February 3, 2018

Trump leverages the anti-Trump press.

That's my theory, as I read — at Politico — "Trump escalates his war with U.S. law enforcement after memo release/The president hinted openly that he might yet fire senior officials over claims of bias against him."

What did Trump say that "hinted openly that he might yet fire senior officials"?

A reporter asked him if he's "likely to fire Rosenstein" and if he still had "confidence in" someone whose name I couldn't catch (maybe Rosenstein). And Trump just said "You figure that one out."

So the press takes that no-comment comment and runs with it, basically reporting on The Future. What might Trump do?

I was laughing about this last night as I tried to watch CNN. The Nunes memo had just come out, and the night before the memo came out, the talk had been about what might be in the memo, i.e., News of The Future. Once the memo was out, it was old news, because we'd already talked about what was in it, back when it was News of the Future. So the subject had to be who Trump will/will not fire in the coming Saturday Night Massacre.

Trump doesn't need to move a muscle. The media throw his weight around for him.


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Matt Sablan said...

How could Nadler get so many things just flat out wrong?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The media will treat Nadler's memo like it's golden.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"And, amazingly, the Nunes memo does not provide a single shred of evidence that any aspect of the Steele dossier is false or inaccurate in any way."

Matthew -
-- If Nadler doesn't know that much of the dossier is wrong, well, then again, what was the point of this memo?

I think the leftwing hiveminds are deluded. They lie so much, they buy into their own lies.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Nadler's unimpressive lie-filled unprofessional memo is red-meat for the radical leftwing.

Seeing Red said...

The Russian government waged a massive campaign

What was the massive campaign?

Ads on Google and Facebook?

I don't use either. If it was "massive," why didn't they take out ads everywhere?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Russians. "massive campaign".
Sure thing.

Leftists have a massive campaign going on. right now.

Gretchen said...

Anyone else enjoying the fact that the left, you know the same people who chanted "Fry them like bacon" at BLM rallies and support football player kneeling over overblown police brutality, marched to release cop-killers, now claim these clowns at the FBI, who were never in harms way, and clearly violated FISA laws (remember when Dems were against FISA) are beleaguered law enforcement.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

But Chuck's fantasy would never come to pass. You impeach Trump and there will be an immediate hot civil war. Democrats have been spying on political opponents. We will never let them into power again.

You’re as bad as the worst of black radicals; threatening that there will be blood in the streets if you don’t get things your way,


What is a black radical? I think you are just proving you are a typical racist democrat.

There are some differences that are irreconcilable.

Rod Rosenstein used the dossier to to make it so Page was a Title I counter intel terget. That made it so the DOJ/FBI could look at the communications of anyone that communicated with him.

He conspired with at least 10 other people we know of to make it so they could spy on the entire Trump campaign.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. This train isn't stopping.

This is not acceptable. The people that did this are traitors. Anyone who supports them is an enemy of freedom.

Achilles said...

A 2nd source has now confirmed to me that, in a meeting on January 10, Deputy A-G Rosenstein used the power of his office to threaten to subpoena the calls & texts of the Intel Committee to get it to stop it’s investigation of DOJ and FBI. Likely an Abuse of Power & Obstruction

-Gregg Jarret

"You figure it out."

Rod Rosenstein is going to jail.

The train is rollin down the tracks traitors.

Matt Sablan said...

Those threats would match with the source that said he tried to lean on Trump to quash the Congressional investigation.

Narayanan said...

Qed ... Russians were so successful to turn more Americans into deplorables with fb and Twitter.

MaxedOutMama said...

Inga - Trump noted that he had issues with the law when he signed it, and that some parts of it might be unconstitutional. But so far, aside from missing one deadline by 4 weeks (a list deadline), Trump's admin has complied with it. The waiver authority Trump used to avoid imposing additional sanctions was included in the bill, and is one of the arguments for it not being unconstitutional. The Trump admin has not lifted any sanctions on Russia. Here's a Slate article, written against Trump, on the topic. Note that it cannot find any actual illegalities:

Trump's action in officially naming Jerusalem (but leaving the the Jerusalem borders undefined) was more than 20 years after the first such Congressional mandate passed. For that, the Left criticizes him. The double standards are obvious.

I don't truly buy the unconstitutionality theory, except insofar as it interferes with treaty negotiations which are explicitly delegated to the President (but don't become law until the approved by the Senate with a 2/3rds majority). The Climate Accord is one such agreement. But it was never approved by the Senate, and indeed, was never submitted by the Obama admin to the Senate. Trump withdrew, for which the Left criticizes him - but what one president has the sole power to do, another must have the power to undo.

In short, I have lost all respect for you as a commenter here. I hope that at some time the fever of partisanship will pass, and that you will be able to perform your proper functions as a citizen of this society. Right now, in my eyes, you are not mentally competent to do so.

