March 21, 2018

"Biden’s biggest worry is that Trump, for all his bluster, could be a global bystander, unwilling to engage a messy world with anything more than chest-thumping."

"'The question I get everywhere is: ‘Is American leadership going to continue?'" he told me on Air Force Two. If Trump 'just stays behind the lines — hands off — it could be very ugly. Very, very ugly.'"

That's from a NYT piece — "Joe Biden: 'I Wish to Hell I’d Just Kept Saying the Exact Same Thing'..." — which I blogged exactly one year ago.

I'm running across that today because Joe Biden is in teh news, as you might have noticed: "Biden says he would have 'beat the hell out' of Trump in high school for disrespecting women." I had a feeling there was some ridiculous violent ideation coming out of Biden against Trump somewhere in the archive. It wasn't the thing from a year ago. It was something else, from October 2016, and now I realize that Biden's remarks in today's news was dredging up that old, weird statement:
"A guy who ended up becoming our national leader said, 'I can grab a woman anywhere and she likes it,'" Biden said. "They asked me if I’d like to debate this gentleman, and I said 'no.' I said, 'If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.'"

"I've been in a lot of locker rooms my whole life," Biden continued. "I'm a pretty damn good athlete. Any guy that talked that way was usually the fattest, ugliest S.O.B. in the room."
Here he is in October 2016 getting very angrily macho:

But I was interested in the other quote, which seems so forgotten. Biden's biggest worry, 2 month's into the Trump presidency, would be "a global bystander, unwilling to engage," just staying "behind the lines," keeping his "hands off" the "messy world." A year later, no one's saying that. Could someone ask Biden about that now? Would he like to express appreciation that what he was most worried about did not happen?


NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

"I've been in a lot of locker rooms my whole life," Biden continued.

Paging Captain Oveur!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When a lefty offers time travel bullying - is this "cool"?

Gilbert Pinfold said...

Slow Joe--the defender of women. Especially those in the Secret Service that he would skinny-dip in front of.
Oh, and so macho--always running that mouth. He's got a higher IQ than you, doncha know. The kind that gets you into the bottom half of his class at U Del and Syracuse Law.

RNB said...

"Would [Biden] like to express appreciation that what he was most worried about did not happen?"

Anything the president could do -- short of dropping dead -- would and will make Joe Biden unhappy.

JohnAnnArbor said...

Dude's full of himself.

Common affliction of politicians.

And how has Trump been "hands off"? I mean, has he been watching the news?

Fernandinande said...

No results found for "I can grab a woman anywhere and she likes it" -biden

rhhardin said...

The world lets you grab it by the pussy when you're famous.

hombre said...

Donald Trump is 6’3” and according to his high school classmates was a star athlete. Joe Biden is three inches shorter, a star windbag who lied about playing college football.

I don’t think there is much doubt about the outcome of the matchup.

Fernandinande said...

anagram("Joe Biden") = "I need job"

rehajm said...

In a little more than a year Trump has engaged China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, the EU, Syria, Saudi Arabia and fifty Arab and Muslim nations. Already proven to be incorrect...

Joe's seen television, right? It's how his boss used to engage with the world...

wwww said...

A year later, no one's saying that. Could someone ask Biden about that now?

I'm confused by this statement. Domestic news is obsessed with porn stars and the latest tweet, but there's a lot of articles and talk of the US pulling out of venues in which they are usually involved.

Max Boot and people like him say it all the time.

In the last two weeks, I've read about people upset about the US not sending reps to a recent Euro meeting, people upset he's not saying stuff about the nerve killings in UK and other assassinations. People worried about the Baltics, Ukraine, lack of diplomats still not appointed. In the last months I've read people worried the US is leaving a big gap that China is filling, both in Asia and S. America and Africa.

Perhaps this is more news internationally, while the domestic news is more belly button (or Stormy Daniel's threesome)- or latest twitter uproar focused?

Drago said...

"Joe's seen television, right?"

Perhaps Biden is suffering from Hair-plug poisoning.

Nonapod said...

It's a little rich him trying to call out Trump re-women. I seem to remember a some Youtube video montage of Biden getting uncomfortably close and handsey with all sorts of women and girls at various political events, photo ops ect.

buwaya said...

He could have been a contender.

One of the more interesting points of the 2015 political season was his press conference Oct. 21 2015, declaring he wouldn't run, with Obama apparently standing by to make sure he didn't double cross someone.

It amused me, anyway.

