Corporate America is listening to the children, and they want unlimited immigration so that they don't have to employ any of these sissy bitch crybaby cracker ass American kids.
All this clearly demonstrates that: 1) Voting should be restricted to people who are net taxpayers, they pay more than they take in. 2) Raise the voting age to 25 unless you are serving in the military 3) Public service unions should either be eliminated, or give up their voting rights.
seriously, if we're going to tell crazy disturbed people that they can't have access to guns, can we start with David Hogg? Let's not wait until he starts shooting NRA members; let's act now and lock that loonie up.
They call themselves critical thinkers yet are not allowing any critical thought into their space.... For example, where were the school officials, BPD and FBI prior to this heinous act, kids?
I question their ability to use reason and cognitive ability to make logical decisions based on fact, or present and defend a position based on anything other than emotion-based virtue-signalling... Independent thought requires experience and the wisdom of life that comes through hardship, struggle and overcoming adversity... Otherwise even when you think you’re of your own mind... you’re nothing more than a broken record playing someone else’s theme song...
Hogg's dad was FBI, and his mom worked for the school district. Surprisingly, those two groups (according to Hogg) had No Fault in the shooting. It was all 'cause of the NRA
Klavan, the last time they demonstrated, touchtyped
Here are some questions I'd like to ask the protesting children
Do you know what the Constitution is Do you understand why the founding fathers thought to protect the right to bear arms from the government Do you know who the founding fathers were Do you know what government is Can you name the three branches of government How does a bill become law Who is james madison Have you done your homework Why aren't you in school Have you finished your chores Do you even have chores Have you ever read a book without pictures in it How would it be if the next time you tried to take one of my constitutional rights away I took away your allowence
"Serfdom now, serfdom forever!" Sorry, Inga--they stole your motto.
I like how Pajama Boy Hogg or one of his equally brilliant colleagues said how inevitably the NRA and other pro-freedom groups will die off, leaving only the "Jugend" to take over. In other words, tomorrow belongs to them!
Listening? Ah, no, rather pointless. I think Oscar Wilde put it best: "In America the young are always ready to give to those who are older than themselves the full benefits of their inexperience.".
Some more good questions: Do you know that a student was arrested just a week or two ago for building bombs to blow up his high school in Utah? Do you know that school children have been slaughtered with knives in France and China and other countries? Do you think maybe you should be demonstrating against all kinds of violence in schools, not trying to ban guns for everyone, violent or not?
It is like watching a slow motion suicide. They are demanding that their rights be taken away from them.
Last year Soros was paying out $100 millions for BLM to organize riots demanding that the police be disarmed. And now they want the citizens to be disarmed. It sounds like the Deep State is doing sabotage work before their planned invasion.
It will be interesting to see the FBI background check count for March-April. After falling, overall, in 2017 - 2016 having been a high-sales year - 2018 is looking better. They may even succeed in saving Remington.
Gun sales are a barometer of social anxiety. It's no accident that sales are running 3X what they were in the 1990s-early 2000s, till about 2007. Cumulatively, I estimate that "gun control" efforts may have have sold an extra 60-80 million firearms 2007-2017.
You think these young people have no voice or thoughts of their own?
Somewhere around there are some amazing high school kids with organizational skills, and fundraising abilities that are off the charts! Just think of the logistical problems those high school children overcame!
To put that in context, assuming that number is 1/3 long arms, that means an extra number of guerrilla weapons in public hands equivalent to 2X the number of individual weapons the US produced in WWII.
The US public seems to be, semi-consciously, arming for a major war.
News clip showing kid saying the gun violence against kids is like Vietnam. "Blood on the streets every day.." Bet there are some here who have a bit of a problem with that comparison.
You think these young people have no voice or thoughts of their own?
Of course not. They're Republicans. That's why they're so willing to let so many of them get blown away.
Althouse must be hitting the wine boxes pretty heavily these days. It takes real gall to say that because you're a certain age you have no right or interest (or apparently permission) to protest on behalf of saving your own life. As I said, these Republicans really only think that some people should be allowed to live, let alone speak out for their own lives. It's deeply immoral, very corrupt and obviously something that only a tiny minority would even countenance to dignify.
Killing the kids. Can't even speak out against that. The Republicans are about as humane as Nazis.
You can't do that to a 14 - 18 year old, Einstein. But that's why you're ok with them getting gunned down instead. And it won't shut them up, no matter how many weapons you seek to proliferate into their communities. Wow, you guys are like Fast and Furious - High School Edition. So disgusting and fucked up.
Good. Maybe they'll vote on behalf of saving them then, as will 90% of the country. While you vote to proliferate more weapons into their communities. You really do have quite a hell of a lot of contempt for them, don't you? No wonder you're ok watching them getting smoked away.
The Toothless State-fellator is, as the name suggests, a statist. That's why he's willing to let his beloved State slaughter millions.* You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.
*An estimated 150,000,000 to 350,000,000 in the 20th Century alone, not counting war casualties.
When you don't allow a kid who lost his sister in Parkland, you are definitely pushing an agenda...
Inga said: "It’s a huge mistake to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought."
Here is the thing - they pretty well aren’t capable of independent thought at their ages. Their brains are not fully formed, and most aren’t going to get to adult levels of judgement until their mid twenties - 7-10 years from now. Now, absent that, they are thinking almost completely emotionally. Which, of course, is why they are so easy to manipulate by Soros and Bloomberg financed operatives. The left (including of course Inga) desperately wants us to take them and their protest seriously. We shouldn’t, except maybe to join the NRA, if we haven’t already, as our response. And maybe buy more guns (I have my wish list ready for when I get back up to MT, where I can legally purchase such).
Right now your party and your policies are running the state, and running the kids suffering under it into the ground. And your obsession with sucking dick is getting a little boring. I guess you refer to it so knee-jerkingly because you want to distract from the fact that you don't have any thoughts of your own. Or have gone without fellatio for quite some time.
One thing is certain: if any of them were capable of independent thought, Inga would have nothing to do with them. "Independent Thought" = Democrat Party Line. "Lets have a conversation"= Listen to my monologue, you deplorable knuckle dragger.
Apparently the so-called "good guys with guns" are voting to proliferate more guns to the "bad guys with guns."
But they like that. It helps make them feel more heroic.
You got to hand to the right. They feel heroic even without doing a thing to save those kids. The more of them that gunned down, the more heroic they feel. Any day now they'll step right in and save all those assaulted kids. Any day.
Just not today. Today is a day to rally for giving more guns to anyone who wants them. And to belittle the kids and tell them that they have nothing to say and should just shut up and die already. Go back into the classroom and get shot.
No, I see kids joining the military all the time and most of them are doing a wise thing.
Ha ha. Setting themselves up for a lifetime of panhandling as they discover that the government whose only use for them as cannon fodder doesn't care if they live or die after a "tour" of finding imperial subjects to kill. You fuckers crack me up. The homeless vet phenomenon is the starkest signifier of just how evil Republicans are. Even the demographics they proclaim to respect the most, get just as fucked over by the big government they claim to hate so much as everyone else. Give me a break. I should give a homeless vet your home address and enough for a bus ticket to crash at your doctor's pad in Arizona. I have no doubt that you'll turn him right away the second he lands on your porch.
It will be good for gun sales though, so not a complete waste.
The number of gun owners in America declines below a third, and the number of hunters even further, while the number of guns (1 per American stays stead or rises).
I know of no one who can adeptly use three guns at once.
Having more than they know what to do with is a Republican specialty.
Kids are awesome!! Imagine. High schoolers armed with laptops, smart phones and social media organized these gigantic marches in a few weeks. Double awesome. What is really great is that they are going to keep this up until the guns are controlled. Watch. Next week the marches will be triple the size of these and the week after bigger still. And the good news is that CNN is going to never let them down. CNN will be there for them week after week, month after month. Kids are awesome.
I had an Amish guy and his son working on my house. The dad, Ervin, and I have been friends for years. They speak German when they don't want you to know the conversation, otherwise it's in English. The kid starts speaking to his father in German. Ervin, my friend, responds in German. The kid had a cross look on his face and went back work.
So I ask Ervin: "What's up?". He responds that his son was hungry. So I ask him: "What did tell him?". Ervin said: "Sometimes it's good to be hungry".
Ritmo is on a roll. The hate oozes out all over the page.
I hate stupidity, but not much else.
I know military recruits and I know vets, neither of which move in your depraved circles.
If by "circles" you mean "well housed", well then you're right. My "circle" includes a pad. Although I don't think people who aren't homeless (like me, for instance) are "depraved." I don't think most people do.
You have a strange way of seeing the world.
Go do something about those homeless vets. After all, you got your Big Government Deep State to either make killers of them or put their killing tendencies to important use. You wouldn't be so cynical as to tell people who kill on behalf of your Big Government Deep State that the same Big Government Deep State should just let them die now, would you?
Maybe you're just a sneakier social darwinist than I thought. Leaving the vets to starve and freeze. Not very nice now, are you Dr. Mike?
I saw a clip of this Hogg kid on TV last night. It was hard to tell what he was saying for all the bleeping of his obscenities. He obviously has chosen a poor grade of adult to imitate.
BTW, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School kids were flown to Washington on some football team's corporate jet. Who is paying for the buses for the others? Surely not the kids from their lunch allowances?
