February 1, 2018
Mika kicks Michael Wolff off the show.
"You might be having a fun time playing a little game dancing around this, but you're slurring a woman... It's disgraceful," she says as he fudges and bullshits. Mika gets irritated, in her subtle, I'll-just-move-one-sheet-of-paper-from-here-to-there style, and comes out with: "If you don't get it – and you don't get what we're talking about – I’m sorry. This is awkward. You're here on the set with us, but you're done."
UPDATE: Afterwards, Wolff "went on Twitter, and, as if determined to prove correct anyone who doubted his judgments about the way men speak about women, wrote, 'My bad, the President is right about Mika.' President Trump has called her 'low I.Q. Crazy Mika' and 'dumb as a rock Mika,' and claimed to have seen her 'bleeding badly from a face-lift.' If being criticized for a couple of minutes can persuade Wolff to sign on to all that, then his book deserves more skepticism than it has already earned." (From The New Yorker.)
The Left eats its own.......
They invited him on to theatrically kick him off.
Hate them all.
Wolf seems like a slimy (proper male version of) fellatrix to me.
Joe Scarborough was a lifelong republican before he decided it was time to finally admit the truth about his true beliefs and leave the party.
Food for thought...for some.....
Virtue signaling.
I agree with Christopher. It's all theater.
Christopher said...
They invited him on to theatrically kick him off.
Yes, they realize how extreme some of their side is getting and are trying to distance themselves from it.
Which only makes them look more spineless and untrustworthy.
I can't wait for the tumbrils to start showing up.
What about slurring a man with false, vicious and often salacious accusations? Pretty sure Mika and Joe discuss and give credence to those kinds of accusations every morning.
You might be having a fun time playing a little game dancing around this, but you're slurring a woman... It's disgraceful...
Talk about your sexist double-standard. ( This is my shocked face ).
He was brought on specifically to slur Trump and his administration. According to the show, that's not only okay, that's the only reason he is allowed in the studio in the first place.
So what, other than a sexist double-standard, makes it not okay to also slur a woman?
Mika: I'm shocked, shocked to find bullshit in this establishment.
Poor, pathetic Mika. She got her panties in a wad because he slammed Nikki Haley with unsubstantiated bs, but sat like a stump while he slammed Trump with unsubstantiated bs.
I guess this is a two-fer for her. She can claim a "me-too" scalp by slamming the creep while maintaining her NeverTrump bona fides.
Well, it's a start.
#Misogeny #Misandry #Misanthropy #Misbebe #Pro-Choice #ProgressiveSlope
Wolff: "Certainly I am not accusing [Nikki Haley] of [being a slut with Trump]. She has chosen to deny what she isn't accused of." (paraphrasing: but close).
How does this guy function with so much fecal matter stuffed in his mouth?
Good job Mika, now you should employ the same tactic on Joe once in a while.
The Mika & Joe Traveling Lefty Carnival was hyping Wolff and his book literally 4 weeks ago.
But now, it's become rather embarassing, hasn't it?
That's okay. The initial sales of this Tome of Lies has already provided for a summer home for Wolff. So at least its helped the construction industry.
Thanks Trump!
It's the pussy protection protocol.
I'll give credit to Mika for finally acknowledging what is going on. It took far too long, but she at least addresses reality.
Oh and Stormy Daniels denied the affair, so can the left stop slurring her reputation as well? She might be a porn star, but the false allegations of a year long affair and a willingness to take money to hush up are insulting to anyone. If you're a woman that would like such allegations made about you, please step up and be identified.
As if there weren't already enough reasons to dislike Mika, she doesn't know the difference between "imply" and "infer."
The only reason Wolff wears the glasses is so he looks a little less like Dr. Evil. Also why he doesn't take his hairless Sphynx cat to inteviews.
“Oh and Stormy Daniels denied the affair, so can the left stop slurring her reputation as well? She might be a porn star, but the false allegations of a year long affair and a willingness to take money to hush up are insulting to anyone. If you're a woman that would like such allegations made about you, please step up and be identified.”
“Adult film star Stormy Daniels stoked more controversy Tuesday night, suggesting that maybe it wasn't her signature on a statement denying she had an affair with Donald Trump prior to the 2016 election.
During an appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," the host raised doubts about the signature after comparing it to past Daniels autographs, the New York Daily News reported.
“That does not look like my signature, does it?” she replied.”
Somebody said today that Strzok and Page are the Joe and Mika of the FBI.
She got her panties in a wad because he slammed Nikki Haley with unsubstantiated bs, but sat like a stump while he slammed Trump with unsubstantiated bs.
It's a shame so many journalists (and others) can't extend their principles to everyone. It probably stems from a lack of introspection. If you can't examine yourself you begin with the assumption your instinctive response must be correct. The rest is post-hoc rationalization and we know that can justify anything.
