February 8, 2018

"I think the blog is pretty good today, but I think readers want something on the dossier. They want more dossiosity."

Said I, aloud, just now.


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buster said...

I think You're right. Nice word.

CJinPA said...

"Dossier" is much more fun to say than to read.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Not me. I’m all dossiered out.

Churchy LaFemme: said...


Curious George said...

Doss it up!

rhhardin said...

Richard Epstein is pretty good on classical liberal vs libertarian


Curious George said...

Dossiosity reminds me of a girl from high schools name:

Nancy Ann Cianci

Shane said...

Richard Epstein is great.
Make a tag for "dossiosity" or at least great "Althousisms" (if you haven't already. Great word!
Another great unused album title.

Jersey Fled said...

Amazingly, spellchecker (the bane of my existence) did not autocorrect Dossiosity when I just typed lt.

But it did capitalize it for some reason. And it changed the "i" in "it" to an "l" in my first sentence. But not later. (Scratches head).

Big Mike said...

Screw the dossier. I want to see the FISA application.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

MSM isn't talking about anything that might bring to light democrat corruption.

stevew said...

I'm dossiered out, with Big Mike: let's get that FISA app out in the light of day!


janetrae said...

Do the Dossiosity, and the FISA-jam.

Otto said...

I think they were complaining of your dissiolity of dossiosity.

stevew said...

@Jersey Fled: spellcheck and autocorrect are a mystery. The other day I was composing a text and it changed "daughter" to "Dad's ghetto". Good thing I proofed before hitting send.


Michael K said...

"Screw the dossier. I want to see the FISA application."

I think we will see them by the end of the month and maybe before.

tcrosse said...

How dossilicious.

mccullough said...

This topic is dissertation worthy. At least a thesis

Kathryn51 said...

I think I enjoy Althouse most in the winter because Meadehouse is likely to be snowed in. Lots of interesting posts in the winter(although too many linked to NYT).

Of course, no links to NYT available on the dossier - they are either dismissing Nunes memo or ignoring the G/G criminal referral.

BarrySanders20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sally327 said...

I wish someone would take a look at the role of that TV show "The Americans" which I think might be related to all all this Russia/dossier stuff. Does the conspiracy go deeper and for longer than we can even imagine? "They" started preparing us to believe in the dossier years before it was published. Through that TV show. Nutty sounding? Really?

George W Bush has weighed in, he says there is clear evidence of Russia meddling in the 2016 election. I heard that and I thought, yeah, but your brother lost to Trump and you don't like Trump. Everyone's motives are suspect. Who can be a honest broker?

BarrySanders20 said...

Dossierrama - sight or spectacle
Dossitorium - a place where something is done.
Dossitopia - a place to live, perhaps utopia, perhaps dystopia
Dossitoxicity - too much of a good thing

Behold the dossierrama from nonstop dossiocity at the Althouse dossitorium -- the web's true dossitopia.

Beware of dossitoxicity.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Big Mike said...

Screw the dossier. I want to see the FISA application.

I suspect the FISA application contains information that is rightfully classified.

I would love to have the judge to whom the application was submitted review that same application, along with all of the information the FBI had at the time the application was submitted, and publicly state if they feel the application was misleading as to what the FBI believed, and why they believed it.

Drago said...

Another of the Deep Stater's in the DOJ National Security Division "chose" to leave the division yesterday for "personal reaasons"....

uh huh.

David Laufman, Chief of the DOJ/National Security Division/Counterintelligence Section, has taken a hike.

You wanna know something "interesting"?

The DOJ National Security Division was the Division that Sally Yates, all by herself, decided in 2016 and against Federal Law, decided would NOT be subject to Inspector General oversight.


Isn't that interesting.

Of course, once Sessions was put in place he rescinded that very Yates order. And whaddya know, we've had a number of resignations in that Division once the IG started poking his head around in there.

Why does the DOJ National Security Division/Counterintelligence Section matter? Because that group would be the DOJ helpers to the FBI Counterintelligence efforts for any investigation into Carter Page and ALL of the Trump family, business associates, friends, campaign, etc., thru the now well understood BS FISA Court Title I Warrant the dems used the Hillary dossier to kick off.

Laufman joins former DOJ National Security Division heads John Carlin and Mary McCord on the "adios" train.

Not a smidgen of corruption.

Not a smidgen.

Jersey Fled said...

Actually, I think the more interesting topic for today is the article in Daily Beast on the Uranium One deal. An FBI informant is claiming direct knowledge of a Russian plan to funnel $3 million to the Clinton Foundation to get approval from HRC and the Obama administration for the deal. He made this claim under oath to congressional committee.

Sebastian said...

Inquiring minds want to know: what parts of the dossier came from Sidney Blumenthal?

For the first time in my life, I'm with Stephen Cohen: Russiagate is intelgate.

Bob Boyd said...


For people who eat, sleep and breathe The Dossier.

John Pickering said...

Ann, who reads the New York Times for the gossip and the Daily Mail for the news, seems to have missed the Mail's scoop the other day about White House secretary Rob Porter -- John Kelly's right hand man -- who's dating the communications director but had to quit because he's a wife-beater. Those pesky FBI people seem to have held up his security clearance because of those police reports those nutty women have filed. Looks like another example of the deep state trying to tar the Trump White House in a scheme that Hillary and Obama obviously put into motion years ago.

Also saw that Manaford's pal Gates just lost his lawyers. Looks like that means the Feds are going to let him go free!

mockturtle said...

Our local paper had a half-page AP story this morning about how 'well-liked' Comey was at the FBI. Maybe Willie Loman was right.

Gahrie said...

Not me.

Jersey Fled said...

Pardon me. The Uranium One article was on The Hill.

Godot said...

I got a fever... and the only prescription is more dossiosity.

rcocean said...

I agree the blog is very good today.

Amazed at your energy level.

Yancey Ward said...

Now, now- we now know Obama didn't say that but instead said:

"Not a sturgeon of corruption!"

CStanley said...

Russiagate is intelgate.

Some conservative blogger- maybe the guy who posts at The Last Refuge aka - has described what they did as "intelligence laundering."