I wonder what they had on Biden to keep him out. A lot, probably.
One of the Democrats bigger mistakes? Was Bidens baggage actually worse than Clintons?

He certainly would have been more personally charismatic, or at least sympathetic.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

I was driving back to Dallas from Amarillo early yesterday evening and I listened to Trump's speech. He had command of the room. He recognized several in attendance, including Steve Scalise. Apparently Scalise jumped right up when Trump called his name and Trump pointed to the last guy he had recognized and said, "he got up quicker than you, what's with that!" or something to that effect. He was funny all the way through. But when he compared Scalise to the other guy, my first though was of Biden asking the guy in the wheelchair to stand up. Not only would Trump destroy Biden in a debate, he would probably physically kick his ass, in high school or on the White House lawn this afternoon.

Birkel said...

Biden's biggest concern is whether he can rub your daughter's shoulders.

Or your wife's.

Kyzer SoSay said...


Trump joined with European leaders to condemn the poison attack in the UK, and reinstated sanctions against Russia for that act. These were the same sanctions he had held off on using, figuring that they might be a bargaining chip. Since Russia continues to behave badly, those sanctions are in place now.

Max Boot is a neocon warmonger.

Sebastian said...

'If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.'

Bullying is progs' MO.

CJ said...

Biden always brags so much: He's got the highest IQ, he's a damned good athlete, he'll beat the hell out of somebody for disrespecting women.

He's worked in government since 1970, when he was 28. He was an attorney before that. He honestly doesn't sound like he's had much of a life outside government, not sure why he has such a high opinion of himself.

Kyzer SoSay said...

I remember when Biden thought the best strategy to deter a home invasion was bucking shotgun blasts into the sky.

He's such a deep thinker. A democrat through and through.

Hagar said...

Nobody knows what Joe Biden is going to say next - not even Joe Biden - but when it comes time to vote, he will vote the party line.

Birkel said...


Press people are all about sex actor antics. Agreed. Now tell me how that relates to what Trump is doing.

And quote the Never Trump neocons all you like. We laugh because we know how you really feel about them.

JPS said...

A global bystander?

From the nominal number two of the administration that watched the rise of ISIS, declared and then ignored a red line on Syrian chemical weapons, and watched the North Korean nuclear program accelerate dramatically?

Points for chutzpah, anyway.

AllenS said...

Hey, Sticky Fingers Biden, you want to fight someone? Try fighting Crooked Hillary for the Dem nomination. She'll kick your fuckin' ass, punk.

Curious George said...

"AllenS said...
Hey, Sticky Fingers Biden, you want to fight someone? Try fighting Crooked Hillary for the Dem nomination. She'll kick your fuckin' ass, punk."

Nope. One in the dome.

zipity said...

Biden is a moron. Period.

Michael K said...

Biden has never gotten over his multiple plagiarism scandals and keeps hoping people forget.

He also has a white van with a puppy inside that he keeps inviting little girls to see.

320Busdriver said...

Poor Joe. He just never had the Midas touch. But he sure wishes he did.

Charlie Currie said...

Biden considers himself the number one plagiarizer in the political arena.

buwaya said...

The PTB could have made Biden into a much better figurehead than HRC.
He would need to do nothing but be affable, which he can do.
He is much better in public than she is. He can be glib.

I suspect that the Democrats (or their backers) were expecting a much more conventional Republican to contend with, probably Jeb. And were planning to go all-in with the "women" thing, so only a woman would do.

In the last stretch, though he would clearly be much less dominating than Trump, odds are he would have seemed much the safer choice.

320Busdriver said...

"Was Bidens baggage actually worse than Clintons?"

Is that even possible. No

Chuck said...

Not sure, but I think my interest in Joe Biden is the same as Althouse's interest in Stormy Daniels.

wwww said...

Agreed. Now tell me how that relates to what Trump is doing.


Unknown said...

Leading from behind the lines

LA_Bob said...

In the last stretch, though he would clearly be much less dominating than Trump, odds are he would have seemed much the safer choice.

Then thank God for Hillary!

Comanche Voter said...

Trump "chest thumping" then simply standing there as a bystander. As opposed to say, Obama, drawing a red line? Joe you are suffering from political Alzheimers.

And as for taking a high school Donny Trump out behind the gym and whupping up on him? You could only do that with a plagiarized set of hands---which, considering you've plagiarized several times in your life you might manage to do.

That said Little Rocket Man over in North Korea is not enjoying having to deal with "Donny from Queens" who knows how to make a few aggressive moves of his own.

