February 7, 2018

"Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because 'potus wants to know everything we're doing."

"According to a newly released Senate report, this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation."

From "FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'" (Fox News).


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Big Mike said...

There went Obama’s plausible deniability.

rehajm said...

Enough evidence to convict using the #MeToo standard.

Unknown said...

Not a problem, sayeth lots of leftists. Obama weaponizing the government against people the left doesn't like is a Good Thing™. Beria and Himmler are role models, not people we should fear!

Just as long as these weapons never fall into the hands of the Wrong Sort Of People™ like, say, Trump.


FIDO said...

Who exactly does this shock?

Hagar said...

Progress. Eventually the truth may all come out. It is out there.

Michael K said...

The documents will eventually all come out. The Democrats fired a torpedo at Trump and have not yet noticed that it is circling.

langford peel said...

We all knew he was behind this.

That was what the unmasking was all about.

These people used Carter Page an FBI informant as a cut out to justify the illegal spying that was directed by Loretta Lynch at the direct order of Obama.

I bet that is what Bill Clinton reminded her of when they had that tarmac meeting. That the only way to really protect Obama and cover up his illegal activities is if Hillary won. So she had to get a pass. And she did.

FIDO said...

I assume, considering how toxic this is and how easily verifiable it is in interrogation of the people involved, that the Democrats in Congress will fight to keep these two and Comey off the witness lists and the DNP (Democratic National Press) will never mention it at all.

Thirdtwin said...

He must have gotten tired of finding out about his scandals by reading about them in the papers.

Curious George said...

"FIDO said...
Who exactly does this shock?"

Here's three for sure:

1. Inga
2. Inga
3. Inga

Curious George said...

"Thirdtwin said...
He must have gotten tired of finding out about his scandals by reading about them in the papers."

Well done.

FIDO said...

I was really shocked at how virulently the press decided that the R memo shouldn't see the light of day.

Now with this revelation, they are really boxed in. If 'Democracy Dies in Darkness', what do they do when Obama is a Hoover/Nixonian figure?

Their cognitive dissonance is sweet to me.

gspencer said...

Like there was any doubt of the One's involvement since he knew his "legacy" (cough) would be on the line, and "preserving & carrying it on" was uppermost in his little racist brain.

It's getting the direct proof that would be the most difficult. Lets work on getting these two horny lovebirds to roll.

Jim at said...

Shocked. Shocked!, I tell you.

Jim at said...

Who exactly does this shock?

Me, for one.
I am shocked to my toes.

Why, I never.

Unknown said...

FIDO, it's easy. They've been impaled on the horns of this dilemma already, and made their decision. Back before the inauguration, they were faced with two stark problems: They had to destroy Trump and they were supposed to be nothing but honest purveyors of the truth. Problem was, Trump wasn't cooperating with causing scandals... so what to do? Fake news or what?

The word came down from the NYT on high: Trump was so bad that fake news was ok if it was meant to destroy Trump. Lying, etc. Trump was so bad that journalistic integrity must be sacrificed if necessary!

As we all know, the media gleefully has gone that route. Expect the same again: "Given the existence of Trump, the only way to save the Republic is to destroy it! Obama and the FBI are true patriots here, even if they had to sacrifice our government's neutrality--it was for a good cause! Anyone can see that!"

And thus the Republic falls, but hey... we won't have Trump! Totally worth it!

Just ask Inga.


SayAahh said...

...not a smidgen....

Drago said...

"Here's three for sure:

1. Inga
2. Inga
3. Inga"

You forgot LLR Chuck.

Comanche Voter said...

Now calm down boys and girls. This can all be explained (and no doubt will be by Pelosi-Schumer-Schiff and their posse). Strozk and his girlfriend just had delusions of relevance. Nothing to see here--just babble between star struck lovers. Move on.

Meanwhile, Team Pelosi has a very nice bridge to sell you.

readering said...

Talk about irrelevant diversions . . . .

bagoh20 said...

To be fair, if we had the power, would any of us in Obama's position not want to be kept up on what they were finding out. I would ask the same Although, I wouldn't lie about it, as apparently Obama has.

Jersey Fled said...

Isn't it funny how all of the stuff most of us knew to be true a year or two ago seems to be being confirmed?

Obama weaponized the government against his adversaries because demographics guaranteed a permanent Democrat majority. This meant everything could be buried and would never see the light of day. And a compliant press would cover for him no matter what.

Just like Chicago.

Then along came Hillary, who couldn't even beat Trump.

CJ said...


I was talking to my wife and mother about this - both relatively unpolitical (though leaning Republican as my great grandfather was a Republican Senator from a Northeastern state). They are so shocked by the level of corruption that they disbelieve all of this.

I mean Watergate was just some political operatives breaking into political operatives' offices. Obamagate is weaponized, banana-republic-level governmental corruption and evil that we haven't ever seen before (or at least we haven't known about it).

Fabi said...

Did you catch anything with that exemplary wishcast, readering?

Humperdink said...

Whoa Nellie!. Let's slow this train down. The NYTimes is reporting Page has an uncle named Potus. They just need to create ...... er ..... find him.

Unknown said...

Readering again defends Democrats abusing government power to spy on Republicans. He's a-ok with a proto-Gestapo. Interesting.


CJ said...

When I show them these texts and testimony from the House Intelligence Committee both my wife and mother literally thought they were photoshopped documents.

Even with a fully Democrat Media and tech sector that will try to censor this, I think it gets out. This is bad, bad stuff.

Drago said...

readering: "Talk about irrelevant diversions . . . ."


Its back to parades, diet cokes and scoops of ice cream for readering and his LLR allies!

You know, the "important non-diversionary" stuff.

Sebastian said...

"this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation."

Actually, no. It begins to confirm what everyone assumed all along. If they got to Hill, they got to O. Couldn't run that risk. Had to let her get off. They tried to sit on the Weiner discovery as long as possible.

I'd be curious to know why Comey took public action in the end.

Anonymous said...

Fantasy: Trump and Putin colluded to win the 2016 election

Reality: Hillary Clinton's campaign paid a British ex-spy to collect information given to him by Putin cronies. The ex-spy then gave that information to the people at the FBI who whitewashed Hillary and President Obama's criminal handling of classified information ( http://www.nationalreview.com/article/455696/hillary-clinton-barack-obama-emails-key-decision-not-indict-hillary ), so they could use it to spy on the Trump campaign, and pass any useful information back to the Clinton campaign

There's your "Russian collusion"

And anyone who doesn't want the FBI ignoring crimes by President Trump, or his supporters, needs to show that by coming down hard on the FBI for letting Hillary and Obama skate, and furthermore needs to be pushing for the current FBI to nail both to the wall.

Give them a Petraeus deal ( http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/cia-head-david-petraeus-plead-guilty/story?id=29340487 ): $100,000 fine, 2 years probation, and a public admission of guilt. But they need to be held up to public shame

Or, when the tables get turned, and you start whining, the rest of us will yawn. Because the precedents, and the standards, are being set right now

Kevin said...

How close are we to "Obama wiretapped Trump in Trump Tower" yet?

Because when all the tumblers fall into place, Inga will defend it and Chuck will self-destruct.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Talk about irrelevant diversions . . . .”

Exactly. It’s one after another after another. It won’t matter when all is said and done. Mueller investigation goes forward.

Rabel said...

"ignorant hillbillies"

Does Strzok comment here at Althouse?

Darkisland said...

This is why I have always been against firing Mueller, Rosenstein et al. Fire them now, they become martyrs and because enough is enough, we never really get to the bottom of this mess.

They are doing a fine job of digging their own graves. If I were president Trump I would get them a sponsorship from Ames Shovels.

I would NEVER fire any of them. I would simply wait till they resigned because they were indicted.

I wish it were faster but it has taken us 80 years to get to into this mess. We won't get out of it overnight.

John Henry

Humperdink said...