I tend to be skeptical about conspiracy theories and I feel that several times conservatives have gotten out a bit ahead of the evidence, but I have a hard time seeing how that description isn't a perfect fit. They had allegations coming from dubious sources that they wanted to use as a pretext for surveillance, so they "laundered" it by running it through the State Department, Christopher Steele, and journalists.

tcrosse said...

For people who eat, sleep and breathe The Dossier.


Original Mike said...

Molly Hemingway has a good article on the Grassley referral of Christopher Steele. Bottom line, the latest dem talking points on the FISA applications are bullshit.


Release the FISA application so we canknow for sure.

Paddy O said...

I thought you have had the perfect amount of dossielity.

Acknowledged it's out there. Give space for people to talk about it but also acknowledge THERE'S MORE THINGS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD.

Sorry, I'm a bit dossiered out.

Achilles said...

The democrats/traitors managed to keep the fact the FBI investigators "missed" Hillary emails clearly marked CLASSIFIED...

and tried to shut the investigation down before anyone noticed.

But people are finding out.

And people also noticed that Rosenstein's letter didn't actually mention any crimes.

Trump is going to be tweeting about this all Summer. He is going to force Rosenstein to resign of his own humiliation. This is going to last all of the way through the 2018 elections.

We will see if the democrats can win an election based on eliminating the rule of law and selectively indicting Republicans.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I could live a long life and never hear the word dossier again and be perfectly happy.

Paul Zrimsek said...

It's been just about dossy enough, I'd say. You can make it dossier if you like but you don't have to.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Sebastian said...
Inquiring minds want to know: what parts of the dossier came from Sidney Blumenthal?"

Look at just about every Clinton scandal we know of and Sid Vicious comes slithering out when you lift up the rock.

How I hope that scum ends up doing time. He's long overdue.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Jersey Fled said...”Amazingly, spellchecker (the bane of my existence) ...”

You can turn it off, you know.

steve uhr said...

It's time to stop shooting the messenger and focus on the veracity of the content.

Yancey Ward said...

And, Steve, what parts do you know that are verified?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The one fact that seems to be accepted uncritically is that Christopher Steele is an ex-British spy. Doesn’t it seem more likely that he is still on her majesty’s secret service?

Achilles said...

David Laufman, another star member of Mueller's investigative team, "stepped down" for "personal reasons."

Anyone remember the Strzok firing in July making the news?

If the media had an ounce of self respect they would be tearing this obviously partisan effort apart. Same goes for democrat voters. But they flushed their souls down a toilet when they voted for Hillary.

This is one of the most corrupt investigations ever.

Matt Sablan said...

I think the dossier itself is only a minor part of the Russia Conspiracy Train.

steve uhr said...

That's sort of my point -- lets put resources into verifying/debunking the various allegations.

Drago said...

JP: "Those pesky FBI people..."

The "pesky FBI people" were apparently unable to make note of the classified markings on some of the documents transmitted over Hillary's unsecured server.

Maybe the classified markings were in Russian!

Drago said...

steve uhr: "That's sort of my point -- lets put resources into verifying/debunking the various allegations"

Yeah, we need to weaponize the federal government anytime dems come up with "salacious and unverified" oppo research.

Thanks for the "reasoned" suggestion.....

Achilles said...

The democrats have also kept out of the news that Carter Page was working for the FBI and the DNC while he was "working" for the Trump campaign and had a Title I warrant on him allowing the FBI/NSA to monitor the communications of anyone he communicated with and anyone they communicated with.

Effectively the entire Trump campaign including Trump.

Just because the media doesn't talk about it doesn't mean it didn't happen traitors.

stevew said...

"The one fact that seems to be accepted uncritically is that Christopher Steele is an ex-British spy. Doesn’t it seem more likely that he is still on her majesty’s secret service?"

So it is the Brits that tried to eff up our election!


Bay Area Guy said...

Here's the stupid-ass "Steele Dossier" in all its salacious and unverified glory.

It's written in this goofy spy-lingo by the drunk, British ex-spy, Christopher Steele.

It's moderately interesting, here's a representative sample:

Speaking to a trusted compatriot in June 2016 sources A and B, a senior Russian foreign ministry figure and former top level Russian intelligence officer still active inside the Kremlin respectively, the Russian authorities had been cultivating and supporting US Republican presidential candidate, Donald TRUMP for at least five years.

The Problem, of course, is anonymous unverifiable, Russian sources. It's Triple hearsay.
A(someone in Kremlin) => B (Steele's anonymous source) => Steele's written dossier.

Did Steele even visit Russia to speak directly with his sources? We don't know.

The entire thing is sourced by triple anonymous hearsay. Memo to Chris: You're no longer a spy. Just write normal and tell us your sources to make sure you didn't just make up the bullshit for the $160,000 you earned.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

steve uhr said...

That's sort of my point -- lets put resources into verifying/debunking the various allegations.

What are the chances that the FBI did not make every effort to verify/debunk the various allegations?
What are the changes that if they did manage to verify something that showed either collusion with Russia, or some illegal action, that this information would not have leaked to every major news outlet?

The fact that the dog didn't bark in the night seems pretty conclusive to me.

madAsHell said...

Has Harvey Weinstein already garnered the movie rights for this debacle? Meryl Streep will play Hillary.

Matt Sablan said...

"That's sort of my point -- lets put resources into verifying/debunking the various allegations."

-- The FBI was supposed to do that BEFORE relying on it for evidence. The dossier was leaked and made public. The only verified fact in there is Page went to Russia when he was invited as a speaker to some event.

Original Mike said...

Blogger steve uhr said...”That's sort of my point -- lets put resources into verifying/debunking the various allegations.”

The investigation has been going on for over a year and a half! As far as we know, it’s found nothing. How much longer should this go on?

Achilles said...

Matthew Sablan said...
I think the dossier itself is only a minor part of the Russia Conspiracy Train.

in the end it will come out that Obama was spying on all of his political opponents for years going back at least to the Iran deal.

If you look you will find articles about how Obama was spying on opponents of the Iran deal.

The dossier effort was undertaken as an "insurance policy" in case Trump won. Not to spy on Trump, but to cover up for spying on Trump, and many others if someone else took over the executive.

We told you who Obama was. You voted for him anyway.

Original Mike said...

