"Please respect the privacy of President Trump’s grandchildren. They’re kids and deserve to not be your clickbait. Thank you."
March 16, 2018
"Chelsea Clinton Warns Media Amid Donald Trump Jr. Divorce Reports."
HuffPo reports.
It's both true and a kind thing to say.
I didn't see a warning in there anywhere.
Because of the implication?
Now she can say her hands are clean.
Only women are interested in the first place.
Divorcity awareness.
As the great Jack Handey has said:
I believe in making the world safe
for our children,
but not for our children's children,
because I don't think children
should be having sex.
She has more class than most of the rest of the Democrats combined
She has already retained a divorce lawyer.
I'll bet that both of Don Jr.'s next two wives will be hot.
As best I can discern Chelsea is the only one who is mentioning the children at all, let alone disrespecting their privacy. She brought them up out of thin air. So, why is she interjecting herself into their world? What's in it for her, because when was the last time a Clinton did anything that was not in their own self interest? Asking for my wife.
Will Vanessa get one of those thank you for your service tweets from President Trump?
Virtue signaling of a different sort.
She set up a straw man and knocked it down. As jaydub just wrote, who in the media was bugging Don Jr's kids?
So, a Clinton is telling people how to behave.
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
"I'll bet that both of Don Jr.'s next two wives will be hot."
It's against the rules to bet on this blog.
A kind caring woman like Chelsea Clinton sounds like just what we need as President of these United States.
I saw Chelsea speak in Omaha. There are better speakers on the Duchesene Academy of the Sacred Heart Mock Trial team. She inherited none of her mother's smarts, warmth or charisma.
Chelsea, accomplished for never have been accomplished. And there are people in this country who want to deprive the rest of us of her incredible wisdom.
The white powder mailed to her was probably the breaking point.
I wonder if statistically, if your parents divorced, are you more likely to? Or even to get married?
It's against the rules to bet on this blog.
Is that like inside baseball stuff? Can you get banned for life from the hall?
"Mom just stuck her foot in her mouth hip-deep, so let me do some damage control."
What a lovely young woman. She was demeaned and insulted by you folks on the right for years. I hope you feel some remorse, but I doubt it.
What a lovely young woman
Lovely? Meh.
She was dealt a crap hand parent-wise, it appears (from the outside).
There is no reason -- other than her parents being politicians -- that anyone cares what she thinks. Or says. She adds nothing original.
"Inga said...
What a lovely young woman. She was demeaned and insulted by you folks on the right for years. I hope you feel some remorse, but I doubt it."
Really? Maybe you could show some examples of this, #IngaKnew. She, like you, is a dullard. Even Web Hubbell knows that.
The potential of Don Jr remarrying and having more children will provide LLR Chuck additional opportunities to attack Trump children by rumor mongering.
No wonder Chuck sounds giddy
Inga: "What a lovely young woman."
Who knew full well her father assaulted women yet stands by him.
Profile in Courage, busybody division.
It's against the rules to bet on this blog.
Not that we’re bitter about it or anything...
As a child of a President criticism of Chelsea is still off limits
As a child of a President criticism of Chelsea is still off limits
Chelsea is the adult child of a Pretender to the Throne.
The media are visiting the sins of the father upon the son. What they are about to do to Trump, Jr., is what the wish they could do to POTUS. This another reason why people look the other way when the media are shamed in a personal way. There is no simple way to break this cycle.
I’m glad she said that.
Chuck wrote: “I'll bet that both of Don Jr.'s next two wives will be hot.”
Comments like that are why people approve the skewering of Chuck here at Althouse.
Chuck roast is quite tasty. Tastier than roasted chicken.
(World Famous Lurker says....)
I am shocked - shocked - that gambling is going on here.
(Tim from Vermont comes running up..)
"Here are your winnings Mr. Fabulous."
chickelit said...
Chuck wrote: “I'll bet that both of Don Jr.'s next two wives will be hot.”
Comments like that are why people approve the skewering of Chuck here at Althouse.
Pre-Trump, I never used to make comments like that. I've learned a lot, from the Trumps. Never back down. And some of your best punches will be gut-shots; sucker-punches below the belt of your antagonist. A mix of funny and insulting. Keep it short, and memorable. Re-Tweet-able.
I found Chuck's comment about DJT Jr.'s "next two wives" to be hilarious. As for Chelsea, as soon as she opened her mouth about political issues, she was fair game.