The issue before us currently is that the Constitution delegates to the people of the United States the power of electing the president, and not to the FBI. If you cannot grasp this principle, there is no damned hope for you. And if the majority of the electorate cannot grasp this principle, there is no damned hope for us all. But I suspect that the majority of the electorate DOES grasp this principle.

The role of the FBI in the election, should it have had any information whatsoever that implicated Trump and made him subject to undue foreign influence, would have been to publish that information before the election and let the People of the Several States assess it (and publishing it would remove its leverage as blackmail). Either the FBI had such evidence and shirked its duty, or it did not.

Inga, IF YOU BELIEVE THAT THE FBI HAD SUCH INFORMATION AND HAS NOT USED IT, why? And should the FBI not be investigated for a dereliction of duty?

I'll tell you straight out that if the FBI had such information and did not publish it, it could have been for only one reason - they wanted to use it to gain unconstitutional power over the president, should that president be Trump. Think about that.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“In short, I have lost all respect for you as a commenter here. I hope that at some time the fever of partisanship will pass, and that you will be able to perform your proper functions as a citizen of this society. Right now, in my eyes, you are not mentally competent to do so.”

Oh good lord. Who the hell do you think you are? Why don’t you look inward and ask yourself how and why you could’ve been so duped by Trump, before insulting me. You don’t sound unintelligent, I can only attribute it to some mass delusion. Hopefully when you are faced with the evidence of his wrongdoing you can handle it.

walter said...

Excellent retort, "Who the hell do you think you are?".

Seeing Red said...

What difference, at this point, does it make?

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Narayanan said...

Another qed
Obama hinting flexibility.
Hillary bought by Russians. And FBI in the tank for Hillary and Russia.
Trump win is wild card.

FBI now need insurance to control Trump to help out Dems. Surveillance so that they can blackmail him if he wins.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MaxedOutMama said...

Achilles, Matthew, DBQ, Gretchen and all others using logic in this thread, unfortunately I have begun to believe that Rosenstein might have threatened Congress. If so, yes, he must be discharged and should get a jail term. The reason why I find it credible is because he was so closely involved in the pre-election activity. He did have a reason to take that risk and his pre-election behavior seems to prove that he was willing to take those type of risks.

It seems to me that one way or another, a lot of heads must roll in various DC bureaucracies.

No matter how much I may not like the policies of any single presidential candidate or any single Congress as elected, the worst of them will always be better than being governed by the FBI. We get to vote the politicians out of office. Once you give the FBI the power to rule, their power will be absolute.

Only thing I am going to say is that all people with left-leaning politics are not crazed lunatics who don't care about the country. I think Ann wisely included the Greenwald clip in the post to make this clear. And we all know that many on the right are defending the FBI as well, i.e. Bushies, for example. There are lot of ticks on the body politic at this point! We must look past the labels to focus on the fact that they are all blood-sucking disease-carrying parasites who should be removed ASAP.

We should seek out everyone from the left/right/libertarian poles who does not want to live under non-elected despots and join with them in order to correct this awful situation. After that, we can go back to having solely partisan disputes.

Also, never again one of these political dynasty things. They're fatal. The Kennedy thing has not worked out, the Bush people look like they are auditioning for the rule of Terminator of Democracy in some crappy movie, and G_d knows the Clintons leave a trail of reeking slime wherever they crawl. As a life form, they appear to have been engendered by a mating of Jabba the Hutt and that creature in the Alien flicks, because if you wander into that trail of slime and don't wash quickly enough, it coats you with a sort of jelly and you become their helpless tool.

This is why we need to dump the senators and look for governors - they have some independence from Washington.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“....and that you will be able to perform your proper functions as a citizen of this society. Right now, in my eyes, you are not mentally competent to do so.”

Is this a normal thing to say? Yes who the hell does she think she is telling me I’m not performing the proper functions as a citizen of this society”? Is being his sycophant part of performing the proper functions of our society? How dare you? You aren’t patriots, far from it. If you think making deals with Russians in Trump Tower to get sanctions lifted in exchange— for what, the emails that were hacked from the DNC you’re seriously messed up. Trump Jr, said “If it’s what I think it is, I love it!” Even Bannon said it was treasonous. You people need to get your heads out of Trump’s ass. I have absolutely no respect for you fools.

MaxedOutMama said...

Inga - "who the hell do you think you are?"

A citizen with a constitutional function to fulfill. Not a subject, but a citizen. I am not some friggin' serf just looking to stick my neck in a collar.

walter said...

Ouch! That question of competency really excised the LOL from ole Inga.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Only thing I am going to say is that all people with left-leaning politics are not crazed lunatics who don't care about the country.”

