March 12, 2018

64 entertainingly quotable quotes from one speech — who can do that?

Only Trump, but even as Chris Cillizza grabs eyeballs by serving up a long list of Trump quotes, he has to present them as deplorable, in "The 64 most outrageous lines from Donald Trump's untethered Pennsylvania speech."

From the list, here's the part cherry picks from Trump's discussion of how people say he should be more presidential (and he comically imitates the "presidential" version of himself):
56. "But you'd be so bored because I could stand up, right? I'm very presidential."

So so presidential. The most presidential president likely ever.

57. "If I came like a stiff, you guys wouldn't be here tonight."

Remember: Trump is, first and foremost, an entertainer. And he views the presidency through the lens of entertainment.

58. "I don't know if I'm a good speaker. But every time I have a 25,000-seat stadium, we fill it up."

Campaign rally as therapy session.
Here's that part of the speech. Look how funny it is (and he has real points to make):


traditionalguy said...

There is nothing the Dems want more than for Trump to turn into a stiff.

mockturtle said...

He's right.

Michael K said...

They hate him. They really hate him, to paraphrase Sally Field.

Drago said...

traditionalguy: "There is nothing the Dems want more than for Trump to turn into a stiff."

The dems and their LLR allies.

Anything to advantage the dems. Whenever the dems appear to be on the losing side our delightful LLR pops up to advance a lefty narrative.

But only every single time.

traditionalguy said...

Other Presidents for life: JFK, Lincoln, Mckinley, and very nearly Reagan.

Yancey Ward said...

I have written it many times- if Trump said the sky was blue, people like Cillizza would write an article describing all the ways that Trump was technically wrong because he didn't know where the blue color came from.

tcrosse said...

Poor Trump. Nobody likes him but the people.

cubanbob said...

Trump is the best thing to have happen for CNN and the NYT. The consumers of their dreck get jazzed up enough by Trump to keep these propaganda clown cars alive.

Henry said...

Every day is eat an iguana day for Chris Cillizza.

Bay Area Guy said...

He is driving the Left and moderate Dems batshit crazy.

It is a joy to behold.

Mr. Groovington said...

Who would have known he would be this good, and getting better. If he keeps it up, Rushmore.

Achilles said...

This is the primary reason this country needed Trump. The media had to be outed as the praetorian guard for the aristocracy that used to run this country.

Now the two sides are clearly delineated. The "Republicans" like Kristol and Will and Noonan and Rubin and Flake and McCain and McMuffin and Romney and Frum and French can no longer to pretend to represent republican voters. They were media props used to de-legitimize the majority of legal American voters.

Chuck/LLR's hardest hit.

Jaq said...

I kind of inferred that there was an alligator near my house because one cold morning an iguana about 3 ft long had fallen out of its tree into the canal and drifted into some weeds and was floating upside down, I saw on my walk, and on my return, it was gone.

Actually, I inferred all of it except that there was a dead iguana and 20 mins later, there wasn't.

Mr. Groovington said...

Let’s not forget the meme boys and girls at T_D and 4chan.

kek <—this one

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Remember: Trump is, first and foremost, an entertainer. And he views the presidency through the lens of entertainment.

I sometimes joke that our politicians give such little value to us that they should at least be entertaining. And Trump is right, being "presidential" is acting in a phony manner. At least for him. When that women shouted at that Trump is "one of us" it was heartfelt and that's got to have the establishment alarmed. Anyway, Trump's "man of the people" manner is just as presidential as the "detached gravitas" that the left seems to prefer.

Henry said...

Tim, I infer that you are not in Vermont.

Bay Area Guy said...

He is driving a small, confused set of "Conservative" Republicans batshit crazy.

It is a joy to behold.

Leland said...

Shorter Cizzilla: let me make a Buzzfeed style clickbait story of someone else's content to improve my pageviews.

Shorter Althouse: MeToo

Except to be fair to the host; I came here not because of the bait, but because of the better commentary and description of the events being reported. She provides a link to the actual speech video, so you can decide the accuracy of the CNN commentary.

I did click the CNN link, and besides getting a popup obscuring the story I hoped to read; I did see that Trump was hosting the Houston Astros at the White House. I'm sure MLB MVP Jose Altuve knows Trump is not the evil national leader that Maduro is for Venezuela, Altuve's home country. I wonder if Cizzilla or CNN would like to cover what Maduro is doing to Venezuela.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

And he is filling 25,000 seat venues, with overflow crowds. People are standing in lines to hear him speak, and he isn't even running for office this year. I don't think the establishment understands what is happening. American politics is realigning. That's why guys like Max Boot and Bill Krystal are losing their minds. Because it is realigning in ways that they don't approve of, and they are powerless to stop it.

James K said...

He is driving the Left and moderate Dems batshit crazy.

Not to mention the GOPe, LLRs, and fake conservatives like Kristol.

Chuck said...

Achilles said...
This is the primary reason this country needed Trump. The media had to be outed as the praetorian guard for the aristocracy that used to run this country.

Now the two sides are clearly delineated. The "Republicans" like Kristol and Will and Noonan and Rubin and Flake and McCain and McMuffin and Romney and Frum and French can no longer to pretend to represent republican voters. They were media props used to de-legitimize the majority of legal American voters.

Chuck/LLR's hardest hit.


Just yesterday, I was being sternly reminded that Althouse will blog what interests Althouse.

And as we see, what interests Althouse was not any sort of critical analysis of language usage (such as a misued metaphor by David Remnick), but rather yet another post where Althouse can criticize the critics of Trump.

I read Cillizza's piece; he's pointed out several places where the transcript -- Althouse loves transcripts, doesn't she? -- cannot be read in any sensible way.

