February 17, 2018

"For the past year, Donald Trump has repeatedly denied the existence of a profound national security threat..."

... write the editors of the NYT in "Stop Letting the Russians Get Away With It, Mr. Trump." They're pointing at the new indictment as if it makes it obvious that the Russians already did something that amounts to a profound national security threat. But it's far from obvious. In fact, I can't see it at all.
On Friday, Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating Russia’s role in the 2016 election, filed criminal charges of fraud and identity theft against 13 Russian citizens and three Russian organizations, all alleged to have operated a sophisticated influence campaign intended to “sow discord in the U.S. political system.”
So... they engaged in speech and they meant to "sow discord." I can't see that as a profound national security threat. If we were to adopt that view and act upon it, there would be a profound threat to freedom of speech.
["Specialists" at the Internet Research Agency] posed as Americans and created false identities to set up social media pages and groups aimed at attracting American audiences. 
Another day on the internet — people pretended to be what they are not. If you're going to assume that readers of the internet are so naive as to take the crap that pops up on line at face value, you're making the argument that we can't even have a democracy at all. People are too stupid to vote. But we're on the alert — even when we read the New York Times — that somebody's always trying to con us.
The broad outlines of this interference have been known publicly for a while, but the sheer scope of the deception detailed in Friday’s indictments is breathtaking.
Eh. I'm still breathing.
By the spring of 2016, the operation had zeroed in on supporting Mr. Trump and disparaging Hillary Clinton. 
Because it was more chaos-y. So what?
The Internet Research Agency alone had a staff of 80 and a monthly budget of $1.25 million. On the advice of a real, unnamed grass-roots activist from Texas, it had focused its efforts on swing states like Colorado, Virginia and Florida.

Staffers bought ads with messages like “Hillary is a Satan,” “Ohio Wants Hillary 4 Prison” and “Vote Republican, Vote Trump, and support the Second Amendment!”
So these geniuses produced more of the same junk that you see all the time on the internet. It was like having 80 more deplorables chattering. How can that be "a profound national security threat"?!
They created hundreds of social media accounts on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other sites to confuse and anger people about sensitive issues like immigration, religion and the Black Lives Matter movement — in some cases gaining hundreds of thousands of followers.
Hundreds! Thousands! Who the hell cares? Is this column written for readers who have never spent any time on the internet? This editorial is doing the very thing it decries, trying to "confuse and anger people about sensitive issues."
They staged rallies while pretending to be American grass-roots organizations.
Another day at a protest. So what? We have our rallies in America, and if you go to one, as a competent citizen, you should wonder, who are these people really? If you went to a Vietnam War rally back in the day, and it turned out it was staged by communists and not loyal Americans, you'd be an anti-free-speech villain if you wanted those identity-hiding communists arrested for threatening national security.
A poster at one “pro-Clinton” rally in July 2016 read “Support Hillary. Save American Muslims,” along with a fabricated quote attributed to Mrs. Clinton: “I think Sharia Law will be a powerful new direction of freedom.”
Sneaky, yes, but profound threat to national security? It's just a stupid lie, and if people aren't smart enough to figure that out, then how can we be trusted with the vote?
As the election drew nearer, they tried to suppress minority turnout and promoted false allegations of Democratic voter fraud. The specialist running one of the organization’s Facebook accounts, called “Secured Borders,” was criticized for not publishing enough posts and was told that “it is imperative to intensify criticizing Hillary Clinton.”
What's the point here? That in the future these people might actually accomplish their nefarious plan to publish more posts?? That's the profound threat to national security?
After the election, they continued to spread confusion and chaos, staging rallies both for and against Mr. Trump, in one case on the same day and in the same city.
This column is continuing to spread confusion and chaos, but I nevertheless persist in keeping my wits about me. I'm not buying it. Just as I don't believe that Hillary Clinton said "Sharia Law will be a powerful new direction of freedom," I don't believe these piddling social media posts and real-world rallies are a profound thread to national security.
All along, they took steps to cover their tracks by stealing the identities of real Americans, opening accounts on American-based servers and lying about what their money was being used for... [A] specialist named Irina Kaverzina emailed a family member: “We had a slight crisis here at work: the FBI busted our activity (not a joke). So, I got preoccupied with covering tracks together with the colleagues.” Ms. Kaverzina continued, “I created all these pictures and posts, and the Americans believed that it was written by their people.”

Fake news, indeed.
Yes, fake news, indeed. "For the past year, Donald Trump has repeatedly denied the existence of a profound national security threat" and based on the indictment — as laid out in this editorial meant to show how wrong he was — I'd say he was right. And I'm disturbed at how stupid the NYT editors seem to think its readers are. It's almost forgivable that they think people could be so easily confused by some Russian rallies and social media posts. Forgivable, but still deserving of the Trump taunt: fake news.


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Gk1 said...

It is amusing to be to see how paternalistic the left has turned in its dottage. Like Donna Brazille lecturing us about how it was "illegal" to read the DNC's leaked emails or how we could potentially get a virus by reading them. The NYT is like listening to an old grandpa lecturing you about the evils of that rock and roll music and how it leads to miscegenation.