David Begley said... Why didn’t they march on the Broward County Sheriff’s office or the Obama Education Department? Cruz, the shooter, should have been in jail. -- By bringing up such meaningless distractions, you prove you are cool with kids being gunned down. Kid hater!
Blogger rcocean said... “Seriously does anyone except the Left care?
They're just talking to themselves”
Just so. I saw the dispersing marchers from the Seattle march. They so exactly fit the stereotypes of White middle-class Progdom that I could tell you their opinions on any given issue. When that’s the case, why would I take those opinions seriously?
No, I am not 'listening' to them. I am listening to a recording of the Passion according to St Matthew by Lassus, in preparation for the beginning of Holy Week in a couple of hours.
The Left thinks people under age of 21dont know enough about guns and responsibility to be allowed to buy a gun, but these same people should be making our gun laws for us. The Left is incapable of rational thought.
As for the kids from the school that got shot up who are marching to ban our guns, how rational is it to think that if they get their way, they’ll never again be in a situation where only one guy has a gun——the bad guy coming to kill them?
@Unknown: So well put it is worth repeating : "I think Oscar Wilde put it best: 'In America the young are always ready to give to those who are older than themselves the full benefits of their inexperience'."
No, not at all. They are too ill informed to realize that they are far more likely to be sexually abused by a teacher than to be killed or shot in school. This is nothing more or less than a continuation of the Maoist tactics of "progressive" culture war. They jumped the shark almost immediately.
So much stupidity. I can compile these together and respond:
I wonder why Ritmo never seems to gain any allies or recruits.?
Most people who agree with me already - (i.e. most of America) - avoid this little blog. Duh. I don't mind engaging you all because unlike the vast majority of America, I accept that that you're irrational types who really just need your thoughtlessness exposed. The thinking majority assume that you're rational people who can't be understood. I know this is not the truth, though. You're irrational people who just have emotional attachments to strange things.
Make up your fuggin' mind.
Do we want dead kids? Or dead Vets?
Both. Whichever leaves more of their stuff for you.
Sung to the tune of We Are the World
TTR can't actually argue with us. So he makes things up.
I can't argue with irrational people. But I can be more creative than they are.
Hands kill many more people than rifles every year. But you can't even start to deal with facts.
Lol. This is what you call "an argument?" Hilarious. Well, if your hands make such good weapons then obviously you don't need high-powered killing devices from afar with which to massacre scores now, do you? Problem solved. There's your "arms." You're already bearing them. I guess you're saying we can ban all guns now.
I went to one of the marches. Beautiful day, respectful people and some poignant stories from survivors and families of victims. Huge crowd where I was, bigger than I expected.
BEN SHAPIRO: Let’s stop making children into moral authorities.
On March 14, high school students from Parkland, Fla., led a school walkout in favor of gun control. The media have already appointed student witnesses of the horror at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School untouchable moral authorities; their opinions are not to be questioned.
But now, the left has found even more sympathetic faces for its agenda: kindergarteners. According to The Wall Street Journal, “Schools are grappling with how to address the event with children as young as 5 years old and with finding ways for children who are too little to be told about school shootings to take part.” Children in pre-K at Manhattan Country School will sing, “If I Had a Hammer” and “Paz y Libertad.” Public schools like PS 321 in Brooklyn allowed children to do activities linked with the protests.
There is something deeply perverse about using children to promote a political agenda. Children simply don’t know anything about politics. Sometimes children ask questions that help us rethink the world because they’ve had little experience with it — when my 4-year-old daughter asks questions about the universe, that prompts me to further learning and research. But she doesn’t have answers, because she’s a child.
What makes children particularly valuable is their innocence, not their ignorance. The left seems to like conflating the two characteristics. Innocence, as a quality, isn’t about lack of knowledge or gullibility. The fact that everything in the world is wondrous to children is charming, but it’s not something we can truly protect; as children age, they learn more, and they become more jaded, as we all do. We experience moments of wonder throughout our lives but never as we do when we’re young. That’s natural.
But we can protect innocence.
Innocence is the moral quality of being sinless, and children are inherently innocent specifically because they have not yet developed the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Once they do, the only way to maintain their innocence is for them to do right — the same way we all attempt to maintain our innocence.
But children must first be taught right from wrong. That means that as children develop their capacity to choose, they must develop a moral compass. Children don’t have such a compass — the most selfish, cruel and nasty human beings on Earth are small children. If 2-year-olds had the capacity to carry weapons of war, we’d all be dead already; my son isn’t yet 2 and takes a peculiar pleasure in knocking down his sister’s blocks. That’s why it’s a good thing they’re so damned cute.
But they’re not moral guides. We must protect them from having to act as moral guides until they are prepared to do so. And that means we must stop using their innocence — their lack of capacity for moral decision-making — as a substitute for moral authority. To do anything less isn’t merely foolish; it’s cruel.
Children are fitting persuaders of childish minds.
Remember back when you were a child and actually possessed a survival instinct?
You know, before the Republicans convinced you and all those other dying white males that guns, corporations and authoritarian leadership were more important?
BEN SHAPIRO: Let’s stop making children into moral authorities.
Well if anyone should know about childish moral authorities it'd be Ben Shapiro. A guy whose about 4'11" and takes his moral authority literally from bronze age documents telling mid-east goat herders to either separate their consumption of milk from their consumption of meat or face certain death from the Almighty.
Did someone say "guns, corporations, and authoritarian leadership"? Someone seems to have forgotten the Constitution. Odd: whenever someone suggests banning porn, they're told it can't be done because of the First Amendment, which doesn't mention porn, and which no one thought protected porn until well into the 20th century. Yet the same people feel entitled to ignore the Second Amendment's explicit text.
Remember back when you were a child and actually possessed a survival instinct?
Of the leagues-long list of Toothless idiocy, this one is near the top. Toothless is obviously so decrepit he can't remember his childhood. Every day in nearly every emergency room in the land children are admitted because of their "survival instinct" has been supplanted by an overweening sense of invulnerability.
Children simply don’t know anything about politics.
This is utter fucking nonsense. Freddy does what Larry wants because he has more marbles. Eddie and Ramon team up to beat Larry at his own game. Sally doesn't want to be friends with Alice because she dresses funny. Ben Shapiro talks too fucking much.
I wonder how many total hours of playing first person shooter video games is embodied in that crowd? How many instances of gun a shot have they ingested through their eyes the past 10 years of consuming Hollywood movies and TV shows? How many their parents?
Whether you agree with them or not, I think it is pretty weird to question their motives, knowledge, and sincerity. Did they have help in putting together the marches in cities around the country. Yea - of course they did. So what - that means they don't believe what they are marching for and should not be listened to? God forbid that high school kids who saw their classmates gunned down should have an opinion on the topic. Agree or disagree on the merits, but show some respect.
Yet the same people feel entitled to ignore the Second Amendment's explicit text.
You mean Scalia? His landmark Heller ruling states exactly what you bozos can't understand - it's limited as is any right. Are inmates' rights to bearing arms "infringed?" Should they be? You don't say. (You conserv assholes still can't account for that fact). And yet inmates can still say (or write) pretty much whatever they want. Imagine that. Rights defined by practical reality.
He said that it's not an unlimited right, can ban certain guns (including many that already were for being "dangerous") and as with the 1st doesn't mean you can force any private individual to host it. Read the fucking text, retard. It's the best SCOTUS interpretation you've got going for your whacked-out "interpretation" and even it doesn't go as far as you fetishist absolutists wildly imagine that it does.
I went to one of the marches. Beautiful day, respectful people and some poignant stories from survivors and families of victims. Huge crowd where I was, bigger than I expected.
Maybe next time the leftists could educate themselves and not be so stupid.
But then there wouldn't be a bunch of fools that complain about cops shooting people then immediately say only cops should have guns.
Or they say that we should ban rifles even though knives that kill 3 times as many people.
Naw. It is way easier to get a bunch of drooling idiots like ARM to march for gun control if they are ignorant of facts.
While you idiots are marching for a dream that will never come to pass we are arming teachers and resource officers.
Of the leagues-long list of Toothless idiocy, this one is near the top. Toothless is obviously so decrepit he can't remember his childhood. Every day in nearly every emergency room in the land children are admitted because of their "survival instinct" has been supplanted by an overweening sense of invulnerability.
If a kid thinks he's invulnerable then he's stupid. Most accidents are caused instead by curiosity - which is also an instinct that you and the other right-wingers don't possess. And one instinct temporarily being operative doesn't mean that the other one disappeared, dummy. It just wasn't thought necessary in that moment. Unless you're naturally afraid of everything - which I hear that many right-wingers are.
Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said... So much stupidity. I can compile these together and respond:
"Most people who agree with me already - (i.e. most of America)"
Unsupported claim of majority support. How do you know that? If what you say were true, America would be disarmed. Gun control would be a fact, the Constitution be damned.
" - avoid this little blog."
Unsupported and illogical claim that most of America "avoids" this blog they agree with **you**!
Unsupported claim of majority support. How do you know that? If what you say were true, America would be disarmed.
If what you say were true, it wouldn't cost money to run a political campaign (let alone millions of dollars) and legislators would actually be more interested in constituent sentiment than what the lobbyists who fund campaign ads have to say about it.
If a kid thinks he's invulnerable then he's stupid. Most accidents are caused instead by curiosity - which is also an instinct that you and the other right-wingers don't possess.
God you are stupid.
