“My offer of employment to Mr. McCabe is a legitimate offer to work on election security,” [said Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.)]. “Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of American democracy and both Republicans and Democrats should be concerned about election integrity.”...
The job doesn't matter so much as the fact that he's working within the federal government with the same retirement benefits until or after his 50th birthday. (Though this former official stressed that it would probably look more ethical if McCabe worked for at least a pay period rather than just one day.)
March 17, 2018
"Andrew McCabe was just offered a job by [my] congressman so he can get his full retirement. And it just might work."
WaPo reports.
Go on, do it. It will only increase my disgust for the Democrat Party, the permanent bureaucracy, the left generally.
"If ya really like telling people what to do, with no accountability and with immunity to boot, you just might be a Democrat"
Sessions should prosecute McCabe.
Was Pocan a big SEU sympathizer during the Walker recall?
Sessions should prosecute McCabe.
Exactly. 18 USC 1001. Live it, learn it, love it.
I appreciate the enmity that Pocan’s decision will stir up. We need a national conversation on State and Federal employee greed.
McCabe is going to catch a bullet.
Your congressman is just keeping him around for disposal.
Yes, cynicism has never failed me.
Our government is completely corrupt.
I’ll just note: You know who is not sacking national security advisors, foreign affairs ministers, other cabinet ministers, etc. just weeks before historic meeting of leaders of North Korea and the U.S.? North Korea. Think about that. Less crazy than America right now. - David Akin, Canadian TV
Apparently he wishes Trump would strap McCabe to the end of the barrel of an anti-aircraft gun like Kim, or prehaps get three fembots to poison him with nerve gas.
If he saves the guy’s pension, then it sort of ratchets the pressure to prosecute.
Good for you Mark Pocan! Good to know decency still exists in government.
Public Service needs the best and brightest, not the greediest and most partisan.
It’d help to put a dollar figure on that one day’s (or one pay period) “work.” Put that out there and rile people up.
I think I'm going to try high-minded. If McCabe is a criminal, there are laws for dealing with that. If he is contractually entitled to a pension, then the government should give him one. Now, Lois Lerner ...
Inga said...
"Good for you Mark Pocan! Good to know decency still exists in government."
Are you back? I thought we'd chased you off, you wretched, pintle-skined ninny. Yes, indeed, the Democratic Party still takes care of its own. I'm sure you're delighted to see another million or two pounded down the Deep State rathole.
Are you back? I thought we'd chased you off....
I just drop in occasionally to remind myself what despicable creatures Trumpists are.
Once again, Inga's rapier wit shuts us all down. Sad.
Surly you jest, Inga.
The gloves are off. This time it is a war between our elected President and the FBI. And it may be about time for another Special Operation by one of Mattis's Marine Expeditionary Units. And I suspect that is why the Clowns In America and the FBI are going all in hoping they can run out the clock waiting for a last second Impeachment by Ryan's House.
I click on WaPo links just to confirm my impression that WaPo has the most entertainingly stupid commenters in all of cyberdom. I was not disappointed today, and was charmed in particular by this little gem:
"Trump, give it up. You cannot outmaneuver the Justice Department. You cannot out-think the smartest people in the country. You are out of your mind to think you can win this fight, you f---ing moron!
The style reflects a literary taste tending toward comics, no? Different from, say, NYT commentariat, which is more chick-lit in tone.
Nobody ever voted for McCabe. He’s an unelected nobody. I can get fired. He should be able to be fired.
Whatever you think of Trump, Inga, he actually got votes and won an election.
But then I’ve noticed this about you, Inga. you aren’t really a believer in, and lover of, constitutional democracy.
Blogger Inga said...
Good for you Mark Pocan! Good to know decency still exists in government.
Really? Did this job exist yesterday? Has it been posted so that anyone can submit their resume for this new job? Is there a period by which this "job" is evaluated for civil service requirements?
We all know the answer to that question, don't we? No. No. No. ...
Anyone who understood the word "decency" would not apply it to petty graft. If Pocan wants to hire someone, he can darn well do it with his own money, not MINE.
McCabe needs a helicopter ride to the Gulf Stream.
Andrew McCabe indicated in his statement that he was authorized by the US Justice Department to leak to favored journalists. McCabe wrote:
As Deputy Director, I was one of only a few people who had the authority to do that [to share information with a reporter]. It was not a secret, it took place over several days, and others, including the Director ["Crazy Comey the Leaker"], were aware of the interaction with the reporter [Devlin Barrett of The Wall Street Journal]. It was the type of exchange with the media that the Deputy Director oversees several times per week.
[end quote]
Of course, Barrett reported in his WSJ article that the information was leaked by an anonymous FBI official, without naming any of the leakers.