All seriousness aside (ha), the commie-pinko lefties are really going to have up their game in a large way. Their usual obfuscation will not cut it this time. It will be fun to watch.

Page could claim her texts were hacked by two Russian comedians. Those guys do get around.

Jerry Goedken said...

About that time Obama was getting pressure to do something, anything about the Russians influencing our election; it was political hot potato. My guess Obama just wanted an update on this; also my guess that Obama wasn’t personally involved in the many nefarious undercurrents, he didn’t work that way. His style was to put his players in place without oversight, without holding them accountable for ethical decisions. Obama elicited intense, unwarranted loyalty to him, not to our good government and society.
I do believe that many of Obama’s administration were extremely biased and acted upon those biases. It was like a disease; they didn’t, still don’t, know how diseased they were. Maybe the fever is breaking.

Birkel said...

Right on cue, Inga steps forward to say it's ok that POTUS Obama was colluding with the FBI to thwart an FBI investigation and using the same FBI to spy on domestic political rivals.

Sometimes I think being a Democrat would be easier. If any of you have experience with lobotomies, can you confirm?

Darkisland said...


Doesn't it depend on the meaning of "wiretapped"? Some people have called Candidate and President Trump a liar because no wires were actually tapped.

They were listening, but not through "wiretaps" is the extremely strict definition of the word.

John Henry

Unknown said...

Inga is a-ok with a Democrat Party run Gestapo. Who's shocked?

Heck, if it comes out that Obama ordered a camp built where political "deplorables" were sent and executed.... she'd still claim it's irrelevant. Because to her, it is. Government murder of people she disagrees with is a-ok with her. She approves of Hodkinson's murdering Republicans; why wouldn't she approve of the FBI doing it--if of course that was ever revealed.


Drago said...

"this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation."

Obama was personally involved because obama, himself, USED a pseudonym when emailing Hillary at least 20 times TO her unsecured server.

Hillary could not be prosecuted by the FBI without implicating obama.

Which is why Strzok changed obama's name in their documentation from Potus to "Senior Government Official".

By knowingly emailing Hillary on her unsecure server, and being conscious enough of its "wrong-ness" that he used a pseudonym, obama himself is in violation of security rules and regulations.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Inga said...

Exactly. It’s one after another after another. It won’t matter when all is said and done. Mueller investigation goes forward.

You misspelled Horowitz.

Anonymous said...

Sebastian asked

I'd be curious to know why Comey took public action in the end.

Because he knew that NY FBI agents were going to leak it.

A week before the election, the headlines read: Clinton absolver Comey is concealing Clinton emails found on Weiner's computer

After those headlines, he can't announce 2 days before the election that "there's nothing in those emails"

in order to continue covering for Hillary, he had to announce the existence of teh emails before they were leaked

langford peel said...

The tangled web is still being unraveled.

When it is all said and done it will be obvious that the true collusion was between the Hillary Campaign, the deep state and Obama. Most of the details are already out. We just need a special prosecutor to put it all together and start to jail some of these miscreants.

Tommy Duncan said...

About 5 years ago I started wondering where the off shore accounts were located for Obama, Jarrett, Emanuel and Holder. Then I stopped wondering for a while because I figured we'd just never know. Now I'm starting to think we may find out where that $6 billion missing from the Dept of State went.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Would President Sanders have allowed this all to come out? Whaddya think? My guess is he would have seen exposing the Obama-Clinton complex as a means to turn the Democrat Party into the Socialist Party, in name as well as intent.

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
“Talk about irrelevant diversions . . . .”

Exactly. It’s one after another after another. It won’t matter when all is said and done. Mueller investigation goes forward."

This is what you get from our resident dullard #IngaKnew when there aren't any relavent DNC rebuttal talking points.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Since LLR hasn’t shown up yet I’ll just step in and say Marie Harf [barf— Ed.] was on Fox this morning strongly defending Obama, who, you know, was on his way to “confront Putin” about meddling in our elections and wanted a heads up. Perfectly plausible lie if you hate Trump hard enough. I’m sure Chuck would stand up for Harf if he was available to comment.

Anonymous said...

Tyrone Slothrop asks...
Would President Sanders have allowed this all to come out?

And answers "yes"

He might be right. Certainly, I could see Obama fearing that

Which brings us back to "why didn't they do an honest investigation, nail her to the wall, and replace her with creepy Uncle Joe Biden?"

And the only believable answer I can come up with is that Obama's emails to Hillary put him at risk, adn protecting himself was more important than anything else.

steve uhr said...

does this conflict with what Obama had said? If not, not sure I see a problem with him following investigation so long as he did not try to obstruct.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

readering said...
Talk about irrelevant diversions . . . .

2/7/18, 1:57 PM

Yeah. It's far better to talk about Trump overfeeding fish, or Melania's heels, or Trump's weight, or how many Cokes he drinks....

Just wondering - why exactly is this "irrelevant" to you? Please explain. I have a hunch that this would not have been a small thing to you if Bush had been doing this to Obama in 2008.

Drago said...

steve uhr: "does this conflict with what Obama had said?"


“I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. … I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation.”

Obama, 2016

iowan2 said...

Nothing yet of the Grassley, Grahm, memo to DOJ that is a CRIMINAL REFERRAL. The heavily redacted document provides evidence of a crime committed by Steel in his testimony if front of their committee. It involves intelligence gathered by Blumenthal, forwarded to the State Dept, who then passed it on to Steele.

This is corruption is going very deep.

But nothing in todays media. The Grassley document also is independent verification of the Nunnes Memo

Unknown said...

Steve: Obama claimed there wasn't a smidgeon of corruption or anything wrong in his Administration. Technically I guess he was right--it was the Alps of corruption, not just a smidgeon-- but still. He also claimed anything bad that came out was news to him and he read it in the papers along with everyone else--pure as the driven snow, and shocked, shocked at it all.

He was clearly lying, wasn't he?

Oh and Nixon was forced out over merely covering up after the fact. Obama is right in the middle of it as it went on. Should he get a pass? Obstruction of justice is also "I knew about the murder and who did it right from the start, your honor, but kept silent!"


itzik basman said...

Brit Hume notes this is news because Obama had said that he never sticks his nose into FBI investigations:

Hume on Twitter:

....So why is it an issue that Obama “wants to know everything we’re doing” & had Comey brief him on Russia probe? Because Obama had said, “I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations...I guarantee it.”....

Bob Boyd said...

Under Obama the GDP didn't grow very fast, but the smidgeons...

Curious George said...

"steve uhr said...
does this conflict with what Obama had said? If not, not sure I see a problem with him following investigation so long as he did not try to obstruct."

Yes. Obama said in a 4/10/16 interview with Chris Wallace:

“I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations,” Obama said. “I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department, or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case.”
The FBI has an “active, ongoing investigation” into the private email account and server Clinton used as secretary of state. But many Republicans have contended that the Justice Department would not prosecute Clinton even if it found she broke the law.
Wallace pressed Obama on the point, asking if she could be prosecuted “even if she ends up as the Democratic nominee?"
“How many times do I have to say it, Chris? Guaranteed,” Obama responded.

Drago said...

“I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations..."

Obama, 2016

"Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."

This was about the email investigation.

The pending email investigation.

Which obama "never knowed anything about"!

Except for wanting to know everything about it.

But not really.....til he read it in the paper or something. Which is strange, since his and Hillary's little henchmen were planting the stories in the paper.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

Guess who released this new report? Ron Johnson of “Secret Society” fame. LOL. I wonder, will he have to walk it back again in a couple of days? Ooooo another bombshell!

buwaya said...

"And the only believable answer I can come up with"

The believable answer AFAIK is that HRC had sewn up the election long before as the anointed of the money behind the election. And the source of Obama's future income and post-presidential career.

As for blackmail, there is certainly far more than enough stowed away in closets and servers all over the Fedgov, enough to do in all of them, should it be made available to their enemies. Or to deter any one of them in a competition with each other.
One bit more or less?