We know what leftists do after they take peoples guns. They do it every time. There are over a hundred million unarmed victims of leftists.
Nothing you people have proposed would stop any of these school shootings. They would only serve to disarm your political opponents.
I love this blog. It provides me so many opportunities to show how wrong right-wingers are. They're just too vain to admit when their points fail. Right-wingers double-down and never admit that they're wrong.
"You mean Scalia?" No. Obviously not, or I would have said so.
So now you're trying to say that the Supreme Court is wrong to exercise its constitutional role by interpreting the laws. So it sounds like you're the fool who needs to go back and read the constitution.
I agree that using kids for politics is unseemly, but it can be effective. Reacting strongly condemning the kids motives and intelligence is stupid. Our gun rights will be lost because the right uses cucks like Ben Shapiro or chickenhawks like Ted Nugent as spokes mouths.
When you take an all or nothing idiotlogical stand, prepare to lose it all. The anti-gun people have nothing to lose, the NRA is risking it all.
It's the gun nuts who are acting like petulant children.
I love this blog. It provides me so many opportunities to show how wrong right-wingers are. They're just too vain to admit when their points fail. Right-wingers double-down and never admit that they're wrong.
I'm a little disappointed there were not oversized puppets of Trump with blood dripping from his claws and fangs. Pfft. Call this a proper "spontaneous" protest?
"It’s a huge mistake to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought."
Individuals have the capacity to think — independently and dependently.
I don't think an "entity" thinks — even dependently. People may move in a group, but the minds are separate. It would be spooky if they could think as an entity.
So I think it's a huge mistake NOT to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought.
Can individual children think independently? In a strict sense, no one thinks completely independently, but I don't see how children can think in any seriously independent way about policy. I'm sure they can arrive on their own at a feeling of caring about threats of violence, but ideas about what the threat level really is and odds of different dangerous things affecting them have got to come from outside sources not to be radically distorted. I remember as a child worrying about various dangerous things but I way overestimated the threat posed by lava and quicksand.
I'm sure the children are worried about getting shot at school, but their level of feel is not independent. It has been stirred up by news coverage. It makes some sense to be afraid of school shootings, along with tornados, bombs, rabid bats, falling, e coli, and suicide. But what to do about it? The idea that particular gun control measures will be effective and worth it must necessarily be based on relying on other people to supply the ideas and I doubt very much that the people did this were neutral experts. And I think many young people form their opinions based on a desire to fit in with the crowd and be popular.
The Toothless Revolutionary said... Unsupported claim of majority support. How do you know that? If what you say were true, America would be disarmed.
If what you say were true, it wouldn't cost money to run a political campaign (let alone millions of dollars) and legislators would actually be more interested in constituent sentiment than what the lobbyists who fund campaign ads have to say about it.
An utter non sequitur. Hilariously so. Cost-free political campaigns! UNANIMOUS (not majority) opinions! No need for elections!
Achilles is a clod. Every comment he posts with all its bold fonts just lands like the thud of him confidently kicking his own ass. He talks a good game about reason and then posts another fact-free irrational whopper of a roid-rage comment.
Btw, I only see Ritmo posts when someone normal cares to respond but most of the time it consists of me scrolling through until I can get to someone with something coherent to say. Why feed the troll?
A start would be to not create an environment where it is necessary to subject them to active shooter drills.
If I were you I would speak to the Obama people who set up a program to end the "School to Prison Pipeline," which means violent and /or criminal acts by black or "brown" students would not be reported to police. The result of this was the 37 events that should have warned the authorities that Cruz was dangerous and should be on the NICS database, were not reported and he was able to buy the gun.
This has NOTHING to do with the NRA. The children's march is theater.
steve uhr said... God forbid that high school kids who saw their classmates gunned down should have an opinion on the topic. Agree or disagree on the merits, but show some respect.
It is incredible that some cannot do this. The survivors are veterans of a direct combat experience to which they were exposed without any choice on their part. Of course they are going to have strong views on what just happened to them.
Btw, I only see Ritmo posts when someone normal cares to respond but most of the time it consists of me scrolling through until I can get to someone with something coherent to say. Why feed the troll?
Because they know that I'm an American. I speak for the people.
They just speak for the NRA and for the money it pays off the congress with.
"I love this blog. It provides me so many opportunities to show how wrong right-wingers are. They're just too vain to admit when their points fail. Right-wingers double-down and never admit that they're wrong."
Yet here we are, a hundred million deaths, and hundreds of millions more, forced into squalid and unfulfilled lives, brought about by Scientific Socialism over the last century.
Tell me, Toothless: just what IS your take on Cuba, the Norks, and Venezuela?
TTR probably thinks we need to put flashing lights on those gun free zone signs so people like Cruz see them.
Because if the kid that police had 40+ calls about violent threats and assaults and the FBI had a specific tip about being a school shooter a month before had actually been able to see the sign and read it he totally would have left his gun in the car.
No one can dispute your perfect logic, Ann. However, the gun lobby telling the kids they are stupid inexperienced tools of the liberal left is having the opposite effect. Politics is the art of the possible.
steve uhr said... God forbid that high school kids who saw their classmates gunned down should have an opinion on the topic. Agree or disagree on the merits, but show some respect.
It is incredible that some cannot do this. The survivors are veterans of a direct combat experience to which they were exposed without any choice on their part. Of course they are going to have strong views on what just happened to them.
The kids are being victimized twice.
Once by a school and law enforcement system that completely dropped the ball on Cruz.
A second time by a bunch of adults like the lefties here trying to push an agenda that will make them less safe than before.
Try again, Toothless: not what I said, not what I meant, and obviously so to anyone of normal intelligence, so no point in explaining.
By the way, only 8% of the homeless are veterans. The percentage who claim to be veterans when begging for handouts is of course much higher, for much the same reason that gun-controllers recruit children to be the face of their cause.
No. Because you can get kids to say anything.Their little brains aren't fully developed and the can be easily emotionally manipulated. Much like leftists.
"It is incredible that some cannot do this. The survivors are veterans of a direct combat experience to which they were exposed without any choice on their part. Of course they are going to have strong views on what just happened to them."
Baloney -- in a "direct combat experience" people have the ability to shoot back. Shooting unarmed civilians is NOT "combat".
Ann Althouse said... I don't see how children can think in any seriously independent way about policy.
I regularly sit down and discuss policy with my eleven year old. We don't always agree. The idea that some seventeen year olds cannot do this is ridiculous. Not all, maybe not even a majority, but certainly some and some at a level that many adults can only wish to achieve.
Yes children can be misused in politics. Politicians dragging their families into the spotlight always feels wrong to me, but the idea that teenagers who have just gone through the equivalent of a combat experience have nothing of value to say on the topic just seems nutty to me. The young woman I heard speak about her experience under fire was logical and passionate, a better public speaker than many of the adults.
Achilles is a clod. Every comment he posts with all its bold fonts just lands like the thud of him confidently kicking his own ass. He talks a good game about reason and then posts another fact-free irrational whopper of a roid-rage comment.
Post a single rebuttal to any fact I have posted.
Just one. Here is a list:
Knives, hands and feet, hammers all kill more people than rifles,
Democrat voters commit the vast majority of gun violence.
The vast majority of mass shootings happen in gun-free zones.
The police had over 40 calls on Cruz about violent behavior and assaults and if they had charged and convicted him once he would not have been able to buy a gun.
The FBI had a specific tip about Cruz becoming a school shooter a month before the incident.
Not a single one of the things you propose would have stopped the shooting.
I will wait. Continue to post your facts. In a bit I will accumulate every fact you post and compare it to the number of posts you have made.
Not a single post you have made so far contains a fact by the way. I think you are too stupid to know what they are.
However, the gun lobby telling the kids they are stupid inexperienced tools of the liberal left is having the opposite effect. Politics is the art of the possible.
The kids are being manipulated and , as usual. the result is the opposite of the left's anticipated outcome.
Common sense is not given enough credit.
It is also pretty much absent from colleges. High schools are catching up in lunatic logic.
The "Gun Lobby" is millions of normal Americans. You should meet some.
A third time by the ignorant vitriol from the NRA funded trying to push an agenda
You are just an idiot.
You are really very transparent.
I would appreciate it if the leftists actually tried to make any sort of policy argument. Until you do I will just mock you. Not a single thing you people propose would do anything other than disarm your political opponents.
Yes children can be misused in politics. Politicians dragging their families into the spotlight always feels wrong to me, but the idea that teenagers who have just gone through the equivalent of a combat experience have nothing of value to say on the topic just seems nutty to me. The young woman I heard speak about her experience under fire was logical and passionate, a better public speaker than many of the adults.
When you don't have facts on your side go find some victims and parade them around with ULTIMATE MORAL AUTHORITY and push your agenda.
No. Because you can get kids to say anything.Their little brains aren't fully developed and the can be easily emotionally manipulated. Much like leftists.
Achilles: The left has shaped the debate and are effectively eroding the support for gun rights. Your solution is to go full 100% self righteous by swimming upstream against popular protests. It ain't working. But you can sleep well knowing that your failed cause was righteous.
Knives, hands and feet, hammers all kill more people than rifles,
Not impersonally, from a distance - dozens at a time or more.
We like to make sure that people confine their violence to the sole individual that wants to be up close and personal with them.