Slurring a woman is bad. Guys are open season.
It's another way besides illogicality that women are better and equal.
Hey Mike, you provided weeks of rumors that hurt Trump. Want to thank you so much for that. But the rubes are starting to understand our claim to support women is kinda a pile O'Crap.
No longer useful, no longer tolerated.
Surprised? Really, after Cindy Sheehan? Not to mention Senator SNL.
Michael Wolff is no Joseph C. Wilson IV.
Funniest part of the video: When Mika indignantly declares, “This is ... Morning Joe; we don’t BS here!” This video almost qualifies as a SNL skit.
Sista Souljah moment.
It's all based on women's sexual grudges.
The pussy has to be sacred, so that there's an unquestioned origin term for the net of man-bashing.
Rob @ 11:32: "...imply...[versus] infer." Yes, very irritating. But this is Modern Media, where there is no longer any interest in grammar, nor any real ability to distinguish between internal mental processes (infer) and external verbal processes (imply). Instead we just have people who open their mouths and spout whatever.
Everything Mika and Joe do is about getting eyeballs on their program and for their demographic (think Inga)it works pretty well. Just like for the rest of MSNBC. Just like for CNN. None of them believe any of this crap because no one who has managed get to a network program is that stupid. It's all a performance for the benefit of the deranged left. They don't have to be right. Ever. Who in their audience is going to call them on it? They're performance artists. Blow them off.
Inga takes time out from slut shaming Stormy Daniels to quote her coyly not saying anything specific.
So, it looks like the 2018 Dem campaign themes will "Stormy!, We had to spy on Trump illegally!, Give Back Your Tax Cuts!, Hitler!..No, wait-Stalin!...No wait-Mussolini!, We Hate The Dreams of American Citizens!"
You know, I can't imagine how it is the democrats have fallen to just about even with republicans on the generic ballot....and that was BEFORE the SOTU AND people receiving their increased pay in starting with their Feb paychecks.
Literally, the dems are going to run on Repeal and Replace your "Crumb-y" Tax Cuts!
Birkel: "Sista Souljah moment.
Joe "Calhoun Tubbs" Scarborough: "Invited Michael Wolff back on the sho-ow-ow-ow..wrote a song about it...wanna hear it?....ok here it goes..."
“There have been a few recent “generic congressional ballot” polls—in which respondents are asked some variation on the question of which party they’d prefer to see controlling Congress—showing little distance between Democrats and Republicans. The Monmouth generic poll released Wednesday showed the Dems leading by only two points—which is, if you do the math, down significantly from the average 13-point margin the party was leading by in December before Republicans passed a tax cut whose benefits are now starting to be realized (and whose downsides, by design, won’t be evident for years). Are the Democrats in trouble?
Well … maybe not. For one, they’re still ahead by seven points in FiveThirtyEight’s running aggregate; the Monmouth results may have been an outlier. For another, as Philip Bump explains in a thorough Washington Post … post, midterm elections are essentially referendums on the president, and Donald Trump’s approval is still very low in specific areas of the country where the GOP has seats at risk.
In fact, there are 64 Republican seats rated as in-play by Cook Political Report (toss-ups, leaning Republican or likely Republican) that are in states where Trump’s approval is less than 50 percent. Sixty of those seats are in states where Trump’s approval is less than 45 percent. … Thirty-four contested Republican seats are in states where Trump’s approval rating is less than 40 percent, including Texas.”
Christopher nails it- it is all performance art. If you really think Wolff crossed a line, you don't invite him onto your fucking show.
I love the Stormy Daniels story.
Female porn participants are a dime a dozen. Even the famous ones have to do an awful lot of legit self-promotion in order to bridge into the mainstream. Nothing wrong with making a living.
So what porn participant would turn down, deflect or otherwise minimize the sort of notoriety unavailable to that entire industry? She is now as famous as she will ever be (a Kimmel invite?) and there are people who think she might put rumors to bed?
Not on your life!
Yes yes Inga. All is well.
And thank you and dems for refusing to show respect during the SOTU to the parents of the children murdered by your wonderful dreamer illegal alien MS-13er's.
You know, I'm surprised the dems didn't actually criticize the murdered girls for making it difficult for their killers by trying to run away.
In Future Dem World, will it be a hate crime to run away from your illegal alien killers?
I wonder if Mika and Joe will invite the parents of the murdered girls onto their show to talk about the astonishing disrespect shown to them and their murdered daughters by the democrats?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say..probably not.
Reality TV at its scripted best. Only wish they had kept the cameras running during the commercial break to see them all yucking it up with Wolff over bear claws.
