February 22, 2018

What effect does this kind of news coverage have on those who are thinking of becoming the next school shooter?

pathetically weak

I made that screenshot from the front page of The Guardian because that's where I happened to click, but similar shots could be made from many prestigious news sites.


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PeterK said...

"I am seeing a lot of push back from teacher friends on Facebook about the suggestion that they be armed or carry concealed weapons-- they wonder where the funding, training and liability protection will come from when they are forced to buy school supplies on their own."

first of all teachers will not be forced to buy a gun and become trained in it. It is voluntary. as for buying school supplies why are teachers doing that? in my day my parents bought my school supplies, there are programs at the start of the school year in which people are asked to donate supplies or money for supplies

the same would happen with arming teachers. some teachers will already own a gun and will also have a CHL/LTC. those who dont may be offered a discount to purchase a firearm. down here in Texas a local sheriff offered to conduct Concealed handgun license courses for free, and overwhelming number of teachers have already signed up. no cost to the teachers

Unknown said...

The Media Is an Accomplice in School Shootings
A call for a “Stephen King” law

Mass Shootings and the Media Contagion Effect

Media Critics Say Sensational News Coverage Encourages Future School Shootings
By Jeff Stone On 12/16/12 AT 2:47 PM

For years, forensic psychiatrists have been urging American journalists to reform the way they report on these incidents. In a 2009 BBC interview, perhaps the best known among those psychiatrists, Dr. Park Dietz, said: “We’ve had 20 years of mass murders throughout which I have repeatedly told CNN and our other media, if you don’t want to propagate more mass murders, don’t start the story with sirens blaring. Don’t have photographs of the killer. Don’t make this 24/7 coverage. Do everything you can not to make the body count the lead story, not to make the killer some kind of anti-hero. Do localize the story to the affected community and make it as boring as possible in every other market. Because every time we have intense saturation coverage of a mass murder, we expect to see one or two more within a week.”

In an interview with KUOW after the Seattle Pacific University shooting, Dietz complained that he’d been ignored. “I have been on CNN at least three times saying, ‘If you keep this up, we’re going to have another one within two weeks,’” he said. “And I’ve been right all three times.”





Unknown said...

DAN MCCLAUGHLIN: Every solution to mass shootings inevitably involves a serious trade-off.

Even if the mainstream media goes dark, there’s social media. Our exhibitionist culture may encourage disturbed people to perform acts of retribution that guarantee them maximum publicity; think of the mass shooter as taking a kind of mass selfie of rage. But that genie can’t be put back in the bottle, either, at least not without a massive campaign against freedom of expression.

As always, human beings are the real weapons of mass destruction, and the tools they choose are not the causes of violence. If we want to weed out people who might commit violent acts in the future, we need to scale back due process protections and incarcerate more people on less evidence. Although that too is a trade-off many of us would find it hard to make, we could plausibly target privacy laws that make it difficult to compile records on people with a history of threatening behavior.
Social media has evolved into an enabler of antisocial behaviors, and our attempts at dealing with the mentally ill more humanely hasn’t worked out to be very humane for the rest of society.

Posted at by Stephen Green on Feb 16, 2018 at 7:22 am




It was known in the 1920's and 1930's that notorious bank robbers and killers loved to read about themselves sensationalized in the Newspapers.

This was known in the 1970's and Eddie Murphy Did a SNL episode - The Man who shot Buckwheat


Unknown said...

Media Critics Say Sensational News Coverage Encourages Future School Shootings
By Jeff Stone On 12/16/12 AT 2:47 PM

For years, forensic psychiatrists have been urging American journalists to reform the way they report on these incidents. In a 2009 BBC interview, perhaps the best known among those psychiatrists, Dr. Park Dietz, said: “We’ve had 20 years of mass murders throughout which I have repeatedly told CNN and our other media, if you don’t want to propagate more mass murders, don’t start the story with sirens blaring. Don’t have photographs of the killer. Don’t make this 24/7 coverage. Do everything you can not to make the body count the lead story, not to make the killer some kind of anti-hero. Do localize the story to the affected community and make it as boring as possible in every other market. Because every time we have intense saturation coverage of a mass murder, we expect to see one or two more within a week.”

In an interview with KUOW after the Seattle Pacific University shooting, Dietz complained that he’d been ignored. “I have been on CNN at least three times saying, ‘If you keep this up, we’re going to have another one within two weeks,’” he said. “And I’ve been right all three times.”

just search Park Dietz Associates youtube BBC

DJ said...

"I think your research has some giant bloody holes in it."
That's FUNNY! You think the lefties do fact-based research to support their wild theories! LOL!

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

If I understand correctly, you're paranoid if you have a gun for protection because the odds of being a victim are so slim. Even if you live in the worst crime ridden neighborhood. However, your totally rational to believe you'll be a victim of gun violence if guns aren't banned or severely restricted.