And I’d like to think that there are still conservatives who haven’t fallen prey to Trump mania. How dare you lecture me on my capacity for serving this nation and our society as a good citizen. I have a daughter who is driving cross country to California to Camp Pendleton to her new duty station, where she will be serving with the Marines as an FMF Corpsman. Guess what, she despises Trump, but can’t express herself on social media because she’s in the military. She’s a a Democrat and a liberal and has served in the military since 2002.

Kathryn51 said...

Matthew Sabin - thank you for dissecting the Nadler memo so that I don't have to look at it. I knew that it couldn't possibly "counter" the facts in the GOP memo because - to do so - Nadler would need to disclose classified information. Sounds like it is 75% diatribe against the GOP and 25% cherry-picked info that was already public.

Drago said...

Inga: "How dare you lecture me on my capacity for serving this nation and our society as a good citizen. I have a daughter who is driving cross country to California to Camp Pendleton to her new duty station, where she will be serving with the Marines as an FMF Corpsman. Guess what, she despises Trump, but can’t express herself on social media because she’s in the military. She’s a a Democrat and a liberal and has served in the military since 2002."

Carter Page and Steve Bannon are both graduates of the United States Naval Academy and served honorably as officers in the United States Navy.

You felt free to call them traitors.

And thats that.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathryn51 said...

I am not some friggin' serf just looking to stick my neck in a collar.

Preach it Mama!

Seeing Red said...

There she goes, trotting out her daughter again. RME.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

She’s served under Bush and Obama and respected both of them as her CIC, but NOT Trump, not one iota and she’s not alone In her low opinion of Trump. She’s 40 years old and Chief in the Navy and has been deployed to Afghanistan, at Camp Leatherneck when it was attacked by the Taliban in 2012. Don’t you dare lecture me.

langford peel said...

Rut Roh.

She is pulling the daughter in the army card for ultimate unshakable authority.

How dare you question her!

I think she just shit her depends she is so upset.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“There she goes, trotting out her daughter again.”

Yes and if you don’t like you can kiss my ass.

walter said...

"But..my kids!!!"

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“She is pulling the daughter in the army card for ultimate unshakable authority.”

Navy, you idiot.

Seeing Red said...

You use her like she's garlic or Holy Water.

Drago said...

Inga: "She’s served under Bush and Obama and respected both of them as her CIC, but not Trump, not one iota and she’s not alone In her lowvopinion of a Trump"

Your daughter is free to be as stupid as she likes.

The military by a large percentage supported Trump over Hillary for a reason.

Your daughter's opinion is not some North Star that has absolute moral authority as you posture here.

She is simply one of a minority of military members who did not vote for Trump.

The majority did.

And thats that.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I thought you said she was a Marine, Inga.

Maybe next year, she'll be in the Air Force.

walter said...

But hey..she makes that lame strategy work, effectively ignoring MOM's points.

Drago said...

The Marines are part of the Navy, even though the Marines have existed officially longer than the Navy which every marine everywhere is happy to explain to every Navy type at any time.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You felt free to call them traitors.”

Not Bannon, he called Trump Jr and the rest traitors for their Trump Tower meeting with the Russians. Carter Page? Yes indeed, a traitor, as well as Flynn.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The Marines use Navy Corpsmen as their medics. Look it up before you open your big mouth.

Drago said...

Btw, everyone should feel free to use another of the dozens of New Inga Rules by calling Ingas daughter a traitor.

As with Inga, all you need to know to do so is that the person voted the other way, in which case you are (rhetorically) Weapons Free.

langford peel said...

Imaginary daughters can serve in any branch she needs to in the moment.

She is also alternatively a lawyer, chef, butcher, baker and candlestick maker.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Your daughter is free to be as stupid as she likes.”

She’s superior to you. She also just won Senior Sailor of the Year, a huge honor.

Drago said...

Now Inga calls a retired Marine General Flynn a traitor with no evidence.

That makes three officers who served honorably labeled traitors with no basis by inga in this thread alone.

In the very thread she questioned how anyone dared lecture her about service to our country....and Inga never served.

Not that we needed another example of how demented inga happens to be.

langford peel said...

I would say it is not smart to give out personal information on the Internet.....but I guess it is ok if the person is just a figment of your imagination.

Drago said...

Inga: "She’s superior to you."

Were we to cross paths in uniform she would be saluting me.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Imaginary daughters can serve in any branch she needs to in the moment.”

Oh blah blah blah you asshole, I’ve heard that from you morons for the last five years when I bring up the fact that my daughter serves in the military and is a Democrat. A lower more ignorant bunch of people would be hard to find, but here you are.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Swing-state counties with especially high numbers of veterans helped propel Donald Trump to the White House

Trump performed better than Republican predecessors in several other jurisdictions around Wright-Patterson, especially Miami County, north of the base. McCain garnered 63.3 percent of the vote there in 2008 and Romney received 66.9 in 2012, but Trump carried 70.6 percent of the vote. Clinton, meanwhile, received 24.9 percent — down from Obama receiving 34.8 percent in 2008 and 31.3 percent in 2012."