Now here's another fun fact for YOU - Mr. Too Socratic for School:
Nearly every society that has less permissive gun ownership has a lower homicide rate than we do. Apparently all those knives and fists aren't making up for the balance of deaths that you imply that they should expect. And that's important to people who don't like dying (which wouldn't include you, it seems).
So my fist just crumpled your paper. My paper covered your rock. My rock smashed your scissors.
Achilles is like a kid that just found his new fix. This time it's the word "facts."
In about ten years or so it's possible that he might learn the meaning of the word "relevant." But that will take a long transition for him. Irrelevance is what he thrives off of.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said... Ann Althouse said... I don't see how children can think in any seriously independent way about policy.
I regularly sit down and discuss policy with my eleven year old. We don't always agree. The idea that some seventeen year olds cannot do this is ridiculous. Not all, maybe not even a majority, but certainly some and some at a level that many adults can only wish to achieve.
"Policy" here refers to national policy ---not reponsibility for household chores, curfews and the like.
Do you think seventeen-year-olds are taught the Constitution today? Or, for that matter, what led the colonists to declare their independence from the tyrannical British crown? Or how disarming citizens has allowed totalitarians to oppress millions?
It's irrelevant that many adults lack the same knowledge--we're being urged to believe that in a mass gathering of children, MOST have the knowledge and experience needed to address a very complex issue.
They don't.
If a plane crashes, do the surviving passengers get to make policy regarding future safety issues?
As for you and your child not agreeing--- how many times have you let your child DETERMINE policy??
tcrosse: It's on the NRA to be proactive. They need to propose a five-point program that does not include giving guns to teachers and issuing more CC permits.
A critical realpolitik concern is that these kids will be the adults that will repeal the 2nd amendment. Keep disrespecting and alienating them if you want that to happen. Grow the fuck up. Show some savvy, guile seduction.
Ritmo is correct. As a Republican, I'm in favor of abortion for the unborn and gun violence for those that escape that fate. I'm also in favor of open borders, because someone has to pick up the tab for my SS. It all makes sense.
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1 – 200 of 554 Newer› Newest»“Using children..”
You think these young people have no voice or thoughts of their own?
Those without guns demanding something from those with guns.
They may learn something after all.
That's exactly what I think, Inga.
Many of them are less than a year away from voting age.
Many of them are less than a year away from voting age.
Yes I know. Scary.
Corporate America is listening to the children, and they want unlimited immigration so that they don't have to employ any of these sissy bitch crybaby cracker ass American kids.
"'What's becoming of the children?' said people asking each other."
--Simon and Garfarkel
You think these young people have no voice or thoughts of their own?
These? No.
Many of them are less than a year away from voting age.
The Republic will survive. Somehow. I hope.
All this clearly demonstrates that:
1) Voting should be restricted to people who are net taxpayers, they pay more than they take in.
2) Raise the voting age to 25 unless you are serving in the military
3) Public service unions should either be eliminated, or give up their voting rights.
#1 and #3 may be partly redundant
Inga said...
Many of them are less than a year away from voting age.
When about 26 percent of them will actually vote.
seriously, if we're going to tell crazy disturbed people that they can't have access to guns, can we start with David Hogg? Let's not wait until he starts shooting NRA members; let's act now and lock that loonie up.
When the children have something interesting to say, I'll gladly listen.
We made that big mistake in the 60s out of cowardness and guilt.
It’s a huge mistake to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought.
When about 26 percent of them will actually vote.
And most who vote will go Dem or Green or something like that. It's always been that way, yet the Second Amendment is as secure as ever.
Should the voting age (and, to be fair, enlistment age) be raised to 21?
Attention whores.
Nothing more.
Indoctrinated children...
They call themselves critical thinkers yet are not allowing any critical thought into their space.... For example, where were the school officials, BPD and FBI prior to this heinous act, kids?
Get real.
It’s a huge mistake to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought.
The entire age cohort? Many, probably most, are already capable of thinking and acting responsibly. This subgroup? Not on your life.
I question their ability to use reason and cognitive ability to make logical decisions based on fact, or present and defend a position based on anything other than emotion-based virtue-signalling... Independent thought requires experience and the wisdom of life that comes through hardship, struggle and overcoming adversity... Otherwise even when you think you’re of your own mind... you’re nothing more than a broken record playing someone else’s theme song...
I was young once. Protesting is fun.
It's the Tide Pods talking...
It’s a huge mistake to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought.
It's a Mob.
Which one has FBI for father? Hogg or the fuzzy haired Garfunkle look alike?
Hogg's dad was FBI, and his mom worked for the school district.
Surprisingly, those two groups (according to Hogg) had No Fault in the shooting.
It was all 'cause of the NRA
Lenin was young once.
Klavan, the last time they demonstrated, touchtyped
Here are some questions I'd like to ask the protesting children
Do you know what the Constitution is
Do you understand why the founding fathers thought to protect the right to bear arms from the government
Do you know who the founding fathers were
Do you know what government is
Can you name the three branches of government
How does a bill become law
Who is james madison
Have you done your homework
Why aren't you in school
Have you finished your chores
Do you even have chores
Have you ever read a book without pictures in it
How would it be if the next time you tried to take one of my constitutional rights away I took away your allowence
(episode 479)
Shorter mass of kids: Vote corruptocrat. They will save you.
I want to know if Hogg bullied the shooter.
"Serfdom now, serfdom forever!" Sorry, Inga--they stole your motto.
I like how Pajama Boy Hogg or one of his equally brilliant colleagues said how inevitably the NRA and other pro-freedom groups will die off, leaving only the "Jugend" to take over. In other words, tomorrow belongs to them!
Listening? Ah, no, rather pointless. I think Oscar Wilde put it best: "In America the young are always ready to give to those who are older than themselves the full benefits of their inexperience.".
All teenagers are nazis. They know what they know and don't know what they don't know. - Klavan
Some more good questions:
Do you know that a student was arrested just a week or two ago for building bombs to blow up his high school in Utah?
Do you know that school children have been slaughtered with knives in France and China and other countries?
Do you think maybe you should be demonstrating against all kinds of violence in schools, not trying to ban guns for everyone, violent or not?
Tonight, many of these kids will tune into HBO and watch something violent on TV.
Blogger Inga said...
Many of them are less than a year away from voting age.
Not quite qualified yet to be Sophomoric.
Did they all join hands and sing, "Tomorrow Belongs to Me?"
It is like watching a slow motion suicide. They are demanding that their rights be taken away from them.
Last year Soros was paying out $100 millions for BLM to organize riots demanding that the police be disarmed. And now they want the citizens to be disarmed. It sounds like the Deep State is doing sabotage work before their planned invasion.
Or, the kids have all gone insane.
I find it interesting how they’re coopting the March for Life name.
Do you understand the NRA did not kill your friends, a sick sad dejected mofo who was reported to the local police some 30+ times did.
It will be interesting to see the FBI background check count for March-April.
After falling, overall, in 2017 - 2016 having been a high-sales year - 2018 is looking better. They may even succeed in saving Remington.
Gun sales are a barometer of social anxiety.
It's no accident that sales are running 3X what they were in the 1990s-early 2000s, till about 2007.
Cumulatively, I estimate that "gun control" efforts may have have sold an extra 60-80 million firearms 2007-2017.
I'm old enough to remember how poorly this turned out the last time.
The press are ga-ga over these protestors.
The local Sheriff is a loyal democrat. Don't expect him to help you. It's his job to be a useless bureaucratic flunky.
You think these young people have no voice or thoughts of their own?
Somewhere around there are some amazing high school kids with organizational skills, and fundraising abilities that are off the charts! Just think of the logistical problems those high school children overcame!
Nope, not a listening.
The thing that's so disingenuous about all this?
None of it would be going on if Hillary was President. Not a single bit.
It's just another chapter in the non-stop temper tantrum against Trump.
Fortunately, temper tantrums don't create policy.
I remember watching the forgettable movie, Getting Straight with Elliot Gould and Candice Bergen in 1970.
One scene (and one thought) struck me then enough to never forget it. (remember I was 18)
From IMDB:
Jan: How can you be so cavalier? Did you see what was going on out there? It was ugly!
Harry Bailey: No. That protest... was sexy.
Jan: Sexy?
Harry Bailey: Do you think you're the only one who got laid tonight?
It was that and the next line (that IMDb does NOT have, so I will have to paraphrase it from memory) that struck me like a ton of bricks
You were so slick you slid off the bed
I immediately grasped that that was true and that started me on my long voyage of cynicism.
It's a mistake not to realize many of these people will change their minds one day. Some of them will feel shame and embarrassment.
I agree. School shooting under Hillary's watch - this would not be happening.
Children should be seen and not heard.
Oh well, once we let women vote, letting children vote was the obvious next step.
Seriously does anyone except the Left care?
They're just talking to themselves.
Lets have a kids march against abortion. The kids can makes speeches about how happy they were that Mom didn't abort them.
Lets see the NYT times cover that March.
I'm sure they're talking tons about the multiple bureaucratic failures in Broward County as well as the very different result in Maryland.
Blogger DavidD said...I find it interesting how they’re coopting the March for Life name.
More appropriate to coopt "March Madness"
To put that in context, assuming that number is 1/3 long arms, that means an extra number of guerrilla weapons in public hands equivalent to 2X the number of individual weapons the US produced in WWII.
The US public seems to be, semi-consciously, arming for a major war.
"It’s a huge mistake to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought.'