Big Mike said...

Way back at 7:02 Robert Payne wrote:

“Unless someone can point out the Soros connections,this seems like a grassroots coalition that deserves to be heard.”

Robert, my friend, you are gullible or a tool. This AstroTurf operation has way more than a whiff of goulash around it. It’s too fast and too slick. Contrast with the Tea Party, which really was a grass roots movement.

hstad said...

Fabi said...
Do you think the media care? They have but one mission -- help the democrat party win in November.

2/22/18, 7:33 AM

Do not disagree with your comment! However, I would beg to differ with the "...one mission..." comment. In the "..... media.....the primacy of ever more intimate perspectives on violent confrontation, ....has long been a staple of journalistic profit and practice......" http://journal.media-culture.org.au/0302/04-ifitbleeds.php

The "Media Care" about their ratings, clicks, and reason for their being - profits, above all. Hell, here in LA, KNBC, cut to a car chase during the Olympics. Angelenos love their car chases on TV. LOL - for ratings gold! The old methaphor of the "Media "..... if it bleeds, it leads ..."

Jim at said...

Have any conservatives ever complained about the nonstop wall-to-wall coverage that Fox News gives to murders carried out by illegal aliens, or attacks carried out by Islamist terrorists?

I admit, I don't watch FOX News much. Maybe a bit of Cavuto at the closing bell.

So, I must've somehow missed this non-stop, wall-to-wall coverage of said events. Being non-stop and wall-to-wall, and all that.


Jim at said...

Is the second amendment really more important than the first?

Because without the Second, you don't have the First.

They teach these things in grade school. Or at least they used to.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The legacy media reported that the shooter was once upon a time, bullied. That was the old narrative.

I wonder if the student who bullied Marco Rubio is the same student who bullied the shooter?

Annie said...

That Cameron Kasky kid, the left is using, seems like a real winner. Not. Doesn't seem like much would set him off.


Marc in Eugene said...

It's an intriguing speculation, 'whose side' the local police, National Guards troops etc 'will be on' in the event of some anti-constitutional catastrophe. Won't the most important question be about the legitimacy of those who purport to be 'government'? who or what is perceived to be 'legitimate authority'? Personally I have very little respect for most of the officials, elected or appointed, of the municipal authority, some respect for the county authorities, and, again, very little for the locally-elected legislators at either the state or federal level. That being the case, however, it'd take some obvious and unquestionable extra- or anti-constitutional provocation before I publicly broke the law in some serious matter.

bagoh20 said...

"The selling of guns will spike during the next month because of this."

It is already. Between my last comment and now I purchased a Colt AR-15 a couple blocks away at one of many Las Vegas gun stores. It took maybe 5 minutes until we called in the background check which usually takes only about a minute. It took 20. The traffic in the system right now is packed with people who want to defend themselves, and people who see the fact-free hysteria, and want to make sure they take advantage of their rights before they are gone. I'm of the second motivation. I already have guns, but the AR-15 will fully round out my defense, and I'd like to get one while I still can. Now I have it. Great job reducing guns there, lefties.

Unknown said...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
If I understand correctly, you're paranoid if you have a gun for protection because the odds of being a victim are so slim. Even if you live in the worst crime ridden neighborhood. However, your totally rational to believe you'll be a victim of gun violence if guns aren't banned or severely restricted.
2/22/18, 1:37 PM


I work every day in San Francisco, (safest city in America compared to Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Jersey city et al ) and I've witnessed two Shooting incidents, (One last Friday night in the Golden Gate Park Panhandle was a double) And I helped break up a beat down of a black Car limo driver suffering a beat down by a family of day drinkers who are " guests in our country ", right in front of Original Joe's restaurant in North Beach. The Perps said to the driver and me, " If you call the police I will find you and kill you and your family. " The people with their faces to the glass in the restaurant watching all called the SF PD and they showed up momentarily. So I have a standing death threat on me and my family, and I'm originally from Chicago, I believe them when they say they'll try it.

This happens in San Francisco less frequently than other places in the U.S. but stabbings, pistol in your face muggings, and drunken beat downs are more common here.

I don't carry, but I would if I could get a legal CCW in California. And I'm a highly trained professional in private practice. So go figure.

The reality is, if you have a pistol CCW legal or not, in San Francisco and much of California, you would be likely to be prosecuted in San Francisco just for brandishing to break up assault or to shoot back ... professional white guy ... they'd make extra effort to make an example of you AND first round defense costs about $100,000. Lose and Appeal, probably another $200,000.

Lose and it's jail, fines, loss of legal gun ownership rights, loss of voting rights, loss of income, jobs homes et al.

Would I use a weapon of any kind to defend anyone else on the street other than my wife and kids ? With costs like that, to take care of you ? Hell No. Not on your life.