What a terrible thing it must be for Inga's poor daughter, surrounded by and serving with all those Trumpists. I suggest she hook up with that Commie cadet at West Point who wants Mattis to die and wears Che T-shirts under his uniform. Maybe he likes older women.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Were we to cross paths in uniform she would be saluting me.”

And she’d probably be grimacing inside.

Drago said...

Trump easily won the majority of military voters both active duty and retired.

Inga says they are all treasonous traitors.

Because she is so proud of her daughters service.

Make sense of that combo.

langford peel said...

Not really Drago. You see you would only meet her at Comic-con and she would be wearing a Star Trek uniform.

You see she is a Star Fleet Admiral.

If she actually exists.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I would say it is not smart to give out personal information on the Internet.....but I guess it is ok if the person is just a figment of your imagination.”

I would say your retarded. I give no names.

Drago said...

Inga: "And she’d probably be grimacing inside."

Its not my fault she hates superior officers.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Drago said...

The Marines are part of the Navy, even though the Marines have existed officially longer than the Navy which every marine everywhere is happy to explain to every Navy type at any time."

I know that, Drago. But the Marines I have known say "I'm a Marine" not "I'm Navy."

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“If she actually exists.”

If your brain existed in your big fat ugly head, you would be such a fucking moron.

Drago said...

I know that, Drago. But the Marines I have known say "I'm a Marine" not "I'm Navy."

Its quite possible to be in a Navy medical support role to a Marine unit.

Its also possible to be in the minority of military members who did not vote for Trump because not everyone cares about how the dems hate the military.

Witness Durbin and other dems calling us nazis.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Exiled, you dumbass. Navy Corpsmen get attached to the Marines, they wear the Marine uniform, but they DO NOT call themselves Marines.

langford peel said...

No you just give out information that is easy to look up.

You would know that if you were not senile.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Look up FMF Corpsman and stop being so fucking ignorant.

Drago said...

Inga really has no response to the FACT that a majority of both active and retired military members voted for Trump.

Nor should she, as she never served.

And is there anything more pathetic than assuming a mantel of superiority for yourself by what another person chose to do?

I think not.

walter said...

Still deflecting.
Reminds me of Durbin running out to call foul on shithole.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Whether Inga's daughter exists or not is immaterial. I don't care if she's a female Audie Murphy, Inga does not get to hide behind her adult daughter's uniform when someone here calls her idiocy and totalitarianism out.

Achilles served in the military. So did Drago. You have no respect for them but we're supposed to respect YOU because of your daughter?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

My daughter is a Democrat who serves her country and is a patriot that DESPISES Trump and as I said she is not alone. He is not as beloved by the military as you’d like to think, far from it.

Narayanan said...

We have instruments to measure astronomical deviation to nanometers.
Surely we can measure deviation on steps of Air Force 1 to prove 239 or not!?

langford peel said...

Nothing is as sad as a potty mouth old biddy.

Maybe you should step away from the computer for a little bit.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

xiledonmainstreet said...
“Whether Inga's daughter exists or not is immaterial. I don't care if she's a female Audie Murphy, Inga does not get to hide behind her adult daughter's uniform when someone here calls her idiocy and totalitarianism out.”

Of blah, blah,blah. I get to mention my daughter when I damn well please. Sorry you never had much of a relationship with yours.

Drago said...

Inga: "Exiled, you dumbass. Navy Corpsmen get attached to the Marines, they wear the Marine uniform, but they DO NOT call themselves Marines."

And now you just screwed up.

Naval personnel wear navy uniforms.

Some Navy "working uniforms" appear very similar to Marine working uniforms.

You should spend more time learning rather than labeling millions if veterans traitors for daring to vote for Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Nothing is as sad as a potty mouth old biddy.

Maybe you should step away from the computer for a little bit.”

Don’t say moronic things and I would not have to cuss you out. Now go fuck yourself.

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago, My daughter is a Democrat who serves her country and is a patriot that DESPISES Trump and as I said she is not alone. He is not as beloved by the military as you’d like to think, far from

Trump easily won a majority of voters from both the active and retired members.

They are patriots.

You called them all traitors.

And you lecture others.

Yoyr daughter is in the minority because most military members instinctively understand democrats hate them.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

My, my, temper, temper. When you're not running to hide behind Althouse's skirts, you're hiding behind your daughter's, because you can't muster an decent argument to counter what MaxedOutMama said.

And again, if you have no respect for Achilles or Drago or Flynn or Carter Page's service, why should we give a flying f about your daughter?

A military person who is a liberal is an idiot.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Naval personnel wear navy uniforms.”