”The FBI was supposed to do that BEFORE relying on it for evidence.”

Good point.

Achilles said...

Original Mike said...
Blogger steve uhr said...”That's sort of my point -- lets put resources into verifying/debunking the various allegations.”

The investigation has been going on for over a year and a half! As far as we know, it’s found nothing. How much longer should this go on?

Until the democrats find a crime they can use to overturn a lawful election.

They are clearly Stalinist traitors. At this point there is no reasonable deniability.

Yancey Ward said...

"That's sort of my point -- lets put resources into verifying/debunking the various allegations."

The FBI has had the dossier for over 18 months, and seems to have verified nothing. Not a single one of the criminal allegations has even been leaked as being true. Apparently, they even let the Carter Page warrant lapse last Summer. With Page speaking freely everywhere today, he isn't apparently even on Mueller's radar any longer.

I keep coming back to this- we haven't seen a single piece of verifiable evidence that there was even any collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government, not to mention any criminal collusion. Now, I know people like you are quick to say that "We don't yet know what Mueller knows", but given the propensity of leaks describing non-criminal and/or non-collusion stuff from within the Mueller team, how likely is it that they would have real damaging evidence against Trump or his family? Not very likely at all. At this point, it is put up or shut time for the anti-Trump factions.

Matt Sablan said...

I always kind of wondered after learning he illegally spied on journalists + Congress who else Obama illegally watched.

Original Mike said...

The dems love the claim that some or much of the dossier has been verified. I have witnessed them being asked on panel shows, multiple times, to list some of those verified facts. I have yet to hear a cogent response.

Matt Sablan said...

The only fact I've heard verified is Page went to Russia on the days mentioned. Which isn't really a big deal, since he was invited to speak at an event large enough that this was public knowledge BEFORE the dossier leaked.

Original Mike said...

ANDREW freakin’ MCCABE couldn’t list verified dossier facts, other than the public knowledge that Carter Page had traveled to Moscow, when asked during his Congressional interview!

Ann Althouse said...

“ seems to have missed...”

No, I didn’t miss it. Just had nothing to say about and didn’t picture commenters saying anything interesting.

Yancey Ward said...

One of the things I have noted over the last several days is that fall back to the position that Comey's "salacious and unverified" only covered the parts of the dossier that weren't in the FISA Title I application for Page. However, that application and the Steele Dossier described Page as a Russian spy, so it is salacious. The warrant for Page seems to have been allowed to lapse, so it also appears to be unverified, too.

Wince said...

They want more dossiosity.

The perfect mascot: the dosscelote.

BarrySanders20 said...

BAG said: "Did Steele even visit Russia to speak directly with his sources? We don't know."

The Guardian reported Steele hasn't been to Russia for 20 years.


Original Mike said...

Even Inga is giving up the ghost.

Drago said...

Yancey: "The FBI has had the dossier for over 18 months, and seems to have verified nothing."


The FBI and DOJ Hillary Henchpersons have completely verified Hillary's need to inject this Putin/Russian FSB/Sydney Blumenthal/Cody Shearer/Steele/Simpson/Nellie Ohr Oppo research into our election process first to win the election, then to overturn Trump's victory.

That's all the verification that was ever required.


Drago said...

And now, this: Ohhh: "Intelligence" That Trump Cavorted With Prostitutes In Russia, and That the FSB Had Kompromat on Him, Was First Claimed in Cody Shearer's Memo, Before Migrating to the "Steele Dossier"


Well, well, well.


Original Mike said...

“Did Steele even visit Russia to speak directly with his sources? We don't know.”

Very interesting article (and look where it’s published): https://www.thenation.com/article/russiagate-or-intelgate/

”§ Steele has not returned to Russia after leaving his post there in the early 1990s. Since then, the main Russian intelligence agency, the FSB, has undergone many personnel and other changes, especially after 2000, and especially in or near Putin’s Kremlin. Did Steele really have such “connections” so many years later?

§ Even if he did, would these purported Russian insiders really have collaborated with this “former” British intelligence agent under what is so widely said to be the ever-vigilant eye of the ruthless “former KGB agent” Vladimir Putin, thereby risking their positions, income, perhaps freedom, as well as the well-being of their families?”

Matt Sablan said...

Trump's Russian liaisons also reported by Russian shock jocks, directly to Rep. Schiff.

James K said...


Earnest Prole said...

Before Trumpists get too invested in defending the honor of Carter Page, they should remember that Trump will almost certainly hang him out to dry the first chance he gets.

Josephbleau said...

Seems the dossioriate is quiet today.

Earnest Prole said...

We've known the entire contents of the dossier for fifteen months. The only recent detail is the involvement of Sid the Knife in its preparation.

Matt Sablan said...

"Even if he did, would these purported Russian insiders really have collaborated with this “former” British intelligence agent under what is so widely said to be the ever-vigilant eye of the ruthless “former KGB agent” Vladimir Putin, thereby risking their positions, income, perhaps freedom, as well as the well-being of their families?”"

-- Steele did say someone died for that information.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Who’s defending Carter Page, Prole? The only people “invested” in anything Russia related are running the DNC-Media complex. Although some in this blog seem emotionally invested in finding dirt on Trump. So far no go tho Dude.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Josephbleau said...
Seems the dossioriate is quiet today.

2/8/18, 11:46 AM

You've got to pace yourself, since this topic isn't going away tomorrow.

320Busdriver said...

Were subsequent fisa apps on Page, long after he was no longer part of the campaign/ transition, requested in order to continue spying on those who were in the Trump circle, or were they simply to make the original application appear more credible.

If the former, I would love to see the list of targets. I bet its yuuge!

Curious George said...

"Original Mike said...
Even Inga is giving up the ghost."

Nah. She's just tired. Considering how much shit she's been shoveling here lately a break is in order.

320Busdriver said...

The fbi has already hung Page out to dry.

320Busdriver said...

DiGenova was particularly good on Ingraham last night.

Original Mike said...

”Steele did say someone died for that information.”

I think that was Simpson.

Michael K said...

The torpedo, having circled after missing its target, has now acquired a new target and is closing in.

David Laufman, an experienced federal prosecutor who in 2014 became chief of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, said farewell to colleagues Wednesday. He cited personal reasons.