BTW Chelsea's name also appears on the letterhead of a very dubious "charitable" foundation.
@Chuck: People just don’t get your ongoing negative obsession with Trump. It’s a bit like Crack’s old negative obsession with Mitt Romney during the 2012 election cycle. Eventually, people will tune out or punch back. I would like to see what happened to Crack happen to you.
What a lovely young woman. She was demeaned and insulted by you folks on the right for years. I hope you feel some remorse, but I doubt it.
She’s a thoroughly corrupt individual who said the right thing here.
chickelit said...
@Chuck: People just don’t get your ongoing negative obsession with Trump. It’s a bit like Crack’s old negative obsession with Mitt Romney during the 2012 election cycle. Eventually, people will tune out or punch back. I would like to see what happened to Crack happen to you.
Actually, I have no idea what happened to Crack. I never had any big personal feuds with commenters back then. (Because my views were almost completely "Mainstream Althouse" back then.)
But I'll bet that The Cracker Emcee didn't vote for Bush or McCain or Romney... the way that I voted for Trump.
“She inherited none of her mother's smarts, warmth or charisma.”
I think that this might better have been phrased: “She inherited none of her father's smarts, warmth or charisma, but all of her mother’s”. Crooked Hillary doesn’t seem to have that much smarts, and little, if any warmth or charisma. None immediately evident. But one thing that Chelsea may have that her mother almost decidedly does not is some empathy and even self-consciousness - those could easily have been her marriage and her kids that were being discussed, if her mother had actually had just a little more smarts, warmth, and charisma, and not lost those close swing states.
“Who knew full well her father assaulted women yet stands by him.
Who knew full well their father assaulted women yet stand by him.
“As for Chelsea, as soon as she opened her mouth about political issues, she was fair game.”
As for TrumpKids, as soon as they opened their mouth about political issues, they were fair game.
Kimmel(D) is a bully. the hack-D press are bullies. Trump bullies.
The other night Jimmy Kimmel(D) suggested Melania smash Donald's thumbs.
LLR Chuck: "Pre-Trump, I never used to make comments like that."
It would be hard to imagine a statement that fits more easily into a leftist framework than that.
"Jenny? Things got a little out of hand. It’s just this war and that lying son of a bitch Johnson and…I would never hurt you. You know that."
Yet LLR Chuck is a self-described lifelong republican.
Readers should feel free to draw obvious conclusions.
LLR Chuck: "But I'll bet that The Cracker Emcee didn't vote for Bush or McCain or Romney... the way that I voted for Trump."
There is no evidence this actually occurred.
Inga: "As for TrumpKids, as soon as they opened their mouth about political issues, they were fair game."
No one ever said they weren't.
Chelsea is a mini money grubber, using her mom's ill gotten gains to live large. Not exactly a role model for girls.
Chelsea cannot help that her parents are disgusting and gross.
“Chelsea cannot help that her parents are disgusting and gross.”
TrumpKids cannot help that their father is disgusting and gross.
Inga still wants corrupt Hillary at the helm.
Chelsea is a mini-money grubber who uses her Parents so called charitable foundation as a personal checkbook for her extravagant lifestyle with her marriage to the son of a crook.
Inga is fine with it. Celebrates it! Ignores it! whatevs.
All nice girls have their wedding, campaigning and "life" for a decade funded through charitable organizations.
Just ask Inga.
Inga: "TrumpKids cannot help that their father is disgusting and gross."
Let us know when Trump shoves a cigar up an intern like democrat hero Bill.
Ray: I wonder if statistically, if your parents divorced, are you more likely to? Or even to get married?
I do know that, statistically speaking, you are less likely to have kids if your parents didn't have any.
Seriously, though, according to this article, "...numerous empirical studies have found that those who experience a parental divorce are significantly more likely to divorce themselves."
Bill spooged in the oval Office. The left say "It's just sex!"
Bimbo doesn’t mind that Trump is Putin’s Puppet, she’s taking Russian lessons to celebrate!🇷🇺
eh it's a Clinton. Everything is a calculation.
Inga wrote: "Who knew full well their father assaulted women yet stand by him. #TrumpKidsComplicit"
I must have missed something. We all know about Sick Willie. When did Trump sexually assault a woman?
got any proof, Inga? Do you let liar Adam Schifty influence you? LOL. I guess Secret Russian Uranium One mega-million deal for Hillary makes Hillary the anti-Poot puppet.