Independent thought? If any of the group were members of the Jr ROTC, then yes. Otherwise, as I stated elsewhere, a collection of librul windup toys.
Someone else does care, or they wouldn't be buying so many guns.
Inga said: "It’s a huge mistake to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought."
Surprise us all by demonstrating your ability to engage in independent thought.
Start by explaining why it's a huge mistake.
Blogger Inga said...
"It’s a huge mistake to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought."
Perhaps you could tell us why?
Surprised Hillary didn't elbow her way to the podium, this is her demographic - sheep.
Calling the wrong people murderers, wearing Nazi arm bands, and giving Nazi salutes?? No thanks.
The best part, is that they are being protected GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS!!!
News clip showing kid saying the gun violence against kids is like Vietnam. "Blood on the streets every day.."
Bet there are some here who have a bit of a problem with that comparison.
"Are you listening to the children?"
Of course not. THey're Republicans. Unless these children have a lot of money they don't notice that they exist. Or feel that they should even exist.
That's why they're willing to let so many of them get gunned down.
I don't support anti-civil rights movements.
Or feel that they should even exist.
Yeah. They should be aborted. That'll shut us up.
You think these young people have no voice or thoughts of their own?
Of course not. They're Republicans. That's why they're so willing to let so many of them get blown away.
Althouse must be hitting the wine boxes pretty heavily these days. It takes real gall to say that because you're a certain age you have no right or interest (or apparently permission) to protest on behalf of saving your own life. As I said, these Republicans really only think that some people should be allowed to live, let alone speak out for their own lives. It's deeply immoral, very corrupt and obviously something that only a tiny minority would even countenance to dignify.
Killing the kids. Can't even speak out against that. The Republicans are about as humane as Nazis.
Yeah. They should be aborted. That'll shut us up.
You can't do that to a 14 - 18 year old, Einstein. But that's why you're ok with them getting gunned down instead. And it won't shut them up, no matter how many weapons you seek to proliferate into their communities. Wow, you guys are like Fast and Furious - High School Edition. So disgusting and fucked up.
The press are ga-ga over these protestors.
Good. Maybe they'll vote on behalf of saving them then, as will 90% of the country. While you vote to proliferate more weapons into their communities. You really do have quite a hell of a lot of contempt for them, don't you? No wonder you're ok watching them getting smoked away.
The Toothless State-fellator is, as the name suggests, a statist. That's why he's willing to let his beloved State slaughter millions.* You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.
*An estimated 150,000,000 to 350,000,000 in the 20th Century alone, not counting war casualties.
When you don't allow a kid who lost his sister in Parkland, you are definitely pushing an agenda...
wendybar said...
The best part, is that they are being protected GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS!!!
3/24/18, 3:05 PM
Protected from what?
Inga said: "It’s a huge mistake to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought."
Here is the thing - they pretty well aren’t capable of independent thought at their ages. Their brains are not fully formed, and most aren’t going to get to adult levels of judgement until their mid twenties - 7-10 years from now. Now, absent that, they are thinking almost completely emotionally. Which, of course, is why they are so easy to manipulate by Soros and Bloomberg financed operatives. The left (including of course Inga) desperately wants us to take them and their protest seriously. We shouldn’t, except maybe to join the NRA, if we haven’t already, as our response. And maybe buy more guns (I have my wish list ready for when I get back up to MT, where I can legally purchase such).
Right now your party and your policies are running the state, and running the kids suffering under it into the ground. And your obsession with sucking dick is getting a little boring. I guess you refer to it so knee-jerkingly because you want to distract from the fact that you don't have any thoughts of your own. Or have gone without fellatio for quite some time.
It sounds like the Deep State is doing sabotage work before their planned invasion.
Or, the kids have all gone insane.
Embrace the healing power of "and".
SNOWFLAKE ALERT! 5 Facts that Gun Control Advocates Hate:
One thing is certain: if any of them were capable of independent thought, Inga would have nothing to do with them.
"Independent Thought" = Democrat Party Line.
"Lets have a conversation"= Listen to my monologue, you deplorable knuckle dragger.
Apparently the so-called "good guys with guns" are voting to proliferate more guns to the "bad guys with guns."
But they like that. It helps make them feel more heroic.
You got to hand to the right. They feel heroic even without doing a thing to save those kids. The more of them that gunned down, the more heroic they feel. Any day now they'll step right in and save all those assaulted kids. Any day.
Just not today. Today is a day to rally for giving more guns to anyone who wants them. And to belittle the kids and tell them that they have nothing to say and should just shut up and die already. Go back into the classroom and get shot.
Well, at least Ritmo is running his mouth on-line today and isn't out there prancing in public with a silly sign.
There is hope.
It’s a huge mistake to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought.
The entire age cohort?
No, I see kids joining the military all the time and most of them are doing a wise thing.
College right now is a waste of time and money unless you are majoring in a science field.
The amusing part of this is those kids probably don't understand why the shooting happened and it has zero to do with NRA.
"School to Prison Pipeline" is the reason and the Obama admin policy of ignoring crime by blacks or "brown."
The amusing part of this is that the killer was probably not even of Hispanic ethnicity as he was adopted.
The idiocy of all this is just amazing and indicative of how far American common sense has fallen.
It will be good for gun sales though, so not a complete waste.
...prancing in public with a silly sign...
Yes, I'm not surprised that you find sentiments directed at reducing the number of our kids who get killed as "silly."
No, I see kids joining the military all the time and most of them are doing a wise thing.
Ha ha. Setting themselves up for a lifetime of panhandling as they discover that the government whose only use for them as cannon fodder doesn't care if they live or die after a "tour" of finding imperial subjects to kill. You fuckers crack me up. The homeless vet phenomenon is the starkest signifier of just how evil Republicans are. Even the demographics they proclaim to respect the most, get just as fucked over by the big government they claim to hate so much as everyone else. Give me a break. I should give a homeless vet your home address and enough for a bus ticket to crash at your doctor's pad in Arizona. I have no doubt that you'll turn him right away the second he lands on your porch.
How about those millions killed by your best bud, Toothless?
It will be good for gun sales though, so not a complete waste.
The number of gun owners in America declines below a third, and the number of hunters even further, while the number of guns (1 per American stays stead or rises).
I know of no one who can adeptly use three guns at once.
Having more than they know what to do with is a Republican specialty.
Kids are awesome!! Imagine. High schoolers armed with laptops, smart phones and social media organized these gigantic marches in a few weeks. Double awesome. What is really great is that they are going to keep this up until the guns are controlled. Watch. Next week the marches will be triple the size of these and the week after bigger still. And the good news is that CNN is going to never let them down. CNN will be there for them week after week, month after month.
Kids are awesome.
I think Republicans just claim to like the military while really seeing it as a way to "thin the herd" - which is what they like to do most.
Why didn’t they march on the Broward County Sheriff’s office or the Obama Education Department? Cruz, the shooter, should have been in jail.
Ritmo is on a roll. The hate oozes out all over the page.
I know military recruits and I know vets, neither of which move in your depraved circles.
Your friends, if there are any, are out there in the street making fools of themselves,
Don't mean to go all Godwin on you, but I don't think Hitler had any intention of allowing the Jugend to vote, nor Mao his Red Guards.
Kids can think all right, but they have no idea how foolish adults can be until they have been adults themselves for a while.
Listening to children:
I had an Amish guy and his son working on my house. The dad, Ervin, and I have been friends for years. They speak German when they don't want you to know the conversation, otherwise it's in English. The kid starts speaking to his father in German. Ervin, my friend, responds in German. The kid had a cross look on his face and went back work.
So I ask Ervin: "What's up?". He responds that his son was hungry. So I ask him: "What did tell him?". Ervin said: "Sometimes it's good to be hungry".
He listened and then went to work.
No, I'm not listening to them.
Althouse, the former professor, must hate this - she has to know how uninformed our young people are.
1. We have to do Something.
2. This is Something
Let's do it.
Are you smelling the children?
"When a kid says 'smell my hand', it almost never smells like cinnamon." -- Brian P. Cleary
HT said...
Protected from what?
All those crazy liberals that are on Psychiatric Drugs.
Ritmo is on a roll. The hate oozes out all over the page.
I hate stupidity, but not much else.
I know military recruits and I know vets, neither of which move in your depraved circles.
If by "circles" you mean "well housed", well then you're right. My "circle" includes a pad. Although I don't think people who aren't homeless (like me, for instance) are "depraved." I don't think most people do.
You have a strange way of seeing the world.
Go do something about those homeless vets. After all, you got your Big Government Deep State to either make killers of them or put their killing tendencies to important use. You wouldn't be so cynical as to tell people who kill on behalf of your Big Government Deep State that the same Big Government Deep State should just let them die now, would you?
Maybe you're just a sneakier social darwinist than I thought. Leaving the vets to starve and freeze. Not very nice now, are you Dr. Mike?
I saw a clip of this Hogg kid on TV last night. It was hard to tell what he was saying for all the bleeping of his obscenities. He obviously has chosen a poor grade of adult to imitate.
BTW, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School kids were flown to Washington on some football team's corporate jet.
Who is paying for the buses for the others? Surely not the kids from their lunch allowances?
Sung to the tune of We Are the World
We are Republicans
We hate your children (and ours)
We are the ones who love our guns way more
So let's start killing
There's a choice we're making
We love guns more than your own lives
It's true we'll make a deadlier day
Just you and me
(Add celebrity Republicans Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughan and the ghost of Charlton Heston - like in Star Wars - to the visual cut).
