“It’s not a male and female as much as, ‘Are there snacks for women that can be designed and packaged differently?’ And yes, we are looking at it, and we’re getting ready to launch a bunch of them soon. For women, low-crunch, the full taste profile, not have so much of the flavor stick on the fingers, and how can you put it in a purse? Because women love to carry a snack in their purse.”When The Sun turned that into a story about a real product, "Lady Doritos," the internet went wild, criticizing, mocking, whatever. You can see some examples at the link and more at #LadyDoritos. It made me wonder if Nooyi is savvy enough to be masterminding virality to launch a new product.
A spokeswoman did say — about whether there's a new product designed to appeal to women — "I can’t yet give any more details beyond what Indra relayed in the podcast. However, I will be able to in a few months."
Anyway, the reaction on Twitter is humorous...
I feel like this is a overly strong reaction to #LadyDoritos pic.twitter.com/VCVAQkOQ7G
— RaPUNzel (@RandilynIsIn) February 5, 2018
... and humorously unhumorous:
I know it sounds stupid to be so pissed off about #LadyDoritos but think about its meaning for just a sec. these chips are literally designed to make women conform to there gender stereotypes. To be less messy and noisy and less distracting.
— Punk Rock Prince (@Doro_Doro) February 5, 2018
Oh my freaking gawd. I am in shock.
— Olivia Pope (@OliviaResists) February 6, 2018
The 1 day I put twitter away & focus on work, I come back to #LadyDoritos tending and I am all...
The first thought that came to mind after reading the story was..
Men. It's time to shut up & listen#HellHathNoFury@libertyveterans pic.twitter.com/7W9fjGFr2T
Dorito paste in a handy tube with a flip top.
Why is it time for men to shut up and listen, when the allegedly offensive idea was proposed by a woman and is opposed by women? If anything it's time for men to stifle laughing and get popcorn.
Say... ... popcorn. That isn't nearly as crunchy and obtrusive and messy as Doritos. Don't tell me this entire hoopla is just about people sitting around a conference table trying to reinvent popcorn.
Or just Dorito-flavored lipstick. Low cal too!
Now with nuts!
Men. It's time to shut up & listen
Umm... as far as I can tell there were no men at all involved in this whole thing.
They need a slim bag and then call it Virgin Slim Doritos. The slogan can be "Youv'e come a long way Baby, from your Miss Piggy days".
"these chips are literally designed to make women conform to there gender stereotypes. To be less messy and noisy and less distracting"
Does this mean that women must conform to the stereotype that women are messy, noisy, and distracting, or does this mean they must conform to the stereotype that they are the opposite of these things?
Either reading makes no sense. The stereotype is that men are messier and noisier eaters--because they are--and that women are distracting.
Feminism means never having to specify what makes something sexist.
So it seems Indra Noovi is not pronounced entre nous.
"[T]hese chips are literally designed to make women conform to [their] gender stereotypes."
Apparently, marketing a product towards women "makes" women buy it.
"And they don’t lick their fingers generously..."
Good. While normally hot, not so much when a fat mouth stuffing Dorito munching she beast does it.
Lady Doritos taste even better when you are wearing your pussy hat.
There are no differences at all between men and women. Except for all the ways women are better.
Chips and chip eating techniques are social constructs and tools of the patriarchy.
Corn chips are cultural appropriation and potato chips are literally White Supremacy
Why not just call them “Doritas”?
A silly tempest in a teapot signifying nothing!
Coca Cola Dominance rules.
Wait a minute, chick, how did you get an "s" to fall off of a word, and end up capitalized below the sentence?
Why is some dot head the head of PepsiCo?
I thought PepsiCo was an American company?
No wonder they come up with nonsense like this.
Things have sure gone to shit since Joan Crawford croaked.
My wife suffers from Misophonia
I don't know that she would like something Doritos-flavors, but she would certainly appreciate less crunchy snacks. Especially when those snacks are being consumed by the people around her.
She can't stand Kit-Kat commercials.
Does this mean I have to boycott Mountain Dew?
AllenS at 2:48 PM
Wait a minute, chick, how did you get an "s" to fall off of a word, and end up capitalized below the sentence?
Only a few of us who were looking at the comments during a particular few seconds know what you are talking about.
This really inflames feminists as it goes against their narrative that most differences between males and females are culturally inculcated, and not based on fundamental, intrinsic differences between men and women. Feminists seem to believe they can revoke human nature. Frito=Lay obviously knows more about true human nature, but then they have a lot of money riding on it.
Doritos tailored for every time of the month.
What is her position on cow chips?
Should they be worshiped?
"Don't tell me this entire hoopla is just about people sitting around a conference table trying to reinvent popcorn."
See any old maids? And near 100% popped.
Presumably Pepsi has spent a large chunk of money doing market research on this sort of thing. If their research is correct, ladies will vote with their wallets, and the product will be a success. If they are wrong, they will withhold their dollars and the product will disappear. The power of the market. No shrieking harpies required.
