March 13, 2018

"Conor Lamb, the Democrat running in a Republican stronghold that overwhelmingly supported President Trump in 2016, likely needs everything to go right Tuesday to win the special election..."

"... in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District. Some of his supporters are gaining confidence that everything might, indeed, go right," Real Clear Politics reports.
Lamb ran a TV ad where he faced the camera directly to remind voters that he wouldn’t support Pelosi as leader.... Paul Berginc, a retired airline mechanic, had been a Democrat for most of his life, but switched parties and supported Trump in 2016, saying that the Democratic Party “left me.” Asked about Lamb at the Trump-Saccone rally Saturday, he scoffed, dismissing the candidate as a “Pelosi Democrat.” When a reporter pointed out that Lamb had said he would not support the California congresswoman, Berginc shrugged it off: “I don’t care what he says. I would say anything too, if I were in his shoes, to get elected and that’s what he’s doing. I don’t believe it one bit.”...


Curious George said...

No shit. Show me one elected Democrat that doesn't toe the Democratic line.

A: Close your eyes. What do you see.

Big Mike said...

Paul Berginc, a retired airline mechanic ...

I thought retired airline mechanics and steelworkers and other people who work with their hands were too stupid to see through politically expedient campaign promises? Maybe us folks out here in flyover country aren't as foolish as them thar city slickers assume we are.

Leland said...

Everything to go right? All I keep reading is how it is too close to call.

dreams said...

Yeah, just what we need, another sorry-ass crooked democrat in Washington.

Sebastian said...

“I don’t care what he says. I would say anything too, if I were in his shoes, to get elected and that’s what he’s doing. I don’t believe it one bit.”

Ah, yes, a Dem who promises he won't be a Dem: that's the ticket.

rehajm said...

Another bellwether for the nation unless it isn’t

Wince said...

Lamb of Pelosi, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.

Hagar said...

The Democratic establishment can't be all that enthusiastic about a candidate, however "attractive," who runs away from them and their policies as hard and as far as Mr. Lamb.

In defense of some Democrats in Congress that otherwise might have shown signs of independence, Pelosi's success as Party leader is her absolute ruthlessness in enforcing Party discipline.

wildswan said...

Connor Lamb running strongly in Democratic areas. Does this mean he is seen as a Democrat donkey or as a Demo-Republico mule?

Bay Area Guy said...

After Connor and the Dems lose tonight, you will hear nothing but the Silence of the Lambs......

Drago said...

Its about time we got another "Bart Stupak" Democrat who can effectively pretend to not be in Pelosi's corner.....unless needed.

john said...

For your fun and enjoyment,

this link is to the NYT election coverage.

Bay Area Guy said...

This election is a true bellwether election. No, really, it's a referendum on the Trump presidency. No, it really is this time. Really.

Trumpit said...

The Rethuglicans need a good shellacking. May Connor Lamb teach them some humility.

hombre said...

He’s doing what all Democrats do outside left coast nuthouses, lying to get elected.

Big Mike said...

@BAG, with about 26% of the precincts reporting, Lamb is leading 54% to 46%. Gonna be a long night.

bolivar di griz said...

Why we can't be cynical enough

Tillerson also held out for the Rhodes road show and the whole agw charade.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Telling that the democrat has to run as a republican. Sadly, whenever d's run to the right, they switch back as soon as they are elected to become the mindless stooge of the corruptocrat machine.

becauseIdbefired said...

“I don’t care what he says. I would say anything too, if I were in his shoes, to get elected and that’s what he’s doing. I don’t believe it one bit.”.

I would lie too. That's a deep level of cynicism about your fellow man, and about yourself. I don't think most individuals are that way, but groups are.

I once read that Pravda was not meant to be believed. The purpose was to depress the people because they had no choice but to accept the lies they knew were being told. How far off is that guy's statement?

Trump has done this country a huge service, by fracturing the monopoly of lies.

And by the way, where is it written what is "Presidential?" How annoying it is for people to tell us how our leaders ought to behave. Where is that authority written down? And these people have so arrogantly anointed themselves with determining what's proper, for "We, the People."