Best go back to your rocker on the porch and snooze a little more Joe. You're no more ready for prime time now than you were at any other point in your life.

CWJ said...

"A global bystander?

From the nominal number two of the administration that watched the rise of ISIS, declared and then ignored a red line on Syrian chemical weapons, and watched the North Korean nuclear program accelerate dramatically?"

You forgot "lead(ing) from behind."

With Biden slotted behind Obama, I guess that makes Joe a leader twice removed, or in his mind a leader squared.

Rigelsen said...

The last time Biden was called to account for anything he said was in 1988, and it took a wholesale ripping off of someone else’s life story for that to happen. (Plus a little call out during the Thomas hearings a few years later, just to make sure he didn’t get in the way of the Thomas rail-roading. Fortunately, that went off track. Unfortunately, the rail readers didn’t give up.)

Max Boot is a neocon warmonger.

Is he a neocon any more. “Neocon”, when it existed, actually had a principled foundation, even if the pragmatics of setting up liberal democracies escaped them. Boot, like some other formerly neocon on the other hand, are all about unbridled, unprincipled rage.

chuck said...

I called out a bullying fraud like Biden in back in eighth grade. That was the end of it, he was all huff and puff and no fight.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Biden is a certified retard and, like Obama, has never had a real job in his life. He was on a govt payroll for about 45 straight years. He is without substance. He is the poster boy for how the fed govt has become a bloated mess in that time. Too bad, we decommissioned guillotines because we should consider taking 5 long-serving Dems and 5 long-serving Repubs to evaluate the blade's sharpness. It would send a signal to our Imperial City that the public is getting serious and we expect results.

Rigelsen said...

I would think all id all the time would get exhausting. But no, we seem to have entered the Age of Id.

n.n said...

Obama's trail needs to be watered.

tcrosse said...

Joe Biden, the fresh new face of tomorrow's Democratic Party.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Keep distracted with first Hillary and now Biden. It’s all good.

Jim at said...

Keep distracted with first Hillary and now Biden. It’s all good.

Yeah. Because we're the ones who are forcing them to keep running their mouths.

Go with that.

wwww said...

"Max Boot is a neocon warmonger."

It's not just Max Boot. It's diplomatic people from the Baltics and other eastern European countries asking where the US is.

Althouse said she never hears stuff about that.

I was struck by that, because I hear about "where's the US" stuff quite often. Also read stuff on this often. Granted, maybe I've got too many acquaintances are from eastern Europe. Maybe I read too much international press versus domestic US. But I'm hearing complaints about US not sending reps to conferences, lack of leadership, gaps of power, openings for China, Mandarin lessons in Africa...

On Biden specifically, my interest is low.

wwww said...

Keep distracted with first Hillary and now Biden.

I guess we're talking about the old guard because the Dems don't have a national leader, and won't until there's a nominee for 2020.

stevew said...

Yeah, he's a tough guy, and great at predictions.


Curious George said...

"I've been in a lot of locker rooms my whole life," Biden continued."

So had Jerry Sandusky.

I'm sure the progs would have no more of an issue with Joe Biden sexual oddities with kids and women than they did with Bill Clinton's assault and rapes. Just eggs in the omelette.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

"I've been in a lot of locker rooms my whole life," Biden continued."

Yep, pickin' up the soap.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I guess we're talking about the old guard because the Dems don't have a national leader, and won't until there's a nominee for 2020.”

It might be a good idea to keep the Dem front runners on the back burner for now and let the Right keep fixating on Hillary and Biden.

buwaya said...

"US not sending reps to conferences, lack of leadership, gaps of power, openings for China, Mandarin lessons in Africa..."

The only things that really matter -

The state of the USN and the USAF
Everything else hangs off those. Everything else is fluff, talk, make-work.
Alfred Thayer Mahan is still right.

Influence of Sea Power on History

The US military budget has been increased, somewhat, in the FY 2018 and in the proposed FY 2019 budgets.

DOD 2019 Budget Proposal

traditionalguy said...

Interestingly, Biden was in on the Dems Plan for destroying Trump before he destroyed them.They would gum up the Senate with McConnel's tacit help until the Trumprecord would be one of doing nothing. That was the plan. And it worked except for the time McConnell let 50 votes count for Gorsuch.
Finally the Tax Cut was too tempting to the Dem donors and the Schumer/Biden plan let another one slip through.