Jersey Fled said...

I urge everyone to read the interim report released by the Senate Homeland Security Committee yesterday on the Clinton e-mail investigation. You can find it at www.hsga.senate.gov. Sorry, I'm not good at links.

It's about 25 pages long but you should read the whole thing. The summary does not do it justice.

It is an absolutely damning story on the FBI's whitewashing of their investigation based on testimony given to the committee, plus emails between Strozk and Page.

The is clearly written, comprehensive and heavily documented with actual names and dates.

Read it.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

“I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations..."

Suddenly this makes much more sense:

Comey revealed that former Attorney General Lynch asked him to call the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton's email server a "matter" instead of an investigation.

Unknown said...

Inga again thinks that setting up a Gestapo is great news and funny. Gestapo Inga. Hey, isn't Inga a german name? Not too far off from Ilsa, is it?

Maybe a name change in order, Inga, what with your support of using government to destroy political opponents.


Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Probably too late to be first to say this, but this revelation explains why the FBI "lost" the text messages.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I thought Obama got all his information from "the news", like the rest of us.

DanTheMan said...

When Howard Baker asked “What did the president know and when did he know it?” I don’t remember anyone saying that was an irrelevant diversion....

Drago said...

Bill, Republic of Texas: "Probably too late to be first to say this, but this revelation explains why the FBI "lost" the text messages."

By the by, many of the "lost" (giggle) text messages (so said the worlds premier investigative agency....LOL) that were recovered by the IG were turned over to appropriate congressional oversight committees....however, many were not.

Those that were not were given back to the DOJ who has REFUSED to give them to the congressional oversight committees because, after all, the DOJ and FBI are unanswerable agencies who don't have to abide by any rules themselves.


I wonder what, precisely, is in THOSE text messages?

Well, IG Horowitz will be reporting out sometime this month or next.

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
Guess who released this new report? Ron Johnson of “Secret Society” fame. LOL. I wonder, will he have to walk it back again in a couple of days? Ooooo another bombshell!"

Fail. You're not fooling anyone dullard. The texts are real. Unlike you, we are not retards distracted by a shiny thing.

alan markus said...

Is this it, Jersey Fled?


DanTheMan said...

Trump should agree to be interviewed under oath. Right after Obama does so.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

We're long overdue for a grand jury or special counsel investigation into Obama/Hillary/FBI/DOJ activities. I can't see the public ever regaining confidence in their government without it.

Drago said...

DanTheMan: "Trump should agree to be interviewed under oath. Right after Obama does so."

Depends on who does the interviewing.

I could easily see Mueller hiring Eric Holder to interview obama. But, just to be fair, he would let Holder interview Trump as well.

That's how we know it would be "fair" and "impartial".

Drago said...

We're long overdue for a grand jury or special counsel investigation into Obama/Hillary/FBI/DOJ activities."

I wonder if there is a Special Smidgens Counsel Statute?

neal said...

Obama perhaps was innocently inquiring about the sex. I am sure there are videos and pictures to bolster the theory.
Hacked by redacted, probably. Politics without sex and suspicious deaths and retirements would not make any damned sense.

Humperdink said...

Inga's hanging onto to Mueller. Visualize an Eagle fan trying to cling to a Crisco-laced utility pole.

Drago said...

BTW, Philadelphia is currently running a deficit and is counting on increased taxes receipts to make up the difference.

Yet they are holding a parade for the "Igles".

Inga...Allie Oop said...


Lachlan Markay
Yes, because what legitimate reason could the president possibly have for being apprised of a foreign power's attempt to subvert a US election

Katrina Pierson
BREAKING: It goes to the Top! Newly revealed text message between anti-Trump lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page appear to show that former FBI Director James Comey had apparently told Strzok and Page that Obama wanted “to know everything we’re doing.”#maga (link: http://katrinapierson.com/new-strzok-page-texts-reveal-obama-wants-know-everything/) katrinapierson.com/new-strzok-pag…

Lachlan Markay
Lachlan Markay
This text came three days before Obama confronted Putin about election-meddling. It's not exactly a mystery why he'd want a full account of what the FBI knew

Molly said...

Jersey Fled: thanks for the pointer. The correct address is https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/ you left out the c in hsgac .

Drago said...

Whatever happened to that slam-dunk Mueller indictment and conviction of the highly decorated Marine Corp General Flynn?

I mean, one minute Flynn is a terrible traitor to our nation and going down hard with an indictment and plea deal....

....then lots of interesting details start emerging about deep state corruption...and FISA court corruption...and FBI lies to the FISA court...resulting in the Flynn Judge (who was also a FISA court judge...hmmmm) forcibly recused from the Flynn case...and then "suddenly" the Mueller All-Dem Hit Squad Lawyer Team decides maybe we ought to postpone this whole sentencing thing which had already been scheduled and now is passed....

And now the rumors that the Flynn team knows and can demonstrate it was a setup all along and so..nothing seems to be happening.

And there are no leaks coming out of the Mueller All-Dem Hit Squad Lawyer Team to LLR Chuck's beloved MSM'ers.

It's almost like something significant has changed.

If only I could put my finger on it....

rehajm said...

Suddenly this makes much more sense

That's very good, IIB.

We're all statement parsers now thanks to Hillary.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The bombshell was underwhelming...again.

Early Wednesday, Fox News published an explosive new story alleging President Obama sought detailed briefings about the Clinton email investigation. The report is based on texts between FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page released by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security on Tuesday.

In a text sent on September 2, 2016, Page tells Strozok that “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.” Fox News claims this text “raises questions about Obama’s personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.”.

There is just one problem: The entire Fox News story is a fraud.

It’s simply not a plausible interpretation of the September 2, 2016 text exchange that Obama was seeking a briefing on the Clinton email investigation.

FBI Director James Comey closed the Clinton email investigation on July 5, 2016. It was not reopened until October. The same trove of text messages released Tuesday reveals that the FBI did not even become aware of additional emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop until September 28, 2016.

Fox News suggests the texts were referring to talking points regarding the Clinton email case. But those talking points, according to documents released by the Senate, were completed in June. That makes sense because they were prepared in advance of Comey’s announcement in July.

So what was Obama interested in? Most likely, he wanted information about the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia, which was active on September 2, 2016. Obama has publicly said that he confronted Putin about election interference a few days later at the Group of 20 meeting in China, telling the Russian leader to “cut it out.”

Drago said...

Inga: "This text came three days before Obama confronted Putin about election-meddling. It's not exactly a mystery why he'd want a full account of what the FBI knew"


Yes indeed, this is the brand new, contradictory and never before heard of go-to rationale by the dems.

Very reminiscent of how it was just crazy crazy lunatic talk to assert that Hillary had paid for the Dossier.

Yep, that was absolutely insane!!.......until it was shown to be absolutely true.

You know, it's also EXACTLY like the -Trump is crazy crazy insane to claim he was wiretapped!!- becomes -of course Trump was surveilled!! Duh!-.

Anyone else noticing a pattern here?


Francisco D said...


Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

It is the most primitive psychological defense mechanism.

And it is only effective in the short term.

MD Greene said...

Obama's assumption -- shared by Trump, Putin, the FBI/DOJ and the news media's infallible pollsters -- was that there was NO POSSIBLE WAY Clinton could lose the election. Given that, any disreputable subterfuge to make Trump look worse could be pursued at will with the assurance that it would never come to light during the Clinton restoration.

Hahaha with that. The party then in power is being hoist with its own petard.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Sebastian said...
"this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation."

Actually, no. It begins to confirm what everyone assumed all along. If they got to Hill, they got to O. Couldn't run that risk. Had to let her get off. They tried to sit on the Weiner discovery as long as possible.

I'd be curious to know why Comey took public action in the end.

2/7/18, 2:05 PM


I think he was forced by something external that none of them expected...

