Says Edward-Isaac Dovere at Politico.
Bill Clinton “just brings up a lot of issues that will be very tough for Democrats. And I think we all have to be clear about what the #MeToo movement was," says Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), vice chair of the House Progressive Caucus.
"I value the assets of what the Clintons can bring. He did a lot for Georgia when he was president. He carried Georgia. The personal side that is now being highlighted, we’ll have to measure," says Georgia Democratic Chair DuBose Porter.
I get it. You just want to do what works best as a means to the end of Democratic power. That's what you did when Bill Clinton was President, and that's what you did when you had his wife as your presidential candidate. I am completely cynical about your commitment to gender issues.
Like a sexual harasser, you're only using women.
You'd like to hide BC in '18 because it's not expedient. But you're not calling him to account, denouncing him, excoriating him, ruining him. You want to keep him safe, so you can use him later, when something other than "the personal side" will be "highlighted" and it's okay once again to be vague and fuzzy "about what the #MeToo movement was."
Was! Pramila Jayapal is already visualizing this pesky #MeToo thing in the past.
I am completely cynical about (Dems) commitment to gender issues.
Like a sexual harasser, you're only using women.
I'll take "Least Surprising Things Ever" for $500, Alex!
This morning, CBS announced Shaun White's Olympic victory, then said "And this as sexual harassment allegations resurface from 2016"
Can't anyone just have a moment any more?
That’s the entire presidential campaign platform of Sen. Gillibrand. She said Trump should resign. Because she said so. Ipse dixit.
And I think we all have to be clear about what the #MeToo movement was...
Bill Clinton's continued presence in the Democratic Party makes it entirely clear what the #MeToo movement was.
You use women because they're such easily manipulated voters. Men are a tough sell if you're doing lies, women are simple.
Questioning committment to gender issues is itself women-manipulating rhetoric. As if sincerity enhanced intelligence or ability to analyze and decide for the best.
You do analysis by doing analysis, not by emoting.
The left treats Bill Clinton like Harvey Weinstein.
They just want his money and power but he is too icky to have around visible.
There is a disturbing lack of agency in the whole article.
It's almost as if the Left doesn't want to claim its own role in propping up a rapist president.
Dixit Chicks.
This is their strategy for winning the midterms?
When your only tool is a hammer ...
I don't know which is worse, the Democrats insistence that they champion women's issues, or Althouse's continued insistence that there are women's issues.
American women are the richest, fattest, safest, most powerful group of people in human history.
Althouse's Marxist feminism is a lie. Every word of it.
Althouse's courageous civil rights crusade for more stuff and more preferences for the already overstuffed and fat continues. What a heroine she is!
What's enough, professor? Is there any end to your greed?
It's not greed, it's hot button.
Victims du jour make good kindling.
The current narrative doesn't fit the history of Bill Clinton. If the party doesn't figure out a way to keep the Clintons away from the midterms, they may find the narrative was not the best route, and the loss of more seats may push them further into obscurity.
The problem with Clinton is women's hot buttons still.
Guys just see Bill Clinton as a former rogue with an awful wife.
Of course, it is "was".
It always is.
Everything with them is an early clue to the new direction.
That direction is never what America once was, or what the great unwashed flyover lives as their day in, day out.
If you want to see productive sincerity, watch a man doing a difficult math problem.
Trump’s Lawyer: Yeah, I Paid $130,000 To Stormy Daniels
"Gee, whatever for?
Cohen never expected to get anything in return.
He just gave $130,000 to a porn star for … who knows what reason. And that is what happened, and stop asking questions about it."
They can try to leave Bill Clinton out of it, but the right doesn't have to play their game. After all, this game tactic was already played in 2016, and that's how they got Trump.
"Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Trump’s Lawyer: Yeah, I Paid $130,000 To Stormy Daniels
"Gee, whatever for?"
How does this relate to the post? Please connect the dots.
Because no matter what anybody anywhere does, Trump is always worse. QED.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Trump’s Lawyer: Yeah, I Paid $130,000 To Stormy Daniels
"Gee, whatever for?
Cohen never expected to get anything in return.
He just gave $130,000 to a porn star for … who knows what reason. And that is what happened, and stop asking questions about it."
