: I think it’s pretty common for parties to sign documents not countersigned by the other party; presumably, Trump’s attorney has a corresponding signed document NOT signed by Daniels. Isn’t that common practice? Should have no effect on the legality of the document. Of course, denizens of Trump-haters want to see all the docs in the attorney’s possession. Fat chance.

Known Unknown said...

Wait until he runs as Jorge P. Arbusto to put distance between himself and his predecessors.

Comanche Voter said...

You'd have to look at the document. Was there a signature line for Trump? As I understand it, it was a two party agreement. Stormy the sex worker signed it; Trump's attorney who sez he paid her $130K from his own funds (and maybe out of the goodness of his heart--or the anticipation of additional future business from The Trumpster) also signed.

The sex worker took the dough, and promised to keep silent. Which was the object of the agreement. She now wants to talk.

There's an old aphorism that a good whore will stay bought. I'm thinking that Stormy is not a good one.

Ann Althouse said...

Thanks for commenting, Charles David. Hope you’re feeling better.

PJH said...

But may not be eligible for Scrabble

Drago said...

Trumpit: "George P. Bush is not bright, and will start a nuclear war with China."


Reagan, whi the left said was not bright, already started a nuclear war which destroyed the world!

Followed by HWBush, who the left said was not bright, whose family "literally financed Hitler!", also started a nuclear war which destroyed the world!

Followed by W who the left said was not bright and also started a nuclear war which destroyed the world!

And almost needless to remind everyone, the lefties have already told us that Trump has enacted policies that have literally already killed the entire population 3 times over!

Whats left to destroy?

Luke Lea said...

preport: "reporting the news of what will (purportedly) happen in the future." Yes that coinage will go down in history. I preport it will be in the OED soon. Or is purport already a verb? (Clearly I haven't read to the end of Ann's post.)

Hagar said...

I do not know how much it matters if the documents held by the parties' lawyers are countersigned or not. What I think should matter is that Daniels received - and accepted - the money. That should have sealed the bargain 130,000 times over.

Michael K said...

"He should have been aborted. That last sentence was meant specifically for n.n."

You mean like Hillary ?

I was amused when Chelsea, the bright light of the Clinton Crime Family, lamented that her grandmother could not get an abortion.

dbp said...

Why not preports? My Indian relatives use prepone all the time--it means to do something ahead of the original planned time, basically the opposite of postpone.

bagoh20 said...

If I have your signature on a contract, then you agreed to the terms, especially if you took payment for agreeing. I can just sign it whenever you ask for a copy. I execute contracts constantly, and only about 50% of the time does anyone get a copy with both signatures. Lots of contracts only ask for one signature. Those are the ones where you are getting screwed, like cable TV contracts or cell phones. Mr. Verizon didn't sign mine, but I still got to pay the bill.

bagoh20 said...

I hear Trump got prepeached.

chickelit said...

Well, he hasn’t gotten ex-peached (yet), Ivana and Marla have remained quiet.

chickelit said...

Ms. Daniels probably never seriously imagined that she could make more than $130k off this deal. Who knows what sort of offers she’s getting now to reneg.

chickelit said...

It would have to be substantially more than $130k, in order to cover the $130k owed back to Trump’s lawyer, plus new and future legal fees. I’m guessing north of $1M.

Kirk Parker said...

Tim in Vt, Big Mike:

Well, were these customers software developers or db admins? If so, your bosses were idiots; but if not, then your bosses were smart and right.

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