From "Stormy Daniels' Explosive Full Interview on Donald Trump Affair: 'I Can Describe His Junk Perfectly' (EXCLUSIVE)" (In Touch).
The U.S.S. something... That is the U.S.S. Indianapolis, sunk by Japanese torpedoes in 1945, as described here (BBC):
"We were sunk at midnight, I saw [shark] the first morning after daylight. They were big. Some of them I swear were 15ft long," remembers [one survivor Loel Dean] Cox. "They were continually there, mostly feeding off the dead bodies. Thank goodness, there were lots of dead people floating in the area... We were losing three or four each night and day.... You were constantly in fear because you'd see 'em all the time. Every few minutes you'd see their fins - a dozen to two dozen fins in the water. They would come up and bump you. I was bumped a few times - you never know when they are going to attack you.... In that clear water you could see the sharks circling. Then every now and then, like lightning, one would come straight up and take a sailor and take him straight down. One came up and took the sailor next to me. It was just somebody screaming, yelling or getting bit."There were 1,200 men on the ship, and 317 survived.
So, if there was a "Shark Channel" Trump would be watching it every day?
BTW, its wrong to hate ALL sharks. Most are not dangerous and are good for the environment.
However, if every Great white shark or hammerhead died, I wouldn't lose much sleep.
Finally we can learn the truth about the small hands!
Someone with a small mouth might be traumatized by Jaws.
I thoight he was obsessed with gorillas.
Isn't if funny how Trump is the son of Millionaire, went to an elite school, has lived his entire life among the super-rich and yet he always comes off as an average Joe?
Usually the Left paints Republicans as out of touch millionaires.
But not Trump - he watches "Sharks On TV"
The USS Indianapolis story was told by the Robert Shaw character in Jaws.
'You know, you’re so beautiful. I love your little nose, it’s like a little beet.'
With ref to the Ansari affair - it seems to me Trump, unlike Ansari probably, has skills, even if he was dealing with a "professional". The "little beet" thing sounds like a bit of genuine affection.
I've never seen "Jaws"... or watched a single bit of "Shark Week."
But I think it would be fun to watch TV with Trump. Don't you?
buwaya: "'You know, you’re so beautiful. I love your little nose, it’s like a little beet.'"
And what are beets good for?
Quite an interesting interview, and very believable.
Some points that stand out - his questions -
"We talked. He asked me a lot of questions about my business. You know, the business I work in and how it works and how it functions. All like technical questions. He was very curious. Not necessarily about the sex or anything like that, but business questions."
" I remember he asked me like, “I gotta ask you a question and I don’t want to get you offended” and I was like, “Trust me, you can’t.” I was expecting some sort of vulgar question and it wasn’t; it was something about how much money I make off the royalties of something. "
I get the impression of a a fellow willing to learn anything from anyone.
A curious man - as in he wants to know, and is willing to listen.
Wait, as someone else said, I thought Trump was obsessed with the Gorilla Channel.
Yeah, sure Melania would read this and think, "Ah, the man I fell in love with all those years ago . . . ."
But I think it would be fun to watch TV with Trump. Don't you?
Maybe not as much fun as watching TV with Beetnose. Maybe it's just me.
BADuBois: "Wait, as someone else said, I thought Trump was obsessed with the Gorilla Channel"
Gorillas, sharks, what's the difference?
Eric Stratton "Otter": "I'm Pre-Law"
Donald Shoenstein "Boone": "I thought you were Pre-Med"
Eric Stratton: "What's the difference?"
I'm glad to see Trump and I use the same lines.
There's nothing a babe likes more than to be told she's like the American Bald Eagle.
They practically melt in your arms.
Quint: I'll never get in a life preserver again.
Best line in the whole movie.
If he thinks she looks like an eagle, maybe he said "beak".
I bet Melania just loves watching TV with her hubby.
"There's nothing a babe likes more than to be told she's like the American Bald Eagle."
Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it!
"I bet Melania just loves watching TV with her hubby.'
I bet she does.
“I bet she does.”
I bet she loves Shark Week too.
Ann Althouse said...
"But I think it would be fun to watch TV with Trump. Don't you?"
Do you think it would be fun to watch TV with Obama?
Jupiter: "Do you think it would be fun to watch TV with Obama?"
No way. Especially since he would probably require you to act as his footstool as he filled out his March Madness Brackets to be televised on ESPN.
While average shlubs in his hotels were watching Stormy Daniels on digital pay per view, Trump was with analogue Stormy Daniels, watching Shark Week.