I was really hoping that Althouse was going to blog Trump's curious allusion to Oprah's "weakness." Trump said he knew Oprah's "weakness." Speaking only for myself, and now knowing just a bit about how Trump's id works, I expect that Trump was talking about an allegation that Oprah was bisexual. I think that that allegation is the kind of thing that Trump would latch onto, and the way that he mentioned it in his stump speech is the way that he would play with such an allegation.

I of course have no idea. The fact that I don't know, but that Trump wanted to plant that idea with plausible deniability on his part, is all that matters. The truth doesn't matter. This is Scott Adams-level master persuasion. Right, Althouse? it's all about the messaging. And Trump's messaging is so interesting. At a gut level, for ordinary working class Americans.

Maybe Althouse has a view on this. It would be interesting.

Lyssa said...

We happened to catch the mock "presidential" bit, and it was riotously funny. It was bedtime, and we couldn't turn it off. It really made me think of how Althouse is always saying that Trump is extremely funny.

Darcy said...

We laughed. Trump's trolling is genius level.

I'm Full of Soup said...

And Tim's comment reminds me to ask this ...... if global warming is real, shouldn't creatures like alligators be migrating northward? [and yes I know Tim in Vermont must not be in Vermont]

I'm Full of Soup said...

Was the term "LLR" coined here in honor of Chuck?

bolivar di griz said...

They finally got around to reporting to awarding of Venezuelan passports after four years, to Al queda and hezbollah. By the current vice president Al assaimi, mentor to chavezs brother

samsondale said...

I texted my Trump-loving friends while watching this speech that much of the content in his speeches is visual and in the way he says the words (rather than just the words themselves). Trump's style is conversational. Everyone who has ever watched him knows this so for a Chris Cizilla-type to analyze the transcript is intentionally misleading and should be given the respect it merits (scant). Geez, anyone who has ever spoken to someone who grew up in New York - especially an outer borough - knows that a significant portion of the content is on the non-verbal end. For goodness sake, anyone who has ever spoken in person with another human being knows this. Trump even lampooned the flip side of this, as Prof. Althouse points out. Of course, in the case of the 'presidential speech', there is virtually no verbal content and only subtext. The funny thing is, the Cizilla-types think Trump supporters aren't so bright but they treat their readers (usually not Trump supporters) as dodos who don't get humor or sarcasm.

Drago said...

LLR and Key Lefty-Rumor-Monger-Helper Chuck: "I expect that Trump was talking about an allegation that Oprah was bisexual. I think that that allegation is the kind of thing that Trump would latch onto, and the way that he mentioned it in his stump speech is the way that he would play with such an allegation."


The little rumor spreader about children actually wrote this. Just now. Without irony.

Drago said...

AJ Lynch: "Was the term "LLR" coined here in honor of Chuck?"

It's his own description of himself.

Drago said...

Notice how easily and casually LLR Chuck and his lefty allies project onto Trump their very own inclinations and tactics.

So, so easily and casually.

Jaq said...

I read Cillizza's piece; he's pointed out several places where the transcript -- Althouse loves transcripts, doesn't she? -- cannot be read in any sensible way.

By you or Cillizza or anybody else who refuses to listen to the man and refuses him space for figurative speech or the small errors with which extemporaneous speech is rife, but you never notice them if you are hearing the general flow.

Blogger AJ Lynch said...
And Tim's comment reminds me to ask this ...... if global warming is real, shouldn't creatures like alligators be migrating northward? [and yes I know Tim in Vermont must not be in Vermont]

I get around, but just so you know, the tropics are migrating too

The axis tilt of the Earth defines the "tropics", the "tropic" being the low latitude where the Sun is directly overhead for any day of the year. At present this is at 23° 26' 22" and is decreasing. This will result in a less well-defined difference between summer and winter over a span of a few thousand years. During the past 100 years the tropics have become about 2 km narrower.

BTW, not due to "greenhouse effect."

Bilwick said...

Still nothing to match "We're going to take things away from you for you're own good," "You might spend that money the wrong way," or the unforgettable reference to the USA's "57 states" by the Smartest President Ever.

readering said...

People talk about Trump's tv experince but what really sets him apart is his experience as a paid motivational speaker. He is used to entertaining self-selected audiences who want to hear him talk about his success and how they can be successes. That Wharton line he's use a gazillion times.

James K said...

The most likely "weakness" of Oprah that Trump was referring to was her statement: "there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die."

Snopes bends over backwards to say that it is "False" that she was referring specifically to white people, but if not, whom? Asians?

Bay Area Guy said...


With due respect, it gets weird when you continually comment ABOUT Althouse, rather than the substance of the points she makes.

It's as if you desire to engage her.

Why can't you comment without mentioning "Althouse"?

Yancey Ward said...

As Tim in Vermont points out- the Earth's tilt towards/away from the Sun varies over time between 22 and 24.5 degrees. It is presently decreasing at a rate of 47 seconds of arc per century.

Quaestor said...

It's as if you [Chuck] desire[s] to engage her.

Imagine the ennui.

langford peel said...

It's easy if you try.

Henry said...

And Tim's comment reminds me to ask this ...... if global warming is real, shouldn't creatures like alligators be migrating northward? [and yes I know Tim in Vermont must not be in Vermont]

Migratory birds migrate later in the fall and earlier in the Spring (Northern hemisphere). Some species are increasing the percentages that overwinter.

Insects and fungi are also slowly expanding away from the tropics.

Alligators don't migrate and face other habitat constraints, but in all certainty, they too will adjust.

Henry said...

Speaking only for myself, and now knowing just a bit about how Trump's id works, I expect that... I of course have no idea. The fact that I don't know, but ...

At some point, Chuck, you have to start self-editing. Total ignorance is more burden than a caveat should have to carry.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I guess migrate was the wrong word Henry. Just thought their habitats should be creeping northward if AGW is really occurring.