WRONG. You don’t know what you’re talking about. When my daughter was attached to the 1st Marine Logistics Group in 2012 she wore the Marine Camis. Educate yourself. As an officer you should know this.

langford peel said...

"Look at what you made me do!"

walter said...

Still working..with a little added sass.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga's not in the military but she's swearing like a sailor now!


langford peel said...

That's not sass!

That's Vick's Vapor Rub.

And urine.

Drago said...

"A military person who is a liberal is an idiot."

There was one die hard lefty in my last reserve command who hated, and I mean hated, George W Bush.

At least up until Dan Rather and the rest of Ingas lying dem pals tried to say W had been AWOL while in the reserves.

I happily hit him with the fact, over and over, that what the dems had pulled on W could be pulled on him because rescheduling and clustering drills was a practice so common about 95% if reservists had done it.

Lets just say that was the straw that began to set him on a new path.

Its just the kind of thing non-servers like Inga are doing now.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Fleet Marine Force= FMF Corpsmen wear the Marine uniform. She also had to carry a hand gun and a rifle, M(15)? When she was at camp Leatherneck. They carried them everywhere on base, even to the latrine. Don’t tell me what my daughter wore. When we went to pick her up at O Hare for her R and R, her Marine Camis were all faded from the hot sun.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“A military person who is a liberal is an idiot."

My daughter won Senior Sailor of the Year, not awarded to idiots.

langford peel said...

She was also a Cherokee princess and the Queen of the Elves.

I swear.

Bay Area Guy said...


"Achilles served in the military. So did Drago. You have no respect for them but we're supposed to respect YOU because of your daughter?"

Hey, I served too - under the great Ronald Reagan! Fighting Commies, and then fighting Arabs in Gulf War 1 (in defense of other Arabs).

Navy Corpsmen are imbedded with Marines. In the field, their uniforms are the same (Vietnam - jungle fatigues; Gulf War - desert fatigues). In ceremony, though, their dress uniforms are different.

Not a big bone of contention, though.

Of course, there are some liberals in the service who dislike Trump; just as there are some San Franciscans who dislike DiFi, Harris, Newsome and Slick Willie Brown (hint, hint!) But it's a minority. Probably around 20% or so.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said:

" He (Trump) is not as beloved by the military as you’d like to think, far from it."

From the WaPo article I linked to:

"In North Carolina’s coastal Onslow County, home to the Marine Corps’ sprawling Camp Lejeune, Trump beat Clinton 65.6 percent to 31 percent."

That's pretty popular. Nobody is saying every single service member voted for Trump, but he got a higher percentage of the military vote than McCain got.

That's because most military people like presidents who like and respect them back.

Drago said...

I just checked the uniform regs and Inga is correct that there are multiple circumstances (Commanding Officer directive, TAD, etc) where Naval personnel can wear Marine working uniforms with requirements for grooming standards and regulations equivalent to the Marine atandards.

And if you are enlisted and make use of this option then those working and service uniforms will be provided, which makes it a no-brainer cuz alot of the Marine gear is simply alot more cool than the equivalent Navy gear.

Cool matters.

walter said...

Sad to see the use of kids as shields..

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Read for yourself what FMF Corpsmen wear, the same exact camis Marines wear, Drago.

Don’t talk about things you don’t know.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Sad to see the use of kids as shields.}

My daughter doesn’t shield me, you simply have a problem accepting that people who despise Trump are patriots who serve this country too.

Drago said...

Inga: "My daughter won Senior Sailor of the Year, not awarded to idiots."

Well, it doesnt rule it out either. I've met plenty of awardees who were idiots because that award is often about dedication to duty or tasks rather than brain power.

You wanna know who was a highly decorated Marine General who led ably in combat and was smart enough to rise to senior intelligence positions under both republican and democrat administrations?

Michael Flynn.

And tou called him a traitor with no evidence.

Guess what? He accomplished alot more than Senior Sailor of the Year.

Drago said...

Inga: "Don’t talk about things you don’t know."

Didnt you read my 11:08 comment?

Drago said...

Inga: "My daughter doesn’t shield me, you simply have a problem accepting that people who despise Trump are patriots who serve this country too."

You simply calked the majority of active duty and retired military patriots treasonous traitors for voting for Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Achilles served in the military. So did Drago. You have no respect for them but we're supposed to respect YOU because of your daughter?"

I don’t give a rat’s ass if you respect me, I certainly don’t respect you.

Drago said...

Inga: "My daughter doesn’t shield me, .."

No she doesnt. But you sure used her like that in this very thread when you used her service as a shield for yourself.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You simply calked the majority of active duty and retired military patriots treasonous traitors for voting for Trump.”

No I did not. Why do you feel the need to lie?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Bay Area Guy, I didn't mean to overlook you. I didn't know you served. Thank you.