"Inga said...
Good job Mika..."
Everyone knows this was bullshit except our resident dullard. Inga, this was an act. And BTW Melania wasn't actually turned into the AFLAC duck.
Inga: "In fact, there are 64 Republican seats rated as in-play by Cook Political Report (toss-ups, leaning Republican or likely Republican) that are in states where Trump’s approval is less than 50 percent. Sixty of those seats are in states where Trump’s approval is less than 45 percent. … Thirty-four contested Republican seats are in states where Trump’s approval rating is less than 40 percent, including Texas.”
Inga has decided that mistaking National Polls for state by state polls for electoral purposes is such a GREAT IDEA that we should extend that thinking to the state level!
Let's look at State level polls when Congressional races are in specific districts and do not always reflect the state-wide numbers!!
Some people never learn.
Rob observes: As if there weren't already enough reasons to dislike Mika, she doesn't know the difference between "imply" and "infer."
Neither does he, apparently.
"And thank you and dems for refusing to show respect during the SOTU to the parents of the children murdered by your wonderful dreamer illegal alien MS-13er's."
It also irked the Democrats when the man who escaped North Korea and endured horrific suffering to do so stood up and defiantly raised his crutches.
After all, they've been saying Trump is crazier than Little Kim and America is a bigger shithole than North Korea. Now that's a winning strategy.
It's always uncomfortable for Democrats when people who have actually lived under Communism turn up and spoil the Narrative.
They show her two denials of any affair in the article.
The best evidence that it never happened was when she said if it did happen, she would be revealing it all in a book with a record advance, not on some talk shows.
As a commenter at DM said, Stormy is playing NeverTrumpers like a john.
Can you imagine how those voters are going to react when Inga's and LLR Chuck's dem pals show up and say "give us back your tax cuts and wage increases and increased jobs, we promise we'll do better.....(you stupid deplorables!)"
That should go over like gangbusters!!!
Hmmmm, some folks in high dudgeon today.
exiled: "It also irked the Democrats when the man who escaped North Korea and endured horrific suffering to do so stood up and defiantly raised his crutches."
Well, the dems are the folks who like sending in armed SWAT team members to grab little boys to send them back to Cuban communist s***holes, so is it surprising that the dems are angry when they see some guy survive escaping another of the many, many Lefty Communist Peoples Paradises?
I think not.
Here's a nice picture of what those "tolerant" and "caring" dems did to one little dreamer not that long ago whose mother had died to bring him to freedom:
Yeah, we really need to be lectured by Inga and her dem pals.
Ah, yes, Elian Gonzalez, the one Hispanic immigrant the Leftists didn't want living here.
Inga: "Hmmmm, some folks in high dudgeon today"
Inga never fails to fail to keep up with what her own party is doing:
Inga: "Hmmmm, some folks in high dudgeon today"
Elian Gonzalez and Mary Jo Kopechne were unavailable for comment.
I'm in high good humor, actually, thinking of the nice surprise many Americans will get when their paychecks are deposited this month and they see they have more take home pay and realize the Democrats have been lying their corrupt asses off about how the tax cuts only benefit "the rich."
I wonder if this will help him sell more books. Probably not. He should have claimed that the text of his book clearly pointed to another woman and that he wished people would read his book with more care.......I truly wish that one or two of his ex girlfriends would write a revealing tell all memoir about their intimate life together, or maybe just an account of an unsuccessful date with him. It doesn't have to be criminal bavior. Just anything embarrassing or cringe worthy. Perhaps if The Koch Bros or one of the Trump sons put up a bounty of a million dollars like the Hustler publisher, they could make such a thing happen. Such information would be enlightening and exemplary for all such writers like Wolff.
Oh, please do this, Dems. Loudly and publicly.
“That does not look like my signature, does it?” she replied.”
I'm changing my name to Peter Xtralong. Now I gotta work on my signature.
exiled, there are some funny stories online of employees who were so surprised about the increased paycheck amounts and checked with their HR departments to see if someone has made a mistake in payroll.
HR/Payroll then informs them that, no, there has been no mistake at all. It's just the tax cut kicked in.
These employees were very very surprised because they had been told quite authoritatively by the dems and all of LLR Chuck's beloved lefty media that instead of a tax cut, they would be getting a tax hike!
And those folks, who already have enough to worry about, became more worried when they believe all of Inga and her pals lies.
But now, here is all this extra money.....
I wonder what those people will think the next time dems try to lie to them?
I wonder indeed.
I think Wolff was aiming at Hope Hicks but someone (Maher?) suggested Haley and he went with it. If that person had said Ivanka he would have gone with that.
What a con. Trump probably loves it. This little creep has become a commentator on the future of the Republic based on a collection of half-heard gossip and lurid fantasies.