His departure from the high-pressure job comes as President Trump and his Republican allies have stepped up attacks on the Justice Department, the FBI and special counsel Robert S. Mueller III for their handling of the Russia probe. (more)

Rats and sinking ships come to mind.

Meade said...

"Not me. I’m all dossiered out."

Cheer up, the Dow is down.

320Busdriver said...

I am looking forward to the drama coming when the schiftey memo drops. #subteryuuuge

Matt Sablan said...

Oh, it was Simpson, wasn't it?

Earnest Prole said...

Who’s defending Carter Page, Prole?

Just a reminder that while the evidence for the original FISA warrant was likely bullshit, there’s no telling what the spying actually turned up.

Matt Sablan said...

The Schiff/Nadler memo was already leaked. There shouldn't be much news, unless there's stuff in there not in the leaked version.

Matt Sablan said...

"Just a reminder that while the evidence for the original FISA warrant was likely bullshit, there’s no telling what the spying actually turned up."

-- Not enough to charge him (yet), or continue the surveillance after a certain point.

Bruce Hayden said...

“One of the things I have noted over the last several days is that fall back to the position that Comey's "salacious and unverified" only covered the parts of the dossier that weren't in the FISA Title I application for Page. However, that application and the Steele Dossier described Page as a Russian spy, so it is salacious.”

Of course, he had to be a Russian spy for the FISA scam to work. Pretty much the only way that the FBI/DoJ can get a Title I FISA warrant for a US Person in the US is to “show” the FISC that they are essentially a spy for a foreign government, and, esp of ne that we have an adversarial relationship with. That we might conceivably go to war with. Probable cause that they are going to molest small children or torture pets isn’t enough. Rather, they essentially have to be shown to be committing espionage, as an agent of a foreign govt, or terrorist group, against the US. Or preparing to commit a terrorist act in the US. Which is why Page was conveniently labeled a “Russian Spy”. Chinese spy might have worked. Ditto for Iranian spy, or NORK spy. But the best is the old standby: “Russian Spy”.

Original Mike said...

”Just a reminder that while the evidence for the original FISA warrant was likely bullshit, there’s no telling what the spying actually turned up.”

An attempt at an orderly retreat.

traditionalguy said...

Query: Since Dossier refers to the label on the back of a collected file of papers reporting on an individual, what does the FBI call the house arrest Boots many of them are now wearing along with Hillary Huma, Podesta and McCain? Indicted Fashion Wear?

Bad Lieutenant said...

John Pickering said...
Ann is a poopy head who should blog what I want and only what I want and how I want it!

FIFY, you ass.

traditionalguy said...

When mass evil becomes boring, then I suggest watching the Prayer Breakfast this morning on Youtube. Not for Trump's remarks, but for a long talk with Steve Scalise going into details on his assassination attempt, and the power of prayer.

Yancey Ward said...

Earnest Prole,

There have been no leaked details of the surveillance of Page himself- none, literally none. And the warrants have been defunct since last Summer. More than that, though, Page has been giving interviews everywhere lately which suggests no one from Mueller's team is contacting him or charging him. All of this suggests nothing was found, and I even suspect that he wasn't even monitored all that closely either since I don't think he was ever the target of the warrant. It would be very interesting to see just how much surveillance Page was ever under himself.

Drago said...

Earnest Prole: "Before Trumpists get too invested in defending the honor of Carter Page..."


Before a commenter get too invested in asserting other commenters are getting "too invested in defending the honor of Carter Page", perhaps said commenter should perhaps show at least one comment from another commenter where the defense of Carter Page's honor is recognizable.

Lest one lose whatever limited credibility exists for any commenter on an anonymous blogsite.

Earnest Prole said...

It would be very interesting to see just how much surveillance Page was ever under himself.

Agree completely -- as mentioned in previous threads, never underestimate the power of a corrupt prosecutor.

Drago said...

Earnest Prole: "The only recent detail is the involvement of Sid the Knife in its preparation."

Oh, that little detail thing which indicates at least one source for key elements of the hoax dossier originated directly within the decades old Hillary inner circle?

Gee, that's hardly worth the ink to print it....


bagoh20 said...

The biggest problem with the whole Trump/Russia meddling thing is that Trump is probably the worse possible President from a Russian perspective. He's destroying their oil/gas dependent economy by opening up our production, and they knew he would do that if elected. He's also the most America-first, non-conciliatory President possible, and that was also obvious in advance. They would have much prefered Hillary, and that's a far more likely flavor of meddling, which I think we may discover to be true. Nobody important or central to it will be punished though. Nobody important gets put away in D.C. It's like a silver ruling city of elites poised on a cloud above the rest of us peering up from below and subject to the law. They do legal theater there, but it's not real like down here.

Earnest Prole said...

Trump is probably the worse possible President from a Russian perspective.

If Russia bought him they sure aren't getting their money's worth. Of course it wouldn't be the first time Trump screwed his investors.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Ignorance is Bliss said...”I suspect the FISA application contains information that is rightfully classified.”

A reasonable assumption, but I’m beginning to wonder if it’s true. There doesn’t seem to be any real intelligence behind any of this.

Original Mike said...

For example, the Grassley/Graham referral states: “the [FISA] application appears to contain no additional information corroborating the dossier allegations against Mr. Page.”

traditionalguy said...

Carter Page is the ultimate Patsy. He thought he worked for the FBI as a spy on Russia, only to discover he was the fall guy for Legal spying on every Trump Campaign personel and every one they ever knew in their lives. Even Lee Harvey Oswald who worked for the CIA was treated better, until the second clean up team got him inside the Dallas Police Station.

Original Mike said...

Trump needs to declassify all four FISA applications.

Drago said...

Earnest Prole: "If Russia bought him they sure aren't getting their money's worth. Of course it wouldn't be the first time Trump screwed his investors"

Tossing in an aside to change the subject is probably a wise tactic for you at this point.

Earnest Prole said...

“the [FISA] application appears to contain no additional information corroborating the dossier allegations against Mr. Page.”

The renewals were supposed to contain new probable cause; the question is whether they did, and if so, whether that was a product of the surveillance. Here's an interesting short interview with John Yoo on the subject.

