Probably the best way to reduce "inequality" -- remember that imperative on the left?
Obama's slow growth economy on the Federal Reserve's low interest rate life support actually accelerated inequality -- due to low wages and asset bubbles.
But the left always invents new reasons to hate Trump.
I can't help but notice that the Mueller team doesn't seem too interested in moving forward with the sentencing Hearing for Flynn do they?
I mean, since all the info has emerged about the Hillary dossier being weaponized, over a dozen key obama officials resigning/being reassigned/demoted/fired, the Flynn Judge (also a FISA court judge forcibly recused), etc.
It's almost as if nothing is going to happen there...
Thanks to the reader who linked to the Daily Mail's page. Here are the top headlines:
EXCLUSIVE: Downcast Hope Hicks heads to work a day after lover Rob Porter resigned as Trump's Oval Office aide after domestic abuse allegations from his two ex-wives
Scott Baio is accused of hurling homophobic slurs at Charles in Charge co-star after the boy, 11, walked in on him 'sexually abusing' Nicole Eggert'
'Don't ask twice': Facebook and Google staff told not to ask colleagues a second time for a DATE in love-at-work legal crackdown
Speed skating hero Shani Davis sparks race row after ripping Team USA's luger Erin Hamlin for beating him in 'dishonorable' coin toss to carry flag at Opening Ceremony
Chloe Ayling's 'kidnapper' told her everyone in town was a member of his 'Black Death' group of killers, her lawyer says - as a resident in the Italian village where she was captive says he saw them out walking together
EXCLUSIVE: 'Any toys? Maybe a corset?' Call girl claims married Republican lawmaker secretly met her twice for sex and releases saucy texts he sent her - as he steps down citing 'family issues'
And so on. Enjoy, there's Ann's favorite news source.
Strzok was texting from the SCIF during the Hillary email investigation.
I read the text. It's entirely possible that We’re in Jims SCIF was something he texted, just before heading in ( and leaving his phone outside). I could certainly see myself phrasing something that way.
Now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to work so the leftwing corruption machine can take my tax dollars and waste em on Nancy Pelosi's jet rides.
It's almost as if lowering taxes, billions in bonuses, new jobs, increased wages, predicted GDP growth of over 5%, manufacturing in the US expanding, massive reduction in unnecessary regulations, hundreds of billions more investmented in the US economy somehow, mysteriously, inexplicably, leads to greater economic activity and revenue.
You know, the "pie gets bigger" kind of a thing.
Of course, when the pie is getting bigger, democrats get unhappy. Real fast.
The patient always suffers when you first remove the breathing tube when it's no longer needed.
The same is true with removing the Federal Reserve's low interest life support.
The goal is to stabilize the patient eventually with a healthy economic growth rate, higher productivity and wages, with stocks priced reasonably based on those fundamentals and growth.
Only when taken into custody. At the point of the interview not only was Flynn not in custody, he was not a suspect in any crime, because no crime had yet been committed.
"I read the text. It's entirely possible that We’re in Jims SCIF was something he texted, just before heading in ( and leaving his phone outside). I could certainly see myself phrasing something that way."
-- And how it will be interpreted since he's a Democrat ally, but not how Republican allies would be interpreted.
People of Althouse ilk often forget that normal people are utterly apolitical and are interested in an entirely different set of things than we are; the Daily Mail covers those things on a brilliantly edited web page.
"People of Althouse ilk often forget that normal people are utterly apolitical and are interested in an entirely different set of things than we are; the Daily Mail covers those things on a brilliantly edited web page."
Indeed, I was saying just that. Its the greatest tabloid on Earth. I don't know about brilliantly edited, but its chock full of stuff, and its always new. That's a newspaper for you.
Fabi said... Flynn was facing financial ruin nearing the end of the investigation. His guilty plea may have been nothing other than a means to remain solvent.
2/8/18, 3:37 PM
Yep. As Mark Steyn has noted that's the whole point of lawfare. Even if you win in the end, you lose. The government has unlimited resources. Most individuals do not.
John Pickering at 2:29 PM ... Michael Flynn pleaded guilty ... to a charge of making false statements to the FBI about his communications with Russia. Flynn had contacted the Russians at the urging of two top transition officials ... one of the officials ... is Jared Kushner ... the other is K.T. McFarland ...
During the period between Donald Trump's election and inauguration, lame-duck President Barack Obama wrecked US-Russian relations by expelling a lot of Russian diplomats, based on an accusation that Russia interfered in our 2016 presidential election.
A few days later, on January 6, 2017, Obama's administration published a report summarizing the evidence of Russian meddling. The entire report was stupid stuff, such as complaints that RT television broadcasts had criticized fracking.
The US Intelligence Community disgraced itself with that report. More specifically, the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper disgraced himself.
Here are the two main reasons why Obama expelled the Russian diplomats:
* To create in the US public a false impression that the US Government had compelling evidence that Russia had meddled.
* To create a situation where the new Trump administration's effort to repair US-Russian relations would be characterized by Deep State officials as Trump's continuing collusion.
The second reason is illustrated by the case of Michael Flynn. Deep State officials entrusted and paid to keep government secrets used those secrets maliciously to cause problems for Trump and his close associates.
Sally Yates went around saying that Flynn was vulnerable to RUSSIAN BLACKMAIL for violating THE LOGAN ACT. Later, Yates denied under oath on television that she was the leaker or knew who the leaker was. Yates is the type of person who worked deviously in the Deep State.
Flynn's phone conversation with the Russian ambassador was wire-tapped because the Obama Administration had obtained a FISA warrant to wire-tap Flynn, because Flynn was an unregistered lobbyist for Turkey. The FISA warrant on Flynn will be a future scandal.
"Of course, when the pie is getting bigger, democrats get unhappy. Real fast."
Especially when blacks and other minorities start getting a bigger slice of the pie. Democrats want them trapped in the inner city, on welfare, and dependent on Massa Government. Keeps 'em on that Democrat plantation.
Shakespeare would have been devoted to the Daily Mail. Imagine that - the court gossip, and all the stuff groundlings cared for, in glorious color.
Cervantes too. One can only imagine what bits he would have mined from it to stick in the Quixote. He got all his stuff from the gossip and grotesquerie of his day. Heck, all the dramatists of the Golden Age would have. Lope de Vega, Calderon, Tirso de Molina (who wrote the original of Don Giovanni) would have expoited the heck out of it. They were always under the gun for material.
"Yes. "Brilliantly edited" isn't a reference to punctuation."
That is not a success factor for this sort of publication. That would not have turned Shakespeare from it, now, would it? Its a bit of a pettifogging quibble.
Earnest Prole said... "Brilliantly edited" isn't a reference to punctuation.
Or spelling. I am constantly impressed with how many spelling mistakes they make in the era of automatic spell checkers. Just part of its old school charm.
There are takers and makers in our society. IMHO, the Democrat party largely represents the takers, people who depend on government for their livelihood, in one fashion or another..
Republicans to a large extent represents the makers, the middle class business owners who are upwardly mobile.
Neither party makes me happy, but voting Libertarian is a fool's dream.
And yet our need, as ascertained by you, for dossiosity, remains unfulfilled. Such a tease....haven't read any of the other 240+ comments, so I djust not know if someone has already addressed this or not.
"An FBI informant connected to the Uranium One controversy told three congressional committees in a written statement that Moscow routed millions of dollars to America with the expectation it would be used to benefit Bill Clinton's charitable efforts while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton quarterbacked a “reset” in U.S.-Russian relations."
You have to admit, it's a pretty good trick to actually collude with the Russians to get big payoffs for uranium deals against the best interests of your own nation, THEN have your henchmen cook up a plot to get your opponent accused of what you actually did.
9. David Laufman - DOJ, National Security Division, Deputy Asst. Attorney General in charge of counterintelligence, cyber security, counterespionage and export controls
From WaPo: "David Laufman, an experienced federal prosecutor who in 2014 became chief of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, said farewell to colleagues Wednesday. He cited personal reasons."
Achilles: For someone who is an honored and decorated war hero, you sure act like an over-compensating weak bitch with all the name calling. I disagree with Inga, you don't sound like a wife beater, you sound more like you are hen-pecked to the point of exhaustion and take it out on people who don't lick Trump's ass.
Revised list of DOJ/FBI Weasel Brigade aka "Get Trump" Squad:
1. Sally Yates - fired 2. Bruce Ohr - Demoted 3. Jim Comey - fired 4. Andrew McCabe - forced retirement 5. Peter Strzok - demoted (emptying waste cans in HR department) 6. James Baker - re-assigned without explanation 7. Michael Kortan - retired 8. Lisa Page - Demoted 9. Bill Priestap - Silent Bill 10. James Rybicki - quit 11. John Carlin - quit 12. David Laufman - quit
BAG, you might as well include Judge Contrereas, forcibly recused from the Michael Flynn matter with no explanation....after it came out that he was one of the FISA Court judges.
What. A. Coincidence.
And, as mentioned earlier, no one really seems to be talking to much about that hastily post-poned sentencing hearing for Flynn.
“Yeah, she is. She explained this a couple weeks ago. Nothing is more important than taking down Trump. Nothing.”
Really? News to me. Yes I’d love for Trump to be gone, as well as his deplorable policies, but there are more important things than taking down Trump. The well being of this country is one of them.
What I’ve seen more increasingly on these threads is the conflation of Trump with this Nation. Trump is not the Nation. For those who swear an oath of loyalty, remember it’s to the Constitution, not the President.
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but it is treasonable to the American public."
It's obvious the Steele Dossier is the complete truth because of NIXON'S SOUTHERN STRATEGY!! Sorry, for a moment I thought that I was a toothless revolutionary.
Inga: "What I’ve seen more increasingly on these threads is the conflation of Trump with this Nation."
Inga is disoriented from the years of obama using "I" about everything in addition to all the lefties claiming it was obama who killed osama bin laden, instead of the republican Seal Team member who actually pulled the trigger.