Michael Wolff--Suetonius wannabe.
Wolff is failure. His job was to get Trump. Not only did it not work, it made the left look bad.
Reminds me of the when the Bond villain pushes the button to open a trap door and the excuse stammering henchman who failed to stop Bond falls into a shark tank or some other horrible fate.
Amadeus: "This little creep has become a commentator on the future of the Republic based on a collection of half-heard gossip and lurid fantasies"
Think of him as a Cody Shearer/Christopher Steele of LLR Chuck's "Smart Elitist Set".
He was having a nice cup of coffee, when a bunch of white women assaulted him.
Lowe's announces bonuses for all employees.
Inga and LLR Chuck hardest hit.
I wonder if Wolff would have been better off simply playing Candy Crush during his Mika/Joe interview instead of trying to answer their inane questions.
You know, like our celebrated intellectual and engaged dems do during odd times....
Daniels lawyers released info after Daniels seemed to question the veracity of the signature. They stated that she did sign and that she has stated so publicly on multiple occasions.
Some bass are just looking for a nice juicy hook, it would seem.
Dumb as a rock Joe is in trouble now. Mika is the star of the show and she is doing the man's job better than he ever faked it.
Lowe's announces bonuses for all employees.
U winger how much Trump paid Wolf to write the book and generally make an ass of himself. Probably more than he paid Lena Dunham.
Wolf seems like a slimy (proper male version of) fellatrix to me.
Fellator. Cocksucker is more accurate.
Lowe's announces bonuses for all employees.
"Nikki Haley Calls Donald Trump Affair Rumors ‘Disgusting,’ ‘Highly Offensive’"
Trump is a notorious rumormonger, and serial liar. He IS disgusting and offensive. She is tainted simply by working for his disgusting, and highly offensive administration. Haley is "implying" that having sex with Trump is wrong, "disgusting" and "highly offensive." Ambassador Haley, it's not the sex that's wrong, it's the man your allegedly having sex with who repulses. I'm sure Melania doesn't sleep with her husband anymore. He disgusts her; she finds him highly offensive as we all do. Call it a rumor if you want, but that is what I believe based on her get-away-from-me (you clod) body language. So, you can't blame Trump for seeking out lovely prostitutes like Stormy Daniels for relief. I think Trump is limp as well as lame. His doctor dubiously tested his cognitive decline during a recent physical, but it's doubtful he tested his limp member for flagging functionality. His impotence will remain a rumor until he faces impeachment, and it becomes a fact.
(Quaestor bolts.)
Trumpit is the best! Her spot-on imitation of the brain-dead, drooling, incoherent left is one of the Seven Wonders of the Althouse blog.
Consider this gem: "Trump is a notorious rumormonger" juxtaposed to this latter in her post: " Call it a rumor if you want, but that is what I believe." That is simply glorious.
It's hard to type while laughing so hard.
Kudos Trumpit, kudos.
Trumpit said: "Trump is a notorious rumormonger, and serial liar. He IS disgusting and offensive...... Ambassador Haley, it's not the sex that's wrong, it's the man your allegedly having sex with who repulses. I'm sure Melania doesn't sleep with her husband anymore. He disgusts her; she finds him highly offensive as we all do. Call it a rumor if you want, but that is what I believe based on her get-away-from-me (you clod) body language. ....."
Strong minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Weak minds discuss people.
I wonder who Socrates had in mind.
Women shouldn't do talk shows. Their estrogen starts running, their gums start flapping and their minds shut off.
Sure, the guy's a douche, but those media harridans are in no position to look down their noses at anyone.
Trumpit: "Trump is a notorious rumormonger, and serial liar"
So, lets see now, logically speaking that would mean the rumors are all lies, right?
But wait, lots and lots of rumors are lies, but if a serial liar is promulgating the rumors, doesn't that necessarily mean that the rumors, which are often lies, ought to be considered "often" right?
And then wouldn't that mean that our "serial" liar was no longer lying is serial fashion, which would negate our initial assumption, which basically nullifies all that follows.
I guess all that's left to be said about Trump is "Racist-Stormy!"
I hope I got that last part right.
The Cook Political Report had Trump winning a maximum of 234 electoral votes in 2016. Keep hope alive, Inga!
Wolff is a leftwing liar and a pig. Is there any other kind?
Anyone who reads his trash and buys it, is a moron and a leftwing hivemind confirmation bias seeking loser.
when will you stop using logic in your refutations? Take a clue from our not-so-loyal opposition.
Where are the false attributions, Drago? Where are the tu quoque arguments, Drago?
Where is the condescension and dishonesty, Drago?
Where are the shallow, non-cogent bumper-sticker sayings that make no sense to anyone actually informed on the issues, Drago.