USS Indianapolis had just delivered the first atomic bomb to Tinian, and was on the way to its next duty station when torpedoed.
It had been Spruance's flagship when he was commanding the Fifth Fleet (which he alternated with Halsey, under whom it was Third Fleet).
I hope all the sharks die'
A man after my own heart.
Since watching "JAWS", I have never gone above my shins in the ocean.And even then nervous ready to bolt.
Some people have a bete noir, others a beet nose.
I think it would be interesting to watch the Super Bowl with Trump or Obama. Obama for the game and Trump for the pre-game, half-time, trophy ceremony and commercials. (Assuming it's the Patriots taking the trophy.)
The Jaws clip
"Etienne said...
Quint: I'll never get in a life preserver again.
Best line in the whole movie."
Quint: Very first light, Chief, sharks come cruisin'. So we formed ourselves into tight groups. Y'know, it's... kinda like ol' squares in a battle like, uh, you see in a calendar, like the Battle of Waterloo, and the idea was, shark comes to the nearest man and that man, he'd start poundin' and hollerin' and screamin', and sometimes the shark'd go away... sometimes he wouldn't go away.
Of course the story here is with the democratic fixer, andrea dube, who just happened to get in contact with Daniels. She had been contacted by an anonymous democratic consultant.
All centipedes should die in a fire.
I don't live by the ocean so I don't care that much about sharks. Centipedes are really disgusting.
But I think it would be fun to watch TV with Trump. Don't you?
At least his TV doesn't have a bottle stuck in the middle of it.
Do you think it would be fun to watch TV with Obama?
Nope. Guaranteed the guy would never shut up.
If he thinks she looks like an eagle, maybe he said "beak".
That makes more sense than "beet", unless she was a drunk.
"beak" works too, but if she heard "beet", even better.
Sets the mental wheels spinning.
And terms of endearment do not have to make sense.
That Robert Shaw monologue about the sharks with the Indianapolis survivors in the water is one of the great pieces of movie acting. Very quiet--very effective.
Now getting back to Ms. Daniels and her "shark watching" and other activities with The Donald. The man is curious about a lot of things---and frankly I don't believe Obama was curious about anything other than himself. So score one for The Donald on intellectual curiosity.
"Ann Althouse said...
I've never seen "Jaws"... or watched a single bit of "Shark Week."
But I think it would be fun to watch TV with Trump. Don't you?"
More fun than having a cigar with Bill Clinton.
“Do you think it would be fun to watch TV with Obama?”
Tried to watch the Jaws clip.
Just don’t like that style of slow ham acting. Seems corny and boring.
"Just don’t like that style of slow ham acting. Seems corny and boring."
I agree - but I blame the direction and the casting of the other two roles, not Shaw's acting.
In any case, you can't expect Hamlet in a movie about Bruce the Shark.
I just watched another example bad acting:
Brando in Apocalypse Now.
But peeps love it!
Ann, I guess you had to be there.
tcrosse said...
The USS Indianapolis story was told by the Robert Shaw character in Jaws.
tcross - I'll never forget watching Jaws (only once, never again) in the theater and when Quint (Robert Shaw) mentioned the USS Indianapolis, the guy next to me (my hubby now of 35+ years) gasped and I asked him why (of course, it was explained for us ignorant viewers).
Wondering if Althouse knew this info already or looked it up when she read the porn gal story.
Well, I learned it from a movie, now the current generations can learn about it from a porn star.
It should be noted that not 900 men were eaten by sharks. IRC, about 900 survived the sinking of the ship. Plus, large numbers died of wounds or thirst before the final 300 were rescued.
The US Navy could never explain why a Heavy Cruiser could be sunk without anyone noticing. Or why Heavy Cruiser was sent out without any DD escorts. Instead, they just blamed the Captain for not zig-zagging.
My Porn Name would be "Kitty Stark".
Sounds weird for a male though... But "kitty" was a Tom.
Ann Althouse said...
“Do you think it would be fun to watch TV with Obama?”
You just really like watching TV, is what I think.
"Ann Althouse said...
“Do you think it would be fun to watch TV with Obama?”
You're not factoring in Michelle.
"Well, I learned it from a movie, now the current generations can learn about it from a porn star."
Everyone from now on will know the story of the USS Something.
I'm sorry, but this post- a 'sex trash' and 'shark eaten sailors' combo - strikes me as a entirely new, low and disgusting form of pornography.