But since that Seal Team member is a Trump voter, well, we know what Inga thinks of him.
BTW, is anyone else tracking this breaking story about Sen Mark Warner, D-Kremlin, spending an extensive amount of time last year trying to work backdoor with a Russian oligarch (Oleg Deripaska) thru the oligarch's democrat-affiliated US lobbyist (Adam Waldman of Endeavor Group) in the US.
What was that Russian oligarch offering? Private and confidential access to....Christopher Steele. Warner was trying to connect with Steele without anyone else being in the loop.
In 2006 Deripaska had his Visa revoked by the US Govt for suspected organized crime ties.
One of Warner's texts reads: "We want to do this right private in London Don't want to send letter yet cuz if we can't get agreement wud rather not have paper trail."
Let's see, trying to work in secret with Putin connected russians to get dirt on Trump for political purposes.
Now the lefties like Inga will attack with some mindless bullshit. ARM will make a superficially reasonable comment that is very likely to be coated in a lie.
It's too bad. It would be nice to have reasonable discussions.
The secret force behind opposition to Trump is: neo-antidisestablishmentarianism as shown in dossierotiosity.
Personally, I've mastered the 702 issues and am ready for FISA horror stories. I'm just sorry I didn't know more when they were going after General Flynn, by destroying him financially and threatening his family. Apparently, there's more than one way a soldier can be seriously wounded and some ways of harming a patriot were the special skill-set of upper level FBI guys and galls in the era of the former President.
This comment section is a microcosm of the "Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus" theory
Democrats are into Trump's boorish behavior, fake dossiers, his un-PC, remarks, his remarks about women, blacks, illegal aliens, shitholes, and his so-called "collusion" with Russia, a non-crime supported by non-existent evidence, also tabloid gossip about friction in the White House. You know, all that critical stuff that appeals to race baiters, whingeing feminists, college professors, mindless millennials, teenage girls and other Venusians.
Meanwhile, other people are into things like the Clinton whitewash, the improved economy, clandestine airstrip (tarmac) meetings, abuse of the immunity process, discriminatory prosecution of purveyors of false information, bribes to Iran, partisan political button men assisting Mueller, fraud by omission in FISA court applications, texts revealing investigative malfeasance and bias, defeating ISIS, leaks of grand jury information to the media - the list of goes on and on. You know, the trivial stuff that actually affects the welfare of the nation and for which there is evidence - Martian stuff.
Mr. Benjamin Wittes is a close personal friend of Mr. Comey, and was the go-between used by Director Comey to leak information to the media, and specifically to the New York Times.
Three days after the FBI secured the FISA “Title-1” surveillance authority over former Trump campaign official Carter Page (using the Clinton-Steele Dossier), Benjamin Wittes wrote a column in his blog titled: “What if Trump Wins” – “We need an insurance Policy“ ....
”Three days after the FBI secured the FISA “Title-1” surveillance authority over former Trump campaign official Carter Page (using the Clinton-Steele Dossier), Benjamin Wittes wrote a column in his blog titled: “What if Trump Wins” – “We need an insurance Policy“ ....”
The Insurance policy is the leftwing corruption machine kicking into high gear with help and collusion from the top of the flunkie bureaucracy and the Tripple-D hack press.
Inga: "One conspiracy theory based bombshell after another..."
I guess Warners actual text messages makes this a "messier" conspiracy complaint of yours.
Particular the text where Warner (D-Kremlin) is asking to keep this pussy-footin' with Putin pal, suspected Russian Organized Crime figure Russian oligarch Deripaska all hush-hush.
Hey, maybe it was a Macedonian hacker who took over Warners phone and sent those text messages! Just like Anthony Weiner's phone was hacked! Darn it!
Howard said... “Achilles: For someone who is an honored and decorated war hero, you sure act like an over-compensating weak bitch with all the name calling. I disagree with Inga, you don't sound like a wife beater, you sound more like you are hen-pecked to the point of exhaustion and take it out on people who don't lick Trump's ass“
You don’t have to lick Trump’s ass to stay on my good side.
All you have to do is say spying on America’s citizens and political opponents is wrong and not try to overturn lawful elections in a coup because you didn’t like the results.
Original Mike said... ”Three days after the FBI secured the FISA “Title-1” surveillance authority over former Trump campaign official Carter Page (using the Clinton-Steele Dossier), Benjamin Wittes wrote a column in his blog titled: “What if Trump Wins” – “We need an insurance Policy“ ....”
Holy crap.
The truth train is rolling leftists.
It is all coming out and more people are waking up every day.
Soon it will be undeniable that Obama was spying on political opponents for years.
Speaking of Oleg Deripaska, he sure does get around...
“Russian deputy prime minister secretly met with oligarch Oleg Deripaska to discuss US relations after Paul Manafort reportedly offered Mr Deripaska briefings on the Trump campaign, according to videos discovered by a Russian opposition activist.
The rendezvous at sea with Mr Prikhodko suggests a cosy relationship between Mr Deripaska, the president and largest shareholder of the aluminium giant Rusal, and the Russian government.
It reportedly took place in August 2016, a month after Mr Manafort, then Mr Trump's campaign manager, offered “private briefings” to Mr Deripaska, according to an email seen by The Atlantic.”
Oh no - Inga cracked the conspiracy. A meeting with an aluminum giant. OMG! That's illegal! Private Briefings! OMG! I'll bet those private briefings were about how to use aluminum to hack the voting machines against poor Hillary.
How about:"Some of Trump’s idiotic promises may, like this one, have only diplomatic ramifications. But a great many of them—from using state power to retaliate against political opponents..."
Take your latest cut and paste job and use your analytical skills (as lacking as they seem to be) to explain what that quote really means.
It is obvious that your trolling is becoming increasingly desperate because many of your heroes will soon be in handcuffs. Many have already lost their jobs.
A hard rain is gonna come. It will be a cleansing rain.
An FBI informant connected to the Uranium One controversy told three congressional committees in a written statement that Moscow routed millions of dollars to America with the expectation it would be used to benefit Bill Clinton's charitable efforts while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton quarterbacked a “reset” in U.S.-Russian relations.
Is it just me, or has there been a significant number of senior FBI and DOJ Headquarters personnel that have decided they have neglected their families for far too long?
And Judge Contrereas, well. Bless his heart. He needed a break from that nettlesome Flynn case anyway....
And as Muellers All-Star Crew of Democrat Partisan Lawyer Special Counsel Teammates could tell you, we didn't really need that sentencing hearing for Flynn so soon anyway.....
Have you noticed how the Lefty commenters here get more deranged and unreasonable as the thread gets longer? Re: Flynn, I would say they didn't have anything more material that they could charge him with than lying during an interview. The nature of the lie is speculation. Apparently there aren't transcripts, just the interviewer's notes. I think it is not unreasonable from these "facts" to conclude that Flynn was not necessarily a secret Russian operative. Lefties seem to disagree, but they tend to believe that facts are things that simply "are" rather than things that are reasoned towards.
“A story involving a Norwegian yacht, an escort, and her Instagram posts featuring a prominent oligarch are capturing Russia’s attention—and may represent a new and bizarre twist in the story behind Moscow’s links to the Trump campaign.
In a 25-minute video published on YouTube Thursday morning, Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny accused Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Prikhodko—a top foreign policy official—of having been a conduit between the Kremlin and an oligarch linked to the Trump campaign.
With a mix of news clips, Navalny presented the case that during the 2016 election Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, a past business associate of Paul Manafort, the indicted former Trump campaign chairman, passed to the Kremlin inside information about the Trump campaign he obtained from Manafort.
Navalny also points to news reports that revealed that in July 2016 Manafort, when he was chairing the Trump campaign, emailed an intermediary to offer Deripaska private briefings on the presidential campaign. Manafort and Deripaska had already done about $60 million worth of business, including at least $26 million of loans Deripaska made to a Manafort-linked company.”
Lewis Wetzel: "Apparently there aren't transcripts, just the interviewer's notes."
Ah yes. FBI interview notes.
Like the interview notes Mr. McCabe "requested" (LOL) his FBI investigators to alter after the fact in order to resolve this messy Clinton email caper "rapidly".
We found that out right about the time Mr McCabe "suddenly" realized he actually had a family he hadn't seen in awhile.
Who the hell do you think you are? I don’t give a flying fuck what tests your patience. No one says you must read my comments. Go take care of some poor geriatric patients.
Yes, Manafort the lobbyist was willing to sell information about the Trump campaign to the Russians!
And Adam Waldman (democrat lobbyist from Endeavor Group and LONG TIME lobbyist for Deripaska) was selling influence and acting as go-between for the Russians and Hillary's Steele henchman.
Welcome to the world of what lobbyists do every single minute of every single day.
But why would a democrat Senator want secret meetings with such characters?
This evening WaPo published an opinion piece by the former politically-appointed State Department officer recently connected with Dossiergate.
Devin Nunes is investigating me. Here’s the truth.
By Jonathan M. Winer February 8 at 7:32 PM
"...After 1999, I left the State Department and developed a legal and consulting practice that often involved Russian matters. In 2009, I met and became friends with Steele..."
"...In 2013, I returned to the State Department at the request of Secretary of State John F. Kerry, whom I had previously served as Senate counsel. Over the years, Steele and I had discussed many matters relating to Russia."
"...In the summer of 2016, Steele told me that he had learned of disturbing information regarding possible ties between Donald Trump, his campaign and senior Russian officials."
"...In September 2016, Steele and I met in Washington and discussed the information now known as the “dossier.”
"...I was allowed to review, but not to keep, a copy of these reports to enable me to alert the State Department. I prepared a two-page summary and shared it with [Vitoria] Nuland, who indicated that, like me, she felt that the secretary of state needed to be made aware of this material."
"...In late September, I spoke with an old friend, Sidney Blumenthal, whom I met 30 years ago..."