Yancey Ward said...

I will point out that the committees have seen the follow-on FISA applications, and I think it is safe to assume, given the leaked Nadler Memo the other day, that the surveillance done after the initial application didn't provide further support for the later renewals, either. I think if the Democratic Memo doesn't cite such stuff, it doesn't exist at this point, but we will see.

buwaya said...

Dow is down because of record-low initial jobless claims reported today (or rolling average thereof).

That is a rock-solid metric, unlike a lot of others concerning the labor market.

Market is worried about Fed reactions to overheating, inflation.

There is still a lot of slack in the labor market I think, because labor force participation rate and employment-pop ratios are way below 2008 and especially 2000. There are many people still out there that could be attracted back into the labor force. That in spite of what seems to be increasing rate of retirements (those baby boomers).



Drago said...

buwaya: "Market is worried about Fed reactions to overheating, inflation."

The market appears to be rapidly pricing in the increased probability of interest rate increases due to a super-charged economy with rising wages and subsequent inflation as buwaya mentions.

I only wish I had a few more assets to toss into the market.

Drago said...

Yancey: "I will point out that the committees have seen the follow-on FISA applications, and I think it is safe to assume, given the leaked Nadler Memo the other day,..."

The Grassley/Graham memo certainly goes to this.

buwaya said...

"The market appears to be rapidly pricing in the increased probability of interest rate increases due to a super-charged economy with rising wages and subsequent inflation as buwaya mentions."

The God-Emperor giveth, and the God-Emperor taketh away.

Matt Sablan said...

Why do we keep describing Steele and Shearer as "collecting information" when it is just as likely they "made crap up?"

Lewis Wetzel said...

I read the Demo rebuttal to the Nunes memo: http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/TODAY/z_Creative/inline-headers/FINAL%20DRAFT%20--%20Dear%20Colleague%20on%20Nunes%20Memo.pdf.
Item I:
The FISA court found probable cause to believe that Carter Page is an agent of a foreign power.
Nothing in the Nunes memo rules out the possibility that considerable evidence beyond the Steele dossier helped the court reach that

Yet Page denies being an agent of a foreign power. There is nothing to show that he is an agent of a foreign power, other than the Steele dossier. Honestly, he seems to be the opposite of a James Bond. The Democrat statement suggests that it is up to Page to prove he is not a foreign agent, apparently by refuting evidence he will not be shown. This reminds me of the reasoning set out by judges in Elizabethan times, when public figures were accused of being secret Catholics.

Original Mike said...

”The Grassley/Graham memo certainly goes to this.”

That’s why the NYT is reporting on it on page 19.


Matt Sablan said...

Lewis: Is that the Nadler or the Schiff memo? Text reads like the Nadler one, which also cites to a court case that the challenger has the burden of proving a warrant is defective... which I'm not sure how that applies to a FISA warrant where the challenger would, if innocent or not charged with a crime, would never know about the warrant.

Matt Sablan said...

"Nothing in the Nunes memo rules out the possibility that considerable evidence beyond the Steele dossier helped the court reach that conclusion."

-- This was always a weak assertion from Nadler (since we have McCabe saying that without the dossier, they had not enough for a warrant.) Given the Grassley recommendation of criminal prosecution, it is an empty assertion now.

James K said...

This reminds me of the reasoning set out by judges in Elizabethan times, when public figures were accused of being secret Catholics.

Perhaps they could throw him in a pond, and if he stays underwater he's innocent, while if he rises to the top it shows he's a spy.

Original Mike said...

”I read the Demo rebuttal to the Nunes memo...”

Surely not. The Dems will certainly want the DOJ to scrub it for sources and methods first. Because they’re patriotic citizens.

Fabi said...

"Just a reminder that while the evidence for the original FISA warrant was likely bullshit, there’s no telling what the spying actually turned up."

Fake but hopeful?

Bay Area Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Matthew Sablan said...

Lewis: Is that the Nadler or the Schiff memo? Text reads like the Nadler one, which also cites to a court case that the challenger has the burden of proving a warrant is defective... which I'm not sure how that applies to a FISA warrant where the challenger would, if innocent or not charged with a crime, would never know about the warrant.

2/8/18, 1:07 PM


James K said...

Just a reminder that while the evidence for the original FISA warrant was likely bullshit, there’s no telling what the spying actually turned up.

Has Carter Page been charged with anything? There's your answer.

jim said...

What is the dossiosity, Kenneth?

Nunes used BAFFLEGAB!

Memo Teh Foist is a thrilling tale of generic office bitchiness that will likely indict exactly nobody, whereas Memo Teh Sickened got scooped like sherbet piecemeal by the majestic WaPoop.

You can take the farm-boy out of the bullshit-pile, but you can't ... oh, wait, yes, yes you can.

The Right's FOX -> Infowars -> /pol/ cultural devolution has surely been quite the spectacle.


Bonus cretin-kudos to the GOP for getting a genuine Nazi on their team.

That weird noise? Oh, that's just the ghost of Eisenhower dry-heaving.


Bay Area Guy said...

Mueller interviewed Drunk, British ex-spy, Christopher Steele, reported in October of 2017.

Good for Mueller. Go straight to the source, right?

Have there been any leaks from the content of the Steele interview? No, just the fact of the interview. So, what did Steele tell Mueller? We don't know. But, if Steele really divulged the goods on the Russian connection to the Trump campaign, wouldn't Mueller have leaked a little? Or his minions? Or those, who wanted to put pressure on Trump?

The silence suggests Steele had nothing on Trump.

I could be totally wrong about this, of course. But Steele is a rascal, and his non-sourced Dossier remains unverified (and salacious!)

Drago said...

It's far too early for the Chewbacca defense.

But I do appreciate the "everything and the kitchen sink" lunatic raving quality about it. It's got a real "disheveled guy on the corner with an "The Apocalypse Is Here" sign" feel.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Nothing in the Nunes memo rules out the possibility that considerable evidence beyond the Steele dossier helped the court reach that conclusion.

Keep in mind that the person who wrote that has read the FISA application ( or at least had the opportunity to. ) Why write that the Nunes memo didn't rule out additional evidence, when you already know if there is or if there isn't additional evidence? My assumption: what they already know would not advance their case.