Eats better too.
"Even if she can form words, who listens to a woman with a Dorito in her mouth?"
-Catharine MacKinnon
I may have taken some liberties with the quote.
I don't think it's crazy. I think they're probably just looking at what has become the most easily exploitable group to sell to. It's almost predictable. Every industry is repackaging, renaming, re-marketing to women. Men just don't spend as much. Plus, more women are getting advance degrees, more women are being hired, more women are (or will be) getting paid, and paid more. (yes, ladies- it will happen). AND...fewer women are getting married. So there's going to be a lot more single women with disposable income around. And it just so happens that women love snacks. And not all of them eat dried avocado chips.
All Lays has to do is package them in neat, small, sealed, sterile bags that can fit in a purse or backpack. Better if they don't get broken in the purse/backpack so Lays will have to figure that out. But...if they can take the same chip, make it smaller, fit it into smaller bags (15 small bags per larger bag on shelf), they'll sell a lot of them.
You're gonna miss us, and our Dorito chomping selves, when we're gone.
I can't wait for mushy, tasteless Transgender chips.
"Why not just call them “Doritas”?"
I suggest: Doreen.
Can we bring back the Frito Bandito as Bandita?
She's an anti-American cocksucker. She's the one that used her hand to make the point that the world thinks America is giving them the finger when we extend them our hand. It had something to do with electing Bush. I haven't bought a Pepsi product since.
“We already have Doritos for women – they’re called Doritos,” the company said in a statement Tuesday.
"Does this mean I have to boycott Mountain Dew?"
Speaking of marketing, I'm not a big Elon Musk fan but the Starman in the Tesla was pretty fucking cool.
Jay Leno, 1990: Crunch All You Want, We'll Make More
She's an anti-American cocksucker. She's the one that used her hand to make the point that the world thinks America is giving them the finger when we extend them our hand. It had something to do with electing Bush. I haven't bought a Pepsi product since.
Yep. I remember it well.
And don't forget Pepsi gave up decades of brand identity and changed their logo to mimic Obama.
It pained me to give up Funyuns, but if Pepsi wants her running things? I'll spend my money elsewhere.
Mike Sylwester, this is a bigger question than who built all that shit in Peru-Chili, or wherever out in the desert that you only can see from space.
traditionalguy said...
They need a slim bag and then call it Virgin Slim Doritos. The slogan can be "Youv'e come a long way Baby, from your Miss Piggy days".
Yeah, like the new tall, skinny Diet Coke cans.
Better than Lady Doritos at 5:07.
Speaking of marketing, I'm not a big Elon Musk fan but the Starman in the Tesla was pretty fucking cool.
Yeah. It was. Reminded me of the opening scene in Heavy Metal.
It would be wrong and sexist for Pepsi to produce Lady Doritos, but if they produce Lady Doritos, it would be wrong and sexist for men to criticize Lady Doritos.
Christ, Lady Doritos. What if you are a man, and you are at a party, and you get the munchies, and some lady said: "here try some Lady Doritos". You'd be all like WTF? It would be like some man offering you a lite beer, and you'd be like: WTF, if I drank it, and my friends found out, I'd have to give up my Man Card.
What's this world coming to?
Quiet non messy chips? I'd buy those.
#LadyDoritos is hilarious to read.
Well, it's true that lowbrow snack foods are not very ladylike to consume. I would not eat Doritos in front of anyone whose opinion I valued. That may be snooty but here we are.
One of my husband's high school girlfriends was fond of chili dogs from Wienerschnitzel and he took her there on dates frequently. I tease him all the time about how on Earth anyone could find a female attractive after you've seen her shoving a disgusting hot dog covered in chili into her maw.
And the Pepsi lady is a huge SJW. Annoying.
...how on Earth anyone could find a female attractive after you've seen her shoving a disgusting hot dog covered in chili into her maw.
It's a visual pun.
Indra Nooyi called the U.S. the 'middle finger of the world'.
She made a couple of attempts at insincere apologies. I haven't had a pepsi / frito lay / tropicanna product since. And its not that I'm a good boycotter, its that, in the first rush of the boycotting process, I discovered that there were alternative products that were much better than the pepsi co products! I've never changed back.
Anyway, this is all I think of when I see the name Indra Nooyi. And I remember that she's kind of an idiot.
Wow, she just can't help herself - this is what she said after the 2016 Election:
“I had to answer a lot of questions from my daughters, from our employees. They were all in mourning. Our employees were all crying. The question that they are asking, especially those who are not white ‘Are we safe?’, women are asking ‘Are we safe?’, LGBT people are asking ‘Are we safe?’.”
good grief!
I was going to try a Lady Dorito but they were all in the shape of a man.