Gee, I wonder why most military people vote GOP? Maybe because they have enough sense not to support the pols who call them stupid losers and the lowest of the low. And those pols are Democrats:

Roughly 100 veterans and military supporters staged a demonstration Friday outside El Rancho High School in Pico Rivera over an anti-military rant made by a teacher.

The comments were made during a history class. A student secretly recorded teacher Gregory Salcido telling the class that people who join the military are stupid.

"Think about the people who you know are over there," Salcido is heard saying in the video. "Your freaking stupid Uncle Louie, or whatever. They're dumbs***s. They're not like high-level thinkers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people. They're the lowest of our low."


Salcido was once mayor of Pico Rivera and served on the the common council. The story doesn't mention his party, but gee, we can figure that out, can't we?

Remember John Kerry's comments about losers who went into the military? The troops had a great reply:


Drago said...

Other potential Inga Child/Shield tactics:

1) dont lecture me on the law, my daughter is a lawyer!

2) dont lecture me on cooking, my daughter is a chef!

3) dont lecture me on lecturing, my daughter is a Lecturer!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I’m her mother,I raised her. If she dies in action I’m the one who will mourn her, so go fuck off. She a patriot, she serves and she hates Trump’s guts and thinks he’s a fucking moron.

langford peel said...

Nobody respects you Inga.

At best people pity you.

Most of us just point and laugh.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga, you are demonstrating beautifully in this thread exactly why you deserve no respect whatsoever.

Drago said...

Inga: "No I did not. Why do you feel the need to lie?"

You have called all Trump voters mych worse than traitors.

But I understand wht you have to pretend otherwise.

Given what you've argued in this thread it would look really bad.

Sort if the opposite of how you lefties pretend the Bill Clinton stuff bothers you now. You need to pretend for todays narrative.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“2) dont lecture me on cooking, my daughter is a chef!“

Nope I have no daughter or son that is a chef. Lawyer, yes. Career military, yes. Stay at home mom yes. And my son is a journeyman Millwright. Anything else you’d like to imagine about my children?

MaxedOutMama said...

Inga, both you and I have a responsibility to hand on a little better, MORE democratic, MORE open, LESS corrupt country to your daughter.

I don't like Trump personally. I voted for him. I voted for him because of my certainty that Hillary was utterly corrupt and my horrified suspicions about an apparatus behind her. Those suspicions are now proven to be substantially correct.

If you care about the Democratic party, rescue it by getting it to deal with the unconstitutional behavior being shown here.

Inga, this is in no way about party politics any more. It's about preserving the ability for your daughter's vote TO MATTER. This situation is horribly painful for any person with a conscience, but every citizen has to grit up and deal. Not with the situation we wish we had, and not with the situation we once had, but with the situation that is being exposed.

The DNC thing was an inside job. Pretty clearly done by someone who knew the type of stuff Brazile revealed and wanted to expose it. The Russians were not offering the memos to Trump, because the Russians got them the same time we all did.

What we are left with are just a couple of scenarios:
The FBI didn't find anything on Trump, but damned sure looked for it, or
The FBI has something on Trump but never revealed it (terrifying).

Any rational person wants to get to the bottom of this.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, you are demonstrating beautifully in this thread exactly why you deserve no respect whatsoever.”

And I have absolutely no respect for you Exiled and your fellow Trumpists here who have more loyalty for a Putin Puppet than to a member of the military that risks their lives for you assholes.

Drago said...

Inga: Drago,
I’m her mother,I raised her. If she dies in action I’m the one who will mourn her, so go fuck off. She a patriot, she serves and she hates Trump’s guts and thinks he
s a fucking moron.

You are a moron.

And you never served.

And you are using your daughters service as a shield.


And you fling traitor accusations at millions who served.

History better begin anew for you soin because thats not a good look.

langford peel said...

I would feel very bad for your children.

If I thought the really existed.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, this is in no way about party politics any more. It's about preserving the ability for your daughter's vote TO MATTER. This situation is horribly painful for any person with a conscience, but every citizen has to grit up and deal. Not with the situation we wish we had, and not with the situation we once had, but with the situation that is being exposed.”

You seriously need to get a grip. The people of this country are in no danger of losing their rights. Not even Trump can break down the foundation this country is built on.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Not even Trump can break down the foundation this country is built on.

2/3/18, 11:28 PM

Trump isn't the one doing it, bozo.

Drago said...

Inga: "Trumpists here who have more loyalty for a Putin Puppet than to a member of the military that risks their lives for you assholes."


Looks like Inga forgot she was supposed to pretend to be waiting for the end of the investigation and evidence again!

It can be so difficult for her to remember all her previous positions sometimes.

Meanwhile she continues to call millions of veterans traitors.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You are a moron.

And you never served.

And you are using your daughters service as a shield.”