Ans why aren't you 'vommenting' ridiculous assertions and then running away, Drago?
Sometimes I've just had it with you!
Come on, Drago, you can do worse. We're all pulling for you.
Wolff, the toxic leftwing snake, absolutely said that Trump and Haley were having an affair.
Typical Schiffy(D) snake-talk using lies to cover more lies.
Christopher said...
They invited him on to theatrically kick him off.
Hate them all.
The preference cascade has started. There will always be some percentage of toadies and idiots but it is vastly outnumbered. I don't think the leftists/media/politicians understand how transparent they are.
Or how close they are to the end.
The Atlanta Fed is predicting 5.4 % GDP growth first quarter.
Inga and Ritmo most affected.
Strong minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Weak minds discuss people.
Trumpit doesn't discuss anything.
One wonders why our host doesn't ban him.
Pity, one assumes.
It was like an Michael Wolff doing an impression of Fred Armisen doing an impression of Michael Wolff.
@Michael K -- that's way too high. They probably did that to later say Trump's economy grew less than the forecast.
They invited him on to theatrically kick him off.
Michael K: "Inga and Ritmo most affected"
Mustn't leave out their comrade in arms, LLR Chuck.
better late than never but Morning Joe also has its share of blame in peddling this bullshit
Quaestor: "One wonders why our host doesn't ban him"
Professional curiosity.
And pity.
But mostly pity.
Michael K: The Atlanta Fed is predicting 5.4 % GDP growth first quarter.
Woof. If that happens...WOOF,
Come the mid terms you will have two choices, vote for someone to represent you, or vote for someone to represent the Democratic party.
So what porn participant would turn down, deflect or otherwise minimize the sort of notoriety unavailable to that entire industry? She is now as famous as she will ever be (a Kimmel invite?) and there are people who think she might put rumors to bed?
Not on your life!
Plus: who on Earth would rat out the President in such a circumstance? What kind of Fame and Fortune do you think Morning Joe is going to bring her, or Jimmy Kimmel? Is she going to start selling a line of Cosmetics? Pump a book? Where's the book?
Meanwhile, not only is she a patriot for denying these allegations, even if they are true it is patriotic of her to do so, but also her future clients know that despite whatever considerable incentive may be offered, she will not rat them out.
So you may have reason to say that she has incentive to deny the affair even if it occurred, you also must admit that you had rocks in your head to think that she was ever going to come out with it.
Why isn't Mika upset that Wolff is also smearing the man with the accusation of the affair? She's perpetuating rape culture which labels men "playas" for having a bunch of notches in their bedposts and women "sluts" if they have notches in theirs.
#boycottmorningjoe #metoo
It is absolutely hilarious to watch the Left turn on one another.
Corporate earning will spike from income delayed into 2018 in anticipation of lower tax rates. The Fed may be seeing that.
“The Atlanta Fed is predicting 5.4 % GDP growth first quarter.
Inga and Ritmo most affected.”
So we’re going to get rich/er? OK with me.
Trumpit seems to have an unusually great interest in Trump's penis.
Just sayin'
traditionalguy: "Dumb as a rock Joe is in trouble now. Mika is the star of the show...."
If you're right, what are they gonna call the show. Mika's Morning Sickness? Morning PMS?
Francisco D: "Trumpit seems to have an unusually great interest in Trump's penis."
I would say that Trumpit's laser like focus and interest on said member is really quite yuuuuuuuuuuuuge.
Here's a question for you fine folks... Franklin was asked “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” and answered “A Republic, if you can keep it.” ..
So using a clock like the nuclear oblivion clock.. with 12 o'clock being a fascist or some other kind of totalitarian regime and 6 o'clock a democratic republic... what time is it and which way has the clock moved since the Obama administration?
Watch your wallets...
It's fine to accuse Trump of having an affair with a woman, but not cool to accuse a woman of having an affair with Trump.
"Trumpit doesn't discuss anything.
One wonders why our host doesn't ban him."
It is better not to discuss anything than to spew nonsense, hate, and intolerance like the majority of commenters on this blog. I don't believe, like you, in fascistly restricting speech except in extreme cases. However, I believe in outlawing hunting and trapping in most cases. I would like to restrict dangerous humans from entering the few remaining natural/wild places left on earth. Humans, and their extreme overpopulation, have made a total mess of things on our one and only planet/home. It's only going to get worse with ignorant people like Trump running the show.
GWash: "So using a clock like the nuclear oblivion clock.. with 12 o'clock being a fascist or some other kind of totalitarian regime and 6 o'clock a democratic republic... what time is it and which way has the clock moved since the Obama administration?"