"...Blumenthal and I discussed Steele’s reports. He showed me notes gathered by a journalist I did not know, Cody Shearer, that alleged the Russians had compromising information on Trump of a sexual and financial nature."
"...I am in no position to judge the accuracy of the information generated by Steele or Shearer. But I was alarmed at Russia’s role in the 2016 election, and so were U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials. I believe all Americans should be alarmed — and united in the search for the truth about Russian interference in our democracy, and whether Trump and his campaign had any part in it."
In hindsight, Jonathan Winer (no known relation to Anthony Weiner) now piously disclaims any knowledge of the accuracy of the Steele or the Sherer allegations. (In line with Steel's later admission in a British court proceeding that it lacked verification.)
But he certainly made sure the titillating golden showers dirt was spread around in the upper echelons of the State Department.
“Sensational video by Putin opponent adds new player to 2016 election puzzle”
WASHINGTON An explosive Internet video – featuring film shot by female escorts aboard the yacht of a billionaire crony of Russian President Vladimir Putin – Thursday added the visage of a top Kremlin official to the controversy over alleged Russian influence over Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.
Russian opposition leader Alexei Novalny, who produced the 25-minute video, displays film purportedly showing Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko aboard the private yacht of oligarch Oleg Deripaska in August 2016 off the coast of Norway, accompanied by a half dozen prostitutes. Prikhodko is a longtime foreign policy adviser to Russian leaders.
The video’s potential significance is linked to the fact that a month earlier, then-candidate Trump’s Campaign Manager Paul Manafort had offered, in an email sent to an intermediary, to provide Deripaska private briefings as the campaign progressed.
Read more here:
Sure, Inga, you really care about the wellbeing of the country. That's why you were giddy with excitement on Monday when the Dow started dropping. Yay! Who cares if people will suffer, as long as it hurts Trump!
A patriot you are not. It would have been better if your parents stayed in Europe. You are not a real American because don't understand freedom and would have been happier in a country where everyone wants to suck at the government tit. I know Mexican and Polish and Vietnamese immigrants who are true Americans - better ones than you. They love this country and are grateful for freedom.
Blogger Inga said... “A story involving a Norwegian yacht, an escort, and her Instagram posts featuring a prominent oligarch are capturing Russia’s attention—and may represent a new and bizarre twist in the story behind Moscow’s links to the Trump campaign.' Uh . . . yeah, sure. With a story like this, Trump will have no choice but to resign, and appoint Hillary as his successor. Unless Hillary can be proven to be the elderly lesbian wearing a concealing domino in the group sex scene.
I sure hope that no one finds a video of me that has "potential significance." Oh, wait. I don't care. "Norwegian yacht" in Minnesota means a pontoon boat with a canopy and a steering wheel.
I read that your McClatchy link, Inga and talk about a nothingburger. Did you read it? Did you actually read the part where they caught Trump on the yacht having sex with prostitutes and rolling on beds of money while writing fake news stories about poor poor Hillary and her Private Server and feeding it all to the Facebook bot?
Paul Manafort met with a pack of rich Russian higher ups one month earlier and that proves what exactly? Paul Manafort might be a big creep and he might be dirty or guilty of something, (lucrative business deals with Russian/Uranium and selling our soul to Russian is for Obama/Clinton only) but how does that equal = Trump stole the election from poor Hillary!?
CFPC's office space is $409/square foot?!?!?! I work at an independent federal agency and our new space is costing $55/square foot. I guess some agencies are more equal than others.
Pontoon boats are sexist. Guys can relieve themselves when they stand at the rail. Girls have to go for a swim. Pontoon boats should be outlawed. #MeToo!
Russia, the former communist and still mostly communist paradise is a fucked up pile of political corruption. What did Obama offer the big wigs of Russia? Oh right "more flexibility" and it turns out that Obama and Clinton used Russia for financial advantage and Hillary for personal financial enrichment.
Those guys on the yacht are living large because of all the glorious lucrative Obama-Clinton Uranium deals. It's good to be top banana in Russia during the Obama years.
Blogger Bay Area Guy said... I will only watch this explosive Internet yacht video, if Stormy Daniels stars in it. I will only watch it if the soundtrack is the "Magnum PI" theme song.
" Campbell added in the testimony that Russian nuclear officials “told me at various times that they expected APCO to apply a portion of the $3 million annual lobbying fee it was receiving from the Russians to provide in-kind support for the Clintons' Global Initiative."
“The contract called for four payments of $750,000 over twelve months. APCO was expected to give assistance free of charge to the Clinton Global Initiative as part of their effort to create a favorable environment to ensure the Obama administration made affirmative decisions on everything from Uranium One to the U.S.-Russia Civilian Nuclear Cooperation agreement." "
“My FBI handlers praised my work. They told me on various occasions that details from the undercover probe had been briefed directly to FBI top officials. On two occasions my handlers were particularly excited, claiming that my undercover work had been briefed to President Obama as part of his daily presidential briefing,” he said.
In the end, though, he told lawmakers he remains disturbed that the Obama administration made so many favorable decisions benefiting the Russian nuclear industry when the evidence of wrongdoing and ill intent was so extensive.
Campbell: “I was frustrated watching the U.S. government make numerous decisions benefiting Rosatom and Tenex while those entities were engaged in serious criminal conduct on U.S. soil,” he wrote. “Tenex and Rosatom were raking in billions of U.S. dollars by signing contracts with American nuclear utility clients at the same time they were indulging in extortion by using threats to get bribes and kickbacks, with a portion going to Russia for high ranking officials.”
He said he never got a satisfactory answer from the FBI.
“I remember one response I got from an agent when I asked how it was possible CFIUS would approve the Uranium One sale when the FBI could prove Rosatom was engaged in criminal conduct. His answer: ‘Ask your politics,’ ” Campbell said.
I did a search on "Norwegian" at The top story is about a Norwegian tourist who is in trouble for threatening cops in Maine. Not exactly a pro-immigrant, anti-Trump story. Why the Hell would a Norwegian want to visit Maine? Now that is a mystery.
Maybe the true-believing Trump haters are missing something big. Trump may have had more than a single trophy wife, but none of them seem to be bimbos. They were successful in their own right before they married Trump. Other than being an adulterer, Trump does not seem to be a sexually adventurous person. Barney Frank had a lover who ran a gay brothel out of Frank's apartment. Trump has never been credibly accused of anything close to this.
Why the Hell would a Norwegian want to visit Maine? Now that is a mystery.
Maybe in winter Maine is warmer?
Norway was accidentally the source of a favorite saying of mine. During WWII an OSS agent slipped into Norway. IIRC from his memoirs, he was told that they all had to go to Hell, which was not as bad as it seemed because Hell turned out to be a town overlooking a Luftwaffe airbase that is the site of today’s Trondheim Airport. He joked that at least the hike would be downhill, but he was told that from where they were to Hell was an uphill climb. I’ve worked in lots of places like that during the course of my career — from there to Hell was all uphill.
LOL! I knew it was just more Fox News hype. One after another after another and none amounting to anything.
“Rubio Leaps To Top Democrat’s Defense Over Texts To Russian Oligarch’s Lobbyist”
“Despite Warner’s apparent effort to keep the conversations secret, Rubio defended the Democratic senator as being transparent with the Senate Intelligence Committee. “Sen. Warner fully disclosed this to the committee four months ago,” Rubio wrote on Twitter, adding that the material has “had zero impact on our work.”
Warner, Fox News reported, exchanged text messages with Adam Waldman, who they characterize as a lobbyist for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Waldman was offering the senator access to British ex-spy Christopher Steele, the author of the controversial Fusion GPS dossier alleging ties between Donald Trump and Russia.
The story, however, bore a resemblance to the content of a Daily Beast article from late January based on a series of Twitter direct messages sent from WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange to an account impersonating Fox News’ Sean Hannity with the real host’s account was disabled. Unfortunately for him, Assange messaged the wrong Hannity, accidentally offering dirt about Warner to the imposter.
The Daily Beast’s Ben Collins, who wrote the initial report, noticed the similarity when the Warner text story first “broke.”
“I’ve reached out to Hannity, Fox News, and Assange asking if the ‘news’ Assange wanted to tell Hannity about Warner last week is, in fact, these leaked text messages that just appeared on Fox News,” Collins tweeted.
“The Fox News report revealed the text messages that Warner, D-Va., sent to lobbyist Adam Waldman, whose firm is connected to Hillary Clinton.
They communicated back and forth for several months in 2017 about establishing communication with Steele. However, as Warner pressed for a chance to talk and meet with Steele directly, Waldman said Steele would prefer to have a bipartisan letter to be sent from Warner and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., requesting that Steele appear before the panel.
The report indicated the two parties never reached an agreement.
Haha! Yeah, she saw that asinine crap wasn't flying, so she ran away to frantically search for something better, like Euell Gibbons foraging for edible plants, trying to come with something resembling an actual meal.
What is pathetic is the repeated conspiracy theory bombshells that within hours are revealed to be duds."
And what have you been doing with your last few silly comments about Russian hookers, Norwegian yachts, etc? You're looking for bombshells too but yours are complete duds.
Third one in a row now. All debunked within hours.
1.Secret Society-just a joke, lol.
2.Obamaneedstoknoweverythinggate: The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that the text messages exchanged between two FBI employees stating that then-President Obama wanted “to know everything” referred to the bureau's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, not a probe into Hillary Clinton’s email server
“And what have you been doing with your last few silly comments about Russian hookers, Norwegian yachts, etc? You're looking for bombshells too but yours are complete duds.”
You’re too stupid to even know who Navalny is I suspect. That’s OK, sweetie, Ron Johnson is more your speed, lol.
Waldman offered last March to connect Warner with Steele to discuss the infamous dossier. The article states that “secrecy seemed very important to Warner” and that the senator “seemed particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop ― at least initially.”