Allen said
Christ, Lady Doritos. What if you are a man, and you are at a party, and you get the munchies, and some lady said: "here try some Lady Doritos". You'd be all like WTF? It would be like some man offering you a lite beer, and you'd be like: WTF, if I drank it, and my friends found out, I'd have to give up my Man Card.
Can gay men eat lady Doritos?
Revocation of Man Card if straight guy eats Gay Doritos.
Trans Doritos get complicated.
The problem with Lady Doritos is that they never shut the fuck up.
Eating Lady Doritos for a prolonged period of time will still not make men put the toilet seat down. So, there.
Or, as chick is apt to say --
Eating Lady Doritos for a prolonged period of time will till not make men put the toilet seat down. So, there.
More niche product development:
Schmidt Gay
More niche product development:
Schmidt Gay
I like it!
So are Lady Doritos female from the get go? Or do they perform some kind of gender reassignment procedure to the male chips?
Like maybe they go into an estrogen soak to make them softer and more...uh... womanly. Then they go through a finishing process and come out Ladies.
I've heard that Lady Doritos kinda taste like fish.
When I finish retiring I'm moving to the fabled mountain paradise of El Dorito.
" I tease him all the time about how on Earth anyone could find a female attractive after you've seen her shoving a disgusting hot dog covered in chili into her maw."
Its a remarkable thing about men, what they will overlook in a woman.
Chips that are culled in the finishing process are called "sluts".
There's enough of them that the company plans to package and test-market the sluts as Bimbitos, Trollops and Doritos Jades.
"Its a remarkable thing about men, what they will overlook in a woman."
And vice versa.
Coke Zero is Man Diet Coke.
masterminding virality to launch a new product.
While undermining virility.
I have to say, you all are really killing it today. This is one of the funniest comment threads I've read in months - between AllenS and Langford peel I can't stop laughing!
@i have misplaced my pants. To understand the appeal of a woman who will stuff a chili dog into her mouth, you want to think like a man. ))) Study on it a while, chum!
Men. It's time to shut up & listen
Umm... as far as I can tell there were no men at all involved in this whole thing.
When your only tool is misandry, every problem looks like a male.
I have to wonder, just HOW MANY crazed people are there out there?
The woman is not wrong. She perfectly described why I would never eat Doritos.
"Is she on the rag for $100 Alex"
"A dirty red mass found in soiled panties most often associated with Megyn Kelly and angry women everywhere."
"What is Girlclott?"
"Is she on the rag for $200 Alex."
Or anything labeled "Nacho Cheese" which evokes the viscous, cheese-like product sold at gas stations and movie theaters. The stomach turns.
@i have misplaced my pants. To understand the appeal of a woman who will stuff a chili dog into her mouth, you want to think like a man. ))) Study on it a while, chum!
Well, enthusiastic wiener stuffing is definitely a good quality in a girlfriend, but the chili-drenched smelly edible kind? Yuck!
Nuts distracted by squirrel.
As Dan Jenkins once wrote about women: "If they didn't have pussies, there'd be a bounty on them".
Unexpectedly, the abhorrent anti-female-body-image Superbowl diet Pepsi ad has not gotten viral pushback.
Campy wins at 6:29!
Yep, this is way worse than having a mancold.
I have to believe that there is very little for women to complain about if this sets people off. I am a woman, and think the snack she describes sounds appealing. I don't think it is a slam against women, she's just explaining basic market research. Why is stating that men and women have different preferences controversial?
Maybe the women so upset about this are making less than men because they spend all damn day looking for crap to be triggered by. It must be exhausting to be a liberal and get worked into a lather over nothing.
"Is she on the rag for $200 Alex."
In this summer's wonderful Twin Peaks: The Return, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Tim Roth play weird (it IS Lynch, OK?) professional assassins and while waiting in a van to kill someone, she is finishing her last pack of Cheetos (worse than Doritos for offensives already mentioned) and is quite angry and letting it be known.
Roth's character says something along the lines of, "Are you on the rag?" and she barks back, "WELL WHAT IF I AM!!!".
Honestly. I thought "lady Doritos" was girl code for, you know, lady parts.
My bad.
This will cost Frito Lay almost nothing to produce, just a matter of changing a masa cylindrical cookie cutter on a Dorito line and packaging.
What amazes me is how a very conservative Pepsico has morphed it to a SJW corporation. Pepsi was to Coke what Coors was to Bud. Pepsi and Coors funding Republicans, Coke and Bud funding Democrats.
langford peel said..."Things have sure gone to shit since Joan Crawford croaked."
I have actually spoken with old timers at Frito Lay who work there when she would tour the plants. They all loved her, she would spend hours roaming the plant talking to workers and in many cases remember their names. Of course I'm sure Pepsi had "stud books" on the corporate planes.
You're confusing "Lady Doritos" with "muffins".
Pro-choice for killing babies, not for snack foods?
Bob Boyd, 2/6/18, 5:49 PM gets my vote for best comment.
And of such moments is fame created, and fame destroyed.
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