You are on your own. Just ask the Kate Steinley family, ask the Limo Driver beaten to the pavement by drunks I defended, ask the dead guy and the guy in ICU from the park shooting last Friday.

Sure, call the police, they'll get there in a half an hour and take all the statements and pick up evidence.

There are jurisdictions where this isn't the MO of the government. Freedom of relocation is a right in this country, and we're moving several states away; we spent our entire adult lives and raised four kids here.

I understand there are people who live, work and play in places that never see violence, or evil people, or drug addicted desperate people, or 5,000 - 10,000 bonafide crazy homeless that do all their business in the streets and alleys, or shootings, stabbings and muggings.

I hope to move there some day, and soon.

Michael K said...

I already have guns, but the AR-15 will fully round out my defense, and I'd like to get one while I still can. Now I have it. Great job reducing guns there, lefties.

I might buy more ammo but we escaped California where ammo is now rationed. It's also illegal to buy it in Arizona and take it back to CA.

Fortunately, I am in Arizona permanently now.

Years ago, on the topic of concealed carry in CA, there was a talk radio guy named Michael Jackson who was a lefty. He had the LA police chief on one day to talk about how you would be arrested if you carried a gun.

Every caller that day was a woman who said, "I will not be a victim." All carried guns in purses.

It was hilarious. The chief would lecture the caller on how wrong she was, then the next caller would be another one.

Big Mike said...

I ain't got no use for an AR, however there's a sweet, previously owned, M-14 (Springfield Armory M1A) with a match grade barrel down at the local gun store that keeps calling to me. M-14? Necklace for my wife? M-14? Sleeping inside instead of in the back yard? M-14? ...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Gun-Free Zones

1. White House
2. US Capitol
3. State Capitols
4. RNC convention
5. Republican Town Hall meetings

Michael K said...

It turns out that Jake Tapper is no unbiased moderator.

He was a spokesman for Handgun Control, Inc.


Michael K said...

ARM neglects to mention the body guards.

Like his fellow Bernie bro who tried to kill the GOP Congressional baseball team

bagoh20 said...

You left out some gun-free zones, like for example, every single venue that has been victim to a mass shooting. Just a coincidence.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

This is bullshit, of course. There was an armed guard at both the school and the Pulse nightclub.

Bruce Hayden said...

@ARM - yeh, and it was just announced that the deputy working that day at the school was shown on video staying outside, and not confronting the shooter. As a result, he was put on unpaid administrative leave, then allowed to retire.

Michael K said...

When seconds count, the police are minutes away, or outside the building frozen with fear.

Big Mike said...

In addition to giving teachers the right to carry concealed, we need to teach the students to rush the attacker the way the Americans did on that train in France. Maybe you'll be shot if you rush the attacker, but maybe he'll be too discombobulated to shoot straight or he might wound you but not kill you. But if you run, you're going to get shot in the back, and he'll shoot you again while you're on the floor.

Michael said...

Big Mike

Yes. Rushing the shooter is really the only thing that can work in these situations for the reasons you articulate. It is very difficult to hit moving targets even if they are coming right at you. If several people are rushing it is almost certain a shooter can be taken down.

Michael K said...

Prediction of the bext mass school shooting. It will be the Minneapolis area.

Just days after the last school bell rang, a dramatic uprising of teachers, parents, and school board members ousted Superintendent Valeria Silva.

Silva’s approach to school discipline sparked the revolt. Her policies, initiated in 2010, launched the St. Paul schools on a downward spiral of chaos and violence. In December 2015, Ramsey County attorney John Choi labeled the situation “a public health crisis.” In 2015, assaults on teachers in St. Paul schools reported to his office tripled compared to 2014, and were up 36 percent over the previous four-year average.

Teachers, Students Fear for Their Safety
On Silva’s watch, the city’s high schools have become menacing places where gangs of out-of-control teens prowl the halls, and “classroom invasions” by students settling private disputes are commonplace.

This is the "Broward Solution" two years or so before the shooting.
Black and "brown" students are not to be disciplined. Cruz was counted as "Brown."

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bruce Hayden said...
it was just announced that the deputy working that day at the school was shown on video staying outside

This has been know for a while now. Just another useless guy with a gun.

bagoh20 said...

"Just another useless guy with a gun."

So if you saw such a shooting taking place you would call for help from unarmed men? Maybe call the girl scouts or a lawyer? The first thing people do is call the cops because THEY HAVE GUNS. Is there another reason?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The students, some of whom have been viciously maligned on this blog, showed more bravery than the guy with the gun.

bagoh20 said...