But as the Fox News story eventually acknowledges, Waldman informed the intelligence committee about the messages months ago, and the communication appears to fall in line with Warner’s duties on the intelligence committee.
Rubio pointed this out in his tweet Thursday.
“Sen. Warner fully disclosed this to the committee four months ago,” he wrote on Twitter, with a link to the article. He continued to note that the text messages have had “zero impact on our work.”
Warner and Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), chairman of the intelligence committee, told Fox News in a joint statement that the pair had been working together “in a bipartisan way” from the beginning of the investigation and slammed the release of “incomplete information” as unacceptable.
Yes Richard. Err has been equally a tool. You wonder what is the point of a majority, if they waste their time on this. The point is they didnt tell the public then
It seems pretty apparent what President Donald Trump was watching Thursday evening. Fox News ran an “exclusive” report that claimed that Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) had been in contact with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch in an attempt to get in touch with Brtish spy Christopher Steele regarding the Trump/Russia dossier.
And wouldn’t you know it, Trump tweeted about it on Thursday night.
Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Wow! -Senator Mark Warner got caught having extensive contact with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch. Warner did not want a “paper trail” on a “private” meeting (in London) he requested with Steele of fraudulent Dossier fame. All tied into Crooked Hillary. 9:22 PM · Feb 8, 2018
Hahahahahaha! Your President is an idiot, or he thinks you are.
“Tell us more about Norwegian yachts and Russian hookers, Inga!!”
Try reading up on what is going on politically in Russia right now and who Navalny is first. If you are to lazy or stupid to do so, don’t expect me to fill you in on the details. It’s not at a Ron Johnson level, so maybe you just better stick with Fox News Conspiracy Theory Central.
There is no crying period:
Bolivar hit on another name to be added to the list: Jonathan M. Winer, currently being investigated by Chairman Nunes regarding the dossier. See Bolivar's link above, or click here.
The Washington Post was so kind as to let Mr. Winer have his own opinion column explaining his connection to Mr. Steele and the dossier before it comes out in the second Nunes memo.
Mr. Winer is a former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for international law enforcement and former special envoy for Libya.
To Bruce Hayden and Ann, someone please explain to me, even with all of the illegal omissions in the FISC filing for a Title 1 warrant, how in the world the DOJ got THREE 90 day extensions. I thought the FISC judges were supposed to be tough. What in the world did DOJ have to put to the court in each successive request for an extension?
Throughout the text exchanges, Warner seemed particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop -- at least initially. In one text to the lobbyist, Warner wrote that he would "rather not have a paper trail" of his messages.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 395 of 395No Inga- the taker class is all-encompassing elitist, asshole, and selfish.
"They mislead him into an interview without a lawyer present."
Miranda Rights. Even assholes have them.
John Pickering said...
“Poor Gen. Michael Flynn. Some of Ann's readers think his best defense is that he's a simpleton:“
You can choose to remain ignorant. You can choose to ignore what happened and what I said. Nobody cares about your stupidity.
Strzok and McCabe will face jail time.
Flynn will not.
I am looking forward to your squeals.
The party of Hillary Clinton would like to lecture others about what it means to be around someone who is a "known" assaulter of women.
Let's listen very closely.....
The Stock market has been on fire since he took office.
"If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never."
-Paul Krugman
Hope and change.
“No Inga- the taker class is all-encompassing elitist, asshole, and selfish.”
You were talking about Trump? Oh OK.
Employment up, stocks down.
Probably the best way to reduce "inequality" -- remember that imperative on the left?
Obama's slow growth economy on the Federal Reserve's low interest rate life support actually accelerated inequality -- due to low wages and asset bubbles.
But the left always invents new reasons to hate Trump.
I can't help but notice that the Mueller team doesn't seem too interested in moving forward with the sentencing Hearing for Flynn do they?
I mean, since all the info has emerged about the Hillary dossier being weaponized, over a dozen key obama officials resigning/being reassigned/demoted/fired, the Flynn Judge (also a FISA court judge forcibly recused), etc.
It's almost as if nothing is going to happen there...
I wonder why that might be?
Inga said...
“No Inga- the taker class is all-encompassing elitist, asshole, and selfish.”
“You were talking about Trump? Oh OK.“
Ah, the IknowyouarebutwhatamI argument.
Traitors are oftentimes just really stupid people.
Shorter leftwing asshole: The rich don't pay taxes!
The only rich people who skirt on taxes are rich leftists.
“I am looking forward to your squeals.”
See what I mean about “loons and extremists”?
Thanks to the reader who linked to the Daily Mail's page. Here are the top headlines:
EXCLUSIVE: Downcast Hope Hicks heads to work a day after lover Rob Porter resigned as Trump's Oval Office aide after domestic abuse allegations from his two ex-wives
Scott Baio is accused of hurling homophobic slurs at Charles in Charge co-star after the boy, 11, walked in on him 'sexually abusing' Nicole Eggert'
'Don't ask twice': Facebook and Google staff told not to ask colleagues a second time for a DATE in love-at-work legal crackdown
Speed skating hero Shani Davis sparks race row after ripping Team USA's luger Erin Hamlin for beating him in 'dishonorable' coin toss to carry flag at Opening Ceremony
Chloe Ayling's 'kidnapper' told her everyone in town was a member of his 'Black Death' group of killers, her lawyer says - as a resident in the Italian village where she was captive says he saw them out walking together
EXCLUSIVE: 'Any toys? Maybe a corset?' Call girl claims married Republican lawmaker secretly met her twice for sex and releases saucy texts he sent her - as he steps down citing 'family issues'
And so on. Enjoy, there's Ann's favorite news source.
Achilles said...
Strzok was texting from the SCIF during the Hillary email investigation.
I read the text. It's entirely possible that We’re in Jims SCIF was something he texted, just before heading in ( and leaving his phone outside). I could certainly see myself phrasing something that way.
“Traitors are oftentimes just really stupid people.”
But loons and extremists are like...really smart, just like Trump!
Now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to work so the leftwing corruption machine can take my tax dollars and waste em on Nancy Pelosi's jet rides.
How can this be?
It's almost as if lowering taxes, billions in bonuses, new jobs, increased wages, predicted GDP growth of over 5%, manufacturing in the US expanding, massive reduction in unnecessary regulations, hundreds of billions more investmented in the US economy somehow, mysteriously, inexplicably, leads to greater economic activity and revenue.
You know, the "pie gets bigger" kind of a thing.
Of course, when the pie is getting bigger, democrats get unhappy. Real fast.
Flynn was facing financial ruin nearing the end of the investigation. His guilty plea may have been nothing other than a means to remain solvent.
The patient always suffers when you first remove the breathing tube when it's no longer needed.
The same is true with removing the Federal Reserve's low interest life support.
The goal is to stabilize the patient eventually with a healthy economic growth rate, higher productivity and wages, with stocks priced reasonably based on those fundamentals and growth.
Matthew Sablan said...
Miranda Rights. Even assholes have them.
Only when taken into custody. At the point of the interview not only was Flynn not in custody, he was not a suspect in any crime, because no crime had yet been committed.
Strzok was actually using his cell phone from a SCIF!
I wouldnt worry too much about Flynn.
His lawyers are probably preparing to rescind his guilty plea as we speak.
"I read the text. It's entirely possible that We’re in Jims SCIF was something he texted, just before heading in ( and leaving his phone outside). I could certainly see myself phrasing something that way."
-- And how it will be interpreted since he's a Democrat ally, but not how Republican allies would be interpreted.
Drago said...
Strzok was actually using his cell phone from a SCIF!
I would suggest taking that text seriously, but not necessary literally.
Inga said...
“Traitors are oftentimes just really stupid people.”
“But loons and extremists are like...really smart, just like Trump!“
Trump is much smarter than you.
And it is extreme to think spying on political opponents is ok.
People of Althouse ilk often forget that normal people are utterly apolitical and are interested in an entirely different set of things than we are; the Daily Mail covers those things on a brilliantly edited web page.
" At the point of the interview not only was Flynn not in custody, he was not a suspect in any crime, because no crime had yet been committed."
-- That's not how the scenario has been described. They went there to confront him with the lies they had found.
"And so on. Enjoy, there's Ann's favorite news source."
You don't like it? Why not? Does it not entertain you?
"People of Althouse ilk often forget that normal people are utterly apolitical and are interested in an entirely different set of things than we are; the Daily Mail covers those things on a brilliantly edited web page."
Indeed, I was saying just that. Its the greatest tabloid on Earth.
I don't know about brilliantly edited, but its chock full of stuff, and its always new. That's a newspaper for you.
Fabi said...
Flynn was facing financial ruin nearing the end of the investigation. His guilty plea may have been nothing other than a means to remain solvent.
2/8/18, 3:37 PM
Yep. As Mark Steyn has noted that's the whole point of lawfare. Even if you win in the end, you lose. The government has unlimited resources. Most individuals do not.
John Pickering at 2:29 PM
... Michael Flynn pleaded guilty ... to a charge of making false statements to the FBI about his communications with Russia. Flynn had contacted the Russians at the urging of two top transition officials ... one of the officials ... is Jared Kushner ... the other is K.T. McFarland ...
During the period between Donald Trump's election and inauguration, lame-duck President Barack Obama wrecked US-Russian relations by expelling a lot of Russian diplomats, based on an accusation that Russia interfered in our 2016 presidential election.
A few days later, on January 6, 2017, Obama's administration published a report summarizing the evidence of Russian meddling. The entire report was stupid stuff, such as complaints that RT television broadcasts had criticized fracking.
The US Intelligence Community disgraced itself with that report. More specifically, the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper disgraced himself.
Here are the two main reasons why Obama expelled the Russian diplomats:
* To create in the US public a false impression that the US Government had compelling evidence that Russia had meddled.
* To create a situation where the new Trump administration's effort to repair US-Russian relations would be characterized by Deep State officials as Trump's continuing collusion.