"Crazy Comey the Leaker" testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee as follows:
Senator Grassley:
Director Comey, have you ever been an anonymous source in news reports about matters relating to the Trump investigation or the Clinton Investigation?
Crazy Comey the Leaker:
Senator Grassley:
Question two, relativley related, have you ever authorized someone else at FBI to be an anonymous source in news reports about the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation?
Crazy Comey the Leaker:
[end quote]
Of course, Comey was committing perjury in televised hearings before Congress.
However, the FBI's system of authorized leaks to favored journalists was not created by Comey. Rather, Comey took over this system from his mentor and BFF, Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller, who routinely used leaking as an FBI propaganda and terror tool.
Mueller taught Comey how to leak.
As the Special Counsel, Mueller continues to use leaks to spread his propaganda and to terrorize associates of our President. That's how Mueller rolls.
Mueller spends much of his time managing the leaks from his gang of Trump-hating lawyers to Trump-hating journalists who are favored personally by Mueller himself.
Jupiter: ...pintle-skined ninny
A new vocabulary word for me, is pintle. But after looking it up I still don't understand "pintle-skined (skinned?)". What does it mean? (Asking 'cause one can never have enough insults in reserve.)
I’d like nothing better, than to see the McCabe firing blow up in Trump’s face.
But I just have to believe that the Inspector General’s office has provided AG Sessions with solid information as to a terminable offense by McCabe. And that soon enough, we’ll know what that was.
And then after that, the same scrutiny will be turned on the Trump Organization, the Trump family, the Trump campaign and the Trump Administration. By the Special Counsel to the Department of Justice.
The swamp is deep...
God, these people are scum.
Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard said...
"(Asking 'cause one can never have enough insults in reserve.)"
Well, to tell you the truth, I invented it just for Igna. I think the shoe fits.
Chuck said...
"And then after that, the same scrutiny will be turned on the Trump Organization, the Trump family, the Trump campaign and the Trump Administration. By the Special Counsel to the Department of Justice."
Yes, Chuck. And then at last, your dream will come true. Madame President Clinton. Or maybe after the coup, she'll go back to Rodham.
Inga said...Good for you Mark Pocan! Good to know decency still exists in government.
Right. It certainly doesn't matter why he was fired.
"Public servant"
this former official stressed that it would probably look more ethical if McCabe worked for at least a pay period rather than just one day.
Yes, better if the scumbag who was fired at the recommendation of the FBI's Office of Personal Responsibility gets his seven figure pension restored by working for ten days instead of one. From an ethical perspective.
Told you so.
Blogger bgates said...
this former official stressed that it would probably look more ethical if McCabe worked for at least a pay period rather than just one day.
I suppose hiring someone just to give them a pension regardless of whether they actually do any work, regardless of whether is even a job for them to do, is supposed to be "praise-worthy".
Once upon a time, reporters would latch onto that kind of story as evidence of government corruption and it would be big scandal. Now "progressive" reporters and columnists are calling on it to happen.
Good Grief.
And, also, I shortly expect the announcement of his employment at a foundation, consultancy, NGO, local government, or something of the sort.
The IG report can't come out soon enough, if nothing else than to save fools like Pocan from soiling himself.
"it would probably look more ethical if McCabe worked for at least a pay period rather than just one day."
Oh yes..makes a big difference................
Blogger Chuck said...
I’d like nothing better, than to see the McCabe firing blow up in Trump’s face.
Trump didn't fire McCabe, the AG did under the recommendation of the FBI Office of Personal Responsibility. Take it up with them.
Never-Trumpers ... sigh ... even when a crook gets fired for just cause, they're still mad at Trump ...
The eminent FBI has always been a grade b Gestapo throwing its weight around to intimidate truth tellers. . But it's central purpose and mission has long been shutting down investigations and confiscating evidence and writing fake witnesses interviews when it helps cover up what the government wants covered up.
Why is it that "Crazy Comey the Leaker" can appear in a televised Congressional hearing and declare blatantly, "Hey, everyone, I am a leaker", but nevertheless Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller never ever will indict Comey for leaking?
The answer is that Comey learned how to leak from his BFF Mueller himself.
When Mueller himself was the FBI Director, there already was the system of INSTITUTIONALIZED LEAKING described by Andrew McCabe himself.
As Deputy Director, I was one of only a few people who had the authority to do that [to share information with a reporter]. It was not a secret, it took place over several days, and others, including the Director [Comey], were aware of the interaction with the reporter [Devlin Barrett of The Wall Street Journal]. It was the type of exchange with the media that the Deputy Director oversees several times per week.
[end quote]
When Mueller became the Special Counsel, one of his very first tasks was to set up within his gang of Trump-hating lawyers a similar system of INSTITUTIONALIZED LEAKING that he had implemented for many years as FBI Director.