I believe there are at least a couple of white-hats on the inside who may be leaking stuff to the right people to try and help all of this come out... and I think its totally plausible that Comey may have been blackmailed or threatened (just like SCJ Roberts was blackmailed into changing his Obamacare vote) into doing some last-minute tango to try and thread the needle without spilling the beans...

Or maybe Comey was just an idiot... But considering how much this entire thing is reading like a convoluted John Le Carre novel, I don't think Occam's Razor applies anymore...

StephenFearby said...

McCarthy has been posting his insightful takes on Russiagate early in the afternoon.


The FBI and Justice Department hyped Trump–Russia collusion. Rod Rosenstein can right that wrong.

by ANDREW C. MCCARTHY February 7, 2018 1:08 PM

"...Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein could do a great service by amending his special-counsel appointment to make clear that (a) Mueller is to investigate Russia’s actions to interfere in our election; (b) the previous statements about possible Trump campaign “coordination” with the Russian government were unnecessary and are withdrawn; and (c) President Trump is not personally suspected of wrongdoing in connection with the 2016 election. Obviously, the last clarification would require Rosenstein to consult with Mueller; but given that the matter was under investigation for a year before Mueller’s appointment, that Comey repeatedly told Trump he was not a suspect prior to Mueller’s appointment, and that no other evidence of actionable collusion between Trump and Russia has publicly come to light, Rosenstein should relieve the president of the burden of this suspicion if that can be done honestly.

Note: What I am proposing would not preclude Mueller from continuing to explore possible obstruction offenses — notwithstanding my personal view that the obstruction angle is meritless."


This "matter" (as Loretta Lynch might put it) sure contains an interesting bouillabaisse of ingredients. Including:

-- No brainer violation of the Woods Procedures by both the FBI and Justice Department to sway the FISA Court to approve a Title-I warrant on Carter Page.


-- "What scope does Title I FISA have as it pertains to other US citizens not explicitly targeted by the warrant?

...There was a Title I FISA warrant approved to surveil Carter Page... If the "dossier" providing evidence of Page's criminality were taken at face value, this would seem to give the FBI broad interest in the Trump campaign as part of the Carter Page investigation. Is there any reason to believe the FBI would not believe they had the authority to surveil the Trump campaign/transition/administration as a result?"


Drago said...

So: yesterday dem talking point: obama doesn't ever talk about pending investigations your hater racists!

That becomes, OF COURSE obama asked about the investigation and knew about it!


Remember how the lefties told us that only racist H8ters would claim that obama lied about obamacare actually costing us money and then PRESTO, overnight, it became OF COURSE OBAMA had to lie about this legislation. Why, everyone lies about their legislation.

It's hilarious watching The Truth from yesterday become conspiracy talking points today for the lefties.

You know, it's almost like History begins anew each day or something!

James K said...

It's not exactly a mystery why he'd want a full account of what the FBI knew

And what the FBI "knew" apparently was based on a paid hit job by the Clinton campaign. The only issue is whether Obama "knew" that part of it. Either the FBI kept it from him, or they didn't. Not good either way.

Fabi said...

"FBI Director James Comey closed the Clinton email investigation on July 5, 2016."

Good luck with that claim!

Francisco D said...

I know someone who has worked for the FBI for over 35 years. He is on the analysis side, but is also a lawyer. He is semi-retired and works special projects for the FBI.

We have never discussed politics, but I assume he is dentist. His wife (of 40+ years) is a university professor, so he's probably not a person of the right.

This week, I asked him what he thought of James Comey. He believes that Comey has destroyed the FBI. He also believes that Robert Mueller is a straight shooter, so many of the leftist fantasies that Inga spouts are just fantasies.

He told me that Chris Wray is probably OK, but he comes from the wrong side of the tracks (DOJ), and the best past directors have been former judges like Louis Freeh.

It was an interesting discussion.

Francisco D said...

dentist = centrist

Drago said...

Sebastian: "I'd be curious to know why Comey took public action in the end"

Joshua: "I think he was forced by something external that none of them expected... "

The New York FBI Field Office personnel were the ones who discovered the emails on Weiners laptop (that just sounds "wrong", doesn't it?)

The NY Field Office sent this information to McCabe in late september. McCabe tried to sit on it until after the election but, unfortunately for McCabe, the New York Field Office personnel were getting pissed about the delays and inaction.

Remember, whenever Hillary was caught up in something, the FBI HQ staff took control (they called it an "HQ Special"...nothing to see there, eh?).

McCabe became aware that the story was about to break publicly in late October 2016 (4 weeks in his back pocket) so he would not be able to sit on the information thru the election.

That's when McCabe and Comey came up with their Rocket Scientist idea to publicly announce the reopening of the "investigation" (snicker) and then Comey knowing what a fool Lynch had made of herself, decided he could become Detective AND the Attorney General and he and McCabe deliver the BS "no intent" statement which got Hillary off the hook again.


What a bunch of idiots.

madAsHell said...

Exactly how did we discover the text messages? ..and how could they be so stupid?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Crazy Jane said...
Obama's assumption -- shared by Trump, Putin, the FBI/DOJ and the news media's infallible pollsters -- was that there was NO POSSIBLE WAY Clinton could lose the election. Given that, any disreputable subterfuge to make Trump look worse could be pursued at will with the assurance that it would never come to light during the Clinton restoration."

But, as I have said before, the really puzzling thing to me is why, after Trump was elected, did they continue to push the Russia collusion story, knowing full well that the truth might just come out? That despite the fact that the media is, as Iowahawk says, covering the story with a pillow, hoping it will stop breathing?

I think Trump would not have pursued Hillary or Obama if they and their media lackeys had let the Russia story drop after the election. Despite the "lock her up" chants, I think he's more interested in moving ahead and focusing on his own agenda than he is in going after old enemies. But perhaps the Deep Staters didn't believe that. Perhaps they projected their own vindictiveness onto Trump, panicked and decided immediately after the election to double down on offense, thinking that with the media's help, they'd get him before he got them.

That's the only explanation I can think of.

Rabel said...

I spent some time reading through the recently released Strzok/Page emails. These are two highly educated individuals serving at the highest levels of the FBI and, good God, they're children! They're worse than high schoolers.

It's Mean Girls all the way down.

Drago said...

madAsHell: "Exactly how did we discover the text messages? ..and how could they be so stupid?"

The text messages were delivered to the relevant congressional committees by IG Horowitz' team after the "honorable" Hillary/obama FBI/DOJ henchmen refused to turn them over and then, whaddya know, "lost them".

Horowitz' team recovered them in about 2 hours.

Just like the IRS emails that were lost. And the computers and servers that were "accidentally destroyed".

Just like now we are hearing that the computers from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau are "missing".

Just like Hillary's servers and computer evidence was "destroyed" by the FBI in the middle of the FBI investigation. When was the last time the investigators destroyed evidence in the middle of an investigation.

Anyone seeing a pattern here?

Not a smidgen of corruption.

DanTheMan said...

Inga. If you like your talking point, you can keep your talking point. He promised.

Drago said...

Rabel: "I spent some time reading through the recently released Strzok/Page emails. These are two highly educated individuals serving at the highest levels of the FBI and, good God, they're children! They're worse than high schoolers"

In Business, the military and government, over-confidence and complacency are the biggest killers.

madAsHell said...

The text messages were delivered to the relevant congressional committees by IG Horowitz' team after the "honorable" Hillary/obama FBI/DOJ henchmen refused to turn them over and then, whaddya know, "lost them".

Thank you.

We are told that the texts don't exist, but that just creates a vacuum that can be filled with creative writing.

Francisco D said...

exiled: "Perhaps they projected their own vindictiveness onto Trump, panicked and decided immediately after the election to double down on offense, thinking that with the media's help, they'd get him before he got them.

That's the only explanation I can think of. "

That's a pretty reasonable explanation. I would emphasis "projection" because it is a favored tool of the left. The expected media help cannot be overstated.

The dictatorship that the lefty loonies put is clearly projection. With the help of the media they hope to run the country and dictate how we lead our lives.