The second reason is illustrated by the case of Michael Flynn. Deep State officials entrusted and paid to keep government secrets used those secrets maliciously to cause problems for Trump and his close associates.
Sally Yates went around saying that Flynn was vulnerable to RUSSIAN BLACKMAIL for violating THE LOGAN ACT. Later, Yates denied under oath on television that she was the leaker or knew who the leaker was. Yates is the type of person who worked deviously in the Deep State.
Flynn's phone conversation with the Russian ambassador was wire-tapped because the Obama Administration had obtained a FISA warrant to wire-tap Flynn, because Flynn was an unregistered lobbyist for Turkey. The FISA warrant on Flynn will be a future scandal.
"Of course, when the pie is getting bigger, democrats get unhappy. Real fast."
Especially when blacks and other minorities start getting a bigger slice of the pie. Democrats want them trapped in the inner city, on welfare, and dependent on Massa Government. Keeps 'em on that Democrat plantation.
Utter preposterosity.
Shakespeare would have been devoted to the Daily Mail.
Imagine that - the court gossip, and all the stuff groundlings cared for, in glorious color.
Cervantes too. One can only imagine what bits he would have mined from it to stick in the Quixote. He got all his stuff from the gossip and grotesquerie of his day.
Heck, all the dramatists of the Golden Age would have. Lope de Vega, Calderon, Tirso de Molina (who wrote the original of Don Giovanni) would have expoited the heck out of it. They were always under the gun for material.
Now, if you are more of a stick-in-the-mud...
Hope Hicks has proven herself to be a dummy, with being a party to obstruction of justice to dating a known woman beater.
Hope Hicks was Grumps employee who set up golf tournaments.
She knew nothing about politics. I would say she has done a pretty good job in spite of the jealous haters on the left.
Sorry, Trump's although I wouldn't blame him for being a bit grumpy to see a loyal employee trashed by the left.
Maybe they could pay attention to the long list of molesters and rapists they excuse.
“ I would say she has done a pretty good job in spite of the jealous haters on the left.”
Yeah lefty women are jealous of her and want a guy that will beat their asses too! Every women needs a woman beater as a boyfriend or husband, no?
In leftwing hypocrite hivemind world - "sexual comments' are MUCH WORSE than actual physical assault by people named Bill or Harvey.
I don't know about brilliantly edited, but its chock full of stuff, and its always new.
Yes. "Brilliantly edited" isn't a reference to punctuation.
"and want a guy that will beat their asses too!"
Thus explaining the enormous success of "Fifty Shades of Grey".
"Yes. "Brilliantly edited" isn't a reference to punctuation."
That is not a success factor for this sort of publication.
That would not have turned Shakespeare from it, now, would it?
Its a bit of a pettifogging quibble.
Michael Kortan, the FBI's Director of Public Affairs and longtime aide to crooked James Comey, resigns. Unexpectedly.
“Thus explaining the enormous success of "Fifty Shades of Grey".”
Well, it’s all fun and games until someone gets a black eye...
How is it Trump's fault that this guy allegedly beat his ex-wives to death?
Because the hivemind says so!
Earnest Prole said...
"Brilliantly edited" isn't a reference to punctuation.
Or spelling. I am constantly impressed with how many spelling mistakes they make in the era of automatic spell checkers. Just part of its old school charm.
Inga wrote: "“The taker class”? Oh how elitist!"
Read "Atlas Shrugged."
There are takers and makers in our society. IMHO, the Democrat party largely represents the takers, people who depend on government for their livelihood, in one fashion or another..
Republicans to a large extent represents the makers, the middle class business owners who are upwardly mobile.
Neither party makes me happy, but voting Libertarian is a fool's dream.
I definitely don't want more dossier, but seeing how there are over 200 comments, I guess most of the regulars do.
And yet our need, as ascertained by you, for dossiosity, remains unfulfilled. Such a tease....haven't read any of the other 240+ comments, so I djust not know if someone has already addressed this or not.
List of FBI/DOJ folks:
1. Sally Yates - fired
2. Bruce Ohr - Demoted
3. Jim Comey - fired
4. Andrew McCabe - forced retirement
5. Peter Strzok - demoted (emptying waste cans in HR department)
6. James Baker - re-assigned without explanation
7. Michael Kortan - retired
8. Lisa Page - Demoted
Have I missed anyone?
Draining the FBI swamps from the Weasel Brigade in steps over time........
Yeah lefty women are jealous of her and want a guy that will beat their asses too! Every women needs a woman beater as a boyfriend or husband, no?
Well, I suspect you do.
“Well, I suspect you do.”
That’s because you’re an idiot. What a stupid thing to say. I suspect you beat your wife.
Bay Area Guy -- David Laufman.
Have I missed anyone?
Inga wrote: "That’s because you’re an idiot. What a stupid thing to say. I suspect you beat your wife."
Classy. That is a great example of the current leftist mindset.
No thought, just emotional attacks. If the evidence destroys your narrative, attack, attack, attack.
Adam Schiff has a job for you.
"An FBI informant connected to the Uranium One controversy told three congressional committees in a written statement that Moscow routed millions of dollars to America with the expectation it would be used to benefit Bill Clinton's charitable efforts while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton quarterbacked a “reset” in U.S.-Russian relations."
You have to admit, it's a pretty good trick to actually collude with the Russians to get big payoffs for uranium deals against the best interests of your own nation, THEN have your henchmen cook up a plot to get your opponent accused of what you actually did.
A pretty good trick indeed.
“Classy. That is a great example of the current leftist mindset.”
Just as classy as telling a woman she wants to hook up with a woman beater. You as a nursing home psychologist of course know better, lol.
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
"Have I missed anyone?"
9. David Laufman - DOJ, National Security Division, Deputy Asst. Attorney General in charge of counterintelligence, cyber security, counterespionage and export controls
From WaPo:
"David Laufman, an experienced federal prosecutor who in 2014 became chief of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, said farewell to colleagues Wednesday. He cited personal reasons."
Achilles: For someone who is an honored and decorated war hero, you sure act like an over-compensating weak bitch with all the name calling. I disagree with Inga, you don't sound like a wife beater, you sound more like you are hen-pecked to the point of exhaustion and take it out on people who don't lick Trump's ass.
Revised list of DOJ/FBI Weasel Brigade aka "Get Trump" Squad:
1. Sally Yates - fired
2. Bruce Ohr - Demoted
3. Jim Comey - fired
4. Andrew McCabe - forced retirement
5. Peter Strzok - demoted (emptying waste cans in HR department)
6. James Baker - re-assigned without explanation
7. Michael Kortan - retired
8. Lisa Page - Demoted
9. Bill Priestap - Silent Bill
10. James Rybicki - quit
11. John Carlin - quit
12. David Laufman - quit
BAG, you might as well include Judge Contrereas, forcibly recused from the Michael Flynn matter with no explanation....after it came out that he was one of the FISA Court judges.
What. A. Coincidence.
And, as mentioned earlier, no one really seems to be talking to much about that hastily post-poned sentencing hearing for Flynn.
Even the Daily Mail noticed the stock market today.
Dow plummets in afternoon trading and closes down more than 1,000 points
Amended/Supplemental/Revised list of DOJ/FBI Weasel Brigade aka "Get Trump" Squad:
1. Sally Yates - fired
2. Bruce Ohr - Demoted
3. Jim Comey - fired
4. Andrew McCabe - forced retirement
5. Peter Strzok - demoted (emptying waste cans in HR department)
6. James Baker - re-assigned without explanation
7. Michael Kortan - retired
8. Lisa Page - Demoted
9. Bill Priestap - Silent Bill
10. James Rybicki - quit
11. John Carlin - quit
12. David Laufman - quit
13. Judge Rudolph Contreras - Involuntary Recused from FISA Court
”But like most traitors Inga is rooting against her country and her fellow citizens.”
Yeah, she is. She explained this a couple weeks ago. Nothing is more important than taking down Trump. Nothing.
“Yeah, she is. She explained this a couple weeks ago. Nothing is more important than taking down Trump. Nothing.”
Really? News to me. Yes I’d love for Trump to be gone, as well as his deplorable policies, but there are more important things than taking down Trump. The well being of this country is one of them.
What I’ve seen more increasingly on these threads is the conflation of Trump with this Nation. Trump is not the Nation. For those who swear an oath of loyalty, remember it’s to the Constitution, not the President.
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but it is treasonable to the American public."
Teddy Roosevelt
It's obvious the Steele Dossier is the complete truth because of NIXON'S SOUTHERN STRATEGY!!
Sorry, for a moment I thought that I was a toothless revolutionary.
”What I’ve seen more increasingly on these threads is the conflation of Trump with this Nation.”
I’ll have what she’s smokin’.
"What I’ve seen more increasingly on these threads is the conflation of Trump with this Nation."
Some actual examples of this claim would be nice!
“Some actual examples of this claim would be nice!”
You don’t read Achilles’ comments?
Inga: "What I’ve seen more increasingly on these threads is the conflation of Trump with this Nation."
Inga is disoriented from the years of obama using "I" about everything in addition to all the lefties claiming it was obama who killed osama bin laden, instead of the republican Seal Team member who actually pulled the trigger.
But since that Seal Team member is a Trump voter, well, we know what Inga thinks of him.
“Some actual examples of this claim would be nice!”
Inga: "You don’t read Achilles’ comments?"
Maybe Inga simply doesn't understand what "examples" means.
DAX (Frankfurt) and FTSE (London) are down worse.
Hang Seng (HSI) will probably do the same.
All major markets are dancing the same dance.
BTW, is anyone else tracking this breaking story about Sen Mark Warner, D-Kremlin, spending an extensive amount of time last year trying to work backdoor with a Russian oligarch (Oleg Deripaska) thru the oligarch's democrat-affiliated US lobbyist (Adam Waldman of Endeavor Group) in the US.
What was that Russian oligarch offering? Private and confidential access to....Christopher Steele. Warner was trying to connect with Steele without anyone else being in the loop.