Oh fuck you and the horse you rode in on. absolutely nothing you spout means diddly squat, you are one of the nuttiest extremists here, after poor Achilles.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Looks like Inga forgot she was supposed to pretend to be waiting for the end of the investigation and evidence again!”

And the end of the investigation is coming closer... wait for it and put on your big boy and girl pants, you’ll need them.

Drago said...

I wonder which democrat will call our military nazis today?

So many have done it in the past there are lots of possibilities.

I found Durbins description of our military as the gestapo particularly interesting.

I can only assume Inga agrees with him.

Yikes! That must make for some awkward hi.ecomings!

Achilles said...

Inga’s meltdown is instructive. She knows her position is morally indefensible.

And note she backed off the calls for violence today.

The preference cascade has started and even the leftists are noticing.

It took about an hour for the Nadler memo to be completely debunked. What a pitiful effort.

The rank and file like Inga are realizing their leaders want them to fight and die to keep them out of jail. They seem reluctant.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Meanwhile she continues to call millions of veterans traitors.”


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga has repeated the "putin puppet" lie so frequently she now sincerely believes her own lies.


And she spits on the majority of military people and vets who voted for Trump while holding her daughter - real or imagined - up as a paragon.

The former Pvt. Bradley Manning, now there's a Democrat with a military background who hates Trump too.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“And note she backed off the calls for violence today.”

What? Are you totally nuts? I haven’t called for any violence whatsoever, unlike you and your stupid references to a civil war.

Drago said...

Inga: "And the end of the investigation is coming closer... wait for it and put on your big boy and girl pants, you’ll need them."

At least you arent lying about waitung for actual evidence anymore.

No wonder you felt comfortable calling millions of active duty and retirees treasonous traitors for voting for Trump.

Waiting for evidence never really works out.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“And she spits on the majority of military people and vets who voted for Trump while holding her daughter - real or imagined - up as a paragon.”

No I just spit on you.

Drago said...

Inga: "No I just spit on you."

And all those active duty and retired vets who voted for Trump.

When you arent busy shielding yourself rhetorically with someone elses service.

Bay Area Guy said...

Maybe we should all drink a vodka and grapefruit juice and sing a few bars of Kumbaya.

Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...

“Meanwhile she continues to call millions of veterans traitors.”


2/3/18, 11:33 PM

No lie. You call Trump supporters traitors.

The majority of veterans support Trump. That is easily provable.

Therefore, you call the majority of veterans traitors.

Logic. It's a wonderful thing, Inga, you should try it sometime.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Well you Trumpists, soon there will be an end to your Trump worship, with the end of the investigation and when the results are revealed for the entire world to see. I just hope you all won’t have some mental breakdown over what will happen. The Nation will survive, but I’m not so sure some of your psyches will.

Birkel said...

Are we pretending to forget all the fake children and ABSOLUTE MORAL AUTHORITY Inga tried to lie about, lo these many years ago?

Back when she first changed names and pretended not to be Inga, as I recall, she changed names and lied about changing names to prove she wasn't a liar who lied about all those made up, phony, fake children she lied about.

It was a shame that shepherd boy was eaten by those wolves.

langford peel said...

Your spittle drenches every thread you comment on you demented senile old bat.

It's time for you go to bed before the orderly comes in to apply the restraints.

You can pick it up tomorrow.

Please I beg you.

It's embarrassing.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
“You are a moron.

And you never served.

And you are using your daughters service as a shield.”

Oh fuck you and the horse you rode in on. absolutely nothing you spout means diddly squat, you are one of the nuttiest extremists here, after poor Achilles.

Meh. I am aware of my deficiencies.

But you aren’t aware of yours.

You are clearly less informed on this subject than me. You don’t even bother to deal with the specific points I bring up. And I have been right about everything in my predictions. And you have been hilariously wrong.

Rosenstein is going to jail.

The charges on Flynn will be dropped summarily. The judge who was forced to recuse from the case is heading for his own investigation. He has committed some serious conflicts of interest and malfeasance.

Manafort and Mueller will cut a deal to avoid discovery of Mueller’s “investigation” of the Podesta group where Manafort worked when he committed the crimes he was indicted on. They would be very interested why Mueller only indicted one of the several people who committed the same crimes.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Back when she first changed names and pretended not to be Inga, as I recall, she changed names and lied about changing names to prove she wasn't a liar who lied about all those made up, phony, fake children she lied about.”

WTF? Whatever, it doesn’t even matter. Too much nuttery here for this old woman, I’m going to bed.

Drago said...

Inga: "I just hope you all won’t have some mental breakdown over what will happen."

Millions of us that you called traitors and who served in combat will be fine.

But you are right.

A damaged psyche could lead to some very dangerous and disturbed outcomes like wandering around in genitalia hats or burning down cities or screaming nonstop in public or calling for Safe Spaces where opoosing viewpoints can be hidden.