Browndog said...

Since we now know Obama's sources and methods, it make you wonder what he had on Chief Justice Roberts that forced him to change his vote on Obamacare.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Blogger StephenFearby said...

...There was a Title I FISA warrant approved to surveil Carter Page... If the "dossier" providing evidence of Page's criminality were taken at face value, this would seem to give the FBI broad interest in the Trump campaign as part of the Carter Page investigation. Is there any reason to believe the FBI would not believe they had the authority to surveil the Trump campaign/transition/administration as a result?"

Carter Page was an Under Cover Employee (UCE-1) from 2013 until March of 2016. He is NOT a Russian Spy, and the FBI KNEW THIS when they applied for the FISA warrant and they hid that fact from the FISA court.

ADDITIONALLY, it is highly likely that Carter Page remained a UCE and joined was directed to join the Trump campaign BY THE FBI in the continuation of his undercover role. This is evidenced by 3 things:

1. Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS stated that the "FBI had someone inside the Trump campaign"
2. The FBI NEEDED there to some sort of connection between Trump and some "shady Russians" and Carter Page's cover identity was a perfect fit for that need.
3. In the short time that Carter Page was attached to the Trump campaign, he repeatedly tried to set-up meetings between Trump &/or his people with Russian operatives, and traveled to Moscow to give a speech, even though he was repeatedly told not to do so, and that if he did, he did not represent the Trump campaign.

I believe Page (along with probably Popa-D) was acting as a plant, trying to ENTRAP Trump by creating a fake connection which could then be used by the FBI and Mueller to take Trump down. This is evidenced by the fact that they tried to do the same thing with DT Jr when they set-up the meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya under false pretenses. Remember that she met with Glenn Simpson both before and after her meeting w/ DTJr, and was let into the US PERSONALLY by Loretta Lynch.

I'll say it again, this was a coordinated, multi-level, cross-agency OP involving the FBI, the DOJ, Hillary Clinton, the State Department and the White House... It has the brush strokes of a classic CIA soft-coup, but applied here instead of abroad.

These people committed Sedition and Treason and should be punished accordingly.

buwaya said...

"I'll say it again, this was a coordinated, multi-level, cross-agency OP involving the FBI, the DOJ, Hillary Clinton, the State Department and the White House... It has the brush strokes of a classic CIA soft-coup, but applied here instead of abroad."

It certainly does seem like a coordinated effort.
Add the MSM to the mix. They were organized to receive and process leaks throughout the campaign.

No-one has investigated the CIA yet. Hmm.

cubanbob said...

Inga reminds me of the scene in Hunt For Red October where the captain of the Alpha sub launches the torpedo without the safeties and it doubles back on him. Mueller was probably picked to whitewash the FBI and protect the senior people there and at the DoJ and in the process prosecute a few Trump people for some process crimes and get a few pleas to make Trump's life miserable and provide cover for the dirty Democrats. However I suspect he is now realizing he is also going to get blown up by the torpedo and he will find the collusion he needs to do his personal CYA on the part of the Democrats. When the crapstorm starts there won't be any loyalty among the rats. Everyone of them will be looking out for themselves and will be singing arias to stay out of prison. All that is needed is a second special prosecutor to put the Fear Of God into Mueller and there is already more than enough to justify that prosecutor.

madAsHell said...

They're worse than high schoolers

Aren't there rules about dipping your pen in the company ink? I would have thought that was immediate dismissal.

Fabi said...

"You fool -- you've killed us all!"

Pookie Number 2 said...

I would have thought that was immediate dismissal.

Are you questioning the impeccable morality of these cheaters? They don't give a damn about their families, but they'd certainly never betray people they've never met!

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

In the early 70s as a young, kinda dumb, radical, I went to Kent State. I truly believed the government was conspiring to kill us.

It took realizing a fine arts degree was going to get me nowhere and it was time to grow up and get a job.

In those heady days of Vietnam, Watergate and the SDS, all of us would sit around imagining the nefarious works of the government to oppress us and rule for all the ages. We had lots of conspiracy theories and were very creative.

We never came up with anything as wildly brazen and balls-out as this. Not even close.

Rabel said...

"Aren't there rules about dipping your pen in the company ink? I would have thought that was immediate dismissal."

This doesn't get enough attention. Two high level married FBI officials having an adulterous affair? That's got to be against the rules for a wide variety of reasons.

It might not have ended well. After a contentious discussion about who should be telling who what to do there is a three day break followed by this from Page: "Don't ever text me again."


bolivar di griz said...

That was captain tupolev, on the konovalev,

Does it occur to Mccarthy that rosenstein was part of this sham, through reauthorizing the surveillance on page?

Browndog said...

No-one has investigated the CIA yet. Hmm.

The CIA mostly uses outside contractors--like Fusion GPS.

langford peel said...

I can understand why Inga is so angry that you conservatives are calling this Gestapo tactics.

Inga knows the Gestapo.

Inga had relatives who served in the Gestapo.

You sir are no Gestapo.

Kevin said...

Doesn't it depend on the meaning of "wiretapped"? Some people have called Candidate and President Trump a liar because no wires were actually tapped.

Plus, if actual wires were "tapped", the argument will be that Obama himself did not cut them and splice in the new patch.

Inga will cry vindication and Chuck will reiterate what a liar Trump was.

Browndog said...

This doesn't get enough attention. Two high level married FBI officials having an adulterous affair? That's got to be against the rules for a wide variety of reasons.

There is no evidence of an affair. Certainly none in the text released thus far. All we have is the word of the....who?

Original Mike said...

exiled: Didn’t Hillary egg on the “Russian investigation”? The post-election phase may have started as the equivalent of a Hillary lamp-throwing fit. She was pissed and she was going to make people pay.

Mike Sylwester said...

A major element of President Obama's participation in the RussiaGate hoax was his expulsion of the Russian diplomats at the end of his Presidency.

* The expulsion created in the US public a false impression that the US Government had good evidence that Russia had meddled in the 2016 election.

* The expulsion created a situation where the new President Trump would be accused by Deep State officials of colluding with Russia if he tried to repair the damaged US-Russia relations.

becauseIdbefired said...

How is this meaningful? Obama wants to know what's going on. Seems reasonable. Who, in his position, wouldn't want to know?

Unlike the Nunes' memo, this looks like a nothing-burger.

Rabel said...

"There is no evidence of an affair."

I don't think you've read the texts.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

There is no evidence of an affair. Certainly none in the text released thus far.

The personal texts are not beings released.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Expect numerous battlefield conversions to the cause of the Unitary Executive in the near future. (All those people work for Obama. He's supposed to know what they're doing!)

Rabel said...

" Republicans have seized on text messages between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who were often critical of Trump, to characterize the two -- who were having an extramarital affair -- as part of an effort to go easy on Clinton and get tough with Trump."


"Two senior FBI officials who texted each other about President Trump and Hillary Clinton relied on work phones to try to hide their romance from a spouse and made the bureau’s probe of Clinton’s private email server their cover story for being in such close contact, according to people familiar with the matter.'

- Washington Post

"During that time, Strzok had been assigned to the investigation into the Trump campaign’s links with Russia — while also conducting an extramarital affair with Page."

- Vox

"The theory Trump and others have been pushing insinuates that Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, two current FBI employees who were having an affair, were at the heart of an FBI conspiracy against Trump during the 2016 election campaign."

- Huffington Post

Need I go on?

Humperdink said...

One ping only Vasili.

Jim at said...

How is this meaningful? Obama wants to know what's going on. Seems reasonable. Who, in his position, wouldn't want to know?

That's fine. So, maybe he should've kept that in mind when he piously guaranteed he had nothing to do with any of the investigations.

MadisonMan said...

dentist = centrist

Thank you. I was picturing a couple scenes from Marathon Man with Dustin Hoffman.

Big Mike said...

How is this meaningful? Obama wants to know what's going on. Seems reasonable. Who, in his position, wouldn't want to know?