In 2006 Deripaska had his Visa revoked by the US Govt for suspected organized crime ties.
One of Warner's texts reads: "We want to do this right private in London Don't want to send letter yet cuz if we can't get agreement wud rather not have paper trail."
Let's see, trying to work in secret with Putin connected russians to get dirt on Trump for political purposes.
Nothing to see here. Nothing at all.
Interesting info, Drago.
Now the lefties like Inga will attack with some mindless bullshit. ARM will make a superficially reasonable comment that is very likely to be coated in a lie.
It's too bad. It would be nice to have reasonable discussions.
Yes, Drago, it's being covered on Lou Dobbs' show. This is far, far more serious than Watergate.
“It's too bad. It would be nice to have reasonable discussions.”
Why don’t you set the example?
One conspiracy theory based bombshell after another... it just never ends. Another Fox News Special, no doubt.
One of my mentors once said about promoting less than competent executives:
"Never try to teach pigs to sing. It hurts your ears and frustrates the pig."
You have set the example of leftist protest.
Shorter Inga: Anything bad about a democrat is automatically not true. bzzzzz hivemind.
I am watching Tucker Carlson with a NOW executive who is claiming that the hijab is empowering for women.
The Left have completely lost their minds.
The secret force behind opposition to Trump is:
neo-antidisestablishmentarianism as shown in dossierotiosity.
Personally, I've mastered the 702 issues and am ready for FISA horror stories. I'm just sorry I didn't know more when they were going after General Flynn, by destroying him financially and threatening his family. Apparently, there's more than one way a soldier can be seriously wounded and some ways of harming a patriot were the special skill-set of upper level FBI guys and galls in the era of the former President.
I am watching Tucker Carlson with a NOW executive who is claiming that the hijab is empowering for women.
The Left have completely lost their minds.
What leftist women really want is bondage. They just won't admit it.
This comment section is a microcosm of the "Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus" theory
Democrats are into Trump's boorish behavior, fake dossiers, his un-PC, remarks, his remarks about women, blacks, illegal aliens, shitholes, and his so-called "collusion" with Russia, a non-crime supported by non-existent evidence, also tabloid gossip about friction in the White House. You know, all that critical stuff that appeals to race baiters, whingeing feminists, college professors, mindless millennials, teenage girls and other Venusians.
Meanwhile, other people are into things like the Clinton whitewash, the improved economy, clandestine airstrip (tarmac) meetings, abuse of the immunity process, discriminatory prosecution of purveyors of false information, bribes to Iran, partisan political button men assisting Mueller, fraud by omission in FISA court applications, texts revealing investigative malfeasance and bias, defeating ISIS, leaks of grand jury information to the media - the list of goes on and on. You know, the trivial stuff that actually affects the welfare of the nation and for which there is evidence - Martian stuff.
Your readers worship an awesome dossiosity.
Well stated, Hombre
From a new article in Conservative Treehouse:
Mr. Benjamin Wittes is a close personal friend of Mr. Comey, and was the go-between used by Director Comey to leak information to the media, and specifically to the New York Times.
Three days after the FBI secured the FISA “Title-1” surveillance authority over former Trump campaign official Carter Page (using the Clinton-Steele Dossier), Benjamin Wittes wrote a column in his blog titled: “What if Trump Wins” – “We need an insurance Policy“ ....
The House That Pocahantas Built: Come Tour the Gold-Plated Temple to Bureaucracy That King Obama Built for Princess Elizabeth Warren
Socialism pays, it you're top socialist.
”Three days after the FBI secured the FISA “Title-1” surveillance authority over former Trump campaign official Carter Page (using the Clinton-Steele Dossier), Benjamin Wittes wrote a column in his blog titled: “What if Trump Wins” – “We need an insurance Policy“ ....”
Holy crap.
The Insurance policy is the leftwing corruption machine kicking into high gear with help and collusion from the top of the flunkie bureaucracy and the Tripple-D hack press.
Laufman resigned immediately. That OIG report must be one bad motor scooter!
Inga: "One conspiracy theory based bombshell after another..."
I guess Warners actual text messages makes this a "messier" conspiracy complaint of yours.
Particular the text where Warner (D-Kremlin) is asking to keep this pussy-footin' with Putin pal, suspected Russian Organized Crime figure Russian oligarch Deripaska all hush-hush.
Hey, maybe it was a Macedonian hacker who took over Warners phone and sent those text messages! Just like Anthony Weiner's phone was hacked! Darn it!
Howard said...
“Achilles: For someone who is an honored and decorated war hero, you sure act like an over-compensating weak bitch with all the name calling. I disagree with Inga, you don't sound like a wife beater, you sound more like you are hen-pecked to the point of exhaustion and take it out on people who don't lick Trump's ass“
You don’t have to lick Trump’s ass to stay on my good side.
All you have to do is say spying on America’s citizens and political opponents is wrong and not try to overturn lawful elections in a coup because you didn’t like the results.
Basically not be a traitor and enemy of freedom.
Little things.
”This is why I keep life insurance, even though I have a much lower than seven percent chance of dying this year.”
You gotta be kidding me.
Inga said...
“Some actual examples of this claim would be nice!”
You don’t read Achilles’ comments?
Reading comprehension just isn’t Inga’s thing.
All of the leftists here are completely unable to deal with reality as it actually exists.
Original Mike said...
”Three days after the FBI secured the FISA “Title-1” surveillance authority over former Trump campaign official Carter Page (using the Clinton-Steele Dossier), Benjamin Wittes wrote a column in his blog titled: “What if Trump Wins” – “We need an insurance Policy“ ....”
Holy crap.
The truth train is rolling leftists.
It is all coming out and more people are waking up every day.
Soon it will be undeniable that Obama was spying on political opponents for years.
You should all move to Cuba now.
How many people have resigned or stepped down?
More please. Drain the swamp.
Speaking of Oleg Deripaska, he sure does get around...
“Russian deputy prime minister secretly met with oligarch Oleg Deripaska to discuss US relations after Paul Manafort reportedly offered Mr Deripaska briefings on the Trump campaign, according to videos discovered by a Russian opposition activist.
The rendezvous at sea with Mr Prikhodko suggests a cosy relationship between Mr Deripaska, the president and largest shareholder of the aluminium giant Rusal, and the Russian government.
It reportedly took place in August 2016, a month after Mr Manafort, then Mr Trump's campaign manager, offered “private briefings” to Mr Deripaska, according to an email seen by The Atlantic.”
”You should all move to Cuba now.”
I don’t like the tropics. Canada is much more attractive. I have a canoe and I know the way.
Inga: "Speaking of Oleg Deripaska, he sure does get around..."
Indeed he does.
Republican lobbyists. Democrat lobbyists.
And Democrat Senators who want secret discussions.
”This is why I keep life insurance, even though I have a much lower than seven percent chance of dying this year.”
This really is amazing
"reportedly", "suggests", and "reportedly" again. Lulz
Oh no - Inga cracked the conspiracy. A meeting with an aluminum giant. OMG! That's illegal!
Private Briefings! OMG! I'll bet those private briefings were about how to use aluminum to hack the voting machines against poor Hillary.
How about:"Some of Trump’s idiotic promises may, like this one, have only diplomatic ramifications. But a great many of them—from using state power to retaliate against political opponents..."
Now that is rich..
You really test my patience and waste my time.
Take your latest cut and paste job and use your analytical skills (as lacking as they seem to be) to explain what that quote really means.
It is obvious that your trolling is becoming increasingly desperate because many of your heroes will soon be in handcuffs. Many have already lost their jobs.
A hard rain is gonna come. It will be a cleansing rain.
Not Seen on CNN, the gorillas for Dems network.
Uranium One informant makes Clinton allegations to Congress
An FBI informant connected to the Uranium One controversy told three congressional committees in a written statement that Moscow routed millions of dollars to America with the expectation it would be used to benefit Bill Clinton's charitable efforts while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton quarterbacked a “reset” in U.S.-Russian relations.
Memo to the Weasel Brigade at the FBI/DOJ:
Don't try to commit regicide with a rubber knife.
Is it just me, or has there been a significant number of senior FBI and DOJ Headquarters personnel that have decided they have neglected their families for far too long?
And Judge Contrereas, well. Bless his heart. He needed a break from that nettlesome Flynn case anyway....
And as Muellers All-Star Crew of Democrat Partisan Lawyer Special Counsel Teammates could tell you, we didn't really need that sentencing hearing for Flynn so soon anyway.....
Have you noticed how the Lefty commenters here get more deranged and unreasonable as the thread gets longer? Re: Flynn, I would say they didn't have anything more material that they could charge him with than lying during an interview. The nature of the lie is speculation. Apparently there aren't transcripts, just the interviewer's notes.
I think it is not unreasonable from these "facts" to conclude that Flynn was not necessarily a secret Russian operative. Lefties seem to disagree, but they tend to believe that facts are things that simply "are" rather than things that are reasoned towards.
Or this gem:
"Monitor the Justice Department and major regulatory enforcement bodies for signs of political corruption or misuse;..."
"Dossiosity" was a decent enough album, but I think Sting and the boys did their best work in "Ghost in the Machine".
“A story involving a Norwegian yacht, an escort, and her Instagram posts featuring a prominent oligarch are capturing Russia’s attention—and may represent a new and bizarre twist in the story behind Moscow’s links to the Trump campaign.
In a 25-minute video published on YouTube Thursday morning, Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny accused Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Prikhodko—a top foreign policy official—of having been a conduit between the Kremlin and an oligarch linked to the Trump campaign.
With a mix of news clips, Navalny presented the case that during the 2016 election Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, a past business associate of Paul Manafort, the indicted former Trump campaign chairman, passed to the Kremlin inside information about the Trump campaign he obtained from Manafort.