Mueller's Special Counsel staff leaks to favored Trump-hating journalists like the WSJ's Barrett, who reports that the information was leaked by anonymous FBI officials, without naming them.
For many years, a key official in Mueller's system INSTITUTIONALIZED LEAKING has been Andrew McCabe.
"By the Special Counsel to the Department of Justice."
Don't you mean the Fickle Finger of Fate, Chuck?
Reverence for political office holders is a liberal thing.
Corruption as a concept ceased to exist many years ago.
Or, at least, in US governments and affiliated institutions.
Most banana republics, of my knowledge, still retained at least a degree of official shame about corruption, and both government and the press would ritually denounce it (while carrying on). The US no longer bothers to denounce it.
Conspiracy to defraud the Government of the United States.
I’m afraid the “look more ethical” train left the station quite some time ago.
We need a national conversation on State and Federal employee greed.
No, we ned heavy duty Civil Service reform.
McCabe is following in the tradition of Mark Felt who got revenge for being passed over for Director by overthrowing the president who had been elected by 49 states.
All he needed were the stenographers at the Post.
Pocan is another Wisconsin lefty so he will feel right at home with a criminal working for him.
ok no helicopter rides 20 years is good
18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 1, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
Recall Rep. Mark Pocan and shitcan his pension. Bet he needs it more than McCabe, who somehow managed to salt away $16 mil on the public dime. Fiduciary responsibilty for taxpayers' money, Bub.
Nobody gives a shit about ethics. It’s depressing.
Or maybe it’s just the left.
Freeze Comey's book advance. You can't profit from criminal behavior. Prepare charges later.
”Recall Rep. Mark Pocan and shitcan his pension.”
Yeah, that ain’t happening here.
Had to check where Pokan comes from. Sadly its Madistan. Lovely. He's safe.
Althouse needs to reflect on the meaning of the phrase: "Beyond the Pale".
McCabe already received his pension. A one-time $700,000 donation in his wife's name. He's a disgrace.
Blogger Darrell said...
Recall Rep. Mark Pocan and shitcan his pension...
I’m gonna need a refresher on federal “recall” elections...
"that, the same scrutiny will be turned on the Trump Organization, the Trump family, the Trump campaign and the Trump Administration. By the Special Counsel to the Department of Justice."
A quick google shows several gofundme for McCabe pension. At least 25 grand so far. Fools.
When high-ranking FBI leakers such as Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller or "Crazy Comey the Leaker" leak secret FBI information to favored journalists, they strive to accomplish two goals:
1) Propagandize to the public the FBI's progress in investigations.
2) Terrorize recalcitrant citizens.
When Mueller was FBI Director, his FBI leaked to his favored journalists -- most prominently to Nicholas Kristof -- that the FBI was about to arrest Steven Hatfill as the anthrax poisoner. By doing so, the FBI assured the public that its heroic special agents were making great progress to solve this crime.
By doing so, Mueller's FBI also applied great social pressure on citizen Hatfill to incriminate himself by confessing, trying to escape, or committing suicide. Mueller's FBI used leaks to make citizen Hatfill unemployable and unrespectable.
Now Mueller as Special Counsel is using his same old strategy of INSTITUTIONALIZED LEAKING on our President Trump's associates.
Mueller's authorized leakers in his staff of Trump-hating lawyers are assuring the public that their "investigation" is making great progress in catching the diabolical, collaborating culprits who stole the 2016 election from Clinton and for Trump.
Evil Russians bought ads on Facebook and Twitter, and that is why Clinton lost!!!
The Trump campaign told the evil Russians how to target those ads!!!
More important than that propaganda, though, is the terror that Mueller's INSTITUTIONALIZED LEAKING imposes on Trump's associates.
Paul Manafort had a mistress. A few days after Mueller's gang bust into Manfort's home in the early morning to search it, tabloid newspapers reported that Manafort had a mistress. This news was very upsetting for Manafort's daughters.
The leak about Manafort's mistress terrorized not only Manafort, but also many other Trump associates who had a mistress and had daughters.
Young people who learn now about J. Edgar Hoover perhaps wonder how the US governing class allowed him to become so powerful and abusive over the course of so many decades.
However, before the very eyes of these young people now, this same development has been happening again. Furthermore, young people now have been applauding this repeat of history.
Blogger 320Busdriver said...
Had to check where Pocan comes from. Sadly its Madistan. Lovely. He's safe.
3/17/18, 9:07 PM
Safe. Hmm...
Buwaya, the sort of triggering event you were alluding to - someone walking up to
say this Pocan and doing a Seth Rich on him, would that be what you had in mind?