It's disgusting that we have to expect kids to be the brave ones - unarmed kids against an armed madman. And that's what some want to continue to go with. You want to depend on the government alone to protect us. They failed at every level here. The FBI, and the local cops all failed those kids, and they will likely fail the next time too. Or we could try something different: self defense instead of wishful thinking. Guns are the only way to stop a madman with murder in mind. It would help to have them where we need them instead of outside or at the police station where no shooter ever goes for obvious reasons.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Or we could make it very difficult for crazy people to get a gun in the first place. The country is drowning in guns. Time to start reversing the process.

Michael K said...

"Time to start reversing the process."

Please, please get the Democrats to run on that this fall.

It is empty virtue signaling by people who know nothing.

I don't even think you believe it yourself. It is just about winning elections.

The deputy was a coward. Maybe if there were several teachers armed and trained who NOT outside, it might have helped.

The coach was brave enough to shield students. What if he had had a gun ?

Matt Sablan said...

"Or we could make it very difficult for crazy people to get a gun in the first place."

-- If the law enforcement agencies had done their jobs and brought the guy in who abused people, threatened people with murder and tortured animals -- he wouldn't have been able to get a gun in the first place. Given that despite committing many violent crimes Cruz was never once treated like a violent criminal by the system, what level of background check are you going to require that would have caught him?

bagoh20 said...

"Or we could make it very difficult for crazy people to get a gun in the first place."

And when they get one anyway, or a machete, or a truck to drive through a crowd? Then what? Let people just die, because we hate guns more than we love each other, more than we take responsibility for each other. We just want everyone to be nice, or at least harmless, right? Good luck with that. It's got lots of historical evidence to support it.

bagoh20 said...

If you have school age kids, then you have a choice: send them to a school that's a gun free zone just like all the ones where the kids have been mowed down like sheep, or to one where the adults are allowed to have weapons if properly trained. Where do your kids go every day to be exposed to the risks of our time when you and the cops are not around?

Do you think there is a real risk of them being in such a shooting or not. If you do, how can you not want someone to protect them instead of just hoping the system works after all these failures?

What do you tell them when they ask you why your money in the bank is worth protecting with guns, but they are not?

Oso Negro said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Or we could make it very difficult for crazy people to get a gun in the first place. The country is drowning in guns. Time to start reversing the process.

2/22/18, 8:08 PM

The progressive obsession with the inanimate object and not the crazy person.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

This is sick thinking by someone who passively accepts a broken system. People in other countries don't put up with this bullshit.

Big Mike said...

But we aren’t “passively accepting a broken system.” There are things that are clearly broken and people on the right are, rightly, calling for change. Can the FBI people who received the messages about Nikolas Cruz prove that they passed the tip along? Because somewhere along the line someone failed to follow procedure. We are demanding that the FBI publicly identify who failed to follow proper procedure and fire not only those people, but everyone in their chain of command up to and including Chris Wray. If Democrats believed in good government they would join us, but folks like you, ARM, believe in unaccountable government and that’s almost diametrically opposed to good government.

We demand that the Sheriff of Broward County resign, and we further demand that he remove the armed deputies he has placed around the home of the resource officer who cowered outside the school while young Cruz was murdering his former classmates. Accountability is the sine quake non of good government.

We demand an end to gun-free zones in schools and churches. Do Democrats imagine an inner dialogue where a person who has planned to commit murder is dissuaded From carrying out their intentions by a sign proclaiming their target a gun free zone. Yeah, I can picture it now — Cruz listening impassively as the DA reads off a list of charges of homicide in the first degree, malicious wounding, attempted homicide, and finally the DA adds “bringing a firearm onto school property,” at which point young Cruz breaks down in great wailing sobs.

Can you stop doing and writing stupid things, ARM? At least for a minute or two? Can you do it for the children?

n.n said...

A #MeToo moment for the abortionists.

Rusty said...

" Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
This is sick thinking by someone who passively accepts a broken system. People in other countries don't put up with this bullshit."

Feel free to go an inhabit some other country. One that accepts whiney beta males.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The pussies with guns want to act tough. If you are afraid to walk down the street unarmed you are a zeta male.

Birkel said...

I wish you great fortune as you support politicians who make the argument you are making. All the success in the world if you believe hard enough will be yours.

Rusty said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
"The pussies with guns want to act tough. If you are afraid to walk down the street unarmed you are a zeta male."

You got nuthin' huh.
Typical ARM.
When asked what he'd propose he recites HCI talking points and then runs away. Get an idea of your own ARM. Quit having your morality fed to you by your betters.
ARM. I don't need a gun to be tougher than you.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Then you don't need a gun to walk down the street.

Big Mike said...

Some streets yes, most streets no. It’s the country you and your kind made, ARM, and it isn’t always safe.

But I’ll take your comments this morning as answering my question from last night in the negative.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Crap. Idiots with guns and the NRA made this mess.

Rusty said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
"Then you don't need a gun to walk down the street."
You said I did. I never mentioned it, tough guy.
No. Moron. Crappy law enforcement caused this.
Christ. I wish one of you knucklheads could think.

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