But Trump has been saying the first year is for exposing the enemy and lining up the targets. The second year is for attacking them. That is the Storm the Trumpsters talk about.

Let me look at my watch.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jwl said...

Pearl clutching by Biden, guys talk smack like that about women and a variety of other topics all the time when there are no females present. How many of his high school friends did Biden beat up for being vulgar?

And US special forces were deployed to more than 140 countries in 2017, Trump admin not leading from behind like President Obama.

buwaya said...

If you want to know why the mice came out to play - note the increase 2017-2019
As above, nothing else matters.
You cannot talk, loud or soft, without that big stick.

US Defence Spending 2010 - proposed 2019

2010   $851.6
2011   $855.1
2012   $816.3
2013    $746.4
2014   $753.6
2015    $736.4
2016   $767.3 
2017 Actual   $818.2
2018 Enacted   $874.4
2019 Budget   $886.0

David said...

Likable Big Phony vs. Hated Big Phony.

News in America.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

You are the one who called Hillary a dead horse and suggested she should be beaten.”

Sure. Keep flogging those two old dead horses. As I said, it serves a purpose beyond providing shits and giggles to the Right. It’s all good.

Wilbur said...

In the schoolyard or neighborhood, you learn, or should learn, and hopefully sooner than later, not to worry about the other kid who says what he woulda/coulda/shoulda done.

Don't make threats, don't start a fight, but don't run from one.

Bay Area Guy said...

Biden had every opportunity to run as Obama's successor, floated the idea, but chickened out. Was too afraid of the Hillary "juggernaut"

Oh well, missed it by ......that much.

Kevin said...

Biden will still be inappropriately touching women and children in 2020.

The only question is whether he will be doing it as the Democratic nominee.

dbp said...

I think Biden would have had a chance against Trump in high school: This is because, due to their age difference, it could only have happened when Biden was an 18 year old senior and Trump a 14 year old freshman.

In their primes, is there really any question of who would win a fight?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga - you do realize the entire "Russia Stole the Election from Poor Hillary and Trump is Putin's Puppet" IS FOR HILLARY, AND FROM HILLARY. It's all for H>E>R

mccullough said...

Biden is a pussy. He wouldn’t even run against Hillary.

His son Hunter set up a billion dollar deal with Red China and then left his wife and kids for his dead brother’s wife and kids. Mane he should have smacked Hunter around when he was a kid. Was he afraid of his own Pusey son?

Biden couldn’t beat up Hillary.

Trump wouldn’t even bother with Biden.

He’d just send Ivan’s to give Biden the back of the hand.

buwaya said...

Now, looking at that trend of military budgets, consider this -

Obama snub Beijing 2016

At the same time Obama was trying to talk his way into an "Indo Pacific Alliance"

Indo-Pacific Alliance

A transparently anti-Chinese alliance, note. The Chinese called his bluff. They knew the state of US forces better than Obama did.

Etienne said...

Biden has 24/7 protection service by secret police.

Who does he think he's kidding with that tough guy act?

"I'm so tough my secret police protection (at taxpayer expense) has to keep me from beating you up - punk."

wendybar said...

Where was Old Joe, when it came out that Bill Clinton paid for Gennifer Flowers abortion?? Where was he when Bill Clinton Carried on a 12 year affair with Gennifer...going on while Hillary was giving birth to Chelsea?? Suck it up Joe...You acting like a bully is just teaching your side that bullying is okay if your side does it.....

FullMoon said...

Inga said...

You are the one who called Hillary a dead horse and suggested she should be beaten.”

Sure. Keep flogging those two old dead horses

Yep, drive that bus right over those two old Dems. You guys have no more use for them. Leftist loyalty, as always.

Big Mike said...

Two thoughts:

First, if it becomes likely that Biden will, in fact, run for the presidency then I look for the YouTube search "Creepy Joe Biden" to return zero hits instead of more than 27,000 hits. All copies of Jeff Sessions slapping Biden's hand away from a little girl (Sessions' granddaughter?) will be deleted.

Second, we will see nothing in the media about what his son Hunter did in the Ukraine, nor the alleged billion dollar deal Hunter has going on with the Chinese, nor about Hunter boinking his late brother's widow while still married. This despite the attention paid to Donald Trump Jr.'s business dealings and pending divorce.

Kyzer SoSay said...

"Sure. Keep flogging those two old dead horses. As I said, it serves a purpose beyond providing shits and giggles to the Right. It’s all good."

Targets are hit as they make themselves available.