You mean a robbery where nothing is stolen?
"I’d like nothing better, than to see the McCabe firing blow up in Trump’s face."
Right. The firing by a conservative GOPer of a Dem crony who illegally helped the swamp go after the campaign of the GOP candidate is just what any "lifelong Republican" would want to blow up in the face of the GOP president.
Blogger PackerBronco said...
Blogger Chuck said...
I’d like nothing better, than to see the McCabe firing blow up in Trump’s face.
Trump didn't fire McCabe, the AG did under the recommendation of the FBI Office of Personal Responsibility. Take it up with them.
Never-Trumpers ... sigh ... even when a crook gets fired for just cause, they're still mad at Trump ...
I just got through saying that I suspect that there may be some valid reason for McCabe’s firing.
And I did not say that Trump fired McCabe. Did you read that anywhere? Me saying that Trump fired him? I didn’t think so. I did see Trump crowing about it like the gigantic jackass that he is. And so yeah, I’d like to see this entire episode blow up in Trump’s face. I hope that everybody in the FBI and DoJ works overtime to build an irrefutable case that Trump committed a felony. Or several felonies. In an indictment that even Sean Hannity can’t question.
Dumbfuck Trump fans ... sigh ... they just won’t accept what a liar he is.
Look, I despise McCabe. Put in him jail - if he deserves it. But the man deserved his pension. 20 years - he put in the time. He didn't become deputy FBI until Feb 2016.
But isn't it typical of the Democrats to take a matter of internal FBI ethics and make it a matter of Politics.
They love the FBI because they think it Anti-Trump. They will hate the FBI tomorrow - if they think it is pro-Trump.
How can anyone take them seriously?
Blogger Chuck said...”I’d like nothing better, than to see the McCabe firing blow up in Trump’s face.”
You’re unbelievable. You don’t give a damn about FBI corruption?
"You’re unbelievable. You don’t give a damn about FBI corruption?"
Chuck is all about Trump. If there were no Trump chuck would have no life.
Not that he has one nw.
The FBI's INSTITUTIONALIZED LEAKING was the second part of a three-punch combination.
1) Wiretap Trump associates.
2) Leak information from the wiretaps.
3) Gaslight President Trump that the wiretapping and leaking was not happening.
Senator Schumer warned Trump not to challenge these tactics of our Intelligence Community. Schumer declared on television to the public:
Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you!
Exactly right. The Intelligence Community can wiretap you, leak about you, and gaslight you.
And the younger generations will cheer as the Intelligence Community does so.
Mike S. thanks for the background on Mueller.
Isn't it ODD that Comey became FBI director?
This guy left the Federal Government in June 2005 and then worked for Lockheed and a private investment firm. And then Obama makes him FBI director - out of the blue -in 2013. He'd never been in the FBI. His only contact with the FBI came when he was DAG for one and a half years.
Then Comey promotes McCabe -over the heads of more qualified peeps - in Feb 2016. Why?
Looks like this will be a great "Chuck vs. Everyone else" thread.
I think Chuck should start his own blog. Looks like he has a LOT of Friends.
How many peeps here would comment on a Inga/Chuck blog?
Or what about Twitter?
Re triggering events -
Who knows what will spark what, I'm just saying there is a huge lot of fuel around. Unless its cleared away a disaster is inevitable.
And you really dont want a triggering event. This desire is like Gavrilo Princips idealism. The consequential losses were far greater than what even his highest hopes were worth.
I just got through saying that I suspect that there may be some valid reason for McCabe’s firing. And so yeah, I’d like to see this entire episode blow up in Trump’s face.
Blogger Chuck said...
I did not say that Trump fired McCabe. Did you read that anywhere?
Sure. From your own words. You posted:
I’d like nothing better, than to see the McCabe firing blow up in Trump’s face.
So, how would the McCabe firing blow up in Trump's face, if you didn't believe that Trump was involved in the firing? If Trump and the firing were linked somehow?
It would be liking say, "Mr. Smith of Stoughton just got arrested for shoplifting and I would like nothing better than to see that arrest blow up in Trump's face because Trump wasn't even in Stoughton and doesn't know Mr. Smith at all and didn't order the arrest."
So clearly, you DO believe that Trump had a hand in the firing because YOU linked them.
You would have been better off simply saying "If McCabe is guilty, good, he should be fired and Trump should be fired because of the things I think he did."
But you couldn't do that because you have this knee-jerk reaction to put everything that happens as the responsibility of Trump. It severely limits your credibility as a commentator.
