1. Trump the deal-maker... he has to try to tackle the biggest dealmaking challenges in the world... a more stable and de-nuclearized North Korea is about as big as they come.
2. Trump the history-maker... He loves to go where no one has gone before -- or, at least, where he believes no one has gone before...
3. Trump the unorthodox... Trump revels in the idea of freaking out the political establishment...
4. Trump the freelancer... In the opening to the "Art of the Deal," Trump wrote about how he liked to start his day -- clean desk, empty schedule. He didn't like to make plans. He liked to react at whatever the day threw at him. His grand strategy was just a bunch of tactics sewed together. Trump has brought that same mentality to the White House. Trump has bridled under attempts by his staff to keep him on message for a day or even a week. He values his "Executive Time," when he putters around the residence, watching television and tweeting. He trusts his gut -- even if it says something different than all the eggheads in his administration.
5. Trump the reality TV star... Trump knows that a meeting between him and Kim will have the eyes of the world on it....
March 9, 2018
"5 reasons why Donald Trump's massive North Korea gamble makes total and complete sense."
Chris Cillizza, you got me with that headline (CNN). The 5 reasons:
1 – 200 of 290 Newer› Newest»Blind squirrel finds five nuts. That is a big story.
How about "Trump actually wants to make the world safer".
All that may be true but ultimately it doesn't guarantee that we'll end up with a denuclearized North Korea as a result of this meeting. It just seems a pretty long shot.
Although the mean spirited part of me sort of hope that Trump pulls out a miracle just so we can see the anti-Trump people absolutely lose their minds like Chief Inspector Dreyfus in the Pink Panther movies.
Wait, wait, don't tell me that this deal is any of Trump's doing. The BBC and MSNBC both assured me that all credit is now due to Kim's sister at the Olympics, and they would never lie to me.
Only Fake News CNN is hedging their bets. They must know the NORK disarmament is already a done deal.
Watching Rachel Maddow's last night face as she contorted herself into shock, dismay, fear that this President...would, never, ask himself why no previous president had ever, ever, met with a North Korean leader.
I know he said we'd get sick of winning, but honestly, this was Election night-level great stuff.
All true, but I thought it was the Fat Kid who made the surprising opening move?
Watching Rachel Maddow
Eew. Why?
Gusty Winds has the right idea. Maybe Trump just wants to do something good for the Country. Wasn't he elected to do that?
Do it, Donny. Do it.
6. Love of country.
Stable genius.
7. Not tired of winning.
@Althouse, you read Chris Cillizza? I'll bet you believe the stories of Baron Munchausen, too?
Don't Bogart the popcorn.
Donny From Queens persuaded Who Fat aka Little Rocket Man that if negotiations were to take place one madman would be at the table. And as Trump told the Gridiron Club dinner, having to deal with that would not be Trump's problem.
Trump needs to take Mad Dog Mattis to the negotiations. As Mattis said, "Always be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet."
It would be interesting to see if the two Koreas were united, and if Little Whoa Fat had a big villa on the beach at Ipanema with hot and cold bikini maid service for the rest of his life. A man (and Whoa Fat) can dream.
It's not a gamble - if it doesn't work, just start tweaking up the sanctions.
The Korean Peninsula problem is one of the most fixable of big problems the world has had. It only needs a Kim to back down or sell out, and the whole thing would work it's way out. A messy reunification and expensive for the South, but with international help it could be completely resolved into one nation with the North gaining the most, and both saving themselves from mutual assured destruction. Kim, take the beach house and live a nice life.
Trump said he would talk to Kim but he didn't say he would negotiated with him. Does Trump eat kimchi? If he does, between him and Little Kim I can see a rather windy dinner conversation. Maybe Trump can persuade Kim to give up his nukes and missiles in exchange for a fill in the zeros check. Of course complete verification required and Kim stays incharge of NK to keep the Russians and Chinese quite. Got to have a buffer state. The real art of the deal comes in on how much South Korea and Japan along with the rest of any potentially threaten Pacific Rim countries kick in towards the Kim Family Foundation.
That stupid Trump.
Lamest nuclear war ever.
Does it make as much sense as President David Dennison's deal (sorry, "gamble") with Peggy Peterson - aka Stormy Daniels?
Don't think this is going to go away!
We want answers, President Dennison!
Trump vs Clinton
What is there about Trump and Stormy Daniels we don't already know?
Who's mind would be changed by Stormy Daniels talking to the media?
The story has already been factored in to the current price of Trump's stock.
This is another "look a squirrel" moment for Trump. The media looks, and the distraction starts.
How come nobody told me that "Little Rocket Man" means "Let's make a deal" in Korean?
I just hope that in preparing for the summit Trump talks to someone with expertise on N. Korea and says, 'hey I should nominate this guy as Ambassador to S. Korea pronto.'
Post vacant since 1/20/17. Of the last ambassador, per Wikipedia:
'Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea called Lippert the best ever U.S. Ambassador to Korea stating "You left an indelible mark in the history of the U.S.–Korea alliance. ... Our alliance relationship is the best it has ever been and you are the best ever American ambassador I have ever seen." The top Asia advisor in the George W. Bush White House stated "Ambassador Mark Lippert leaves Seoul as the most popular U.S. Ambassador in the history of U.S.–Korea relations. ... This reflects ... his effectiveness at advancing U.S. interests while simultaneously strengthening bonds between the two countries. ... Lippert enjoy[ed] near unanimous bipartisan support and admiration from Democrats and Republicans for the job he has done."'
Tillerson has said explicitly that these are talks not negotiations.
Will they meet on Kim's airplane and talk about the grandkids?
I suspect Dennis Rodman has a lot to do with this.
I say that in all seriousness.
He and President Trump are friends
He and Kim are friends and shoot hoops together
It would be hard to find anyone less official than rodman
John Henry
JS: "Will they meet on Kim's airplane and talk about the grandkids?"
Why not? They are already exchanging emails about upcoming wedding plans and yoga classes.
A squirrel moment.
What is there about Trump and Stormy Daniels we don't already know?
Um, that the only people who retain loyalty to him are schmucks stupid enough to front $130 grand to a fucking porn star under the assumption that David Dennison Trump would be decent enough to actually pay him back.
That David Trump Dennison is such a sneaky and stupid bastard that he thought leaving the document unsigned would give him plausible deniability.
That David Donald Trump Dennison is having to arbitrate to desperately keep the rest of the story from "blowing" up... like a gust of wind up the backside of his toupee.
That David Donald Trump Dennison regularly relies on NDAs to keep that all-important thing we know of as "truth" from biting him in the ass. And that he does it so regularly that he got sloppy and failed to think this one through.
That even the Slavic bimbo he bought off wasn't enough to give him the unsatisfying sex he wanted and apparently got (at VERY high price, all things considered!) from a porn star instead.
Who's mind would be changed by Stormy Daniels talking to the media?
What is there to change? It just further exposes and reinforces what a stupid, bullshitting asshole he was all along. And it traps him up in even deeper lies.