Just wait. Kamala Harris and whoever else decides to run for the Dem nomination will find out how much firepower there is to hit them with as soon as they start poking their heads up.

I look forward to it.

neal said...

Trump should set up a photo op with creepy Uncle Joe and Ivanka. Grope, bitch slap, swift kick to the nuts with designer shoes.

Secret Service consulting the rapid response manual.

I would pay good money to watch.

Bill R said...

Biden, we all remember, was the impresario of the Clarence Thomas lynching. The only thing Biden likes more than the sight of a teenage girls underpants is a white rope digging into a black neck, black feet kicking against the empty air.

Meade said...

"It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."
— Joe Biden 2008

“Turns out I'm really good at killing people. Didn't know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine.” — Barack Obama 2011

Speaking of scary clowns.

M Jordan said...

I have several conservative friends who grudgingly admit they like Biden.”He’s unfiltered,” one of them says, “like Trump.”

I can’t stand this asshole. From his grinning, leering debate with Paul Ryan to his tough guy talk today, I despise every word that comes out of his mouth. I recall once, when he was Veep, him telling some KFC worker who dared question Obama, to “stop being such a smart-ass.” I also recall the reportage showing him giving less to charity than any other candidate in 2008. Way less. Like he gave grand total of $400 one year.

So now I see he’s a defender of womanhood, a knight gallant who would kick the ass of every Trump-like male who took advantage of a woman. Sure you would, Joe. Just like you kicked Bill Clinton’s ass.

Sorry for all the “asses” in this comment. When Joe Biden’s in the menu, asses are like free breadsticks.

langford peel said...

One of the reasons I voted for Trump is that wanted to put American first and didn't want to get into every war that the Neocons could start.

It is a good thing if we stand back.

Look at this latest bullshit with Russia and the supposed poisoning of spies in England. The English are all up in arms about this when they can't seem to protect their own children from being groomed and gang raped by Muslims in their own country. They want us to get into a fight with Russia. The Neocons and the moronic Democrats want the same thing. They want us to get into a serious beef with Russia. This isn't like a war with Iraq or Afghanistan or Libya or any one of the other shit holes that they insist we spend our blood and treasure. This is conflict with the potential to blow up the world. So when the President congratulates Putin in exactly the same way as Obama did they leak it and try to turn it into some kind of scandal. They are turning up the heat in hopes of starting a conflict with Russia.

They are literally insane.

langford peel said...

I think it is a good thing if spies get poisoned. Especially traitors.

If only someone would poison Clapper and Brennan then we would be getting somewhere.

The Godfather said...

Think about this. A 75 year old man, a former Senator and Vice President, is boasting, BOASTING, about how in high school he would have beaten up a kid whose behavior he disapproved of. Is this a contest to see whether Biden can top Trump's (supposedly off-the-record) comments about what women "let you do" if you're "a star" on a how-juvenile-are-you scale? Biden is almost two years older than me, and he makes me ashamed to be an old fogey. Don't get me wrong: Trump gives me reasons almost every day to want to sit him down for a "Now, young man" talk.

DanTheMan said...

Joe Biden was a good athlete, according to Joe Biden.

Just watch this, and you will know everything you need to know about Joe Biden:

Every claim he makes is false. Every one. He never won any of the awards, got the degrees, or graduated anywhere near the top of his class. (75th out of 80 something I think)

He's like the kid we all knew in school that told lies all the time. There is something seriously wrong with an adult man who makes such outrageously false claims about himself.

Insecurity is the kindest explanation...but there are others.

tcrosse said...

It just goes to show that the only cure for Presidential Ambition is embalming fluid.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Obama snub Beijing 2016

It's odd that the Libya gambit did not impress. Who would have thought that a Pro-Choice foreign policy would cause people to cling to their life, liberty, and arms.

The classical Progressive, Theodore Roosevelt, had it right: speak softly and carry a big stick. Unfortunately, Progressivism is a forward thinking and liberal (i.e. divergent) ideology.

Howard said...

Who does Biden think he is? A Pajama Media Cuck punching back twice as hard?

Drago said...

Inga: "It might be a good idea to keep the Dem front runners on the back burner for now and let the Right keep fixating on Hillary and Biden."


Yeah, its a big master plan.


glenn said...

tcrosse wins the Internet today.

“It just goes to show that the only cure for Presidential Ambition is embalming fluid”

BUMBLE BEE said...