You and your leftist media just don't get it. No one who supports Trump thinks he's a paragon of morality or anything else. None of this crap changes anyone's mind about or view of Trump.
We care about job performance. So far, he has excelled.
I urge the left to keep spending their time on junk like this. It's been so effective so far ...
The left is spending time on Trump's babes because women are susceptible to it.
He's rich but can I trust him to be faithful to me.
You want to keep him safe, so you can use him later
How? When? The man is 71. His presidential term ended 26 years ago. Ancient history. Today's twentysomethings were in diapers during the Clinton years, or not even born.
I don't disagree with anything that you said, Althouse, in fact I heartily agree, but I think his relevance as a campaigner is way way way overblown, if this is indeed something that Democrats are counting on.
The Clintons have been collecting dirt on everybody in Washington for 30 years.
Anyone who wants to take on the Clintons has to stop and think, "Everybody already knows about Bill, but they don't know about me."
If you want to see productive sincerity, watch a man doing a difficult math problem.
Or hardin daily reporting for duty to patiently repeat the same points that we've all heard 34,298,825 times.
If you can't see this then maybe you should take off the partisan blinders.
Hint: bizarre decades long obsession with ex-President's sex life.
Presidents don't grow on trees. There's only three living Dem ex-presidents, and one of them is 93 years old. So Bill and Barry gotta hit the trail, proving that they're still "relevant".
maybe you should take off the partisan blinders.
Funny how only the bad guys are "partisan". (As I like to say, "You are the partisan lunatic. I'm the clear-eyed moderate.")
"Wilbur said...
This is their strategy for winning the midterms?
When your only tool is a hammer ..."
Yeah, we have a new "stupid party." But this in genius, even if it doesn't get passed (I hope the Democrats fight it!):
A Republican lawmaker is set to unveil legislation that would make most bonuses given out as a result of President Trump's tax reform plan tax-free -- and took a jab at House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi with the bill's name.
Rep. Todd Rokita, R-Ind., has dubbed his bill the "Creating Relief and Useful Middle-Class Benefits and Savings" -- or "CRUMBS" Act. Pelosi, D-Calif., famously referred to the bonuses as "crumbs" in criticizing the tax plan last month.
Was there a major Dem that didn't come out against the tax plan? Now they get to talk about the CRUMBS Act! Hahahahahaha
Speaking of math, Pants, recalculate.
"Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
If you can't see this then maybe you should take off the partisan blinders.
Hint: bizarre decades long obsession with ex-President's sex life."
So rape and sexual abuse is about someone's "sex life?"
The Democrat Party is always trying to seduce the left:
Black Lives Matter
Occupy Wall Street
Code Pink
I think the left is onto them.
* * *
The problem with cutting out Bill Clinton is that the Clinton's have the money.
If one president's sex life is open to endless discussion then they all are. That's how a non-partisan would approach the issue. Trump has also been accused of rape.
"Like a sexual harasser, you're only using women."
But then, harassment is the prog MO.
Harassing business, harassing tax payers, harassing conservatives--anything and anyone who stands in the way of the cause.
"Using" women is the least of it. And, as the midterms will show, plenty of women like being used. They're easy that way, #MeToo notwithstanding--sorry, as #MeToo confirms.
Hint: bizarre decades long obsession with ex-President's sex life.
You misspelled 'unindicted and uninvestigated probable criminal activities.' Must be the 'PC auto correct'.
ARM, has Clinton ever been INVESTIGATED for rape or pedophilia?
So if we are going with 'fair', no, you don't get to investigate our guy until YOUR guy goes under the microscope.
Your guy's allegations went first. And you supposedly care more. Ergo...
I can't wait for "was" -- but I fear the Internet Marxist mob will just find another kind of witch to hunt. A witch under every rock.
I see one commenter obsessed with presidential sex lives.
Guess who ?
I have to say, I am losing more and more respect for women in general, particularly Lefty women. Granted, considering some of the horror stories that I've heard about how Feminists treat their sons, a good number of Lefty women clearly don't love their sons or care about the legal, social and cultural fetters they are putting on their sons...because 'Vagina!'.