Seeing Red said...

we are talking about a guy who cavorts with strippers and hookers"

Don’t forget the blow. Wait, we’re not talking about the Secret Service?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Nothingburgers for dinner. Mueller hardest hit.


(I like that format, Lazlo. Keeps it pithy.)

Jim at said...

Could someone remind me who was President when all this was going on?

cubanbob said...

Hillary has been in the public eye for 25 years. The Russians couldn't have discredited her anymore than she has discredited herself. A Party that offers its voters a choice between a criminal and a Communist in its primaries is in dire need of getting it's shit together.

Original Mike said...

This is why Inga skedaddled last week. She didn’t want to have to defend the lameness even she knew was coming.

Wince said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
You apparently missed the fact that we are talking about a guy who cavorts with strippers and hookers. There is only so much dignity left at this point.

langford peel said...
"Palling around with hookers and strippers is bad." Jesus palled around with hooker and strippers... Why do you hate Jesus?

langford peel beats me to it..

Strange Thing, Mystifying

It seems to me a strange thing, mystifying
That a man like you can waste his time on women of her kind.
Yes, I can understand that she amuses,
But to let her stroke you, kiss your hair, is hardly in your line.
It's not that I object to her profession,
But she doesn't fit in well with what you teach and say.
It doesn't help us if you're inconsistent.
They only need a small excuse to put us all away.

Who are you to criticise her?
Who are you to despise her?
Leave her, leave her, let her be now.
Leave her, leave her, she's with me now.
If your slate is clean, then you can throw stones.
If your slate is not, then leave her alone.I'm amazed that men like you can be so shallow, thick and slow
There is not a man among you who know or cares if I come or go.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Steele is also a foreigner, but some foreigners are more foreign than others.

gadfly said...

It is strange that Donald Trump does not utter negative comments but he often gives lavish praise for VVP. The Russian leader seemingly commits nary an act or comment that disturbs Donald. All of the enemies that Trump has ever identified are given defamatory nicknames, but even the fighting in Syria, where we find ourselves on the opposite side against Russia and the Assad government, raises nary a single jab from DJT. Just a few days ago Putin approved an attack by Russian "irregulars" on American troops but Trump's attention was elsewhere, fighting off news of another adulterer, I suppose.

But Trump's seedy relationships with Russian Oligarchs and the Russian Mafia in money laundering activities are not now nor ever to be recognized, I suppose. If he didn't get caught before, he is now off the hook. In his typical lying, Trump again created his own Fake News = "No Collusion!"

Meade said...

Sitter: So according to Althouse, a person is too dumb to vote if they believe lies re HRC.

Tim: You could help us out here, what are the “lies” about HRH Hillary that worry you?

Answer: "Look, I know how hard this job can be. That's why I know Hillary will be so good at it. In fact, I don't think that there's ever been someone so qualified to hold this office." - the least qualified person to ever hold office.

John Pickering said...

Talk about confusion:

And I'm disturbed at how stupid the NYT editors seem to think its readers are. It's almost forgivable that they think people could be so easily confused by some Russian rallies and social media posts. Forgivable, but still deserving of the Trump taunt: fake news.

Ann here joins many of her readers by presuming that people doing jobs that they're not qualified to get, in this case New York Times editor, are trying to hoodwink their audience -- that they think Ann and people like her readers are stupid. Beyond the pleasure of sheer deviousness, it's not clear why Ann thinks the editors are doing that, but many of her readers will know it's part of the criminal prog conspiracy led by the Clintons for their personal enrichment.

Ann, supposedly a law professor, shows that when it comes to Trumpalist crime, she's pretty cool with it. Sex assault and wire fraud, money laundering and identity theft, nothing serious for Ann. Blackmail, not even a hint of an issue. Espionage? Not a crime as far as Ann's concerned. Ann agrees with the President, because after all she has heard and read about his character, she finds him an honest and honorable man.

As Ann and her readers, racing down the raging torrent called Da Nile, standing strong to defend the civil rights of Russian espionage agents. As a reader suggested last night, Ann should consider joining their legal defense team, if she's qualified.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Freeman Hunt:

You gave me blockbuster moneymaking idea ...I will sell T-shirts that say "Hillary is a Satan" in Russian.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Хиллари является Сатана is the translation.

I'm Full of Soup said...

On second thought, it is not a blockbuster moneymaking idea. Thanks for nothing Freeman.

Big Mike said...

@AJ, how about "Obama was the Lightbringer"? Of course the original Lightbringer was Lucifer according to Judeo-Christian mythology, so what you're saying is ...

John Pickering said...

Mike, check out this bit of Judeo-Christian mythology:

Genesis 1:3

langford peel said...

Hey Picky we know bullshit when we smell it.

Even Russians have the right to play politics on the Internet just like dirty illegal Mexicans and British poofters who come over here to lecture us unwashed deplorables.