This from "The New Sheriff in town"? I remember how he was going to give the public a "full accounting" of the Stimulus Program spending. Lets hear from his female secret service members.

Anonymous said...

wwww: But I'm hearing complaints about US not sending reps to conferences, lack of leadership, gaps of power, openings for China, Mandarin lessons in Africa...

The Chinese taking advantage of openings in Africa long predates the arrival of Trump.

walter said...

He's also been in some the disgust of female secret service agents.

walter said...

Of course, the Pope has a violent streak as well. Is Biden Catholic?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Biden's biggest worry, 2 month's into the Trump presidency, would be "a global bystander, unwilling to engage," just staying "behind the lines," keeping his "hands off" the "messy world." A year later, no one's saying that.

Are you kidding me? What bubble are you residing in? Any involvement that the Trump's got into were to appease domestic constituencies or because they were dragged kicking and screaming into it: i.e. a nuclear standoff with N. Korea. He's letting Russia do whatever it wants, and definitely letting China exert more power in the Pacific. Trade wars or chest-beating just for the sake of American political rhetoric is not involvement. Most people with a brain who bother to look into these things before spouting off know this. He's letting regional powers - Russia, China, Saudi Arabia - exert a greater and greater role in the world. The opposite of American involvement. The French touted this a decade ago as multipolarity. The other powers, too. You can argue that it's a legitimate course to pursue, but not that it shows active American involvement. It's about as active and involved as telling the cop that you'll beat up your kid after he returns him to your house late in the night doing some graffiti because you weren't involved. Geez. It also recapitulates the "balance of power" theories that led Europe into two world wars. The amount of ignorance you spout astounds me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

FullMoon said...
"I've been in a lot of locker rooms my whole life," Biden continued."

Yep, pickin' up the soap.

One thing you can consistently count on FullGoon to do is to spout off with his pervasive male-on-male anal rape and domination fantasies. I guess that's why he doesn't mind having his young underage "wife" (i.e. beard) rolling her eyes at him.

Someday she's going to catch wind of him being spied at a gay bar in a leather biker hat and nipple rings wearing assless chaps. She must be pretty thick to not pick up on how gay he is. Shit, he could even be the "construction" worker in The Village People. Hopefully he'll be able to claim some of those properties she bought after she divorces him - he is the poorer party after all and California is a community property state.

What a loser.

chickelit said...

One by one, the media is running all the 2020 contenders up the flagpole to see if donors get boners. Not happening, guys. Better rely on that old gal Hillary. It’s her turn more than ever.

chickelit said...

Trump should switch parties in 2020 just to screw with the dem donor class like he did to Republicans.

Michael K said...

Blogger tcrosse said...
It just goes to show that the only cure for Presidential Ambition is embalming fluid.

Good line, especially for those who don't deserve to win.

walter said...

Doth protest too much on that run of the mill joke by Full Moon.
Funny to use that as proof of some grand fantasy and secret life that you go create and on and and on about would point a lot more at you than his common joke.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You can find male on male anal rape as hilarious a form of outdated gallows humor in 2018 as you want to, old timer walter. But you really haven't read all that much of the raving moonatic's rants if you think he doesn't frequently got sodomitic in his comments. He's just using his wife for her cash and real estate assets. If it's not obvious to you then you're even dumber than he is.

PB said...

Towel-snapping blowhard.

walter said...

Ah..TTR reaching for the ageist bit...all in the service of sensitivity.

Clyde said...

Bad-Touch Biden has no room to talk about anyone touching women.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No, just the service of reality. It's 2018. The only reason to fixate on sodomy - (especially while living in San Francisco!) - and a married young man is if your marriage is a sham and you really do prefer males to females. Especially in the controlling, S & M fashion that the moonatic in question always talks about. If you don't get this then you're really old. Times change and he's a young whippersnapper - even if he still can't come clean and just openly live the lifestyle that he obviously prefers.

Drago said...

TTR: "You can find male on male anal rape as hilarious a form of outdated gallows humor in 2018 as you want to, old timer walter."

As Churchill said of Royal Naval traditions: "And what are those traditions Admiral, but Rum, sodomy and the lash..."

walter said...'re just fixated...using the "I know you are but what am I" bit to such a degree it boomerangs on you, habitually slinging over the top insults at anyone who disagrees with you.
But yet again, time to raise the plexi on this thread.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Churchill was English. They're just like that and still are.

Ray - SoCal said...