Your fundies might claim to (STILL!) not mind, but it sure does put the focus right back squarely where everyone knew it belonged: On how ridiculous and full-of-shit a man Trump is.
The story has already been factored in to the current price of Trump's stock.
Hahahaha. STOCK! LOL. It's all inflated worthless shit with just a big tag attached to it. The real value of this empty maniac will now become clear. Laughingstock is more like it. He will be hobbled worse than Clinton was. Good thing this happened early in the first term. There are only so many people he can bully, browbeat and buy off, apparently - and with the number of folks he's done this to, that's quite a lot.
The odds are so stacked against him. Time to buy "stock" in porn stars, apparently.
Yes, readering, we all hope that Trump prepares well for the upcoming meeting. Otherwise we might end up just giving the NORKs alot of stuff with nothing to show for it.
Which is precisely what happened with Clinton, Bush and Obama.
"Mister Kim Jong-Un, I'm so happy to be the first American president to meet with a North Korean head of state. Kim -- can I call you Kim? -- I'd like you to meet my personal masseuse, Miss Stormy Daniels. She's got a great pair of . . . hands, Kim, as you can see. Stormy is great at relieving tension, and you know what, Kim? You look a little tense right now, actually you look really tense. Doesn't he look tense, Stormy?"
Seems to me that North Korea has gotten everything it wanted recently, including fulfilling the little dictators wet dream of meeting as equals with POTUS.
Who actually thinks Trump is a decent person, at this point?
The guy is a schmuck, and that holds whether you're stupid enough to think the bible is literally true or not.
I hope Trump doesn't make Rocket Boy angry by trying to break the ice with a rendition of "I'm So Ronery" from TEAM AMERICA.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Trump vs Clinton
What was Clinton's settlement in Paula Jones case? $800k + his law license?
Clinton paid a very heavy price for Monica's bj's. He would have been happy to pay $130k to make Monica "go away."
Even your snark is an epic fail.
I see that our New Confederacy Nullification lefties have come to the realistic conclusion that all of their previous efforts to "end" the Trump Presidency have failed and they are putting all their marbles in the #MeToo bucket.
1) The Trump collusion hoax/Democrat collusion reality has now been fully exposed with more to come (now that we have the FBI office in Little Rock investigating the Clinton Global Slush Fund and Play to Pay Scheme)
2) An actual NON-lefty/NON-DC DOJ prosecutor working hand in glove with IG Horowitz on the now clear FISA abuse (we sure haven't heard much lately from Strzok/Page/Priestap/Both Ohr's yet their "input" was included in the Nunes memo...even though Nunes never interviewed them
3) Internal dem polling showing quite clearly that the public views the economy very positively and are no longer buying the hilarious "crumbs" lies from our lefty Economic Condition Deniers
4) The standard lefty playbook use of #Racist isn't really cutting it anymore
What else does the left have to run with?
And the best part of the dems #MeToo movement is the headlining role of Farrakhan supporters!
And all that BEFORE the North Korea "thingy".
$130,000 (or more, by now?) for mediocre porn-star sex, and you think this guy is going to get America a "good deal?"
This raises more questions. How much did he pay for whatever some silly surgeon-sculptor with a scalpel did to his head?
I bet it was hundreds of thousands of dollars, at least.
This guy just got in to lower his own taxes. That's it. And he's raising the debt like you wouldn't believe.
But IOKIYAR. Which he wasn't, until he changed his voter registration from Democrat to Republican within the last ten years.
You dildos will believe anything. ANYTHING!
TTR: "Who actually thinks Trump is a decent person, at this point?"
Tell us more about cigars and interns.
Stormy has not actually 'gone away' yet. The total bill has yet to be calculated.
Jesus, most people are so fucking stupid drunk on idiotology. This is a no-downside unlimited upside deal for Trump. He might be an indecent POS schmunk, but like it or not, he's our indecent POS schmunk. I'll toast to good luck on this deal.
Trump Clinton is apples and oranges. Clinton had to pay off a settlement suit. And back in the 1990s you said that was because he deserved it for being a predatory horndog. But now with these new feminists it seems you're finding out that that rationale might be self-defeating/self-limiting as well.
Trump just makes bad deals.
TTR: "You dildos will believe anything. ANYTHING!"
Well, the lefties told us for 50 years to stop thinking about stupid morality and decency and focus solely on the policies being enacted.
Congratulations TTR! You guys convinced everyone!
But that does pose some difficulty with some of your standard Alinsky tactics...
Let's see how adaptive you guys are now that we are where we are. Should be interesting to watch.
Howard: "Jesus, most people are so fucking stupid drunk on idiotology. This is a no-downside unlimited upside deal for Trump."
Ixne alkte bouta histe!
The lefties are "on a roll"!
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
"Time to buy "stock" in porn stars, apparently."
Do what you want, but don't forget, when it comes to Presidential sex scandals, past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Tell us more about cigars and interns.
The fat girl didn't spill the beans. It was her conniving fat rat-faced Republican phony "friend" Linda Tripp who thought the actual consensual acts were someone anything that anyone cared about.
Well, you Republicans care about that part, I can see.
If I can't judge your decency until I know what you consensually did in a bedroom then I demand you publish a corroborated (videotaped?) account immediately going back however many decades apply. Yep, I can really see this standard going somewhere.
Or maybe I can just assume that on account of your Republicanism your sex life is either so boring or non-existent that it becomes a moot point.
Well ok then. For you. But most Americans don't care.
TTR: "And back in the 1990s you said that was because he deserved it for being a predatory horndog."
Clinton lost a court case and was fined.
And was disbarred.
Sorry to introduce facts. #FactsAreRacist
Well, the lefties told us for 50 years to stop thinking about stupid morality and decency and focus solely on the policies being enacted.
No, they just told you to stop locating morality and decency in your genitals but obviously we can see now how hard that is for you to do.
The Toothless State-fellator (always the arbiter of decency) asks"Who actually thinks Trump is a decent person, at this point?"
Personally, I don't care if the president is "decent" by any of your dopey standards. Harvey Weinstein could be president, if --having seen the light--he abolished the Income Tax, shored up the 2nd Amendment, and in general followed the rule of "Don't hurt people and don't take their stuff." I'm reserving final judgment until the first term is over. If at the end of that term there is a significant reduction in statism, I'll be happy (although Trump's been showing his statist side lately, which is worrisome). If on the other hand, the reverse is true, and there is significantly less liberty and more statism, you'll be cheering him on as we side further down the Road to Serfdom and probably rubbing your copy of RULES FOR RADICALS against your crotch.
TTR: "It was her conniving fat rat-faced Republican phony "friend" Linda Tripp who thought the actual consensual acts were someone anything that anyone cared about."
Nice revisionist history.
Tripp was being pressured to lie under oath.
By Billy boy and his team of Craig Livingstone losers.
And why not, when billy boy had no problem lying under oath himself.