And the fact that Feminists once again CLEARLY are not holding Clinton to any kind of standard or calling for any investigation discredits them greatly ONCE AGAIN.
A billion dollars worth of slush fund seems to buy all immunity from Democratic Moral Preening.
*snort, whoops, thanks Ralph. Moar coffee!
Michael K pontificated...
I see one commenter obsessed with presidential sex lives.
Guess who ?
You're only one I recall posting about one president's dick and another president's wife. Sad.
Like a sexual harasser, you're only using women.
Whereas a good politician uses everyone, or at least tries to.
Like the #metoo pseudo-victims, the quoted politicians can't speak clearly and profit from hysteria about trivia at the same time.
@Henry I am not sure it's so much that the Clinton's have the money, but that they also have a very large criminal organization in place that many Dems see as their only hope for winning elections. Until the Blumenthal's of that world are removed a lot of Dems will continue to live in fear and kowtow to the Clintons.
Come on, ARM: Newsweek(?!?) as a source. You would have done better with Mother Jones.
Hint: bizarre decades long obsession with ex-President's sex life.
Welllllll, since the TOPIC was whether Bill Clinton's past would undermine the Democrats #metoo focus of the mid-terms, perhaps this is somewhat less than bizarre.
The stalker pontificates:
You're only one I recall posting about one president's dick and another president's wife. Sad.
You seem obsessed with dicks.
Just wondering.
The Democrat that earns my vote is the one that condemns Clinton and takes no money from them.
The problem for Democrats is that many have taken money, or endorsed Hillary!! That's not something that is easy to forgive, or forget.
@Khesanh 0802 -- Like Meyer Lansky's gambling enterprise, the point of the criminal enterprise is to generate money. The fact that the Democratic Party essentially signed over all their money to Hillary means even more supplicants.
LBJ realized a long time ago that the easiest way to build political loyalty was to distribute money. That was a time when Texas Oil Money had a bad taint, so LBJ funneled Texas Oil Money through his radio and television stations.
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
Or hardin daily reporting for duty to patiently repeat the same points that we've all heard 34,298,825 times.
There seem to be about 34,298 original posts regarding the butt-pinchers of old, so that sounds about right.
Michael K said...
"You're only one I recall posting about one president's dick and another president's wife. Sad."
You seem obsessed with dicks.
"That "Johnson" must have been really something", said the psychological projector, "He called it "Jumbo" to his staff."
ARMs new handle is unreasonable.
Blogger rhhardin said...
It's not greed, it's hot button.
2/14/18, 7:10 AM
I wouldn't say greed or hot button. I would say singularity. Our beloved hostess, as do we all, has singularities in her mind, that defy logic or logical analysis. If pressed, she could offer reasons to support her emotions. As could we all.
Countries with a car in space.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
2/14/18, 7:57 AM
Dear BCARM - You are beloved by me, because I never need to wonder what the current talking points are for progressive Democrats. I know you will faithfully offer them up. I really appreciate this. Happy Valentine's Day!
Let’s limit the inquiry then ARM. Only presidents who have testified in a sexual harassment suit filed against them should be looked at first. Then only presidents accused of having sex or attacking women in the Oval Office. Then only presidents who have been convicted of perjury in a sexual harassment case. Then if we have any energy left over we will look at presidents who have credible allegations of sexual harassment leveled at them. This should garner some support from reasonable moderates!
@BCARM - This will not help a bit, because if Jeffrey Epstein was able to cough up any evidence, I suspect we would have seen it along about early November, 2016. But for fun, let's suppose it is ALL TRUE! Do you think this will make the least difference to hardcore Trumpists? I don't. Do you think it will make the least difference to people like me who find Trump odious, but thoroughly enjoy the effect he is having on the Republic? It won't, I assure you. It could whip progressive Democrats into further frenzy, but given the 462 Days 16 Hours 0 Minutes 20 Seconds of frenzy since the election, I don't see that more will help. I have the gift of fury myself, but fury and rage are not sustainable emotions. What if there is an attempt to impeach Trump? I think that will trigger the Second Civil War in the USA and neither you, nor me, nor anyone else will like it. So maybe it is better to mutter into your pussy hat for a few more years, and post hateful comments on facebook for your friends. Let's vote about it again in 2020! What do you say?