Nobody really knew what Trump would be doing as President, before he got elected President. Biden was saying a good as any guess on what Trump would do. After all he saw Obama with his huge talk, and negligible US international impact.

Being honest - I thought Trump was the least bad choice, and was a lot better than Hillary (where is my money) Clinton. I have been pleasantly surprised (shocked) at how well Trump is doing internationally. Domestically Trump is doing much better than I expected. I did not expect the resistance to be so crazy. Or the GOP Senators to allow the Democrats to gum up the senate so much, especially confirmations. This entire Russia Independent Counsel Wiretapping is one of the most brilliant dirty tricks I have ever seen (kudos to Hillary and Obama and company for what they did), unfortunately for the Democrats, Trump is turning it against them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Increasing the dose on your stupid pills, walter?

You said I was insensitive for calling attention to your beyond-use-date. I disagreed because your beyond-use-date is the only explanation for your inability to know what's humorous to young guys nowadays and what's just a giveaway.

So in fact, I'm not accusing anyone of anything that they accused me of. ("I know you are but what am I"). I mean, if your senility is so advanced that you can't even figure out how playground taunts (that you call out) work, then it might be time to hang up the towel on the commenting.

Seeing Red said...

Biden spent 8 years supporting leading from behind.

He’s getting senile. It seems his kids got rich after we went soft on China.

John henry said...


(And others)

Why the fantasy about Biden as a presidential candidate. The Vice-Presidency forever disqualified him from being president.

Not constitutionally, of course, but as a practical matter. Look at the history of VPs who have run for the presidency. Even VPs, like Ford, Johnson, Truman, TR who have gotten into the oval office and tried to get elected in their own right. Or Bush, the first sitting VP in 150 years to get elected and he could not get re-elected.

Biden might be a Nixon. sit out a couple terms, win only to be so massively unsuccessful that he gets run out of town.

I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone can think that Biden could possibly be a legitimate candidate.

John Henry

John henry said...

Blogger n.n said...

Unfortunately, Progressivism is a forward thinking and liberal (i.e. divergent) ideology.

Shouldn't that read Progressivism is a fascist ideology.

Still waiting for someone to tell me the difference between the two.

John Henry

John henry said...

oops, I should have said "re-elected" in regards to truman and Johnson. Bush as well.

And I forgot Coolidge who proves the rule by being the exception with a successful, though single term, presidency.

John Henry

Big Mike said...

I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone can think that Biden could possibly be a legitimate candidate.

@John Henry, I can. When hard-core Democrats are among friends (or think they are) they recognize that Hillary Clinton flaunted her corruption and was a uniquely unlikable individual who was an all around crappy candidate. So who else was there? Well, Sanders and Biden and not many others that come to mind. Sanders couldn't beat (or maybe wasn't allowed to beat) Hillary, so that leaves good old Joe Biden for them to base their dreams on.

But there never was a chance Biden would win. He's had two previous tries at the nomination and failed miserably. One of my acquaintances, a member of the believed by some to be non-existent but very real Deep State, turned to me at a pary and asked me, well, what about Biden. So I told him to get on YouTube and use the search string "Creepy Joe Biden." That shut him up. Were you aware that one of Biden's Secret Service detail referred to Joe Biden as "Washington's Weinstein"? Jeez, I can't imagine why that was never on the front page of the Post. The money quote:

“We had to cancel the VP Christmas get together at the Vice President’s house because Biden would grope all of our wives and girlfriend’s asses.”

Oh, yeah, Democrats. By all means run Joe Biden.

FullMoon said...

Well, good golly.
I see the Ruthless Revolutionary has been slobbering all over the thread again.
Pseudo intellectual.
College dropout
Dependent upon parents.

No responsibility.
Owns nothing but his opinion.

rcocean said...

"[trump] said, 'I can grab a woman anywhere and she likes it,'" Biden said. "They asked me if I’d like to debate this gentleman, and I said 'no.' I said, 'If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.'"

Apart from vowing violence at an anti-violence rally...

"I've been in a lot of locker rooms my whole life," Biden continued. "I'm a pretty damn good athlete. Any guy that talked that way was usually the fattest, ugliest S.O.B. in the room."

Please can we stop taking Slow Joe Biden seriously? He's always been moronic -now he's moronic and senile.

Why didn't he take Bill Clinton or Ted Kennedy "behind the gym" and "beat the hell out of them" - he if loves to "protect women" so much?

And say what you want about Trump - but he sure as hell wasn't "the fattest, ugliest kid in the room".

rcocean said...