FullMoon said...

Trump does not know Oprahs secret weakness. Oprah knows her weakness , and must worry that Trump may find it

Chuck said...

AJ Lynch said...
Was the term "LLR" coined here in honor of Chuck?

It wasn't coined in honor of me. It was coined by my antagonists to use against me. And, as an attack metaphor against GOP leadership. "LLR" is strictly a device created by my detractors here.

I've rarely used "lifelong Republican" to describe myself. Once in 2015 I used the phrase to explain my own view of the approaching GOP primary season. And one time after that I used it again in direct response to a question about my political history. I am indeed a lifelong Republican. For some reason that I don't understand, some commenters here won't accept that. Some commenters here (who know that Althouse voted for Obama at least once, and who don't know how Althouse voted in 2016) feel licensed to claim that I am lying when I report that I voted (however reluctantly) for Trump in 2016, via a "straight-party" Republican vote which Michigan allowed in that election. (That kind of vote is now under federal court review in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.)

I don't get it. I don't get all the fascination with me, when I've never had the slightest interest in any of my commenting detractors here. Oh well. You'll see the pattern. I comment once on the topic at hand, usually addressing my comment to the author of the post (that would be Althouse) and then there are string of personal attacks on me by "Drago," some more by "Full Moon," and "Anonymous-Vance," and others.

I always thought that it drove the good comments pages into the ditch. And I said so to Althouse. Who used to have a kind of a warning at the bottom of these comments pages, saying that "Comments are moderated some, but not all, of the time," and telling commenters to not make personal attacks on other commenters. A rule that was much more obviously observed in the breach. And I said so, and cited Althouse's own form-paragraph. Which she decided to then remove.

Chuck said...

Bay Area Guy said...

With due respect, it gets weird when you continually comment ABOUT Althouse, rather than the substance of the points she makes.

I comment about what interests me; and not what others might want me to comment on. Have you ever heard that one?

I address Althouse because for the most part, my comments are directed at her and her post-writing. They aren't directed at you lot, and things would be better here if there weren't so many comments trying to attack me personally.

Pookie Number 2 said...

now knowing just a bit about how Trump's id works,

Demonstrably false. All you know are the jealous lies you tell yourself.

Drago said...

LLR and #StrongDurbinDefender Chuck:

"It wasn't coined in honor of me."

"I've rarely used "lifelong Republican" to describe myself."

"I am indeed a lifelong Republican."

Drago said...

LLR and #StrongCNNDefender Chuck: "I comment about what interests me; and not what others might want me to comment on."


I comment about what interests the dems and MSNBC; and not what others interested in seeing the republicans succeed might want me to comment on.


Pookie Number 2 said...

and things would be better here if there weren't so many comments trying to attack me personally.

They’d be better without your boringly predictable whining about Trump, too. But Althouse, to her credit, is committed enough to free speech to tolerate your vapid bleatings.

Drago said...

LLR and Self-Proclaimed Expert on Michigan Electoral Politics in 2016 Chuck: "now knowing just a bit about how Trump's id works,..."

LLR awards himself additional expertise in mind-reading.

Just like the entirety of the left.

One could be forgiven for drawing obvious conclusions.

Drago said...

LLR and Noted Liar Like the Lefties Chuck: "then there are string of personal attacks on me by "Drago,"

This is demonstrably false.


I simply make note of the obvious emerging from LLR Chuck's "id" and blatherings.

langford peel said...

"Trump does not know Oprahs secret weakness. Oprah knows her weakness , and must worry that Trump may find it."

That is exactly right.

Everyone knows that Oprah is a carpet muncher. So that will not hurt her just as Trump banging porn stars will not hurt him.

I do know that Oprah was sexually abused as a child. People who have that happen often fall into a cycle of abuse themselves. Uber rich and powerful people can cover it up. You know people like Speilberg. A lot of Hollywoods skeletons are coming out of the closet. She might have something in her background she is afraid of coming out. The same way Mario Cuomo didn't run because his family is mobbed up. Trump doesn't have to detail it. He just as to mention that there is something there.

langford peel said...

Speilberg and Oprah worked together on "The Color Purple." Plus other projects over the years.

If you want some insight into the Hollywood pedophlia scandal......check out the blog "Crazy Days and Crazy Nights."

There are some very disturbing posts about that little girl from "Poltergeist."

Chuck said...

langford peel said...
Everyone knows that Oprah is a carpet muncher. So that will not hurt her just as Trump banging porn stars will not hurt him.

I do know that Oprah was sexually abused as a child. People who have that happen often fall into a cycle of abuse themselves. Uber rich and powerful people can cover it up. You know people like Speilberg. A lot of Hollywoods skeletons are coming out of the closet. She might have something in her background she is afraid of coming out. The same way Mario Cuomo didn't run because his family is mobbed up. Trump doesn't have to detail it. He just as to mention that there is something there.

And you guys think that I don't know the Trump-base electorate?

Rusty said...

face it Chuck. Althouse doesn't want to 'talk' to you.
You aren't interesting enough to talk to.

Tim in V. I think it's called "precession". The fact that the poles wander and so the earths tilt changes from time to time.

FullMoon said...

It is always fun to read LLR's comments in a voice of pompous indignation.

Before he begins the cursing and name calling.

At that point, sputtering rage voice is amusing.

Drago said...

LLR and Lefty Narrative Booster Chuck: "And you guys think that I don't know the Trump-base electorate?"


That's precisely how the lefties do it, isn't it?

Maddow could not have said it any better.

Drago said...

You just knew that any "crystal balling" about what Oprah's secret might be would be met with a vehement defense by LLR Chuck, who spends most of his time mind-reading Trump and telling us what all Trump-base electorate folks think.