Meade said...

The Dow is down but this bull market in dossiosity seems historic.

buwaya said...

What is this "jim" entity?

It seems a bit similar to some others.

Fabi said...

Doss-eri, doss-era, doss-eri,
Doss-erah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Drago said...

Meade: "The Dow is down but this bull market in dossiosity seems historic"

To brag of the historiocity of this dossiosity borders on pomposity.

Meade said...


Howard said...

I got hooked on Chewbacca when I worked drilling rigs surrounded by flammable gasses.

Howard said...

It appears maybe possible to me that today's excellent blog was in part a repose in honor of the flighty snowflake who actually reads the inane comments from the hyper-sexualized disguised as politics S&M combatants seriously.

Blogger Greg Hlatky said...

It's becoming increasingly irritating to read the comments to the posts. Some are amusing or insightful but more and more they just degenerate into screaming contests, not to mention the dead-wood academic archetype coming here to sneer at his perceived inferiors.

Not saying we all have to agree, but mostly it's just yelling past each other.

2/7/18, 7:26 PM

Greg said...

Clintonian laundry service. Blumenthal and friend feed information to Steele to fabricate dossier, so that FBI can claim dossier came from legit source. Blumenthal, Steele and Fusion GPS are all paying Russians for phony salacious details for the dossier, which FBI leaders loyal to Clinton take to FISC. All of this ultimately paid for by the DNC, which was controlled by the Clinton's by then. More laundry than a family with 15 kids that doesn't believe in disposable diapers.

Why did Clinton bother, when she thought she would win anyway? Go back to the 50 points up comment. She wanted to win by 50 and be historic for something besides being the first president.

Meade said...

What is this "jim" entity?

I don't, buwaya, but I like the eggagog in him.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

buwaya said...
What is this "jim" entity?"

I think he's drunk.

robother said...

"Cody Shearer" is just the kind of code name a highly reliable, ex-KGB, Russian intel agent would adopt. Like "Christopher Steele" (an Eighteenth Century portrait painter) is the kind of deep undercover name an experienced MI6 Agent would use to completely disguise his British identity. You know, the kind of people who compile "dossiers" and set "honey traps" and take out "insurance policies."

Between Cody and "Sidney," I'm sure "Steele" had all the sources he needed to write his dossier/insurance policy. God forbid these sources are ever revealed and exposed to the wrath of Putin.

Drago said...

Howard: "It appears maybe possible to me that today's excellent blog was in part a repose in honor of the flighty snowflake who actually reads the inane comments from the hyper-sexualized disguised as politics S&M combatants seriously."


That's a mouthful.

BTW, speaking of hyper-sexualized, I understand sexual harassment charges have been filed againt Elon Musks Tesla Roadster Rocket Mannequin.

There are reports the suspect has fled the juridiction and his whereabouts are unknown.

Earnest Prole said...

Has Carter Page been charged with anything? There's your answer.

Carter Page is almost certainly a pretext. I'll say it again: Never underestimate the power of a corrupt prosecutor, or for that matter an honest one. Bill Clinton was investigated for an Arkansas land deal, and nailed for lying about depositing sperm on a woman's dress -- a woman who was six years old at the time of the land deal.

James K said...

Carter Page is almost certainly a pretext.

I don't disagree, but that doesn't excuse the duplicity of the process. Either the judge was misled or lied to, or the judge was in on the scam.

John Pickering said...

Those of Ann's readers who maintain that the Mueller probe hasn't turned up anything may have missed the news that Trump's National Security Advisor, former U.S. Army Gen. Michael Flynn, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and is cooperating with Mueller. Flynn's son has pled out without charges and is also cooperating.
Ann's readers also may not have noticed that Trump's campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, and his deputy, Rick Gates, are the objects of a 12-count criminal complaint that charges them with conspiracy to launder money, making false statements and other charges in connection with their work advising a Russia-friendly political party in Ukraine. Gates' lawyers quit the other day, saying their professional ethics prohibit them from representing him anymore. It appears he is determined to perjure himself.
They also seem to have missed the news that former Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos admitted to making a false statement to FBI investigators who asked about his contacts with foreigners claiming to have high-level Russian connections. He's also cooperating with the Mueller probe.
So, there's those. Some of Ann's readers also have apparently overlooked the parade of Trump officials who have been interviewed by Mueller or his investigators. No doubt those were mainly social calls.

Ann and her Trumpalists, standing strong to defend the civil rights of Carter Page, American hero.

Howard said...

Drago: Yeah, I hear spaceman is doing unnatural things with the cigarette lighter. That poor car.

Achilles said...

Blogger Inga said...
Not me. I’m all dossiered out

Remember how you were all set to impeach Trump this entire year and how I told you you would be running away from this story?

Good times.

Let the real squealing begin.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Good for Mueller. Go straight to the source, right?

No. As Andy McCarthy clarified yesterday, Steele would be considered an investigator the FBI hired. The “sources” are the Russian agents he got his information from. The FBI claimed Steele was an “investigator” with whom they had worked previously.

robother said...

John Pickering is certain that there was a vast right-wing conspiracy to install Russian Agent Trump as President. Mueller is always just on the verge of the exposure of that conspiracy. But, of course, vast conspiracies (whether of the Zionist, Masonic or Right Wing variety) are always one step ahead of the intrepid theorists. Not that that has ever caused a single conspiracy theorist to doubt the validity of same; indeed, it seems to confirm their belief.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

John Pickering said...

Those of Ann's readers who maintain that the Mueller probe hasn't turned up anything may have missed the news that Trump's National Security Advisor, former U.S. Army Gen. Michael Flynn, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and is cooperating with Mueller.

And you believe that the Mueller probe turned that up?!?

Chuck said...

Don't worry too much about it, Althouse. You could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and you wouldn't lose your most loyal commenters.

John Pickering said...

Mr. Ignorance: Yes, that's common knowledge among people who get their news from sources other than the Daily Mail and TheDuran:

This is from NBC News in December:

Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty on Friday in federal court to a charge of making false statements to the FBI about his communications with Russia.