You are aware that Clinton is no longer president. I mean, tell me this is not news.
Clinton is quite similar to Trump in many respects, with the notable except that he can read, but only one man is currently president. The other is yesterday's news.
I’m just trying g to be fair. BC came close to being First Gentleman and his wife still leads the D party. Seems relevant.
His wife doesn't lead the Democrat party. I heard Rush humping this talking point yesterday. The Clinton's are done.
The Clinton's are done.
Yes, but do they know it?
And does Obama know that he’s done, too? Those “bitter clingers” have their revenge, and it tastes like cash in their paychecks.
If I was a Republican candidate, I’d be really happy to tie my opponent to the policies and personalities of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. And if my opponent tried to tie me to Donald Trump I’d respond by saying that I defend him creating more jobs and more money in people’s paychecks, and then I would rhetorically ask who would be a more effective representative for their interests: a Republican whose vote Trump has to earn, or another Pelosi puppet who will vote against Trump’s policies even if they’re good for the citizens of my state and district.
The stalker needs to get a life.
I have no idea why you do this. I can't even figure out of you are male or female, or in between.
I will take others' advice and ignore you but you do need some sort of help.
He just gave $130,000 to a porn star for … who knows what reason. And that is what happened, and stop asking questions about it."
Get back to me when Trump lies under oath about it.
The main reason why nobody cares about Trump's sexual history is because the Left has spent the last thirty years telling us that a person's sexual history doesn't matter.
Bill Clinton was the most articulate president in modern times, maybe ever. Hell, he sounded like he knew what he was talking about even when he didn't. And he invented phrases -- "those who work hard and play by the rules" which anyone could understand and that spoke directly to their hearts. Moreover, we had eight years of peace and prosperity during his administration and actually balanced the budget. But when judged by the long-term consequences of the big decisions he made while in office he was an absolute disaster"
1. NAFTA and GATT:
2. Stopped enforcing immigration laws
3. [I'll let others start filling in here.]
Hey Billy Jeff is a sexual harasser, and maybe a serial rapist--but that was in the past, and he's reformed! Well maybe--you might ask the teenage hookers on his friend's "Lolita Express" in the last few years. Wait--maybe they weren't hookers--maybe they were victims!
The mind reels. I'll let the Dems play with the rehab effort.
"I am completely cynical about your commitment to gender issues."
Not really following here, Althouse. The fundamental idea of representative democracy is to link the various things voters care about with the main thing that politicians care about. This is a pretty clear case of "works as designed".
Ah, the #METOO moving morphs into the #NOTYOU movement.
They can't jettison Bill Clinton because they know Hillary is running again and likely to be the nominee in 2020.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Clinton is quite similar to Trump in many respects, with the notable except that he can read, but only one man is currently president. The other is yesterday's news.
God you are stupid and boring.
You didn't care about women then. They were an impediment to your tribe's power.
You don't care about women now. They are a weapon to use to gain more power.
Your political tribe is completely amoral. It only cares about power.
Your political tribe failed to pull off a coup. Now it is time for your tribe to find out what happens when you try to kill the king and fail.
Looks like the lefties are going into the election with these campaign themes:
1) Give your tax cuts back you stupid deplorables
2) Republicans are racists!
3) Republicans are misogynists!
4) Illegal aliens have more rights than you do...and rightfully so.
5) The economy actually sucks, but actually its great because of obama, but it actually sucks.
6) Impeach Trump!
That is literally all the dems are offering.
I wish they would bring back the Clintons, and in a big way, so we could hear more gems about how we might spend our money the wrong way (Bubba), or how the Dems should take things away from us for our own good (Queen Cacklepants).
I am sad to report that the Jayapal ditz is my rep.
Not that I voted for her.
But around here it's just one corrupt, incompetent, Socialist after another.
I am sad to report that the Jayapal ditz is my rep.
She's a real piece of work, isn't she.
I didn't think Seattle could do worse than Jim McDermott, but they did.
Anthony, Jim:
Seattle keeps reelecting Sawant to the city council--of course they will do worse.
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