Sorry to reintroduce facts.
TTR: "No, ..."
Just like Billy boy.
Under oath.
Clinton lost a court case and was fined.
A court case based on what? The same silly things that dragged Clarence Thomas through Anita Hill's very important memories?
Pick your standard or pick another one. If you're now a bunch of feminists on the MeToo# bandwagon then stand up and put on your pussy hat. Retard. Just be fucking consistent. The truth is not "whatever works for you at the moment."
I cannot recommend and encourage strongly enough the members of the New Democrat Confederacy to run with Stormy Daniels as your lead narrative strategy for 2018.
William Chadwick reveals his conservaturd principles:
Harvey Weinstein could be president -
Yep. Now we see how right-wingers were ok with Hitler and Mussolini and trains running on time making Germany great.
Unprincipled suckers!
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Stormy has not actually 'gone away' yet. The total bill has yet to be calculated.
Yeah, Trump might sue her to get it back, since opened her yap. But Bill Clinton will never see that $800k again, and he will never be unimpeached.
I think the Stormy Daniels story is bunkum. Trump may be a serial adulterer, but he doesn't seem like a sexual adventurer. If he was in the habit of boning porn stars, I think that we would heard something about it before 2018.
TTR: "A court case based on what?"
How dare you question the legitimacy of our courts.
Typical secessionist sentiment though, I must say.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
"Stormy has not actually 'gone away' yet. The total bill has yet to be calculated."
Keep your hopes up, you beloved little weasel. Sooner or later, all us Trump-loving idiots are going to realize that Trump may have had sex with a porn star. Boy, will he be in trouble then!
Drago, read up on history. Clinton halted N. Korea's plutonium program. Bush was preoccupied with the Middle East and his ham-fisted policies towards N. Korea just accelerated both its plutonium and uranium programs. Obama just kept the peace. Here's hoping Trump more like Clinton than Bush.
I cannot recommend and encourage strongly enough the members of the New Democrat Confederacy to run with Stormy Daniels as your lead narrative strategy for 2018.
They don't have to. That's Republican stuff. The country will. The country cares about him being a stupid, lying asshole who makes bad deals. That he forgets to sign. Oooops.
But as everyone knows you are against what the country wants and have been for some time. You are running against the country. You keep wanting to control the country while pretending that you speak for it. You can't even speak for yourselves credibly any more at this point.
The post-truth president. Indeed!
Trump's a womanizer. Shocking.
TTR: "Yep. Now we see how right-wingers were ok with Hitler and Mussolini and trains running on time making Germany great."
So early in the thread to go full Godwin.
But there really is nothing left for our New Confederacy types. Well, unless its harboring and protecting dangerous illegal aliens with multiple convictions for violent offenders.
So you've got that going for you.
Which is nice.
TTR: " The country cares about him being a stupid, lying asshole who makes bad deals."
You'd better put a call into Richard Trumka.
He obviously didn't get the word yesterday....
TTR: "But as everyone knows you are against what the country wants and have been for some time."
I certainly don't want what violent criminal illegal aliens want. So naturally I don't "align well" with the democrats.
Yeah, Trump might sue her to get it back -
Right. Because as a phony billionaire, he can't afford to write off a loss like that.
A real billionaire could, though.
But Trump is not a real billionaire.
He lies about everything.
What's on his head?
"You dildos will believe anything. ANYTHING!"
And yet you go on and on. You must be trying to convince yourself.
Drago's getting desperate. His rationalizations are getting flimsier and his comments greater in number. And now he thinks that immigration is the #1 issue for America.
It's the #1 issue for Americans who don't mind getting treated like garbage in a shitty regulatory labor regime as long as they can take out their hate on people who look and/or sound different. Which is not the majority of them. Everyone knows that the last stop on the stomp down onto the working poor is shifting blame from the gov't and wealthy owners of that gov't onto the foreigners.
How cute. Another thread shot to shit by Ritmo.
TTR: "Right. Because as a phony billionaire,..."
Hmmmm, let's see....yep. March 9th.
An odd day.
Odd days are the days where the New Confederacy argues that Trump is not rich or successful at all and is a total financial fake.
Even number days are days where the New Confederacy argues that Trump has so many business dealings going on at high financial levels and thats why he must be impeached because #EmolumentsClause!eleventy!1!!1!!!11!
You know, just a thought here and understand I'm just brainstorming a bit, you might want to work in a 3rd self-contradicting theme in order to break the pattern up just a little bit more.
Good luck with that.
BTW, how did that John Podesta Board Membership in a company that Putin pumped tens of millions into go? We all wish him well.
Trump's OSHA stopped publishing the weekly reports of Americans killed at work.
They're trying to do this shit quietly along with the louder stuff.
Lewis Wetzel said...
I think the Stormy Daniels story is bunkum.
$130,000 dollars worth of bunkum, if that is what the kids are calling it these days.
Your 2:11 sounds pretty irrelevant and desperate, Drago.
And so does Jim's, BTW.
TTR: "Drago's getting desperate. His rationalizations are getting flimsier and his comments greater in number. And now he thinks that immigration is the #1 issue for America."
I'm sorry your open borders plan fell thru.
Better luck next time.
TTR: "Trump's OSHA stopped publishing the weekly reports of Americans killed at work"
There is no one left to kill since Trump has already killed everyone multiple times over.
Another thread shot to shit by Ritmo.
You should ask yourself what makes any post that purports to take some nonsense Trump did seriously so easy to "shoot to shit."
But you won't.
The wind shot his hair to shit.
Now we need to ban air currents.
Just get to the real fucking issues for once. The guy can't be trusted and needs to go. He cannot change world events. He cannot influence. No one trusts him. But they knew they could manipulate Jared. And Trump just an angrier version of Jared.
There is no one left to kill since Trump has already killed everyone multiple times over.
So you think that lethal workplace-related accidents are funny. And yet you pose as another asshole who jumped aboard the "pro-worker" Trump train.
Try explaining that one.
Or does being a Republican mean that his pro-worker rhetoric is just something you never believed anyway let alone cared about but are happy to go along with the marketing?
If so, you might want to pretend to care about not letting employers run unsafe workplaces, shit-for-brains.
Quit letting the mask slip. Lying works for you much better than it does for your Republican POTUS.
TTR: "The wind shot his hair to shit."
This is the most substantive criticism you've offered thus far.
Sadly, I fear it will all go downhill from here....
TTR: "Lying works for you much better than it does for your Republican POTUS."
Stop trying to butter me up.
I can assure you flattery will get you nowhere......well, almost nowhere. Sometimes "somewhere".
Just not this time.
Unless I change my mind later.
Thank you.
TTR: "Try explaining that one"
I avoid trying to "explain" anything to those street corner barkers.
re: #4: you know he didn't write that, right?
When you feel like saying something honest for once, Drago, let me know.
Until then, I assume that your massive and frequent subject-changing routine is just another admission that you know that this asshole Republican is just as irrelevant as any of the others.