Ann Althouse said...

"I've rarely used "lifelong Republican" to describe myself. Once in 2015 I used the phrase to explain my own view of the approaching GOP primary season. And one time after that I used it again in direct response to a question about my political history. I am indeed a lifelong Republican...."

Oops, you did it again.

buwaya said...

" People who have that happen often fall into a cycle of abuse themselves."

There may be something relating to her South African school -

"In the school's first year, a female school staffer was accused of physically and sexually abusing students."

There may be more to this than has been publicly reported.

Ann Althouse said...

"A rule that was much more obviously observed in the breach. And I said so, and cited Althouse's own form-paragraph. Which she decided to then remove."

Hmm. Yeah. Why did that happen? So puzzling.

Here's a clue: A problem with a rule about how to speak is that those who invoke the rule at some point become worse speech than the speech the rule was intended to deter.

"I don't get it. I don't get all the fascination with me..."

Please don't try to understand yourself in terms of an inquiry called Why am I so fascinating?

Just try to write interesting comments. It's not interesting to go back and forth on the subject of someone's value as a commenter.

And remember, it takes 2 to mambo.

FullMoon said...

"I've rarely used "lifelong Republican" to describe myself. Once in 2015 I used the phrase to explain my own view of the approaching GOP primary season. And one time after that I used it again in direct response to a question about my political history. I am indeed a lifelong Republican...."

Oops, you did it again.

Hmm, a quandry.
Chuck scores by getting mom's attention.
Chuck loses because AA climbs aboard the chuckabuse train.

Meade said...

I'll be honest—Chuck fascinates me. I don't know why. I don't get it. I just don't. But he does.

(And I don't mean Chuck Todd.)

Howard said...

And remember, it takes 2 to mambo.

Not necessarily. This is how I picture Chuck: dancing solo
The Dude's Landlord

LA_Bob said...

Chuck, are you a "Peanuts" fan?

Is your last name "Brown"?

Hey, somebody has to be the doormat in a crowd. Wear your doormatness with pride! Damn, even Althouse is piling on!

Damn, now I feel like I'm piling on.

Meade said...

I wish I knew how to quit Chuck.

(Not Chuck Todd. I can quit Chuck Todd. That sleepy son of a bitch.)

FullMoon said...

Meade said...

I'll be honest—Chuck fascinates me. I don't know why. I don't get it. I just don't. But he does.

Kind of like frying ants with a magnifying glass?

tcrosse said...

I wanted to jump in here with a remark about Trump, but find the discussion is all about Chuck. Too bad.

Fabi said...

If Chuck didn't exist someone would have to invent him. His entertainment quotient is unmatched.

Chuck said...

Althouse; before I even posted a comment on this page, I was mentioned by name and more or less personally attacked. (Perhaps "categorically attacked" might be more accurate.)

After my post, no fewer than ten other comments were aimed at me. Most of them named me personally. A couple were more obliquely aimed at me without mentioning me by name.

This has happened quite a lot in the past year. That is, I am mentioned by name, by one or more of your commenters, before I have even posted a comment. There are plenty of comments pages here where your commenters attack me, where I never posted anything.

It follows an even longer ongoing pattern, where I comment on the substance of one of your posts, usually directed to you, without the slightest reference to any other commenter, followed by dozens of personal attacks on me.

I don't know; you explain it.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

tcrosse: "I wanted to jump in here with a remark about Trump, but find the discussion is all about Chuck. Too bad."


Trumps hilarious and entertaining rally combined with Cilliza's par for the course criticisms (its sad how "hep" Cilliza tries to be) along with all the standard and unthinking "analysis" of the rally by the lefties and their LLR house pets provides ample fodder for comment.

Fire away.

Sammy Finkelman said...

That's goof. Goof enough to bnroadcast on Saturday Night Live, at least once you point out how meaningless such aspeech would be.

But is the rest of his speechh really good? Is it true or anything like that?

langford peel said...

Trump does know his people.

We know you Chuck. You and your globalist, neocon, rhino ilk.

The Germans have a solution for that.

tcrosse said...

Here goes. What I can't understand is why the people Trump outsmarted call him a moron. That means they will learn nothing from the experience. Sad.

Drago said...

" least once you point out how meaningless such aspeech would be."

How would one define or determine the "meaningful-ness" of a speech.

One vould easily argue that your comment assessing how "meaningless" the speech was itself is a meaningless observation.

I would argue the purpose of the speech was simply to strengthen the relationship and connection between Trump and these voters.

And on that basis it was very meaningful and successful.

That degree of success is precisely what upsets dems and their strong LLR allies who want Trump and republicans to fail.

JaimeRoberto said...

Untethered. They've tried unhinged and unglued. Now it's untethered. These reporters are going to need a bigger thesaurus.

readering said...

For some reason folks on this site find Chuck a more fascinating subject of commentary than The Donald.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Cizilla has some complaints. The ones that have merit seem to be:

2. And a lot of steel mills are now opening up because of what I did."

5. "President Moon of South Korea said without Donald Trump, the Olympics would have been a total failure. That's true. True."

This may be based on the idea that Trump caused Kim to back down before the Olympics.

14. "No, no, they are saying Obama. Obama. Obama. Obama was driving you down."

16. "Did you see the other day, 96% of what they do, all I do is good stuff, the economy is the best it's ever been."

17. "Your coal -- by the way, folks, some of you are in the coal world, your coal is coming back big, big, big."

18. "But your steel is coming back. It's all coming back ..."

Drago said...

tcrosse: "Here goes. What I can't understand is why the people Trump outsmarted call him a moron."

Trump exposed the empty-suit elites for what they are: a bunch of know-nothings that nonetheless believe they should rule because they hold the proper credentials and hold to the proper views.