So much damage has been done by our oh so smart self-anointed leaders.

William said...

Lamb is certainly photogenic, and Saccone is remarkable mostly for his lack of charisma. If Lamb wins, it will be his victory and not Trump's loss.

D. said...

Votes: 100,029
Votes: 99,326


john said...

The libertarian total is right now more than the difference between Lamb and Saccone.

Libertarian vote put Franken in the Senate.

D. said...

"If Lamb wins, it will be"

The Dem PA Supreme Court victory

Mary Beth said...

Conor. It has only one "n", like "honor".

Gospace said...

Looks like the election is going to be within the margin of fraud and non-citizen voting- giving the election to the Democrat, who for some odd reason, ALWAYS gain votes in the recount.

David said...

Lamb by a whisker. Baaaaaa!

becauseIdbefired said...

"The libertarian total is right now more than the difference between Lamb and Saccone."

Libertarian vote is bi-modal. Freedom is hard to find these days, left or right.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

"Gowdy said it was "clear, based on the evidence, Russia had disdain for Secretary Clinton and was motivated in whole or in part by a desire to harm her candidacy or undermine her Presidency had she prevailed."

The statement from Gowdy, who is not seeking re-election at the end of his current term, cuts against conclusions announced Monday by the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee."

Earnest Prole said...

Russia had disdain for Secretary Clinton

Join the club.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

High school teacher accidentally fires gun in class, three students were injured.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's illegal to have disdain for Hillary Clinton.

D. said...

"Libertarian vote is bi-modal"

Tough choice: fascist/communists vs GOPe

Danno said...

Blogger Drago said...Its about time we got another "Bart Stupak" Democrat who can effectively pretend to not be in Pelosi's corner.....unless needed.

Stupak was as Stupak did!

bolivar di griz said...

He dealt with her for atleast five years, her husband taking every spare ruble from the oligarchs

walter said...

Wait folks..ARM has his own topics.

D. said...

"High school teacher accidentally fires gun in class, three students were injured."

Fat old pig has trouble with stairs:

walter said...

Stormy Daniels!!!

Drago said...

VOX Boy ARM: "High school teacher accidentally fires gun in class, three students were injured."


Alternative headlines:

"Reserve Police Officer accidentally fires gun in class, three students were injured."

All leftists: Only Police Officers should have weapons!

I'll bet Mathew Yglesias has a hot take on this one and ARM is ON IT!

Richard Dillman said...

The Republicans. should have been more aware of their candidate’s weaknesses. They have a real problem recently with candidate selection. The Dems may be the evil party, but the Republicans can still be the stupid party.

wildswan said...

The Dem promised to support Trump. This election has to be held again in November. We'll see by then if he really does support Trump.

I have a friend, an independent contractor, an ex-Marine, who has a Trump sticker on his truck which has cost him several jobs in his Dem area. I suggested he take it off but he said he wanted to show that Trump had supporters in that area. So he's a Trump guy. With respect to the elections he's made several comments about supporting a Democrat from his hometown. He says the Republicans don't support Trump and in Congress the Republicans as a whole do nothing. From my point of view this is short-sighted thinking. But it may be widespread.

wwww said...

Oh my. This is hilarious and silly. One of the counties isn't going to count absentee ballots until tomorrow morning.

I'm guessing Lamb wins by a small margin.

Big Mike said...

With only two precincts not reporting Lamb is ahead by 95 votes. Gonna go to absentee ballots and a recount.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

"There are 119 GOP-held House seats bluer than #PA18."

wwww said...

TeeVee: Absentee ballots are counted. We'll get the number. It'll be our job to figure out the calculation.

Spouse: Addition and Subtraction. Whoah.

wwww said...

rough calculations Saccone needs 62% of absentee ballots to win.

Drago said...

VOX Boy ARM: ""There are 119 GOP-held House seats bluer than #PA18.""


And all you have to do is recruit candidates who are strongly pro-gun, pro-life, military veterans and prosecutors of criminals who are young, telegenic, handsome and who reject Nancy Pelosi and you've got something going.