But you like keeping him in office for now since it helps uphold the "greatness" fantasy that you wished you were gullible enough to believe in.
bridgecross said...
re: #4: you know he didn't write that, right?
It's Trump. Reality, facts, they don't really matter. It's all about feelings.
TTR: "When you feel like saying something honest for once, Drago, let me know."
Sorry. I don't think you are ready for honesty.
Hence your current political affiliations.
I wish you luck in therapy.
"Reality, facts, they don't really matter. It's all about feelings."
Sez the Hillary voter.
The Left is in full hissy fit over this.
ARM: "It's Trump. Reality, facts, they don't really matter. It's all about feelings"
Noted Michael Wolf-fan (" If it makes sense to you, if it strikes a chord, if it rings true, it is true,”) and Putin-provided Golden Dossier booster ARM would like to take a moment to lecture on facts.
Let's all listen very very carefully.
See. The fact that I didn't vote for Hillary doesn't matter. The only important thing is the subjective feelings of the poster.
Ken B: "The Left is in full hissy fit over this"
And because of the collapse of everything else they've tried, they are now clinging to the Stormy Daniels story as if they were clinging to a buoy for survival a hundred miles out to sea.
(ARM, I included that metaphor for your benefit. I thought you'd like it)
ARM: "See. The fact that I didn't vote for Hillary doesn't matter."
No one accused you of voting for Hillary.
Your non-reflective voice-actuated boosterism of every nonsensical lefty lie and narrative over the past several years, however, is a matter of record.
What are you being rational about, Dragon?
Where's the logic in your position? Or whichever version of it you put in the Drago political kaleidoscope funhouse mirror?
Let everyone here know what you're really trying to get at with anything you're pushing today, in 2018.
Tell us all the reasons in them.
This should be fun. I don't remember you ever giving a reason for anything. Your entire political identity seems to be nothing but a series of endless tu quoques.
You should just the I Know You Are But What Am I party and run candidates with no principles or policies, other than the ones they know they're against (because they aren't their own).
It really wouldn't be all that different from the current scenario.
But again, get back to us with your reasons.
TTR: "Where's the logic in your position?"
Which position?
Press secretary just now:
"The president will not have the meeting without seeing concrete steps and concrete actions take place by North Korea."
So that was a flash in the pan.
readering: "So that was a flash in the pan"
He said, desperately, wanting to believe it is true since his world view depends on it failing....
Which position?
More like "what position."
Do you have any?
Why is it so important for you to have a RINO in office, then?
What are you, the team leader for the RINOs?
Lewis Wetzel said...
Sez the Hillary voter.
Drago said...
No one accused you of voting for Hillary.
Lewis, I've got good news and I've got bad news. The good news is that Drago doesn't read your posts. God, that I should be so lucky.
The bad news is that no one else much reads your posts either, except me. I care.
Drago doesn't know what he stands for, or why. But somehow he thinks he knows that Trump will help him with that.
Or maybe he's the perfect mini-me foil for a president who doesn't know anything, or why.
They're reactionary defensives for things as yet unnamed. And unknown.
How much longer do they think the country will tolerate this indecisive stupidity?
TTR: "Do you have any?"
The thread topic is North Korea and a potential meeting between the leaders of both Koreas and the US.
I'm for it, since I have great faith that Trump will not be a complete squish like the "sort of a god" obama/Bush/Clinton.
Do I think that anything will come of it? It depends on what has happened behind the scenes regarding North Korea's access to cash which is being squeezed mightily.
KJU probably needed a timeout since he could not maintain the pace of launches that they had established early this year and he wants a chance to play this President like he played the Nobel Prize Winning Smartest Man to Ever Exist obama.
@Althouse, one thing that you let pass without comment is the notion that Trump’s meeting with Kim is in any way a “gamble.” Isn’t the worst that can happen is that we come out of it with the situation being, essentially, the status quo as it was during the Obama administration?
ARM: "The good news is that Drago doesn't read your posts. God, that I should be so lucky"
ARM, in the heat of posting, that's when the training kicks in and we operate on instinct.
readering said...
So that was a flash in the pan.
Our regularly scheduled walk-back is now in operation once again.
ARM: "Our regularly scheduled walk-back is now in operation once again."
So you are going on record now that no meeting will take place, correct?
I'm for it, since I have great faith that Trump will not be a complete squish like the "sort of a god" obama/Bush/Clinton.
Squishy against what? Against tolerating possession of the nukes that we have no way of preventing them from possessing?
You're turning this into yet another personal drama. Maybe that's all there is to be done, though - and necessarily so? - when we're talking about two drama queens on the world stage and how their only real "need" is for the other to take them "seriously."
So I guess this is how we discuss nuclear policy when a RINO narcissist and a NK tyrant are in power, and it just doesn't really get any deeper or more rational than that. Cool.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
"Just get to the real fucking issues for once. The guy can't be trusted and needs to go."
Trump does not "need to go". I think what you mean is that *you* need for him to go. Which is too bad for you, 'cause he's planning to stick around until 2024. Which is kind of weird, 'cause he's rich as Hell and has a beautiful wife and a delightful family. He could be kicked back relaxing on a yacht somewhere, instead of putting the boots to all you assholes on a daily basis. I really don't know why he does it. I guess the guy is basically just a saint.
Drago said...
So you are going on record now that no meeting will take place, correct?
It was only a few days ago that you guys were jumping all over me telling me that I didn't know shit about economics when I suggested that it might not make a lot of sense to be imposing tariffs on steel from Mexico and Canada. How did that work out?
"The bad news is that no one else much reads your posts either, except me. I care."
Thanks for caring, ARM!
Will you read my novel when it's self-published? It's about Indian hunting on the Ohio frontier. Lots of burned cabins and rescued damsels. The phrases "heaving breasts" and "leathern breechclout" are frequently mentioned. The style is based on letters to Playboy from the 1970s (I found a bunch of old Playboys on ebay for cheap).
TTR: "Squishy against what?"
First, not providing additional US/Western aid without some concrete and verifiable steps taken by the Kim regime.
The fact that Kim is probably seeking some way to "slow" his programs while saving face (given the $$ squeeze) is a position we can probably leverage.
Do I think Kim would actually disarm? No.
One good reason would be the example that the other Worldly Brilliant obama and hillary delivered with their violent removal and death Gadaffi AFTER Gadaffi had actually dismantled his programs with assurance from us and the west that his life would be spared.
Well, obama and Hillary certainly ruined that tactic now didn't they?
ARM, nobody here is claiming to be self-publishing any novels.
"Trump's steel, aluminum tariffs exempt Canada, Mexico"
ARM's using alternate facts. Again.
ARM: "It was only a few days ago that you guys were jumping all over me telling me that I didn't know shit about economics when I suggested that it might not make a lot of sense to be imposing tariffs on steel from Mexico and Canada. How did that work out?"
Those negotiations are still under way and under the NAFTA discussion framework, separate from this action.