I think recess will end before we can complete this task
Trumpit: "I don't believe, like you, in fascistly restricting speech except in extreme cases."
Thank goodness!
Would you be kind enough to crank up a traveling road show to share this thought with all the lefty leaders on college campuses across the nation as well as the all the tech companies?
With perhaps a quick sojourn to the major lefty media giants as well?
Thanks in advance.
I all but accused Joe Scarborough of being a blackmailed shill in the service of Dark Forces without a lick of evidence. I regretted my mendacity and deleted the whole comment.
However, the facts surrounding the death of Ms. Klausutis and the subsequent changing-like transformation of the former Congressmen are alarming though confounding. Read and follow the links.
Did you hear about the Pizza shop child abuse sex ring?... heard that Hillary was in charge !
Scarborough was seen entering a while back... what do you think? pepperoni and extra cheese?
I am a bit aghast at your attitude toward hunting. I for one would only enjoy it more if fire came out of their assholes and they screamed when I shot them. As to your wanting to restrict me from entering your own wild spaces I would suggest you fuck yourself.
You are for restricting speech in "extreme cases" . What might those be?
"Restrict" seems to be something in your marrow.
Inga said...
“The Atlanta Fed is predicting 5.4 % GDP growth first quarter.
Inga and Ritmo most affected.”
So we’re going to get rich/er? OK with me.
2/1/18, 2:04 PM
Of course, these things just happen. The policies of the current administration have nothing to do with it. Why, I'm sure the economy would be growing by 10.4% in the first quarter if Hill or Bernie were running things!! 'Cause high taxes and lots of regulations really do wonders for the economy!
If leftists grasped the notion of cause and effect they wouldn't be leftists.
If leftists grasped the notion of cause and effect they wouldn't be leftists.
Trumpit wrote: It is better not to discuss anything than to spew nonsense, hate, and intolerance like the majority of commenters on this blog. I don't believe, like you, in fascistly [sic] restricting speech except in extreme cases.
Given your invariable pattern, i.e. the spewing of nonsense, hate, and intolerance your best policy is to disconnect your computer, device, whatever and throw it in a deep body of cold water. And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee... Your comments are paradigms of that which to claim to deplore.
And if tolerance is such a big virtue in your estimation, please reflect on the truth that tolerance for that which serves ones ends and intolerance for that which does not is hypocrisy of the most venal and contemptible sort. Consequently, you own Donald Trump a huge debt of overdue tolerance.
And the word you so clumsily groped for is fascistically, an ill-defined word most often used by persons who could not distinguish fascism from their own asshole with both hands and a flashlight.
GWash said:
"So using a clock like the nuclear oblivion clock.. with 12 o'clock being a fascist or some other kind of totalitarian regime and 6 o'clock a democratic republic... what time is it and which way has the clock moved since the Obama administration?"
Yes, if you've read about the history of the Third Reich, you'll remember that Hitler was dead set against enlarging the size and scope of the government. That's really a trademark of fascism, to make government bureaucracies LESS powerful and to reduce regulations. So - Trump is just like Hitler!!!
GWash also can tell you that the average German or Italian citizen was perfectly free to publicly mock Hitler and Mussolini and to criticize them without fear, just Internet commenters and comedians and actors do with Trump. I remember all those massive "Women Against Hitler" marches that were held in Berlin.
GWash is undoubtedly one of the 14% who found the SOTU "scary."
5.4% growth in the first quarter and 2.6% growth in the fourth is an average of 4% growth.
If earnings were not realized in Q4 in anticipation of lower taxes then businesses were more convinced of Congressional action than the media betrayed. That would not surprise.
One wonders how long after Obama leaves office even a Leftist would allow this is a Trump bump in the economy.
OMG Constitutional expert GWash has shown up again. Ol' 3/5Wash!!
Please treat the cadre to your deep knowledge of the Great Compromise!
I sit at your feet for any crumbs of wisdom which may tumble from your mouth.
Or whatever you just happen to vomit up.
A certain commentator of the leftwing persuasion, writes:
"Of course, these things just happen. The policies of the current administration have nothing to do with it."
A quick reminder of the Dem 3-step when dealing with tax cuts that they opposed:
1. The economy is not better.
2. Well, the economy is only better for only the 1%.
3. Well, the economy is better for all, but Trump gets no credit
BayAreaGuy, read that comment again. I was being sarcastic.
Lowe’s matched Home Depot bonus money. They had no choice.
I blame Trump. Doesn’t he know 8% GNP growth will just raise wages ... the magnificent bastard.
GWash wrote: So using a clock like the nuclear oblivion clock.. with 12 o'clock being a fascist or some other kind of totalitarian regime and 6 o'clock a democratic republic... what time is it and which way has the clock moved since the Obama administration?