TTR displays his superior powers of persuasion. Scott Adams take note.
David Begley said... Why didn’t they march on the Broward County Sheriff’s office or the Obama Education Department? Cruz, the shooter, should have been in jail.
By bringing up such meaningless distractions, you prove you are cool with kids being gunned down. Kid hater!
"A child of five would understand this; send someone to fetch a child of five." -- Groucho
Blogger rcocean said...
“Seriously does anyone except the Left care?
They're just talking to themselves”
Just so. I saw the dispersing marchers from the Seattle march. They so exactly fit the stereotypes of White middle-class Progdom that I could tell you their opinions on any given issue. When that’s the case, why would I take those opinions seriously?
No, I am not 'listening' to them. I am listening to a recording of the Passion according to St Matthew by Lassus, in preparation for the beginning of Holy Week in a couple of hours.
Repeal the 26th Amendment.
I wonder why Ritmo never seems to gain any allies or recruits.?
He is so persuasive.
The causes of the shooting are much too important to allow the truth to seep out.
Leaving the vets to starve and freeze.
Make up your fuggin' mind.
Do we want dead kids? Or dead Vets?
I need to prioritize.
on some football team's corporate jet.
That would be the New England Patriots. Irony intended, I'm sure.
To be perfectly honest, that Hoag kid is kind of a douche bag to be blaming this on a group that advocates for gun rights.
As a member of that group I did not cause that massacre and I am not responsible for it. Period.
Democrat voters are responsible for 90+% of gun violence.
Lets ban democrats from having guns and see how that works.
Almost every mass shooting happens in a gun free zone.
Lets make entities liable for violence in their gun free zones.
Just might work.
China was run by teenagers full of passionate intensity from 1966 until the death of Mao ten years later. What an ugly time that was.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Sung to the tune of We Are the World
TTR can't actually argue with us. So he makes things up.
Hard to look more stupid than you do right now.
Hands kill many more people than rifles every year. But you can't even start to deal with facts.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Ritmo is on a roll. The hate oozes out all over the page.
I hate stupidity, but not much else.
Your posts here do look like a cry for help. Or like you are an idiot.
The Left thinks people under age of 21dont know enough about guns and responsibility to be allowed to buy a gun, but these same people should be making our gun laws for us. The Left is incapable of rational thought.
As for the kids from the school that got shot up who are marching to ban our guns, how rational is it to think that if they get their way, they’ll never again be in a situation where only one guy has a gun——the bad guy coming to kill them?
Stupid is as stupid does.
@Unknown: So well put it is worth repeating : "I think Oscar Wilde put it best: 'In America the young are always ready to give to those who are older than themselves the full benefits of their inexperience'."
Thank you.
You think these young people have no voice or thoughts of their own?
There is a kid on the front page of the Boston Globe’s website who doesn’t look old enough to read the sign he’s holding.
No, not at all. They are too ill informed to realize that they are far more likely to be sexually abused by a teacher than to be killed or shot in school. This is nothing more or less than a continuation of the Maoist tactics of "progressive" culture war. They jumped the shark almost immediately.
So much stupidity. I can compile these together and respond:
I wonder why Ritmo never seems to gain any allies or recruits.?
Most people who agree with me already - (i.e. most of America) - avoid this little blog. Duh. I don't mind engaging you all because unlike the vast majority of America, I accept that that you're irrational types who really just need your thoughtlessness exposed. The thinking majority assume that you're rational people who can't be understood. I know this is not the truth, though. You're irrational people who just have emotional attachments to strange things.
Make up your fuggin' mind.
Do we want dead kids? Or dead Vets?
Both. Whichever leaves more of their stuff for you.
Sung to the tune of We Are the World
TTR can't actually argue with us. So he makes things up.
I can't argue with irrational people. But I can be more creative than they are.
Hands kill many more people than rifles every year. But you can't even start to deal with facts.
Lol. This is what you call "an argument?" Hilarious. Well, if your hands make such good weapons then obviously you don't need high-powered killing devices from afar with which to massacre scores now, do you? Problem solved. There's your "arms." You're already bearing them. I guess you're saying we can ban all guns now.
Hey, it's spring ! Time for students at every level to protest anything - particularly if there is the slightest chance it will cancel finals.
I went to one of the marches. Beautiful day, respectful people and some poignant stories from survivors and families of victims. Huge crowd where I was, bigger than I expected.
Both. Whichever leaves more of their stuff for you.
Kewl. And you're not going to get any of it. It's all mine.
Dead people's stuff.
Children are fitting persuaders of childish minds.
BEN SHAPIRO: Let’s stop making children into moral authorities.
On March 14, high school students from Parkland, Fla., led a school walkout in favor of gun control. The media have already appointed student witnesses of the horror at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School untouchable moral authorities; their opinions are not to be questioned.
But now, the left has found even more sympathetic faces for its agenda: kindergarteners. According to The Wall Street Journal, “Schools are grappling with how to address the event with children as young as 5 years old and with finding ways for children who are too little to be told about school shootings to take part.” Children in pre-K at Manhattan Country School will sing, “If I Had a Hammer” and “Paz y Libertad.” Public schools like PS 321 in Brooklyn allowed children to do activities linked with the protests.
There is something deeply perverse about using children to promote a political agenda. Children simply don’t know anything about politics. Sometimes children ask questions that help us rethink the world because they’ve had little experience with it — when my 4-year-old daughter asks questions about the universe, that prompts me to further learning and research. But she doesn’t have answers, because she’s a child.
What makes children particularly valuable is their innocence, not their ignorance. The left seems to like conflating the two characteristics. Innocence, as a quality, isn’t about lack of knowledge or gullibility. The fact that everything in the world is wondrous to children is charming, but it’s not something we can truly protect; as children age, they learn more, and they become more jaded, as we all do. We experience moments of wonder throughout our lives but never as we do when we’re young. That’s natural.
But we can protect innocence.
Innocence is the moral quality of being sinless, and children are inherently innocent specifically because they have not yet developed the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Once they do, the only way to maintain their innocence is for them to do right — the same way we all attempt to maintain our innocence.
But children must first be taught right from wrong. That means that as children develop their capacity to choose, they must develop a moral compass. Children don’t have such a compass — the most selfish, cruel and nasty human beings on Earth are small children. If 2-year-olds had the capacity to carry weapons of war, we’d all be dead already; my son isn’t yet 2 and takes a peculiar pleasure in knocking down his sister’s blocks. That’s why it’s a good thing they’re so damned cute.
But they’re not moral guides. We must protect them from having to act as moral guides until they are prepared to do so. And that means we must stop using their innocence — their lack of capacity for moral decision-making — as a substitute for moral authority. To do anything less isn’t merely foolish; it’s cruel.
Children are fitting persuaders of childish minds.
Remember back when you were a child and actually possessed a survival instinct?
You know, before the Republicans convinced you and all those other dying white males that guns, corporations and authoritarian leadership were more important?
gadfly said...
But we can protect innocence.
A start would be to not create an environment where it is necessary to subject them to active shooter drills.
BEN SHAPIRO: Let’s stop making children into moral authorities.
Well if anyone should know about childish moral authorities it'd be Ben Shapiro. A guy whose about 4'11" and takes his moral authority literally from bronze age documents telling mid-east goat herders to either separate their consumption of milk from their consumption of meat or face certain death from the Almighty.
But we can protect innocence.
But not the deaths of the innocents. Clearly that's a less important thing to do.
Did someone say "guns, corporations, and authoritarian leadership"? Someone seems to have forgotten the Constitution. Odd: whenever someone suggests banning porn, they're told it can't be done because of the First Amendment, which doesn't mention porn, and which no one thought protected porn until well into the 20th century. Yet the same people feel entitled to ignore the Second Amendment's explicit text.
Remember back when you were a child and actually possessed a survival instinct?
Of the leagues-long list of Toothless idiocy, this one is near the top. Toothless is obviously so decrepit he can't remember his childhood. Every day in nearly every emergency room in the land children are admitted because of their "survival instinct" has been supplanted by an overweening sense of invulnerability.
Children simply don’t know anything about politics.
This is utter fucking nonsense. Freddy does what Larry wants because he has more marbles. Eddie and Ramon team up to beat Larry at his own game. Sally doesn't want to be friends with Alice because she dresses funny. Ben Shapiro talks too fucking much.
I wonder how many total hours of playing first person shooter video games is embodied in that crowd? How many instances of gun a shot have they ingested through their eyes the past 10 years of consuming Hollywood movies and TV shows? How many their parents?
Whether you agree with them or not, I think it is pretty weird to question their motives, knowledge, and sincerity. Did they have help in putting together the marches in cities around the country. Yea - of course they did. So what - that means they don't believe what they are marching for and should not be listened to? God forbid that high school kids who saw their classmates gunned down should have an opinion on the topic. Agree or disagree on the merits, but show some respect.
Children don’t have such a compass — the most selfish, cruel and nasty human beings on Earth are small children.
Hitler understood the absolute incorruptibility of children.
Yet the same people feel entitled to ignore the Second Amendment's explicit text.
You mean Scalia? His landmark Heller ruling states exactly what you bozos can't understand - it's limited as is any right. Are inmates' rights to bearing arms "infringed?" Should they be? You don't say. (You conserv assholes still can't account for that fact). And yet inmates can still say (or write) pretty much whatever they want. Imagine that. Rights defined by practical reality.