-I’d love that. I’d love that,” Trump said. “Mr. Tough Guy [Biden]. You know, Biden’s Mr. Tough Guy.”
-“You know when he’s Mr. Tough Guy? When he’s standing behind a microphone by himself,” he said. “He wants to bring me to the back of the barn. Ohhh. Some things in life you could really love doing.”
-“And by the way, if I said that, they’d say, ‘He’s violent. How could he have done that?’ ” Mr. Trump said.

Later Biden responded:

“I was trying to make a point,” Mr. Biden said. “I was a pretty good athlete in high school — played a little in college. People didn’t act in the locker room like he talks about. That’s not true.”

Note: Biden can't stop exaggerating. Yes he did "play a little" in college. He was on the Freshman Football Team as walk-on wide receiver. He wasn't a starter. And the Team was All-white.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

College dropout

Awww... poor baby. I thought you said that going to college is what makes me "an asshole." You always like to whine about how mean we college types are.

It's good to you can't name a job you're employed by and that you're dependent upon your (beard) wife.

FullMoon said...

Mamma's Boy wHINES

I thought you said that going to college is what makes me "an asshole." You always like to whine about how mean we college types are.

It's good to you can't name a job you're employed by and that you're dependent upon your (beard) wife.

Nah, I said you are an assholes because of your racism, sexism, lies and imagined self importance.
You know, pretty much same thing everyone who knows you thinks.

I don't have a "job" I take on projects. I am a winner, opposite of you.
What "job" have you ever had that lasted longer than six months.

No skills.
No degree
No future

You should go back to school, mom and dad not gonna live forever, you know

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nah, I said you are an assholes because of..

Lol. It changes every time. Very sensitive, aren't you, little boy?

Nice grammar, too. "An assholes." You talk like Borat.

I don't have a "job"

Yeah, no shit. Unemployed!

I take on projects.

Like marrying some girl with the capital to front the housing down payment. Yep. Grifting and mooching. Quite the projects!

I am a winner.

At checkers, pin the tail on the donkey, marrying the girl you can mooch off of, talking like a four-year old. etc.

Go post a link to your assets and "projects" here so we can compare your demonstrable, "imagined self importance" here with reality, pussy.

FullMoon said...

Keep crying, baby boy.

No responsibilities
No money
No woman
No friends
No skills.
No future.

Mom and dad gonna die and leave you nothing.

Oh, wait, you getting that social security for mental incompetents, is that it?
Loser, liar, sexist racist homophobe, coward.

But, you have an opinion and a place to vomit it, anonymously.

FullMoon said...

Now, go watch Breakfast Club or Matrix again, sophisticate

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ready to list those assets and "projects" of yours, Big Shit Talker?

How much did money did you put down in them, moocher?

Just admit that you couldn't provide these claimed "winnings" that you envy so much and had to marry into them instead. It's something women have done forever, so as a gay/bi male feminist, you should be able to admit that's what you've done, right?

rcocean said...

Joe Biden's boasted that "he's been in a lot of locker rooms".

Also, watched a lot of Gladiator films

And loves to gaze at his Joe Biden Nude Male Art Statues.

But, quite the macho man. If you know what i mean.

rcocean said...

"I'm so amazed at all these clean and articulate Black people."

Joe Biden during the Clarence Thomas Hearings.

MarkJ said...

Frankly, I'm impressed with the skill Joe Biden has repeatedly displayed in escaping from his locked attic room. He's a regular Houdini, he is.

FullMoon said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Ready to list those assets and "projects" of yours, Big Shit Talker?

How much did money did you put down in them, moocher?

Just admit that you couldn't provide these claimed "winnings" that you envy so much and had to marry into them instead. It's something women have done forever, so as a gay/bi male feminist, you should be able to admit that's what you've done, right?

3/21/18, 10:52 PM

Hardy har har !

What's the matter, babyboy?
Envious of success?

No money,
No degree

All you have is your opinions, your resentments and your anger.
Week end coming up, time to get ready for your "dates" playboy.

Michael in ArchDen said...

Trump should switch parties in 2020 just to screw with the dem donor class like he did to Republicans. - chickelit

This would be hilarious! Just have him say he can't work with the back-stabbing GOPe, and decided to give the Dems a chance. The flipping of all the partisans would be entertaining as hell! I fully endorse this idea.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What's the matter, babyboy?
Envious of success?

Oh yeah. I'm really envious of a deadbeat grifting mooch.

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