Inga: "Bimbo doesn’t mind that Trump is Putin’s Puppet,..."
Putin just loves our energy independence and increased exports to Europe undercutting Russian Natural Gas sales to Europe.
Putin just loves a massive buildup of US military might.
Putin just loves increased US overtures to China.
Putin just loves increased US offensive weapons to Ukraine and the Baltics.
Putin just loves it when Russian mercenaries get whacked by US forces in Syria.
Putin just loves it when....democrat Presidents shove cigars up interns and the democrat base cheers!
Never letting go of the insane Russian kept Hillary out of office by tricking everyone into hating her.
Inga- normal people HATE Hillary with or without silly Russian Facebook ads.
Putin was successful in seeding paranoia inside the leftwing brain.
What Putin DOES love is getting control of 20% of the US Uranium reserves.
And all it took was about $150Million given to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Not bad.
Plus all of obambi's Resets and warm, loving, eye to eye promises of "increased flexibility" after elections (when the rubes no longer need to be fooled!)
Hey, anyone got the number for those Putin amigos in Moscow? I need to get some fake Putin news to generate a hoax dossier to inject into the next US election....
Plutonium Tea a popular drink among Putin’s agents. If they really like you they’ll serve you Novichok with a smile.
Inga's rapier wit leaves one speechless.
Inga thinks the Russians whacking people is some new phenomenon.
History began this morning.
It's a good thing the Russians weren't clever enough to inject plutonium into cigars.
We would have lost a number of interns during Bill Clinton's tenure.
If you know what I mean.
"disgusting and gross"
Words Inga would never use regarding cigars and interns.
In the same way that muslims grooming hundreds and thousands of young girls for long term rape and abuse in the west is something to be laughed at.
Like she did yesterday.
Inga is just throwing crap against a wall again, in the desperate hope that something sticks with somebody.
Nobody can be that stupid or purposely annoying.
Can they?
If you're lucky Inga, perhaps Putin will poison Trump.
Putin has been killing his enemies for decades. Why, even going back as far as the Obama era where we were assured by Obama any paranoia about Putin and his grasp on power is simply the 80's calling.
Speculating -- you don't have five kids with someone that you think you may soon divorce. Hence, divorce prob. related to politics and expectation of future legal trouble for Donald Jr. She wants her kids as far away as possible when the s**t hits the fan. Good call.
“She wants her kids as far away as possible when the s**t hits the fan. Good call.”
Exactly. Maybe if they are divorced her settlement will be protected from any kind of court action against Don Jr?
Maybe he wants a Russian mail-order bride. Because Putin.
Inga: "Exactly. Maybe if they are divorced her settlement will be protected from any kind of court action against Don Jr?"
Looks like now we know why Judge Contrereas suddenly and inexplicably had to recuse himself from the Flynn case....and one reason, of many, why suddenly that little old "slam dunk" Flynn guilty plea is likely to be thrown out.
And Manafort has gone all in on fighting the witch hunt.
And Carter Page, that actual target of all 4 FISA warrants and extensions has never been accused of wrongdoing, never arrested, never indicted etc.
Even though getting a FISA warrant extension is supposed to be based on demonstrable evidence of wrongdoing which the product of the warrant extension is supposed to show.
Don Jr isn't sweating any legal action.
"Warns" is the wrong word. Asks or Requests are more appropriate to describe the tweet.
> virtue signalling
Eggface informs us that silver spoon kids need to be further swaddled
They grow on to own billion dollar Foundations
and tweet their wisdom
“Don Jr isn't sweating any legal action.“
Inga is as confident now as she was at 5pm ET on November 8, 2016.
Plus she doesnt have to fear any exploding cigars.
If you know what I mean....
I'm still amazed that Inga can get a quarter of her fat head into a single photographic image.
Inga said...
Exactly. Maybe if they are divorced her settlement will be protected from any kind of court action against Don Jr?
That was precisely the first thing that went through my mind when I heard about this. And it was the first thing that two divorce-lawyer friends (one a Trump-liking Republican and one a Trump-hating Democrat) thought.
None of us know anything particular about the case, or have any inside track on info. But it was literally the first thing each of us thought as lawyers and litigators. And it isn't even such a clear legal strategy. Federal criminal practice is not my area, but I have real doubts that a New York divorce with minor children and a complicated financial setting would get resolved (and assets protected) before federal prosecutors moved in.
Still, I think it was a good question.
I agree with leave their kids alone.