He had undermined the bush administration in three instances, perhaps four,
http://thefederalist.com/2018/02/08/robert-mueller-botching-investigations-since-anthrax-attacks/#disqus_thread then came the whole plame gate matter where he already knew Armitage had leaked, yet he had ashcroft, on a bogus conflict of interest charge, pick Fitzgerald.He conspired with goldsmith Mueller et al against Gonzalez in the march 2004 hospital ahowdown. The significance of that hinge moment I've previously discussed, then the whole brouhahas with the us atty.
Pocan's gesture is going to really resonate with "working class" that I'm sure he pretends to represent.
"Hey..what If I offer to game the system so the taxpayers are on the hook for this guy? Yeah..that's the ticket"
All my life (I'm 75) I've read in the papers or heard on the news about government employees who were caught in improper activities -- cops, building inspectors, zoning officers, public health inspectors, contract administrators, etc., etc. -- who either were or were not fired before they qualified for their "lucrative" pensions. The overwhelming consensus seemed to be that it was a terrible thing if the government, knowing about the misconduct, failed to fire the SOB in time, and he (almost always he) was allowed to live out his days on the taxpayers' dime.
Still, in this case, I hope the Congresscritter does give McCabe a job so that McCabe gets his pension. Then we won't have to hear sob stories about the poor public servant who has been denied his right to a decent living in his old age because of the mean Mr. Trump. I also hope (somewhat inconsistently) that Rep. Pocan fails to follow whatever rules govern Congresscritters hiring folks at the taxpayers' expense and gets nailed for it.
He's going to get a security clearance for that type of work? There's something seriously wrong with employment practices if that happens.
[said Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.)]. “Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of American democracy and both Republicans and Democrats should be concerned about election integrity.”...
McCabe carried out actions with the intent to undermine the last election.
This whole sordid episode is so damn depressing.
Hey, guys, at least we don't have a Democrat Congresscritter hiring a Pakistani national as IT security...
Baby steps.
Oh, Chuck? Just please sod off.
Thank you.
Those where the reasons, Obama picked him.
I’m gonna need a refresher on federal “recall” elections...
Sure. Just pull the pin of this here digital recorder and listen to the message.
The corruptocrats protect6 their own.
The swamp views pensions as an inalienable right.
Society depends on some groups of people to exercise PROFESSIONALISM. Such groups of people are supposed to devote themselves foremost, for society's benefit, to their profession's ideals, standards and aspirations.
In recent years, two institutions -- our Judiciary and our Intelligence Community -- have been in a race to disgrace themselves most in regard to their professionalism.
Our Judiciary still is competing zealously in this race, but here let's focus on the self-disgracing conduct of the Intelligence Community.
Our Intelligence Community has taken seriously a single British individual's stupid, implausible allegations about a golden-shower incident in a Moscow hotel and about Russians buying ads on Facebook and Twitter.
By doing so, our gullible Intelligence Community has outrageously disrupted out country's political life for two years.
Our Intelligence Community still refuses to admit its own mistake and to put an end to this outrageous disruption.
Our Intelligence Community has been putting our US political system through a stupid disruption that is similar to the Joseph McCarthy period. Now we all are supposed to become hysterical about devious Russians buying advertisements on Facebook and Twitter.
Image that Trump had lost the 2016 election and then had blamed his defeat on Russians buying advertisements on Facebook and Twitter.
We are living in a political society that is surreal -- in which such absurd hysteria has possessed usually reasonable people.
Rape the tax payer for liars. (D)
"Image that Trump had lost the 2016 election and then had blamed his defeat on Russians buying advertisements on Facebook and Twitter."
See Obama's statement about our elections being decentralized..and his suggestion to Trump to focus on getting votes.
Look, we all used to expect the CIA/NSA/FBI and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to be headed by honorable men.
I consider myself "well-informed" - and I just ASSUMED Obama was appointing and the Senate was confirming non-partisan, professionals to head up the intelligence services. And the same is true of the JCS.
I think Trump thought the same thing. Before January 2017.
But man, Comey, Brennan, McCabe, etc. have all proved themselves to be dishonest, political hacks. Time to clean out the Swamp.
So we are all clear. An accusation of sexual inuendo gone astray is enough to fire a person, but, hiring a person that has violated FBI rules and is fired for cause, is something to be admired. Democrats are models for us all.
John Kasich
Verified account @JohnKasich
7h7 hours ago
In regards to Andrew McCabe, who devoted his life to protecting America, Gentlemen, don’t dance on other people’s graves. Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation must continue unfettered.
His Dad worked for the post office, btw.
With Hindsight: Trump's mistake wasn't firing Comey, it was not firing him sooner. And the same is true of McCabe.
Why was he kept as Deputy for so Long?
I suppose we need to ask Rosenstein or Jeff Sessions.
If we can wake him up.
(Chuck cracks another walnut with his sphincter)
"Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation must continue unfettered."
Investigation into WHAT?