Go read my comment, the first one on this thread. It destroys Obama's plausible deniability.

Drago said...

Rabel: "This doesn't get enough attention. Two high level married FBI officials having an adulterous affair? That's got to be against the rules for a wide variety of reasons"

Two counter-intelligence agents....using phones whose messages could be intercepted...and then the info used for blackmail purposes.

These guys were "geniuses"...

Browndog said...

Like I said, there is no evidence of an affair. You can quote CNN and Huffington post all day long; it doesn't make it evidence.

Drago said...

Rabel: "Need I go on?"

There is nothing more predictable when something looks bad for dems than LLR Chuck's beloved MSM using the "Republicans Pounce!!!" narrative.

Bay Area Guy said...

There hasn't been many speeches or comments by former President Obama on this issue.

In Watergate, the misconduct by GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, went up the latter from the actual burglars to Hunt and Liddy who planned and guided the burglary to political advisors/cabinet members (Mitchell, Haldeman, Ehrlichman) to the President himself.

Let me ask one of our leftwing friends a simple hypothetical:

Let us ASSUME that Obama gave the directive for DOJ/FBI officials to eavesdrop on Trump campaign officials between August and November of 2016 for the purpose of obtaining "dirt" to help Hillary win.

1. Is that a crime?
2. If not, is it crummy politics?

Fabi said...

"There hasn't been many speeches or comments by former President Obama on this issue."

He may be dumb, but he's not stupid. He knows his political Maginot Line has been breached.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's more that the insiders in the pro-D FBI were hoping to please their master.

Birkel said...

A phrase from the past:

"...improper command influence..."

Anonymous said...

buwaya said...

The believable answer AFAIK is that HRC had sewn up the election long before as the anointed of the money behind the election. And the source of Obama's future income and post-presidential career.

FBI does real investigation, and publicly announces, before the Dem Convention, they've got solid evidence of crimes by Clinton and her people.

At that point, Hillary is toast. The "Super-delegates" abandon her, she doesn't get nominated on Round 1, the delegates get released, and the establishment types who supported Clinton switch to Joe Biden.

Hell, all they had to do was drop referrals for perjury against Mills and Huma shortly after they lied to FBI officials in March (IIRC). Hillary support craters, and Biden "reluctantly" jumps into the race.

They could have done it. Problem was Obama emailed, using an alias, to Hillary Clinton, at her private email account. He sent classified emails to her when she was in Russia, and the Russians were pretty much guaranteed to intercept them.

They were both guilty of mishandling classified information, so the corrupt Obama DoJ and FBI let them both skate.

If that's not corrupt, then don't complain if Trump fires anyone who investigates him. The rules are the same for everyone

Bad Lieutenant said...

Browndog said...
Like I said, there is no evidence of an affair. You can quote CNN and Huffington post all day long; it doesn't make it evidence.

2/7/18, 4:32 PM

Purportedly the more personal texts are being withheld, perhaps because after "shithole" the people are in no mood to be reading "oh Peter, I need your cock so bad, come bend me over in the break room, but don't tell my husband, I want to surprise him with sloppy seconds when I get home" type messages.

Do you think it a slander on them, or may it be a deceit, a cover for their real offenses? If so, doesn't seem to be working.

Rusty said...

The usual suspects are awaiting their talking points. Please stand by.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Rabel I spent some time reading through the recently released Strzok/Page emails. These are two highly educated individuals serving at the highest levels of the FBI and, good God, they're children! They're worse than high schoolers.

It's Mean Girls all the way down.

Mean girls who wanted to pull every string for the ultimate mean girl, Hillary Clinton.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

MSM say... "Republicans pounce" in 3..2...1

Bay Area Guy said...

You ignorant hillbillies!

Darrell said...

Last week we were hearing--from the usual suspects--how Obama micromanaged everything. He was a genius. This week he never did nothin' nohow to anywho.

Josephbleau said...

"There is little room in O'Tupolev’s heart for anyone but O'Tupolev."

Unknown said...

I always thought that on 9/11/12, Obama and Hillary became co-conspiritors to cover up their malfeasance in Benghazi.

Hillary knew Obama was uninterested in a rescue. Obama knew Hillary was responsible for her people. A true case of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction).

Michael K said...

I'd be curious to know why Comey took public action in the end.

Because he knew that NY FBI agents were going to leak it.

This has been my theory all along. When my FBI agent daughter, who should have been a Hillary voter, told me she would NOT (that firmly) vote for Hillary, I knew that Comey was facing an agent revolt if he did not hold those press conferences.

Now we know what the agents would have leaked.

Molly said...

Reading the comments here, one gets the impression that "everyone" is paying attention and engaging on the questions raised by the committee memo.

So I went to the Washington Post website to gather some trenchant comments from their readers. Here's what I found (on Wednesday evening at 6 pm):

1. I can't find a story about this on the "front page" -- online front page.
2. The "most read stories" are: Pelosi's long speech; Trump adviser beat his wife; military parade; budget deal; Opinion McConnell Shumer.
3. After a search on "senate homeland security" I'm led to an article at about 4 pm on Feb 7 that is about Trump's message related to the committee report. (headline: Trump's latest message just as dubious as its predecessor's" . )https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2018/02/07/trumps-latest-peter-strzok-bombshell-is-just-as-dubious-as-its-predecessors/?utm_term=.ff9eda467beb

So while there is a group of people (at Althouse and other websites -- NRO has been on this) talking about these issues; they are still not reaching into most people's awareness. I think it will take repeated stories, and ultimately other official reports -- perhaps the DoJ IG report will tip the balance.

Bay Area Guy said...

Page/Strzok favorite song:

Don't the hours grow shorter as the days go by
You never get to stop and open your eyes
One day you're waiting for the sky to fall
The next you're dazzled by the beauty of it all
When you're lovers in a dangerous time

Lovers in a dangerous time

These fragile bodies of touch and taste
This vibrant skin -- this hair like lace
Spirits open to the thrust of grace
Never a breath you can afford to waste

When you're lovers in a dangerous time
When you're lovers in a dangerous time

Sometimes you're made to feel as if your love's a crime --
But nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight --
Got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight

When you're lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time
And we're lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time

Bruce Cockburn, Lovers in a Dangerous Time (1984)

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So I went to the Washington Post website to gather some trenchant comments from their readers. Here's what I found (on Wednesday evening at 6 pm):...”

Molly, here’s the WaPo story on this “bombshell”.

Trump’s latest Peter Strzok text message ‘BOMBSHELL’ is just as dubious as its predecessors

“Yet again, President Trump and his supporters have found a Peter Strzok text message of which they're quite fond. They previously highlighted Strzok's “insurance policy” and “secret society” text messages, and now they've uncovered a new alleged smoking gun: A Sept. 2, 2016, text in which FBI agent Strzok says then-President Barack Obama “wants to know everything we’re doing.”

The text was all over conservative media Wednesday and appeared to be the impetus for the above tweet from Trump. The argument is that it may constitute Obama meddling in the Clinton email investigation.

But as with its predecessors — both of which had very reasonable, non-nefarious explanations — there are real reasons to be skeptical that this new text is truly a “BOMBSHELL,” as Trump alleges.“

Wince said...

There's a cancer on the Obama presidency.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The bombshell was a dud...once again.

Wall Street Journal is reporting, “Texts From 2016 Show FBI Employees Preparing Obama Briefing on Russia
Exchange doesn’t relate to Clinton email probe, as a Republican senator suggests

“Text messages from 2016 show preparation to brief Barack Obama about Russia’s interference in that year’s election, according to associates of the FBI employees involved in the exchange, not, as a Republican senator suggested, meddling by the then-president in the federal Hillary Clinton email investigation.”

Anonymous said...

I believe that Obama never personally asked the DOJ what they were up to just like I don't think he personally tapped Trump's communications. Do I think some of the little stinkers that were on his staff did these things? Absolutely. Do I think they kept Obama appraised of every little move that was being made? Absolutely again. Do I think these gremlins were following Obama's wishes? Absolutely another time. (You recall "Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?"don't you?)