Good luck with that.

LYNNDH said...

HA HA HA! The Wicked Witch of CA will soon set him straight. He will toady with the best of them.
It is 11:16PM, very close, I think one or two precincts to count. Suddenly a big black SUV pulls up and the driver says "Hey guys, look what I just found. Lost ballots for Lamb". Its in the bag.

pacwest said...

Have they counted the ballots in the trunk of the car yet? There are always votes to be discovered - if needed.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm more pro-human than pro-gun but that's because I think rights are made for people, not weapons or things.

The reactionary hatred for Nancy Pelosi is one of the most radically thoughtless and inexplicable primal scream that the right has. Whatever it is they hate about her, it sounds like it comes from a pathological place. Either that or they hate her constituency in one of the most beautiful, prosperous and innovative parts of the world let alone America. It's almost like right-wingers want America to fail, since they seem to intensify their hatred against the lucrative industries we do best, like tech, while making economic sacred cows of shit so basic (i.e. fossil fuels) that even backwards kleptocracies like Russia and Saudi Arabia have no resort but to rely on them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If right-wingers had any faith in American industry and the American worker they would not fear and act against our competitors abroad or seek to limit labor's competition by shutting immigrants out.

But right-wingers don't believe in American industry or the American worker so they have to get the government to act against competitors to either.

Drago said...

TTR: "I'm more pro-human than pro-gun but that's because I think rights are made for people, not weapons or things."

That's sweet.

I'll just mark you down as not a deep enough thinker to have been a founding father.

I'll bet you also think you can't hug your kids with nuclear arms too.

Drago said...

So it looks like TTR has deemed Conor Lamb beyond the pale.


That'll show him.

D. said...

" Whatever it is they hate about her, "

Stupid is easy to dislike clown.

Bay Area Guy said...

I don't hate Nancy Pelosi. But I profoundly disagree with her.

mccullough said...

Pelosi is just a wealthy parasite.

becauseIdbefired said...

"I don't hate Nancy Pelosi. But I profoundly disagree with her."

I have always thought she was a fine looking woman, even in her later ages, even now. It's true! I can't help the feeling. But, I don't like her policies. "I'm a millionaire, and I want you plebes to pay for those plebes, and sorry, $1k is crumbs." Disgusting. Maybe Ann can help me sort his out.

sane_voter said...

RIP Stephen Hawking

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
“I'm more pro-human than pro-gun but that's because I think rights are made for people, not weapons or things. “

Saying that just makes you sound stupid.

bagoh20 said...

" Russia had disdain for Secretary Clinton and was motivated in whole or in part by a desire to harm her candidacy..."

Then they are stupid, because Hillary would have saved their fossil fuel export dependent economy while Trump is killing it, and Trump will be much more formidable in the places where we go head to head with the Russians. They would play her in ways Trump clearly can't be played.

I don't think for a second they prefer Trump, becuase it doesn't make logical sense. Rather, they expected Hillary to win and wanted to weaken her Presidency right from the start with a close election clouded by suspicion. Thanks to the partisan and foolish FBI and Trump haters everywhere they accomplished the second, but just not with the President they expected, or maybe they played our leftists perfectly assuring a weakened or distracted administration no matter who won.

This PA race is the perfect one for the Republicans to lose. They need a wake up call to get active at the voter level, and not trust their own optimism alone. This race means nothing in a real way, but it's usefulness to snap the right out of its confidence is worth this loss.

sane_voter said...

Get ready for senile Nancy as speaker next January. If the GOP can't do better than this in a Trump +11 district, it's over.

mccullough said...

It’s good if sane Dems get elected. Trump is non partisan.

It’s the Congressional Black Caucus and Hispanic caucus and the wingnuts like Pelosi and the flakes in the Senate who are the problem.

Bill Clinton was a sane Democrat. Obama wasn’t.

Both parties have way too many cult members. Get rid of them and the geriatrics and we’ve got a chance

Ray - SoCal said...

Republicans need to run candidates that are more exciting than watching wall paper dry, but are electable.