Canada and Mexico will lose their temporary exemption if NAFTA discussions fall thru.
What kind of an analyst pronounces victory or defeat PRIOR to completion of discussions/negotiations?
I guess ARM is sort of like the MSM celebrating Hillary's impending victory around 8:45pm ET on November 8, 2016.
Lewis Wetzel said...
Will you read my novel when it's self-published?
Self published first novels are a particular interest of mine.
Which is kind of weird, 'cause he's rich as Hell and has a beautiful wife and a delightful family.
This is brainless RINO interpretation of "having unmemorable adulterous sex with a porn star a few days after his 'delightful' new son was born." So if you're a Republican and you think your wife is beautiful and your kids and family delightful, go have sex with a porn star who needs to be paid off for revealing what really felt about the other one's "beauty" and your shared progeny's "delight."
ROFLMAO! THESE TRUMP DICKWADS LITERALLY REFUTE THEMSELVES WITH THEIR OWN WORDS! It's like having a conversation with Max Headroom or a schizophrenic.
He could be kicked back relaxing on a yacht somewhere, instead of putting the boots to all you assholes on a daily basis.
Oh I know. I really feel so "booted." It's like when a 4-year old calls me the newest gibberish insult he just made up. I really should seek more approval and validation from literal and emotional toddlers, right?
I really don't know why he does it.
As a Republican, you basically know nothing. But he does it because his ego can't get gratified than through constantly being on the attack/defensive.
I guess the guy is basically just a saint.
Haha. Republican idiocy explains how it gives rise to Republican immorality/moral perversion.
How long until J. Farmer shows up to tell us that North Korea isn't really a threat, and if it was, it would be because the US is oppressing the innocent people of North Korea?
Lewis Wetzel said...
"Trump's steel, aluminum tariffs exempt Canada, Mexico"
As I said, the good news is that apparently only I read your posts.
Removing Ghadaffi was stupendously dumb.
Will Trump put an end to entangling empire projects, though? He seems to want them more than he said he did in 2016.
And now with the parades and all. Where's that going?
It's not something Americans did before. Eisenhower said it would showcase "weakness" to put on an Admiral Aladeen display like that.
He also warned against the military industrial complex that you folks are shooting up the debt like a heroin addict with.
A military expenditure is always justified and never increases debt, Republicans believe. It goes on a secret "global supremacy" bill. Or something.
Canada and Mexico have been provided temporary exemptions.
The degree to which those exemptions are continued long term are completely contingent upon the outcome of the NAFTA re-negotiations.
You might even say that represents leverage or something.
You have to remember, China and others make use of the NAFTA agreement to funnel products into the US through other agreements with Canada and Mexico.
BTW, have you seen this?
So, Mexico is slapping tariffs on China for dumping steel pipe into Mexico.
Racism, no doubt.
TTR: "Will Trump put an end to entangling empire projects, though? He seems to want them more than he said he did in 2016"
What you think Trump "seems" to want is a perfectly useless as a gauge for analysis of what Trump is going to do.
Once again, I will wait to judge performance when I see actual outcomes vs how the left characterizes the sausage-making processes.
Look at ARM in this thread, claiming some sort of weird victory for negotiations that are still quite a ways from completion.
I guess putting out ones opinion on future events where one hasn't been proven wrong YET beats the hell out of dwelling on past events where one has already been proven wrong....over and over again.
Nice to see that at 1600 Eastern a lunatic is already in all caps. I find all caps so compelling, mesmerizing, so indicative of strong emotion. Fired? Drunk on the job? Half days on Friday?
Stunning burbling. I'll check back in a few hours.
TTR: "And now with the parades and all. Where's that going?"
Gee, I don't know. Why would a professional salesman and showman and lover of country want a parade?
I can tell you that my many, many, many military contacts think its a simultaneously hilarious and fun idea.
Now, if you were to ask them on camera what they thought, they would not express that. They would instead say that serving the nation is its own reward and no parades are required.
Something along the lines of "we are just taking it one game at a time", "I'm just happy to be here", "I'm happy to play any position the team needs me to play", etc.
Quite frankly, I wouldn't put it past Trump to want a parade simply to see you guys crap all over a display of patriotism like that. And if it could be pulled off right before an election, from Trump's point of view, so much the better.
Perhaps you should spend some time explaining obama's intent in shutting off access to Washington memorials to WWII veterans who had traveled (possibly for the last time) to see these sites during the govt shutdown.
You know perfectly well putting up all that temporary fencing was BS, but you guys friggin' loved making life just a bit harder for all those vets just to make your political point.
I'll check back in a few hours.
I'm sure you believe that everyone will be waiting for that. Oh my! What will he say that wasn't either totally wrong or that no one already knew? One or the other.
In any event, it's good to see that the useless john believes the grindstone needs a nose constantly held to it - even at 4 PM on a Friday. Perhaps he thinks that weekend trips to Mar a Lago should be postponed until Saturday morning then. Or he just thinks that only he is privileged/rich enough to work when he wants to.
I know its hard, but feed in trolls serves no purpose. Other that hijacking the thread, and driving off the ones that have real opinions.
TTR: "Perhaps he thinks that weekend trips to Mar a Lago should be postponed until Saturday morning then."
And miss the Friday night activities?
Are you out of your mind?
Plus, Friday Nights at Mar a Lago are Triple Ice Cream Scoop Nights!!
And all the diet cokes you can drink.
I have to say, if you are going to make a diet coke float its best to use premium ice cream. Otherwise, the results are far less than Trumpian.
Gee, I don't know. Why would a professional salesman and showman and lover of country want a parade?
Hmmm... you mean when it comes to showing off military equipment? Maybe because wants to act presidential, instead of third-world military dictator presidential. But perhaps you were a greater fan of Ghaddaffi than that comment let on. Did you want Trump saluting the artillery and wearing green fatigues, a beret and epaulettes, too? Perhaps sunglasses and a keffiyeh while he's at it.
I take Eisenhower's opinion on military matters over draft-dodger bone-spur complainer Trump's. I'm sure you'll have no shortage of insults to throw at the allied commander and successful overseer of America's WWII win when it comes to defending your cowardly, classless current cunt in the White House. But that was at a different time and Republican/RINO resentment of Democratic civilian control of the greatest win for civilization in history runs really deep, don't it?
TTR: "I take Eisenhower's opinion on military matters over draft-dodger bone-spur complainer Trump's."
Well, that should settle it then!
Eisenhower is nothing more than a Dead White European-ancestry male who helped perpetuate the patriarchy and racism as well as completely represented Toxic Masculinity and should be silenced so that voices that have been "othered" can take the lead.
Signed: The entire modern left
Oh, and let me be the first to thank TTR for his valiant service in our armed forces.
Yeah, I think that should settle it. And stop being a cunt. Your 3:24 reveals your schizophrenia. Either take what he said seriously or stop flip-flopping to some garbage about PC. Trump's white, anyway. When he's not being orange.