I can see Valerie Jarrett running this operation without hardly breaking a sweat. Do I think any of these people will answer for their malfeasance? It will take a miracle.

Do I think Sid Vicious is up to his ass in well deserved alligators? Absolutely! Do I think Hillary will get swept up in the mess ? No, but I think a lot of low level folks are in big trouble.

Wince said...

Inga quoted...

“Yet again, President Trump and his supporters have found a Peter Strzok text message of which they're quite fond. They previously highlighted Strzok's “insurance policy” and “secret society” text messages, and now they've uncovered a new alleged smoking gun: A Sept. 2, 2016, text in which FBI agent Strzok says then-President Barack Obama “wants to know everything we’re doing.”

The key context of the "secret society" gallows humor text was that it portended a change at the DOJ/FBI.

Upon Hillary's loss, the conspirators knew they could no longer operate in the open. The question was how far up the chain of command did that permissive atmosphere go.

The POTUS "wants to know everything" text suggests us how far up the conspiracy went: ALL THE WAY TO OBAMA.

Fabi said...

In the mood for a prediction or two, Inga?

How will the Mueller investigation conclude? 1 to 10; 1 being a report and a few low-level process crimes; 5 being multiple indictments for actual crimes; and 10 leading to impeachment and jail for high-level Trump associates.

How will the Obama/Clinton/DoJ/FBI "scandal" conclude? 1 to 10; 1 being it never gains any traction; no special counsel; 5 being a special council leading to multiple indictments for actual crimes; and 10 leading to jail for high-level Obama associates.

rhhardin said...

It could be worse. These two could be trolling comment threads.

Humperdink said...

The boil will get lanced when lovebirds Strzok and Page testify under oath, along with lovebirds Obama and Jarrett, plus lovebirds HRC and Huma Weiner.

Anonymous said...

I've wondered for some time now why Samantha Powers of all people was unmasking messaged between Trump campaign members. Ambassador to the UN? What possible reason could she have? Now we know. She was helping Cheryl Mills et al keep the POTUS updated. What a bunch of crooks. Lock 'em up.

Anonymous said...

@Inga: I don't know where you got the wording in your link, but here's the actual article headline: "Text From 2016 Shows Obama’s Interest in FBI Employees’ Work
Associates say ex-president wanted update on Russia; GOP senator suggests it was about Clinton probe"

Reading the article there is no definitive answer because the timing of the Russian angle works as well as the timing for Comey "reopening" the Hillary investigation. Time will tell.

I urge you to try to be accurate in your references.

MayBee said...

Wasn't it completely inappropriate when Trump spoke directly to Comey? Or when Trump even shook his hand in the oval office (remember when Comey had to try to hide in the curtains so that horrible handshake wouldn't happen?). I thought that was a big "controversy".

But Comey updating Obama is apparently not so controversial. Do I have that right?

Robert said...

Two trump lawyers will immunize Page and Bannon tomorrow, just like Mills and what was planned for HA. Sound good to you. Oh, I forgot Russia, Russia, Russia.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga: I don't know where you got the wording in your link, but here's the actual article headline: "Text From 2016 Shows Obama’s Interest in FBI Employees’ Work
Associates say ex-president wanted update on Russia; GOP senator suggests it was about Clinton probe"
That was a copy and paste headline from the WSJ. I see that they’ve now changed the headline, interesting. There was an update @6:44 Eastern time.

Matt Sablan said...

"But Comey updating Obama is apparently not so controversial. Do I have that right?"

-- Correct. Sort of like how Obama can fire an IG with a stellar record and no red flags who was investigating him without it being controversial, while Trump can't fire Comey, who turns out to steal classified documents from the government and leak them to the press while it is controversial.

I'm not a fan of either, but I'm fine with Trump benefiting from the Obama and Clinton standards to bring the left to yield and realize *we need mutual standards because, some day, YOUR TEAM won't hold the reins of power.*

Matt Sablan said...

"I've wondered for some time now why Samantha Powers of all people was unmasking messaged between Trump campaign members. Ambassador to the UN? What possible reason could she have? Now we know. She was helping Cheryl Mills et al keep the POTUS updated. What a bunch of crooks. Lock 'em up."

-- Incorrect. Powers has claimed (I forget if it was under oath) that she did not do that. Someone stole her credentials and made the requests using them. It wasn't her. Why this wasn't a huge scandal with an independent investigator is beyond me. But, hey.

Bob Loblaw said...

The Democrats fired a torpedo at Trump and have not yet noticed that it is circling.

I doubt they would be doing a crash dive at flank speed if they hadn't noticed yet :)

Fabi said...

Did you read my comment at 5:43, Inga?

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Drago said...

"I wonder if there is a Special Smidgens Counsel Statute?"

Felonius Gru has the Minions. Did Obama have the Smidgens?

James K said...

We don't know what Obama was being briefed on, and relying on "FBI sources" for accurate information is something only journalists would think is just fine. But I'm going to take a wild guess that the subject of Trump and collusion came up.

Night Owl said...

The current Andrew McCarthy article at NRO is another must read.

He discusses how the DOJ and FBI broke their rules about secrecy to leak information to the public, and how in doing so they put the idea in people's mind, with help from the anti-Trump media, that Trump was under investigation for a crime. Comey's boss Rod Rosenstein, days after recommending Comey's firing for mishandling the Clinton server investigation, opens up an investigation after Trump fires Comey. This investigation is made public and allowed to morph into a media smear campaign against Trump.

McCarthy concludes by saying that it's up to Rosenstein to set the record straight. It was Rosenstein's decision to put the Mueller investigation into the public domain. He owes the American public an explanation for why he decided to do that. And he must put a stop to the sleazy innuendos and smears and answer definitively whether the president of the United States is under investigation for a crime.

It's not Nunes' memo that is destroying America's confidence in the FBI and DOJ but rather it's the unbelievably unprofessional actions of these agencies over the past year that has done so. They can start to rebuild their reputations by punishing the leakers, starting with the incompetent Comey.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Another big fat leaker is corrupt Adam Schiff-ty-D.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The real culprit is the hack press. They lie.

readering said...

Per Wall Street Journal:

Text messages from 2016 show preparation to brief Barack Obama about Russia’s interference in that year’s election, according to associates of the FBI employees involved in the exchange, not, as a Republican senator suggested, meddling by the then-president in the federal Hillary Clinton email investigation…

[A]ssociates of Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page said that exchange referred to the president’s wanting information on Russia election meddling, which the FBI was heavily involved in over that period. That exchange occurred just days before Mr. Obama met Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China. Mr. Obama said in December 2016 that he had addressed the issue of tampering with the election process with Mr. Putin at that September meeting.

Apologies accepted.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lisa Page wrote her lover Peter Strzok about the Clinton probe: Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing'

Night Owl said...

The real culprit is the hack press. They lie.

My contempt for the corrupt media knows no bounds.

langford peel said...

I apologize that you are so gullible to believe anything you read in the main stream media.

Of course Obama wanted to know the status of the interference in the election based on the false information they provided to the FBI to use in a dossier to destroy Donald Trump and drag the bloated carcass of Felonia Van Pantsuit into office.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Clinton used a private, unsecured email server not accessible by government archivists to send and receive classified information while she was secretary of State; the FBI ultimately cleared her of criminal wrongdoing...

Because those in the FBI working on the Clinton investigation wanted Hillary to win.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In August 2016 Strzok wrote to her that he wanted to believe 'that there’s no way he gets elected — but I'm afraid we can't take that risk. It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40.'

Big Mike said...

@readering, that is plausible. However only the most gullible among us would crept that explanation without further corroboration.