Time to shut that puppy down.
Who knew the swamp reached into Ohio?
Kasich is a "Joe Scarborough Republican"
Congressional staffs are nothing more than their private little slush funds, with no limit as to what they spend the money on. Check out the Dems and their IT snafu. Nothing to see there either.
I’m gonna need a refresher on federal “recall” elections…
The House could expel him.
When I read the explanation of how Jill McCabe was talked into running for a minor legislative seat (VA State Senate), I actually feel sorry for the McCabes. I don't think they understood what was happening or why she was approached. There was no ongoing investigation of Hillary's emails at the time - it was a year away, after Jill lost the race. Hindsight is always 20/20.
Maybe McCabe's "true" crimes (hidden in the OIG report) are truly awful, but based upon what I see, it's nothing - NOTHING - compared to what that bitch Lois Lerner did to hundreds of brand new political activists who wanted to exercise their constitutional rights. And THAT BITCH was allowed to retire with full pension.
I'm afraid the best we will see is several "unindicted co-conspirators" when this is all over.
Kathryn51 said...
When I read the explanation of how Jill McCabe was talked into running for a minor legislative seat (VA State Senate), I actually feel sorry for the McCabes.
And what account is that?
We know, and have known that the govt was selectively leaking intel. Of course, none of that works unless the corrupt govt agents are enabled by the corrupt media.
This is my surprised face.
If you can't see the sucker at the poker table, it's you.
walter said...
And what account is that?
See Mike Sylvester's post above at 8:00 or so. Not the first time I've read the story - right around the time (March 2015 - months before Trump announced) the State Department began to review the Hillary emails, Terry McCauliffe - out of the blue - contacted Jill McCabe about possibly running for office.
So...she and he have Republican voting background but she agrees to run as a Dem?
Sounds swampy
LLR Chuck is not having a good evening so everyone should take it easy on him.
One of his corrupt deep state lefty allies was just sent packing (very likely with criminal charges to follow) and LLR Chuck has not yet figured out a way to spin this in the dems favor.
Naturally, thats frustrating for him.
By tomorrow after LLR Chuck reads all the usual suspect lefty sources he will have a better idea of what lefty narratives to advance and he will calm down a bit.
Comey/McCabe/Strzok tried to sink Trump.
A good rule of thumb is that if you take a shot at the King, you'd best not miss.
Comey - Fired
McCabe - Fired
Strzok - demoted to HR, singing like a bird.
More shoes to drop.
Here's why I find the "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory so unlikely.
Trump meets with Russians, establishes a quid-pro-quo. Dirt on Hillary in exchange for lifting the Magnitsky, if and when Trump is elected.
Trump gets elected. Now Putin has Trump in his back pocket. Any time he wants to take Trump down, he can just leak the evidence of the collusion -- or show it live on Russian television, if he likes.
But Trump has no reciprocal leverage over Putin. Trump may not be a statesman, but he is a negotiator. Surely he would never have signed onto such a crappy deal -- especially when anything he got from Putin couldn't sway the election. Up until very late on election day, everyone -- including Trump & Putin -- expected Hillary to win. Trump was never close in the polls, Hillary outspent Trump 2:1, and Trump had made enemies out of must-have GOP allies like Kasich.
And, of course, there is the subtext that the "Russian collusion" narrative was invented the morning after election day by Team Hillary and pitched to willing Democrat party & mainstream press. Before election day, the MSM -- including the NY Times,dismissed the idea that the Russians were having a noticeable effect on the election or had a significant connection to the Trump campaign.
My favorite piece of information to come out today is that idiot ally of McCabe, Strzok, LITERALLY using the word "cover" to describe making arrangements for a "public" gathering during which he could have an improper conversation with his (undeclared) good buddy Judge Contreras! Who just happened to be a fisa court judge AND the district judge hearing the Flynn case but was suddenly recused from the case just days after Flynns guilty plea.
As Dershowitz said last night, that guy has to be the most stupid counter intellugence guy ever!
Poor LLR Chuck. Its just not going well, is it?
Yes, Drago..but Trump's tone.
From Forbes at:
"Pensions -- public as well as private -- are required to meet certain vesting requirements, and, in fact, the FERS (Federal Employees Retirement System) benefits vest at 5 years, meaning that benefit accruals cannot be taken away.
"In fact, McCabe is all of 49 years old, likely 50 by the time readers see this, and what he lost out on was, as CNN much more calmly recounts, the ability to take his benefits at age 50, rather than somewhere between age 57 and age 62, and he lost his eligibility to a special top-up in benefit formula. These are, admittedly, tangible financial losses, but it is grossly misleading that various news outlets are giving the general public the impression that he has lost his pension entirely."