People left Chelsea alone for the most part when she was growing up. The people who didn’t are cruel people.
John McCain’s joke “Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father” was a cruel thing to say about a 13 year-old girl.
I had no problem with Trump being cruel to McCain. The Maverick is a cruel guy. Like a lot of cruel people, he whines and hides behind the valor of others.
McCain was a legacy at Annapolis. He was a terrible student. He was a terrible pilot. He cost the US government millions because he couldn’t fly. The Navy should have flushed him out of Annapolis.
Trump is a cruel guy, too. Just like McCain and W and Obama and a lot of these people.
I like watching these people tear each other apart in The Arena.
I would advise Chelsea to stay out of The Arena. She’s a bit clueless and a bit arrogant. But considering who her parents are, she’s pretty decent. Maybe Bill and Hillary made sure she wouldn’t turn out like them. They may have had that much self awareness and decency.
The Haitians still threw Chelsea a helluva wedding. Even if they didn't know they did.
It is clear that the letter attack was the last straw for Don Jr's wife. Trumps family has to fear for their personal safety because of people like Inga and Chuck. She is just not brave enough to risk her life and her children lives.
It is understandable that she is afraid. I bet there were strains on the marriage and the attempt on her life is was the last straw. Now the crazies will leave her alone.
Sad but understandable.
#StrongDurbinDefender Chuck: "That was precisely the first thing that went through my mind when I heard about this."
LLR Chuck shares exact same initial thoughts as lunatic lefty.
You should feel free to draw obvious conclusions.
The Haitians still threw Chelsea a helluva wedding. Even if they didn't know they did.
And even if they weren't invited.
Speaking of shitshows, I see Hillary fell again. In the bathtub this time. Broke her wrist. Mike be time for Chelsea to consider having that difficult nursing home conversation with mom.
“It is clear that the letter attack was the last straw for Don Jr's wife. Trumps family has to fear for their personal safety because of people like Inga and Chuck. She is just not brave enough to risk her life and her children lives.”
There is a kernel of truth here. Of course she’s afraid for her life and that of her children. However, I guess it doesn’t occur to the dim witted Trump sycophants here that it could be Putin she is afraid of. Could it be that Putin is sending messages (by the recent poisoning’s in the UK) to certain folks letting them know that he can poison them no matter where they live if they double cross him?
langford peel: "It is clear that the letter attack was the last straw for Don Jr's wife."
That is a normal and reasonable first thought.
The woman feared for the safety of her xhildren at the hands of ingas and LLR Chucks lefty allies.
Which is why that was NOT LLR Chucks first thought.
LLR Chucks second thought was likely how to identify any rumors about the children that he could advance.
Inga: "There is a kernel of truth here. Of course she’s afraid for her life and that of her children. However, I guess it doesn’t occur to the dim witted Trump sycophants here that it could be Putin she
is afraid of."
So, Trump is doing Putins bidding, except when he's doublecrossing him!
LLR Chuck, Inga and the other lefties are really on a roll!
Ah, yes. The intersection between Never Trumpers and the Clinton Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. S&M equipment suppliers hardest hit. Be sure to exit through the Altazon corn hole.
“So, Trump is doing Putins bidding, except when he's doublecrossing him!”
No. He’s being warned NOT to double cross him.
Inga: "No. He’s being warned NOT to double cross him"
Inga "knows" this.
Like she just "knew" the hilarious golden showers lies were true true TRUE baby!
There is literally nothing Inga won't believe. Literally nothing.
Inga: "There is a kernel of truth here. Of course she’s afraid for her life and that of her children. However, I guess it doesn’t occur to the dim witted Trump sycophants here that it could be Putin she is afraid of."
She has nothing to fear from Putin. She has to fear the pussy hat wearing Antifa Democrats who shoot Congressmen and attack Senators on their lawn. It is the Ingas and Chucks that she has to fear. She decided to take her kids out of the line of fire. It is understandable that she puts her children first even over her marriage.
Drago cannot believe his God King has been dancing with the devil.👹
His psyche wouldn’t survive intact.
“She has nothing to fear from Putin.”
The daughter of Sergei Skripal probably thought she had nothing to fear from Putin either.
After all Chuck has a documented history of threatening violence against women and attacking underage children on the Internet.
She needs to keep her children safe from these people. You never know when they will progress from attacks on the Internet to physical attacks. This is precisely what they ignored in the Parkland shooting. I hope the FBI is taking this seriously.