For those in the hinterlands like LLR Chuck, they associated themselves strongly with that crew. Who can forget how LLR Chuck would regale us with tales of the publications he reads, the groups he belongs to, the meetings he would attend.

It was more sad than funny.

It seems like only yesterday how jovial LLR Chuck and his lefty allies were prior to the election when they knew EVERYTHING and would lecture others interminably. All the world made sense, Brexit notwithstanding as that was just a "blip" on the road to permanent Soros/Davos leadership and destruction of borders and national identity under the tutelage of our "betters".

Trump's victory shattered them and their worldview of themselves as oh so superior. LLR Chuck is a perfect example of this.

And so, in order to regain their previously held delusions of their own superiority, Trump must be brought down using whatever weapons are available. Along with Trump's supporters.

This is why LLR Chuck's postings are indistinguishable from any far left loon who is screeching on the street corner.

And it's never going to get better.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Some more lefgitimate complaints:

23. "We got 52%, right, 52."

Wrong statistic. This is only white women. How does it compare to white men?

26. "And Maxine Waters, a very low IQ individual."

27. "She's a low IQ individual. She can't help it."

Possibly mixing her up with Sheila Jackson Lee, or thinking other people will. Maxine Waters is not dumb; she's evil.

36. "So I brought him down in a period of four days, brought him down from 58 to 48."

39. "We have done more than any first term administration in the history of our country."

43. "We are building the wall. 100 100%. 100%. 100%."

44. "I've got all the big builders, the best ones in the world. I know the best builders. We want to use the good builders, not the bad ones."

Chuck said...

langford peel said...
Trump does know his people.

We know you Chuck. You and your globalist, neocon, rhino ilk.

The Germans have a solution for that.

Langford peel, I am in your debt today, for promptly proving how well I knew the Trump base. I guessed that Trump's talk about Oprah's "weakness" was bisexuality, and that it was essentially a kind of Trump code-speak to his base of National Enquirer readers. (And publishers, in Trump's case.) And you proved me right.

But it's better than that. Because it calls into question Althouse's old dictum that she thought Trump was "pro-gay and is being cagey about it." I actually agreed with Althouse on that. It was a Trump "bug" for me (one of too many to count), and I expected it was a Trump "feature" for Althouse.

So you can see how any Trump homophobia would be gratifying to me, even though on the facts I agreed with Althouse that Trump was indeed "pro-gay and being cagey about it."

The real problem for me in all of this is that we'll never know. Trump tosses shit like this out, and then is never held to account for it. Just try asking Trump, "What exactly is Oprah's weakness; the thing you were talking about on that televised address in Pennsylvania?" He'll say, "You'll find out." Or something like that. It's a bland kind of slander, usually employed by unserious people.

Trump will never answer, just like he'll never admit to "shithole countries," he won't release copies of his tax returns (how is the audit coming along?), he won't step on a scale to compare it to his real height and see if he is "obese," and he won't answer questions about "John Miller," "John Baron," or, now, "David Dennison."

Sammy Finkelman said...

Some points wrth commenting on:

31. "They want to stop DACA, DACA is their issue."

32. "[Democrats] are getting killed now by the DACA recipients. They are getting killed."

42. So the Democrats are the party of sanctuary cities."

Whats Trump doing here?

He's trying to argue that Democrats are not really in favor of DACA (because they won't give him new restrictions on legal immigration)

He'a accusing Democrats of favoring people not covered by DACA over DACA recipients.

He won't be able to frame the issue that way.

He's right there's some trouble, but there'd be a lot more trouble if they went along with him. And none of that trouble should help the Republicans.

bolivar di griz said...

Why can't she both sammeh, there is some hyperbole I'll grant you,

Comanche Voter said...

Well what the heck; I seem to recall that when I was subjected to an Obama lecture, I tended to get bored stiff and nod off and go to sleep. But I ultimately woke up and thought that the country's long national nightmare was finally over.

Do I want an entertainer for a President? Not necessarily, but a little humor and the old razz ma tazz goes a long way.

Drago said...

LLR and #StrongBlumenthalDefender Chuck: "...usually employed by unserious people."

"...he won't step on a scale to compare it to his real height and see if he is "obese,..."


Fabi said...

"...he won't step on a scale to compare it to his real height and see if he is "obese,"..."

You should purchase some Pamprin through the Althouse Amazon portal.

gadfly said...

Entertaining quotes are in the eyes of the beholder, I guess. But beware - there is a bigger problem yet unmentioned. Trump's sub-normal IQ and abnormal self-love sends the man into stream-of-consciousness nonsensical ramblings that removes all rationality from his tongue-hanging-out minions. Thus all is always forgiven for Trump's many publicized infidelities, his materialistic-based judgement of achievements, and his contempt for so-called "losers."

Trump is ruthless, shameless, and obviously focuses political energies only upon himself because he is incapable of self-control. For the entire time he serves as president, he will react to today's emotions and tomorrow he will create a chaotic incident to give his excusers the opportunity to blow away any of his transgressions - which always include bald-faced lies.

Drago said...

Sammy: "He's trying to argue that Democrats are not really in favor of DACA (because they won't give him new restrictions on legal immigration)"

Stop being obtuse.

Trump tripled the number of DACA folks who would get a path to citizenship but very smartly tied it to security measures that are relevant and related and have massive public support in order to expose that when the dems are arguing supposedly about protecting DACA folks what the dems really only want permanent open borders.

The fact that the dems have been exposed is what upsets the lefties/LLR's to no end.

They don't appreciate the dems being called out in such an obvious and hilarious way.

So, with those fundamentals:

31. "They want to stop DACA, DACA is their issue."

True. Because the dems DACA "fix" is really just about making open borders permanent, Trump has clearly demonstrated the DACA kids are secondary to that purpose.