Eisenhower will be remembered as a greater president, also.
Which other military leaders' insights did you want to also dismiss? Napoleon's? Alexander?
You seem to not want to be taken seriously.
And now a desperate 3:27 comment to desperately take focus on a what was it 5-time deferment on account of theoretical bone spurs on a foot he doesn't remember whether it was on the right or left?
You've got quite a job there when it comes to making a coward sound like someone worth taking seriously.
TTR: "And now a desperate 3:27 comment to desperately take focus on a what was it 5-time deferment on account of theoretical bone spurs on a foot he doesn't remember whether it was on the right or left?"
You've got it all wrong.
Biden received 5 deferments and then was disqualified from service due to childhood asthma.
You could look it up.
TTR, would you mind providing a single link from any comment you've ever made where you criticized Joe Biden's 5 deferments followed by disqualification for a childhood condition?
Thanks in advance.
TTR: "Eisenhower will be remembered as a greater president, also."
Ike played a helluva lot of golf.
Plus all our international competitors were in ruins, so we had a "slight" economic advantage.
Where would we be if Lt. William Calley had claimed that bone spurs kept him from doing his duty in Vietnam?
When did Biden come into this? Why should he? Which of his actions am I defending, let alone for very little justification?
Is Biden doing a retarded, 3rd-world military parade? No.
Just stop losing the point or fuck off already. Your ADHD is becoming ludicrous and tiresome.
If you have nothing to defend, then stop going on the attack. It's rather transparent.
Ike played a helluva lot of golf.
Again, not the point.
You should try making a point sometime. If you're capable of it.
Plus all our international competitors were in ruins, so we had a "slight" economic advantage.
And here's another piece of distracting bullshit from the right that I'm getting a bit tired of. You think this "advantage" was unfair? Well, it was the right that made WWII happen in the first place by deregulating and falling asleep at the wheel of the world's greatest emerging market and power in the first place, starting a global depression that let to right-wing nationalist/fascist fanatics sprouting up everywhere to conquer and pillage. So fuck off. If you hadn't done that there wouldn't have been a WWII anyway so the fact that we had to get in there and win it and clean up your economic mess just decreases your credibility for commenting on this stuff even further. Yep, we brought you the fifties. You couldn't even get a third-rate actor with Bryllcreem to get a USSR to fall without pretending that we didn't notice it was already falling on its own. Or was communism that much more powerful an economic force than you keep telling us?
The jealousy is palpable. Try being rational for once and maybe you'll choose a defensible position and stop running around like an envious squirrel with its head cut off. It'll be better for the country and world, too.
Kim foundation is being advised by Clinton foundation.
TTR: "And here's another piece of distracting bullshit from the right that I'm getting a bit tired of."
Note to self: World Wars that devastate most industrial countries is a "distracting" fact.
TTR: "You think this "advantage" was unfair?"
Note to self: making note of a straightforward fact somehow corresponds to some mythical assessment of fairness.
TTR: " You couldn't even get a third-rate actor with Bryllcreem to get a USSR to fall without pretending that we didn't notice it was already falling on its own."
The revisionism continues.
I must have missed TTR's link to his criticism of one Joseph Biden for getting 5 deferments and eventual disqualification from serving due to a childhood illness.
I'm sure its here somewhere...
3:49: Again missing the point.
3:50: If the right were less jealous of how the left made the 50s happen (among other things) then they'd stop revising history to make it seem more favorable to right-wingers and their "ideas." (Or more accurately, "non-ideas").
It's easier for me just to summarize factual responses to your emotional, defensive scattershots.
TTR: " You couldn't even get a third-rate actor with Bryllcreem to get a USSR to fall without pretending that we didn't notice it was already falling on its own."
snip: "very revolution is a surprise. Still, the latest Russian Revolution must be counted among the greatest of surprises. In the years leading up to 1991, virtually no Western expert, scholar, official, or politician foresaw the impending collapse of the Soviet Union, and with it one-party dictatorship, the state-owned economy, and the Kremlin’s control over its domestic and Eastern European empires. Neither, with one exception, did Soviet dissidents nor, judging by their memoirs, future revolutionaries themselves. When Mikhail Gorbachev became general secretary of the Communist Party in March 1985, none of his contemporaries anticipated a revolutionary crisis. Although there were disagreements over the size and depth of the Soviet system’s problems, no one thought them to be life-threatening, at least not anytime soon."
TTR and other revisionists hardest hit.
TTR: "If the right were less jealous of how the left made the 50s happen.."
Note to self: Lefties believe only lefties helped destroy our WWII enemies and build the conditions which created America's unparalleled economic power vis a vis our industrial competitors.
I'll give it to TTR, when he goes Revisionist, he goes Full Revisionist!
Before we call this a bad deal, lets wait and see if we fly in a plane full of pallets loaded with cash headed to people killing our military personnel for absolutely nothing in return but a promise from known liars.
bagoh20: "Before we call this a bad deal, lets wait and see if we fly in a plane full of pallets loaded with cash headed to people killing our military personnel for absolutely nothing in return but a promise from known liars."
Why wait?
TTR and ARM have already called it.
Thank goodness!
Hey, you know who DID think the Soviet Union could be defeated and collapse in on itself?
Ronald Reagan.
And Maggie Thatcher.
And they enacted policies towards that end. And were opposed and called every name in the book by the left.
And now those same lefties want to claim they knew all along!
You know, I'll bet Biden's 5 deferments and disqualification from military service due to a childhood condition would have made him a much better Commander in Chief and negotiator with North Korea than Trump, who had as many as 5 deferments and was disqualified from service for a medical condition.
A totally, totally different thing.
Blogger Drago said...
TTR: " You couldn't even get a third-rate actor with Bryllcreem to get a USSR to fall without pretending that we didn't notice it was already falling on its own."
Don't laugh, but the USSR (and it Western supporters) believed that the USSR was the future because of its superior economic system. This economic system was made possible by removing ethnic & national loyalties and imposing class loyalty in its place.
When the USSR broke up, it was the result of economic failure, and the breakup happened along national and ethnic lines.
It is almost impossible to exaggerate the state terror used by the commissars to eliminate ethnic & national loyalties within the USSR. Ruling elites of captive nations were deported or killed outright. Whole villages full of people were relocated thousands of miles from the land of their birth.
And 70 years of this repression did not work.
Eliminating national and ethnic loyalties are at the heart of the great liberal project. You will be made to be a citizen of the world. I wonder where they will draw the line?
Note to self: Lefties believe only lefties helped destroy our WWII enemies and build the conditions which created America's unparalleled economic power vis a vis our industrial competitors.
But they were the ones who led. Your folks were left to their natural, subservient role as followers which seems to be where you belong now.
No wonder your note is to "self." It's too embarrassingly, obnoxiously wrong to pretend its something for anyone else to hear.
Yep. Biden.
Any other nobodies and irrelevancies you feel a need to use as human shields against taking note of the awful mediocrity that Trump is?