Yancey Ward said...

It looks like Lamb has won- his margin with 100% reporting is 0.2%, which is difficult to overcome even with absentee ballots still to be counted.

He is lying, though, about not supporting Pelosi- he will support whomever he is told to support.

becauseIdbefired said...

Then they are stupid, because Hillary would have saved their fossil fuel export dependent economy while Trump is killing it, and Trump will be much more formidable in the places where we go head to head with the Russians. They would play her in ways Trump clearly can't be played.

I don't think for a second they prefer Trump, becuase it doesn't make logical sense. Rather, they expected Hillary to win and wanted to weaken her Presidency right from the start with a close election clouded by suspicion. Thanks to the partisan and foolish FBI and Trump haters everywhere they accomplished the second, but just not with the President they expected, or maybe they played our leftists perfectly assuring a weakened or distracted administration no matter who won.

This PA race is the perfect one for the Republicans to lose. They need a wake up call to get active at the voter level, and not trust their own optimism alone. This race means nothing in a real way, but it's usefulness to snap the right out of its confidence is worth this loss.

Maybe they don't want to win. Maybe they want an excuse. Just saying. Hah! I can't believe I just said "Just saying."

Oso Negro said...

Doom! Doooommmm!!!!! The Democrats will win the House in November! Americans will achieve their dream of unlimited illlegal immigration, higher taxes, and a lot more homosexuality. Book your ticket for Hillary’s inauguration! The Republic is restored.

Gospace said...

The election was decided by the people who stayed home. Over 300,000 votes cast in the district in the last general election. Just over 200,000 in this very special election that is a bellweather I tell you, a real bellweather as long as the Democrat wins by even a single vote, demonstrating the enormous groundswell of support nationwide for the Democrat Party agenda of impea h Trump, eviscerate the second amendment through judicial decisions that say it doesn't mean what it says, and bring in unrestricted numbers of new Democrats from shithole countries while allowing all those here unlawfully to stay, with more rights and privileges than citizens.

Matt Sablan said...

It can't really be a referendum on Trump if the other guy said he wouldn't support Pelosi. PA isn't solid red. Not good for Republicans. But if Democrats win by running away from the party, that should be a warning flare for both parties.

HT said...

Did anyone else notice that during the Pa rally, Trump said we will need to bring workers in to fill the many jobs he has gifted us? We NEED great workers, not we HAVE great workers.

"We've got to get it done, right? Get it done, and besides that, you know, honestly, we need good great workers in our country, because I'm bringing a lot of companies into this country. We're not gonna have workers for it. We have to bring them in, but DACA they're here, they're good people, and the Democrats are trying to not do so."

rhhardin said...

It's not so much a stronghold as a hideout.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The retired mechanic, quoted in the story, is correct. Lamb will support every dopey Dem bill and I guarantee he will literally embrace Nancy Pelosi.

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Henry said...

Looks like Lamb got the chop, pending a recount.

roesch/voltaire said...

Local grown lamb who keeps to local issues and seems to be a decent person defeats the DC stamped elephant who would wallow in the DC swamp

AllenS said...

I wouldn't doubt it, r/v.

Jaq said...

But if Democrats win by running away from the party,


Plus when they can focus the entire national apparatus on a single race, the Democrats can do better. In the fall it's going to be spread a lot thinner, and this guy's election does nothing more than bring Pelosi one step closer to the Speaker's chair. They did the same thing in Upstate New York, the guy ran his campaign against Obamacare, I remember, and flipped the day after the election.

Jaq said...

There is something here for both sides. But when the white left wing of the Democrats get out the long knives, this guy will be one of the first to go. He will be forced into some suicidal vote, just wait.

Hagar said...

If Lamb wants to "keep to local issues," he should have run for a local office. In Washington, he will support the Party leadership punctiliously, or he will get zip for his local issues.

Jaq said...

Anything that moves the Democrats toward moderation though, is a good thing. We assume he is lying about bucking the national leadership, or is just incredibly naive, but it does remain to be seen. But Nancy is Lucy holding the football here.

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