Flynn had contacted the Russians at the urging of two top transition officials, according to a court document. Three people familiar with the matter say one of the officials referenced in the document is Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, and two people familiar with the matter say the other is K.T. McFarland, who served as deputy national security adviser from January to May.

Flynn is the first senior White House official to be charged in the special counsel’s investigation into Moscow’s meddling into the 2016 presidential election, and the first to officially agree to cooperate.

Quaestor said...

John Pickering may have missed the news that Robert Mueller requested and received a postponement of Flynn's sentencing hearing. That's pretty unusual for a prosecutor, except when the prosecutor's case has eroded.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Not me. I’m all dossiered out.”

“Remember how you were all set to impeach Trump this entire year and how I told you you would be running away from this story?”

Whoa, what a way to misread my comment. I’m in no way running away from the story and if Trump wouldn’t end up getting impeached I’d be shocked. I’m sick of discussing it as everyone seems to think they have an inside track on what’s going on in the Mueller Probe. None of us know. I’ll be happy to discuss it at length once the investigation is over, at this point it’s a wasted effort and honestly I’m tired of bumping heads with loons and extremists.

Fabi said...

Inga wasn't tired of discussing the dossier when she was convinced that they had actual video of Trump's alleged hookers pissing on Obama's hotel suite bed. What's changed?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Althouse should make this a regular daily posting - Conspiracy Theories R' Us. I think it provides a valuable outlet for those frustrated with controlling all three branches of government and the FBI.

mikeski said...

Despite all this back-and-forth, I don't think anyone's views will change. They're completely dossified.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Dow, taking a dive again. Down 769.

320Busdriver said...

"Ann and her Trumpalists, standing strong to defend the civil rights of Carter Page, American hero."

We're here to defend your civil rights, moron.

buwaya said...

"I think it provides a valuable outlet for those frustrated with controlling all three branches of government and the FBI."

Who did you say controlled all three branches of government?
I have trouble figuring out who is running things.

exhelodrvr1 said...

That sounds like a Mary Poppins song.

John Pickering said...

Mr. Quaestor: I saw that news and several comments indicating that the sentencing has been delayed until the prosecutor is satisfied that the guilty party has cooperated sufficiently. I haven't seen anything except among Ann's readers that indicated the delay is because Mueller has decided that his case is no good and that Flynn should walk: let us know about that, if possible from sources that aren't the Daily Mail and so on.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The Dosserasaurus is one of the lesser-known dinosuars.

Quaestor said...

"I’m tired of bumping heads with loons and extremists."

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

John Pickering said...
if possible from sources that aren't the Daily Mail

I will have you know that the Daily Mail is a premier news source covering what the people want, not some bullshit analysis of anomalous trading patterns emanating from North Upper Whoop Whoop.

Quaestor said...

Pickering wrote: ...let us know about that, if possible from sources that aren't the Daily Mail and so on.

After you let us know the identity of those commenters who claim to know those intimate details.

Nonapod said...

People sure do love to insult regular commenters around here as well as Althouse herself rather than make actual arguments. I have a habit of blanketly insulting whole groups of people too though, so I get it.

John Pickering said...

This is a good overview of the Daily Mail's typical coverage, ladies and gentlemen, let me present the Daily Mail Song:



John Pickering said...

Mr. Quaestor, though this concept is widespread in the mainstream news, you might be persuaded by this from Fox News:

The delay could suggest Flynn is continuing to provide information.

Such a delay in sentencing, according to a former high-ranking Justice Department official, is common in federal investigations.

“This is very, very common for a cooperating defendant,” the former official, James Trusty who served under both the Bush and Obama administrations, told Fox News. “They don’t want to tell the judge to sentence Flynn until they can tell the judge that he helped in the case.”

Trusty said that if Flynn were ever asked to testify in a trial, he would be “a better witness” if still facing the prospect of sentencing.

Flynn could be sentenced to federal prison for up to five years for making false statements to the FBI.

“It’s a routine play that federal sentencing gets put off until you’re done cooperating,” Trusty said, adding that this does not give any insight into the “pace” of Mueller’s probe, but rather the “existence of it.”


Let us know who's telling you that Mueller is about to let Flynn go.

Achilles said...

The DOW is down because of the wage growth numbers and fears of interest rate hikes.

Democrats hate it when wages go up.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

John Pickering said...

Mr. Ignorance: Yes, that's common knowledge among people who get their news from sources other than the Daily Mail and TheDuran

What's common knowledge amongst the informed public is that the FBI knew that he lied when it happened in January 2017. It was not something that was uncovered by the Mueller probe, Mueller wasn't even appointed until almost five months later.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

John Pickering said...
This is a good overview of the Daily Mail's typical coverage, ladies and gentlemen, let me present the Daily Mail Song:

Those losers look like Muslims.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Dow closed over 1000 down.

buwaya said...

The Daily Mail is the finest tabloid remaining on Earth. Or at least the best one in English.

It picks up stories of all sorts, without fear or favor, as long as they carry some degree of scandal and prurience.

Other news outlets also cover scandal and prurience, but with editorial constraints to spare the favored people.

The Daily Mail follows in the finest traditions of the Press, that of giving the people what they want, instead of pushing a political line (or not too overtly so). They make money the old fashioned way, by attracting readers (or viewers, anyway) not the new way, which is as a component of a centrally managed propaganda system.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Grassley Memo is a bit sexier than the Nunes Memo.

It shows that the Weasel Brigade at the FBI (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Baker) was fawning all over Steele, even though he was a liar and had to be terminated.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
Looks like another great day for the Stock Market. Consumer Confidence is at Record High. I guess somebody likes me (my policies)!
6:03 AM · Nov 29, 2017

Fabi said...

The Dow is still up close to 20% from this point last year. Inga hardest hit.

rcocean said...

"No, I didn’t miss it. Just had nothing to say about and didn’t picture commenters saying anything interesting."

1. Nobody knows who Porter is. He's just an assistant in the White House. Remember all those previous news stories about Porter? Yeah, I don't either.

2. He committed domestic abuse - supposedly - and resigned.

3. Yeah, OK. So what?

gadfly said...

John Pickering said...
Ann, who reads the New York Times for the gossip and the Daily Mail for the news, seems to have missed the Mail's scoop the other day about White House secretary Rob Porter -- John Kelly's right hand man -- who's dating the communications director but had to quit because he's a wife-beater.