32. "[Democrats] are getting killed now by the DACA recipients. They are getting killed."

Newscasts were full of video of dems getting protested and slammed in their own offices by DACA folks and advocates. So who you gonna believe, your eyes or Chris Cilliza (LLR Chuck, no need for you to answer as we already know where you come down on this #DurbinFanBoy)

42. So the Democrats are the party of sanctuary cities."

Yeah, that's an unfair criticism alright.............not.

Drago said...

gadfly: "...Trump's sub-normal IQ..."

Ah yes. That one again.

Well, it has been a few weeks since that one was recycled. I guess it was time again since the collusion thing that LLR Chuck and his lefty allies have been banking on is going the way of the Dukakis campaign.

Drago said...

Comanche Voter: "Well what the heck; I seem to recall that when I was subjected to an Obama lecture, I tended to get bored stiff and nod off and go to sleep."

How dare you Sir?!

How. Dare. You?

Don't you know that none other than our esteemed poster LLR Chuck has called obama "magnificent"?!

You deplorable you.

Plus you are clearly a Nazi.

Michael K said...

For a moment there gadfly, I thought you were talking about yourself.


Chuck said...

Fabi said...
"...he won't step on a scale to compare it to his real height and see if he is "obese,"..."

You should purchase some Pamprin through the Althouse Amazon portal.

Well, it's not like I asked for Trump's birth certificate, right?

Chuck said...

I'm a Girther.

Michael K said...

Sammy, I thought for a moment I was back at Patterico.

Don't do that to me.

Fabi said...

You're looking for his long-form Girth Certificate, Chuck! ;-)

traditionalguy said...

We should be honored to have Chuck spend his time commenting to us in his near perfect pitch of concerned Republican persona. That is like watching a perfect counterfeiter that produces better work than the original money.

But why let him bait you. Just scroll past him
Unread. That is how you win. Shaming Chuck is an impossible task.

Chuck said...

Fabi said...
You're looking for his long-form Girth Certificate, Chuck! ;-)

We need to be careful. Can't engage in any fat-shaming. It would be wrong. So wrong.

Amadeus 48 said...

Chuck: "Say your prayers, you long-eared galoot!"
Meade: "What's up, Doc?"
Chuck: "You dad-blamed, long-eared varmint!"
Meade: "I knew I shouldda taken that right turn at Albuquerque."
Chuck: "Great horney-toads!"
Meade: "Of course you know this means war!"

Drago said...

LLR and Lefty Narrative Booster Chuck: "We need to be careful. Can't engage in any fat-shaming. It would be wrong. So wrong."

Feel free to engage in as much unserious commentary as you'd like.

Just like so many on the left.

Not that we should draw any conclusions from that.

No, not at all.


Dr Weevil said...

Any commenter who can write this, as Chuck did at 1:21pm, is missing a very big point: "I comment about what interests me; and not what others might want me to comment on."
That's a perfectly fair thing for a blog-owner to write, and Althouse has written that herself in nearly the same words. A commenter who insists on writing about whatever interests him - and does it over and over again - needs to get his own damned site.

Jim at said...

If in the end, all Trump does during his time as President is continue to piss off all the right people? That would be good enough for me.

Fortunately, he's also doing a pretty good job growing into office and enacting policies I support.


OldManRick said...

I've always thought the reason that all the politician and media types hate Trump so much is that he jumped into their area and all the way to the top without paying what they consider as "dues". They were used to being celebrated and revered by these people, not having to celebrate and revere them.

All professions don't like outsiders and for politics and news, Hillary was the ultimate insider and Trump, as a business man and entertainer (not a serious news man), was the ultimate outsider. It would be threatening to academics if a plumber suddenly became the head of a department at a university, or to lawyers if a barber became the head of a firm. Examples of this kind of behavior abound. Look at the reviews for 15:17 to Paris (, a lot of the reviewer don't like the fact that he used the real people instead of actors, - they accuse the movie of having a "documentary" feel - but if you look at other reviews, a lot of "real" actors did much worse.

It's a sad commentary on our political class that so many of our politicians rarely did anything but politics. Community organizing, advocate law firms, and other forms of political activism don't count as non politics. Look at our presidents and candidates since Eisenhower- Kennedy went directly into politics after the navy, Johnson was a teacher for about 5 years but was still active, Nixon was a lawyer for a couple of years before he started up the ladder, Ford went college, law school, navy and then started up the ladder, Carter was navy, a little farming and onto the political ladder, Reagan stands out as having a career before politics, HW Bush actually had a business career for sixteen years before turning to politics, Clinton started in politics in college, W Bush spent more time in business than any of the democrats listed but went with the family connections, Obama was political from college.

Given how much time and effort these people have put into climbing the political ladder and seeing how fast Trump jumped in from real estate, the Apprentice, and the WWE (!), it's no wonder the hatred is so intense.

Drago said...

Dr Weevil: "A commenter who insists on writing about whatever interests him - and does it over and over again - needs to get his own damned site."

But that misses entirely the point of LLR Chuck's posts, which are to advance as many lefty narratives and talking points in as short a period of time as possible in order to prep the political battle space in the dems favor.

If he started his own blog only leftists would show up, which would make for a very intimate and mutually satisfying exchange experience for Chuck and his posters but would not satisfy LLR Chuck's raison d'etre.

Drago said...

At the risk of activating LLR Chuck's "Auto Dem Defender Mode", here's Cilliza's latest hot take via twitter:

Chris Cillizza

So Sarah Sanders is laying the blame for not raising age limit on gun purchases on the idea there isn't enough support for it in Congress

1:13 PM - Mar 12,

Apparently, the idea that legislation usually precedes any Presidential signature upon said legislation comes as news to one of the many "elite" media types that LLR Chuck worships so intently.