I just doubt it. They only seem dedicated to overturning the results of an election.
Oddest Sentence ever about a former First lady:
This is the second time the former presidential candidate has injured herself on her India after slipping on steps at a 13th century harem
Only Hillary. First landing under "sniper fire" - now getting injured at a dangerous 13th century Harem.
langford peel said...
After all Chuck has a documented history of threatening violence against women and attacking underage children on the Internet.
Everybody already knows what a dumb, boring, old slander this is. Althouse calls it "clutter." I asked her to ban people like you, doing this. She said that she lacked the technology to ban individual blogspot users, and while she could clean out individual comments, she didn't want to get caught up in that because it was such an onerous, thankless boring task. And professionally, she rather preferred the ideological devotion to "free speech" in her comments. Going so far as to remove her previous warning on how "COMMENTS ARE MODERATED some but not all of the time..."
So you get away with this garbage. Congrats. Doesn't look good for the blog, but it's not my blog.
REVEALED: Peter Strzok Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge In Michael Flynn Case
Everybody knows it is true Chuck.
Your record of threatening woman and demeaning children is familiar to everyone.
You think you can get away with it. That's what abusers do.
It seems that Althouse has no problem with it.
So it ill behooves you to complain about moderation.
"I think that this might better have been phrased: “She inherited none of her father's smarts, warmth or charisma, but all of her mother’s”.
Bruce Hayden
“So you get away with this garbage. Congrats. Doesn't look good for the blog, but it's not my blog.”
Peel’s a clown. A true troll.
What a lovely young woman. She was demeaned and insulted by you folks on the right for years. I hope you feel some remorse, but I doubt it.
Oh, bullshit. She's an opportunistic twit.
She put herself out there. We have every right to call her on her crap.
I do think that Chelsea's comments here are genuine given her past experiences. No need to pile on for such a benign statement.
Inga: "Drago cannot believe his God King has been dancing with the devil."
Now Inga demands we all share her delusions. Well, don't most crazy people want you to believe their delusions?
Psst, Inga. Did you know that not even the guys that put the hoax dossier/oppo research together believed the ridiculous hoax claim about golden showers.
But you did.
And you'll believe the next one too......
“Now Inga demands we all share her delusions.”
Oh no. Far be it from me to tell you what to believe. I said you were incapable of believing anything that is not complimentary to your God King. Believe what you want, it’s amusing in a very sad sort of way.
"I think that this might better have been phrased: “She inherited none of her father's smarts, warmth or charisma, but all of her mother’s”.
I don't know Web Hubbell well enough to know whether or not I agree with this.
langford peel said...
Everybody knows it is true Chuck.
Your record of threatening woman and demeaning children is familiar to everyone.
You think you can get away with it. That's what abusers do.
It seems that Althouse has no problem with it.
So it ill behooves you to complain about moderation.
I promise you; Althouse has a big problem with this. She calls it "clutter." She thinks it detracts from her blog. Personal insults and back-and-forth jibes that have nothing to do with the original post. You are doing what she does not want commenters to do.
And if she were here, she'd say to me something like, "It takes two, for a back-and-forth..." She'd advise me to not engage you. And so that is what I'll do this time. I am through with you today. Have the last word if you must; this is my last word. Please leave me alone, ignore all my comments and don't expect a reply from me.
Inga: " I said you were incapable of believing anything that is not complimentary to your God King."
Where is the evidence for your delusional claims?
#StrongCNNDefender Chuck: "Please leave me alone"
Says the pro-doxxing of 15 year olds poster and giddy spreader of rumors about a child.
If only you could leave women and children alone.
We all know that won't happen. We all know your response the next time you demean a Trump child.
"Look at what you made me do!"
The constant refrain of abusers everywhere.
Drago, it was Donald Trump Jr. who spread that lie about "HanAssholeSolo" being a 15 year-old. He wasn't 15; he was an adult, and CNN didn't doxx him, although CNN sure managed to get a lot of people angry in the process:
But you know it's funny that you inadvertently brought up the subject of Don Junior's Twitter habits, because -- allegedly -- it is Twitter that has come between Don Junior and Mrs. Junior:
And by the way (this is for the intelligent, curious, fact-loving readers of Althouse comments, and so not intended for Drago); I never even defended CNN in all of its decision-making around the Trump re-tweeting of that video. I mostly thought it an entertaining mess. But Drago is always looking for something to hang on me, and truth and accuracy are beside the point.