Now go put on you pussy hat and perform an abortion..

Seeing Red said...

So US bombing Russian mercenaries ties in how?

hombre said...

This is all a swamprat circle jerk.

Act One: Hillary and the DNC clandestinely commission a dossier purporting to show Trump campaign collusion with Russia.

Act Two: Hillary, the DNC and the left wing mediaswine enlist the aid of corrupt Feds and treasonous intelligence agents. FBI director Comey is fired, leaks confidential material. Mueller gets appointed to investigate by Rosenstein, a former Obama appointee, and hires as his button men a bunch of Democrat activists, including the odious Andrew Weismann.

Act Three: Texts, emails, congressional documents and other materials combine to demonstrate corrupt or negligent conduct by DOJ and the FBI. Agents resign or are demoted. The media and Mueller ignore same.

Act Four: Mueller indicts Russian nationals on charges that appear to codify DNC/leftmedia bullshit. No arrests - ever.

Act Five: NYT editorializes pretending DNC/leftmedia bullshit demonstrates a threat to national security.

If there were no Obama, no Clintons and no Democrats, the arrogance and corruption would be beyond belief.

langford peel said...

It's proof that Trump is Putin's stooge.

It makes as much sense as the rest of the bullshit they spout.

Ann Althouse said...

“Note: I would like to correct the "you should consider" in the above comment to a more tactful and appropriate "I wish you would". I'm out of line (unintentionally - I've been up almost all night taking someone to the airport) saying what you should do, and what I meant is that I wish you would at least think about it, and that I think it would be anything but a waste of your time. So much nonsense in the world! Somebody needs to skewer it as nonsense and because it is nonsense, and not as an exercise in ideology. You're ideal.”

I’ve considered doing this many times, including after getting prompted by literary agents. But I have said no over and over again. It would be a big distraction and undercut what I do as a blogger, which is my strength and what I love.

I am not looking to leverage a career into something more high profile or lucrative. I am a a stage where I am proud and satisfied to be able to plateau.

I think I’m the best at the one thing I do, and I just want to keep doing it, not branch out.

I appreciate the financial support that readers give me through PayPal and Amazon. If I were looking to sell something else, it would be some kind of artwork, something in a different mode that was fun for me.

I even turn down offers to write op-eds for msm, because I can’t put up with the structure. I’m really only living in the moment.

Birkel said...

The 1980s called and they want their politics back.

Birkel said...

I congratulate you. Sincerely, I respect your 4:59pm comment more than anything else you could likely write.

There is enough success and fulfillment to go 'round and I wish you continued contentment with your life.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“I don't think it is the look we want for our leaders. Berlusconi did Italy no favors.”

And yet you’ve repeatedly voted for it. It’s almost like you don’t really care...

OGWiseman said...

I read the actual indictment, cover to cover. It details a serious threat to our national security: A group funded by the Russian government committed serious felonies to steal the identities of American citizens, disguise their internet traffic as being from the US, and use an organized disinformation campaign to push misinformation and propaganda along multiple vectors both on- and off-line. These are serious crimes. Russian disinformation campaigns in our elections are a national security threat. How teh NYT describes it is a secondary consideration.

As for Trump: This is one, small part of a much larger and multi-layered operation, which may or may not reach to Trump's inner circle or the man himself. Whether Mueller thinks he has the horses for that is another discussion for another day. But there's no reason Trump should feel exonerated because this indictment didn't name him.

Birkel said...

If you type serious in any blog comment section, it automatically makes the underlying issue you misrepresent swrious, as you say.

Internet Logic. Because reasons.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The Cracker Emcee Activist said...
And yet you’ve repeatedly voted for it.

This is the kind of bullshit comment that degrades discussion here. You know nothing on this topic yet have pressure to speak.

Birkel said...

You deny voting for big government advocates? And further deny being a big government advocate yourself?

Why would you make a liar of yourself?

Scientific Socialist said...

I wonder if on the Planet NYT Editorial Board people can grow their own food and have access to fresh water or these essentials need to be imported from Earth.

Michael K said...

As for Trump: This is one, small part of a much larger and multi-layered operation, which may or may not reach to Trump's inner circle or the man himself.

This is akin to Rumplestiltskin. Every day the left weaves a fool proof cloth of gold thread, then in the morning when it has dissolved, they start to weave again.

They never get tired of inventing conspiracies. That used to be a characteristic of the right.

I hardly noticed when the left began to do it.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

A monumental Fisking. I stand in awe.

Bad Lieutenant said...

John Pickering said...
Talk about confusion

Yeah, you don't even know to address Althouse by her last name, as she prefers. The awkwardness, or the deliberate provocation, is magnified by a hectoring style that uses her name repeatedly, excessively.

I mean, your views are trash and you are carrion, that much is clear; but do you mean to be intentionally rude and even harassing to the hostess, or is that you naturally?

JamesB.BKK said...

There could be a "Hillary is a Satan!" t-shirt floating around somewhere . . ..

Nobody would believe that claim. Everybody knows Satan has some charm.

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