So no apology just yet.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How do Strozk and Page still have employment at the FBI after all this?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Molly Hemingway has a question about that WSJ headline:


OK. So when he asked for "everything," on the Russian meddling, was he told about the Trump campaign portion of that very same investigation, which started in July 2016? When was he first told about the Trump investigation by the FBI? When was he first told about the dossier?

In other words, "what did the president know and when did he know it?"

Gee, it's not just the sight of Rod Stewart in yellow satin pants and a purple wifebeater that is causing me to have 70's flashbacks these days.

langford peel said...

Maybe it was the gallon of cum they pumped out of his stomach.

Wait a minute that was Anderson Cooper not Rod Stewart.

Never mind. It is just a Tuesday in Washington. Nothing to see here.

Drago said...

Readering: "[A]ssociates of Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page said that exchange referred to the president’s wanting information on Russia election meddling, which the FBI was heavily involved in over that period.

Which Associates?

Night Owl said...

As for the topic at hand, these texts support what thinking people would already conclude, that the President is kept informed of major investigations going on under his watch.

It's entirely possible that these agencies might give the President a distorted view of the facts, especially if they were abusing the system. If the agencies lied to Obama to cover up questionable activity, we the people need to know that. Obama knows what they told him. Maybe its time for him to tell what he knew and when he knew it.

Drago said...

Why couldnt Strzok and Page's "Associates" be very very precise as to what specifically was shared with obama?
Gee, its almost as if a talking point was created to shield certain people.


PackerBronco said...

This explains all the leaking. It was their way of communicating with potus since he always found out about these things in the newspapers.

Francisco D said...

@ Madison Man


Iz it safe yet?


Iz it safe?

What a wonderfully creepy scene. I avoided my dentist for several years.

Anonymous said...

Inga said...
The bombshell was underwhelming...again.

I love the way Inga puts multiple paragraphs in (implying they're a quote from something), without including a link

What's teh website "smoking pot and doing the news.com"?

Francisco D said...

What befuddles me is that true believers like Inga take hyperbole from Trump and Sean Hannity as a sign of their craziness. Yet, Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are seen as serious and honest politicians.

The MSM has more influence on the weak minded than I realized.

The looming fascist state is coming from the left ...

... as it always has.

bolivar di griz said...

So schiff and Nancy, are just tools.


Roy Lofquist said...

There seem to be various spellings for "a small amount of something". The correct spelling is smidgen. Smidgeons are medium sized birds of the dove family. Sightings are rare because of their drab plumage and that they're often mistaken for skeet.

Francisco D said...

Schiff and Pelosi are the ultimate tools.

How many times can they lie, dial it up to 11 and contradict themselves?

If they were Republicans, the MSM would have hounded them out of office by now.

MB said...

Wonderful idea, perhaps Mueller's investigation should also give periodic updates to Pence about everything they're doing.

CWJ said...

You know Althouse is circling the target when commenters no one has seen before arrive to opine on how the current topic is nothing; i.e. BecauseIdbefired @ 4:03. It must give her some small happiness knowing that people watch and fear her blog so closely.

Lucien said...

As Matthew rightly observes, Samantha Powers has claimed that she didn’t do any unmasking - someone stole her credentials and did it pretending to be her. And no one in the media (or Inga or Chuck or ARM) gives a shit. This is jaw-dropping stuff - STOLE HER CREDENTIALS - so why isn’t there a special prosecutor trying to figure out what happened? Why isn’t the media baying after this like bloodhounds?

Oh wait. Obama administration. Never mind.

James K said...

Having read all the texts around the time of the 'potus wants to know everything' text, I can see it's pretty clear that the two lovebirds have been focused on the Hillary e-mail scandal, not Putin and Russia. So the Obama apologists like Inga who are claiming that Obama was just prepping for his big session with Putin are just blowing smoke. As an example, they're talking about a NYT.com piece that is just "breaking" on 2 September. They can only be referring to the big piece the NYT did on Hillary's e-mail scandal

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'"

Maybe this post needs an Obama the Boyfriend tag...

MD Greene said...

Exiled on Main Street said:
Perhaps they projected their own vindictiveness onto Trump, panicked and decided immediately after the election to double down on offense, thinking that with the media's help, they'd get him before he got them.
That's the only explanation I can think of.


As to the Samantha Power claim that 260 unmaskings of private citizens' intel was done by others using her identity, another wow. The Obama administration prosecuted more government leakers than all the other administrations before 2008. Why no interest or prosecution in these cases?

As cynical as I get, I just can't keep up.

Danno said...

Obama was always bragging he was better at everything than the people he hired for the job. So why is anyone surprised he was the consummate micro-manager?

Bruce Hayden said...

“As Matthew rightly observes, Samantha Powers has claimed that she didn’t do any unmasking - someone stole her credentials and did it pretending to be her. And no one in the media (or Inga or Chuck or ARM) gives a shit. This is jaw-dropping stuff - STOLE HER CREDENTIALS - so why isn’t there a special prosecutor trying to figure out what happened? Why isn’t the media baying after this like bloodhounds?”

The problem there is that stealing her credentials violates federal law, as does using them to unmask people’s identities. As well as reading the unmasked messages. Etc.

Yancey Ward said...

Sebastian asks a question I would like to see an answer to:

"I'd be curious to know why Comey took public action in the end."

Hard to say. My theory is that he didn't know until the day before he sent the letter to Congress. There may in fact be solid evidence that someone tried to bury the new material until after the election, and got caught ten days before the event. Faced with a potentially catastrophic scandal that couldn't be buried forever because too many people whose loyalty couldn't be assured knew about the laptop (remember, this was found by the people in charge of the Weiner investigation- people who were not based in D.C.), Comey made the decision to inform Congress so that he wasn't the guy left holding the bag if it came out after the election, and that the material was damaging to the case of letting Clinton off the hook. My guess is McCabe sat on this as long as he could, but people asking questions about what he was doing with the material a month later probably prompted him to come clean to Comey.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Realistically, at this point no one significant is going to go to jail. The best we can hope for is that most of the story is made public. Same thing with the IRS scandal.

Chris N said...

Remember, Inga has invested a tremendous amount of energy in being anti-Trump by evidence of her comments here. Like many on the Left progressive spectrum, she has apparently never really sat down and fully processed the election loss emotionally.

By those same comments over the years, I suspect she likely sees herself as a lone speaker of truth in a hostile environment (all women are oppressed pretty much all of the time, she should speak for women and spread the message, seeking allies and showing up for her team, making the personal political and politics part of the solution/her belief system etc.)

Much as a person having serious doubts/interest in Jesus, it can be almost a revelation to realize others might not dislike or disagree with her personally, (the political ideoliogy and worldview she forces upon nearly every interaction here), but as a matter of deep principle and truth statements about the world.

Whatever the truth of these memos, such ideas are bedrock/near bedrock deep, which is why these doctrines are such a force in our civic and political life.

Bob Loblaw said...

Realistically, at this point no one significant is going to go to jail. The best we can hope for is that most of the story is made public. Same thing with the IRS scandal.

At the very least a lot of bureaucrats need to lose their jobs. They may have been able to poison any opportunity to prosecute Clinton, but at the very least you can say "Hey, you're incompetent. You're supposed to investigate criminals. Here's your pink slip."

Bruce Hayden said...

"I'd be curious to know why Comey took public action in the end."

I think that the sewer may be what Dr K suggested above - the FBI rank and file were maybe in close to open rebellion. Comey couldn't hope to continue running the agency if their intentional inaction meant giving Crooked Hillary the Presidency. They may be Democrats, as that daughter, but their integrity and the integrity of their agency take precedence over that. I think that the Weekend her stuff was probably getting known within the Bureau, and was starting to leak.

Bob Loblaw said...

That's what I've seen others speculate. Comey had to do it because he found out people in the press already knew, so the only way he could look like he wasn't engaging in a cover up was to get out in front of it.

MadisonMan said...

I'd like to see people lose their jobs over this -- but knowing how the bureaucracy works, I suspect everyone will just retire with their pension. Lois Lerner paved that path already.

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