Navalny also points to news reports that revealed that in July 2016 Manafort, when he was chairing the Trump campaign, emailed an intermediary to offer Deripaska private briefings on the presidential campaign. Manafort and Deripaska had already done about $60 million worth of business, including at least $26 million of loans Deripaska made to a Manafort-linked company.”
Lewis Wetzel: "Apparently there aren't transcripts, just the interviewer's notes."
Ah yes. FBI interview notes.
Like the interview notes Mr. McCabe "requested" (LOL) his FBI investigators to alter after the fact in order to resolve this messy Clinton email caper "rapidly".
We found that out right about the time Mr McCabe "suddenly" realized he actually had a family he hadn't seen in awhile.
So that's nice.
You really test my patience and waste my time.”
Who the hell do you think you are? I don’t give a flying fuck what tests your patience. No one says you must read my comments. Go take care of some poor geriatric patients.
Flynn was facing financial ruin nearing the end of the investigation. His guilty plea may have been nothing other than a means to remain solvent.
Which a well known prosecutorial abuse that Democrats used to care about.
He will have his plea vacated. Somebody is going to jail but it's not Flynn.
Inga, LOL.
Yes, Manafort the lobbyist was willing to sell information about the Trump campaign to the Russians!
And Adam Waldman (democrat lobbyist from Endeavor Group and LONG TIME lobbyist for Deripaska) was selling influence and acting as go-between for the Russians and Hillary's Steele henchman.
Welcome to the world of what lobbyists do every single minute of every single day.
But why would a democrat Senator want secret meetings with such characters?
Mother Jones - speaking of Dossier garbage. woot.
btw- here's the Standard leftwing Democrat/Media line when you bring up D-corruption:
"You are using that to distract from the investigations into President Trump and Russian election meddling." LOL.
In a 25-minute Youtube video (Russian with subtitles), Navalny shows footage of Deripaska with Russian deputy prime minister Sergei Prikhodko on his yacht in Norway in August 2016. Based on that footage, he alleges that information about the Trump campaign must have passed between the two.
This evening WaPo published an opinion piece by the former politically-appointed State Department officer recently connected with Dossiergate.
Devin Nunes is investigating me. Here’s the truth.
By Jonathan M. Winer February 8 at 7:32 PM
"...After 1999, I left the State Department and developed a legal and consulting practice that often involved Russian matters. In 2009, I met and became friends with Steele..."
"...In 2013, I returned to the State Department at the request of Secretary of State John F. Kerry, whom I had previously served as Senate counsel. Over the years, Steele and I had discussed many matters relating to Russia."
"...In the summer of 2016, Steele told me that he had learned of disturbing information regarding possible ties between Donald Trump, his campaign and senior Russian officials."
"...In September 2016, Steele and I met in Washington and discussed the information now known as the “dossier.”
"...I was allowed to review, but not to keep, a copy of these reports to enable me to alert the State Department. I prepared a two-page summary and shared it with [Vitoria] Nuland, who indicated that, like me, she felt that the secretary of state needed to be made aware of this material."
"...In late September, I spoke with an old friend, Sidney Blumenthal, whom I met 30 years ago..."
"...Blumenthal and I discussed Steele’s reports. He showed me notes gathered by a journalist I did not know, Cody Shearer, that alleged the Russians had compromising information on Trump of a sexual and financial nature."
"...I am in no position to judge the accuracy of the information generated by Steele or Shearer. But I was alarmed at Russia’s role in the 2016 election, and so were U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials. I believe all Americans should be alarmed — and united in the search for the truth about Russian interference in our democracy, and whether Trump and his campaign had any part in it."
In hindsight, Jonathan Winer (no known relation to Anthony Weiner) now piously disclaims any knowledge of the accuracy of the Steele or the Sherer allegations. (In line with Steel's later admission in a British court proceeding that it lacked verification.)
But he certainly made sure the titillating golden showers dirt was spread around in the upper echelons of the State Department.
Have you noticed how the Lefty commenters here get more deranged and unreasonable as the thread gets longer?
Why yes.
"alleges" and "must have". Lulz
" old friend, Sidney Blumenthal..."
That’s all I need to know...
A few more of the Clinton Creeps -- Shearer, Blumenthal -- are now surfacing. Unexpectedly.
This story is hitting all the news outlets now.
“Sensational video by Putin opponent adds new player to 2016 election puzzle”
An explosive Internet video – featuring film shot by female escorts aboard the yacht of a billionaire crony of Russian President Vladimir Putin – Thursday added the visage of a top Kremlin official to the controversy over alleged Russian influence over Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.
Russian opposition leader Alexei Novalny, who produced the 25-minute video, displays film purportedly showing Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko aboard the private yacht of oligarch Oleg Deripaska in August 2016 off the coast of Norway, accompanied by a half dozen prostitutes. Prikhodko is a longtime foreign policy adviser to Russian leaders.
The video’s potential significance is linked to the fact that a month earlier, then-candidate Trump’s Campaign Manager Paul Manafort had offered, in an email sent to an intermediary, to provide Deripaska private briefings as the campaign progressed.
Read more here:
”The video’s potential significance ...”
Love it.
" The well being of this country is one of them."
Sure, Inga, you really care about the wellbeing of the country. That's why you were giddy with excitement on Monday when the Dow started dropping. Yay! Who cares if people will suffer, as long as it hurts Trump!
A patriot you are not. It would have been better if your parents stayed in Europe. You are not a real American because don't understand freedom and would have been happier in a country where everyone wants to suck at the government tit. I know Mexican and Polish and Vietnamese immigrants who are true Americans - better ones than you. They love this country and are grateful for freedom.
Blogger Inga said...
“A story involving a Norwegian yacht, an escort, and her Instagram posts featuring a prominent oligarch are capturing Russia’s attention—and may represent a new and bizarre twist in the story behind Moscow’s links to the Trump campaign.'
Uh . . . yeah, sure. With a story like this, Trump will have no choice but to resign, and appoint Hillary as his successor. Unless Hillary can be proven to be the elderly lesbian wearing a concealing domino in the group sex scene.
I clicked on Inga’s link.. Here is what I learned:
“Дизлайков уже не грузят, просто в тренды научились не пускать ...”
Inga blurted: "Go take care of some poor geriatric patients."
I am retiring in two months and my schedule is completely booked.
Sorry that I cannot help you.
Yeah, the presence on the boat of the "half dozen prostitutes" is probative.
Any of them giving golden showers?
Inga said...
This story is hitting all the news outlets now."
Of course it is. The media know that dullards will think it's a big deal.
And they want to keep the attention of liberal simpletons off the real story here - which is Deep State corruption and their own amoral complicity.
In your case, they are successful.
I sure hope that no one finds a video of me that has "potential significance."
Oh, wait. I don't care.
"Norwegian yacht" in Minnesota means a pontoon boat with a canopy and a steering wheel.
I read that your McClatchy link, Inga and talk about a nothingburger. Did you read it? Did you actually read the part where they caught Trump on the yacht having sex with prostitutes and rolling on beds of money while writing fake news stories about poor poor Hillary and her Private Server and feeding it all to the Facebook bot?
Paul Manafort met with a pack of rich Russian higher ups one month earlier and that proves what exactly? Paul Manafort might be a big creep and he might be dirty or guilty of something, (lucrative business deals with Russian/Uranium and selling our soul to Russian is for Obama/Clinton only) but how does that equal = Trump stole the election from poor Hillary!?
If that video is "making big news!" - I think the leftwing lie machine might be hitting rock bottom.
Lewis, I've witnessed some pretty scandalous behavior on pontoon boats. Thank goodness cell phones did not exist then.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
If that video is "making big news!" - I think the leftwing lie machine might be hitting rock bottom.
2/8/18, 9:27 PM
Yep. Talk about desperation.
"purportedly" and "potential". Lulz
CFPC's office space is $409/square foot?!?!?! I work at an independent federal agency and our new space is costing $55/square foot. I guess some agencies are more equal than others.
Pontoon boats are sexist. Guys can relieve themselves when they stand at the rail. Girls have to go for a swim.
Pontoon boats should be outlawed.
I will only watch this explosive Internet yacht video, if Stormy Daniels stars in it.
Blogger Inga said...”This story is hitting all the news outlets now.”
Hell, it’s not even on MSNBC.
Russia, the former communist and still mostly communist paradise is a fucked up pile of political corruption. What did Obama offer the big wigs of Russia? Oh right "more flexibility" and it turns out that Obama and Clinton used Russia for financial advantage and Hillary for personal financial enrichment.
Those guys on the yacht are living large because of all the glorious lucrative Obama-Clinton Uranium deals. It's good to be top banana in Russia during the Obama years.
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
I will only watch this explosive Internet yacht video, if Stormy Daniels stars in it.
I will only watch it if the soundtrack is the "Magnum PI" theme song.
" Campbell added in the testimony that Russian nuclear officials “told me at various times that they expected APCO to apply a portion of the $3 million annual lobbying fee it was receiving from the Russians to provide in-kind support for the Clintons' Global Initiative."
“The contract called for four payments of $750,000 over twelve months. APCO was expected to give assistance free of charge to the Clinton Global Initiative as part of their effort to create a favorable environment to ensure the Obama administration made affirmative decisions on everything from Uranium One to the U.S.-Russia Civilian Nuclear Cooperation agreement." "
I don’t think I’m going to make it through 25minutes, but it is pretty entertaining to start out.
I hope my ipad doesn’t get a virus.
“My FBI handlers praised my work. They told me on various occasions that details from the undercover probe had been briefed directly to FBI top officials. On two occasions my handlers were particularly excited, claiming that my undercover work had been briefed to President Obama as part of his daily presidential briefing,” he said.
In the end, though, he told lawmakers he remains disturbed that the Obama administration made so many favorable decisions benefiting the Russian nuclear industry when the evidence of wrongdoing and ill intent was so extensive.