No one is paying attention GWash, because your question derives from a false premise.
You would do well to read this and reflect on how dangerously close Obama took this nation to a republic of persons rather than a republic of laws.
Stop trolling me, Quaestor, or you might get yourself banned from this site for being obnoxious. You are in the same category as Trump the Terrible, and should be ostracized for being highly insulting to your fellow commenters. You are wrong about most things including the acceptability of the word "fascistly," a word that embodies your unseemly, worthless comments on this blog.
Fishlips nibbled, got hooked, got reeled in, got looked at & rejected, and then thrown back.
I forgot the link to the word "fascistly."
Bonus at Hostess Snacks includes $1250 of free snacks for a year !...
Whoopee! Life is good... thanks republicans... meanwhile the Trump gang stands to clear 3 Billion in the heist of a life time...
Your wallets and pay stubs are not getting fatter... it's an illusion.. instead of pay me now it's pay me later...
”5.4% growth in the first quarter and 2.6% growth in the fourth is an average of 4% growth.”
Turns out that fourth quarter number was “corrected” by subtracting 1.9% off the raw number.
“She was having fun on Kimmel and being her normal playful self,” her attorney, Keith Davidson, told the Guardian in an email.
“The signature is indeed hers as she signed the statement today in the presence of me and her manager, Gina Rodriguez.”
Did Kimmel swear Stormy to tell the truth before his interview? Maybe Inga can prosecute Stormy for lying to a late night comedian, and dashing Inga's hopes that the news, especially as portrayed on late night talk shows, isn't fake. If Inga can't smear Stormy as a slut, maybe she can smear Stormy with an obstruction of justice charge.
Wielding her power to abruptly end the conversation with Wolff is not something Mika should have done. It smacks of censorship. Put him in his place, but don't act fascistly. Two wrongs don't make a right.
"One wonders how long after Obama leaves office even a Leftist would allow this is a Trump bump in the economy."
I predict you will be long wondering in that wilderness. While you are there, ask when they will acknowledge the immiseration of the Black family at the hands of the Great Society Welfare programs? Or the utter failure of every "close the gap" measure? Or the fatal weakness of killing every anti-ballistic missile program since the 1980s? The Left never learns and never apologizes.
"However, I believe in outlawing hunting and trapping in most cases."
1. Would you rather deer starve to death slowly than shot by a hunter? Some parts of the US are overrun with deer and they need culling.
2. I get my meat from the grocery store where it appears magically on the shelves, like manna from heaven.
Oh good, GWa gave up the pretend intellectual approach and has decided to shit his sheets.
Welcome back 3/5Wash.
Your wallets and pay stubs are not getting fatter... it's an illusion
Do I hear some wishful thinking ?
Wolff is failure. His job was to get Trump. Not only did it not work, it made the left look bad.
Amazing how much of what is used to attack Trump is turned around and ends up doing the opposite of the original intent. “Fake News” was that way. Now “Fire and Fury” raises blisters on the arsonist. Trump has just connected Pelosi’s “crumbs” remark to Hillary’s “deplorables” faux pas.
And so many media types up and down and Right and Left of the conventional political spectrum are so wrong so often in regards to any topic involving Trump that it’s getting ludicrous.
It's only going to get worse with ignorant people like Trump running the show.
How many wrong predictions does it take to embarrass them out of their Trump Derangement Syndrome? There’s no limit, apparently.
Newtonian politics rule a conventional political system but Trump politics ain’t conventional. Trump politics adds a new anti-intuitive quantum factor into the physics of politics that totally confounds the old newtonian-minded folks.
“I forgot the link to the word "fascistly."
Maybe Quackster has his brain in the jar on the shelf today.
Heh - you certainly aren't the un-named "commentator of the leftwing persuasion." You are the beloved commentator Exiledonmainstreet, and I musta been confused.
Your wallets and pay stubs are not getting fatter... it's an illusion.. instead of pay me now it's pay me later...
2/1/18, 2:52 PM
I strongly urge you to keep on using this tactic, GWash. I'm sure it will be a winner for the Dems. Really!
Gee, thanks Bay Area Guy. Being possibly mistaken for a leftist is something I wanted to correct as soon as I could.
Original Mike:
Can you explain the downward adjustment? I Will go look for myself but if you have a handy source, please share it.
Thank you.
Ah, the illusion. To illustrate the illusion I give you:
1. The DOW on November 8, 2016: 18,333
2, The DOW at today's close: 26,186
Amazing conjuring, eh? For those deniers who are challenged with arithmetic that is a 43% gain. Given to us if not because of Trump then because of relief it is no longer BHO and will never be HRC. Either way, 43%.
Resist that assholes.