What's going on with this?! :-(
We can't rule out that, 8 dimensional chess player that he is, Trump was subtly giving her the message that, you know, a relationship is like a shark, if its not moving forward, it dies. Surely a star of stage and screen would pick up on that Woody Allen reference.
So Trump is alone in a room with a bought and paid for porn actress and watches shark week? I gotta dock him a half a point on that one.
So.."InTouch" published this in 2011 or sat on this?
IOW, a mag waited till 1 yr into Trump's term to release it?
That scene is Jaws is probably the scariest part of the movie.
If someone out there is trying to use this story as a way of discrediting Trump, well, maybe it'll work with the womenfolks, but watching Shark Week on Discovery in a luxury hotel followed by hitting on a porn star is gonna be seen by a yuuuuge majority of the men as about as nice of an evening as one can have.
Seriously, this isn't like invaginating a cigar in an intern kinda weird sex. This is paradigmatic "Guy" behavior. Even the very religious men who would never morally approve of something like this can understand why a man would do it.
In the extract of the article I read, it was claimed that Trump asked Stormy to spank him with the copy of Forbes magazine that had him on the cover. That's too good. I can see Trump fooling around with a porn star, but that salacious detail is the kind that a writer would make up. It's like Trump asking Russian prostitutes to pee on the bed Obama slept in. I don't think Trump's erotic desires are all that twisty and complicated.
Ann Althouse said...
Tried to watch the Jaws clip.
Just don’t like that style of slow ham acting. Seems corny and boring.
1/19/18, 7:12 PM
So what you're saying is, a woman couldn't do it. So it's not good.
“Do you think it would be fun to watch TV with Obama?”
@Althouse, are you aware that during the last government shutdown the Obama administration refused to continue giving cancer treatments to children undergoing cancer therapy at NIH? Do you still find him likeable? Because after doing that, I can't imagine a moss-covered stone so lacking in self-respect that it would let him slither underneath.
“”Wondering if Althouse knew this info already or looked it up when she read the porn gal story.”
The post title is intended to convey my opinion that it is ignorant not to speak with circumspection about the incident.
Yes, I knew it. And not from Jaws or Shark Week.
" are you aware that during the last government shutdown the Obama administration refused to continue giving cancer treatments to children undergoing cancer therapy at NIH?"
Yes, Obama wanted to make the last shutdown as painful as possible so Americans would blame the GOP. That included withholding cancer treatments. Less serious, but still petty and vicious: turning away WWII veterans who wanted to visit war memorials in DC. Some of them had traveled from long distances and well, when it comes to WWII veterans, it's not like a lot of them could say, "Fine, I'll come back again next year." But, hey, who cares about sick kids and elderly vets when there is a chance to stick it to the GOP?
All that meanness and pettiness didn't help the Dems in the end though, did it?
The captain of Indianapolis eventually committed suicide.
The Japanese submarine commander testified at Capt. McVay’s court martial.
It has since been revealed that Naval authorities had decoded intelligence that two Japanese submarines were known to have been operating in Indianapolis’ path but any protective escort was denied the heavy cruiser.
Just don’t like that style of slow ham acting. Seems corny and boring.
It's very effective in the movie. Shaw has been coming across as almost a parody of an old sea dog for most of the movie, to the extent that the main characters have real doubts about him. Then he gets drunk and tells his story just before they encounter Jaws. It resolves the subplot and raises the stakes just before the action starts.
The whole movie is worth your time. It is very well directed by a young Spielberg, before he had developed his later style.
Ann Althouse said...Tried to watch the Jaws clip.
Just don’t like that style of slow ham acting. Seems corny and boring.
That's my exact opinion of "My Dinner With Andre."
Last I heard, that was Meade's opinion too.
The wreck of the USS Indianapolis was only just found last year. She was a deep one. According to Ballard, there are only two more great wrecks to be found. One of them isn't even a ship.
Not a lot of interest from the evangelical industry in this story.
Here is the evolution of the Indianpolis speech from Jaws, as told by Spielberg. It was the product of three men: Howard Sackler, who came up with the idea of having the Indianapolis story in the film; John Milius, who was responsible for some of the best films from the 1970's and 1980's; and actor Robert Shaw himself, who edited down Milius's scene into what is seen in the movie.
The part of the scene that chills me the most is that matter-of-fact last line: "So, 1100 men went in the water, 316 men come out, sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945."
There were 1,200 men on the ship, and 317 survived.
But women were the primary victims.
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