Full pension at 50. That's B.S. Drain the swamp.
"he lost his eligibility to a special top-up in benefit formula."
That sounds HARSH!
Meanwhile..battle over min wage
Median private sector folks will skim pools of pub sector folk in their old age.
Can't wait to see if LLR Chuck's brand new hero McCabe (sorry Durbin!) will be exposed as having pressured FBI agents to alter their 302 interview notes of Flynn in order to facilitate the railroading/blackmailing of Flynn to manufacture testimony against Trump.
Any thinking person, seeing the facts already on the table, would have to say yes.
There's going to be no joy in Lefty/LLR Chuck Mudville in the coming weeks!
Thanks IG Horowitz!
Bay Area Guy: "Strzok - demoted to HR, singing like a bird"
It's looking more and more like Strzok, Page and Priestap are cooperating with the IG & Prosecutor.
That's got to be terrible news for LLR Chuck's lefty MSM allies.
It will be interesting to see if McCabe follows thru on his threats to bring others down if he goes down.
We will know for sure once criminal charges are filed against McCabe (who apparently was too stupid to be the first to cooperate with the IG & Prosecutor and so does not get a "good deal") and McCabe has to decide if he is going to dish on Comey.
Wanna see some lefty/LLR heads spin?
Just wait until they have to decide they want to stand behind McCabe if it means trashing Comey or the lefties/LLR's will switch gears to protect Comey and start attacking McCabe!
Good times ahead.
But..he has MEMOS!
Stupid lefties and LLR's who have "forgotten" their talking points about our govt agencies honesty and integrity have decided now is a great time to begin pretending the Office of Professional Responsibility and the personnel in the Inspectors General Office are now not to be trusted with any recommendations regarding firing personnel who violate the law and/or department rules.
Trump is simply amazing.
No wonder LLR Chuck is curling up in a ball and whimpering like a little girl worse than he did when Durbin was exposed as a chucklehead moron!
Shorter McCabe - Comey told me it was ok to leak!
For the violin crowd:
It just so happens that I, myself, Lewis Wetzel, have a bundle of memos written by myself, to myself, lewis Wetzel, about FBI meddling in the 2016 election. I shall be handing them over to Mueller forthwith. You may hear about this breaking news on CNN.
Seriously, doesn't this make McCabe look like a shitheel? If he hadn't been fired 'til Monday, he would have thrown the memos away or kept them from Mueller, but since he was fired & that cost him money "HERE! TAKE THESE, MUELLER! I'M DOING MY PATRIOTIC DUTY!"
Frankly, I don't care that Madison's Democratic Congressman is offering to hire McCade for a week or two, in order to get him his obnoxious sized pension. It just makes the Democrats look even more venal and corrupt, and does nothing to resurrect McCade's reputation. It still leaves him fired for cause from the #2 FBI position. It's not like the Dems have covered themselves with honor, trying to derail the Congressional investigations through lying and leaking, led by the execrable Adam Schiff.
Mueller keeps extracting plea agreements for a fictional (at least in the election context) crime: conspiracy to defraud the United States government. Meanwhile, a Congressman is proposing that he and McCabe actually defraud the United States government by McCabe taking a made-up job for a few days or weeks or months so that the United States will have to pay him a pension he otherwise would not receive.
right around the time (March 2015 - months before Trump announced) the State Department began to review the Hillary emails, Terry McCauliffe (Former Clinton bundler who got fabulously rich off of his connections) - out of the blue - contacted Jill McCabe about possibly running for office.
You know, I am second to no-one in my disgust for the Clintons, but Jeezum Crow! This even still gets to me.
It’s Godfatheresque. The Clintons still keep finding those spots that hadn’t been completely hammered down into a jaded cynicism and start right in hammering.
"Good for you Mark Pocan! Good to know decency still exists in government."
I usually ignore Inga and her outrageous comments, but I almost choked on my morning coffee when I read this. Truly one of the most absurd things I have ever read, on this or any other blog.
Democrats taking care of the Deep State. Not really surprised.
walter said...
But..he has MEMOS!
3/18/18, 12:03 AM
I just spit out my coffee!! Good one Walter!!
The statement by Sessions regarding McCabe's firing was very carefully worded to make it clear that DOJ and FBI process, rules and procedures had been carefully followed and the firing was for cause. Sessions tried very hard to make it clear the firing was not political:
“Pursuant to Department Order 1202, and based on the report of the Inspector General, the findings of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, and the recommendation of the Department’s senior career official, I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately,” Sessions said in a statement.
I do not want Mark Pocan spending my WI tax dollars to employ McCabe. I would say that most taxpayers in WI feel the same way.