Know what I mean?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

It looks like it was MaxedOutMama who sent Inga into wave my daughter's uniform around meltdown mode, when MOM wrote this:

"In short, I have lost all respect for you as a commenter here. I hope that at some time the fever of partisanship will pass, and that you will be able to perform your proper functions as a citizen of this society. Right now, in my eyes, you are not mentally competent to do so."

Ooooh, that stung. But note that it was only a small part of MaxedOutMama's comment, which was, as is usual for MaxedOutMama, a thoughtful and well-reasoned one.

She asked Inga this:

"Inga, IF YOU BELIEVE THAT THE FBI HAD SUCH INFORMATION AND HAS NOT USED IT, why? And should the FBI not be investigated for a dereliction of duty?"

That question was never answered because Inga flew into a rage and deflected by bringing up her daughter.

Achilles said...

Wipe the spittle off your monitor traitor.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It's embarrassing.”

Yes you are embarrassing. Very very embarrassing. Good night you idiot.

Sam said...

I’m so happy our President is owning the lame stream media so hard! MAGA

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga: "I just hope you all won’t have some mental breakdown over what will happen."

Conservatives didn't need therapy dogs and safe spaces and Play Doh and scream at the sky sessions when Obama won in '08 and '12.

langford peel said...

Good night to you too sweetie.

Be sure to change your depends.

You can get a UTI if you sleep in urine.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You can get a UTI if you sleep in urine.”

Tell that to your President who doesn’t let the staff strip his bed... I wonder why?

Nighty nite!

Drago said...

Inga: "Tell that to your President who doesn’t let the staff strip his bed.."

Filed under: Things the left have to keep telling themselves to feel better.

Narayanan said...

Trump making his own bed is his military school discipline habit.
There is even a self help book by McCraven.

Available via Amazon portal.

Narayanan said...

Title is Make Your Bed

Matt Sablan said...

Soo... any other thoughts on the Nadler Memo?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Narayanan Subramanian said...

" Trump making his own bed is his military school discipline habit."

That might be so, but do we actually know he does that? If the source is the Wolff book - well, we know the book is a pack of lies.

To the Left, the Nunes memo is false but the fabrications of Wolff, an admitted liar, are true, because what the Left wants to believe is what they believe.

And it's telling that Inga thinks a president making his own bed is somehow absurd. Hillary greeting her Secret Service men with "Fuck off" and treating the lower level people at the WH like garbage (something reported by ex-Secret Service men who had the misfortune of providing security in the Clinton WH and detested her) is the proper way for presidents to behave, I guess.

Hillary probably hasn't made her bed or picked a towel up off the floor in 40 years.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The Conservative Treehouse (an indispensable site these days) on media corruption:

Nothing within their collective need to will-an-outcome will change the media’s proximity to facts when the truthful story behind the DOJ and FBI corruption is finally exposed. The media are so far away from the place where this story ends, they have no inherent capability to even begin to travel in the opposite direction, toward the truth.

The only way they could align with the truth is to admit that virtually every scintilla of their reportage over the past 18 months was inherently false. There’s not a single media outlet capable of doing that.

Think about a New York Times, CNN, New Yorker, Wall Street Journal, Mother Jones, Yahoo News or Washington Post journalist now having to write an article deconstructing an entire foundation of lies they participated in creating.

Do we really think such a catastrophic level of corrupted journalism could reconstitute into genuine reporting of fact-based information?



Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The media is an arm to the corruptocrat party.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Leftwing hiveminders are perfectly fine with any and all democrat party corruption. and any corruption used to hide democrat party corruption, at the highest levels in our government.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The leftwing hive-mind media-democrat party notion is that if you've ever talked to Russians or have had any business with Russia, you are a Russian spy.

Wouldn't that make Hillary the biggest Russian spy of all?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The democrat party is one giant hot mess of corruption.

Narayanan said...

"Trump makes his bed is probablier truer" because Wolff wanted to titillate but does not realize it shows Trump's simple skill stack for self discipline

Narayanan said...

What kind of billionaire does that or eats at McDonald's??

Narayanan said...

It is a tell as Scott Adams terms it but one needs to know what an action or support for idea tells others observing or listening.
E.g. feminists are Marxism influencers in the culture ... a Tell only to those valuers guarding personal freedoms. It is terminology unnecessary for rational exchange.

American lawyering is more of gaming the system less about justice.

Narayanan said...

Those who know this, vaguely feel things awry are the deplorables to the political class.

Francisco D said...


Ingamania seems to be over.

I will give her and Ritmo credit. They do know how to hijack a thread. It reminds me of a famous caution:

"Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and defeat you with their stupidity."

Of course, there is no reason to discuss issues with blatant liars like ARM.

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