Fuck off, Drago. You mendacious shit head. You're the leading producer of clutter on these pages.
You're the leading producer of clutter on these pages.
Demonstrably false as long as you’re around.
#StrongDurbinDefender Chuck: "I never even defended CNN in all of its decision-making around the Trump re-tweeting of that video."
Hall Monitor Chuck: "You're the leading producer of clutter on these pages."
Poor Chuck.
He never even got an armband denoting his Blog Authority. You'd think by now Durbin's office would have provided one to Chuck out of gratitude for his support.
LLR Chuck: "You're the leading producer of clutter on these pages."
You already accused someone else today of being the leading producer of clutter on these pages.
How many "leading producers of clutter" can there really be?
I think what LLR Chuck meant to write was: not reflexively leftist.
He never even got an armband denoting his Blog Authority. You'd think by now Durbin's office would have provided one to Chuck out of gratitude for his support.
He's wearing the hall monitor armband he kept from elementary school.
I believe shithead is one word. Can we get a ruling please?
In this instance, I give Chelsea the benefit of the doubt. After all, whatever else might be said about Chelsea, she absolutely does know what it's like to be a kid growing up in the spotlight due to the public life of the family in which he or she is (or they are) being raised. And Don Jr.'s kids are very young. I imagine that Chelsea can sincerely relate to that, given that she was, what, born some time around 1980? Either right before Bill became AK guv the first time, or maybe during that first brief term as guv. I'm not a fan of Chelsea as an adult (well, to the degree I think about her at all, which is rarely), but I certainly felt for Chelsea-the-kid, at the time, and it seems to me entirely reasonable that she might sincerely feel for any of the Trumps who are actually children and understand full well how they might be, or become, collateral damage.
"It's against the rules to bet on this blog."
Nobody paying attention has been betting on this blog since sometime in 2016..
Ha ha! :p
"I wonder if statistically, if your parents divorced, are you more likely to? Or even to get married?"
I can say anecdotally that I think growing up in a home with no father made the idea of marriage as absent as he was. My mom didn't remarry or even date as far as I ever saw and marriage just wasn't on my radar as part of a life plan. It literally didn't occur to me as a goal, and definitely not as a need. I wasn't against the idea or anything, but I did literally nothing to pursue or prioritize it. Not surprisingly, I never got married!
In a book I read a psychologist was quoted as saying "Children swim in their parents' unconscious like fish swim in the sea". We absorb things I think, unbeknownst to all parties. Parents who linger in shitty, unsatisfying marriages are doing their children few favours I think. Marriage is about the only thing I can think of where once people know they're in a hole, the culture seems to pressure them to just keep digging.
"People just don’t get your ongoing negative obsession with Trump"
There's a straight up malignant narcissist/sociopath in the Whitehouse. Everybody should have a fierce, decidedly negative and very much ongoing obsession with that.
Snark: "There's a straight up malignant narcissist/sociopath in the Whitehouse."
The Bill Clinton crew would like to lecture us about narcissism and sociopathy in the White House.
Lets listen closely....
She inherited none of her mother's smarts, warmth or charisma.
Is that a negative ?
Asking for a friend.
Everybody should have a fierce, decidedly negative and very much ongoing obsession with that.
We’ve had malignant narcissists as presidents since the founding of the republic. How is partisan obsession making any difference at all?
"marriage just wasn't on my radar as part of a life plan."
Good plan.
Saves disappointment.
"marriage just wasn't on my radar as part of a life plan."
We should hand out plastic trophies for doing the world a favor.
Inga said...
“Now Inga demands we all share her delusions.”
Oh no. Far be it from me to tell you what to believe. I said you were incapable of believing anything that is not complimentary to your God King. Believe what you want, it’s amusing in a very sad sort of way.
It is going to be fun watching you complain about all of the democrats getting indicted over the summer.
Contreas, the judge for the Flynn/Manafort cases, happens to be close personal friends with... FBI agent Strzok.
Flynn will be free and suing the DOJ/FBI or damages soon.
Mueller will drop the charges against Manafort before discovery when he has to answer questions about the Podesta group and why he let them off and indicted their partner.
For that matter Strzok is probably singing to investigators/IG right now to avoid jail time.
Mueller, Comey, McCabe are all facing serious jail time. Think turning on Obama or Hillary will be worth 10 years off your prison sentence?
Going to be a long hot summer.
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