There should need to be a full and open competition. And, then if I were a candidate who lost, I would bleeping sue to find out why a guy who was fired for *lying about an investigation into election tampering and failed to disclose his own possible bias in an election* beat out all comers.
This is total bullshit.
"I’d like nothing better, than to see the McCabe firing blow up in Trump’s face."
-- Why? The man illegally failed to disclose election critical information to the government and then went on to investigate the very people who had given him the money.
McCabe should have been fired *the day that information was public knowledge*. The fact Trump gave him multiple chances is what already blew up in his face. Firing McCabe was putting a stupid mistake right.
"As Dershowitz said last night, that guy has to be the most stupid counter intellugence guy ever!"
-- Is he? He almost got away with it, and would have, if Clinton had gotten elected.
"Seriously, doesn't this make McCabe look like a shitheel? If he hadn't been fired 'til Monday, he would have thrown the memos away or kept them from Mueller, but since he was fired & that cost him money "HERE! TAKE THESE, MUELLER! I'M DOING MY PATRIOTIC DUTY!""
-- It also makes Mueller look incompetent. Why didn't he ask for these documents a year ago? Wouldn't the first thing have been: "Hey, FBI, give me what you got to get us started?"
Mathew Sablan: "-- Is he? He almost got away with it, and would have, if Clinton had gotten elected"
Yes. He is.
His texts, easily captured and/or intercepted, clearly describe what is going on.
"smart" counter-intelligence types would never do that.
Hubris and over-confidence and "showing off" for Lisa Page, his other "main squeeze"...
The fact that everyone else on the 7th floor that Comey put in place was also turned into a hack which meant a Hillary victory would have buried all the facts forever does not, in retrospect, make Strzok any less stupid.
Its too bad Mark Pocan wasn't around to offer Alger Hiss gainful employment.
It really is easier to take Ingas bon mots if you think of her as Groucho Marxs straight woman Margret Dumont, Who admitted that much of the time on set she really had no idea what was going on. Much like our little Inga.
Or like me. Just pass her over like I do to chuck and TTR. They add nothing. Are predictable. And are universaly shallow in their reasoning.
As soon as he does he should be investigated for hiring a fired for cause ex FBI employee who likely will be brought up on charges.
Let's see-McCabe gets fired ostensibly for "lack of candor" and may face criminal prosecution but nevertheless is offered employment by a sitting member of Congress in order to preserve his government pension. Seems about right for The Swamp...
Blogger Scientific Socialist said...
Let's see-McCabe gets fired ostensibly for "lack of candor" and may face criminal prosecution but nevertheless is offered employment by a sitting member of Congress in order to preserve his government pension. Seems about right for The Swamp...
Yup. The masks are coming off. What was once condemned is now praise-worthy and called "decency" by certain brain-dead commentators
“Or like me. Just pass her over like I do to chuck and TTR. They add nothing. Are predictable. And are universaly shallow in their reasoning.”
If you had any depth of thought, you’d examine the reason why I say Trumpists are despicable creatures.
Or don’t, I don’t really care, however it does feel good to tell you people just what I think of you and your proud bigotry and xenophobia.
"Or don’t, I don’t really care, however it does feel good to tell you people just what I think of you and your proud bigotry and xenophobia."
And it always feels good to tell you what I think of your stupidity, and blind,unreasoning worship of Big Government, which leads you to excuse any sort of corruption and venality committed by Democrats. But, as Rusty says, it's a cheap sort of pleasure - far too easy. Your own words demonstrate what a boundlessly ignorant old biddy you are. Margaret Dumont, indeed.
Inga: "...despicable creatures..."
A term Inga has never used for murderous sex-slaver islamic supremacists.
Because of course.
Rusty is right by answering the ingas, chucks, arms, ttrs and all the others you keep them happy just ignore them. They are losers...
The stupid is strong with libtards...a congressional flunky is not eligible for a FBI retirement plan.
> Good to know decency still exists in government.
Yah, that is where I look to for moral leadership.
Offering a paperwork trick to reward criminals with other people's money is what Dems consider decency.
But why not park MacLeaker over at the Clinton Foundation with the rest of the cronies in waiting?
Damn we dodged a bullet with this one, and Trump turned out better than most anyone thought.
“My offer of employment to Mr. McCabe is a legitimate offer to work on election security,” [said Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.)]. “Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of American democracy and both Republicans and Democrats should be concerned about election integrity.”...
So Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), is going to hire a known liar to work on "election integrity"?
Nice for the Democrats to so clearly establish what they mean by "election integrity": lying to the american people in order to advance a left-wing political agenda
That's hilarious. No, it won't look any more ethical for a perjurer to work a complete pay period rather than just one day so he can draw his pension immediately rather than in seven years. It'll still look unethical on both the part of the congressman and McCabe.
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