I like how Botox brain Nancy described the tax cuts and the bonuses as "crumbs".
So if it's all "crumb's", Botox Nancy, -- why do YOU need our crumbs?
Livermoron: "OMG Constitutional expert GWash has shown up again. Ol' 3/5Wash!!"
In GWash's defense, the constitution is, like, over a hundred years old or something.
And dude's wore wigs back then!
Do you mean the draw down of inventory?
In contrast to the DOW numbers cited above it is worth noting that the DNC has $6.3 million in cash and $6.1 million in debt. Unlike the govt. they can't print up some extra.
Good times.
Trump politics adds a new anti-intuitive quantum factor into the physics of politics that totally confounds the old newtonian-minded folks.
I love that sentence. I am bewildered by physics, and the metaphor in the sentence conveys a perfect understanding of the bewildered leftists everywhere.
I hope Trump moves into String-Them-Up Theory pretty soon.
He might win a Nobel!
DNC has $6.3 million in cash and $6.1 million in debt
Surely, the DNC has its work cut out for it. Still, how much cash is required to deny the nomination to the Jew or someone else deemed unworthy?
"Maybe Quackster has his brain in the jar on the shelf today."
Yes, the Trump supporters got the Frankenstein's monster that they wanted. Are we supposed to go quietly, while he mucks things up constantly? I'm grateful that you have the intestinal fortitude, and time to do intellectual battle with the painfully opinionated right-wingers that troll this blog.
Good point. But as the leader of the opposition puts it, $6M is crumbs.
Trumpit, you owe me a new keyboard. Your. Best. Moby. Ever.
But, you shouldn't make fun of gar...inga like that. Let's hope no one explains it to her.
Funny Lunatic: "Yes, the Trump supporters got the Frankenstein's monster that they wanted."
We got Peter Boyle!!!!
"If you're blue
And you dont know where to go to
Why dont you go where fashion sits...
Putting on the Ritz!"
"This is a nice boy. This is a good boy. This is a mother's angel."
You know how to be sure that Trumpit is a moby?
Consider this: She can't be real because they don't make monitors with windshield wipers. How would whe see what she is typing.
Face it, she's a great, great moby. Really great. It's the only thing that makes sense.
Be logical.
Remember how the entire leftwing DNC MSM covered Wolff's tabloid book as if it were the second coming of Christ?
“Yes, the Trump supporters got the Frankenstein's monster that they wanted. Are we supposed to go quietly, while he mucks things up constantly? I'm grateful that you have the intestinal fortitude, and time to do intellectual battle with the painfully opinionated right-wingers that troll this blog.”
Thanks sweetie. Sometimes it’s great fun.
Hey Brucey, how’s the Buford’s Quarter coming along? LOL! Got any new recruits?
Calling people sweetie (that you don't know) and adding a 'y' to a name (when you don't know the person) is surely a sign of psychopathy.
Or is it sociopathy?
Potato. Spud.
“Calling people sweetie (that you don't know) and adding a 'y' to a name (when you don't know the person) is surely a sign of psychopathy.”
Hardly, but it might seem so to a psychopath...sweetie. To normal people it’s playful, affectionate, or sarcastic.
Mika, like many many other ladies, has almost zero sense of humor. She must have some wonderful qualities besides her sweater meat for Joe to take such a social hit to have her and brand himself scum, but there you go.
Alas, she hasn't had any chance to display these qualities. No higher level thinking, no wit, no particular sophistication. She's moderately informed (more than I am, but I eschew the press because they are liars).
She has a...stridency which is...challenging. One wonders about Joe's mommy issues.
I could be wrong. She probably laughs at men in pain. But anyone touching upon the dignity of women...she is as much of a blue stocking about that as...other ladies who come to mind.
I like 'and'. I am clever and dumb as a fucking stump.
Trumpit's posts remind me a bit of the Crack Emcee, except he was more rational.
It is amusing that Inga uses "sweetie" as a pejorative when addressing people ...... and then has the expectation of respect.
Wolff's innuendos against Haley stem from the allegation that “the President had been spending a notable amount of private time with Haley on Air Force One,” in which confines he was “grooming” her for a bigger role.
When this is all it takes, who can blame Pence for being cautious about being seen in situations with women other than his wife?
I read an interview with Mika somewhere, can’t remember where, in which she said she was the dumb one in her family, and her father was impatient or disappointed with her. She makes it very clear every day that old Zbigniew was right. She must have Joe’s testicles in a vise though.
"time to do intellectual battle with the painfully opinionated right-wingers that troll this blog."
The idiots think that they are intellectual warriors. They fight but they lack knowledge, intellect, logical reasoning and common sense.
Sixth graders could beat Trumpit and Inga in a debate.
And Althouse gave him money.
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