THere's probably no end to that list.
TTR: "But they were the ones who led."
That Patton.
What a lefty.....
You can't make this stuff up.
It's almost as bad, almost, as the antifa/resistance/never Trumpers pretending they are made of the same stuff as the guys that stormed the beaches at Normandy or were at the Alamo!
The lefties literally believe that. Literally.
Too funny.
But I don't blame TTR for avoiding the obvious: none of his lefty pals predicted the fall of the Soviet Union. None of them.
And he never criticized Biden for 5 deferments and eventual medical disqualification.
The Germans have a word for that....(or so I'm told)....
TTR: "Any other nobodies and irrelevancies you feel a need to use as human shields against taking note of the awful mediocrity that Trump is? "
History began this morning.
How typically......leftist.
TTR, why haven't you posted any links to all those brilliant lefties who were predicting the collapse of the Soviet Union?
Cat got your keyboard?
I suggest you post alot more fluff to distract from how much of a silly easily disproved lie that was.
And again, thank you for your courageous service in the New Confederacy Band of Brothers.
Beats serving in the US Military, that's for sure, eh?
And when it comes to the lefties hilarious claim to have solely built the US of the 1950's (a decade to be despised according to modern lefties), I'll leave you with this TTR:
You didn't build that.
It's true that lefties contributed to winning the second world war. On Stalin's orders, Dalton Trumbo pulled "Johnny Got His Gun" from publication after the Germans invaded the motherland.
What was that Lincoln said about Grant?
You may want to say, perhaps -
"Tell us what sort of pornstar turns Trump on, we want to make sure he never runs out"
11/11/2018 will be a very good day for a parade.
There will in fact be parades around the world if I understand correctly.
TTR, why haven't you posted any links to all those brilliant lefties who were predicting the collapse of the Soviet Union?
David Cay Johnston. Republican. Check out the interview he gave at the Commonwealth Club.
The rest of your bluster and bullshit isn't worth responding to.
I think "denuclearization" is still a pipe dream. The North Koreans obviously want talks. And it costs them nothing to offer "denuclearization" as a possibility. But they are most probably going to ask for something that the USA will not concede to in exchange. Of course, I think we should call their bluff and concede to it. How this pans out will certainly be a test of the Donald's much vaunted negotiating skills. The North Koreans have been systemically trying to drive a wedge between the US and the ROK for the past year. The Winter Olympics spectacle was a component of that strategy. How much this recent openess is a product of the same strategy remains to be seen. So, for example, if they go into negotiations and appear to be reasonable to the South but are objected to by the US, that will be a win for the North. A small win. But a win nonetheless.
Our CIA completely missed the upcoming economic & social collapse of our global adversary. They should have disbanded the CIA in 1991. Now, whenever the CIA makes some prediction, smart asses like me will say "Gee, wasn't the CIA caught flat-footed by the collapse of international communism? Guess I'll file that CIA prediction where it belongs."
"The rest of your bluster and bullshit isn't worth responding to."
Run away little man.
And take Joe "Audie Murphy" Biden with you.
David Cay Johnston. Republican. Check out the interview he gave at the Commonwealth Club.
Who? What talk at commonwealth? This David Cay Johnston wrote nothing before 1992: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Cay_Johnston
At age 60 a billionaire real estate developer from NYC out of town in Vegas alone invites a 30 year old single movie star up. to his room to watch TV and screw, for one night.
That’s about it. Thank God she was not a Russian. She was merely a gorgeous and friendly girl from New Orleans.
And 10 years later this guy runs for office for his first time and wins easily. And 3 weeks before the election she negotiated a $130,000 price to not tell anyone About it. But now she wants to sell her story.
I hope she gets her 140 million like Hillary did from Putin for approving a pro Russian Uranium deal. But we all know if she had that power over Hillary Clinton all she would have gotten was the mysterious death likeMarilyn Monroe got .
Lewis, yep.
Another TTR BS assertion.
Mar a Lago!!! I think not. Not that I haven't been there, but it is not to my taste, not to my taste at all. Gaudy. As is our leader. But it appeals to the aspirational who have arrived at that level of ostentation. Perfect. Good for everyone. The members likely own boats. In any event none of them, including our gaudy leader can get into a club or two on the island. Everglades? Not likely. Bath and Tennis? Not on your life. Such sorting of the one percent!! Indecent. But, as they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure,
And yet I wonder if Mar a Lago brings the same level of joy to its members as it delivers seething disgust to those who resist? Win win in that case.
Another TTR BS assertion.
What is? That Johnston stated what you denied? He did.
You can't even even follow a conversation competently. So it's safe to say your forensic skills are shit.
What else do you believe you know more than someone who won a Pulitzer for reporting knows?
Facts. You have as little use for them as you do for reason.
Run away little man.
And take Joe "Audie Murphy" Biden with you.
This is Drago's way of peevishly admitting that he has no defense of Trump, his multiple deferments, the fact that they were for "bone spurs" on a foot that he doesn't remember - but definitely one of them... or maybe both.... maybe all three.. whichever one isn't in his mouth - or that he thinks avoiding venereal disease was like his own personal Vietnam.
Good Lord, TTR. You haven't given anything that can be refuted. You have just dropped a name and asserted that he predicted the upcoming collapse of the USSR, and that he was a lefty, and a republican. Are you drinking? Your google-foo, doubtful on the best occasions, has utterly failed you.
But I love you anyway:)
I will bet a bitcoin that the members of the Bath and Tennis Club and the Everglades Club and even the sad Mar a Lago club do not get a mad on come friday evening. Astonishing on so many levels. It must hurt the stomach bubbling there all week, this fury.
Predicted? He reported on what the Reagan cabinet knew at the time. If it wasn't collapsing then why don't you argue for emulating their supposed economic strength? (Oh well. You can at least pine for the Putin economy). I did say that he's a Republican because he is one. The idiot Drago asked for a "lefty" who knew this as a way to sarcastically imply that the right isn't as dumb as they are. I did him one better and responded with a Republican who knew (and admitted) as much. Why is reading comprehension so hard for hard for you?
TTR is a bit out of sorts.
That economy that Trump destroyed just added 313k new jobs.
But Trump got some deferments so he shouldnt be President and somehow it follows that his North Korea policy will fail.
I guess that kind of "logic" should be expected from the crew that thinks you can change your biology by just wishing it were so because the modern Confederacy of lysenkoists say so.
TTR will need to spin even faster now that his latest idiocy has been exposed.
Lets all sit back and see what pops up next.
Jimminy Christmas it takes a lot to give you lads a release.
Next CNN headline: "Trump uses peace, prosperity to distract from RUSSIAGATE"
So lame, nothing to make fun of. It really falls off when Chuck won't put out.
Was there anything else you wanted to change the subject to or is it enough to just throw a few dozen random non-responses out there?
Trump's doing a pretty good job indebting us to the Chinese, wouldn't you say?