Kevin said...

For some reason folks on this site find Chuck a more fascinating subject of commentary than The Donald.

There was a long string of Althouse posts about other subjects that Chuck would invariably turn into discussions of Trump.

It got to be so funny that some of us would take the non-Donald posts and write Chuck's anti-Trump screed for him.

If we're turning the Trump posts this week into Chuck discussions, it's only turnabout as fair play.

Kevin said...

Apparently, the idea that legislation usually precedes any Presidential signature upon said legislation comes as news to one of the many "elite" media types

They want him to use the pen and the phone.

Until he uses the pen and the phone.

Then they don't want him using the pen and the phone.

Kevin said...

Given how much time and effort these people have put into climbing the political ladder and seeing how fast Trump jumped in from real estate, the Apprentice, and the WWE (!), it's no wonder the hatred is so intense.

Not to mention what happens if voters start thinking all your experience might be a liability.

Can you imagine toiling away all those years only to have it be disqualifying?

Now you know how badly they need him to fail.

Jim at said...

I'll be honest—Chuck fascinates me.

To each his own. I found him tedious beyond words and now simply scroll past anything he posts.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

If in the end, all Trump does during his time as President is continue to piss off all the right people? That would be good enough for me.

Also, its good that he isn't Hillary Clinton who is corrupt and has no moral compass whatsoever.

Michael said...

Ah, 21 years old and now can buy a gun!! And have a drink!! Great combo and great timing.

How about being able to drink and buy a gun at 18. Do the Democrats believe that there are no Democrat voters with kids who like to hunt ducks and deer with their fathers? Or do they assume there are no fathers? Odd that.

Chuck said...

Jim at said...
I'll be honest—Chuck fascinates me.

To each his own. I found him tedious beyond words and now simply scroll past anything he posts.

Perhaps you could have a word with Drago, Full Moon, Vance, Bad Lieutenant, Achilles, etc. I'd appreciate it. Try to get them to scroll past everything that I post.

Michael said...

Who cares if Trump is obese? Did anyone see the videos of Obama lifting weights? Now there was something to snicker about.

Chuck said...

Dr Weevil said...
Any commenter who can write this, as Chuck did at 1:21pm, is missing a very big point: "I comment about what interests me; and not what others might want me to comment on."
That's a perfectly fair thing for a blog-owner to write, and Althouse has written that herself in nearly the same words. A commenter who insists on writing about whatever interests him - and does it over and over again - needs to get his own damned site.

This Althouse blog post was about Trump's Pennsylvania speech, and the Chris Cillizza column. That's what I wrote about at 12:16. Other commenters then turned it into a gang-war against me. In fact, it started with me before I even wrote anything on this page. Drago and 11:21. Achilles at 11:41.

Chuck said...

Michael said...
Who cares if Trump is obese?

Trump. Trump and his innermost demons- er, innermost communications staff.

It really is just like Elizabeth Warren's DNA test, right? Just take the test if you have nothing to hide!

Or Obama; just give us the birth certificate, right? Just show us your college applications and transcripts, President Obama! Remember who said that? Remember who promised a payment to a charity of Obama's choice if Obama would turn the stuff over?

Dr Weevil said...

I wasn't criticizing your behavior on this thread, Chuck, I was criticizing your stated principle that you'll write about whatever you please on someone else's blog whether she likes it or not. Saying that makes you an asshole, even if you don't do it.

And of course you do do exactly that. The 12:16 comment you refer to is mostly complaining about what Althouse didn't write about that you thought she should have. Apparently she has fewer rights on her own blog than you have on someone else's - at least according to your own grossly hypocritical and tediously selfish self.

Drago said...

Earlier LLR and Lefty Narrative Booster Chuck: "I comment about what interests me; and not what others might want me to comment on. Have you ever heard that one?"

Later LLR and Lefty Narrative Booster Chuck: "Perhaps you could have a word with Drago, Full Moon, Vance, Bad Lieutenant, Achilles, etc. I'd appreciate it. Try to get them to scroll past everything that I post."


Joanne Jacobs said...

Giving readers the "presidential" quote, but ignoring Trump's parody of what it would mean for him to act presidential, is bad reporting. Trump wasn't boasting. He was joking.

Drago said...

It really looks like the dems/Mueller Dem Hack Team's failure to deliver a basis for impeachment is sending LLR Chuck and his lefty allies right over the cliff.

Expect the tone to become increasingly unhinged as Chuck and his allies come to terms with their latest failure.

Drago said...

LLR and Lefty Narrative Booster Chuck: "Perhaps you could have a word with Drago, Full Moon, Vance, Bad Lieutenant, Achilles, etc. I'd appreciate it. Try to get them to scroll past everything that I post."

LLR Chuck wants an uncommented upon opportunity to push his lefty talking points without any interference.

LLR Chuck misses the old lefty MSM monopoly on the stories of the day.

Sorry Chuckie. Cilliza's continued beclowning will remain an object of derision along with all your other MSM pals mental meanderings.

Get used to it.

langford peel said...

"So you can see how any Trump homophobia would be gratifying to me, even though on the facts I agreed with Althouse that Trump was indeed "pro-gay and being cagey about it."

Actually it is not the homosexuality that is the problem. It is the Hollywood pedophlia that is the issue. As previously mentioned the rampant lesbian pedophlia in her African school does not allow scrutiny if she is to be a serious candidate. Hollywood pedophiles like Kevin Spacey, Roman Polanski, Stephen Speilberg, Heather Locklear and Charley Sheenn will give anyone up. Trump doesn't have to spell anything out. Just do the same bullshit as was done to him by Hillary about Russia.

Maybe he can hire someone to prepare a dossier.

langford peel said...

First question for the dossier.

Where does Oprah get her pizza?