He said that it's not an unlimited right, can ban certain guns (including many that already were for being "dangerous") and as with the 1st doesn't mean you can force any private individual to host it. Read the fucking text, retard. It's the best SCOTUS interpretation you've got going for your whacked-out "interpretation" and even it doesn't go as far as you fetishist absolutists wildly imagine that it does.
When I see the Hogg kids pushing red arm bands and David Hogg giving a Nazi salute, I think I don’t like the precedent.
Tooth, do you prefer child killings to be en masse, by a government power, under the color of law?
Or in a surgery suite with a vacuum and ample amounts of anesthesia?
Ben Shapiro is short!
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
I went to one of the marches. Beautiful day, respectful people and some poignant stories from survivors and families of victims. Huge crowd where I was, bigger than I expected.
Maybe next time the leftists could educate themselves and not be so stupid.
But then there wouldn't be a bunch of fools that complain about cops shooting people then immediately say only cops should have guns.
Or they say that we should ban rifles even though knives that kill 3 times as many people.
Naw. It is way easier to get a bunch of drooling idiots like ARM to march for gun control if they are ignorant of facts.
While you idiots are marching for a dream that will never come to pass we are arming teachers and resource officers.
We actually care about saving kids. You don't.
Of the leagues-long list of Toothless idiocy, this one is near the top. Toothless is obviously so decrepit he can't remember his childhood. Every day in nearly every emergency room in the land children are admitted because of their "survival instinct" has been supplanted by an overweening sense of invulnerability.
If a kid thinks he's invulnerable then he's stupid. Most accidents are caused instead by curiosity - which is also an instinct that you and the other right-wingers don't possess. And one instinct temporarily being operative doesn't mean that the other one disappeared, dummy. It just wasn't thought necessary in that moment. Unless you're naturally afraid of everything - which I hear that many right-wingers are.
"Are you listening to the children?"
No. If I listened to them, I'd be eating laundry detergent.
steve uhr said...
Whether you agree with them or not, I think it is pretty weird to question their motives, knowledge, and sincerity.
Exactly. It is the adults that are using the kids to push gun control that are the problem.
Nazi's were all about raising kids to think the right way too.
Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
So much stupidity. I can compile these together and respond:
"Most people who agree with me already - (i.e. most of America)"
Unsupported claim of majority support. How do you know that? If what you say were true, America would be disarmed. Gun control would be a fact, the Constitution be damned.
" - avoid this little blog."
Unsupported and illogical claim that most of America "avoids" this blog they agree with **you**!
Grandiose claims of omniscience.....
Not a good sign.
We actually care about saving kids.
No you don't. You care about your gun vanity and misplaced hero complex.
Unsupported claim of majority support. How do you know that? If what you say were true, America would be disarmed.
If what you say were true, it wouldn't cost money to run a political campaign (let alone millions of dollars) and legislators would actually be more interested in constituent sentiment than what the lobbyists who fund campaign ads have to say about it.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
If a kid thinks he's invulnerable then he's stupid. Most accidents are caused instead by curiosity - which is also an instinct that you and the other right-wingers don't possess.
God you are stupid.
We know what leftists do after they take peoples guns. They do it every time. There are over a hundred million unarmed victims of leftists.
Nothing you people have proposed would stop any of these school shootings. They would only serve to disarm your political opponents.
It is how we know what you really want.
Not proud of those kids and glad they’re not mine. Mine are just a bit older and much much wiser.
"You mean Scalia?" No. Obviously not, or I would have said so.
I love this blog. It provides me so many opportunities to show how wrong right-wingers are. They're just too vain to admit when their points fail. Right-wingers double-down and never admit that they're wrong.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
We actually care about saving kids.
No you don't. You care about your gun vanity and misplaced hero complex.
My proposals would be more effective at stopping school shootings.
Your proposals would not do a damn thing. Not a single thing.
You have lost this argument on the merits. You can only continue with rage and ignorance.
"You mean Scalia?" No. Obviously not, or I would have said so.
So now you're trying to say that the Supreme Court is wrong to exercise its constitutional role by interpreting the laws. So it sounds like you're the fool who needs to go back and read the constitution.
I agree that using kids for politics is unseemly, but it can be effective. Reacting strongly condemning the kids motives and intelligence is stupid. Our gun rights will be lost because the right uses cucks like Ben Shapiro or chickenhawks like Ted Nugent as spokes mouths.
When you take an all or nothing idiotlogical stand, prepare to lose it all. The anti-gun people have nothing to lose, the NRA is risking it all.
It's the gun nuts who are acting like petulant children.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
I love this blog. It provides me so many opportunities to show how wrong right-wingers are. They're just too vain to admit when their points fail. Right-wingers double-down and never admit that they're wrong.
Latest lefty idea: A bucket of Rocks
I will admit a bucket of rocks would be more effective than a "Gun free" zone or a ban on "assault weapons."
The bucket of rocks is also smarter than you.
My proposals would be more effective at stopping school shootings.
No they wouldn't. You already proved that you have no use for facts long ago.
But you do think that fists and knives are worse than guns. So go get rid of your guns then, if you think they're so much less effective.
Despite numerous polite requests, Inga seems to have absented herself from demonstrating independent thought.
Not a surprise.
Here is something to think about. Why do auto insurance companies lower their rates once a kid turns 26?
Actuaries are smart. They know that brain development is not complete until age 25 when kids are much more capable of exercising reasoning.
I'm a little disappointed there were not oversized puppets of Trump with blood dripping from his claws and fangs. Pfft. Call this a proper "spontaneous" protest?
"It’s a huge mistake to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought."
Individuals have the capacity to think — independently and dependently.
I don't think an "entity" thinks — even dependently. People may move in a group, but the minds are separate. It would be spooky if they could think as an entity.
So I think it's a huge mistake NOT to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought.
Can individual children think independently? In a strict sense, no one thinks completely independently, but I don't see how children can think in any seriously independent way about policy. I'm sure they can arrive on their own at a feeling of caring about threats of violence, but ideas about what the threat level really is and odds of different dangerous things affecting them have got to come from outside sources not to be radically distorted. I remember as a child worrying about various dangerous things but I way overestimated the threat posed by lava and quicksand.
I'm sure the children are worried about getting shot at school, but their level of feel is not independent. It has been stirred up by news coverage. It makes some sense to be afraid of school shootings, along with tornados, bombs, rabid bats, falling, e coli, and suicide. But what to do about it? The idea that particular gun control measures will be effective and worth it must necessarily be based on relying on other people to supply the ideas and I doubt very much that the people did this were neutral experts. And I think many young people form their opinions based on a desire to fit in with the crowd and be popular.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Unsupported claim of majority support. How do you know that? If what you say were true, America would be disarmed.
If what you say were true, it wouldn't cost money to run a political campaign (let alone millions of dollars) and legislators would actually be more interested in constituent sentiment than what the lobbyists who fund campaign ads have to say about it.
An utter non sequitur. Hilariously so. Cost-free political campaigns! UNANIMOUS (not majority) opinions! No need for elections!
Rave on!
Achilles is a clod. Every comment he posts with all its bold fonts just lands like the thud of him confidently kicking his own ass. He talks a good game about reason and then posts another fact-free irrational whopper of a roid-rage comment.
Btw, I only see Ritmo posts when someone normal cares to respond but most of the time it consists of me scrolling through until I can get to someone with something coherent to say. Why feed the troll?
A start would be to not create an environment where it is necessary to subject them to active shooter drills.
If I were you I would speak to the Obama people who set up a program to end the "School to Prison Pipeline," which means violent and /or criminal acts by black or "brown" students would not be reported to police. The result of this was the 37 events that should have warned the authorities that Cruz was dangerous and should be on the NICS database, were not reported and he was able to buy the gun.
This has NOTHING to do with the NRA. The children's march is theater.
In honor of Ritmo, I bought a new gun today. It is a very nice Browning 1911 model in .380 caliber.
I'll name it "Ritmo."
"level of feel "
I mean... level of feeling.
An utter non sequitur. Hilariously so. Cost-free political campaigns! UNANIMOUS (not majority) opinions! No need for elections!
Jay Elink chiming in to prove that he thinks what the money pays for him to think.
steve uhr said...
God forbid that high school kids who saw their classmates gunned down should have an opinion on the topic. Agree or disagree on the merits, but show some respect.
It is incredible that some cannot do this. The survivors are veterans of a direct combat experience to which they were exposed without any choice on their part. Of course they are going to have strong views on what just happened to them.
Btw, I only see Ritmo posts when someone normal cares to respond but most of the time it consists of me scrolling through until I can get to someone with something coherent to say. Why feed the troll?
Because they know that I'm an American. I speak for the people.
They just speak for the NRA and for the money it pays off the congress with.
And they know it.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
"I love this blog. It provides me so many opportunities to show how wrong right-wingers are. They're just too vain to admit when their points fail. Right-wingers double-down and never admit that they're wrong."
Yet here we are, a hundred million deaths, and hundreds of millions more, forced into squalid and unfulfilled lives, brought about by Scientific Socialism over the last century.
Tell me, Toothless: just what IS your take on Cuba, the Norks, and Venezuela?
TTR probably thinks we need to put flashing lights on those gun free zone signs so people like Cruz see them.