$21 trillion in debt. Without a recession to get out of. Greater than 100% debt to GDP ratio.
Drago likes this. Hopefully he can get the debt to 150%, maybe 250% GDP.
Something would make it worth that.
Drago is a blind partisan. All facts must be filtered through his desperate RINO lenses.
Ah, and now a turn to the deficit. Trump racks up $21Trillion in debt in one year!!! Bad thing, that.
To please Ritmo, and maybe ARM
The Labor Force Participation Rate is not really moving. Feb 2018 data is just a bit up, but thats a minor bump we've seen before. Essentially flat since @2014
Probably denominator trouble.
I knew a guy back in the 80s who sort of predicted the USSR would collapse. He was just out of the military where he had some intelligence analysis gig. He said don't believe the Russians when they say they have a population of 300 million. He said it was really about half that, he knew from looking at their infrastructure. Once you got outside of the big cities, most of the roads were unpaved, and a lot of their farming was still done using animals for labor. A bunch of damage from WW2 was still evident. He was a lefty, maybe, he was trying to explain to me why he thought the Soviet threat was overblown. If they were really going to invade Western Europe, how would they feed the people?
But the labor force stats were forbidden subject just a couple of years ago. Sociology. Trust me on this, the FOMC is and has been aware of the real numbers all along.
The Population Employment Ratio though looks a little better with the Feb data.
Its improved a little bit, to match, again, 9/17, the last high point since the depth of the collapse. So one can probably expect a continued slow rise. What we have not seen is any rapid recovery.
BTW, this is one of the better answers as to whether the US is in a state of "full employment" - the answer is certainly not.
The trend back to full employment had been steady since unemployment peaked in 2010-2011. There is not much more to do.
Trump can beat his chest on economic nationalism all he wants. At the end of the day it's just less efficient and more time consuming than simply providing better worker safeguards.
Trump's agenda is pro-owner. He's ok with highlighting the few crumbs that then get thrown down to the workers, but this is still peanuts compared to what he could be doing.
He's owned and he's doing what he can for owners.
And polluters.
"But the labor force stats were forbidden subject just a couple of years ago."
They are still a forbidden subject now. This stuff embarrasses everybody.
Back in 2012-ish - 2014-ish there were some people who bothered disputing the significance of the stats, and made fools of themselves. Since then omerta.
"There is not much more to do. "
This is most certainly false. The leading economies of the world recovered much faster post-2010. The US performance in restoring employment has been very poor.
The Democrats and business community still hope to exploit labor (e.g. refugee crises) and environmental arbitrage to disenfranchise Americans and inflate the profit numbers, respectively. However, they will need to walk out Obama's debt and redistributive change schemes if they hope to realize real gains.
6. Trump the man without a Nobel "Peace" Prize.
A social justice progression, perhaps a nuclear war, may get the committee's attention. Although, orange is not a trending color diversity class.
In numerous meetings with Fed officials I had the temerity to suggest the employment numbers failed to take into account those absent from the workforce. Suppressed grins. Noted. Move on. Everyone has known Most importantly the FOMC has known and their interest rate moves have taken the real numbers into account.
Fascinating. Was this back when Bernanke was being cagey about the unemployment rate?
"There is not much more to do. "
This is most certainly false. The leading economies of the world recovered much faster post-2010.
Hey foreigner. Do you know how the present tense works? Well, see 2010 is in the past. The present is actually this year called 2018. What we can do now is different from what we could do then. We could have done more but didn't because Republicans took over congress and made it a point to slow any economic recovery that Obama could then get credit for. Mitch McConnell said their most important goal in the midst of this crisis was a political one: To make Obama a "one-term president."
We could have been like Germany and had corporate governance laws that reduced hours instead of mandating more disruptive things like layoffs, or called for greater worker representation on boards. But we're America and believe that owners should be entitled to whatever they want - no matter how disruptive to the worker or the economy. It is in perpetuating this mindset that Trump has convinced Republicans of the impossible - that he can position himself as pro-worker. He can convince people of whatever he wants but he is not pushing for pro-worker policies. Just pro-owner policies that he says will push some crumbs on down to the workers. And also making American industry less competitive by pursuing non-targeted tariffs at every turn.
Yes and his successor. The conundrum is obvious. It is impossible to know why those out of the workforce do not re-enter but quite possible to calculate those employed in the tax paying sector. The number of people suddenly on disability, the ease with which they came to that status are obviously ticklish topics. Etc.
Mitch McConnell said their most important goal in the midst of this crisis was a political one: To make Obama a "one-term president."
Well, duh, McConnell is a Republican. Of course he believed that the best way to get the economy going again was to elect a president who wasn't a socialist community organizer. Are you a child, TTR?
"We could have been like Germany "
Yes actually, you could have been, and that would not have required passing any laws.
Regulatory reform has always been on the table, and that, more than anything, would have gotten you to Germany. The German regulatory burden is LOWER than in the US, if one accounts for the incredible process costs you have to deal with here as a result of cultural issues in your government structure.
The Obama admin had control of the actual government, and moreover it was a government structure that would obey him, as he was their natural leader. But US policy was to increase every regulatory burden and complicate every process.
Unlike Trump, who is absolutely not the natural leader of those who staff your government. Getting them to change is like pulling teeth. But Trump has indeed been doing the needful, as my Indian contractors say.
TTR: "Drago is a blind partisan. All facts must be filtered through his desperate RINO lenses."
So much anger and lashing out when you are exposed.
Good luck with the therapy.
Michael: "Ah, and now a turn to the deficit. Trump racks up $21Trillion in debt in one year!!! Bad thing, that."
TTR "forgot" to include prior Presidents in this discussion of our national debt.
U expectedly.
We should just send them money to stop their nuclear program
> The deal, which Mr. Carter struck and Mr. Clinton would eventually agree to soon after Kim’s death, amounted to a generous offer. President Clinton promised to lift decades-old sanctions, supply the North with 500,000 tons of oil a year and provide $4 billion in aid to construct a light-water reactor capable of producing nuclear energy but not weapons.
> In exchange for the reactor and oil, the North would end its weapons program and close — but not dismantle — the Yongbyon complex
The Iranians stopped their nuke program after our cash drop: although gave up inspection so we just have to trust them.
NK GPD is $3G/year, so each Clinton sent more than a years worth of income to the country.
What does Carter recommend today?
Jimmy Carter: What I’ve learned from North Korea’s leaders
> The next step should be for the United States to offer to send a high-level delegation to Pyongyang for peace talks or to support an international conference including North and South Korea, the United States and China, at a mutually acceptable site.
The narrative engineers need a story about what Trump thinks.
When Obama was President, everything he wanted was a MacGuffin
The Evil Republican Nazis wanted his Ark of the Covenant, or Obamacare, or a nuke deal, or...
Now that Trump is Prez, whatever happens is a disaster and there must be some evil or selfish reason behind it.
Our media is comic books with Ben Rhodes as Stan Lee.
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