Drago said...

langford peel: "It is the Hollywood pedophlia that is the issue. As previously mentioned the rampant lesbian pedophlia in her African school does not allow scrutiny if she is to be a serious candidate."

This is the real issue and would be very damaging for any potential Oprah run.

LLR Chuck is already working hard to make sure that the issue is not the pedophilia that occurred at Oprah's school but instead something about Trump.

Precisely as any lefty partisan would do.

Feel free to draw obvious conclusions.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Chuck said: After my post, no fewer than ten other comments were aimed at me. Most of them named me personally. A couple were more obliquely aimed at me without mentioning me by name..............

I don't know: you explain it

Dear Chuck.

It is because the way you post, chiding Althouse because she doesn't post what YOU like, your sanctimoniousness manner, inability to see your own monomania, refusal to acknowledge that other people may have points of view and especially because how easily you rise to the might as well be wearing a big neon kick me sign on your back that you put there yourself.


langford peel said...

You know they will cover up anything Oprah or her agents did. Trump will be impeached because of something the coffee boy did but Oprah's right hand girl at this school could have been munching on the whole eight grade girls soccer team.

Anonymous said...

I put upChuck in scroll-over-country years ago. I think Althouse just continues to let him comment here because she gets to see all the mean kids pick on the retard.
Her proxy army.

She is not above blood-lust.

bolivar di griz said...

If I remember correctly, the allegations concerned extreme disciplinary issues, after the latest wrinkle brouhaha the bubble will deflate.

rcocean said...

Chuck you need to start your own blog.

You obviously have a "fan base" that loves to read and comment on your every word.

Of course, you don't like the attention.

Which is why you constantly say you don't like the attention.


Daddy Binx said...

Blogger Michael said...
"Ah, 21 years old and now can buy a gun!! And have a drink!! Great combo and great timing."

"I dream of a world where someday you can buy liquor, cigarettes and firearms at a drive-thru window and use them all before you get home" - Dogbert

This comment is certified 100% Chuck free.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

America's First Stand-Up Comedian President!

Rusty said...

Althouse @ 2:14

Nuthin' but dust.

Chuck said...

Rusty said...
Althouse @ 2:14

Nuthin' but dust.

So, like Althouse, you don't see how "I don't get the fascination with me," is nothing whatsoever like Althouse's fake-statement, "Why am I so fascinating?"

In fact, that is the sort of language misuse and rhetorical nonsense that I have come to expect Althouse to criticize. I suppose she would have criticized it, if the New York Times had made that sort of mistake in a story that was critical of Trump. But here we see Althouse doing it.

"I don't get the fascination with me" essentially says, "I am not all that fascinating. Why am I getting such attention?" Whereas, "Why am I so fascinating?" presumes oneself to be fascinating.

I buttressed that former point earlier on this page, by noting that a couple of commenters were attacking me, by name or by reference, before I had posted so much as a single comment on this page. So, uh, yeah. When people here are writing about me when I haven't even read the webpage in question, I wonder; What is that fascination with me?

I used to simply think that Trump had made the Althouse commentariat much dumber. But Trump might be making Althouse herself dumber.

Meade said...


Ken B said...

BAG: The LLR is most interested in loyalty. AA isn’t showing enough, hence his concern.

Bad Lieutenant said...

How can I ignore you, Chuck, if you won't go away? You don't even have the sand to reply to polite, cogent remarks, but if I ask, "How's Barron Trump doing lately?" you will shit the bed. You want attention and you seem fine with the bad kind. Bit on the other hand, one has to wonder not if you are conservate or Republican but even American. Your i-can-dish-it-out-but-i-cant-take-it is so very un-American.

Dr Weevil said...

Good general rule that most of us already know:
If everyone you meet seems to be an asshole, it's probably you that are the asshole.

If everyone around you seems to be getting dumber and dumber, it's probably you. And I don't mean that it's you getting smarter and smarter. Not that most of us would need that explained to us.

Chuck said...

Bad Lieutenant said...
How can I ignore you, Chuck, if you won't go away? You don't even have the sand to reply to polite, cogent remarks, but if I ask, "How's Barron Trump doing lately?" you will shit the bed. You want attention and you seem fine with the bad kind. Bit on the other hand, one has to wonder not if you are conservate or Republican but even American. Your i-can-dish-it-out-but-i-cant-take-it is so very un-American.

How the heck would I know, how Barron Trump is doing? There's no news coverage of him; not even a soundbite of him interacting with his family. I don't think I've ever heard the sound of his voice.

All that I know about Barron Trump is that his father said he is completely amazing at, and very much absorbed in, video games. Donald Trump is also unusually close with PGA Tour golfer Ernie Els, who has an autistic son. Els lends his name and support to a major autism awareness foundation. Trump, whose charitable donations are seemingly few (for a supposed billionaire), has donated substantially to the Els foundation.

Barron Trump is not autistic; I know that from having read a published letter from the media lawyers who sued Gawker on behalf of Hulk Hogan. The Trump family hired them, to address reports/rumors in the media and social media that Barron Trump was autistic.

Rusty said...

Honest to shit. I don't care what you think.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Barron Trump is not autistic

Well, he thinks that, Rusty. We have him on the record: Chuck says that Barron Trump is not autistic.

But seriously, Chuck, you crave a bashing. Again, I have from time to time addressed you politely and on topics of some import, and you scoot right by them. I don't see why you complain if you are getting what you want.

Chuck said...

Bad Lieutenant; I am on record quoting the Trump family lawyers. Who have stated flatly that Barron Trump is not autistic.

It will be so weird if, some day, the Trump family turns into advocates for autism awareness based on their experience with Barron.

Bad Lieutenant said...

"Barron Trump is not autistic"

Those were your words. Thank you for your honesty. Kthxbai

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