Because if the kid that police had 40+ calls about violent threats and assaults and the FBI had a specific tip about being a school shooter a month before had actually been able to see the sign and read it he totally would have left his gun in the car.
Ritmo's screeds are a reflection of his physical appearance-ugly.
Unfortunately, his personality is the same.
He will be primping for his "date" soon", being a player and all.
No one can dispute your perfect logic, Ann. However, the gun lobby telling the kids they are stupid inexperienced tools of the liberal left is having the opposite effect. Politics is the art of the possible.
eloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
steve uhr said...
God forbid that high school kids who saw their classmates gunned down should have an opinion on the topic. Agree or disagree on the merits, but show some respect.
It is incredible that some cannot do this. The survivors are veterans of a direct combat experience to which they were exposed without any choice on their part. Of course they are going to have strong views on what just happened to them.
The kids are being victimized twice.
Once by a school and law enforcement system that completely dropped the ball on Cruz.
A second time by a bunch of adults like the lefties here trying to push an agenda that will make them less safe than before.
Try again, Toothless: not what I said, not what I meant, and obviously so to anyone of normal intelligence, so no point in explaining.
By the way, only 8% of the homeless are veterans. The percentage who claim to be veterans when begging for handouts is of course much higher, for much the same reason that gun-controllers recruit children to be the face of their cause.
No. Because you can get kids to say anything.Their little brains aren't fully developed and the can be easily emotionally manipulated.
Much like leftists.
Achilles:The kids are being victimized twice.
Once by a school and law enforcement system that completely dropped the ball on Cruz.
A second time by a bunch of adults like the lefties here trying to push an agenda that will make them less safe than before.
A third time by the ignorant vitriol from the NRA funded trying to push an agenda
"It is incredible that some cannot do this. The survivors are veterans of a direct combat experience to which they were exposed without any choice on their part. Of course they are going to have strong views on what just happened to them."
Baloney -- in a "direct combat experience" people have the ability to shoot back. Shooting unarmed civilians is NOT "combat".
Good point, Rusty. Keep telling the kids that over and over and they will be courted over to your side.
Ann Althouse said...
I don't see how children can think in any seriously independent way about policy.
I regularly sit down and discuss policy with my eleven year old. We don't always agree. The idea that some seventeen year olds cannot do this is ridiculous. Not all, maybe not even a majority, but certainly some and some at a level that many adults can only wish to achieve.
Yes children can be misused in politics. Politicians dragging their families into the spotlight always feels wrong to me, but the idea that teenagers who have just gone through the equivalent of a combat experience have nothing of value to say on the topic just seems nutty to me. The young woman I heard speak about her experience under fire was logical and passionate, a better public speaker than many of the adults.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Achilles is a clod. Every comment he posts with all its bold fonts just lands like the thud of him confidently kicking his own ass. He talks a good game about reason and then posts another fact-free irrational whopper of a roid-rage comment.
Post a single rebuttal to any fact I have posted.
Just one. Here is a list:
Knives, hands and feet, hammers all kill more people than rifles,
Democrat voters commit the vast majority of gun violence.
The vast majority of mass shootings happen in gun-free zones.
The police had over 40 calls on Cruz about violent behavior and assaults and if they had charged and convicted him once he would not have been able to buy a gun.
The FBI had a specific tip about Cruz becoming a school shooter a month before the incident.
Not a single one of the things you propose would have stopped the shooting.
I will wait. Continue to post your facts. In a bit I will accumulate every fact you post and compare it to the number of posts you have made.
Not a single post you have made so far contains a fact by the way. I think you are too stupid to know what they are.
However, the gun lobby telling the kids they are stupid inexperienced tools of the liberal left is having the opposite effect. Politics is the art of the possible.
The kids are being manipulated and , as usual. the result is the opposite of the left's anticipated outcome.
Common sense is not given enough credit.
It is also pretty much absent from colleges. High schools are catching up in lunatic logic.
The "Gun Lobby" is millions of normal Americans. You should meet some.
Howard said...
A third time by the ignorant vitriol from the NRA funded trying to push an agenda
You are just an idiot.
You are really very transparent.
I would appreciate it if the leftists actually tried to make any sort of policy argument. Until you do I will just mock you. Not a single thing you people propose would do anything other than disarm your political opponents.
Ritmo's screeds are a reflection of his physical appearance-ugly.
Unfortunately, his personality is the same.
He will be primping for his "date" soon", being a player and all.
Oh, she's just "rolling her eyes" at me now.
As someone who experiences that from your wife, what would you recommend as the proper response?
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Yes children can be misused in politics. Politicians dragging their families into the spotlight always feels wrong to me, but the idea that teenagers who have just gone through the equivalent of a combat experience have nothing of value to say on the topic just seems nutty to me. The young woman I heard speak about her experience under fire was logical and passionate, a better public speaker than many of the adults.
When you don't have facts on your side go find some victims and parade them around with ULTIMATE MORAL AUTHORITY and push your agenda.
You are really depraved.
No. Because you can get kids to say anything.Their little brains aren't fully developed and the can be easily emotionally manipulated.
Much like leftists.
Pedro, when they made you, they broke the mold. lol.
Achilles: The left has shaped the debate and are effectively eroding the support for gun rights. Your solution is to go full 100% self righteous by swimming upstream against popular protests. It ain't working. But you can sleep well knowing that your failed cause was righteous.
Check out what Achilles Clod considers to be a very fact-filled exercise in reasoning:
You are just an idiot.
You are really very transparent.
Yep. No wonder he takes his marching orders from the NRA.
Manipulate back. Pushing back against teenagers always yields the opposite result. Be smarter instead of shrill.
Post a single rebuttal to any fact I have posted.
Just one. Here is a list:
Knives, hands and feet, hammers all kill more people than rifles,
Not impersonally, from a distance - dozens at a time or more.
We like to make sure that people confine their violence to the sole individual that wants to be up close and personal with them.
Now here's another fun fact for YOU - Mr. Too Socratic for School:
Nearly every society that has less permissive gun ownership has a lower homicide rate than we do. Apparently all those knives and fists aren't making up for the balance of deaths that you imply that they should expect. And that's important to people who don't like dying (which wouldn't include you, it seems).
So my fist just crumpled your paper. My paper covered your rock. My rock smashed your scissors.
Ready to make a relevant point, now? Any day.
The NRA and their useful idiots are getting nuked and fight back with spitballs.
Facts don't matter. Grow the fuck up.
Achilles is like a kid that just found his new fix. This time it's the word "facts."
In about ten years or so it's possible that he might learn the meaning of the word "relevant." But that will take a long transition for him. Irrelevance is what he thrives off of.
It's important who runs the asylum.
Achilles has some irrelevant facts for you. Don't you love them?
Revel in their irrelevance. Marvel at the way they have nothing to do with any point.
So, as a noted leftist asked, What Is To Be Done ? Anything more specific than "common sense gun control"? What would that look like ?
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Ann Althouse said...
I don't see how children can think in any seriously independent way about policy.
I regularly sit down and discuss policy with my eleven year old. We don't always agree. The idea that some seventeen year olds cannot do this is ridiculous. Not all, maybe not even a majority, but certainly some and some at a level that many adults can only wish to achieve.
"Policy" here refers to national policy ---not reponsibility for household chores, curfews and the like.
Do you think seventeen-year-olds are taught the Constitution today? Or, for that matter, what led the colonists to declare their independence from the tyrannical British crown? Or how disarming citizens has allowed totalitarians to oppress millions?
It's irrelevant that many adults lack the same knowledge--we're being urged to believe that in a mass gathering of children, MOST have the knowledge and experience needed to address a very complex issue.
They don't.
If a plane crashes, do the surviving passengers get to make policy regarding future safety issues?
As for you and your child not agreeing--- how many times have you let your child DETERMINE policy??
When you don't have facts on your side go find some victims and parade them around with ULTIMATE MORAL AUTHORITY and push your agenda.
You are really depraved.
The kids don't want to be killed and they know that the guns are killing them.
Have some respect for these would-be victims of you and your gun proliferation policies.
You had more respect for the Mexicans menaced by Holder's Fast and Furious policy than you do for these American kids.
Shameful. Disgusting. Retarded. Suicidal.
No wonder you old white dudes have such a high death rate.
Republicans like authority and these kids just aren't dying willingly enough for them.
How disobedient of them.
tcrosse: It's on the NRA to be proactive. They need to propose a five-point program that does not include giving guns to teachers and issuing more CC permits.
Have some respect! What a concept.
Republicans are hopeful that more guns can somehow revive and resuscitate and resurrect all those dead kids.
It's the only tool they know.
They're just too violent and paranoid for anything else.
A critical realpolitik concern is that these kids will be the adults that will repeal the 2nd amendment. Keep disrespecting and alienating them if you want that to happen. Grow the fuck up. Show some savvy, guile seduction.
Ritmo is correct. As a Republican, I'm in favor of abortion for the unborn and gun violence for those that escape that fate. I'm also in favor of open borders, because someone has to pick up the tab for my SS. It all makes sense.
Toothless has those coffee dates lined up.
Mom and Dad wait in the car while Revolutionary chats up the ladies.
Keep hope alive, he may find a girl desperate enough to hang around.
Of course, "in college" he had a lot of "success"......
Unfortunate he had to drop out ...
No job, no future.
He has nothing but anger, mediocrity and an opinion.
MoM and Daddy not going to pay his bills forever.
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