“I was frustrated watching the U.S. government make numerous decisions benefiting Rosatom and Tenex while those entities were engaged in serious criminal conduct on U.S. soil,” he wrote. “Tenex and Rosatom were raking in billions of U.S. dollars by signing contracts with American nuclear utility clients at the same time they were indulging in extortion by using threats to get bribes and kickbacks, with a portion going to Russia for high ranking officials.”
He said he never got a satisfactory answer from the FBI.
“I remember one response I got from an agent when I asked how it was possible CFIUS would approve the Uranium One sale when the FBI could prove Rosatom was engaged in criminal conduct. His answer: ‘Ask your politics,’ ” Campbell said.
@Mr. Majestyk, maybe the CFPC is renting space in the Trump Tower.
Needless to say Campbell is now being TRASHED by THE Asshole corruptocrat party.
I did a search on "Norwegian" at The top story is about a Norwegian tourist who is in trouble for threatening cops in Maine. Not exactly a pro-immigrant, anti-Trump story.
Why the Hell would a Norwegian want to visit Maine? Now that is a mystery.
“Spokespersons for Prikhodko and Deripaska could not immediately be reached for comment.”
Inga replied: " Where are my talking points?"
Maybe the true-believing Trump haters are missing something big.
Trump may have had more than a single trophy wife, but none of them seem to be bimbos. They were successful in their own right before they married Trump. Other than being an adulterer, Trump does not seem to be a sexually adventurous person.
Barney Frank had a lover who ran a gay brothel out of Frank's apartment. Trump has never been credibly accused of anything close to this.
Inga left us to watxh Russian porn.
Why the Hell would a Norwegian want to visit Maine? Now that is a mystery.
Maybe in winter Maine is warmer?
Norway was accidentally the source of a favorite saying of mine. During WWII an OSS agent slipped into Norway. IIRC from his memoirs, he was told that they all had to go to Hell, which was not as bad as it seemed because Hell turned out to be a town overlooking a Luftwaffe airbase that is the site of today’s Trondheim Airport. He joked that at least the hike would be downhill, but he was told that from where they were to Hell was an uphill climb. I’ve worked in lots of places like that during the course of my career — from there to Hell was all uphill.
LOL! I knew it was just more Fox News hype. One after another after another and none amounting to anything.
“Rubio Leaps To Top Democrat’s Defense Over Texts To Russian Oligarch’s Lobbyist”
“Despite Warner’s apparent effort to keep the conversations secret, Rubio defended the Democratic senator as being transparent with the Senate Intelligence Committee. “Sen. Warner fully disclosed this to the committee four months ago,” Rubio wrote on Twitter, adding that the material has “had zero impact on our work.”
The story about Warner is accurate according to Inga. Rubio's opinion is meaningless.
Hannity and Fox News dealing with Assange now?
Warner, Fox News reported, exchanged text messages with Adam Waldman, who they characterize as a lobbyist for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Waldman was offering the senator access to British ex-spy Christopher Steele, the author of the controversial Fusion GPS dossier alleging ties between Donald Trump and Russia.
The story, however, bore a resemblance to the content of a Daily Beast article from late January based on a series of Twitter direct messages sent from WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange to an account impersonating Fox News’ Sean Hannity with the real host’s account was disabled. Unfortunately for him, Assange messaged the wrong Hannity, accidentally offering dirt about Warner to the imposter.
The Daily Beast’s Ben Collins, who wrote the initial report, noticed the similarity when the Warner text story first “broke.”
“I’ve reached out to Hannity, Fox News, and Assange asking if the ‘news’ Assange wanted to tell Hannity about Warner last week is, in fact, these leaked text messages that just appeared on Fox News,” Collins tweeted.
Wait. Are we dumping the Russian hookers already?
“The Fox News report revealed the text messages that Warner, D-Va., sent to lobbyist Adam Waldman, whose firm is connected to Hillary Clinton.
They communicated back and forth for several months in 2017 about establishing communication with Steele. However, as Warner pressed for a chance to talk and meet with Steele directly, Waldman said Steele would prefer to have a bipartisan letter to be sent from Warner and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., requesting that Steele appear before the panel.
The report indicated the two parties never reached an agreement.
Original Mike said...
Wait. Are we dumping the Russian hookers already?
2/8/18, 10:27 PM
Haha! Yeah, she saw that asinine crap wasn't flying, so she ran away to frantically search for something better, like Euell Gibbons foraging for edible plants, trying to come with something resembling an actual meal.
Christ, it's pathetic.
What is pathetic is the repeated conspiracy theory bombshells that within hours are revealed to be duds. It’s so easy to debunk this stuff.
Inga said...
What is pathetic is the repeated conspiracy theory bombshells that within hours are revealed to be duds."
And what have you been doing with your last few silly comments about Russian hookers, Norwegian yachts, etc? You're looking for bombshells too but yours are complete duds.
Projection, thy name is Inga.
Third one in a row now. All debunked within hours.
1.Secret Society-just a joke, lol.
The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that the text messages exchanged between two FBI employees stating that then-President Obama wanted “to know everything” referred to the bureau's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, not a probe into Hillary Clinton’s email server
3.Now the Mark Warner non scandal.
“And what have you been doing with your last few silly comments about Russian hookers, Norwegian yachts, etc? You're looking for bombshells too but yours are complete duds.”
You’re too stupid to even know who Navalny is I suspect. That’s OK, sweetie, Ron Johnson is more your speed, lol.
Inga said...
Inga: LOL! I knew it was just more Fox News hype. One after another after another and none amounting to anything.
Trouble is, Fox News published a joint statement by Warner and a GOP senator who said they had been working together secretly to effect a meeting.
They showed that statement IN THE VERY FIRST REPORT.
Waldman offered last March to connect Warner with Steele to discuss the infamous dossier. The article states that “secrecy seemed very important to Warner” and that the senator “seemed particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop ― at least initially.”
But as the Fox News story eventually acknowledges, Waldman informed the intelligence committee about the messages months ago, and the communication appears to fall in line with Warner’s duties on the intelligence committee.
Rubio pointed this out in his tweet Thursday.
“Sen. Warner fully disclosed this to the committee four months ago,” he wrote on Twitter, with a link to the article. He continued to note that the text messages have had “zero impact on our work.”
Warner and Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), chairman of the intelligence committee, told Fox News in a joint statement that the pair had been working together “in a bipartisan way” from the beginning of the investigation and slammed the release of “incomplete information” as unacceptable.
easy does it.
Tell us more about Norwegian yachts and Russian hookers, Inga!!
It will bring Trump down for sure!
Yes Richard. Err has been equally a tool. You wonder what is the point of a majority, if they waste their time on this. The point is they didnt tell the public then
It seems pretty apparent what President Donald Trump was watching Thursday evening. Fox News ran an “exclusive” report that claimed that Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) had been in contact with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch in an attempt to get in touch with Brtish spy Christopher Steele regarding the Trump/Russia dossier.
And wouldn’t you know it, Trump tweeted about it on Thursday night.
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
Wow! -Senator Mark Warner got caught having extensive contact with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch. Warner did not want a “paper trail” on a “private” meeting (in London) he requested with Steele of fraudulent Dossier fame. All tied into Crooked Hillary.
9:22 PM · Feb 8, 2018
Hahahahahaha! Your President is an idiot, or he thinks you are.
“Tell us more about Norwegian yachts and Russian hookers, Inga!!”
Try reading up on what is going on politically in Russia right now and who Navalny is first. If you are to lazy or stupid to do so, don’t expect me to fill you in on the details. It’s not at a Ron Johnson level, so maybe you just better stick with Fox News Conspiracy Theory Central.
Nighty night Trumpists, that was fun.
What was happening g on September 16, 2016, the Clinton emails were being released everywhere there was a modem.
Yes in russia they put you in jail, for protesting the govt but its no longer the graveyard the communists turned it into. Tens of millions of dead.
Is who is actually supplying the Ukrainians and who sent hashtag and food rationsagain, who kept saying that putin was losing
Hey bolivar, do you live in Dnipro by any chance?
The Obama administrationeas giving Israel a rogering on the way put, so Lynn put out the word to stop the resolution.
None in the previous adminjatration were worthy of him:
That along with the support letter for agent fritz earned him their emnity
I, personally, am living in Dniprov, Ukraine.
George Washington! Apple Pie!
Hi Inga,
Just luv your schtick.
There is no crying period:
Now that John Pickering dude, 3 or more months behind.
Kinda funny.
If you like that kind of funny.
Barons in the balcony sort of thing.
Please mentally auto-correct my last comment. thx
Inga's meltdowns are becoming more frequent.
Bolivar hit on another name to be added to the list: Jonathan M. Winer, currently being investigated by Chairman Nunes regarding the dossier. See Bolivar's link above, or click here.
The Washington Post was so kind as to let Mr. Winer have his own opinion column explaining his connection to Mr. Steele and the dossier before it comes out in the second Nunes memo.
Mr. Winer is a former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for international law enforcement and former special envoy for Libya.
On the sixth Forbes had a good timeline of this mess.
I found the link at "Instapundit".
Stay Dossy, my friends!
To Bruce Hayden and Ann, someone please explain to me, even with all of the illegal omissions in the FISC filing for a Title 1 warrant, how in the world the DOJ got THREE 90 day extensions. I thought the FISC judges were supposed to be tough. What in the world did DOJ have to put to the court in each successive request for an extension?
And still no evidence that Trump or anyone in his campaign have colluded with the Russians.
Why is that?
Russia does business with the rest of the world, Inga. Including Obama, Hillary and other democrats.
If it's illegal for Manafort to do business with Russia, It's illegal for Hillary to do business with Russia.
But Rusty - there's new footage that shows Russian Oligarchs talking to each other on a yacht..
They must have been discussing Trump. Proofs!
Warner bust.
Throughout the text exchanges, Warner seemed particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop -- at least initially. In one text to the lobbyist, Warner wrote that he would "rather not have a paper trail" of his messages.
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