So does Rob have to quit dating Hope Hicks because he can't beat her anymore? Hicks and Porter were filmed leaving her apartment together early yesterday morning. MSNBC claims that she wrote the official White House response that praised Porter and that Porter reported to work in the West Wing this morning.

Achilles said...

John Pickering said...
“Mr. Ignorance: Yes, that's common knowledge among people who get their news from sources other than the Daily Mail and TheDuran:

This is from NBC News in December:

Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty on Friday in federal court to a charge of making false statements to the FBI about his communications with Russia.“

The charges against Flynn are going to be dismissed if Mueller doesn’t withdraw them and McCabe and Strzok will be facing discipline for how Flynn was treated.

They recorded his calls illegally. They unmasked him illegally. They mislead him into an interview without a lawyer present. They asked him dozens of questions he wasn’t prepared for. One of his answers was different than his phone conversations.

No person alive would be able to avoid “lying” to the FBI under those circumstances. Compare and contrast to the numerous interviews the same exact people conducted during the email investigation.

You are just another stupid ignorant tool.

rcocean said...

We need to get all the FBI communications with Steele. I bet it will show the FBI did ZERO work verifying the dossier. We also need to know why Rosenstein RENEWED the FISA Warrant on Carter Page.

And most of all we need Comey's notes that he leaked illegally. It will show Comey to be a complete liar - i'm betting.

Michael K said...

I guess there is a new troll, or at least a name change bu one of the regulars.

buwaya said...

Consumer confidence (the Conference Board survey number) is still at 125.4 (Jan 30 2018), up from 123.1 in Dec 2017 but down from the record 128.6 in Nov 2017.

These are record highs.

Now, you can argue something of a cooldown in the works based on the Friedman "wealth effect" - the stock market is a leading indicator as it predicts, to a degree, consumer spending. On the other hand, who knows.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
“Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
Looks like another great day for the Stock Market. Consumer Confidence is at Record High. I guess somebody likes me (my policies)!“

The DOW is still up year over year and confidence is at record highs.

Wages are up for all Americans. This is what really matters. That is what is driving the DOW down.

But like most traitors Inga is rooting against her country and her fellow citizens.

rcocean said...

Nobody cares about hope hicks having an affair.

What has that to do with the price of potatoes?

The FBI and probably with Obama's knowledge, wiretapped the Trump campaign under false national security pretenses.

It'll be up there with Watergate.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So does Rob have to quit dating Hope Hicks because he can't beat her anymore? Hicks and Porter were filmed leaving her apartment together early yesterday morning. MSNBC claims that she wrote the official White House response that praised Porter and that Porter reported to work in the West Wing this morning.”

Amazing how long they covered his butt, until the picture of the ex wife with s black eye came out. Hope Hicks has proven herself to be a dummy, with being a party to obstruction of justice to dating a known woman beater.

John Pickering said...

Mr. Ignorance seems to be saying that the FBI knew Flynn was lying at the time he was lying in Jan 2017 just before the inauguration; that may be true, there were lots of concerns about Flynn and his contacts with foreigners; Obama of course had fired him.

I'm just pointing out that it was the Mueller investigation into Russian meddling in the US elections that induced Flynn to plead guilty to lying to the FBI, and it is with the Mueller probe that Flynn and his son are cooperating, and until he cooperates to Mueller's satisfaction he is going to have to wait to be sentenced.

Inga...Allie Oop said...


Matt Sablan said...

About Flynn.

Things we learned: Stzork thought he was trustworthy.

McCabe later leaned on agents to change their opinions about witness statements. This is about the same time as Stzork's insurance policy.

Suddenly, Stzork thought Flynn was a dirty liar.

Now, coincidentally, it turns out, Flynn did misremember/lie. And, since he had the misfortune of working in a Republican administration, that means he can be charged with something. Instead of Abedin or Mills or Clinton.

buwaya said...

There is simply no one page on the Internet as comprehensive as this -


For the sort of subject they specialize in of course.

Downside is you really need a PC with a large screen for the full effect.

Matt Sablan said...


-- Not too long ago, I was being told we shouldn't investigate actual rape by the president. So, while I can stand here and think the White House maybe should have done more, it feels really, really odd for the left to suddenly start caring.

My dislike of bad behavior by our government officials is *consistent.*

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I guess there is a new troll, or at least a name change bu one of the regulars.”

He’s no more a troll than you are Michael. You really get upset when there are new liberal commenters, don’t you?

buwaya said...

And, in the Daily Mail, you have many pictures of Hope Hicks re cited affair.

I didn't know what Hope Hicks looked like frankly.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

John Pickering said...

I'm just pointing out that...

Making a flat-out false statement about one thing seems to be an odd way to point out something tangentially related. Are you attempting some sort of Scott Adams/Trumpian persuasion thing? If so, it's not working

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Very telling how giddy the taker class is over the DOW being down.

John Pickering said...

Poor Gen. Michael Flynn. Some of Ann's readers think his best defense is that he's a simpleton:

They mislead him into an interview without a lawyer present. They asked him dozens of questions he wasn’t prepared for.

Hahahahaha! Gosh, silly stupid unprepared Michael Flynn wasn't quite up to date on what happens when being interviewed by the FBI! He was misled! He was unmasked! So unfair! How could he even imagine, it might make sense to get a lawyer and not lie to the FBI? He might have thought of that before aiding and abetting Donald Trump, dupe and stooge if not agent of the Russian intelligence services.

To save his skin, Flynn may now recall the oath he took as an officer in the U.S. Army to defend and protect the Constitution.

Achilles said...

Strzok was texting from the SCIF during the Hillary email investigation.

There is enough irony in that act alone to create a black hole.

It will be interesting to find out if Jim Baker witnessed the texting and didn’t stop Strzok.

These people are going to jail for a long long time.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Very telling how giddy the taker class is over the DOW being down.”

“The taker class”? Oh how elitist!

Before drop, Trump boasted about the stock market once every 35 hours


Drago said...

Inga: "Hope Hicks has proven herself to be a dummy, with being a party to obstruction of justice to dating a known woman beater. "


Yeah, that should do it.

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